                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
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[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12


                                TIME WARNER INC.

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     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     3) Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
        pursuant  to Exchange Act Rule  0-11 (Set forth the  amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     5) Total Fee Paid:
[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act  Rule
    0-11(a)(2)  and identify  the filing for  which the offsetting  fee was paid
    previously. Identify the previous  filing by registration statement  number,
    or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     1) Amount Previously Paid:  ............
     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:  ............
     3) Filing Party:  ............
     4) Date Filed:  ............

                                                                  March 28, 1997
Dear Stockholder:
     You are cordially invited to attend the 1997 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
of  Time Warner Inc. on  Thursday, May 15, 1997,  beginning at 10:00 A.M., local
time, at the Apollo Theatre, 253 West  125th Street, New York, NY 10027. I  look
forward to greeting as many of you who attend the Meeting as I can.
     Please  vote on  all the  matters listed in  the enclosed  Notice of Annual
Meeting of Stockholders.  Your Board of  Directors recommends a  vote 'FOR'  the
proposals  listed  as items  1, 2,  3 and  4  in the  Notice, and  'AGAINST' the
stockholder proposal described in the enclosed Proxy Statement.
     At the Annual  Meeting, among  other things, stockholders  will consider  a
proposed  amendment to  Time Warner's  restated certificate  of incorporation to
change the way we elect directors. If this proposal is approved, in the  future,
all  of our  directors will  be elected annually  instead of  our current system
under which three classes of directors have staggered three-year terms.
     Whether or not  you plan to  attend in  person, it is  important that  your
shares  be  represented and  voted at  the Meeting.  After reading  the enclosed
Notice and Proxy Statement, please sign,  date and mail the enclosed proxy  card
or voting instructions in the envelope provided.
     Because  of security procedures required for  access to the Apollo Theatre,
if you plan to attend the Meeting in person, you must bring the Admission Ticket
included with the enclosed Notice and Proxy Statement or a Time Warner  employee
you have  not  received an  Admission  Ticket, please  contact  the  Shareholder
Relations Department at (212) 484-6971.

                                         /s/ GERALD M. LEVIN

                                         GERALD M. LEVIN
                                         Chairman of the Board
                                         and Chief Executive Officer

                                TIME WARNER INC.
                              75 Rockefeller Plaza
                               New York, NY 10019

                            TO BE HELD MAY 15, 1997
     The  Annual Meeting (the  'Annual Meeting') of  Stockholders of Time Warner
Inc., a Delaware corporation (the 'Company'), will be held on Thursday, May  15,
1997  at  the  Apollo  Theatre,  253 West  125th  Street,  New  York,  NY 10027,
commencing at 10:00 A.M., local time, for the following purposes:
          1. To elect five directors for a  term of three years and until  their
     successors are duly elected and qualified. If proposal 2 (providing for the
     annual  election of directors) is approved, the terms of all directors will
     expire at the  1998 annual meeting  of stockholders. If  proposal 2 is  not
     approved,  the terms of these five directors will expire at the 2000 annual
     meeting of stockholders or at such time as their successors have been  duly
     elected and qualified;
          2.  To  consider and  approve a  proposed  amendment to  the Company's
     Restated Certificate of Incorporation to provide for the annual election of
     all directors;
          3. To consider and take action upon a proposed Time Warner 1997  Stock
     Option Plan;
          4. To approve the appointment by the Board of Directors of the firm of
     Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors of the Company for 1997;
          5.  To consider and vote upon  a stockholder proposal described in the
     attached Proxy Statement; and
          6. To transact  such other business  as may properly  come before  the
     Annual Meeting.
     Only  holders of the Company's common stock and certain series of preferred
stock at the close of business on March 27, 1997, the record date, are  entitled
to vote on some or all of the matters listed in this Notice of Annual Meeting.
                                          TIME WARNER INC.

                                          PETER R. HAJE
March 28, 1997
                         TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL MEETING.

                                TIME WARNER INC.
                              75 Rockefeller Plaza
                               New York, NY 10019

                                PROXY STATEMENT
     This Proxy Statement is being furnished in connection with the solicitation
of proxies by the Board of Directors of Time Warner Inc., a Delaware corporation
(the  'Company'), for  use at the  Annual Meeting of  the Company's stockholders
(the 'Annual  Meeting') to  be held  on Thursday,  May 15,  1997 at  the  Apollo
Theatre,  253 West 125th Street,  New York, NY 10027,  commencing at 10:00 A.M.,
local time, and at any adjournment  or postponement thereof, for the purpose  of
considering  and acting upon the matters set forth in the accompanying Notice of
Annual Meeting of Stockholders.  References to the Company  prior to the  merger
(the  'TBS Merger')  with Turner  Broadcasting System,  Inc. ('TBS')  are to its
     This  Proxy  Statement   and  accompanying  forms   of  proxy  and   voting
instructions  are first being mailed on or  about March 31, 1997 to stockholders
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.
     Only holders  of record  of the  Company's  voting stock  at the  close  of
business  on March 27, 1997,  the record date, are entitled  to notice of and to
vote at the Annual Meeting. At that time, the number of shares entitled to  vote
and their voting rights were:
      508,631,050  shares of  Common Stock,  par value  $.01 per  share ('Common
      Stock'), each of  which is entitled  to one vote  on all matters  properly
      submitted at the Annual Meeting;

      50,642,172  shares of Series LMCN-V Common Stock, par value $.01 per share
      ('Series LMCN-V Stock'), each of which is  entitled to 1/100 of a vote  on
      the  election  of directors  and on  the proposal  to amend  the Company's
      Restated Certificate of Incorporation to  provide for the annual  election
      of directors (the 'Charter Amendment Proposal'); and
      33,794,710  shares of six series of Convertible Preferred Stock, par value
      $.10 per share,  consisting of  11,000,000 shares of  Series D  Preferred,
      3,250,000  shares  of Series  E Preferred,  3,080,202  shares of  Series F
      Preferred, 6,200,000 shares  of Series  G Preferred,  7,000,000 shares  of
      Series   I  Preferred   and  3,264,508   shares  of   Series  J  Preferred
      (collectively, the 'Voting Preferred Stock'), each of which is entitled to
      two votes on all matters properly submitted at the Annual Meeting.
     The presence, in person or  by proxy, of the holders  of a majority of  the
votes  entitled to be  cast at the  Annual Meeting is  necessary to constitute a
     In  accordance  with   the  Company's  confidential   voting  policy,   all
stockholder  proxies,  ballots  and  voting  materials  will  be  confidentially
inspected and tabulated by  independent inspectors of election  and will not  be
disclosed to the Company except under certain limited circumstances.

     A  plurality  of  the votes  duly  cast  is required  for  the  election of
directors. The affirmative vote of 80% in voting power of all outstanding shares
of Common Stock, Series LMCN-V Stock and Voting Preferred Stock, voting together
as a single class,  is required to approve  the Charter Amendment Proposal.  The
affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes  duly cast by the holders of Common
Stock and Voting Preferred Stock, voting together as a single class, is required
to approve each of the other matters to be acted upon at the Annual Meeting.
     An abstention is deemed  'present' but is  not deemed a  'vote cast.' As  a
result, abstentions and broker 'non-votes' are not included in the tabulation of
the  voting results on the election of directors or issues requiring approval of
a majority of the votes cast and, therefore, do not have the effect of votes  in
opposition, but do have that effect in tabulating votes on the Charter Amendment
Proposal.  A  broker  'non-vote' occurs  when  a  nominee holding  shares  for a
beneficial owner does not vote on a particular proposal because the nominee does
not  have  discretionary  voting  power  on  that  item  and  has  not  received
instructions  from the beneficial owner. Broker 'non-votes' and the shares as to
which a stockholder  abstains are included  in determining whether  a quorum  is
     All  shares entitled to  vote and represented  by properly executed proxies
received prior  to  the  Annual Meeting,  and  not  revoked, will  be  voted  as
instructed  on those proxies. If no  instructions are indicated, the shares will
be voted as recommended by the Board of Directors. No stockholder of record  may
appoint  more  than three  persons to  act as  his  or her  proxy at  the Annual
     If any  other matters  are properly  presented at  the Annual  Meeting  for
consideration,  the  persons named  in  the enclosed  form  of proxy  and acting
thereunder will have  discretion to  vote on  those matters  in accordance  with
their  own judgment to the same extent as  the person signing the proxy would be
entitled to vote. In accordance with  the Company's By-laws, the Annual  Meeting
may be adjourned, including by the Chairman, in order to permit the solicitation
of  additional proxies. The  Company does not anticipate  that any other matters
will be raised at the Annual Meeting.
     Any proxy may be revoked at any time before it is voted by (i) filing  with
the  Secretary of the Company, at or before the taking of the vote at the Annual
Meeting, a written notice of revocation or a duly executed proxy, in either case
later dated than the prior proxy relating  to the same shares or (ii)  attending
the  Annual  Meeting and  voting in  person (although  attendance at  the Annual
Meeting will not of itself revoke a proxy). Any written notice of revocation  or
subsequent  proxy should be sent  so as to be delivered  to Time Warner Inc., 75
Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY  10019, Attention: Secretary, or hand  delivered
to the Secretary, before the taking of the vote at the Annual Meeting.
     A  copy of the Company's  Annual Report to Stockholders  for the year 1996,
including financial statements,  has been  sent simultaneously  with this  Proxy
Statement  or has been previously provided  to all stockholders entitled to vote
at the Annual Meeting.
     The Board of Directors recommends a  vote FOR the election of the  nominees
for  election as directors; FOR approval of the  Charter Amendment Proposal; FOR
approval of the Time Warner

1997 Stock Option Plan; FOR approval of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP  as
independent  auditors  of  the Company  for  1997; and  AGAINST  the stockholder
proposal described in this Proxy Statement.
                              CORPORATE GOVERNANCE
     The Company believes  that, in  the best  interest of  its stockholders,  a
majority  of  the members  of  its Board  of  Directors should,  in  the Board's
judgment, have no  direct or  indirect material economic  relationship with  the
Company  other than  as a result  of customary directors'  compensation or stock
ownership ('Unaffiliated  Directors'). Under  the  Company's By-laws,  when  the
Board  sets the slate of director nominees  for election at an annual meeting of
stockholders, it  must  determine  that  a  majority  of  its  members  will  be
independent  directors within the meaning of  the By-laws, assuming the election
of such  slate. The  Company also  has  a policy  limiting the  eligibility  for
nomination  by the Board of Directors as  a non-employee director to persons who
would be less than 70 years old at the time of election.
     The Board  of  Directors  is  currently  divided  into  three  classes.  In
connection  with the TBS Merger, R.E. Turner  and his designee, J. Carter Bacot,
became members of the Board  of Directors on October  10, 1996 and November  21,
1996,  respectively. Lawrence Buttenwieser,  David Kearns and  J. Richard Munro,
whose terms  expire  at the  Annual  Meeting, are  retiring  from the  Board  of
Directors at that time.
     The  Board  of Directors  has nominated  Stephen  F. Bollenbach  and Gerald
Greenwald as new directors and has  also renominated J. Carter Bacot, Gerald  M.
Levin  and Richard  D. Parsons. Messrs.  Bacot, Levin and  Parsons are currently
directors and, except for Mr. Bacot, were elected by the stockholders.  Assuming
the  election of these nominees, there will be 14 directors, of whom eleven will
be Unaffiliated Directors and three will be Affiliated Directors.
     The persons named in the enclosed proxy  intend to vote such proxy for  the
election  of  each of  the  five nominees  named  above, unless  the stockholder
indicates on the proxy that the vote should  be withheld from any or all of  the
nominees.  Each nominee elected will continue  in office until his successor has
been duly elected  and qualified,  or until  his earlier  death, resignation  or
retirement.  If the Charter Amendment Proposal  is approved by the stockholders,
the terms of all the  directors will expire at  the Company's annual meeting  of
stockholders  in  1998. If  the Charter  Amendment Proposal  is not  approved by
stockholders, the terms  of the  directors elected  at the  Annual Meeting  will
expire  at the Company's annual meeting of stockholders in 2000 and the terms of
the other directors will expire at the Company's annual meetings of stockholders
in 1998 and 1999, as indicated below.
     The Company expects each nominee for  election as a director at the  Annual
Meeting to be able to accept such nomination. If any nominee is unable to accept
such  nomination,  proxies will  be voted  in  favor of  the remainder  of those
nominated and may be voted for substitute nominees.
     Set  forth  below  is  the  principal  occupation  of,  and  certain  other
information  regarding, the five nominees and the other directors whose terms of
office will continue after the Annual Meeting.


        BECAME A DIRECTOR OF                                         PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
            THE COMPANY                AGE                        DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS
- ------------------------------------   ---   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   NOMINEES FOR ELECTION AT THE ANNUAL MEETING*
   1996                                        INC. AND  CHAIRMAN OF THE BANK OF NEW YORK.  Mr. Bacot has served as
                                               Chairman  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of The  Bank  of New  York
                                               Company, Inc. and Chairman of The Bank of New York since 1982. He is
                                               also a director of Associates First Capital Corporation,  Centennial
                                               Insurance  Company,  the Federal  Reserve Bank of New York,  Phoenix
                                               Home Life Mutual Insurance  Company and Woolworth  Corporation and a
                                               trustee  of  Atlantic  Mutual  Insurance  Company.  Mr.  Bacot is an
                                               Unaffiliated Director.
                                               Mr. Bollenbach has served as President and Chief Executive  Officer
                                               of  Hilton Hotels  Corporation (hotels  and gaming)  since February
                                               1996. Prior  to  that, Mr.  Bollenbach  was Senior  Executive  Vice
                                               President  and Chief Financial  Officer of The  Walt Disney Company
                                               (entertainment) from April 1995 until February 1996; President  and
                                               Chief Executive Officer of Host Marriott Corporation (lodging) from
                                               October 1993 to April 1995; and Chief Financial Officer of Marriott
                                               Corporation  (lodging) from  March 1992  until October  1993. He is
                                               also a  director  of America  West  Airlines, Inc.,  Hilton  Hotels
                                               Corporation,   Kmart  Corporation  and   Ladbroke  Group  PLC.  Mr.
                                               Bollenbach will be an Unaffiliated Director.
                                               AIRLINES,  INC.  Mr. Greenwald  has  served as  Chairman  and Chief
                                               Executive Officer of UAL Corporation (airline holding company)  and
                                               United  Airlines, Inc. since July 1994. Prior to that, he served as
                                               Chairman of Tatra, a Czech republic truck manufacturer, from  March
                                               1993  to July 1994 and as President of Olympia & York Developments,
                                               Ltd. (real estate development) from 1992 to March 1993. He is  also
                                               a  director of  Aetna Inc.  Mr. Greenwald  will be  an Unaffiliated

- ------------
* Terms expire in 1998 if the Charter Amendment Proposal is approved or in 2000
if it is not approved.


        BECAME A DIRECTOR OF                                         PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
            THE COMPANY                AGE                        DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS
- ------------------------------------   ---   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1988                                         COMPANY. Mr. Levin became  Chairman of the  Board of Directors  and
                                               Chief  Executive Officer of the Company on January 21, 1993, having
                                               served as President  and Co-Chief Executive  Officer from  February
                                               20,  1992. He previously  served as a director  of the Company from
                                               1983 until  January 1987.  He is  also  a member  of the  Board  of
                                               Representatives  of  Time  Warner Entertainment  Company,  L.P. Mr.
                                               Levin is an Affiliated Director.
Richard D. Parsons .................   48    PRESIDENT OF THE COMPANY. Mr. Parsons became President of the Company
  1991                                         on February  1, 1995.  Prior to  that, Mr.  Parsons served  as  the
                                               Chairman  and Chief Executive  Officer of The  Dime Savings Bank of
                                               New York,  FSB  from January  1991.  He  served as  a  director  of
                                               American   Television  and  Communications   Corporation,  then  an
                                               82%-owned subsidiary of the  Company, from 1989  until 1991 and  is
                                               currently  also  a  director  of  Citicorp,  the  Federal  National
                                               Mortgage Association and Philip Morris Companies Inc. and a  member
                                               of  the  Board  of  Representatives  of  Time  Warner Entertainment
                                               Company, L.P. Mr. Parsons is an Affiliated Director.
                                       DIRECTORS WHOSE TERMS EXPIRE IN 1998
Merv Adelson .......................   67    CHAIRMAN OF  EAST-WEST CAPITAL  ASSOCIATES  AND FORMER  CHAIRMAN  AND
  1989                                         CHIEF  EXECUTIVE OFFICER  OF LORIMAR TELEPICTURES.  Mr. Adelson has
                                               served  as  Chairman  of  East-West  Capital  Associates   (private
                                               investment  company) since April  1989. Mr. Adelson  served as Vice
                                               Chairman and a director of Warner Communications Inc. ('WCI')  from
                                               January 1989 through August 1991. Prior to that, Mr. Adelson served
                                               as  Chairman and  Chief Executive  Officer of  Lorimar Telepictures
                                               Corporation from  February 1986  until its  acquisition by  WCI  in
                                               January  1989. He is also a director of 7th Level, Inc. Mr. Adelson
                                               is an Unaffiliated Director.
  1995                                         MORRIS COMPANIES INC. Mr. Miles served as Chairman of the Board and
                                               Chief  Executive Officer of Philip  Morris Companies Inc. (consumer
                                               products) from  September  1991  until  July 1994.  He  is  also  a
                                               director  of  Allstate Corp.,  Dean  Witter, Discover  &  Co., Dell
                                               Computer Corporation and Sears,  Roebuck and Co.  and is a  Special
                                               Limited  Partner  in  Forstmann  Little  &  Co.  Mr.  Miles  is  an
                                               Unaffiliated Director.



        BECAME A DIRECTOR OF                                         PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
            THE COMPANY                AGE                        DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS
- ------------------------------------   ---   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Donald S. Perkins ..................   70    FORMER CHAIRMAN OF JEWEL COMPANIES, INC. Mr. Perkins became President
  1979                                         of Jewel Companies, Inc. (retailing) in 1965, Chairman of its Board
                                               in 1970, and  served as  Chairman of its  Executive Committee  from
                                               1980  to  June 1983.  He  is also  a  director of  AON Corporation,
                                               Cummins Engine Company, Inc., Current Assets, Illinova and Illinois
                                               Power Company, Inland Steel Industries, Inc., LaSalle Street  Fund,
                                               Inc.,  LaSalle  U.S. Realty  Income  and Growth  Fund  Inc., Lucent
                                               Technologies Inc.,  The  Putnam Funds  (including  all 102  of  its
                                               funds), Ryerson Tull, Inc. and Springs Industries, Inc. Mr. Perkins
                                               is an Unaffiliated Director.
Raymond S. Troubh ..................   70    FINANCIAL  CONSULTANT AND  DIRECTOR OF VARIOUS  COMPANIES. Mr. Troubh
  1989                                         served as a director of WCI from 1979 to 1990. Mr. Troubh has  been
                                               a  financial consultant and a corporate  director for more than the
                                               past five years. He is also a director of ADT Limited, America West
                                               Airlines, Inc., ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Becton, Dickinson  and
                                               Company,   Diamond  Offshore  Drilling,   Inc.,  Foundation  Health
                                               Corporation, General American Investors Company, Inc., The MicroCap
                                               Fund, Inc., Olsten Corporation,  Petrie Stores Corporation,  Triarc
                                               Companies,  Inc. and WHX Corporation. Mr. Troubh is an Unaffiliated
                                      DIRECTORS WHOSE TERMS EXPIRE IN 1999*
Beverly Sills Greenough ............   67    CHAIRMAN OF LINCOLN  CENTER FOR THE  PERFORMING ARTS. Mrs.  Greenough
  1989                                         served  as a director of WCI from  1982 to 1990. Mrs. Greenough has
                                               served as the Chairman  of Lincoln Center  for the Performing  Arts
                                               since  June  1994,  having served  as  a Managing  Director  of The
                                               Metropolitan Opera  from  1991. She  has  also served  as  National
                                               Chairman  of the  March of Dimes  Birth Defects  Foundation. She is
                                               also a  director  of  American Express  Company  and  Human  Genome
                                               Sciences Inc. Mrs. Greenough is an Unaffiliated Director.

- ------------
* Terms expire in 1998 if the Charter Amendment Proposal is approved.


        BECAME A DIRECTOR OF                                         PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
            THE COMPANY                AGE                        DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS
- ------------------------------------   ---   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1993                                         UNITED  STATES  TRADE   REPRESENTATIVE.  Ambassador  Hills   became
                                               Chairman   and  Chief   Executive  Officer   of  Hills   &  Company
                                               (international trade  and investment  consultants) in  March  1993,
                                               having  served  in President  Bush's Cabinet  as the  United States
                                               Trade Representative  from  February  1989  to  January  20,  1993.
                                               Ambassador  Hills  is  also a  director  of  American International
                                               Group, Inc.,  Chevron  Corporation  and  Lucent  Technologies  Inc.
                                               Ambassador Hills is an Unaffiliated Director.
  1993                                         Mr.  Mark   has  served   as  the   Chief  Executive   Officer   of
                                               Colgate-Palmolive  Company (consumer  products) since  May 1984. In
                                               May 1986, he was elected Chairman.  Mr. Mark is also a director  of
                                               Citicorp,  Pearson plc  and The New  York Stock  Exchange, Inc. Mr.
                                               Mark is an Unaffiliated Director.
R.E. Turner ........................   58    VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE COMPANY. Mr. Turner became Vice Chairman of  the
  1996                                         Company  upon consummation of  the TBS Merger  on October 10, 1996.
                                               Prior to  that, Mr.  Turner served  as Chairman  of the  Board  and
                                               President of TBS from 1970. Mr. Turner is an Affiliated Director.
Francis T. Vincent, Jr. ............   58    CHAIRMAN  OF  VINCENT ENTERPRISES.  Mr.  Vincent has  been  a private
  1993                                         investor at Vincent  Enterprises since  January 1,  1995. Prior  to
                                               that,  Mr.  Vincent  served  as the  Commissioner  of  Major League
                                               Baseball from September  1989 until  September 1992. He  is also  a
                                               director  of Culbro  Corporation, Horizon  Group and  Oakwood Homes
                                               Corporation. Mr. Vincent is an Unaffiliated Director.

     The Board of Directors has  designated four principal standing  committees.
The  Company  believes  that  it  is  in  the  best  interest  of  the Company's
stockholders that each of the Audit, Compensation and Nominating and  Governance
Committees  be composed  of at  least a  majority of  Unaffiliated Directors. As
noted below,  each  of such  committees  is composed  entirely  of  Unaffiliated
Directors.  The current members and functions  of all the Board's committees are
as follows:
     Audit Committee. The Audit Committee  is composed entirely of  Unaffiliated
Directors.  Its members are Messrs. Buttenwieser, Kearns  and Miles (Chair). The
functions of the Audit Committee, which met three times during 1996, include (i)
the review  of  the professional  services  and independence  of  the  Company's
independent  auditors and the scope of  the annual external audit as recommended
by  the  independent  auditors;  (ii)  the  review,  in  consultation  with  the
independent  auditors and the Company's chief  internal auditor, of the plan and
results of the

annual audit and  the adequacy  of the Company's  internal accounting  controls;
(iii)  the review, in consultation with management and the independent auditors,
of the Company's annual  financial statements and the  results of each  external
audit;  and  (iv) the  review, in  consultation  with the  Company's independent
auditors and the Company's principal financial officer and principal  accounting
officer,  of the auditing and accounting principles  and practices to be used in
the preparation of the Company's financial statements.
     The Audit  Committee has  authority to  consider the  qualification of  the
Company's  independent  auditors  and  make  recommendations  to  the  Board  of
Directors as  to their  selection, and  review and  resolve any  differences  of
opinion  between  such  independent  auditors  and  management  relating  to the
preparation of the annual financial statements.
     Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee is composed entirely  of
Unaffiliated  Directors.  Its  members  are Ambassador  Hills  and  Messrs. Mark
(Chair), Troubh and  Vincent. The  Compensation Committee, which  met ten  times
during  1996, has  authority to  engage independent  compensation consultants to
assist the Committee in its review of the Company's executive compensation.  The
Compensation  Committee  also  has  authority,  as  delegated  by  the  Board of
Directors,  to  administer  the  Company's  executive  compensation  plans.  The
Compensation  Committee, after receiving and  considering the recommendations of
the Company's Chief  Executive Officer,  determines the  salaries and  incentive
compensation (including the grant of stock options) and employment agreements of
the  executive officers  of the Company.  See 'Compensation  Committee Report on
Compensation of Executive Officers of the Company.'
     Nominating  and  Governance  Committee.   The  Nominating  and   Governance
Committee  is composed entirely  of Unaffiliated Directors.  Its members are Mr.
Adelson, Mrs. Greenough and Messrs. Perkins and Vincent (Chair). The  Nominating
and  Governance Committee,  which met four  times during 1996,  has authority to
review the  size  and composition  of  the  Board of  Directors  and  recommends
nominees  to serve on the Board of Directors and considers the qualifications of
candidates for election  as directors. Nominees  to the Board  of Directors  are
selected  on the  basis of  recognized achievements  and their  ability to bring
various skills and experience to the deliberations of the Board of Directors. In
carrying out its responsibilities, the Nominating and Governance Committee  will
consider  candidates recommended by other directors, employees and stockholders.
Written suggestions for nominees should be sent to the Secretary of the Company.
     The Company's  By-laws  provide  that  any stockholder  of  record  who  is
entitled to vote for the election of directors may nominate persons for election
as  directors only if timely written notice in proper form of the intent to make
a nomination at a meeting of stockholders  is received by the Secretary of  Time
Warner  at 75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY  10019. To be timely and in proper
form under the By-laws, the notice generally must be delivered not less than  70
nor  more than 120 days prior to the  date of the meeting at which directors are
to be elected and  must contain prescribed information  about the proponent  and
each  nominee, including such information about  each nominee as would have been
required to be included in a proxy statement filed pursuant to the rules of  the
Securities  and Exchange Commission had such nominee been nominated by the Board
of Directors.
     Finance Committee. The  members of  the Finance Committee  are Mr.  Adelson
(Chair), Mrs. Greenough, Ambassador Hills and Messrs. Munro, Perkins and Troubh.
The  Finance Committee  met three times  during 1996. The  Finance Committee has
authority  to  review  and  make  recommendations  to  the  Board  of  Directors
concerning  the financial structure  and financial condition  of the Company and
its subsidiaries, including annual budgets, long-term financial plans, corporate
borrowings, investments,  capital expenditures,  long-term commitments  and  the
issuance of stock.

     During  1996,  the  Board of  Directors  met  nine times  and  no incumbent
director attended fewer than 75% of the total number of meetings of the Board of
Directors and the committees of which he or she was a member.
     Directors who are not officers  or employees of the  Company or any of  its
subsidiaries  ('Eligible  Directors')  currently receive  $60,000  as  an annual
retainer, half of  which is paid  in cash and  the remaining half  in shares  of
Common  Stock under  the 1988 Restricted  Stock Plan  for Non-Employee Directors
(the 'Directors' Restricted Stock  Plan'), and an award  of stock options  under
the  Time  Warner  1996  Stock  Option  Plan  for  Non-Employee  Directors  (the
'Directors' Option Plan'). No additional compensation  is paid for service as  a
committee  chair or, since May  1996, for attendance at  special meetings of the
Board or  a  committee  thereof.  Eligible Directors  are  also  reimbursed  for
expenses incurred in attending Board and committee meetings, including those for
travel, food and lodging.
     Directors  who are  officers of or  employed by  the Company or  any of its
subsidiaries are  not additionally  compensated for  their Board  and  committee
     Under   the  Directors'  Restricted  Stock  Plan,  which  was  approved  by
stockholders of  the Company,  each  Eligible Director  is generally  issued  an
annual  grant of  shares of Common  Stock ('Restricted Shares')  having a market
value of $30,000. During  the restriction period  provided under the  Directors'
Restricted  Stock  Plan,  the  Eligible Director  votes  the  Restricted Shares,
receives and retains all regular cash  dividends and exercises all other  rights
as  a holder of Common Stock, but may  not dispose of the Restricted Shares, and
the Company  retains custody  of the  stock certificates  and all  distributions
other than regular cash dividends.
     The  restriction  period ends,  and  all Restricted  Shares  (including any
distributions retained  by  the  Company)  vest, upon  the  termination  of  the
Eligible  Director's  service  on  the  Board of  Directors  on  account  of (i)
mandatory retirement; (ii) failure to be reelected by stockholders; (iii)  death
or  disability;  and (iv)  the occurrence  of  certain transactions  involving a
change in control of the Company; and, with the approval of the Board on a  case
by  case basis,  under certain  other designated  circumstances. If  an Eligible
Director leaves the Board of Directors for any other reason, then all his or her
Restricted Shares are forfeited to the Company. In 1996, each Eligible  Director
received 748 Restricted Shares under the Directors' Restricted Stock Plan.
     The  Company also has a deferred  compensation plan for Eligible Directors.
Under this plan, Eligible Directors may elect each year to defer payment of 25%,
50%, 75% or  100% of their  cash compensation payable  during the next  calendar
year.  Amounts deferred under the plan are increased based on an interest factor
or the hypothetical investment in shares of Common Stock and dividends  thereon,
with  the higher valuation used to  determine the amount paid upon distribution.
Amounts deferred are payable  in a lump-sum or  in installments, generally  upon
attainment  of age 70 or  cessation of service as a  director of the Company for
certain enumerated reasons.
     Each Eligible Director currently receives  an annual award of  nonqualified
stock  options ('Options') to purchase 1,500 shares of Common Stock (and related
limited stock appreciation rights  ('Limited SARs') that  may be exercised  only
during  a  prescribed period  following the  occurrence of  certain transactions
involving a change in control of the Company) pursuant to the Directors'  Option
Plan.  Under the  Directors' Option  Plan, which  was approved  by the Company's
stockholders in 1996,  the Options  and related Limited  SARs are  automatically
awarded  on the  tenth New  York Stock  Exchange trading  day after  each annual
meeting of the Company's

stockholders. The purchase price of the  shares of Common Stock covered by  each
Option  is equal to  the fair market  value of the  Common Stock on  the date of
grant.  Each  Option   (and  the  related   Limited  SAR)  becomes   exercisable
(cumulatively  to the extent not previously  exercised) at the rate of one-third
of the aggregate number of shares covered thereby at the end of each  successive
one-year period following the date of grant and expires ten years after the date
of grant.
     The  Directors' Option  Plan also  provides that  awards become immediately
exercisable in full (1) when the director leaves the Board of Directors for  any
reason,  except  removal  for  cause,  in  which  case  all  unexercised Options
immediately terminate, or (2) if certain 'change-in-control' transactions occur.
Options remain exercisable  for one year  after the director  dies and for  five
years after the director leaves the Board of Directors for any reason other than
death or removal for cause (but not beyond the ten-year term of the Option).
     The  Directors'  Option Plan  replaced the  Company's retirement  plan (the
'Directors Retirement Plan')  for its  Eligible Directors and  no benefits  will
accrue under this Plan after May 1996. Under the Directors Retirement Plan, each
Eligible  Director who serves as  such for at least  three years will receive an
annual retirement benefit commencing after the  later of stepping down from  the
Board  of Directors or attaining  age 60 (or earlier  in the event such Eligible
Director becomes disabled), equal to $30,000, which benefit will be paid for the
number of years of service as an Eligible Director through May 16, 1996. Service
as an outside  director of WCI  prior to  July 24, 1989  is considered  credited
service  under the Directors Retirement Plan.  In the event an Eligible Director
dies prior to the  commencement or completion of  payment of benefits under  the
Directors  Retirement Plan, a  lump-sum cash payment  will be made  in an amount
equal to the total  benefits or remaining benefits  the Eligible Director  would
have  been  entitled to  receive had  he or  she not  died. The  Chief Executive
Officer of the Company may accelerate  payment of the annual retirement  benefit
accrued to an Eligible Director under the Plan.
                               SECURITY OWNERSHIP
     The  following table  sets forth  as of January  31, 1997  for each current
director, each  nominee  for election  as  a  director, each  of  the  executive
officers  named  in the  Summary Compensation  Table below  and for  all current
directors  and  executive  officers  as  a  group,  information  concerning  the
beneficial ownership of Common Stock.
     As  of  January 31,  1997, the  approximate aggregate  market value  of the
Common Stock held by certain persons as set forth in the table below  (exclusive
of  shares subject  to stock  options) was  as follows:  11 current Unaffiliated
Directors --  $34  million;  and  all current  directors  --  $2.4  billion.  In
addition,  as  of  December 31,  1996,  the  trusts maintained  pursuant  to the
Company's qualified  employee  benefit plans,  other  than pension  plans,  held
Common Stock valued at approximately $719 million in accounts for the benefit of
employees of the Company and its subsidiaries.


                                                                           COMMON STOCK BENEFICIALLY OWNED(1)
                                                                          NUMBER OF      OPTION      PERCENT OF
NAME                                                                        SHARES      SHARES(2)      CLASS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------    ---------    ----------
Merv Adelson...........................................................      700,143                    *
J. Carter Bacot (3)....................................................        1,000                    *
Stephen F. Bollenbach..................................................            -                    -
Richard J. Bressler (10)...............................................        5,560      204,137       *
Lawrence B. Buttenwieser (4)...........................................       88,269                    *
Beverly Sills Greenough (5)............................................       22,087                    *
Gerald Greenwald.......................................................            -                    -
Peter R. Haje (10).....................................................        9,931      720,287       *
Carla A. Hills.........................................................        3,787                    *
David T. Kearns........................................................        3,487                    *
Gerald M. Levin (6)(10)................................................      400,905    2,602,268       *
Reuben Mark............................................................       11,187                    *
Michael A. Miles.......................................................       10,034                    *
J. Richard Munro (7)...................................................      311,411      316,832       *
Richard D. Parsons (10)................................................       11,262      300,000       *
Donald S. Perkins......................................................       14,870                    *
Raymond S. Troubh (8)..................................................       10,247                    *
R.E. Turner (9)(10)....................................................   61,672,233                    12.1%
Francis T. Vincent, Jr.................................................       18,187                    *
All current directors and executive officers (20 persons) as a group
  (3)-(10).............................................................   63,364,878    4,948,243       13.3%

- ------------
* Represents  beneficial  ownership  of  less than  one  percent  of  issued and
  outstanding stock on January 31, 1997.
 (1) Beneficial ownership as reported in the above table has been determined  in
     accordance  with  Rule  13d-3  of the  Securities  and  Exchange Commission
     ('SEC'). Unless  otherwise indicated,  beneficial ownership  includes  both
     sole  voting and sole investment power. This table does not include, unless
     otherwise indicated, any shares of Common Stock or other equity  securities
     of  the Company which  may be held  by pension and  profit-sharing plans of
     other  corporations  or  endowment  funds  of  educational  and  charitable
     institutions for which various directors and officers serve as directors or
     trustees. As of January 31, 1997, the only equity securities of the Company
     beneficially  owned by  the named  persons or  group were  shares of Common
     Stock and options to purchase Common Stock.
 (2) Reflects shares of Common Stock subject to options to purchase Common Stock
     issued by the Company which, on January 31, 1997, were unexercised but were
     exercisable within 60 days from that  date. These shares are excluded  from
     the column headed 'Number of Shares.'
 (3) Mr. Bacot purchased these shares on February 12, 1997.
 (4) Includes  1,280 shares of Common Stock  owned of record and beneficially by
     Mr. Buttenwieser's wife and 22,656 shares of Common Stock held of record by
     a trust of  which Mr.  Buttenwieser and others  are trustees  in which  Mr.
     Buttenwieser  has  no  beneficial  interest  and as  to  all  of  which Mr.
     Buttenwieser disclaims any beneficial ownership.
 (5) Includes 10,240  shares of  Common Stock  held  by a  trust of  which  Mrs.
     Greenough  is  the  beneficiary  but  as to  which  she  has  no  voting or
     investment power.
 (6) Includes 15,000 shares  of Common  Stock held by  Mr. Levin's  wife, as  to
     which Mr. Levin disclaims any beneficial ownership.
 (7) Includes  14,610 shares  of Common  Stock held by  Mr. Munro's  wife, as to
     which Mr. Munro disclaims any beneficial ownership.
 (8) Includes 3,200 shares  of Common  Stock held beneficially  by Mr.  Troubh's
     wife, as to which Mr. Troubh disclaims any beneficial ownership.
 (9) Includes  (a) 839,942 shares of Common  Stock owned by a corporation wholly
     owned by Mr. Turner, (b) 1,488,690 shares  of Common Stock held by a  trust
     over  which  Mr.  Turner  has  sole  voting  and  dispositive  control, (c)
     4,500,000 shares of Common Stock held by a limited partnership of which Mr.
     Turner is the  sole general  partner, (d)  386,000 shares  of Common  Stock
     owned by Mr. Turner's wife and (e) 3,450,000 shares of Common Stock held by
     the  Turner Foundation, Inc., of  which Mr. Turner is  one of six trustees.
     Mr. Turner disclaims beneficial ownership of shares held by his spouse  and
     the Turner Foundation, Inc.
(10) Includes  (a) an aggregate  of approximately 36,874  shares of Common Stock
     held by a  trust under  the Time  Warner Savings  Plan for  the benefit  of
     current  directors and executive  officers of the  Company (including 4,425
     shares for Mr. Bressler, 3,443 shares  for Mr. Haje, 10,900 shares for  Mr.
     Levin,  99 shares for Mr. Parsons and 52  shares for Mr. Turner) and (b) an
     aggregate of 420,490 shares of  Common Stock beneficially owned by  certain
     relatives of such persons.

     Set  forth below is the name, address,  stock ownership and voting power of
each person or group of  persons known by the  Company to own beneficially  more
than 5% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock, Series LMCN-V Stock or of any
series  of Voting Preferred Stock, and,  unless otherwise indicated, is based on
information provided to  the Company as  of January 31,  1997 by the  beneficial

                                                                          SHARES OF
                                                                            STOCK                     PERCENT OF
NAME AND ADDRESS                                                          BENEFICIALLY  PERCENT OF      VOTING
OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                                         OWNED        CLASS(1)      POWER(2)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------    ----------    ----------
The Capital Group Companies, Inc. (3) .................................   46,828,480         9.2%          7.8%
  333 South Hope Street
  Los Angeles, CA 90071
The Seagram Company Ltd. (4) ..........................................   56,763,349        11.2           9.9
  1430 Peel Street
  Montreal, Quebec
  Canada H3A 1S9
R.E. Turner (5) .......................................................   61,672,233        12.1          10.7
  c/o Turner Broadcasting
  System, Inc.
  One CNN Center
  Atlanta, GA 30303
Tele-Communications, Inc. (6) .........................................   50,642,172       100.0         *
  5619 DTC Parkway
  Englewood, CO 80111
Houston Industries Incorporated (7) ...................................   11,000,000       100.0           4.0
  1111 Louisiana
  Houston, TX 77002
Alan Gerry (8) ........................................................     SERIES E
  Loomis Road                                                              3,107,956        95.6
  Liberty, NY 12754                                                                                        2.5
                                                                            SERIES F
                                                                           2,503,580        81.3
FW Strategic Partners, L.P. ...........................................     SERIES F
  201 Main Street                                                            442,000        14.3             *
  Fort Worth, TX 76102
ITOCHU Corporation (9) ................................................    6,200,000       100.0           2.2
  5-1, Kita-Aoyama 2-chome
  Minato-Ku, Tokyo 107-77
Toshiba Corporation (10) ..............................................    7,000,000       100.0           2.4
  1-1, Shibaura 1-chome
  Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105

                                                  (table continued on next page)


                                                                          SHARES OF
                                                                            STOCK                     PERCENT OF
NAME AND ADDRESS                                                          BENEFICIALLY  PERCENT OF      VOTING
OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                                         OWNED        CLASS(1)      POWER(2)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------   ----------    ----------    ----------
Trust for the benefit of Gordon Gray, Jr...............................      769,043        23.6         *
Trust for the benefit of C. Boyden Gray................................      664,583        20.4         *
Trust for the benefit of Burton C. Gray................................      769,043        23.6         *
Trust for the benefit of Bernard Gray .................................      745,035        22.8         *
  c/o Wachovia Bank, N.A.
  P.O. Box 3099
  Winston-Salem, NC 27150
Nancy Maguire Gray, Trustee of the
  Nancy Maguire Gray Trust u/a dated 12/16/94 .........................      188,336         5.8         *
  P.O. Box 3199
  Church Street Station
  New York, NY 10008

- ------------
* Less than 1%.
 (1) Each share of Voting Preferred Stock and the Company's Series H Convertible
     Preferred  Stock,  par  value $.10  per  share ('Series  H  Preferred'), is
     currently convertible into 2.08264 shares  of Common Stock. Of the  holders
     of  Voting Preferred Stock  identified in this table,  none could be deemed
     beneficially to  own more  than 5%  of the  Common Stock  pursuant to  Rule
     13d-3.  Under certain circumstances,  each share of  Series LMCN-V Stock is
     convertible into  one share  of Common  Stock; such  circumstances are  not
     currently present.
 (2) Each  share of Voting Preferred  Stock has two votes.  Each share of Series
     LMCN-V Stock currently has 1/100 of a vote on certain limited matters.
 (3) Beneficial ownership  is  as  of  December  31,  1996.  The  Capital  Group
     Companies, Inc., a holding company, has filed with the SEC Amendment No. 9,
     dated  February 14, 1997,  to its statement  on Schedule 13G  to the effect
     that (a) it (directly  or indirectly) has sole  dispositive power over  all
     these  shares, (b) it has sole voting power over 8,983,360 of these shares,
     (c) these shares are  held principally by  Capital Research and  Management
     Company,  an investment adviser, (d) the shares of Common Stock reported as
     beneficially owned include 1,349,290 shares  of Common Stock issuable  upon
     conversion  of $173,900,000 principal amount  of the Company's Liquid Yield
     OptionTM Notes due 2013  and 719,020 shares of  Common Stock issuable  upon
     conversion  of $75,000,000 principal amount  of TBS's Liquid Yield OptionTM
     Notes due 2007 (which were redeemed  for cash on February 13, 1997)  (these
     shares have been excluded from the calculation of voting power), (e) all of
     the  reported shares are held for the benefit of its clients and (f) it and
     each of its subsidiary investment  management companies acts separately  in
     exercising investment discretion over its managed accounts.
 (4) The  Seagram Company  Ltd. has  filed with the  SEC Amendment  No. 7, dated
     April 13, 1994, to its statement on Schedule 13D and a statement of Changes
     in Beneficial Ownership  on Form 4  dated May  9, 1994 to  the effect  that
     through  its indirect  wholly owned subsidiary,  Seagram Inc.,  it has sole
     voting and sole dispositive power over all these shares.
 (5) Includes (a) 839,942 shares of Common  Stock owned by a corporation  wholly
     owned  by Mr. Turner, (b) 1,488,690 shares  of Common Stock held by a trust
     over which  Mr.  Turner  has  sole  voting  and  dispositive  control,  (c)
     4,500,000 shares of Common Stock held by a limited partnership of which Mr.
     Turner  is the  sole general  partner, (d)  386,000 shares  of Common Stock
     owned by Mr. Turner's wife and (e) 3,450,000 shares of Common Stock held by
     the Turner Foundation, Inc.,  of which Mr. Turner  is one of six  trustees.
     Mr.  Turner disclaims beneficial ownership of shares held by his spouse and
     the Turner Foundation, Inc.
 (6) Consists of  shares controlled  by  Tele-Communications, Inc.  through  its
     direct  and indirect subsidiaries; excludes  279,533 shares of Common Stock
     held by TCI TKR of Southern Kentucky, Inc. as to which Tele-Communications,
     Inc. disclaims beneficial ownership.
 (7) Voting power includes 1,000,000 shares  of Common Stock beneficially  owned
     by Houston Industries Incorporated.
 (8) Voting  power includes 2,941,392 shares  of Common Stock beneficially owned
     by Mr. Gerry.
 (9) Includes 1,200,000 shares  of Series  G Preferred  held by  a wholly  owned
     subsidiary  of ITOCHU  Corporation. ITOCHU Corporation  and such subsidiary
     also hold an  aggregate of  1,800,000 shares  of Series  H Preferred;  each
     share  of Series H  Preferred is convertible into  2.08264 shares of Common
     Stock but has no voting rights.
(10) Includes 177,500  shares of  Series  I Preferred  held  by a  wholly  owned
     subsidiary of Toshiba Corporation.
(11) The  trusts for the benefit of each of  Gordon Gray, Jr. and C. Boyden Gray
     each also  holds 365,365  shares of  Common Stock  and the  trusts for  the
     benefit  of each of Burton C. Gray and Bernard Gray each also holds 275,365
     and 265,365 shares of Common  Stock, respectively (of which 146,870  shares
     are,  in each case,  held in an  escrow account subject  to restrictions on
     disposition). The  Nancy Maguire  Gray Trust  also holds  89,476 shares  of
     Common Stock. These shares of Common Stock are included in the voting power
     of the beneficial owners.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION
     The Compensation  Committee of  the Board  of Directors  has furnished  the
following report on executive compensation:
     The  Company's executive compensation programs  are principally designed to
motivate executives to achieve the Company's business objectives and to increase
stockholder  value  over  the  long  term.  The  Company's  principal  incentive
compensation  programs are  an annual  performance-based incentive  bonus, which
permits individual performance  to be  appropriately recognized  each year,  and
stock  options, which ensure  that substantial long-term  financial rewards will
accrue to an executive only if long-term stock price appreciation is realized by
the stockholders.
     In 1996, as well as currently, each of the Company's executive officers was
employed pursuant to an employment agreement,  by which the Company retains  his
services  for an extended period. The terms  of the employment agreements of the
principal executive officers are outlined under 'Employment Arrangements.'  Each
executive  officer's minimum  salary is  specified in  his employment agreement.
However, the largest elements  of executive compensation,  the annual bonus  and
awards  of  stock  options,  are  generally subject  to  the  discretion  of the
Compensation Committee, which is comprised entirely of Unaffiliated Directors.
     In making its compensation decisions, the Compensation Committee takes into
account all Company-provided  compensation for the executive,  including salary,
bonus,  stock options,  deferred  compensation  and benefits.  The  Compensation
Committee,  with the assistance of a leading  outside  compensation  consultant,
reviewed total  compensation for the executive  officers in the context of total
compensation  packages  awarded to executives with similar  responsibilities  at
selected  public  companies in the  consumer  product,  entertainment  and media
businesses.  The Compensation  Committee believes that the Company's most direct
competitors  for  executive  talent are composed of a broader range of companies
than  those  with which the  Company  would  ordinarily  be  compared  for stock
performance purposes. Thus, the compensation comparison group included companies
that are not included in the peer group index in the graph that appears below.
     Annual Bonus  Plan.  The starting  point  of the  Compensation  Committee's
determination  of  the  annual incentive  bonus  for  Mr. Levin  and  each other
executive officer  of  the  Company  named in  the  Summary  Compensation  Table
appearing  below, except for Mr.  Turner (collectively, 'participating executive
officers'), was the  calculation of  his 1996 maximum  individual bonus  payable
under  the stockholder-approved Annual Bonus Plan. These calculations were based
on a percentage of the amount  by which the Company's earnings before  interest,
taxes,  depreciation and  amortization ('EBITDA'),  as adjusted  pursuant to the
terms of the Annual Bonus Plan,  for 1996 exceeded the Company's average  EBITDA
for the preceding three years. This calculation resulted in a maximum individual
deductible  annual bonus  for Mr. Levin  and each  other participating executive
officer substantially in  excess of  the actual bonuses  paid, as  shown in  the
Summary Compensation Table below.
     1996  Accomplishments.  In  1996,  the  Company  had  major  strategic  and
financial accomplishments  both on  a Company-wide  basis and  at its  operating
levels.  These accomplishments had a significant impact on the assessment of the
annual incentive bonus compensation for all of the Company's executive officers.
The Compensation  Committee considered  a variety  of factors,  including  these
accomplishments,  in making its compensation decisions and no specific weighting
was assigned  to any  one of  those factors  or these  accomplishments over  any
others in determining

the  bonuses paid to Mr.  Levin or the other  executive officers for 1996. These
accomplishments included:
           Completion of the $6.2 billion TBS Merger, including
              Successfully overcoming regulatory and  litigation hurdles to  the
              Creating the Cable Networks Group
              Successfully integrating TBS businesses into the Company
           Achievement  of 1996 budgeted EBITDA and  cash flow on a Company-wide
           Continuation of progress on debt management, including
              Improving leverage ratio (total net  debt to adjusted EBITDA)  and
              coverage  ratio (adjusted  EBITDA to total  interest and preferred
              dividend expense) and meeting or exceeding targets
              Reducing interest expense through refinancings of existing debt
           Initiation  of  a  Company-wide  cost  management  program  aimed  at
           increasing  cash flow and earnings while maintaining long-term growth
           prospects for the Company's businesses
     Mr. Levin's  Annual  Bonus. Mr.  Levin's  1996 annual  incentive  bonus  as
Chairman  of  the  Board  and  Chief Executive  Officer  was  determined  by the
Compensation Committee. In  determining his  bonus, the  Committee reviewed  the
calculation  of his maximum bonus payable under the Annual Bonus Plan, the level
of achievement of  his 1996  financial performance goals  (based on  operational
targets  for divisional  and Company-wide  EBITDA and  cash-flow), the Company's
other accomplishments during 1996,  as described above,  and the performance  of
the  Company's Common  Stock. Mr. Levin's  bonus, which was  unchanged from that
awarded for 1995, reflects the Compensation Committee's belief that Mr.  Levin's
performance  warranted placing his total cash compensation for 1996 in the upper
quartile of  compensation  paid  to  the  executives  in  the  comparison  group
discussed  above.  This  determination  was  based  on  the  Committee's overall
evaluation  of   Mr.   Levin's   stewardship  of   the   Company's   significant
accomplishments  during 1996 and his positioning of the Company, its management,
product lines and services for the future.
     Annual Bonuses  for  Executive  Officers Other  than  the  Chief  Executive
Officer.  The Chief Executive  Officer reviewed with  the Compensation Committee
the 1996 performance of each other executive officer, and recommended an  annual
bonus  for each such  executive (within the  limits imposed by  the Annual Bonus
Plan for the participating executive officers). These recommendations  primarily
reflected individual qualitative executive contributions based upon the level of
the executive's responsibilities, the efficiency and effectiveness with which he
oversaw  the  matters  under  his  supervision,  and  the  degree  to  which  he
contributed to the accomplishment of  the Company's goals. Since these  officers
have  overall corporate policy-making  and administrative responsibilities, and,
except for Mr. Turner, do not directly oversee principal operating units of  the
Company,  the Compensation  Committee's assessment  of these  executives relates
generally to  the  accomplishment of  their  personal goals  and  the  Company's
achievements  as a whole. However, the Company's financial performance was a key
factor that affected the overall bonus level for all executive officers.
     During 1996, each  of the  Company's executive officers  was awarded  stock
options.  These awards were made after a  review of the exercise prices, numbers
and dates of their previous  option awards and the  option awards made to  other
executive  officers. Although there  are no precise targets  with respect to the
number of  stock  options for  executive  officers, the  Compensation  Committee
believes  that  the higher  the level  of  an executive's  responsibilities, the

larger the  stock-based  component  of  his compensation  should  be,  and  that
compensation  based on  stock price performance  should be  paid via stock-based
compensation. Each  of  Messrs. Levin,  Parsons  and Turner  was  awarded  stock
options,  one quarter of  which have exercise  prices 25% above  the fair market
value of the Common  Stock on the date  of grant and one  quarter of which  have
exercise prices 50% above such fair market value. Mr. Turner's and  Mr. Parsons'
awards of stock  options were  made pursuant to  the terms  of their  employment
agreements with the Company and approved by the Compensation Committee.
     The  Company expects that the compensation paid to executive officers under
the Annual Bonus Plan  will qualify for income  tax deductibility under  Section
162(m)  of the  Internal Revenue  Code. In addition,  the Company  has adopted a
general policy of awarding stock options to its executive officers only pursuant
to plans that  the Company  believes will  satisfy the  requirements of  Section
162(m).  In 1996,  the Company did  not pay its  executive officers compensation
that would not  be deductible as  a result of  the Section 162(m)  deductibility
  Members of the Compensation Committee
      Reuben Mark (Chair)
      Carla A. Hills
      Raymond S. Troubh
      Francis T. Vincent, Jr.
     The  following table  sets forth information  concerning total compensation
paid to the Chief Executive Officer and each of the four most highly compensated
executive officers of the Company who served in such capacities on December  31,
1996  (the  'named executive  officers') for  services  rendered to  the Company
during each of  the last  three fiscal years  in their  capacities as  executive
                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                               ANNUAL COMPENSATION            COMPENSATION(6)
                                     ---------------------------------------  ---------------
                                                                  OTHER         SECURITIES
      NAME AND PRINCIPAL                                         ANNUAL         UNDERLYING        ALL OTHER
- ------------------------------ ----  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
Gerald M. Levin............... 1996  $1,050,000  $4,000,000     $ 209,624          350,000        $ 109,773
  Chairman of the Board and    1995   1,050,000   4,000,000       153,930          --               107,039
  Chief Executive Officer      1994   1,050,000   4,000,000       130,390          --               150,667
R.E. Turner................... 1996  $  235,246  $1,000,000       --             1,300,000        $  18,219
  Vice Chairman (1)
Richard D. Parsons............ 1996  $  900,000  $2,000,000     $  98,627          300,000        $ 104,019
  President (2)                1995     825,000   2,000,000        92,000          300,000           77,628
Peter R. Haje................. 1996  $  825,000  $1,000,000     $  56,500           45,000        $ 119,105
  Executive Vice President     1995     675,000   1,000,000        56,500           40,000          114,102
  and General Counsel          1994     675,000     975,000        51,500          --               129,377
Richard J. Bressler........... 1996  $  525,000  $  900,000     $  50,500          100,000        $  44,421
  Senior Vice President and    1995     450,000     750,000        50,500          100,000           42,755
  Chief Financial Officer (3)

- ------------
(1) Mr.  Turner became Vice  Chairman of the  Company on October  10, 1996, upon
    consummation of the TBS Merger. Compensation  paid by TBS to Mr. Turner  for
    services rendered to TBS prior to such date is not included in the table.
(2) Mr.  Parsons became President on February 1,  1995. Prior to that, he served
    as an Unaffiliated Director of  the Company and was  not an employee of  the
    Company.  Mr. Parsons' 1995 stock options were awarded at the end of 1994 in
    connection with his anticipated employment by the Company.
(3) Mr.  Bressler became  Senior Vice President  and Chief  Financial Officer on
    March 16, 1995, having served as Senior Vice President, Finance from January
    2, 1995, and as a Vice President (not an executive officer) prior to that.
                                              (footnotes continued on next page)

(4) Amounts shown in the table include credits to each named executive officer's
    deferred compensation account equal  to one third of  the total shown  under
    the 'salary' column for each of 1996, 1995 and 1994.
(5) In  accordance with SEC rules, amounts totalling less than $50,000 have been
    omitted. The amounts of personal benefits shown in this column for 1996 that
    represent more than  25% of  the applicable executive's  total Other  Annual
    Compensation  include financial services of $80,000 to Mr. Levin, $70,000 to
    Mr.  Parsons   and  $32,500   to  each   of  Messrs.   Haje  and   Bressler,
    transportation-related  benefits  (including  an  automobile  allowance)  of
    $129,624 to Mr. Levin and $28,627  to Mr. Parsons and automobile  allowances
    of $24,000 to Mr. Haje and $18,000 to Mr. Bressler.
(6) None  of the  options indicated was  awarded with  tandem stock appreciation
    rights. Of such executive officers, only Mr. Parsons was awarded  restricted
    stock during the relevant period and, as of December 31, 1996, held any such
    shares.  These shares were awarded in or  prior to 1994 under the Directors'
    Restricted Stock Plan in his capacity then as an Unaffiliated Director.  The
    value of Mr. Parsons'  4,213 restricted shares based on the closing price of
    the  Common  Stock  on the  New  York  Stock Exchange  Composite  Listing on
    December 31, 1996 was $157,988. Mr.  Parsons receives the dividends paid  in
    cash on such shares. See 'Corporate Governance -- Director Compensation.'
(7) The amounts shown in this column for 1996 include the following:
          (a) Pursuant to the  Time Warner Savings Plan  (the 'Savings Plan'), a
    defined contribution plan available generally  to employees of the  Company,
    for  the 1996 plan year, each executive  named above, except Mr. Turner (who
    was  not  eligible  to  contribute),  deferred  a  portion  of  his   annual
    compensation  and the  Company contributed  $2,000 for  the first  $3,000 so
    deferred  by  the  executive   ('Matching  Contribution').  These   Matching
    Contributions  were invested under the Savings  Plan in a Common Stock fund.
    In addition, pursuant to a profit-sharing component of the Savings Plan, the
    Company may make annual contributions for the benefit of eligible  employees
    of  up  to  12%  of  total  eligible  compensation;  for  1996,  the Company
    contributed 8%, including $12,000  for the account  of each executive  named
    above,  except for Mr. Turner for whom the contribution was $10,769. Because
    the Internal  Revenue Code  of 1986,  as amended  (the 'Code'),  limits  the
    amount  of eligible compensation under the Savings Plan to $150,000 for 1996
    for any  employee,  the  Company  has  adopted  an  unfunded,  non-qualified
    supplemental   deferred  compensation   plan  covering   otherwise  eligible
    compensation between $150,000 and $275,625  for 1996 (increased 5% per  year
    thereafter,  to  a  maximum of  $350,000).  The Company's  accrual  for this
    supplemental plan, $10,050 in 1996 for each named executive officer,  except
    for Mr. Turner, is deemed to earn interest at a long-term applicable federal
    rate announced by the Internal Revenue Service.
          (b) The Company maintains  a program of  life and disability insurance
    generally available  to  all  salaried  employees  on  the  same  basis.  In
    addition,  during 1996, the Company maintained for certain members of senior
    management, including  the named  executive officers,  certain  supplemental
    life  insurance benefits and paid premiums for this supplemental coverage of
    approximately $250  each.  The  Company also  maintained  split-dollar  life
    insurance  policies on the lives of  the named executive officers other than
    Mr. Turner and paid the following  amounts allocated to the term portion  of
    the split-dollar coverage for 1996: Mr. Levin, $13,467; Mr. Parsons, $3,840;
    Mr.  Haje, $8,264; and  Mr. Bressler, $941. The  actuarial equivalent of the
    value of  the  premiums  paid by  the  Company  for 1996  based  on  certain
    assumptions regarding interest rates and periods of coverage are: Mr. Levin,
    $85,473; Mr. Parsons, $79,719; Mr. Haje, $94,805; and Mr. Bressler, $20,121.
    It  is anticipated that the  Company will recover the  net after-tax cost of
    the premiums on these policies or  the cash surrender value thereof.  During
    1996,  the Company paid a premium of  $7,200 to provide Mr. Turner with term
    life insurance under its group policy.  For a description of life  insurance
    coverage  for certain executive  officers provided pursuant  to the terms of
    their employment agreements, see 'Employment Arrangements.'
     The following table sets forth certain information with respect to employee
options to purchase shares  of Common Stock ('options')  awarded during 1996  to
the  named executive  officers. All such  options were  nonqualified options. No
stock appreciation rights ('SARs'), alone or in tandem with stock options,  were
awarded in 1996.

                          STOCK OPTION GRANTS IN 1996

                                                            INDIVIDUAL GRANTS(1)
                                          NUMBER OF        OF TOTAL
                                          SECURITIES       OPTIONS        EXERCISE
                                          UNDERLYING      GRANTED TO       OR BASE
                                           OPTIONS        EMPLOYEES         PRICE        EXPIRATION         GRANT DATE
                NAME                       GRANTED         IN 1996         ($/SH)           DATE         PRESENT VALUE(2)
- -------------------------------------     ----------      ----------      ---------      ----------      -----------------
Gerald M. Levin......................       175,000           1.8%         $ 42.63         3/19/06          $ 2,831,500
                                             87,500            .9            53.29         3/19/06            1,091,125
                                             87,500            .9            63.95         3/19/06              840,000
R. E. Turner.........................       650,000           6.9%         $ 41.25        10/10/06          $10,361,000
                                            325,000           3.4            51.56        10/10/06            4,010,500
                                            325,000           3.4            61.88        10/10/06            3,100,500
Richard D. Parsons...................       150,000           1.6%         $ 42.63         3/19/06          $ 2,427,000
                                             75,000            .8            53.29         3/19/06              935,250
                                             75,000            .8            63.95         3/19/06              720,000
Peter R. Haje........................        45,000            .5%         $ 42.63         3/19/06          $   728,100
Richard J. Bressler..................       100,000           1.1%         $ 42.63         3/19/06          $ 1,618,000

- ------------
(1) Options  for  executive officers  are  generally awarded  pursuant  to plans
    approved by the  Company's stockholders and  the terms are  governed by  the
    plans and the recipient's option agreement. The option exercise price is the
    fair  market value of the  Common Stock on the date  of grant except for the
    awards to Messrs.  Levin, Turner  and Parsons of  which one  quarter of  the
    total  award has an  exercise price 25%  above the fair  market value of the
    Common Stock on the date of grant  and one quarter of which has an  exercise
    price  50% above  such fair  market value.  The options  shown in  the table
    become  exercisable  in  installments  of  one-third  on  the  first   three
    anniversaries  of  the  date  of grant,  subject  to  acceleration  upon the
    occurrence of certain events. Payment of the exercise price of an option may
    be made in  cash or, in  whole or in  part, in full  shares of Common  Stock
    already  owned by the holder of the option. The payment of withholding taxes
    due upon exercise of an option may  generally be made with shares of  Common
(2) These  amounts represent the estimated present value of stock options at the
    date of grant calculated using the Black-Scholes option pricing model, based
    upon the following assumptions used  in developing the grant valuations:  an
    expected volatility of 21.7% based on a three-year period ending October 31,
    1996;  an expected  term to  exercise of  eight years;  a risk-free  rate of
    return based on the interest rate  of a U.S. Government zero-coupon bond  in
    effect  on the  date of  the award  with an  eight-year maturity  (March 20,
    1996 -- 6.37%; October 11, 1996 --  6.60%); and a dividend yield of 1%.  The
    actual  value of the options, if any,  realized by an officer will depend on
    the extent  to  which the  market  value of  the  Common Stock  exceeds  the
    exercise  price  of  the  option  on  the  date  the  option  is  exercised.
    Consequently, there is no  assurance that the value  realized by an  officer
    will  be at or near  the value estimated above.  These amounts should not be
    used to predict stock performance.
     The following table sets forth as  to each of the named executive  officers
information  on option exercises  during 1996 and  the status of  his options on
December 31, 1996: (i) the number  of shares of Common Stock underlying  options
exercised during 1996; (ii) the aggregate dollar value realized upon exercise of
such  options;  (iii) the  total  number of  shares  of Common  Stock underlying
exercisable and nonexercisable stock options held on December 31, 1996; and (iv)
the aggregate dollar value of in-the-money exercisable and nonexercisable  stock
options on December 31, 1996.
                       OPTION VALUES ON DECEMBER 31, 1996

                             NUMBER OF                          NUMBER OF SHARES                  DOLLAR VALUE OF
                               SHARES        DOLLAR          UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED          UNEXERCISED IN-THE-MONEY
                             UNDERLYING       VALUE            OPTIONS ON 12/31/96             OPTIONS ON 12/31/96*
                              OPTIONS       REALIZED      -----------------------------    -----------------------------
- --------------------------   ----------    -----------    -----------    --------------    -----------    --------------
Gerald M. Levin (1).......     48,000      $1,003,680      2,485,600          350,000      $23,664,040        --
R.E. Turner...............      --             --             --            1,300,000          --             --
Richard D. Parsons........      --             --            200,000          400,000      $   374,000       $187,000
Peter R. Haje.............      --             --            691,954           71,666      $12,012,131        --
Richard J. Bressler (1)...      --             --            132,804          181,332      $   977,588       $ 18,700

                                                        (footnotes on next page)

* Calculated  using the closing price  of $37.50 per share  on December 31, 1996
  minus the option exercise price.
(1) The options exercised by Mr. Levin were awarded in 1986.  Messrs.  Levin and
    Bressler are the only executive  officers listed above who have been awarded
    SARs in tandem  with any of their  stock  options.  265,600  of Mr.  Levin's
    options and 9,644 of Mr.  Bressler's  options held on December 31, 1996 were
    awarded with tandem SARs; they all were awarded on or prior to September 22,
    1989 and are  currently  exercisable;  and at December 31, 1996,  they had a
    value of $2,074,640  and $68,102,  respectively,  but no separate  value has
    been  attributed to these SARs.  These SARs are exercisable for Common Stock
    or cash,  subject  to a  $250,000  limit on the  amount  of cash that may be
    received upon their exercise.
     The  option exercise price of  all the options held  by the named executive
officers is the  fair market  value of  the Common Stock  on the  date of  grant
except  for options awarded  to Messrs. Levin,  Turner and Parsons  in 1996 (see
'Stock Option Grants  in 1996') and  500,000 of Mr.  Levin's options awarded  in
1993,  half of which have  an exercise price 25% above  the fair market value of
the Common Stock  on the  date of  grant and  the other  half of  which have  an
exercise  price 50% above such fair market  value. All options held by the named
executive officers become immediately exercisable in full upon the occurrence of
certain events, including the  death or total disability  of the option  holder,
certain  change-of-control transactions and, in most cases, the Company's breach
of the holder's employment agreement and all such nonqualified options permit  a
portion  of  each award  to be  transferred  by gift  directly or  indirectly to
members of the holder's immediate family.
     The options held by executive officers remain exercisable for the full term
of their employment  agreements in the  event their employment  terminates as  a
result  of the  Company's breach.  For some executive  officers, some  or all of
their options  remain exercisable  for the  full term  of the  options if  their
employment  is terminated for any reason  other than for cause, including death.
Otherwise, options may generally be exercised for one year after death or  total
disability.  All  options terminate  immediately if  the holder's  employment is
terminated for cause. The terms of the options shown in the chart are  generally
ten  years, although 320,000 options  held by Mr. Levin have  a term of 15 years
from the date of their award in 1989.
     The Company is, and during 1996 was, a party to employment agreements  with
the executive officers of the Company. These agreements have been filed with the
SEC as exhibits to the Company's periodic filings.
     Among  other things, the  agreements with the  Company's executive officers
typically provide for: a fixed term of employment in a specified executive post;
annual salary; deferred compensation, generally  equal to 50% of annual  salary,
which is invested and paid out as described below under 'Deferred Compensation';
an  annual  bonus in  the discretion  of  the Compensation  Committee, all  or a
portion of which may be deferred at  the election of the executive officer;  and
life  insurance benefits to be provided  by split dollar policies, generally for
the life of the executive and pursuant  to which the Company recovers an  amount
equal to the net after-tax cost to the Company of the premiums on such policy or
the  cash surrender value thereof, as well as any group life insurance generally
provided by the Company to its employees.
     Generally, such agreements include a  narrow definition of the 'cause'  for
which  an  executive's  employment may  be  terminated  and in  that  event, the
executive  will  only  receive  earned  and  unpaid  base  salary  and  deferred
compensation accrued through such date of termination.
     These  agreements  typically provide  that in  the  event of  the Company's
material breach  or  wrongful  termination of  an  executive's  employment,  the
executive  will be entitled  to elect either  (a) to receive  a lump-sum payment
equal to the present  value of the base  salary, projected bonuses and  deferred
compensation  otherwise payable during the  remaining portion of the executive's
term of employment or (b) to remain  an employee of the Company through the  end
of the term of employment and, without performing any services, receive the base
salary, bonuses and deferred compensation payable as if there had been no breach
or  wrongful  termination. Executives  are  not generally  required  to mitigate
damages   after   such   a   termination,    other   than   as   necessary    to

prevent  the Company from losing any tax  deductions to which it otherwise would
have been entitled for any payments deemed to be 'contingent on a change'  under
the  Code.  In addition,  except for  Mr.  Turner's agreement,  these agreements
typically provide that if an executive thereafter obtains other employment,  the
total  cash  salary  and bonus  received  therefrom  for services  prior  to the
expiration of the executive's employment term (up to the amount of  compensation
paid  to the executive by the Company for  such period) must be paid over to the
Company as received.  Except for Mr.  Levin's agreement, the  provisions of  the
employment  agreements relating to payments  described in the preceding sentence
provide that the executive officer may retain and not pay over to the Company an
amount equal to  the severance  he would have  received in  accordance with  the
Company's personnel policies if he had been job eliminated.
     In  addition, if  his employment  terminates as  a result  of the Company's
material  breach  or  wrongful  termination,  or  the  Company  terminates   his
employment  after the term of his employment agreement, Mr. Bressler is entitled
to a severance  payment equal  to the  greater of  the amount  described in  the
preceding  paragraph or the present  value of three times  the sum of his annual
base  salary,  average  bonus  and  deferred  compensation.  If  his  employment
terminates  under these  circumstances, Mr. Parsons  is entitled  to a severance
payment equal to the greater of the amount described in the preceding  paragraph
or  the  present value  of  the sum  of one  year's  annual salary  and deferred
compensation and an average bonus.
     If an  executive  becomes  disabled  during  the  term  of  his  employment
agreement  the executive typically will receive  full salary, bonus and deferred
compensation for six months  and 75% thereof through  the end of the  employment
term  or, in some cases, for three  years, if longer. Deferred compensation will
be maintained and paid after giving effect to the executive's base salary  after
disability.  Any such payments will be reduced by amounts received from Worker's
Compensation, Social Security  and disability insurance  policies maintained  by
the Company.
     If  an executive dies during the term of an employment agreement, generally
the executive's beneficiaries  will receive  the executive's  earned and  unpaid
salary and deferred compensation to the last day of the month in which the death
occurs  and a  pro rata  portion of the  executive's bonus  for the  year of his
     The  minimum  annual  salaries   and  deferred  compensation  under   these
agreements for the named executive officers are as shown for 1996 in the Summary
Compensation   Table,  except  that  the  current  annual  salary  and  deferred
compensation for  Mr.  Turner  is  $1,050,000. The  expiration  dates  of  these
agreements  and the  amounts of the  individual life insurance  coverage for the
lifetime of such persons are: Mr. Levin -- January 10, 2000 and $6 million;  Mr.
Turner -- December 31, 2001 and $6 million; Mr. Parsons -- December 31, 1999 and
$4  million; Mr. Haje  -- December 31,  1999 (not including  a two-year advisory
period) and $4 million; and Mr. Bressler -- December 31, 1999 and $2 million.
     In addition, under his employment  agreement, Mr. Turner was awarded  stock
options  to  purchase 1.3  million shares  of  Common Stock  half of  which have
exercise prices above the  fair market value  on the date  of grant. See  'Stock
Option  Grants in 1996.' Mr. Turner is  also entitled to further awards of stock
options on the  first four  anniversaries of the  TBS Merger,  each covering  an
additional  300,000 shares of Common Stock. Pursuant to his employment agreement
with TBS, Mr.  Turner also received  $844,000 as salary  and $200,000 as  annual
bonus  from TBS for services rendered to TBS in 1996 prior to the TBS Merger, as
well as a $640,000 payment upon termination of the TBS Long-Term Incentive  Plan
and required distributions from certain TBS supplemental benefit plans totalling
$1,262,447.  So long as Mr.  Turner is employed by  the Company, the Company has
agreed to include him in  management's slate for election  as a director and  to
use its best efforts to cause his election.

     Deferred  compensation for  executive officers  is deposited  into separate
accounts maintained  by the  Company  for each  of  such officers.  The  Company
appoints  an investment advisor for each such account subject to approval by the
relevant executive.  Funds  are  invested  in  securities  as  directed  by  the
investment advisor, with the assumed after-tax effect upon the Company of gains,
losses  and  income, and  distributions thereof,  and  of interest  expenses and
brokerage commissions  and  other  direct  expenses  attributed  thereto,  being
credited  or charged to the account. Payments  are generally made to the officer
from the account in installments to liquidate the account over a period of three
to five  years commencing  on the  date employment  was to  terminate under  the
employment  agreement, or at such other times as the officer might have elected.
Such payments include an amount equal to the assumed tax benefit to the  Company
of  the compensation deduction available for tax purposes for the portion of the
account represented by  the net appreciation  in such account,  even though  the
Company might not actually receive such tax benefit.
     Amounts  paid by the  Company to the deferred  compensation accounts of the
named executive officers for 1996  and the portion, if  any, of the 1996  annual
bonus  elected to be  deferred by any  such officer are  included in the amounts
shown in the Summary Compensation Table above.
     The Time Warner Employees' Pension  Plan, as amended (the 'Pension  Plan'),
provides  benefits to eligible employees, including officers, of the Company and
certain of its subsidiaries. Directors who are not also employees of the Company
are not eligible to participate in the Pension Plan.
     A participant accrues  benefits under the  Pension Plan on  the basis of  1
2/3%  of the average annual compensation (defined  as the average of the highest
five consecutive full or partial  years of compensation, which includes  regular
salary,  overtime and shift differential payments, and non-deferred bonuses paid
according to a regular program) for each year of service up to 30 years and 1/2%
for each  year of  service over  30. Compensation  for purposes  of  calculating
average  annual compensation under  the Pension Plan is  limited to $200,000 per
year for 1988 through 1993 and $150,000  per year for 1994 and thereafter  (each
subject  to adjustments provided in the  Code). Eligible employees become vested
in all benefits under the Pension Plan  on the earlier of five years of  service
or certain other events.
     Annual  pension benefits are reduced by a Social Security offset determined
by a formula that takes  into account credited service  up to 35 years,  covered
compensation  up to the average Social Security wage base and a disparity factor
based on the  age at  which Social Security  benefits are  payable (the  'Social
Security  Offset'). The pension benefit of  participants on December 31, 1977 in
the former  Time Employees'  Profit-Sharing Savings  Plan (the  'Profit  Sharing
Plan')  is further reduced  by a fixed  amount attributable to  a portion of the
employer contributions  and  investment  earnings credited  to  such  employees'
account balances in the Profit Sharing Plan as of such date (the 'Profit Sharing
Plan Offset').
     Under  the Pension Plan, employees  who are at least  60 years old and have
completed at least ten years of  service may elect early retirement and  receive
the  full  amount  of  their  annual  pension  ('early  retirement').  An  early
retirement supplement is payable to an employee terminating employment at age 55
and before age 60, after 20 years of service, equal to the actuarial  equivalent
of  such person's accrued benefit, or, if greater, an annual amount equal to 35%
of such person's  average compensation  determined under the  Pension Plan.  The
supplement ceases when the regular pension commences at age 60 or upon the death
of the retiree.
     Federal law limits both the amount of compensation that is eligible for the
calculation  of  benefits  and  the amount  of  benefits  derived  from employer
contributions that may be paid to

participants under  the Pension  Plan.  However, as  permitted by  the  Employee
Retirement  Income Security Act  of 1974, as amended  ('ERISA'), the Company has
adopted the Time Warner Excess Benefit  Pension Plan (the 'Excess Plan'),  which
provides  for payments by the Company of  certain amounts which employees of the
Company would have received under the Pension Plan if eligible compensation were
limited to $250,000 in 1994 (increased 5%  per year thereafter, to a maximum  of
$350,000)  and there  were no payment  restrictions. For purposes  of the Excess
Plan, the  $200,000  limit  (as  indexed  for  years  after  1989)  on  eligible
compensation  will only apply to compensation received in 1988 through 1993; the
$250,000 limit (as  adjusted) will apply  to compensation received  in 1994  and
     The  following  table  shows  the  estimated  annual  pension  payable upon
retirement  to  employees   in  specified   remuneration  and   years-of-service
classifications. The amounts shown in the table do not reflect the effect of the
previously-described (i) Social Security Offset, (ii) Profit Sharing Plan Offset
or  (iii)  early  retirement supplements.  The  amount of  the  estimated annual
pension is based  upon a pension  formula which applies  to all participants  in
both  the Pension Plan and  the Excess Plan. The  estimated amounts are based on
the assumption that payments  under the Pension Plan  will commence upon  normal
retirement  (generally age 65)  or early retirement, that  the Pension Plan will
continue in force in  its present form  and that no  joint and survivor  annuity
will  be  payable (which  would on  an  actuarial basis  reduce benefits  to the
employee but provide  benefits to a  surviving beneficiary). Amounts  calculated
under  the pension  formula which  exceed ERISA  limits will  be paid  under the
Excess Plan from the Company's assets and  are included in the amounts shown  in
the following table.

                                                         ESTIMATED ANNUAL PENSION FOR
HIGHEST CONSECUTIVE                                       YEARS OF CREDITED SERVICE
FIVE YEAR AVERAGE                    --------------------------------------------------------------------
COMPENSATION                            10          15          20          25          30          35
- ----------------------------------   --------    --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
$100,000..........................   $ 16,667    $ 25,000    $ 33,334    $ 41,668    $ 50,001    $ 52,501
 200,000..........................     33,334      50,001      66,668      83,335     100,002     105,002
 400,000..........................     66,668     100,002     133,336     166,670     200,004     210,004
 600,000..........................    100,002     150,003     200,004     250,005     300,006     315,006
 800,000..........................    133,336     200,004     266,672     333,340     400,008     420,008

     The  amount  of  covered  compensation  that  would  be  considered  in the
determination  of  the  highest  five  consecutive  full  or  partial  years  of
compensation  under the  Pension Plan  and the Excess  Plan for  each of Messrs.
Levin, Turner,  Parsons,  Haje, and  Bressler  is limited  as  a result  of  the
imposition  of  the  limitations  on  eligible  compensation.  However,  because
combined payments under the Pension  Plan and the Excess  Plan are based on  the
average  of the highest  five consecutive full or  partial years of compensation
(taking into account the compensation limits only for 1988 and thereafter),  the
compensation  used for determining benefits under  such Plans for Mr. Levin (and
employees who  participated in  the Pension  Plan prior  to 1988)  will  include
eligible  compensation in years  prior to 1988 which  exceeded these limits. The
estimated annual benefits payable under the Pension Plan and the Excess Plan, as
of February 1, 1997, would be based on average compensation of $729,248 for  Mr.
Levin; $250,565 for Mr. Turner; $269,000 for Mr. Parsons; $250,565 for Mr. Haje;
and  $250,565  for Mr.  Bressler,  with 24.8,  .4, 2.0,  6.4,  and 8.2  years of
credited  service,  respectively.  In  addition,  pursuant  to  his   employment
agreement,  Mr. Parsons will  be entitled to  receive supplemental payments from
the Company that will achieve a total retirement benefit equal to what he  would
have  received if  he had  five additional years  of credited  service under the
Pension Plan.
     The chart below compares  the Company's Common  Stock performance with  the
performance  of the Standard & Poor's 500  Composite Stock Price Index ('S&P 500
Index') and a Peer Group Index by  measuring the changes in common stock  prices
from December 31, 1991 plus reinvested

dividends  and  distributions.  Pursuant to  the  SEC's rules,  the  Company has
created a peer group index with which to compare its own stock performance since
a published industry or line-of-business index  does not exist. The Company  has
attempted  to select a grouping of companies that includes companies in lines of
business similar to its own. Because of the Company's involvement in a broad mix
of several major media and entertainment  businesses and the fact that no  other
public  companies  are engaged  in all  of these  businesses, no  grouping could
closely mirror the Company's businesses or weight those businesses to match  the
relative  contributions of each of the Company's business units to the Company's
performance. All of the companies included in the Company's Peer Group Index are
engaged in only some of the businesses in which the Company is engaged and  some
are  also engaged in businesses  in which the Company  does not participate. The
common stocks of the  following companies have been  included in the Peer  Group
Index:  Cablevision Systems Corporation,  Comcast Corporation, McGraw-Hill Inc.,
Meredith Corporation, The News  Corporation Limited, Tele-Communications,  Inc.,
Viacom  Inc. and The Walt Disney Company. Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. and CBS Inc.,
which were previously  included in the  Peer Group, have  been removed from  the
Peer  Group Index because of  their acquisitions in early  1996 and late 1995 by
The Walt Disney Company and Westinghouse Electric Corporation, respectively. The
chart assumes $100 was invested  on December 31, 1991  in each of the  Company's
Common  Stock,  the  S&P  500  Index  and  the  Peer  Group  Index  and reflects
reinvestment of dividends and distributions on a monthly basis and annual market
capitalization weighting.

                           [PERFORMANCE GRAPH]


  VALUE AT       TIME WARNER      PEER GROUP      S&P 500
- ------------     ------------     ----------     ---------
1991....             $100            $100           $100
1992....              135             138            108
1993....              206             165            118
1994....              165             150            120
1995....              180             188            165
1996....              179             182            203

     During 1996, the Company  and its subsidiaries  engaged in transactions  in
the  ordinary course of  business, on normal commercial  terms, with The Seagram
Company Ltd., the beneficial owner of more than five percent of the voting power
of the Company's outstanding common stock,

and ITOCHU Corporation and  Toshiba Corporation, the  beneficial owners of  more
than five percent of the voting power of separate series of the Voting Preferred
Stock.  The  amounts involved  in  such transactions  were  not material  to the
Company or any of such companies. Mr. Haje, an executive officer of the Company,
agreed to an order entered  on September 27, 1993 by  the U.S. Office of  Thrift
Supervision  that,  for a  period of  five years,  suspends him  from practicing
before the OTS and requires him not  to engage in the legal representation of  a
federally insured depository institution. Mr. Haje also agreed, for such period,
not  to participate in any unsafe or unsound banking practices or the submission
of any materially misleading statements  to any federal banking authority.  Such
order relates to events that occurred while Mr. Haje was a partner in a law firm
that  represented  a  federally  insured depository  institution,  prior  to his
employment by the Company, and places no limits on his services for the Company.
During 1996, the Company provided approximately $80,000 of personal benefits  to
Mr. Munro, a director of and an advisor to the Company.
                               CERTAIN LITIGATION
     On  October 30, 1995, two complaints were filed in the Court of Chancery of
the State of Delaware in and  for New Castle County ('Delaware Chancery  Court')
against  the Company, certain  officers and directors of  the Company, and other
defendants, by stockholders of the  Company, purportedly derivatively on  behalf
of  the  Company.  The  two  complaints  allege,  among  other  things,  that in
connection with the then proposed TBS Merger, some or all of the defendants have
violated fiduciary duties  owed to the  Company and its  stockholders by,  among
other  things,  (i)  seeking  to entrench  themselves  in  board  and management
positions and  to eliminate  the threat  of a  hostile takeover,  (ii)  securing
economic   benefits   for   themselves  or   conferring   special   benefits  on
Tele-Communications, Inc. ('TCI')  and others  at the expense  of the  Company's
public  stockholders, and (iii)  structuring the TBS  Merger so as  to place the
Company's chief executive officer in a  position which allegedly will involve  a
conflict  between  the interests  of  TCI and  the  Company. Among  other relief
demanded, both complaints  seek an  injunction against consummation  of the  TBS
Merger  and  an order  directing  the individual  defendants  to account  to the
Company for their alleged profits  and plaintiffs' alleged damages. On  November
22, 1995, the Company and the other defendants moved to dismiss the complaint in
one  of these actions on the ground that the plaintiff had failed to comply with
Delaware Chancery Court Rule 23.1. There  has been no further activity in  these
     On  March 12, 1996,  a complaint was  filed in the  Delaware Chancery Court
against the directors and  certain officers of the  Company by a stockholder  of
the  Company, purportedly derivatively  on behalf of  the Company. The complaint
alleges, among other things,  that some or all  of the defendants have  breached
fiduciary  duties owed to the Company and  its stockholders in furtherance of an
entrenchment scheme by, among other things,  (i) forcing the resignations of  or
firing  certain directors and  officers of the  Company, (ii) conferring special
benefits upon TCI,  R.E. Turner and  Michael Milken in  connection with the  TBS
Merger, and (iii) certain matters relating to a dispute with U S WEST, Inc. that
has since been successfully litigated by the Company. The complaint seeks, among
other  things,  (i) an  injunction against  consummation of  the TBS  Merger and
certain related arrangements,  (ii) an  injunction against any  settlement of  a
litigation  between the  Company and  U S WEST,  Inc. (in  which U  S WEST, Inc.
sought to enjoin the transaction with TBS and other relief), (iii) a declaratory
judgment that defendants breached their fiduciary duties to the Company and  its
stockholders,  and (iv)  unspecified damages. On  April 8,  1996, the defendants
moved to  dismiss  the complaint  in  this action.  There  has been  no  further
activity in this action.

     Fifteen actions against TBS, the Company, certain officers and directors of
TBS   or  Time  Warner  Entertainment   Company,  L.P.,  and  other  defendants,
purportedly on behalf of a class  of TBS shareholders, filed in Superior  Court,
Fulton County, Georgia in connection with the TBS Merger have been consolidated.
On  February  29,  1996,  plaintiffs  filed  their  third  amended  consolidated
supplemental  and  derivative  class   action  complaint  (the  'Third   Amended
Complaint').  The Third  Amended Complaint,  which included  a derivative claim,
alleged, among other things, that the terms of the TBS Merger were unfair to TBS
shareholders and  that the  defendants had  breached or  aided and  abetted  the
breach of fiduciary common law and statutory duties owned to TBS shareholders by
(a)  conferring benefits  on controlling  shareholders at  the expense  of other
shareholders, (b) committing corporate waste and (c) taking actions to  entrench
TBS  board  members.  The  Third  Amended  Complaint  further  alleged  that the
defendants acted fraudulently in negotiating and approving the TBS Merger,  that
the  approval  of  the  TBS  Merger  by the  TBS  Board  of  Directors  had been
fraudulently obtained, and  that the  vote of the  TBS Board  approving the  TBS
Merger did not comply with the TBS Articles of Incorporation and By-laws or with
Georgia  law. Among  other relief demanded,  the Third  Amended Complaint sought
damages, an injunction against  the consummation of the  TBS Merger and  related
transactions,  and an auction of TBS. On April 1, 1996, defendants filed motions
for judgment  on the  pleadings on  all  claims asserted  in the  Third  Amended
Complaint.  On June 17,  1996, the court transformed  the defendants' motion for
judgment on the pleadings into a motion for summary judgment with respect to two
of the plaintiffs' claims  and denied the plaintiffs'  request for discovery  on
those claims. On September 13, 1996, plaintiffs filed a motion for a preliminary
injunction  (and related relief) seeking, among other things, an order enjoining
consummation of the TBS Merger. Their motion  was denied on October 3, 1996.  On
September  19, 1996, plaintiffs sought leave to file a fourth amended complaint.
On December 20, 1996, the Court  granted defendants' motion for judgment on  the
pleadings  with respect to certain of the  claims in the Third Amended Complaint
and also  granted  plaintiffs'  motion  for  leave  to  file  a  fourth  amended
complaint.  On January 16, 1997, plaintiffs  filed a fourth amended class action
complaint containing allegations and requesting relief substantially similar  in
substance  to the Third Amended Complaint.
     The Company intends to continue to defend vigorously these actions.
     The  Board  of  Directors  has  unanimously  approved  and  recommends   to
stockholders  that they consider  and approve a proposal  to amend the Company's
Restated Certificate of Incorporation to  eliminate the current division of  the
Board  of Directors into three  classes, with one class  elected each year for a
three-year term, and to  provide instead for the  annual election of the  entire
Board  of Directors commencing  in 1998. If the  proposed amendment is approved,
Section 4 of Article VI of  the Company's Restated Certificate of  Incorporation
would  be deleted  and Sections  1 and  3 thereof  would be  amended to  read as
          'SECTION 1. Except as otherwise fixed by or pursuant to the provisions
     of Article IV of this Certificate  of Incorporation relating to the  rights
     of  the holders of any series of  Preferred Stock or Series Common Stock or
     any class or series of stock having  a preference over the Common Stock  as
     to  dividends  or upon  liquidation,  the number  of  the directors  of the
     Corporation shall be fixed from time to time by or pursuant to the  By-laws
     of  the Corporation. The directors, other than  those who may be elected by
     the holders of any series of Preferred Stock or Series Common Stock or  any
     class  or series of stock  having a preference over  the Common Stock as to
     dividends or upon liquidation pursuant to the terms of this Certificate  of
     Incorporation  or any resolution or resolutions  providing for the issue of
     such class or series of stock adopted by  the  Board  of  Directors,  shall
     be  elected  by  the stockholders   entitled  to  vote

     thereon at each  annual meeting  of   stockholders and  shall  hold  office
     until the  next  annual  meeting  of   stockholders and until each of their
     successors  shall  have been elected and  qualified.  The term of office of
     each director in office at the time this    Section 1 of Article VI becomes
     effective shall expire at the next  annual meeting  of  stockholders   held
     after   the  time  this  Section  1 of Article VI  becomes  effective.  The
     election  of  directors  need not be by written ballot. No decrease in  the
     number of directors constituting the Board of  Directors  shall shorten the
     term of any incumbent director.
          'SECTION  3. Except as otherwise provided  for or fixed by or pursuant
     to the  provisions  of Article  IV  of this  Certificate  of  Incorporation
     relating  to the rights of the holders  of any series of Preferred Stock or
     Series Common Stock  or any class  or series of  stock having a  preference
     over  the Common Stock  as to dividends or  upon liquidation, newly created
     directorships resulting from any increase in the number of directors may be
     filled by the Board of Directors, or as otherwise provided in the  By-laws,
     and  any  vacancies  on  the  Board  of  Directors  resulting  from  death,
     resignation, removal or other cause shall only be filled by the affirmative
     vote of a majority of the  remaining directors then in office, even  though
     less  than  a quorum  of the  Board of  Directors, or  by a  sole remaining
     director, or as otherwise provided in the By-laws. Any director elected  in
     accordance  with the preceding sentence of this Section 3 shall hold office
     until the next  annual meeting  of stockholders and  until such  director's
     successor shall have been elected and qualified.'
     Since  the Company's  original incorporation  in the  State of  Delaware in
1983, its Certificate of Incorporation  has provided, as specifically  permitted
by  Delaware law and the rules of the New York Stock Exchange, that the Board of
Directors would be divided into three classes, with one class elected each  year
for  a  three-year  term. The  Company,  like  many companies,  believed  that a
'classified' Board  of  Directors  provided  continuity  and  stability  in  the
membership  of the  Board of  Directors and in  the policies  established by the
Board and  ensured  that new  Directors  would  have an  opportunity  to  become
familiar  with the  Company's business  and benefit  from the  experience of the
continuing Directors. The provision  was designed to  help assure continuity  of
Company  policies and make management changes more gradual. It was also designed
to ensure that any person seeking to  acquire control of the Company would  seek
approval  of the  Board of  Directors rather  than proceeding  unilaterally. The
Company also recognized that  a classified Board  of Directors could  strengthen
its  position  in  negotiating  with, or  otherwise  responding  to,  any person
attempting a  proxy fight  or other  change-of-control transaction  and  thereby
might  enable the Company  to improve the terms  of any proposal  made by such a
     In recent years, the Board of  Directors has initiated a number of  reforms
in  its governance procedures. The Board has  reduced its size while bringing on
strong  new  members  and  reducing  the  number  of  Affiliated  Directors.   A
requirement  that a majority of the Board  be independent directors and a policy
of appointing  only  Unaffiliated  Directors  to  the  Audit,  Compensation  and
Nominating  and  Governance  Committees  were  adopted.  A  retirement  age  for
directors has been implemented. The Company adopted a confidential voting policy
and replaced its directors'  retirement plan with a  stock option plan. In  line
with  these changes, the Board of Directors determined that the classified Board
has served the Company well but is no longer desirable and that the benefits  of
continuity,  stability and  experience, while  to some  degree protected  by the
staggered election of  directors, do not  depend on it  alone. Accordingly,  the
Board  has come to believe that stockholders should have the opportunity to vote
on the entire Board of Directors each year to be able to register their views on
the performance of the  Board collectively and  each director individually.  The
Board  of Directors has, therefore, unanimously approved the advisability of the
proposed amendment to the Restated  Certificate of Incorporation to provide  for
the annual  election of all directors  and is submitting it  to the stockholders
for approval at the Annual Meeting.


     The affirmative vote,  in person  or by  proxy, of  the holders  of 80%  in
voting  power of all outstanding shares of Common Stock, Series LMCN-V Stock and
Voting Preferred  Stock, voting  together  as a  single  class, is  required  to
approve the Charter Amendment Proposal.
     The Time Warner 1997 Stock Option  Plan (the '1997 Option Plan')  providing
for  the granting of  stock options to  purchase shares of  Common Stock and the
granting of related stock  appreciation rights to employees  of the Company  and
its  subsidiaries is  proposed to be  approved by stockholders.  The 1997 Option
Plan is intended to be  used primarily to grant  stock options to the  executive
officers  of the Company.  Approval of the  1997 Option Plan  by stockholders is
needed  to  preserve  the  Company's  tax  deduction  for  the  ordinary  income
recognized  by executive  officers upon  exercise of  nonqualified stock options
granted under the 1997 Option Plan in light of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
Act of 1993 (the 'Act').
     In general, the  Act denies  a publicly  held corporation  a deduction  for
Federal  income tax purposes for  compensation in excess of  $1 million per year
paid  to  its  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  the  four  other  officers  whose
compensation  is disclosed  in its  annual proxy  statement, subject  to certain
exceptions. The  1997 Option  Plan is  intended to  qualify under  one of  these
exceptions  under the Act which, in substance, require that the plan be approved
by the corporation's  stockholders, that  it contain a  limit on  the number  of
options  that may be  granted to any one  person and that  the exercise price of
options granted under the  plan be not  less than the fair  market value of  the
underlying stock on the date of grant.
     The  Company believes that the  stock options to be  granted under the 1997
Option Plan are an important part of the compensation of the Company's executive
officers and provide long-term rewards that coincide with long-term stock  price
appreciation recognizable by the Company's stockholders. If the 1997 Option Plan
is  not  approved  by the  stockholders,  the  Board of  Directors  may consider
replacing stock options with other forms of compensation. The Board of Directors
approved the 1997 Option Plan  on March 20, 1997.  The following summary of  the
1997  Option  Plan  does not  purport  to be  complete  and is  subject  to, and
qualified in its entirety by reference to, the text of the 1997 Option Plan  set
forth as Annex A to this Proxy Statement.
     The  1997 Option Plan  provides for the granting  of options ('Options') to
purchase a maximum of 6,250,000 shares (approximately 1%  of  the  Common  Stock
outstanding)  of   the  Company's    Common   Stock   and   stock   appreciation
rights  ('SARs') in  connection therewith  (collectively, 'Awards'). The Company
believes that this number will be adequate for its needs for a five-year  period
for  Option  awards to  its executive  officers  and it  does not  expect, under
current conditions, to request approval of any other stock option plan for  such
officers  prior to 2001. The shares of Common Stock issued under the 1997 Option
Plan may  be either  authorized and  unissued shares  or issued  shares held  in
treasury,  or both.  During 1996,  the Company  repurchased in  the open market,
approximately 11.4 million shares of Common Stock. The Company will reserve  the
number   of  shares   necessary  to  satisfy   the  maximum   number  of  shares
that may be issued under the 1997  Option Plan. The Common Stock underlying  any
Option  that expires,  terminates or  is canceled  for any  reason without being
exercised (or without  being deemed exercised  upon exercise of  a related  SAR)
will again become available for Awards under the 1997 Option Plan. Cash 


payments  received  by  the  Company upon  the exercise of Options  will be used
for general corporate purposes.
     The Board of Directors has initially delegated authority to administer  the
1997 Option Plan to its Compensation Committee (the 'Committee'). Members of the
Committee  will be 'non-employee directors' within the meaning of SEC Rule 16b-3
and 'outside directors' within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code.
     The Company  intends to  make Awards  under the  1997 Option  Plan only  to
officers subject to the restrictions of Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended (the 'Exchange Act'), although the 1997 Option Plan will
permit Awards to other employees of the Company and its subsidiaries. Awards may
be  made  to  officers  whether  or not  they  participate  or  are  entitled to
participate in any other option, restricted stock or other compensation plan  of
the Company. The maximum number of shares that may be awarded to any one person,
whether  in the form of  Options or SARs, is  2,500,000. The exercise of Options
and SARs granted to a prospective employee will be conditioned upon such  person
becoming an employee of the Company or one of its subsidiaries.
     Except  as expressly provided  by the 1997 Option  Plan, the Committee will
have the plenary authority,  in its discretion, to  grant Awards under the  Plan
and  to determine the terms and conditions (which need not be identical) of such
Awards, including without limitation, (a) the officers to whom, and the time  or
times  at which, Awards will be granted, (b) the number of Awards to be granted,
(c) whether an Option will be an  incentive stock option, within the meaning  of
Section 422A of the Code ('ISO') or a nonqualified stock option ('NSO'), (d) the
exercise price of any such Award, (e) when an Option or SAR can be exercised and
whether  in whole or in installments, and  (f) the form, terms and provisions of
any  agreement  in  which  Awards  of  Options  or  SARs  are  made  (an  'Award
Agreement'). No 'reload' or repricing feature is available under the 1997 Option
     Purchase Price. Subject to  the limitations set  forth below, the  purchase
price  of the shares of Common Stock covered by each Option and the appreciation
bases of any related  SARs will be  determined by the Committee  on the date  of
grant.  The purchase price of the shares  of Common Stock covered by each Option
will not be less than the fair market  value of the Common Stock on the date  of
grant  of such Option. In addition, an ISO  may not be granted to any person who
owns stock possessing more than  10% of the total  combined voting power of  all
classes  of stock of the  Company unless the purchase price  is at least 110% of
the fair market value of the Common Stock at the time the ISO is granted and the
ISO is not exercisable after  the expiration of five years  from the date it  is
     The  Company does not intend  to grant any General  SARs (as defined below)
while the financial reporting consequences of granting General SARs differ  from
the  consequences  associated  with Options.  If  any  SARs are  granted,  it is
anticipated that  their appreciation  bases will  be the  same as  the  exercise
prices  of the  related Options; however,  the Committee may  provide for higher
appreciation bases.
     Term and Exercise. The duration of each Option (including any related  SAR)
will  be for a period of up to ten years as the Committee determines at the time
of grant and may be exercised  in whole or in part at  any time or only after  a
period of time or in installments, as determined by the   Committee at the  time
of grant,  or  by  the  Committee's  subsequent acceleration. Under the terms of
the  1997 Option Plan, Options and SARs become immediately  exercisable  in full
if the optionee's employment  terminates by reason of death or total disability.


     The Committee will  establish Option  exercise procedures.  Payment may  be
made  in cash  or, unless  otherwise determined by  the Committee,  in shares of
Common Stock already  owned by  the optionee  or partly  in cash  and partly  in
Common Stock.
     Options  (including any related SARs) may be exercised after termination of
employment only  to  the  extent  provided in  the  Award  Agreement;  provided,
however,  that  (i)  if  employment  terminates  by  reason  of  death  or total
disability, Options (including any related  SARs) will remain exercisable for  a
period  of at  least one  year after  such termination  (but not  later than the
scheduled expiration  of such  Options) and  (ii) if  employment terminates  for
cause,  then  all  such  Options (including  any  related  SARs)  will terminate
immediately. Notwithstanding any other  provision of the  1997 Option Plan,  the
Committee  may provide at the time of the  grant of an Award that it will become
and/or remain  exercisable, at  rates and  at times  at variance  with the  1997
Option  Plan's  rules, but  only  if reflected  in  the terms  of  an employment
agreement approved or ratified by the Board of Directors or the Committee.
     SARs. Under the 1997 Option Plan,  SARs may be granted simultaneously  with
the  grant  of a  related Option  or at  any  later time  prior to  its complete
exercise, termination, expiration  or cancellation.  An officer  may be  granted
General  SARs ('General SARs'),  Limited SARs ('Limited  SARs') or both. General
SARs permit  the  holder to  receive  an amount  (in  cash, Common  Stock  or  a
combination  of both, as requested by the  holder) equal to the number of shares
of Common Stock with respect to which such SARs are exercised, multiplied by the
excess of the fair market  value of the Common Stock  on the exercise date  over
the  related SAR appreciation  base. General SARs  may be exercised  only to the
extent the  related Option  is  exercisable. Unless  otherwise provided  in  the
applicable  Award agreement, the  number of General SARs  which may be exercised
for cash, or partly for cash and  partly for shares of Common Stock, during  any
calendar quarter may not exceed 20% of the aggregate number of shares subject to
such related Option.
     Limited SARs are similar to General SARs, except that they may be exercised
only  during  a  prescribed  period  following the  occurrence  of  one  or more
'change-of-control' transactions described below.  Upon the exercise of  Limited
SARs  granted  in connection  with an  ISO, unless  otherwise determined  by the
Committee at the time of grant, the holder will receive in cash an amount  equal
to the number of Limited SARs exercised multiplied by the excess of (i) the fair
market value of the Common Stock  on  the  date of  exercise  over  (ii) the SAR
appreciation base. Upon the exercise of Limited SARs granted in connection  with
an  NSO, unless otherwise determined by the  Committee at the time of grant, the
holder will receive  in  cash  an  amount  equal  to  the number of Limited SARs
exercised  multiplied  by the excess of (a) the highest per share price  paid or
to   be   paid  in  connection   with   certain  change-of-control  transactions
which  occur  at  any time during the 60-day period  preceding the  exercise  of
such Limited SARs, or, if higher, the highest reported closing  sales  price  of
a  share  of  Common  Stock on the New York Stock Exchange  Composite Listing at
any  time  during  such  60-day period, over (b) the SAR appreciation base.
     The exercise of  any Options will  cause a corresponding  reduction in  the
number  of shares of Common Stock remaining subject to the related SARs, and the
exercise of  any SARs  will cause  a corresponding  reduction in  the number  of
shares  remaining subject to the related  Options, in either case, maintaining a
balance between outstanding Options and SARs. Any such reduction will reduce the
number of shares available for future Awards under the 1997 Option Plan.
     Transferability. To the  extent permitted by  the Award Agreement,  Options
and SARs will be transferable by gift to members of a holder's immediate family.
Options  and SARs will  also be transferable  to a designated  beneficiary or by
will or the laws of descent and distribution upon the death of the holder.

     Unless otherwise provided in the Award Agreement, each Award will vest upon
the occurrence of any of  the following change-of-control transactions: (i)  the
Board  of Directors  (or stockholders if  required) approves  a consolidation or
merger in which the Company is not the surviving corporation, the sale of all or
substantially  all  of  the  assets  of  the  Company,  or  the  liquidation  or
dissolution  of the  Company, (ii)  any person or  other entity  (other than the
Company or any Company-sponsored employee benefit plan) purchases any shares  of
Common  Stock  (or securities  convertible  or exchangeable  into  Common Stock)
pursuant to a tender or exchange offer without the prior consent of the Board of
Directors, or  becomes  the  beneficial  owner  of  securities  of  the  Company
representing  20%  or more  of  the voting  power  of the  Company's outstanding
securities, or  (iii)  during  any  two-year  period,  individuals  who  at  the
beginning  of  such period  constitute the  entire Board  of Directors  cease to
constitute a majority of the Board,  unless the election, or the nomination  for
election,  of  each new  director  is approved  by  at least  two-thirds  of the
directors then  still in  office who  were  directors at  the beginning  of  the
     Under  Section 4999  of the  Code, an  optionee may  be required  to pay an
excise tax on certain cash or  stock received in connection with the  optionee's
termination of employment following any such change-of-control transaction, and,
under  Section 280G of the Code, the Company  may not be entitled to a deduction
for Federal income tax  purposes for certain  of such cash or  stock paid to  an
optionee.  However,  the 1997  Option Plan  provides  that Award  Agreements may
contain provisions relating to  the applicability of  the penalty provisions  of
Section 4999 of the Code to any such cash or stock received by an optionee.
     Changes  in Capitalization. In the event  of a stock split, stock dividend,
recapitalization, merger,  consolidation  or  other  similar  transaction  which
affects  the character or amount of the  outstanding shares of Common Stock, the
Committee will equitably adjust the purchase price of each Award and the  number
of  shares subject to each such Award, and the number of shares for which Awards
may be granted under the 1997 Option Plan will be appropriately adjusted.
     Other. The obligations of the Company with respect to Awards granted  under
the  1997  Option Plan  are  subject to  all  applicable laws.  Unless otherwise
provided by the Committee, the payment of withholding taxes due in respect of an
Award under the 1997 Option Plan may be made with shares of Common Stock.
     No Awards may be granted under the  1997 Option Plan on or after the  fifth
anniversary  of the date of approval of the 1997 Option Plan by the stockholders
of the Company. The Board  of Directors may terminate  or amend the 1997  Option
Plan  at any  time, provided that  the Board  of Directors must  comply with all
applicable laws, applicable stock  exchange listing requirements and  applicable
requirements  for the 1997  Option Plan to qualify  as 'performance based' under
the Act and Section  162(m) of the  Code. Termination or  amendment of the  1997
Option  Plan or any outstanding Award may not adversely affect the rights of any
holder without his or her consent.
     No Awards have been made under the  1997 Option Plan. As stated above,  any
Awards  under the 1997  Option Plan will  be determined by  the Committee in its
discretion. It is, therefore,  not possible to predict  the Awards that will  be
made  to particular officers  in the future  under the 1997  Option Plan, except
that, if the 1997 Option Plan is  approved by stockholders, it is expected  that
Mr.  Turner will receive Awards under the 1997 Option Plan pursuant the terms of
his employment agreement. See  'Employment Arrangements.' Stock options  awarded
to the named

executive  officers in  1996 under  the Company's  existing plans  are set forth
under 'Stock Option Grants During 1996.' In addition, nonqualified stock options
covering an aggregate  of 77,500 shares  of Common Stock  were awarded to  three
other executive officers during 1996.
     On  March 26, 1997, the closing sale price of the Common Stock, as reported
on the New York Stock Exchange Composite Listing, was $44.25 per share.
     The following summary  generally describes the  principal Federal (and  not
state and local) income tax consequences of Awards granted under the 1997 Option
Plan.  It is general in nature and is not intended to cover all tax consequences
that may apply to a particular officer or to the Company. The provisions of  the
Code  and the regulations  thereunder relating to  these matters are complicated
and their impact in any one case may depend upon the particular circumstances.
     If an Option is  granted in accordance  with the terms  of the 1997  Option
Plan,  no income  will be recognized  by the  recipient thereof at  the time the
Option is granted.
     On exercise of an  NSO, the amount  by which the fair  market value of  the
shares  of Common Stock  on the date  of exercise exceeds  the purchase price of
such shares will generally  be taxable to the  optionee as ordinary income,  and
will  be deductible  for tax purposes  by the Company  in the year  in which the
optionee recognized the ordinary income. The disposition of shares acquired upon
exercise of an  NSO will ordinarily  result in long-term  or short-term  capital
gain  or loss (depending on the applicable holding period) in an amount equal to
the difference between the  amount realized on such  disposition and the sum  of
the  purchase price and  the amount of ordinary  income recognized in connection
with the exercise of the NSO.
     On exercise of an ISO, an optionee will generally not recognize any  income
and  the Company will generally not be entitled to a deduction for tax purposes.
However, the difference between the exercise price and the fair market value  of
the  shares  received on  the date  of exercise  will be  treated as  a positive
adjustment in determining alternative minimum taxable income, which may  subject
the  optionee to the alternative minimum tax. The disposition of shares acquired
upon exercise  of an  ISO  will ordinarily  result  in long-term  or  short-term
capital  gain or loss (depending on  the applicable holding period). However, if
the optionee disposes  of shares  acquired upon exercise  of an  ISO within  two
years  after the date of grant or within  one year after the date of exercise (a
'disqualifying disposition'),  the optionee  will generally  recognize  ordinary
income,  and  the Company  will generally  be  entitled to  a deduction  for tax
purposes in the amount of the excess of  the fair market value of the shares  of
Common Stock on the date the ISO is so exercised over the purchase price (or, in
certain  circumstances, the  gain on  sale, if less).  Any excess  of the amount
realized by the optionee on the  disqualifying disposition over the fair  market
value  of  the  shares  on the  date  of  exercise of  the  ISO  will ordinarily
constitute capital gain.
     If an Option is exercised through the use of Common Stock previously  owned
by  the  optionee, such  exercise  generally will  not  be considered  a taxable
disposition of the  previously owned shares  and thus  no gain or  loss will  be
recognized  with  respect to  such shares  upon such  exercise. However,  if the
previously owned shares were acquired  on the exercise of  an ISO or other  tax-
qualified  stock option and the holding  period requirement for those shares was
not satisfied at  the time  they were  used to  exercise an  Option intended  to
qualify as an ISO, such use would constitute a disqualifying disposition of such
previously  owned shares resulting  in the recognition  of ordinary income (but,
under proposed Treasury  Regulations, not  any additional capital  gain) in  the
amount described above. If an otherwise qualifying ISO becomes first exercisable
in  any one  year for shares  having a value  in excess of  $100,000 (grant date
value), the portion  of the  Option in  respect of  such excess  shares will  be
treated as an NSO.

     The  amount of  any cash  (or the  fair market  value of  any Common Stock)
received upon the exercise of SARs under the 1997 Option Plan will be includible
in the  optionee's  ordinary  income and  the  Company  will be  entitled  to  a
deduction for such amount.
     The  affirmative vote  of a  majority of  the votes  cast on  the proposal,
either in  person  or by  proxy,  by the  holders  of Common  Stock  and  Voting
Preferred  Stock entitled to  vote at the  Annual Meeting, voting  together as a
single class, is required to approve the 1997 Option Plan.
     The  Board  of Directors  has appointed  Ernst &  Young LLP  as independent
auditors of the Company to audit its consolidated financial statements for  1997
and  has determined that it would be  desirable to request that the stockholders
approve such appointment.
     Ernst  &  Young  LLP  has  served  the  Company  and  its  subsidiaries  as
independent  auditors for many years. Representatives  of Ernst & Young LLP will
be present at the  Annual Meeting with  the opportunity to  make a statement  if
they desire to do so and to respond to appropriate questions from stockholders.
     Stockholder  approval is not required for  the appointment of Ernst & Young
LLP, since the Board of Directors has the responsibility for selecting auditors.
However, the appointment is being submitted for approval at the Annual  Meeting.
No  determination has been made  as to what action  the Board of Directors would
take if stockholders do not approve the appointment.
                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL
     The Ancilla Domini Sisters, Donaldson, Indiana 46513, beneficial owners  of
1,000  shares of Common  Stock, joined by nine  other organizations whose names,
addresses and stockholdings will be provided  by the Company upon request,  have
advised  the Company  that they  intend to  propose a  resolution at  the Annual
Meeting. The proposed resolution and statement in support thereof are set  forth
     WHEREAS  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency,  in  the  finding  of  its
three-year study on dioxins, declared that dioxins probably cause cancer and are
linked to  numerous  other health  disorders,  including hormone  disorders  and
dysfunctions  in immune systems. This threat to human health and the environment
has been recognized by a number of international conventions;
     WHEREAS exposure to  dioxin poses  a risk of  getting cancer  between 1  in
1,000  and 1  in 10,000,  which is  at least  100 times  greater than  the usual
acceptable risk level  of 1  in 1,000,000 EPA  uses for  regulating exposure  to
toxic substances;
     WHEREAS  dioxin is bio-accumulative which means it remains in the tissue of
living organisms that consume it. Contamination levels increase at every step of
the food chain;

     WHEREAS in October 1993, the American Public Health Association (APHA), the
nation's premier public health organization, stated in a public resolution  that
'virtually  all chlorinated organic compounds that  have been studied exhibit at
least  one  of  a  wide  range  of  serious  toxic  effects  such  as  endocrine
dysfunction,  developmental impairment, birth  defects, reproductive dysfunction
and infertility, immunosuppression and cancer, often at extremely low doses;'
     The September 12, 1996 New England Journal of Medicine reported results  of
a  study  indicating  lower  IQ  scores,  memory  and  attention  effects  still
significant  for   children   eleven   years  after   exposure   in   utero   to
     WHEREAS  production of chlorine-bleached paper is a major source of dioxin.
The use of  chlorine dioxide  instead of chlorine  bleach, the  process used  to
produce  most of the paper TIME now purchases, does not eliminate the production
of dioxins; incineration  merely turns  a water  pollution problem  into an  air
pollution  problem. A report released in May  1995 by the Center for the Biology
of Natural Systems at the  City University of New  York found that dioxins  from
waste incineration travel distances as far as 1,250 miles;
     WHEREAS   TIME,   the  largest   magazine  publisher,   is  such   a  large
private-sector user of  paper (800 tons  a week), that  the paper industry  will
adjust bleaching processes to fill TIME's demands;
     WHEREAS  in an editorial  which appeared in TIME  magazine in January 1992,
the magazine pledged to use alternative paper  as soon as it is practical to  do
     WHEREAS clean alternatives, such as oxygen, ozone and hydrogen peroxide are
currently  being used  around the world  to produce high  quality paper products
without adding dangerous poisons to the environments in which those products are
made; Totally chlorine-free mills are  currently at commercial scale, while  the
closed  loop bleaching for elemental chlorine-free mills is in earlier stages of
     RESOLVED: The shareholders request the Board of Directors to report on  its
plans  to convert  to the use  of alternative, totally  chlorine-free paper. The
report should be  available to all  shareholders within six  months of the  1997
annual meeting.
     The Company takes  its concern  about the environment  seriously. Its  Time
Inc.  publishing subsidiary  has been  a leader  within the  magazine publishing
industry in promoting environmentally sound practices in the paper manufacturing
industry. At the end of 1995, after almost three years of extensive research and
financial and personnel commitment by Time Inc., it along with three other major
corporations, Duke University  and the  Environmental Defense  Fund (the  'Paper
Task  Force') released their Paper Task Force Recommendations for Purchasing and
Using Environmentally Preferable Paper (the 'Task Force Report'). This  246-page
Report  is  intended to  provide  a road  map  on how  companies,  including the
Company, can minimize the  environmental impact of the  paper they buy and  use.
Rather than considering only a single or a few attributes of paper, for example,
how  it is bleached, the Paper Task  Force chose to examine the entire lifecycle
of paper, literally from the forest to the landfill. In so doing, the Task Force
Report provides  guidelines for  integrating environmental  criteria into  paper
purchasing.  These  guidelines  point  the way  to  improved  forest management,
cleaner manufacturing and  less waste  in landfills. A  copy of  the Task  Force
Report is available from the Company upon request.
     The  Task Force Report recommends that  paper purchasers give preference to
paper manufactured by  suppliers who demonstrate  continuous improvement  toward
'minimum  impact  mills'  by installing  pollution-prevention  technologies. The
Company, through its Time Inc. unit, has announced its commitment to promote  in
its paper purchases the Paper Task Force's concept of the 'minimum impact mill,'
a  holistic  manufacturing  concept  that  encompasses  environmental management
systems,  compliance  with  environmental  laws  and  regulations  and   process
technologies.   Moreover,  to  aid  in  implementing  the  Task  Force  Report's
recommendations, Time

Inc. has  already  undertaken rigorous  and  thorough environmental  reviews  of
several  of its major paper suppliers. These reviews are on-going. Environmental
considerations remain  an important  factor  in supplier  selection and  in  the
evaluation  of the Company's relationships with these suppliers. The preparation
of the report requested  by the proposal would  be redundant and wasteful  since
the  Company continues to  commit substantial time and  resources to the subject
matter of the proposal.
     As the Task Force Report  recommends, the Company integrates  environmental
criteria  into its paper purchasing decisions  along with other criteria such as
cost, availability and  functionality. Currently,  a substantial  amount of  the
paper purchased by the Company is elemental chlorine-free and a majority of this
paper  is bleached with oxygen,  which represents a key  step toward the minimum
impact mill. There are several ways to achieve the minimum impact mill in  terms
of  low-effluent bleaching  processes; a  totally chlorine-free  process is just
one. The Company is working  with its suppliers toward  the goal of the  minimum
impact  mill and is encouraging the development of technologies that it believes
will enable its suppliers  to achieve that  goal. In fact,  Time Inc. is  buying
some  paper that is bleached using a  variety of alternatives, such as ozone and
hydrogen peroxide. Other environmentally responsive methods, including  bleached
filtrate  recycling,  are  also  being tested.  Because  of  the  possibility of
developing technologies and new scientific breakthroughs, the Board of Directors
believes that the Company  should remain flexible in  its approach to its  paper
purchases  and is not  well served by setting  rigid deadlines and technological
goals as the proponents  seem to request. The  Board of Directors believes  that
the  Company, and the environment, would be better served by using the Company's
resources to  implement the  Task  Force Report's  recommendations than  in  the
creation of the requested report.
     The  affirmative vote  of a  majority of the  votes cast  on this proposal,
either in person or by  proxy, by holders of  Common Stock and Voting  Preferred
Stock  entitled to vote and  voting as a single class  is required to adopt such
     Section 16(a)  of the  Exchange  Act requires  the Company's  officers  and
directors,  and persons who own  more than ten percent  of a registered class of
the Company's equity  securities, to file  reports of ownership  and changes  in
ownership  with the SEC and the New York Stock Exchange. Officers, directors and
greater than ten-percent stockholders are required by SEC regulations to furnish
the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file. Based solely on  a
review  of  the  copies of  such  forms  furnished to  the  Company,  or written
representations that no Forms 5 were required, the Company believes that  during
1996,  its officers,  directors and  greater than  ten-percent beneficial owners
complied with  all  applicable Section  16(a)  filing requirements,  except  Mr.
Buttenwieser  inadvertently  failed  to  report, prior  to  the  termination and
distribution of the assets thereof,  his indirect beneficial interest in  Common
Stock  held in a trust of which he  was a co-trustee and an income and remainder
                            EXPENSES OF SOLICITATION
     All expenses  of this  solicitation, including  the cost  of preparing  and
mailing  this Proxy  Statement, will  be borne  by the  Company. In  addition to
solicitation by  use  of the  mails,  proxies  and voting  instructions  may  be
solicited  by directors, officers and  employees of the Company  in person or by
telephone, telegram or  other means of  communication. Such directors,  officers
and  employees will  not be additionally  compensated but may  be reimbursed for
reasonable out-of-pocket  expenses in  connection  with such  solicitation.  The
Company  has retained D.  F. King & Co.,  Inc. at an  estimated cost of $20,000,
plus  reimbursement   of   expenses,   to  assist   in   its   solicitation   of

proxies  from brokers, nominees, institutions and individuals. Arrangements will
also be  made with  custodians, nominees  and fiduciaries  for forwarding  proxy
solicitation  materials to  beneficial owners of  shares held of  record by such
custodians, nominees  and  fiduciaries,  and the  Company  will  reimburse  such
custodians,  nominees  and  fiduciaries  for  reasonable  expenses  incurred  in
connection therewith.
     Pursuant to Rule  14a-8 under  the Exchange Act,  stockholders may  present
proper  proposals  for  inclusion  in  the  Company's  proxy  statement  and for
consideration at the next annual meeting of its stockholders by submitting their
proposals to the Company in a timely manner. In order to be so included for  the
1998  Annual Meeting, stockholder  proposals must be received  by the Company no
later than December 1, 1997, and must otherwise comply with the requirements  of
Rule  14a-8.  In addition,  the Company's  By-laws  establish an  advance notice
procedure with regard  to certain matters,  including stockholder proposals  not
included  in  the Company's  proxy  statement, to  be  brought before  an annual
meeting of stockholders. In general, notice must be received by the Secretary of
the Company  not  less  than 70  days  nor  more  than 120  days  prior  to  the
anniversary  date of the  immediately preceding annual  meeting and must contain
specified information concerning the matters  to be brought before such  meeting
and concerning the stockholder proposing such matters. If the date of the annual
meeting  is more  than 30  days earlier  or more  than 60  days later  than such
anniversary date, notice must be received  not earlier than the 120th day  prior
to  such annual meeting and not later than the close of business on the later of
the 70th day prior to such annual meeting  or the 10th day following the day  on
which  public  announcement of  the date  of such  meeting is  first made.  If a
stockholder who has notified the Company of his intention to present a  proposal
at  an annual  meeting does  not appear  or send  a qualified  representative to
present his proposal at such meeting, the Company need not present the  proposal
for a vote at such meeting.
     All  notices of proposals by stockholders, whether or not to be included in
the Company's proxy materials, should be sent to the attention of the  Secretary
of the Company at 75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, New York 10019.
     The  Board of Directors does not know  of any other matters to be presented
at the Annual  Meeting. If any  additional matters are  properly presented,  the
persons named in the proxy will have discretion to vote in accordance with their
own judgment on such matters.
                                         BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS,
                                         GERALD M. LEVIN
                                         Chairman of the Board and
                                         Chief Executive Officer
March 28, 1997

                                                                         ANNEX A
                                  TIME WARNER
                             1997 STOCK OPTION PLAN
     The  purpose of  the Time  Warner 1997  Stock Option  Plan (hereinafter the
'Plan') is to provide for the  granting of stock options and stock  appreciation
rights to certain employees (principally executive officers) of Time Warner Inc.
and  its  Subsidiaries in  recognition of  the  valuable services  provided, and
contemplated to be provided, by such employees. The Plan is intended to preserve
the tax deduction of  Time Warner and its  Subsidiaries for the ordinary  income
recognized  by executive officers  of Time Warner  upon exercise of Nonqualified
Stock  Options  granted  under  the  Plan   in  light  of  the  Omnibus   Budget
Reconciliation  Act of 1993. The  general purpose of the  Plan is to promote the
interests of Time Warner and its stockholders and to reward dedicated  employees
of  Time Warner and its Subsidiaries  by providing them additional incentives to
continue and increase their efforts with respect to, and to remain in the employ
of, Time Warner or its Subsidiaries.
     The following  terms (whether  used in  the singular  or plural)  have  the
meanings indicated when used in the Plan:
          (a)  'Act' means  the Omnibus  Budget Reconciliation  Act of  1993, as
          (b)  'Agreement'   means  the   stock  option   agreement  and   stock
     appreciation  rights agreement  specified in Section  11, both individually
     and collectively, as the context so requires.
          (c) 'Approved Transaction'  means any transaction  in which the  Board
     (or,  if approval  of the  Board is not  required as  a matter  of law, the
     stockholders of Time Warner) shall approve (i) any consolidation or  merger
     of  Time Warner  in which  Time Warner is  not the  continuing or surviving
     corporation or pursuant to which shares of Common Stock would be  converted
     into cash, securities or other property, other than a merger of Time Warner
     in  which the holders of Common Stock  immediately prior to the merger have
     the  same  proportionate  ownership  of  common  stock  of  the   surviving
     corporation  immediately  after  the  merger,  or  (ii)  any  sale,  lease,
     exchange, or other  transfer (in  one transaction  or a  series of  related
     transactions)  of all, or substantially all,  of the assets of Time Warner,
     or (iii)  the adoption  of any  plan  or proposal  for the  liquidation  or
     dissolution of Time Warner.
          (d) 'Award' means grants of Options and/or SARs under this Plan.
          (e) 'Board' means the Board of Directors of Time Warner.
          (f)  'Board Change' means, during any period of two consecutive years,
     individuals who  at the  beginning of  such period  constituted the  entire
     Board  ceased for  any reason to  constitute a majority  thereof unless the
     election, or the nomination for election by Time Warner's stockholders,  of
     each  new director  was approved by  a vote  of at least  two-thirds of the
     directors then still in office who  were directors at the beginning of  the
          (g)  'Code' means the  Internal Revenue Code of  1986, as amended from
     time to time, or  any successor statute or  statutes thereto. Reference  to
     any specific Code section shall include any successor section.
          (h)  'Committee' means the Committee comprised of members of the Board
     appointed pursuant to Section 4.

          (i) 'Common Stock' means the common  stock, par value $.01 per  share,
     of Time Warner.
          (j) 'Composite Tape' means the New York Stock Exchange Composite Tape.
          (k)  'Control Purchase' means any transaction  in which any person (as
     such term is  defined in  Sections 13(d)(3)  and 14(d)(2)  of the  Exchange
     Act),  corporation or other entity (other  than Time Warner or any employee
     benefit plan sponsored by Time Warner or any of its Subsidiaries) (i) shall
     purchase any Common Stock (or  securities convertible into or  exchangeable
     for  Common Stock) for cash, securities or any other consideration pursuant
     to a  tender offer  or exchange  offer, without  the prior  consent of  the
     Board, or (ii) shall become the 'beneficial owner' (as such term is defined
     in  Rule  13d-3  under  the  Exchange  Act),  directly  or  indirectly,  of
     securities of Time Warner representing 20%  or more of the combined  voting
     power  of the  then outstanding securities  of Time  Warner ordinarily (and
     apart from  the rights  accruing under  special circumstances)  having  the
     right  to vote in the election of directors (calculated as provided in Rule
     13d-3(d) in the case of rights to acquire Time Warner's securities).
          (l) 'Effective  Date'  means  the  date  the  Plan  becomes  effective
     pursuant to Section 15.
          (m)  'Exchange  Act' means  the Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934, as
     amended from time to  time, or any successor  statute or statutes  thereto.
     Reference  to any specific Exchange Act section shall include any successor
          (n) 'Fair Market Value' of a  share of Common Stock means the  average
     of  the  high and  low  sales prices  of  a share  of  Common Stock  on the
     Composite Tape on  the date in  question, except as  otherwise provided  in
     Section 6.5.
          (o)  'General  SARs' means  stock appreciation  rights subject  to the
     terms of Section 6.5(b).
          (p)  'Holder'  means  an  employee  of  Time  Warner  or  any  of  its
     Subsidiaries who has received an Award under this Plan.
          (q)  'ISO'  means  an incentive  stock  option within  the  meaning of
     section 422A(b) of the Code.
          (r) 'Limited  SARs' means  stock appreciation  rights subject  to  the
     terms of Section 6.5(c).
          (s)  'Minimum Price Per  Share' means the  highest gross price (before
     brokerage commissions, soliciting dealers'  fees and similar charges)  paid
     or  to be paid for  any share of Common Stock  (whether by way of exchange,
     conversion, distribution, liquidation  or otherwise) in,  or in  connection
     with, any Approved Transaction or Control Purchase which occurs at any time
     during  the period beginning on the sixtieth day prior to the date on which
     Limited SARs are exercised and ending on the date on which Limited SARs are
     exercised. If the  consideration paid or  to be paid  in any such  Approved
     Transaction  or Control  Purchase shall  consist, in  whole or  in part, of
     consideration other than cash, the Board shall take such action, as in  its
     judgment  it  deems  appropriate,  to  establish  the  cash  value  of such
     consideration, but such valuation shall not be less than the value, if any,
     attributed to  such  consideration by  any  other party  to  such  Approved
     Transaction or Control Purchase.
          (t)   'Nonqualified  Stock  Option'  means  a  stock  option  that  is
     designated as a nonqualified stock option.
          (u) 'Option'  means  any  ISO or  Nonqualified  Stock  Option  granted
     pursuant to this Plan.
          (v) 'Plan' has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1.
          (w) 'SARs' means General SARs and Limited SARs.
          (x) 'Subsidiary' of a person means any present or future subsidiary of
     such  person as  such term is  defined in section  425 of the  Code and any
     present  or  future  trade  or  business,  whether  or  not   incorporated,
     controlled   by   or   under   common   control   with   such   person.  An

     entity shall be deemed a  Subsidiary of a person  only for such periods  as
     the requisite ownership or control relationship is maintained.
          (y)  'Time Warner' means Time Warner Inc., a Delaware corporation, and
     any successor thereto.
          (z) 'Total  Disability'  means a  permanent  and total  disability  as
     defined in section 22(e)(3) of the Code.
     3.1.  Number of Shares.  Subject to the  provisions of Section  12 and this
Section 3, the  maximum number of  shares of  Common Stock in  respect of  which
Awards  may be  granted under the  Plan is  6,250,000 and the  maximum number of
shares that may be granted to any one individual under the Plan is 2,500,000. If
and to the extent that an Option shall expire, terminate or be canceled for  any
reason  without having been exercised (or without having been considered to have
been exercised  as provided  in  Section 6.5(a)),  the  shares of  Common  Stock
subject  to such  expired, terminated  or canceled  portion of  the Option shall
again become available for purposes of the Plan.
     3.2. Character  of Shares.  Shares of  Common Stock  deliverable under  the
terms of the Plan may be, in whole or in part, authorized and unissued shares of
Common Stock or issued shares of Common Stock held in Time Warner's treasury, or
     3.3. Reservation of Shares. Time Warner shall at all times reserve a number
of  shares of Common Stock (authorized  and unissued Common Stock, issued Common
Stock held in Time Warner's  treasury, or both) equal  to the maximum number  of
shares  that may be  subject to outstanding  Awards and future  Awards under the
     4.1. Powers. The Plan  shall be administered by  the Board. Subject to  the
express  provisions of the Plan, the Board  shall have plenary authority, in its
discretion, to  grant Awards  under the  Plan  and to  determine the  terms  and
conditions  (which need  not be identical)  of all Awards  so granted, including
without limitation, (a) the individuals to whom, and the time or times at which,
Awards shall be granted or  awarded, (b) the number of  shares to be subject  to
each  Award,  (c) whether  an Option  shall be  an ISO  or a  Nonqualified Stock
Option, (d) when an Option  or SAR can be exercised  and whether in whole or  in
installments,  and (e)  the form, terms  and provisions of  any Agreement (which
terms may be amended, subject to Section 14).
     4.2. Factors to Consider. In making determinations hereunder, the Board may
take into  account  the  nature  of the  services  rendered  by  the  respective
employees,  their  dedication  and past  contributions  to Time  Warner  and its
Subsidiaries, their present and potential  contributions to the success of  Time
Warner  and  its  Subsidiaries  and  such other  factors  as  the  Board  in its
discretion shall deem relevant.
     4.3. Interpretation. Subject  to the  express provisions of  the Plan,  the
Board  shall have plenary  authority to interpret the  Plan, to prescribe, amend
and rescind the  rules and  regulations relating  to it  and to  make all  other
determinations deemed necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan.
The  determinations of the  Board on the  matters referred to  in this Section 4
shall be conclusive.
     4.4. Delegation  to Committee.  Notwithstanding  anything to  the  contrary
contained  herein, the Board  may at any time,  or from time  to time, appoint a
Committee and  delegate  to  such  Committee  the  authority  of  the  Board  to
administer the Plan, including to the extent provided by the Board, the power to
further  delegate such authority. Upon such appointment and delegation, any such
Committee shall have all the powers, privileges  and duties of the Board in  the

administration of the Plan to the extent provided in such delegation, except for
the  power to appoint members of the Committee and to terminate, modify or amend
the Plan. The Board may from time to time appoint members of any such  Committee
in  substitution for  or in addition  to members previously  appointed, may fill
vacancies in such Committee and may discharge such Committee.
     Any such Committee shall hold its meetings  at such times and places as  it
shall  deem advisable. A majority  of members shall constitute  a quorum and all
determinations shall be  made by a  majority of such  quorum. Any  determination
reduced  to writing and signed by all of the members shall be fully as effective
as if it had been made by a majority vote at a meeting duly called and held.
     5.1. General. Awards may be made only to (a) employees, including  officers
and  directors who are also employees, of Time Warner or any of its Subsidiaries
and (b) prospective  employees of Time  Warner or any  of its Subsidiaries.  The
exercise  of  Options  and  SARs  granted to  a  prospective  employee  shall be
conditioned upon such person becoming an employee  of Time Warner or any of  its
Subsidiaries.  For purposes of  the Plan, the  term 'prospective employee' shall
mean any person who holds an  outstanding offer of employment on specific  terms
from Time Warner or any of its Subsidiaries. Awards may be made to employees who
hold  or have held Awards  under this Plan or any  similar or other awards under
any other plan of Time Warner or its Subsidiaries.
     5.2. Special ISO Rule. No ISO shall  be granted to an employee who, at  the
time  the ISO is granted, owns (or is considered as owning within the meaning of
section 425(d) of the Code) stock possessing more than 10% of the total combined
voting power of all classes of stock of Time Warner or any Subsidiary, unless at
the time the ISO is granted the option price is at least 110% of the Fair Market
Value of the Common  Stock subject to the  ISO and the ISO  by its terms is  not
exercisable after the expiration of five years from the date it is granted.
     6.1.  Option  Prices. Subject  to Section  5.2, the  purchase price  of the
Common Stock under each Option shall be determined by the Board and set forth in
the applicable Agreement, but  shall not be  less than 100%  of the Fair  Market
Value of the Common Stock on the date of grant.
     6.2.  Term of Options. The term of each  Option shall be for such period as
the Board shall  determine, as set  forth in the  applicable Agreement, but  not
more than 10 years from the date of grant (except as provided in Section 5.2).
     6.3.  Exercise of  Options. An Option  granted under the  Plan shall become
(and remain) exercisable during the term of the Option to the extent provided in
the applicable  Agreement and  this  Plan and,  unless the  Agreement  otherwise
provides,  may be exercised to  the extent exercisable, in  whole or in part, at
any time  and  from time  to  time during  such  term; provided,  however,  that
subsequent  to the grant  of an Option,  the Board, at  any time before complete
termination of  such Option,  may accelerate  the time  or times  at which  such
Option  may be exercised in whole or in  part (without reducing the term of such
Option). The Agreement may contain conditions precedent to the exercisability of
Options, including without  limitation, the achievement  of minimum  performance
     6.4. Manner of Exercise. Payment of the Option purchase price shall be made
in  cash  or  in  whole shares  of  Common  Stock already  owned  by  the person
exercising an  Option  or, partly  in  cash and  partly  in such  Common  Stock;
provided,  however, that such payment may be made  in whole or in part in shares
of Common Stock only if and to the extent permitted by the applicable Agreement.
An Option shall be exercised  by written notice to  Time Warner upon such  terms
and  conditions  as provided  in  the Agreement.  Time  Warner shall  effect the
transfer of the shares of

Common Stock purchased  under the Option  as soon as  practicable, and within  a
reasonable time thereafter such transfer shall be evidenced on the books of Time
Warner.  No Holder or  other person exercising  an Option shall  have any of the
rights of a stockholder of  Time Warner with respect  to shares of Common  Stock
subject  to an Option granted under the Plan until due exercise and full payment
has been made. No adjustment  shall be made for  cash dividends or other  rights
for  which the record  date is prior to  the date of such  due exercise and full
     6.5. SARs.  (a)  General  Conditions.  The Board  may  (but  shall  not  be
obligated  to) grant General SARs and/or Limited SARs pursuant to the provisions
of this Section 6.5  to a Holder  of any Option  (hereinafter called a  'related
Option'), with respect to all or a portion of the shares of Common Stock subject
to the related Option.
     A  SAR may  be granted  either concurrently with  the grant  of the related
Option or at any  time thereafter prior to  the complete exercise,  termination,
expiration  or cancellation  of such  related Option.  Subject to  the terms and
provisions of this Section 6.5, each SAR shall be exercisable to the extent  the
related  Option  is then  exercisable  (and may  be  subject to  such additional
limitations on exercisability  as the Agreement  may provide), and  in no  event
after  the complete  termination or  full exercise  of the  related Option. SARs
shall be exercisable in whole  or in part upon notice  to Time Warner upon  such
terms and conditions as provided in the Agreement.
     Upon  the exercise of SARs, the related  Option shall be considered to have
been exercised  to the  extent of  the number  of shares  of Common  Stock  with
respect  to which such SARs  are exercised and shall  be considered to have been
exercised to that  extent for purposes  of determining the  number of shares  of
Common  Stock in respect of which other Awards may be granted. Upon the exercise
or termination of  the related Option,  the SARs with  respect thereto shall  be
considered  to have been exercised or terminated  to the extent of the number of
shares of Common Stock with respect to which the related Option was so exercised
or terminated.
     The provisions of  Sections 4 and  6 through  22 (to the  extent that  such
provisions  are applicable to  Options) shall also be  applicable to SARs unless
the context otherwise requires.
     (b) General SARs. General  SARs shall be exercisable  only at the time  the
related  Option is exercisable and, subject to  the terms and provisions of this
Section 6.5,  upon the  exercise  of General  SARs,  the person  exercising  the
General  SAR shall be entitled to receive consideration (in the form hereinafter
provided) equal in value to the excess of  the Fair Market Value on the date  of
exercise  of the shares of Common Stock  with respect to which such General SARs
have been exercised over  the aggregate related Option  purchase price for  such
shares; provided, however, that the Board may, in any Agreement granting General
SARs  provide that  the appreciation realizable  upon exercise  thereof shall be
measured from a base higher than the related Option purchase price.
     Upon the exercise of a General  SAR, the person exercising the General  SAR
may  specify the form of consideration to  be received by such person exercising
the General SAR, which shall be in shares of Common Stock (valued at Fair Market
Value on the date  of exercise of such  General SAR), or in  cash, or partly  in
cash and partly in shares of Common Stock. Any election by the person exercising
the  General SAR to receive  cash in full or  partial settlement of such General
SAR shall comply with all applicable laws and shall be subject to the discretion
of the Board to settle General SARs only in shares of Common Stock if  necessary
or  advisable in  the judgment  of the  Board to  preserve pooling  of interests
accounting treatment for any proposed transaction involving Time Warner.  Unless
otherwise  specified in  the applicable  Agreement, the  number of  General SARs
which may be exercised  for cash, or  partly for cash and  partly for shares  of
Common  Stock, during any calendar quarter, may  not exceed 20% of the aggregate
number of shares of  Common Stock originally subject  to the related Option  (as
such  original number, without giving  effect to the exercise  of any portion of
the related Option, shall  have been retroactively  adjusted in accordance  with
Section 12 or any corresponding provisions of an applicable Agreement).

     For  purposes of this  Section 6.5, the  date of exercise  of a General SAR
shall mean the date  on which Time  Warner shall have  received notice from  the
person exercising the General SAR of the exercise thereof.
     (c)  Limited SARs. Limited SARs may be exercised only during the period (a)
beginning on  the  first  day following  either  (i)  the date  of  an  Approved
Transaction,  (ii) the date of a Control Purchase,  or (iii) the date of a Board
Change, and (b) ending on the ninetieth day (or such other date specified in the
Agreement) following such date. The effective date of exercise of a Limited  SAR
shall  be deemed to be the date on  which Time Warner shall have received notice
from the person exercising the Limited SAR of the exercise thereof.
     Upon the exercise of Limited SARs granted in connection with an ISO, except
as otherwise provided in the Agreement and subject to the last paragraph of this
Section 6.5(c), the person exercising the  Limited SAR shall receive in cash  an
amount  equal to the excess of the Fair  Market Value on the date of exercise of
such Limited SARs  of the  shares of  Common Stock  with respect  to which  such
Limited  SARs  shall  have  been exercised  over  the  aggregate  related Option
exercise price for such shares.
     Upon the exercise of Limited SARs granted in connection with a Nonqualified
Stock Option, except as otherwise provided  in the Agreement and subject to  the
last  paragraph of  this Section 6.5(c),  the person exercising  the Limited SAR
shall receive in cash an amount equal to the product computed by multiplying (a)
the excess of  (i) the higher  of (A) the  Minimum Price Per  Share, or (B)  the
highest  reported closing sales price of a  share of Common Stock as reported on
the Composite Tape at any time during  the period beginning on the sixtieth  day
prior  to the date  on which such Limited  SARs are exercised  and ending on the
date on which such  Limited SARs are  exercised over (ii)  the per share  Option
price  of the related Nonqualified Stock Option,  by (b) the number of shares of
Common Stock with respect to which such Limited SARs are being exercised.
     The Board shall have the discretion to settle Limited SARs by the  delivery
of  Common Stock rather than cash if in the judgment of the Board such action is
necessary or advisable to preserve pooling of interests accounting treatment for
any proposed transaction involving Time Warner.
     6.6. Limited Transferability of  Options and SARs. Except  as set forth  in
this  Section 6.6  and Section  21, Options and  SARs shall  not be transferable
other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution, and Options and SARs
may be exercised during the lifetime of  the Holder thereof only by such  Holder
(or  his or her court appointed legal representative). The Agreement may provide
that Options and SARs are transferable by  gift to such persons or entities  and
upon such terms and conditions specified in the Agreement.
     If  a  Holder's employment  shall  terminate by  reason  of death  or Total
Disability, notwithstanding any contrary waiting period or installment period in
any Agreement or in the Plan, or in the event of any Approved Transaction, Board
Change or Control Purchase, unless the applicable Agreement provides  otherwise,
each  outstanding Option or SAR granted  under the Plan shall immediately become
exercisable in  full  in respect  of  the  aggregate number  of  shares  covered
     8.1.  General.  If  a  Holder's employment  shall  terminate  prior  to the
complete exercise  of an  Option (or  deemed exercise  thereof, as  provided  in
Section  6.5(a)), then such Option shall thereafter be exercisable in accordance
with the provisions of the applicable Agreement (including the provisions of any
other agreement referred to  in the Agreement); provided,  however, that (a)  no
Option  may be exercised after the scheduled expiration date of such Option; (b)
if the Holder's employment  terminates by reason of  death or Total  Disability,
the Option shall remain exercisable

for a period of at least one year following such termination (but not later than
the  scheduled  expiration  of such  Option);  and  (c) any  termination  by the
employing company for cause will be treated in accordance with the provisions of
Section 8.2.
     8.2. Termination for Cause.  If a Holder's employment  with Time Warner  or
any  of its Subsidiaries shall  be terminated by Time  Warner or such Subsidiary
prior to the  exercise of any  Option for cause  then all Options  held by  such
Holder  and any permitted  transferee pursuant to  Section 6.6 shall immediately
terminate. For the purposes  of this Section 8.2,  cause shall have the  meaning
ascribed thereto in any employment agreement to which such Holder is a party. In
the  absence of an employment agreement, cause  shall include but not be limited
to, insubordination, dishonesty, incompetence, moral turpitude, other misconduct
of any kind and the refusal to  perform his duties and responsibilities for  any
reason  other  than  illness  or incapacity;  provided,  however,  that  if such
termination occurs  within  12 months  after  an Approved  Transaction,  Control
Purchase  or Board Change, termination for cause in the absence of an employment
agreement shall mean  only a  felony conviction for  fraud, misappropriation  or
     8.3.  Special Rule.  Notwithstanding any other  provision of  the Plan, the
Board may provide in the applicable Agreement that the Award shall become and/or
remain exercisable  at rates  and times  at variance  with the  rules  otherwise
herein  set  forth; provided,  however, that  any  such Agreement  provisions at
variance with  the exercisability  rules  otherwise set  forth herein  shall  be
effective  only if reflected in the terms of an employment agreement approved or
ratified by the Board.
     8.4. Miscellaneous.  The Board  may determine  whether any  given leave  of
absence  constitutes a  termination of  employment. Awards  made under  the Plan
shall not  be  affected by  any  change of  employment  so long  as  the  Holder
continues to be an employee of Time Warner or one of its Subsidiaries.
     Nothing  contained in the Plan  or in any Award  shall confer on any Holder
any right to continue in the employ of Time Warner or any of its Subsidiaries or
interfere in any way with the right of Time Warner or a Subsidiary to  terminate
the  employment  of the  Holder at  any  time, with  or without  cause; subject,
however, to the provisions  of any employment agreement  between the Holder  and
Time Warner or any of its Subsidiaries.
     Except  as specifically provided in Section 6.6 and 21, no right or benefit
under the Plan shall be  subject to anticipation, alienation, sale,  assignment,
hypothecation,  pledge,  exchange,  transfer,  encumbrance  or  charge,  and any
attempt to anticipate,  alienate, sell, assign,  hypothecate, pledge,  exchange,
transfer,  encumber  or charge  the  same shall  be  void. No  right  or benefit
hereunder shall in any manner be liable for or subject to the debts,  contracts,
liabilities or torts of the person entitled to such benefits.
     Each  grant of an  Option shall be  evidenced by a  stock option agreement,
which shall designate  the Options  granted thereunder as  ISOs or  Nonqualified
Stock  Options, and each SAR  shall be evidenced by  a stock appreciation rights
agreement, each  in such  form  and containing  such  terms and  provisions  not
inconsistent  with the  provisions of the  Plan as  the Board from  time to time
shall approve; provided, however, that such Awards may be evidenced by a  single
agreement.  The effective date of the granting of  an Award shall be the date on
which the Board approves such grant. Each  grantee of an Option or SAR shall  be
notified  promptly  of such  grant  and a  written  Agreement shall  be promptly
executed and delivered by Time Warner and the

grantee, provided that  such grant of  Options or SARs  shall terminate if  such
written  Agreement is not signed by such grantee (or his attorney) and delivered
to Time Warner  within 90  days after  the date the  Agreement is  sent to  such
grantee  for signature. Any such written Agreement may contain (but shall not be
required to contain) such  provisions as the Board  deems appropriate to  ensure
that  the penalty provisions of  section 4999 of the Code  will not apply to any
stock or cash received from Time Warner or any of its Subsidiaries by the Holder
or a transferee  of such  Holder if  the Award, or  any part  thereof, has  been
transferred pursuant to Section 6.6 or 21.
     In  the  event of  any  stock split,  dividend,  distribution, combination,
reclassification or recapitalization that changes the character or amount of the
Common Stock while any portion of  any Award theretofore granted under the  Plan
is  outstanding but  unexercised, the Board  shall make such  adjustments in the
character and number of shares subject to  such Award and, in the option  price,
as  shall be applicable, equitable and appropriate  in order to make such Award,
immediately after any such change, as  nearly as may be practicable,  equivalent
to   such  Award,  immediately  prior  to   any  such  change.  If  any  merger,
consolidation or similar  transaction affects  the Common Stock  subject to  any
unexercised Award theretofore granted under the Plan, the Board or any surviving
or  acquiring corporation shall take such action as is equitable and appropriate
to substitute a new  award for such Award  or to assume such  Award in order  to
make  such new or assumed Award, as  nearly as may be practicable, equivalent to
the old Award. If  any such change  or transaction shall  occur, the number  and
kind  of shares for which Awards may  thereafter be granted under the Plan shall
be adjusted to give effect thereto.
     The Agreements may contain such provisions as the Board shall determine  to
the  effect that if a Holder, or  such other person exercising an Option, elects
to sell all  or any  shares of  Common Stock that  such Holder  or other  person
acquired upon the exercise of an Option awarded under the Plan, then such Holder
or  other person shall not  sell such shares unless  such Holder or other person
shall have first offered in writing to  sell such shares to Time Warner at  Fair
Market  Value on a  date specified in such  offer (which date  shall be at least
three business days and  not more than  10 business days  following the date  of
such  offer). In  any such event,  certificates representing  shares issued upon
exercise of  Options  shall  bear  a  restrictive  legend  to  the  effect  that
transferability  of such shares is subject  to the restrictions contained in the
Plan and the applicable Agreement and Time Warner may cause the registrar of its
Common Stock to place a stop transfer order with respect to such shares.
     14.1. General. Unless the  Plan shall theretofore  have been terminated  as
hereinafter provided, no Awards may be made under the Plan on or after the fifth
anniversary  of the Effective Date. The Board may at any time prior to the fifth
anniversary of the Effective Date terminate the  Plan, and the Board may at  any
time  modify or  amend the  Plan in  such respects  as it  shall deem advisable;
provided, however, that any such modification or amendment shall comply with all
applicable laws, applicable stock  exchange listing requirements and  applicable
requirements  for the Plan to  qualify as 'performance based'  under the Act and
section 162(m) of the Code.
     14.2. Modification. No termination, modification  or amendment of the  Plan
may,  without the consent of the person to whom any Award shall theretofore have
been granted (or a transferee of such person if the Award, or any part  thereof,
has been transferred pursuant to Section 6.6 or 21), adversely affect the rights
of  such person with respect to  such Award. No modification, extension, renewal
or other change  in any Award  granted under the  Plan shall be  made after  the
grant of

such  Award, unless the same is consistent with the provisions of the Plan. With
the consent of the Holder (or a transferee  of such Holder if the Award, or  any
part thereof, has been transferred pursuant to Section 6.6 or 21) and subject to
the  terms and conditions  of the Plan  (including Section 14.1),  the Board may
amend  outstanding  Agreements  with  any  Holder  (or  any  such   transferee),
including, without limitation, any amendment which would (a) accelerate the time
or  times at which  the Award may  be exercised and/or  (b) extend the scheduled
expiration date of the Award. Without limiting the generality of the  foregoing,
the  Board may but solely  with the Holder's consent,  agree to cancel any Award
under the  Plan held  by  such Holder  and issue  a  new Award  in  substitution
therefor,  provided  that the  Award  so substituted  shall  satisfy all  of the
requirements of the Plan as of the date such new Award is made.
     The Plan shall become effective upon approval by the affirmative vote of  a
majority  of the votes duly  cast thereon, either in person  or by proxy, by the
holders of voting  securities of Time  Warner entitled to  vote thereon,  voting
together as a single class, at a duly called and held meeting of stockholders of
Time Warner.
     The  obligation of Time Warner  with respect to Awards  shall be subject to
all  applicable  laws,  rules  and   regulations  and  such  approvals  by   any
governmental  agencies as  may be  required, including,  without limitation, the
effectiveness of any registration statement required under the Securities Act of
1933, and the  rules and  regulations of any  securities exchange  on which  the
Common  Stock may be listed. For so long as the Common Stock is registered under
the Exchange Act, Time  Warner shall use its  reasonable efforts to comply  with
any  legal requirements (a) to maintain a registration statement in effect under
the Securities Act of 1933 with respect  to all shares of Common Stock that  may
be  issued to Holders  under the Plan,  and (b) to  file in a  timely manner all
reports required to be filed by it under the Exchange Act.
     Time Warner's obligation to deliver shares  of Common Stock or pay cash  in
respect  of any  Award under  the Plan shall  be subject  to applicable federal,
state  and  local  tax  withholding  requirements.  Federal,  state  and   local
withholding  taxes paid upon the exercise of any Option may be paid in shares of
Common Stock  upon such  terms  and conditions  as  the Board  shall  determine;
provided,  however, that  the Board in  its sole discretion  may disapprove such
payment and require that such taxes be paid in cash.
     If any  of  the  terms  or  provisions  of  this  Plan  conflict  with  the
requirements  of applicable law or  applicable rules and regulations thereunder,
including the requirements of section 162(m)  of the Code, Rule 16b-3 under  the
Exchange  Act and/or  section 422A  of the Code,  then such  terms or provisions
shall be deemed inoperative to the  extent necessary to avoid the conflict  with
applicable  law, or applicable  rules and regulations,  without invalidating the
remaining provisions hereof. With respect to ISOs, if this Plan does not contain
any provision required  to be included  herein under section  422A of the  Code,
such provision shall be deemed to be incorporated herein with the same force and
effect  as  if such  provision  had been  set  out at  length  herein; provided,
further, that to the extent  any Option which is intended  to qualify as an  ISO
cannot  so  qualify,  such Option,  to  that extent,  shall  be deemed  to  be a
Nonqualified Stock Option for all purposes of the Plan.

     Neither the adoption of  the Plan by  the Board nor  the submission of  the
Plan  to the  stockholders of  Time Warner  for approval  shall be  construed as
creating any limitations on the power of the Board to adopt such other incentive
arrangements as  it  may  deem desirable,  including,  without  limitation,  the
granting  of stock  options and  the awarding of  stock and  cash otherwise than
under the Plan,  and such  arrangements may  be either  generally applicable  or
applicable only in specific cases.
     By  acceptance of an Award, each Holder shall be deemed to have agreed that
such Award  is  special incentive  compensation  that  will not  be  taken  into
account,  in any  manner, as  salary, compensation  or bonus  in determining the
amount of any payment  under any pension, retirement  or other employee  benefit
plan of Time Warner or any of its Subsidiaries. In addition, each beneficiary of
a deceased Holder shall be deemed to have agreed that such Award will not affect
the  amount of any life  insurance coverage, if any,  provided by Time Warner or
any of its  Subsidiaries on  the life  of the Holder  which is  payable to  such
beneficiary  under any life insurance plan  covering employees of Time Warner or
any of its Subsidiaries.
     Each Holder may designate any person(s) or legal entity(ies), including his
or her estate, as his or her beneficiary under the Plan. Such designation  shall
be  made in writing on a form filed with  the Secretary of Time Warner or his or
her designee and may be revoked or changed by such Holder at any time by  filing
written notice of such revocation or change with the Secretary of Time Warner or
his  or her designee. If no person shall be designated by a Holder as his or her
beneficiary or if no  person designated as a  beneficiary survives such  Holder,
the Holder's beneficiary shall be his or her estate.
     The  Plan shall be governed by, and  construed in accordance with, the laws
of the State of New York.

                                                                      APPENDIX 1


                                  TIME WARNER INC.
     The  undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints Richard J. Bressler, Peter
     R. Haje and Philip R. Lochner, Jr.,  and each of them, its true and  lawful
     agents  and proxies, with full power of substitution in each, to attend the
     Annual Meeting of  Stockholders of TIME  WARNER INC. on  Thursday, May  15,
     1997, and any adjournment thereof, and to vote on the matters indicated all
     the  shares of Common Stock which the undersigned would be entitled to vote
     if personally present.

proposal  2  is  not  approved)  --  J.  Carter  Bacot,  Stephen  F.  CARD  ON THE  REVERSE SIDE  AND RETURN IT
Bollenbach,  Gerald  Greenwald,  Gerald  M.  Levin  and  Richard  D.  PROMPTLY   USING   THE   ENCLOSED   REPLY
Parsons, nominees.                                                    ENVELOPE.

                                                     (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE)

This proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner    [X] Please mark
directed  herein.  If no direction is made,  this  proxy will        your votes
be  voted  FOR all nominees listed, FOR proposals 2 through 4        this way
and AGAINST proposal 5.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR all nominees
in item 1 and FOR proposals 2 through 4.

                             FOR   WITHHELD
1. Election of Directors     [ ]     [ ]
   (see reverse).

   For, except vote withheld from the following nominee(s):

                             FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
2. Approval of Charter       [ ]     [ ]        [ ]
   Amendment for annual
   election of directors.

                             FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
3. Approval of the 1997      [ ]     [ ]        [ ]
   Stock Option Plan.

4. Approval of Auditors.     [ ]     [ ]        [ ]

The Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST proposal 5.

                             FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
5. Stockholder proposal      [ ]     [ ]        [ ]
   regarding chlorine-
   bleached paper.

6. In their discretion, upon such other
   matters as may properly come before
   the Meeting.

                     MEETING ATTENDANCE
              Please mark this box if you plan   [ ]
                   to attend the Meeting.

                       ADDRESS CHANGE
              Please mark this box if you have   [ ]
                indicated an address change.

   Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the Time Warner Inc.
   Notice of Meeting and Proxy Statement.

Signature(s)_________________________________________________   Date ___________
NOTE. Please sign exactly as name appears hereon. Joint owners should each sign.
When signing as attorney, executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian, please
give full title as such.

                                                                      APPENDIX 2

                                  TIME WARNER INC.
                                 VOTING INSTRUCTIONS
     The Bank of New York, as Exchange Agent, is requesting your instructions as
     to  how the shares  of Time Warner  Common Stock which  you are entitled to
     receive as  a  result  of  the  merger  of  Time  Warner  Inc.  and  Turner
     Broadcasting System, Inc. are to be voted at the Time Warner Annual Meeting
     of  Stockholders scheduled to be  held on May 15, 1997.  If The Bank of New
     York does not receive your instructions on or prior to May 13, 1997,  these
     shares will not be voted.

proposal  2  is  not  approved)  --  J.  Carter  Bacot,  Stephen  F.  INSTRUCTION CARD ON THE REVERSE SIDE  AND
Bollenbach,  Gerald  Greenwald,  Gerald  M.  Levin  and  Richard  D.  RETURN IT  PROMPTLY  USING  THE  ENCLOSED
Parsons, nominees.                                                    REPLY ENVELOPE.

                                                     (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE)

The undersigned hereby instructs The Bank of New York to direct  [X] Please mark
the  vote  as  follows  at  the  Time  Warner Annual Meeting of      your votes
Stockholders to be held on May 15, 1997, and at any adjournment      this way
thereof,  of  all  shares  of Time Warner Common Stock that the
undersigned is entitled to receive.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR all nominees
in item 1 and FOR proposals 2 through 4.

                             FOR   WITHHELD
1. Election of Directors     [ ]     [ ]
   (see reverse).

   For, except vote withheld from the following nominee(s):

                             FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
2. Approval of Charter       [ ]     [ ]        [ ]
   Amendment for annual
   election of directors.

                             FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
3. Approval of the 1997      [ ]     [ ]        [ ]
   Stock Option Plan.

4. Approval of Auditors.     [ ]     [ ]        [ ]

The Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST proposal 5.

                             FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
5. Stockholder proposal      [ ]     [ ]        [ ]
   regarding chlorine-
   bleached paper.

6. To grant discretionary voting authority
   to management persons regarding such
   other matters as may properly come
   before the Meeting.

                     MEETING ATTENDANCE
              Please mark this box if you plan   [ ]
                   to attend the Meeting.

                       ADDRESS CHANGE
              Please mark this box if you have   [ ]
                indicated an address change.

   Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the Time Warner Inc.
   Notice of Meeting and Proxy Statement.

Signature(s)_________________________________________________   Date ___________
NOTE. Please sign exactly as name appears hereon. Joint owners should each sign.
When signing as attorney, executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian, please
give full title as such.

                                                                      APPENDIX 3

                               PROMPTLY  USING THE ENCLOSED REPLY ENVELOPE.


                                TIME WARNER INC.

         The undersigned  hereby  constitutes and appoints  Richard J. Bressler,
Peter R. Haje and Philip R. Lochner,  Jr., and each of them, its true and lawful
agents and  proxies,  with full  power of  substitution  in each,  to attend the
Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  of TIME WARNER INC. on Thursday,  May 15, 1997,
and any adjournment thereof, and to vote on the matters indicated all the shares
of Preferred Stock which the undersigned would be entitled to vote if personally

         This proxy when properly  executed will be voted in the manner directed
herein.  If no  direction  is made,  this proxy  will be voted FOR all  nominees
listed in item 1, FOR proposals 2 through 4 and AGAINST proposal 5.

- ---------------------      --------------------------        -------------------
Name of Holder             Series of Preferred Stock         Number of Shares


1.   Election of Directors for terms  expiring in 1998 (or 2000 if proposal 2 is
     not approved) - J. Carter Bacot,  Stephen F. Bollenbach,  Gerald Greenwald,
     Gerald M. Levin and Richard D. Parsons, nominees.

                                        FOR [ ] WITHHELD [ ]

         [ ] FOR, except vote withheld from the following nominee(s):___________


2.       Approval of charter amendment for annual election of directors.

                                        FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN [ ]

3.      Approval of the 1997 Stock Option Plan.

                                        FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN [ ]

4.      Approval of Auditors.

                                        FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN [ ]


5.      Stockholder proposal regarding chlorine-bleached paper.

                                        FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN [ ]

6.      In their discretion, upon such other matters as may properly come before
        the meeting.

Please check this box if you plan to attend the meeting. [ ]

                                       Signature(s) ____________________________

                                       --------------------------------- -------
                                       Note: Please sign exactly         Date
                                       as name appears hereon.
                                       When signing as attorney,
                                       officer, administrator or
                                       trustee, please give full
                                       title as such.

                                                                      APPENDIX 4

                                                CONFIDENTIAL VOTING INSTRUCTIONS



Under the provisions of the Trusts relating to these Plans, Fidelity Management
Trust Company ("Fidelity"), as Trustee, is required to request your confidential
instructions as to how your proportionate interest in the shares of Time Warner
Common Stock held in the respective Time Warner Common Stock fund under each of
those Plans (an "interest") is to be voted at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
scheduled to be held on May 15, 1997. Your instructions to Fidelity will not be
divulged or revealed to anyone at Time Warner Inc. If Fidelity does not receive
your instructions on or prior to May 12, 1997, your interest, if any,
attributable to (a) accounts transferred from the Time Incorporated
Payroll-Based Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("PAYSOP") and the WCI Employee
Stock Ownership Plan ("WCI ESOP") will not be voted and (b) the remainder of
your Plan accounts, if any, will be voted at the Annual Meeting in the same
proportion as other participants' interests in each such respective Plan for
which Fidelity has received voting instructions (excluding PAYSOP and WCI ESOP

                                                  This instruction must be
                                                  signed exactly as name
                                                  appears hereon.


                                                  Signature(s)         Date
                                                   (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE)

The undersigned hereby instructs Fidelity, as Trustee, to vote as follows by
proxy at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Time Warner Inc. to be held on
May 15, 1997 and at any adjournment thereof, the undersigned's proportionate
interest in the shares of Time Warner Common Stock held in the Time Warner
Common Stock fund under each of the Plans.


1.       Election of Directors for terms expiring in 1998 (or 2000 if proposal
         2 is not approved) - J. Carter Bacot, Stephen F. Bollenbach, Gerald
         Greenwald, Gerald M. Levin and Richard D. Parsons, nominees.

                                                 FOR [ ] WITHHELD [ ]

         [ ] FOR, except vote withheld from the following nominee(s):___________

2.       Approval of charter amendment for annual election of directors.

                                                 FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN [ ]

3.       Approval of the 1997 Stock Option Plan.

                                                 FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN [ ]

4.       Approval of Auditors.

                                                 FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN [ ]


5.       Stockholder proposal regarding chlorine-bleached paper.

                                                 FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN [ ]

6.       To grant discretionary voting authority to management persons
         regarding such other matters as may properly come before the meeting.

Please check this box if you plan to attend the meeting. [ ]


                                                                      APPENDIX 5



                                TIME WARNER INC.

         The undersigned  hereby  constitutes and appoints  Richard J. Bressler,
Peter R. Haje and Philip R. Lochner,  Jr., and each of them, its true and lawful
agents and  proxies,  with full  power of  substitution  in each,  to attend the
Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  of TIME WARNER INC. on Thursday,  May 15, 1997,
and any adjournment thereof, and to vote on the matters indicated all the shares
of SERIES LMCN-V COMMON STOCK which the undersigned would be entitled to vote if
personally present.

         This proxy when properly  executed will be voted in the manner directed
herein.  If no  direction  is made,  this proxy  will be voted FOR all  nominees
listed in item 1 and FOR proposal 2.

- ----------------------------          ---------------------
Name of Holder                        Number of Shares


1.   Election of Directors for terms expiring in 1998 (or 2000 if proposal 2 is
     not approved) - J. Carter Bacot, Stephen F. Bollenbach, Gerald Greenwald,
     Gerald M. Levin and Richard D. Parsons, nominees.

                                                 FOR [ ] WITHHELD [ ]

     [ ] FOR, except vote withheld from the following nominee(s):


2.   Approval of charter amendment for annual election of directors.

                                                 FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN [ ]

3.   In their discretion, upon such other matters as may properly come before
     the meeting.

Please check this box if you plan to attend the meeting. [ ]

                                       Signature(s) ____________________________

                                       _________________________________ _______
                                       Note: Please sign exactly         Date
                                       as name appears hereon.
                                       When    signing    as
                                       attorney,    officer,
                                       administrator      or
                                       trustee,  please give
                                       full title as such.

                                                                      APPENDIX 6

                                                                  March 28, 1997

Dear Holder of Series LMCN-V Common Stock:

         You are cordially invited to attend the 1997 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of Time Warner Inc. on Thursday, May 15, 1997, beginning at 10:00
A.M., local time, at the Apollo Theatre, 253 West 125th Street, New York, NY

         As a holder of Series LMCN-V Common Stock, you are being asked to vote
only on the election of directors and the amendment to Time Warner's restated
certificate of incorporation, listed as items 1 and 2, respectively, in the
enclosed Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders. Your Board of Directors
recommends a vote "FOR" these proposals.

         At the Annual Meeting, among other things, stockholders will consider a
proposed amendment to Time Warner's restated certificate of incorporation to
change the way we elect directors. If this proposal is approved, in the future,
all of our directors will be elected annually instead of our current system
under which three classes of directors have staggered three-year terms.

         Whether or not you plan to attend in person, it is important that your
shares be represented and voted at the Meeting. After reading the enclosed
Notice and Proxy Statement, please sign, date and mail the enclosed proxy card
in the envelope provided.

         If you plan to attend the Meeting in person, please bring the Admission
Ticket included with the enclosed Notice and Proxy Statement to facilitate your
admission. If you have not received an Admission Ticket, please contact the
Shareholder Relations Department at (212) 484-6971.


                                                     GERALD M. LEVIN
                                                     Chairman of the Board
                                                     and Chief Executive Officer

                                                                      APPENDIX 7

                                                                  March 28, 1997

To:   Holders of certificates formerly representing
        securities of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.

         As you know, on October 10, 1996, Time Warner Inc. ("Time Warner")
completed its merger with Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. ("TBS"). As a result,
you have the right to receive shares of common stock of Time Warner ("Common
Stock") and the cash dividends paid thereon after October 10, 1996 upon exchange
of your certificates formerly representing capital stock of TBS.

         Enclosed is a copy of the Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement
relating to Time Warner's 1997 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. Also enclosed is
a voting instruction card for you to use to direct the voting at this meeting of
the shares of Common Stock which you are entitled to receive. If you do not
provide instructions, these shares will not be voted at the meeting.

         Please indicate your instructions, sign and date the enclosed
instruction card and return it using the enclosed envelope.

         If you have any questions about how to exchange your certificates
formerly representing shares of TBS capital stock for the shares of Common Stock
to which you are entitled, please contact The Bank of New York, as Exchange
Agent, at 800- 507-9357.

                                                         TIME WARNER INC.