Exhibit 10.5. Lease Agreement

                                 LEASE AGREEMENT





                                 CAMPUS PARKWAY
                               BLOCK #930, LOT #52
                             WALL, NEW JERSEY 07719
                              DATED: MARCH 13, 1997

                                LEASE AGREEMENT


ARTICLE                                                                                      PAGE
ARTICLE  1.  LEASED PREMISES AND TERM_________________________________________________________3
ARTICLE  2.  FIXED RENT_______________________________________________________________________4
ARTICLE  4.  RENEWAL OPTION___________________________________________________________________6
ARTICLE  5.  OPTION TO PURCHASE_______________________________________________________________6
ARTICLE  6.  CONSTRUCTION_____________________________________________________________________7
ARTICLE  7.  USE, MAINTENANCE, ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS___________________________________________9
ARTICLE  8.  MECHANIC'S LIEN_________________________________________________________________10
ARTICLE 10.  INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS__________________________________________________________11
ARTICLE 11.  DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION___________________________________________________________12
ARTICLE 12.  CONDEMNATION____________________________________________________________________13
ARTICLE 13.  ASSIGNMENT, BANKRUPTCY, & SUBLETTING____________________________________________13
ARTICLE 14.  DEFAULT PROVISIONS______________________________________________________________14
ARTICLE 15.  LANDLORD'S REMEDIES_____________________________________________________________15

ARTICLE 19.  SUBORDINATION; NON-DISTURBANCE__________________________________________________17
ARTICLE 20.  ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE____________________________________________________________18
ARTICLE 21.  SHORT FORM LEASE________________________________________________________________18
ARTICLE 22.  LATE CHARGE_____________________________________________________________________18
ARTICLE 23.  ADVANCE RENT; SECURITY DEPOSIT__________________________________________________19
ARTICLE 24.  BROKERAGE COMMISSION____________________________________________________________19
ARTICLE 25.  LIMITATION ON LANDLORD'S LIABILITY______________________________________________19
ARTICLE 26.  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS__________________________________________________________20
ARTICLE 27.  NOTICES_________________________________________________________________________20
ARTICLE 28.  GOVERNING LAW___________________________________________________________________20
ARTICLE 29.  MODIFICATION____________________________________________________________________20
ARTICLE 30.  NO WAIVER_______________________________________________________________________20
ARTICLE 31.  CAPTIONS________________________________________________________________________20
ARTICLE 32.  SIGNS___________________________________________________________________________20
ARTICLE 33.  PRONOUNS________________________________________________________________________21
ARTICLE 34.  ACCESS TO PREMISES______________________________________________________________21
ARTICLE 35.  COUNTERPARTS____________________________________________________________________21
ARTICLE 36.  ISRA COMPLIANCE_________________________________________________________________21
ARTICLE 37.  LATE CHARGE_____________________________________________________________________24
ARTICLE 38.  AIR AND LIGHT___________________________________________________________________24
ARTICLE 39.  NOTICE OF FIRE AND ACCIDENTS____________________________________________________24
ARTICLE 40.  EASEMENTS FOR UTILITIES_________________________________________________________24
ARTICLE 41.  CONSENTS AND APPROVALS__________________________________________________________24
ARTICLE 42.  END OF TERM HOLDOVER____________________________________________________________25
ARTICLE 43.  ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING____________________________________________________________25
ARTICLE 44.  EXHIBITS________________________________________________________________________25


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

        This Lease entered into this 27th day of March, 1997, between Commercial
Realty & Resources  Corp.  organized and existing under the laws of the State of
New Jersey  having its  principle  place of  business  at 1345  Campus  Parkway,
Township  of  Wall  County  of  Monmouth,  State  of  New  Jersey,  referred  to
hereinafter  as "Landlord,"  and Algos  Pharmaceutical  Corporation,  a Delaware
Corporation,  having its  principal  office at 4900 Route 33,  Township of Wall,
County of  Monmouth,  State of New  Jersey  07753  referred  to  hereinafter  as


                       ARTICLE 1. LEASED PREMISES AND TERM

        SECTION  1.1.a.  In  consideration  of the  rents and  additional  rents
hereinafter  reserved  and all of the  provisions,  agreements,  covenants,  and
conditions  hereinafter  contained,  Landlord leases to Tenant, and Tenant hires
from Landlord,  all those lands and improvements as more particularly  described
on Exhibit A dated  December  27,  1996  annexed  hereto and made a part  hereof
together with all building and  improvements  (herein  located and to be located
thereon  and  referred  to as  "Improvements")  and  made a part  hereof,  which
together  constitute  the premises  (Premises)  situate,  lying and being in the
Township of Wall, County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey.

        SECTION  1.1.b. This is a "build to suit" Lease.  Landlord has agreed to
construct the  "Improvements"  substantially  in accordance with the preliminary
cursory   specifications   (hereinafter   referred  to  as  Preliminary  Cursory
Specifications)  prepared by  Commercial  Realty and  Resources  Corp.  attached
hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit B. As soon as is practicable,  Landlord
shall cause The Hillier Group, (hereinafter referred to as Architect) and Langan
Engineering & Environmental  Services, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the Site
Engineer) to prepare final plans and specifications  (hereinafter referred to as
Final Plans  including  such  changes as set forth in Section 6.1 of this Lease)
that  substantially  develop and carry out the concept of the Preliminary Plans.
The Final Plans shall be subject to the  Tenant's  approval,  which shall not be
unreasonably  withheld if they are consistent with and substantially develop the
concept of the Preliminary  Plans.  If not  disapproved  within twenty (20) days
after receipt by Tenant,  they shall be deemed to be approved.  The Improvements
shall be  constructed  by  Landlord  in  accordance  with the  Final  Plans  and
specifications to be annexed hereto as Exhibit C, and made a part hereof.

        SECTION  1.2.a. The term of this Lease ("Term") shall be for a period of
ten (10) years,  commencing  upon the date Landlord  receives and Tenant accepts
(which acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld) a Temporary Certificate of
Occupancy ("Commencement Date"). Landlord and Tenant agree that Tenant shall not
have to accept a Temporary  Certificate of Occupancy if the plumbing,  electric,
and HVAC  systems  are not in  working  order,  or if the  ceilings,  doors  and
hardware are not installed,  of if the walls are not painted.  In no event shall
the Commencement Date be later than the issuance of an unconditional Certificate
of  Occupancy.  The Term  will  expire  on the date  which is the  tenth  (10th)
anniversary of the last day of the calendar month in the lease year ("Expiration

        SECTION  1.2.b.  Either  party  shall,  within  ten (10) days  following
request of the other,  execute a written document,  in recordable form,  stating
the Commencement Date and Expiration Date of the Term of this Lease.

        SECTION 1.2.c.  The Leased Premises are subject to:


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

        (i) the existing state of the title;

        (ii)  any state of facts which an accurate survey or physical inspection
              would disclose;

        (iii) all zoning  regulations,  restrictions,  rules and  ordinances  in
              effect now or adopted later by any  governmental  authority having
              jurisdiction; and

        (iv)  any utility,  sewer or drainage  easements or  agreements  and the
              installations  made pursuant to those  agreements  existing now or
              granted or installed later.  Landlord represents that the proposed
              use is permitted by the Land Use Ordinance of Wall Township.

        SECTION 1.3. Landlord's obligations under this Lease are contingent upon
Landlord receiving all necessary  governmental approvals for construction of the
building on the Leased Premises and agreements from utility  companies that will
provide service to the Leased Premises, including, but not limited to, site plan
approval,  soil  conservation  district  approval,  county  site plan  approval,
wetlands and any other necessary  approvals issued by the New Jersey  Department
of Environmental Protection,  sewer permits, electrical service, gas service and
applicable building permits, no later than October 1, 1997. Landlord represents,
warrants  and  covenants  that  Landlord  shall use due  diligence to attempt to
obtain such  approvals.  In the event such approvals are not obtained by October
1, 1997,  then either  party,  upon  written  notice to the other shall have the
right to cancel  this  Lease,  whereupon  neither  party  shall have any further
liability to the other.  Unless the parties  agree  otherwise  in writing,  this
right to cancel must be exercised by November 1, 1997, or the contingency  shall
be deemed to have been waived.

                              ARTICLE 2. FIXED RENT

        SECTION  2.1. The fixed rent for the Term is Two Million  Eight  Hundred
Ninety Six Thousand  Eight Hundred and Sixty Dollars  ($2,896,860.00)  which the
Tenant agrees to pay to the Landlord as follows:

            Months 1 through 60               $22,385.00 monthly
           Months 61 through 120              $25,896.00 monthly

in advance  without  demand  setoff,  counterclaim  or  abatement  of any nature
whatsoever, except as expressly stated herein, on the first day of each calendar
month  during the ten (10) year period.  Payment  shall be made at the office of
the  Landlord or at any other  place or to any other  person  designated  by the
Landlord.  Base rent shall be prorated for a fraction of a month,  if any, based
on the number of days within the fractional month.

        SECTION 2.2. The Fixed Rent set forth in this Lease has been  determined
based upon an approximate square footage of the current improvements located and
to be  located on the  Premises,  of twenty one  thousand  sixty-eight  (21,068)
square  feet,  plus or  minus  measured  from the  exterior  face of wall to the
exterior face of wall. The parties agree that the final plans and specifications
shall be determinative of the actual square footage of the improvements, and the
Fixed Rent or Additional  Rent (as  hereinafter  defined) shall be based on such
final plans and specifications,  utilizing the formula of $12.75 per square foot
multiplied by the square footage of such final plans and  specifications  during
months 1 through and including month 60 and $14.75 per square foot multiplied by
the square  footage  of such final  plans and  specifications  during  months 61
through and including month 120. The only other  adjustments to the Rent payable
hereunder,  whether Fixed or Additional,  are those adjustments specifically set
forth in this Lease.


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

        SECTION 2.3. All rents are payable by Tenant  directly to Landlord,  and
shall be paid to Landlord at the  following  address or such address as Landlord
shall designate by notice to Tenant:

        1345 Campus Parkway
        Post Office Box 1468
        Wall, NJ  07719

        SECTION 2.4. This is a "triple net" Lease.  The rent reserved  hereunder
shall be paid to Landlord without any claim on the part of Tenant for diminution
or  abatement.  Tenant's  obligation to pay rent  hereunder,  and to perform the
covenants and agreements  required to be performed by it hereunder,  shall in no
way be affected,  impaired or excused in any respect because Landlord is unable,
for any reason  whatsoever,  to fulfill  any of its  obligations  hereunder,  or
because  Tenant's  use and  occupancy  of the  Premises  shall be  disturbed  or
prevented  for any reason  whatsoever,  excepting  only  Landlord's  acts, or as
otherwise specifically provided in this Lease.

        SECTION 2.5.  Whenever under the terms of this Lease any sum of money is
required to be paid by Tenant in addition to the rent  reserved  hereunder,  and
said additional amount payable is not designated as Additional Rent, said amount
shall  nevertheless,  at the option of the  Landlord,  if not paid when due,  be
deemed  Additional  Rent, and  collectible as such with any  installment of rent
thereafter  falling due hereunder.  Nothing contained in this subparagraph shall
be deemed to suspend or delay the obligation of Tenant to pay rent and all other
sums as an when due hereunder,  nor otherwise to limit or circumscribe any other
remedy of Landlord.


        SECTION 3.1. Tenant shall pay and discharge as Additional Rent, all real
estate taxes,  assessments and water meter,  water and sewer charges  (including
any expenses incident to the  installation,  repair and replacement of any water
meter),  and all other charges and payments of every kind and nature whatsoever,
whether or not now  within  the  contemplation  of the  parties,  imposed by any
governmental or public authority as shall, during the Term, be imposed or become
a lien  upon  all or any  portion  of the  Leased  Premises,  and  any  and  all
assessments  and  other  charges  imposed  upon  the  Premises  in lieu of or in
addition to the  foregoing,  under or by virtue of any present of future laws or
regulations  of  any  governmental  or  lawful  authority  whatsoever.   Nothing
contained  herein shall be construed so as to require Tenant to pay or be liable
for any gift,  inheritance,  estate,  franchise,  income,  profits,  capital  or
similar tax, or any tax in lieu of any of the  foregoing,  imposed upon Landlord
the  successors  or assigns  of  Landlord,  unless  such tax shall be imposed or
levied upon, or with respect to, rents payable to Landlord  hereunder in lieu of
real estate taxes upon the premises.

        SECTION 3.2.  Tenant shall pay and  discharge,  as Additional  Rent, all
charges for gas,  electricity,  water and all other  public and private  utility
services or  services  furnished  to or for the  benefit of the Leased  Premises
during the Term.  Tenant shall also pay and  discharge as Additional  Rent,  his
proportionate  share of  common  expenses  incurred  in the  ordinary  course of
business  associated  with the  maintenance  and upkeep of the  common  areas of
Monmouth Shores Corporate Park,  including,  but not limited to costs for street
lighting and maintaining the park entrances.  Tenant's proportionate  percentage
is Eight Point Four Four Six Percent (8.446%). Said proportionate percentage was
computed by determining  Tenant's Leased Acreage to the total leaseable  Acreage
in Monmouth Shores  Corporate Park  (10.98/130  acres) subject to a final survey
and deed  description.


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

Landlord  represents that the total combined percentage shares of all tenants of
the Monmouth Shores Corporate Park shall be 100%.

        SECTION 3.3.  Tenant shall also pay and discharge,  as Additional  Rent,
all taxes and  assessments  which shall or may,  during the Term,  be imposed or
become a lien upon the personal property the Tenant employed in the operation of
the Leased  Premises or in connection  with Tenant's  conduct of business on the
Leased Premises.

        SECTION 3.4.  Tenant shall be deemed to have complied with the covenants
of this Article if payment of any such taxes,  assessments  or other  charges is
made by Tenant  within the period  within  which  payment is  permitted  without
penalty of interest and if, upon Landlord's request, Tenant delivers to Landlord
receipted bills or other acceptable proof of timely payment.  Nothing  contained
herein shall be  construed  so as to require  Tenant to pay or be liable for any
gift, inheritance,  estate, franchise, income, profits, capital, or similar tax,
or any tax in lieu of any of the foregoing, imposed upon Landlord the successors
or assigns of Landlord, unless such tax shall be imposed or levied upon, or with
respect to,  rents  payable to Landlord  hereunder  in lieu of real estate taxes
upon the Leased Premises.

        SECTION 3.5. Tenant may, in good faith, and at its sole expense, contest
by  appropriate  proceeding  any such taxes,  assessments,  water meter or other
similar  charges  with  respect to the Leased  Premises,  provided  Tenant shall
deposit  with  Landlord  a sum of money  which  shall  be equal to  seventy-five
percent  (75%) of the  amount of the items so  contested,  and also from time to
time, on demand of Landlord,  such additional sums as may reasonably be required
to cover  interest or penalties  accrued or to accrue on any such item or items.
Landlord,  may,  upon  reasonable  notice  to  Tenant,  if it in  its  sole  and
unreviewable discretion deems it necessary, pay such contested item or items out
of any sum deposited by Tenant with Landlord.  At Landlord's  option,  and where
such  procedure is provided for by law,  Tenant may pay such items under protest
or make proper deposit in court.  When any such contested  items shall have been
paid or  canceled,  any sums so  deposited  to cover  them,  and not  applied by
Landlord as aforesaid,  shall be repaid to Tenant.  Any  agreements  required to
enable  Tenant to effect  the  foregoing  shall be  executed  and  delivered  by
Landlord on reasonable demand.

        SECTION  3.6.  Additional  Rent for items such as (but not  limited  to)
taxes, water, sewer, Monmouth Shores Corporate Park common charges,  etc., shall
be  billed  monthly  on  an  actual  consumption  basis  and  adjusted  annually
thereafter to reflect the actual cost incurred to operate the Leased Premises.

                            ARTICLE 4. RENEWAL OPTION

        SECTION  4.1.  Tenant  shall  have  the  option,  provided  it is not in
default, to extend this Lease for one (1) successive additional term of five (5)
years,  upon the same terms and conditions as provided in this Lease except that
the annual rent during said extension  period shall be the  percentage  increase
between the average of the twelve  monthly price  indices of the Consumer  Price
Index for New York and Northeastern  New Jersey for all Urban Consumers  (CPI-U)
published by the Bureau of Labor  Statistics,  United States Department of Labor
for the first full year of the lease term and the average of the twelve  monthly
price indices for the tenth full year of the lease term multiplied by the annual
fixed Rent as set for in Article 2. If the Consumer Price Index for New York and
Northeastern New Jersey for all Urban Consumers  (CPI-U) published by the Bureau
of Labor  Statistics,  United  States  Department of Labor is not  published,  a
successor  or  substitute  index will be used.  However,  in no event  shall the
annual  increase be less than two and one half  percent  (2-1/2%)  Rent shall be
paid in the manner and at the time  provided in Article 2. Tenant shall not have
an extension after the first renewal option.


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

Tenant  shall give  written  notice to the  Landlord  not less than  twelve (12)
months  before the last day of the initial  term of the Lease of its election to
extend the term or such renewal option shall be deemed waived.

                          ARTICLE 5. OPTION TO PURCHASE

        SECTION 5.1. For and in  consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00),
receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Landlord grants to Tenant the option to
purchase   ("Purchase  Option")  the  Lease  Premises  for  the  lesser  sum  of
$2,800,000.00  or 115% of Commercial  Realty & Resources  Corp.'s actual cost of
construction of the Leased Premises as determined  solely by Commercial Realty &
Resources  Corp.  Tenant may exercise  said option after the  expiration  of the
third (3rd) year of the Lease Term but in no event later than the  expiration of
the fifth  (5th)  year of the Lease  Term,  TIME BEING OF THE  ESSENCE  FOR THIS
REQUIREMENT,  by giving written notice to Landlord as otherwise required in this
Lease.  Concurrent  with the giving of such  notice,  Tenant  shall  deposit ten
percent  (10%) of the  option  price  with  Landlord  to be held in escrow in an
interest  bearing  account  pending  closing of title.  Interest on such deposit
shall  follow the  deposit.  Closing  shall  occur no later than sixty (60) days
after the exercise of the option,  but in no event later than the  expiration of
the fifth  (5th)  year of the Lease  Term,  TIME BEING OF THE  ESSENCE  FOR THIS
REQUIREMENT.  In the event that Tenant fails to close title,  then  Landlord may
elect to terminate this Purchase Option and retain the deposit, whereupon Tenant
shall continue to be obligated  under the terms of this Lease. In no event shall
this  Purchase  Option be assigned to a third party,  except to a subsidiary  or
affiliated corporate entity of Tenant. If Tenant fails to notify Landlord of its
intention  to  purchase  then  Tenant  shall have been deemed to have waived his
rights to said  Purchase  Option.  Any  transferee  of  Landlord  shall take any
interest in the Leased Premises subject to this Purchase Option.

                             ARTICLE 6. CONSTRUCTION

        SECTION 6.1.  Construction  by Landlord:  Landlord  shall cause  certain
improvements to be constructed on the Leased Premises.  The  improvements  shall
include the  construction of (i) a one-story  20,440 square foot office building
and various  site  improvements  relating to the  foregoing,  and (ii) and other
improvements   sometimes   collectively   referred  to  in  this  Lease  as  the
"Improvements")  with (a) finished ceiling heights of not less than 9'-6" except
for lavatories,  (b) height of the atrium to be approximately  the height of the
ceiling peak in the lobby of the Waterford  building  located at Monmouth Shores
Corporate  Park and (c) heights of ceilings in the atrium,  lobby area,  and two
(2) conference  rooms (A & B) between main entrance and atrium shall not be less
than  twelve  (12) feet.  The  Improvements  shall be  constructed  in  complete
conformance  with the  provisions of the  specifications  set forth as Exhibit D
attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference and with Exhibits A, B, & E.
Landlord shall bear all costs  incurred in the  construction,  including  taxes,
permit  fees,  professional  services,  and costs of utility  lines and services
whether located on or off the Premises.  The plans and specifications  contained
in  Exhibits A, B, C, & D are to be  considered  together,  and all  facilities,
materials or work shown therein shall be furnished and provided by Landlord.

        SECTION 6.2.  Liability  and Risk During  Construction.  Landlord  shall
carry on the  construction  of the  Improvements  at its own risk until they are
completed in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Exhibits A, B, C, & D. Tenant
shall exercise no control over the construction.


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

        SECTION 6.3.  Construction of the  Improvements  shall be deemed to have
been completed when (i) the Improvements  have been  substantially  completed in
accordance  with the plans and  specifications  shown  on,  or  referred  to in,
Exhibits A, B, C, & D and all applicable  requirements  of  governmental  bodies
having  jurisdiction  over  the  construction  of  the  Improvements  have  been
satisfied,  (ii) all  certificates of occupancy  (however such  certificates are
designated)  required  for the lawful  occupancy of the  Improvements  have been
validly issued by the  governmental  authorities  having  jurisdiction and (iii)
Landlord shall have given written notice thereof to the Tenant (the  "Completion
Requirements").  If the Completion  Requirements are otherwise met but there are
minor  "punch-list"  items  that are not  completed  and that do not  materially
affect the Tenant's ability to use the Premises for their intended purpose,  the
Completion Requirements will be deemed to be met. The Landlord will complete all
"punch-list" items within ninety (90) days after the Commencement Date.

        SECTION  6.4.  The  date  upon  which  the  notice  given  shall  be the
Commencement  Date of this Lease,  which  Commencement  Date shall be no earlier
than December,  1997.  Tenant shall not occupy or use the Premises or any of the
Improvements  prior to the  Commencement  Date without the express prior written
consent  of the  Landlord,  which  consent  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld
provided  that the  Tenant  (i)  begins  to pay Rent to the  Landlord  as of the
effective date of such occupancy  and/or use (which Rent may be in proportion to
the amount of the Improvements to be occupied and/or used by the Tenant prior to
the  Commencement  Date as shall be  mutually  agreed  by the  Landlord  and the
Tenant), (ii) shall be responsible for any and all governmental requirements for
such occupancy  and/or use prior to the  Commencement  Date at the Tenant's sole
cost and expense and; furthermore,  provided that the Tenant shall indemnify and
hold  the  Landlord  harmless  from all  liabilities,  requirements,  costs  and
expenses in connection  therewith,  and (iii) shall be obligated under all other
provisions  of this Lease  except that the Term of this Lease shall not begin to
run until the occurrence of the Commencement Date.

        SECTION  6.5.  When the Leased  Premises are  sufficiently  complete for
Tenant to enter  and  perform  the work to make the  Leased  Premises  ready for
occupancy,  Landlord  or  Landlord's  general  contractor  shall give  notice to
Tenant,  and Tenant shall  promptly begin the work that is necessary to open the
Leased  Premises for business.  Tenant must meet the insurance  requirements  of
Article 10 before  beginning any work. By entering the Leased  Premises to begin
work necessary to make the Leased Premises ready for occupancy,  Tenant will not
be deemed to have taken occupancy,  provided that no business of Tenant shall be
conducted .

        SECTION 6.6. If Tenant claims that Landlord has not complied with one or
more of the construction requirements as of the date of occupancy, Tenant shall,
within forty-five (45) days submit to Landlord a written list of the work Tenant
claims has not been  performed by Landlord,  and Landlord shall have ninety (90)
days thereafter to complete such work.

        SECTION  6.7.  If  there is a delay in the  construction  of the  Leased
Premises caused by circumstances  beyond Landlord's  control,  including but not
limited to labor  disputes,  fire,  unusual delay in  transportation,  delays in
material  deliveries,  adverse  weather  conditions not reasonably  anticipated,
unavoidable  casualties or delay authorized by Tenant, that delay shall not be a
breach of this Lease,  and the time periods and  Commencement  Date set forth in
this Lease shall be extended  for a period of time equal to the period of delay,
but not more than a total of ninety (90) days.

        SECTION  6.8.  Landlord  warrants  to  Tenant  that  all  materials  and
equipment  furnished under this Lease Agreement will be new, unless specifically
agreed to in writing by Tenant, and that all Work will be of good quality,  free
from improper


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

workmanship  and defective  materials and in  conformance  with the Final Plans.
Landlord  agrees to correct all Work performed by it under this Lease  Agreement
which proves to be defective in material and workmanship  within a period of one
(1) year from the date of issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, or
for such  longer  period of time as may be set forth with  respect  to  specific
warranties,   such  as  the  roof  (e.g.,   ten  (10)  year  warranty)  and  the
air-conditioning compressors (e.g., four (4) year warranty).

        SECTION 6.9. Landlord will collect all written  warranties and equipment
manuals and assign them to the Tenant.


        SECTION 7.1.  Except as otherwise  set forth herein  Tenant  accepts the
Premises without any representation or warranty,  expressed or implied,  in fact
or by law,  by  Landlord  and  without  recourse  to  Landlord as to the nature,
condition,  or usability thereof or the use or uses to which the Premises or any
part thereof may be put.

        SECTION  7.2.  Throughout  the Term,  Landlord  shall not be required to
furnish any services or facilities.  nor to make any repairs,  replacements,  or
alterations,  in or to the Leased Premises,  except as set forth herein.  Tenant
hereby assumes the full and sole  responsibility  for the condition,  operation,
maintenance and management of the entire Leased Premises.

        SECTION  7.3. The Leased  Premises may be used for office,  research and
development purposes. Tenant's SIC Code #2834.

        SECTION 7.4.  Tenant agrees to comply with the covenants,  restrictions,
rules and  regulations of the Landlord  governing the use and maintenance of the
Monmouth  Shores  Corporate  Park  attached  hereto  and made a part  hereof  as
Exhibits E-1 and E-2.

        SECTION 7.5.a.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  Tenant shall not use or
occupy, nor permit the Leased Premises to be used or occupied, nor do, suffer or
permit anything to be done in or on the Leased Premises, in whole or in part, in
a manner which would in any way:

              i.  violate any  certificate  of  occupancy  affecting  the Leased

             ii.  make void or voidable any insurance then in force with respect
                  to the Leased Premises or Monmouth Shores Corporate Park;

            iii.  make it impossible to obtain fire or other insurance  required
                  to be furnished by Tenant hereunder;

             iv.  cause injury to all or any portion of the Leased Premises;

              v.  constitute a public or private nuisance; or

             vi.  violate any present or future law,  regulation or  requirement
                  of any governmental,  public, or quasi-public authority at any
                  time having jurisdiction of the Leased Premises.

        SECTION 7.5.b.  Tenant shall,  at its own cost and expense,  comply with
all: (i) requirements of law; (ii) laws, ordinances, orders, rules, requirements
and regulations of all federal,  state,  municipal,  and other public  agencies,
instrumentalities  and  authorities  affecting  the  Leased  Premises  or having
jurisdiction thereover; and (iii) requirements of


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

the Fire  Insurance  Exchange or similar body,  and of any  liability  insurance
company insuring  Landlord against  liability for accidents or on connected with
the Leased Premises,  including without limitation all laws, ordinance,  orders,
rules,  and  regulations  which  apply to the interior or exterior of the Leased
Premises or the structural  parts thereof,  whether  ordinary or  extraordinary,
foreseen or unforeseen.

        SECTION 7.5.c.  Tenant may,  however,  with the prior written consent of
Landlord  (which  consent  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld if Tenant  shall
secure Landlord to its reasonable satisfaction against loss or damage),  contest
the  validity  of any such law,  regulation  or  requirement  and,  pending  the
determination  of  such  contest,  may  postpone  compliance  therewith  if such
postponement  will  not  subject  Landlord  to  any  fine  or  penalty,  nor  to
prosecution  for a crime,  nor  cause the  Premises  or any part  thereof  to be
condemned  or to be  subject  to any  type  of  lien  whatsoever.  Tenant  shall
indemnify  and hold  Landlord  harmless  against  any  recovery or loss to which
Landlord  may be  subject  or which  Landlord  may  sustain,  including  without
limitation  reasonable  attorney's fees and expense incurred by Landlord arising
from or out of any  breach  of this  covenant,  or by  reason  of any  action or
proceedings  which may be brought against  Landlord or against the Premises,  or
any part thereof, by virtue of any such law, regulations or requirement.  Tenant
will remedy any violations of this covenant and will pay the cost of same.

        SECTION 7.6. Tenant shall,  at it sole cost and expense,  take good care
of the  Leased  Premises  and make all  repairs  necessary  thereto  in order to
restore all buildings and  improvements  on the Leased  Premises at least to the
extent of their value,  and as near as practicable to their original quality and
character as in existence immediately prior to the occurrence  necessitating the
repair, whether interior or exterior, structural or non-structural,  ordinary or
extraordinary,  and foreseen or unforeseen.  Further,  Tenant shall maintain and
keep the Leased Premises,  lawns,  sidewalks,  and curbs adjacent hereto in good
repair and condition.  Tenant shall also, at its sole cost and expense, keep all
such sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots free and clear from rubbish, ice and
snow and shall  not  encumber  or  instruct  the same,  nor allow the same to be
encumbered or obstructed in any manner.

        SECTION 7.7. Only upon obtaining the prior written  consent of Landlord,
(which consent shall not be unreasonably  withheld) and, if Landlord so desires,
the prior written  consent of any  architect or engineer of  Landlord's  choice,
Tenant may,  at its sole cost and  expense,  make  additions,  alterations,  and
changes  in and to the  Leases  Premises,  provided  that  Tenant is not then in
default in the performance of any of Tenant's covenants, obligations, duties, or
agreements   in  this  Lease.   All   erections,   alterations,   additions  and
improvements, whether temporary or permanent in character which may be made upon
the  Leased  Premises  by any  person,  except  only the  placement  thereon  of
furniture,  movable trade fixtures and movable machinery or equipment of Tenant,
shall  become  the  property  of the  Landlord,  and  shall  remain  upon and be
surrendered  with the Leased  Premises as a part thereof at the  termination  of
this Lease without any  compensation  whatsoever to Tenant or to anyone else. If
attached  property is removed,  Tenant agrees to restore the Leased  Premises to
its original condition.

                           ARTICLE 8. MECHANIC'S LIEN

        SECTION 8.1.  Mechanic's Liens  Prohibited.  Tenant shall not suffer any
mechanic's  lien to be filed  against  the  Leased  Premises  by reason of work,
labor,  services or  materials,  performed  or  furnished to Tenant or to anyone
holding the Leased Premises,  or any part thereof,  through or under Tenant.  If
any mechanic's  lien or any notice of intention to file a mechanic's  lien shall
at any time be filed against the Leased Premises, (unless the labor or materials
were  actually  performed  for or furnished to Landlord in  connection  with its
obligations  under this lease) Tenant shall at Tenant's cost,  within


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

twenty-one  (21) days after  knowledge or notice of the filing of any mechanic's
lien cause the same to be  removed or  discharged  of record by  payment,  bond,
order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or otherwise.

        SECTION 8.2.  Landlord's  Remedy for Tenant's Breach.  With reference to
Section  8.1  preceding,  if  Tenant  shall  fail to  remove  or  discharge  any
mechanic's  lien or any notice of intention to file a mechanic's lien within the
seven (7) days,  then in  addition  to any  other  right or remedy of  landlord,
Landlord  may, at its option,  procure the removal or  discharge  of the same by
payment or bond or  otherwise.  Any amount  paid by Landlord  for such  purpose,
together with all legal and other  expenses of Landlord in procuring the removal
or  discharge  of such lien or notice of  intention  shall be and become due and
payable immediately by Tenant to Landlord.


        SECTION 9.1.  Landlord shall not be responsible or liable for any damage
or injury to any  property or to any one or more persons at any time on or about
the Leased  Premises  arising  from any cause  whatsoever  except for those acts
Landlord  is directly  responsible  for under the terms and  conditions  of this
Lease.  Tenant  shall  not  hold  Landlord  in any  way  responsible  or  liable
therefore,  and hereby  releases  and remises  Landlord  therefore.  Tenant will
indemnify  and hold  Landlord  harmless from and against (i) any and all claims,
liabilities,  penalties,  damages, expenses and judgments arising from injury to
persons or  property of any nature in or upon the Leased  Premises  and (ii) any
and all of the foregoing arising from Tenant's occupation of, and its conduct of
business  upon,  the  Leased  Premises  and the street  and  sidewalks  adjacent
thereto.  However,  Tenant shall not hold Landlord  harmless from claims arising
from acts for which Landlord is responsible for under this lease.

        SECTION 9.2.a. Neither Tenant nor Landlord, nor their respective agents,
employees  or  representatives  shall be  liable to the other for loss or damage
covered by any insurance policy.  The liability of Tenant to indemnify  Landlord
as set forth in  Article 9 hereof  shall not  extend to any matter to the extent
Landlord actually receives insurance proceeds therefore, provided, however, that
if any such liability  shall exceed the amount of the effective and  collectible
insurance in question, Tenant shall be liable for such excess.

        SECTION  9.2.b.  All insurance  polices  required under this Lease shall
contain waivers by properly endorsed amendments,  if necessary,  by the carriers
of all subrogation rights as against Landlord and Tenant.

                       ARTICLE 10. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS

        SECTION  10.1.  During  the  Term,  Tenant  shall,  at its sole cost and
expense,  and for the benefit of Landlord  any and all  mortgages  of the Leased
Premises,  carry and  maintain the  following  types of insurance in the amounts
hereinafter specified:

        SECTION 10.1.a. fire and extended coverage insurance covering the Leased
Premises  against  loss or  damage by fire and  against  loss or damage by other
risks now or hereafter  embraced by "extended  coverage" so called, in an amount
not less than one hundred  percent  (100%) of the full  replacement  cost of all
improvements and building on the Leased Premises (as determined and specified by
Landlord), without deduction or depreciation;


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

        SECTION 10.1.b.  comprehensive  public  liability  insurance,  including
property damage,  insuring  Landlord and Tenant against  liability for injury or
damage or  persons  or  property  occurring  in or about the Lease  Premises  or
arising  out  of  the  ownership,  maintenance  use or  occupancy  thereof.  The
liability under such insurance shall not be less than (i)  $1,000,000.00 for any
one person injured or killed,  (ii) $1,000,000.00 for any one accident and (iii)
$50,000.00 for personal property damage per accident.

        SECTION 10.1.c. boiler and pressure vessel insurance, including coverage
of pipes; and

        SECTION 10.1.d.  such other insurance,  and in such amount,  as may from
time to time be required by Landlord  against other  insurable  hazards which at
the time are commonly insured against in the case of premises similarly situated
to the Leased Premises,  including without limitation flood hazard insurance, if
the Leased Premises are located in a flood hazard area. These insurances will be
requested by Landlord only if future  requirements  may  necessitate  additional

        SECTION 10.2.  All policies of insurance  (except  liability  insurance)
carried or maintained hereunder shall provide by endorsement that any loss shall
be payable to Landlord or Tenant, as their respective  interests may appear. All
such insurance shall be in form, and maintained  with carriers,  satisfactory to

        SECTION 10.3. All policies of insurance carried or maintained  hereunder
shall  contain an  agreement  by the insurer  that each such policy shall not be
canceled without at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice to Landlord.

        SECTION  10.4.  By the 15th day of March of each  year  during  the Term
Tenant  shall  deliver to  Landlord  evidence of the  above-mentioned  insurance
coverage satisfactory to Landlord.  Upon Tenant's failure to comply in full with
Article 10, Landlord shall have the immediate right to: (i) obtain the aforesaid
insurance coverage,  (ii) pay the premiums therefore and (iii) add said premiums
to the  monthly  installment  of rent next due,  which  amount  shall be paid by
Tenant to Landlord in addition to said monthly installment of rent.

                        ARTICLE 11. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION

        SECTION  11.1.  If,  at any time  during  the  Term,  the  buildings  or
improvements  on the Leased  Premises  shall be wholly or  partially  damaged or
destroyed by fire or other casualty  (including any casualty for which insurance
coverage was not  obtained) of any nature  whatsoever,  regardless of where said
damage or  destruction  resulted from an act of God, the fault of Tenant or from
any other cause  whatsoever,  the Tenant shall promptly  replace,  repair and/or
rebuild  the  damaged or  destroyed  buildings  and  improvements  on the Leased
Premises  at least to the extent of the  value,  and as near as  practicable  to
their original quality and character,  of all such buildings and improvements as
in existence  immediately  prior to the damage or  destruction.  Such rebuilding
shall be made in accordance with plans and specifications  therefore which shall
first  be  submitted  to,  and  approved  in  writing  by,   Landlord  prior  to
commencement of any repair or rebuilding.

        SECTION  11.2.a.  All  insurance  money  collected by Landlord  from any
policy of insurance on account of such damage or destruction,  less the cost, if
any,  incurred in  connection  with the  adjustment  of the loss and  collection
thereof (herein  sometimes  referred to as the "insurance  proceeds"),  shall be
applied to the payment of the cost of the  rebuilding.  The  insurance  proceeds
shall be paid out to or for the account of Tenant from time to time as such work
progresses,  upon Tenant's  presentation  to Landlord of valid bills or invoices
for repair or reconstruction of the Leased Premises. All sums so paid to


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

Tenant,  and any other  insurance  proceeds  received or collected by or for the
account  of  Tenant  (other  than by way of  reimbursement  to  Tenant  for sums
theretofore paid by Tenant), shall be held by Tenant in trust for the purpose of
paying the cost of such reconstruction.

        SECTION  11.2.b.   Upon  Landlord's   receipt  of  evidence   reasonably
satisfactory to it that the repair or reconstruction has been completed and paid
for in full,  and that there are no liens on the  Premises as a result  thereof,
Landlord shall, pay to Tenant any remaining balance of said insurance  proceeds.
If the Insurance  proceeds received by Landlord shall be insufficient to pay the
entire cost of repair or reconstruction  and Tenant has not purchased  insurance
in  accordance  with  Article 9 then Tenant  shall supply the amount of any such
deficiency  and shall  apply such monies to the payment of the cost of repair or
reconstruction  as such  becomes  necessary  for the  prompt  completion  of the
repairs or reconstruction, and before calling upon Landlord for the disbursement
of any remaining insurance proceeds held by Landlord.

        SECTION 11.2.c.  Under no  circumstances  shall Landlord be obligated to
make any payment, disbursement or contribution towards the cost of the repair of
the damage or destruction as described in Article 11.1., except to the extent of
the insurance proceeds actually received by Landlord.

        SECTION  11.3.  No provision of Article 11 shall be construed to entitle
Tenant to any abatement,  reduction, allowance against or suspension of rent for
any reasons whatsoever, except that in the event Tenant and Landlord's insurance
carriers agree that the property is so damaged that it cannot be repaired within
ninety (90) days from the date of such joint  determination,  then Tenant  shall
thereafter be permitted to cancel this Lease.

                            ARTICLE 12. CONDEMNATION

        SECTION  12.1. If the entire  Leased  Premises  shall be taken under the
exercise of the power of eminent  domain (or any similar  governmental  power in
the nature  thereof) by an competent  governmental  authority,  this Lease shall
terminate  as of the date of such  taking.  In that  event,  all  Rent  reserved
hereunder  shall be  apportioned  as of the date of such  taking and all prepaid
rentals,  if any,  not  theretofore  applied  towards  the  payment  of  accrued
installments  of rent in accordance  with the provisions  hereof shall be repaid
promptly to Tenant.

        SECTION  12.2. If less than the entire  Leased  Premises  shall be taken
under the exercise of the power of eminent domain or any similar  power,  Tenant
shall make such repairs and  restorations  as may be necessary to fully  restore
all  remaining  portion of the Leased  Premises  at least to the extent of their
value,  and as near as practicable to their original quality and character as in
existence  immediately  prior to the  taking.  During  the time such  repairs or
restorations  are  being  made,  Tenant  shall  only  be  required  to pay  that
proportion of the aggregate Rent, costs and expenses  reserved  hereunder as the
area of the portion of the Leased  Premises  remaining  tenantable  bears to the
entire area of the Leased Premises prior to said taking. Upon completion of said
restoration,  the Rent reserved  hereunder shall be reduced for the remainder of
the Term and thereafter  Tenant shall be required to pay that  proportion of the
Rent as the area of  restored  Leased  Premises  bears to the area of the entire
Leased Premises prior to said taking,  exclusive of non-material  areas.  Tenant
shall use the entire  award from such partial  taking for any such  restoration.
Any of such  proceeds  received by Tenant shall be held in trust for the purpose
of paying the cost of such restoration.


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

        SECTION  12.3.  In the event of any  taking,  whether  total or partial,
Tenant shall have no claim in or to any award of damages for such taking, except
to the extent that the proceeds of any partial taking must be used by Tenant for
restoration of the Leased Premises.  Tenant hereby expressly assigns any and all
of its right, title and interest in and to all such awards to Landlord.


        SECTION 13.1. Tenant shall not assign, mortgage,  pledge, encumber or in
any manner transfer this Lease or any portion hereof or any interest herein, nor
sublease all or any portion of the Leased  Premises,  without the prior  written
consent of Landlord which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

        SECTION 13.2. In case of an assignment of this Lease or  sub-letting  of
the Leased  Premises by Tenant,  the obligations of Tenant under this Lease as a
primary  obligor shall be unaffected  and shall remain in full force and effect.
Should  this  Lease be  assigned  or  sublet,  any rental in excess of the level
Tenant would pay under the terms and  conditions  of this Lease shall be paid to
the Tenant until such time as Tenant has  recouped  (i) Tenant's  actual cost of
any leasehold  improvements in excess of allowances provided in this Lease, (ii)
Tenant's  actual  cost  to  provide  any  additional  leasehold  improvement  or
allowances  reasonably  necessary  to  sublease  or assign the space,  and (iii)
Tenant's  actual cost of subletting  or assigning  the space,  including but not
limited to  commissions  and  attorney's  fees.  Thereafter,  all excess  rental
amounts shall belong to Landlord.

        SECTION 13.3. Anything contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding,
Tenant may  assign  this Lease or sublet  the  Leased  Premises  or any  portion
thereof,  without  Landlord's  consent,  to any corporation  which controls,  is
controlled  by or is under common  control with  Tenant,  or to any  corporation
resulting from a merger or consolidation with Tenant, or to any person or entity
which acquires all the assets of Tenant's business as a going concern,  provided
that (i) the assignee or sublessee  assumes,  in full, the obligations of Tenant
under this Lease,  (ii) Tenant remains fully liable under this Lease,  and (iii)
Tenant sends Landlord prior notice of the proposed assignment or subletting.

        SECTION 13.4. In the event of any voluntary or  involuntary  bankruptcy,
arrangement, plans or reorganization, assignment for the benefit of creditors or
other  insolvency  or related  proceeding  filed,  instituted  or conducted  by,
against or otherwise on behalf of Tenant, the leasehold created hereby shall not
be assigned nor the Leased Premises  sublet,  nor shall either this leasehold or
the Leased Premises be otherwise  conveyed or transferred,  in whole or in part,
to any party unless it shall possess:  (i) a minimum net worth of $1,000,000.00,
calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and (ii)
minimum working capital of $500,000.00.

                         ARTICLE 14. DEFAULT PROVISIONS

        SECTION 14.1. The occurrence of any of the following  events ("Events of
Default") shall constitute a default under this Lease:

        SECTION  14.1.a.  Tenant fails to make lawful and timely  payment of any
installment  of Fixed or  Additional  Rent or any other sum payable by Tenant to
Landlord or to any other person,  firm, entity, or governmental body, agency, or
organization whatsoever,  and such failure continues for a period of thirty (30)
days, after written notice of default delivered by Landlord;


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

        SECTION 14.1.b. Tenant fails to perform or observe any covenant, term or
condition  of this  Lease to be  performed  or  observed  by Tenant  other  than
defaults  covered by  subparagraph  (a) hereof and such failure  continues for a
period of ten (10) days,  after  receipt  by Tenant of  written  notice of same,
unless  Tenant  has made a good  faith  effort to remedy  the  default  and said
default cannot be remedied within the said ten (10) day period;

        SECTION 14.1.c. Tenant ceases to do business as a going concern or files
any petition with respect to its own financial  condition  under any  bankruptcy
law or any  amendment  thereto  (including  without  limitation  a  petition  or
reorganization,  arrangement or extension), or under any other insolvency law or
laws providing for the relief of debtors;

        SECTION 14.1.d.  (i) A receiver,  trustee,  conservator or liquidator is
appointed  for Tenant of all or a  substantial  portion of its  assets,  and the
underlying  proceeding  is not  discharged  within  thirty  (30) days  after the
commencement  thereof,  (ii)  this  Lease,  the  estate  hereby  granted  or the
unexpired  balance of the Term would,  by operation of law or otherwise,  except
for this provision,  pass to any person,  firm or corporation other than Tenant,
or (iii)  Tenant  shall be  adjudicated  bankrupt or insolvent or in need of any
relief provided to debtors by any court; or

        SECTION  14.1.e.  Tenant  shall  cause or permit the Leased  Premises to
become vacant or abandoned for any period of time  whatsoever  unless  otherwise
consented to by Landlord which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

        SECTION  14.1.f.  Tenant  fails to  conform  to the  terms,  conditions,
restrictions,  expenses  and  responsibilities  associated  with the  Protective
Covenants as set forth in Exhibit E-1 herein and the Maintenance  Plan set forth
in Exhibit E-2 herein.

                         ARTICLE 15. LANDLORD'S REMEDIES

        Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default which is not cured within the
period set forth in Article 14 hereof,  Landlord may exercise any one or more of
the following remedies:

        SECTION  15.1.a.  Landlord  may give Tenant a notice  (the  "Termination
Notice") of its  intention  to terminate  this Lease  specifying a date not less
than five (5) days  thereafter,  upon which date this Lease, the Term and estate
hereby  granted and all rights of Tenant  hereunder  shall expire and terminate.
Notwithstanding the foregoing: (1) Landlord may institute dispossess proceedings
for non-payment of rent,  distraint or other  proceedings to enforce the payment
of rent without giving the Termination Notice.

        SECTION 15.1.b.  Upon any such  termination or expiration of this Lease,
Tenant shall peaceably quit and surrender the Leased  Premises to Landlord,  and
Landlord may without further notice enter upon, re-enter,  possess and repossess
itself thereof, by force,  summary  proceedings,  ejectment or otherwise and may
have, hold and enjoy the Leased Premises and the right to receive all rental and
other income of and from the same.

        SECTION 15.2.  Landlord may, at Landlord's sole option (without imposing
any duty upon  Landlord to do so),  and Tenant  hereby  authorizes  and empowers
Landlord  to: (i)  re-enter  the Leased  Premises as  Tenant's  agent or for any
occupant  of the  Leased  Premises  under  Tenant,  or for  its own  account  or
otherwise, (ii) relet the same for any term, (iii) remodel the same if necessary
or desirable for such reletting  purposes and (iv) receive and apply the rent so
received to pay all fees and  expenses  incurred by Landlord


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

as a result of such Event of Default,  including  without  limitation  any legal
fees and expenses arising therefrom,  the cost of re-entry,  repair,  remodeling
and reletting and the payment of the Rent and other  charges due  hereunder.  No
entry,  re-entry  or  reletting  by  Landlord,  whether by summary  proceedings,
termination or otherwise,  shall  discharge  Tenant from any of its liability to
Landlord as set forth in this Lease.

        SECTION  15.3.  Regardless  of whether  Landlord  enters or re-enters by
summary proceedings,  termination or otherwise, Tenant will pay Landlord, and be
liable to Landlord  for,  the full amount of all Fixed and  Additional  Rent and
other  charges  then due or  thereafter  to become  due to  Landlord  hereunder,
subject  to  Landlord's  obligation  to  attempt  to  mitigate  such  Fixed  and
Additional  Rent and other  charges  then due or  thereafter  to  become  due to
Landlord  hereunder.  Tenant shall not be liable to the extent Landlord can find
another tenant to lease the premises  under the terms and  conditions  contained

        SECTION  15.4.  Tenant  shall  be  liable  for all  costs,  charges  and
expenses,  including  without  limitation,  attorney's  fees and  disbursements,
incurred by Landlord by reason of the  occurrence of any Event of Default or the
exercise of the Landlord's remedies with respect thereto.

        SECTION  15.5.  Tenant,  for itself and on behalf of any and all persons
claiming through or under it, including  without  limitation  creditors of every
kind,  hereby waives and surrenders all rights and privileges  which they or any
of them may have  under or by reason of any  present or future law to redeem the
Leased Premises, or to have a continuance of this Lease for the remainder of the
Term, after being  dispossessed or ejected  therefrom by process of law or after
the termination of this Lease as herein provided.

                      REMEDIES - WAIVERS - ATTORNEY'S FEES

        SECTION  16.1.  If the  Tenant  shall  fail to pay any taxes or make any
other  payment  required  to be made under this Lease,  or shall  default in the
performance  of any covenant,  agreement,  term,  provision or condition  herein
contained, Landlord may, without being under any obligation to do so and without
thereby waiving such default, make such payment and/or remedy such other default
for the account and at the sole expense of Tenant. Tenant shall pay to Landlord,
on  demand,  the  amount of all sums so paid and all  expenses  from the date of
payment by Landlord  until  payment in full at the rate of ten percent (10%) per

        SECTION 16.2.  Landlord may restrain any breach or threatened  breach of
any covenant, agreement, term, provision or condition herein contained. However,
the mention herein of any particular remedy shall not preclude the Landlord from
any other  remedy  it may  have,  either at law or in  equity.  The  failure  of
Landlord to insist upon the strict  performance  of any one of the terms of this
Lease,  or to  exercise  any  right,  remedy or  election  herein  contained  or
permitted  by  law,  shall  not  constitute  or  be  construed  as a  waiver  or
relinquishment for the future of such term, right,  remedy or election,  but the
same shall continue and remain in full force and effect. Any rights and remedies
of  Landlord,  whether  created  hereunder  or  existing  at law,  in  equity or
otherwise upon breach by Tenant of any covenant  contained in this Lease,  shall
be distinct,  separate and cumulative  rights or remedies,  and not one of them,
whether  exercised  by Landlord  or not,  shall be deemed to have been waived by
Landlord unless such waiver is in writing,  signed by Landlord or its agent duly
authorized in writing.  Receipt or  acceptance  of Fixed or  Additional  Rent by
Landlord  shall not be deemed a waiver of any default  under this Lease,  nor of
any right which Landlord may be entitled to exercise under this Lease.


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

        SECTION  16.3.  In the event of any default by Tenant  under this Lease,
Landlord  shall be  entitled,  in  addition  to any other  rights  and  remedies
hereunder,  to the  reimbursement  by  Tenant of  attorney's  fees  incurred  by
Landlord in the exercise of its rights and remedies.


        SECTION 17.1. Landlord covenants that if and for so long as Tenant keeps
and performs each and every covenant herein required to be kept and performed by
it,  Tenant  shall  peacefully  and quietly  enjoy the Leased  Premises  without
hindrance or  molestation  by Landlord,  subject to the  covenants,  agreements,
terms, provisions and conditions of this Lease.

        SECTION 17.2. The term "Landlord" as used in this Lease,  means only the
owner for the time  being of the  Leased  Premises,  and in the event of a sale,
assignment  or transfer  by such owner of its  interest in all or any portion of
the Leased  Premises  and upon sixty (60) days written  notice to Tenant  before
such sale, assignment,  or transfer,  such owner shall thereupon be released and
discharged  from all covenants and obligations of Landlord  thereafter  accruing
with  respect  to the  portion  of the  Leased  Premises  so  transferred.  Such
covenants and obligations shall be binding upon each new Landlord.


        SECTION 18.1.  Landlord shall have the right to show the Leased Premises
during  normal  business  hours,  with  advance  notice  to  Tenant so as not to
interfere with the normal  operation of Tenant's  business.  Landlord shall have
the  right to show  the  Leased  Premises  at any  time  during  the Term to any
prospective purchaser of the same, and may enter upon the Leased Premises or any
portion  thereof,  for the purpose of ascertaining  the condition  thereof,  and
whether Tenant is observing and performing the obligations imposed upon it under
this Lease,  all without  hindrance or  molestation  from Tenant,  except that a
representative  of Tenant shall accompany  Landlord and/or  Landlord's agents at
all times that they are in the  building  on the Leased  Premises.  In the event
Tenant  fails to make  repairs or perform  work  required  of Tenant  hereunder,
Landlord shall have the right to enter upon the Leased  Premises for the purpose
of making such repairs or performing such work, in which event Tenant shall pay,
as Additional Rent upon demand  therefore,  the cost to Landlord of such repairs
and/or such work,  together  with interest on such sums from the date of payment
by Landlord until payment in full by Tenant at the rate of ten percent (10%) per
annum.  The  above-mentioned  rights of entry shall be exercisable at reasonable
times, at reasonable hours and on reasonable notice. However,  nothing contained
herein  shall  impose or imply any duty on the part of  Landlord  at any time to
inspect the Leased Premises, make any such repairs or perform any such work.

        SECTION 18.2. Upon the expiration of the Term or the sooner  termination
thereof as provided in this Lease:

        SECTION  18.2.A.  Tenant shall  peaceably and quietly leave and yield up
unto  Landlord the entire  Leased  Premises  free of occupants  and all personal
property.  Any  removable  property of Tenant  which shall remain in or upon the
Leased Premises after the expiration of the Term or sooner  termination  thereof
and the  removal  of Tenant  from the  Leased  Premises  may,  at the  option of
Landlord,  be deemed  to have been  abandoned,  and may be  either  retained  by
Landlord as its  property,  or disposed of in such manner as Landlord may in its
sole discretion deem appropriate; and


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

        SECTION 18.2.b.  If Tenant shall remain in the Leased  Premises  without
having  executed and delivered a new lease with Landlord such holding over shall
not  constitute a renewal or extension of this Lease.  Landlord may, at its sole
option,  elect to: (i) treat Tenant as one who has not removed at the end of its
term, and thereupon be entitled to all the remedies  against Tenant provided for
by law or under this Lease  regarding  such  situation;  or (ii)  construe  such
holding  over as a  tenancy  from  month to  month,  subject  to all  terms  and
conditions of this Lease,  except the duration  thereof.  In that event,  Tenant
shall pay monthly rent in advance at fifty percent (50%) above the rate provided
herein for the last month of the Term.


        SECTION 19.1.  This Lease shall be subject and  subordinate at all times
to the lien of any and all mortgages  hereafter on the Leased  Premises,  and to
all  advances  hereafter  made  under any one or more such  mortgages.  Landlord
represents  that as of the  date of the  execution  of this  Lease,  there is no
mortgage  on  the  Leased   Premises.   The   aforesaid   provisions   shall  be
self-operative  and no further  instrument shall be required to subordinate this
Lease to any such  mortgage  or  mortgages.  However,  Tenant  will  execute and
deliver such further instrument or instruments  evidencing said subordination as
may be desired by Landlord or any mortgagee or proposed mortgagee. Tenant hereby
irrevocably  appoints  Landlord  as  Tenant's  attorney-in-fact  to execute  and
deliver any such instrument or instruments for Tenant.

        SECTION 19.2.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  Landlord hereby covenants
that any mortgage  hereinafter given on the Leased Premises  ("mortgage")  shall
contain a  "non-disturbance"  clause,  so called,  providing that for so long as
Tenant  complies in full with all terms and  conditions of this Lease,  Tenant's
possession,  occupation and use of the Leased  Premises  hereunder  shall not be
disturbed or interfered  with due to any  non-compliance  or default of Landlord
under any mortgage.

        SECTION  19.3.  In the event any  mortgagee  prevails  in a  foreclosure
action regarding the Leased Premises,  Tenant agrees to attorn to such mortgagee
as Landlord hereunder.  If the mortgagee shall so request,  Tenant will promptly
execute a written attornment agreement.

                        ARTICLE 20. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE

        SECTION 20.1.  Within ten (10) days after either party hereto shall have
requested  the  same,  the  other  party  shall  deliver  a  certificate  to it,
certifying to the best of its knowledge that:

        (a) this Lease has not been  supplemented,  amended or  modified  in any
respect, or specifying the manner in which it has been supplemented,  amended or

        (b) this Lease is in full  force and  effect,  or if it is alleged  that
this Lease is not in full force and effect, specifying the reasons therefore;

        (c) there exists no default under this Lease, nor any event which,  with
the giving of notice or lapse of time,  or both,  would  become a default  under
this Lease, or, if there exists such default or event, specifying the nature and
extent of the same; and

        (d) there  are no  defenses,  set-offs,  recoupments,  counterclaims  or
claims of any nature  whatsoever by or on behalf of Tenant against Landlord with
respect to this Lease.


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

                          ARTICLE 21. SHORT FORM LEASE

        SECTION 21.1.  Landlord and Tenant shall,  each on request of the other,
execute a short form lease or  memorandum  of lease  and/or  purchase  option in
proper form for recording,  the cost and expense thereof to be paid by the party
requesting  same.  The Lease itself shall not be recorded.  In addition,  Tenant
shall  deposit in escrow with  Landlord's  attorney  undated  but duly  executed
releases of such memoranda, which Landlord's attorney may file upon any event of
default in this Lease (and/or the Purchase Option).

                             ARTICLE 22. LATE CHARGE

        SECTION 22.1. At Landlord's option,  Tenant shall pay a "late charge" of
five  percent  (5%) of any  installment  of rental (or any such other  charge or
payment as may be considered  additional  rent under this Lease  Agreement) when
paid  more than ten (10) days  after  the due date  thereof,  to cover the extra
expenses  involved in handling  delinquent  payments and such amounts shall bear
interest  at the rate of one and  one-half (1 1/2%) per month.  Should  Landlord
exercise this  provision,  it shall be without  preclusion of any other remedies
for non-payment of rent.


        SECTION  23.1.   Simultaneously  herewith,  Tenant  has  deposited  with
Landlord  an  Irrevocable  Letter  of  Credit  in the sum of One  Hundred  Fifty
Thousand  Dollars  ($150,000.00)  as security for the faithful  performance  and
observance by Tenant of the terms,  provisions and conditions of this Lease.  At
the end of the fifth  (5th)  year of this  Lease,  this sum shall be  reduced to
Seventy-Five  Thousand  Dollars  ($75,000.00).  It is  agreed  that in the event
Tenant defaults in respect of any of the terms, provisions and conditions of the
Lease,  including without  limitation,  the payment of Fixed or Additional Rent,
Landlord  may  use,  apply or  retain  all or any  portion  of the  security  so
deposited,  to the  extent so  required  for the  payment  of any  Fixed  and/or
Additional Rent and all other sums as to which Tenant is in default, and for all
sums which  Landlord  has  expended  or may be  required  to expend by reason of
Tenant's  default in respect of any of the terms,  covenants,  and conditions of
the Lease,  including without limitation of all damages and deficiencies arising
from the reletting of the Leased Premises,  whether such damages or deficiencies
arose before,  during or after summary proceedings or other re-entry by Landlord
or otherwise.

        SECTION 23.2. In the event that Tenant shall fully and faithfully comply
with all of the terms,  provisions,  covenants and conditions of this Lease, the
security  shall be returned to Tenant upon the expiration of the Term, and after
delivery of entire possession of the Leased Premises to Landlord pursuant to the
terms of this Lease.

        SECTION  23.3.  In the  event  of a  sale,  assignment  of  transfer  of
Landlord's  interest in the Leased  Premises,  Landlord  shall have the right to
deliver the  security to the  transferee  of the Leased  Premises,  and Landlord
shall  thereupon be released by Tenant from all liability for the return of such
security. Tenant agrees in such event to look solely to the new Landlord for the
return of said security.

        SECTION  23.4.  Tenant  further  covenants  that it will not  assign  or
encumber the monies deposited herein as security,  and that neither Landlord nor
its  successors  or  assigns  shall be bound by any  such  actual  or  attempted
assignment or encumbrance.


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

                        ARTICLE 24. BROKERAGE COMMISSION

        SECTION  24.1.  The  Landlord  has  entered  into a  separate  brokerage
commission agreement with BLACK & COMPANY. Each party warrants and represents to
the other that no brokerage commission is due to any person, firm or entity with
respect to this Lease of the  Premises  except as set forth above and each party
agrees to  indemnify  and hold the other  party  harmless  with  respect  to any
judgment,  damages,  legal fees,  court costs and any and all liabilities of any
nature whatsoever arising from a breach of said representation.


        SECTION 25.1. If Landlord or any successor(s) in interest or assignee(s)
shall be an individual,  joint venture,  tenancy in common, firm or partnership,
general or limited,  or a trust, it is  specifically  understood and agreed that
there shall be no personal  liability upon such individual or the members of the
joint venture,  tenancy in common, firm or partnership,  or the trustee(s) under
such trust or the beneficiaries  thereunder, or upon such joint venture, tenancy
in common, firm or partnership,  general or limited or trust. It is specifically
understood  and  agreed  that there  shall be no  personal  liability  upon such
individual  or the  members of the joint  venture,  tenancy  in common,  firm or
partnership, or the trustee(s) under such trust or the beneficiaries thereunder,
or upon such joint venture,  tenancy in common,  firm,  partnership or trust, in
respect to any of the covenants or  conditions of this Lease.  Tenant shall look
first to Landlord's  equity in the Leased  Premises for the  satisfaction of the
remedies  of Tenant in the event of a breach by  Landlord  of any of the  terms,
covenants  and  conditions  of the Lease to be  performed by Landlord but in the
absence of any such equity in the Leased  Premises,  Landlord's  liability shall
not exceed the sum of Two  Hundred  and Fifty  Thousand  Dollars  ($250,000.00).
Thereafter, Tenant shall be entitled to a set-off against Fixed Rent, Additional
Rent, and credit for any security deposit held by Landlord hereunder.

                       ARTICLE 26. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS

        SECTION 26.1. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be
binding upon, the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.

                               ARTICLE 27. NOTICES

        SECTION 27.1. All notices and other  communications  hereunder  shall be
sent by certified mail,  return receipt  requested,  and shall be deemed to have
been duly  given  when sent in the  foregoing  manner  to the  parties  at their
respective  addresses  as set forth  above,  or to such other  address as either
party shall notify the other by notice under this Article.

                            ARTICLE 28. GOVERNING LAW

        SECTION  28.1.  This  Lease  shall  be  governed  by  and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey.

                            ARTICLE 29. MODIFICATION


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

        SECTION  29.1.  Any  modification  or  amendment  of this Lease shall be
effective only if in writing, and executed by each party hereto.

                              ARTICLE 30. NO WAIVER

        SECTION  30.1. No term of this Lease shall be deemed to have been waived
by either party unless such waiver is in writing;  signed by the Landlord or its
agent duly authorized in writing.

                              ARTICLE 31. CAPTIONS

        SECTION  31.1.  The  Article  captions  contained  in this Lease are for
convenience  only and do not  define,  limit,  or construe  the  contents of the

                                ARTICLE 32. SIGNS

        SECTION 32.1. Tenant shall not place,  install or maintain any sign upon
or outside the Leased  Premises or on the  building  until  approved by Landlord
which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any such signs or logo must conform to
all applicable rules, regulations, codes and directives of governmental agencies
having  jurisdiction.  Tenant  shall be  solely  responsible  for the  purchase,
maintenance and repairs respecting its signs.

        SECTION 32.2.  Landlord  agrees,  subject to approval by the Township of
Wall and applicable zoning regulations, that Tenant may install a sign that will
consist of the following:  A brick-faced  base that will match the finish of the
building and on the face of which will be the Tenant's  corporate name in chrome
channel  letters,  and on  top  of  which  will  be  located  a  clear  pyramid,
approximately  four feet (4') square at the base, within which will be suspended
the  Tenant's   corporate   logo.  The  pyramid  and  base  will  be  externally

                              ARTICLE 33. PRONOUNS

        SECTION  33.1.  Words of any gender  used in this Lease shall be held to
include any other  gender,  and words in the  singular  number  shall be held to
include the plural, as the sense requires.

        SECTION 33.2. If any provision of this Lease,  or the application of any
provision is invalid, the remainder of this Lease shall not be affected.

                         ARTICLE 34. ACCESS TO PREMISES

        SECTION 34.1. Landlord shall have the right to enter the Leased Premises
at  reasonable  times  to  make  inspections  and to  make  repairs,  additions,
alterations,  or improvements to the Leased Premises,  the building in which the
Leased  Premises are located or any  property  owned or  controlled  by Landlord
within the  building,  except that a  representative  of Tenant shall  accompany
Landlord and/or  Landlord's agents at all times that they are in the building on
the Leased Premises. Any such entry by Landlord shall not unreasonably interfere
with Tenant's use and occupancy of the Leased Premises

                            ARTICLE 35. COUNTERPARTS


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

        SECTION 35.1. This Lease may be executed in several  counterparts,  each
of which shall be deemed to be an original copy, and all of which taken together
shall  constitute one agreement  binding on all parties hereto,  notwithstanding
that the parties shall not have signed the same counterpart.

                           ARTICLE 36. ISRA COMPLIANCE

        SECTION 36.1.  Tenant shall,  when and as appropriate and necessary,  at
Tenant's own expense,  comply with the  Industrial  Site Recovery Act,  N.J.S.A.
13:1K-6 et. seq.,  the  regulations  promulgated  thereunder  and any  successor
legislation  and  regulations  ("ISRA")  regarding the Leased  Premises.  Tenant
shall, at Tenant's own expense, make all submissions to, provide all information
to, and comply with all  requirements  of, the Industrial Site Evaluation or its
successor  ("Element") of the New Jersey Department of Environmental  Protection
and Energy or its successor ("NJDEPE").

        SECTION 36.2.  Tenant's  obligations under this paragraph shall arise if
there is any closing, terminating or transferring of operations of an industrial
establishment at the Leased Premises pursuant to ISRA, triggered by Tenant.

        SECTION  36.3.  Provided  this  Lease  is  not  previously  canceled  or
terminated  by either party or by operation  of law,  Tenant shall  commence its
submission to the Element in  anticipation of the end of the Lease Term no later
than one (1) year prior to the  expiration  of the Term or any renewal  term, as
Tenant  shall  promptly  furnish to  Landlord  true and  complete  copies of all
documents,  submissions,  correspondence  and  oral  or  written  communications
provided  by Tenant to the  Element,  and all  documents,  reports,  directives,
correspondence  and oral or  written  communications  by the  Element to Tenant.
Tenant shall also promptly  furnish to Landlord true and complete  copies of all
sampling  and test results and reports  obtained  and prepared  from samples and
tests taken at and around the Leased  Premises.  Tenant shall notify Landlord in
advance of all meetings  scheduled  between Tenant and NJDEPE,  and Landlord may
attend all such meetings.

        SECTION  36.4.  Should  the  Element  or any  other  division  of NJDEPE
determine  that a cleanup  plan be  prepared  and that a cleanup  be  undertaken
because of a spill or discharge of a hazardous  substance or waste at the Leased
Premises  which  occurred  during the Term of the Lease as a result of  Tenant's
operations or in connection with Tenant's  occupancy,  Tenant shall, at Tenant's
own  expense,  promptly  prepare  and submit the  required  plans and  financial
assurances and shall promptly carry out the approved plans.

        SECTION 36.5. At no expense to Landlord,  Tenant shall promptly  provide
all   information   requested  by  Landlord  or  NJDEPE  for  preparation  of  a
non-applicability affidavit, de minimis quantity exemption application,  limited
conveyance  application  or  other  submission  and  shall  promptly  sign  such
affidavits and submissions when requested by Landlord or NJDEPE.

        SECTION  36.6.  Should  Tenant's  operations  at the Leased  Premises be
outside  of those  industrial  operations  covered  by ISRA,  Tenant  shall,  at
Tenant's  own  expense,  obtain  a letter  of  non-applicability  or de  minimis
quantity  exemption  from the Element prior to termination of the Term and shall
promptly  provide  Tenant's  submission  and the Element's  exemption  letter to

        SECTION 36.7. If Tenant fails to obtain either: (i) a  non-applicability
letter; (ii) a de minimis quantity exemption;  (iii) a negative declaration;  or
(iv) final approval of cleanup;  (collectively  referred to as "ISRA Clearance")
from the Element;  or fails to clean up the Leased Premises  pursuant to Section
36.4 above; prior to the expiration or earlier


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

termination  of the Lease Term,  or renewal  term as  applicable,  then upon the
expiration or earlier  termination  of the Lease Term,  Landlord  shall have the
option  either to  consider  the Lease as having  ended or to treat  Tenant as a
holdover tenant in possession of the Leased Premises.  If Landlord considers the
Lease as having ended,  then Tenant shall  nevertheless be obligated to promptly
obtain ISRA Clearance and to fulfill the  obligations  set forth in Section 36.4
above.  If Landlord  treats  Tenant as a holdover  tenant in  possession  of the
Leased  Premises,  then Tenant  shall  monthly pay to Landlord  one and one-half
(1-1/2) the Annual Base Rental and Additional  Rent which Tenant would otherwise
have paid,  until such time as Tenant  obtains ISRA  Clearance  and fulfills its
obligations  under Section 36.4 above, and during the holdover period all of the
terms of this Lease shall remain in full force and effect.

        SECTION 36.8. Tenant's use of the Leased Premises shall be restricted to
the use set forth in the "Use"  Section  of this  Lease  unless  Tenant  obtains
Landlord's  prior written  consent to any change in use of the Leased  Premises.
Upon  demand of  Landlord  but in no event  later than one (1) year prior to the
expiration of the Term  hereunder,  Tenant shall supply to Landlord an affidavit
of an officer of Tenant  ("Officer's  Affidavit")  setting forth Tenant's S.I.C.
numbers and a detailed  description of the operations and processes  Tenant will
undertake at the Leased  Premises,  organized in the form of a narrative  report
including a description and quantification of hazardous substances and wastes to
be generated,  manufactured,  refined, transported,  treated, stored, handled or
disposed of at the Leased  Premises.  Following  commencement of the Lease Term,
Tenant shall notify Landlord by way of Officer's  Affidavit as to any changes in
Tenant's operation,  S.I.C. number or use of generation of hazardous  substances
and wastes,  by way of a  supplemental  Officer's  Affidavit.  Tenant shall also
supplement  and  update  Officer's   Affidavit  upon  each  anniversary  of  the
Commencement  of the  Lease  Term.  Tenant  shall  not  commence  or  alter  any
operations at the Leased Premises prior to (i) obtaining all required  operating
and discharge  permits or approvals,  including but not limited to air pollution
control permits and pollution discharge  elimination system permits from NJDEPE,
from all governmental or public  authorities  having  jurisdiction over Tenant's
operations or the Premises, and (ii) providing copies of permits or approvals to

        SECTION  36.9.  Tenant shall  permit  Landlord  and  Landlord's  agents,
servants  and  employees,  including  but  not  limited  to  legal  counsel  and
environmental  consultants and engineers,  access to the Leased Premises for the
purposes of  environmental  inspections  and sampling  during  regular  business
hours,  or during other hours either by agreement of the parties or in the event
of any environmental emergency.  Tenant shall not restrict access to any part of
the Premises,  and Tenant shall not impose any conditions to access, except that
a representative  of Tenant shall accompany  Landlord's agents at all times that
they are in the building on the Leased  Premises.  In the event that  Landlord's
environmental  inspection  shall  include  sampling  and  testing  of the Leased
Premises, Landlord shall use its best efforts to avoid interfering with Tenant's
use of the Leased  Premises,  and upon  completion of sampling and testing shall
repair and restore the  affected  areas of the Leased  Premises  from any damage
caused by the sampling and testing.

        SECTION 36.10. Tenant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Landlord
from all fines, suits, procedures, claims and actions of any kind arising out of
or in any way connected with any spills or discharges of hazardous substances or
wastes at the  Premises  arising  during  the Term of this  Lease as a result of
Tenant's  operations  or  in  connection  with  Tenant's  occupancy   hereunder.
Additionally, Tenant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Landlord from and
against  all  claims,  liabilities,  losses,  damages  and  costs,  foreseen  or
unforeseen,   including  without  limitation  counsel,   engineering  and  other
professional  or expert  fees,  which  Landlord  may incur by reason of Tenant's
action or  non-action  with regard to Tenant's  obligations  under this  Section
36.10.  Similarly,


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

Landlord shall indemnify Tenant from all fines,  suits,  procedures,  claims and
actions of any kind arising out of occurrences  preceding the Commencement  Date
of this Lease.

        SECTION  36.11.  This Article 36 shall survive the expiration or earlier
termination  of this  Lease.  Tenant's  failure  to abide  by the  terms of this
Article 36 shall be restrainable by injunction.

        SECTION 36.12.  Tenant shall promptly supply Landlord with copies of all
notices,  reports,  correspondence  and submissions  made by Tenant (as provided
herein)  to EPA,  NJDEPE,  the  United  States  Occupational  Safety  and Health
Administration  or any other local,  state or federal  authority  which requires
submission  of any  information  concerning  environmental  matters or hazardous
wastes or  substances  pursuant  to laws  including  but not  limited to the New
Jersey Spill Compensation and Control Act, N.J.S.A.  58:10-23.11 et seq. and the
regulations promulgated thereunder,  (the "Spill Act"), the Worker and Community
Right to Know Act,  N.J.S.A.  34:5A-1 et seq.  and the  regulations  promulgated
thereunder,  the Hazardous Substance  Discharge-Reports  and Notices thereunder,
the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,  Compensation and Liability Act, 42
U.S.C. Section 9601 et seq. and the regulations promulgated thereunder,  and the
Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C.  Section 6901 et seq. and the
regulations promulgated thereunder, in connection with the Leased Premises.

        SECTION  36.13.  Tenant shall promptly  notify  Landlord as to any liens
threatened or attached  against the Leased  Premises or the parcel on which they
are  located  pursuant to the Spill Act or any other  environmental  law. In the
event that such a lien is filed  against the said Leased  Premises,  then Tenant
shall, within thirty (30) days from the date that the lien is placed against the
said  Leased  Premises,  and at any rate  prior  to the  date  any  governmental
authority commences  proceedings to sell the said Premises pursuant to the lien,
either (a) pay the claim and remove the lien from the said Leased  Premises;  or
(b)  furnish  either (i) a bond  satisfactory  to  Landlord in the amount of the
claim out of which the lien arises,  or (ii) a cash deposit in the amount of the
claim out of which the lien arises, or (iii) other security  satisfactory to the
Landlord in an amount  sufficient  to discharge  the claim out of which the lien

        SECTION  36.14.  As a condition  precedent to Tenant's right to sublease
the Leased  Premises or to assign this Lease,  Tenant shall,  if appropriate and
necessary and at Tenant's own expense, first comply with ISRA and fulfill all of
Tenant's  environmental  obligations  under  this  Lease  which  also arise upon
termination of Tenant's  Lease Term. If this  condition  shall not be satisfied,
then  Landlord  shall  have  the  right  to  withhold  consent  to  sublease  or

                             ARTICLE 37. LATE CHARGE

        SECTION  37.1.  Tenant shall pay a "Late Charge" of five percent (5%) on
any  installment  of  rental  (or any such  other  charge on  payment  as may be
considered additional rental under this Lease Agreement) when paid more than ten
(10) days after the due date  thereof,  to cover the extra  expense  involved in
handling delinquent payments. If installments of rental are or become overdue in
excess of thirty (30) days,  such amounts shall bear interest at the rate of one
and one-half percent (1 1/2%) per month.

                            ARTICLE 38. AIR AND LIGHT

        SECTION 38.1. This Lease does not grant any rights to light and air.


                                LEASE AGREEMENT


        SECTION  39.1.  Tenant  shall  give  Landlord  notice in case of fire or
accident  on the  Premises,  or, if  involving  Tenant,  its  servants,  agents,
employees,  invitees or licensees,  in the Building or on the Real Property,  no
later  than one (1) day  after  same,  excluding  Saturdays,  Sundays  and legal
holidays. Additionally, Tenant shall make a representative available to Landlord
for emergency access to the building and Leased Premises  twenty-four (24) hours
per day, seven (7) days per week during the term of this Lease.

                       ARTICLE 40. EASEMENTS FOR UTILITIES

        SECTION  40.1.  Landlord or its designee  shall have the right to erect,
use, maintain and repair, pipes, cables, conduits, plumbing, vents and wires in,
to and  through  the  Leased  Premises  to the  extent  necessary  for the  use,
operation and maintenance of the Leased Premises, or the building or any portion
of the parking area.  Landlord's rights under this Article shall be exercised in
such a manner as to avoid  unreasonable  interference with Tenant's occupancy of
the Leased Premises.

                       ARTICLE 41. CONSENTS AND APPROVALS

        SECTION 41.1.  Where any provision of this Lease requires the Landlord's
consent  or  approval,  Landlord  shall not  unreasonably  delay any  consent or

                        ARTICLE 42. END OF TERM HOLDOVER

        SECTION 42.1.  Upon the  expiration or other  termination of the Term of
this Lease,  Tenant shall  surrender to Landlord the Leased  Premises,  with all
improvements in good order except for reasonable wear and tear and damage by the
elements.  If the last day of the Term of this Lease falls on a Sunday, or legal
holiday,  this Lease shall  expire on the business  day  immediately  following.
Tenant  shall  remove  any of its  property.  Any  property  not  removed at the
expiration  of this Lease shall be deemed to have been  abandoned  by Tenant and
may be retained or disposed of by Landlord at Tenant's expense.

                        ARTICLE 43. ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING

        SECTION 43.1.  This Lease  contains the entire  agreement of the parties
concerning  the  Leased  Premises.  Any  prior  oral or  written  statements  or
representations  are invalid unless they are contained in this instrument.  This
Lease may not be  modified  in any way,  except by a  writing  executed  by both
Landlord  and  Tenant.  This  agreement  shall not be binding  until it has been
executed and delivered by Landlord and Tenant.

                              ARTICLE 44. EXHIBITS

        SECTION 44.1.  The following exhibits are attached:

          EXHIBIT A            Survey, Site Plan, & Floor Plan
          EXHIBIT B            Cursory Specifications
          EXHIBIT C            Final Plans & Specifications
          EXHIBIT D            Proposal Dated December 23, 1996
          EXHIBIT E-1          MSCP Protective Covenants
          EXHIBIT E-2          MSCP Maintenance Plan


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on
the date first written above.

ATTEST:                            COMMERCIAL REALTY &
                                   RESOURCES CORP. (Landlord)
SIGNATURE:  /s/Brian Fitzpatrick
PRINTED NAME:  Brian Fitzpatrick
TITLE:  Asst. Secretary
DATE:  3/31/97

                                   SIGNATURE: /s/John Lishak
                                   PRINTED NAME: John Lishak
                                   TITLE: President
                                   DATE:  3/27/97
ATTEST:                            ALGOS PHARMACEUTICAL
                                   CORPORATION (Tenant)

SIGNATURE:  /s/James R. Ledley
PRINTED NAME:  James R. Ledley
TITLE:  Assistant Secretary
DATE:  4/25/97

                                   SIGNATURE: /s/John W. Lyle
                                   PRINTED NAME: John W. Lyle
                                   TITLE: President
                                   DATE:  3/14/97
