LIFTKING INDUSTRIES, INC.

                        1,250,000 SHARES OF COMMON STOCK
                    1,500,000 REDEEMABLE CLASS A COMMON STOCK
                                PURCHASE WARRANTS

                           SELECTED DEALERS AGREEMENT

                                                                _______ __, 1997

Dear Sirs:

         1. Monroe Parker Securities, Inc. (the "Underwriter"), has agreed to
offer on a firm commitment basis, subject to the terms and conditions and
execution of the Underwriting Agreement, 1,250,000 shares of common stock (the
"Common Stock") of LiftKing Industries, Inc. (the "Company") and 1,500,000
Redeemable Class A Common Stock Purchase Warrants ("Warrant") (hereinafter,
collectively referred to as the "Securities"; including any shares of Common
Stock and Warrants offered pursuant to an over-allotment option, the "Firm
Securities"). Each Warrant is exercisable to purchase one (1) share of Common
Stock. The Firm Securities are more particularly described in the enclosed
Preliminary Prospectus, additional copies of which, as well as the Prospectus
(after effective date), will be supplied in reasonable quantities upon request.

         2. The Underwriter is soliciting offers to buy the Securities, upon the
terms and conditions hereof, from Selected Dealers, who are to act as
principals, including you, who are (i) registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission ("the Commission") as broker-dealers under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("the 1934 Act"), and members in good standing
with the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. ("the NASD"), or (ii)
dealers or institutions with their principal place of business located outside
the United States, its territories and possessions and not registered under the
1934 Act who agree to make no sales within the United States, its territories
and possessions or to persons who are nationals thereof or residents therein
and, in making sales, to comply with the NASD's interpretation with respect to
free-riding and

withholding. The Common Stock is to be offered to the public at a price of $4.00
per share and the Warrants are to be offered to the public at a price of $.15
per Warrant. Selected Dealers will be allowed a concession of not less than __%
of the aggregate offering price. You will be notified of the precise amount of
such concession prior to the effective date of the Registration Statement. The
offer is solicited subject to the issuance and delivery of the Securities and
their acceptance by the Underwriter, to the approval of legal matters by counsel
and to the terms and conditions as herein set forth.

         3. Your offer to purchase may be revoked in whole or in part without
obligation or commitment of any kind by you any time prior to acceptance and no
offer may be accepted by us and no sale can be made until after the registration
statement covering the Securities has become effective with the Commission.
Subject to the foregoing, upon execution by you of the Offer to Purchase below
and the return of same to us, you shall be deemed to have offered to purchase
the number of Securities set forth in your offer on the basis set forth in
paragraph 2 above. Any oral notice by us of acceptance of your offer shall be
immediately followed by written or telegraphic confirmation preceded or
accompanied by a copy of the Prospectus. If a contractual commitment arises
hereunder, all the terms of this Selected Dealers Agreement shall be applicable.
We may also make available to you an allotment to purchase Securities, but such
allotment shall be subject to modification or termination upon notice from us
any time prior to an exchange of confirmations reflecting completed
transactions. All references hereafter in this Agreement to the purchase and
sale of the Securities assume and are applicable only if contractual commitments
to purchase are completed in accordance with the foregoing.

         4. You agree that in re-offering the Securities, if your offer is
accepted after the Effective Date, you will make a bona fide public distribution
of same. You will advise us upon request of the Securities purchased by you
remaining unsold, and we shall have the right to repurchase such Securities upon
demand at the public offering price less the concession as set forth in
paragraph 2 above. Any of the Securities purchased by you pursuant to this
Agreement are to be re-offered by you to the public at the public offering
price, subject to the terms hereof and shall not be offered or sold by you below
the public offering price before the termination of this Agreement.

         5. Payment for Securities which you purchase hereunder shall be made by
you on such date as we may determine by certified or bank cashier's check
payable in New York Clearing house funds to Monroe Parker Securities, Inc.
Certificates for the Securities shall be delivered as soon as practicable at the
offices of Monroe Parker Securities, Inc., 2500 Westchester Avenue, Purchase,
New York 10577. Unless specifically authorized by us, payment by you may not be
deferred until delivery of certificates to you.

         6. A registration statement covering the offering has been filed with
the Commission in respect to the Securities. You will be promptly advised when
the registration statement becomes effective. Each Selected Dealer in selling
the Securities pursuant hereto agrees (which agreement shall also be for the
benefit of the Company) that it will comply with the applicable requirements of
the Securities Act of 1933 and of the 1934 Act and any applicable rules and
regulations issued


under said Acts. No person is authorized by the Company or by the Underwriter to
give any information or to make any representations other than those contained
in the Prospectus in connection with the sale of the Securities. Nothing
contained herein shall render the Selected Dealers a member of the underwriting
group or partners with the Underwriter or with one another.

         7. You will be informed by us as to the states in which we have been
advised by counsel the Securities have been qualified for sale or are exempt
under the respective securities or blue sky laws of such states, but we have not
assumed and will not assume any obligation or responsibility as to the right of
any Selected Dealer to sell Securities in any state.

         8. The Underwriter shall have full authority to take such action as we
may deem advisable in respect of all matters pertaining to the offering or
arising thereunder. The Underwriter shall not be under any liability to you,
except such as may be incurred under the Securities Act of 1933 and the rules
and regulations thereunder, except for lack of good faith and except for
obligations assumed by us in this Agreement, and no obligation on our part shall
be implied or inferred herefrom.

         9. Selected Dealers will be governed by the conditions herein set forth
until this Agreement is terminated. This Agreement will terminate when the
offering is completed. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed a commitment on
our part to sell you any Securities; such contractual commitment can only be
made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 hereof.

         10. You represent that you are a member in good standing of the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. ("NASD") and registered as a
broker-dealer or are not eligible for membership under Section I of the By-Laws
of the Association who agree to make no sales within the United States, its
territories or possessions or to persons who are nationals thereof or residents
therein and, in making sales, to comply with the NASD's interpretation with
respect to free-riding and withholding. Your attention is called to the
following: (a) Rules 2730, 2740, 2420 and 2750 of the NASD Conduct Rules and the
interpretations of said Sections promulgated by the Board of Governors of the
NASD including the interpretation with respect to "Free-Riding and Withholding";
(b) Section 10(b) of the 1934 Act and Regulation M and Rule and 10b-10 of the
general rules and regulations promulgated under said Act; (c) Securities Act
Release #3907; (d) Securities Act Release #4150; and (e) Securities Act Release
#4968 requiring the distribution of a Preliminary Prospectus to all persons
reasonably expected to be purchasers of Securities from you at least 48 hours
prior to the time you expect to mail confirmations. You, if a member of the
Association, by signing this Agreement, acknowledge that you are familiar with
the cited law, rules and releases, and agree that you will not directly and/or
indirectly violate any provisions of applicable law in connection with your
participation in the distribution of the Securities.

         11. In addition to compliance with the provisions of paragraph 10
hereof, you will not, until advised by us in writing or by wire that the entire
offering has been distributed and closed, bid for or purchase Securities or its
component securities in the open market or otherwise make a market in such
securities or otherwise attempt to induce others to purchase such securities in
the open


market. Nothing contained in this paragraph 11 shall, however, preclude you from
acting as agent in the execution of unsolicited orders of customers in
transactions effectuated for them through a market maker.

         12. You understand that the Underwriter may in connection with the
offering engage in stabilizing transactions. If the Underwriter contracts for or
purchases in the open market in connection with such stabilization any
Securities sold to you hereunder and not effectively placed by you, the
Underwriter may charge you the Selected Dealer's concession originally allowed
you on the Securities so purchased, and you agree to pay such amount to us on

         13. By submitting an Offer to Purchase you confirm that your net
capital is such that you may, in accordance with Rule 15c3-1 adopted under the
1934 Act, agree to purchase the number of Securities you may become obligated to
purchase under the provisions of this Agreement.

         14. You agree that (i) you shall not recommend to a customer the
purchase of Firm Securities unless you shall have reasonable grounds to believe
that the recommendation is suitable for such customer on the basis of
information furnished by such customer concerning the customer's investment
objectives, financial situation and needs, and any other information known to
you, (ii) in connection with all such determinations, you shall maintain in your
files the basis for such determination, and (iii) you shall not execute any
transaction in Firm Securities in a discretionary account without the prior
specific written approval of the customer.

         15. You represent that neither you nor any of your affiliates or
associates owns any Common Stock of the Company.

         16. All communications from you should be directed to us at the office
of Monroe Parker Securities, Inc., 2500 Westchester Avenue, Purchase, New York
10577. All communications from us to you shall be directed to the address to
which this letter is mailed.

                                                  Very truly yours,

                                                  MONROE PARKER SECURITIES, INC.

                                                  By: _______________________

DAY OF ____________, 1997

[Name of Dealer]
By: ____________________________



TO:      Monroe Parker Securities, Inc.
         2500 Westchester Avenue
         Purchase, New York  10577

         We hereby subscribe for _________________ Securities of LiftKing
Industries, Inc. in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in the
foregoing letter. We hereby acknowledge receipt of the Prospectus referred to in
the first paragraph thereof relating to said Securities. We further state
that in purchasing said Securities we have relied upon said Prospectus and upon
no other statement whatsoever, whether written or oral. We confirm that
we are a dealer actually engaged in the investment banking or securities
business and that we are either (i) a member in good standing of the National
Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (the "NASD") or (ii) a dealer with
its principal place of business located outside the United States, its
territories and its possessions and not registered as a broker or dealer under
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, who hereby agrees not to
make any sales within the United States, its territories or its possessions or
to persons who are nationals thereof or residents therein. We hereby agree
to comply with the provisions of Rule 2740 of the NASD Conduct Rules,
and if we are a foreign dealer and not a member of the NASD, we also agree
to comply with the NASD's interpretation with respect to free-riding
and withholding, to comply, as though we were a member of the NASD,
with the provisions of Rules 2730 and 2750 of the NASD Conduct Rules.

                                    Name of
                                    Dealer:    _________________________________

                                         By: ___________________

                                    Address: ___________________

Dated:________________, 1997