For Ministry Use Only
A l'usage exclusit du ministere

Ontario Corporation Number
Numero de la societe en Ontario

Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations
This is to certify that these articles are effective on
August 14

Ministere de la Consommation et du Commerce
Ceci certifie que les presents statuts entrent en vigueur le
Aout, 1997

Signature illegible
Business Corporations Act/Loi sur les societes per actions

Form 4 Business Corporations Act
Formule 4 Loi sur les societes par actions


1. The name of the amalgamated corporation is:
Denomination sociale de la societe issue de la fusion:


2. The address of the registered office is:    Addresse du siege social:

7135 Islington Avenue, First Floor
(Street & Number, or R.R. Number & if Multi-Office Building give Room No.)
(Rue et numero, ou numero de la R.R. et, s'il s'agit d'un edifice a bureaux,
numero de bureau)

Woodbridge, Ontario                                  L4L1V9
(Name of Municipality or Post Office)             (Postal Code)
(Nom de la municipalite ou du bureau de poste)    (Code postal)

3. Number (or minimum and maximum number)        Nombre (ou nombres minimal et
   of directors is:                              maximal) d'administrateurs:

   a minimum of one and a maximum of ten

4. The director(s) is/are:              Administrateur(s):                                            Resident

First name, initials and surname        Residence address, giving Street & No. or R.R. No.,           Yes or No
Prenom, initiales et nom de famille     municipality and postal code                                  Resident canadien
                                        Adresse personnelle, Y compris la rue et le numero, le        Oui/Non
                                        numero de la R.R., le nom de le municipalite et le code

Louis Aldrovandi                        38 Arkona Drive                                               Yes
                                        Agincourt, Ontario
                                        M1T 1X3

5. (A) The amalgamation agreement has been duly            (A) Les actionnaires de chaque societe qui fusionne
       adopted by the shareholders of each of the              ont dument adopte la convention de fusion
       amalgamating corporations as required by                conformement au paragraphe 176(4) de la Loi sur
       subsection 176 (4) of the Business           [X]        les societes par action a la date mentionnee
       Corporations Act on the date set out below.             ci-dessous.
                                               Check      Cocher
                                               A or B     A ou B
   (B) The amalgamation has been approved by the           (B) Les administrateurs de chaque societe qui
       directors of each amalgamating corporation by [ ]       fusionne ont approuve la fusion par voie de
       a resolution as required by section 177 of the          resolution conformement a l'article 177 de la Loi
       Business Corporations Act on the date set out           sur les societes par actions a la date mentionnee
       below.                                                  oi-dessous.
       The articles of amalgamation in substance               Les statuts de fusion reprennent essentiellement
       contain the provisions of the articles of               les dispositions des statuts constitutifs de
       incorporation of


       and are more particularly set out in these              et sont enonces textuellement aux presents statuts.


  Names of amalgamating          Ontario Corporation Number         Date of Adoption/Approval
  corporations                   Numero de la societe en            Date d'adoption ou d'approbation
  Denomination sociale des       Ontario                    
  societes qui fusionnent

MANUFACTURING INC.               763003                             August 14, 1997

INC.                             833978                             August 14, 1997

6. Restrictions, if any, on business the corporation may        Limites, s'il y a lieu, imposees aux activites commerciales
   carry on or on powers the corporation may exercise.          ou aux pouvoirs de la societe.


7. The classes and any maximum number of shares that            Categories et nombre maximal, s'il y a lieu, d'actions que
   the corporation is authorized to issue:                      la societe est autorisee a emettre:

     The capital of the Corporation shall consist of an unlimited number of 
voting Class "A" Preference Shares (the "Class "A" Preference Shares"); an
unlimited number of non-voting Class "B" Preference Shares (the "Class "B"
Preference Shares") and an unlimited number of Common Shares (the
"Common Shares").

8.   Rights, privileges, restrictions and          Droits, privileges, restrictions et 
     conditions (if any) attaching to each         conditions, s'il y a lieu, rattaches a
     class of shares and directors authority       chaque categorie d'actions et pouvoirs 
     with respect to any class of shares           des administrateurs relatifs a
     which is to be issued in series:              chaque categorie d'actions qul peut etre emise en serie:

Class "A" Preference Shares
- ---------------------------

     a) References herein to the Redemption Price Per Share in respect of each
Class "A" Preference Share shall mean a fixed amount determined by dividing the
stated capital account of the Class "A" Preference Shares by the number of such
shares in the capital stock of the Corporation then issued and outstanding.

     b) The holders of the Class "A" Preference Shares, in priority to the Class
"B" Preference Shares, and Common Shares and any other shares ranking junior to
the Class "A" Preference Shares, shall be entitled to receive and the
Corporation shall pay thereon, as and when declared by the board of directors of
the Corporation in their discretion out of the monies of the Corporation
properly applicable to the payment of dividends, to such preferential,
non-cumulative dividends at a rate of up to 70% of the lending rate charged by
the branch in the Province of Ontario of the Corporation's bankers for the time
being to its most favoured commercial customers on Canadian dollar loans (the
"Prime Rate") determined as at the date of the dividend declaration and
calculated on the Redemption Price Per Share. If within four (4) months after
the expiration of any fiscal year of directors in its discretion shall not
declare the said fixed, preferential, non-cumulative dividend or any part
thereof on the Class "A" Preference Shares for such fiscal year, then the rights
of the holders of the Class "A" Preference Shares to such dividend, or to any
undeclared part thereof for such fiscal year, shall be forever extinguished. The
holders of the Class "A" Preference Shares shall not be entitled to any dividend
other than or in excess of the preferential, non-cumulative dividend at the said
rate hereinbefore provided for, or to participate in any other or additional
earnings or profits of the Corporation.


     c) Except with the consent in writing of the holders of all the Class "A"
Preference Shares outstanding, no dividends shall at any time be declared or
paid upon or set aside for payment on any Class "B" Preference Shares, or Common
Shares or on any shares of any other class ranking junior to the Class "A"
Preference Shares, for any fiscal year unless and until the fixed, preferential
non-cumulative dividend for such fiscal year on all the Class "A" Preference
Shares outstanding has been declared and paid or a sum set aside for payment

     d) The Corporation may, subject to The Business Corporations Act, upon
giving notice as hereinafter provided, redeem at any time the whole or from time
to time any part of the then outstanding Class "A" Preference Shares without the
consent of the holders thereof on payment for each share to be redeemed of the
Redemption Price Per Share, together with an amount equal to all dividends
declared thereon and remaining unpaid (the "Redemption Price"). In any case of
redemption of Class "A" Preference Shares, the Corporation shall, at least
twenty (20) days before the date specified for redemption, mail to each person
who, at the date of mailing, is a registered holder of Class "A" Preference
Shares to be redeemed a notice in writing of the intention of the Corporation to
redeem such Class "A" Preference Shares; such notice shall be mailed in a
prepaid letter addressed to each such shareholder at his address as it appears
on the books of the Corporation or, in the event of the address of any such
shareholder not so appearing, then to the last known address of such
shareholder; provided however, that accidental failure to give any such notice
to one or more of such holders shall not affect the validity of such redemption.
Such notice shall set out the Redemption Price and the date on which redemption
is to take place and, if part only of the shares held by the person to whom such
notice is addressed is to be redeemed, the number thereof so to be redeemed. On
or after the date so specified for redemption, the Corporation


shall pay or cause to be paid to or to the order of the registered holders of
the Class "A" Preference Shares to be redeemed the Redemption Price thereof on
presentation and surrender at the head office of the Corporation, or any other
place designated in such notice, of the certificates representing the Class "A"
Preference Shares called for redemption; such Class "A" Preference Shares shall
thereupon be redeemed. If a part only of the Class "A" Preference Shares
represented by any certificate be redeemed, a new certificate for the balance
shall be issued at the expense of the Corporation. From and after the date
specified in any such notice, the Class "A" Preference Shares called for
redemption shall cease to be entitled to dividends and the holders thereof shall
not be entitled to exercise any of the rights of shareholders in respect thereof
unless payment of the Redemption Price shall not be made upon presentation of
certificates in accordance with the foregoing provisions, in which case the
rights of the holders shall remain unaffected. The Corporation shall have the
right, at any time after the mailing of notice of its intention to redeem any
Class "A" Preference Shares as aforesaid, to deposit the Redemption Price of the
Class "A" Preference Shares so called for redemption, or of such of the said
shares as are represented by certificates which have not at the date of such
deposit been surrendered by the holders thereof in connection with such
redemption, to a special account in any chartered bank or any trust company in
Canada named in such notice to be paid without interest to or to the order of
the respective holders of such Class "A" Preference Shares called for redemption
upon presentation and surrender to such bank or trust company of the
certificates representing the same, and upon such deposit being made or upon the
date specified for redemption in such notice, whichever is the later, the Class
"A" Preference Shares in respect whereof such deposit shall have been made shall
be redeemed and the rights of the holders thereof after such deposit or such
redemption date, as


the case may be, shall be limited to receiving without interest their
proportionate part of the total Redemption Price so deposited against
presentation and surrender of the said certificates held by them respectively.

     e) The Corporation may, subject to The Business Corporations Act, at any
time and from time to time purchase (if obtainable) for cancellation the whole
or any portion of the Class "A" Preference Shares outstanding from time to time
by invitation for tenders addressed to all the holders of record of the Class
"A" Preference Shares outstanding, or (with the consent of all the holders of
Class "A" Preference Shares) by private contract at the lowest price to prices
at which, in the opinion of the directors, such shares are obtainable but not
exceeding for each share to be purchased for cancellation the Redemption Price
Per Share plus costs of purchase and an amount equal to all dividends declared
thereon and remaining unpaid. Where, in response to any invitation for tenders,
two or more shareholders submit tenders at the same price and such tenders are
accepted by the Corporation as to part only of the shares offered in each such
tender in proportion as nearly as may be to the total number of shares offered
in each such tender (disregarding fractions).

     f) The holders of the Class "A" Preference Shares shall be entitled to
receive notice of and to attend and vote at all meetings of Shareholders of the
Corporation and each Class "A" Preference Share shall confer the right of one
(1) vote in person or by proxy at all meetings of the shareholders of the

     g) In the event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation or other distribution of assets of the Corporation among
shareholders for the purpose of winding up its affairs, the holders of the Class
"A" Prefer-


ence Shares shall be entitled to receive out of the assets and property of the
Corporation, before any amount is paid or any property or assets of the
Corporation distributed to the holders of any Class "B" Preference Shares, or
Common Shares, or shares of any other class ranking junior to the Class "A"
Preference Shares, for each share an amount equal to the Redemption Price Per
Share thereon together with all declared and unpaid preferential, non-cumulative
dividends thereon; after payment to the holders of the Class "A" Preference
Shares of the amounts so payable to them as above provided, they shall not be
entitled to share in any further distribution of the property or assets of the
Corporation. If the assets and property of the Corporation, including surplus
are not sufficient to pay the Redemption Price Per Share together with all
declared and unpaid preferential, non-cumulative dividends, thereon; after
payment to the holders of the Class "A" Preference Shares of the amounts so
payable to them as above provided, they shall not be entitled to share in any
further distribution of the property or assets of the Corporation. If the assets
and property of the Corporation, including surplus are not sufficient to pay the
Redemption Price Per Share together with all declared and unpaid preferential,
non-cumulative dividends, then all of the said assets or the proceeds thereof
shall be distributed pro rata among the holders of the Class "A" Preference

Class "B" Preference Shares
- ---------------------------

     a) References to the Redemption Price Per Share in respect of the Class "B"
Preference Shares shall mean a fixed amount determined by dividing the stated
capital account of the Class "B" Preference Shares by the number of such shares
in the capital stock of the Corporation then issued and outstanding.

     b) The holders of the Class "B" Preference Shares, in priority to the
Common Shares and any other shares ranking junior to the Class "B" Preference
Shares, shall be entitled


to receive and the Corporation shall pay thereon, as and when declared by the
board of directors of the Corporation in their discretion out of the monies of
the Corporation properly applicable to the payment of dividends, to such
preferential, non-cumulative dividends per share at a rate up to 70% of the
Prime Rate determined as at the date of the dividend declaration and calculated
on the Redemption Price Per Share. If within four (4) months after the
expiration of any fiscal year of the Corporation the board of directors in its
discretion shall not declare the said fixed, preferential, non-cumulative
dividend or any part thereof on the Class "B" Preference Shares for such fiscal
year, then the rights of the holders of the Class "B" Preference Shares to such
dividend or to any undeclared part thereof for such fiscal year shall be forever
extinguished. The holders of the Class "B" Preference Shares shall not be
entitled to any dividends other than or in excess of the preferential,
non-cumulative dividends hereinbefore provided for or to participate in any
other or additional earnings or profits of the Corporation.

        c) Except with the consent in writing of the holders of all the Class
"B" Preference Shares outstanding, no dividends shall at any time be declared or
paid upon or set aside for payment on any Common Shares or on any shares of any
other class ranking junior to the Class "B" Preference Shares, for any fiscal
year unless and until the fixed, preferential, non-cumulative dividend for such
fiscal year on all the Class "B" Preference Shares outstanding has been declared
and paid or a sum set aside for payment thereof.

        d) The Corporation may, subject to the Business Corporations Act,
provided, redeem at any time the whole or from time to time any part of the then
outstanding Class "B" Preference Shares without the consent of the holders
thereof on payment for each share to be redeemed of the Redemption Price Per
Share, together with an amount equal to all divi-


dends declared thereon and remaining unpaid (the "Redemption Price"). In any
case of redemption of Class "B" Preference Shares, the Corporation shall, at
least twenty (20) days before the date specified for redemption, mail to each
person who, at the date of mailing, is a registered holder of Class "B"
Preference Shares to be redeemed a notice in writing of the intention of the
Corporation to redeem such Class "B" Preference Shares; such notice shall be
mailed in a prepaid letter addressed to each such shareholder at his address as
it appears on the books of the Corporation or, in the event of the address of
any such shareholder not so appearing then to the last known address of such
shareholder; provided however, that accidental failure to give any such notice
to one or more of such holders shall not affect the validity of such redemption.
Such notice shall set out the Redemption Price and the date on which redemption
is to take place and, if part only of the shares held by the person to whom such
notice is addressed is to be redeemed, the number thereof so to be redeemed. On
or after the date so specified for redemption, the Corporation shall pay or
cause to be paid to or to the order of the registered holders of the Class "B"
Preference Shares to be redeemed the Redemption Price thereof on presentation
and surrender at the head office of the Corporation, or any other place
designated in such notice, of the certificates representing the Class "B"
Preference Shares called for redemption; such Class "B" Preference Shares shall
thereupon be redeemed. If a part only of the Class "B" Preference Shares
represented by any certificate be redeemed, a new certificate for the balance
shall be issued at the expense of the Corporation. From and after the date
specified in any such notice, the Class "B" Preference Shares called for
redemption shall cease to be entitled to dividends and the holders thereof shall
not be entitled to exercise any of the rights of shareholders in respect thereof
unless payment of the Redemption Price shall not be made upon presentation of
certificates in accordance with the foregoing provisions, in which case the
rights of the holders shall


remain unaffected. The Corporation shall have the right, at any time after the
mailing of notice of its intention to redeem any Class "B" Preference Shares as
aforesaid, to deposit the Redemption Price of the Class "B" Preference Shares
so called for redemption, or of such of the said shares as are represented by
certificates which have not at the date of such deposit been surrendered by the
holders thereof in connection with such redemption, to a special account in any
chartered bank or any trust company in Canada named in such notice to be paid
without interest to or to the order of the respective holders of such Class "B"
Preference Shares called for redemption upon presentation and surrender to such
bank or trust company of the certificates representing the same, and upon such
deposit being made or upon the date specified for redemption in such notice,
whichever is the later, the Class "B" Preference Shares in respect whereof such
deposit shall have been made shall be redeemed and the rights of the holders
thereof after such deposit or such redemption date, as the case may be, shall be
limited to receiving without interest their proportionate part of the total
Redemption Price so deposited against presentation and surrender of the said
certificates held by them respectively.

        e) The Corporation may, subject to The Business Corporations Act, at any
time and from time to time purchase (if obtainable) for cancellation the whole
or any portion of the Class "B" Preference Shares outstanding from time to time
by invitation for tenders addressed to all the holders of record of the Class
"B" Preference Shares outstanding, or (with the consent of all the holders of
Class "B" Preference Shares) by private contract at the lowest price or prices
at which, in the opinion of the Directors, such shares are obtainable but not
exceeding for each share to be purchased for cancellation the Redemption Price
Per Share plus costs of purchase and an amount equal to all dividends declared


thereon and remaining unpaid. Where, in response to any invitation for tenders,
two or more shareholders submit tenders at the same price and such tenders are
accepted by the Corporation as to part only of the shares offered, the
Corporation shall accept part of the shares offered in each such tender in
proportion as nearly as may be to the total number of shares offered in each
such tender (disregarding fractions).

        f) The holders of the Class "B" Preference Shares shall not be entitled
(except as otherwise specifically provided in The Business Corporations Act), to
receive notice or to attend any meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation
and shall not be entitled to vote at any such meeting.

        g) In the event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation or other distribution of assets of the Corporation among
shareholders for the purpose of winding up its affairs, the holders of the Class
"B" Preference Shares shall be entitled to receive out of the assets and
property of the Corporation, before any amount is paid or any property or assets
of the Corporation distributed to the holders of any Common Shares or shares of
any other class ranking junior to the Class "B" Preference Shares, for each
share an amount equal to the Redemption Price Per Share together with all
declared and unpaid preferential, non-cumulative dividends thereof; after
payment to the holders of the Class "B" Preference Shares of the amounts so
payable to them as above provided, they shall not be entitled to share in any
further distribution of the property or assets of the Corporation. If the assets
and property of the Corporation including surplus are not sufficient to pay the
Redemption Price Per Share together with all declared and unpaid preferential,
non-cumulative dividends, then all of the said assets or the proceeds hereof
shall be distributed pro rata among the holders of the Class "B" Preference


Class "A" Preference Shares, Class "B" Preference Shares

     a) The foregoing provisions, the provisions of this paragraph and the
provisions of subparagraph (b) hereof may be repealed, altered, modified or
amended by articles of amendment but only with the approval of the holders of
the Class "A" Preference Shares or Class "B" Preference Shares as the case may
be, given as hereinafter specified in addition to any other approval required by
The Business Corporations Act.

     b) The approval of the holders of the Class "A" Preference Shares or Class
"B" Preference Shares, as the case may be, as to any and all matters referred to
herein may be given by special resolution passed at a meeting of holders of
Class "A" or Class "B" Preference Shares as the case may be, duly called and
held upon at least ten (10) days' notice at which the holders of at least a
majority of the outstanding Class "A" Preference Shares or Class "B" Preference
Shares, as the case may be, are present or represented by proxy and carried by
the affirmative votes of the holders of not less than two-thirds of the Class
"A" Preference Shares or Class "B" Preference Shares represented and voted at
such meeting cast on a poll (each class voting separately at any combined
meeting). On every poll taken at every such meeting every holder of Class "A"
Preference Shares or Class "B" Preference Shares shall be entitled to one (1)
vote in respect of each Class "A" Preference Share or Class "B" Preference
Share, as the case may be, held.

Common Shares

     The Common Shares shall carry and be subject to the following rights,
privileges, restrictions and conditions:

     a) To receive notice of and attend all meetings of shareholders of the
Corporation, except class meetings of other classes of shareholders, and each
Common Share shall


confer the right to one (1) vote in person or by proxy at all such meetings of 
shareholders of the Corporation;

     b) Subject to the rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching
to any other class of shares of the Corporation, to receive any dividend
declared by the Corporation in respect of the Common Shares; and

     c) Subject to the rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching
to any other class of shares of the Corporation, the holders of the Common
Shares shall be entitled to receive the remaining property of the Corporation
upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of the Corporation, whether
voluntary or involuntary.

9.   The issue, transfer or ownership        L'emission, le transfert ou la propriete
     of shares is restricted and the         d'actions est/n'est pas restraint.
     restrictions (if any) are as follows:   Les restrictions, s'il y a lieu, sont les suivantes:


Subject to any unanimous shareholders agreement existing from time to time, and
any amendments thereto, the right to transfer any share or shares of the
Corporation shall be restricted in that no shareholder shall be entitled to
transfer any share or shares of the Corporation without either:

a)   the previous express sanction of the holders of more than 50% of the Common
     Shares of the Corporation for the time being outstanding expressed by a
     resolution passed at a meeting of shareholders or by an instrument or
     instruments in writing signed by the holders of more than 50% of such
     shares; or

b)   the previous express sanction of the directors of the Corporation expressed
     by a resolution passed by the votes of a majority of the directors of the
     Corporation at a meeting of the board of directors or by an instrument or
     instruments in writing signed by a majority of the directors.

10.  Other provisions, if any, are:          Autres dispositions, s'il y a lieu:

1.   The Corporation shall have a lien on the shares registered in the name of
     the shareholder or his legal representative for a debt of that shareholder
     to the Corporation.

2.   The number of shareholders of the Corporation, exclusive of persons who are
     in its employment and exclusive of persons who, having been formerly in the
     employment of the Corporation, were, while in that employment, and have
     continued after the termination of that employment to be, shareholders of
     the Corporation, is limited to not more than fifty, two or more persons who
     are the joint registered owners of one or more shares being counted as one

3.   Any invitation to the public to subscribe for securities of the Corporation
     is prohibited.


11.  The statements required by subsection      Les declarations exigees aux termes
     178(2) of the Business Corporations        du paragraphe 178(2) de la Loi sur les
     Act are attached as Schedule "A".          societes par actions constituent l'annexe "A".

12.  A copy of the amalgamation agreement or     Une copie de la convention de fusion ou les
     directors resolutions (as the case          resolutions des administrateurs
     may be) is/are attached as Schedule "B".    (selon le cas) constitue(nt) l'annexe "B".


These articles are signed in duplicate.

Les presents statuts sont signes en double exemplaire.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Names of the amalgamating corporations          Denomination sociale des societes qui fusionnent,
and signatures and descriptions of office       signature et fonction de leurs
of their proper officers.                       dirigeants regullerement designes.

Per:                                       Per:

[Signature]                                [Signature]
- ------------------------------------       -------------------------------------
President                                  President

                                  SCHEDULE "A"

                              OFFICER'S STATEMENT

I, LOUIS ALDROVANDI, of the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, in the
Province of Ontario, state as follows:

1. I am the President of DIMA PRODUCT MANUFACTURING INC. (the "Corporation") and
as such have personal knowledge of the matters hereinafter stated.

2. The Corporation desires to amalgamate with LIFTKING INDUSTRIES INC. and
continue as one corporation under the name of LIFTKING INDUSTRIES, INC.

3. There are reasonable grounds for believing that:

     a. each of the amalgamating corporations is and the amalgamated corporation
        will be able to pay its liabilities as they become due; and

     b. the realizable value of the amalgamated corporation's assets will not be
        less than the aggregate of its liabilities and stated capital of all

4. There are reasonable grounds for believing that no creditor will be
prejudiced by the amalgamation.

5. No creditor has notified the Corporation that he objects to the amalgamation.

6. For the reasons set out in paragraphs 4 and 5 above it is unnecessary for the
Corporation to comply with the notice provisions contained in paragraph
178(2)(d) of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario).

DATED the 14th day of August, 1997.

                                       LOUIS ALDROVANDI
                                       Louis Aldrovandi

                                  SCHEDULE "B"

                             AMALGAMATION AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT made the 14th day of August, 1997.

B E T W E E N:

               DIMA PRODUCT MANUFACTURING INC., a corporation incorporated under
               the laws of the Province of Ontario,


                                    - and -

               LIFTKING INDUSTRIES INC., a corporation incorporated under the
               laws of the Province of Ontario,



A.   Dima and Liftking were each incorporated under the Business Corporations
     Act (Ontario) or predecessors of that legislation;

B.   the Amalgamating Corporations have each made full disclosure to the other
     of all their respective assets and liabilities;

C.   the authorized capital of Dima is an unlimited number of Class "A"
     Preferred Shares, Class "B" Preference Shares and Common Shares, of which
     10 Common Shares are issued and outstanding;

D.   the authorized capital of Liftking is an unlimited number of Class A
     special shares, Class B special shares, Class C special shares and common
     shares, of which 1 common share issued and outstanding;

E.   the Amalgamating Corporations acting under the authority contained in the
     Act have agreed to amalgamate on the terms and conditions hereinafter set


NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that in consideration of the 
mutual covenants and agreements herein contained and other good and valuable 
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are mutually acknowledged, 
the parties covenant and agree as follows:

1. In this Agreement:

     (a)  "Amalgamated Corporation" means the corporation continuing from the
          amalgamation of the Amalgamating Corporations;

     (b)  "Amalgamating Corporations" means Dima and Liftking, the parties to
          this Agreement;

     (c)  "Amalgamation" means the amalgamation of the Amalgamating

     (d)  "Amalgamation Agreement" or "Agreement" means this amalgamation
          agreement; and

     (e)  "Act" means the Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as now enacted or
          as the same may be re-enacted, amended or replaced.

2. Each of the Amalgamating Corporations agree to amalgamate under the
provisions of the Act effective immediately on the commencement of August 14,
1997, and to continue as one corporation on the terms and conditions set out in
this Agreement.

3. The name of the Amalgamated Corporation shall be LIFTKING INDUSTRIES INC.

4. The registered office of the Amalgamated Corporation shall be in the Regional
Municipality of York, in the Province of Ontario and, until otherwise determined
in accordance with the Act, shall be located at 7135 Islington Avenue, First
Floor, Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 1V9.

5. The authorized capital of the Amalgamated Corporation shall consist of an
unlimited number of Class "A" Preference Shares, Class "B" Preference Shares and
Common Shares.

6. The rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to the Class
"A" Preference Shares shall be as follows:


     (a) References herein to the Redemption Price Per Share in respect of each
Class "A" Preference Share shall mean a fixed amount determined by dividing the
stated capital account of the Class "A" Preference Shares by the number of such
shares in the capital stock of the Corporation then issued and outstanding.

     (b) The holders of the Class "A" Preference Shares, in priority to the
Class "B" Preference Shares, and Common Shares and any other shares ranking
junior to the Class "A" Preference Shares, shall be entitled to receive and the
Corporation shall pay thereon, as and when declared by the board of directors of
the Corporation in their discretion out of the monies of the Corporation
properly applicable to the payment of dividends, to such preferential,
non-cumulative dividends at a rate of up to 70% of the lending rate charged by
the branch in the Province of Ontario of the Corporation's bankers for the time
being to its most favoured commercial customers on Canadian dollar loans (the
"Prime Rate") determined as at the date of the dividend declaration and
calculated on the Redemption Price Per Share. If within four (4) months after
the expiration of any fiscal year of directors in its discretion shall not
declare the said fixed, preferential, non-cumulative dividend or any part
thereof on the Class "A" Preference Shares for such fiscal year, then the rights
of the holders of the Class "A" Preference Shares to such dividend, or to any
undeclared part thereof for such fiscal year, shall be forever extinguished. The
holders of the Class "A" Preference Shares shall not be entitled to any dividend
other than or in excess of the preferential, non-cumulative dividend at the said
rate hereinbefore provided for, or to participate in any other or additional
earnings or profits of the Corporation.

          c) Except with the consent in writing of the holders of all the Class
     'A' Preference Shares outstanding, no dividends shall at any time be
     declared or paid upon or set aside for payment on any Class 'B' Preference
     Shares, or Common Shares or on any shares of any other class ranking junior
     to the Class 'A' Preference Shares, for any fiscal year unless and until
     the fixed, preferential non-cumulative dividend for such fiscal year on all
     the Class 'A' Preference Shares outstanding has been declared and paid or a
     sum set aside for payment thereof.
          d) the Corporation may, subject to The Business Corporations Act, upon
     giving notice as hereinafter provided, redeem at any time the whole or from
     time to time any part of the then outstanding Class 'A' Preference Shares
     without the consent of the holders thereof on payment for each share to be
     redeemed of the Redemption Price Per Share, together with an amount equal
     to all dividends declared thereon and remaining unpaid (the 'Redemption
     Price'). In any case of redemption of Class 'A' Preference Shares, the
     Corporation shall, at least twenty (20) days before the the specified for
     redemption mail to each person who, at the date of mailing, is a registered
     holder of Class 'A' Preference Shares to be redeemed a notice in writing of
     the intention of the Corporation to redeem such Class 'A' Preference
     Shares; such notice shall be mailed in a prepaid letter addressed to each
     such shareholder at his address as it appears on the books of the
     Corporation or, in the event of the address of any such shareholder not so
     appearing, then to the last known address of such shareholder; provided
     however, that accidental failure to give any such notice to one or more of
     such holders shall not affect the validity of such redemption. Such notice
     shall set out the Redemption Price and the date on which redemption is to
     take place and, if part only of the shares held by the person to whom such
     notice is addressed is to be redeemed, the number thereof so to be
     redeemed. On or after the date so specified for redemption, the Corporation


     shall pay or cause to be paid to or to the order of the registered holders
     of the Class 'A' Preference Shares to be redeemed the Redemption Price
     thereof on presentation and surrender at the head office of the
     Corporation, or any other place designated in such notice, of the
     certificates representing the Class 'A' Preference Shares called for
     redemption; such Class 'A' Preference Shares shall thereupon be redeemed.
     If a part only of the Class 'A' Preference Shares represented by any
     certificate be redeemed, a new certificate for the balance shall be issued
     at the expense of the Corporation. From and after the date specified in any
     such notice, the Class 'A' Preference Shares called for redemption shall
     cease to be entitled to dividends and the holders thereof shall not be
     entitled to exercise any of the rights of shareholders in respect thereof
     unless payment of the Redemption Price shall not be made upon
     presentation of certificates in accordance with the have foregoing
     provisions, in which case the rights of the holders shall remain
     unaffected. The Corporation shall have the right, at any time after the
     mailing of notice of its intention to redeem any Class 'A' Preference
     Shares as aforesaid, to deposit the Redemption Price of the Class 'A'
     Preference Shares so called for redemption, or of such of the said shares
     as are represented by certificates which ave not at the date of such
     deposit been surrendered by the holders thereof in connection with such
     redemption, to a special account in any chartered bank or any trust company
     in Canada named in such notice to be paid without interest to or to the
     order of the respective holders of such Class 'A' Preference Shares called
     for redemption upon presentation and surrender to such bank or trust
     company of the certificates representing the same, and upon such deposit
     being made or upon the date specified for redemption in such notice,
     whichever is the later, the Class 'A' Preference Shares in respect whereof
     such deposit shall have been made shall be redeemed and the rights of the
     holders thereof after such deposit or such redemption date, as


     the case may be, limited to receiving without interest their proportionate
     part of the total Redemption Price so deposited against presentation and
     surrender of the said certificates held by them respectively.
          e) The Corporation may, subject to The Business Corporations Act, at
     any time and from time to time purchase (if obtainable) for cancellation
     the whole or any portion of the Class 'A' Preference Shares outstanding
     from time to time by invitation for tenders addressed to all the holders of
     record of the Class 'A' Preference Shares outstanding, or (with the consent
     of all the holders of Class 'A' Preference Shares) by private contract at
     the lowest price to prices at which, in the opinion of the directors, such
     shares are obtainable but not exceeding for each share to be
     purchased for cancellation the Redemption Price Per Share plus costs of
     purchase and an amount equal to all dividends declared thereon and
     remaining unpaid. Where, in response to any invitation for tenders, two or
     more shareholders submit tenders at the same price and such tenders are
     accepted by the Corporation as to part only of the shares offered in each
     such tender in proportion as nearly as may be to the total number of shares
     offered in each such tender (disregarding fractions).
          f) The holders of the Class 'A' Preference Shares shall be entitled to
     receive notice of and to attend and vote at all meetings of Shareholders of
     the Corporation and each Class 'A' Preference Share shall confer the right
     of one (1) vote in person or by proxy at all meetings of the shareholders
     of the Corporation.
          g) In the event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
     Corporation or other distribution of assets of the Corporation among
     shareholders for the purpose of winding up its affairs, the holders of the
     Class 'A' Prefer-


     ence Shares  shall be entitled to receive out of the assets
     and property of the Corporation, before any amount is paid or any property
     or assets of the Corporation distributed to the holders of any Class 'B'
     Preference Shares, or Common Shares, or shares of any other class ranking
     junior to the Class 'A' Preference Shares, for each share an amount equal
     to the Redemption Price Per Share thereon together with all declared and
     unpaid preferential, non-cumulative dividends thereon; after payment to the
     holders of the Class 'A' Preference Shares of the amounts so payable to
     them as above provided, they shall not be entitled to share in any further
     distribution of the property or assets of the Corporation. If the assets
     and property of the Corporation, including surplus are not sufficient to
     pay the Redemption Price Per Share together with all declared and unpaid
     preferential, non-cumulative dividends, thereon; after payment to the
     holders of the Class 'A' Preference Shares of the amounts so payable to
     them as above provided, they shall not be entitled to share in any further
     distribution of the property or assets of the Corporation. If the assets
     and property of the Corporation, including surplus are not sufficient to
     pay the Redemption Price Per Share together with all declared and unpaid
     preferential, non-cumulative dividends, then all of the said assets or the
     proceeds thereof shall be distributed pro rata among the holders of the
     Class 'A' Preference Shares.
7. the rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to the Class
'B' Preference Shares shall be as follows:
          a) References to the Redemption Price Per Share in respect of the
     Class 'B' Preference Shares shall mean a fixed amount determined by
     dividing the stated capital account of the Class 'B' Preference Shares by
     the number of such shares in the capital stock of the Corporation then
     issued and outstanding.
          b) The holders o of the Class 'B' Preference Shares, in priority to
     the Common Shares and any other shares ranking junior to the Class 'B'
     Preference Shares, shall be entitled


to receive and the Corporation shall pay thereon, as and when declared by the
board of directors of the Corporation in their discretion out of the monies of
the Corporation properly applicable to the payment of dividends, to such
preferential, non-cumulative dividends per share at a rate up to 70% of the
Prime Rate determined as at the date of the dividend declaration and calculated
on the Redemption Price Per Share. If within four (4) months after the
expiration of any fiscal year of the Corporation the board of directors in its
discretion shall not declare the said fixed, preferential, non-cumulative
dividend or any part thereof on the Class "B" Preference Shares for such fiscal
year, then the rights of the holders of the Class "B" Preference Shares to such
dividend or to any undeclared part thereof for such fiscal year shall be forever
extinguished. The holders of the Class "B" Preference Shares shall not be
entitled to any dividends other than or in excess of the preferential,
non-cumulative dividends hereinbefore provided for or to participate in any
other or additional earnings or profits of the Corporation.

      c) Except with the consent in writing of the holders of all the Class "B"
Preference Shares outstanding, no dividends shall at any time be declared or
paid upon or set aside for payment on any Common Shares or on any shares of any
other class ranking junior to the Class "B" Preference Shares, for any fiscal
year unless and until the fixed, preferential, non-cumulative dividend for such
fiscal year on all the Class "B" Preference Shares outstanding has been declared
and paid or a sum set aside for payment thereof.

      d) The Corporation may, subject to the Business Corporations Act,
provided, redeem at any time the whole or from time to time any part of the then
outstanding Class "B" Preference Shares without the consent of the holders
thereof on payment for each share to be redeemed of the Redemption Price Per
Share, together with an amount equal to all divi-


dends declared thereon and remaining unpaid (the "Redemption Price"). In any
case of redemption of Class "B" Preference Shares, the Corporation shall, at
least twenty (20) days before the date specified for redemption, mail to each
person who, at the date of mailing, is a registered holder of Class "B"
Preference Shares to be redeemed a notice in writing of the intention of the
Corporation to redeem such Class "B" Preference Shares; such notice shall be
mailed in a prepaid letter addressed to each such shareholder at his address as
it appears on the books of the Corporation or, in the event of the address of
any such shareholder not so appearing then to the last known address of such
shareholder; provided however, that accidental failure to give any such notice
to one or more such holders shall not affect the validity of such redemption.
Such notice shall set out the Redemption Price and the date on which redemption
is to take place and, if part only of the shares held by the person to whom such
notice is addressed is to be redeemed, the number thereof so to be redeemed. On
or after the date so specified for redemption, the Corporation shall pay or
cause to be paid to or to the order of the registered holders of the Class "B"
Preference Shares to be redeemed the Redemption Price thereof on presentation
and surrender at the head office of the Corporation, or any other place
designated in such notice, of the certificates representing the Class "B"
Preference Shares called for redemption; such Class "B" Preference Shares shall
thereupon be redeemed. If a part only of the Class "B" Preference Shares
represented by any certificate be redeemed, a new certificate for the balance
shall be issued at the expense of the Corporation. From and after the date
specified in any such notice, the Class "B" Preference Shares called for
redemption shall cease to be entitled to dividends and the holders thereof shall
not be entitled to exercise any of the rights of shareholders in respect thereof
unless payment of the Redemption Price shall not be made upon presentation of
certificates in accordance with the foregoing provisions, in which case the
rights of the holders shall


remain unaffected. The Corporation shall have the right, at any time after the
mailing of notice of its intention to redeem any Class "B" Preference Shares as
aforesaid, to deposit the Redemption Price of the Class "B" Preference Shares so
called for redemption, or of such of the said shares as are represented by
certificates which have not at the date of such deposit been surrendered by the
holders thereof in connection with such redemption, to a special account in any
chartered bank or any trust company in Canada named in such notice to be paid
without interest to or to the order of the respective holders of such Class "B"
Preference Shares called for redemption upon presentation and surrender to such
bank or trust company of the certificates representing the same, and upon such
deposit being made or upon the date specified for redemption in such notice,
whichever is the later, the Class "B" Preference Shares in respect whereof such
deposit shall have been made shall be redeemed and the rights of the holders
thereof after such deposit or such redemption date, as the case may be, shall be
limited to receiving without interest their proportionate part of the total
Redemption Price so deposited against presentation and surrender of the said
certificates held by them respectively.

      e) The Corporation may, subject to The Business Corporations Act, at any
time and from time to time purchase (if obtainable) for cancellation the whole
or any portion of the Class "B" Preference Shares outstanding from time to time
by invitation for tenders addressed to all the holders of record of the Class
"B" Preference Shares outstanding, or (with the consent of all the holders of
Class "B" Preference Shares) by private contract at the lowest price or prices
at which, in the opinion of the Directors, such shares are obtainable but not
exceeding for each share to be purchased for cancellation the Redemption Price
Per Share plus costs of purchase and an amount equal to all dividends declared


thereon and remaining unpaid. Where, in response to any invitation for tenders,
two or more shareholders submit tenders at the same price and such tenders are
accepted by the Corporation as to part only of the shares offered, the
Corporation shall accept part of the shares offered in each such tender in
proportion as nearly as may be to the total number of shares offered in each
such tender (disregarding fractions).

      f) The holders of the Class "B" Preference Shares shall not be entitled
(except as otherwise specifically provided in The Business Corporations Act), to
receive notice or to attend any meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation
and shall not be entitled to vote at any such meeting.

      g) In the event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
Corporation or other distribution of assets of the Corporation among
shareholders for the purpose of winding up its affairs, the holders of the Class
"B" Preference Shares shall be entitled to receive out of the assets and
property of the Corporation, before any amount is paid or any property or assets
of the Corporation distributed to the holders of any Common Shares or shares of
any other class ranking junior to the Class "B" Preference Shares, for each
share an amount equal to the Redemption Price Per Share together with all
declared and unpaid preferential, non-cumulative dividends thereon; after
payment to the holders of the Class "B" Preference Shares of the amounts so
payable to them as above provided, they shall not be entitled to share in any
further distribution of the property or assets of the Corporation. If the assets
and property of the Corporation including surplus are not sufficient to pay the
Redemption Price Per Share together with all declared and unpaid preferential,
non-cumulative dividends, then all of the said assets or the proceeds hereof
shall be distributed pro rata among the holders of the Class "B" Preference

                                     - 12 -

8. Class "A" Preference Shares, Class "B" Preference Shares

     a) The foregoing provisions, the provisions of this paragraph and the
provisions of subparagraph (b) hereof may be repealed, altered, modified or
amended by articles of amendment but only with the approval of the holders of
the Class "A" Preference Shares or Class "B" Preference Shares as the case may
be, given as hereinafter specified in addition to any other approval required by
The Business Corporations Act.

     b) The approval of the holders of the Class "A" Preference Shares or Class
"B" Preference Shares, as the case may be, as to any and all matters referred to
herein may be given by special resolution passed at a meeting of holders of
Class "A" or Class "B" Preference Shares as the case may be, duly called and
held upon at least ten (10) days' notice at which the holders of at least a
majority of the outstanding Class "A" Preference Shares or Class "B" Preference
Shares, as the case may be, are present or represented by proxy and carried by
the affirmative votes of the holders of not less than two-thirds of the Class
"A" Preference Shares or Class "B" Preference Shares represented and voted at
such meeting cast on a poll (each class voting separately at any combined
meeting). On every poll taken at every such meeting every holder of Class "A"
Preference Shares or Class "B" Preference Shares shall be entitled to one (1)
vote in respect of each Class "A" Preference Share or Class "B" Preference
Share, as the case may be, held.

                                     - 13 -

9. The rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to the Common
Shares shall be as follows:

     a) To receive notice of and attend all meetings of shareholders of the
Corporation, except class meetings of other classes of shareholders, and each
Common Share shall confer the right to one (1) vote in person or by proxy at all
such meetings of shareholders of the Corporation;

     b) Subject to the rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching
to any other class of shares of the Corporation, to receive any dividend
declared by the Corporation in respect of the Common Shares; and

     c) Subject to the rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching
to any other class of shares of the Corporation, the holders of the Common
Shares shall be entitled to receive the remaining property of the Corporation
upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of the Corporation, whether
voluntary or involuntary.

                                     - 14 -

10. The issued and outstanding shares in the Amalgamating Corporation shall be
converted into issued and outstanding shares of the Amalgamated Corporation
as follows:

     (a)  The 10 common shares in the capital of Dima shall be converted into
          4,053,643 common shares in the capital of the Amalgamated Corporation;

     (b)  The 1 common share in the capital of Liftking shall be cancelled
          without any repayment of capital in respect thereof and shall not be
          converted into shares of the Amalgamated Corporation;

provided that the issued capital of the Amalgamated Corporation shall be equal
to the aggregate of the issued capitals of the Amalgamating Corporations
immediately before the amalgamation becoming effective, subject to the decrease
provided for in clause 19(b) above.

11. On the Articles of Amalgamation in respect of the Amalgamation becoming
effective, the shareholders of the Amalgamating Corporations shall, when
requested by the Amalgamated Corporation, surrender the certificates
representing the shares held by them in the Amalgamating Corporations and shall,
subject to the provisions of the Act, be entitled in return to receive
certificates for shares of the Amalgamated Corporation on the basis aforesaid.

12. The board of directors of the Amalgamated Corporation, unless otherwise
changed in accordance with the Act, shall consist of a minimum number of one
director and a maximum of ten directors. The first director of the Amalgamated
Corporation shall be the person whose names and addresses are set out below, who
shall hold office until the first annual meeting of the Amalgamated Corporation,
or until his successor is elected or appointed:

                                                        Resident Canadian
           Name              Residence Address           (state yes/no)
           ----              -----------------           -----------------

     Louis Aldrovandi        38 Arkona Drive              Yes
                             Agincourt, Ontario
                             M1T 1X3

The said first director shall hold office until the first annual meeting of the
Amalgamated Corporation, or until his successor is elected or appointed. The
subsequent directors shall be elected each year thereafter at either a general
meeting or the annual meeting of the shareholders by a majority of the votes
cast at such meeting. The management and supervision of the business and affairs
of the Amalgamated Corporation shall be under the control of the board of
directors from time to time, subject to the provisions of the Act.

13. The by-laws of the Amalgamated Corporation shall be those of Dima.


14. There shall be no restrictions on restrictions on the business that the
Amalgamated Corporation may carry on nor on the powers that the Amalgamated
Corporation may exercise.

15. The issue, transfer or ownership of shares is restricted and the
restrictions are as follows:

    Subject to any unanimous shareholders agreement existing from time to time,
    and any amendments thereto, the right to transfer any share or shares of the
    Corporation shall be restricted in that no shareholde shall be entitled to
    transfer any share or shares of the Corporation without either:

    a)  the previous express sanction of the holders of more than 50% of the
        Common Shares of the Corporation for the time being outstanding
        expressed by a resolution passed at a meeting of shareholders or by an
        instrument or instruments in writing signed by the holders of more than
        50% of such shares; or

    b)  the previous express sanction of the directors of the Corporation
        expressed by a resolution passed by the votes of a majority of the
        directors of the Corporation at a meeting of the board of directors or
        by an instrument or instruments in writing signed by a majority of the

16. The following provisions shall also apply to the Amalgamated Corporations

    a)  The Corporation shall have a lien on the shares registered in the name
        of the shareholder or his legal representative for a debt of that
        shareholder to the Corporation.

    b)  The number of shareholders of the Corporation, exclusive of persons who
        are in its employment and exclusive of persons who, having been formerly
        in the employment of the Corporation, were, while in that employment,
        and have continued after the termination of that employment to be,
        shareholders of the Corporation, is limited to not more than fifty, two
        or more persons who are the joint registered owners of one or more
        shares being counted as one shareholder.

    c)  Any invitation to the public to subscribe for securities of the
        Corporation is prohibited.


17. The Amalgamating Corporations may, by resolution of their respective boards
of directors, consent to any alteration or modification of this Agreement with
which the shareholders of such corporations may agree.

18. On each of the Amalgamating Corporations approving this Agreement by special
resolution, the parties shall jointly file articles of amalgamation in
accordance with the Act for the purpose of bringing the Amalgamation into

IN WITNESS OF WHICH the parties have executed this Agreement.

                                       DIMA PRODUCT MANUFACTURING INC.


                                       LIFTKING INDUSTRIES INC.


    For Ministry Use Only                       Ontario Corporation Number
A l'usage exclusif du ministere             Numero de la societe en Ontario

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                             STATUTS DE MODIFICATION

      Form 3           1. The name of the corporation is:          Denomination sociale de la societe:
   Corporations                             LIFTKING INDUSTRIES INC.
    Formule 3          2. The name of the corporation is changed   Nouvelle denomination sociale de 
   Loi sur les            to (if applicable):                      la societe (s'il y a lieu):
   societes par    
                       3. Date of incorporation/amalgamation:      Date de la constitution ou de la

                                1997 August 14th
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 (Year, Month, Day)
                                (annee, mois, jour)

                       4. The articles of the corporation are      Les status de la societe sont
                          amended as follows:                      modifies de la facon suivante.

1.  To limit the number of common shares that the Corporation is authorized to
    issue to 50,000,000.

2.  To cancel all of the authorized and unissued Class 'A' Preference Shares and
    Class 'B' Preference Shares in the capital of the Corporation.

3.  To declare that after giving effect to the foregoing, the authorized capital
    of the Corporation shall consist of 50,000,000 common shares.

                       5. The amendment has been duly              La modification a ete dument autorisee
                          authorized as required by Sections 168   conformement aux articles 168 et 170
                          & 170 (as applicable) of the Business    (selon le cas) de la Loir sur les    
                          Corporations Act.                        societes par actions.
                       6. The resolution authorizing the           Les actionnaires ou les administrateurs  
                          amendment was approved by the            (selon le cas) de la societe ont         
                          shareholders/directors (as applicable)   approuve la resolution autorisant la     
                          of the corporation on                    modification le                          

                                        1997 August 22nd
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        (Year, Month, Day)
                                        (annee, mois, jour)

                       These articles are signed in duplicate.     Les presents status sont signes en double

                          LIFTKING INDUSTRIES INC.
                                     (Name of Corporation)
                             (Denomination sociale de la societe)

                     By:/Par: [SIGNATURE]                      President
                                 (Signature)             (Description of Office)
                                 (Signature)                   (Fonction)