THIS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the 1st
day of May, 1998, by and between NETsilicon, Inc., having an address at 411
Waverley Oaks Road, Waltham, MA ("NSI") and Osicom Technologies, Inc., having an
address at 2800 28th Street, Santa Monica, CA ("Osicom").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS, NSI is currently a wholly owned subsidiary of Osicom;

         WHEREAS, NSI and Osicom are in the process of registering NSI's common
shares with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for the purposes of
selling rights to purchase NSI's common shares to the public (the "Rights

         WHEREAS, after the Offering, Osicom will continue to be a substantial
stockholder of NSI;

         WHEREAS, the parties deem it advisable at this time to provide for the
terms and conditions of the business relationship between the parties after the
Rights Offering;

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual
undertakings herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by each of the parties hereto,
the undersigned parties hereby agree as follows:

1.       NSI hereby assigns, and Osicom hereby accepts the assignment of, the
         right to manufacture and market those products, commonly referred to by
         the parties as commercial products, listed on Schedule A attached
         hereto (the "Assigned Products").

2.       NSI hereby assigns all of its right, title and interest in the
         following assets to Osicom:

         a.    The names, addresses, phone numbers, principal contacts and sales
               history for the period through the close of the month immediately
               preceding the Closing Date with respect to all of NSI's
               commercial customers and all of NSI's sales leads and prospect
               lists together with copies of all relevant documents such as
               customer contracts, sales records, agreements, and the like;

         b.    All accounts receivable with respect to the Assigned Products
               accruing after July 31, 1998;

         c.    NSI's inventory of Assigned Products. Osicom shall have the
               option to purchase from NSI all of NSI inventory of Assigned
               Products existing on July 31, 1998 at a price equal to NSI's cost
               of manufacturing, developing and shipping such Assigned Products.
               NSI shall ship such Assigned Products inventory to Osicom at such
               a location as Osicom shall designate in such quantities and at
               such time as shall be requested by Osicom. Osicom will pay NSI on
               terms available to its most favored customers within thirty (30)
               days after the end of each calendar month for those Assigned
               Products which have been shipped to Osicom by NSI during such
               previous calendar month. No later than nine (9) months after the
               effective date of this


               Agreement, both parties will reconcile any remaining monies owed
               to NSI by Osicom, and Osicom will pay NSI any balance due.

         d.    Furniture, fixtures, equipment and computer software as set forth
               on the attached Schedule B.

3.       Osicom hereby assigns, and NSI hereby assumes, all of Osicom's right,
         title and interest in and to the trademark "NET+ARM", including, but
         not limited to those rights arising from a Trademark License Agreement
         dated July 14, 1998 by and between Osicom and ARM Limited. Osicom shall
         use its best efforts to obtain ARM Limited's consent to assignment of
         the Trademark Licensing Agreement prior to the commencement of the
         Rights Offering.

4.       The parties acknowledge that Osicom is owed by NSI the approximate sum
         of $4,100,000 arising from the parties prior parent/subsidiary
         relationship. NSI agrees to pay all indebtedness in full to Osicom upon
         completion of the Rights Offering .

5.       During the term of this Agreement, NSI shall provide to Osicom
         manufacturing and engineering support with respect to the Assigned
         Products on an "as needed" basis. Osicom will pay NSI for such support
         at a rate of one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the actual labor
         costs to NSI. The costs of any materials provided to Osicom by NSI with
         respect to manufacturing support provided by NSI shall be reimbursed by
         Osicom at a rate of one-hundred and ten (110%) of the actual cost of
         material incurred by NSI. NSI will invoice Osicom quarterly for NSI
         support and materials. Payment shall be due from Osicom to NSI on a net
         cash basis thirty (30) days from the billing date.

6.       The parties acknowledge that in connection with the assignment of the
         Assigned Products, certain mutually agreeable employees will cease
         performing services for NSI and shall thereafter perform services for
         Osicom (the "Transferred Employees"). Transferred Employees shall be
         transferred to Osicom's payroll as of July 31, 1998. However,
         Transferred Employees shall remain on NSI's health insurance plan. NSI
         will forward an invoice each month to Osicom which shall indicate the
         amount of premium payment made by NSI with respect to such Transferred
         Employees as well as documentation of their continued coverage under
         NSI's health plan. Payment shall be due from Osicom to NSI on a net
         cash basis thirty (30) days from the billing date. Notwithstanding
         anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the terms of this Section 5
         shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

7.       Osicom shall provide to NSI certain MIS computer services at NSI place
         of business at Waltham, Massachusetts, including, without limitation,
         the maintenance of data lines. In consideration for such services, NSI
         shall pay to Osicom the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per month,
         payable on the first day of each calendar month as long as NSI requires
         such services.

8.       Osicom and NSI agree that Osicom shall have co-ownership of the
         intellectual property listed on Schedule C attached hereto (the
         "Intellectual Property"), completed as of the commencement of the
         Rights Offering, for Osicom's product development needs, provided,
         however, that the Intellectual Property shall become a part of a
         value-added Osicom product provided, further that Osicom shall not
         resell, license, transfer or assign to any third party all or any part
         of the Intellectual Property or any derivative thereof.

9.       The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of twelve (12) months
         from the date set forth above. This Agreement may be sooner terminated
         only upon the written agreement of both parties hereto.


10.       The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement
         shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions
         of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect.

11.      Notices given under this Agreement shall be in writing, and shall be
         deemed given when delivered by a recognized overnight service, or three
         (3) days after deposit by certified mail, return receipt requested,
         addressed to a party at the address given above, or to another address
         specified by a party.

12.      This Agreement shall be governed by Massachusetts law. The parties
         consent to exclusive jurisdiction of courts sitting in Massachusetts
         for all disputes arising under this Agreement. Service of process is
         effective if served in the manner a notice may be given under this

13.      Neither NSI nor Osicom shall assign this Agreement to any other person
         or entity, without the prior written consent of the other party,
         provided, however, that Osicom may assign all or part of this Agreement
         to any of its subsidiaries without the prior consent of NSI.

14.      This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties and may
         be changed or waived only in writing. Waiver of a breach of this
         Agreement shall not operate as a waiver of any other breach. This
         Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the parties
         hereto and their successors and assigns. Invalidity of any provision of
         this Agreement shall not affect other provisions.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the
day and year first set forth above

Attest:                                     NET SILICON, INC.

                                            By: /s/ Cornelius Peterson
__________________________                     _________________________________
                                                Cornelius Peterson, President

                                            OSICOM TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                            By: /s/ Christopher E. Sue
__________________________                     _____________________________
                                                 Christopher E. Sue,
                                                 Vice-President of Finance


                                   Schedule A
                     Commercial Products assigned to Osicom




                                   Schedule B
      Furniture, fixtures and equipment assigned to Osicom-leased or owned.

All such equipment whether owned by NSI or leased located in Suite 241 now
occupied by Osicom commercial sales at 411 Waverley Oaks Park.

All software currently in use in Suite 241 as NSI has title therein.


                                   Schedule C
               NSI Intellectual Property available for Osicom use

All designs of products of NSI as of the date of commencement of the Rights

         The deliverables for hardware products of NSI are verilog design
         models, CAD drawings for artwork, schematics for logic design, and
         bills of materials.

         The deliverables for software products are source code relating to
         software and firmware.

         All other hardware, software, firmware, documentation, bills of
         material, test plans necessary for Osicom to either design, modify or
         manufacture the components produced or to be produced by NSI.