DATED JANUARY 12, 1990

                         EL CONQUISTADOR PARTNERSHIP L.P


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

         ARTICLE                                                                                               PAGE
         -------                                                                                               ----
         1.       DEVELOPMENT OF THE RESORT.....................................................................  2
                  1.1.     The Renovation.......................................................................  2
                  1.2.     Certain Definitions..................................................................  3
                           1.2.1. "Commencement Date"...........................................................  3
                           1.2.2. "Construction Management Agreement"...........................................  3
                           1.2.3. "Construction Manager"........................................................  4
                           1.2.4. "Consultants".................................................................  4
                           1.2.5. "Contractors".................................................................  4
                           1.2.6. "Project".....................................................................  4
                  1.3.     Technical and Development Services...................................................  4
                  1.4.     Pre-Opening Program..................................................................  5
                  1.5.     Working Capital and Supplies.........................................................  6
                  1.6.     Reimbursable Costs and Expenses......................................................  6
                  1.7.     Partnership's Pre-Approval...........................................................  8
                  1.8.     Pre-Opening Budgets.................................................................. 10
                  1.9.     Compensation for Technical and Development Services.................................. 11
                  1.10.    Obligations Separate................................................................. 13

         2.       APPOINTMENT AS MANAGER OF THE RESORT.......................................................... 14
                  2.1.     Appointment and Term................................................................. 14
                  2.2.     Relation of the Parties.............................................................. 15

         3.       BUDGETS....................................................................................... 16
                  3.1.     General Policy....................................................................... 16
                  3.2.     Fiscal Year.......................................................................... 16
                  3.3.     Annual Budgets....................................................................... 16
                  3.4.     No Guarantee......................................................................... 21

         4.       OPERATION..................................................................................... 21
                  4.1.     Operational Standards, Etc........................................................... 21
                           4.1.1. First Class Resort............................................................ 21
                           4.1.2. Non-Disturbance............................................................... 22

                  4.2.     Permits.............................................................................. 23
                  4.3.     Personnel............................................................................ 24
                           4.3.1. Employees of Partnership...................................................... 24
                           4.3.2. Employees of Manager.......................................................... 24
                           4.3.3. Key Managers.................................................................. 25


                           4.3.4. Reimbursement for Third Party Costs........................................... 25
                  4.4.     Sales and Promotion.................................................................. 26
                           4.4.1. Sales......................................................................... 26
                           4.4.2. Promotion..................................................................... 26
                  4.5.     Maintenance and Capital Replacement.................................................. 26
                  4.6.     Operating, Supply and Maintenance Contracts.......................................... 27
                  4.7.     Accounting Services.................................................................. 28
                           4.7.1. Books and Records............................................................. 28
                           4.7.2. Annual Financial Information.................................................. 28
                           4.7.3. Monthly Reports............................................................... 29
                           4.7.4. Quarterly Financial Information............................................... 29
                           4.7.5. Meetings...................................................................... 30
                  4.8.     Bank Accounts........................................................................ 30
                  4.9.     Concessions.......................................................................... 30
                  4.10.    Working Capital...................................................................... 31
                  4.11.    Legal Actions........................................................................ 32
                  4.12.    Expenses............................................................................. 32
                           4.12.1. Partnership's Financial Obligations.......................................... 32
                           4.12.2. No Obligation to Fund........................................................ 33
                           4.12.3. Taxes........................................................................ 33
                           4.12.4. Funding Deficits............................................................. 33
                  4.13.    Consent and Approvals................................................................ 34

         5.       COMPENSATION OF MANAGER....................................................................... 34
                  5.1.     Basic Compensation for Management Services........................................... 34
                  5.2.     Incentive Management Fees............................................................ 35
                  5.3.     Fee Adjustment....................................................................... 35
                  5.4.     Subordination of Incentive Management Fees........................................... 35
                           5.4.1. Subordination................................................................. 35
                           5.4.2. Payment of Loans.............................................................. 38
                  5.5.     Losses............................................................................... 38
                  5.6.     Manager Loans........................................................................ 38
                  5.7.     Certain Definitions.................................................................. 39
                           5.7.1. Resort Gross Revenues......................................................... 39
                           5.7.2. Resort Operating Profits...................................................... 40
                           5.7.3. Venture Agreement............................................................. 41

         6.       INSURANCE..................................................................................... 41
                  6.1.     Insurance............................................................................ 41
                  6.2.     Insurance Standards and Requirements................................................. 41
                  6.3.     Indemnification...................................................................... 42
                           6.3.1. Indemnification of Manager.................................................... 42
                           6.3.2. Indemnification of the Partnership............................................ 43
                           6.3.3. Procedure for Indemnification................................................. 44


         7.       DAMAGE TO RESORT AND CONDEMNATION............................................................. 46
                  7.1.     Casualty Damage...................................................................... 46
                           7.1.1. The Partnership to Restore.................................................... 46
                           7.1.2. Limitation on Restoration..................................................... 47
                  7.2.     Condemnation......................................................................... 47
                           7.2.1. Total Condemnation............................................................ 47
                           7.2.2. Partial Condemnation.......................................................... 48

         8.       TERMINATION................................................................................... 48
                  8.1.     Right of Termination................................................................. 48
                  8.2.     Payments............................................................................. 50
                  8.3.     Manager's Liquidation Share.......................................................... 51
                  8.4.     Null and Void........................................................................ 52

         9.       MISCELLANEOUS................................................................................. 52
                  9.1.     Entire Agreement..................................................................... 52
                  9.2.     Counterparts......................................................................... 53
                  9.3.     Notices.............................................................................. 53
                  9.4.     Waivers.............................................................................. 55
                  9.5.     Severability......................................................................... 55
                  9.6.     Choice of Law........................................................................ 55
                  9.7.     Non-Assignability.................................................................... 55
                  9.8.     Captions............................................................................. 56
                  9.9.     Non-Recourse to Partners............................................................. 56
                  9.10.    Limitation of Remedies............................................................... 56



         THIS  AGREEMENT,  made as of the 12th day of January  1,  1990,  by and
between EL CONQUISTADOR  PARTNERSHIP L.P., a limited partnership formed pursuant
to the limited partnership law of the State of Delaware (the "Partnership"), and

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS, the Partnership is acquiring and renovating a hotel and casino
resort in Fajardo, Puerto Rico, formerly known as the "El Conquistador Hotel" to
develop the  property as a first  class,  luxury  destination  mega-resort  (the
"Resort"); and

         WHEREAS,  the Resort is  currently  closed and will  undergo  extensive
remodeling,  renovation,  refurbishing  and construction  (the  "Renovation") as
generally  outlined in Exhibit A annexed  hereto,  prior and  subsequent  to its
scheduled re-opening in December, 1991; and

         WHEREAS,  the  parties  mutually  desire  Manager to provide  technical
assistance  and  development  services  during the  Renovation  and to  control,
supervise and direct the operation and management of the Resort on behalf of the
Partnership after the opening of the Resort;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual covenants  hereinafter
contained, the parties hereby agree as follows:

         1.       DEVELOPMENT OF THE RESORT.

                  1.1. THE RENOVATION.  The Partnership shall proceed diligently
to acquire  the land and  buildings  contemplated  for the Resort and to use its
best  efforts  to  effect  the   Renovation   in   accordance   with  plans  and
specifications  approved by the  Partnership so that the Resort may be ready for
operation  as a first  class,  luxury  destination  mega-resort  as  quickly  as
practical.  Manager  shall use its best  efforts  to assist the  Partnership  by
performing  the  Technical  and  Development  Services  (as  hereafter  defined)
provided in this  Section 1 as and when  requested by the  Partnership  and will
work  closely  and  coordinate  its  services  with  the   Partnership  and  the
Construction  Manager (as hereafter defined) so that the Resort may be ready for
operation  as a first  class,  luxury  destination  mega-resort  as  quickly  as
practical.  The  parties  acknowledge  that  the  Partnership  has  prepared  an
estimated budget (the "Development  Budget"),  a copy of which is annexed hereto
as Exhibit B, for all "hard costs" and "soft costs" to be incurred in connection
with the  Renovation and equipping of the Resort.  The parties  believe that the
Project (as  hereafter  defined) can be completed  within the  parameters of the
Development  Budget. To the extent practical,  the Partnership and Manager shall
make  decisions and  recommendations,  perform their  obligations  hereunder and
otherwise use their best efforts to complete the


Renovation  and  perform  the  Technical  and  Development  Services  within the
parameters of the Development Budget. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it shall be
the Partnership's obligation,  subject to the provisions of Section 9.10 hereof,
to complete the Renovation,  approve  Pre-Opening Budgets (as hereafter defined)
and  deliver to the  Manager  for  management  as  hereafter  provided,  a fully
equipped,  first class, luxury destination  mega-resort having substantially all
the  facilities  described  in Exhibit A annexed  hereto,  even if the costs and
expenses  thereof  exceed  the  Development   Budget.  From  time  to  time  the
Partnership may revise the Development Budget without the approval or consent of
Manager but such revision shall not affect any previously  approved  Pre-Opening
Budget without the consent of the Manager.  The Partnership shall notify Manager
promptly  of all  changes,  modifications  and  refinements  to the  Development
Budget.  All  references  herein to the  Development  Budget shall refer to such
budgets as amended by the Partnership from time to time.

                  1.2.     CERTAIN DEFINITIONS.

                           1.2.1.    "COMMENCEMENT DATE" means the first day the
Resort opens to the general public and commences business.

                           1.2.2.     "CONSTRUCTION  MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT" shall
refer to the  contract  to be  entered  into  between  the  Partnership  and the
"Construction  Manager" for construction  management services in connection with
the Renovation.


                           1.2.3.     "CONSTRUCTION  MANAGER" shall refer to KG
(Caribbean) Corporation.

                           1.2.4.     "CONSULTANTS"  shall  refer  to any an all
various  architectural,   landscape,  design,  engineering or other professional
consultants  retained  by  or  on  behalf  of the Partnership for the overall or
separate  aspects of the Project.

                           1.2.5.     "CONTRACTORS"  shall  refer to any and all
of the various general and specialty contractors,  suppliers,  trade contractors
or other construction  related firms or entities retained by or on behalf of the
Partnership for the overall or separate aspects of the Renovation.

                           1.2.6.     "PROJECT"  means all  matters  relating to
the acquisition of the land and buildings for the Resort,  all things associated
with  completion  of the  Renovation  and to fully  equip the Resort and make it
fully  operational  as a  first-class,  luxury  destination  mega-resort  having
substantially all the facilities described in Exhibit A annexed hereto.

                  1.3.  TECHNICAL AND DEVELOPMENT  SERVICES.  In connection with
the  Project,  and subject to the terms of this  Section 1,  Manager  shall make
available and provide to the Partnership the technical and development  services
("Technical  and  Development  Services")  as are described on Exhibit C annexed
hereto. Manager will use its best efforts in rendering such services as and when
requested  by the  Partnership  and will work closely  with and  coordinate  its
activities with the Construction Manager except that Manager


makes no  representation  or warranty as to its ability to perform the Technical
and  Development  Services.  Manager will make  available  all of its sources of
supply  to the  Partnership  and  shall  make  reasonably  available  all of its
expertise in connection  with the Project.  To the extent it is able and subject
to any other  provisions  of this Section 1,  Manager will provide  personnel as
needed for the rendering of its Technical and  Development  Services and for the
coordination  of its obligations  with other parties  involved in the Renovation
including the Construction Manager. Manager understands that the Partnership may
request  Manager  to render  assistance  to the  Partnership  in all  phases and
aspects of the Renovation  and that Manager will be working  closely on a day to
day basis with the Construction  Manager. In some cases, the responsibilities of
Manager and the  Construction  Manager  overlap and it is the parties  intention
that the Manager and the  Construction  Manager will coordinate their activities
in a manner so as to provide the best results to the Partnership.  Any conflicts
between  the  Manager  and the  Construction  Manager  shall be  resolved by the
Partnership.  Manager shall use its best efforts, subject to the limitations and
constraints  of this  agreement,  in rendering  the  Technical  and  Development
Services  consistent with  completion of the Project as contemplated  and to the
extent practical, consistent with the Development Budget.

                  1.4.       PRE-OPENING PROGRAM. Prior to the Commencement
Date, Manager shall develop and implement a pre-opening program for the


Resort in  accordance  with  Pre-Opening  Budgets to be  developed  and approved
pursuant  to Section 1.8 hereof and as part of such  program  shall on behalf of
the  Partnership  (a)  recruit,  hire and train the initial  staff of the Resort
using such training  techniques as Manager shall reasonably deem advisable,  (b)
organize  the  Resort's   operations  and  services,   including  licensees  and
concessionaires, and (c) provide a marketing program for the Resort, which shall
include advertising,  promotions, literature, travel, business entertainment and
opening celebration ceremonies (all of the foregoing begin referred to herein as
the "Pre-Opening Program").

                  1.5.  WORKING CAPITAL AND SUPPLIES.  Prior to the Commencement
Date and consistent  with the  Development  Budget and the  Pre-Opening  Budgets
approved by the  Partnership as provided in Section 1.8, the  Partnership  shall
provide  all  necessary  working  capital  and  all  necessary   inventories  of
chinaware,  silverware,  utensils,  glasses,  linens,  towels,  uniforms,  food,
beverage, paper products, soap, cleaning supplies,  cards, chips, dice and other
casino  supplies,  golf and marina  supplies  and other  operating  supplies and
consumables  as Manager  deems  reasonably  necessary to operate the Resort as a
first class, luxury destination mega-resort.

                  1.6.  REIMBURSABLE COSTS AND EXPENSES. Subject to pre-approval
by the  Partnership  as provided in Section  1.8,  all costs,  fees and expenses
incurred by Manager in performance of its duties under this Section 1, including
the Pre-Opening Program and Technical and Development


Services,  shall be borne by the Partnership and shall not be the responsibility
of Manager.  Manager  shall  receive  monthly  reimbursement  payments  from the
Partnership in respect thereof,  or, at Manager's request, the Partnership shall
pay such  costs,  fees or  expenses  directly  upon  submission  of third  party
invoices  therefor.  Such  costs  shall  include,  but not be  limited  to,  the

                           (A)    travel,   meals,   lodging  and  other  living
expenses in connection with travel outside of Puerto Rico;

                           (B)    salaries  personnel of Manager other than Hugh
Andrews,  to the  extent  directly  involved  in  the  performance  of  services

                           (C)    reproductions,   postage   and   handling   of
drawings, plans, specifications and other documents;

                           (D)    Manager's computer and duplicating services at
its usual and  customary  hourly rate or the actual cost of use of outside  data
processing, computer or duplicating services;

                           (E)    photography and video  procedures,  whether by
Manager or third parties;

                           (F)    renderings, models and work-ups;

                           (G)    cost  of   establishing   and  maintaining  an
on-site office for Manager and/or the Partnership's  use including  furnishings,
equipment and utilities in connection therewith;


                           (H)    local  and long  distance  phone  charges  and
telecommunication costs;

                           (I)    entertainment   and   promotional    expenses,
particularly in connection with the Pre-Opening Program;

                           (J)    advertising expenses;

                           (K)    salaries  and  fees of third  parties  such as
accounting,  law,  architectural,  design,  engineering  and  decorating  firms;

                           (L)    overtime  work  requiring higher than  regular

                           (M)    insurance,  if  any,  carried  by  Manager  in
connection with its services;

                           (N)    transportation  to and  from or  otherwise  in
connection with the Project and the performance of Manager's  obligations  under
this Section 1; and

                           (O)    any  other  expense  incurred  by  Manager  in
connection with performance of its obligations under this Section 1.

                  1.7.  PARTNERSHIP'S  PRE-APPROVAL.  Manager  acknowledges that
the  Partnership  intends to perform the Renovation  and otherwise  complete the
Project within strict budgetary  guidelines evidenced by the Development Budget.
Accordingly, Manager will assist the Partnership and the Partnership's agents to
set up budgets to the extent  reasonably  practical  for all  expenses for which
Manager expects to be reimbursed in connection with


performance of its  obligations  under this Section 1, and to be incurred by the
Partnership in connection with the Project,  including  staffing,  allocation of
resources and contingencies.  Manager shall only incur such expenses and perform
such  services  under this  Section 1 as shall be provided for in a Pre- Opening
Budget approved by the Partnership.  All of Manager's  staffing,  allocation and
assignment  of personnel  to the  performance  of services  under this Section 1
shall be subject to the  Partnership's  prior approval  through the  Pre-Opening
Budget process, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Except as set
forth herein,  Manager shall not incur or be entitled to  reimbursement  for any
costs or expenses  or enter into any  contracts,  or engage the  services of any
professionals,  consultants  or other third  parties  without the  Partnership's
prior  approval  thereof  through  the  Pre-Opening   Budget  approval  process.
Manager's  obligation to render Technical and Development Services and establish
and carry out the  Pre-Opening  Program is expressly  limited by and conditioned
upon the Partnership's  approval of the costs and expenses associated  therewith
evidenced  by its approval of a  Pre-Opening  Budget  containing  such costs and
expenses.  The Partnership's  obligation to pay or reimburse Manager therefor is
expressly subject to the  Partnership's  prior approval thereof as aforesaid and
to its  obligations  as  provided  in  Section  1.1 but the  Pre-Opening  Budget
approval process and Manager's compliance therewith shall not impair,  impede or
otherwise  affect the payments to Manager of the  Development Fee as provided in
Section 1.9 hereof.


                  1.8.  PRE-OPENING BUDGETS.

                        1.8.1.  From  time to time  Manager  shall  prepare  and
deliver to the Partnership  cost estimates and budgets  ("Pre-Opening  Budgets")
detailing  costs and expenses which Manager  intends to incur in connection with
its rendering of Technical and  Development  Services and  establishment  of the
Pre-Opening  Program  and may  provide for  unanticipated  contingencies.  These
Pre-Opening  Budgets  may be in various  forms and  formats  depending  upon the
nature of the  expenditure  for which  approval is sought.  For example,  a Pre-
Opening Budget may consist of a request to engage a specific  professional  such
as an architect or designer at a specific price or rate of compensation,  may be
a request to hire a specific individual or unidentified  individuals at specific
rates of compensation, or may be in the nature of line items of a general nature
such as travel, secretarial services,  equipment,  landscape,  architects,  etc.
Manager shall identify the expenditures for which approval is sought and provide
the  Partnership  with such detail and  explanations to support such requests as
may reasonably be requested by the Partnership.

                        1.8.2. The initial Pre-Opening Budget shall be submitted
to the Partnership  promptly following the execution of this agreement but prior
to Manager's  performance of any additional  Technical and Development  Services
other than the  continuation  of services  already in progress.  The Partnership
acknowledges  that Manager has heretofore  performed  Technical and  Development
Services in connection with the Project and made


expenditures  and commitments in connection  therewith.  The Partnership  hereby
approves such services, expenses and commitments and shall reimburse Manager for
the expenses incurred in connection  therewith  promptly following the execution
of this  agreement  and  hereby  assumes  the  commitments,  all as set forth in
Exhibit D annexed hereto. All subsequent  Pre-Opening Budgets shall be submitted
to the Partnership for its approval sufficiently in advance of the date by which
the  expenses  are  expected to be incurred so as to permit the  Partnership  an
adequate  opportunity  to fully  evaluate  and take action with  respect to such
Pre-Opening Budget. The Partnership shall respond promptly to Manager's requests
for approval of  Pre-Opening  Budgets by  approving,  disapproving  or proposing
changes for or modifications to all requests for approval of Pre-Opening Budgets
so  that  there  is no  unreasonable  delay  in  Manager's  performance  of  its
obligations hereunder.

                        1.8.3.  Pre-Opening  Budgets  shall be  prepared  by the
Manager so as to effect the  Renovation and completion of the Project as a first
class, luxury destination  mega-resort and to be ready for the Commencement Date
as quickly as practical.

                  1.9.  Compensation for Technical and Development Services.
                        1.9.1.  In  consideration  for all services  rendered by
Manager  under this Section 1, the  Partnership  shall pay to Manager a fee (the
"Development  Fee") equal to Three  Million Two Hundred  Thirty  Eight  Thousand
($3,238,000) Dollars. In addition to the Development Fee, Manager


shall receive monthly payments on account of reimbursable  expenses as set forth
in Section 1.6 hereof.  The  Development Fee shall be deemed earned by and shall
be paid to Manager in twenty-four (24) equal monthly installments of One Hundred
Thirty  Four  Thousand  Nine  Hundred  Sixteen  Dollars  and Sixty  Seven  Cents
($134,916.67) each on the first day of each calendar month commencing  December,
1989 and ending November,  1991; provided,  however,  that the Partnership shall
not pay and is not required to pay any portion of the Development Fee unless and
until the Partnership  acquires the land and buildings on which the Resort shall
be  located  and  upon  the  closing  with  respect  to  such  acquisition,  the
Partnership  shall pay to the Manager that portion of the Development Fee deemed
earned by Manager from December 1, 1989 through the date of such closing.

                        1.9.2.  Subject to Section  1.9.1 and any  provisions to
the contrary  which may be required by the lender of the First Mortgage Loan, as
defined in the Venture Agreement (as hereafter  defined),  the Partnership shall
pay the Development Fee to Manager as and when earned.  The parties  acknowledge
that the  Development  Fee shall be paid from funds available to the Partnership
including  capital  contributions  to the  Partnership  and  proceeds  of  loans
received   by  the   Partnership   from   lenders   for  the  Project  and  that
notwithstanding  any provision in this Section 1.9 to the  contrary,  payment of
the  Development Fee to the Manager as provided herein shall be made only to the
extent and in the manner permitted by such lenders; provided, however,


that the  Partnership  shall make every  effort to include the  Development  Fee
within  such loans and to permit  payment  of the  Development  Fee as  provided
herein under the terms of such loans.  The  Partnership  shall  promptly  advise
Manager of any limitation or objection by its lenders with respect thereto.

                        1.9.3.  Subject to Section  1.9.2,  payments  to Manager
under  this  Section 1, both of the  Development  Fee and for  reimbursement  of
expenses,  shall be made on the basis set forth herein in full without retainage
of other withholding.

                  1.10. OBLIGATIONS  SEPARATE.  The obligations of Manager under
this Section 1 are separate and severable from the obligations of Manager during
the Management  Term (as hereafter  defined).  No default or claimed  default by
Manager in the  performance of its  obligations  under Section 1 hereof shall in
any way affect or operate to terminate  Manager's  rights and  obligations  with
respect to the Management Term, affect Manager's right to commence management of
the Resort on the Commencement  Date, nor be asserted against Manager or entitle
the  Partnership to deduct from,  offset or withhold any amounts  required to be
paid to Manager in respect of the Management  Term.  Provided this agreement has
not bee terminated prior to the Commencement  Date as provided in Section 8.1.1,
8.1.4 or 8.1.5 hereof,  Manager's right to commence  management of the Resort on
the Commencement  Date as hereafter  provided is absolute and  unconditional and
neither the  Partnership  nor any partner of the  Partnership  shall  assert any


to the contrary.  No deductions  shall be made from the Development Fee or other
compensation or from any expenses due Manager on account of penalty,  liquidated
damage or other sums withheld from payments to Consultants or Contractors, or on
account of the cost of changes in work comprising the Project.

                  1.11. If the Partnership  observes or otherwise  becomes aware
of any fault or defect in the Project,  or  nonconformance  with the  applicable
contract documents,  the Partnership shall give prompt written notice thereof to

                  1.12.  Manager shall be entitled to rely upon the expertise of
all third party  Contractors  and  Consultants  in connection  with the Project.
Under no circumstances  shall the Partnership  seek to hold Manager  responsible
for any acts or omissions of any  Contractor or Consultant or for the quality of
their performance or lack thereof.


                  2.1. APPOINTMENT AND TERM. The Partnership hereby appoints and
employs Manager to act as its agent for the  supervision,  direction and control
of the operation and management of the Resort on the Partnership's  behalf, upon
the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, for a term of 20 years beginning
on the Commencement  Date (the "Management  Term").  Manager hereby accepts such
appointment and shall supervise, direct and control the operation and management
of the Resort during the Management


Term upon the terms and conditions  hereinafter set forth.  As used herein,  the
Resort shall include substantially all the facilities currently  contemplated by
the  Partnership  as set  forth  in  Exhibit  A  annexed  hereto  to the  extent
constructed.  The  Partnership  shall also include in the Resort for purposes of
Manager's  services  hereunder as and when built the up to 100 condominium units
(each unit to be  capable of rental as three  separate  hotel  rooms)  currently
contemplated  by the  Partnership  to be built in four sections of 25 units each
during  the years  1992  through  1995,  the net  rental  income  from  which is
contemplated  to be included  within the Resort's  Gross  Revenues (as hereafter
defined),  and such other additional facilities as may be added to the Resort at
the election of the Partnership  from time to time.  Manager shall have no right
by virtue of this agreement to manage such other  additional  facilities  unless
the Partnership shall have elected to include such facilities in the Resort.

                  2.2. RELATION OF THE PARTIES.  In performing its duties during
the Management Term,  Manager shall be deemed to act only as the appointed agent
or  representative  of the  Partnership,  and nothing in this agreement shall be
construed  as  creating  a  tenancy,  partnership,  joint  venture  or any other
relationship  between the parties hereto except that of principal and agent. All
debts and  liabilities  incurred by Manager  within the scope and in  accordance
with the performance of its obligations hereunder as manager of the Resort shall
be the debts and obligations of the  Partnership  only and shall be borne by the
Partnership and shall not be the responsibility of Manager.


         3.       BUDGETS.

                  3.1.  GENERAL  POLICY.  It is the  intention of the parties to
operate  the  Resort at all times in  accordance  with  pre-established  budgets
approved  by the  Partnership  and  Manager  shall  not  incur on  behalf of the
Partnership any debts, liabilities, costs, expenses or commitments except within
such budgetary  restraints or which are otherwise  specifically  approved by the
Partnership except as otherwise  contemplated by this agreement.  All budgeting,
planning and  accounting  records and reports  prepared by Manager will be based
upon  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  consistently  applied and the
Uniform System of Accounts for Hotels,  copyrighted by the Hotel Association for
New York City,  8th edition of 1986,  as amended from time to time (the "Uniform
System  of  Account  for  Hotels")  and  shall,  to  the  extent  practical,  be
coordinated with the Partnership's books and records.

                  3.2.  FISCAL YEAR. For all purposes under this agreement,  the
Resort's fiscal year ("Fiscal Year") shall be the twelve-month  period ending on
March 31 or such other period as the Partnership  shall designate,  which period
shall be reasonably acceptable to Manager.

                  3.3.  ANNUAL BUDGETS.

                        3.3.1. For  each Fiscal  Year or part thereof during the
Management  Term,  Manager  shall submit to the  Partnership  60 days before the
beginning of each such Fiscal Year, or, with respect to the Fiscal Year in which
the Commencement Date occurs, 45 days before the Commencement


Date,  reasonably  detailed  operating  budgets (the  "Operating  Budgets")  and
capital  expenditures budgets (the "Capital Budgets") (the Operating Budgets and
Capital Budgets are referred to herein  collectively  as the "Annual  Budgets"),
each in  comparable  detail to the  Operating  Budgets and  Capital  Budgets now
prepared  by  Manager  in  respect  of the El San Juan  Hotel and Casino and the
Condado  Plaza Hotel and Casino.  Capital  Budgets  shall contain all items of a
capital nature as determined under generally accepted accounting  principles and
Operation  Budgets  shall  contain  all other  items.  Within 30 days  after its
receipt of any Annual Budget, the Partnership shall notify Manager in writing of
its approval of the Operating  Budget and Capital  Budget  comprising the Annual
Budget  or items  therein  or of any  objections,  changes,  revisions  or other
comments it may have with respect thereto. The Partnership may approve or object
to all or any  portion of an Annual  Budget.  To the  extent  that any budget is
approved,  in whole or in part,  in writing by the  Partnership,  such budget or
portion  thereof so approved  shall  constitute  an approved  budget  ("Approved
Budget") for purposes of this  agreement  and Manager shall be entitled to incur
expenses and made  commitments  consistent  with such  Approved  Budget.  To the
extent that the  Partnership  has failed to approve any Annual Budget or portion
thereof,  Manager and the Partnership shall meet with each other to agree upon a
mutually satisfactory Operating Budget or Capital Budget, as the case may be, or
portion thereof in accordance with the principle set forth in Section 3.3.5 and,
once so agreed, the budget


or portion  thereof so agreed to shall become an Approved Budget for purposes of
this agreement.  Subject to Section 9.10, the Partnership shall not, however, be
entitled  to  unilaterally  require  the  reduction  of the  amount of the total
Operating Budget,  excluding Variable Charges, (as hereafter defined), below the
amount of the total Operating Budget,  excluding Variable Charges,  contained in
the most  recent  Approved  Budget  and shall not be  entitled  to  unilaterally
require  the  reduction  of the total  amount of the  Variable  Charges so as to
reduce the Variable  Charges as a percent of projected  revenues in the proposed
Annual  Budget  below the  amount of the  Variable  Charges as a  percentage  of
revenues in the most recent Approved Budget. The Partnership shall have absolute
discretion  to  approve  or  disapprove  items in a Capital  Budget  except  the
Partnership  shall approve  portions of the Capital Budgets  consistent with the
principle  set forth in  Section  4.5  hereof.  No  proposed  Capital  Budget or
Operating  Budget or portion thereof shall  constitute an Approved Budget unless
and until it shall be approved by the Partnership as herein provided.

                        3.3.2.  After approval of a Capital Budget,  Manager may
not exceed the  expenditures  therein without the prior written  approval of the

                        3.3.3.  The  parties   acknowledge  that  the  Operating
Budgets  shall  consist of certain  charges  which are not expected to fluctuate
based upon occupancy or use of the Resort's facilities ("Stable Charges") and


certain charges which will fluctuate based upon occupancy or use of the Resort's
facilities ("Variable  Charges").  Variable Charges include, but are not limited
to, utilities,  water, laundry,  personnel and food and beverage. Stable Charges
include,  but are not limited to, marketing and advertising  expenses,  property
taxes and insurance.  Within each Operating Budget, Manager shall be entitled to
establish a reserve amount which it deems  sufficient to cover any cost overruns
in connection with the Stable Charges. Accordingly, Manager shall not exceed the
total amount of Stable Charges, including such reserve, reflected in an Approved
Budget without the prior written consent of the  Partnership.  Variable  Charges
shall  be  reflected  in  Operating  Budgets  both as a dollar  amount  and as a
percentage of projected  revenues.  Manager shall be entitled to incur  Variable
Charges in an  aggregate  amount  above or below the  aggregate  dollar  amounts
reflected in an Approved Budget provided,  however, that the aggregate amount of
actual Variable Charges as a percentage of projected  revenues  reflected in the
Approved Budget by more than five (5) percentage points.

                        3.3.4.  If  the  Partnership  fails  to  approve  Annual
Budgets or any portion  thereof  for any Fiscal  Year,  Manager may  continue to
operate  the  Resort  and made  expenditures  for such  Fiscal  Year  within the
parameters  of  (i)  the  Operating  Budget,  including  Variable  Charges  as a
percentage  of  revenues,  and (ii) the  amount  set  forth for  replacement  of
furniture,  fixtures and equipment in the Capital Budget,  each contained in the
Approved Budgets


for the most recently  completed  Fiscal Year until full Approved  Budgets shall
have been  established  except that Manager shall be entitled to incur increased
expenses  in the  ordinary  course  of  business  for  matters  set forth in the
operating  Budget if such  increases  are due to factors  beyond the  control of
Manager  such as utility  rate  increases,  increased  insurance  premiums,  tax
increases, interest rate increases, supplier price increases and the like.

                        3.3.5.  Manager  shall  prepare  Annual  Budgets and the
Partnership  shall  act to  approve  budgets  for the  purpose  of  establishing
Approved Budgets so as to enable the Resort to operate as a first class,  luxury
destination mega-resort.

                        3.3.6.  In  some  cases  Annual  Budgets  and  therefore
Approved  Budgets may be broken down by month or quarter.  All tests for whether
Manager has complied with the Approved  Budgets shall be made on an annual basis
and not a monthly or quarterly  basis.  Such more  detailed  breakdown  shall be
solely for information purposes.

                        3.3.7.  During the course of any Fiscal  Year during the
Management  Term it may be appropriate to modify  portions of an Approved Budget
based upon actual operations and experience,  unforeseen events or otherwise. In
such event,  Manager shall be entitled to request  changes or  modifications  to
Approved  Budgets using the same  procedures for requests for approval of Annual
Budgets as provided above.


                  3.4. NO GUARANTEE.  Manager  makes no  guarantee,  warranty or
representation  whatsoever  with  respect  to any  Annual or  Approved  Budgets,
including  whether  there will be profits or losses  from the  operation  of the
Resort or the amount of revenues to be  derived.  Manager  shall use due care in
preparing  Annual  Budgets so that such budgets  shall  reflect  Manager's  best
estimate of costs and expenses to be incurred and revenues to be generated.  The
amounts, however, shall be only estimates and Manager shall have no liability to
the  Partnership  with respect to such amounts absent gross  negligence,  wilful
misconduct or fraud in connection with the preparation of such Annual Budgets or
in  connection  with  the  performance  of  Manager's   obligations  during  the
Management Term.

         4.       OPERATION.

                  4.1.  OPERATIONAL STANDARDS, ETC.

                        4.1.1. FIRST CLASS RESORT. Manager shall, at the expense
of the Partnership and subject to Approved Budgets and the provisions of Section
9.10 hereof, use its best efforts to operate the Resort as a first class, luxury
destination  mega-resort in accordance with the provisions of this agreement and
consistent  with such  standards,  other  comparable  properties in the area and
customary practices in the resort industry. Subject to the provisions of Section
9.10 hereof,  the Partnership  shall conduct its affairs,  provide funds and all
other matters necessary for the operation of the Resort as a first class, luxury
destination mega-resort.


                        4.1.2.  NON-DISTURBANCE.  Subject to Section  9.10,  the
Partnership  hereby warrants to Manager  uninterrupted  control and operation of
the Resort  during the  Management  Term except as otherwise  set forth  herein,
unless this agreement is earlier terminated as herein provided.  The Partnership
shall  comply  with all  obligations  to  lenders  to the  Partnership  so as to
preserve  ownership  of the  Resort and to permit  the  Partnership  to fund its
obligations hereunder.  Except as otherwise set forth herein, Manager shall have
complete  control  and  discretion  in the  management  of the  Resort  and  the
Partnership shall not interfere or involve itself with the day-to-day  operation
and affairs of the Resort. Manager shall operate the Resort free of molestation,
eviction, disturbance by the Partnership or any third party claiming by, through
or  under  the  Partnership.  Manager  shall  have  absolute  discretion  in the
determination  of room rates,  food and  beverage  menu  prices,  and charges to
guests for other services  performed by the Resort for guests and may alter room
rates or other charges without prior consultation with the Partnership.  Manager
shall have control and  discretion  with regard to the use of the Resort for all
customary purposes,  including, the terms of admittance to the Resort for rooms,
for commercial  purposes,  for privileges of  entertainment,  employee rules and
practices  and all phases of publicity  and  promotion.  No  influence  shall be
brought on Manager by the  Partnership  relating to the granting or extension of
credit.  Credit  facilities  shall be given by Manager in its  discretion and in
accordance with Manager's standard


practice.  All of the foregoing shall be consistent with Manager's obligation to
operate a first class,  luxury  destination  mega-resort  for the benefit of the
Partnership as provided hereunder and within Approved Budgets.

                  4.2.  PERMITS.  Manager  shall,  on  behalf  of and  with  the
cooperation of the Partnership and at the Partnership's sole expense, obtain all
necessary  licenses,  findings of  suitability,  approvals  and permits from the
applicable governmental  authorities (the "Government  Authorities"),  including
the Secretary of the Treasury of the  Commonwealth  of Puerto Rico and any other
governmental body or agency having authority over gaming, as may be required for
the operation of the Resort  throughout the Management Term,  including  without
limitation,  such  liquor,  bar,  restaurant,  gaming,  marina,  sign and  hotel
licenses as may be required  for the  operation  of the Resort as a first class,
luxury destination mega-resort.  All such licenses, approvals and permits shall,
to the extent  possible,  be  obtained in the name of the  Partnership.  Manager
shall notify the Partnership prior to obtaining any license,  approval or permit
in the name of anyone other than the Partnership.  Manager  undertakes to comply
in  all  material  respects  with  the  rules,  regulations  and  orders  of the
Government  Authorities and with any conditions set out in any such licenses and
permits  and at all times to operate  and manage the Resort in  accordance  with
such  conditions and any other  requirements  of law. Upon receipt by Manager of
notice from the Partnership or any Government  Authority that either the Manager
or the Resort is not in compliance with the


rules,  regulations  and orders of any Government  Authority or any condition in
any license or permit, Manager, subject to the Approved Budgets, shall take such
action as may be necessary to fully comply therewith.

                  4.3.  PERSONNEL.

                        4.3.1. EMPLOYEES OF PARTNERSHIP. Subject to the Approved
Budgets,  Manager, as agent for the Partnership,  shall hire, supervise,  direct
the work of, discharge, and determine the compensation and other benefits of all
personnel working in the Resort during the term hereof,  all of whom shall be in
the sole employ of the  Partnership  and not in the employ of  Manager.  Manager
shall be the sole judge of the fitness and  qualifications of such personnel and
shall  have  absolute   discretion  in  the  hiring,   supervision,   direction,
discharging and  determination  of the  compensation  and other benefits of such
personnel  during the  course of their  employment.  Manager  shall in no way be
liable  to such  personnel  for  their  wages,  compensation  or other  benefits
(including, without limitation, severance, vacation and termination pay), nor to
the Partnership,  and the Partnership shall not interfere with or give orders or
instructions to personnel  employed at the Resort.  Manager shall not,  however,
without the written consent of the Partnership, enter into any negotiations with
any  collective  bargaining  units  or  enter  into  any  collective  bargaining

                        4.3.2.  EMPLOYEES OF MANAGER.  Manager shall employ such
of its personnel as deemed necessary by Manager for the performance of


its duties hereunder. During the term hereof, Manager shall be reimbursed by the
Partnership for the salary,  expenses and other compensation or benefits of such
personnel,  consistent with Approved Budgets. If such personnel perform services
for other  hotels or  resorts  managed  by  Manager,  such  personnel's  salary,
expenses  and other  compensation  and  benefits  shall be fairly  allocated  by
Manager,  consistent with allocation  methods used with other facilities managed
by Manager.  Manager shall keep the Partnership  advised as to the personnel and
services which it performs and shall fully advise the  Partnership of allocation
procedures used. Manager shall have the right to grant  complimentary  rooms and
food and  beverages to key personnel and their  families,  or to others  wherein
such is customary in the hotel  industry or in  Manager's  standard  practice or

                        4.3.3. KEY MANAGERS.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
Partnership shall have the right to disapprove of Manager's choice for hiring or
designation  of key  managers  of the Resort,  whether  such  managers  shall be
employees of the  Partnership  or Manager.  Such key managers  shall include the
Resort's general manager, food and beverage manager, casino manager, controller,
executive assistant manager and other managers whose annual compensation exceeds
$100,000 per year.

                        4.3.4.  REIMBURSEMENT  FOR THIRD PARTY COSTS. The costs,
fees,  compensation  or other expenses of any persons engaged by the Partnership
or Manager in connection with the operations of the Resort and the


continuing  obligations  of the Manager,  to perform  duties of a specialist  in
nature related to the operation,  maintenance or protection of the Resort,  such
as engineers, designers, attorneys,  independent accountants and the like, shall
be borne by the Partnership in accordance with Approved Budgets and shall not be
the responsibility of Manager. Such costs, fees, compensation and other expenses
shall be included in the Approved Budgets.

                  4.4.  SALES AND PROMOTION.

                        4.4.1. SALES.  Manager, on behalf of the Partnership and
at the sole expense of the  Partnership,  shall  institute and supervise a sales
and marketing program which shall be reflected in the Operating Budgets included
in the Approved Budgets.

                        4.4.2.  PROMOTION.  Manager  may  cause the  Resort,  on
behalf  of the  Partnership  and at  the  sole  expense  of the  Partnership  in
accordance  with  Approved  Budgets,  to  participate  in sales and  promotional
campaigns and activities involving  complimentary rooms, food, beverages and the
use of other  facilities of the Resort to travel agents,  tourist  officials and
airline representatives.

                  4.5.  MAINTENANCE AND CAPITAL REPLACEMENT. The Partnership and
Manager  recognize  the  necessity  of  establishing  a  continuing  program  of
replacement of furnishings  and equipment and the need to cause the Resort to be
furnished,  equipped  and  landscaped  as  a  first  class,  luxury  destination
mega-resort. The parties acknowledge that the Partnership has


estimated that such program  during the early years of the Management  Term will
be  approximately  1%  of  revenues  per  year  and  thereafter  increase  up to
approximately  3% of revenues  per year.  The actual  amount shall be fixed each
year under the  procedures  for  Approved  Budgets.  However,  the  foregoing is
intended  to  establish  the  Partnership's   obligation  to  approve  a  budget
implementing such program and to set forth the parties' expectation of the scope
of such  program as of the date  hereof.  The program  shall be reflected in the
Capital  Budgets  prepared  by Manager  and shall be  included  in the  Approved
Budgets consistent with the principles set forth in this Section 4.5 and Section
3.3.5 hereof.

                  4.6. OPERATING,  SUPPLY AND MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS.  Manager is
authorized to make and enter into in the name of, for the account of, and at the
expense of the Partnership all such contracts and agreements as are in Manager's
opinion  necessary  for the  operation,  supply and  maintenance  of the Resort,
except that prior written approval of the Partnership  shall be required if such
contract  or  agreement  is for a term  greater  than  one year  and  cannot  be
terminated without payment or penalty upon not more than 90 days notice. Manager
is authorized to pay amounts due under such  contracts and  agreements  when due
from the Resort's accounts,  consistent with the Approved Budgets. Manager shall
be required to obtain the consent of the  Partnership  before  entering into any
contract,  agreement or purchase involving any structural repair,  alteration or
rehabilitation of the Resort or the repair or


replacement of any furnishings, fixtures or equipment contained therein if not
provided for in the Approved Budgets.

                  4.7.     ACCOUNTING SERVICES.

                           4.7.1.      BOOKS AND RECORDS.  As an expense  of the
Partnership,  Manager shall maintain an accurate accounting system in connection
with its management of the Resort which shall be reasonably coordinated with the
accounting  system used by the Partnership.  The books and records regarding the
operation  of the Resort  shall be kept in  accordance  with Section 3.1 of this
agreement,  shall be maintained at the Resort,  and shall be the property of the
Partnership.  As an expense of the  Partnership and as reflected in the Approved
Budgets,  Manager  shall  comply  with all  requirements  in respect of internal
controls and accounting  and shall prepare all required  reports under the rules
and  regulations  of the Government  Authorities or any other  applicable law or
regulation.  In connection  with the foregoing and consistent  with the Approved
Budgets,  Manager shall, in connection  with its obligations  under this Section
4.7.1, exercise due care and diligence,  consistent with the level of operations
of the Resort contemplated by this agreement.

                           4.7.2.   ANNUAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION.  As an expense
of the Partnership,  Manager shall direct that a certified audit of the accounts
of the  Resort  shall be  performed  annually  by  Ernst  and  Young or  another
independent  accounting firm mutually  acceptable to the Partnership and Manager
and shall instruct such accounting firm to deliver at least one copy


thereof,  consisting of a balance sheet,  income statement and statement of cash
flows, to the Manager and the Partnership, at the addresses set forth on Exhibit
E annexed hereto, as the same may be amended from time to time, no later than 90
days after the end of each Fiscal Year.  Nothing herein  contained shall prevent
Manager's  shareholders  or the  Partnership's  general  partners  or their duly
authorized  designees or their  independent  accounting firms from examining the
books and records of the Resort at all reasonable times.

                           4.7.3. MONTHLY REPORTS.  On or before the 25th day of
each month,  Manager shall furnish the Partnership at the addresses set forth on
Exhibit E annexed  hereto with a statement for the preceding  calendar  month of
the gross income received from rooms, food and beverages,  gaming,  marina, golf
course, condominiums and other sources, guest room occupancy percentage, average
room rate and total  expenses  paid by  category  during  the said  month,  such
statement to be prepared in accordance  with the Uniform  System of Accounts for
Hotels. Monthly reports furnished by Manager pursuant to this Section will be in
comparable  detail to those  reports now prepared by Manager for the El San Juan
Hotel and Casino and the Condado Plaza Hotel and Casino.

                           4.7.4. QUARTERLY FINANCIAL INFORMATION.  On or before
the  expiration  of 45 days  following  the end of each  fiscal  quarter  of the
Resort,  Manager shall furnish to the Partnership unaudited financial statements
of the Resort for that quarter  consisting of a balance sheet,  income statement


statement  of cash  flows,  prepared  in  accordance  with  Section  3.1 of this

                           4.7.5.   MEETINGS.  During the Management Term and at
the request of the Partnership or either of the General  Partners  thereof,  the
Manager   shall  cause  its   representatives   to  meet  in  Puerto  Rico  with
representatives of the Partnership or such General Partners, as the case may be,
no more  frequently  than once per  month,  for the  purpose  of  reviewing  the
financial  results of the  operations of the Resort and to otherwise  respond to
all reasonable  inquiries of the Partnership or such General Partners concerning
the operations of the Resort.

                  4.8. BANK ACCOUNTS. Manager shall establish such bank accounts
as Manager deems appropriate for the operation of the Resort. Such bank accounts
shall  relate  solely  to  the  Resort,  all  Resort  Gross  Revenues  or  other
Partnership  funds shall be deposited,  maintained and segregated by the Manager
in such  accounts  and Manager  shall not  commingle  such funds with any of the
Manager's  funds or any funds of any other person or entity.  Such bank accounts
shall be established only at financial institutions approved by the Partnership.

                  4.9. CONCESSIONS.  Manager is authorized to consummate, in the
name of and for the  benefit of the  Partnership,  arrangements  and leases with
concessionaires,  licensees,  tenants and other intended users of any facilities
related to the Resort. Copies of all such arrangements and leases


shall be furnished to the Partnership.  The terms of such arrangements or leases
shall be subject to the prior approval of the Partnership although Manager shall
have  absolute  discretion  in choosing or selecting  the type of facility  that
shall be given to and conducted by such third party.  Manager customarily uses a
standard form for such arrangements,  however,  the terms and provisions thereof
as well as in each case the specific  economic  and  additional  terms  thereof,
shall be subject to the Partnership's prior approval which approval shall not be
unreasonably  withheld.  For instance,  if Manager deems it appropriate that the
Resort have an Italian  restaurant run by a third party,  the Partnership  shall
have the right to approve the economic and additional  terms of the agreement to
be entered into by Manager on behalf of the  Partnership  as  aforesaid  but the
Partnership  shall not be entitled to disapprove of the Manager's  decision that
the restaurant be run by a third party and be an Italian style restaurant,  that
decision being recognized as being within the scope of Manager's  expertise as a
manager of first class, luxury resorts.

                  4.10.  WORKING  CAPITAL.  The  Partnership  shall, at its sole
expense,  provide Manager will sufficient  working capital during the Management
Term for the  uninterrupted  and  efficient  operation  of the Resort as a first
class,  luxury  destination  mega-resort  and in  accordance  with the  Approved


                  4.11.  LEGAL  ACTIONS.  Manager  may  institute,  at its  sole
option,  in its name or the  Partnership's  name, but at the sole expense of the
Partnership,  legal actions or other proceedings to collect charges or rents, to
oust guests or tenants, or to terminate leases or agreements. Manager shall give
the  Partnership  written notice prior to  instituting  any action or proceeding
involving  in excess of  $25,000  and which  relates to the  ordinary  course of
operations of the Resort,  other than routine  collection  matters.  Without the
prior written consent of the Partnership,  Manager shall not institute any legal
actions or other  proceedings  which involve matters outside the ordinary course
of operations of the Resort or which are otherwise of an  extraordinary  or non-
routine nature.

                  4.12.  EXPENSES.

                           4.12.1.     PARTNERSHIP'S FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS.  All
costs,  expenses,  funding of  operating  deficits and working  capital,  debts,
obligations  and  liabilities  of the  Partnership  or  the  Resort  under  this
agreement  (the  "Partnership's  Financial  Obligations")  shall be the sole and
exclusive  responsibility  and obligation of the  Partnership.  It is understood
that statements in this agreement indicating that Manager shall furnish, provide
or otherwise supply, present or contribute items or services hereunder shall not
be  interpreted  or construed to mean that Manager is liable or  responsible  to
fund or pay for such items or services.


                           4.12.2.  NO OBLIGATION TO FUND. The Partnership shall
reimburse  Manager upon demand for any money or other property which Manager may
in its discretion pay out for any reason  whatsoever in performing its duties as
manager of the Resort  hereunder as provided for in the Approved Budgets whether
the payment is for operating  expenses or any other charges or debts and whether
or not designated herein as an obligation of the Manager, the Partnership or the
Resort;  provided,  however, that it is understood and agreed that Manager shall
have no obligation or duty to fund or pay for any of the Partnership's Financial
Obligations or advance any of its own funds for the operation of the Resort.

                           4.12.3.   TAXES.  As agent for the Partnership and at
the Partnership's  sole expense,  Manager shall cause to be paid all taxes, fees
and other charges due by the Partnership to the Government Authorities and other
federal,  commonwealth,  state and local authorities in respect of the operation
of the Resort.  The  Partnership  shall retain the right to contest or cause the
Manager to contest such taxes, fees and other charges.

                           4.12.4.   FUNDING  DEFICITS.   With  respect  to  any
deficits  which  may  arise  as a  result  of  operations  of  the  Resort,  the
Partnership  shall be  obligated  to fund and pay such  deficits  which  are not
covered by the Resort income,  within 30 days after written request  therefor by
Manager.  If the Partnership  fails or delays in furnishing  funds to cover such
deficits, Manager shall have no responsibility or liability, and the Partnership
shall indemnify and


hold harmless Manager with respect to any liability,  however arising, which may
arise out of or relate to,  directly  or  indirectly,  such  failure or delay in
funding such deficits.  The foregoing obligation is subject to the provisions of
Section 9.10 hereof.

                  4.13. CONSENT AND APPROVALS. In acting under this agreement in
all matters  relative to this  agreement  and in approving or  consenting to any
matter  under  this  agreement,  the  Partnership  and  Manager  shall  act in a
reasonable  manner  and  consistent  with the  operation  of a Resort as a first
class, luxury destination  mega-resort.  The Partnership shall take into account
Manager's  advice  stemming  from its  experience  as a manager of first  class,
luxury  resorts,  and  conditions  prevailing  generally in the hotel and casino
resort industry.

         5.       COMPENSATION OF MANAGER.

                  5.1.   BASIC   COMPENSATION   FOR  MANAGEMENT   SERVICES.   In
consideration  for all  services  rendered  by  Manager as manager of the Resort
pursuant to this agreement on and after the  Commencement  Date, the Partnership
shall  pay to  Manager,  subject  to  the  provisions  of  Section  5.3 of  this
agreement,  a basic management fee (the "Basic Management Fee") of three and one
half (3.5%) percent of Resort Gross Revenues (as hereinafter  defined in Section
5.7).  The  Basic  Management  Fee  shall  be  payable  monthly  on the 25th day
following  the end of each month  based upon the  monthly  operating  statements
prepared and delivered in accordance with Section 4.7 of


this agreement,  subject,  however,  to adjustment as provided in Section 5.3 of
this agreement.

                  5.2.  INCENTIVE  MANAGEMENT FEES. Subject to the provisions of
Section 5.3 and 5.4 of this  agreement,  for each Fiscal Year during the term of
this agreement,  the Partnership  shall pay Manager an incentive  management fee
(the  "Incentive  Management  Fee") of ten (10%)  percent  of  Resort  Operating
Profits  (as  hereinafter  defined),  which  Incentive  Management  Fee shall be
payable   annually  on  the  earlier  to  occur  of  (a)  five  days  after  the
Partnership's  receipt of audited  financial  statements for such Fiscal Year or
(b) 120 days after the end of such Fiscal Year.

                  5.3. FEE ADJUSTMENT.  Basic Management Fees paid or payable to
Manager prior to the end of any Fiscal Year will be subject to verification  and
adjustment after receipt of the audited financial  statements for the applicable
Fiscal Year. If the  Management  Term is in effect for less than any full Fiscal
Year then the Basic Management Fee and the Incentive Management Fee with respect
to such  partial  Fiscal  Year shall be based  upon  actual  operations  for the
portion of the Fiscal Year included in the Management Term.


                           5.4.1.   SUBORDINATION.

                                    (A)   Notwithstanding anything herein to the
contrary, no Incentive Management Fee with respect to any Fiscal Year shall


be paid by the  Partnership or accepted by Manager until (i) all of the interest
and principal due and payable  during such month or Fiscal Year, as the case may
be, with respect to the First Mortgage Loan and the  Subordinated  Mortgage Loan
(as those terms are defined in the Venture  Agreement)  (the "Loans") shall have
been  paid or  provided  for by the  Partnership,  and  (ii)  all  interest  and
principal  on any  Additional  Loan  or  Deficiency  Loan  and  payments  of any
Preferred Return and Deferred  Preferred  Return,  as those terms are defined in
the Venture Agreement,  due for such Fiscal Year and any prior Fiscal Year shall
have been paid or provided for by the  Partnership  (all of the foregoing  being
herein  referred to as "Senior  Obligations").  All  payments  of the  Incentive
Management  Fee with  respect to any Fiscal  Year  shall be  subordinate  to the
Senior Obligations in accordance with this Section 5.4 and any payments received
by Manager in violation of the  foregoing  shall be held in trust by Manager for
the benefit of the holders of the Senior  Obligations  and shall be paid over or
delivered  to the holders of the Senior  Obligations  in  accordance  with their
respective payment priorities.  In addition, in the event of (a) a default under
the Loans causing  acceleration of the Loans or (b) a sale by the Partnership of
all or  substantially  all of the  Resort  or (c) the  condemnation  or  insured
casualty loss of all or substantially  all of the Resort or (d) the liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the Partnership,  no Incentive Management Fee shall
be paid to Manager until all Senior Obligations have been paid in full.


                                    (B)    In the event that notwithstanding the
provisions  of  this  Section  5  subordinating  the  payment  of the  Incentive
Management Fee to the Senior  Obligations in the circumstances set forth herein,
Manager shall receive any payment in respect of the Incentive  Management Fee at
a  time  when  such  payment  is  prohibited  by  this  Section  5  because  the
subordination provisions of Section 5.4.1 are deemed invalid or unenforceable by
a court of competent jurisdiction,  then and in such event such payment shall be
received  and held in trust by Manager  for the  benefit  of the  holders of the
Senior  Obligations  and shall be paid over or  delivered  to the holders of the
Senior  Obligations in accordance with their respective payment  priorities.  In
such event, Manager shall become subrogated to the rights of such holders to the
extent it has turned over payments so received.

                                    (C)     Any   Incentive    Management    Fee
due Manager but which is not paid by the  Partnership by reason of the foregoing
subordination  shall be accrued and carried  over,  with simple  interest at the
rate of 10% per annum,  until the  Partnership  shall have paid or provided  for
payment of the Senior  Obligations to the extent  provided in this Section 5.4.1
and shall thereafter be paid to Manager. If requested,  Manager shall enter into
an appropriate  subordination agreement evidencing the foregoing if requested by
the lenders of the First Mortgage Loan and/or Subordinated Mortgage Loan. Except
for the Loans, the Deficiency  Loans, the Additional Loans, the Preferred Return
and Deferred Preferred Return, the Partnership shall not,


without the prior written  consent of Manager,  enter into any  agreement  which
requires  the  Partnership  to  subordinate  the  Basic  Management  Fee  or the
Incentive Management Fee.

                           5.4.2.     PAYMENT OF LOANS.  Subject to Section 9.10
hereof,  the Partnership shall pay or provide for the payment,  when due, of all
principal and interest and other amounts  under the Senior  Obligations  so that
the Partnership shall be entitled to pay the Incentive  Management Fees provided
for by this agreement.

                  5.5.  LOSSES.  Losses  in  any  Fiscal  Year  shall  be  borne
exclusively  by  the  Partnership  and  shall  not  reduce  the  amount  of  any
compensation which Manager may be entitled to receive pursuant to this agreement
for any prior or  subsequent  Fiscal Year. No part of such loss shall be charged
against,  recaptured out of or otherwise  serve to diminish or affect the Resort
Gross Operating Profit for any prior or subsequent Fiscal Year.

                  5.6.  MANAGER LOANS. In the event the General  Partners of the
Partnership make Deficiency Loans prior to the expiration of five years from the
Commencement  Date and the KG General Partner makes KG Loans, as those terms are
defined  in the  Venture  Agreement,  then,  so long as  such  KG  Loans  remain
outstanding,  Manager shall make non-recourse loans ("Manager Loans") to the WKA
General  Partner,  as that term is  defined  in the  Venture  Agreement,  out of
payments received by it in respect of the Basic Management Fee to the extent and
in an amount equal to 1% of Resort Gross Revenues as


provided  in  the  agreement  (the  "Manager  Loan  Agreement")  to be  executed
concurrently  herewith  among  Manager,  the WKA  General  Partner  and  Kumagai
Caribbean,  Inc.  in the form  annexed  hereto  as  Exhibit  F.  Manager  hereby
authorizes  and  directs  the  Partnership,  for so long as the KG Loans  remain
outstanding,  to pay that  portion of the Basic  Management  Fee  required to be
loaned to the WKA General  Partner as Manager  Loans  directly to the KG General
Partner at the address provided in the Venture  Agreement.  Notwithstanding  the
payment  of such sums to the KG  General  Partner,  such sums shall be deemed to
satisfy,  to the extent  thereof,  the obligation of the  Partnership to Manager
under  the  terms  hereof  with  respect  to the  Basic  Management  Fee.  It is
understood  and agreed  that the KG General  Partner is an express  third  party
beneficiary of the foregoing agreement.

                  5.7.     CERTAIN DEFINITIONS.  For purposes of this agreement:

                           5.7.1. RESORT GROSS REVENUES. "Resort Gross Revenues"
shall mean all gross  revenues  from all  operations  of the Resort,  including,
without limitation, all revenues from rooms, golf course (including dues and the
first  $5,000 of each  initiation  or  membership  fee but not amounts in excess
thereof),  marina, food and beverage,  telephone,  telex,  interest,  casino net
wins,  condominium  net  rentals,   rentals  or  other  payments  from  lessees,
licensees,   or   concessionaires   (but  not   including   the   licensees'  or
concessionaires' receipts), proceeds of business interruption insurance, and all
other receipts (exclusive of tips, service charges added to a customer's bill or


statement in lieu of gratuities,  which are payable to Resort  employees,  taxes
collected and remitted to others, and the value of complimentary rooms, food and
beverages,  except  those  purchased by the  casino),  minus actual  credits and
refunds  made  to  customers,  guests  or  patrons.  Subject  to  the  foregoing
adjustments,  Resort Gross  Revenues  shall be  determined  in  accordance  with
generally accepted accounting  principles and the Uniform System of Accounts for
Hotels as set forth in Section 3.1 of this  agreement,  except that in the event
of  conflict  the  definition  of  "Resort  Gross  Revenues"   herein  shall  be

                           5.7.2.  RESORT OPERATING  PROFITS.  "Resort Operating
Profits"  shall mean Resort Gross  Revenues less all  operating  expenses of the
Resort whether designated herein as an obligation of Manager, the Partnership or
the Resort,,  including,  without limitation,  (a) the Basic Management Fee; (b)
marketing expenses; (c) repair and maintenance; (d) utility charges; (e) reserve
for replacement of furniture,  fixtures and equipment;  (f)  administrative  and
general  expenses  (including  bad debt  reserve) and (g) premiums for accident,
health, workers compensation and other insurance furnished to or for the benefit
of employees of the Resort and premiums for insurance of a similar  nature;  but
prior to deducting (i) premiums for liability,  property and casualty insurance;
(ii) depreciation of building, plant, furniture,  fixtures and equipment;  (iii)
amortization of pre-opening  expenses;  (iv) financing costs including  interest
charges, principal payment and debt service; (v) capital


expenditures  and payments on leases other than amounts  included in the reserve
for  replacement of furniture,  fixtures and equipment;  (vi) property taxes and
taxes on income;  (vii) the  Incentive  Management  Fee;  (viii)  real  property

                           5.7.3.  VENTURE AGREEMENT.  The  "Venture  Agreement"
shall mean that certain joint venture  agreement  dated January 12, 1990 between
Kumagai  Caribbean,  Inc.  and  WKA El Con  Associates  pursuant  to  which  the
Partnership was formed.

         6.       INSURANCE.

                  6.1. INSURANCE.  Manager shall procure and maintain, on behalf
of and at the expense of the Partnership,  consistent with the Approved Budgets,
at all times during the  Management  Term, all such insurance as Manager and the
Partnership  shall  deem  advisable  including,  without  limitation,   fidelity
liability  insurance covering all of the Resort's  employees  authorized to deal
with Resort funds,  and the premiums for such insurance shall be included in the
Annual  Budgets  and  Approved  Budgets.  The  Partnership  shall  maintain  all
necessary  insurance for the Resort and the premiums  therefor shall be included
in the  Approved  Budgets.  Manager  shall not be required to maintain  separate

                  6.2. INSURANCE STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS. The Partnership and
Manager shall keep each other advised of applicable  laws,  rules or regulations
and third parties having the right to determine insurance


requirements for the Resort, including without limitation,  the agreements under
which the Loans are made and all insurance  procured  pursuant to Section 6.1 of
this agreement shall meet or exceed any  requirements  of such applicable  laws,
rules or regulations  and third parties having the right to determine  insurance
requirements for the Resort.  Insurance  procured hereunder shall be placed with
insurance  companies  believed by Manager to be reputable and financially sound.
All insurance  hereunder shall name both Manager and the  Partnership,  as their
interests  shall  appear and to the extent  permitted by the  insurance  carrier
shall  name  Manager  as an  additional  insured  at least to the  extent of the
Partnership's obligations under Section 6.3.1 hereof.

                  6.3.     INDEMNIFICATION.

                           6.3.1.   INDEMNIFICATION OF MANAGER.  The Partnership
shall defend and promptly  indemnify Manager and save and hold it harmless from,
against, for and in respect of and pay any and all damages, losses, obligations,
liabilities,  claims, encumbrances,  deficiencies, costs and expenses, including
without limitation, actual attorneys' fees and other costs and expenses incident
to any suit, action,  investigation,  claim or proceeding,  suffered, sustained,
incurred  or  required  to be paid by  Manager  by reason  of (a) any  breach or
failure  of any  observance  or  performance  of any  representation,  warranty,
covenant,  agreement or commitment made by the Partnership hereunder or relating
to or as a result of any such representation,  warranty,  covenant, agreement or
commitment being untrue or incorrect in any respect,


(b) injury or death to persons or damage or  destruction  of property due to any
cause whatsoever, either in or about the Resort or elsewhere, as a result of the
performance of this  agreement by Manager,  its agents,  officers,  directors or
employees, or otherwise, irrespective of whether alleged to be caused, wholly or
partially, by Manager, its agents,  officers,  directors or employees or (c) for
any money or other property which Manager is required to pay out for any reasons
whatsoever in performing its duties under this agreement, whether the payment is
for  operating  expenses  or any other  charges or debts  incurred or assumed by
Manager or any other party, or judgments, settlements, or expenses in defense of
any claim, civil or criminal action,  proceedings,  charge, or prosecution made,
instituted  or  maintained  against  Manager  or  the  Partnership,  jointly  or
severally, because of the condition or use of the Resort, or acts or failures to
act of Manager, its agents, officers,  directors or employees, or arising out of
or  based   upon  any  law,   regulation,   requirement,   contract   or  award.
Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the Partnership  shall not be liable to Manager
pursuant to this Section 6.3.1 if any liability described above results from the
willful  misconduct,  fraud  or  gross  negligence  by  Manager,  its  officers,
directors  or  employees  who are not  employed  substantially  full time in the
management or operation of the Resort.

                           6.3.2.  INDEMNIFICATION  OF THE PARTNERSHIP.  Manager
shall  defend  and  promptly  indemnify  the  Partnership  and  save and hold it
harmless from, against, for an in respect of and pay any and all damages,


losses, obligations, liabilities, claims, encumbrances,  deficiencies, costs and
expenses,  including without limitation,  actual attorneys' fees and other costs
and expenses incident to any suit, action,  investigation,  claim or proceeding,
suffered,  sustained,  incurred  or required  to be paid by the  Partnership  by
reason of any injury or death of any person or damage or destruction of property
due to the  willful  misconduct,  gross  negligence  or  fraud of  Manager,  its
officers, directors or employees who are not employed substantially full time in
the management or operation of the Resort.

                           6.3.3. PROCEDURE FOR INDEMNIFICATION. For purposes of
this Section 6.3, the party  entitled to  indemnification  shall be known as the
"Injured Party" and the party required to indemnify shall be known as the "Other
Party." If the Other Party shall be obligated to the Injured  Party  pursuant to
this Section 6.3 or if a suit,  action,  investigation,  claim or  proceeding is
begun,  made or  instituted  as a result  of which the  Other  Party may  become
obligated to the Injured  Party  hereunder,  the Injured Party shall give prompt
written  notice to the Other Party of the  occurrence  of such event.  The Other
Party shall  defend,  contest or  otherwise  protect  against any suit,  action,
investigation,  claim or  proceeding  at the Other Party's own cost and expense.
The Injured Party shall have the right,  but not the obligation,  to participate
at its own expense in the defense  thereof by the counsel of its own choice.  If
the Other Party fails timely to defend, contest or otherwise protect against any
suit, action, investigation, claim or proceeding, the Injured Party


shall have the right to defend,  contest or otherwise  protect  against the same
and upon ten days' written  notice to the Other Party may make any compromise or
settlement  thereof and recover  the entire  cost  thereof  from the Other Party
including  without  limitation,  actual  attorneys' fees,  disbursements and all
amounts  paid  as a  result  of  such  suit,  action,  investigation,  claim  or
proceeding or compromise or settlement  thereof.  In the event the Injured Party
elects at any time not to seek or continue to rely on  indemnification  from the
Other Party with respect to any claim, suit, action or proceeding, it shall have
the right to defend,  contest or otherwise  protect against the same at its sole
cost and  expense and the Other  Party  shall have no  liability  to the Injured
Party in respect  of such  claim,  suit,  action or  proceeding  and no right to
defend or participate in the defense of such claim,  suit, action or proceeding.
Anything to the contrary herein  notwithstanding,  prior to finally settling any
such claim,  suit, action or proceeding,  the Other Party shall give the Injured
Party  notice of its  intention  to settle  same and the terms of such  proposed
settlement. If the Injured Party shall object to such proposed settlement within
ten days  after  its  receipt  of such  notice,  then the  Injured  Party  shall
thereafter,  at its sole expense,  assume the control and defense of such claim,
suit,  investigation action or proceeding.  In such event, the Other Party shall
not be relieved  from its  obligations  hereunder but such  obligation  shall be
limited with respect to the amount of such claim, suit,  investigation action or
proceeding in the sense that it may not be greater than the amount for which the


could have been  settled as  proposed by the Other Party and will not be greater
than the amount for which it is ultimately  resolved.  If the Injured Party does
not object to the terms of the proposed  settlement within the aforesaid ten day
period,  then the Other Party shall have the right to  consummate  such proposed
settlement upon the terms set forth in the aforesaid notice. Failure to give the
Other Party timely notice of any claim,  suit,  action or proceeding shall in no
way relieve such party from its obligation to indemnify the Injured Party except
to the  extent of losses  actually  caused to the Other  Party by reason of such


                  7.1.     CASUALTY DAMAGE.

                           7.1.1.  THE  PARTNERSHIP TO RESTORE.  The Partnership
shall, subject to the provisions of this Section 7.1, repair,  restore,  rebuild
or replace any damage to, or impairment or  destruction  of the Resort from fire
or other casualty  provided,  however,  that such obligation shall be limited to
the amount of insurance proceeds actually received by the Partnership in respect
of such casualty plus  $3,000,000.  If the  Partnership  fails to undertake such
work  within 90 days  after the  casualty,  or shall fail to  complete  the same
diligently,  Manager may, but shall not be obligated  to,  undertake or complete
such work for the account of the  Partnership and shall be entitled to be repaid
by the  Partnership  therefor,  and the  proceeds  of  insurance  shall  be made
available to Manager for such purpose. If the Partnership fails to undertake


such work within 90 days after fire or other casualty, or shall fail to complete
the same  diligently,  Manager,  without  prejudice  to its rights  against  the
Partnership  arising from any breach by the Partnership of its obligations under
this Section 7, may, at its election,  terminate  this agreement upon five days'
written notice to the Partnership.

                           7.1.2. LIMITATION ON RESTORATION. If the Resort shall
be wholly destroyed or Substantially Destroyed (as hereafter defined) during the
term of this agreement by fire or other casualty, the Partnership shall have the
right and option, upon notice served upon Manager within 90 days after such fire
or other casualty, to decide not to make any repair, restoration,  rebuilding or
replacement  and to terminate this agreement upon 30 days' written  notice.  For
purposes of this  Section,  "Substantially  Destroyed"  shall mean damage to the
Resort in excess of $40,000,000.

                  7.2.     CONDEMNATION.

                           7.2.1. TOTAL CONDEMNATION. If the whole of the Resort
shall be taken or  condemned  in any eminent  domain,  condemnation,  compulsory
acquisition  or like  proceeding  by any  competent  authority for any public or
quasi-public use or purpose,  or if such of the Resort's  facilities shall be so
taken or condemned resulting in the Resort being  Substantially  Destroyed or if
such a  portion  of the  Resort  shall be taken  or  condemned  so as to make it
imprudent or unfeasible,  in Manager's  reasonable opinion, to use the remaining
portion as a resort of the type and class immediately preceding such


taking or condemnation, then in any of such cases, at the Partnership's election
given  in  writing  to  Manager,  the term of this  agreement  shall  cease  and
terminate  as of the  later  of the  date  of such  taking  or  condemnation  or
Manager's  receipt of notice of the  Partnership's  election to  terminate  this

                           7.2.2.  PARTIAL  CONDEMNATION.   If  such  taking  or
condemnation results in the Resort not being deemed Substantially  Destroyed and
such  taking  or  condemnation  does not make if  unfeasible  or  imprudent,  in
Manager's  reasonable  opinion, to operate the remainder as a resort of the type
and class  immediately  preceding  such taking or  condemnation,  this agreement
shall not  terminate,  but the  Partnership,  to the extent of the  condemnation
award  plus  $3,000,000,  shall  repair any  damage to the  Resort,  or any part
thereof,  or alter or modify the Resort, or any part thereof, or reconstruct any
facility  so taken or  condemned  so as to  render  the  Resort a  complete  and
satisfactory architectural unit as a resort of the same type and class as it was
immediately preceding the taking or condemnation.

         8.       TERMINATION.

                  8.1.     RIGHT OF TERMINATION.

                           8.1.1.   Notwithstanding   anything   herein  to  the
contrary,  Manager may terminate this agreement if the Partnership shall fail to
keep, observe or perform any covenant,  agreement or provision of this agreement
required to be kept, observed or performed by the Partnership, such


termination  to become  effective  thirty days after Manager shall have given to
the Partnership written notice of such failure, and such failure remains uncured
by the Partnership  during such thirty-day  period or, if such failure cannot be
cured within such  thirty-day  period,  the  Partnership  has failed during such
thirty-day period to proceed promptly and diligently to cure such failure.

                           8.1.2.  The  Partnership  shall  have  the  right  to
terminate  this  agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to Manager
in the event that (a) WKA El Con Associates fails to pay at maturity (nine years
after the  Commencement  Date) the full amount of all  outstanding KG Loans,  as
that term is defined in the Venture  Agreement;  (b) WKA El Con Associates fails
to immediately  apply amounts  received by it from the Partnership in respect of
Deficiency Loans in repayment of outstanding KG Loans; (c) WKA El Con Associates
fails to  immediately  apply the  proceeds  of  Manager  Loans in  repayment  of
outstanding  KG Loans or (d) Manager  fails to make any  required  Manager  Loan
immediately  upon its receipt of the Basic Management Fee as provided in Section
5.6 hereof and the Manager Loan Agreement.  Such right shall be exercisable only
during the 180 day period immediately following such default.

                           8.1.3.  The  Partnership  shall  have  the  right  to
terminate  this  agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to Manager
in the event that Manager shall have failed to meet the  Performance  Standards,
as hereafter defined, for any two consecutive Fiscal Years commencing with the


sixth full Fiscal Year during the  Management  Term.  Manager shall be deemed to
have failed to meet the Performance  Standards in any Fiscal Year if the average
revenues per room and average  occupancy levels of the Resort are both less than
80% of the  average  revenues  per room and  average  occupancy  levels of Hyatt
Dorado Beach Hotel and Candelero Hotel at Palmas del Mar,  collectively,  during
the comparable period.

                           8.1.4.  The  Partnership  shall  have  the  right  to
terminate  this  agreement  effective  upon  a  consummation  of a  sale  by the
Partnership of all or substantially all of the Resort,  provided the Partnership
shall have given  Manager at least 30 days  prior  written  notice and  provided
further that if such sale occurs during the  Management  Term,  the  Partnership
shall pay Manager the Liquidation Share (as hereafter defined).

                           8.1.5.  This agreement may be terminated upon 30 days
prior written notice to Manager in connection  with a sale or other  disposition
of the Resort in connection  with  proceedings  to foreclose the First  Mortgage
Loan or any other mortgage constituting a first lien of the Resort.

                  8.2.  PAYMENTS.  Upon  termination  of this  agreement for any
cause or reason  including  those set forth in Section 7 and Section 8.1 hereof,
all amounts owing from the Partnership to Manager pursuant to this agreement for
all periods prior to the date of  termination,  including  the Basic  Management
Fee, the Incentive Management Fee and all expenses for which Manager is entitled
to reimbursement, shall become immediately due and


payable provided,  however,  that the Incentive  Management Fee shall be payable
only in accordance with Section 5.4.1(A) hereof.  The Partnership shall promptly
determine and pay such amounts and if this agreement  shall have been terminated
as provided in Section 8.1.4, the Partnership  shall  immediately pay Manager an
amount  equal  to  Manager's  Liquidation  Share  at the  date  of  termination.
Effective upon such termination, the Management Term shall cease and Manager and
the  Partnership  shall cease to have any  continuing  obligations to each other
except with respect to such  payments,  causes of action by reason of any breach
prior to such  termination  and the  indemnification  obligations  set  forth in
Section  6.3  hereof.  The  payment  by the  Partnership  of  amounts  due  upon
termination shall not operate as a waiver of any claims the Partnership may have
against Manager for any breach by Manager of the terms of this agreement.

                  8.3. MANAGER'S LIQUIDATION SHARE. For purposes of this Section
8, "Manager's  Liquidation  Share" shall be an amount equal to 75% of the sum of
the Individual  Year Amounts for each Fiscal Year or portion  thereof  remaining
between the date of determination  ("Determination Date") and the date occurring
20 years after the  Commencement  Date.  The  "Individual  Year  Amount" for any
Fiscal Year shall be an amount equal to the average of the Basic Management Fees
and the Incentive  Management Fees payable (whether actually paid or accrued) to
Manager  hereunder  for the three full  Fiscal  Years  which  shall have  passed
immediately prior to the


Determination  Date (or the  average of all Fiscal  Years if at least three full
Fiscal Years have not passed prior to the Determination Date or $3,000,000 if at
least one full  Fiscal  Year has not  passed  prior to the  Determination  Date)
discounted to the  Determination  Date assuming an 8% simple interest factor and
assuming  further that each year's payment would have been made on the first day
of such year.

                  8.4. NULL AND VOID. If (a) the  Partnership  shall not acquire
the land and  buildings  for the Resort  before  September  30, 1990, or (b) the
Partnership  elects  to  abandon  the  Project  or sell the  Resort  after  such
acquisition  but prior to the  Commencement  Date, then in either of such events
this agreement shall be deemed cancelled and of no force and effect and no party
hereto  shall  have  any  obligation  to the  other  hereunder  except  that the
Partnership  shall reimburse  Manager for expenses  incurred prior thereto which
are otherwise  expenses of the  Partnership  pursuant to the terms hereof and if
the Project is abandoned or the Resort sold prior to the Commencement  Date, the
Partnership  shall pay to the Manager any portion of the  Development Fee earned
through the date of termination.

         9.       MISCELLANEOUS.

                  9.1. ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This agreement constitutes the  entire
agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter  hereof.  No change,
modification, amendment, addition or termination of this agreement or  any  part


thereof shall be valid unless in writing and signed by or on behalf of the party
to be charged therewith.

                  9.2. COUNTERPARTS.  This agreement may be  executed in  one or
more counterparts, and shall become effective when one or more counterparts  has
been signed by each of the parties.

                  9.3. NOTICES. Except as otherwise provided herein, any and all
notices or other  communications or deliveries required or permitted to be given
pursuant to any of the provisions of this agreement shall be deemed to have been
duly given for all  purposes if sent by  certified or  registered  mail,  return
receipt requested and postage prepaid, sent by express mail or other responsible
overnight  delivery  service,  hand  delivered  or sent by  telegraph,  telex or
telephone facsimile as follows:

                           If to the Partnership, at:

                           c/o WMS Industries Inc.
                           767 Fifth Avenue - 23rd Floor
                           New York, New York  10153
                           Attention:  President
                           Telecopy:  (212) 319-9789


                           Kumagai Caribbean, Inc.
                           c/o Williams Hospitality
                                    Management Corp.
                           P.O. Box 50053
                           San Juan, Puerto Rico  00902
                           Attention: President
                           Telecopy: (809) 791-7500

                           with copies to:


                           Whitman and Ransom
                           200 Park Avenue
                           New York, New York  10166
                           Attention: Jeffrey N. Siegel, Esq.
                           Telecopy: (212) 351-3131

                           Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue
                           4100 Lincoln Plaza
                           500 North Akard
                           Dallas, Texas  75201
                           Attention: Brian D. Lafving, Esq.
                           Telecopy: (214) 871-0729

                  If to Manager, at:

                  c/o Mr. Hugh A. Andrews
                  Williams Hospitality
                           Management Corp.
                  P.O. Box 50053
                  San Juan, Puerto Rico  00902
                  Telecopy: (809) 791-7500

                           with a copy to:

                           Whitman and Ransom
                           200 Park Avenue
                           New York, New York  10166
                           Attention: Jeffrey N. Siegel, Esq.
                           Telecopy:  (212) 351-3131

or at such other address as any party may specify by notice given to other party
in accordance with this Section 9.3. The date of giving of any such notice shall
be three business days following the date sent by certified or registered  mail,
the next business day following  delivery to a  responsible  overnight  delivery
service, the date hand delivered, the date sent by telegraph, telex or telephone


                  9.4.  WAIVERS.  No waiver of the  provisions  hereof  shall be
effective  unless in writing  and  signed by the party to be  charged  with such
waiver.  No waiver shall be deemed a  continuing  waiver or waiver in respect of
any subsequent breach or default,  either of similar or different nature, unless
expressly so stated in writing.

                  9.5. SEVERABILITY.  Should any clause, section or part of this
agreement  be held or declared  to be void or illegal for any reason,  all other
clauses,  sections or parts of this agreement which can be effected without such
illegal clause,  section or part shall  nevertheless  continue in full force and

                  9.6. CHOICE  OF  LAW.  This  agreement   shall  be   governed,
interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware.

                  9.7. NON-ASSIGNABILITY.  This agreement and the various rights
and obligations  arising  hereunder shall inure to the benefit of and be binding
upon the parties hereto and their respective  successors and assigns except that
no assignee or successor of the Partnership  shall be entitled to enforce any of
the Partnership's  rights under Section 9.10 hereof. This agreement shall not be
assignable by any of the parties hereto without the prior written consent of all
other parties hereto and any attempt to assign this agreement  shall be void and
of no effect,  except that (i) Manager shall have the right,  without consent of
the  Partnership,  to assign all or any part of this agreement to a wholly owned
subsidiary of Manager which shall assume the


obligations of Manager  hereunder but such assignment  shall not relieve Manager
of any  liability  hereunder  and (ii) the  Partnership  shall have the right to
assign this agreement after the Commencement date without the consent of Manager
in connection  with a sale of the entire  Resort  provided that the purchaser of
the Resort shall assume and be responsible  only for the  obligations  hereunder
with  respect to  periods  following  the date of such sale and the  Partnership
shall be responsible  under this agreement only for  obligations  hereunder with
respect to periods prior to the date of such sale. The Partnership  shall not be
responsible  for  obligations  hereunder for periods  following the date of such

                  9.8.     CAPTIONS.  The headings or captions under sections of
this  agreement are for  convenience  and  reference  only and do not in any way
modify,  interpret  or  construe  the intent of the parties or effect any of the
provisions of this agreement.

                  9.9.     NON-RECOURSE  TO  PARTNERS.  The  obligations  of the
Partnership  hereunder  shall be  non-recourse  to the  General  Partners of the
Partnership  and Manager shall look solely to the assets of the  Partnership  to
satisfy such obligations.

                  9.10.    LIMITATION OF REMEDIES.  The general  partners of the
Partnership have agreed to make capital  contributions to the Partnership of not
less than  $30,000,000 and to make Deficiency  Loans to the Partnership of up to
$20,000,000 in principal amount outstanding, all as provided in the Venture


Agreement and each of the general  partners of the Partnership  hereby covenants
with Manager to make such capital  contributions  and Deficiency Loans as and to
the extent  provided in the Venture  Agreement.  Neither the Partnership nor the
General  Partners of the Partnership  shall have any obligations to make, or any
liability to Manager for damages  incurred by Manager as a result of any failure
to refusal by the General  Partners  to make,  any  additional  loans or capital
contributions  or  otherwise   provide  financing  to  the  Resort  except  that
Partnership  shall  remain  responsible  to Manager  for amounts  payable  under
Section  5.1,  5.2,  4.12.2  and  6.3  hereof.  The  parties   acknowledge  that
notwithstanding  such  contributions  and  Deficiency  Loans and the proceeds of
Loans, the possibility  exists that the Partnership may have insufficient  funds
available to complete the Project as contemplated  or that such funds,  together
with revenues generated from the operations of the Resort may be insufficient to
enable the Partnership to fully perform  certain of its  obligations  during the
Management Term including those obligations set forth in Sections 3.3.1,  3.3.5,
4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.5, 4.10, 4.12.1, 4.12.2, 4.12.4 and 4.13 hereof. If, despite the
fact that the capital  contributions  and proceeds of  Deficiency  Loans and the
Loans have all been used in  connection  with the Project and the  operations of
the  Resort,  the  Partnership  has  insufficient  funds  available  to meet its
obligations under the Loans and/or this agreement,  other than the obligation to
pay the Basic  Management  Fee as provided in Section 5 hereof and to  reimburse
Manager for expenses under Section 4.12.2 hereof,


at the  Partnership's  request,  Manager shall refrain from enforcing its rights
under such  sections,  other than the right to be paid the Basic  Management Fee
under Section 5.1 hereof and to be reimbursed  for expenses under Section 4.12.2
hereof,  to the extent  necessary to afford the  Partnership  the opportunity to
continue to operate the Resort,  to meet its  obligations to its lenders,  or to
obtain refinancing or additional financing,  as the Partnership shall determine.
Manager  understands  that in such event certain  measures may be required to be
taken  by the  Partnership  to cut  back on the  expenses  associated  with  the
operation of the Resort which may  adversely  affect the operation of the Resort
as a first class, luxury destination mega-resort and notwithstanding anything to
the contrary in this agreement,  Manager shall cooperate with the Partnership to
reduce expenses revise budgets  including  Approved Budgets and otherwise comply
with all reasonable requests of the Partnership  designed to continue the Resort
as a going concern. All revised budgets, when approved by the Partnership, shall
thereafter constitute Approved Budgets for purposes of this agreement, including
Section  4.12.2  hereof.  In such event,  Manager  shall  nevertheless  continue
management  of the  Resort  subject to the terms of this  agreement,  unless and
until this agreement has been terminated as provided herein; however,  Manager's
obligations  to  operate  the  Resort  as  a  first  class,  luxury  destination
mega-resort  and to otherwise  perform  certain  obligations  hereunder shall be
correspondingly  suspended to the extent funds are not  available for such level
of operation.


The parties  acknowledge that Manager's  undertaking not to enforce its remedies
under such  circumstances is extraordinary  and shall not be broadly  construed.
Nothing  in this  Section  shall be  deemed  to  constitute  a waiver  of any of
Manager's  rights to receive the Basic  Management  Fee and to be reimbursed for
its  expenses as  provided in Section  4.12.2  hereof.  This  Section is only an
agreement by Manager to temporarily refrain from asserting certain of its rights
under this agreement and to claim damages as a result  thereof.  All such rights
shall be  reinstated  in full on a going  forward  basis  and  Manager  shall be
entitled to require full  compliance  by the  Partnership  with its  obligations
under this agreement when the Partnership's  financial  circumstances permit. In
the event expenses or operations of the Resort are curtailed  under this Section
9.10 so that the Resort cannot be operated at a first class,  luxury level,  the
Partnership's right to terminate this agreement under Section 8.1.3 hereof shall
have no force and effect during the period that such expenses or operations were
curtailed and once such expenses and operations  have returned to normal,  shall
be applicable  only to Fiscal Years  commencing  one full Fiscal Year after they
shall have  returned to normal.  Nothing in this Section 9.10 shall be deemed to
limit  or  curtail  Manager's  right  to  terminate  this  agreement  under  the
provisions  of Section 8.1.1 in the event the  Partnership  is unable to perform
its obligations for any reason  whatsoever,  including those referred to in this
Section 9.10.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be
signed on the date and year first above written.

                                    EL CONQUISTADOR PARTNERSHIP L.P.

                                    By:  WKA EL CON ASSOCIATES,
                                             a general partner

                                    By:  WMS EL CON CORP., Partner

                                         By:  /s/____________________________
                                             Norman J. Menell,


                                    By:  KUMAGI CARIBBEAN, INC.,
                                             a general partner

                                         By:  /s/____________________________

                                             Takayuki Furuta, Chairman

                                    WILLIAMS HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT

                                    By:  /s/____________________________
                                         Hugh A. Andrews, President



                  This  amendment  ("Amendment")  is made and entered into as of
the 30th day of September 1990, by and between El Conquistador Partnership L.P.,
a  Delaware  limited  partnership  ("Partnership"),   and  Williams  Hospitality
Management Corporation, a Delaware corporation ("Manager").

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

                  WHEREAS,  the  Partnership  and the  Manager  are parties to a
development  services  and  management  agreement  dated  January  12, 1990 with
respect  to the El  Conquistador  Hotel  to be  acquired  and  developed  by the
Partnership in Fajardo, Puerto Rico; and

                  WHEREAS,  the  Partnership and the Manager desire to amend the

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and the
mutual covenants set forth herein, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

                  Section 8.4,  paragraph  (a),  clause (i) of the  Agreement is
hereby  amended to change the date of  September  30, 1990 set forth  therein to
January 31, 1991.

                  All other  provisions  of the  Agreement  shall remain in full
force and effect except as amended hereby.

                                  EL CONQUISTADOR PARTNERSHIP, L.P., a
                                  Delaware limited partnership

                                  By:      WKA El Con Corp., General Partner

                                           By:    /s/___________________________

                                                     Norman J. Menell, President

                                   By:     Kumagai Caribbean, Inc.,
                                           General Partner

                                           By:    /s/___________________________
                                                     Shunsuke Nakane

                                   WILLIAMS HOSPITALITY
                                    MANAGEMENT CORPORATION

                                           By:     /s/__________________________
                                                      Hugh Andrews, President

                        EL CONQUISTADOR PARTNERSHIP L.P.

          THIS  AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the 31st day of January
1991,  by and  between El  Conquistador  Partnership  L.P.,  a Delaware  limited
partnership   (the   "Partnership"),   and   Williams   Hospitality   Management
Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the "Manager").

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

                  WHEREAS,  the  Partnership  and the  Manager  are parties to a
development services and management agreement dated January 12, 1990, as amended
by agreement dated September 30, 1990 (the "Agreement"),  with respect to, among
other things, the construction, renovation and development by the Partnership of
the El Conquistador Resort and Country Club in Fajardo, Puerto Rico (capitalized
terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the same meaning ascribed
to such terms in the Agreement); and

                  WHEREAS,  the  Partnership's   acquisition  of  the  land  and
buildings  on which the Resort will be located has been delayed  beyond  January
31, 1991; and

                  WHEREAS,  the Manager has requested that the  Partnership  not
permit the Agreement to automatically terminate as a result of the Partnership's
failure to acquire the land and  buildings for the Resort by January 31, 1991 as
currently provided in Section 8.4 of the Agreement; and

                  WHEREAS,  the Partnership has requested that as a condition to
continuing the Agreement beyond January 31, 1991, that the Manager defer payment
of portions of the Development Fee; and

                  WHEREAS,  the  Partnership  and  the  Manager  believe  it  is
mutually  beneficial  to amend the  Agreement to  accommodate  their  respective

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  for good  and  valuable  consideration,  the
receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and in consideration of
the premises and mutual covenants set forth herein,  the parties hereto agree as

                  1. Section 8.4 of the  Agreement  is hereby  amended to change
the date on which the Agreement  shall be deemed to  automatically  terminate by
reason of the failure by the  Partnership  to acquire to land and  buildings  on
which the resort will be located from January 31, 1991 to February 15, 1991.

                  3. Except as specifically set forth above all other provisions
of the  Agreement  are hereby  ratified and  confirmed  and shall remain in full
force and effect.

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their hand and
seal as of the date and year first above written.

                                    EL CONQUISTADOR PARTNERSHIP L.P.
                                    Delaware limited partnership

                           By:      WKA El Con Associates,
                                    General Partner

                                    By: /s/ Norman J. Menell
                                            Norman J. Menell,
                                            Authorized Signatory

                           By:      Kumagai Caribbean, Inc.,
                                    General Partner

                                    By: /s/ Shunsuke Nakane
                                            Shunsuke Nakane, President


                                  WILLIAMS HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT

                                   By: /s/ Hugh A. Andrews
                                           Hugh A. Andrews, President
