WILLIAM FRANCIS GALVIN
                          Secretary of the Commonwealth
              One Ashburton Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1512

                    (GENERAL LAWS, CHAPTER 156B, SECTION 74)

         We, Cornelius Peterson VIII, President, and Daniel J. Sullivan, Clerk
of Digital Products, Inc. located at 411 Waverly Oaks Road, Waltham, MA 02154 do
hereby certify that the following Restatement of the Articles of Organization
was duly adopted at a meeting held on August 21, 1998 by a vote of the directors
and 100 shares of common stock of 100 shares outstanding, being at least a
majority of each type, class or series outstanding and entitled to vote thereon:

                                    ARTICLE I
                         The name of the corporation is:

                                NETsilicon, Inc.

                                   ARTICLE II
               The purpose of the corporation is to engage in the
following business activities:

         To purchase, import, lease, or otherwise acquire, to invest in, own,
hold, use, license the use of, install, handle, maintain, service or repair; to
sell, pledge, mortgage, exchange, export, distribute, lease, assign and
otherwise dispose of, and generally to trade and deal in and with, as principal
or agent, at wholesale, retail, on commission or otherwise, goods, wares,
merchandise, commodities, articles of commerce and property of every kind and
description, including, without limitation, computers and computer-related
equipment; and any and all products, machinery, equipment programs and supplies
used or useful in connection therewith.

         To do any and all acts and things or carry on any business herein
described either for itself or as nominee or agent for others.

         To have and to exercise, without limitation, all of the powers granted
by Massachusetts law to, and to carry on any other business or activity which
may lawfully be carried on by, business corporations organized under the
Business Corporation Law, as amended from time to time, of Massachusetts,
whether or not related to those referred to in the foregoing paragraphs.

                                   ARTICLE III

State the total number of shares and par value, if any, of each class of stock
which the corporation is authorized to issue:

- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           WITHOUT PAR VALUE                               WITH PAR VALUE
- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TYPE                NUMBER OF SHARES            TYPE      NUMBER OF SHARES     PAR VALUE
- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common                                          Common       35,000,000           $.01
- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Preferred:                                      Preferred:    5,000,000           $.01
- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                   ARTICLE IV

If more than one class of stock is authorized, state a distinguishing
designation for each class. Prior to the issuance of any shares of a class, if
shares of another class are outstanding, the corporation must provide a
description of the preferences, voting powers, qualifications, and special or
relative rights or privileges of that class and of each other class of which
shares are outstanding and of each series then established within any class.


                                    ARTICLE V

The restrictions, if any, imposed by the Articles of Organization upon the
transfer of shares of stock of any class are:


                                   ARTICLE VI

Other lawful provisions, if any, for the conduct and regulation of the business
and affairs of the corporation, for its voluntary dissolution, or for limiting,
defining, or regulating the powers of the corporation, or of its directors or
stockholders, or of any class of stockholders:

         Article 6A.       INDEMNIFICATION

         1. Except as limited by law or as provided in Paragraphs 2 and 3, each
Officer of this Corporation (and his heirs and personal representatives) shall
be indemnified by this Corporation against all expense incurred by him in
connection with each Proceeding in which he is involved as a result of his
serving or having served as an Officer of this Corporation or, at the request of
this Corporation, as a director, officer, employee or other agent of any other

         1. No indemnification shall be provided to an Officer with respect to a
matter as to which it shall have been adjudicated in any proceeding that he did
not act in good faith in the reasonable belief that his action was in the best
interests of this Corporation.

         2. In the event that a Proceeding is compromised or settled so as to
impose any liability or obligation upon an Officer or upon this Corporation, no
indemnification shall be provided to said Officer with respect to a matter if
this Corporation has obtained an opinion of counsel that with respect to said
matter said Officer did not act in good faith in the reasonable belief that his
action was in the best interests of this Corporation.

         3. To the extent authorized by the Board of Directors or the
stockholders, this Corporation may pay indemnification in advance of final
disposition of a Proceeding, upon receipt of an undertaking by the person
indemnified to repay such indemnification if it shall be established that he is
not entitled to indemnification by an adjudication under Paragraph 2 or by an
opinion of counsel under Paragraph 3 hereof.



         4.       For the purposes of this Article,

                  (a)      "Officer" means any person who serves or has served
                           as a director or in any other office filled by
                           election or appointment by the stockholders or the
                           Board of Directors;

                  (b)      "Proceeding" means any action, suit or proceeding,
                           civil or criminal, brought or threatened in or before
                           any court, tribunal, administrative or legislative
                           body or agency; and

                  (c)      "Expense" means any liability fixed by a judgment,
                           order, decree, or award in a Proceeding, any amount
                           reasonably paid in settlement of a Proceeding and any
                           professional fees and other disbursements reasonably
                           incurred in a Proceeding.

         5. Nothing in this Article shall limit any lawful rights to
indemnification existing independently of this Article.


         1. Unless entered into in bad faith, no contract or transaction by this
Corporation shall be void, voidable or in any way affected by reason of the fact
that it is with an Interested Person.

         2. For the purposes of this Article, "Interested Person" means any
person or organization in any way interested in this Corporation whether as an
officer, director, stockholder, employee or otherwise, and

         3. any other entity in which any such person or organization or this
Corporation is in any way interested.

         4. Unless such contract or transaction was entered into in bad faith,
no Interested Person, because of such interest, shall be liable to this
Corporation or to any other person or organization for any loss or expense
incurred by reason of such contract or transaction or shall be accountable for
any gain or profit realized from such contract or transaction.

         5. The provisions of this Article shall be operative notwithstanding
the fact that the presence of an Interested Person was necessary to constitute a
quorum at a meeting of directors or stockholders of this Corporation at which
such contract or transaction was authorized or that the vote of an Interested
Person was necessary for the authorization of such contract or transaction.

         Article 6C.       STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINGS

         Meetings of Stockholders of this Corporation may be held anywhere in
the United States.

         Article 6D.       AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS

         The By-Laws may provide that the Board of Directors as well as the
stockholders may make, amend or repeal the By-Laws of this Corporation, except
with respect to any provision thereof which by



law, by these Articles or by the By-Laws requires action by the Stockholders.

         Article 6E.       ACTING AS A PARTNER

         This Corporation may be a partner in any business enterprise which it
would have power to conduct by itself.

                                   ARTICLE VII

The effective date of the restated Articles of Organization of the corporation
shall be the date approved and filed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. If a
later effective date is desired, specify such date which shall not be more than
thirty days after the date of filing.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


a.   The street address (post office boxes are not acceptable) of the principal
     office of the corporation in Massachusetts is:

                    411 Waverly Oaks Road, Waltham, MA 02154

b.   The name, residential address and post office address of each director and
     officer of the corporation is as follows:

           NAME                         RESIDENCE                    POST 

President:                              25 Old Village Road             Same
     Cornelius Peterson, VIII           Acton, MA  01720

Treasurer:                              34 Pillsbury Pasture Road       Same
     Daniel Sullivan                    Kingston, NH 03848

Clerk:                                  34 Pillsbury Pasture Road       Same
     Daniel Sullivan                    Kingston, NH 03848

Directors:                              301 W. 57th Street              Same
     Yechiam Yemini                     New York, NY 10019

     Leonard Hecht                      18241 Lake Encino Drive         Same
                                        Encino, CA 91316

     Renn Zaphiropoulous                12500 West Highway 56           P.O. Box 1022
                                        Cedar City, VT 84720            Cedar City, VT 84720

     Bruce Boyd Roesner                 13034 Polvera Avenue            Same
                                        San Diego, CA 92128



c. The fiscal year (i.e., tax year) of the corporation shall end on the last day
   of the month of: January

d. The name and business address of the resident agent, if any, of the
   corporation is: Corporation Service Company, 84 State Street, Boston,
   MA 02109

**We further certify that the foregoing Restated Articles of Organization
affect no amendments to the Articles of Organization of the corporation as
heretofore amended, except amendments to the following articles. Briefly
describe amendments below:

Article I: The name of the corporation is changed
 to: "NETsilicon, Inc."

Article III: The stock authorization is to be
 changed. Please see attached Page 3A.

SIGNED UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY, this 24 day of August, 1998,

/s/ Cornelius Peterson VIII
Cornelius Peterson VIII, President

/s/ Daniel J. Sullivan
Daniel J. Sullivan, Clerk


To change the number of shares and the par value (if any) of any type, class or
series of stock which the corporation is authorized to issue, fill in the

The total presently authorized is:

- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           WITHOUT PAR VALUE                               WITH PAR VALUE
- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TYPE                NUMBER OF SHARES            TYPE      NUMBER OF SHARES     PAR VALUE
- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common                                          Common          100              $.01
- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Preferred:                                      Preferred:
- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Change the total authorized to:

- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           WITHOUT PAR VALUE                               WITH PAR VALUE
- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TYPE                NUMBER OF SHARES            TYPE      NUMBER OF SHARES     PAR VALUE
- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common                                          Common       35,000,000           $.01
- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Preferred:                                      Preferred:    5,000,000           $.01
- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------