- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  NOVELL, INC.

                          COMPOSITE SIGNATURE AGREEMENT

Name and Address of Customer:
Digital Products, Inc.                      telephone: 617-647-1234
411 Waverly Oaks Road                       facsimile: 617-647-4474
Waltham, MA 02154

Novell Branch Office:

122 East 1700 South                         telephone: 801-429-7000
Provo, Utah 84606                           facsimile:801-453-1267

         This Composite Signature Agreement is entered into by and between
Novell Inc. ("Novell") and Digital Products, Inc. ("Developer"), and shall
commence on the date accepted and executed by Novell ("Effective Date").

         This Composite Signature Agreement, when signed by Novell and
Developer, shall have the same effect as each of the below identified documents
would have if signed by Developer.

Initials          Title of Document
__________        Special Addendum (digi.4-0)
__________        Novell Embedded Systems Technology (NEST) Master Agreement (NESTMSTR.103)
__________        NEST SDK Technology Provider Supplement (PROVIDER.101)
__________        NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution License Exhibit (SDKOEM.100)

         Each of the identified documents is incorporated by reference. In the
event of a conflict or ambiguity between documents, the specific shall control
the general; the relative order of specificity of the documents is as follows:
(1) Special Addenda, (2) Standard Addenda, and (3) the Standard Agreement.


         This Agreement, together with all referenced documents, is the
exclusive statement of the entire agreement between Novell and Developer and
supersedes all prior oral and written representations or agreements between the
parties as to the subject matter of the Agreement.

Accepted by:

Novell, Inc.                             Digital Products, Inc.
By:                                      By:                           
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Title:                                   Title:                         
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date:                                    Date:                        
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                SPECIAL ADDENDUM

Novell and Developer acknowledge and agree that the following terms and
conditions amend and supplement the Agreement between the parties and by this
reference, this Special Addendum is incorporated into and made a part of the

1.      Add the following definitions to Section 2 of the Supplement:

        "Added-Value Requirement" means the specific services or activities
        which Developer is required to provide Licensed Customers in order to be
        eligible for a percentage of the Customer Royalty. More specifically,
        Added-Value Requirement means Developer shall:

               provide Licensed Customers all engineering support and training
               for Tools at a level satisfactory to the Licensed Customer and
               equal to or superior to that would typically be provided by
               Novell to Novell's licensees of the Tools;

               provide consulting and/or development services, that could not be
               ordinarily provided by Novell, to Licensed Customers to assist
               them in the development of Customer Products;

               In conjunction with its distribution of the Tools and/or
               Developer Toolkit to Licensed Customer, license for distribution
               Qualifying Developer Products to Licensed Customer."

        "Customer Royalty" shall mean the per copy royalties owed to Novell from
        a Licensed Customer during a specific term of the Distributor Exhibit
        executed between Novell and the Licensed Customer.

2.      Renewal. Notwithstanding Paragraph 14.1 of the Novell Embedded System
        Technology Master Agreement, any automatic renewal to the Agreement
        shall be on a 90 day basis, with the 90 day Agreement subject to
        termination at any time by either party upon thirty (30) days' prior
        written notice.

3.      Assignment. Notwithstanding Paragraphs 14.4.1 and 18.6 of the Novell
        Embedded System Technology Master Agreement, Novell may not unreasonably
        withhold its consent to a complete assignment and delegation by
        Developer to a successor in interest of all or substantially all of the
        assets or business of Developer.

4.      Operating System Companies. The parties acknowledge and agree that
        Developer is a company that designs or develops computer operating
        systems and that Developer's distribution of Tools is not in and of
        itself a violation of Section 9.6 of the NEST SDK Technology Provider

5.      Support. Notwithstanding Paragraph 8 of the NEST SDK Technology Provider
        Supplement, Novell shall use commercially reasonable efforts to assist
        Developer in its implementation of any or all Novell bug fixes provided
        under the Agreement to the Tools, at no cost to developer.

6.      Attachment: Form Addendum. The Form Addendum attached to the NEST SDK
        Technology Provider Supplement is hereby replaced with the Form Addendum
        attached as Exhibit A to this Amendment.

7.      Royalties to Developer. Add the following "Royalties" subsection to
        Section 4 Consideration of the NEST SDK Technology Provider Supplement:

               In consideration for Developer meeting the Added-Value
               Requirement, Developer shall be entitled to 30% of the Customer
               Royalties received during the initial three year term.
               Notwithstanding the foregoing, if at any time Novell reasonably
               deems that Developer ceases to meet the Added-Value Requirement,
               and developer fails to cure such Added Value Requirement
               deficiency within Deficiency Notice Period or such deficiency
               recurs within 6 months of cure, Novell shall have no obligation
               to pay Developer, and Developer shall not be entitled to, any
               further percentage of Customer Royalties. "Deficiency Notice
               Period" shall mean thirty (30) days from receipt of written
               notice; however, where the deficiency by its nature is subject to
               cure but more than 30 days are required due to the nature of the
               deficiency, "Deficiency Notice Period" shall mean a reasonable
               time from receipt of notice to which the parties mutually agree
               in writing.

8.      Fees and Royalties. Developer shall collect applicable Customer
        Royalties from Licensed Customers on Novell's behalf subject to the
        terms of this Section 8:

        a.     Reporting and Payment. Within thirty (30) days from the end of
               each calendar quarter, for each Licensed Customer Developer
               agrees to provide Novell with: 1) a written statement, certified
               by an authorized representative of Developer, setting forth the
               Customer Royalties due for that quarter, the Customer Royalties
               collected by Developer, and the amounts to which Developer is
               entitled under Section 7 above; 2) payment of the Customer
               Royalties so collected, less any amounts to which Developer is
               entitled pursuant to Section 7 above. During the term of the
               Agreement, Developer shall provide Novell with such written
               statement whether or not any Customer Royalty has accrued during
               the reporting period. A final written statement by Developer
               shall be rendered and payment made to Novell within thirty (30)
               days after the termination or expiration of the Agreement.

        b.     Customer Royalty not paid to Novell by Developer when due will
               accrue interest on an annual basis from the date due until paid
               of two percentage points (2%) over the prime interest rate of the
               Chase Manhattan Bank of New York on any outstanding balance or
               the maximum legal rate allowed by law, whichever is less.

        c.     Audit. Developer shall maintain complete and accurate accounting
               records, in accordance with generally accepted accounting
               practices, to support and document royalty amounts due under this
               Special Addendum and shall retain such records for three (3)
               years after payment is made. Developer shall, upon written
               request of Novell, provide audit access to such records to
               Novell. If Developer so decides, a


               mutually acceptable independent accounting firm may conduct the 
               audit at Developer's expense. Such access shall be granted only 
               during normal business hours and no more frequently than once in
               each calendar year. All information received during the audit
               shall be held in confidence by the parties.

        d.     Within thirty (30) days' written notice from Novell, Developer
               shall cease collecting applicable Customer Royalties, and Novell
               shall commence collection of such Customer Royalties itself.

        e.     If Novell terminates the Contract Documents without cause, as
               provided in Section 14.7 of the Agreement, Developer shall be
               entitled to 75% of the Customer Royalties collected by Novell
               that come due during the term of the NEST SDK Technology Provider
               Supplement in which Novell so terminates the Contract Documents.
               Novell shall administer Customer Royalty funds and make
               appropriate disbursements to Developer on a semi-annual basis.


NOVELL, INC.                              DIGITAL PRODUCTS, INC.
Signature:___________________________     Signature:___________________________

Name:________________________________     Name:________________________________

Title:_______________________________     Title:_______________________________

Date:________________________________     Date:________________________________


                                    EXHIBIT A

                            ATTACHMENT: FORM ADDENDUM


Developer and Novell agree that the following terms and conditions amend and
supplement the NEST SDK 1.x Supplement ("the Supplement") and the NEST SDK
Developer Product Distribution License:

1. The following definitions shall be added to Section 2 of the Supplement:

               "Technology Provider means a third-party entity which Novell has
               licensed to distribute and sell the Tools under the terms and
               conditions of a certain NEST SDK Technology Provider Agreement
               entered into by Novell and the third-party."

2. Section 8 of the Supplement shall be replaced with the following:

               "Consideration Developer agrees to pay the Technology Provider
               upon execution of this Supplement a non-refundable license fee,
               to be negotiated between Developer and Technology Provider, for
               the Tools. Maintenance Modifications and Enhancements to the
               Tools may require additional license fees.

3.      If Developer enters a NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution License
        Exhibit(s) with Novell, Developer shall pay the royalties required by
        the Exhibit(s) to the Technology Provider. The Technology Provider will
        retain those portions of such royalty payments to which its is entitled
        under its agreements with Novell, and shall send the portions to which
        Novell is entitled to Novell. Developer shall cease making payments to
        the Technology Provider and instead pay the royalties required by the
        Exhibit(s) directly to Novell upon thirty (30) days' written notice from

- -----------
NOVELL, INC.                               DEVELOPER:_________________________

Signature:_____________________________    Signature:_________________________

Name:__________________________________    Name:______________________________

Title:_________________________________    Title:_____________________________

Date:__________________________________    Date:______________________________


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  NOVELL, INC.
               Novell Embedded Systems Technology Master Agreement

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This Novell Embedded Systems Technology Master Agreement (the "Agreement") is
entered into by NOVELL, INC., a Delaware corporation with offices at 122 East
1700 South, Provo, UT 84606 ("Novell"), and Digital Products Inc., a corporation
with offices at 411 Waverly Oaks Rd., Waltham, MA 02154 ("Developer").

1       Purpose. The purpose of the Novell Embedded Systems Technology
        (NEST) Program is to proliferate products compatible with the
        NetWare system. Under the NEST Program, Novell, Inc. ("Novell")
        will make certain documentation and tools ("Tools") available to
        Developer to develop products compatible and interoperable with
        NetWare systems. Novell is willing to license the Tools according
        to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and supplements
        ("Supplements") to this Agreement. This Agreement contains
        general terms and conditions applicable to each Supplement. Each
        Supplement shall be deemed to incorporate by reference this
        Agreement unless the Supplement explicitly states otherwise.
        Nothing in this Agreement or any Supplement shall be construed to
        require Novell to issue, or Developer to accept, any Supplement.

2       Definitions.

        2.1    Contract Documents shall mean this Agreement and/or Supplements,
               including without limitation Exhibits to such Supplements.

        2.2    Derivative Work means a work which is based upon one or more
               preexisting works, such as a revision, modification, translation,
               abridgement, condensation, expansion, collection, compilation or
               any other form in which such preexisting works may be recast,
               transformed or adapted, and which, if prepared without the
               authorization by the owner of the preexisting works, would
               constitute copyright infringement under U.S. copyright laws.

        2.3    Developer Products means the products which Developer is
               authorized to develop using the Tools. Each product shall be
               identified in a Supplement by product name (which may be in the
               form of a code name provided Developer provides Novell notice of
               the actual release name prior to release), and description. A
               Developer Product shall not contain the functionality of a
               network operating system, but shall instead provide
               interoperability with and access to Novell


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               network operating system services. The only Novell code licensed
               hereunder contained within a Developer Product shall be the Tools
               and/or Derivative Works thereof in binary form only.

        2.4    Enhancements means changes, additions or new releases, other than
               Maintenance Modifications, to the Tools that improve functions,
               add new functions, or improve performance by changes to system

        2.5    Maintenance Modifications means any modification or revision to
               the Tools (other than an Enhancement) that corrects an error or
               provides other incidental corrections.

        2.6    Qualifying Developer Products means a Developer Product that
               meets Novell's then current certification and testing policies
               set forth in the programs and agreements of Novell Labs which are
               independent of this Agreement and require the payment of program
               fees in addition to any fees or other consideration provided by
               Developer hereunder.

        2.7    Tools means the documentation and/or programs provided by Novell
               more fully set forth in a Supplement. Tools in program form are
               referred to as "Program Tools". Tools in documentation form are
               referred to as "Documentation Tools". Program Tools may include
               source code or binary code.

        2.8    Support Calls means telephone assistance provided by Novell
               technical support personnel to Developer regarding questions and
               clarifications on the use of Documentation Tools and Program

        2.9    Yes Logo means the Novell approved Yes Logo licensed to Developer
               under the separate Novell Labs Agreement upon meeting the
               requirements set forth in the Certification Testing section of
               the Agreement and the Novell Labs Agreement and any applicable
               Exhibits to the Novell Labs Agreement. Usage of the Yes Logo is
               subject to the terms of the Novell Labs Agreement and this

3       Licenses.

        3.1    Development License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
               Agreement, Novell hereby grants, and Developer hereby accepts,
               the following world-wide, non- transferable license to use,
               modify, merge, and to create derivative works from the


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Tools solely to create Developer Products. THE LICENSE GRANTS FOR

        3.2    Distribution License. Distribution license terms are set forth in
               Supplements or a Distribution License Exhibit to a Supplement.

        3.3    Copies.

               3.3.1  Development Copies. Developer may make up to four copies
                      of the Tools for internal. The copies may be used solely
                      in support of the development being performed with the
                      original copy of Tools provided hereunder.

               3.3.2  Beta Copies. Developer may make and distribute up to 25
                      copies of its Developer Products for evaluation or Beta
                      testing purposes.

        3.4    Third Party Contractor. In the event Developer employs a third
               party contractor ("Contractor") to develop Developer Products,
               Developer agrees to provide Novell with the identity of any
               proposed Contractor at least 15 business days prior to
               Developer's providing any Novell Confidential Information to
               Contractor for Novell's written approval of the Contractor.
               After approval has been granted by Novell for a Contractor,
               Developer must provide Novell with written confirmation that
               Contractor has executed an agreement with Developer containing
               the terms and conditions set forth below:

               3.4.1  Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement set
                      forth below and Novell's prior approval, Developer may
                      grant to Contractor a sublicense to the Tools solely for
                      the purposes specified in this Section 3. Tools shall
                      continue to be subject to the terms and conditions of this
                      Agreement and Supplements. Contractor is not authorized
                      by Novell to make any additional copies of Tools over and
                      above the number which


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                      Developer is permitted to make pursuant to 
                      Paragraph 3.3.1.

               3.4.2  Contractor's license to the Tools may only be granted as
                      part of a binary code sublicense of Developer's
                      proprietary software to Contractor.

               3.4.3  Developer shall provide Novell with the name of its
                      Contractor, address, contact person and the physical
                      location of each copy of the Tools and any Derivative
                      Works thereof.

               3.4.4  Contractor shall be subject to confidentiality provisions
                      at least as stringent as those specified in the Agreement
                      with respect to the Tools.

               3.4.5  Novell shall not be liable to Contractor and Developer
                      agrees to indemnify Novell from and against any claim by
                      Contractor arising out of Developer's agreement with
                      Contractor regarding the Tools.

        3.5    Ownership. Developer acknowledges that the licenses contained in
               the Agreement confer no rights of ownership in the Tools and
               acknowledges Novell's representation that the Tools are
               proprietary to Novell. Novell is not transferring to Developer
               title or ownership of all or any portion of the Tools or
               Derivative Works of the Tools. Except as expressly provided, this
               Agreement does not grant and will not be interpreted as granting
               any right, license, title, ownership or interest in or under any
               Novell patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret, whether by
               implication, estoppel or otherwise. Novell will continue to own
               all right, title, and interest to all patents, copyrights, trade
               secrets, and other proprietary rights in and to the Tools.
               Developer will not take any action which would compromise
               Novell's rights to the Tools.

4       Inventions & Patents. In the event that any Tools incorporate technology
        in which Novell seeks or holds patent or invention protection or any
        other similar form of legal protection, Novell grants to Developer a
        non-exclusive, non-transferable license to practice the patent or
        invention solely for use with the Qualifying Developer Products and only
        to the extent necessary to exercise the license


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         granted under copyright in the Tools.

5       Labeling. Developer shall not remove any copyright notices, patent
        notices or proprietary legends contained within the Tools and shall
        include the copyright and proprietary notices identified below on the
        label of each diskette, tape, or other distribution medium (except upon
        read only memory devices, in which case the manual accompanying a
        Qualifying Developer Product shall contain the notice) containing in
        whole or in part Tools:

        'c' Copyright 19xx, Novell, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

               "xx" should be replaced with the necessary digits to identify the
               last date of publication contained in the copyright notice of the
               Qualifying Deve
               loper Product.

        Novell may require Developer to include additional notices, such as
        patent pending or registration notices, upon written notice to
        Developer. Developer may include an additional copyright notice
        reflecting the copyright ownership of its portion of Developer Products.

6       Confidentiality. Developer agrees to hold Tools, and the terms and
        conditions of this Agreement in confidence for Novell. Developer further
        agrees that it shall not make any disclosure of any part of such Tools
        (including methods or concepts utilized therein) to anyone, except in
        accordance with the Agreement. Developer's obligation of confidence
        shall not extend to any information which (i) is already known to
        Developer prior to execution of this Agreement and Supplements unless
        such information resulted from efforts to reverse engineer a Novell
        product, (ii) becomes a publicly known without fault of the Developer,
        or (iii) is independently developed by Developer without reverse
        engineering any Novell product and without access to any Novell
        confidential information. The foregoing notwithstanding, Developer may,
        without breaching the Agreement, disclose the terms and conditions of
        the Agreement, and the Tools pursuant to a written court order, provided
        Developer gives Novell reasonable notice and opportunity to obtain
        protective orders or the like.

7       Limitations and Residual Rights. De veloper agrees that it will not use
        the Tools except as authorized in the Agreement. Developer further
        warrants and represents that the products which it identifies in
        Supplements to the Agreement comply with the requirements of the
        Agreement. Developer hereby agrees that any work created in breach of
        the restrictions of the Agreement be deemed to be the sole and exclusive
        property of Novell. No title to or ownership of the Tools or any of its
        parts is transferred to Developer. Title to all applicable rights and


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        copyrights and trade secrets in the Tools not granted by this
        Agreement are retained by Novell.

8       Support & Compatibility. Developer agrees to comply with the following
        provisions governing compatibility and interoperability of Qualifying
        Developer Products with the corresponding versions of Novell products.

        8.1    Developer Products Documentation. Developer agrees to include a
               conspicuous statement in the end user documentation for
               Qualifying Developer Products identifying Developer or those who
               market products on Developer's behalf as the sole support contact
               for Qualifying Developer Products. Developer agrees to
               incorporate a description identifying the versions of the Novell
               products that are compatible with the Qualifying Developer
               Products by product name, version number and release level in
               Qualifying Developer Product information or documentation. Upon
               request, Developer agrees to provide Novell with evidence of
               compliance with this Section 9.1.

        8.2    Quality Control. In the event that Novell determines that
               Developer is no longer meeting accepted levels of quality, Novell
               agrees to so advise Developer and to provide Developer with
               reasonable guidance and a commercially reasonable time of no less
               than ninety (90) days to meet the above-referenced standards.

        8.3    End User Support. Developer shall be solely responsible for all
               end user support of the Qualifying Developer Products.

9       Consideration.

        9.1    Fees. Developer shall pay to Novell the non-refundable license
               fees ("License Fees") set forth in the applicable Supplements.
               All fees shall be paid to Novell on or before shipment of the
               Tools unless Developer has established credit with Novell.

        9.2    Form of Payments. All payments required under the Agreement
               shall be in U.S. dollars, and shall be exclusive of any federal,
               state, municipal or other government taxes, duties, excises or
               tariffs now or hereinafter imposed on the production storage,
               sale, transportation, import or export, or use of the Tools. Any
               taxes, duties, excises, tariffs, fees, or levies imposed on the


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               fees paid hereunder or against the Agreement except for taxes or
               fees based on Novell's net income, shall be the responsibility
               of Developer, and if paid or incurred by Novell, may be offset,
               at Novell's option, against any payments due to Developer, or
               shall otherwise be promptly reimbursed to Novell by Developer
               upon receipt of an invoice from Novell.

10      Developer Products Review. Upon written request, Developer agrees to
        demonstrate the Developer Products to Novell at Developer's facilities.
        Developer shall have materially breached the Agreement, if Novell finds
        upon monitoring compliance under this Section, that any Developer
        Product exceeds the scope of the Agreement.

11      Disclaimer of Warranty. Novell licenses the Tools to Developer on a "AS
        PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Without limiting the foregoing, in no event shall
        Novell be liable for incidental or consequential damages resulting from
        the use of the Tools, or the sale or distribution of Developer Products,
        whether under theory of warranty, tort, or products liability except
        for indemnification for infringement as and to the extent provided in
        Section 15.

12      Indemnification by Developer. Developer will indemnify, defend and hold
        Novell harmless from any and all damages, liabilities, costs and
        expenses incurred by Novell as a result of any claims, judgments or
        adjudications against Novell by any third party resulting from
        Developer's breach of this Agreement or from Developer's distribution of
        any part of the Tools in combination with programs not supplied by
        Novell if such claims, judgments, or adjudication would not have arisen
        but for Developer's combination. If Novell receives notice of a claim
        based upon Developer's breach or Developer's combination of the Tools
        with programs not supplied by Novell, Novell will promptly notify
        Developer in writing of the claim and will permit Developer to have the
        sole control of the defense of any claim or action and all negotiations
        for its settlement and compromise, provided Developer can provide
        adequate assurances to Novell that Developer will diligently pursue
        resolution of the claim.

13      Indemnification by Novell. Novell shall defend any and all claims made
        against Developer based on a claim that the Tools infringe, allegedly or
        in fact, any U.S. copyright or U.S. patent of any third party, if Novell
        is notified


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        promptly in writing and is given reasonable information,
        assistance and the sole authority to defend or settle such claims at
        Novell's expense. Novell agrees to pay all damages and costs finally
        awarded against Developer.

        In the event that any of the Tools is held to infringe and use of such
        enjoined or the case is settled, as referred to above, Novell shall have
        the option, at its expenses, to procure for Developer the right to
        continue using the Tools to replace or modify such so that they become
        non-infringing materials which have the same or additional
        functionality, or to pay or refund to Developer the consideration paid
        for use of them upon return of the Tools. In no event shall Novell's
        aggregate liability to Developer for any damages under this provision
        exceed the greater of the aggregate amount that Licensee has paid to
        Novell under this Agreement or $100,000.

        Novell will have no liability under any provisions of this Section if
        any in fringement claim is based upon the use of the Tools in connection
        or in combination with equipment, devices, or software not supplied by
        Novell or used in a manner for which the Tools were not designed if such
        infringement would not have arisen except for such connection or
        combination or based upon an earlier version of the Tools, provided the
        later version avoids the claim of infringement.


14      Term & Termination.

        14.1   Effective Date; Term. The effective date of this Agreement shall
               be the date of Novell's execution hereof. The term of this
               Agreement shall be for a period of two (2) years and shall
               automatically renew for periods of one year unless terminated by
               either party subject to the terms in this Section. The foregoing
               shall not affect Novell's right to terminate the Agreement sooner
               for cause as provided in this Section.

        14.2   Stated Term of Supplements. Each Supplement, unless otherwise
               specifically stated in the Supplement, shall be deemed to have a
               term of two (2) years from the date the Supplement is executed
               by the parties. Unless otherwise specifically stated in the
               Supplement, after the initial two (2) year term, the Supplement
               shall automatically renew for


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               additional one (1) year periods unless either party provides the
               other with written notice one hundred eighty (180) days or more
               before the end of any term.

        14.3   Novell may terminate the Contract Documents upon material breach
               of the Contract Documents or any event of default by Developer.
               Any breach of the Contract Documents which by its nature is
               subject to cure and continues after thirty (30) days written
               notice from Novell, Novell may terminate the Contract Documents
               by giving written notice to Developer.

        14.4   Developer shall automatically be in default if Developer:

               14.4.1 is dissolved, is involved in a reorganization, or attempts
                      to assign this Agreement or any of its rights under this
                      Agreement; or,

               14.4.2 is not paying its debts as the debts become due, becomes
                      insolvent, files or has filed against it a petition under
                      any Bankruptcy Law, proposes any dissolution, liquidation,
                      composition, financial reorganization or recapitalization
                      with creditors, makes an assignment or trust mortgage for
                      the benefit of creditors, or if a receiver trustee,
                      custodian or similar agent is appointed or takes
                      possession of any property or business.

        14.5   Upon written notice by Novell after any termination of the
               Contract Documents, Deve loper shall cease use of the Tools and
               promptly return to Novell all existing copies of the Tools and
               all Confidential Information received by De veloper from Novell
               under the Contract Documents.

        14.6   Upon termination of the Contract Documents, end- users of the
               Qualifying Developer Products properly in possession of such and
               not in violation of applicable copyright laws, may continue to
               use such Qualifying Developer Products in accor dance with
               applicable copyright laws. Upon termi nation of the Contract
               Documents all rights asso ciated with the Tools, and rights to
               develop and distribute Qualifying Developer


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Products shall immediately cease.

        14.7   Either party may terminate the Contract Documents at any time
               without cause by giving 180 calendar days' prior written notice
               to the other party.

        14.8   The rights of Novell under this Section are in addition to any
               other rights and remedies provided by law.


16      Remedy for Breach. Developer acknowledges that monetary damages may not
        be a sufficient remedy for unauthorized partial or full disclosure of
        Confidential Information or other breaches under this Agreement and that
        Novell will be entitled, in addition to monetary damages and without
        waiving any other rights or remedies, to injunctive or equitable relief
        as may be determined proper by a court of competent jurisdiction.

17      No Offer for Sale. Absent a signature of an authorized representative of
        Novell, the Contract Documents are not an offer to license any materials
        to Developer either under the terms and conditions of the Contract
        Documents or under any terms and conditions.

18      General Provisions.

        18.1   Force Majeure. If either party shall be prevented from
               performing any portion of this Agreement by causes beyond its
               control, including labor disputes, civil commotion, ware,
               governmental regulations or controls,


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               casualty, inability to obtain materials or services, or acts of
               God, such defaulting party shall be excused from performance for
               the period of the delay and for a reasonable time thereafter.

        18.2   Jurisdiction & Venue. This Agreement shall in all respects be
               governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
               State of Utah, excluding those laws governing conflicts of law.
               In addition, the parties agree that any action relating to, or
               arising under this Agreement shall be instituted and prosecuted
               exclusively in the courts of competent jurisdiction of the State
               of Utah.

        18.3   Survival of Terms. The provisions of this Agreement which by
               their nature extend beyond termination of this Agreement will
               survive and remain in effect until all obligations are satisfied,
               including without limitation Section 6 of this Agreement.

        18.4   Waiver. No waiver of any right or remedy on one occasion by
               either party shall be deemed a waiver of such right or remedy on
               any other occasion.

        18.5   Superior Agreement. This Agreement, Supplements and Exhibits
               referenced herein, sets forth the entire agreement and
               understanding between the parties as to the subject matter and
               merges all prior discussions. Neither of the parties shall be
               bound by any conditions, definitions, warranties, understandings
               or representations with respect to the subject matter other than
               as expressly provided under this Agreement. This Agreement may
               not be modified by usage of trade, course of dealing or other
               similar principles. This Agreement is subject to amendment or
               modification only by a writing duly signed by authorized
               representatives of both parties.

        18.6   Assignment. This Agreement is not assignable by Developer, in
               whole or in part, without Novell's prior written consent.
               Notwithstanding, Novell shall not unreasonably withhold consent
               to an assignment to a parent, subsidiary or affiliate. Any
               attempted assignment without Novell's written consent shall be
               null and void.

        18.7   Notice. Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, all notices
               required under this Agreement shall be deemed effective when
               received and made in writing by either (i) registered mail, (ii)
               certified mail, return receipt requested,


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               or (iii) overnight mail, addressed and sent to the address
               above indicated and to the attention of the party executing this
               Agreement or that person's successor.

        18.8   Singular, Plural and Gender. When used in this Agreement the
               singular includes the plural, the plural includes the singular
               and gender related pronouns include the feminine, masculine and

        18.9   Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid,
               illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality and
               enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way
               be affected or impaired thereby, and shall be interpreted, to the
               extent possible, to achieve the purposes as originally expressed
               with the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision.

        18.10  Independent Contractors. Developer acknowledges that both
               parties to this Agreement are independent contractors and that
               Developer will not represent itself as an agent or legal
               representative of Novell.

        18.11  Compliance with Laws. Developer agrees to comply, at Developer's
               own expense, with all statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances,
               and orders of any governmental body, department or agency which
               apply to or result from Developer's obligations under this
               Agreement. Developer agrees not to export Qualifying Developer
               Products directly or indirectly, separately or as part of a
               system, without first obtaining proper authority to do so from
               the appropriate governmental agencies or entities, as may be
               required by law.

        18.12  Headings. The headings provided in this Agreement are for
               convenience only and shall not be used in interpretation or

        18.13  Compliance with Laws. Regardless of any disclosure made by
               Developer to Novell of an ultimate destination of the Tools or
               Qualifying Developer Products, Developer will not export or
               transfer, whether directly or indirectly, the Tools or Qualifying
               Developer Products, or any portion thereof, or any system
               containing such Tools or Qualifying Developer Products or portion
               thereof, to anyone outside the United States without first
               complying strictly and fully with all export controls that may be
               imposed on the Tools or Qualifying Developer


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Products by the United States Government or any country or
               organization of nations within whose jurisdiction Developer
               operates or does business. In particular, Developer assures
               Novell that, absent any required prior authorization from the
               Office of Export Licensing, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th and
               Constitution Avenue, Washington DC 20230, Developer will not
               export or reexport (as defined in Section 779 of the Export
               Administration Regulations, as amended ("Regulations")) the
               Tools or Qualifying Developer Products or any technical data or
               other confidential information, or direct product of any of the
               foregoing to Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Syria, the People's Republic of
               China, Yugoslavia, or to any country in Country Groups Q, S, W,
               Y, or Z as defined in the supplement No. 1 to Section 770 of the
               Regulations, or such other countries as come under restriction by
               action of the United States Government, or to nationals from or
               residing in the foregoing countries, without first obtaining
               permission from the appropriate United States Government
               authorities. The countries subject to restriction by action of
               the United States Government are subject to change, and it is
               Developer's responsibility to comply with the United States
               Government requirements as they may be amended from time to time.

        18.14  Cumulative Remedies. The remedies under this Agreement will be
               cumulative and not alternative and the election of one remedy for
               breach will not preclude pursuit of other remedies.

        18.15  Attorneys' Fees. If any dispute arises between the parties with
               respect to the matters covered by this Agreement which leads to a
               proceeding to resolve the dispute, the prevailing party in the
               proceeding will be entitled to receive its reasonable attorneys'
               fees, expert witness fees, and out-of-pocket costs incurred in
               connection with the proceeding, in addition to any other relief
               it may be awarded.

        18.16  Publicity. This Agreement is confidential and Developer will not
               issue press releases or engage in other types of publicity of any
               nature dealing with commercial and legal details of this
               Agreement or its subject matter without Novell's prior written
               approval, which will not be unreasonable withheld.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

19      Signatures.












                                  NOVELL, INC.
             NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution License Exhibit

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution License Exhibit (the "Exhibit") to
the NEST SDK 1.x Supplement (the "Supplement") and the Novell Embedded Systems
Technology Master Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by Novell and
Developer. This Exhibit is effective as of November 6, 1995 ("Distribution
License Effective Date").

1       INTRODUCTION. The purpose of this Exhibit is to allow Developer, subject
        to the restrictions contained in this Exhibit and the Agreement, to
        sublicense, duplicate, and distribute Qualifying Developer Products
        developed under the Agreement between Novell and Developer. All terms
        and conditions of the Agreement are incorporated herein by reference and
        shall have full force and effect between the parties in the
        interpretation of this Exhibit.

2       DEFINITIONS. Capitalized terms in this Exhibit have the meanings stated
        below or defined in the Agreement.

        2.1    "Software" means binary code and Program Tools or binary code
               produced from Program Tools that are linked or included in
               Developer Product pursuant to the Supplement and is subject to
               all terms and conditions of that Supplement.

        2.2    "Sublicense" means an executed agreement or shrink-wrap agreement
               or electronic license that an end user consents to by performing
               a physical act (e.g., pushing a button on a keyboard) before
               utilizing the Qualifying Developer Product which at minimum
               provides the following or equivalent protection to Novell:

               2.2.1   restricts the number of copies of the Software to one
                       operating copy per Qualifying Developer Product;

               2.2.2   permits only those number of copies of the Software as
                       are essential to back up or archival use of the Software;

               2.2.3   states that no title to the intellectual property
                       contained in the Software is transferred to the
                       sublicensee and it is retained by Novell;

               2.2.4   represents that the human readable code of the Software
                       (source code) is not sublicensed to the sublicensee;

               2.2.5   restricts sublicensees from de-compiling and reverse
                       assembling the software to discover the source code; and

               2.2.6   prohibits time-sharing, lease, rental, distribution,
                       transfer, sublicense, and unauthorized use of the
                       software, without prior written consent.


        3.1    Distribution License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
               Exhibit and the Agreement, Novell grants to Developer, and
               Developer accepts, a non-exclusive, non-transferable, world-wide
               license to reproduce and distribute (directly or indirectly) the
               Qualifying Developer Products, being the Developer Products
               identified below that are found to meet the Qualifying Developer

               requirements, but only under a Sublicense between Developer and
               its end users or, in the case of distribution through Developer's
               OEM customer, Developer must obtain binding contractual
               assurances that Developer's OEM customers will only distribute
               the Qualifying Developer Products under a Sublicense between
               Developer's OEM customer and its end users.

                       Developer Product Title:________________________________

                       NEST Components Licensed:_______________________________

                       Developer Product Title:________________________________

                       NEST Components Licensed:_______________________________

                       Developer Product Title:________________________________

                       NEST Components Licensed:_______________________________

               Product names identified in this Section are solely to assist
               Novell in program administration, but not for trademark licensing
               purposes. Novell reserves the right to take action in the event
               any Developer Product name violates Novell rights.

4       CONSIDERATION. In exchange for the rights granted by Novell to Developer
        under this Exhibit, Developer agrees to pay Novell a per copy royalty
        per the number of copies of the Qualifying Developer Products it
        transfers, sells, sublicenses or authorizes for use. A non-refundable
        royalty payment ("Non-refundable Royalty Payment") is set forth in the
        Royalty Schedule section below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Developer
        will report all such royalties due to Novell on a monthly basis using
        calendar quarters.

        4.1    Monthly Royalty. In addition, Developer shall pay to Novell a
               royalty based upon the number of copies of each Qualifying
               Developer Product transferred, sold or licensed by Developer.
               Royalties shall accrue upon transfer, sale or license of
               Qualifying Developer Products by Developer and shall be paid to
               Novell no later than forty-five (45) days after the end of each

        4.2    Minimum Royalty. Developer shall pay to Novell a guaranteed
               annual minimum royalty of 30 Thousand Dollars for the Qualifying
               Developer Product that includes the NEST Client Requester and/or
               NetWare IPX/SPX Modules. In addition, should Qualifying Developer
               Products also include the Nprinter modules, Developer shall pay
               to Novell a guaranteed annual minimum royalty of 60 Thousand

        4.3    Audit. Developer shall maintain complete and accurate accounting
               records, in accordance with generally accepted accounting
               practices, to support and document royalty amounts due under this
               Exhibit and shall retain such records for three (3) years after
               payment is made. Developer shall, upon written request of Novell,
               provide audit access to such records to Novell. If Developer so
               decides, a mutually


               acceptable independent accounting firm may conduct the audit at
               Developer's expense. Such access shall be granted only during
               normal business hours and no more frequently than once in each
               calendar year. All information received during the audit shall be
               held in confidence by the parties.

        4.4    Royalty Schedule

Item                 Base Price         Discount           Schedule
                                           Units         Percentage
IPX / SPX                $2.00             5,000               100%
NEST Requester           $4.00            10,000                90%
PServer / NPrinter       $6.00             25000                85%
                                           50000                80%
                                          100000                70%
                                          250000                60%
                                          500000                55%
                                         1000000                45%
                                         5000000                35%
                                        10000000                25%


        5.1    Qualifying Developer Products. Qualifying Developer Products may
               only be sublicensed and distributed according to the terms and
               conditions of this Exhibit.

        5.2    Operating System Companies. Notwithstanding any other
               provision(s) of this Agreement, Developer agrees that it may not
               authorize the distribution of all or any portion of the
               Qualifying Developer Products through companies that design,
               develop, or market computer operating systems without the prior
               written consent of an authorized Novell representative.

        5.3    Protection. Developer agrees to take all reasonable steps to
               protect the Program Tools and related Documentation Tools from
               unauthorized copying or use. The source code of the Program Tools
               provided in binary form represents and embodies trade secrets of
               Novell which are not licensed to Developer. Developer agrees not
               to reverse assemble or reverse compile this binary code to
               discovery the source code.

        5.4    Documentation.  Developer agrees to include a conspicuous 
               statement in its


               documentation identifying Developer as the primary support
               contact for the Qualifying Developer Products distributed by
               Developer. Upon request, Developer agrees to provide Novell with
               three copies of its then current documentation.

        5.5    End-user support. Developer agrees to provide all technical
               support for all aspects of the Qualifying Developer Product.

        5.6    Yes Logo. Developer agrees to prominently display the Yes Logo on
               Qualifying Developer Product, and all marketing materials,
               product packaging, and advertising material related to Qualifying
               Developer Product; to emphasize the Yes Logo in at least one
               Qualifying Developer Product advertisement, Qualifying Developer
               Product line advertisement, or corporate positioning
               advertisement in an appropriate national publication; and provide
               appropriate product and program descriptions in all materials
               bearing the Yes Logo.


        6.1    Term. The term of this Exhibit shall be one year from the
               Distribution License Effective Date of and shall automatically
               renew for successive one year periods unless either party
               provides thirty (30) days or more prior written notice of its
               intent to terminate this Exhibit.

        6.2    Termination for Convenience. Either party may terminate this
               Exhibit and the licenses granted by Novell under the Licenses and
               Restrictions Section of this Exhibit at any time without cause by
               giving 180 calendar days' prior written notice to the other
               party. In the case that Novell exercises it right to terminate
               for convenience, Developer may distribute Qualifying Developer
               Product then in inventory for which Developer has already paid


Novell, Inc.                             [Developer] DIGITAL PRODUCTS INC. 

Signature:_________________________      Signature:____________________________

Name:______________________________      Name:_________________________________

Title:_____________________________      Title:________________________________

Date:______________________________      Date:_________________________________


Company Confidential                      Execution Original: November 16, 1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  ADDENDUM TO:

             NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution License Exhibit

This ADDENDUM amends and supplements the NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution
License Exhibit dated November ___, 1995 ("AGREEMENT") between Novell, Inc., a
Delaware corporation having a principal place of business at 1555 North
Technology Way, Orem, Utah 84057 ("NOVELL") and Digital Products, Inc., a
Massachusetts corporation haying a principal place of business at 411 Waverly
Oaks Rd., Waltham, MA 02154 ("Developer").

1.       AGREEMENT. The AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect, except
         that it shall be modified as set forth in this ADDENDUM. Any
         capitalized terms which are not defined in this ADDENDUM shall have the
         meaning set forth in the AGREEMENT. Should a conflict arise between
         this ADDENDUM and the AGREEMENT, the provisions of this ADDENDUM shall

2.       MODIFICATIONS. The parties hereby agree that the AGREEMENT shall be and
         hereby is modified as follows:

         a.       The opening paragraph of the Exhibit shall be modified as 

                           "This NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution License
                           Exhibit (the "Exhibit") to the NEST SDK 1.x
                           Supplement (the "Supplement")..."

                           shall read

                           "This NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution
                           License Exhibit (the "Exhibit") to the NEST SDK
                           Technology Provider Supplement (the

         b. Section 3.1 of the shall be modified as follows:

                           "Developer Product Title:__________________________
                           NEST Components Licensed:_________________________"

                           shall read

                           "Developer Product Title: NETPrint, JETXPrint
                           NEST Components Licensed: NEST Requester___________"

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NEST Agreements                                                         Addendum
DPI_DIST.ADD                                                        Novell, Inc.


Company Confidential                      Execution Original: November 16, 1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.       CONTINUANCE OF AGREEMENT. Except as expressly amended and supplemented
         by this ADDENDUM, all the terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT shall
         remain in full force and effect. This ADDENDUM together with the
         AGREEMENT, set forth the entire agreement and understanding between the
         parties pertaining to the subject matter and merge all prior
         discussions between them. Neither of the parties shall be bound by any
         conditions, definitions, warranties, understandings or representations
         with respect to the subject matter other than as expressly provided in
         this ADDENDUM and the AGREEMENT.

NOVELL, INC.                                         COMPANY

Signature:_____________________________      Signature:________________________

Name:__________________________________      Name:_____________________________

Title:_________________________________      Title:____________________________

Date:__________________________________      Date:_____________________________

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NEST Agreements                                                         Addendum
DPI_DIST.ADD                                                        Novell, Inc.


Company Confidential                      Execution Original: November 16, 1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    EXHIBIT Z

                           Operating System Companies

IBM                                                  Digital Equipment Corp.
Apple Computer                                       Adobe Systems
NEC Technologies                                     Brother
Olivetti                                             Kyocera
Texas Instruments                                    Casio
Genicom                                              Wang
Unisys                                               Silicon Graphics
Compaq Computer                                      Ricoh
Gateway 2000                                         Epson
Panasonic                                            Seiko
Sun and SunPics                                      Xerox
AT&T                                                 Hewlett-Packard
Citizen                                              Pentax
Nortel (Northern Telecom)                            Konica
Siemens                                              Mitsubishi
Toshiba                                              Matsushita
Canon                                                Olympus
Bull                                                 Oki

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NEST Agreements                                                         Addendum
DPI_DIST.ADD                                                        Novell, Inc.


                                 Amendment No. I

The Novell Embedded Systems Technology (NEST) Master Agreement, NEST SDK
Technology Provider, Supplement, NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution License
Exhibit and Special Addendum, each effective 1 December 1995, as amended by
Addendum to NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution License Exhibit, effective
15 April 1996, and Letter, dated 6 December 1996, (collectively, the
"Agreement") by and between Novell, Inc. ("Novell") and Digital Products Inc.
("Developer") is hereby further amended as set forth below. This Amendment No. I
is effective when executed by an authorized Novell signatory ("Effective Date").

WHEREAS, Developer has been acquired by and merged into Osicom Corporation;

WHEREAS, the parties wish to change the discount achievement under the
Agreement; and


1.       With the execution of this Amendment by each of the parties, all
         reference to Digital Products Inc. in the Agreement executed prior
         hereto by and between Novell and Developer are hereby changed to Osicom
         Corporation (DPI Print Server Division).

2.       Notwithstanding anything in the Agreement to the contrary, the Royalty
         Schedule specified in Paragraph 4.4 of the NEST SDK Developer Product
         Distribution License Exhibit is hereby changed as follows.

         i.       On or before 1 May 1998 and each year during the remaining
                  term of the Agreement, Developer shall complete and submit to
                  Novell a copy of the NEST Unit Forecast Chart (NEST UFC)
                  attached hereto as Attachment A which is incorporated into and
                  made a part of the Agreement by this reference. Such yearly
                  NEST UFC resets at the beginning of the year the number of
                  units distributed to zero.

                  (a).     The parties agree Developer shall pay a per unit
                           royalty of $2.40 for each Qualifying Developer
                           Product it distributes during the period 1 July 1997
                           through 30 April 1998.

         ii.      Based upon the estimated number of units to be shipped as
                  indicated on the NEST UFC, Developer shall submit its royalty
                  payment to Novell at the applicable discount determined by the
                  Royalty Schedule in Paragraph 4.4.

                  (a).     During the term of the Agreement, in the event
                           Developer exceeds an established discount level by
                           distributing in excess of the required number of
                           units, Novell grants Developer the right to apply the
                           new discount to subsequent units distributed. Such
                           new discount shall not be retroactively applied to
                           units distributed prior to exceeding the established
                           discount level.


         iii.     Novell shall monitor the number of units shipped by Developer
                  and if after two quarters Developer's actual number of units
                  shipped do not equal the estimated number of units submitted
                  on the NEST UFC, Developer shall adjust its royalty payment to
                  Novell using the applicable discount.

         iv.      Novell and Developer shall make a final adjustment at the end
                  of April based upon Developer's actual number of units shipped
                  and the royalty payment made to Novell.

                           (1)      If Developer has under paid Novell,
                                    Developer agrees to submit payment to Novell
                                    in accordance with the terms of the
                                    Agreement; or

                           (2)      If Developer has over paid Novell, Novell
                                    shall credit Developer's account and such
                                    credit shall be applied to subsequent units
                                    shipped by Developer in the immediately
                                    forthcoming year.

3.       Term. This Amendment shall be coterminous with the Agreement.

4.       Signature. This Amendment may be signed in counterparts.


NOVELL, INC.                                        OSICOM CORPORATION
                                                    (DPI PRINT SERVER DIVISION)

Signature:__________________________         Signature:________________________
            Authorized Signature                         Authorized Signature

Name:_______________________________         Name:_____________________________
               Print or Type                               Print or Type

Title:______________________________         Title:____________________________

Date:_______________________________         Date:_____________________________


                                  ATTACHMENT A
                            NEST Unit Forecast Chart

Year                              Quarter Forecast                  Total Units
Date:________________             Quarter 1
                                  Quarter 2
                                  Quarter 3
                                  Quarter 4

Next year

        This chart to be sent facsimile to the attention of Accounts Payable,
Mr. Jerry Xia, at 408-577-5553.

Quarterly Unit Forecasts
Novell Royalty Units
Calendar Year 1998

Year               1998   Quarter Forecast     Total Units
Date            4/30/98   Quarter 1              14,200
                          Quarter 2              17,000
                          Quarter 3              18,500
                          Quarter 4              26,000
                          Totals                 75,700

Next Year Renewal Date                         4/30/99

                        Confidential - Execution Original

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  NOVELL, INC.

                     NEST SDK Technology Provider Supplement

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1        Purpose. This Supplement is issued under the Novell Embedded Systems
         Technology Master Agreement ("Agreement"). Under this Supplement
         Novell authorizes Developer to create Qualifying Developer Products and
         to distribute the Tools to Developer's customers that enter into the
         appropriate agreements with Novell. The Tools in this Supplement are
         intellectual property of Novell, and/or its licensors, and their
         distribution will be tightly controlled.

2        Definitions. Capitalized terms in this Supplement have the same
         meanings stated below or defined in the Agreement:

         2.1      Customer means a party that desire to license the Tools
                  through Developer from Novell.

         2.2      Customer Agreements means the agreements that Customer must
                  sign before Developer can provide Tools to Customer. The
                  Customer Agreements include the Novell Embedded Systems
                  Technology Master License Agreement and the NEST SDK
                  v1.xSupplement. Related agreements include the NEST Developer
                  Product Distribution Exhibit (the "Distribution Exhibit").
                  Customer is not required to execute the Distribution Exhibit
                  before receipt of the Tools, but Customer must enter into a
                  Distribution Exhibit with Novell before Customer will be
                  authorized to distribute or sell any Customer Products
                  developed from the Tools.

         2.3      Customer Product means the Qualifying Developer Products
                  defined in the Customer Agreements.

         2.4      Developer Toolkit means a development kit of the Developer
                  that in addition to containing Developer source code, binary
                  code, and documentation, also includes the Tools or Derivative
                  Works, in source and/or binary form. Developer Toolkits may
                  only be provided to Licensed Customers.

         2.5      Licensed Customer means a Customer that has entered into the
                  Customer Agreements with Novell and has purchased the Tools
                  from Developer.

         2.6      License Fee Addendum means a form addendum to Customer
                  Agreement, attached to this Supplement, which Developer may
                  provide to Customer in

                        Confidential - Execution Original

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  order to enable Developer to receive payment for Tools it
                  provides to Licensed Customer. The License Fee Addendum also
                  provides Developer with the means to negotiate its own fee for
                  Tools it provides to Licensed Customers.

         2.7      Technology Provider means a Developer that is licensed to sell
                  and distribute the Tools in accordance with the terms of this

         2.8      Toolkit Source means source code of the Tools and source code
                  of derivative works thereof contained in the Developer

         2.9      Tools. The Tools provided under this Supplement are the
                  Novell Embedded Systems Technology SDK 1.x, which currently
                  consists of the following:

                  2.9.1    Source Code and Documentation:

- -Link Support Layer (LSL)
- -NetWare IPX/SPX
- -Multiple Link Interface Driver (MLID)
- -Configuration Tool
- -Hardware Specific Module (HSM)
- -Client API
- -NEST Client Requester
- -Pserver
- -Service Advertising Protocol (SAP)
- -Nprinter

- -Client Authentication Code:
386funcs.c        atbmd5.c          atbpub.c
bsafe.c           bsafehan.c        bsfcont
bsf_rc2c.c        debug.c           diffhelm.c
digest.c          hwdfuncs.c        mac.c
makesecr.c        makkey.c          m d c . c
myclib.c          output.c          public.c
ran.c             rsa1.c            rsa2c.c
secret.c          suite.c           tdata.c

                  2.9.2    Documentation Only:

- -Portable Operating System Extension

                  2.9.3    Binary Code and Documentation:

- -Certification and Test Tools

Novell may change the files that comprise the NEST SDK 1.x from time to time at
its own option without the need to make formal changes to this section.

3        Consideration. Developer agrees to pay Novell upon execution of this
         Supplement a non-refundable license fee of $175,000 for five (5) sets
         of Tools for internal use or distribution to Licensed Customers.
         Additional sets of the Tools may be purchase at the discounted
         non-refundable license fee of $35,000 per set of Tools.

4        Program Tools License Restriction. With respect to Novell's Client
         Authentication Source Code, Developer's license is limited to compile
         and link Novell's Client Authentication Source Code in an unmodified
         form in Developer Products. Novell's Client Authentication Code is
         more specifically identified in Section 2.9.1 of this


                        Confidential - Execution Original

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Supplement. Subject to a Distribution License Exhibit, Developer may be
         licensed only to ship code in binary form which is compiled from
         Novell's Client Authentication Source Code without modification.

5        Distribution License.

         5.1      Developer Product Distribution. No distribution rights for
                  Developer Products are granted under this Supplement.
                  Developer Product distribution license terms, including but
                  not limited to royalties, shall be set forth in a Distribution
                  License Exhibit which may be entered into by Novell and

         5.2      Tools Distribution. Novell grants Developer a non-exclusive,
                  non-transferable license to distribute the Tools, unopened and
                  undamaged as supplied to Developer by Novell, and/or Developer
                  Toolkits to Licensed Customers. Developer may not distribute
                  the Tools or Developer Toolkits to Customers that have not
                  entered into a Customer Agreement with Novell. Developer
                  acknowledges that Novell reserves the right to enter into
                  Customer Agreements with certain Customers at Novell's sole
                  discretion. Novell also reserves the right to reject modified
                  Customer Agreements submitted by Customers to Novell for

6        Developer Products.

Developer Product Title:

- ----------------------------------------

Developer Product Title:

- ----------------------------------------

7        Developer Toolkits.

Developer Toolkit



- -----------------------------------------

Developer Toolkit



- -----------------------------------------

8        Developer Support and Training. During the first year of the Term of
         this Supplement, Novell agrees to provide to Developer telephone
         support for up to eight incidents. One incident shall mean a single
         support call or multiple support calls required to resolve a single
         Support or Maintenance Modification issue. When the eight incidents
         are used or beginning in the second year of the term of this
         Supplement, whichever comes first, Developer shall pay a separate fee
         for maintenance and support at Novell's


                        Confidential - Execution Original

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         then current pricing, terms and conditions.

         In addition, Novell will provide a two day training course to no more
         than two Developer engineers at a Novell facility. Such training will
         include instruction on materials provided in the Tools which is
         provided to Developer in accordance with this Supplement. All training
         will be scheduled by Novell. Novell reserves the right to group
         Developer's engineers with other developers' engineers in its training
         courses. Training will be offered at least once per calendar quarter.
         Each party shall bear its own costs and expenses with respect to

9        Developer Requirements and Duties.

         9.1      Developer shall audit and police its Licensed Customers, upon
                  Novell's reasonable request, to protect Novell's intellectual
                  property rights and to assist Novell in ensuring timely
                  and documented royalty payments from Licensed Customers.

         9.2      Developer shall provide engineering support and training on
                  the use of the Tools to its Licensed Customers.

         9.3      Developer shall employ one CNE who is qualified in the
                  relevant field of its Licensed Customer's specialization (eg.
                  PBX, Printing Services, Automation Control).

         9.4      Developer must have two engineers attend Novell training on
                  the use of the Tools.

         9.5      Bundling. Developer agrees not to distribute Developer
                  Toolkits separately from the Tools, unopened and undamaged as
                  supplied to Developer by Novell.

         9.6      Operating System Companies. Notwithstanding any other
                  provision(s) of this Supplement, Developer agrees that it may
                  not distribute Developer Toolkits or the Tools through
                  companies that design or develop computer operating systems
                  without the prior written consent of an authorized Novell

         9.7      Protection. Developer agrees to take all reasonable steps to
                  protect the Tools and related Documentation Tools from 
                  unauthorized copying or use. The Toolkit Source and the source
                  code of the Tools provided in binary form represents and
                  embodies trade secrets of Novell which are not licensed to
                  Developer. Developer shall not reverse engineer, decompile, or
                  disassemble the Tools. If the Tools are used within a country


                        Confidential - Execution Original

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  the European Community, nothing in this Agreement shall be
                  construed as restricting any rights available under the EC
                  Council Directive 14 May 1991 on the legal protection of
                  computer programs.

         9.8      Documentation. Developer agrees to include a conspicuous
                  statement in its documentation identifying Developer as the
                  primary support contact for the Tools and Developer Toolkit
                  distributed by Developer. Upon request, Developer agrees to
                  provide Novell with three copies of its then current

10       Licensed Customer Requirements. Licenses between Developer and Licensed
         Customer shall:

         10.1     assure that Licensed Customer will not distribute Toolkit
                  Source or source code to derivative works of Toolkit Source.

         10.2     assure that no title to the Toolkit Source or Derivative Works
                  thereof is transferred to the Licensed Customer. Title and
                  full ownership rights to the Toolkit Source and its derivative
                  works will remain Novell's exclusive property, and the
                  Licensed Customer will not acquire any rights, including but
                  not limited to any rights in the trademark, trade names,
                  patents or trade secrets of the Toolkit Source or its
                  derivative works thereof.

         10.3     assure that Licensed Customer distributes object code copies
                  of the Developer Toolkit derivative works solely in con-
                  junction with the Qualifying Developer Product under the terms
                  of the Customer Agreement.

         10.4     include an attachment clearly identifying the components of
                  the Developer Toolkit that are Tools or Toolkit Source, which
                  includes the following statement:



                        Confidential - Execution Original

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11       Signatures.












                        Confidential - Execution Original

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            ATTACHMENT: FORM ADDENDUM


Developer and Novell agree that the following terms and conditions amend and
supplement the NEST SDK 1.x Supplement ("the Supplement"):

1        The following definitions shall be added to Section 2 of the

                  "Technology Provider means a third-party entity, namely
                  Digital Products Inc. , which Novell has licensed to
                  distribute and sell the Tools under the terms and conditions
                  of a certain NEST SDK Technology Provider Supplement entered
                  into by Novell and the third-party."

2        Section 8 of the Supplement shall be replaced with the following:

                  "Consideration Developer agrees to pay the Technology Provider
                  upon execution of this Supplement a non-refundable license
                  fee, to be negotiated between Developer and Technology
                  Provider, for the Tools. Maintenance Modifications and
                  Enhancements to the Tools may require additional license fees.







Developer:       DIGITAL PRODUCTS







- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  NOVELL, INC.

                          COMPOSITE SIGNATURE AGREEMENT

Name and Address of Customer:

Digital Products, Inc.                      telephone: 617-647-1234
411 Waverly Oaks Road                       facsimile: 617-647-4474

Waltham, MA 02154

Novell Branch Office:

122 East 1700 South                         telephone: 801-429-7000
Provo, Utah 84606                           facsimile:801-453-1267

         This Composite Signature Agreement is entered into by and between
Novell Inc. ("Novell") and Digital Products, Inc. ("Developer"), and shall
commence on the date accepted and executed by Novell ("Effective Date").

         This Composite Signature Agreement, when signed by Novell and
Developer, shall have the same effect as each of the below identified documents
would have if signed by Developer.

Initials         Title of Document
__________       Special Addendum (DPI_DIST.ADD)

__________       NEST SDR Developer Product Distribution License Exhibit (SDKOEM..100)

         Each of the identified documents is incorporated by reference. In the
event of a conflict or ambiguity between documents, the specific shall control
the general; the relative order of specificity of the documents is as follows:
(1) Special Addenda, (2) Standard Addenda, and (3) the Standard Agreement.


         This Agreement, together with all referenced documents, is the
exclusive statement of the entire agreement between Novell and Developer and
supersedes all prior oral and written representations or agreements between the
parties as to the subject matter of the Agreement.

Accepted by:

Novell, Inc.                             Digital Products, Inc.

By:_______________________________       By:_________________________________

Title:____________________________       Title:______________________________

Date:_____________________________       Date:_______________________________

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  ADDENDUM TO:

             NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution License Exhibit

This ADDENDUM amends and supplements the NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution
License Exhibit dated December 28 , 1995 ("AGREEMENT") between Novell, Inc., a
Delaware corporation having a principal place of business at 1555 North
Technology Way, Orem, Utah 84057 ("NOVELL") and Digital Products, Inc., a
Massachusetts corporation having a principal place of business at 411 Waverly
Oaks Rd., Waltham, MA 02154 ("Developer").

1.       AGREEMENT. The AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect, except
         that it shall be modified as set forth in this ADDENDUM. Any
         capitalized terms which are not defined in this ADDENDUM shall have the
         meaning set forth in the AGREEMENT. Should a conflict arise between
         this ADDENDUM and the AGREEMENT, the provisions of this ADDENDUM shall

2.       MODIFICATIONS. The parties hereby agree that the AGREEMENT shall be and
         hereby is modified as follows:

         a.       The preamble to the Exhibit is hereby modified as follows:

                           "This NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution License
                           Exhibit (the "Exhibit") to the NEST SDK 1.x
                           Supplement (the "Supplement")..."

                           Is replaced with

                           "This NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution License
                           Exhibit (the "Exhibit") to the NEST SDK Technology
                           Provider Supplement (the "Supplement")..."

         b.        Section 3.1 of the Exhibit is hereby modified as follows:

                           "Developer Product Title:__________________________

                           NEST Components Licensed:_________________________"

                           Is replaced with

                           "Developer Product Title: NetPrint product family
                           NEST Components Licensed: NEST Requester

                           Developer Product Title: JetPrint boards
                           NEST Components Licensed: NEST Requester"

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NEST Agreements                                                        Addendum
DPI_DIST.AD3                                                       Novell, Inc.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         c.       The following Section 4.5 is hereby be added to the
                  Consideration section of the Exhibit:

                           "NTLP and NetWare Transport Fees. In consideration
                           for Developer actively participating as a Technology
                           Provider, and developing and distributing Qualifying
                           Developer Products in accordance with the conditions
                           of the NEST SDK Technology Provider Supplement and
                           this Exhibit, Novell waives the following fees owed
                           to Novell by Developer:

                                    -A total of $75,000, comprised of the
                                    $25,000 annual royalty payments due to
                                    Novell by Developer for each of the
                                    anniversary dates January 2, 1993, January
                                    2, 1994 and January 2, 1995 of the NetWare
                                    Transport Software License Agreement
                                    executed by Novell and Developer on January
                                    2, 1992.

                                    -The annual fee of $15,000 for the period
                                    October 13, 1994 to October 12, 1995 due to
                                    Novell by Developer under the NetWare
                                    Technology Licensing Program Supplement,
                                    NetWare v.3.1x and 4.0 - Service Requester

                           In addition, Developer may continue until December
                           31, 1995 to distribute products (IPX Products)
                           containing IPX/SPX, developed pursuant to the NetWare
                           Transport Software License Agreement, in accordance
                           with the terms of the NetWare Transport Software
                           License Agreement (NTSLA IPX/SPX), without incurring
                           additional royalties. Developer may purchase a
                           license to distribute the IPX Product according to
                           the terms of the NetWare Transport Software License
                           Agreement during the period of January 1, 1996 to
                           December 31, 1996 by paying Novell a pre-paid,
                           non-refundable license fee for the NTSLA IPX/SPX
                           components of the IPX Products of $25,000 for the
                           initial 50,000 units of IPX Product and a per copy
                           royalty of $1.20 for each unit in excess of the
                           initial 50,000 units.

         d.       The following Section 4.6 is hereby be added to the
                  Consideration section of the Exhibit:

                  In accordance with the royalty schedule in Section 4.4, within
                  thirty (30) days from the execution of this Exhibit Developer
                  shall pay Novell a per copy royalty per the number of copies
                  of the Qualifying Developer Products it has transferred, sold,
                  sublicensed or authorized for use prior to the execution of
                  this Exhibit.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NEST Agreements                                                        Addendum
DPI_DIST.AD3                       -2-                             Novell, Inc.

         e. Section 6.1 of the Exhibit is hereby replaced with the following:

                  "Term. The term of this Exhibit shall be two years from the
                  Distribution License Effective date and shall automatically
                  renew for successive one year periods unless either party
                  provides thirty (30) days or more prior written notice of its
                  intent to terminate this Exhibit."

3.       CONTINUANCE OF AGREEMENT. Except as expressly amended and supplemented
         by this ADDENDUM, all the terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT shall
         remain in full force and effect. This ADDENDUM together with the
         AGREEMENT, set forth the entire agreement and understanding between the
         parties pertaining to the subject matter and merge all prior
         discussions between them. Neither of the parties shall be bound by any
         conditions, definitions, warranties, understandings or representations
         with respect to the subject matter other than as expressly provided in
         this ADDENDUM and the AGREEMENT.

NOVELL, INC.                              COMPANY

Signature:________________________      Signature:_____________________________

Name:_____________________________      Name:__________________________________

Title:____________________________      Title:_________________________________

Date:_____________________________      Date:__________________________________

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NEST Agreements                                                        Addendum
DPI_DIST.AD3                       -3-                             Novell, Inc.

                                  NOVELL, INC.

             NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution License Exhibit

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This NEST SDK Developer Product Distribution License Exhibit (the "Exhibit") to
the NEST SDK 1.x Supplement (the "Supplement") and the Novell Embedded Systems
Technology Master Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by Novell and
Developer. This Exhibit is effective as of ____________________, 199__
("Distribution License Effective Date").

1        INTRODUCTION. The purpose of this Exhibit is to allow Developer,
         subject to the restrictions contained in this Exhibit and the
         Agreement, to sublicense, duplicate, and distribute Qualifying
         Developer Products developed under the Agreement between Novell and
         Developer. All terms and conditions of the Agreement are incorporated
         herein by reference and shall have full force and effect between the
         parties in the interpretation of this Exhibit.

2        DEFINITIONS. Capitalized terms in this Exhibit have the meanings stated
         below or defined in the Agreement.

         2.1      "Software" means binary code and Program Tools or binary code
                  produced from Program Tools that are linked or included in
                  Developer Product pursuant to the Supplement and is subject to
                  all terms and conditions of that Supplement.

         2.2      "Sublicense" means an executed agreement or shrink-wrap
                  agreement or electronic license that an end user consents to
                  by performing a physical act (e.g., pushing a button on a
                  keyboard) before utilizing the Qualifying Developer Product
                  which at minimum provides the following or equivalent
                  protection to Novell:

                  2.2.1    restricts the number of copies of the Software to one
                           operating copy per Qualifying Developer Product;

                  2.2.2    permits only those number of copies of the Software
                           as are essential to back up or archival use of the

                  2.2.3    states that no title to the intellectual property
                           contained in the Software is transferred to the
                           sublicensee and it is retained by Novell;

                  2.2.4    represents that the human readable code of the
                           Software (source code) is not sublicensed to the

                  2.2.5    restricts sublicensees from de-compiling and reverse
                           assembling the software to discover the source code;

                  2.2.6    prohibits time-sharing, lease, rental, distribution,
                           transfer, sublicense, and unauthorized use of the
                           software, without prior written consent.


         3.1      Distribution License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
                  this Exhibit and the Agreement, Novell grants to Developer,
                  and Developer accepts, a non-exclusive, non-transferable,
                  world-wide license to reproduce and distribute (directly or
                  indirectly) the Qualifying Developer Products, being the
                  Developer Products identified below that are found to meet the
                  Qualifying Developer Product

                  requirements, but only under a Sublicense between Developer
                  and its end users or, in the case of distribution through
                  Developer's OEM customer, Developer must obtain binding
                  contractual assurances that Developer's OEM customers will
                  only distribute the Qualifying Developer Products under a
                  Sublicense between Developers OEM customer and its end users.

                       Developer Product Title:________________________________

                       NEST Components Licensed:_______________________________

                       Developer Product Title:________________________________

                       NEST Components Licensed:_______________________________

                       Developer Product Title:________________________________

                       NEST Components Licensed:_______________________________

                  Product names identified in this Section are solely to assist
                  Novell in program administration, but not for trademark
                  licensing purposes. Novell reserves the right to take action
                  in the event any Developer Product name violates Novell

4        CONSIDERATION. In exchange for the rights granted by Novell to
         Developer under this Exhibit, Developer agrees to pay Novell a per copy
         royalty per the number of copies of the Qualifying Developer Products
         it transfers, sells, sublicenses or authorizes for use. A
         non-refundable royalty payment ("Non-refundable Royalty Payment") is
         set forth in the Royalty Schedule section below. Notwithstanding the
         foregoing, Developer will report all such royalties due to Novell on a
         monthly basis using calendar quarters.

         4.1      Monthly Royalty. In addition, Developer shall pay to Novell a
                  royalty based upon the number of copies of each Qualifying
                  Developer Product transferred, sold or licensed by Developer.
                  Royalties shall accrue upon transfer, sale or license of
                  Qualifying Developer Products by Developer and shall be paid
                  to Novell no later than forty-five (45) days after the end of
                  each month.

         4.2      Minimum Royalty. Developer shall pay to Novell a guaranteed
                  annual minimum royalty of 30 Thousand Dollars for the
                  Qualifying Developer Product that includes the NEST Client
                  Requester and/or NetWare IPX/SPX Modules. In addition, should
                  Qualifying Developer Products also include the NPrinter
                  modules, Developer shall pay to Novell a guaranteed annual
                  minimum royalty of 60 Thousand Dollars.

         4.3      Audit. Developer shall maintain complete and accurate
                  accounting records, in accordance with generally accepted
                  accounting practices, to support and document royalty amounts
                  due under this Exhibit and shall retain such records for three
                  (3) years after payment is made. Developer shall, upon written
                  request of Novell, provide audit access to such records to
                  Novell. If Developer so decides, a mutually acceptable
                  independent accounting firm may conduct the audit at


                  expense. Such access shall be granted only during normal
                  business hours and no more frequently than once in each
                  calendar year. All information received during the audit shall
                  be held in confidence by the parties.

         4.4      Royalty Schedule

Item                       Base Price                 Discount               Schedule
                                                         Units             Percentage

IPX / SPX                       $2.00                    5,000                   100%
NEST Requester                  $4.00                   10,000                    90%
PServer/NPrinter                $6.00                   25,000                    85%
                                                        50,000                    80%
                                                       100,000                    70%
                                                       250,000                    60%
                                                       500,000                    55%
                                                     1,000,000                    45%
                                                     5,000,000                    35%
                                                    10,000,000                    25%


         5.1      Qualifying Developer Products. Qualifying Developer Products
                  may only be sublicensed and distributed according to the terms
                  and conditions of this Exhibit.

         5.2      Operating System Companies. Notwithstanding any other
                  provision(s) of this Agreement, Developer agrees that it may
                  not authorize the distribution of all or any portion of the
                  Qualifying Developer Products through companies that design,
                  develop, or market computer operating systems without the
                  prior written consent of an authorized Novell representative.

         5.3      Protection. Developer agrees to take all reasonable steps to
                  protect the Program Tools and related Documentation Tools from
                  unauthorized copying or use. The source code of the Program
                  Tools provided in binary form represents and embodies trade
                  secrets of Novell which are not licensed to Developer.
                  Developer agrees not to reverse assemble or reverse compile
                  this binary code to discover the source code.

         5.4      Documentation. Developer agrees to include a conspicuous
                  statement in its documentation identifying Developer as the
                  primary support contact for the


                  Qualifying Developer Products distributed by Developer. Upon
                  request, Developer agrees to provide Novell with three copies
                  of its then current documentation.

         5.5      End-user support. Developer agrees to provide all technical
                  support for all aspects of the Qualifying Developer Product.

         5.6      Yes Logo. Developer agrees to prominently display the Yes Logo
                  on Qualifying Developer Product, and all marketing materials,
                  product packaging, and advertising material related to
                  Qualifying Developer Product; to emphasize the Yes Logo in at
                  least one Qualifying Developer Product advertisement,
                  Qualifying Developer Product line advertisement, or corporate
                  positioning advertisement in an appropriate national
                  publication; and provide appropriate product and program
                  descriptions in all materials bearing the Yes Logo.


         6.1      Term. The term of this Exhibit shall be one year from the
                  Distribution License Effective Date of and shall automatically
                  renew for successive one year periods unless either party
                  provides thirty (30) days or more prior written notice of its
                  intent to terminate this Exhibit.

         6.2      Termination for Convenience. Either party may terminate this
                  Exhibit and the licenses granted by Novell under the Licenses
                  and Restrictions Section of this Exhibit at any time without
                  cause by giving 180 calendar days' prior written notice to the
                  other party. In the case that Novell exercises it right to
                  terminate for convenience, Developer may distribute Qualifying
                  Developer Product then in inventory for which Developer has
                  already paid royalties.

7        SIGNATURES.

NOVELL, INC.                                (DEVELOPER)________________________
Signature:__________________________        Signature:_________________________

Name:_______________________________        Name:______________________________

Title:______________________________        Title:_____________________________

Date:_______________________________        Date:______________________________
