Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                                 Exchange Act of 1934

                                 (Amendment No.    )

     Filed by the Registrant  [X]
     Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  [ ]
     Check the appropriate box:
     [ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
     [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
     [X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
     [ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
     [ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section

                                  MILTOPE GROUP INC.
                   (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

             (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the

     Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

     [X]  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-
          6(i)(2) or Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.

     [ ]  $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act Rule

     [ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-
          1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction

          2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction

          3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

          4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

          5)  Total fee paid:


     [ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

     [ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
     paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
          1)   Amount Previously Paid:

          2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

          3)   Filing Party:

          4)   Date Filed:



                                  MILTOPE GROUP INC.




     To the Stockholders of Miltope Group Inc.:

        The Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Meeting") of Miltope Group
     Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), will be held at the Company's
     corporate headquarters, 500 Richardson Road South, Hope Hull, Alabama,
     Monday, June 5, 1995 at 10:00 A.M., Local Time, to consider and act upon
     the following:

        1.     To elect eight directors of the Company to serve as the Board of
               Directors until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until
               their successors are elected and qualified;

        2.     To approve the Company's 1995 Stock Option and Performance Award
               Plan; and

        3.     To consider and act upon such other matters as may properly come
               before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

        Only stockholders of record of the Common Stock, $.01 par value, of the
     Company at the close of business on April 25, 1995 shall be entitled to
     receive notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting, and at any adjournment or
     adjournments thereof.  A Proxy and a Proxy Statement for the Meeting are
     enclosed herewith.

        All stockholders are cordially invited to attend the Meeting.  If you do
     not expect to be present, you are requested to fill in, date and sign the
     enclosed Proxy, which is solicited by the Board of Directors of the
     Company, and to mail it promptly in the enclosed envelope to make sure that
     your shares are represented at the Meeting.  In the event you decide to
     attend the Meeting in person, you may, if you desire, revoke your Proxy and
     vote your shares in person.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        LEONARD GUBAR

     Dated:  May 5, 1995



                                  MILTOPE GROUP INC.

                              500 RICHARDSON ROAD SOUTH
                               HOPE HULL, ALABAMA 36043


                                   PROXY STATEMENT
                            ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                     JUNE 5, 1995



        This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of
     proxies by the Board of Directors of Miltope Group Inc., a Delaware
     corporation (the "Company"), to be voted at the Annual Meeting of
     Stockholders of the Company (the "Meeting") which will be held at the
     Company's corporate headquarters, 500 Richardson Road South, Hope Hull,
     Alabama 36043, on Monday, June 5, 1995 at 10:00 A.M., Local Time, and any
     adjournment or adjournments thereof, for the purposes set forth in the
     accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and in this Proxy

        The principal executive offices of the Company are located at 500
     Richardson Road South, Hope Hull, Alabama 36043.  The approximate date on
     which this Proxy Statement and the accompanying Proxy will first be sent or
     given to stockholders is May 5, 1995.

        A Proxy, in the accompanying form, which is properly executed, duly
     returned to the Company and not revoked will be voted in accordance with
     the instructions contained therein and, in the absence of specific
     instructions, will be voted (i) for the election as directors of persons
     who have been nominated by the Board of Directors, (ii) for the approval of
     the Company's 1995 Stock Option and Performance Award Plan (the "1995
     Plan"), and (iii) in accordance with the judgment of the person or persons
     voting the proxies on any other matter that may be properly brought before
     the Meeting.  Each such Proxy granted may be revoked at any time thereafter
     by writing to the Secretary of the Company prior to the Meeting, or by
     execution and delivery of a subsequent Proxy or by attendance and voting in
     person at the Meeting, except as to any matter or matters upon which, prior
     to such revocation, a vote shall have been cast pursuant to the authority
     conferred by such Proxy.

                                  VOTING SECURITIES

        Stockholders of record as of the close of business on April 25, 1995
     (the "Record Date") will be entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the
     Meeting or any adjournments thereof.  On the Record Date there were
     outstanding 5,845,148 shares of the Common Stock, $.01 par value.  There
     was no other class of voting securities outstanding at that date.  Each
     holder of Common Stock is entitled to one vote for each share held by such
     holder.  The presence, in person or by proxy, of the holders of a majority
     of the outstanding shares of Common Stock is necessary to constitute a
     quorum at the Meeting.  Under the rules of the Securities and Exchange
     Commission, boxes and a designated blank space are provided on the proxy
     card for stockholders to mark if they wish to withhold authority to vote
     for one or more nominees for director.  Votes withheld in connection with
     the election of one or more of the nominees for director will be counted as
     votes cast against such individuals and will be counted toward the presence
     of a quorum for the transaction of business.  If no direction is indicated
     the proxy will be voted for the election of the nominees for director. 
     Under the rules of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
     ("NASD"), a broker "non-vote" has no effect on the outcome of the election
     of directors or the establishment of a quorum for such election.  The form
     of proxy does not provide for abstentions with respect to the election of
     directors; however, a stockholder present at the Meeting may abstain with
     respect to such election.  The treatment of abstentions and broker "non-
     votes" with respect to the election of directors is consistent with
     applicable Delaware law and the Company's By-laws.

        With respect to the approval of the Company's 1995 Plan, stockholders
     may vote in favor of or against the 1995 Plan or they may abstain from
     voting.  Under the rules of the NASD, an abstention vote has the effect of
     a vote against the 1995 Plan and a broker "non-vote" is not counted as a
     vote "for" or "against" the 1995 Plan and, accordingly, would have no
     effect on the vote regarding the 1995 Plan except that abstentions and
     broker "non-votes" will be counted toward the presence of a quorum for the
     transaction of business.  The treatment of abstentions and broker "non-
     votes" with respect to the approval of the 1995 Plan is consistent with
     applicable Delaware law and the Company's By-Laws.


        The following table sets forth certain information regarding the
     ownership of voting securities of the Company by each person who is known
     to the management of the Company to have been the beneficial owner of more
     than 5% of the outstanding shares of the Company's Common Stock as of the
     Record Date:

                                                       AMOUNT AND
                                                       NATURE OF
                           NAME AND ADDRESS            BENEFICIAL       PERCENT
     --------------        -------------------         ----------       --------

     Common Stock          Innova International        3,664,478        62.7%
     ($.01 par value)        Corporation
                           Suite 5900
                           153 East 53rd Street
                           New York, NY 10022           

     Common Stock          Dimensional Fund              335,300 (1)     5.7%
     ($.01 par value)      Advisors Inc.
                           Suite 650
                           1299 Ocean Avenue
                           Santa Monica, CA 90401           

     *    Unless otherwise noted, all shares are directly owned.

     (1)  Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc., a registered investment advisor
          ("Dimensional"), reported beneficial ownership of 335,300 shares of
          the Company's Common Stock as of December 31, 1994.  Dimensional
          reported that it had sole dispositive power with respect to 335,300
          shares, sole voting power with respect to 212,500 shares and no voting
          power with respect to 122,800 shares.  According to Dimensional, all
          of the shares are held in portfolios of DFA Investment Dimensions
          Group Inc., a registered open-end investment company, in series of The
          DFA Investment Trust Company, a Delaware business trust, or the DFA
          Group Trust and the DFA Participating Group Trust, investment vehicles
          for qualified employee benefit plans, for all of which Dimensional
          serves as investment manager.  Dimensional disclaims beneficial
          ownership of all such shares.


          The following table sets forth certain information as of the Record
     Date, April 25, 1995, regarding the ownership of voting securities of the
     Company by (i) each director and nominee of the Board of Directors of the
     Company, (ii) each executive officer of the Company named in the Summary
     Compensation Table, and (iii) all directors and executive officers of the
     Company, and as to the percentage of outstanding shares held by them on
     that date:

                          NAME OF              AMOUNT AND NATURE OF     PERCENT

     Common Stock     Jan H. Stenbeck                      0               *

     Common Stock     Richard Pandolfi                64,225               1.1%

     Common Stock     J. Shelby Bryan                 83,837               1.4% 

     Common Stock     Alvin E. Nashman                39,665  (2)          *

     Common Stock     Jon L. Boyes                    37,328  (3)          *

     Common Stock     David L. Lengel                 26,000  (4)          *

     Common Stock     William L. Dickinson             9,671  (5)          *

     Common Stock     Myles L. Tintle                 10,250  (6)          *

     Common Stock     Robert G. Kaseta                 8,550  (7)          *

     Common Stock     George K. Webster                7,250  (8)          *

     Common Stock     Lawrence W. Swol                 2,500  (9)          *

     Common Stock     Franklin Miller                      0               *

     Common Stock     William Mustard                      0               *

     Common Stock     Executive officers and         263,276  (2)(3)(4)    4.5%
                      directors as a group                    (5)(6)(7)
                      (11 persons)                            (8)(9)(10)

     *   Represents less than one percent of the class.

     (1) Unless otherwise noted, all shares are directly owned.  Includes
         shares which may be acquired pursuant to options exercisable on
         April 25, 1995 and within sixty days of April 25, 1995, pursuant to
         Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     (2) Represents shares of Common Stock which Dr. Nashman may acquire upon
         exercise of stock options.

     (3) Includes 35,828 shares of Common Stock which Dr. Boyes may acquire
         upon exercise of stock options.

     (4) Includes 25,000 shares of Common Stock which Mr. Lengel may acquire
         upon exercise of stock options.  On April 11, 1995, Mr. Lengel
         resigned as President and Chief Executive Officer of the 


         Notes to Ownership of Common Stock Table continued

         Company.  Accordingly, the stock options held by Mr. Lengel and
         included in his beneficial ownership will terminate on, and will no
         longer be exercisable after, July 11, 1995. 

     (5) Represents shares of Common Stock which Mr. Dickinson may acquire upon
         exercise of stock options.

     (6) Represents shares of Common Stock which Mr. Tintle may acquire upon
         exercise of stock options.

     (7) Includes 4,250 shares of Common Stock which Mr. Kaseta may acquire
         upon exercise of stock options and 2,000 shares of Common Stock held
         by Mr. Kaseta's wife and children.  Mr. Kaseta disclaims beneficial
         ownership of the shares owned by his wife and children.

     (8) Includes 4,250 shares of Common Stock which Mr. Webster may acquire
         upon exercise of stock options.

     (9) Represents shares of Common Stock which Mr. Swol may acquire upon
         exercise of stock options.

     (10) Excludes the shares of Common Stock and stock options held by David L.
          Lengel, who served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the
          Company until his resignation on April 11, 1995.

                        PROPOSAL NO. 1 - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         At the Meeting, eight directors are to be elected to serve until the
     next annual meeting of stockholders and until their successors shall be
     duly elected and shall qualify.  As a result of the resignation on April
     11, 1995 of David L. Lengel, as President and Chief Executive Officer and a
     director of the Company, the Board of Directors of the Company, pursuant to
     the By-Laws of the Company, determined to fill the vacancy created by his
     resignation at the Annual Meeting.  Additionally, the Board of Directors
     authorized the increase of the size of the Board of Directors from seven to
     eight directors effective as of the election.  Unless otherwise specified,
     all proxies received will be voted in favor of the election of the eight
     nominees of the Board of Directors named below as directors of the Company.
     Six of the eight nominees are presently directors of the Company. The term
     of the current directors expires at the Meeting. Should any of the nominees
     not remain a candidate for election at the date of the Meeting (which
     contingency is not now contemplated or foreseen by the Board of Directors),
     proxies solicited thereunder will be voted in favor of those nominees who
     do remain candidates and may be voted for substitute nominees selected by
     the Board of Directors.  Assuming a quorum is present, a vote of a majority
     of the shares present, in person or by proxy, at the Meeting is required to
     elect each of the nominees as a director in accordance with the Company's

         The following table sets forth the names of the nominees, their ages,
     and their current positions with the Company:

            NAME                AGE                  TITLE
            ----               ---                   -----
         Alvin E. Nashman       68       Chairman of the Board of Directors
         Richard Pandolfi       57       Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
         Jan H. Stenbeck        52       Director
         Jon L. Boyes           73       Director
         J. Shelby Bryan        49       Director
         William L. Dickinson   69       Director
         William Mustard        42       Nominee
         Franklin Miller        59       Nominee

         Dr. Nashman has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
     Company since October 1992 and prior to that date as a director of the
     Company since September 1984.  From 1969 through 1991, he served as
     President of Computer Sciences Corporation's System Group and since 1967 he
     has been a director of Computer Sciences Corporation, a company which
     specializes in software and system integration for communications and
     computer systems.  In addition, Dr. Nashman is a private consultant and a
     director of HALIFAX Corporation.

         Mr. Pandolfi has served as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of
     the Company since October 1992 and he served as Chairman of the Board of
     Directors of the Company from September 1991 to October 1992.  Prior to
     September 1991, he served as President, Chief Executive Officer and a
     director of the Company since its formation in 1984.  From 1979 to
     September 1991, Mr. Pandolfi served as President and Chief Executive
     Officer of Miltope, and from 1984 to September 1991, Mr. Pandolfi served as
     a director of Miltope Business Products, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of
     the Company ("MBP").  He has been a director of Miltope since 1975.  In
     addition, Mr. Pandolfi has served as President and Chief Executive Officer
     and as a director of IV Phoenix Group Inc., a designer and manufacturer of
     rugged mobile miniature computers including heads-up displays. 
     Mr. Pandolfi is also a private consultant and a marketing and sales
     representative for Miltope.  See "Certain Relationships and Related

         Mr. Stenbeck has served as a director of the Company since November
     1987. He has served as director of Millicom International Cellular S.A., an
     international cellular telecommunications concern headquartered in
     Luxembourg ("MIC"), since December 1990, and as Chairman of the Board of
     MIC since May 1991.  Mr. Stenbeck is the Chairman of, and the controlling
     stockholder in, Industriforvaltnings AB Kinnevik, a holding company which
     is the controlling shareholder of several large Swedish and international
     enterprises with worldwide operations.  Mr. Stenbeck has been active in the
     management of Kinnevik for more than 15 years.  See "Certain Relationships
     and Related Transactions."

         Dr. Boyes has served as a director of the Company since March 1986.  In
     1977 he retired from the U.S. Navy as a Vice-Admiral.  From 1979 to March
     1993, Dr. Boyes served as President and Chief Executive Officer of his own
     consulting firm, Space and Maritime Applications Corporation.  Since April
     1993, Dr. Boyes has served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of
     Halpenny & Boyes Inc., a health services industry consulting concern.  He
     is a director of Andrew Corporation, a technology concern.

         Mr. Bryan has served as a director of the Company since its formation
     in 1984.  He has served as the Vice Chairman and a director of MIC since
     October 1, 1994.  He served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
     Officer of Millicom Incorporated, a cellular telecommunications business
     ("Millicom"), from February 1985 until such company's merger with and into
     a wholly owned subsidiary of MIC, and served as President and Chief
     Executive Officer and a director of MIC from December 1991 to October 1994.
     Mr. Bryan has been President of Austin Resources Corporation, an oil and
     gas exploration company, for a period of more than five years.  See
     "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions."

         Mr. Dickinson has served as a director of the Company since February
     1993.  Mr. Dickinson served as United States Representative to Congress
     from the 2nd District of Alabama from 1964 to January 1993.  Mr. Dickinson
     was a ranking Republican for eleven years on the House Armed Services
     Committee, and a senior Republican on the House Subcommittee on Procurement
     and Military Systems and the House Subcommittee on Military Installations
     and Facilities prior to his retirement in 1993.

         Mr. Mustard has served as President (Acting) and Chief Financial
     Officer of American Satellite Network, Inc., which provides satellite
     television, computer network integration services and related
     communications services, since 1993, and as Chief Financial Officer of
     Innova International Corporation ("IIC"), which, through its operating
     subsidiaries, provides network integration products and services and
     telecommunications consulting services, since December 13, 1994.  Since
     June 1991, Mr. Mustard has held various positions in Millicom and MIC-USA
     Inc., the successor by merger to Millicom and a wholly-owned subsidiary of

         Mr. Miller has served as Chairman and President of IIC since December
     13, 1994.  Mr. Miller combines a background in telecommunications with
     experience in computerization, software engineering, technology transfer
     and industrial management.  For more than five years, Mr. Miller has served
     as President and Chief Executive Officer of InnovaConsult, Inc., a concern
     which provides high level telecommunications consulting services.

         In addition to the executive officers who are directors of the Company
     listed above, Mr. George K. Webster, is Acting President and Chief
     Executive Officer of the Company, Miltope and MBP, Mr. Randolph J. Straka
     is Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of the Company,
     Miltope and MBP and Mr. Leonard Gubar is Secretary of the Company and MBP
     and Assistant Secretary of Miltope.

         Mr. Webster (age 53) has served as Acting President and Chief Executive
     Officer of the Company, Miltope and MBP and as a director of Miltope and
     MBP since April 11, 1995.  From June 1994 until such date, he served as
     Senior Vice President of Miltope.  Prior to such date, Mr. Webster served
     as Vice President, Programs and Operations of Miltope and later assumed
     additional responsibility for business development and marketing.  Prior to
     joining Miltope in 1992, Mr. Webster served in various executive capacities
     for Loral Fairchild Systems, a manufacturer of military sensors, both in
     the visible and infrared spectrums, for application on aircraft, combat
     vehicles and missiles.

         Mr. Straka (age 42) has served as Vice President, Finance and Chief
     Financial Officer of the Company, Miltope and MBP since October 17, 1994. 
     Prior to joining the Company in October 1994 , Mr. Straka served for a
     period of three years as Vice President - International Operations and for
     a period of three years as Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary of
     Tokheim Corporation, a manufacturer of service station equipment and
     related industrial controls.

         Mr. Gubar (age 58) has served as Secretary of the Company since its
     formation in 1984, as Secretary of MBP since June 1987 and as Assistant
     Secretary of Miltope since May 1984.  Since August 1992, he has been a
     member of the law firm of Reid & Priest LLP, which serves as counsel to the
     Company and its affiliates.  From 1969 to August 1992, he was a member of
     the law firm of Spengler Carlson Gubar Brodsky & Frischling.  He is a
     director of Warner Insurance Services, Inc., a provider of automobile
     insurance services to the insurance industry, and Career Horizons, Inc., a
     national provider of temporary personnel to businesses and government

                          BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND COMMITTEES

         During the 1994 fiscal year, there were six regular and special
     meetings of the Board of Directors.  Action was taken by the directors by
     unanimous consent in lieu of meetings on five occasions in 1994.  During
     1994, Mr. Bryan attended fewer than 75% of the aggregate number of meetings
     of the Board of Directors and committees of the Board on which he serves.

         The Board of Directors has designated from among its members an Audit
     Committee, which consists of Messrs. Boyes and Nashman.  The Audit
     Committee, which reviews the Company's financial and accounting practices
     and controls, held one meeting during the fiscal year ended December 31,
     1994.  The Company has a Stock Option Committee of the Board of Directors
     for the Company's Incentive Stock Option Plan, Management Stock Option Plan
     (which plans expired by their terms in 1994) and 1985 Key Employee Stock
     Option Plan which consists of Messrs. Bryan and Boyes.  The Stock Option
     Committee did not meet during the fiscal year ended December 31, 1994.  The
     Company has a Stock Option Committee of the Board of Directors for the
     Company's 1995 Plan which consists of Messrs. Boyes, Bryan and Stenbeck. 
     See "Proposal No. 2 -Approval of the 1995 Stock Option and Performance
     Award Plan."  The Company has a Compensation Committee of the Board of
     Directors which reviews the compensation of the Company's employees,
     including establishing performance based bonuses for certain executive
     officers of the Company and Miltope.  The Compensation Committee consists
     of Messrs. Bryan, Boyes and Nashman.  The Compensation Committee held one
     meeting during the fiscal year ended December 31, 1994.  The Company does
     not have a standing nominating committee.

                           PROPOSAL NO. 2 - APPROVAL OF THE


         The Board of Directors of the Company has approved the adoption of the
     Miltope Group Inc. 1995 Stock Option and Performance Award Plan (the "1995
     Plan").  As of April 25, 1995, no employees of the Company, Miltope and MBP
     have received awards under the 1995 Plan.

         The 1995 Plan is briefly described below.  Copies of the 1995 Plan may
     be obtained from the Company and will also be available for inspection at
     the Annual Meeting.


         The purpose of the 1995 Plan is to provide for the success and enhance
     the value of the Company by linking participants' personal interests with
     those of the Company's stockholders, customers and employees, by providing
     participants with an incentive for outstanding performance, and to
     motivate, attract and retain the services of participants upon whom the
     success of the Company depends.  The 1995 Plan also replaces the Company's
     existing stock option plans, one of which terminates with respect to the
     grant of new stock options in 1995 and the other two plans terminated with
     respect to the grant of new stock options in 1994.  The 1995 Plan is
     flexible in that it provides for the granting of stock options ("Options"),
     stock appreciation rights ("SARs"), restricted stock ("Restricted Stock"),
     performance shares and performance units ("Performance Shares and
     Performance Units"), singularly or in combination as determined by the
     Stock Option Committee of the Board of Directors.  The 1995 Plan became
     effective, subject to stockholder approval at the Meeting, as of April 11,
     1995 (the "Effective Date").


         The 1995 Plan will be administered by the Stock Option Committee of the
     Board of Directors of the Company (which will consist exclusively of
     outside directors) and currently consists of Jon L. Boyes, J. Shelby Bryan
     and Jan H. Stenbeck, or by such other committee consisting of not less than
     two non-employee directors appointed by the Board of Directors (the
     "Committee").  The Committee will be comprised solely of directors
     qualified to administer the 1995 Plan pursuant to Rule 16b-3(c)(2) under
     the Securities Exchange Act, as amended (the "Exchange Act").


         The 1995 Plan authorizes the grant of up to 500,000 shares of the
     Company's Common Stock.

         If any corporate transaction occurs which causes a change in the
     capitalization of the Company, the Committee is authorized to make such
     adjustments to the number and class of shares of the Company's Common Stock
     delivered, and the number and class and/or price of shares of the Company's
     Common Stock subject to outstanding awards granted under the 1995 Plan, as
     it deems appropriate and equitable to prevent dilution or enlargement of
     participants' rights.


         Employees eligible to participate in the 1995 Plan include management
     and key employees of the Company and its subsidiaries, as determined by the
     Committee, including employees who are members of the Board, but excluding
     directors who are not employees.


         In no event may any award under the 1995 Plan be granted on or after
     the tenth anniversary of the 1995 Plan's Effective Date.  The Board may
     amend, modify or terminate the 1995 Plan at any time; provided that no
     amendment requiring stockholder approval for the 1995 Plan to continue to
     comply with Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act or Section 422 of the
     Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), shall be effective
     unless approved by stockholders, and no amendment, termination or
     modification shall materially and adversely affect any outstanding award
     without the consent of the participant.


         Stock Options.  The Committee may grant incentive stock options
     ("ISOs"), non-qualified stock options ("non-ISOs"), or a combination
     thereof under the 1995 Plan.  The Option exercise price for each such grant
     of Options shall be at least equal to 100% of the fair market value of a
     share of the Company's Common Stock on the date the Option is granted. 
     Options shall expire at such times as the Committee determines at the time
     of grant; provided, however, that no Option shall be exercisable later than
               --------  -------
     the tenth anniversary of its grant.

         Options granted under the 1995 Plan shall be exercisable at such times
     and subject to such restrictions and conditions as the Committee shall
     approve.  The Option exercise price is payable in cash, in shares of the
     Company's Common Stock having a fair market value equal to the exercise
     price, by share withholding or a combination of the foregoing.  The
     Committee may allow, along with other means of exercise, cashless exercise
     as permitted under the Federal Reserve Board's Regulation T, subject to
     applicable securities laws.

         Options may be transferred only under the laws of descent and
     distribution and, during his or her lifetime, shall be exercisable only by
     the participant or his or her legal representative.  Each stock option
     agreement shall specify the participant's (or his or her beneficiary's)
     rights in the event of retirement, death or other termination of

         Stock Appreciation Rights.  SARs granted under the 1995 Plan may be in
     the form of freestanding SARs, tandem SARs or a combination thereof.  The
     base value of a freestanding SAR shall be equal to the fair market value of
     a share of the Company's Common Stock on the date of grant.  The base value
     of a tandem SAR shall be equal to the exercise price of the related Option.
     The term of any SAR granted under the 1995 Plan shall be determined by the
     Committee, provided that the term of any tandem SAR may not exceed ten (10)

         Freestanding SARs may be exercised upon such terms and conditions as
     are imposed by the Committee and set forth under the SAR award agreement. 
     A tandem SAR may be exercised only with respect to the shares of Common
     Stock of the Company for which its related Option is exercisable.  Tandem
     SARs granted in connection with an Option shall expire no later than the
     expiration of the Option, and may be exercised only when the fair market
     value of the shares subject to the Option exceeds the Option exercise
     price.  Furthermore, the number of shares of the Company's Common Stock
     that may be acquired under the related Option will be reduced, one-for-one,
     by the number of shares with respect to which the tandem SAR is exercised.

         Upon exercise of an SAR, a participant will receive the difference
     between the fair market value of a share of the Company's Common Stock on
     the date of exercise and the base value multiplied by the number of shares
     with respect to which the SAR is exercised.  Payment due upon exercise may
     be in cash, in shares of the Company's Common Stock having a fair market
     value equal to such cash amount, or in a combination of cash and shares, as
     determined by the Committee.  The Committee may impose such restrictions on
     the exercise of SARs as may be required to satisfy the requirements of
     Section 16 of the Exchange Act.

         SARs may only be transferred under the laws of descent and distribution
     and, during his or her lifetime, shall be exercisable only by the
     participant or his or her legal representative.  Each SAR award agreement
     shall specify the participant's (and his or her beneficiary's) rights in
     the event of retirement, death or other termination of employment.

         Restricted Stock.  Restricted Stock may be granted in such amounts and
     subject to such terms and conditions as determined by the Committee.  The
     Committee shall impose such conditions and/or restrictions on any shares of
     Restricted Stock as it deems advisable.

         Restricted Stock may not be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned or
     otherwise alienated or hypothecated until the end of the applicable
     restriction period or upon earlier satisfaction of such other conditions
     specified by the Committee.

         Participants holding Restricted Stock may exercise full voting rights
     with respect to those shares during the restriction period, and shall be
     credited with regular cash dividends paid with respect to such shares. 
     Dividends or distributions credited during the restriction period shall be
     subject to the same restrictions on transferability and forfeitability as
     the shares of Restricted Stock with respect to which they were paid.

         All rights with respect to Restricted Stock shall be available only
     during a participant's lifetime, and each Restricted Stock award agreement
     shall specify the participant's (and his or her beneficiary's) rights in
     the event of retirement, death or other termination of employment.

         The shares of Restricted Stock may be subject to vesting requirements,
     such as continued employment for specified periods of time.

         Performance Shares and Performance Units.  Performance Shares and
     Performance Unit awards may be granted in the amounts and subject to such
     terms and conditions as determined by the Committee.  The Committee shall
     set performance goals which, depending on the extent to which they are met
     during the performance periods established by the Committee, will determine
     the number and/or value of Performance Shares/Units that will be paid to

         Participants shall receive payment of the value of Performance Shares
     or Performance Units earned in cash and/or shares of the Company's Common
     Stock which have an aggregate fair market value equal to the value of the
     earned Performance Shares/Units after the end of the applicable performance
     period, in such combination as the Committee determines.  Such shares may
     be granted subject to any restrictions deemed appropriate by the Committee.
     Prior to the beginning of each performance period, participants may elect
     to defer receipt of payout on such terms as the Committee deems
     appropriate.  Participants shall be entitled to receive dividends declared
     with respect to Performance Shares earned in connection with Performance
     Share/Unit grants earned but not yet distributed, subject to the same
     restrictions as are applicable to dividends earned with respect to
     Restricted Stock, described above.  At the discretion of the Committee,
     participants may be entitled to exercise voting rights with respect to such

         In the event a participant's employment is terminated by reason of
     death, disability, voluntary termination with the Company's consent,
     involuntary termination for other than Good Cause, as defined under the
     1995 Plan, or retirement during a performance period, the participant shall
     receive a payout of the Performance Shares and Performance Units as may be
     determined under the award grant.  In the event employment is terminated
     for any other reason, all Performance Shares and Performance Units shall be

         Performance Shares and Performance Units may not be sold, transferred,
     pledged, assigned or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, other than by
     will or by the laws of descent and distribution.


         As of the effective date of a merger or consolidation of the Company,
     and unless the merger or consolidation agreement does not provide for the
     continuation of such awards or the substitution of new awards (1) any
     Option or SAR outstanding shall become immediately exercisable and (2) any
     restriction periods and restrictions imposed on Restricted Stock shall be
     deemed to have expired.  Performance Shares or Performance Units payable
     after the date of such merger or consolidation shall be paid in cash as of
     the date they originally were to be paid unless the Company or its
     successor determines to pay such amounts as of an earlier date. 
     Performance Shares and Performance Units shall be canceled if, as a result
     of the merger or consolidation, the value of such awards cannot be


         The following is a brief description of the federal income tax
     consequences related to Options granted under the 1995 Plan.

         Consequences to the Optionholder

         Grant.  There are no federal income tax consequences to the
     optionholder solely by reason of the grant of ISOs and non-ISOs under the
     1995 Plan.

         Exercise.  The exercise of an ISO is not a taxable event for regular
     federal income tax purposes if certain requirements are satisfied,
     including the restriction providing that the optionholder generally must
     exercise the Option no later than three months following the termination of
     his employment.  However, such exercise may give rise to an alternative
     minimum tax liability (see "Alternative Minimum Tax" below).

         Upon the exercise of a non-ISO, the optionholder generally will
     recognize ordinary income in an amount equal to the excess of the fair
     market value of the shares of the Company's Common Stock at the time of
     exercise over the amount paid as the exercise price.  The ordinary income
     recognized in connection with the exercise by an optionholder of a non-ISO
     will be subject to both wage and employment tax withholding.

         The optionholder's tax basis in the shares acquired pursuant to the
     exercise of an Option will be the amount paid upon exercise plus, in the
     case of a non-ISO, the amount of ordinary income recognized by the
     optionholder upon exercise.

         Qualifying Disposition.  If an optionholder disposes of shares of the
     Company's Common Stock acquired upon the exercise of an ISO in a taxable
     transaction, and such disposition occurs more than two years from the date
     on which the option is granted and more than one more year after the date
     on which the shares are transferred to the optionholder pursuant to the
     exercise of the ISO, the optionholder will recognize long-term capital gain
     or loss equal to the difference between the amount realized upon such
     disposition and the optionholder's adjusted basis in such shares (generally
     the Option exercise price).

         Disqualifying Disposition.  If the optionholder disposes of shares of
     the Company's Common Stock acquired upon the exercise of an ISO (other than
     in certain tax-free transactions) within two years from the date on which
     the ISO is granted or within one year after the transfer of the shares to
     the optionholder pursuant to the exercise of the ISO, then at the time of
     disposition the optionholder generally will recognize ordinary income equal
     to the lesser of (i) the excess of such shares' fair market value on the
     date of exercise over the exercise price paid by the optionholder or (ii)
     the optionholder's actual gain (i.e., the excess, if any, of the amount
     realized on the disposition over the exercise price paid by the
     optionholder).  If the total amount realized on a taxable disposition
     (including return of capital and capital gain) exceeds the fair market
     value on the date of exercise, then the optionholder will recognize a
     capital gain in the amount of such excess.  If the optionholder incurs a
     loss on the disposition (i.e., if the total amount realized is less than
     the exercise price paid by the optionholder) then the loss will be a
     capital loss.

         Other Dispositions.  If an optionholder disposes of shares of the
     Company's Common Stock acquired upon the exercise of a non-ISO in a taxable
     transaction, the optionholder will recognize capital gain or loss in an
     amount equal to the difference between his basis (as discussed above) in
     the shares sold and the total amount realized upon the disposition.  Any
     such capital gain or loss (and any capital gain or loss recognized on a
     disqualifying disposition of shares of the Company's Common Stock acquired
     upon the exercise of ISOs as discussed above) will be long-term depending
     on whether the shares of the Company's Common Stock were held for more than
     one year from the date such shares were transferred to the optionholder.

         Alternative Minimum Tax.  Alternative minimum tax ("AMT") is imposed in
     addition to, but only to the extent it exceeds, the optionholder's regular
     tax for the taxable year.  Generally, AMT is computed at the rate of 26% on
     the excess of a taxpayer's alternative minimum taxable income ("AMTI") over
     the exemption amount, but only if such excess amount does not exceed
     $175,000 ($87,500 in the case of married individuals filing separate
     returns).  The AMT tax rate is 28% of such excess amount over the $175,000
     ($87,500) amount.  For these purposes, the exemption amount is $45,000 for
     joint returns or returns of surviving spouses ($33,750 for single taxpayers
     and $22,500 for married individuals filing separate returns), reduced by
     25% of the excess of AMTI over $150,000 for joint returns or returns of
     surviving spouses ($112,500 for single taxpayers and $75,000 for married
     individuals filing separate returns).  A taxpayer's AMTI is essentially the
     taxpayer's taxable income adjusted pursuant to the AMT provisions and
     increased by items of tax preference.

         The exercise of ISOs (but not non-ISOs) will generally result in an
     upward adjustment to the optionholder's AMTI in the year of exercise by an
     amount equal to the excess, if any, of the fair market value of the stock
     on the date of exercise over the exercise price.  The basis of the stock
     acquired, for AMT purposes, will equal the exercise price increased by the
     prior upward adjustment of the taxpayer's AMTI due to the exercise of the
     option.  Upon the disposition of the stock, the increased basis will result
     in a smaller capital gains for AMTI than for ordinary income tax purposes.

         Consequences to the Company

         There are no federal income tax consequences to the Company by reason
     of the grant of ISOs or non-ISOs or the exercise of ISOs (other than
     disqualifying dispositions).

         At the time the optionholder recognizes ordinary income from the
     exercise of a non-ISO, the Company will be entitled to a federal income tax
     deduction in the amount of the ordinary income so recognized (as described
     above), provided that the Company timely satisfies its reporting and
     disclosure obligations described below.  To the extent the optionholder
     recognizes ordinary income by reason of a disqualifying disposition of the
     stock acquired upon exercise of ISOs, the Company will be entitled to a
     corresponding deduction in the year in which the disposition occurs.

         The Company will be required to report to the Internal Revenue Service
     any ordinary income recognized by an optionholder by reason of the exercise
     of a non-ISO or the disqualifying disposition of the Company's Common Stock
     acquired pursuant to an ISO.  


         The following is a brief description of the federal income tax
     consequences related to SARs, Restricted Stock, Performance Shares and
     Performance Units granted under the 1995 Plan.

         Consequences to the Employee

         Cash Awards.  Generally, an award payable under the 1995 Plan in cash
     is includible in the gross income of the participant as ordinary income at
     the time received.

         Stock Awards.  An award payable in the form of the Company's Common
     Stock generally will be includible in the participant's gross income as of
     the date the grant is made or, if later, the earlier of the date the Common
     Stock awarded to the participant (i) is subsequently transferable by him or
     her or (ii) is not subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture; however,
     the participant may elect to have the value of the Common Stock includible
     in his or her gross income at the time of grant, regardless of any
     restrictions on subsequent transferability or substantial risks of
     forfeiture.  As the value of the Common Stock for federal income tax
     purposes is determined as of the date it is included in the participant's
     gross income, such an election may be worthwhile if significant
     appreciation is expected between the date of grant and the date the
     restrictions expire or are eliminated.

         Disposition of Common Stock.  If a participant disposes of shares of
     the Company's Common Stock received under an award in a taxable
     transaction, the participant will recognize capital gain or loss in an
     amount equal to the difference between his basis (generally, the amount
     included as ordinary income pursuant to the award) in the shares sold and
     the total amount realized upon the disposition.  Any such capital gain or
     loss will be long-term so long as the shares of the Company's Common Stock
     were held for more than one year from the date such shares were granted to
     the participant.

         Consequences to the Company

         At the time the participant recognizes ordinary income upon the receipt
     of an award under the 1995 Plan, the Company generally will be entitled to
     a federal income tax deduction in the amount of the ordinary income so
     recognized (as described above), provided that the Company timely reports
     to the Internal Revenue Service the ordinary income recognized by the
     participant pursuant to the award.


         The foregoing discussion is not a complete description of the federal
     income tax aspects of awards made under the 1995 Plan.  In addition,
     administrative and judicial interpretations of the application of the
     federal income tax laws are subject to change.  Furthermore, the foregoing
     discussion does not address state or local tax consequences.


         Approval of the 1995 Plan requires the affirmative vote of the holders
     of a majority of the shares of Common Stock voting at the Meeting.

     1995 PLAN.


         The Company was formed in 1984 as a wholly owned subsidiary of
     Stonebrook Group Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Stonebrook") which owned
     approximately 55.6% of the outstanding Common Stock of the Company through
     December 31, 1994.  Miltope was formed in 1975 and was a wholly owned
     subsidiary of Stonebrook until it became a wholly owned subsidiary of the
     Company in June 1984.  As of January 1, 1995, IIC, a Delaware corporation,
     acquired 62.8% of the outstanding shares of the Common Stock of the Company
     pursuant to certain share exchange transactions with Stonebrook and Stuvik
     AB, a Swedish corporation and, at such time, a holder of approximately 7.2%
     of the outstanding shares of the Company's Common Stock.  IIC is a
     subsidiary of American Satellite Network Inc. ("ASN"), a Delaware
     corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of MIC-USA Inc., a Delaware
     corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of MIC, a Luxembourg corporation.
     Jan H. Stenbeck, a director of the Company, is also a director of IIC and
     ASN and Chairman and a director of MIC.  Mr. Stenbeck is also Chairman of
     the Board and, together with family trusts, owner of approximately 99% of
     the Common Stock of Stonebrook, which owns approximately 20% of the Common
     Stock of IIC.  In addition, J. Shelby Bryan, a director of the Company, is
     Vice Chairman and a director of MIC.

         Richard Pandolfi, who served as President and Chief Executive Officer
     of the Company for approximately twelve years, and who currently serves as
     Vice Chairman of the Board of the Company and as a private consultant
     through a wholly-owned corporation, Pandolfi Group, Inc. ("Pandolfi
     Group"), entered into an agreement, dated as of October 1, 1994, with
     Miltope pursuant to which Pandolfi Group serves as a marketing and sales
     representative with respect to certain products marketed by Miltope in
     consideration of certain commissions and a $14,000 advance per month
     against commissions earned during the two-year period of the agreement. 
     Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, commissions may be earned by Mr.
     Pandolfi through September 1996.  Mr. Pandolfi is the President and Chief
     Executive Officer, a director and a minority shareholder of IV Phoenix
     Group, Inc., a New York corporation of which IIC owns 42.6%.

         Since January 1, 1992, the Company has made certain loans to Stonebrook
     which accrue interest at an annual rate equal to the prime lending rate
     plus .75% (9.25% at December 31, 1994).  The loans to Stonebrook are
     payable on demand by the Company and, at April 25, 1995, an aggregate
     principal amount of $500,000 in loans to Stonebrook, plus interest thereon
     in the amount of approximately $95,000, was outstanding.


                              SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

         The following table shows all the cash compensation paid or to be paid
     by the Company or by Miltope, its wholly-owned subsidiary, as well as
     certain other compensation paid or accrued during the fiscal years ended
     December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992 to David L. Lengel, who served as the
     Company's President and Chief Executive Officer until April 11, 1995, and
     the four executive officers with total compensation in excess of $100,000,
     other than the President and Chief Executive Officer, at the end of the
     1994 fiscal year.  On April 11, 1995, George K. Webster was elected as
     Acting President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.  There were no
     restricted stock awards or long term incentive plan payouts to any of the
     executive officers named in the following table.  


                                                         Long Term
                                  Annual Compensation      Awards
                                  -------------------   ------------

                                                             of           All
                                                         Securities      Other
     Name and                                            Underlying     Compen-
     Principal Position    Year  Salary        Bonus      Options       sation
     ------------------    ----  ------        -----     ----------     -------

     David L. Lengel       1994  $239,861        --          --      $ 22,703(4)
     President and Chief   1993  $243,654     $15,000     10,000        --
     Executive Officer of  1992  $152,931(2)  $53,000(3)  45,000     $ 88,028(5)
     the Company (1) 

     George K. Webster     1994  $132,179       --           --      $102,601(4)
     Senior Vice           1993  $122,236     $12,500     17,000        --
     President of          1992  $ 44,500(7)  $20,832(8)     --         --
     Miltope (6)

     Myles L. Tintle       1994  $128,000        --          --         --
     Vice President,       1993  $114,961     $10,000     17,000        --
     General Manager of    1992  $110,240     $36,568        --         --
     Miltope Business
     Products, Inc.

     Robert G. Kaseta      1994  $115,492        --          --      $ 18,704(4)
     Vice President,       1993  $103,674     $10,000     17,000        --
     Engineering of        1992  $ 98,064     $11,708        --         --

     Lawrence W. Swol      1994  $109,642        --          --      $ 42,310(4)
     Vice President,       1993  $101,848        --       10,000        --
     Operations of         1992  $ 40,625(9)  $15,000        --      $ 41,057(5)


     (1)  Mr. Lengel resigned from the office of President and Chief Executive
          Officer on April 11, 1995.

     (2)  Partial year compensation.  Mr. Lengel became President and Chief
          Executive Officer of the Company in October 1992.  He was Senior Vice
          President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company and Miltope from
          March 1992 to October 1992.   

     (3)  Represents the amount paid by the Company to Mr. Lengel for the 1992
          fiscal year under the Company's Performance Based Bonus Plan (the
          "Performance Bonus Plan").  Certain executive officers of the Company
          and Miltope were eligible to receive the performance bonus which is
          calculated as a percentage of a bonus 


          Notes to Summary Compensation Table continued

          pool based upon the achievement of certain projected financial targets
          approved by the Board of Directors of the Company.

     (4)  Represents relocation expenses paid by the Company to relocate to
          Montgomery, Alabama in 1994.

     (5)  Represents relocation expenses paid by the Company in 1992.

     (6)  Mr. Webster was elected to the office of Acting President and Chief
          Executive Officer of the Company on April 11, 1995.

     (7)  Partial year compensation.  Mr. Webster was hired in 1992.

     (8)  Represents a signing bonus.

     (9)  Partial year compensation.  Mr. Swol was hired in 1992.


          The following table presents the number of outstanding stock options
     and the aggregate dollar value of unexercised in-the-money stock options
     held by each of the executive officers included in the Summary Compensation
     Table at December 31, 1994.  No stock options were exercised by such
     executive officers during the 1994 fiscal year.  

                             Number of Securities        Value of Unexercised
                            Underlying Unexercised     In-the-Money Options at
                          Options at Fiscal Year-End     Fiscal Year-End (1)
                          --------------------------   -----------------------

        Name             Exercisable   Unexercisable  Exercisable Unexercisable
        ----             -----------   -------------  ----------- -------------
     David L. Lengel       25,000 (2)    30,000 (2)     $5,625(2)     $5,625(2)
     George K. Webster      4,250        12,750            --            --

     Myles L. Tintle       10,250        12,750            --            --

     Robert G. Kaseta       4,250        12,750            --            --

     Lawrence W. Swol       2,500         7,500            --            --


     (1)  Value of unexercised in-the-money stock options is calculated by
          subtracting the aggregate exercise price of such options from the fair
          market value of the total number of shares underlying the in-the-money
          stock options on December 30, 1994.  The last sale price of the
          Company's Common Stock on December 30, 1994 on The Nasdaq Stock Market
          was $4.50.

     (2)  Mr. Lengel's employment with the Company ended on April 11, 1995.  As
          a result, all stock options held by Mr. Lengel will terminate on, and
          will no longer be exercisable after, July 11, 1995.


        David L. Lengel  The Company has agreed to pay David L. Lengel, who
     resigned as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company on April
     11, 1995, severance compensation in the amount of six months salary, or
     $117,500, payable at normal payroll intervals during such period. 
     Mr. Lengel's severance compensation will also include (i) continued use of
     a Company car and participation in all employee benefit programs to which
     he was entitled on April 11, 1995, and (ii) the provision of (A) out-
     placement services and (B) office space, office supplies, a telephone and
     secretarial assistance solely for the purpose of out-placement activities
     for a period of six months.

        Randolph J. Straka  The Company entered into an employment agreement,
     dated as of October 17, 1994, with Randolph J. Straka, Vice President,
     Finance and Chief Financial Officer of the Company.  The agreement has a
     term of two years ending October 16, 1996 and provides a salary at an
     annual rate of $130,000.  Mr. Straka is also entitled to (i) participate in
     the Company's executive bonus plan, (ii) a one-time sign-on bonus in the
     amount of $17,500 and (iii) an option to purchase a total of 25,000 shares
     of the Company's Common Stock.  The Company also agreed to pay Mr. Straka
     certain relocation expenses incurred by him in moving to Montgomery,
     Alabama and to reimburse him for certain temporary living expenses.

        In the event Mr. Straka's employment is terminated by the Company for
     any reason, other than for death or cause, as such term is defined in the
     agreement, the Company will pay severance compensation to Mr. Straka in an
     amount equal to the greater of one year's salary or the balance of the
     salary during the remainder of the employment term.  Severance compensation
     also includes (i) continued use of a Company car and participation in all
     employee benefit programs, and (ii) the provision of (A) out-placement
     services and (B) office space, office supplies, a telephone and secretarial
     assistance solely for the purpose of out-placement activities for a period
     of one year following the date of termination of employment.

                              COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS

        Directors who are not compensated by the Company, or its subsidiaries,
     Stonebrook or affiliates of Stonebrook, presently receive an annual fee of
     $8,000 and an additional fee of $1,250 for each meeting of the Board of
     Directors attended by such director and $1,250 per meeting of a committee
     of the Board which is held on a day other than a day on which a Board
     meeting is also held.  The Chairman of the Board presently receives an
     annual fee of $20,000.  All directors are reimbursed for out-of-pocket
     expenses in attending such meetings.

        Messrs. Boyes, Dickinson and Nashman are each entitled to receive stock
     options at the commencement of each year of service as a director entitling
     him to purchase up to $15,000 worth of the Company's Common Stock, measured
     by the market value of such Common Stock on the date of grant, for an
     exercise price equal to not less than 85% of the market value of the Common
     Stock covered by the options on the date of grant.  On June 3, 1994,
     Messrs. Boyes, Dickinson and Nashman were each granted options to purchase
     5,639 shares of the Company's Common Stock at a purchase price of $2.66 per


        Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
     requires the Company's directors, executive officers and holders of more
     than 10% of the Company's Common Stock to file initial reports of ownership
     and reports of changes in ownership with the Securities and Exchange
     Commission.  The Company believes that, during the fiscal year ended
     December 31, 1994, its executive officers, directors and holders of more
     than 10% of the Company's Common Stock complied with all Section 16(a)
     filing requirements.  In making these statements, the Company has relied
     upon a review of reports on Forms 3, 4 and 5 furnished to the Company
     during, or with respect to, its last fiscal year.


        The policies of the Compensation Committee regarding executive
     compensation are to determine compensation levels based upon a combination
     of corporate performance and individual performance measured against pre-
     established objectives which are determined each fiscal year by the
     Committee and approved by the entire Board of Directors.  The goal is to
     achieve compensation levels which reflect both individual performance and
     incentives based upon common financial targets. 

        The salary of the President and Chief Executive Officer is reviewed
     annually by the Compensation Committee with reference to a review of the
     compensation levels of chief executive officers of comparable companies in
     the defense electronics industry and of selected public companies in the
     geographic region of the Company which the Compensation Committee believes
     are competitors of, or similarly situated to, the Company.  Based upon this
     review, the salary of the President and Chief Executive Officer is
     established.  Compensation levels for other executive officers of the
     Company are similarly established.  Salaries of the Company's executive
     officers are in the middle of the range of salaries paid by the other
     companies surveyed.  

        Bonuses are separately established at the beginning of each fiscal year
     with reference to the Company's performance measured against pre-set
     criteria principally relating to corporate income and growth.  In 1994, no
     bonuses were paid to executive officers.

        Grants of stock options, which generally vest over four years, are based
     in substantial part on the Committee's judgment as to the long-term
     incentive effect that a grant would have on the executive officer's and the
     Company's long-term performance.

        Payments of base salary for the 1994 fiscal year do not exceed $1
     million for any named executive officer included in the Summary
     Compensation Table.  No stock options were granted to such officers in the
     1994 fiscal year.  The final regulations implementing Code Section 162(m)
     are expected later this year and the Committee intends to review such final
     regulations and take further appropriate action at that time.

        This report was furnished by Messrs. Nashman, Boyes and Bryan, all of
     the members of the Compensation Committee.


        The following graph sets forth the Company's total stockholder return
     over a five-year period, beginning December 31, 1989, and ending December
     31, 1994, as compared to the Nasdaq Stock Market Index and the Nasdaq Non-
     Financial Index.  The total stockholder return assumes $100 invested at the
     beginning of the period in the Company's Common Stock, the Nasdaq Stock
     Market Index and the Nasdaq Non-Financial Index.


     Assumes $100 was invested in Miltope Group Inc. and in each index on
     December 31, 1989.

              The NASDAQ     Non-Financial       Miltope
             Stock Market       Stocks          Group Inc.
     1989        100.00         100.00         100.00
     1990         84.92          88.03          59.52
     1991        136.28         141.73          57.14
     1992        158.58         154.92          85.71
     1993        180.93         177.61          78.57
     1994        176.92         170.30          85.71


        Deloitte & Touche LLP were the Company's independent public auditors for
     the fiscal year ended December 31, 1994.  The auditors for the current
     fiscal year will be appointed by the Board of Directors.  It is expected
     that Deloitte & Touche LLP will be selected by the Board of Directors to
     serve as the Company's auditors for the current fiscal year. 
     Representatives of Deloitte & Touche LLP intend to be present at the
     Meeting and available to respond to appropriate questions and, in addition,
     such representatives will be given an opportunity to make a statement at
     the Meeting if they so desire.  There is a standing audit committee of the
     Board of Directors.

                                    ANNUAL REPORT

        All stockholders of record as of April 25, 1995 are concurrently being
     sent a copy of the Company's Annual Report for the fiscal year ended
     December 31, 1994 which contains certified financial statements of the
     Company for the fiscal years ended December 31, 1993 and 1994.

     HULL, ALABAMA 36043.

                                STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

        Stockholder proposals must be received by January 6, 1996 in order to be
     considered for inclusion in proxy materials distributed in connection with
     the next annual meeting of stockholders.  All such proposals should be in
     compliance with applicable Securities and Exchange Commission regulations.


        As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the Board of Directors of the
     Company does not know of any other matter to be brought before the Meeting.
     However, if any other matters not mentioned in the Proxy Statement are
     properly brought before the Meeting or any adjournments thereof, the
     persons named in the enclosed Proxy or their substitutes will have
     discretionary authority to vote proxies given in said form, or otherwise
     act, in respect of such matters in accordance with their best judgment.

        All of the costs and expenses in connection with the solicitation of
     proxies with respect to the matters described herein will be borne by the
     Company.  In addition to solicitation of proxies by use of the mails,
     directors, officers and employees (who will receive no compensation
     therefor in addition to their regular remuneration) of the Company may
     solicit the return of proxies by telephone, telegram or personal interview.
     The Company will request banks, brokerage houses and other custodians,
     nominees and fiduciaries to forward copies of the proxy material to their
     principals and to request instructions for voting the proxies.  The Company
     may reimburse such banks, brokerage houses and other custodians, nominees
     and fiduciaries for their expenses in connection therewith.

        It is important that proxies be returned promptly.  Stockholders are,
     therefore, urged to fill in, date, sign and return the Proxy immediately. 
     No postage need be affixed if mailed in the enclosed envelope in the United

                                      By order of the Board of Directors

                                      LEONARD GUBAR

     May 5, 1995


                       MILTOPE GROUP INC. - 1995 ANNUAL MEETING
                                     JUNE 5, 1995
             This Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors

        The undersigned stockholder of MILTOPE GROUP INC., a Delaware
     corporation (the "Company"), acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Annual
     Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement, dated May 5, 1995, and hereby
     constitutes and appoints Alvin E. Nashman and Leonard Gubar, or either of
     them acting singly in the absence of the other, with the power of
     substitution in either of them, the proxies of the undersigned, to vote
     with the same force and effect as the undersigned all shares of Common
     Stock of the Company held by the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of
     Stockholders of the Company to be held at the Company's corporate
     headquarters, 500 Richardson Road South, Hope Hull, Alabama 36043, on
     Monday, June 5, 1995 at 10:00 A.M., Local Time, and at any adjournment or
     adjournments thereof, hereby revoking any proxy or proxies heretofore given
     and ratifying and confirming all that said proxies may do or cause to be
     done by virtue thereof with respect to the following matters:

        The undersigned hereby instructs said proxies or their substitutes:

     1. The election of eight directors nominated by the Board of Directors:

        [ ]   FOR all nominees     [ ]   WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to
              listed below (except       vote for all nominees
              as indicated)              listed below

        NOMINEES:   Richard Pandolfi, Alvin E. Nashman, Jon L. Boyes, William L.
                    Dickinson, Jan H. Stenbeck, J. Shelby Bryan, Franklin
                    Miller, William Mustard

        (INSTRUCTION:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee
        or nominees, write such nominee's or nominees' name in the space
        provided below.)


     2. The approval of the adoption of the Company's 1995 Stock Option and
        Performance Award Plan.

        [ ]   FOR      [ ]   AGAINST     [ ]   ABSTAIN  

     3. Upon such other matters as may properly come before the Meeting or any
        adjournment or adjournments thereof.

        This proxy when properly executed will be voted as directed.  If no
     direction is indicated, the proxy will be voted FOR the election of the
     eight named individuals as director and the approval of the Company's 1995
     Stock Option and Performance Award Plan.

                                       PLEASE SIGN, DATE AND MAIL THIS PROXY 
                                       IMMEDIATELY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE

                                       Dated:                          , 1995

                                       Please sign your name exactly as it 
                                       appears hereon.  When signing as 
                                       attorney, executor, administrator, 
                                       trustee or guardian, please give your 
                                       full title as it appears hereon.  When 
                                       signing as joint tenants, all parties 
                                       in the joint tenancy must sign.  When a 
                                       proxy is given by a corporation, it 
                                       should be signed by an authorized officer
                                       and the corporate seal affixed. No 
                                       postage is required if returned in the 
                                       enclosed envelope and mailed in the
                                       United States.


                                  MILTOPE GROUP INC.



                            EFFECTIVE AS OF APRIL 11, 1995


                                  MILTOPE GROUP INC.


           Miltope Group Inc., a Delaware corporation (hereinafter referred to
     as the "Corporation"), hereby establishes an incentive compensation plan to
     be known as the "Miltope Group Inc. 1995 Stock Option and Performance Award
     Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), as set forth in this
     document.  The Plan permits the grant of Non-Qualified Stock Options,
     Incentive Stock Options, Stock Appreciation Rights, Restricted Stock,
     Performance Units and Performance Shares.

           The Plan shall become effective on April 11, 1995.  However, it shall
     be rendered null and void and have no effect, and all Plan Awards granted
     hereunder shall be canceled, if the Plan is not approved by a majority vote
     of the Corporation's Stockholders within twelve (12) months of such date.

           The purpose of the Plan is to promote the success and enhance the
     value of the Corporation by linking the personal interests of Participants
     to those of the Corporation's stockholders, customers and employees, by
     providing Participants with an incentive for outstanding performance.  The
     Plan is further intended to provide flexibility to the Corporation in its
     ability to motivate, and retain the services of, participants upon whose
     judgment, interest and special effort the successful conduct of its
     operations is largely dependent.

           The Plan also provides pay systems that support the Corporation's
     business strategy and emphasizes pay-for-performance by tying reward
     opportunities to carefully determined and articulated performance goals at
     corporate, operating unit, business unit and/or individual levels.


           For purposes of this Plan, the following terms shall be defined as
     follows unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

           (a)   "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,         
     as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder.

           (b)   "Committee" shall mean the Stock Option Committee of the 
     Board of Directors of the Corporation.

           (c)   "Common Stock" shall mean the common stock, par value $0.01
     per share, of the Corporation.

           (d)   "Corporation" shall mean Miltope Group Inc., a Delaware

           (e)   "Disability" shall have the same meaning as the term
     "permanent and total disability" under Section 22(e)(3) of the Code.

           (f)   "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 
     1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder.

           (g)   "Fair Market Value" of the Corporation's Common Stock on a
     Trading Day shall mean the last reported sale price for Common Stock or, in
     case no such reported sale takes place on such Trading Day, the average of
     the closing bid and asked prices for the Common Stock for such Trading Day,
     in either case on the principal national securities exchange on which the
     Common Stock is listed or admitted to trading, or if the Common Stock is
     not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange, but
     is traded in the over-the-counter market, the closing sale price of the
     Common Stock or, if no sale is publicly reported, the average of the
     closing bid and asked quotations for the Common Stock, as reported by the
     National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System
     ("NASDAQ") or any comparable system or, if the Common Stock is not listed
     on NASDAQ or a comparable system, the closing sale price of the Common
     Stock or, if no sale is publicly reported, the average of the closing bid
     and asked prices, as furnished by two members of the National Association
     of Securities Dealers, Inc. who make a market in the Common Stock selected
     from time to time by the Corporation for that purpose.  In addition, for
     purposes of this definition, a "Trading Day" shall mean, if the Common
     Stock is listed on any national securities exchange, a business day during
     which such exchange was open for trading and at least one trade of Common
     Stock was effected on such exchange on such business day, or, if the Common
     Stock is not listed on any national securities exchange but is traded in
     the over-the-counter market, a business day during which the
     over-the-counter market was open for trading and at least one "eligible
     dealer" quoted both a bid and asked price for the Common Stock.  An
     "eligible  dealer" for any day shall include any broker-dealer who quoted
     both a bid and asked price for such day, but shall not include any
     broker-dealer who quoted only a bid or only an asked price for such day. 
     In the event the Corporation's Common Stock is not publicly traded, the
     Fair Market Value of such Common Stock shall be determined by the Committee
     in good faith.

           (h)   "Good Cause" shall mean (i) a Participant's willful or gross
     misconduct or willful or gross negligence in the performance of his duties
     for the Corporation or for any Parent or Subsidiary after prior written
     notice of such misconduct or negligence and the continuance thereof for a
     period of 30 days after receipt by such Participant of such notice, (ii) a
     Participant's intentional or habitual neglect of his duties for the
     Corporation or for any Parent or Subsidiary after prior written notice of
     such neglect, or (iii) a Participant's theft or misappropriation of funds
     of the Corporation or of any Parent or Subsidiary or commission of a

           (i)   "Incentive Stock Option" shall mean a stock option 
     satisfying the requirements for tax favored treatment under Section 422 of
     the Code.

           (j)   "Non-Qualified Option" shall mean a stock option which does
     not satisfy the requirements for tax-favored treatment under Section 422 of
     the Code.

           (k)   "Option" shall mean an Incentive Stock Option or a Non-
     Qualified Stock Option granted pursuant to the provisions of Section V

           (l)   "Optionee"  shall mean a Participant who is granted an 
     Option under the terms of this Plan.

           (m)   "Parent" shall mean a parent corporation of the Corporation
     within the meaning of Section 424(e) of the Code.

           (n)   "Participant" shall mean any employee or other individual
     participating under the Plan.

           (o)   "Performance Share" shall mean a Plan Award granted pursuant
     to the provisions of Section VII hereof, with such Award nominally being
     based upon the performance of the Corporation's Common Stock.

           (p)   "Performance Unit" shall mean a Plan Award granted pursuant 
     to the provisions of Section VII hereof, which Award may be based upon any
     factor set forth under such Section.

           (q)   "Plan Award" shall mean an Option, Performance Share,
     Performance Unit or Restricted Stock granted pursuant to the terms of this

           (r)   "Restricted Stock" shall mean a grant of one or more shares 
     of Common Stock subject to certain restrictions as provided under Section
     VII hereof.

           (s)   "Section 16" shall mean Section 16 of the Exchange Act and 
     the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

           (t)   "Securities Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as
     amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder.

           (u)   "Subsidiary" shall mean a subsidiary corporation of the
     Corporation within the meaning of Section 424(f) of the Code.

                                      SECTION I

           The Plan shall be administered by the Committee, which shall be
     composed of at least two directors who meet the requirements of
     disinterested administrators under Section 16.  Subject to the provisions
     of the Plan, the Committee may establish from time to time such
     regulations, provisions, proceedings and conditions of awards which, in its
     opinion, may be advisable in the administration of the Plan.  A majority of
     the Committee shall constitute a quorum, and, subject to the provisions of
     Section IV of the Plan, the acts of a majority of the members present at
     any meeting at which a quorum is present, or acts approved in writing by a
     majority of the Committee, shall be the acts of the Committee.  This Plan
     is intended to be a bifurcated plan.  The references to Section 16
     contained herein are intended to apply only to the extent necessary for the
     Plan to comply with Rule 16b-3 under Section 16 and only as to those
     insiders of the Corporation who are deemed to be Section 16 insiders.

                                      SECTION II
                                   SHARES AVAILABLE

           Subject to the adjustments provided in Section IX of the Plan, the
     aggregate number of shares of the Common Stock which may be granted for all
     purposes under the Plan shall be five hundred thousand (500,000) shares. 
     Shares of Common Stock underlying awards of securities (derivative or not)
     and shares of Common Stock awarded hereunder (whether or not on a
     restricted basis) shall be counted against the limitation set forth in the
     immediately preceding sentence and may be reused (e.g., in the event that 
     an Option or an award of shares of Common Stock on a restricted basis under
     the Plan to any individual expires, is terminated unexercised, or is
     forfeited as to any shares covered thereby), however, with respect to Plan
     Awards made to Section 16 insiders, shares of Common Stock may be reused
     only to the extent permitted under Section 16.  To the extent that a Stock
     Appreciation Right included in an Option is exercised, such Option shall be
     deemed to have been exercised.  Incentive and Non-Qualified Stock Options,
     Stock Appreciation Rights, Performance Shares, Restricted Stock and
     Performance Units awarded under the Plan may be fulfilled in accordance
     with the terms of the Plan with either authorized and unissued shares of
     the Common Stock, issued shares of such Common Stock held in the
     Corporation's treasury or shares of Common Stock acquired on the open

                                     SECTION III

           Present and future management and key employees (including management
     or key employees who are also directors) of the Corporation, or of any
     Parent or Subsidiary, who are regularly employed on a salaried basis as
     common law employees shall be eligible to participate in the Plan.

                                      SECTION IV
                                AUTHORITY OF COMMITTEE

           The Plan shall be administered by, or under the direction of, the
     Committee, which shall administer the Plan so as to comply at all times
     with the Exchange Act, to the extent such compliance is required, and,
     subject to the Code, shall otherwise have plenary authority to interpret
     the Plan and to make all determinations specified in or permitted by the
     Plan or deemed necessary or desirable for its administration or for the
     conduct of the Committee's business.  Subject to the provisions of Section
     XIII hereof, all interpretations and determinations of the Committee may be
     made on an individual or group basis and shall be final, conclusive, and
     binding on all interested parties.  Subject to the express provisions of
     the Plan, the Committee shall have authority, in its discretion, to
     determine the persons to whom Plan Awards shall be granted, the times when
     such Plan Awards shall be granted, the number of Plan Awards, the purchase
     price or exercise price of each Plan Award, the period(s) during which such
     Plan Award shall be exercisable (whether in whole or in part), the
     restrictions to be applicable to Plan Awards and the other terms and
     provisions thereof (which need not be identical).  In addition, the
     authority of the Committee shall include without limitation the following:

           (a)   Financing.  The arrangement of temporary financing for an
     Optionee by registered broker-dealers, under the rules and regulations of
     the Federal Reserve Board, for the purpose of assisting the Optionee in the
     exercise of an Option, such authority to include the payment by the
     Corporation of the commissions of the broker-dealer;

           (b)   Procedures for Exercise of Option.  The establishment of
     procedures for an Optionee (i) to exercise an Option by payment of cash or
     any other property acceptable to the Committee, (ii) to have withheld from
     the total number of shares of Common Stock to be acquired upon the exercise
     of an Option that number of shares having a Fair Market Value, which,
     together with such cash as shall be paid in respect of fractional shares,
     shall equal the option exercise price of the total number of shares of
     Common Stock to be acquired, (iii) to exercise all or a portion of an
     Option by delivering that number of shares of Common Stock already owned by
     him having a Fair Market Value which shall equal the Option exercise price
     for the portion exercised and, in cases where a Option is not exercised in
     its entirety, to permit the Optionee to deliver the shares of Common Stock
     thus acquired by him in payment of shares of Common Stock to be received
     pursuant to the exercise of additional portions of such Option, the effect
     of which shall be that an Optionee can in sequence utilize such newly
     acquired shares of Common Stock in payment of the exercise price of the
     entire option, together with such cash as shall be paid in respect of
     fractional shares and (iv) to engage in any form of "cashless" exercise.

           (c)   Withholding.  The establishment of a procedure whereby a
     number of shares of Common Stock or other securities may be withheld from
     the total number of shares of Common Stock or other securities to be issued
     upon exercise of an Option, Stock Appreciation Right or other grant  or
     award, as applicable, or for the tender of shares of Common Stock owned by
     the Participant to meet the obligation of withholding for taxes incurred by
     the Optionee upon such exercise.

           (d)   Types of Plan Awards.  The Committee may grant awards in the
     form of one or more of the following: (i) Incentive Stock Options and
     Non-Qualified Stock Options (described in Section V), (ii) Stock
     Appreciation Rights (described in Section VI), (iii) grants of Restricted
     Stock (described in Section VII), (iv) Performance Share Awards (described
     in Section VII) and (v) Performance Units (described in Section VII).

                                      SECTION V
                                    STOCK OPTIONS

           The Committee shall have the authority, in its discretion, to grant
     Incentive Stock Options or to grant Non-Qualified Stock Options or to grant
     both types of Options.  No Option shall be granted for a term of more than
     ten (10) years.  Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,
     an Incentive Stock Option may be granted only to common law employees of
     the Corporation or of any Parent or Subsidiary now existing or hereafter
     formed or acquired, and not to any director or officer who is not also such
     a common law employee.  The terms and conditions of the Options shall be
     determined from time to time by the Committee; provided, however, 
                                                    --------  -------
     that the Options granted under the Plan shall be subject to the following: 

           (a)   Exercise Price.  The Committee shall establish the exercise
     price at the time any Option is granted at such amount as the Committee 
     shall determine; provided, however, that the exercise price for each share 
                      --------  -------
     of Common Stock purchasable under any Incentive Stock Option granted
     hereunder shall be such amount as the Committee shall, in its best
     judgment, determine to be not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the
     Fair Market Value per share of Common Stock at the date the Option is
     granted; and provided, further, that in the case of an Incentive Stock
     Option granted to a person who, at the time such Incentive Stock Option is
     granted, owns shares of stock of the Corporation or of any Parent or
     Subsidiary which possess more than ten percent (10%) of the total combined
     voting power of all classes of shares of stock of the Corporation or of any
     Parent or Subsidiary, the exercise price for each share of Common Stock
     shall be such amount as the Committee, in its best judgment, shall
     determine to be not less than one hundred ten percent (110%) of the Fair
     Market Value per share of Common Stock at the date the Option is granted. 
     The exercise price will be subject to adjustment in accordance with the
     provisions of Section IX of the Plan.

           (b)   Payment of Exercise Price.  The price per share of Common
     Stock with respect to each Option shall be payable at the time the Option
     is exercised.  Such price shall be payable in cash or, upon the discretion
     of the Committee, pursuant to any of the methods set forth in Sections
     IV(a) or (b) hereof.  Shares of Common Stock delivered to the Corporation
     in payment of the exercise price shall be valued at the Fair Market Value
     of the Common Stock on the date preceding the date of the exercise of the

           (c)   Exercisability of Options.  Each Option shall be exercisable
     in whole or in installments, and at such time(s), and subject to the
     fulfillment of any conditions on exercisability as may be determined by the
     Committee at the time of the grant of such Options.  The right to purchase
     shares of Common Stock shall be cumulative so that when the right to
     purchase any shares of Common Stock has accrued such shares of Common Stock
     or any part thereof may be purchased at any time thereafter until the
     expiration or termination of the Option.

           (d)   Expiration of Options.  No Option by its terms shall be
     exercisable after the expiration of ten (10) years from the date of grant
     of the Option; provided, however, in the case of an Incentive Stock Option
                    --------  -------
     granted to a person who, at the time such Option is granted, owns shares of
     stock of the  Corporation or of any Parent or Subsidiary possessing more
     than ten percent (10%) of the total combined voting power of all classes of
     shares of stock of the Corporation or of any Parent or Subsidiary, such
     Option shall not be exercisable after the expiration of five (5) years from
     the date such Option is granted.

           (e)   Exercise Upon Death of Optionee.  Subject to the provisions 
     of Section V(h) hereof, in the event of the death of the Optionee prior to
     his termination of employment (or within three (3) months after his
     termination of employment other than for Good Cause) with the Corporation
     or with any Parent or Subsidiary, his estate (or other beneficiary, if so
     designated in writing by the Participant) shall have the right, within one
     (1) year after the date of death (but in no case after the expiration date
     of the Option(s)), to exercise his Option(s) with respect to the shares of
     Common Stock as to which the deceased Optionee had not exercised his Option
     at the time of his death, and only to the extent such Option or Options
     were exercisable at such time.

           (f)   Exercise Upon Disability of Optionee.  Subject to the
     provisions of Section V(h) hereof, if the employment by the Corporation or
     by any Parent or Subsidiary of an Optionee is terminated because of
     Disability, he shall have the right, within one (1) year after the date of
     such termination (but in no case after the expiration of the Option(s)), to
     exercise his Option(s) with respect to the shares of Common Stock as to
     which he had not exercised his Option at the time of such termination, and
     only to the extent such Option or Options were exercisable at such time.

           (g)   Exercise Upon Optionee's Termination of Employment.  Except 
     as provided in the following sentence, if the employment of an Optionee by
     the Corporation or by any Parent or Subsidiary is terminated for any reason
     other than those specified in Sections V(e) and (f) above, he shall have
     the right, within three (3) months after the date of such termination (but
     in no case after the expiration date of the Option(s)), to exercise his
     Option(s) only with respect to that number of shares of Common Stock that
     he was entitled to purchase pursuant to Options that were exercisable
     immediately prior to such termination.  Notwithstanding the provisions of
     the immediately preceding sentence, if an Optionee's employment is
     terminated by the Corporation or by any Parent or Subsidiary for Good Cause
     then the Optionee shall, at the time of such termination of employment,
     forfeit his rights to exercise all of such Option(s).

           (h)   Maximum Amount of Incentive Stock Options.  Each Plan Award
     under which Incentive Stock Options are granted shall provide that to the
     extent the aggregate of the (i) Fair Market Value of the shares of Common
     Stock (determined as of the time of the grant of the Option) subject to
     such Incentive Stock Option and (ii) the fair market values (determined as
     of the date(s) of grant of the options) of all other shares of Common Stock
     subject to incentive stock options granted to an Optionee by the
     Corporation or any Parent or Subsidiary, which are exercisable for the
     first time by any person during any calendar year, exceed(s) one hundred
     thousand dollars ($100,000), such excess shares of Common Stock shall not
     be deemed to be purchased pursuant to Incentive Stock Options.  The terms
     of the immediately preceding sentence shall be applied by taking options
     into account in the order in which they are granted.

                                      SECTION VI
                              STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS

           (a)   Tandem Stock Appreciation Rights.  The Committee shall have
     the authority to grant Stock Appreciation Rights in tandem with an Option,
     either at the time of grant of the Option or by amendment.  Each such Stock
     Appreciation Right shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as the
     related Option, if any, and shall be exercisable only at such times and to
     such extent as the related Option is exercisable; provided, however, that a
                                                       --------  -------
     Stock Appreciation Right may be exercised only when the Fair Market Value
     of the Common Stock exceeds the exercise price of the related Option.  A
     Stock Appreciation Right shall entitle the Optionee to surrender to the
     Corporation unexercised the related Option, or any portion thereof, and to
     receive from the Corporation in exchange therefor that number of shares of
     Common Stock (or cash, as provided below) having an aggregate value equal
     to the excess of the Fair Market Value of one share of the Common Stock of
     the Corporation on the day preceding the surrender of such Option over the
     exercise price per share of Common Stock multiplied by the number of shares
     of Common Stock provided for under the Option, or portion thereof, which is
     surrendered; provided, however, that no fractional shares shall be issued 
                  --------  -------
     of Common Stock (cash being delivered to the Participant in lieu of such
     fractional shares).  The number of shares of Common Stock which may be
     received pursuant to the exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right may not
     exceed the number of shares of Common Stock provided for under the Option,
     or portion thereof, which is surrendered.  The Committee shall have the
     right, in its sole discretion, to approve an election by a Participant to
     receive cash in whole or in part in settlement of the Stock Appreciation
     Right.  Within thirty (30) days following the receipt by the Committee of a
     request to receive cash in whole or in part in settlement of a Stock
     Appreciation Right, the Committee shall, in its sole discretion, either
     consent to or disapprove, in whole or in part, such a request.  A request
     to receive cash in whole or in part in settlement of a Stock Appreciation
     Right may provide that, in the event the Committee shall disapprove such
     request, such request shall be deemed to be an exercise of such Stock
     Appreciation Right for shares of Common Stock.

           (b)   Freestanding Stock Appreciation Rights.  The Committee also
     shall have the authority to grant Stock Appreciation Rights unrelated to
     any Option that may be granted hereunder.  Each such Stock Appreciation
     Right shall be subject to the terms and conditions as determined by the
     Committee.  A Freestanding Stock Appreciation Right shall entitle the
     Optionee to surrender to the Corporation a portion or all of such rights
     and to receive from the Corporation in exchange therefor that number of
     shares of Common Stock (or cash, as provided below) having an aggregate
     value equal to the excess of the Fair Market Value of one share of the
     Common Stock of the Corporation on the day preceding the surrender of such
     Rights over the Fair Market Value per share of Common Stock (determined as
     of the date the Stock Appreciation Right was granted) multiplied by the
     number of Stock Appreciation Rights which are surrendered; provided, 
     however, that no fractional shares of Common Stock shall be issued (cash 
     being delivered to the Participant in lieu of such fractional shares).  The
     Committee shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to approve an
     election by a Participant to receive cash in whole or in part in settlement
     of the Stock Appreciation Right.  Within thirty (30) days following the
     receipt by the Committee of a request to receive cash in whole or in part
     in settlement of a Stock Appreciation Right, the Committee shall, in its
     sole discretion, either consent to or disapprove, in whole or in part, such
     a request.  A request to receive cash in whole or in part in settlement of
     a Stock Appreciation Right may provide that, in the event the Committee
     shall disapprove such request, such request shall be deemed to be an
     exercise of such Stock Appreciation Right for shares of Common Stock. 

           (c)   Exercise of Stock Appreciation Rights.  If the Participant 
     (1) voluntarily ceases to be an employee of the Corporation, or of any
     Parent or Subsidiary, with the written consent of the Committee, (i) dies
     or  becomes Disabled, (ii) terminates his employment with the Corporation
     or with any Parent or Subsidiary due to Retirement, or (iii) suffers an
     involuntary termination of his employment with the Corporation or with any
     Parent or Subsidiary for reasons other than Good Cause, the Plan Award
     earned under Section VI(b) with respect to any outstanding Freestanding
     Stock Appreciation Rights shall be determined as otherwise provided herein
     or in any agreement executed by the Corporation and such Participant
     hereunder.  If the Participant ceases to be an employee of the Corporation
     or of any Parent or Subsidiary for any other reason, all Plan Awards
     granted hereunder and subject to restrictions shall be forfeited.

                                     SECTION VII

           The Committee shall have the authority to grant Performance Shares,
     Restricted Stock or Performance Units either separately or in combination
     with other Plan Awards.  The terms and conditions of Performance Shares,
     Restricted Stock or Performance Units shall be determined from time to time
     by the Committee, without limitation, except as otherwise provided in the
     Plan.  Furthermore:

           (a)   Services Rendered.  Each such Plan Award shall be granted 
     for services rendered (or to be rendered) and at no additional cost to the
     Participant, provided, however, that the value of the services performed
     must, in the opinion of counsel to the Corporation, equal or exceed the par
     value of such shares of Common Stock to be granted to the Participant.

           (b)   Performance Account.  The Corporation shall establish a
     performance account for each Participant to whom Performance Shares or
     Performance Units are granted, and the Performance Shares or Performance
     Units granted shall be credited to such account.  Shares of Common Stock
     granted in the form of Restricted Stock, shall be registered in the name of
     the Participant and together with a stock power endorsed in blank,
     deposited with the Corporation at the time the account is credited.

           (c)   Duration of Performance or Restriction Period.  The duration
     of the performance or restriction period shall be determined by the
     Committee at the time each such grant is made.  More than one grant may be
     outstanding at any one time, and performance or restriction periods may be
     of different lengths.  With respect to Restricted Stock, the Participant
     shall generally have the rights and privileges of a stockholder of the
     Corporation as to such shares, including the right to vote such Restricted
     Stock, except that the following restrictions shall apply:  (i) the
     Participant shall not be entitled to delivery of a certificate until the
     expiration or termination of the restriction period, (ii) none of the
     shares of Restricted Stock may be sold, transferred, assigned, pledged, or
     otherwise encumbered or disposed of during the restriction period and (iii)
     all of the shares of Restricted Stock shall be forfeited by the Participant
     without further obligation on the part of the Corporation as set forth in
     Section VII(g) hereof.  Cash and stock dividends with respect to the
     Restricted Stock will be withheld by the Corporation for the Participant's
     account, and interest may be paid on the amount of cash dividends withheld
     at a rate and subject to such terms as may be determined by the
     Corporation.  All cash or stock dividends so withheld by the Corporation
     shall initially be subject to forfeiture, but shall become non-forfeitable
     and payable at the same times, and at the same rate, as determined with
     respect to the lapse of restrictions on Restricted Stock.  Upon the
     forfeiture of any Restricted Stock, such forfeited shares of Common Stock
     shall be transferred to the Corporation without further action by the
     Participant.  Upon the expiration or termination of the restriction period,
     the restrictions imposed on the appropriate Restricted Stock shall lapse
     and a stock certificate for the number of shares of Restricted Stock with
     respect to which the restrictions have lapsed shall be delivered, free of
     all such restrictions, except any that may be imposed by law or by any
     applicable stockholders' agreement, to the Participant.  A Participant who
     files an election with the Internal Revenue Service to include the fair
     market value of any Restricted Stock in gross income while they are still
     subject to restrictions shall promptly furnish the Corporation with a copy
     of such election together with the amount of any federal, state, local or
     other taxes that may be required to be withheld to enable the Corporation
     to claim an income tax deduction with respect to such election.

           (d)   Performance Targets.  At the time of each grant, the 
     Committee shall establish (subject to the provisions of Section VII(e)
     hereof) performance targets and/or periods of service to which the vesting
     of Performance Shares, Performance Units and/or Restricted Stock shall be
     constituted as appropriate.  The Committee may also establish a 
     relationship between performance targets and the number of Performance
     Shares or the number or value of Performance Units which shall be earned. 
     The Committee also shall establish a relationship between performance
     results other than the targets and the number of Performance Shares or
     Restricted Stock and the number or value of Performance Units, if any,
     which shall be earned.  The Committee shall determine the measures of
     performance to be used in determining the extent to which Performance
     Shares or Performance Units are earned or to which restrictions on
     Restricted Stock or units shall lapse.  Performance measures and targets
     may vary among grants, but once established for a grant may not be modified
     with respect to that grant except as provided in Section X and provided
     that, with respect to Performance Shares and Performance Units, the
     Committee may, in its sole discretion, make such adjustments to performance
     targets, the number of Performance Shares or the number or value of
     Performance Units which shall be earned, or such other changes as it may
     deem necessary or advisable in the event of material changes in the
     criteria used for establishing performance targets which would result in
     the dilution or enlargement of a Participant's award outside the goals
     intended by the Committee at the time of the grant of the Plan Award.

           (e)   Performance Measures.  The performance measures utilized to
     determine the number of Performance Shares, Performance Units or shares of
     Restricted Stock that become vested under the Plan shall be as determined
     by the Committee in its sole discretion and may include, but shall not be
     limited to:

                (i)   Total stockholder return (measured as the sum of Common
          Stock appreciation and dividends declared) in relation to any
          nationally recognized stock index.

                (ii)  Return on invested capital in relation to target

                (iii) Share earnings/earnings growth in relation to target

                (iv)  Cash flow/cash flow growth in relation to target

     In the event that applicable tax and/or securities laws change to permit
     Committee discretion to alter the governing performance measures without
     obtaining stockholder approval of such changes, the Committee shall have
     sole discretion to make such changes without obtaining stockholder

           (f)   Dividend or Interest Equivalents.  The Committee may provide
     that amounts equivalent to dividends or interest shall be payable with
     respect to Performance Shares, Restricted Stock or Performance Units held
     in the Participant's performance account.  Such amounts shall be credited
     to the performance account, and shall be payable to the Participant in cash
     or in Common Stock, as set forth under the terms of the Plan Award, at such
     time as the restrictions on the Restricted Stock are removed or the
     Performance Shares or Performance Units are earned.  The Committee further
     may provide that amounts equivalent to interest or dividends held in the
     performance accounts shall be credited to such accounts on a periodic or
     other basis.

           (g)   Termination of Employment.  If the Participant (i) 
     voluntarily ceases to be an employee of the Corporation, or of any Parent
     or Subsidiary, with the written consent of the Committee, (ii) dies or
     becomes Disabled, (iii) terminates his employment with the Corporation or
     with any Parent or Subsidiary due to Retirement or (iv) suffers an
     involuntary termination of his employment with the Corporation or with any
     Parent or Subsidiary for reasons other than Good Cause, the Plan Award
     earned under this Section with respect to any outstanding Performance
     Shares, Restricted Stock, Performance Units or interest on dividend
     equivalents shall be determined as otherwise provided herein or in any
     agreement executed by such Participant hereunder.  If the Participant
     ceases to be an employee of the Corporation or of any Parent or Subsidiary
     for any other reason, all Plan Awards granted hereunder and subject to
     restrictions shall be forfeited.  In such case, the Corporation shall have
     the right to complete the blank stock power with respect to Restricted
     Stock and transfer the same to its treasury.

                                     SECTION VIII
                                 DEFERRAL OF PAYMENTS

           The Committee may, in its sole discretion, establish procedures by
     which a Participant may elect to defer payment of a Plan Award.  The
     Committee shall determine the terms and conditions of  such deferral.  Any
     such deferral shall be subject to the following:

           (a)   Contingent Nature of Allocation.  Every allocation under the
     Plan to a performance account shall be considered "contingent" and unfunded
     until any forfeiture restrictions under the terms of the Plan Award expire
     or lapse, until all conditions contained in the Plan Award are satisfied,
     and until any elective deferral period expires.  Such contingent
     allocations shall be considered bookkeeping entries only, notwithstanding
     the crediting of deemed "dividends" or  "interest."  Nothing contained
     herein shall be construed as creating a trust or fiduciary relationship
     between the Participant and the Corporation or the Committee.

           (b)   Participant's Rights to Awards.  Until the Plan Award vests,
     the elective deferral period expires, and any  restrictions are lifted, the
     related amounts held in the Participant's performance account cannot be
     sold, conveyed, transferred, pledged, hypothecated, or assigned and any
     attempt to do so by the Participant shall result in the immediate
     forfeiture of such Plan Award.  Until the Plan Award vests and becomes
     payable, such account balances shall be the property of the Corporation. 
     The Participant's right to such account balances shall be subject to the
     claims of the general creditors of the Corporation.  Receipt of the Plan
     Award is conditioned upon satisfactory compliance with the terms and
     conditions of the such Award and other requirements of the Plan.

           (c)   Election to Defer Payment.  If a Participant desires to 
     defer the normal receipt of Common Stock or cash due him under a Plan
     Award, he must make an irrevocable election in a calendar year prior to the
     calendar year or years in which he is to perform services that will entitle
     him to the Plan Award.  Such election shall be made in accordance with Rule
     16b-3 to the extent required and shall provide a fixed date for the
     termination of the deferral period.  The Participant shall not be permitted
     to receive his Plan Award prior to the end of the elected deferral period,
     except in the event of:  his death, Retirement, Disability or termination
     of employment with the Corporation or any Parent or Subsidiary.

                                      SECTION IX
                             ADJUSTMENT OF SHARES; MERGER

           (a)   Recapitalization, Etc.  In the event there is any change in
     the Common Stock of the Corporation by reason of any reorganization,
     recapitalization, stock split, stock dividend or otherwise, there shall be
     substituted for or added to each share of Common Stock theretofore
     appropriated or thereafter subject, or which may become subject, to any
     Option, grant of Restricted Stock, Performance Share or Performance Unit
     award, the number and kind of shares of stock or other securities into
     which each outstanding share of Common Stock shall be so changed or for
     which each such share shall be exchanged, or to which each such share be
     entitled, as the case may be, and the per share price thereof also shall be
     appropriately adjusted.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) each such
     adjustment with respect to an Incentive Stock Option shall comply with the
     rules of Section 424(a) of the Code and (ii) in no event shall any
     adjustment be made which would render any Incentive Stock Option granted
     hereunder to be other than an incentive stock option for purposes of
     Section 422 of the Code.

           (b)   Merger or Consolidation of Corporation.  Upon (i) the merger
     or consolidation of the Corporation with or into another corporation, if
     the agreement of merger or consolidation does not provide for (1) the
     continuance of the Options, Stock Appreciation Rights and shares of
     Restricted Stock granted hereunder or (2) the substitution of new Options,
     Stock Appreciation Rights or shares of Restricted Stock for Options, Stock
     Appreciation Rights and shares of Restricted Stock granted hereunder, or
     for the assumption of such Options, Stock Appreciation Rights and shares of
     Restricted Stock by the surviving corporation or (ii) the dissolution,
     liquidation, or sale of substantially all the assets, of the Corporation,
     (1) the holder of any such Option or Stock Appreciation Right theretofore
     granted and still outstanding (and not otherwise expired) shall have the
     right immediately prior to the effective date of such merger,
     consolidation, dissolution, liquidation or sale of assets to exercise such
     Option(s) or Stock Appreciation Right(s) in whole or in part without regard
     to any installment provision that may have been made part of the terms and
     conditions of such Option(s) or Stock Appreciation Right(s) and (2) all
     restrictions regarding transferability and forfeiture on shares of
     Restricted Stock shall be removed as of the effective date of such merger,
     consolidation, dissolution, liquidation or sale of assets; provided that
     any conditions precedent to the exercise of such Options or Stock
     Appreciation Rights and the transfer of such shares of Restricted Stock,
     other than the passage of time, have occurred.  The Corporation, to the
     extent practicable, shall give advance notice to affected Optionees and
     holders of Stock Appreciation Rights or shares of Restricted Stock of such
     merger, consolidation, dissolution, liquidation or sale of assets.  All
     such Options and Stock Appreciation Rights which are not so exercised shall
     be forfeited as of the effective time of such merger, consolidation,
     dissolution, liquidation or sale of assets.

           (c)   Effect of Merger or Consolidation.  As of the effective date
     of the merger, consolidation, dissolution, liquidation or sale of
     substantially all of the assets of the Corporation, no Participant shall
     earn any additional Performance Share or Performance Unit or dividend or
     interest equivalent under this Plan.  Furthermore, if the value of any
     Performance Share or Performance Unit cannot be determined as of such date
     because such Plan Award is conditioned upon the future financial
     performance of the Corporation, such Performance Share or Performance Unit
     (including any applicable dividend or interest equivalents) shall be
     canceled.  Any Performance Share or Performance Unit payable after the date
     of the merger, consolidation, dissolution, liquidation or sale of
     substantially all of the assets of the Corporation shall be paid in cash
     (unless the appropriate merger or consolidation agreement provides
     otherwise) as of the date such Performance Share or Performance Unit
     originally was to have been paid, or as of such earlier date as may be
     determined by the Corporation or its successor.

                                      SECTION X
                               MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

           (a)   Administrative Procedures.  The Committee may establish any
     procedures determined by it to be appropriate in discharging its
     responsibilities under the Plan.  Subject to the provisions of Section XIII
     hereof, all actions and decisions of the Committee shall be final.

           (b)   Assignment or Transfer.  No grant or award of any Incentive
     Stock Option or any other "derivative security" (as defined by Rule
     16a-l(c) promulgated under the Exchange Act) made under the Plan or any
     rights or interests therein shall be assignable or transferable by a
     Participant except by will or the laws of descent and distribution or
     pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order.  During the lifetime of a
     Participant Options and other Plan Awards granted hereunder shall be
     exercisable only by the Participant, and Plan Awards earned hereunder shall
     be payable only to the Participant.  Performance Shares or Restricted Stock
     or Performance Units may not be sold, assigned, transferred, redeemed,
     pledged or otherwise encumbered during the restriction period, except as
     provided in Section VIII(b) hereof.

           (c)   Investment Representation.  In the case of Plan Awards paid 
     in shares of Common Stock or other securities, the Committee may require,
     as a condition of receiving such securities, that the Participant furnish
     to the Corporation such written representations and information as the
     Committee deems appropriate to permit the Corporation, in light of the
     existence or nonexistence of an effective registration statement under the
     Securities Act to deliver such securities in compliance with the provisions
     of the Securities Act.

           (d)   Withholding Taxes.  The Corporation shall have the right to
     deduct from all cash payments hereunder any federal, state, local or
     foreign taxes required by law to be withheld with respect to such payments.
     In the case of the issuance or distribution of Common Stock or other
     securities hereunder, the Corporation, as a condition of such issuance or
     distribution, may require the payment (through withholding from the
     Participant's salary, reduction of the number of shares of Common Stock or
     other securities to be issued, or otherwise) of any such taxes.  Subject to
     the Rules promulgated under Section 16 of the Exchange Act (to the extent
     applicable), and to the consent of the Committee, the Participant, may
     satisfy the withholding obligations by paying to the Corporation a cash
     amount equal to the amount required to be withheld or by tendering to the
     Corporation a number of shares of Common Stock having a value equivalent to
     such cash amount, or by use of any available procedure as described under
     Section IV(c) hereof.

           (e)   Forfeiture.  In order for a Participant or his legal
     representative to receive payments or benefits under the Plan, a
     Participant must (i) be an active employee of the Corporation or of any
     Parent or Subsidiary, (ii) have become Disabled or have terminated his
     employment with the Corporation or with any Parent or Subsidiary due to
     Retirement, (iii) have died while in the active employment of the
     Corporation or of any Parent or Subsidiary, (iv) have voluntarily ceased to
     be an employee of the Corporation or of any Parent or Subsidiary with the
     written consent of the Committee or (v) suffered an involuntary termination
     of employment by the Corporation or any Parent or Subsidiary for other than
     Good Cause.

           (f)   Costs and Expenses.  The costs and expenses of administering
     the Plan shall be borne by the Corporation and shall not be charged against
     any award nor to any employee receiving a Plan Award.

           (g)   Funding of Plan.  Except in the case of awards of Restricted
     Stock, the Plan shall be unfunded.  The Corporation shall not be required
     to segregate any of its assets to assure the payment of any Plan Award
     under the Plan.  Neither the Participants nor any other persons shall have
     any interest in any fund or in any specific asset or assets of the
     Corporation or any other entity by reason of any Plan Award, except to the
     extent expressly provided hereunder.  The interests of each Participant and
     former Participant hereunder are unsecured and shall be subject to the
     general creditors of the Corporation.

           (h)   Other Incentive Plans.  The adoption of the Plan does not
     preclude the adoption by appropriate means of any other incentive plan for

           (i)   Plurals and Gender.  Where appearing in the Plan, masculine
     gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders, and the singular
     shall include the plural, and vice versa, unless the context clearly
     indicates a different meaning.

           (j)   Headings.  The headings and sub-headings in this Plan are
     inserted for the convenience of reference only and are to be ignored in any
     construction of the provisions hereof.

           (k)   Severability.  In case any provision of this Plan shall be
     held illegal or void, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the
     remaining provisions of this Plan, but shall be fully severable, and the
     Plan shall be construed and enforced as if said illegal or invalid 
     provisions had never been inserted herein.

           (l)   Payments Due Missing Persons.  The Corporation shall make a
     reasonable effort to locate all persons entitled to benefits under the
     Plan; however, notwithstanding any provisions of this Plan to the contrary,
     if, after a period of one (1) year from the date such benefits shall be
     due, any such persons entitled to benefits have not been located, their
     rights under the Plan shall stand suspended.  Before this provision becomes
     operative, the Corporation shall send a certified letter to all such
     persons at their last known addresses advising them that their rights under
     the Plan shall be suspended.  Subject to all applicable state laws, any
     such suspended amounts shall be held by the Corporation for a period of one
     (1) additional year and thereafter such amounts shall be forfeited and
     thereafter remain the property of the Corporation.

           (m)   Liability and Indemnification.  (i)  Neither the Corporation
     nor any Parent or Subsidiary shall be responsible in any way for any action
     or omission of the Committee, or any other fiduciaries in the performance
     of their duties and obligations as set forth in this Plan. Furthermore,
     neither the Corporation nor any Parent or Subsidiary shall be responsible
     for any act or omission of any of their agents, or with respect to reliance
     upon advice of their counsel provided that the Corporation and/or the
     appropriate Parent or Subsidiary relied in good faith upon the action of
     such agent or the advice of such counsel.

                (ii)  Except for their own gross negligence or willful
          misconduct regarding the performance of the duties specifically
          assigned to them under or their willful breach of the terms of, this
          Plan, the Corporation, each Parent and Subsidiary and the Committee
          shall be held harmless by the Participants, former Participants,
          beneficiaries and their representatives against liability or losses
          occurring by reason of any act or omission.  Neither the Corporation,
          any Parent or Subsidiary, the Committee, nor any agents, employees,
          officers, directors or shareholders of any of them, nor any other
          person shall have any liability or responsibility with respect to this
          Plan, except as expressly provided herein.

           (n)   Incapacity.  If the Committee shall receive evidence
     satisfactory to it that a person entitled to receive payment of any Plan
     Award is, at the time when such  benefit becomes payable, a minor, or is
     physically or mentally incompetent to receive such Plan Award and to give a
     valid release thereof, and that another person or an institution is then
     maintaining or has custody of such person and that no guardian, committee
     or other representative of the estate of such person shall have been duly
     appointed, the Committee may make payment of such Plan Award otherwise
     payable to such person to such other person or institution, including a
     custodian under a Uniform Gifts to Minors Act, or corresponding legislation
     (who shall be an adult, a guardian of the minor or a trust company), and
     the release by such other person or institution shall be a valid and
     complete discharge for the payment of such Plan Award.

           (o)   Cooperation of Parties.  All parties to this Plan and any
     person claiming any interest hereunder agree to perform any and all acts
     and execute any and all documents and papers which are necessary or
     desirable for carrying out this Plan or any of its provisions.

           (p)   Governing Law.  All questions pertaining to the validity,
     construction and administration of the Plan shall be determined in
     accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

           (q)   Nonguarantee of Employment.  Nothing contained in this Plan
     shall be construed as a contract of employment between the Corporation (or
     any Parent or Subsidiary), and any employee or Participant, as a right of
     any employee or Participant to be continued in the employment of the
     Corporation (or any Parent or Subsidiary), or as a limitation on the right
     of the Corporation or any Parent or Subsidiary to discharge any of its
     employees, with or without cause.

           (r)   Notices.  Each notice relating to this Plan shall be in
     writing and delivered in person or by certified mail to the proper address.
     All notices to the Corporation or the Committee shall be addressed to it at
     500 Richardson Road South, Hope Hull, Alabama 36043, Attn: Vice President,
     Finance and Chief Financial Officer.  All notices to Participants, former
     Participants, beneficiaries or other persons acting for or on behalf of
     such persons shall be addressed to such person at the last address for such
     person maintained in the Committee's records.

           (s)   Written Agreements.  Each Plan Award shall be evidenced by a
     signed written agreement between the Corporation and the Participant
     containing the terms and conditions of the award.

                                      SECTION XI
                           AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION OF PLAN

           The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall have the right to
     amend, suspend or terminate the Plan at any time, provided that no
     amendment shall be made which shall  increase the total number of shares of
     the Common Stock of the Corporation which may be issued and sold pursuant
     to Options or other Plan Awards, reduce the minimum exercise price in the
     case of an Incentive Stock Option, or modify the provisions of the Plan
     relating to eligibility with respect to Incentive Stock Options unless such
     amendment is made by or with the approval of the stockholders (such
     approval being granted within 12 months of the effective date of such
     amendment).  The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall be authorized
     to amend the Plan and the Options granted thereunder (i) to maintain
     qualification as "incentive stock options" within the meaning of Section
     422 of the Code, if applicable or (ii) to comply with Rule 16b-3 (or any
     successor rule) promulgated under the Exchange Act.  Except as otherwise
     provided herein, no amendment, suspension or termination of the Plan shall
     alter or impair any Plan Awards previously granted under the Plan, without
     the consent of the holder thereof.

                                     SECTION XII
                                     TERM OF PLAN

           The Plan shall remain in effect until the earlier of April 11, 2005,
     or the tenth anniversary of the date the Plan was adopted by the Board of
     Directors of the Corporation, unless sooner terminated by such Board of
     Directors.  No Plan Awards may be granted under the Plan subsequent to the
     termination of the Plan.

                                     SECTION XIII
                                  CLAIMS PROCEDURES

           (a)   Denial.  If any Participant, former Participant or 
     beneficiary is denied any vested benefit to which he is, or reasonably
     believes he is, entitled under this Plan, either in total or in an amount
     less than the full vested benefit to which he would normally be entitled,
     the Committee shall advise such person in writing the specific reasons for
     the denial.  The Committee shall also furnish such person at the time with
     a written notice containing (i) a specific reference to pertinent Plan
     provisions, (ii) a description of any additional material or information
     necessary for such person to perfect his claim, if possible, and an
     explanation of why such material or information is needed and (iii) an
     explanation of the Plan's claim review procedure.

           (b)   Written Request for Review.  Within 60 days of receipt of 
     the information stated in subsection (a) above, such person shall, if he
     desires further review, file a written request for reconsideration with the

           (c)   Review of Document.  So long as such person's request for
     review is pending (including the 60 day period in subsection (b) above),
     such person or his duly authorized representative may review pertinent Plan
     documents and may submit issues and comments in writing to the Committee.

           (d)   Committee's Final and Binding Decision.  A final and binding
     decision shall be made by the Committee within 60 days of the filing by
     such person of this request for reconsideration; provided, however, that if
                                                      --------  -------
     the Committee, in its discretion, feels that a hearing with such person or
     his representative is necessary or desirable, this period shall be extended
     for an additional 60 days.

           (e)   Transmittal of Decision.  The Committee's decision shall be
     conveyed to such person in writing and shall include specific reasons for
     the decision, be written in a manner calculated to be understood by such
     person, and set forth the specific references to the pertinent Plan
     provisions on which the decision is based.

           (f)   Limitation on Claims.  Notwithstanding any provisions of 
     this Plan to the contrary, no Participant (nor the estate or other
     beneficiary of a Participant) shall be entitled to assert a claim against
     the Corporation (or against any Parent or Subsidiary) more than three years
     after the date the Participant (or his estate or other beneficiary)
     initially is entitled to receive benefits hereunder.