THIS INDENTURE OF LEASE made this 23 day of March 1998 by
          and between MARELD COMPANY, INC., a New Hampshire Corporation,
          having a usual place of business at 400 Amherst St., Suite 202,
          Nashua, NH 03063 (hereinafter designated as the  LESSOR ) and
          AMERICAN ELECTROMEDICS CORPORATION, a New Hampshire Corporation,
          having a usual place of business at 13 Columbia Drive, Suite 18,
          Amherst, NH 03031 (hereinafter designated as the  LESSEE ).


               1.   PREMISES.  In consideration of the rent and covenants
          herein reserved and contained on the part of the Lessee to be
          paid, performed or observed, and subject to the conditions
          hereinafter set forth, the Lessor does hereby demise and lease
          unto the Lessee certain premises (hereinafter  Premises )
          consisting of approximately 7,800 square feet in the building
          (hereinafter  Building ) known as 13 Columbia Drive, Amherst, New
          Hampshire.  The Premises are commonly known as Building #2, Units
          #5, #6, #201, and #202 and are more particularly described in
          Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein.

               2.   APPURTENANT RIGHTS AND RESERVATIONS.  Lessee shall
          have, as appurtenant to the Premises, the nonexclusive right to
          use, and permit its invitees to use in common with others, common
          parking facilities and other interior and exterior common areas. 
          Such appurtenant rights shall always be subject to rules and
          regulations from time to time established by Lessor and to the
          right of Lessor to designate and change from time to time such
          common areas and facilities, provided same shall not unreasonably
          impair or restrict ingress or egress to the Premises.

               3.   TERM.  Subject to the conditions herein stated, the
          Lessee shall hold the said Premises for a term of three (3) years
          and one half month commencing on May 15, 1998 (hereinafter the
          "Commencement Date") and terminating on May 31, 2001 (hereinafter
          the "Expiration Date").  If the space is not delivered by May 15,
          1998, the rent will be abated until it is delivered.

               4.   RENT PAYABLE BY LESSEE.  Lessee covenants and agrees to
          pay Lessor yearly and every year during the term of this Lease,
          without demand, set-off, or any deduction whatsoever except as
          otherwise provided herein;

               (a)  a BASE RENT of $45,935.70 per year payable on the first
                    day of each month in advance in equal monthly
                    installments of $3,827.98.

               (b)  such other amounts as shall become due and payable
                    under the provisions of this Lease as ADDITIONAL RENT
                    as hereinafter provided in Section 5.

          Rent for any fraction of a month at the commencement or
          expiration of the Term of this Lease shall be prorated.

               5.   ADDITIONAL RENT PAYABLE BY LESSEE.  In addition to the
          Base Rent set forth in Section 4 above, the Lessee shall
          beginning with the Lease Year (as hereinafter defined) commencing
          on the first anniversary of the Commencement Date and every year
          thereafter pay as additional rent ("Additional Rent") its pro-
          rata share of any increase in Common Costs and Real Estate Taxes
          (as hereinafter defined) over such costs incurred by Lessor
          during the Base Year (as hereinafter defined).  The Lessor shall,
          from time to time, furnish the Lessee with a statement, certified
          as correct by the Lessor, setting forth the Common Costs and Real
          Estate Taxes for the current year, and the Additional Rent to be
          paid.  Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of such statement, the
          Lessee shall pay the Additional Rent shown to be due for the
          period prior to the date of such statement, and thereafter shall
          pay the monthly Additional Rent shown on such statement at the
          times specified for the payment of Base Rent.  Lessor shall act
          in good faith to furnish Lessee with such statement within thirty
          (30) days of the expiration of the year that the Common Costs
          were incurred, and, with respect to Real Estate Taxes, within 30
          days of the end of the fiscal year.  Notwithstanding that the
          Base Year may not be a calendar year (January 1 December 31),
          Lessor may at any time during the Term elect to bill such
          Additional Rent on a calendar year basis so long as there is
          proper pro-ration between Lease Year and the calendar year.  For
          purposes of this Lease the following definitions shall apply:

               Pro-rata Share: "Pro-Rata Share" means a fraction of the
          numerator of which is 7,800 (Lessee's Gross Rentable Area) and
          the denominator of which is 89,600 (Gross Rentable are of the

               Lease Year: "Lease Year" means the twelve month period
          beginning on the Commencement Date and each twelve month period

               Base Year: "Base Year" means the first lease year of the
          Term commencing on the Commencement Date and ending one year
          thereafter, except that with respect to real estate taxes it
          means the fiscal year April 1, 1998 to March 31, 1999.

               Common Costs: "Common Costs" means the sum of all costs and
          expenses of every nature and description paid or incurred by
          Lessor for the repair and maintenance of the Building common
          areas, (excluding capital improvements and replacements)
          including but not limited to:

               (a)  cleaning, operation, maintenance and repair of the
          interior and exterior of all common areas, and all systems and
          facilities servicing the Common Areas, including but not limited
          to electrical systems, water and sewer systems, HVAC systems,
          sprinkler systems, fire alarm systems, security alarm systems,
          elevator, snow removal, trash and refuse collection and removal,
          landscaping and lawn mowing, paving repairs and restriping of the
          parking areas, plus

               (b)  service of all utilities servicing the Common Areas;
          including but not limited to electricity, gas, water and sewer,

               (c)  the maintenance of all insurance (including, but not
          limited to fire, broad form extended coverage, rent, water risk,
          liability, products liability, flood, etc.) covering the Office
          Building, the improvements, the Common Areas and every other
          facility or property used or required or deemed necessary in
          connection with any of them, plus

               (d)  fifteen percent (15%) of all costs set forth in the
          foregoing subparagraphs (a), (b), and (c) to cover Lessor's
          administrative and overhead costs.

               Real Estate Taxes: Real Estate Taxes means the sum of all
          real property taxes and assessments assessed against the land and
          the Building of which the Premises are a part, including, but not
          limited to, betterments, water and sewer assessments and other
          taxes or levies levied or assessed in lieu of or as a substitute
          for real property taxes less the Lessee's share of any abatements
          after costs that the Lessor may receive.  The Lessor is not
          obligated to file for an abatement.

          shall pay all business taxes or other similar rates and taxes
          which may be levied or imposed upon the business carried on in
          the demised premises only, all other rates and taxes which are or
          may be payable by Lessee as tenant and occupant in the demised
          premises only and any and all taxes that may be levied upon the
          improvements.  If by law, regulation or otherwise, such business
          taxes or other similar rates and taxes or taxes upon improvements
          are made payable by landlords or proprietors, or if the mode of
          collecting such taxes be so altered as to make Lessor liable
          therefor instead of Lessee, Lessee shall repay to Lessor within
          seven (7) days after demand upon Lessee that amount of the charge
          imposed on Lessor as a result of such change, and shall save
          Lessor harmless from any costs or expense in respect thereof, all
          subject, however, to the provisions of this Lease with respect to
          each party's obligation for said charges.

               7.   USE.  It is understood and the Lessee so agrees that
          the Premises shall be utilized only for the purpose of the
          manufacture, repair and storage of electronic medical equipment
          and related office uses.

               8.   RULES AND REGULATIONS.  Lessee shall at all times
          comply with, and cause its invitees, agents, guests, employees
          and licensees to comply with, any Rules and Regulations which may
          be promulgated by Lessor.

          The Lessor reserves the right to place, maintain, repair and
          replace such utility facilities or lines, pipes, wires and the
          like, over, upon and through the Premises as may be necessary or
          advisable for the servicing of the Premises or the Building;
          provided, however, the Lessee's use of the Premises shall be
          interfered with only temporarily during such servicing.  Such
          interference shall not materially interfere with the Lessee's
          normal business operations.

          shall maintain its own public utility meters and facilities which
          are to be used to provide and measure utilities for appliance
          operations of the business.  All charges under the separate
          meters will be billed directly to the Lessee by the public
          utilities servicing the meters.

          shall maintain and keep clean the parking area and shall remove
          snow therefrom with reasonable dispatch when required. 
          Reasonable piling of snow shall be permitted.  Lessee shall be
          responsible to clean and remove snow from the walkways, entrances
          and rear exits of the Premises.  The Lessor shall provide
          adequate lighting for the parking area from 6:00 A.M. through
          6:00 P.M.

               12.  LESSEE'S COVENANTS.  In addition to all other covenants
          and agreements of the Lessee contained in this lease, the Lessee
          covenants and agrees at all times during the term hereof, and for
          any further time as it shall hold the Premises or any part
          thereof to:

               (a)  pay when due all rent provided for herein;

               (b)  procure any authorizations or licenses required for
          Lessee's use of the Premises;

               (c)  make all necessary non-capital repairs to or
          replacements for the interior of the Premises and to keep the
          same in as good order, repair and condition as the same are in at
          the commencement of the term or may be put in thereafter
          (reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire excepted);

               (d)  install and operate machines and mechanical equipment
          in such a manner as to prevent vibrations and noise outside the

               (e)  keep the Premises equipped with all safety appliances
          required by law or ordinance or any regulation of any public
          authority for the particular use of the Premises by the Lessee
          and make all repairs, alterations, replacements, or additions so

               (f)  use the septic, sewage or other waste disposal system
          only for disposal of human waste and not dump, flush, or in any
          way, introduce any hazardous, toxic or chemical substances into
          said waste disposal system or use it in such a manner which would
          damage, impair or cause accelerated deterioration;

               (g)  permit the Lessor or its agents to enter at reasonable
          times upon reasonable prior notice to view the Premises and, if
          the Lessee has failed to, make repairs, within three days after
          notice to make repairs, or alterations necessary for the
          preservation and safety thereof;

               (h)  permit the Lessor to show the Premises to others at any
          time within one hundred twenty days (120) before the expiration
          of the term so long as the Lessor does not materially interfere
          with the Lessee's operation;

               (i)  remove its goods and effects and those of all persons
          claiming under it at the termination or expiration of this Lease
          and peaceably yield up said Premises and all additions thereto to
          the Lessor, leaving the same clean and in such repair, order and
          condition as in at the commencement of the term or as may be put
          in during the continuancy thereof, (excepting only such
          alterations as are made or authorized by the Lessor, or from
          reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire);

               (j)  not generate, store or dispose of hazardous, toxic or
          chemical substances in or on the Premises;

               (k)  not permit the emission from the Premises of any
          objectionable noise or odor;

               (l)  not carry on any business or occupation which shall be
          unlawful, or contrary to any law or ordinance in force for the
          term of the Lease;

               (m)  not do any act or thing upon the Premises (other than
          in its normal conduct of business) which will make it uninsurable
          against fire or which is liable to increase the premium for fire
          insurance on the Building;

               (n)  Tenant will be responsible to remove snow and ice on
          front walkways and immediately in front of overhead door

          covenants and agrees to keep in good order and repair, the roof,
          exterior wall (but not including plate or other glass unless the
          same be damaged by fire), foundations and structure of the
          Premises and all utility entrances exterior to the premises,
          excepting for damage caused by any act or negligence of the
          Lessee or other person or persons for which it is legally


               (a)  The Lessee covenants and agrees to keep in good order,
          condition and repair (excepting for reasonable wear and tear and
          damage by fire) the exterior and interior portions of all doors,
          windows and plate glass, all plumbing and heating fixtures,
          interior walls, floors, ceilings and the wiring and electrical
          fixtures and equipment within the Premises.  The Lessee agrees to
          replace immediately all glass and glass windows in the Premises
          with glass of the same quality as that which may become injured
          or broken, unless damaged or broken by fire.  If the Lessee shall
          not within three (3) days after written notice by Lessor of
          repairs to be made by the Lessee, commence to make such repairs
          and complete same within a reasonable time, the Lessor may make
          such repairs and the expense thereof shall constitute a debt by
          the Lessee payable as Additional Rent, with interest Payable to
          Lessor at the maximum legal rate.

               (b)  HVAC: Lessee shall maintain and perform non-capital
          repairs to the HVAC system and keep the same in good working
          order and condition during the Term and, in furtherance thereof,
          Lessee shall, on or before the commencement of the Term, enter
          into and maintain a service agreement with a reputable and
          experienced service company to perform regular maintenance
          (including, but not limited to, changing filters, oiling,
          lubricating and replacement of all belts and pulleys) and to make
          repairs to the HVAC system, with the obligation of said company
          to examine such equipment no less frequently than quarterly. 
          Lessor shall be responsible for all major capital repairs and

               15.  TENANT'S PROPERTY.  All furnishings, fixtures,
          equipment, effects and property of every kind, nature and
          description of Lessee, and of all persons claiming, by, through
          or under Lessee, shall be kept on the Premises or Building at the
          sole risk of the Lessee; and if the whole or any part thereof
          shall be destroyed or damaged by fire, water or other casualty
          (including the bursting or leakage of water pipes, steam pipes or
          other pipes, or by theft or from any other cause), such damage or
          destruction shall be Lessee's responsibility.

               16.  HAZARDOUS MATERIALS.  Lessee shall not (either with or
          without negligence) by its actions or those of its contractors,
          employees, servants, agents, licensees or invitees (i) cause or
          permit the escape, disposal or release of any biologically or
          chemically active or other hazardous substances or materials (ii)
          store or use such substances or materials in any manner not
          sanctioned by law or by the highest standards prevailing in the
          industry for the storage and use of such substances or materials,
          nor allow to be brought into the Premises or the Building or onto
          the land on which the Building is situated any such materials or
          substances except to use in the ordinary course of Lessee's
          business, and then only after written notice is given to Lessor
          of the identity of such substances or materials.  Without
          limitations, hazardous substances and materials shall include
          those described in the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
          Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended ( CERCLA ), 42
          U.S.C. Section 9601 et seq., the Resource Conservation and
          Recovery Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et seq., and any
          applicable state or local laws and the regulations adopted under
          these acts.  If any lender or governmental agency shall ever
          require testing to ascertain whether or not there has been any
          release of hazardous materials, then Lessee shall upon demand
          reimburse Lessor for the reasonable costs thereof if, and only to
          the extent, such requirement applies to the Premises and it is
          determined that Lessee or any of its agents, employees, servants
          or contractors caused the release of hazardous substances or
          materials.  In addition, Lessee shall execute affidavits,
          representations, certifications and the like from time to time at
          Lessor's request concerning Lessee's best knowledge and belief
          regarding the presence of hazardous substances or materials on
          the Premises.  Lessee shall indemnify Lessor to the extent and
          manner set forth in Section 22 of this Lease on account of any
          release of hazardous materials if caused by Lessee or persons
          acting under Lessee.  The within covenants shall survive the
          expiration or earlier termination of the Lease term.

               17.  SIGNS.  Lessor shall at its expense place Lessee's name
          (or its  d/b/a  as Lessor may approve) on the Pylon Sign
          Directory in front of the Building.  Lessee may at its expense
          paint or place a directory sign on its entry door, subject to the
          reasonable approval of Lessor as to design, material, color and
          other aesthetic qualities.  Except as stated above, Lessee shall
          not without Lessor s prior written consent (a) paint or place any
          signs on the Premises or anywhere on or in the Building which is
          or are visible from outside the Premises, or (b) place any
          curtains, blinds, shades, awnings, aerials or flagpoles or the
          like, in the Premises or anywhere on or in the Building which is
          or are visible from outside the Premises.  Any sign placed or
          painted by Lessee with Lessor s approval shall comply with any
          applicable ordinances of the Town of Amherst.

               18.  FLOOR LOAD, HEAVY MACHINERY.  Lessee shall not place a
          load upon any floor in the Premises exceeding the load per square
          foot of floor of area which such floor was designed to carry and
          which is allowed by law.  Lessor reserves the right to prescribe
          the weight and position of all business machines and mechanical
          equipment (including safes or vaults) or as to distribute the
          weight in a safe and reasonable manner.  Lessee shall not move
          any safe, vault, heavy machinery or heavy equipment in such a
          manner as to jeopardize or threaten the safety or well-being of
          the Building, other tenants or the public.  Any moving of such
          heavy machinery or equipment shall be done by licensed
          professionals in compliance with applicable law and at such times
          as Lessor shall require for the safety and convenience of the
          Building's occupants.

               19.  ALTERATIONS AND/OR ADDITIONS.  The Lessee shall not
          make structural alterations or additions to the Premises, but may
          make non-structural alterations provided the Lessor consents
          thereto in writing, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. 
          All such allowed alterations shall be at Lessee's expense and
          shall be in quality at least equal to the present construction. 
          Lessee shall not permit any mechanic's lien or similar liens to
          remain upon the Premises for labor and materials furnished to
          Lessee in connection with work of any character performed or
          claimed to have been performed at the direction of the Lessee and
          shall cause any such lien to be released of record forthwith
          without cost to the Lessor.  Any alterations or improvements made
          by the Lessee shall become the property of the Lessor at the
          termination of the occupancy as provided therein, except for
          ordinary removable trade fixtures.  At the conclusion of the
          lease term, the Lessor reserves the right to require the Lessee
          to remove any alterations that it made during the lease term.

               20.  LESSEE'S LIABILITY INSURANCE.  The Lessee shall
          maintain with respect to the leased premises and the property of
          which the leased premises are a part comprehensive public
          liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 with property
          damage insurance in limits of $500,000 in responsible companies
          qualified to do business in New Hampshire and in good standing
          therein, insuring the Lessor as well as Lessee against injury to
          persons or damage to property as provided.  The Lessee shall
          deposit with the Lessor certificates for such insurance at or
          prior to the commencement of the term, and thereafter within
          thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of any such policies. 
          All such insurance certificates shall provide that such policies
          shall not be canceled without at least ten (10) days prior
          written notice to each insured named therein.

               21.  DESTRUCTION BY FIRE.

               21.01      DUTY TO REPAIR.  If the Premises should be
          damaged during the Term by fire or other casualty covered by the
          usual extended coverage carried by Lessor, Lessor shall (except
          as hereinafter provided) repair the Premises.

               21.02      RIGHT TO TERMINATE.  If, however, the Premises or
          the Building of which the Premises are a part should be damaged
          or destroyed:

               (a)  by fire or other casualty covered by the usual extended
          coverage carried by Lessor (i) to the extent of thirty (30%)
          percent or more of the cost of replacement of either the Premises
          or the Building, or (ii) so that thirty percent (30%) or more of
          the Gross Leasable Area contained in either thereof shall be
          rendered untenantable; or

               (b)  by any casualty other than those covered by standard
          fire and extended coverage insurance policies; or

               (c)  the Premises shall be damaged in whole or in part
          during the last year of the term; or

               (d)  if Lessor s insurer shall refuse, for any reason, to
          settle a covered claim; or

               (e)  if any Mortgagee shall require that the insurance
          recovery arising from the damage or destruction be applied
          against the principal balance due on such Mortgage; then, in any
          such event, Lessor may, at its option, either terminate this
          lease or elect to repair the Premises.  Lessor shall notify
          Lessee as to its election within ninety (90) days after the
          occurrence of the damage in the event of an uninsured casualty. 
          If Lessor elects to terminate this Lease, the term hereof shall
          end at the end of the calendar month in which such election is
          made.  If Lessor does not elect to terminate this Lease, then
          Lessor shall perform such repairs and rebuilding as is necessary
          to provide Lessee with the same or nearly the same demised
          premises as was delivered at the commencement of the Lease (or as
          altered during the term by mutual consent); and the term shall
          continue without interruption and this Lease shall remain in full
          force and effect.  If the Premises are not repaired within one
          hundred eighty days after casualty, Lessee will have the option
          to terminate this lease.

               21.03  RENT ABATEMENT.  If this Lease is not terminated as
          above provided, then from and after such damage and until the
          Premises are restored as above provided, the rent reserved herein
          shall abate, either wholly or proportionately, according to the
          extent that the Premises have been rendered untenantable by such
          damage or destruction.

               22.  INDEMNIFICATION AND LIABILITY.  Lessee shall save
          harmless and indemnify Lessor from any liability for injury,
          loss, accident, or damage to any person or property, and from any
          claims, actions, proceedings and expenses and costs in connection
          therewith, including without limitation reasonable counsel fees
          (i) arising from the omission, fault, willful act, negligence, or
          other misconduct of Lessee or its employees, servants, agents,
          licensees or invitees or from any use made or occurrence on or
          about the Premises.  Lessee shall also indemnify and hold Lessor
          harmless from and against any losses, costs, damages or claims of
          whatever nature, arising out of or in connection with the
          compliance requirements set forth in the Americans with
          Disabilities Act of 1990, Title III, relating to Lessee's design,
          renovations, alteration and/or construction of the Premises.

               23.  LESSOR'S ACCESS.  The Lessor or agents of the Lessor
          may, at reasonable times, enter to view the Premises and may
          remove placards and signs not approved and affixed as herein
          provided, and make repairs and alterations as Lessor should elect
          to do subject to paragraph 14 excepting those repairs necessary
          to protect the building or people from damage and may show the
          Premises to others at any time within one hundred twenty (120)
          days before the expiration of the term.

               24.  SUBORDINATION.  This Lease shall be subject and
          subordinate to any and all mortgages, deeds of trust and other
          instruments in the nature of a mortgage, now or at any time
          hereafter, a lien or liens on the property of which the Premises
          are a part.  Lessee shall upon request promptly execute and
          deliver such written instruments as shall be necessary to show
          the subordination of this Lease to said mortgages, deeds of trust
          or other such instruments in the nature of a mortgage, provided
          that in the instruments of subordination, the mortgagee or
          trustee or assignee shall agree that so long as the Lessee shall
          not be in default of the Lease, the Lessee shall not be disturbed
          in the quiet enjoyment of the Premises.

               25.  DEFAULT AND BANKRUPTCY.  In the event that:

               (a)  the Lessee shall default in the payment of any
          installment of rent or other sum herein specified and such
          default shall continue for five (5) days after written notice
          thereof; or

               (b)  the Lessee shall default in the observance or
          performance of any other of the Lessee's covenants, agreements,
          or obligations hereunder and such default shall not be corrected
          within twenty (20) days after written notice theretofor.

               (c)  the Lessee shall be declared bankrupt or insolvent
          according to law, or, if any assignment shall be made of Lessee's
          property for the benefit of creditors, then the Lessor shall have
          the right thereafter, while such default continues, to re-enter
          and take complete possession of the Premises, to declare the Term
          of this Lease ended, and remove the Lessee's effects without
          prejudice to any remedies which might be otherwise used for
          arrears of rent or other default.  The Lessee shall indemnify the
          Lessor against all loss of rent and other payments which the
          Lessor may incur by reason of such termination during the residue
          of the term.  If the Lessee shall default, after reasonable
          notice thereof, in the observance or performance of any
          conditions or covenants or Lessee's part to be observed or
          performed under or by virtue of any of the provisions in any
          article of this lease, the Lessor, without being under any
          obligation to do so and without thereby waiving such default, may
          remedy such default for the account and at the expense of the
          Lessee.  If the Lessor makes any expenditures or incurs any
          obligations for the payment of money in connection therewith,
          including but not limited to reasonable attorney's fees, in
          instituting, prosecuting or defending any action or legal
          proceeding, such sums paid or obligations incurred, with interest
          at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum and costs, shall
          be paid to the Lessor by the Lessee as damages for Lessee's

               26.  NOTICE TO PARTIES.  Any notice from the Lessor to the
          Lessee relating to the Premises or to the occupancy thereof
          (including but not limited to any notice of default or
          termination pursuant to Section 24, or any legal process relating
          thereto for possession or for rent due), shall be deemed duly
          served, if mailed to the Premises, to the attention of the
          President, registered or certified mail, return receipt
          requested, postage prepaid, addressed to the Lessee.

               Any notice from the Lessee to the Lessor relating to the
          Premises or to the occupancy thereof, shall be deemed duly
          served, if mailed to the Lessor by registered or certified mail,
          return receipt requested, postage prepaid, at 400 Amherst St.,
          Suite 202, Nashua, NH 03063.

               27.  LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  In the event Lessor shall
          default in the performance of its obligations hereunder, Lessee
          shall look only to Lessor's then equity interest in the Building
          for the satisfaction of any judgement; and in no event shall
          Lessor be liable for any consequential damages.  In the event of
          any sale of the Premises or Lessor s assignment of this Lease,
          the Lessor shall be and hereby is entirely released and
          discharged from any and all further liability and obligations of
          the Lessor hereunder, except for such thereof as may have
          theretofore accrued.

               28.  SURRENDER.  The Lessee shall at the expiration or other
          termination of this Lease remove all Lessee's goods and effects
          from the Premises, including, without hereby limiting the
          generality of the foregoing, all signs and lettering affixed or
          painted by the Lessee, either inside or outside the Premises. 
          Lessee shall deliver to the Lessor the Premises and all keys,
          locks thereto, and other fixtures connected therewith and all
          alterations and additions made to or upon the leased premises, in
          good condition, damage by fire or other casualty only excepted. 
          In the event of the Lessee's failure to remove any of Lessee's
          property from the Premises, Lessor is hereby authorized, without
          liability to Lessee for loss or damage thereto, and at the sole
          risk of Lessee, to remove and store any of the property at
          Lessee's expense, or to retain same under Lessor s control or to
          sell at public or private sale without notice any or all of the
          property not so removed and to apply the net proceeds of such
          sale to the payment of any sum due hereunder, or to destroy such

          failure of the Lessor to insist in any one or more instances upon
          a strict performance or observance of any of the terms,
          provisions or covenants of the Lease or to exercise any right
          therein contained shall not be construed or deemed to be a waiver
          or relinquishment for the future of such terms, provisions,
          covenant or right; but the same shall continue and remain in full
          force and effect.  Receipt by the Lessor of rent with knowledge
          of the breach of any provision of the foregoing Lease shall not
          be deemed a waiver of such breach.

               30.  SERVICES PROVIDED BY LESSOR.  With respect to any
          services to be furnished to Lessee, the Lessor shall in no event
          be liable for failure or delay to furnish the same when prevented
          from so doing by war, strikes, labor difficulties, lockouts,
          breakdown, accident, order or regulation of governmental
          authority, failure of supply, or inability by exercise of
          reasonable diligence, to obtain supplies, parts or employees
          necessary to perform such services, or for any cause beyond
          Lessor s reasonable control, or of any cause due to any act or
          neglect on the part of the Lessee or its servants, agents,
          employees, licensees or any person claiming by, through or under
          the Lessee.

               31.  ASSIGNMENT, SUBLETTING.  Lessee shall not assign,
          mortgage, pledge, or otherwise encumber this Lease or sublet the
          Premises (or any portion thereof) without first obtaining the
          written consent of the Lessor.  Notwithstanding any assignment or
          subletting hereunder, Lessee shall continue to be liable for the
          performance and/or observance of the covenants, agreements,
          terms, and provisions of this Lease.  If the Lessee is a
          corporation or a trust, the sale or transfer at any time during
          the term of this Lease of more than fifty percent (50%) of the
          corporate stock or of the beneficial interest of the trust shall
          be deemed an assignment of the Lease requiring Lessor s prior
          written consent.

               32.  CERTIFICATE OF ESTOPPEL.  The Lessee shall, at the
          request of the Lessor, provide to whomsoever the Lessor shall
          name, a Certificate of Estoppel regarding the terms, covenants,
          and conditions of the Lease.

               33.  MARGINAL HEADINGS.  The marginal headings appearing in
          this Lease are for purposes of easy reference and shall not be
          considered a part of this Lease or in any way to modify, to
          amend, or to affect the provisions thereof.

               34.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Lease and any exhibit attached
          hereto and forming a part hereof sets forth all of the covenants,
          promises, agreements, conditions and understandings between
          Lessor and Lessee concerning the Premises and there are no
          covenants, promises, agreements, conditions or understandings,
          either oral or written, between them other than herein set forth. 
          No subsequent alteration, amendment, change or addition to the
          Lease shall be binding upon Lessor or Lessee unless reduced to
          writing and signed by them.

               35.  HEIRS, EXECUTORS, ETC.  The covenants, conditions and
          agreements contained in this Lease shall bind and enure to the
          benefit of Lessor and Lessee and their respective heirs,
          distributees, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,
          except as otherwise provided in this Lease.

               36.  REPRESENTATION AS TO BROKERS.  Lessee materially
          warrants and represents to Lessor that it has dealt with no
          broker or agent in connection with this transaction other than
          Hirsch & Company, Inc. and Lessee agrees to indemnify and hold
          Lessor harmless from and against any cost, liability or damage
          including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses) incurred by
          Lessor arising from a claim by any person or firm other than
          Hirsch & Company, Inc. alleging entitlement to a broker's
          commission or finder s fee for the rental of the Premises.

               37.  JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY.  If Lessee shall at any
          time comprise or include more than one person, firm, corporation
          or entity, the liability of each thereof shall be joint and

               38.  GOVERNING LAW.  This Lease shall be construed and
          interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New

               39.  PREPARATORY WORK

               (a)  Lessor shall perform in a diligent, workmanlike manner
          at its sole cost and expense the renovation of the Premises in
          accordance with the specifications set forth in Exhibit B
          attached hereto.

               (b)  Lessee shall perform in a diligent, workmanlike manner
          at its sole cost and expense the renovation of the Premises in
          accordance with the specifications set forth in Exhibit C
          attached hereto.

               (c)  In connection with the plans and construction
          referenced in Exhibits B and C, Lessor and Lessee hereby
          authorize the other to rely upon the approval and other actions
          on such party's behalf by the construction representative
          designated hereafter.  The following persons are designated
          construction representatives for the purposes of this Section 39:

               For Lessor:  Tim Paige
                         Telephone:  603-886-7300
                         Fax: 603-880-7176

               For Lessee:  Debra Doyon
                         Telephone: 880-6300
                         Fax:  880-8977

               40.  RECORDING.  Lessee shall not record this Lease in any
          Registry of Deeds or public registration office.  Any recording
          of this Lease shall constitute a material breach by Lessee,
          entitling Lessor, at its election, to immediately terminate this

               41.  COMPLIANCE WITH ADA.  If the Premises are now, or at
          any time during the Lease Term become a  Public Accommodation 
          under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (hereinafter
          "ADA"), Lessee shall at its sole expense be responsible for (a)
          compliance with Title III of the ADA to the extent that the ADA
          imposes obligations on the procedure and design of any
          alterations to the Premises made by Lessee, including but not
          limited to partitions, furnishings, doors, door frames and all
          accessories thereof, and (b) drawing and implementing
          modifications in its policies, practices and procedures in
          connection with the operation of Lessee's business and occupancy
          of the Premises.  If Lessee fails to comply with its obligations
          hereunder and such noncompliance constitutes a violation of the
          ADA, Lessee shall indemnify and hold harmless Lessor from and
          against all claims, expenses or liability suffered or incurred by
          Lessor resulting therefrom.

               42.  SECURITY DEPOSIT.  Coincidental with the execution of
          this Lease, Lessee shall deliver to Lessor a security deposit in
          the amount of $3,827.98 which shall be held in security for
          Lessee's full, faithful and diligent performance under this
          Lease.  Said deposit shall be non-interest bearing and shall be
          refunded to Lessee at the expiration of the Lease, subject to
          Lessee's satisfactory compliance with the terms and conditions

               43.  OPTION TO EXTEND LEASE Lessee shall have the option to
          extend the term of the Lease for one additional term of three (3)
          years provided that: (a) Lessee is not in default (beyond the
          expiration of any grace period granted herein for the curing of
          same) under any of the terms and conditions of the Lease at the
          time it elects to extend the term and at the commencement of the
          Extension Term, and (b) Lessee has given Lessor written notice of
          its election to extend the term no later than six months prior to
          the Expiration Date of the Lease.  In the event that Lessee shall
          extend the term as aforesaid, such extension shall be upon the
          same terms and conditions as set forth herein, except that no
          further right to extend shall be deemed to be included, and
          except for the Base Rent, which shall be determined as
          hereinafter set forth.

               The Base Rent during the Extension Term shall be the Base
          Rent in effect during the last year of the Term or the "Market
          Rent" (as hereinafter defined), whichever is greater.  The term
          "Market Rent" shall mean the rent being charged for comparable
          existing space at the time the extension option is exercised, as
          reasonably determined by the Lessor.  Lessor shall send a written
          notice to Lessee specifying the rent for the extension term
          within thirty (30) days of its receipt of Lessee's exercise of
          option to extend.  Lessee shall be deemed to have rejected the
          new rent level if it has not sent Lessor a notice approving the
          same within ten (10) days of receipt of Lessor s notice.  In the
          event Lessee disapproves the new rent level, then  Market Rent 
          shall be determined as follows:

               Each party shall within ten (10) days of Lessee's
          disapproval appoint an arbitrator to act on its behalf, which
          person shall be a real estate broker or other person experienced
          in the appraisal or management of real estate within the Nashua
          metropolitan area.  If the two arbitrators are unable to reach
          agreement within ten (10) days after their appointment, then the
          two arbitrators shall appoint a third arbitrator and the decision
          by a majority of the arbitrators shall be binding upon the
          parties.  Each party shall each bear the cost of the arbitrators
          selected by it and shall jointly bear the cost of any third
          arbitrator.  In the event the arbitrators have failed to
          establish "Market Rent" by the commencement of the Extension
          Term, Lessee shall pay at the rental rate proposed by Lessor in
          its notice to Lessee, with a prompt adjustment between the
          parties retroactive to the commencement date of the Extension
          Term in the event such arbitration results in a reduction of the
          rental rate.  Under no circumstances shall the Base Rent during
          the Extension Term be less than the Base Rent in effect during
          the last year of the Term.

               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Lease to be
          executed by their respective authorized representatives the day
          and year first written above.


                                             MARELD COMPANY, INC.

                                             By:  /s/ Eliot W. Denalut    
           /s/ Patricia Stark Rice              -------------------------     
          ---------------------------             Eliot W. Denalut, III
               Witness                            Its duly authorized:


                                             AMERICAN ELECTROMEDICS CORP.

                                             By: /s/ Michael T. Pieniazek
           /s/ Debra A. Illegible               -------------------------     
          --------------------------              Michael T. Pieniazek
               Witness                            Its duly authorized:


                                      EXHIBIT A

                Diagram of Floor Plan of 13 Columbia Dr., Unit #5 & 6
                First Floor, Unit #201 & 202 Second Floor
                Date 2-17-98 Final

                                      EXHIBIT B

                                LESSOR'S CONSTRUCTION

          American Electromedics
          13 Columbia Drive
          Amherst, NH

          A.   PARTITIONS
          1.   INTERIOR WALLS New partitions will be constructed using
               3-5/8" metal studs with 5/8" gypsum board applied to each
               side.  Walls will be finished with dry wall tape and joint
               compound.  Partitions will be constructed and finished to
               the underside of the ceiling.

               Partitions which are not finished on both sides (shop area)
               will receive gypsum board on the unfinished side.

          2.   PARTITION LAYOUT The partitions will be laid out in
               accordance with the attached plan.

          B.   CEILING
          1.   TYPE The ceiling in the office area (except where there is
               presently a sheetrocked ceiling) will consist of a 2' x 4'
               suspended system utilizing acoustical tiles (Armstrong
               Cortega or equal) installed in a metal grid.  As necessary,
               the existing ceiling grid will be repaired, cleaned or
               painted.  All ceiling tiles will be replaced.

          1.   SYSTEM The existing HVAC systems will be utilized.  The air
               conditioning units in the first floor offices will be
               replaced.  The Lessor will install a two ton roof top air
               conditioning unit to cool the first floor kitchen area and
               new office.  The Lessor will add electric baseboard heat for
               the kitchen area and new first floor office.  On the second
               floor, the Lessor will make any necessary repairs to the
               existing systems prior to lease commencement so that it is
               in good working order.

          2.   BALANCING The Lessor will make all required modifications to
               the HVAC system to provide the lessee space with reasonably
               acceptable air quality and comfort levels.  Additionally,
               the HVAC system will be adjusted so that proper balancing of
               the lessee space may be achieved.     

          1.   It will be the lessee's responsibility to install its own
               telephone system and computer cable.  Lessor will make
               reasonable efforts to coordinate with lessee's contractor.

          E.   LIGHTING
          1.   TYPE Lighting will consist of 2' x 4' four tube fluorescent
               lamp fixtures with acrylic prismatic type lens.  The
               existing fixtures will be cleaned and, if necessary,

          2.   QUANTITY The number of fixtures is anticipated to be one (1)
               fixture for every 125 square feet.

          3.   SWITCHING All enclosed spaces will have a single wall
               mounted switch to control the fixtures within the space.

          F.   FLOOR COVERINGS
          1.   TYPE The office areas will receive new carpet -Encounter #26
               "Waterfall".  At the option of the Lessor, carpet
               installation will be either direct glue-down over existing
               floor slab or tackless installation over pad.

               The floors in the kitchen area and restrooms will be tiled
               with vct tile.  The tile will be  Awesome #10", color #580.

               Vinyl cove base will be installed throughout suite.  The
               base will be Mercer #204.

          G.   DOORS
          1.   TYPE Office Doors: The existing doors will be utilized
               throughout the suite.  The new doors in the office area will
               be replaced with doors similar to the ones currently in the

               Fire Doors: The three doors between the office/kitchen areas
               and the production area will be fire-rated steel doors. 
               Appropriate hardware will be provided.

          2.   QUANTITY As shown on attached floor plan.

          3.   HARDWARE All door hardware will be passage type of a lever

          4.   EXIT DOOR (Unit 202) -Once the Lessor is able to install a
               new exit door in for the tenant in Units 7 and 8, it will
               remove the existing door at the top of the staircase and
               will either remove or secure the door at the foot of the
               staircase leading in to Units 7 and 8.

          H.   PAINTING
          1.   PARTITION All partitions within the demised space will
               receive two finish coats of latex paint, eggshell finish. 
               The paint used with be Muralo  Superfinish ; the color will
               be "Coral White" #16.  Prior to painting, all partitions
               will be patched as required.

          2.   DOORS The three metal fire doors will be painted with Muralo
               oil based, semi-gloss paint; the color will be  Coral White 

          I.   FIRE PROTECTION
          1.   EMERGENCY LIGHTS, EXIT SIGNAGE, etc. -Will be provided as
               required by building codes.

          J.   KITCHEN
          1.   A five foot base cabinet with laminated countertop and
               stainless steel sink and faucet will be installed when shown
               on floor plan.

          K.   REST ROOMS
          1.   Existing restrooms on the second floor will be thoroughly
               cleaned.  If the fixtures cannot be cleaned, they will be

          2.   The existing mens room on the first floor will be removed. 
               The ladies room on the first floor will be modified as shown
               on the attached floorplan.

          -The Lessor will construct the staircase shown on the attached
          plan from the rear of unit 201 to the shop floor.


                                      EXHIBIT C

                                LESSEE'S CONSTRUCTION

               The Lessee will be responsible for the wiring of its
          telephones and computers.