Exhibit 10(m)

                                    2nd JULY 1996





                              of commercial premises at

                        High Marnham, Newark, Nottinghamshire


                                  Slaughter and May,
                                35 Basinghall Street,
                                   London EC2V 5DB


               CLAUSE                                                  PAGE

          1.   INTERPRETATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1

          2.   DEMISE AND RENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6

          3.   GENERATION'S COVENANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6

          4.   PROPERTIES' COVENANTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6

          5.   PROVISOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7

               SCHEDULE 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
                    Part 1 The Demised Premises   . . . . . . . . . . .   8
                    Part 2 The Estate   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
                    Part 3 Rights Granted   . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
                    Part 4 Rights Excepted and Reserved   . . . . . . .  10
                    Part 5 Documents referred to in Clause 2  . . . . .  14
                    Part 6 Ash Pipeline Documents referred to in
                           clause 2   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
                    Part 7 Permits and other documents referred to in
                           clause 2   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17

          SCHEDULE 2:  (not used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19

          SCHEDULE 3:  Generation's Covenants . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

          SCHEDULE 4:  Properties' Covenants  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28

          SCHEDULE 5:  Decommissioning Arrangements . . . . . . . . . .  29

          SCHEDULE 6:  Provisos Agreements and Declarations . . . . . .  30

          SCHEDULE 7  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
               Part 1      Mobile Equipment   . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
               Part 2      Strategic Spares   . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33

          SCHEDULE 8  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34

                                  H.M. LAND REGISTRY

                          LAND REGISTRATION ACTS 1925 - 1986

          County and District :         Nottinghamshire, Newark & Sherwood

          Title Number        :

          Property            :         High Marnham Power Station

          THIS UNDERLEASE is made on 2nd July 1996


          EASTERN MERCHANT PROPERTIES LIMITED (registered in England and
          Wales with number 3181383), whose registered office is at
          Wherstead Park, Wherstead, Ipswich, Suffolk 1P9 2AQ
          ("Properties"), and

          EASTERN MERCHANT GENERATION LIMITED (registered in England and
          Wales with number 3116225) whose registered office is at
          Wherstead Park, Wherstead, Ipswich, Suffolk 1P9 2AQ

          NOW THIS DEED WITNESSES as follows:

          1.   INTERPRETATION

          1.1  Definitions

               In this Lease unless the context otherwise requires the
               following expressions shall have the following meanings:

               "Acts" means Environmental Laws, Planning Acts and any
               statutes, statutory instruments, directives, regulations and
               bye-laws which are relevant to the Demised Premises;

               "Agreement for Lease" means the agreement dated 22 November
               1995 made between PowerGen (1) and Eastern Group plc (2) (as
               amended by a Deed of Variation dated 2nd July made between
               the same parties as that agreement) pursuant to which, inter
               alia, the Headlease was granted;

               "Basic Rent" means the clear yearly rent of Five Hundred
               Pounds (pound sterling 500);

               "CEGB" means Central Electricity Generating Board;

               "Clawback" means any financial liability arising from the
               Clawback Debenture;

               "Clawback Debenture" means the debenture dated 2 November
               1990 made between PowerGen (1) and The Secretary of State
               for Energy (2);

               "Demised Premises" means the land and buildings comprising
               High Marnham power station more particularly described in
               Part 1 of Schedule 1 and any part together with all
               buildings now or hereafter during the Term constructed or
               erected thereon, all additions, alterations and improvements
               thereto and the fixtures, fittings, plant, equipment and
               machinery therein (other than tenant's and trade fixtures
               and fittings and any plant, machinery and equipment
               belonging to, or acknowledged by PowerGen, Properties or
               Generation as belonging to, The National Grid Company plc or
               East Midlands Electricity plc) and the Mobile Equipment and
               the Strategic Spares;

               "Drakelow Lease" means the lease of premises comprising
               Drakelow Power Station, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire dated
               the same date as this Lease and made between PowerGen (1)
               and Properties (2);

               "Environment" means all, or any, of the following media,
               namely the air (including without limitation the air within
               buildings and the air within other natural or man-made
               structures above or below ground), water and land and any
               living organisms or systems supported by those media;

               "Environmental Laws" means the following:

               (a)  all international, European, Union, national or local
                    treaties, statutes, directives, legislation, common law
                    or other laws concerning Environmental Matters and all
                    regulations and subordinate legislation made thereunder
                    which are in force at the date of this Lease;

               (b)  sections 78A - 78Y of the Environmental Act 1990 as
                    amended and section 161 (as amended) of the Water
                    Resources Act 1990; and

               (c)  judicial and administrative interpretation of the

               "Environmental Covenant" means the agreement to pay certain
               sums in relation to Environmental Liabilities or Remedial
               Works given by PowerGen to Eastern Group plc pursuant to
               clause 11 of the Agreement for Lease;

               "Environmental Liabilities" means liabilities under
               Environmental Laws in relation to Environmental Matters
               including monetary claim, award, fine, sums agreed by way of
               settlement, legal and/or consultants fees or liability to
               make good, repair, reinstate, treat or clean up the Demised
               Premises or (insofar as it is affected by the operation of
               the generation of electricity carried on from the Demised
               Premises) the Environment in the vicinity of the Demised

               "Environmental Matters" means:

               (a)  the disposal, release, spillage, deposit, escape,
                    discharge, leak or emission of, contact with, and
                    exposure of, any person to Hazardous Materials or

               (b)  the creation of any noise, vibration, radiation, common
                    law or statutory nuisance, or other adverse impact on
                    the Environment;

               (c)  any other matters relating to the condition,
                    protection, maintenance, restoration or replacement of
                    the Environment or any part of it arising directly or
                    indirectly out of the manufacturing, processing,
                    treatment, keeping, handling, use (including as a
                    building material), possession, supply, receipt, sale,
                    purchase, import, export, transportation or presence of
                    Hazardous Materials or Waste;

               "Estate" means the land and premises belonging to PowerGen
               more particularly described in Part 2 of Schedule 1:

               "Generation" includes its successors in title and assigns;

               "Handover Date" means the date being the later of (a) three
               months after Generation shall have notified Properties and
               PowerGen in writing that it has ceased using the Demised
               Premises for the generation of electricity and (b) one month
               after formal notification has been received by Properties
               and PowerGen that the power station within the Demised
               Premises has been electrically disconnected from the
               275kV/400kV substation adjoining the Demised Premises;

               "Hazardous Materials" means anything which alone or in
               combination with others is capable of causing harm or damage
               to property or to man or any other organism supported by the
               Environment including, without limitation, hazardous
               substances, pollutant. contaminants, petroleum, petroleum
               products and radio active materials;

               "Headlease" means the Lease of even date made between
               PowerGen and Properties pursuant to which Properties holds
               the Demised Premises;

               "Mobile Equipment" means the plant, machinery and equipment
               listed in Part 1 of Schedule 7;

               "Mobile Equipment Rent" means the clear yearly rent of
               Twenty Thousand Pounds (pound sterling 20,000) payable in
               respect of the Mobile Equipment;

               "NGC" means The National Grid Company plc;

               "Perpetuity Period" means the period expiring on the sooner
               of eighty years from the date hereof and the Termination of
               the Term;

               "Planning Acts" means the Town & Country Planning Act 1990,
               the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act
               1990, the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990, the
               Planning (Consequential Provisions) Act 1990, the Planning
               and Compensation Act 1991, the Local Government and the Land
               Act 1980, the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions)
               Act 1982, the Housing and Planning Act 1986 and any Act for
               the time being in force of a similar nature and any laws and
               regulations intended to control or regulate the construction
               demolition alteration or change of use of land or buildings
               or to preserve or protect the national heritage;

               "PowerGen" means PowerGen plc (registered in England and
               Wales with number 2366970 whose registered office is at 53
               New Broad Street, London EC2M 1JJ) and includes the estate
               owners for the time being of the reversion immediately
               expectant on the termination of the Headlease;

               "Prescribed Rate" means two per centum per annum above the
               Screen Rate, such rate to apply as well as before any

               "Properties" includes the estate owners for the time being
               of the reversion immediately expectant on the Termination of
               the Term;

               "Rent" means thirty-one million two hundred and fifty
               thousand pounds (pound sterling 31,250,000) per annum until
               the expiration of the eighth year of the Term and
               thereafter during the residue of the Term the Basic Rent
               (subject to review in accordance with the terms of Schedule 8);

               "Rent Days" means 25th March, 24th June, 29th September and
               25th December in each year and "Relevant Rent Day" shall be
               construed accordingly;

               "Retained Land" means that part of the Estate which is not
               part of the Demised Premises;

               "Screen Rate" means, in relation to any relevant period for
               which an interest calculation is to be made, the arithmetic
               mean (rounded to three decimal places with the mid-point
               rounded up) of the offered quotations in Pounds Sterling for
               that period which appear on the relevant page of the Reuter
               Monitor Money Rates Services at 11 a.m. (London time) on the
               first day of that period;

               "Strategic Spares" means the spare plant and equipment
               listed in Part 2 of Schedule 7 other than any such plant and
               equipment that has, prior to the date of this Lease, been
               affixed to the land and buildings otherwise comprised within
               the Demised Premises;

               "Term" means the term hereby granted;

               "Termination of the Term" means the determination of the
               Term whether by effluxion of time, re-entry or otherwise

               "Value Added Tax" means Value Added Tax pursuant to the
               Value Added Tax Act 1994 and any other tax replacing or
               supplementing the same from time to time;

               "Waste" includes any unwanted or surplus substance
               irrespective of whether it is capable of being recycled or
               recovered or has any value.

          1.2  Construction

               This Lease shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be
               construed on the basis that:

               (A)  where the Tenant for the time being comprises more than
                    one person, covenants and obligations assumed by the
                    Tenant shall be construed as made by all such persons
                    jointly and severally;

               (B)  the Term shall be deemed to commence for all purposes
                    on the date of commencement specified in clause 2;

               (C)  references to any Act of Parliament, order, instrument,
                    regulation, direction or plan shall be deemed also to
                    refer to any statutory or other modification or re-
                    enactment thereof from time to time in force and to
                    include any requirement having the force of law in the
                    United Kingdom and any subordinate legislation, order,
                    instrument, regulation, direction or plan from time to
                    time in force made or issued thereunder or deriving
                    validity therefrom or from any enactment repealed
                    thereby or under any such modification or re-enactment;

               (D)  any covenant on the part of Generation not to do any
                    act or thing shall include an obligation on the part of
                    Generation to use reasonable endeavours not to permit
                    or suffer such act or thing;

               (E)  words denoting one gender include the other genders and
                    words denoting persons include firms and corporations
                    and vice versa;

               (F)  clause, Schedule, Appendix and paragraph headings shall
                    not affect the interpretation of this Lease and
                    references to any clause, Schedule, Appendix and
                    paragraph are references to clauses, schedules, and
                    appendix and paragraphs of this Lease;

               (G)  reference to any right exercisable by Properties or any
                    right exercisable by Generation in common with
                    Properties shall be construed as including (where
                    appropriate) the exercise of such right (i) by PowerGen
                    and all persons authorised by PowerGen pursuant to the
                    Headlease (ii) in common with all other persons having
                    a like right and (iii) where under the terms of this
                    Lease the consent of Properties is required for any
                    matter or thing the consent of PowerGen under the terms
                    of the Headlease shall also be required.

          2.   DEMISE AND RENT

               Properties HEREBY DEMISES unto Generation the Demised
               Premises TOGETHER WITH so far as Properties is able to grant
               the same the rights set out in Part 3 of Schedule 1
               EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto Properties and PowerGen and to
               all other persons from time to time entitled thereto the
               rights set out in Part 4 of Schedule 1 TO HOLD the Demised
               Premises unto Generation SUBJECT TO (and, where relevant and
               applicable, with the benefit of) the rights, covenants,
               obligations and other matters affecting the Demised Premises
               and all licenses, consents, permissions and agreements at
               the date of this Lease affecting the operation of the
               Demised Premises and the power station erected thereon and
               in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of
               the foregoing) those matters more particularly contained or
               referred to in the documents short particulars whereof are
               set out in Parts 5, 6 and 7 of Schedule 1 as far as the same
               relate to the Demised Premises and are subsisting and
               capable of taking effect for a term of ninety-nine (99)
               years (less three days) commencing on 2nd July 1996 YIELDING
               AND PAYING therefor unto Properties without deduction, set-
               off or counterclaim (except such as Generation may be
               required by law to deduct notwithstanding any stipulation to
               the contrary), (a) in relation to the Demised Premises
               (excluding the Mobile Equipment) yearly during the Term and
               so in proportion for any period less than a year, the Rent
               which shall be paid whether or not demanded in arrears by
               equal quarterly payments on each of the Rent Days and (b),
               in relation to the Mobile Equipment, yearly until the
               Handover Date and so in proportion for any period less than
               a year, the Mobile Equipment Rent which shall be paid
               whether or not demanded in arrears on 10 August in each year
               the first payment being made on 10 August 1997 in respect of
               the year ending 30 June 1997.


               Generation covenants with Properties in manner set out in
               Schedule 3.


               Properties covenants with Generation in manner set out in
               Schedule 4.

          5.   PROVISOS

               It is agreed and declared in manner set out in Schedules 5
               and 6.

          DULY DELIVERED AS A DEED on the date inserted on page 1.

                                      SCHEDULE 1

                                        Part 1
                                 The Demised Premises

          All those pieces or parcels of land edged red on Plan 1 annexed
          hereto and situate at and forming part of the Estate and known as
          High Marnham Power Station, Newark, Nottinghamshire together with
          the buildings, plant and other structures erected thereon and (i)
          including such part of the river bed adjacent to the land edged
          red on Plan 1 and (ii) such part of the land coloured green on
          Plan 1 being land under a roadbridge, in both cases as is vested
          in Properties at the date hereof.

                                        Part 2

                                      The Estate

           All those pieces or parcels of land edged blue on Plan 1 annexed

                                        Part 3

                                    Rights Granted

          The following rights (in common with Properties and PowerGen and
          all others now or hereafter entitled to the like rights):

          1.   Substation Rights

               The rights contained in Part II and in paragraph 2 of Part V
               of the Schedule to a lease of the 275kV/400kV substation
               adjoining the Demised Premises dated 31st March 1990 and
               made between PowerGen (1) and NGC (2);

          2.   Services

               The free and uninterrupted passage and running of water,
               soil, gas, electricity and pulverized fuel ash and furnace
               bottom ash, telephone and other services from and to the
               Demised Premises through and along all conduits mains,
               pipes, wires and cables or other conducting media and all or
               any other services now or hereafter during the Perpetuity
               Period provided for the Demised Premises and laid in under
               or over the Estate and any other adjoining or neighbouring
               land (if any) belonging to PowerGen or in under or over any
               other property across which PowerGen shall have rights to
               carry the same for the passage of surface water, ash slurry
               and sewage from and water gas electricity telecommunications
               and other services to and from the Demised Premises SUBJECT
               TO Generation maintaining, repairing, cleansing and renewing
               and replacing the same as and when necessary (in
               Generation's reasonable opinion) in order to keep the same
               in good and substantial repair and condition;

          3.   Entry for maintenance purposes

               The right to enter upon the Retained Land (and any other
               adjoining or neighbouring land over which Properties shall
               have rights of entry, insofar as Properties is able to grant
               such rights thereover), at all reasonable times on giving
               reasonable written notice to the Landlord (except in the
               case of emergency when no notice shall be required) with or
               without workmen and others and all necessary appliances and
               materials for the purposes of inspecting, maintaining,
               cleansing, repairing and renewing any boundary structures of
               the Demised Premises and to inspect and test maintain renew
               repair and make connections to the conducting media and
               drainage channel referred to in paragraphs 2, 6 and 8 of
               Part 3 of this Schedule and to exercise any of the rights
               granted to Generation and to comply with any of the
               obligations on the part of Generation pursuant to this Lease
               SUBJECT TO the persons exercising such rights causing as
               little damage as reasonably practicable to the Retained Land
               or such other adjoining or neighbouring land belonging to
               PowerGen or any other neighbouring or adjoining property and
               making good or procuring the making good of all damage to
               the fabric thereof thereby occasioned;

          4.   Emergency access

               A right of way over the Retained Land and/or any other
               adjoining or neighbouring land belonging to PowerGen or over
               which PowerGen shall have such rights in the event of fire
               or other emergency);

          5.   Footbridge

               A right of pedestrian access over under or along the
               footbridge coloured yellow on Plan 1;

          6.   Water pipelines and drainage ditches

               Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 2 above to
               use the water pipelines serving the Demised Premises and
               running from the pumphouse to the remainder of the Demised
               Premises under the Retained Land such pipelines to be used
               for the passage of water from such pumphouse to High Marnham
               Power Station and to use the drainage channel crossing both
               the Demised Premises and the Retained Land insofar as they
               are not included in the demise;

          7.   Railside track

               The right to pass and repass at all times with or without
               vehicles or other plant machinery equipment or otherwise for
               all purposes connected with access to and egress from that
               part of the Demised Premises to the south of the road bridge
               over the track coloured purple on Plan 1;

          8.   Ash pipelines

               A right of passage of ash pipelines over, under or along the
               footbridge coloured yellow on Plan 1;

          9.   Works to and use of adjoining premises

               At all times during the Term without reference to Properties
               or PowerGen or making any compensation to Properties
               therefor to:

               (a)  execute or permit or suffer the execution of works or
                    alterations on or to the Demised Premises or the
                    demolition, rebuilding, alteration or extension of any
                    buildings or structures now or hereafter erected on
                    such Demised Premises;

               (b)  use or deal with the Demised Premises and such
                    buildings and premises thereon in such manner as
                    Generation may in its absolute discretion think fit;

               provided that such rights shall be exercised so as to cause
               as little inconvenience to PowerGen as is reasonably
               practicable and any physical damage caused to the Retained
               Land as a result of the exercise of such rights shall be
               made good to the reasonable satisfaction of PowerGen at the
               expense of the person causing such damage.

                                        Part 4

                             Rights Excepted and Reserved

          1.   Services

               The free and uninterrupted passage and running of water,
               soil, gas, electricity, telecommunications and other
               services from and to all other buildings and premises on the
               Retained Land through and along all conduits, pipes, drains,
               channels, watercourses, sewers, wires and cables or other
               conducting media which are now or may hereafter during the
               Perpetuity Period be in over or under the Demised Premises
               together with the right to connect into the same;

          2.   Entry for works and for purposes of this Lease

               The right to enter the Demised Premises at all times in case
               of emergency and otherwise at all reasonable times on
               reasonable notice with or without workmen and others and all
               necessary appliances and materials for the purpose of:

               (a)  inspecting, maintaining, cleansing, repairing,
                    altering, testing, renewing and replacing, laying and
                    making connections to the said ducts, conduits, pipes,
                    drains, channels, watercourses, sewers, wires, and
                    cables and other conducting media and all connections
                    serving the Retained Land;

               (b)  carrying out all works, operations or acts or doing any
                    thing whatsoever comprised within PowerGen's
                    obligations in respect of the Estate or (whether or not
                    within the same) for which Generation is liable
                    hereunder to make a contribution; and

               (c)  for any purpose mentioned in paragraph 5 of Schedule 3
                    to the Clawback Debenture or in any of the documents
                    mentioned in Part 5 of this Schedule

               the persons exercising such rights causing as little damage
               as reasonably practicable to the Demised Premises and making
               good or procuring the making good of all damage to the
               fabric thereof thereby occasioned;

          3.   General Access

               A right to pass and repass at all reasonable times and for
               all purposes connected with access to and egress from the
               Retained Land over roads and paths designated from time to
               time by Generation for the purpose subject to all and any
               reasonable regulations as to direction of traffic flow
               thereover or other traffic control arrangements notified by
               Generation to PowerGen in writing;

          4.   Works to and use of adjoining premises

               At all times during the Term without reference to

               (a)  execute or permit or suffer the execution of works or
                    alterations on or to the Retained Land or the
                    demolition, rebuilding, alteration or extension of any
                    buildings or structures now or hereafter erected on
                    such Retained Land;

               (b)  use or deal with the Retained Land and such buildings
                    and premises thereon in such manner as PowerGen may in
                    its absolute discretion think fit;

               provided that such rights shall be exercised so as to cause
               as little inconvenience to Generation as is reasonably
               practicable and any physical damage caused to the Demised
               Premises as a result of the exercise of such rights shall be
               made good to the reasonable satisfaction of Generation at
               the expense of the person causing the damage;

          5.   Access for Environmental Inspection

               If PowerGen or Properties is, or reasonably believes that it
               may be, liable under the Environmental Covenant or the
               Environmental Acts in respect of the Demised Premises, a
               right to enter the Demised Premises at reasonable times and
               upon reasonable notice with or without workmen, surveyors,
               consultants and all other persons authorised by PowerGen
               and/or Properties together with all necessary vehicles,
               plant, machinery, appliances and materials for the purpose
               of inspecting and the carrying out of environmental tests,
               surveys and reports as PowerGen or Properties shall in its
               absolute discretion consider appropriate whether over or
               under the surface of the Demised Premises and whether or not
               the same causes any damage to the Demised Premises PROVIDED
               THAT, in exercising such right, PowerGen or Properties (as
               appropriate) shall

               (a)  make good or procure the making good of any damage so

               (b)  cause as little disruption and interference to the
                    business as reasonably practicable carried on upon the
                    Demised Premises;

               (c)  comply with all reasonable regulations or instructions
                    issued by Eastern;

               (d)  ensure that adequate insurance cover against all
                    insurable third party liability claims is maintained in
                    respect of the works carried out under this paragraph

          6.   Entry for PowerGen's Works

               The right to enter upon the Demised Premises with or without
               workmen and others and all necessary vehicles, plant,
               machinery, equipment, appliances and materials in order to
               carry out and complete the works referred to in paragraph 2
               of Schedule 4 of the Headlease;

          7.   Emergency access

               A right of way without interference through the Demised
               Premises in the event of fire or other emergency;

          8.   Mines and minerals

               The mines and minerals (including for the avoidance of doubt
               gravel) under that part of the Demised Premises hatched
               black on Plan 1 (and any rights of any support for the
               Demised Premises provided by the same) together with all
               rights necessary to win and work the same PROVIDED THAT such
               rights shall be exercised so as to cause as little
               inconvenience to Generation as reasonably practicable and
               any damage to the surface of the Demised Premises or the
               buildings or erections from time to time thereon as a result
               of the exercise of such rights shall be made good to the
               reasonable satisfaction of Generation and PROVIDED FURTHER
               that the persons exercising these rights shall pay to
               Generation the cost of relocating any service conduits or
               roadways over under or upon the Demised Premises;

          9.   Access to sports facilities for ex-employees

               The right for ex-employees of CEGB and PowerGen and all
               persons authorised by PowerGen (on reasonable proof of
               identity and status) of vehicular access to the sports
               ground and sports and social facilities including the
               pavilion showers and training room identified on Plan 1
               situated on the Demised Premises over the roads and
               footpaths situated on the Demised Premises;

          10.  Use of sports facilities for ex-employees

          10.1 The right for ex-employees of CEGB and PowerGen (on
               reasonable proof of identity and status) to enter and use
               the sports ground and sports and social facilities, pavilion
               and showers adjoining the sports field on the Demised
               Premises at all reasonable times during the normal hours
               from time to time of the sports club and in compliance with
               the rules and regulations from time to time of the sports
               and social club;

          10.2 The right for ex-employees of CEGB and PowerGen (by prior
               appointment and subject to the prior consent of Generation
               and on reasonable proof of identity and status) to use (on a
               non-exclusive basis) the training room located on the
               Demised Premises and indicated on Plan I subject to
               compliance with the reasonable rules and regulations of
               Generation of which the ex-employees of CEGB and PowerGen
               have prior notice;

          11.  Use of Car Park

               The right of ex-employees of CEGB and PowerGen and all
               persons authorised by PowerGen when using the sports
               facilities referred to in paragraph 10 to park vehicles in
               the car parking area coloured orange on Plan 1 or such
               alternative car parking area as shall be provided by
               Generation (being not materially less convenient than the
               existing car park coloured orange on Plan 1).

                                        Part 5

                          Documents referred to in Clause 2

          DATE               NATURE OF DOCUMENT    PARTIES

          6 December 1955    Conveyance            The Personal
                                                   Representatives of J.H.
                                                   Fox (1) Central
                                                   Electricity Authority

          21 February 1956   Conveyance            T.E. Pickin (1) Central
                                                   Electricity Authority

          31 July 1956       Conveyance            The British Transport
                                                   Commission (1) Central
                                                   Electricity Authority

          20 February 1957   Agreement by letter   British Transport
                             varying covenants     Commission (1) Central
                             in a Conveyance of    Electricity Authority
                             31 July 1956          (2)

          31 March 1990      Lease (NGC Lease)     PowerGen(1) NGC(2)

          31 March 1990      Interface Agreement   NGC (1) PowerGen (2)
                             (Interface Agreement)

          31 March 1990      Deed of Grant         PowerGen (1) NGC (2)

          16 May 1972        Conveyance            CEGB (1) W. H. Strawson

          18 June 1974       Conveyance            CEGB (1) R.W. Sutton

          18 June 1974       Deed of Grant         CEGB (1) R.W. Sutton

          6 October 1972     Deed of Covenant      Mr. & Mrs. D. Owen (1)
                                                   CEGB (2)

          25 September 1979  Deed of Covenant      G.G. Nixon and D.R.
                                                   Nixon (1) CEGB (2)

          16 July 1980       Deed of Covenant      M.B. Ashton (1) CEGB

          8 March 1985       Deed of Covenant      Mrs. & Mrs. E.J.
                                                   Beckett (1) CEGB (2)

          14 June 1984       Licence               British Waterways Board
                                                   (1) CEGB (2)

          15 February 1957   Agreement             CEA (1) County Council
                                                   of the Administrative
                                                   County of Nottingham

          8 April 1958       Tenancy Agreement     CEGB (1) W.H. Strawson

          25 September 1959  Conveyance            The Queen's Most
                                                   Excellent Majesty (1)
                                                   The Crown Estate
                                                   Commissioners (2) CEGB

          3 July 1974        Tenancy Agreement     CEGB (1) W.H. Strawson

          7 June 1962        Tenancy Agreement     CEGB (1) W. Hare and
                                                   W.H. Hare (2)

          18 April 1963      Agreement for         British Waterways Board
                             construction and      (1) CEGB (2)
                             use of bridge

          29 December 1959   Agreement as to       CEGB (1) British
                             laying of cables      Transport Commission

          8 October 1956     Agreement for         British Transport
                             construction of flood Commission (1) Central
                             banks                 Electricity Authority

          2 July 1996        Transfer              PowerGen plc (1)
                                                   William Henry Shawson

                                        Part 6

                    Ash Pipeline Documents referred to in clause 2

          DATE               NATURE OF DOCUMENT    PARTIES

          24 July 1979       Deed of Grant for ash K. G. and J. Laing (1)
                             disposal pipeline     CEGB (2)

          12 September 1979  Deed of Grant for ash M. Brown and R.W.
                             disposal pipeline     Whitehead (1) CEGB (2)

          29 September 1981  Consent to            W. Scott & Sons (South
                             construction of ash   Clifton) Farmers
                             disposal pipeline     Limited (1) CEGB (2)

          10 December 1979   Deed of Grant for ash W. T. Yates and E.M.
                             disposal pipeline     Yates (1) CEGB (2)

          10 December 1979   Deed of Grant for ash Mr. and Mrs. T.E.
                             disposal pipeline     Williams (1) CEGB (2)

          20 December 1979   Deed of Grant for ash C. Coulson (1) CEGB (2)
                             disposal pipeline

          2 May 1980         Deed of Grant for ash E. Bell (1) CEGB (2)
                             disposal pipeline

          11 August 1980     Deed of Grant for ash D. D. Pennington (1)
                             disposal pipeline     CEGB (2)

          27 October 1982    Deed of Grant for ash W. Scott & Others and
                             disposal pipeline     Mortgagees (1) CEGB (2)

          27 October 1982    Deed of Grant for ash W. Scott and his
                             disposal pipeline     Mortgagees (1) CEGB (2)

          27 October 1982    Deed of Consent for   W. Scott & Sons (South
                             ash disposal pipeline Clifton Farmers)
                                                   Tenants (1) CEGB (2)

          6 October 1959     Deed of Grant for     Crown Estate
                             construction of       Commissioners (1) CEGB
                             bridge and ash        (2)
                             disposal pipeline

          20 November 1958   Deed of Grant for ash H. Staton & Mortgagees
                             disposal pipeline     (1) CEGB (2)

          27 November 1958   Deed of Grant for ash W. & W. H. Hare (1)
                             disposal pipeline     CEGB (2)

          12 May 1958        Deed of Grant for ash H. Scott (1) CEGB (2)
                             disposal pipeline

          12 May 1958        Deed of Grant for ash W. Scott & Mortgagee
                             disposal pipeline     (1) CEGB (2)

          28 May 1958        Deed of Grant for ash H.C. Grimes (1) CEGB
                             disposal pipeline     (2)

          29 May 1958        Deed of Grant for ash A. and A.W. Cooper (1)
                             disposal pipeline     CEGB (2)

                                        Part 7

                 Permits and other documents referred to in clause 2

          DATE               NATURE OF DOCUMENT    PARTIES

          22 September 1955  Section 2 Licence     Ministry of Fuel and

          23 February 1966   Licence to abstract   Trent River Authority
          (as varied 31      water from River
          October 1980 and   Trent
          12 August 1986)

          21 March 1986      Consent for discharge Severn Trent Water
                             No. S34/551204 (as    Authority
                             amended)              T/69/22/193/T

          24 March 1995      Borehole Licence to   National Rivers
                             abstract water        Authority (1)
                                                   PowerGen (2)

          16 January 1980    Waste Disposal        Nottingham County
                             Licence re. ash       Council (1) CEGB (2)
                             deposit at North

          7 January 1993     Waste Disposal        Nottingham County
                             Licence re ash        Council (1) CEGB (2)
                             disposal at Girton

          26 October 1994    RadioActive           Her Majesty's
                             Substances            Inspectorate
                             Registration          of Pollution (1)
                             Ref. AD3405           National Rivers
                                                   Authority (2)

          14 March 1995      Agreement for Supply  Anglian Water Services
                             of Water from         Limited (1) PowerGen
                             borehole              (2)

          14 July 1972       Licence for           British Waterways Board
                             construction of ash   (1) CEGB (2)
                             disposal pipeline
                             under canal

          7 November 1960    Agreement for supply  East Retford Rural
                             of water              District Council (1)
                                                   CEGB (2)

          26 April 1977      Licence to restore    Newark District Council
                             worked out gravel     (1) CEGB (2)
                             pit at Girton

          18 April 1963      Licence to extract    British Waterways Board
                             water and Licence     (1) CEGB (2)
                             to discharge and
                             erect bridge

          7 April 1993       IPC Authorisation     Her Majesty's
                                                   Inspectorate of
                                                   Pollution (1) National
                                                   Rivers Authority (2)

                                     SCHEDULE 2:
                                      (not used)

                                     SCHEDULE 3:
                                Generation's Covenants

          1.   Pay rent

               To pay to Properties the Rent, the Mobile Equipment Rent and
               other amounts payable under this Lease at the times and in
               manner as provided herein without any deduction, set-off or
               counterclaim except as aforesaid.

          2.   Pay outgoings

               To pay and discharge all existing and future rates, taxes,
               duties, charges, assessments, impositions and outgoings
               whatsoever (whether parliamentary, parochial, local or of
               any other description and whether or not of a capital or
               revenue or non-recurring nature and event though of a wholly
               novel character) ("charges") which are now or may at any
               time hereafter be assessed, charged, levied or imposed upon
               or payable in respect of the Demised Premises or on or by
               any estate owner, landlord, tenant or occupier in respect
               thereof (except (subject to paragraphs 21(d) and 22 of this
               Part of this Schedule) any charges or Clawback payable by
               PowerGen occasioned by receipt of any sums due under the
               Headlease hereunder or by the ownership of, or an actual
               dealing (including the grant of the Headlease and this
               Lease) by PowerGen with, its reversionary interest in the
               Demised Premises or any interest immediately or mediately
               reversionary to this Lease) and PROVIDED THAT Generation
               shall only be liable hereunder to pay rates (other than
               water rates) for the period from 1st April 1997.

          3.   Common expenses

               Without prejudice to the generality of any other covenant by
               Generation, to pay on demand a fair proportion of the costs
               and expenses of making, repairing, maintaining, rebuilding,
               renewing, replacing, lighting, insuring, connecting and
               cleansing all ways, roads, pavements, bridges, sewers,
               drains, pipes, channels, watercourses, gutters, wires,
               cables, boundary walls, fences, party walls, structures,
               open areas and other conveniences which shall at any time
               belong to or be used for the Demised Premises in common with
               other premises near or adjoining thereto.

          4.   Repair

          4.1  Subject to PowerGen's obligations under the Environmental
               Covenant and subject to paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3 of this Part
               of this Schedule and taking into account the state and
               condition of the Demised Premises at the date of this Lease
               and subject to wear and tear and use of the Demised Premises
               as a power station, to keep the Demised Premises safe;

          4.2  Without prejudice to the generality of, and notwithstanding
               paragraph 4.1 above, to comply fully with any obligation
               contained or referred to in any of the documents listed in
               Parts 5, 6 and 7 of Schedule 1 for or relating to the
               repair, maintenance or renewing, replacing or rebuilding of
               anything comprised in, or anything in, under or on, the
               Demised Premises;

          4.3  Subject to the provisions of Schedule 5, to keep the
               Strategic Spares (so far as any of the same has not been
               affixed to the Demised Premises during the Term) and the
               Mobile Equipment, so far as practicable available for use.

          5.   Conduct of Site

               Prior to the Handover Date, save as may arise as a result of
               using the Demised Premises in accordance with paragraph 17
               of this Schedule, not to do or permit anything to be done at
               or on the Demised Premises as shall materially increase the
               actual or contingent liabilities of PowerGen pursuant to the
               covenant on its part contained in paragraph 6 of Schedule 4
               or its obligations under Schedule 5 of the Headlease.

          6.   Yield up

               At the Termination of the Term:

               6.1  Immediately to make any payment then due to Properties
                    pursuant to this Lease; and

               6.2  To yield up the Demised Premises (including the Mobile
                    Equipment and the Strategic Spares so far as the same
                    are still subsisting) unto Properties as shall be in
                    accordance with the covenants and conditions contained
                    in or imposed by virtue of this Lease and, unless
                    released from compliance by Properties, to remove from
                    the Demised Premises all tenant's and trade fixtures
                    and fittings and Generation's furniture and effects and
                    to remove any sign, writing or painting of the name or
                    business of Generation and other persons from the
                    Demised Premises.

          7.   Transfer of Licenses, etc.

               As soon as practicable after yielding up the Demised
               Premises to deliver up to Properties all written
               permissions, permits, licenses and authorisations for the
               operation of the Demised Premises and to use all reasonable
               endeavours to transfer or assign (to the extent possible and
               at Properties' cost and expense) to Properties or PowerGen
               (as the case may require) all such permissions, permits,
               licenses and authorisations in the name of Generation and
               where the consent of a third party is required for such
               assignment or transfer to join with PowerGen and/or
               Properties in the making of any necessary application
               therefor and to supply such assistance and information
               therewith as PowerGen and/or Properties shall reasonably
               require Provided always that Generation shall not be obliged
               to act as surety or guarantor or give any other form of
               security in relation to any such transfer or assignment.

          8.   Decommissioning and demolition

               To comply with the covenants and obligations on the part of
               Generation contained in Schedule 5.

          9.   Permit entry for Landlord and others

          9.1  To permit Properties and PowerGen and their servants, and
               other agents, their contractors and workmen and, to the
               extent lawfully entitled, the owner, tenants and occupiers
               of any adjoining or neighbouring premises and their
               respective servants, agents and workmen with all necessary
               plant, machinery, equipment, tools and appliances at all
               times in case of emergency and otherwise at any reasonable
               times on reasonable prior notice without interruption or
               interference and subject to such safety requirements as
               Generation shall reasonably require to enter upon the
               Demised Premises and remain thereon for such period as shall
               be necessary:

               (a)  to examine the Demised Premises to ensure that nothing
                    has been done or omitted which constitutes or may be or
                    tend to be a breach or nonperformance of any of the
                    covenants contained in this Lease or the Headlease;

               (b)  to exercise any rights excepted and reserved to
                    Properties or PowerGen or such owners, tenants and
                    occupiers and for any other purpose properly connected
                    with the interest of Properties or PowerGen in the
                    Demised Premises;

               (c)  to inspect the Demised Premises for all purposes
                    connected with the operation or implementation, or the
                    proposed implementation, of Schedule 5 to the Headlease
                    and Schedule 5 hereof and Generation shall furnish such
                    information for the said purposes as may reasonably be
                    requested by PowerGen.

          9.2  To permit the persons authorised by, or referred to in,
               paragraph 5 of Schedule 3 to the Clawback Debenture to enter
               upon the Demised Premises for the purposes therein

          10.  Remedy wants of repair and entry for Landlord on Default

               Forthwith to proceed to repair and make good all wants of
               repair and defects of which notice shall be given by
               Properties and/or PowerGen to Generation and which
               Generation shall be liable to repair or make good provided
               always that if within two months or such shorter period as
               is reasonable from the date of such notice Generation shall
               fail to commence to repair and make good the matters
               prescribed in such notice then it shall be lawful for
               PowerGen, Properties and all persons authorised by either or
               them with workmen, servants, agents and others with or
               without all necessary plant, machinery, equipment, tools and
               appliances to enter into and stay upon the Demised Premises
               and repair and make good the same at the expense of
               Generation (but so that Properties' right of entry or any
               other right or remedy of Properties under this Lease shall
               not thereby be prejudiced).

          11.  Notices

               As soon as practicable after receipt by Generation of any
               notice or communication from a competent authority affecting
               Properties or PowerGen's interest in the Demised Premises to
               give to Properties and PowerGen a copy thereof.

          12.  Statutory requirements

          12.1 Save as provided in the Environmental Covenant, at the
               expense of Generation to comply with all Environmental Laws,
               Planning Acts and the Electricity Act 1989 relating to the
               Demised Premises or the use thereof and to execute at its
               own expense any work required to be carried out in or to the
               Demised Premises whether such work is required to be carried
               out by the owner or the occupier or any other person.

          12.2 Save as provided in the Environmental Covenant, not at any
               time to do omit or permit on or about the Demised Premises
               any act or thing by reason of which Properties or PowerGen
               may under any such European Laws, Planning Acts and the
               Electricity Act 1989 incur or have imposed upon it or
               becoming liable to pay any levy penalty damages compensation
               costs charges or expenses Provided that use of the Demised
               Premises in accordance with paragraph 17 of this Part of
               this Schedule and the PowerGen Standards shall not, of
               itself, constitute breach of this paragraph 12.2.

          12.3 Save as provided in the Environmental Covenant, to obtain
               all licenses, permissions and consents and to execute and do
               all works and things and to bear and pay all expenses
               required or imposed by any such Environmental Laws, Planning
               Acts and the Electricity Act 1989 in respect of any works
               carried out by Eastern on the Demised Premises or of any
               user thereof.

          13.  Alterations

               Prior to the Handover Date, if Generation make any
               alterations or additions in or to the Demised Premises which
               materially increase PowerGen's obligations pursuant to
               paragraph 6 of Schedule 4 and the provisions of Schedule 5
               to the Headlease, then, save for alterations or additions
               required to comply with the provisions of paragraph 12 of
               this Schedule, Generation shall pay to Properties the
               reasonable increase in cost and expense incurred by PowerGen
               in complying with its said obligations.

          14.  Signs

               Prior to the Handover Date, to display at the main and other
               entrances to the Demised Premises appropriate signs
               indicating that Generation is in occupation thereof and in
               all relevant locations appropriate warning signs and/or
               other instructional notices to those persons who may, from
               time to time, be upon the Demised Premises.

          15.  Fire precautions

               Prior the Handover Date, at all times during the Term at the
               expense of Generation to comply with all recommendations
               (whether legally enforceable or not) from time to time of
               the appropriate authority in relation to fire precautions
               affecting the Demised Premises and to keep and maintain
               sufficient fire fighting and extinguishing apparatus in and
               about the Demised Premises installed in compliance with such
               recommendations and with any legal requirements and any
               requirements of any insurer of the Demised Premises.

          16.  Securing premises

          16.1 Prior to the Handover Date, at all times of the day or night
               to keep the Demised Premises fully secured against
               intruders, unauthorised persons, vandalism and to provide
               such security arrangements and systems as may be necessary
               to comply with any requirement of any appropriate authority
               (whether legally enforceable or not).

          16.2 Prior to the Handover Date, to maintain all external and
               security lighting in good condition and fully operational
               during night time working hours.

          16.3 To erect and thereafter until the Handover Date maintain in
               a proper state of repair and condition such boundary fencing
               as is required for the safe operation of the Power Station
               at the Demised Premises or as is required by any statutory
               or other body or pursuant to any statutory or other

          17.  User

          17.1 Prior to 31st March 2000 not to use those parts of the
               Demised Premises which are hatched pink on Plan 1 annexed to
               this Lease such that their use is other than an activity for
               which an exemption or licence is required under Sections 5
               or 6 of the Electricity Act 1989 or involving the
               distribution of electricity in so far as it does not require
               a licence under Section 6 of that Act and, subject thereto,
               to use the Demised Premises for the purposes of electricity
               generation substantially from the plant and equipment
               comprised in the Demised Premises at the date of this Lease
               and for other purposes ancillary thereto.

          17.2 Prior to the Handover Date, to use all reasonable endeavours
               (a) not at any time to use the Demised Premises or any part
               thereof nor permit or suffer the same to be used in any way
               or for any purpose which may unnecessarily be a nuisance,
               damage or disturbance to the owners or occupiers of any
               premises adjoining or near the Demised Premises or the
               neighbourhood and (b) to use and operate the Demised
               Premises in such manner as engenders and fosters good
               relations with the communities in the locality of the
               Demised Premises and any representatives of such communities
               and, in particular, but without prejudice to the generality
               of the foregoing (i) to ensure that all lorries and other
               heavy or wide goods vehicles having access to the Demised
               Premises comply with all formal and informal agreements with
               such local communities and representatives including
               relating to the use of certain routes and any restrictions
               on the times or days at which such routes can be used, (ii)
               to take steps to explain or inform the local communities of
               any unusual operations at the Demised Premises.

               Provided always that use of the Demised Premises in
               accordance with paragraph 17.1 of this Schedule shall not,
               of itself, constitute a breach of this paragraph 17.2.

          17.3 Subject to the provisions of Schedule 5, only to use the
               Mobile Equipment at the Demised Premises.

          17.4 Subject to the provisions of Schedule 5, only to use the
               Strategic Spares at the Demised Premises or at the premises
               comprised within the Drakelow Lease.

          18.  Prevent encroachments

               Not knowingly to permit any owner of any property, adjoining
               or near the Demised Premises to acquire any rights of way,
               light or air or other privilege easements or make any
               encroachment over against out of or upon the Demised

          19.  Alienation

          19.1 Save as provided in paragraph 19.2 of this Schedule, in
               relation to the whole or any part of those parts of the
               Demised Premises hatched pink on Plan 1 annexed to this
               Lease, on or before 1st April 2000, not to assign, transfer,
               underlease, charge, share occupation or part with or share
               possession, declare trusts over or otherwise deal with the
               same in any way whatsoever.

          19.2 Not to assign the whole or any part of the Demised Premises
               save to a member of Eastern's Group (as such expression is
               used in the Agreement for Lease) without first obtaining
               from the assignee a covenant by deed with Properties and
               PowerGen to pay the rents and other amounts payable
               hereunder and to observe and perform all the covenants on
               the part of Generation and the condition as to user set out
               in paragraph 2 of Schedule 6 in such form as Properties and
               PowerGen shall reasonably determine having regard, in
               particular, to PowerGen's obligations and liabilities
               pursuant to the Clawback Debenture.

          19.3 Within one month of every assignment, transfer, underlease
               or charge affecting the Demised Premises or any devolution
               of the estate of Generation therein or this Lease, to give
               notice in writing with particulars thereof to Properties and
               PowerGen and produce such assignment, transfer, underlease
               or charge or the Probate of the Will or Letters of
               Administration or other instrument, document, or evidence of
               such devolution or surrender or sharing with a certified
               copy thereof and in every case to pay to PowerGen a
               reasonable registration fee of not less than pound sterling
               25.00 plus Value Added Tax thereon.

          20.  Costs

               To pay:

               (a)  all legal costs and other professional fees and
                    disbursements incurred by Properties and PowerGen and
                    the costs and expenses of its duly authorised
                    representatives in connection with or incidental to
                    every application made by Generation for a consent or
                    licence (whether the same be granted or refused or
                    proffered subject to any lawful qualification or
                    condition or whether the application be withdrawn);

               (b)  all expenses including solicitors' costs and surveyors'
                    fees incurred by Properties and/or PowerGen in
                    contemplation of or incidental to the preparation and
                    service of a notice under Section 146 of the Law of
                    Property Act 1925 or of proceedings under Sections 146
                    and 147 of that Act notwithstanding that in any such
                    case forfeiture is avoided otherwise than by relief
                    granted by the Court;

               (c)  all expenses including solicitors' costs, surveyors'
                    fees and bailiffs' costs and commission incurred by
                    Properties and PowerGen in connection with and
                    incidental to any breach, non-performance or non-
                    observance of any of the covenants on the part of
                    Generation and the conditions contained in this Lease
                    or in contemplation of the enforcement thereof
                    including (but without prejudice to the generality of
                    the foregoing) the service of all notices relating to
                    and schedules recording dilapidation and wants of
                    repair to the Demised Premises or of any negotiations
                    in respect thereof;

               (d)  all Value Added Tax incurred by Properties and/or
                    PowerGen on or included in any amount reimbursable by
                    Generation to Properties under this Lease.

          21.  Value Added Tax

               Where any payment due under or by virtue of this Lease or
               the grant of it is a payment on which Value Added Tax is or
               may be chargeable (by reason of an election of PowerGen or
               otherwise) to pay the amount of such tax in respect of the
               payment at the rate applicable to that payment.

          22.  Ash and Waste Products Disposal Contracts and Railway

               Without prejudice to PowerGen's obligations contained in the
               Agreement for Lease to use its reasonable endeavors to enter
               into such agreements for the disposal of ash and all other
               Waste and such agreements relating to the position, use and
               operation of the railway sidings and any ancillary
               structures and equipment serving the Demised Premises from
               time to time as are necessary (in Generation's reasonable
               opinion) for the safe and proper operation of the Power
               Station comprised within the Demised Premises PROVIDED THAT
               nothing contained in this paragraph shall require Generation
               to enter into any such agreements which would constitute
               renewals of agreements having expired prior to Completion or
               new agreements in respect of which no agreement was in place
               prior to Completion.

          23.  Comply with title matters

          23.1 To perform and observe all the covenants, conditions and
               provisions contained or referred to in the documents
               referred to in Parts 5, 6 and 7 of Schedule 1 so far as the
               same relate to the Demised Premises and are still subsisting
               and capable of being enforced.

          23.2 To perform and observe all the covenants and conditions
               affecting the Demised Premises on the part of the Landlord
               to be observed and performed contained in the Headlease
               (except the covenants to pay the Premium (as defined in the
               Headlease) and the rents payable thereunder).

          23.3 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 23.1 above,
               to permit NGC having an interest or right in relation to any
               part of the Demised Premises (whether directly or as part of
               the Estate) to exercise all rights pursuant to:

                 (i)     the NGC Lease;

                (ii)     the Interface Agreement; and

               (iii)     the Wayleave.

          24.  Handover

               On the Handover Date Generation shall give Properties and
               PowerGen possession of so much of the Demised Premises as
               may be required to enable PowerGen to comply with its
               obligations set out in Schedule 5 to the Headlease.

                                     SCHEDULE 4:

                                Properties' Covenants

          1.   Quiet enjoyment

               Generation paying the Rent and other rents and charges
               payable under this Lease and performing and observing the
               several covenants and stipulations on the part of Generation
               contained in this Lease may peaceably and quietly hold and
               enjoy the Demised Premises during the Term without any
               lawful interruption or disturbance from or by Properties or
               any person rightfully claiming under or in trust for it or
               by title paramount.

          2.   Contribution to Expenses

               Without prejudice to the generality of any other covenant or
               obligation by PowerGen, to pay on demand (to Generation or
               such other third party as shall be relevant) a fair
               proportion of the costs and expenses of making, repairing,
               maintaining, rebuilding, renewing, replacing, lighting,
               insuring, connecting and cleansing all ways, road,
               pavements, bridges, sewers, drains, pipes, channels, water
               courses, gutters, wires, cables, boundary walls, fences,
               party walls, structures, open areas and other conveniences
               (including for the avoidance of doubt, the inlet culvert
               referred to in paragraph 4 of Part 3 of Schedule 1) which
               shall at any time belong to or be used for the Retained Land
               in common with the Demised Premises or other premises near
               or adjoining thereto.

          3.   Performance of the Headlease

               To pay the Premium (as defined in the Headlease) and rents
               reserved by the Headlease and to perform so far as
               Generation is not liable for such performance under the
               terms of this Lease the covenants and conditions on the part
               of the lessee contained in the Headlease.

          4.   PowerGen's consent

               To take all reasonable steps to obtain the consent of
               PowerGen wherever Generation makes application for any
               consent required under this Lease where the consent of both
               Properties and PowerGen is needed by virtue of this Lease
               and the Headlease.

          5.   Enforce the Headlease

               At the request of Generation to take all reasonable steps to
               enforce the covenants on the part of PowerGen contained in
               the Headlease.

          6.   Contribution to Expenses

               Without prejudice to the generality of any other covenant or
               obligation by Properties, to pay on demand (to Generation or
               PowerGen or such other third party as shall be relevant) a
               fair proportion of the costs and expenses of making,
               repairing, maintaining, rebuilding, renewing, replacing,
               lighting, insuring, connecting and cleansing all ways,
               roads, pavements, bridges, sewers, drains, pipes, channels,
               watercourses, gutters, wires, cables, boundary walls,
               fences, party walls, structures, open areas and other

                                     SCHEDULE 5:

                             Decommissioning Arrangements

          1.   When Generation has ceased using the Demised Premises for
               the purpose of generating electricity, it may give
               Properties and PowerGen notice of its intention to require
               Properties to enforce PowerGen's covenant to carry out its
               obligations under Schedule 5 of the Headlease pursuant to
               Clause 6 of Schedule 4 of the Headlease.

          2.   Prior to the Handover Date, Generation shall ensure that all
               the electrical connections and all electrical equipment
               comprised within the Demised Premises and, to the extent
               that it is comprised within the Demised Premises, the
               electrical plant and equipment within the NGC substation
               adjoining the Demised Premises are made electrically and
               mechanically safe.  Generation shall comply with any
               obligation of NGC in relation thereto.

          3.   Prior to the Handover Date, Generation shall ensure that all
               contracts relating to the operation and maintenance of the
               Power Station (save for those relating to the security
               thereof) are terminated and that all contractors and
               contractors equipment have left the Demised Premises.

          4.   At the Handover Date, such of the Strategic Spares as shall
               then be in existence and all of the Mobile Equipment will be
               returned to Properties (or if Properties so requires)
               PowerGen for its own absolute use and thereafter such items
               shall cease to be part of the Demised Premises.

                                     SCHEDULE 6:

                         Provisos Agreements and Declarations

          1.   Forfeiture

               This Lease is made on the express condition that if and
               whenever there shall be a breach, non-performance or non-
               observance of the covenant contained in paragraph 17.1 of
               Schedule 3 then Properties or its agents may at any time
               thereafter and notwithstanding the waiver or implied waiver
               of any previous right of re-entry arising under this Lease
               re-enter upon the Demised Premises or any part thereof in
               the name of the whole of the Demised Premises whereupon the
               Term shall absolutely cease and determine but without
               prejudice to any rights or remedies which may then have
               accrued to Properties in respect of payment of the rent or
               other breach or non-performance or non-observance of any
               condition covenant or agreements on the part of Generation
               contained in this Lease or otherwise Provided always that if
               PowerGen gives notice to Properties prior to exercising its
               rights pursuant to this paragraph, Properties shall give to
               Generation a copy of such notice as soon as practicable
               following receipt.

          2.   Notices

               All notices to be given under this Lease shall be in writing
               and Section 196 of the Law of Property Act 1925 as amended
               by the Recorded Delivery Service Act 1962 shall apply to the
               service of all such notices and in case of any notice to be
               served on Generation such notice shall also be duly served
               if left at the Demised Premises or sent to the last known
               address of Generation.

          3.   L & T A compensation exclusion

               Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) of Section 38
               of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 neither Generation nor
               any assignee or underlessee (whether immediate or
               derivative) of the Term or of the Demised Premises shall be
               entitled on quitting the Demised Premises to any
               compensation under Section 37 of such Act or under any
               corresponding provisions in any Act amending or replacing
               the same.

          4.   Interest on unpaid rents and other moneys

               If the Rent or any other amounts payable hereunder shall not
               be paid to Properties within seven days of the due date for
               payment thereof then Generation shall pay to Properties with
               any such sums (but without prejudice to all or any other
               rights or remedies of Properties under this Lease) interest
               thereon at the Prescribed Rate calculated on a day-to-day
               basis (and compounded with rests on the Rent Days) from the
               date on which the same became due and payable or (if
               earlier) the date of expenditure by Properties down to the
               date of payment or reimbursement by Generation (and as well
               after as before any judgment).

          6.   Non-acquisition of easements

               Except as expressly herein provided Generation shall not by
               implication of law or otherwise be entitled to any estate or
               any right privilege or easement whatsoever nor shall
               Generation by virtue or in respect of the Demised Premises
               or this Lease be deemed to have acquired or be entitled nor
               shall it during the Term acquire or become entitled by
               length of enjoyment prescription or any other means to any
               such estate right privilege or easement.

          7.   Rent acceptance when breach exists

               No demand for or acceptance or receipt of the Rent or any
               other rents or any payment on account thereof shall operate
               as a waiver by Properties of any right which Properties may
               have to forfeit this Lease or re-enter the Demised Premises
               by reason of any breach of covenant by Generation or
               otherwise notwithstanding that Properties may know or be
               deemed to know of such at the time of demand, acceptance or

          8.   Disputes

               In the event of any dispute or difference between the
               parties touching or concerning any matter or thing arising
               out of this Lease or as to the rights, duties or obligations
               of the parties hereunder, such dispute or difference shall
               be referred to some independent and fit person to be
               nominated by the President for the time being of the Royal
               Institution of Chartered Surveyors (save in the case of any
               dispute or difference relating to the construction of this
               Lease when such nomination shall be made by the President
               for the time being of the Law Society) on the application of
               either party and the decision of such nominee shall be final
               and binding on the parties Provided that in every case the
               nominee appointed shall be entitled to act as an expert and
               not as an arbitrator in any case where he expresses his
               willingness so to act and neither party objects to him so
               acting within twenty-one days of his statement that he is
               willing to do so and (subject to the foregoing) the
               provisions of the Arbitration Acts 1950-1979 shall apply.

          9.   Liability for Indirect Damage

               Neither party shall be liable to the other for any loss of
               profit, loss of use, loss of production, loss of contracts
               or for any other indirect or consequential damage that may
               be suffered by the other.

          10.  Jurisdiction

               The High Court of Justice in England shall have non-
               exclusive jurisdiction to entertain any action or
               proceedings whatsoever in respect of this Lease or any
               provision thereof or any matter or thing arising under or by
               virtue or consequent upon this Lease.

                                      SCHEDULE 7

                                        Part 1
                                   Mobile Equipment

               Asset               Description              Identification No:

               Terrex TS40         Coal Scraper/Loader

               Terrex TS40         Coal Scraper/Loader

               Terrex TS40         Coal Scraper/Loader

               Terrex TS40         Coal Scraper/Loader

               JCB 418             Bulldozer

               JCB 807 B           Bulldozer

               JCB 807 C           Bulldozer

               JCB 8230            Bulldozer

               Barclay Diesel Shunter

                                        Part 2
                                   Strategic Spares

               Description                   Location

               Hydrogen Blower

               HP Rotor

               Alternator Rotor

               Main Steam Chest

               Extraction Pump plus associated items

               Cooling Water Pump

                                      SCHEDULE 8

          1.1  In this Schedule "review date" means the expiration of the
               eighth year of the Term and every fifth year thereafter and
               `review period' means the period starting with any review
               date up to the next review date or starting with the last
               review date up to the end of the said Term.

          1.2  Properties may by giving to Generation prior written notice
               elect to review of the yearly rent payable hereunder on any
               review date.  The yearly rent shall be:

               (A)  until the first review date the yearly rent of thirty-
                    one million two hundred and fifty thousand pounds
                    (pound sterling 31,250,000) payable under clause 2; and

               (B)  during each successive review period such revised rent
                    as may be ascertained as herein provided subject only
                    to the provisions of clause 1.4(E) of this Schedule.

          1.3  Such revised rent for any review period may be agreed at any
               time between the Properties and Generation or (in the
               absence of agreement) determined not earlier than the
               relevant review date by an arbitrator such arbitrator to be
               nominated in the absence of agreement by or on behalf of the
               President for the time being of the Royal Institution of
               Chartered Surveyors on the application of Properties or
               Generation made not earlier than six months before the
               relevant review date but not later than the end of the
               relevant review period and so that in the case of such
               arbitration the revised rent to be awarded by the arbitrator
               shall be such as he shall decide is the yearly rent at which
               the Demised Premises might reasonably be expected to be let
               at the relevant review date:

               (A)  On the following assumptions at that date:

                    (i)  that the Demised Premises:

                         (a)  are available to let on the open market
                              without a fine or premium with vacant
                              possession by a willing landlord to a willing
                              tenant for the residue then unexpired of the
                              term of this lease;

                         (b)  are to be let subject to the terms of this
                              Lease (other than the amount of the rent
                              hereby reserved but including the provisions
                              for review of that rent);

               (B)  But disregarding any increase in rental value of the
                    Demised Premises attributable to the existence at the
                    relevant review date of any improvement to the Demised
                    Premises or any part thereof carried out with consent
                    where required otherwise than in pursuance of an
                    obligation to Properties or its predecessors in title
                    except obligations requiring compliance with statutes
                    or directions of local authorities or other bodies
                    exercising powers under statute or Royal Charter either
                    (a) by Generation its sub-tenants or their respective
                    predecessors in title during the term or during any
                    period of occupation prior thereto arising out of an
                    agreement to grant such term or (b) by any tenant or
                    sub-tenant of the Demised Premises before the
                    commencement of the Term so long as the Properties or
                    its predecessors in title have not since the
                    improvement was carried out had vacant possession of
                    the relevant part of the Demised Premises.

          1.4  It is hereby further provided in relation to the
               ascertainment and payment of revised rent as follows:

               (A)  The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with
                    the Arbitration Acts 1950 and 1979 or any statutory
                    modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being
                    in force with the further provision that if the
                    arbitrator nominated pursuant to sub-clause 1.3 hereof
                    shall die or decline to act as the President for the
                    time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered
                    Surveyors or the person acting on his behalf may on the
                    application of either the Properties or Generation by
                    writing discharge the arbitrator and appoint another in
                    his place.

               (B)  When the amount of any rent to be ascertained or
                    payable as herein provided shall have been so
                    ascertained or payable a memoranda thereof shall
                    thereupon be signed by or on behalf of Properties and
                    Generation and annexed to this lease and counterpart
                    thereof and the parties shall bear their own costs in
                    respect thereof.

               (C)  (i)  If the revised rent payable on and from any review
                         date has not been agreed by that review date rent
                         shall continue to be payable at the rate
                         previously payable and forthwith upon the revised
                         rent being ascertained:

                         (a)  Generation shall pay to Properties any
                              shortfall between the rent and the revised
                              rent payable up to and on the preceding
                              quarter day together with interest on any
                              shortfall at the seven-day deposit rate of
                              National Westminster Bank plc such interest
                              to be calculated on a day-to-day basis from
                              the relevant review date on which it would
                              have been payable if the revised rent had
                              then been ascertained to the date of actual
                              payment of any shortfall; and

                         (b)  Properties shall pay to Generation any excess
                              between the rent and the revised rent payable
                              up to and on the preceding quarter day
                              together with interest in any excess at the
                              seven day deposit rate of National
                              Westminster Bank PLC on the same basis as in
                              subparagraph (a) of this present sub-clause
                              (C) (i).

                    (ii) For the purposes of this proviso the revised rent
                         shall be deemed to have been ascertained on the
                         date when the same has been agreed between
                         Properties and Generation or as the case may be
                         the date of the award of the arbitrator.

               (D)  If either Properties or Generation shall fail to pay
                    any costs awarded against it in an arbitration under
                    the provisions hereof within twenty-one days of the
                    same being demanded by the arbitrator the other shall
                    be entitled to pay the same and the amount so paid
                    shall be repaid by the party chargeable on demand.

               (E)  If the Handover Date shall fall at any time on or after
                    the tenth anniversary of the Term the rent payable
                    hereunder shall from the Handover Date become five
                    hundred pounds (pound sterling 500) per annum unless and
                    until otherwise reviewed on the next or any subsequent
                    review date.

          EXECUTED as a DEED     )
          under the COMMON SEAL  )
          of EASTERN MERCHANT    )
          PROPERTIES LIMITED     )
          in the presence of:    )

                              Authorised Signatory

          EXECUTED as a DEED     )
          under the COMMON SEAL  )
          of EASTERN MERCHANT    )
          GENERATION LIMITED     )
          in the presence of:    )

                              Authorised Signatory