PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES

                              MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION


                                 TXU EUROPE LIMITED


          1.   The Company's name is *TXU Europe Limited.

          2.   The Company's registered office is to be situated in England
               and Wales

          3.   The Company's objects are:

               (a)  (i)  the object of the Company is  to carry on business
                         as a general commercial company;

                    (ii) without  prejudice to  the  generality  of  clause
                         3(a)(i) of this Memorandum of Association, and the
                         powers of  the Company derived from  Section 3A of
                         the Companies  Act 1985  to 1989, the  Company has
                         power to do all or any of the following objects or
                         any of them;

               (b)  to carry on any other trade or business whatever, which
                    can in  the opinion of the  Directors be advantageously
                    carried on in  connection with or  ancillary to any  of
                    the businesses of the Company;

               (c)  to purchase,  take on  lease  or in  exchange, hire  or
                    otherwise acquire  and hold for any  estate or interest
                    in any lands, building, easements, rights, privileges,
                    concessions,  patents,  patent rights  licences, secret
                    processes,  machinery,  plant, stock-in-trade,  and any
                    real  or personal  property  of any  kind necessary  or
                    convenient for  the purposes  of or in  connection with
                    the  Company's business  or  any branch  or  department

               (d)  to  erect,  construct,  lay down, or enlarge, alter and
                    maintain  any  roads,   railways,  tramways,   sidings,
                    bridges,   reservoirs,    shops,   stores,   factories,
                    buildings,  works, plant  and  machinery  necessary  or
                    convenient   for  the   Company's   business,  and   to
                    contribute  to or subsidise  the erection, construction
                    and maintenance of any of the above.


          *  The name of the Company was changed from ERRORFREE LIMITED to
          TU FINANCE (No. 1) LIMITED on 26 February 1998 by Special
          Resolution passed on 25 February 1998, from TU FINANCE (No. 1)
          LIMITED to TXU EASTERN HOLDINGS LIMITED on 17 December 1998 by
          Special Resolution passed on 16 December 1998 and from TXU
          EASTERN HOLDINGS LIMITED on 12 August 1999 by Special Resolution
          passed on 6 August 1999.

               (e)  to borrow or raise  or secure the payment of  money for
                    the  purposes of  or in  connection with  the Company's
                    business, and for the purposes of or in connection with
                    the borrowing  or raising  of money  by the Company  to
                    become a member of any building society;

               (f)  to mortgage  and charge the undertaking and  all or any
                    of the  real and personal property  and assets, present
                    or future, and all  or any of the uncalled  capital for
                    the time being of the Company and to issue at par or at
                    a premium  or discount, and for  such consideration and
                    with and subject to such rights, powers, privileges and
                    conditions   as  may  be  thought  fit,  debentures  or
                    debenture  stock,  either  permanent or  redeemable  or
                    repayable, and  collaterally or  further to secure  any
                    securities of  the Company  by  a trust  deed or  other

               (g)  to issue  and deposit any securities  which the Company
                    has power to issue by way of  mortgage, and also by way
                    of  security for  the performance  of any  contracts or
                    obligations of the Company or of its customers or other
                    persons  or  corporations   having  dealings  with  the
                    Company,  or in  whose businesses  or undertakings  the
                    Company is interested, whether directly or indirectly;

               (h)  to  receive money on deposit or loan upon such terms as
                    the  Company  may   approve,  and   to  guarantee   the
                    obligations and contracts of customers and others;

               (i)  to lend money  to any  company, firm or  person and  to
                    give  all  kinds  of  indemnities and  either  with  or
                    without  the  Company  receiving  any  consideration or
                    advantage, direct  or indirect,  for  giving, any  such
                    guarantee, to guarantee either by personal convenant or
                    by  mortgaging  or charging  all  or  any part  of  the
                    undertaking property and assets present and  future and
                    uncalled  capital  of  the  Company  or  by  both  such
                    methods,  the performance  of  the obligations  and the
                    payment of the capital  or principal (together with any
                    premium) of and dividends  or interest on any debenture
                    stocks, shares or other securities of any company, firm
                    or person  and in particular (but  without limiting the
                    generality of  the foregoing) any company  which is for
                    the  time being  the  Company's  holding or  subsidiary
                    company as defined by Section 736  of the Companies Act
                    1985  or  otherwise  associated  with  the  Company  in
                    business  and whether  or  not  this  Company  receives
                    directly or indirectly  any consideration or  advantage

               (j)  to establish and maintain  or procure the establishment
                    and maintenance of any non-contributory or contributory
                    pension or superannuation funds for the benefit of, and
                    give or  procure the  giving of donations,  gratuities,
                    pensions, allowances, or emoluments to any  persons who
                    are or were at any time in the employment or service of
                    the  Company, or of any  company which is  for the time
                    being the  Company's holding  or subsidiary  company as
                    defined  by Section 736  of the  Companies Act  1985 or
                    otherwise associated with  the Company  in business  or
                    who  are or were at  the time directors  or officers of
                    the Company or of any  such other company as aforesaid,
                    and the  wives, widows, families and  dependents of any
                    such persons,  and also  to establish and  subsidise or
                    subscribe  to any institutions,  associations, clubs or
                    fund  calculated to be for the benefit of or to advance
                    the interests and  well-being of the Company  or of any
                    such other company as aforesaid, or of any such persons
                    as aforesaid,  and to make payments for  or towards the
                    insurance  of any  such  persons as  aforesaid, and  to
                    subscribe   or  guarantee   money  for   charitable  or
                    benevolent objects  or for  any exhibition or  for any
                    public, general or useful object; and to establish, set
                    up,  support  and maintain  share  purchase  schemes or
                    profit-sharing schemes for the benefit of any employees
                    of the  Company or of any company which is for the time
                    being the  Company's holding  or subsidiary  company as
                    defined by Section 736 of the Companies Act 1985 and to
                    do  any of  the matters  aforesaid; either alone  or in
                    conjunction with any such other company as aforesaid;

               (k)  to draw, make, accept, endorse, negotiate, discount and
                    execute  promissory notes, bills  of exchange and other
                    negotiable instruments;

               (l)  to invest and deal  with the moneys of the  Company not
                    immediately required for  the purposes of  its business
                    in or  upon such investments  or securities and  in any
                    such manner as may from time to time be determined;

               (m)  to  pay for  any  property or  rights  acquired by  the
                    Company, either in  cash or in fully or  partly paid-up
                    shares,  with  or  without  preferred  or  deferred  or
                    special  rights or restrictions in respect of dividend,
                    repayment of  capital, voting  or otherwise, or  by any
                    securities  which the  Company has  power to  issue, or
                    partly in one mode and partly in another, and generally
                    on such terms as the Company may determine;

               (n)  to accept  payment for any  property or rights  sold or
                    otherwise  disposed of  or dealt  with by  the Company,
                    either  in cash,  by installments  or otherwise,  or in
                    fully  or  partly  paid-up  shares of  any  company  or
                    corporation, with  or without deferred  or preferred or
                    special rights or restrictions  in respect of dividend,
                    repayment  of  capital,  voting  or  otherwise,  or  in
                    debentures  or mortgage debentures  or debenture stock,
                    mortgages  or   other  securities  of  any  company  or
                    corporation,  or  partly  in  one mode  and  partly  in
                    another, and generally on such terms as the Company may
                    determine, and  to hold,  dispose of or  otherwise deal
                    with any shares, stock or securities so acquired;

               (o)  to   enter  into   any   partnership   or   joint-purse
                    arrangement or arrangement for sharing profits union of
                    interests or  co-operation  with any  company, firm  or
                    person  carrying  on  or  proposing  to  carry  on  any
                    business  within the  objects  of this  Company and  to
                    acquire and hold, sell, deal with or dispose of shares,
                    stock or  securities of  and to subsidise  or otherwise
                    assist any such company;

               (p)  to establish  or promote  or concur in  establishing or
                    promoting any other company whose objects shall include
                    the  acquisition and taking over  of all or  any of the
                    assets and liabilities of  the Company or the promotion
                    of  which shall be in any  manner calculated to advance
                    directly or indirectly the objects or interests of this
                    Company, and to  acquire and hold or dispose of shares,
                    stock  or  securities  and  guarantee  the  payment  of
                    dividends, interest or capital  of any shares, stock or
                    securities issued  by or  any other obligations  of any
                    such company;

               (q)  to purchase  or otherwise acquire and  undertake all or
                    any part of the business, property, assets, liabilities
                    and  transactions  of  any  person,  firm   or  company
                    carrying  on   any  business  which  this   Company  is
                    authorised to carry on;

               (r)  to sell,  improve, manage,  develop,  turn to  account,
                    exchange,  let on  rent, royalty,  share of  profits or
                    otherwise,  grant licences, easements  and other rights
                    in or over and in any other manner deal with or dispose
                    of the undertaking and  all or any of the  property and
                    assets for  the  time being  of  the Company  for  such
                    consideration as the Company may think fit;

               (s)  to amalgamate with any  other company whose objects are
                    or include  objects similar  to those of  this Company,
                    whether by sale or purchase  (for fully or partly paid-
                    up shares or otherwise)  of the undertaking, subject to
                    the liabilities  of this or  any such other  company as
                    aforesaid,  with or without  winding up, or  by sale or
                    purchase  (for  fully  or  partly  paid-up   shares  or
                    otherwise)  of all  or  a controlling  interest in  the
                    shares  or stock of this  or any such  other company as
                    aforesaid, or by partnership, or any arrangement of the
                    nature of partnership, or in any other manner;

               (t)  to  subscribe or  guarantee  money for  or organise  or
                    assist  any  national,  local, charitable,  benevolent,
                    public, general or useful object, or for any exhibition
                    or  for  any purpose  which  may  be considered  likely
                    directly or  indirectly to  further the objects  of the
                    Company or the interest of its members;

               (u)  to distribute among the  members in specie any property
                    of the Company, or any proceeds of sale and disposal of
                    any   property  of   the  Company,   but  so   that  no
                    distribution  amounting to  a  reduction of  capital be
                    made except  with the  sanction (if any)  for the  time
                    being required by law;

               (v)  to   give  such   financial  assistance,   directly  or
                    indirectly,  for  the  purpose  of  the acquisition  of
                    shares in the Company  or the Company's holding company
                    as  defined by Section 736 of the Companies Act 1985 or
                    for  the   purpose  of  reducing  or   discharging  any
                    liability incurred by any person for the purpose of the
                    acquisition of  shares in the Company  or the Company's
                    holding  company  as  defined  by Section  736  of  the
                    Companies Act 1985 as may be lawful;

               (w)  to do all or any of the above things in any part of the
                    world,  and  either  as principals,  agents,  trustees,
                    contractors  or  otherwise,  and  either  alone  or  in
                    conjunction  with  others,  and  either by  or  through
                    agents, trustees, subcontractors or otherwise;

               (x)  to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to
                    the above objects or any of the them.

               And it is hereby declared that the objects of the Company as
               specified in each of the foregoing paragraphs of this
               clause (except only if  and so far as  otherwise expressly
               provided in any paragraphs) shall be separate and distinct
               objects of the Company and shall not be in any way limited
               by reference to any other paragraph or the name of the

          4    The liability of the members is limited.

          5    The Company's share capital is  *L100  divided into 100
               Deferred Shares of L1 each and US$3,000,000,000
               divided into 3,000,000,000 Ordinary Shares of US$1 each.


          *    The Share Capital of the Company was increased from L1,000
               to L2,000,000,000 by Ordinary Resolution passed 26 February

               By Special Resolution passed on 22 May 1998, the authorised
               share capital of the Company was changed to L100 and
               US$3,000,000,000 by the cancellation of 1,999,999,900
               Ordinary Shares of L1 each in the authorised but unissued
               share capital, by the creation of 3,000,000,000 new Ordinary
               Shares of US$1 and by the conversion of 100 issued Ordinary
               Shares of L1 each into 100 Deferred Shares of L1 each.

          WE, the  several persons whose names,  addresses and descriptions
          are subscribed are  desirous of  being formed into  a Company  in
          pursuance of  this Memorandum of Association  and we respectively
          agree to take the number of shares in the capital  of the Company
          set opposite our respective names.


           NAMES, ADDRESSES AND                  NUMBER OF SHARES


           LUCIENE JAMES LIMITED                 One
           83 Leonard Street
           London EC2A 4QS

           Limited Company

           83 Leonard Street
           London EC2A 4QS

           Limited Company


           DATED 29 January 1998

           WITNESS to the above signatures:-

           8 Moreton Road South
           Luton LU2 0JL

           Company Registration Agent