Independent Auditors' Consent

The Board of Directors
Tenet Healthcare Corporation:

We consent to the inclusion of our report dated September 20, 1999, relating to
the combined balance sheets of St. Luke's Medical Center, St. Luke's Behavioral
Health Center, Mesa General Hospital Medical Center, Tempe St. Luke's Hospital,
Health Choice Arizona, Inc., Memorial Hospital of Tampa, Town & Country
Hospital, Palms of Pasadena Hospital, Odessa Regional Hospital, Southwest
General Hospital, Mid-Jefferson Hospital and Park Place Medical Center including
certain medical office buildings and other healthcare businesses related to the
operations of these hospitals (collectively the "Tenet Hospitals") as of May 31,
1999 and 1998, and the related combined statements of income and changes in
ownership equity and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period
ended May 31, 1999, and to the reference to our firm under the heading "Experts"
in Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form S-4 of IASIS Healthcare
Corporation dated March 14, 2000.

                                       /s/ KPMG LLP

Dallas, Texas
March 8, 2000