MSAF'S PORTFOLIO


     On May 19, 1999, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of MSDW acquired two
aircraft from an affiliate of GE Capital Corporation. On August 6, 1999, another
indirect wholly owned subsidiary of MSDW agreed to acquire 27 aircraft from
ILFC. All but one of these aircraft have been delivered by ILFC. The remaining
aircraft is due to be delivered on or before April 30, 2000. If it is not
delivered, a substitute aircraft may be acquired if certain conditions are met.
The discussion of the portfolio in this Exhibit 1 assumes that MSAF group takes
delivery of the one remaining aircraft. Upon consummation of this offering, we
will acquire these new aircraft-owning subsidiaries and as a result will own the
29 aircraft. The 29 additional aircraft had an aggregate appraised value of
$1,047.8 million as of November 30, 1999. As of February 1, 2000, all of these
aircraft were subject to lease contracts with 24 lessees based in 16 countries.

     The following table sets forth certain information as of February 15, 2000
with respect to the 29 additional aircraft (except for appraised values which
are as of November 30, 1999). For more information regarding each lessee, you
should refer to "-- Description of the Lessees" below.

                                                                           APPRAISED VALUE
                ENGINE       SERIAL     DATE OF                           AS OF NOVEMBER 30,
TYPE         CONFIGURATION   NUMBER   MANUFACTURE   LESSEE                       1999
- ----        ---------------  ------   -----------   ------                ------------------
A300-600R   PW 4158            625       Mar-92     China Airlines                 51.1
A320-200    CFM 56-5A3         397       Mar-93     Canada 3000                    30.8
A320-200    V2500-A1           428       May-94     TransAer                       32.1
A320-200    CFM 56-5A3         446       Oct-93     Monarch                        30.5
A321-100    V2530-A5           557       Dec-95     Air Macau                      38.9
A330-300    CF6-80E1            54       Apr-94     Aer Lingus                     80.0
A340-300    CFM 56-5C3G         94       Mar-95     Air Mauritius                  91.6
B737-300    CFM 56-3B1       23255       Jun-85     Southwest                      14.4
B737-300    CFM 56-3B1       23256       Jul-85     Southwest                      15.3
B737-300    CFM 56-3B2       24449       Apr-90     Lithuanian                     21.7(1)
B737-300    CFM 56-3B1       26309       Dec-94     Continental                    26.3
B737-400    CFM 56-3C1       24707       Jun-91     Air Europa                     24.7
B737-400    CFM 56-3C1       25105       Jul-93     Alaska Airlines                26.6
B737-400    CFM 56-3C1       26279       Jun-92     Pegasus                        25.7
B737-400    CFM 56-3C1       26291       Aug-93     Asiana                         27.6
B737-400    CFM 56-3C1       26308       Oct-94     Asiana                         27.9
B737-500    CFM 56-3C1       26304       Sep-94     Braathens                      21.2
B747-400    RB211-252H2/19   24955       Sep-91     Cathay Pacific                 97.4
B757-200ER  RB211-535-E4     23767       Apr-87     Air 2000                       29.7
B757-200ER  PW 2040          24965       Mar-92     Mexicana                       39.1
B757-200ER  PW 2037          25044       May-91     F.E.A.T.                       37.5
B757-200ER  RB211-535-E4-37  26266       Feb-93     Britannia                      41.2
B757-200ER  PW 2037          28160       Jul-96     TWA                            47.8
B767-300ER  CF6-80C2B6       24875       Jun-91     Air New Zealand                57.0
B767-300ER  CF6-80C2B6F      25132       Feb-92     Asiana                         60.1
F-50        PW100-125B       20232       Oct-91     KLM CityHopper                  6.3
F-50        PW100-125B       20233       Oct-91     KLM CityHopper                  6.2
MD-83       JT8D-219         49657       Apr-88     TWA                            19.6
MD-83       JT8D-219         53050       May-90     Aeromexico                     19.7
                                                    Total                      $1,047.8

- ---------------

(1)  Aircraft that has not been delivered.



     As of November 30, 1999, our portfolio had an aggregate appraised value of
$2,000.9 million. Under our indenture, we are required, at least once each year
and in any case no later than October 31 of each year, to deliver to the trustee
appraisals of the base value of each of the aircraft in our portfolio from at
least three independent appraisers that are members of the International Society
of Transport Aircraft Trading or any similar organization. We have obtained
appraisals from five such appraisers. We have calculated the appraised value of
each aircraft by removing the highest and the lowest appraisal and taking the
average of the remaining three.

     Our five appraisers, Aircraft Information Services, Inc., BK Associates,
Inc., Airclaims Limited, Morten Beyer and Agnew and Aircraft Value Analysis
Company have provided appraisals of the value of each of our aircraft at normal
utilization rates in an open, unrestricted and stable market, without taking
into account the value of related leases, maintenance reserves or security
deposits as of November 30, 1999, adjusted to account for the reported
maintenance standard of the aircraft. The appraisals were not based on a
physical inspection of the aircraft.


     The appraisals for the portfolio as of November 30, 1999 are set out below.

                                                                                  APPRAISAL OF
                    ENGINE        SERIAL     DATE OF     AIRCLAIMS        BK            INFORMATION        MORTON BEYER
- -------------   ---------------   ------   -----------   ----------   -----------   --------------------   ------------
A300-600R       PW 4158             555       Mar-90     43,820,038    46,874,794        50,860,000         48,210,000
A300-600R       PW 4158             625       Mar-92     45,598,979    53,107,233        56,000,000         53,220,000
A310-300        JT9D-7R4E1          409       Nov-85     18,668,131    27,022,136        21,300,000         29,499,000
A310-300        JT9D-7R4E1          410       Nov-85     18,736,079    27,403,582        21,820,000         30,501,000
A310-300        JT9D-7R4E1          437       Nov-86     21,316,952    33,262,341        27,820,000         33,419,000
A320-200        CFM 56-5A3          279       Feb-92     28,871,688    31,244,598        28,640,000         31,652,000
A320-200        V2500-A1            393       Feb-93     29,931,935    31,187,247        29,090,000         33,098,000
A320-200        CFM 56-5A3          397       Mar-93     30,162,691    31,894,773        30,400,000         33,319,000
A320-200        V2500-A1            414       May-93     30,336,415    30,957,449        29,130,000         33,363,000
A320-200        V2500-A1            428       May-94     31,669,836    32,628,258        30,790,000         33,834,000
A320-200        CFM 56-5A3          446       Oct-93     30,177,866    31,100,000        30,030,000         35,176,000
A321-100        V2530-A5            557       Dec-95     35,247,421    45,988,568        39,160,000         37,638,000
A321-100        V2530-A5            597       May-96     36,085,390    45,156,750        41,930,000         37,567,000
A330-300        CF6-80E1             54       Apr-94     75,194,550    81,864,707        82,310,000         87,754,000
A340-300        CFM 56-5C3G          94       Mar-95     81,144,912    92,319,102       105,920,000         97,684,000
B737-300        CFM 56-3B1        23255       Jun-85     14,620,625    13,547,506        17,440,000         14,837,000
B737-300        CFM 56-3B1        23256       Jul-85     16,395,719    14,501,668        18,040,000         14,961,000
B737-300        CFM 56-3B2        24299       Nov-88     20,001,225    18,790,300        20,570,000         19,140,000
B737-300        CFM 56-3B2        24449       Apr-90     21,065,000    21,990,000        22,930,000         20,575,000
B737-300        CFM 56-3B2        25161       Feb-92     22,674,379    25,511,536        25,010,000         23,784,000
B737-300        CFM 56-3C1        26295       Dec-93     22,596,442    26,024,250        25,560,000         25,546,000
B737-300        CFM 56-3B1        26309       Dec-94     24,232,196    27,700,000        26,050,000         26,602,000
B737-300        CFM 56-3C1        27635       May-95     25,561,933    28,728,600        28,540,000         27,137,000
B737-300F       CFM 56-3B2        23811       Oct-87     19,378,488    19,003,082        21,560,000         19,936,000
B737-300QC      CFM 56-3C1        23788       May-87     19,405,573    18,099,500        21,780,000         19,782,000
B737-400        CFM 56-3B2        24234       Oct-88     21,619,354    20,194,364        22,780,000         22,435,000
B737-400        CFM 56-3C1        24707       Jun-91     22,800,670    24,963,604        25,310,000         24,644,000
B737-400        CFM 56-3C1        25104       May-93     25,507,457    26,531,550        27,350,000         27,541,000
B737-400        CFM 56-3C1        25105       Jul-93     24,598,379    26,073,250        27,240,000         27,262,000
B737-400        CFM 56-3C1        25371       Jan-92     24,688,071    24,170,810        26,430,000         25,300,000
B737-400        CFM 56-3C1        26279       Jun-92     24,351,332    24,619,226        26,350,000         26,702,000
B737-400        CFM 56-3C1        26291       Aug-93     25,950,885    26,756,516        27,690,000         28,584,000
B737-400        CFM 56-3C1        26308       Oct-94     25,817,981    28,264,060        28,600,000         29,154,000
B737-500        CFM 56-3B1        25165       Apr-93     20,559,624    17,552,500        19,980,000         20,762,000
B737-500        CFM 56-3C1        26304       Sep-94     20,516,576    20,060,150        22,360,000         23,311,000
B747-300B       CF6-80C2          24106       Apr-88     46,632,687    59,943,960        48,480,000         51,991,000
B747-400        RB211-252H2/19    24955       Sep-91     82,013,762   106,527,824       105,760,000        104,476,000
B757-200ER      RB211-535-E4      23767       Apr-87     28,008,616    29,791,024        32,830,000         31,259,000
B757-200ER      RB211-535-E4      24260       Dec-88     30,423,476    33,021,212        35,580,000         35,424,000
B757-200ER      RB211-535-E4-37   24367       Feb-89     28,943,600    31,335,359        36,050,000         33,392,000
B757-200ER      PW 2040           24965       Mar-92     34,411,426    39,971,145        42,970,000         41,106,000
B757-200ER      PW 2037           25044       May-91     33,135,259    39,209,345        40,720,000         39,271,000
B757-200ER      RB211-535-E4-37   26266       Feb-93     35,464,262    41,872,550        44,580,000         42,305,000
B757-200ER      PW 2037           26272       Mar-94     33,003,740    42,932,416        44,160,000         42,618,000
B757-200ER      PW 2037           28160       Jul-96     37,843,699    49,445,918        49,160,000         50,344,000
B767-200ER      CF6-80A           23807       Aug-87     28,838,628    31,079,940        35,160,000         28,539,000
B767-300ER      CF6-80C2B6F       24798       Oct-90     49,099,299    53,667,285        56,670,000         57,665,000
B767-300ER      CF6-80C2B6        24875       Jun-91     54,444,607    55,072,637        60,730,000         59,425,000
B767-300ER      CF6-80C2B6F       25132       Feb-92     56,498,903    59,356,214        65,170,000         62,469,000
B767-300ER      CF6-80C2B6F       26256       Apr-93     59,887,960    61,960,315        67,990,000         67,204,000
B767-300ER      CF6-80C2B4        26260       Sep-94     60,046,996    64,745,045        68,760,000         68,534,000
engine          CF6-80C2B6F       704279      Jul-95      5,951,393     6,282,000         5,710,000          4,506,000
F-50            PW100-125B        20232       Oct-91      6,141,563     7,340,076         6,080,000          5,355,000
F-50            PW100-125B        20233       Oct-91      6,141,563     7,304,406         6,010,000          5,366,000
F-70            TAY MK620-15      11564       Dec-95     11,880,010    14,100,000        13,410,000         14,331,000
F-70            TAY MK620-15      11565       Feb-96     11,087,025    15,200,000        14,910,000         14,430,000
F-70            TAY MK620-15      11569       Mar-96     11,359,096    15,200,000        14,910,000         14,478,000
MD-82           JT8D-217C         49825       Mar-89     15,323,107    17,318,790        20,750,000         19,528,000
MD-83           JT8D-219          49657       Apr-88     16,505,672    20,090,575        20,780,000         20,543,000
MD-83           JT8D-219          49822       Dec-88     16,903,329    18,823,975        20,080,000         21,431,000
MD-83           JT8D-219          49824       Mar-89     17,375,556    21,362,625        21,660,000         22,143,000
MD-83           JT8D-219          53050       May-90     17,016,260    21,120,000        21,360,000         21,078,000

                APPRAISAL OF
               AIRCRAFT VALUE       APPRAISED
                  ANALYSIS         VALUE AS OF
- -------------  --------------   -----------------
A300-600R        39,050,000          46,301,611
A300-600R        46,850,000          51,059,078
A310-300         15,200,000          22,330,089
A310-300         15,550,000          22,653,220
A310-300         21,800,000          27,627,447
A320-200         29,500,000          29,872,095
A320-200         30,170,000          30,429,727
A320-200         30,075,000          30,819,155
A320-200         30,450,000          30,581,288
A320-200         32,100,000          32,132,698
A320-200         30,225,000          30,500,955
A321-100         40,000,000          38,932,667
A321-100         39,600,000          39,699,000
A330-300         75,750,000          79,974,902
A340-300         84,650,000          91,551,034
B737-300         13,675,000          14,377,542
B737-300         14,200,000          15,286,129
B737-300         20,400,000          19,847,075
B737-300         22,050,000          21,701,667(1)
B737-300         24,900,000          24,564,667
B737-300         25,300,000          25,468,667
B737-300         26,300,000          26,317,333
B737-300         26,200,000          27,292,333
B737-300F        20,100,000          19,804,829
B737-300QC       18,450,000          19,212,524
B737-400         21,600,000          21,884,785
B737-400         24,400,000          24,669,201
B737-400         25,800,000          26,560,517
B737-400         26,400,000          26,571,083
B737-400         25,450,000          25,146,024
B737-400         26,100,000          25,689,742
B737-400         28,500,000          27,648,839
B737-400         26,850,000          27,904,687
B737-500         18,600,000          19,713,208
B737-500         20,600,000          21,158,859
B747-300B        39,870,000          49,034,562
B747-400         79,900,000          97,416,587
B757-200ER       26,800,000          29,686,213
B757-200ER       32,000,000          33,481,737
B757-200ER       30,300,000          31,675,786
B757-200ER       36,300,000          39,125,715
B757-200ER       34,025,000          37,501,782
B757-200ER       39,305,000          41,160,850
B757-200ER       38,750,000          41,433,472
B757-200ER       44,750,000          47,785,306
B767-200ER       25,650,000          29,485,856
B767-300ER       48,700,000          53,145,528(2)
B767-300ER       56,380,000          56,959,212
B767-300ER       58,600,000          60,141,738
B767-300ER       62,300,000          63,621,438
B767-300ER       66,400,000          66,559,682
engine            4,850,000           5,503,798
F-50              6,550,000           6,257,188
F-50              6,330,000           6,160,521
F-70             13,450,000          13,653,333
F-70             13,650,000          14,330,000
F-70             14,650,000          14,679,333
MD-82            16,500,000          17,782,263
MD-83            18,200,000          19,611,192
MD-83            18,400,000          19,101,325
MD-83            18,100,000          20,374,208
MD-83            17,000,000          19,738,087
                      Total      $2,000,891,389


- ---------------

(1)  Aircraft that has not been delivered.

(2)  This aircraft is not currently capable of extended range missions but ILFC
     has agreed to pay for the cost of an extended range modification to the
     aircraft upon MSAF's request at any time following the termination or
     expiration of the lease for the aircraft. The appraisals of the aircraft
     assume that the extended range modification has been carried out.

     The aggregate values calculated by each of the five appraisers for the
portfolio are as follows:

                                                                 APPRAISED VALUE
                                                                AS OF NOVEMBER 30,
                         APPRAISER                                     1999
                         ---------                              ------------------
Airclaims Limited...........................................         1,833.7
Aircraft Information Services, Inc..........................         2,107.2
Aircraft Value Analysis Company.............................         1,884.6
BK Associates, Inc..........................................         2,059.2
Morten Beyer and Agnew......................................         2,103.1

     The following table sets forth certain selected statistics relating to the
appraisals of the portfolio at November 30, 1999.

                    STATISTICAL SUMMARY                        ($MM)
                    -------------------                       -------
Average aggregate of 3 appraisals with highest and lowest
  removed...................................................  2,000.9
Average aggregate of all 5 appraisals.......................  1,997.5
Median aggregate of 3 appraisals with highest and lowest
  removed...................................................  2,014.7
Median aggregate of all 5 appraisals........................  2,014.7
Difference between highest and lowest aggregate appraisal...    273.5
Difference between highest and lowest aggregate appraisal as
  a percentage of the average aggregate of 3 appraisals with
  the highest and lowest removed............................     13.7%



     All of the jet aircraft hold or are capable of holding a noise certificate
issued under Chapter 3 of Volume 1, Part II of Annex 16 of the Chicago
Convention or have been shown to comply with the Stage 3 noise levels set out in
Section 36.5 of Appendix C of Part 36 of the United States Federal Aviation

     The following table sets forth the exposure as of February 15, 2000 of our
portfolio by type of aircraft calculated by reference to the number of aircraft
and their appraised value as of November 30, 1999.

                                                                                   % OF PORTFOLIO BY
                                                                                    APPRAISED VALUE
                                                  NUMBER OF               ENGINE   AS OF NOVEMBER 30,
MANUFACTURER                   TYPE OF AIRCRAFT   AIRCRAFT    BODY TYPE   STAGE           1999
- ------------                   ----------------  -----------  ---------   ------   ------------------
Airbus (30.21%)..............  A300-600R              2       Widebody     3              4.86%
                               A310-300               3       Widebody     3              3.63%
                               A320-200               6       Narrowbody   3              9.21%
                               A321-100               2       Narrowbody   3              3.93%
                               A330-300               1       Widebody     3              4.00%
                               A340-300               1       Widebody     3              4.58%
Boeing (66.76%)..............  B737-300               9       Narrowbody   3              9.69%(1)
                               B737-300F              1       Freighter    3              0.99%
                               B737-400               8       Narrowbody   3             10.29%
                               B737-500               2       Narrowbody   3              2.05%
                               B747-300B              1       Widebody     3              2.45%
                               B747-400               1       Widebody     3              4.87%
                               B757-200ER             8       Narrowbody   3             15.08%
                               B767-200ER             1       Widebody     3              1.47%
                               B767-300ER             5       Widebody     3             15.04%
                               MD-82                  1       Narrowbody   3              0.89%
                               MD-83                  4       Narrowbody   3              3.94%
Fokker N.V.(2.75%)...........  F-50                   2       Turboprop    3              0.62%
                               F-70                   3       Narrowbody   3              2.13%
General Electric (0.28%).....  Engine              engine     n/a          3              0.28%
                                                 -----------                            -------
  Total......................                    61 + engine                            100.00%
                                                 ===========                            =======

- ---------------
(1) Includes aircraft that has not been delivered.


     The following table sets forth the exposure as of February 15, 2000 of our
portfolio to the lessees calculated by reference to the appraised value of the
aircraft as of November 30, 1999.

                                                                               % OF PORTFOLIO BY
                                                                                APPRAISED VALUE
                                                                 NUMBER OF     AS OF NOVEMBER 30,
LESSEE                                                           AIRCRAFT             1999
- ------                                                          -----------    ------------------
Asiana Airlines, Inc........................................         4                8.44%
Trans World Airlines Inc. (TWA).............................         4                5.28%
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited..............................         1                4.87%
China Airlines, Limited.....................................         2                4.86%
Air 2000 Limited............................................         2                4.67%
Air Mauritius LTD...........................................         1                4.58%
Aer Lingus, PLC.............................................         1                4.00%
Britannia Airways Ltd.......................................         2                3.53%
Air Pacific Limited.........................................         1                3.33%
Translift Airways Ltd. (TRANSAER)...........................         2                3.14%
Flying Colours Airlines Limited.............................         2                3.10%
Aerovias De Mexico, S.A. De C.V. (AEROMEXICO)...............         2                3.06%
New Zealand International Airlines Limited (AIR NEW
  ZEALAND)..................................................         1                2.85%
Alaska Airlines Inc.........................................         2                2.66%
Flugfelagid Atlanta H.F. (AIR ATLANTA ICELANDIC)............         1                2.45%
Region Air (BVI) Ltd........................................         2                2.25%
Malev Hungarian Airlines, PLC...............................         3                2.13%
Braathens ASA...............................................         2                2.05%
Air Alfa Airlines, S.A......................................         1                1.98%
Compania Mexicana de Aviacion, S.A. De C.V. (MEXICANA)......         1                1.96%
Companhia de Transportes Aereos Air Macau, Sarl (AIR
  MACAU)....................................................         1                1.95%
Far Eastern Air Transport Corporation (F.E.A.T.)............         1                1.87%
National Airlines...........................................         1                1.67%
Canada 3000 Airlines........................................         1                1.54%
Monarch Airlines Limited....................................         1                1.52%
Canadian Airlines International Ltd.........................         1                1.49%
Southwest Airlines Co.......................................         2                1.48%
B.R.A. Transportes Aereos Ltda. (B.R.A.)....................         1                1.38%
Transavia Airlines..........................................         1                1.36%
Continental Airlines Inc....................................         1                1.32%
Pegasus Hava Tasimaciligi, A.S..............................         1                1.28%
China Hainan Airlines.......................................         1                1.27%
Olympic Airways.............................................         1                1.26%
Air Malta...................................................         1                1.23%
Air Espana S.A. (AIR EUROPA)................................         1                1.23%
Lithuanian Airlines.........................................         1                1.08%(1)
Viacao Aerea Sao Paulo, S.A. Brazilian Airlines (VASP)......         1                0.99%
Flugleidir H.F. (ICELANDAIR)................................         1                0.99%
Societe D'Exploitation Aeropostale S.A. (L'AEROPOSTALE).....         1                0.96%
Air Liberte, S.A............................................         1                0.95%
KLM Cityhopper B.V..........................................         2                0.62%
Koninklyke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V. (KLM)...............      engine              0.28%
Off-lease...................................................         1                1.09%(2)
                                                                -----------         -------
  Total.....................................................    61 + engine         100.00%
                                                                ===========         =======

- ---------------

(1) Aircraft that has not been delivered.
(2) This aircraft is currently the subject of a non-binding letter of intent for
    lease with a carrier based in the Middle East.


     The following table sets forth the exposure as of February 15, 2000 of our
portfolio to countries in which the lessees are based calculated by reference to
the appraised value of the aircraft as of November 30, 1999.

                                                                               % OF PORTFOLIO BY
                                                                                APPRAISED VALUE
                                                                 NUMBER OF     AS OF NOVEMBER 30,
COUNTRY                                                          AIRCRAFT             1999
- -------                                                         -----------    ------------------
United Kingdom..............................................         7               12.82%
United States of America....................................        10               12.41%
South Korea.................................................         4                8.44%
Ireland.....................................................         3                7.14%
Taiwan......................................................         3                6.73%
Mexico......................................................         3                5.02%
Hong Kong...................................................         1                4.87%
Mauritius...................................................         1                4.58%
Iceland.....................................................         2                3.44%
Fiji........................................................         1                3.33%
Turkey......................................................         2                3.26%
Canada......................................................         2                3.03%
New Zealand.................................................         1                2.85%
Brazil......................................................         2                2.37%
The Netherlands.............................................    3 + engine            2.26%
Singapore...................................................         2                2.25%
Hungary.....................................................         3                2.13%
Norway......................................................         2                2.05%
Macau.......................................................         1                1.95%
France......................................................         2                1.91%
China.......................................................         1                1.27%
Greece......................................................         1                1.26%
Malta.......................................................         1                1.23%
Spain.......................................................         1                1.23%
Lithuania...................................................         1                1.08%(1)
Off-lease...................................................         1                1.09%(2)
                                                                -----------         -------
  Total.....................................................    61 + engine         100.00%
                                                                ===========         =======

- ---------------

(1)  Aircraft that has not been delivered.

(2)  This aircraft is currently the subject of a non-binding letter of intent
     for lease with a carrier based in the Middle East.

     The following table sets forth the exposure as of February 15, 2000 of our
portfolio by regions in which the lessees are domiciled calculated by reference
to number of aircraft and their appraised value as of November 30, 1999.

                                                                               % OF PORTFOLIO BY
                                                                                APPRAISED VALUE
                                                                 NUMBER OF     AS OF NOVEMBER 30,
REGION(1)                                                        AIRCRAFT             1999
- ---------                                                       -----------    ------------------
  Europe....................................................    18 + engine          27.41%
  North America.............................................        12               15.44%
  Pacific...................................................         4                9.97%
  Asia......................................................         8               16.44%
  Latin America.............................................         5                7.39%
  Europe and Middle East....................................         6                6.65%
  Other.....................................................         7                5.61%(2)
  Off-lease.................................................         1                1.09%(3)
                                                                -----------         -------
     Total..................................................       61 +
                                                                engine.....         100.00%
                                                                ===========         =======

- ---------------

(1)  Regions are defined according to designations published by Morgan Stanley
     Capital International.


(2)  Includes aircraft that has not been delivered.

(3)  This aircraft is currently the subject of a non-binding letter of intent
     for lease with a carrier based in the Middle East.

     The following table sets forth the exposure as of February 15, 2000 of our
portfolio by year of aircraft manufacture calculated by reference to the
appraised value of the aircraft as of November 30, 1999. The weighted average
age of the fleet as of February 1, 2000 was approximately 8.1 years.

                                                                               % OF PORTFOLIO BY
                                                                                APPRAISED VALUE
                                                                 NUMBER OF     AS OF NOVEMBER 30,
YEAR OF MANUFACTURE                                              AIRCRAFT             1999
- -------------------                                             -----------    ------------------
1985........................................................         4                3.73%
1986........................................................         1                1.38%
1987........................................................         4                4.90%
1988........................................................         6                8.13%
1989........................................................         3                3.49%
1990........................................................         4                7.04%(1)
1991........................................................         6               11.44%
1992........................................................         7               12.78%
1993........................................................        11               17.66%
1994........................................................         7               14.78%
1995........................................................    4 + engine            8.85%
1996........................................................         4                5.82%
                                                                -----------         -------
  Total.....................................................    61 + engine         100.00%
                                                                ===========         =======

- ---------------

(1) Includes aircraft that has not been delivered.

     The following table sets forth the exposure as of February 1, 2000 of our
portfolio by seat category calculated by reference to the appraised value of our
aircraft as of November 30, 1999.

                                                                                    % OF PORTFOLIO BY
                                                                                     APPRAISED VALUE
                                                                      NUMBER OF     AS OF NOVEMBER 30,
   SEAT CATEGORY                                                      AIRCRAFT             1999
   -------------                                                     -----------    ------------------
<50................  F-50.........................................        2                0.62%
51-120.............  B737-500, F-70...............................        5                4.18%
121-170............  A320-200, B737-300, B737-400, MD-82, MD-83...       28               34.02%(1)
171-240............  A321-100, B757-200ER.........................       10               19.01%
241-350............  A310-300, A330-300, B767-200ER, B767-300ER...       10               24.14%
351+...............  A300-600R, A340-300, B747-300B, B747-400.....        5               16.76%
Other..............  B737-300F (freighter), Engine................   1 + engine            1.27%
                                                                     -----------         -------
  Total...........................................................   61 + engine         100.00%
                                                                     ===========         =======

- ---------------

(1) Includes aircraft that has not been delivered.



     The following table sets forth additional information on our portfolio as
of February 1, 2000 (except for appraised values, which are as of November 30,

                                                                                         ENGINE      SERIAL     DATE OF
- ---------                     -----------------          ------           ----       -------------   ------   -----------
Europe...................  France                    Air Liberte       MD-83         JT8D-219        49822      Dec-88
(Developed)                France                    L'Aeropostale     B737-300QC    CFM 56-3C1      23788      May-87
                           Ireland                   Aer Lingus        A330-300      CF6-80E1           54      Apr-94
                           Ireland                   TransAer          A320-200      V2500-A1          414      May-93
                           Ireland                   TransAer          A320-200      V2500-A1          428      May-94
                           The Netherlands           KLM               Engine        CF6-80C2B6F     704279     Jul-95
                           The Netherlands           KLM Cityhopper    F50           PW100-125B      20232      Oct-91
                           The Netherlands           KLM Cityhopper    F50           PW100-125B      20233      Oct-91
                           The Netherlands           Transavia         B737-300      CFM 56-3C1      27635      May-95
                           Norway                    Braathens         B737-500      CFM 56-3B1      25165      Apr-93
                           Norway                    Braathens         B737-500      CFM 56-3C1      26304      Sep-94
                           Spain                     Air Europa        B737-400      CFM 56-3C1      24707      Jun-91
                           United Kingdom            Air 2000          B757-200ER    RB211-535-E4    23767      Apr-87
                           United Kingdom            Air 2000          B767-300ER    CF6-80C2B6F     26256      Apr-93
                           United Kingdom            Britannia         B767-200ER    CF6-80A         23807      Aug-87
                           United Kingdom            Britannia         B757-200ER    RB211-535-E4-37 26266      Feb-93
                           United Kingdom            Flying Colours    A320-200      V2500-A1          393      Feb-93
                           United Kingdom            Flying Colours    B757-200ER    RB211-535-E4-37 24367      Feb-89
                           United Kingdom            Monarch           A320-200      CFM 56-5A3        446      Oct-93
North America............  Canada                    Canada 3000       A320-200      CFM 56-5A3        397      Mar-93
(Developed)                Canada                    Canadian          A320-200      CFM 56-5A3        279      Feb-92
                           United States of America  Alaska Airlines   B737-400      CFM 56-3C1      25104      May-93
                           United States of America  Alaska Airlines   B737-400      CFM 56-3C1      25105      Jul-93
                           United States of America  Continental       B737-300      CFM 56-3B1      26309      Dec-94
                           United States of America  National          B757-200ER    RB211-535-E4    24260      Dec-88
                           United States of America  Southwest         B737-300      CFM 56-3B1      23255      Jun-85
                           United States of America  Southwest         B737-300      CFM 56-3B1      23256      Jul-85
                           United States of America  TWA               B757-200ER    PW 2037         28160      Jul-96
                           United States of America  TWA               MD-83         JT8D-219        49824      Mar-89
                           United States of America  TWA               MD-82         JT8D-217C       49825      Mar-89
                           United States of America  TWA               MD-83         JT8D-219        49657      Apr-88
Pacific..................  Hong Kong                 Cathay Pacific    B747-400      RB211-252H2/19  24955      Sep-91
(Developed)                New Zealand               Air New Zealand   B767-300ER    CF6-80C2B6      24875      Jun-91
                           Singapore                 Region AA         A310-300      JT9D-7R4E1        409      Nov-85
                           Singapore                 Region AA         A310-300      JT9D-7R4E1        410      Nov-85
Europe and Middle East...  Greece                    Olympic           B737-400      CFM 56-3C1      25371      Jan-92
(Emerging)                 Hungary                   Malev             F70           TAY MK620-15    11564      Dec-95
                           Hungary                   Malev             F70           TAY MK620-15    11565      Feb-96
                           Hungary                   Malev             F70           TAY MK620-15    11569      Mar-96
                           Turkey                    Air Alfa          A321-100      V2530-A5          597      May-96
                           Turkey                    Pegasus           B737-400      CFM 56-3C1      26279      Jun-92
Asia.....................  China                     China Hainan      B737-300      CFM 56-3C1      26295      Dec-93
(Emerging)                 South Korea               Asiana            B767-300ER    CF6-80C2B6F     24798      Oct-90
                           South Korea               Asiana            B767-300ER    CF6-80C2B6F     25132      Feb-92
                           South Korea               Asiana            B737-400      CFM 56-3C1      26291      Aug-93
                           South Korea               Asiana            B737-400      CFM 56-3C1      26308      Oct-94
                           Taiwan                    China Airlines    A300-600R     PW 4158           555      Mar-90
                           Taiwan                    China Airlines    A300-600R     PW 4158           625      Mar-92
                           Taiwan                    F.E.A.T.          B757-200ER    PW 2037         25044      May-91
Latin America............  Brazil                    B.R.A.            A310-300      JT9D-7R4E1        437      Nov-86
(Emerging)                 Brazil                    VASP              B737-300      CFM 56-3B2      24299      Nov-88
                           Mexico                    Aeromexico        B757-200ER    PW 2037         26272      Mar-94
                           Mexico                    Aeromexico        MD-83         JT8D-219        53050      May-90
                           Mexico                    Mexicana          B757-200ER    PW 2040         24965      Mar-92
Other....................  Fiji                      Air Pacific       B767-300ER    CF6-80C2B4      26260      Sep-94
                           Iceland                   Icelandair        B737-300      CFM 56-3B2      23811      Sep-87
                           Iceland                   Air Atlantic
                                                     Icelandic         B747-300      CF6-80C2        24106      Apr-88
                           Lithuania                 Lithuanian        B737-300      CFM 56-3B2      24449      Apr-90
                           Macau                     Air Macau         A321-100      V2530-A5          557      Dec-95
                           Malta                     Air Malta         B737-300      CFM 56-3B2      25161      Feb-92
                           Mauritius                 Air Mauritius     A340-300      CFM 56-5C3G        94      Mar-95
Off-lease................  --                        --                B737-400      CFM 56-3B2      24234      Oct-88

                                          % OF PORTFOLIO
                            APPRAISED      BY APPRAISED
                           VALUE AS OF     VALUE AS OF
                           NOVEMBER 30,    NOVEMBER 30,
REGION(1)                      1999            1999
- ---------                  ------------   --------------
Europe...................       19.1          0.95%
(Developed)                     19.2          0.96%
                                80.0          4.00%
                                30.6          1.53%
                                32.1          1.61%
                                 5.5          0.28%
                                 6.3          0.31%
                                 6.2          0.31%
                                27.3          1.36%
                                19.7          0.99%
                                21.2          1.06%
                                24.7          1.23%
                                29.7          1.48%
                                63.8          3.19%
                                29.5          1.47%
                                41.2          2.06%
                                30.4          1.52%
                                31.7          1.58%
                                30.5          1.52%
North America............       30.8          1.54%
(Developed)                     29.9          1.49%
                                26.6          1.33%
                                26.6          1.33%
                                26.3          1.32%
                                33.5          1.67%
                                14.4          0.72%
                                15.3          0.76%
                                47.8          2.39%
                                20.4          1.02%
                                17.8          0.89%
                                19.6          0.98%
Pacific..................       97.4          4.87%
(Developed)                     57.0          2.85%
                                22.3          1.12%
                                22.7          1.13%
Europe and Middle East...       25.1          1.26%
(Emerging)                      13.7          0.68%
                                14.3          0.72%
                                14.7          0.73%
                                39.7          1.98%
                                25.7          1.28%
Asia.....................       25.5          1.27%
(Emerging)                      53.1          2.66%
                                60.1          3.01%
                                27.6          1.38%
                                27.9          1.39%
                                46.3          2.31%
                                51.1          2.55%
                                37.5          1.87%
Latin America............       27.6          1.38%
(Emerging)                      19.8          0.99%
                                41.4          2.07%
                                19.7          0.99%
                                39.1          1.96%
Other....................       66.6          3.33%
                                19.8          0.99%
                                49.0          2.45%
                                21.7          1.08%(2)
                                38.9          1.95%
                                24.6          1.23%
                                91.6          4.58%
Off-lease................       21.9          1.09%(3)

- ---------------

(1) Regions are defined according to designations published by Morgan Stanley
    Capital International.
(2) Aircraft that has not been delivered.
(3) This aircraft is currently the subject of a non-binding letter of intent for
    lease with a carrier based in the Middle East.



     The table below sets forth certain available information with respect to
the body type, number of seats, configuration, engine manufacturer, production
years, number of aircraft delivered, current fleet, number of aircraft on order
and number of operators of each aircraft type in our portfolio as of February
15, 2000.

                                                                 ENGINE                            CURRENT    ON      NUMBER OF
- --------------                            ---------   -----  ---------------  ------------------   -------   -----   ------------
Airbus A300-600R........................    Wide        220      2 X GE             1987-             77        0         13
                                                                 2 X PW             1988-             85       31          9
Airbus A310-300.........................    Wide        180      2 X GE             1985-             82        0         21
                                                                 2 X PW             1985-             66        5         21
Airbus A320-200.........................   Narrow       150     2 X CFM             1988-            470      209         48
                                                                2 X IAE             1988-            306      188         50
                                                                2 X TBA                                0      100          0
Airbus A321-100.........................   Narrow       185     2 X CFM             1993-             42        5          4
                                                                2 X IAE             1993-             41       13          9
Airbus A330-300.........................    Wide        295      2 X GE             1993-             16       10          4
                                                                 2 X PW             1994-             37       36          9
                                                                 2 X RR             1992-             27       14          6
                                                                2 X TBA                                0        4          1
Airbus A340-300.........................    Wide        295     4 X CFM             1992-            144       53         25
Boeing 737-300..........................   Narrow       130     2 X CFM             1984-           1067        0         96
Boeing 737-300F.........................   Freight        0     2 X CFM       (all conversions)        3        0          3
Boeing 737-300QC........................   Narrow       130     2 X CFM       (all conversions)       29        0          6
Boeing 737-400..........................   Narrow       150     2 X CFM             1988-            477        1         70
Boeing 737-500..........................   Narrow       110     2 X CFM             1989-            384        0         39
Boeing 747-300..........................    Wide        400      4 X GE           1982-1990           16        0          6
                                                                 4 X PW           1982-1988           40        0         12
                                                                 4 X RR           1984-1988           22        0          4
Boeing 747-400..........................    Wide        412      4 X GE             1988-            211       49         26
                                                                 4 X PW             1988-            183       21         12
                                                                 4 X RR             1988-            113        4          6
                                                                  TBA                                  0        1          0
Boeing 757-200..........................   Narrow       200      2 X PW             1984-            380       41         17
                                                                 2 X RR             1982-            501       12         42
                                                                2 X TBA                                0       16          0
Boeing 767-200ER........................    Wide        180      2 X GE             1985-             58       10         13
                                                                 2 X PW             1984-             49        0         12
Boeing 767-300ER........................    Wide        220      2 X GE             1986-            258       41         42
                                                                 2 X PW             1987-            152       11         23
                                                                 2 X RR             1989-             31        0          2
                                                                2 X TBA                                0        9          0
Fokker 50...............................  Turboprop      50      2 X PW             1987-            188        0         30
Fokker 70...............................   Narrow        70      2 X RR             1994-             43        0          9
MDC MD-82...............................   Narrow       140      2 X PW           1981-1997          584        0         28
MDC MD-83...............................   Narrow       140      2 X PW           1984-1999          278        0         27

- ---------------

Source: Airclaims Limited.

(1) The above table identifies engine manufacturers by the following

   GE = General Electric
   PW = Pratt & Whitney
   CFM = CFM International
   IAE = International Aero Engines
   RR = Rolls Royce
    TBA = To be announced

(2) The number of operators does not include lessors.



     The table below sets forth certain available information with respect to
the country of domicile, first year of operation, service type, nature of
ownership and fleet size and composition of each lessee as of February 15, 2000.

                                               BEGAN        SERVICE                                          OPERATING
LESSEE                    DOMICILE           OPERATION       TYPE        OWNERSHIP                           FLEET(1)
- ------                    --------           ---------      -------      ---------                           ---------
Aer Lingus                Ireland              1936      Scheduled,      Irish Government (95%)        6 A321-210
                                                         Chartered and   Employees (5%)                1 A330-200
                                                         Freight                                       5 A330-300
                                                                                                       4 B737-400
                                                                                                       7 B737-500
                                                                                                       3 BAe 146-200
                                                                                                       6 BAe 146-300
                                                                                                       4 F-50

Aeromexico                Mexico               1934      Scheduled       Cintra (90%)                  9 B757-200
                                                                         Employees (10%)               3 B767-200ER
                                                                                                       2 B767-300ER
                                                                                                       2 DC-9-31
                                                                                                       15 DC-9-32
                                                                                                       13 MD-82
                                                                                                       10 MD-83
                                                                                                       4 MD-87
                                                                                                       10 MD-88

Air 2000                  United Kingdom       1986      Scheduled and   First Choice Holidays (100%)  4 A320-230
                                                         Chartered                                     5 A321-210
                                                                                                       13 B757-200
                                                                                                       3 B767-300ER

Air Alfa                  Turkey               1992      Chartered       Kombassan Holdings (100%)     2 A300-B4-100
                                                                                                       2 A300-600R
                                                                                                       3 A321-130

Air Atlanta               Iceland              1986      Chartered and   Private (100%)                1 B747-100
  Icelandic                                              Wet Leases                                    2 B747-200B
                                                                                                       3 B747-300
                                                                                                       1 L10-11 Tristar

Air Europa                Spain                1986      Scheduled and   Juan Jose Hidalgo             8 B737-300
                                                         Chartered       Acera (79%)                   4 B737-400
                                                                         A Guiterrex Saiz (7.2%)       7 B737-800
                                                                         Herpil (5%)                   1 B767-200EM
                                                                         Viajes Sidetours (5%)         1 B767-200ER
                                                                         Other (3.8%)                  16 BAe ATP

Air Liberte               France               1987      Scheduled and   British Airways (70%)         1 ATR 42
                                                         Chartered       Groupe Bullore (30%)          2 DC-10-30
                                                                                                       1 DC-10-30ER
                                                                                                       1 F-27
                                                                                                       11 F-100
                                                                                                       4 F-28
                                                                                                       2 MD-82
                                                                                                       10 MD-83

Air Macau                 Macau                1994      Scheduled       Macau Aviation Services       2 A320-200
                                                                         Company (46%)                 4 A321-100
                                                                         TAP Air Portugal (25%)        1 A321-200
                                                                         Evergreen Airway
                                                                         Services (5%)
                                                                         Other (24%)

Air Malta                 Malta                1973      Scheduled and   Maltese Government (96.4%)    2 A320-200
                                                         Chartered       Middle Sea Insurance (3.3%)   2 B737-200A
                                                                         Cassar and Cooper (Holidays)  6 B737-300
                                                                           Ltd (0.3%)                  1 B737-400


                                               BEGAN        SERVICE                                          OPERATING
LESSEE                    DOMICILE           OPERATION       TYPE        OWNERSHIP                           FLEET(1)
- ------                    --------           ---------      -------      ---------                           ---------
Air Mauritius             Mauritius            1967      Scheduled and   Air Mauritius Holdings (51%)  5 A340-300
                                                         Chartered       Public (16.74%)               1 ATR 42-300
                                                                         Government of Mauritius       2 ATR 42-500
                                                                         (10.86%)                      2 B767-200ER
                                                                         Rogers & Company (4.49%)
                                                                         State Investment Corp
                                                                         British Airways Associated
                                                                         Companies (3.84%)
                                                                         Employees (3.26%)
                                                                         Air France (2.78%)
                                                                         Air India (2.56%)

Air New Zealand           New Zealand          1941      Scheduled       Brierley Investment (42.4%)   8 B737-200
                                                                         Franklin Resources (10.6%)    1 B737-200QC
                                                                         Other (47%)                   9 B737-300
                                                                                                       1 B747-200B
                                                                                                       8 B747-400
                                                                                                       4 B767-200ER
                                                                                                       10 B767-300ER

Air Pacific               Fiji                 1951      Scheduled       Government of Fiji (51%)      1 B737-700
                                                                         Qantas (46%)                  2 B737-800
                                                                         Air New Zealand (1.27%)       2 B747-200B
                                                                         Other (1.46%)                 1 B767-300ER
                                                                         Pacific Islands               1 EMB-120
                                                                         Governments (0.27%)

Alaska Airlines           United States of     1932      Scheduled       Public (100%)                 4 B737-200C
                          America                        and Freight                                   4 B737-200QC
                                                                                                       40 B737-400
                                                                                                       8 B737-700
                                                                                                       5 MD-82
                                                                                                       28 MD-83

Asiana                    South Korea          1988      Scheduled and   Kumho Group (54.2%)           3 A321-200
                                                         Chartered       Pacific Investment Capital,   20 B737-400
                                                                         UBS S.A.,                     3 B737-500
                                                                         Korean Development Bank,      8 B747-400
                                                                         Korea Long Term Credit Bank   4 B747-400F
                                                                         (45.8%)                       9 B767-300
                                                                                                       1 B767-300ER
                                                                                                       1 B767-300ERF

B.R.A.                    Brazil               1995      Chartered       Private (100%)                1 A310-300

Braathens                 Norway               1946      Scheduled and   Braganza (33.4%)              5 B737-400
                                                         Chartered       Other (31.2%)                 20 B737-500
                                                                         KLM (30%)                     8 B737-700
                                                                         Bramora (5.4%)                10 BAe-146-200
                                                                                                       4 F-100

Britannia                 United Kingdom       1961      Chartered       Thomson Travel Holdings       4 B737-800
                                                                         (100%)                        22 B757-200
                                                                                                       4 B767-200EM
                                                                                                       2 B767-200ER
                                                                                                       10 B767-300ER

Canada 3000               Canada               1988      Chartered       Canadian Investors (55%)      5 A320-200
                                                                         Deluce Investments Inc (25%)  3 A330-200
                                                                         Employees (20%)               6 B757-200


                                               BEGAN        SERVICE                                          OPERATING
LESSEE                    DOMICILE           OPERATION       TYPE        OWNERSHIP                           FLEET(1)
- ------                    --------           ---------      -------      ---------                           ---------
Canadian                  Canada               1986      Scheduled       Canadian Airlines Corp (75%)  13 A320-200
                                                         and Freight     Aurora Airline Investment     38 B737-200A
                                                                         Inc   (25%)                   6 B737-200C
                                                                                                       4 B747-400
                                                                                                       14 B767-300ER
                                                                                                       4 DC 10-30
                                                                                                       4 DC 10-30ER
                                                                                                       31 F-28
                                                                                                       10 Dash 8-100
                                                                                                       14 Dash 8-300

Cathay Pacific            Hong Kong            1946      Scheduled       Swire Pacific (43.9%)         12 A330-300
                                                         and Freight     China International Trust     14 A340-300
                                                                         and   Investment Corp (25%)   3 B747-200F
                                                                         Other (31.1%)                 1 B747-200SF
                                                                                                       19 B747-400
                                                                                                       2 B747-400F
                                                                                                       4 B777-200
                                                                                                       7 B777-300

China Airlines            Taiwan               1959      Scheduled,      China Civil Aviation          12 A300-600R
                                                         Chartered       Development Foundation        4 A300-B4-200
                                                         and Freight     (71.1%)                       10 B737-800
                                                                         Other (28.9%)                 2 B747-200F
                                                                                                       8 B747-200SF
                                                                                                       12 B747-400
                                                                                                       2 B747-400F
                                                                                                       2 Beechjet 400
                                                                                                       2 MD-11

China Hainan              China                1991      Scheduled and   American Aviation             5 B737-300
                                                         Executive       Investment (25%)              7 B737-400
                                                         Charters        Other (69.7%)                 5 B737-800
                                                                         Hainan Provincial Government  1 Beechjet 400
                                                                         (5.3%)                        2 Dornier 328
                                                                                                       1 Hawker 800
                                                                                                       1 Learjet-60
                                                                                                       9 Metro 23

Continental               United States of     1934      Scheduled       Other (71%)                   31 ATR 42-300
                          America                                        Northwest Airlines (15%)      6 ATR 42-500
                                                                         Air Partners LP (14%)         2 ATR 72-210
                                                                                                       13 B727-200A
                                                                                                       4 B727-200F
                                                                                                       65 B737-300
                                                                                                       66 B737-500
                                                                                                       36 B737-700
                                                                                                       41 B737-800
                                                                                                       2 B747-200B
                                                                                                       39 B757-200
                                                                                                       14 B777-200ER
                                                                                                       1 DC 9-31
                                                                                                       2 DC 9-32
                                                                                                       27 DC 10-30
                                                                                                       3 DC10-30ER
                                                                                                       21 EMB-120
                                                                                                       1 EMB-120ER
                                                                                                       7 ERJ-135
                                                                                                       56 ERJ-145
                                                                                                       5 MD-81
                                                                                                       56 MD-82
                                                                                                       8 MD-83
                                                                                                       25 Raytheon 1900


                                               BEGAN        SERVICE                                          OPERATING
LESSEE                    DOMICILE           OPERATION       TYPE        OWNERSHIP                           FLEET(1)
- ------                    --------           ---------      -------      ---------                           ---------
F.E.A.T.                  Taiwan               1957      Scheduled       Other (67.05%)                7 B757-200
                                                                         China Development Corp.       3 MD-82
                                                                         (14%)                         5 MD-83
                                                                         China Airlines (10%)
                                                                         Taiwan Aerospace Corporation
                                                                         Fubon Insurance (4%)

Flying Colours            United Kingdom       1995      Chartered       Thomas Cook                   11 B757-200
                                                                         Travel Group Ltd. (100%)

Icelandair                Iceland              1937      Scheduled       Public (100%)                 1 B737-300F
                                                         and Freight                                   3 B737-400
                                                                                                       6 B757-200
                                                                                                       1 B757-200 PF
KLM                       The Netherlands      1919      Scheduled       Other (75%)                   4 ATR 72-200
                                                         and Freight     Government of   The           2 BAe 146-300
                                                                         Netherlands (25%)             19 B737-300
                                                                                                       19 B737-400
                                                                                                       4 B737-800
                                                                                                       8 B747-200B
                                                                                                       2 B747-200SF
                                                                                                       3 B747-300
                                                                                                       20 B747-400
                                                                                                       12 B767-300ER
                                                                                                       17 F-100
                                                                                                       9 F-50
                                                                                                       10 MD-11
KLM CityHopper            The Netherlands      1966      Scheduled       KLM (100%)                    13 F-50
                                                                                                       12 F-70

L'Aeropostale             France               1986      Chartered and   Groupe Air France (50%)       2 A300 B4-100F
                                                         Postal          Groupe La Poste (50%)         4 ATR 72-200
                                                                                                       3 B737-200A
                                                                                                       1 B737-200QC
                                                                                                       15 B737-300QC

Lithuanian                Lithuania            1991      Scheduled and   Government of Lithuania       1 An-24-RV
                                                         Chartered       (100%)                        2 B737-200A
                                                                                                       1 B737-300
                                                                                                       1 B737-500
                                                                                                       2 Saab 340
                                                                                                       2 Saab 2000
                                                                                                       6 Yak-42
Malev                     Hungary              1946      Scheduled and   Government of Hungary         3 B737-200A
                                                         Chartered         (96.8%)                     4 B737-300
                                                                         Municipalities (2.7%)         2 B737-400
                                                                         Other (0.5%)                  2 B737-500
                                                                                                       2 B767-200ER
                                                                                                       6 F-70
                                                                                                       6 TU-154
Mexicana                  Mexico               1921      Scheduled       Cintra (88.7%)                16 A320-230
                                                                         Other (11.3%)                 22 B727-200A
                                                                                                       6 B757-200
                                                                                                       12 F-100
Monarch                   United Kingdom       1967      Chartered and   Cosmos Guide Holding          4 A300-600R
                                                         Scheduled       International N.V. (100%)     3 A320-200
                                                                                                       3 A321-200
                                                                                                       2 A330-200
                                                                                                       5 B757-200
                                                                                                       1 DC10-30
                                                                                                       1 L10-11 Tristar


                                               BEGAN        SERVICE                                          OPERATING
LESSEE                    DOMICILE           OPERATION       TYPE        OWNERSHIP                           FLEET(1)
- ------                    --------           ---------      -------      ---------                           ---------
National Airlines         United States of     1998      Scheduled       Rio Hotel, Harrah             12 B757-200
                          America                                        Entertainments
                                                                         and Wexford Management
Olympic                   Greece               1957      Scheduled       Government of Greece (100%)   1 A300-B4-100
                                                                                                       1 A300-B4-200
                                                                                                       2 A300-600R
                                                                                                       4 A340-300
                                                                                                       4 ATR 42-300
                                                                                                       7 ATR 72-200
                                                                                                       2 B717-200
                                                                                                       11 B737-200A
                                                                                                       1 B737-300
                                                                                                       12 B737-400
                                                                                                       1 B747-200B
                                                                                                       6 Fairchild 228
Pegasus                   Turkey               1990      Chartered       Yapi Kredit Bank (49%)        4 B737-400
                                                                         Silkar and Net Holdings       1 B737-800
                                                                         Alper Elichin (21%)
Region Air                Singapore            1988      Chartered       Hotel Properties Ltd          2 A310-300
Southwest                 United States of     1981      Scheduled       Public (90%)                  35 B737-200A
                          America                                        Employees (10%)               195 B737-300
                                                                                                       25 B737-500
                                                                                                       58 B737-700
TransAer                  Ireland              1991      Chartered       Translift Holding (100%)      1 A300-B4-200
                                                                                                       1 A320-230
Transavia                 The Netherlands      1965      Scheduled and   KLM (80%)                     6 B737-300
                                                         Chartered       Nationale Investeringsbank    4 B737-800
                                                                         (20%)                         4 B757-200
TWA                       United States of     1930      Scheduled       Public (65%)                  1 B727-200
                          America                                        Employees (30%)               11 B727-200A
                                                                         Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal    2 B747-100
                                                                           (5%)                        10 B767-200EM
                                                                                                       6 B767-300ER
                                                                                                       16 DC-9-31
                                                                                                       12 DC-9-32
                                                                                                       1 DC-9-33CF
                                                                                                       7 DC-9-51
                                                                                                       1 L10-11 Tristar
                                                                                                       40 MD-82
                                                                                                       64 MD-83
VASP                      Brazil               1933      Scheduled       Employees and Canhedo         3 A300-B2-200FF
                                                                         Group (60%)                   5 B727-200F
                                                                         Sao Paolo State               6 B737-200
                                                                         Government (40%)              13 B737-200A
                                                                                                       1 B737-200C
                                                                                                       1 B737-200CA
                                                                                                       1 B737-200F
                                                                                                       7 B737-300
                                                                                                       7 MD-11

- ---------------

(1) Includes the operating fleet of the lessee's wholly owned subsidiaries.

Source: Airclaims Limited.



     As of February 15, 2000, we had 61 leases in effect, covering our whole
portfolio except one aircraft which was off-lease. Under three of the lease
contracts, the lessee has not yet taken delivery of the aircraft. In two cases
delivery is scheduled for April 1, 2000 and in the third case delivery is
scheduled for March 17, 2000. Our one off-lease aircraft is subject to a
non-binding letter of intent for lease. Although the lease documentation is
fairly standardized in many respects, significant variations do exist as a
result of negotiation with each lessee. The following is a summary of the
principal characteristics of the leases as of February 15, 2000 (with appraised
values as of November 30, 1999).

  PAYMENTS.................  Approximately $742.0 million (discounted to the
                             closing date of this offering at a rate of 7.50%).
                             This amount represents 40.5% of our total debt
                             outstanding upon the closing of this offering.

EXPIRIES...................  The weighted average remaining contracted lease
                             term of the portfolio (weighted by appraised values
                             as of November 30, 1999 and without giving effect
                             to purchase options, early terminations or
                             extensions) was 42 months. We will be required to
                             re-lease 48 of the aircraft, representing 75.14% of
                             the portfolio by appraised value, before December
                             31, 2004. The longest lease is scheduled to expire
                             in September 2007.

EXTENSION OPTIONS..........  Thirty of the leases include outstanding options
                             for the lessee to extend the term of the lease.
                             Assuming that all these options were exercised to
                             extend the leases to the latest possible dates, the
                             weighted average remaining lease term of the
                             portfolio would be 56 months and the weighted
                             average extended rent payable over the extended
                             period would be 103.80% of the current contracted
                             rental payments.

OPTIONS....................  Four of the leases allow the lessee to terminate
                             its lease before the scheduled expiration date,
                             provided certain conditions are met. Assuming that
                             all these options were exercised for the earliest
                             possible termination, the weighted average
                             remaining lease term of the portfolio would be 42

PURCHASE OPTIONS...........  Ten lessees have outstanding options to purchase a
                             total of 12 aircraft, representing 28.36% of the
                             portfolio by appraised value. The latest date on
                             which a purchase option may be exercised is June 8,
                             2008, for a purchase on March 8, 2009. If these
                             options were exercised on their earliest exercise
                             date, in only one case would the purchase option
                             strike price be below the note target price for the
                             applicable aircraft. This difference would not be

AGREEMENT..................  One A310-300 aircraft is subject to a conditional
                             sale agreement under which, if all payments are
                             made, we must transfer title to the aircraft on
                             July 15, 2007. The present value of all amounts
                             payable (discounted to the closing date of this
                             offering at a rate of 7.50%) is approximately $5.1
                             million less than the note target price of the
                             aircraft on the closing date of this offering.

SECURITY DEPOSITS..........  Under 56 of the leases, the lessee has provided
                             security for its obligations. Our total security
                             deposits are $39.2 million in cash and $1.8 million
                             in letters of credit. Together these security
                             deposits are equivalent to 2.13 months of
                             contracted lease rental payments. For a discussion
                             of cash security deposits that ILFC holds on our
                             behalf, you should refer to "Liquidity -- ILFC


GUARANTEES.................  In various of the leases, where appropriate, we
                             have received guarantees or comfort letters from a
                             lessee's parent company or shareholders relating to
                             the lessee's payment and performance obligations
                             under the lease. In the case of one lessee we have
                             received a bank guarantee of its lease obligations
                             in the amount of $38 million.

INSURANCE..................  The minimum third party liability limits under the
                             leases range from $250 million to $900 million. We
                             also have in place our own contingent liability
                             coverage to cover any liability in excess of the
                             lessee's coverage or where a lessee's coverage
                             lapses for any reason.

INSURANCE..................  The total insured value for all risks aircraft hull
                             and hull war risks insurance for the portfolio is
                             $2,566.8 million. In all cases, the sum of the
                             stipulated lease value and our own additional
                             coverage in place is at least equal to the
                             appraised value of the aircraft and on average is
                             approximately 128% of the appraised value of the
                             aircraft. Permitted deductibles, which generally
                             apply only in the case of a partial loss, range
                             from $100,000 to $1,000,000.

SUBLEASES AND WET LEASES...  Under certain of the leases, the lessee may
                             sublease the aircraft without our consent, provided
                             certain conditions are met. Under most of our
                             leases, the lessee may wet lease the aircraft
                             without our consent, provided that the lessee does
                             not part with operational control of the aircraft.
                             Where there is a sublease or a wet lease, the
                             lessee remains fully liable to us for all its
                             payment and performance obligations under the lease
                             and we have no contractual relationship with the
                             sublessee or the wet lessee. The following lessees
                             sublease their aircraft: Britannia (to Ansett
                             Australia Limited) and Icelandair (to Falcon Air
                             AB, based in Sweden). To our knowledge, only two
                             lessees wet lease their aircraft: Transaer (to
                             Libyan Airlines) and Pegasus (to Eurofly, based in
                             Italy). Our consent was not required for these wet
