EXHIBIT 10.25a


January 1, 1998 (the "Agreement"), by and between Sportsticker Enterprises L.P.
("ST") and Intelligent Information, Inc. ("").

The Agreement shall be amended as follows:

1.     ST grants to III the non-exclusive right to redistribute ST information
       through wireless devices offered directly by III to individuals solely
       for their personal, private, non-commercial use.

2.     III shall pay to ST the greater of the monthly fee noted in the Agreement
       or twenty-five (25%) percent of gross revenues generated from the sale of
       ST information to the end user.

              For the purposes of this Agreement, the term Subscriber shall mean
              any end user who receives, through any III products, any portion
              of the ST information for any period during the month. The gross
              revenues shall be based on the number of subscriptions at the end
              of each month.

3.     The term of this Agreement shall be for an initial term of two (2) years
       commencing on the first day of service operation, and shall continue
       thereafter for twelve (12) months unless terminated by either party upon
       thirty (30) days prior written notice.

4.     Each month during the term of the Agreement, III shall pay ST those
       charges noted in the Agreement by the first of the month, and shall pay
       the royalty within thirty (30) days of the end of the month. Should III
       become delinquent with these payments, ST may discontinue service on ten
       (10) days written notice.

5.     III shall provide to ST complete and accurate monthly usage subscriber
       reports for each month, and upon reasonable advance notice, III will
       permit ST to audit III's records relating only to those subscribers
       accessing the ST information. ST agrees that all of III's records will be
       treated as confidential and will not be used for any purpose other than
       the audit as described herein.

6.     The terms and conditions of this Agreement and this Addendum shall be
       kept confidential by III and not disclosed to any third party.

7.     III shall provide to ST, at no cost, two (2) III pagers for the purpose
       of ST monitoring the use of the ST information on the DS service.

8.     III shall not use the ST names, trademarks, or other corporate
       identification for promotional or any advertising purposes without the
       express written consent of ST, except for copyright purposes.

       -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------
       For: Intelligent Information, Inc.     For: SportsTicker Enterprises L.P.

       Date: 2/11/97                          Date: 6/29/98