Exhibit 10.12



By virtue of this instrument, the party of the first part, CAIXA ECONOMICA
FEDERAL, a financial institution in the form of a public company, created and
organized pursuant to the terms of Decree Law No. 759 of 8/12/69 and Decree No.
66,303 of 3/670, currently governed by the bylaws approved by Decree No. 99,531
of 9/17/90 registered with the C.G.C/M.F. [Ministry of Finance Tax Roll] under
number OO.360.305/0001-04, with head office at SBS, Quadra 4, Lote 34, Brasilia,
Federal District, hereby represented by its infrastructure Department Manager
(GEAST), hereinafter to be referred to as the CEF; and the party of the second
part, the joint venture lead by RACIMEC INFORMATICA BRASILEIRA S.A., with head
office at Praia do Botafogo, 228, 3(degree) pavimento, registered with the
C.G.C/M.F. under No. 33.643.305/0001-70, hereby represented by it Chairman, Mr.
ANTONIO CARLOS LINO DA ROCHA a Brazilian citizen, married, holder of R.G.
Identification Card No. 02.172.548-6, IFP and C.P.F. No. 098.425.197-91.
resident of and domiciled at Rua David Gebara 146, apto. 62, in the city of Sao
Paulo, SP, hereinafter to be referred to simply as the CONTRACTING PARTY; in
view of the authorization of the CEF Board of Directors, RD, Minutes No. 1306 of
12/26/96, proceeding No. 99.9807/93 - Competitive Bid N9. 001/94 - CPL/MZ have
duly agreed to provide services to render the Lottery systems of Caixa Economica
Federal operational in ON-LINE/OFF-LINE modes, corresponding to the respective
terms and conditions and to the proposal submitted by the CONTRACTING PARTY in
the aforementioned competitive bid, the contracting parties being subject to the
regulations contained in Law No. 8,666 of 6/21/93, and to the following clauses:


The objective of this agreement is to provide services for the development and
establishment of the Lottery systems of Caixa Economica Federal in ON-LINE REAL
TIME mode, and to render them operational, as well as services relating to the
payment of ticket prizes corresponding to the Brazil Federal Lottery and the
Brazil Instant Federal Lottery, collecting revenue from the public service

* This document is a translation, which management believes to be accurate and
complete, from the Portugese language original of the Agreement. The Company
will file a Portugese version of this Exhibit if so directed by the Commission.
                                                                   Exhibit 10.12

and other payments made within the retail network pursuant to the specifications
and implementation schedule shown in Annexes I and II of this agreement, which
form and integral part of and complement it.


In return for perfect execution of the services covered under this contractual
instrument, the CEF shall pay the CONTRACTING PARTY, as compensation for the
lottery-related services, the weekly sums corresponding to the percentages shown
on the attached spreadsheet (Annex III) of gross collections from the lotteries
and any new games implemented on the on-line, real time terminals installed and
on any terminals not yet connected to the on-line network for which the
CONTRACTING PARTY is responsible, subject to such additional deductions as are
provided for by law.

Paragraph One - The compensation corresponding to the sub-system and processing
of services relating to the monitoring and payment of ticket prizes for the
Brazil Federal Lottery and the Brazil Instant Federal Lottery is included within
the compensation provided for in the main body of this Clause.

Paragraph Two -As compensation for the services corresponding to the collection
of revenue from public service concessionaires and other payments made within
the lottery retailer network the sum of R$0.05 (five centavos) shall be paid for
each certified document processed.

Paragraph Three - The sums provided for in this Agreement shall be denominated
in Brazilian Reals (R$) and shall remain fixed and non-adjustable, with a new
agreement being allowed on an annual basis, the basic parameters of which must
include the quality and prices prevailing in the market for providing the
services covered under this agreement.


The CEF shall pay the CONTRACTING PARTY on a weekly basis, on the 3rd (third)
business day of the week following that during which the services were executed,
by crediting the current account obligatorily maintained by the CONTRACTING
PARTY at a CEF branch.

Paragraph One -The CONTRACTING PARTY shall issue, on a weekly basis, the bill of
sale/invoice corresponding to services provided during the same period,
simultaneously with the closing of game sales for each week.

Paragraph Two - The CONTRACTING PARTY shall submit to the CEF the bill of
sale/invoice on weekly basis, together with the reports generated by the system,
for purposes of comparison.
                                                                   Exhibit 10.12

Paragraph Three - In the event that the payment deadline established in the
preceding sub-item has expired, the amount due shall be financially restated on
the basis of the pro-rata change in the prevailing financial index, from the
date established for payment, until the actual payment date.

Paragraph Four - No payment shall exempt the CONTRACTING PARTY from its
liabilities and obligations, nor shall imply final acceptance of the services.

Paragraph Five - The weekly payment to be made pursuant to this Clause shall be
conditional upon submission by the CONTRACTING PARTY of supporting documentation
declaring a discharge of the previous months obligations vis-a-vis the INSS
[National Social Security Institute] and the FGTS (Government Severance
Indemnity Fund for Employees).

Paragraph Six - The CEF shall withhold from the CONTRACTING PARTY'S invoices the
amount corresponding to the cost of maintaining the equipment in off-line mode
which is the responsibility of the CONTRACTING PARTY, i.e. in the region where
the on-line, real-time system is being installed.

Paragraph Seven - payment for the services discussed in Paragraph Two, Clause
Two of this agreement shall be made on a weekly basis by submission of a
specific bill of sale/invoice issued by the CONTRACTING PARTY.


This agreement shall have a duration of 48 (forty-eight) months as of its
signing date, and may be extended for an equal or lesser period at the
discretion of the CEF and consent of the CONTRACTING PARTY, in conformance with
any legal restrictions.


The CONTRACTING PARTY shall have a period of up to 120 (one hundred twenty) days
to adapt its structure and familiarize itself with the CEF routines, standards
and operating situation, as well as to develop and test the systems, before
actually initiating execution of the services for which it was engaged.

Paragraph One - Implementation of the first phase of the schedule shall be
considered as the initiation of execution of the services.

Paragraph Two - During this preparation period, no payment by the CEF shall be
due, and all expenses shall be assumed solely by the CONTRACTING PARTY, with the
validity period of the adjustment also to remain unchanged in such event.
                                                                   Exhibit 10.12

Paragraph Three - The CONTRACTING PARTY must prepare and submit a work schedule
for review by the CEF, within a period not to exceed 15 (fifteen) calendar days
after the signing date of the agreement, under penalty of the cancellation
thereof and application of the corresponding penalties.

Paragraph Four - Upon submission of the "Work Schedule", the CEF may approve it
or reject it in whole or in part, with the CONTRACTING PARTY being responsible
for revising it, if necessary, within a period not to exceed 5 (five) calendar
days after notification by the CEF, and assuming all expenses resulting


The CEF may increase or decrease the number of points of sale (lottery
retailers) necessary for the services by up to 25% (twenty-five percent) of the
total originally engaged, as specified in Annex III of this agreement.

I -      to develop all phases of the on-line, real-time lottery system,
         passing on to the CEF all knowledge and respective software and
         hardware projects, and all documentation, in Portuguese, corresponding
         to the subject of this agreement, and to render it operational in
         cooperation with the CEF technicians;

II -     to consolidate into the system any information received in off-line
         mode corresponding to terminals not connected to the network
         maintaining it and keeping the CEF updated on it, on a daily basis;

III -    to gradually replace, throughout CELOT/RLOT and in accordance with the
         proposed schedule, the off-line lottery system by the on-line,
         real-time system and new equipment based on updated technology in full
         use throughout the market, the CONTRACTING PARTY to assume the expense
         of any supplies needed for the installation thereof, such as wheels,
         paper bobbins, printer ribbons, etc., as well as the expense of
         operating and maintaining the system installed thereby;

IV -     to install terminals for purposes of auditing and monitoring the
         system, at the locations specified by the CEF;

V  -     to install terminals and printers at the Head Office and in the
         installed lottery units of the CELOT/RLOT;

VI -     to customize the system's proprietary auditing application, pursuant to
         the specifications of the Lottery and Technology Departments, ensuring
         its completion and approval by the CEF by such time as installation of
         the on-line, real-time system is initiated, as well as:
                                                                   Exhibit 10.12

     a)       to permit unrestricted access to the knowledge and operational
              basis of the System to employees specified by the CEF for
              auditing purposes;

     b)       to furnish the CEF with formatted files for auditing purposes
              pursuant to the specifications provided thereby, when so

     c)       to maintain files and records for the period of time specified
              by the CEF in order to facilitate monitoring and auditing of
              the transactions at any time.

 VII -        to prepare the CPD, at a site to be approved by the CEF, for
              installation of the central computers and communications

 VIII -       to install a service post, qualify technical representatives
              or assign resident technicians to provide maintenance and
              technical assistance services for the equipment to be
              allocated in execution of the services within the periods and
              under the conditions established herein;

   IX -       to inform the CEF, immediately and in writing, of any
              irregularity in execution of the services that it may notice;

    X -       to provide such clarifications as may be requested by the
              CEF, the complaints of which must be addressed in timely

   XI -       to print such advertising as may be specified by the CEF on
              the brochures for all games and at no cost to the CEF;

  XII -       to install the equipment and software needed to carry out
              the work;

 XIII -       to install and maintain a secure communications network for
              connecting the terminals with the CPD;

 XIV  -       to train the retailers and up to a maximum of 6 (six)
              employees thereof per store, on operating the terminals;

  XV  -       to keep assigned staff at the CPD and Service Posts to train
              and provide field services for the retailer;

 XVI  -       to provide marketing advisory services for new games, new
              software, general management and operation of the on-line,
              real-time system, with the adoption of such measures or
              actions as may be suggested at the sole discretion of the CEF;

XVII  -       to pay its employees on time, and to furnish the CEF,
              whensoever requested, a copy of the payroll and the
              contribution collection guides for
                                                                   Exhibit 10.12

              social security (INSS), FGTS, PIS [Employee Profit-Sharing
              Program], and Income Tax withheld at Source, as applicable,
              corresponding to employees assigned to execution of the
              contracted services;

XVIII -       to ensure that its employees treat CEF staff, customer
              visitors and other contracted parties politely and
              courteously, with the removal of those whose conduct is deemed
              inappropriate to be required;

XIX  -        to respect and enforce respect for the safety and labor
              medicine regulations provided for in the relevant law and
              banking regulations corresponding to the CEF;

XX   -        to maintain a head office or representative office In
              Brasilia/Federal District. and prove such condition within a
              period not to exceed 30 (thirty) days after the contract
              signing date;

XXI  -        to maintain its own agent at each site and on each shift
              corresponding to execution of the service in order to
              coordinate, supervise and give orders to the assigned staff
              and in order to settle any disputes pertaining to execution of
              the services, correct any adverse situations and immediately
              address complaints/requests received from the CEF;

XXII -        to assume total liability for such equipment, furniture and
              fixtures as may be provided for purposes of executing the
              services ensuring the integrity thereof and reimbursing the
              CEF for effective maintenance expenses incurred as a result of
              the misuse thereof;

XXIII -       to inform the CEF, for purposes of controlling access to its
              facilities, of the name and respective identity card number of
              the employees assigned to provide the services;

XXIV  -       to inform the CEF, also for purposes of controlling access
              to its facilities, of any employee dismissals and hirings, the
              former within a period of 24 hours and the latter by the start
              date of work;

XXV   -       to duly identify its employees by means of a badge when in
              service at the CEF facilities;

XXVI  -       to optimize the on-line, real-time system in accordance with
              the instructions and monitoring from the CEF Systems

XXVII -       to assume liability for any losses, improper reproductions
              and/or adulterations as may be caused to the documents and
              magnetic files during the period during which they are in its
                                                                   Exhibit 10.12

XXVIII  -     to monitor the complete fulfillment of the services to which
              it has committed, and to be completely liable for any charges
              incurred, which monitoring shall be independent of any that
              may be exercised by the CEF;

XXIX    -     to accept the broadest monitoring by the CEF through its
              agent at any time during the contractual validity period, with
              such monitoring to be entitled to be carried out at its
              facilities with a view to strict fulfillment of the
              contractual obligations;

XXX     -     to assume all expenses relating to personnel and any others
              as may be incurred relating to the subject of this agreement,
              with the exception of those stipulated as being the CEF's

XXXI    -     to assume all precautions and obligations established in
              specific labor accident law in the event that, under related
              circumstances, its employees are harmed while performing the
              services or in connection therewith, even if this occurs at
              CEF facilities;

XXXII   -     to provide the staff necessary for operating the CPD and to
              provide field services for the repair of equipment installed
              at on-line, real-time points of sale;

XXXIII  -     to execute the system tests with the participation of the

XXXIV   -     to train the CEF employees specified thereby in the
              operation and security of the Systems;

XXXV    -     to develop sub-systems to permit the monitoring and payment
              of ticket prizes for the Brazil Federal Lottery and the Brazil
              Instant Federal Lottery, under the conditions established by
              the CEF, and to permit the collection of revenue from public
              concessionaires and other payments made within the lottery
              retailer network;

XXXVI   -     to promote and participate in such meetings as may be called
              to discuss points of view on work techniques and methods;

XXXVII  -     to operate the CPD on days and hours defined by the CEF;

XXXVIII -     to provide preventive and corrective maintenance of the
              system equipment in order to keep it in perfect operating

XXXIX   -     to provide maintenance for all software, including
              installations and the testing of any changes in accordance
              with changes requested by the CEF;
                                                                   Exhibit 10.12

XL      -     to prepare, maintain and supply to the CEF management and
              operating information, by means of reports on magnetic media,
              on a schedule to be defined, for all activities relating to
              monitoring of the games;

XLI    -      to keep the system, user and operating manuals up-to-date,
              making them available to the CEF and accredited retailers;

XLII   -      to implement, pursuant to CEF instructions the collection of
              revenue from public service concessionaires and payments due
              to the CEF, on the new equipment, through the lottery systems
              in on-line, real-time mode and on the remaining off-line

XLIII  -      to provide the necessary infrastructure such as servers
              installed within the CEF environment which the controlling
              party shall define, including with respect to the engagement
              and maintenance of date communications lines, subject to
              acceptance of a specific proposal by the CONTRACTING PARTY;

XLIV   -      to expand the data communications network whenever the
              average response time exceeds the limit initially established,
              even if the transmission volume is caused by information from
              systems processed at the CEF;

XLV    -      to process the CEF information (data) within its computer
              environment as so defined by the contracting party, in order
              to enhance the feasibility of new products and services and to
              ensure a high level of security and complete confidentiality;

XLVI   -      to analyze the form of connection, and if necessary, to permit
              the installation and use of financial terminal cash machines
              and customer terminals, in transparent fashion together with
              the lottery terminals multiplexed within the same
              communications channel, upon submission of a specific proposal
              to the CEF;

XLVII  -      to provide for the possibility of paying bets and/or
              collecting revenue from public service concessionaires and
              payments due to the CEF, by means of cards, whether they be
              debit card, a credit cards, magnetic cards or "chip cards";

XLVIII -      to furnish modular-style, i.e.. state-of-the-art capture
              machines transmission radii capable of sending at a minimum of
              9,600 bps with the necessary redundancy in the sections
              considered by both parties as being critical;

XLIX   -      to promote transfer to the CEF of all information relating
              to operation of the system, without a continuity solution, in
              the event of an interruption of services by the CONTRACTING
                                                                   Exhibit 10.12


The following are the responsibilities of the CONTRACTING PARTY:

I      -      to be liable for any harm caused to the CEF or to third
              parties, as a consequence of malfunctions in the safety system
              for the equipment and services provided;

II     -      to be liable for every and all harm caused to the CEF or to
              third parties, even if guilty, which may be caused by its
              agents employees or representatives, not excluding or reducing
              such liability to monitoring or follow-up by the CEF;

III    -      to be liable to the CEF for any type of actions or
              activities it may experience as a consequence of the rendering
              of services as well as for the employment contracts for its
              employees, even in cases involving any court rulings, with the
              CEF to be held harmless of any joint and several
              responsibility or liability;

Sole Paragraph - The CONTRACTING PARTY authorizes the CEF to discount the value
of the aforementioned damages directly from the invoices corresponding to the
monthly payments due it or from the contractual guarantee, independently of any
judicial or extra-judicial procedure.


The CEF promises to fulfill the following:

I     -       to make the payments due under the conditions established in
              this agreement;

II    -       to notify the CONTRACTING PARTY of any irregularities found
              in executing the services;

III   -       to authorize and de-authorize points of sale, establishing
              in an agreement, and at its discretion, the terms and
              conditions for the qualification of each such point of sale;

IV    -       to previously inspect the sites, the number of points of
              sale and the number of terminals, for establishment of the
              installation schedule for the equipment and the training of

V     -       to monitor the points of sale in order for them to be legally
              licensed to sell the games through terminals and
              communications equipment installed at their store;
                                                                   Exhibit 10.12

VI    -       to monitor the points of sale in order for them to be equipped
              with a dedicated alternating current powerline and sufficient
              space for the installed terminals to operate properly;

VII   -       to monitor the points of sale to ensure that they maintain
              the schedule of services to the public as set by the CEF, in
              accordance with local municipal orders;

VIII  -       to collect the sales proceeds at each point of sale;

IX    -       to promote the games, in order to maintain bettor interest
              with a view to maximizing sales;

X     -       to pay all prizes from the lottery system to be installed.

Sole Paragraph - Delays in the payments discussed in section I of this Clause
shall be cause for a financial restatement of the amount due pursuant to
applicable and prevailing law.


For purposes of executing this agreement, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall provide a
cash guarantee in the amount of R$ 20,000,000.00 (twenty million Brazilian

Paragraph One - Only the restatement corresponding to the index of changes in
passbook savings rate yields (or the list day of the month, excluding interest,
calculated proportionally, as the case may be, from the date of the deposit
until the actual release of the guarantee, shall apply to the cash surety.

Paragraph Two - The guarantee, when applicable, must be paid whenever the value
of the contractual fine is deducted.

Paragraph Three - Substitution of the guarantee may be permitted at any time
subject to notification to the CEF, pursuant to the terms provided for in Law
8,666/93 of 6/21/93.

Paragraph Four - The guarantee shall be released after complete fulfillment of
the agreement, provided that all contractual term, clauses and conditions have
been fulfilled.

Paragraph Five - The loss of guarantee in favor of the CEF by reason of failure
to fulfill the contractual obligations shall be as a full matter of law,
regardless of any judicial or extra-judicial notification.
                                                                   Exhibit 10.12


Expenses incurred as a consequence of entering into this agreement shall be
covered by a budget allocation provided for under the classification "EXPENSES


During the course of executing the services, the CEF shall be entitled to audit
complete fulfillment of the provisions contained in this agreement, either
directly or through such party as it may appoint to this end.

Sole Paragraph - To this end, the CEF shall prepare a report of deficiencies
found in execution of the services, and shall forward a notification to the
CONTRACTING PARTY for immediate correction of the specified irregularities
without prejudice to the application of such penalties as are provided for in
this agreement.


The following shall be paid at the sole expense of the CONTRACTING PARTY:

I -      All taxes and duties as may be due as a consequence of the subject of
         this competitive bid;

11 -     Contributions owed to Social Security, labor charges, insurance and
         labor accident premiums, fees and such other expenses as may be
         necessary for executing the services.


Total or partial failure to execute the agreement shall result in the
cancellation thereof, with all contractual consequences and those provided for
by law.

Paragraph One - The following shall constitute causes for cancellation of the
agreement, independently of judicial or extra-judicial notification or

I -      complete or partial failure by the CONTRACTING PARTY to fulfill any
         of the obligations/responsibilities provided for in this agreement;

II -     complete or partial transfer of the agreement, without the prior
         consent of the CEF;

III -    repeated commitment of errors or defects in executing the services;
                                                                   Exhibit 10.12

IV -     a declaration of bankruptcy by the CONTRACTING PARTY;

V  -     dissolution of the corporation:

VI -     corporate amendment or change In the purpose or structure of the
         company which at the discretion of the CEF is to the detriment of
         execution of the agreement;

VII -    delay in fulfillment, leading the CEF to assume failure to execute
         the service.

Paragraph Two - Upon occurrence of the contractual cancellation based on
sections I and VII, the guarantee shall be paid in favor of the CEF without
prejudice to such other reparations as may apply.

Paragraph Three - Cancellation of the agreement shall result in the withholding
of payments pursuant to the agreement, up to the value of the harm caused to the
CEF, independently of any judicial or extra-judicial proceeding on the part of
the CEF, without prejudice to the sanctions provided for in this agreement and
by law, up to the total value of the indemnification for damage caused.


In order to settle such dispute as may arise from this agreement, the Judiciary
Section of the Federal Justice Department for the Federal District shall have

Being thereby in due agreement, the CEF and the CONTRACTING PARTY hereby sign
this agreement in 4 (four) identical copies in the presence of the undersigned
                                             Brasilia. D.F.              ,1996

                                             CAIXA ECONOMICA FEDERAL

                                             JOINT VENTURE LED BY
                                             RACIMEC INFORMATICA BRASILEIRA S.A.


- ---------------------------

- ---------------------------
                                                                   Exhibit 10.12

                                                                        ANNEX II

                          ON-LINE SYSTEM REVENUE MATRIX

- -------------------------- ------------- ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
         RANGE                YEAR 1           YEAR 2             YEAR 3             YEAR IV             YEAR V
- -------------------------- ------------- ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
Up to 20M                        7,5104              6,5230             6,3351              6,3107             6,2407
- -------------------------- ------------- ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
From 20 to 25 M                  7,4980              6,5050             6,3276              6,2791             6,1783
- -------------------------- ------------- ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
From 25 to 30 M                  7,4604              6,4725             6,3245              6,2470             6,1153
- -------------------------- ------------- ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
From 30 to 35 M                  7,4604              6,4230             6,3195              6,2154             6,0516
- -------------------------- ------------- ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
From 35 to 40 M                  7,4604              6,4230             6,2995              6,1832             5,9873
- -------------------------- ------------- ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
From 40 to 45 M                  7,4604              6,4230             6,1351              6,1510             5,9305
- -------------------------- ------------- ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
From 45 to 50 M                  7,4604              6,4230             6,1351              6,1302             5,9102
- -------------------------- ------------- ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
Over 50 M                        7,4604              6,4230             6,1351              6,1302             5,9102
- -------------------------- ------------- ------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------------

                                                                   Exhibit 10.12

                                SCHEDULE BY STATE

MONTH                     STATE                                             %             TERM              TOTAL
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MAI/97                    PARANA                                            55            385
                          TOTAL                                                           385               385

JUN/97                    PARANA                                            20            140
                          SAO PAULO                                         20            767
                          BRASILIA                                          15             71
                          MINAS GERAIS                                       5             63
                          RIO DE JANEIRO                                    10            135
                          TOTAL                                                         1,176             1,561

JUL/97                    SAO PAULO                                         20            767
                          BRASILIA                                          15             71
                          MINAS GERAIS                                      20            253
                          RIO DE JANEIRO                                    20            271
                          RIO GRANDE DO SUL                                 10             71
                          BAHIA                                             10             54
                          SANTA CATARINA                                    10             32
                          TOTAL                                                         1,519             3,080

AGO/97                    SAO PAULO                                         20            767
                          BRASILIA                                          15             71
                          MINAS GERAIS                                      20            253
                          PANARA                                            10             70
                          RIO DE JANEIRO                                    20            271
                          RIO GRANDE DO SUL                                 15            103
                          BAHIA                                             20            106
                          SANTA CATARINA                                    15             46
                          GOIAS                                             10             39
                          PERNAMBUCO                                        10             30
                          TOTAL                                                         1,756             4,836

SET/97                    PARANA                                            15            105
                          SAO PAULO                                         20            767
                          MINAS GERAIS                                      20            253
                          RIO DE JANEIRO                                    20            271
                          RIO GRANDE DO SUL                                 15            103
                          BAHIA                                             20            106
                          SANTA CATARINA                                    15             46
                          GOIAS                                             25             96
                          PERNAMBUCO                                        20             58
                          BRASILIA                                          15             71
                          TOTAL                                                         1,876             6,712
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------