J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated                                         JPMORGAN
60 Wall Street, New York, NY 10260
NYSE symbol: JPM
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News release: Immediate                                             May 11, 2000

J.P. Morgan launches the SynDirect(TM) Wireless, the world's first mobile bond
syndication tool

Issuers and investors gain access to syndicate using Palm(TM) computers and WAP

J.P. Morgan & Co., Incorporated (NYSE: JPM), a leading innovator in e-finance,
today announced the creation of SynDirect(TM) Wireless, the world's first
wireless communication platform for bond issuers and investors. This landmark
innovation allows primary market issuers to track investors' interest for
pending debt issues, and it allows investors to check current pricing and even
express interest for bonds remotely - using a Palm(TM) VII Handheld Connected
Organizer in the United States, or a WAP cellular telephone in Europe and Asia.

Built as an enhancement to SynDirect, Morgan's successful Internet-based fixed
income distribution system, the wireless feature was developed by a team of
in-house technologists and consultants at Morgan during early 2000. The product
offers secure, real-time information to clients, empowering them with critical
data and the ability to travel away from their offices, wireline phones, and
computers anytime their schedules dictate.

"SynDirect Wireless offers issuers and investors immediate access to
information throughout the book-building process, enabling them to follow an
issue's progress regardless of where they are physically," said Dave Olsen,
Morgan's head of electronic syndication.

"Our proprietary wireless technology allows users to access our Internet-based
SynDirect system in another way," said Joe Cook, Morgan's head of High Grade
Financing for Europe. "We are really combining the best of Morgan's
capabilities: financial markets leadership, technological innovation, and top
client service."

In addition to accessing issue-specific offering terms and comparables,
SynDirect Wireless users will be able to monitor new-issue calendars.

SynDirect Wireless follows other recent Morgan e-finance innovations in the
fixed income market, including the January launch of MarketAxess, an
independent company offering a comprehensive multi-dealer transaction platform;

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Press contacts:
Michael Golden                   New York                         1-212-648-3784
Michael Webster                  London                          44-207-325-4056
J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated
News Release

the firm's March launch of Securities.Hub with other major dealers, a company
that hosts a series of online portals linking securities firms and dealers with
institutional investors worldwide.

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J.P. Morgan is a leading global firm that meets critical financial needs for
business, governments, and individuals around the world. We advise on corporate
strategy and structure, raise capital, make markets in financial instruments,
and manage investment assets. More information about the firm can be found at

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Press contacts:

Christopher M. Molanphy                                           1-212-648-8213
Michael Webster                                                  44-207-325-4056