                                                     Conformed Copy prepared by
                                         Hengeler Mueller Mueller Weitzel Wirtz
                                                    Notarial Deed No. 3564/2000
                                           of the Notary Dr. Norbert Zimmermann
                                                          in Dusseldorf/Germany

                           SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT


                             VEBA Electronics GmbH
                           EBV Verwaltungs GmbH i.L.
                     Viterra Grundstucke Verwaltungs GmbH
                             VEBA Electronics LLC
                      VEBA Electronics Beteiligungs GmbH
                           VEBA Electronics (UK) Plc
                     Raab Karcher Electronics Systems Plc


                                    E.ON AG


                            Arrow Electronics, Inc.
                                  Avnet, Inc.
                             Cherrybright Limited

                             dated August 7, 2000

  regarding the sale and purchase of the VEBA electronics distribution group



Table of Contents                                                                                     Page
- -----------------                                                                                     ----
Recitals.........................................................................................     8

Article 1  Sale and Purchase.....................................................................    14
           1.1         Agreement to Sell and Purchase............................................    14
           1.2         Transfer..................................................................    16
           1.3         Economic Effective Date; Dividend Rights..................................    17

Article 2  Purchase Price........................................................................    17
           2.1         Certain Definitions.......................................................    17
           2.2         Purchase Price Formula....................................................    21
           2.3         Allocation................................................................    22
           2.4         Payment on the Closing Date...............................................    22
           2.5         Effect of Payment; Discharge of VEBA Liabilities..........................    24
           2.6         Settlement Payments after the Closing Date................................    24
           2.7         Sample Calculation........................................................    25
           2.8         No Set-Off/Retention......................................................    25

Article 3  Effective Date Financial Statements;
           Effective Date and Closing Certificates...............................................    25
           3.1         Preparation of Effective Date Financial Statements
                       and Effective Date and Closing Certificates...............................    25
           3.2         Accounting Principles.....................................................    26
           3.3         Review of Effective Date Financial Statements
                       and Effective Date and Closing Certificates...............................    27
           3.4         Dispute Resolution........................................................    27
           3.5         Access and Information....................................................    28

Article 4  Closing     ..........................................................................    28
           4.1         Time and Place of Closing.................................................    28
           4.2         Conditions to Closing.....................................................    28
           4.3         Regulatory Filings........................................................    32
           4.4         Actions on Closing Date...................................................    35
           4.5         Staggered Closing.........................................................    35


Article 5  Representations and Warranties of Sellers.............................................    38
           5.1         Organization of Sellers and the Group.....................................    39
           5.2         Ownership of Shares; Shareholdings........................................    40
           5.3         Authorization of Sellers, Non-Contravention...............................    40
           5.4         Financial Statements......................................................    42
           5.5         Assets, Encumbrances......................................................    43
           5.6         Intellectual Property Rights..............................................    45
           5.7         Permits; Compliance with Laws.............................................    47
           5.8         Environmental Matters.....................................................    47
           5.9         Litigation, Disputes......................................................    48
           5.10        Employee and Labour Matters...............................................    49
           5.11        Employee Benefits and Pension Obligations.................................    50
           5.12        Material Agreements.......................................................    54
           5.13        Finders' Fees.............................................................    57
           5.14        Intercompany Accounts and Pre-Closing
                       Non-Recurring Charges.....................................................    57
           5.15        Key Suppliers.............................................................    57
           5.16        Insurance Coverage........................................................    58
           5.17        No Undisclosed Material Liabilities.......................................    58
           5.18        Conduct of Business since December 31, 1999...............................    59
           5.19        Certain Anti-trust Undertakings and Orders................................    61
           5.20        Insolvency and Liquidation Proceedings....................................    61
           5.21        Terms of supply...........................................................    62
           5.22        IT Systems................................................................    62
           5.23        No Other Representations and Warranties...................................    63

Article 6  Representations and Warranties of Purchasers..........................................    63
           6.1         Authorization of Purchasers, Non-Contravention............................    64
           6.2         Litigation................................................................    64
           6.3         Financial Capability......................................................    64
           6.4         Finders' Fees.............................................................    65
           6.5         Purchaser.................................................................    65

Article 7  Covenants; Certain Indemnities........................................................    65
           7.1         Conduct of Business.......................................................    65
           7.2         Preparation of Additional Financial Statements;
                       Access to Information.....................................................    69



           7.3         Inter-Group Debt..........................................................    71
           7.4         Resignations..............................................................    72
           7.5         Covenant not to Compete; Covenant not to Solicit..........................    72
           7.6         Confidentiality...........................................................    74
           7.7         Use of Certain Marks and Names............................................    74
           7.8         Release of VEBA Comfort Letters...........................................    74
           7.9         Termination of Control and Profit Transfer Agreements.....................    75
           7.10        Certain Indemnities.......................................................    75
           7.11        Avnet Indemnity...........................................................    77
           7.12        Wyle/Avnet Litigation.....................................................    78
           7.13        Poing Warehouse...........................................................    79
           7.14        Environmental Indemnity...................................................    79
           7.15        Further Assurances........................................................    81
           7.16        Certain Assets Owned by the E.ON Group....................................    82
           7.17        Notices under Insurance Policies..........................................    82
           7.18        Employee Bodies...........................................................    82
           7.19        APRISA....................................................................    83
           7.20        Satisfaction of Memec Financing Conditions................................    83
           7.21        Memec Acquisitions........................................................    83
           7.22        Hyperion Licence..........................................................    83
           7.23        VEBA Electronics LLC Employees............................................    84
           7.24        Forex and Hedging Contracts...............................................    85
           7.25        US 401 (k) Plans..........................................................    86

Article 8  Indemnification.......................................................................    88
           8.1         Indemnification by Sellers................................................    88
           8.2         Indemnification by Purchaser..............................................    90
           8.3         Limitation Periods........................................................    91
           8.4         Indemnification Procedures................................................    92
           8.5         No Additional Rights or Remedies..........................................    95

Article 9  Taxes       ..........................................................................    96
           9.1         Definitions...............................................................    96
           9.2         Tax Representations.......................................................    97
           9.3         Preparation of Tax Returns and Payment of Tax.............................    98
           9.4         Tax Refunds and Recoveries................................................    99
           9.5         Tax Covenant..............................................................    99



           9.6         Third Party Recovery......................................................    105
           9.7         Procedures................................................................    106
           9.8         Certain Tax Matters Relating to Germany...................................    108
           9.9         Limitation Period.........................................................    109
           9.10        Co-operation on Tax Matters...............................................    110
           9.11        UK Tax Matters............................................................    110
           9.12        Certain Tax Matters relating to the U.S...................................    111
           9.13        Section 338(h)(10) Election...............................................    112
           9.14        Allocation of Purchase Price..............................................    114

Article 10 Termination...........................................................................    114
           10.1        Right to Terminate........................................................    114
           10.2        Consequences of Termination...............................................    115

Article 11 Miscellaneous.........................................................................    116
           11.1        Liability of Sellers and Purchaser........................................    116
           11.2        Assumption of Liability by E.ON AG........................................    117
           11.3        Notices...................................................................    117
           11.4        Successors and Assigns....................................................    119
           11.5        Third Party Beneficiaries.................................................    120
           11.6        Public Disclosure.........................................................    120
           11.7        Taxes and Expenses........................................................    120
           11.8        Entire Agreement; Confidentiality Undertaking.............................    121
           11.9        Amendments and Waivers....................................................    121
           11.10       Governing Law; Competent Courts...........................................    122
           11.11       Interpretation; Exhibits..................................................    122
           11.12       Definitions...............................................................    122
           11.13       Severability..............................................................    126



- --------
Exhibit R-1             Corporate chart of the Group
Exhibit R-2             Description of the companies of the Group
Exhibit 1.1             Assumed Material Agreements of VEBA Electronics LLC
Exhibit 2.3             Allocation
Exhibit 2.4             Estimates of Preliminary Share Purchase Price
Exhibit 2.7             Sample calculation
Exhibit 3.2             Specific accounting principles
Exhibit 4.2             Description of closing conditions under Committed
                        Credit Facilities
Exhibit 4.3             Regulatory Compliance Schedule
Exhibit 4.4             Actions on Closing Date
Exhibit 5 (a)           Disclosure letter
Exhibit 5 (b)           Sellers' knowledge (persons whose knowledge is
                        attributed to Sellers)
Exhibit 5 (c)           Sellers' knowledge (inquiry)
Exhibit 5.1 (c)         Control and profit transfer agreements
Exhibit 5.1 (d)         List of articles of association, by-laws or similar
                        organisational documents of the Companies
Exhibit 5.2 (a)         Third-party rights in shares
Exhibit 5.3             Canada and Mexico Financial Information
Exhibit 5.4 (a)         1999 German GAAP Group Balance Sheet
Exhibit 5.4 (b)         1998 and 1999 US GAAP Group Financial Statements
Exhibit 5.4 (c)         March 2000 Group Accounts
Exhibit 5.4 (d)         March 2000 Divisional Accounts
Exhibit 5.4 (e)         Facts which would require a material change of
                        financial statements
Exhibit 5.5 (b)         Encumbrances and security rights
Exhibit 5.5 (f)         Properties and leases
Exhibit 5.6 (a)         List of material intellectual property rights
Exhibit 5.8             Environmental issues
Exhibit 5.9             Litigation, disputes
Exhibit 5.10 (a)        Collective bargaining agreements, agreements with
                        workers' councils, certain labour disputes
Exhibit 5.10 (b)        List of employment contracts with senior management


Exhibit 5.10 (c)        Stock option plans and redundancy schemes
Exhibit 5.10 (d)        Certain changes of terms of employment
Exhibits 5.11 (a)       Pension and similar benefits
Exhibit 5.11 (b)        Employee benefit plans of U.S. Companies
Exhibit 5.11 (c)        EPU Schemes
Exhibit 5.12            Material Agreements
Exhibit 5.14(a)         List of intercompany balances as of the Effective Date
                        and credit lines under VEBA cash management
Exhibit 5.14(b)         Memec bank accounts
Exhibit 5.15            Supplier relationships
Exhibit 5.16            Insurance coverage
Exhibit 5.17            Certain material liabilities
Exhibit 5.18            Conduct of business since December 31, 1999
Exhibit 5.20            Insolvency and Liquidation Proceedings
Exhibit 7.1             Conduct of business to the Closing Date
Exhibit 7.3             Terms and conditions for Inter-Group Debt
Exhibit 7.4             Resignations of certain board members
Exhibit 7.5             Existing competing activities of the E.ON Group
Exhibit 7.8             VEBA comfort letters
Exhibit 7.13            Amendments to lease agreements for Poing warehouse
Exhibit 7.23            HQ Employees
Exhibit 8.1             Purchasers' knowledge
Exhibit 9.2             Tax representations



This Share Purchase Agreement is entered into on this 7th day of August 2000,
by and between (i) VEBA Electronics GmbH, a limited liability company
incorporated under German law, registered in the commercial register of the
local court of Dusseldorf/Germany under no. HRB 33598, (ii) EBV Verwaltungs
GmbH i.L., a limited liability company incorporated under German law,
registered in the commercial register of the local court of Dusseldorf/Germany
under no. HRB 37915 and in the process of (solvent) liquidation, (iii) VEBA
Electronics LLC, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of
Delaware, USA, (iv) Viterra Grundstucke Verwaltungs GmbH ("VITERRA"), a limited
liability company incorporated under German law, registered in the commercial
register of the local court of Bochum/Germany under no. HRB 6559, (v) VEBA
Electronics Beteiligungs GmbH, a limited liability company incorporated under
German law, registered in the commercial register of the local court of
Dusseldorf/Germany under no. HRB 36645, (vi) VEBA Electronics (U.K.) Plc, a
public limited company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with
registered no. 01148485, (vii) Raab Karcher Electronic Systems Plc, a public
limited company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with
registered no. 03087431 (VEBA Electronics GmbH, EBV Verwaltungs GmbH i.L., VEBA
Electronics LLC, VEBA Electronics Beteiligungs GmbH, VEBA Electronics (U.K.)
Plc., Raab Karcher Electronic Systems Plc and Viterra collectively hereinafter
referred to as "SELLERS") (viii) Arrow Electronics, Inc., a corporation
incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, ("ARROW") (ix) Avnet,
Inc., a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of New York
("AVNET") and (x) Cherrybright Limited, a private limited liability company
incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with registered no. 3985629
("MEMEC PURCHASER") (Arrow, Avnet and Memec Purchaser together being referred
to hereinafter as "PURCHASERS" and each of them being a "PURCHASER") and (xi)
E.ON AG, a stock corporation incorporated under German law, registered in the
commercial register of the local court of Dusseldorf/Germany under no. HRB
22315 ("E.ON AG"). The Sellers, the Purchasers and E.ON AG are hereinafter
collectively referred to as the "PARTIES".


1.    The Sellers hold and immediately prior to Closing (as defined in Section
      4.1 below) will hold directly or indirectly all shares of the companies
      of the VEBA electronics distribution group, a distributor of electronic
      systems (e.g., monitors and servers) and electronic components (e.g.,
      semiconductors), save as expressly set out in Exhibit R-2. The VEBA
      electronics distribution group consists of the following seven divisions
      (the "DIVISIONS"), whose main operating companies are indicated in


      Electronic systems business:

      (1)    RKE Systems (Raab Karcher Elektronik GmbH, Germany) ("RKE
      (2)    Wyle Systems (Wyle Systems LLC, USA) ("WYLE SYSTEMS DIVISION").

      Electronic components business:

      (3)    EBV, Germany (EBV-Elektronik GmbH and WBC GmbH, Germany) ("EBV
      (4)    Memec (Memec (Memory and Electronic Components) Plc, UK ("MEMEC
             PLC") and Memec LLC, USA) ("MEMEC DIVISION");
      (5)    Wyle Components (Wyle Electronics, USA) ("WYLE COMPONENTS
      (6)    Atlas Europe (Atlas Logistik Services GmbH, Germany) ("ATLAS
             EUROPE DIVISION"); and
      (7)    Atlas US (Atlas Services LLC and Atlas Business Services LLC, USA)
             ("ATLAS US DIVISION").

      The headquarters of the VEBA electronics distribution group (VEBA
      Electronics LLC) are located in Santa Clara, California, USA.

2.    VEBA Electronics GmbH owns and will immediately prior to Closing own

      (a)    one fully paid share, free and clear of any encumbrance, in the
             nominal amount of DM 100,000 (constituting the entire registered
             share capital of DM 100,000) in Raab Karcher Elektronik GmbH,
             Nettetal/Germany, a limited liability company incorporated under
             German law and registered in the commercial register of the local
             court of Nettetal under no. HRB 938;

      (b)    999,988 fully paid shares, free and clear of any encumbrance, in
             the nominal amount of FF 49,999,400 (constituting 99.9% of the
             entire registered share capital of FF 50,036,950) in Memec Sud
             Europe SA, Rungis, France, a stock corporation incorporated under
             French law and registered in the commercial register (R.C.S.)
             Creteil under no. B 632 011 227; of the remaining 751 shares in
             the aggregate nominal amount of FF 37,050, three shares are owned
             by David Ashworth and 748 shares are owned by other shareholders;
             such 748 shares will be transferred on or prior to the Closing
             Date to VEBA Electronics GmbH and certain persons associated with
             Memec Sud Europe SA, as set out in Exhibit R-2;



             immediately prior to the Closing, VEBA Electronics GmbH will own
             1,000,716 shares and certain directors and employees of the Memec
             Division (as set out in Exhibit R-2) will own the remaining 23
             shares; and

      (c)    the entire limited partnership interest in the registered nominal
             amount of DM 100,000, free and clear of any encumbrance, in Raab
             Karcher Grundstucke GmbH & Co. Elektronik Immobilien KG ("RAAB
             KARCHER IMMOBILIEN"), Essen/ Germany, a limited partnership
             incorporated under German law and registered in the commercial
             register of the local court of Essen under no. HRA 6295.

             Viterra is the sole managing and general partner (without any
             capital contribution) of Raab Karcher Immobilien.

3.    EBV Verwaltungs GmbH i.L. owns and will immediately prior to Closing own
      seven fully paid shares, free and clear of any encumbrance, in the
      nominal amount of DM 17,300, DM 14,000, DM 5,200, DM 5,200, DM 5,200, DM
      2,800 and DM 2,300 (constituting all of the issued shares in the
      aggregate nominal amount of DM 52,000) in EBV-Elektronik GmbH,
      Kirchheim/Germany, a limited liability company incorporated under German
      law and registered in the commercial register of the local court of
      Munich/ Germany under no. HRB 42104. The entire registered capital of
      EBV-Elektronik GmbH amounts to DM 500,000. A share in the nominal amount
      of DM 448,000 was redeemed (eingezogen) and cancelled in 1994.

4.    VEBA Electronics LLC owns and will immediately prior to Closing own:

      (a)    the entire membership interest, free and clear of any encumbrance,
             in Memec LLC, a limited liability company incorporated under the
             laws of Delaware, USA, with its business seat in San Diego,
             California, USA;

      (b)    100 fully paid shares and constituting all of the issued shares,
             free and clear of any encumbrance, in EBV Electronics Holdings,
             Inc., a corporation established under the laws of Delaware, USA;

      (c)    the entire membership interest, free and clear of any encumbrance,
             in ATLAS Business Services LLC, a limited liability company
             incorporated under the laws of Delaware, USA; and



      (d)    the entire membership interest, free and clear of any encumbrance,
             in ATLAS Services LLC, a limited liability company incorporated
             under the laws of Delaware, USA.

5.    VEBA Electronics Beteiligungs GmbH owns and will immediately prior to
      Closing own:

      (a)    four fully paid shares, free and clear of any encumbrance, in the
             nominal amount of DM 100,000, DM 50,000, DM 50,000 and DM 50,000
             (constituting all of the issued shares in the aggregate nominal
             amount of DM 250,000) in Memec GmbH, Nettetal/Germany, a limited
             liability company incorporated under German law and registered in
             the commercial register of the local court of Nettetal under no.
             HRB 1004;

      (b)    6,400 fully paid shares, free and clear of any encumbrance, in
             Memec Belgium NV, a limited liability company incorporated under
             Belgian law and registered in the commercial register of Mechelen
             under no. 86.900; the remaining 100 shares of the entire
             registered share capital being held by Memec GmbH;

      (c)    99 fully paid shares and constituting all (but one) of the issued
             shares, free and clear of any encumbrance, in Memec AG, a stock
             corporation incorporated under Swiss law and registered in the
             commercial register of Langenthal-Oberaargau under no.
             CH-; the remaining share is owned by Peter Hess;

      (d)    226,891 fully paid shares and constituting all of the issued
             shares, free and clear of any encumbrance, in Memec Nederland BV,
             a limited liability company incorporated in the Netherlands and
             registered in the commercial register of Oost-Brabrant under no.

      (e)    4,000 fully paid shares and constituting all of the issued shares,
             free and clear of any encumbrance, in Okura Electronics Co.
             Limited, a limited liability company incorporated in Japan and
             registered under company no. 020066;

      (f)    18,152 fully paid shares and constituting all of the issued
             shares, free and clear of any encumbrance, in Memec Holding BV, a
             limited liability company incorporated in the Netherlands and
             registered in the commercial register of Oost-Brabrant under no.



      (g)    a fully paid share in the nominal amount of DM 100,000
             (constituting all of the issued share capital), free and clear of
             any encumbrance, in Atlas Logistik Services GmbH, a limited
             liability company incorporated under German law and registered in
             the commercial register of the local court of Munich under no. HRB
             118579; and

      (h)    a fully paid share in the nominal amount of DM 100,000
             (constituting the entire issued share capital), free and clear of
             any encumbrance, in Distron Elektronik GmbH, a limited liability
             company incorporated under German law and registered in the
             commercial register of the local court of Munich under no. HRB

6.    VEBA Electronics (UK) Plc owns and will immediately prior to Closing own
      all shares (constituting the entire issued share capital of GBP
      2,796,045.40, with the exception of one share in the nominal amount of
      GBP 0.10 jointly owned by it and Roy Stevenson), free and clear of any
      encumbrance, in Memec (Memory and Electronic Components) Plc, a public
      limited company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales and
      registered under no. 01507861.

7.    Raab Karcher Electronic Systems Plc owns and will immediately prior to
      Closing own

      (a)    1,500 fully paid shares (constituting the entire issued share
             capital of GBP 1,500), free and clear of any encumbrance, in RK
             Distribution Limited, a limited liability company incorporated
             under the laws of England and Wales and registered under no.

      (b)    3,046 fully paid shares (constituting the entire issued share
             capital of GBP 3,046), free and clear of any encumbrance, in
             Midwich Limited, a limited liability company incorporated under
             the laws of England and Wales and registered under no. 01436289;

      (c)    80,000 fully paid shares (constituting the entire issued share
             capital of GBP 80,000), free and clear of any encumbrance, in
             Transformation Software Limited, a limited liability company
             incorporated under the laws of England and Wales and registered
             under no. 01745656;



      (d)    123,285 fully paid shares (constituting the entire issued share
             capital of GBP 123,285), free and clear of any encumbrance, in
             Professional Display Systems Limited, a limited liability company
             incorporated under the laws of England and Wales and registered
             under no. 02493132.

8.    The corporate structure of the VEBA electronics distribution group
      including all companies which are part of such group is set forth in the
      corporate chart attached as Exhibit R-1 and the list attached as Exhibit
      R-2. Except as expressly indicated in Exhibit R-2, all companies which
      are part of the Group (as defined in section 9 below) are owned and will
      immediately prior to Closing be wholly owned, directly or indirectly, by
      one of the companies whose shares are to be sold and purchased pursuant
      to Article 1.

9.    The companies whose shares are to be sold and acquired pursuant to
      Article 1 of this Agreement (including Raab Karcher Immobilien) are
      hereinafter collectively referred to as the "COMPANIES". The companies
      and other entities of the VEBA electronics distribution group as set
      forth in Exhibits R-1 and R-2 other than the Companies and the Sellers
      and the holding companies of the Sellers (as outlined in bold in the
      chart in Exhibit R-1) are hereinafter collectively referred to as the
      "SUBSIDIARIES". The Companies and the Subsidiaries are hereinafter
      collectively referred to as the "GROUP COMPANIES" or the "GROUP" and each
      of them being referred to as a "GROUP COMPANY". Exhibit R-1 indicates
      which Companies and Subsidiaries form part of each of the Divisions.

      E.ON AG and all companies or corporations controlled by E.ON AG at the
      relevant time (other than the Companies and Subsidiaries) within the
      meaning of Section 18 German Stock Corporation Act are referred to herein
      as the "E.ON GROUP" or the "VEBA GROUP".

10.   Sellers wish to divest themselves of the Group, and Purchasers (or
      subsidiaries of any Purchaser nominated by it prior to Closing) wish to
      acquire the Group, with each Purchaser (or its nominated subsidiaries)
      acquiring the Divisions set opposite its name below:

      Arrow                          Wyle Components Division
                                     Wyle Systems Division
                                     Atlas US Division



      Avnet                          EBV Division
                                     RKE Division
                                     Atlas Europe Division

      Memec Purchaser                Memec Division

Now, therefore, subject to and on the terms and conditions set forth herein,
the Parties agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE 1
                               SALE AND PURCHASE


      Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein:

      (a)    (i)       VEBA Electronics GmbH hereby sells to Avnet, and Avnet
                       hereby purchases from VEBA Electronics GmbH, all the
                       shares in issue in Raab Karcher Elektronik GmbH as well
                       as the limited partnership interest in Raab Karcher
                       Immobilien, as set forth in section 2 of the Recitals;

             (ii)      VEBA Electronics GmbH hereby sells to Memec Purchaser
                       and Memec Purchaser hereby purchases from VEBA
                       Electronics GmbH the shares in issue owned by VEBA
                       Electronics GmbH on the Closing Date (1,000,716 shares)
                       in Memec Sud Europe S.A., as set forth in section 2 of
                       the Recitals;

             (iii)     Viterra hereby sells to Avnet, and Avnet hereby
                       purchases from Viterra, the general partner interest in
                       Raab Karcher Immobilien, as set forth in section 2 of
                       the Recitals;

             (iv)      VEBA Electronics LLC hereby sells to Memec Purchaser and
                       Memec Purchaser hereby purchases from VEBA Electronics
                       LLC the entire membership interest in Memec LLC, as set
                       forth in section 4 of the Recitals;



             (v)       VEBA Electronics LLC hereby sells to Arrow and Arrow
                       hereby purchases from VEBA Electronics LLC all the
                       shares in issue in EBV Electronic Holdings, Inc. and the
                       entire membership interests in ATLAS Business Services
                       LLC and ATLAS Services LLC, each as set forth in section
                       4 of the Recitals;

             (vi)      VEBA Electronics Beteiligungs GmbH hereby sells to Memec
                       Purchaser and Memec Purchaser hereby purchases from VEBA
                       Electronics Beteiligungs GmbH all the shares in issue
                       owned by it in Memec GmbH, Memec Belgium NV, Memec AG,
                       Memec Nederland BV, Okura Electronics Co. Limited and
                       Memec Holding BV, as set forth in section 5 of the

             (vii)     VEBA Electronics (UK) Plc hereby sells to Memec
                       Purchaser, and Memec Purchaser hereby purchases from
                       VEBA Electronics (UK) Plc, the shares in issue owned by
                       it in Memec (Memory and Electronic Components) Plc and
                       its interest in the share jointly owned with Roy
                       Stevenson, as set forth in section 6 of the Recitals;

             (viii)    VEBA Electronics Beteiligungs GmbH hereby sells to
                       Avnet, and Avnet hereby purchases from VEBA Electronics
                       Beteiligungs GmbH, all shares in issue in Atlas Logistik
                       Services GmbH and in Distron Elektronik GmbH, as set out
                       in section 5 of the Recitals;

             (ix)      EBV Verwaltungs GmbH i.L. hereby sells to Avnet, and
                       Avnet hereby purchases from EBV Verwaltungs GmbH i.L.,
                       all the shares in issue in EBV-Elektronik GmbH, as set
                       forth in section 3 of the Recitals; and

             (x)       Raab Karcher Electronic Systems Plc hereby sells to
                       Avnet, and Avnet hereby purchases from Raab Karcher
                       Electronic Systems Plc, all the shares in issue in RK
                       Distribution Limited, Midwich Limited, Transformation
                       Software Limited and Professional Display Systems
                       Limited, as set forth in section 7 of the Recitals.

             The shares, membership interests and partnership interests sold
             pursuant to this Section 1.1 are hereinafter referred to as the
             "SOLD SHARES".



      (b)    VEBA Electronics LLC hereby sells to Arrow, and Arrow hereby
             purchases from VEBA Electronics LLC, all computer systems,
             software and office equipment owned by VEBA Electronics LLC and
             located in the offices on the premises of Wyle Electronics in
             Santa Clara. Arrow shall, with effect as of the Closing, (i)
             assume all agreements (including all rights, obligations and
             liabilities thereunder) entered into by VEBA Electronics LLC with
             respect to any computer systems, software and office equipment, in
             each case leased or licenced by VEBA Electronics LLC and located
             in such offices (except for any agreements which would have to be
             disclosed in Exhibit 5.12 if VEBA Electronics LLC were a Group
             Company and which are not disclosed in Exhibit 1.1) and (ii) be
             responsible for the HQ Employees in accordance with Section 7.23

      (c)    The Sold Shares (and the assets referred to in Section 1.1 (b) to
             be purchased by Arrow) shall be transferred free of any mortgage,
             charge, pledge, lien, option, restriction, right of first refusal,
             right of pre-emption, third party right or interest or any other
             encumbrance or security interest of any kind, or another type of
             preferential arrangement (including, without limitation, a title
             transfer or retention arrangement) having similar effect.

      (d)    Any Purchaser shall be entitled to nominate one or more of its
             subsidiaries to acquire title to any of the Sold Shares and/or any
             of the assets referred to in Section 1.1 (b) which such Purchaser
             agrees to purchase under this Article 1. Such nomination shall be
             made in writing to the Sellers at least five business days prior
             to the Closing Date. In the case of Avnet, Avnet has nominated
             Avnet EMG GmbH in respect of the Sold Shares described in Sections
             1.1 (a) (i), (viii) and (ix) and Avnet Alfapower GmbH in respect
             of the Sold Shares described in Section 1.1 (a) (iii), and Avnet
             EMG GmbH and Avnet Alfapower GmbH shall have the right to demand
             that the relevant Sold Shares shall be transferred to them.


      The Sellers shall transfer to the relevant company nominated by the
      relevant Purchaser in accordance with Section 1.1 (d) (or to the extent
      that no such nomination is made, to the relevant Purchaser) the Sold
      Shares and the assets and liabilities referred to in Section 1.1 (b) on
      the Closing Date (as defined in Section 4.1 below) in accordance with
      Section 4.4 (a) below.




      The Sold Shares shall be sold and transferred to the relevant company
      nominated by the relevant Purchaser in accordance with Section 1.1 (d)
      (or to the extent that no such nomination is made, to the relevant
      Purchaser) with all rights and obligations pertaining thereto at the date
      of this Agreement, including the dividend rights for the fiscal year
      ended on December 31, 2000, with retroactive economic effect as of March
      31, 2000, 24:00 hours/April 1, 2000, 0:00 hours (the "EFFECTIVE DATE").

                                   ARTICLE 2
                                 PURCHASE PRICE


      For the purposes of this Agreement, in particular the purchase price
      formula contained in Section 2.2,

      "EFFECTIVE DATE CASH" means the aggregate amount, as at the Effective
      Date, of any cash, cash equivalents and balances (including all highly
      liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less from
      the date of purchase and money market funds) which (i) are freely
      remittable without any exchange or other approvals or significant costs
      or (ii) if the cash is not so freely remittable, amount to less than $
      500,000 in aggregate for all Divisions to be acquired by each Purchaser
      (provided that if and to the extent that there is cash which is not so
      freely remittable and which exceeds such threshold, the relevant
      Purchaser shall cause the Group Companies to assign such cash to Sellers
      in the country in which the relevant cash is located, free of any
      consideration), but excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, amounts
      attributable to cash balances of Group Companies on bank accounts
      operated within a pooling arrangement with accounts of any member of the
      E.ON Group which have been taken into account in the calculation of
      Inter-Group Debt. For the avoidance of doubt, cash and cash balances
      shall be determined by reference to the cash books of the Group

      "EFFECTIVE DATE EXTERNAL DEBT" means the External Debt as at the
      Effective Date.



      "EXTERNAL DEBT" means the aggregate of:

      (a)    all borrowings of any nature of any member of the Group (other
             than borrowings from either (i) other members of the Group or (ii)
             members of the E.ON Group (as the case may be)), including loans
             granted by suppliers, but excluding, for the avoidance of doubt,
             (i) deferred payment arrangements with suppliers and other
             supplier items, which are in each case included in accounts
             payable (as reflected in the Effective Date Financial Statements)
             and (ii) accruals for inventory received but not yet invoiced;

      (b)    all obligations under finance leases (as defined under German


      (c)    (i) all accrued or unpaid interest and charges due in respect of
             any of the above and (ii) any prepayment or repayment penalties,
             charges or costs which actually arise and become payable on
             repayment of any of the above at Closing or within 45 days after
             the Closing Date;

      in each case, to the extent that any amounts referred to above are in
      amounts other than United States Dollars, such amounts shall be exchanged
      into United States Dollars at the exchange rates prevailing on the
      Closing Date;

      "CLOSING DATE INTER-GROUP DEBT" means the Inter-Group Debt as at the
      Closing Date, payable in United States Dollars, calculated (in respect of
      any Inter-Group Debt incurred in currencies other than United States
      Dollars) at the exchange rates as at the Effective Date, except for any
      Inter-Group Debt incurred after the Effective Date in accordance with
      Section 7.3, to which the exchange rates as at the Closing Date shall

      "EFFECTIVE DATE INTER-GROUP DEBT" means the Inter-Group Debt as at the
      Effective Date;

      "ESTIMATED CLOSING DATE INTER-GROUP DEBT" means the estimate of the
      Closing Date Inter-Group Debt calculated (in respect of any Inter-Group
      Debt incurred in currencies other than United States Dollars) at the
      exchange rates as at the Effective Date, except for any Inter-Group Debt
      incurred after the Effective Date in accordance with Section 7.3, to



      which the exchange rates as at the business day two business days before
      the Closing Date shall apply;

      "INTER-GROUP DEBT" means the net balance (including any accrued or unpaid
      interest thereon in accordance with Section 7.3), as at the relevant
      date, of the inter-group liabilities and inter-group receivables under
      any (short-term or long-term) borrowings between any of the Group
      Companies and any member of the E.ON Group (other than, for the avoidance
      of doubt, trade receivables and trade payables arising in the ordinary
      course of trading);

      22.5 per cent of the aggregate amount of the net sales of the Group (net
      sales as shown in the profit and loss account included in the Effective
      Date Financial Statements) for the period from and including January 1,
      2000 up to and including the Effective Date multiplied by four;

      "EFFECTIVE DATE WORKING CAPITAL" means the balance of the line item terms
      net inventory and trade accounts receivables less trade accounts payables
      as at the Effective Date (as determined in accordance with Article 3
      below) and does not include, for the avoidance of doubt, any other
      working capital items (in particular other assets and other liabilities)
      or accruals for inventory received but not yet invoiced;

      "EFFECTIVE DATE TAXATION LIABILITY" means the tax liabilities in respect
      of income, profits and gains (excluding any deferred tax liabilities and
      deferred tax assets) for all periods of the Companies and Subsidiaries
      ending on or before the Effective Date (as determined by assuming that
      the Effective Date is the end of a fiscal or taxable period);

      (i) 50 per cent of the interest accruing or paid on any Effective Date
      Inter-Group Debt (other than interest referred to in (ii) below) at the
      rates set out in Exhibit 7.3 from the Effective Date up to and including
      the Closing Date or, if Closing occurs after September 30, 2000, up to
      and including September 30, 2000, (ii) to the extent that the interest
      rates exceed the relevant interest rates set out in Exhibit 7.3 or there
      are fees or charges, 100 per cent of any fees and charges and 100 per
      cent of any interest in excess of such rates, in each case accrued or
      paid on any Inter-Group Debt since the Effective Date and (iii) 100 per
      cent of any interest accrued or paid (such amount to be determined on an
      after-tax basis, using a flat tax rate of 32.5%) on any Inter-Group Debt
      incurred in order to finance or refinance



      any Pre-Closing Distributions to any member of the E.ON Group since the
      Effective Date. For the avoidance of doubt, the Post Effective Date
      Inter-Group Interest Portion shall not include any interest accruing in
      respect of the period up to and including the Effective Date.

      interest paid or accruing on any External Debt in respect of the period
      from the Effective Date up to and including the Closing Date or, if
      Closing occurs after September 30, 2000, up to and including September
      30, 2000 (excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, any interest accruing on
      any External Debt in respect of the period up to and including the
      Effective Date);

      "PRE-CLOSING DISTRIBUTIONS" means the aggregate amount of any dividends
      or distributions of any nature whatsoever (whether of cash or assets) in
      respect of any shares of capital stock or shares in the capital of any
      Group Company or any repurchase, redemption, repayment or other
      acquisition by any Group Company of any of its own shares of capital
      stock, issued shares or other securities or withdrawals or repayment of
      capital or partnership interests by any Group Company or transfer of
      profit by any Group Company (other than any of the foregoing to the
      extent it comprises a payment to another Group Company) paid, declared or
      agreed to be paid by any Group Company to any member of the E.ON Group
      from (but excluding) the Effective Date up to and including the Closing
      Date, excluding the dividend of GBP 138 million (paid in cash on July 24,
      2000) relating to the proceeds of the sale of VEBA Electronics US Holding
      GmbH to VEBA Electronics (U.K.) Plc.

      "PRE-CLOSING NON-RECURRING CHARGES" means any charges or liabilities paid
      or incurred by any Group Company to any member of the E.ON Group since
      the Effective Date to and including the Closing Date, except for those
      arising under (i) trading and supply agreements with respect to goods or
      utilities in the ordinary course of business on arm's length terms and
      (ii) the service agreements and other agreements with the E.ON Group,
      which are on arm's length terms and referred to in Exhibit 5.12;

      "UNFUNDED PENSION LIABILITY" is a fixed amount equal to $ 18,600,000;

      in each case (to the extent relevant) as shown on the Effective Date
      Financial Statements and the Effective Date Certificates or the Closing
      Certificates (as the case may be), as determined in accordance with
      Article 3.




      The aggregate purchase price to be paid for the Sold Shares shall be an
      amount equal to

      (i)    $ 2,350,000,000 (in words: US Dollars two billion three hundred
             and fifty million) (the "BASE AMOUNT");

      (ii)   plus an amount equal to the Effective Date Cash;

      (iii)  minus an amount equal to the Effective Date External Debt;

      (iv)   minus an amount equal to the Effective Date Inter-Group Debt;

      (v)    minus an amount (if any) equal to the amount by which the
             Effective Date Working Capital Target Amount exceeds the Effective
             Date Working Capital;

      (vi)   minus an amount equal to the Effective Date Taxation Liability;

      (vii)  minus an amount equal to the Unfunded Pension Liability;

      (viii) minus a fixed amount of $ 25,000,000 (equal to a purchase price
             reduction agreed between the Parties with respect to payment
             obligations of the Group under EPU schemes which may arise as a
             result of the transactions contemplated hereby, obligations which
             may arise in respect of software consultancy fees and the write
             off of aged accounts receivables of Wyle Systems Division);

      (ix)   minus an amount equal to the aggregate of the Post Effective Date
             Inter-Group Interest Portion and the Post Effective Date External
             Interest Portion;

      (x)    minus an amount equal to the aggregate of the Pre-Closing
             Distributions and the Pre-Closing Non-Recurring Charges;

      (xi)   plus an amount equal to 12% of $ 600,000,000 multiplied by the
             number of days from and including October 1, 2000 to, but
             excluding, the Closing Date divided by 365 (the "ADDITIONAL



      The amount of the aggregate purchase price as calculated above is
      referred to as the "FINAL SHARE PURCHASE PRICE".


      The Base Amount and the purchase price for the Sold Shares shall be
      allocated as set out in Exhibit 2.3 (Part I). The Preliminary Share
      Purchase Price, Final Share Purchase Price, Inter-Group Debt, External
      Debt and any adjustments to be made in accordance with Section 2.6 shall
      be determined on a Division by Division basis in accordance with the
      basis of allocation set out in Exhibit 2.3 (Part II). Any downward
      adjustments (including any adjustments as a result of any payments made
      by the Sellers with respect to claims under Articles 7, 8 and 9) to the
      Final Share Purchase Price shall be allocated to the relevant Sold
      Shares, save that the Final Share Purchase Price in respect of the Sold
      Shares of any Group Company shall not be reduced below $ 1 and any excess
      adjustment shall be applied in reducing the allocated amount, in the case
      of the Memec Purchaser, to the shares in Memec Plc, in the case of Avnet
      to the shares in Raab Karcher Elektronik GmbH and EBV-Elektronik GmbH in
      equal proportions and, in the case of Arrow, to the shares of EBV
      Electronic Holdings, Inc. To the extent of any further reduction, the
      Sellers shall procure the capitalisation of an equal amount of Closing
      Date Inter-Group Debt and any shares arising on such capitalisation shall
      be treated as Sold Shares and sold for an aggregate consideration of $ 1.


      (a)    On the Closing Date, the Purchasers shall

             (i)       procure to be paid to the respective members of the E.ON
                       Group by or on behalf of the relevant Group Companies
                       such amounts as are required to satisfy the Inter-Group
                       Debt Closing Condition as referred to in Section 4.2 (a)
                       (v); and

             (ii)      following satisfaction of the Inter-Group Debt Closing
                       Condition, pay to the Sellers an amount equal to an
                       estimate of the Final Share Purchase Price, as
                       determined in accordance with Sections 2.4 (b) or (c)
                       (as the case may be) (the "PRELIMINARY SHARE PURCHASE



             such payments to be made or procured to be made by each of the
             Purchasers in respect of the Divisions to be acquired by it.

      (b)    If the Effective Date Financial Statements and the Effective Date
             Certificates have been finally determined in accordance with
             Article 3 at least ten business days prior to the Closing Date,
             the Preliminary Share Purchase Price shall be equal to

             (i)       the Base Amount,

             (ii)      plus/minus each of the amounts set out in Sections 2.2
                       (ii) to (viii), as adjusted by the Effective Date
                       Financial Statements and Effective Date Certificates,

             (iii)     minus the amount equal to the estimate provided pursuant
                       to Section 2.4 (d) below of the aggregate of the Post
                       Effective Date Inter-Group Interest Portion and the Post
                       Effective Date External Interest Portion (item (ix) of
                       Section 2.2) and the Pre-Closing Distributions and the
                       Pre-Closing Non-Recurring Charges (item (x) of Section
                       2.2); and

             (iv)      plus the Additional Amount (item (xi) of Section 2.2).

      (c)    If the Effective Date Financial Statements have not been finally
             determined in accordance with Article 3 at least ten business days
             prior to the Closing Date, the Preliminary Share Purchase Price
             shall be equal to the amount of the estimate provided pursuant to
             Section 2.4 (d) below.

      (d)    The Sellers shall deliver to the Purchasers their good faith
             estimate of the Preliminary Share Purchase Price, the Estimated
             Closing Inter-Group Debt (as defined in Section 4.2 (a) (v) below)
             and estimates of each of the items specified in (ix) and (x) of
             Section 2.2 not later than ten business days prior to the Closing
             Date. The Preliminary Share Purchase Price and the Estimated
             Closing Date Inter-Group Debt shall be paid, value as of the
             Closing Date, by two separate wire transfers (to be made in the
             order as set out in Section 2.4 (a)) of immediately available
             funds into the bank account no. 3941770 USD with Deutsche Bank AG,
             Dusseldorf, bank identification code (BLZ) 300 700 10, and such



             payments shall fully discharge all obligations of the Purchasers
             under this Section 2.4 and Section 4.2 (a) (v).


      (a)    The Sellers agree, and shall procure that the relevant members of
             the E.ON Group agree, that the payments by or procured by the
             Purchasers under this Article 2 and Section 4.2 (a) (v) shall
             fully satisfy all liabilities of any Group Company in respect of
             the Closing Date Inter-Group Debt and all other liabilities of or
             incurred by any Group Company to any member of the E.ON Group in
             respect of the period up to and including the Closing Date, except
             for trading or supply agreements with respect to goods or
             utilities in the ordinary course of business on arm's length terms
             and the lease agreements referred to in Section 7.13. All
             agreements between any Group Company and any member of the E.ON
             Group (other than trade or supply agreements with respect to goods
             or utilities in the ordinary course of business on arm's length
             terms and the lease agreements referred to in Section 7.13) shall
             terminate on Closing, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the
             relevant Purchaser, and the Purchasers and the Group Companies
             shall have no liability thereunder for amounts payable in respect
             of periods prior to the Closing Date. If required by the
             Purchasers, the Sellers shall procure the delivery to the
             Purchasers of an acknowledgement, discharge and confirmation of
             termination from the relevant member of the E.ON Group in
             accordance with the preceding sentences. Nothing in this Section
             2.5 shall prejudice any claims in respect of the period prior to
             Closing in connection with any insurance arrangements with the
             E.ON Group.

      (b)    The Purchasers agree, and shall procure, that upon payment of the
             Closing Date Inter-Group Debt (as finally determined in accordance
             with Article 3), no member of the E.ON Group shall have any
             liability to any Group Company with respect to any Inter-Group


      (a)    If the Final Share Purchase Price or the actual amount of the
             Closing Date Inter-Group Debt with respect to a Division (as
             determined after the Closing Date in accordance with Article 3
             below) is higher or lower than the Preliminary Share Purchase
             Price or the Estimated Closing Inter-Group Debt paid at Closing,



             Sellers and the relevant Purchaser shall settle, or cause the
             relevant members of the E.ON Group or the relevant Group Companies
             (as the case may be) to settle any differences within ten business
             days after which the Effective Date Financial Statements and the
             Closing Certificates have been finally determined in accordance
             with Article 3, provided that, to the extent relevant, the
             payments to be made pursuant to this Section 2.6 (a) with respect
             to a Division acquired by the relevant Purchaser shall be set-off
             against each other and the balancing payment alone shall be

      (b)    The amount of any payment to be made pursuant to this Section 2.6
             shall bear interest from and including the Closing Date to but
             excluding the date of payment at a rate of 6 per cent per annum.
             Such interest shall be payable at the same time as the payment to
             which it relates and shall be calculated daily on the basis of a
             year of 365 days and the actual number of days elapsed.


      A sample calculation of the Final Share Purchase Price and the aggregate
      amount payable by Purchasers at Closing (including the Closing
      Inter-Group Debt) is attached hereto as Exhibit 2.7.


      Subject to the proviso in Section 2.6 (a) neither the Purchasers nor the
      Sellers shall have any right of set-off or retention right with respect
      to their obligations to pay the purchase price, the Inter-Group Debt or
      any adjustment payment under this Article 2.

                                   ARTICLE 3


      (a)    Sellers shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, and deliver to
             each of Purchasers (i) combined financial statements (comprising a
             balance sheet as at the Effective Date and a profit and loss
             account for the period from and including January 1,



             2000 to the Effective Date) of the Group and of each Division,
             together with an audit report by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP on the
             combined financial statements of the Group and of each Division
             (the "EFFECTIVE DATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS") (provided that the
             costs of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in the preparation and audit
             of all such financial statements (but, for the avoidance of doubt,
             not for the resolution of any disputes) shall be borne as to 50%
             by the Sellers and as to 50% by the Purchasers), and (ii)
             certificates based on such financial statements setting forth
             Sellers' calculation of the Effective Date External Debt, the
             Effective Date Cash, the Effective Date Inter-Group Debt, the
             Effective Date Working Capital and the Effective Date Taxation
             Liability (the "EFFECTIVE DATE CERTIFICATES"), in each case on a
             consolidated basis for the Group and for each Division. Sellers
             shall use their best efforts to ensure that the Effective Date
             Financial Statements and the Effective Date Certificates will be
             delivered to Purchasers by no later than two months after the date

      (b)    The Purchasers shall cause the Companies to prepare and deliver,
             as soon as reasonably practicable, but not later than 60 days
             after Closing, to the Sellers (i) a certificate of the Closing
             Date Inter-Group Debt for the Group and each Division, (ii) a
             certificate of the Pre-Closing Distributions and the Pre-Closing
             Non-Recurring Charges and (iii) a certificate of the Post
             Effective Date Inter-Group Interest Portion and the Post Effective
             Date External Interest Portion for the Group and each Division
             (together the "CLOSING CERTIFICATES").


      The Effective Date Financial Statements and the Closing Certificates
      shall (i) be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
      principles as applied in Germany ("GERMAN GAAP") on a basis consistent
      with those used in the preparation of the 1999 German GAAP Group Balance
      Sheet (as defined in Section 5.4 (a) below) and using the principles set
      forth in Exhibit 3.2, provided that in the event of any inconsistency
      between the provisions of Exhibit 3.2 and the basis applied in the
      preparation of the 1999 German GAAP Group Balance Sheet, the provisions
      of Exhibit 3.2 shall prevail, and (ii) include line items consistent with
      those in the 1999 German GAAP Group Balance Sheet.




      If the Purchasers believe that any item or amount contained in the
      Effective Date Financial Statements or the Effective Date Certificates
      (as delivered by Sellers pursuant to Section 3.1) or Sellers believe that
      any item or amount contained in the Closing Certificates (as delivered by
      Purchasers pursuant to Section 3.1) does not comply with Articles 2 and
      3, the Purchasers or Sellers (as the case may be) may, within 45 days
      after delivery of the relevant documents referred to in Section 3.1,
      deliver a notice to Sellers or Purchasers (as the case may be)
      disagreeing with Sellers' or Purchasers' (as the case may be) calculation
      and setting forth Purchasers' or Sellers' (as the case may be)
      calculation of the relevant items or amounts. Any such notice of
      disagreement shall specify those items or amounts as to which the
      Purchasers or Sellers (as the case may be) disagree, and Purchasers and
      Sellers (as the case may be) shall be deemed to have agreed with all
      other items and amounts contained in the Effective Date Financial
      Statements, the Effective Date Certificates or the Closing Certificates
      (as the case may be).


      If the Purchasers or Sellers (as the case may be) have duly delivered a
      notice of disagreement in accordance with Section 3.3, the Parties shall,
      during the 30 days following such delivery, use their reasonable efforts
      to reach agreement on the disputed items or amounts in order to determine
      the Final Share Purchase Price or the actual amount of the Closing
      Inter-Group Debt. If and to the extent that, at any time after the end of
      such period, the Parties are unable to reach such agreement, any Party
      may refer the remaining differences to an internationally recognized firm
      of international independent public accountants (the "CPA FIRM"). If the
      Parties cannot mutually agree upon the CPA Firm within two weeks after
      any Party has requested its appointment, the CPA Firm shall be appointed,
      upon request of any Party, by the Institute of Chartered Accountants
      (Institut der Wirtschaftsprufer) in Dusseldorf. The CPA Firm shall,
      acting as an expert (Schiedsgutachter) and not as an arbitrator,
      determine on the basis of the standards set forth in Articles 2 and 3,
      and only with respect to the remaining differences submitted to it and
      within the range in dispute between the Parties, whether and to what
      extent the Effective Date Financial Statements, the Effective Date
      Certificates or the Closing Date Certificates (as the case may be)
      require adjustment. The Parties shall instruct the CPA Firm, before
      giving its opinion, to give the Parties a reasonable opportunity to
      present their views and to deliver its written opinion to them no later



      four weeks after the remaining differences are referred to it. The
      decision of the CPA Firm shall be conclusive and binding on the Parties
      (within the limits set forth in Section 319 German Civil Code) and shall
      not be subject to any appeal. The fees and disbursements of the CPA Firm
      shall be borne as to 50 per cent by the Sellers and as to 50 per cent by
      the Purchasers.


      The Purchasers and Sellers agree that they will, and agree to cause their
      respective independent accountants and each Group Company to, cooperate
      and assist in the preparation of the Effective Date Financial Statements,
      Effective Date Certificates or Closing Certificates (as the case may be)
      and in the conduct of the audits and reviews referred to in this Article
      3, including without limitation, the making available to each other and
      the CPA Firm to the extent necessary of books, records, work papers and
      personnel and access, during normal working hours, to the Group's

                                   ARTICLE 4


      The closing of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (the
      "CLOSING") shall take place on the fourteenth business day after the day
      on which the conditions set forth in Section 4.2 (a) (i) below are met,
      subject to the further conditions set forth in Section 4.2 (a) being
      complied with on such day, at 10 a.m. at the offices of Hengeler Mueller
      Weitzel Wirtz in Dusseldorf or at any other time and place as the Parties
      may mutually agree. The date on which the Closing is to be consummated is
      referred to herein as the "CLOSING DATE".


      (a)    Subject to Section 4.4, the obligations of the Purchasers and
             Sellers to consummate the Closing are subject to the satisfaction
             (or, with respect to (iii) below, the waiver by the Purchasers) of
             the following conditions precedent:



             (i)       Subject to Exhibit 4.3, the consummation of the
                       transaction contemplated hereby shall be permitted
                       pursuant to applicable merger control laws in the United
                       States of America and clearance in respect of such
                       consummation shall have been obtained pursuant to
                       applicable merger control laws in all relevant
                       jurisdictions within the European Union (including
                       pursuant to the EU Merger Regulation) (or any applicable
                       waiting periods in the relevant jurisdictions referred
                       to above shall have expired with the effect that the
                       transaction may be consummated without violation of
                       applicable merger control laws in any such
                       jurisdiction); and

                       (A)   in the case of the Divisions to be acquired by
                             Arrow, the information as set forth in Exhibit 5.3
                             shall be accurate (save where any inaccuracy in
                             such information would not result in any approvals
                             being required under merger control laws in Canada
                             or Mexico); and

                       (B)   in the case of the Divisions to be acquired by
                             Avnet, (x) approvals of the consummation of the
                             acquisitions by Avnet shall have been obtained (or
                             applicable waiting periods have expired, as
                             referred to above) under such merger control laws
                             in the relevant jurisdictions in the European
                             Union (including pursuant to the EU Merger
                             Regulation) without the requirement for any
                             Resolutions (as defined in Exhibit 4.3) being
                             given by Avnet (or any of its subsidiaries,
                             together with Avnet the "AVNET GROUP"), the
                             Divisions to be acquired by Avnet or the Sellers,
                             or (y) the outstanding approvals under applicable
                             merger control laws in jurisdictions other than in
                             the European Union (and other than pursuant to the
                             EU Merger Regulation) may reasonably be
                             anticipated to be forthcoming without Resolutions
                             being given which, when taken together with any
                             Resolutions already given by the Avnet Group, the
                             Divisions to be acquired by Avnet or the Sellers,
                             would have a Material Adverse Effect (as defined
                             in Exhibit 4.3) or require the Avnet Group
                             (including the Divisions to be acquired by Avnet)
                             to incur out-of-pocket costs or expenses equal to
                             or exceeding $ 75 million in the aggregate.



                       The conditions precedent in this subsection (i) will not
                       be satisfied unless satisfied with respect to at least
                       two Purchasers. If the conditions precedent contained in
                       this subsection (i) are satisfied with respect to the
                       Divisions to be acquired by two Purchasers, subject to
                       the satisfaction of all other conditions set out in this
                       Section 4.2 (a) applicable to such Purchasers, the
                       Closing shall be completed with respect to such
                       Purchasers in accordance with Section 4.5.

             (ii)      No enforceable judgement, injunction, order or decree
                       (an "INJUNCTION") has been issued, made or entered into
                       by any court or governmental authority in any
                       jurisdiction which prohibits the consummation of the
                       Closing, provided that, (A) if any Injunction affects
                       the ability of a Purchaser to close with respect to a
                       portion of any of the Divisions to be acquired by such
                       Purchaser but would not have a Material Adverse Effect
                       (as defined in the introductory part of Section 5) on
                       that Division, then the Closing shall be completed by
                       the Sellers and such Purchaser with respect to all
                       portions of those Divisions that can be completed
                       without violating the Injunction and (B) if any
                       Injunction affects the ability to close with respect to
                       only one Purchaser, but no Injunction affects the
                       ability to close with respect to the other Purchasers,
                       the Parties agree, subject to satisfaction of all other
                       conditions set out in this Section 4.2 (a) applicable to
                       such Purchasers, to complete the Closing with respect to
                       the two Purchasers that can be completed in accordance
                       with Section 4.5. In such event, the relevant Parties
                       agree to use their reasonable efforts to have such
                       Injunction overturned or otherwise resolved so that the
                       Closing can be completed with respect to the Division
                       (or any portion of a Division) that has not been

             (iii)     The representations and warranties (except for the
                       representation and warranty in Section 5.3 (b), second
                       sentence, in respect of which subsection (i) (A)
                       applies), covenants and other obligations of the Sellers
                       contained in this Agreement shall, from and including
                       the date hereof to the Closing Date, not be breached in
                       a manner which would reasonably be expected to result in
                       indemnification claims by the Purchasers under this
                       Agreement in an aggregate amount of more than $ 300
                       million (before taking account of any limitations under
                       Article 8). For the avoidance of



                       doubt, Closing shall in no way prejudice any Party's
                       ability to make any claim for breach of this Agreement.

             (iv)      The facilities to be provided pursuant to the terms of
                       the committed facility agreements referred to in Part
                       (A) of Exhibit 4.2 ("COMMITTED FACILITIES") shall have
                       become unconditionally available for draw down in
                       accordance with the relevant terms of such agreements
                       (as attached hereto as Part (B) of Exhibit 4.2) by Memec
                       Purchaser and/or the relevant Group Companies, provided
                       that, if this condition precedent is not satisfied on
                       the day when all conditions set out in this Section 4.2
                       (a) have been satisfied (A) with respect to Avnet and
                       Arrow, then the Closing shall be completed with respect
                       to Avnet and Arrow in accordance with Section 4.5, or
                       (B) with respect to only either Avnet or Arrow, then the
                       Sellers may choose, at their discretion, to complete the
                       Closing with respect to Arrow or Avnet (as the case may
                       be) or not to complete the Closing unless and until the
                       closing conditions with respect to at least two
                       Purchasers have been satisfied. In the event that the
                       Sellers choose to complete the Closing with respect to
                       only one Purchaser (Arrow or Avnet), such Closing shall
                       be conditional upon the Purchasers (other than Memec
                       Purchaser and any Purchaser in respect of which this
                       Agreement has been terminated in accordance with Article
                       10) and the Sellers having agreed mutually acceptable
                       Transitional and Separation Arrangements (as defined in
                       Section 4.5 (e) below) without referral to the Expert.

              (v)      Each Purchaser shall have procured payment to the
                       respective members of the E.ON Group of an amount equal
                       to the Estimated Closing Date Inter-Group Debt in
                       respect of the Divisions to be acquired by it. The
                       condition set out in this subsection (a) (v) is referred
                       to herein as the "INTER-GROUP DEBT CLOSING CONDITION".

      (b)    In connection with the condition set out in Section 4.2 (a) (iv),
             Memec Purchaser undertakes:

             (i)       to use all reasonable endeavours to satisfy any
                       conditions precedent to draw down under the Committed
                       Facilities to the extent such matters are within the
                       reasonable control of it or its subsidiaries, and



             (ii)      to enforce its right under the Committed Facilities to
                       draw down the funds available thereunder.


      (a)    Each of the Sellers and the Purchasers agree, as soon as
             practicable after the date of this Agreement, to make all
             appropriate filings under any applicable merger control laws in
             the European Union (including under the EU Merger Regulation) and
             any other applicable antitrust laws in any other jurisdictions
             (for the avoidance of doubt not including Canada or Mexico) and to
             file a Notification and Report Form pursuant to the United States
             Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended
             (the "HSR ACT") with respect to the transactions contemplated
             hereby. The HSR Act and the applicable merger control and
             antitrust laws in the European Union and any other jurisdiction as
             referred to in the preceding sentence are referred to herein as
             the "ANTITRUST LAWS". Each of the Sellers and each relevant
             Purchaser agrees to supply to any relevant competent authorities
             as promptly as practicable any additional information and
             documentary material that may be requested pursuant to any
             Antitrust Laws and (subject to Exhibit 4.3) to take all other
             actions necessary to obtain all requisite approvals and
             authorizations and to cause the expiration or termination of the
             applicable waiting periods (or similar requirements) under such
             laws as soon as practicable.

      (b)    Subject to Exhibit 4.3 in order to obtain all requisite approvals
             and authorisations for the transactions contemplated by this
             Agreement under the merger control laws in the European Union, the
             HSR Act and any other Antitrust Law, the relevant Purchaser and
             the Sellers shall (i) co-operate in all respects with each other
             in connection with any filing or submission and in connection with
             any investigation or other inquiry, including any proceeding
             initiated by a private party, (ii) keep the Sellers or relevant
             Purchaser (as the case may be) informed in all material respects
             of any material communication received by such party from, or
             given by such party to, any relevant competent authorities and of
             any material communication received or given in connection with
             any proceeding by a private party, in each case regarding any of
             the transactions contemplated hereby and (iii) permit the Sellers
             or relevant Purchaser (as the case may be) a reasonable
             opportunity to be consulted in advance of any meeting or
             conference with any such competent authority or in connection with
             any proceeding by a private party.



      (c)    If any objections are asserted with respect to the transactions
             contemplated hereby under any Antitrust Law or if any suit is
             instituted by any competent authority (including the European
             Commission) or any private party challenging any of the
             transactions contemplated hereby as violative of any Antitrust
             Law, then, subject to Exhibit 4.3, the relevant Purchaser and the
             Sellers shall be obligated to (i) take all necessary steps to
             resolve such objections or challenge as such competent authority
             or private party may have to such transactions under such
             Antitrust Law so as to permit consummation of the transactions
             contemplated by this Agreement and (ii) pursue a resolution with
             any competent authority and, if acceptable to any competent
             authority, enter into a settlement, consent, decree or other
             agreement with such competent authority necessary to permit the
             transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

      (d)    If a competent authority decides to deny its approval, as required
             under any applicable Antitrust Law, of the transactions
             contemplated hereby or any administrative or judicial action or
             proceeding, including any proceeding by a private party, is
             instituted (or threatened to be instituted) challenging any
             transaction contemplated by this Agreement as violative of any
             Antitrust Law, (subject to Exhibit 4.3) the relevant Purchaser and
             the Sellers shall co-operate in all respects with each other and
             shall contest any such decision, action or proceeding and take all
             necessary steps to have vacated, lifted, reversed or overturned
             any decree, judgement, injunction or other order, whether
             temporary, preliminary or permanent, that is in effect and that
             prohibits, prevents or restricts consummation of the transactions
             contemplated by this Agreement under any applicable Antitrust Law,
             including, without limitation, defending in litigation on the
             merits any claim asserted in any court through a final and
             non-appealable judgement.

      (e)    If the failure to satisfy the requirements of any Antitrust Law in
             any jurisdiction, other than in any jurisdiction within the
             European Union (including pursuant to the EU Merger Regulation) or
             the United States of America, prevents the Closing in respect of
             the shares in any Group Company, then (in the case of Arrow
             subject to the closing condition in Section 4.2 (a) (i) (A)) the
             relevant Purchaser and the Sellers shall be obliged to comply with
             their respective obligations on Closing (save to the extent that
             such obligations relate to the acquisition of such shares), and
             the Purchasers' obligations to pay the full purchase price for the



             portions of the Group acquired by each of them at Closing shall
             not be affected thereby, provided that Closing on such basis does
             not violate any Antitrust Laws. The relevant Parties shall
             endeavour to agree, upon request of any of them, on any
             appropriate action or suitable amendment to this Agreement in
             order to ensure, as far as practicable, that the Closing does not
             so violate any Antitrust Laws. Following Closing, the relevant
             Purchaser and the Sellers shall endeavour to obtain any necessary
             approval in respect of Antitrust Laws to enable the relevant
             shares to be transferred to the relevant Purchaser without payment
             of any further consideration and as soon as such approval is
             available the Sellers shall complete such transfer. Pending
             completion of such transfer the relevant Purchaser and the Sellers
             shall enter into such arrangements (subject to compliance with
             Antitrust Laws) as give commercial effect to the intent of the
             Parties to close the sales of each Group Company to be purchased
             by a Purchaser simultaneously. If the approval is not obtained
             within six months after Closing with the relevant Purchaser, the
             Sellers shall procure the sale of the relevant business or shares
             (after consultation with the relevant Purchaser) and shall pay to
             the relevant Purchaser any proceeds of sale, net of any taxes and
             reasonable expenses.

      (f)    If (a) either Arrow or Avnet are unable to complete the
             acquisition of the relevant Group Companies to be purchased by
             them as a result of the conditions in Section 4.2 (a) (i) not
             having been satisfied by February 28, 2001 but (b) the acquisition
             by the other Purchasers (including Memec Purchaser) of the Group
             Companies to be purchased by them shall close on or prior to such
             date and (c) either Arrow or Avnet (as the case may be) terminate
             this Agreement in respect of either Arrow or Avnet (as the case
             may be) in accordance with Article 10 as a result of such failure
             of the conditions in Article 4.2 (a) or the Sellers terminate this
             Agreement after May 15, 2001 in respect of either Arrow or Avnet
             (as the case may be) in accordance with Article 10 as a result of
             such failure, (i) each Purchaser that is unable to complete the
             acquisition shall pay to the Sellers an amount of $ 25 million in
             aggregate as a fee for such termination and each Purchaser that is
             able to complete the acquisition of the relevant Group Companies
             shall, on Closing of such acquisition or, if Closing has already
             occurred, within five business days of being notified in writing,
             pay an additional amount of $ 25 million by way of increase in the
             Final Share Purchase Price, which shall be allocated, in the case
             of Memec Purchaser, to the shares in Memec



             LLC, in the case of Avnet, to the shares in EBV-Elektronik GmbH,
             and in the case of Arrow, to the shares in EBV Electronic Holdings
             Inc. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, the
             payments by each Purchaser under this paragraph (f) shall be in
             full and final discharge of all liabilities of it in respect of
             its obligations under this Article 4.3 and all obligations of such
             Purchaser under or in respect of Article 4.3 shall cease upon
             termination of this Agreement in respect of such Purchaser in
             accordance with Article 10. This paragraph (f) shall not apply if
             both Arrow and Avnet are unable to complete the acquisitions
             contemplated hereby as a result of the failure to satisfy the
             conditions in Section 4.2 (a) (i) on or before the date specified
             in Section 10.1 (e), but in this case Purchasers or Sellers may
             terminate this Agreement in its entirety in accordance with that


      (a)    On the Closing Date, the Parties shall take, or cause to be taken,
             the actions set out in Exhibit 4.4, which shall be taken

      (b)    No Purchaser and no Seller shall be obliged to close this
             Agreement unless:

             (i)       Sellers and the relevant Purchaser comply with all their
                       obligations under Section 4.4 in respect of the
                       Divisions to be acquired by that Purchaser (provided
                       that, if two Purchasers do not comply with such
                       obligations, Sellers may, at their discretion, decide
                       not to close this Agreement in its entirety); and

             (ii)      subject to Sections 4.2 (a) (ii) (A) and 4.3 (e), the
                       purchase of all the Sold Shares in respect of the
                       Divisions to be acquired by that Purchaser is completed

             provided that no Seller or Purchaser shall be entitled to rely on
             its own default under Section 4.4 in order to avoid its obligation
             to close this Agreement.


      If, pursuant to Sections 4.1 and 4.2, the Closing is completed with only
      two Purchasers ("CLOSING I"), the following shall apply:



      (a)    Sections 4.1 and 4.4 shall only apply to such Purchasers (the
             "COMPLETING PURCHASERS") and not to the Purchaser who is unable to
             complete (the "NON-COMPLETING PURCHASER") until the conditions set
             out in Section 4.2 are satisfied with respect to such
             non-completing Purchaser (subject to Article 10).

      (b)    Amounts to be paid in accordance with Article 2 shall be
             determined in respect of the Divisions to be acquired by each
             Completing Purchaser (and, in the event that there is a subsequent
             Closing in relation to the Non-Completing Purchaser ("CLOSING
             II"), the Non-Completing Purchaser) on the basis of the allocation
             set out in Exhibit 2.3 (Part II). In respect of the Divisions to
             be acquired by the Completing Purchasers, the Additional Amount
             payable (if any) shall be calculated up to, but excluding, the
             date of Closing I on the basis of an amount of $200,000,000 for
             each Completing Purchaser. In respect of the Non-Completing
             Purchaser, the Additional Amount payable (if any) in respect of
             the Divisions to be acquired by it shall be calculated up to, but
             excluding, the date of Closing II on the basis of an amount of

      (c)    The Final Share Purchase Price for the Sold Shares transferred to
             the Completing Purchasers (and the Non-Completing Purchaser at
             Closing II, if any) and the Closing Date Inter-Group Debt in
             respect of the Divisions acquired by the Completing Purchasers
             (and the Non-Completing Purchaser at Closing II, if any) shall be
             determined on the basis of the Effective Date Financial Statements
             and the Effective Date Certificates (to be prepared in respect of
             the Group and all Divisions, as contemplated by Article 3) and the
             Closing Date Certificates (to be prepared in respect of the
             Divisions acquired by the Completing Purchasers or, in respect of
             Closing II, the Non-Completing Purchaser). For the avoidance of
             doubt, where relevant, the adjustments shall be determined from
             the Effective Date Financial Statements in respect of the Group as
             indicated in Exhibit 2.3 (Part II).

      (d)    Where the context so requires, references to the "Group" shall be
             deemed to be made to the Divisions to be transferred to the
             relevant Purchasers, and the other Divisions in respect of which
             this Agreement has been terminated shall be deemed to be part of
             the E.ON Group. Any reference to a time period determined by
             reference to "Closing" shall be determined by reference to Closing
             I or Closing II as the case may be.



      (e)    In accordance with paragraph (f) below, the Purchasers and the
             Sellers shall enter into mutually acceptable arrangements (the
             "TRANSITIONAL AND SEPARATION ARRANGEMENTS") on arm's length terms
             with respect to:

             (i)       the transitional arrangements to apply in the period
                       between Closing I and the first to occur of Closing II
                       and the termination of this Agreement pursuant to
                       Article 10 in respect of the Non-Completing Purchaser
                       with respect to the ongoing relationship between the
                       Divisions transferred to the Completing Purchasers at
                       Closing I and the other Divisions to be acquired by the
                       Non-Completing Purchaser; and

             (ii)      the arrangements (including appropriate service and
                       separation arrangements) to be put in place between the
                       E.ON Group (in this case including the Divisions
                       retained by the Sellers) and the Completing Purchasers
                       in the event that any of the conditions to Closing set
                       out in Section 4.2 is not satisfied with respect to the
                       Non-Completing Purchaser and this Agreement is
                       terminated by or in respect of such Non-Completing
                       Purchaser in accordance with Article 10.

      (f)    The Purchasers shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after the
             date hereof, prepare a proposal for the Transitional and
             Separation Arrangements based (with any adjustments deemed
             appropriate by the Purchasers) on the principles negotiated and
             agreed among the Purchasers in respect of the separation of the
             Group by the Purchasers after the Closing. As soon as there is
             reasonable evidence that the Closing may not be completed in
             respect of all three Purchasers simultaneously, Purchasers shall
             deliver that proposal to the Sellers, and the Parties shall
             negotiate in good faith to finalise the Transitional and
             Separation Arrangements on arm's length terms and using the
             Purchasers' proposal as a basis for such negotiations. The Parties
             shall use all reasonable endeavours to finalise such negotiations
             within one month after Closing I has been completed. If the
             Transitional and Separation Arrangements have not been finally
             agreed within such one month period, the Sellers or the Purchasers
             may each refer the remaining differences to an expert arbitrator
             (the "EXPERT"). The Expert shall (unless otherwise agreed between
             the Parties) be a recently retired person who held a senior
             position in the electronics distribution industry. If the Parties
             cannot mutually agree upon the Expert within such one month
             period, the Expert shall be



             appointed, upon request of any Party, by the Chamber of Commerce
             in Frankfurt am Main. The Expert shall first seek to resolve the
             remaining differences with the Parties by way of mediation and, if
             no mutually acceptable agreement can be reached within a
             reasonable time (not to exceed four weeks), determine the
             outstanding terms and conditions of the Transitional and
             Separation Arrangements as an expert arbitrator
             (Schiedsgutachter). The Expert shall decide at its equitable
             discretion, on the basis of arm's length principles, but within
             the range of the proposals made by the Parties. The terms and
             conditions as agreed between the Parties or determined by the
             Expert shall apply with retroactive effect as of Closing I or
             Closing II (as the case may be). The last three sentences of
             Section 3.4 and the provisions contained in Section 3.5 shall
             apply with the necessary changes, provided that the four week
             period referred to in Section 3.4 shall not begin until the
             mediation as referred to above has failed.

      (g)    Where this Section 4.5 applies, references in this Agreement to
             "Purchasers" shall be construed as a reference to all the
             Purchasers, the Completing Purchasers or the Non-Completing
             Purchasers and any reference to "Closing" shall be construed as a
             reference to Closing I or Closing II, in each case as the context

                                   ARTICLE 5

The Sellers represent and warrant to each of the Purchasers (and any company
nominated by the relevant Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.1(d)) by way of an
independent guarantee (selbstandiges Garantieversprechen) that, except as set
forth in the disclosure letter attached hereto as Exhibit 5 (a) or in any other
exhibits referred to in this Article 5 (and, in each case, disclosed in respect
of a specific statement set forth in this Article 5 or to the extent it is
reasonably clear that the disclosure is also relevant for any other statement
set forth in this Article 5), the statements set forth in this Article 5 are
true and correct as of the date hereof and will be true and correct as of the
Closing Date, provided, however, that (i) representations and warranties which
are subject to the Sellers' knowledge shall only be true and correct as of the
date hereof and (ii) representations and warranties which are expressly made as
of a specific date shall be true and correct only as of such date. Each
Warranty is to be construed independently and (except where this Agreement
provides otherwise) is not limited by a provision of this Agreement or another
representation and warranty. Except as set forth in Section 8.1 (g), none of



the representations and warranties shall be treated as qualified by any actual
or constructive knowledge on the part of any Purchaser or any of their agents.

References in this Article 5 to the Sellers' knowledge or awareness are to the
actual knowledge, as of the date hereof, of the persons listed in Exhibit 5
(b), after inquiry with the persons listed in Exhibit 5 (c).

The Sellers covenant that they shall as soon as reasonably practicable inform
the Purchasers of any breach of the representations and warranties of which any
person listed in Exhibit 5 (b) becomes aware in the period between the date
hereof and the Closing Date (provided that they shall have no obligation to
make any inquiry with the Companies' and Subsidiaries' management during that

For the purpose of this Agreement (other than Exhibit 4.3), "MATERIAL ADVERSE
EFFECT" means any change or effect that is materially adverse to the financial
condition, results of operations or business operations of a Division, taken as
a whole.


      (a)    Except as disclosed in Exhibits R-1 and R-2, each Seller, each
             Company and each Subsidiary is a corporation, limited liability
             company or partnership (in each case, as indicated in Exhibits R-1
             and R-2), duly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing
             under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation and has all
             corporate powers to carry on its business as now conducted.

      (b)    All Companies and Subsidiaries and their respective jurisdictions
             of incorporation are identified in Exhibit R-2 and no company of
             the Group holds any interests in any company or entity other than
             as set forth in Exhibit R-2.

      (c)    Except as set forth in Exhibit 5.1 (c), none of the Companies or
             Subsidiaries is a party to any agreement which would permit any
             third party (other than the Companies or Subsidiaries) to control
             such Company or Subsidiary or obligate it to transfer its profits
             or (other than as a result of transactions within the ordinary
             course of its business) any part of its assets to any such third

      (d)    Exhibit 5.1 (d) contains a true and correct list of the articles
             of association, by-laws or similar organisational documents of the
             Companies as presently in effect.



             True and complete copies of such documents have been delivered to
             the Purchasers prior to the execution of this Agreement.


      (a)    The ownership of the shares and interests in the Companies and the
             Subsidiaries is set forth in the Recitals and in Exhibits R-1 and
             R-2. The Sold Shares and the shares or interests in the
             Subsidiaries (to the extent such shares or interests are
             indirectly sold under this Agreement) are free and clear of any
             liens, encumbrances or other rights of third parties, and there
             are no pre-emptive rights, rights of first refusal, options or
             other rights of any third party (other than any Company or
             Subsidiary) to purchase or acquire any of the Sold Shares, except
             as disclosed in Exhibit 5.2 (a). Except as otherwise set forth in
             Exhibits R-1 or R-2, the Sold Shares and the shares in the other
             Companies and Subsidiaries set out in such exhibits represent all
             of the issued share capital of the respective Companies and
             Subsidiaries, and no options or rights to acquire or subscribe to
             any additional shares or convertible securities in respect of
             shares of any Company or Subsidiary have been granted to, or
             otherwise agreed with, any third party (other than any Company or

      (b)    The Sold Shares are duly authorized, validly issued and are fully
             paid. The Sold Shares are non-assessable (i.e. there is no
             shareholder obligation to make an additional capital

      (c)    Except as expressly otherwise indicated in Exhibit R-2, the
             minority shareholdings in the Companies and Subsidiaries as
             referred to in Exhibit R-2 are owned, or will be owned at the
             Closing Date, by directors, officers or employees of the Group as
             set forth in Exhibit R-2 (or any other persons agreed with the
             relevant Purchaser) for the account of the relevant majority
             shareholder of such Companies and Subsidiaries, in order to comply
             with requirements of local corporate law.


      (a)    The execution, delivery and performance by each Seller and by E.ON
             AG of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions
             contemplated hereby are within each Seller's and E.ON AG's
             corporate powers and have been duly



             authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of each
             Seller and of E.ON AG. This Agreement constitutes a valid and
             binding agreement of each Seller and E.ON AG and is enforceable by
             each Purchaser, assuming that it has been validly executed on
             behalf of such Purchaser.

      (b)    The execution, delivery and performance by each Seller and by E.ON
             AG of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions
             contemplated hereby require no action by any Seller or E.ON AG in
             respect of, or filing by any Seller or E.ON AG with, any
             governmental body, agency or official other than the compliance
             with any applicable requirements under merger control laws as set
             forth in Sections 4.2 and 4.3. With respect to Canada and Mexico,
             the financial information relating to the Divisions to be acquired
             by Arrow and contained in Exhibit 5.3 is accurate (provided that
             this representation is only given for the purposes of Purchasers'
             evaluation of any antitrust requirements in those countries).

      (c)    The execution, delivery and performance by each Seller and by E.ON
             AG of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions
             contemplated hereby do not and will not:

             (i)       violate the certificate of incorporation or bylaws of
                       any Seller, Company, Subsidiary or E.ON AG,

             (ii)      assuming compliance with any applicable merger control
                       laws, violate any applicable law, rule, regulation,
                       judgement, injunction, order or decree to which a Seller
                       or E.ON AG is subject,

             (iii)     require any consent or other action by any third party
                       or constitute a default under any agreement or other
                       instrument binding upon any Seller or E.ON AG, or

             (iv)      require, as at the date hereof, any filing or
                       consultation with or consent from any works council,
                       economic committee, trade union or employee
                       representative or body.



      (a)    Exhibit 5.4 (a) contains the combined (German GAAP) balance sheet
             of the Group as of December 31, 1999 (the "1999 GERMAN GAAP GROUP
             BALANCE SHEET"). Except as disclosed in Exhibit 5.4 (a), the 1999
             German GAAP Group Balance Sheet has been prepared in accordance
             with German GAAP, as interpreted by the VEBA accounting standards
             and the principles set forth in Exhibit 3.2, applied on a
             consistent basis, and fairly presents, in accordance with the
             above policies and principles, in all material respects the
             combined financial position of the Group as at December 31, 1999.

      (b)    Exhibit 5.4 (b) contains the combined (US GAAP) financial
             statements (including notes thereto) of the Group as of and for
             the financial years ended December 31, 1998 and 1999
             (collectively, the "1998 AND 1999 US GAAP GROUP FINANCIAL
             STATEMENTS") together with the audit reports by
             PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP on such financial statements. Except as
             disclosed in Exhibit 5.4 (b), the 1998 and 1999 US GAAP Group
             Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with US GAAP
             and the principles set forth in Exhibit 3.2, applied on a
             consistent basis, and fairly present, in accordance with the above
             policies and principles, in all material respects the combined
             financial condition and the results of the combined operations of
             the Group as at and in respect of the financial periods ending on
             December 31, 1998 and 1999.

      (c)    To the Sellers' knowledge, the (unaudited) combined accounts of
             the Group consisting of a balance sheet and income statement as at
             and for the period from January 1, 2000 to March 31, 2000 as
             contained in Exhibit 5.4 (c) (the "MARCH 2000 GROUP ACCOUNTS")
             have been prepared in accordance with German GAAP, as interpreted
             by VEBA accounting standards, and fairly present, in accordance
             with the above policies and principles, in all material respects
             the financial position and results of operations of the Group in
             respect of the financial period from January 1, 2000 to March 31,

      (d)    The divisional accounts as of March 31, 2000, consisting of a
             balance sheet for each Division, as set out in Exhibit 5.4 (d)
             (the "MARCH 2000 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTS"), are neither reviewed nor
             audited and were not prepared by management for audit purposes.
             They were derived from the March 2000 Group Accounts in order to
             show the allocation to the Divisions. The Sellers are not



             aware that there are any material misstatements in the March 2000
             Divisional Accounts.

      (e)    Except as disclosed in Exhibit 5.4 (e), none of the Sellers is
             aware of any facts which would require a material change to the
             1999 German GAAP Group Balance Sheet, the 1998 and 1999 US GAAP
             Group Financial Statements, the March 2000 Group Accounts or the
             March 2000 Divisional Accounts if such facts had been known at the
             time when any of such financial statements (as appropriate) were


      (a)    The Companies and the Subsidiaries have good title to, or in the
             case of leased or licensed property and assets have valid
             leasehold interests or licenses in, or otherwise legally possess,
             hold, or have a legal right to use, all property and assets
             (whether real, personal, tangible or intangible) reflected on the
             1999 US GAAP Group Financial Statements and all property and
             assets acquired after December 31, 1999 or otherwise in use by the
             Companies and Subsidiaries, except, in each case, for (i)
             properties and assets disposed of since December 31, 1999 in the
             ordinary course of business consistent with past practices and
             (ii) any assets (other than those owned by VEBA Electronics LLC
             and sold to Arrow pursuant to Section 1.1 (b) of this Agreement)
             which are owned by any member of the E.ON Group. Each Division
             owns, leases, licences or otherwise legally possesses, holds or
             has a legal right to use, all fixed or current assets necessary
             for the conduct of its business as carried on at the date hereof,
             save to the extent that any other Division owns, leases, licences
             or otherwise legally possesses, holds or has a legal right to use,
             any such assets and provided that this representation shall not
             extend to the adequacy of the level of the current assets or
             working capital.

      (b)    The (fixed and current) assets owned by the Companies and
             Subsidiaries as referred in Section 5.5 (a) are not encumbered
             with any liens, pledges or other rights or encumbrances in favour
             of any third party, except for (i) retention of title rights (or
             equivalent rights in any jurisdiction) in favour of any supplier
             arising in connection with the supply of goods to a Company or
             Subsidiary by that person or any of its affiliates, (ii) liens,
             pledges or other security rights in favour of a mechanic, workman,
             carrier or the like arising by operation of law or in the



             ordinary course of business in respect of assets in the possession
             of such person, (iii) security rights of any kind granted to banks
             and other financial institutions over cash deposited with such
             banks and financial institutions in respect of financial debt
             shown in the Effective Date Financial Statements, (iv) statutory
             liens and other statutory security rights in favour of tax
             authorities or other governmental entities in respect of taxes and
             other public charges which have not become due and payable and
             which do not impair any Division's ability to conduct its business
             as currently conducted, (v) customary easements and similar rights
             in real property which do not impair any Division's ability to
             conduct its business as presently conducted and (vi) the rights
             and encumbrances listed in Exhibit 5.5 (b).

      (c)    All inventories maintained by the Companies and Subsidiaries as of
             the date hereof have been acquired or manufactured in the ordinary
             course of business, consistent with past practice.

      (d)    Any trade accounts receivable arising since the Effective Date
             have arisen as a result of sales or services made in the ordinary
             course of business of the Divisions.

      (e)    Except as disclosed in Exhibit 5.12, no Company or Subsidiary uses
             any material asset owned by the E.ON Group for the conduct of its

      (f)    The real properties of which particulars appear in Exhibit 5.5 (f)
             (the "PROPERTIES") are the only real properties owned, controlled,
             used or occupied by the Companies and the Subsidiaries and which
             are either (i) freehold or (ii) leasehold with annual lease
             obligations of more than $ 100,000 (in respect of each lease). The
             relevant Company or Subsidiary specified in Exhibit 5.5 (f) is the
             legal and beneficial owner of each freehold Property or has a
             valid and enforceable lease in respect of each leasehold Property
             and, in either case, is in exclusive occupation of each Property.
             In respect of each of the Properties which are freehold, the
             relevant Company or Subsidiary has a good and marketable title to
             each Property free from encumbrances (other than those permitted
             under Section 5.5 (b) (iv) and (v) or disclosed in Exhibit 5.5
             (b)) or third party rights of any kind whatsoever.



      (g)    There is no covenant, restriction, burden, stipulation or
             obligation affecting, in a material manner, the current use of any
             Property by the relevant Group Company. No Group Company is in
             material breach of any covenant, restriction, stipulation or
             obligation affecting the use of any Property or the value of the
             freehold. In the case of any outstanding leasehold interest in
             respect of any Property, the rent in respect of such leasehold
             Property has been paid up to date when due.

      (h)    There are no disputes to which any Group Company is a party
             regarding boundaries, easements, covenants or other matters
             relating to any Property or its use.

      (i)    To the Sellers' knowledge, the current use of each Property is, in
             all material respects, the lawful use under the planning or zoning
             law applicable and the permissions authorising that use are
             unconditional and permanent.

      (j)    The relevant Company or Subsidiary has not received any notice or
             order affecting any Property from any Government department, any
             authority or any third party and is not aware of any proposals on
             the part of any Government department or any authority which would
             in either such case adversely affect the use of the Property or
             the value of the freehold or (if any) leasehold interest in
             respect of any Property.

      (k)    No Company or Subsidiary has sold, assigned, surrendered or
             transferred any property in respect of which it entered into any
             covenant which continues to bind it without having received a full
             and effective release or indemnity in respect of its liability
             under that covenant, nor is there any subsisting contractual
             liability under any provision of any legal agreement in respect of
             any property formerly owned or occupied by it.


      (a)    Exhibit 5.6 (a) contains a list of (i) all intellectual property
             rights owned or licensed and used or held for use by any Company
             or Subsidiary and registered in favour of or filed for
             registration by any Company or Subsidiary which constitute all
             such registered rights necessary for the conduct of the business
             as carried on by the Companies and the Subsidiaries and (ii) all
             unregistered intellectual property rights (including, without
             limitation, internet domain names, but



             excluding the names VEBA and Raab Karcher and licences of, and
             similar rights in, application software and know-how) owned or
             licensed and used or held for use by any Company or Subsidiary and
             which constitute all such rights which are material to the conduct
             of the business as carried on by the Companies and the
             Subsidiaries (together, the "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS"),
             specifying as to each, as applicable: (i) the nature of such
             Intellectual Property Right, (ii) the registered or beneficial
             owner or applicant for registration of such Intellectual Property
             Right and (iii) the jurisdictions in which such Intellectual
             Property Right has been registered or in which an application for
             such issuance or registration has been filed and the registration
             or application numbers. Each Group Company has all necessary
             know-how to carry on its business as carried on at the date

             Except as disclosed in Exhibit 5.6 (a), the Group Companies have
             done everything necessary to validly make or maintain all
             registrations with and applications to governmental or regulatory
             authorities in respect of the registered Intellectual Property

      (b)    No Intellectual Property Right is subject to any outstanding
             judgement, injunction, order, decree or agreement restricting the
             use thereof by the Group or restricting the licensing thereof by
             the Group to any third party.

      (c)    To the Sellers' knowledge, the Companies and Subsidiaries do not
             currently infringe and have not at any time during the period of
             three years prior to the date of this Agreement infringed any
             intellectual property rights of any third party.

      (d)    To the Sellers' knowledge, there is not, and there has not been at
             any time during the period of three years prior to the date of
             this Agreement, an infringement or unauthorised use of any of the
             Intellectual Property Rights.

      (e)    Except as disclosed in Exhibit 5.6 (a), no Company or Subsidiary
             has granted nor is obliged to grant a licence, assignment,
             consent, undertaking, security interest or other right in respect
             of any of the Intellectual Property Rights.

      (f)    Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary is, or has received any
             notice that it is in default (or with the giving of notice or
             lapse of time or both, would be in default) under any agreement to
             use the Intellectual Property Rights.




      (a)    Each of the Companies and Subsidiaries has all governmental and
             other legally required permits, licenses, authorizations and
             consents which are required by it in order to operate its business
             and are material for the conduct of the business of the relevant
             Division (the "PERMITS"). No Permit has been revoked from any
             Company or Subsidiary and the Sellers are not aware of any facts
             which may result in the cancellation or revocation of any Permit.

      (b)    The business of each of the Companies and Subsidiaries is, and
             within a period of three years prior to the date hereof has been,
             conducted in all material respects in compliance with all
             applicable laws, regulations, rules or orders of government
             entities or public authorities ("APPLICABLE LAWS") and all Permits
             in each jurisdiction in the European Union and the United States
             of America and, to the Sellers' knowledge, in any other
             jurisdiction in which the Group operates or has operated. No
             Company or Subsidiary has received notice of any failure to comply
             with any Applicable Laws.


      (a)    For the purposes of this Section 5.8, "ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS" means
             the U.S. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
             Liability Act of 1980 and U.S. Resource Conservation and Recovery
             Act of 1976, each as amended, and any other law, regulation,
             directive or order applicable in any jurisdiction and relating to
             or imposing liability, standards of conduct for the protection of
             the environment or the use, handling, generation, manufacturing,
             distribution, collection, transportation, storage, disposal,
             cleanup or release or threatened release of hazardous materials.

      (b)    Except as disclosed in Exhibit 5.8, to the knowledge of the

             (i)       no written notice, request for information, order,
                       complaint or penalty has been received, and there are no
                       judicial, administrative or other actions, suits or
                       proceedings pending or threatened which allege a
                       violation of or liability under any Environmental Law,
                       in each case relating to any Company or Subsidiary;



             (ii)      each Company and Subsidiary has all permits required
                       under Environmental Laws necessary for its operations to
                       comply with all applicable Environmental Laws and is in
                       compliance with the terms of such permits and with all
                       other applicable Environmental Laws;

             (iii)     there has been no written environmental audit conducted
                       within the past three years by any Seller or Company or
                       Subsidiary of any property currently owned or leased by
                       any Company or Subsidiary which has not been delivered
                       to Purchasers prior to the date hereof; and

             (iv)      the Companies and the Subsidiaries have not caused any
                       pollution or contamination of the environment which
                       requires, under the Environmental Laws as in effect on
                       the Closing Date, any clean-up or other remedial
                       measures by the Companies or Subsidiaries.


      Except as disclosed in Exhibit 5.9 and, in respect of the Divisions to be
      acquired by Arrow and Memec Purchaser, except for debt collection actions
      brought by a Group Company in the normal course of business and claims by
      related third parties arising in connection therewith, no Company or
      Subsidiary is involved in any lawsuit or other proceeding pending against
      it before any court, arbitral tribunal or governmental agency involving
      an amount in excess of $ 100,000. No such lawsuit or proceeding has been
      threatened in writing against any Company or any Subsidiary, and no
      Company or Subsidiary is subject to any governmental or court order or
      decree that limits its ability to operate its business in the ordinary
      course. To the Sellers' knowledge, unless otherwise disclosed in Exhibit
      5.9 or, in respect of the Divisions to be acquired by Arrow and Memec
      Purchaser, except for debt collection matters (as described above), there
      are no facts or circumstances which are likely to result in any lawsuit
      or other proceeding initiated against any Company or Subsidiary by any
      third party and involving an amount in excess of $ 100,000. There is to
      the Sellers' knowledge, no current, pending or threatened governmental or
      other judicial or regulatory investigation, enquiry or disciplinary
      proceeding concerning any Company or Subsidiary.



      (a)    Exhibit 5.10 (a) contains a true and correct list, as of the date
             hereof, of all collective bargaining agreements and all material
             agreements with unions, workers' councils and similar
             organisations to which any Company or Subsidiary is bound. Except
             as disclosed in Exhibit 5.10 (a), as of the date hereof, no
             Company and no Subsidiary is experiencing and, to the Sellers'
             knowledge, there is no basis to expect any Company or Subsidiary
             to experience (i) any strike, slowdown, picketing or work stoppage
             by or lockout of its employees or, in the United States of
             America, any union organising activity, or (ii) any suit relating
             to the alleged violation of any law or order and relating to
             labour relations or employment matters (including any charge or
             complaint filed by an employee or union with the U.S. National
             Labor Relations Board or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
             or any other comparable governmental authority).

      (b)    Exhibit 5.10 (b) sets forth, as of the date hereof, a true and
             complete list of (i) the employment, consultancy or appointment
             contracts of all directors and officers of the Companies and
             Subsidiaries and all other employees and consultants of each
             Company and Subsidiary and each HQ Employee and (ii) all employees
             of the Companies and Subsidiaries and HQ Employees whose
             employment is based on employment-at-will-letters, in each case
             whose annual base salary or base compensation (excluding, for the
             avoidance of doubt, performance-related payments and bonuses)
             exceeds $ 100,000 as well as of certain other key employees
             specified in such exhibit. Copies of (i) such contracts providing
             for an annual base salary in excess of more than $ 140,000 in
             respect of the Divisions acquired by Memec Purchaser, (ii) all
             such contracts (excluding any employment-at-will letters, where
             the employment relationship has been established solely on the
             basis of such letters) in respect of the Divisions acquired by
             Arrow and (iii) all such contracts in respect of the Divisions
             acquired by Avnet have been disclosed to the relevant Purchasers.
             For the purposes of this paragraph (b), consultancy contracts
             shall exclude contracts with companies or professional firms which
             are generally in the business of providing consultancy services or
             advice to companies and businesses (including companies and
             businesses other than the Group).

      (c)    Exhibit 5.10 (c) sets forth, as of the date hereof, a true and
             complete list of (i) all stock option plans of the Companies and
             Subsidiaries or applying to any HQ



             Employee to the extent not disclosed in any of the employment
             contracts disclosed to Purchasers pursuant to Section 5.10 (b) and
             (ii) all redundancy schemes of the Companies and Subsidiaries
             which constitute or, in respect of the non-German Companies and
             Subsidiaries would constitute, a change of operations
             (Betriebsanderung) within the meaning of Sec. 111 Shop
             Constitution Act (Betriebsverfassungsgesetz).

      (d)    Exhibit 5.10 (d) sets forth a true and complete list of all
             directors, officers or employees of the Group and all HQ Employees
             whose terms of employment or engagement:

             (i)       include any payment or benefit which will be payable or
                       arise (directly or indirectly) as a result of the
                       transactions contemplated by this Agreement; or

             (ii)      have been varied (either by way of amendment or the
                       exercise of any discretion) since July 1, 1999 (other
                       than variations made in the ordinary course of business
                       and consistent with past practice of the relevant
                       Company or Subsidiary over the last three years),

             provided that the representation in subsection (ii) shall only
             apply to directors, officers or employees with an annual base
             salary in excess of $ 100,000 and/or in respect of employees whose
             terms of employment or engagement have been varied as part of a
             scheme applying to 20 employees or more.

             Copies of all such terms have been provided to the Purchasers.


      (a)    With respect to Raab Karcher Elektronik GmbH, Raab Karcher
             Immobilien, EBV-Elektronik GmbH and Atlas Logistik Service GmbH,
             Distron Elektronik GmbH, Memec (Memory and Electronic Components)
             Plc, Memec Sud Europe SA, Memec GmbH, Memec Belgium NV, Memec AG,
             Memec Nederland BV, Okura Electronics Co. Ltd., Memec Holding B.V.
             and their respective Subsidiaries, and the Group Companies sold by
             Raab Karcher Electronics Systems Plc, the following shall apply:



              Except for (i) employer's contributions to statutory pension
              schemes, health and unemployment insurance, (ii) benefits provided
              by the agreements referred to in Section 5.10 (a) or the
              employment contracts of the employees referred to in Exhibit 5.10
              (b), (iii) vacation or sick pay, (iv) any funded (defined
              contribution) benefit schemes currently providing for annual
              commitments by the employer of not more than $ 100,000 per benefit
              scheme and (v) the arrangements disclosed in Exhibit 5.11 (a) (the
              "ARRANGEMENTS"), none of the Companies or Subsidiaries referred to
              above is under any obligation to pay or contribute towards
              pensions or any other retirement, death, sickness, medical or
              disability benefit to or in respect of any of its employees or
              former employees (or any dependent thereof) and has not paid or
              contributed towards any pension or any such benefit on a customary
              or voluntary basis. All contributions and other payments due from
              the participating employers and employees have been paid to the
              Arrangements, except for any amounts relating to periods after May
              31, 2000 to the extent that those amounts are still in course of
              calculation and are not at the date of this Agreement due in
              accordance with normal collection procedures for that Arrangement
              and in accordance with the law applicable to that Arrangement. The
              consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will not
              result in an increase in the amount of any benefit or accelerate
              the vesting, timing, funding or payment of any benefit under any
              of the Arrangements. Since December 31, 1999, and except as set
              forth in any written Arrangement made available to the Purchasers,
              no enhancement has been made to any existing benefit schemes in
              respect of any Arrangement and no new benefit of the type covered
              by this Section 5.11 (a) has been introduced or provided by any
              Group Company, excluding the inclusion of any new directors,
              officers and employees in any of the Arrangements or enhancements
              based on promotions of employees, in each case within the ordinary
              course of business, consistent with past practice.

       (b)    With respect to VEBA Electronics LLC, Wyle Electronics, and Atlas
              Services LLC, Atlas Business Services LLC, EBV Electronics
              Holdings, Inc., Memec LLC and their respective Subsidiaries
              (collectively, the "U.S. Companies") the following shall apply:

              Exhibit 5.11 (b) contains a complete and accurate list of all
              material employee benefit plans (within the meaning of section
              3(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
              amended (together with related regulations) ("ERISA")), including,
              without limitation, multiemployer plans within the


              meaning of ERISA section 3 (37)), stock purchase, stock option,
              severance, employment, change-in-control, fringe benefit, bonus,
              incentive, deferred compensation and all other employee benefit
              plans, agreements, programs, policies or other arrangements,
              whether or not subject to ERISA (including any funding mechanism
              therefor now in effect or required in the future as a result of
              the transaction contemplated by this Agreement or otherwise),
              whether formal or informal, oral or written under which any of the
              U.S. Companies has or could have any present or future liability
              or obligation. All such plans, agreements, programs, policies and
              arrangements shall be collectively referred to as the "U.S.
              COMPANY PLANS". Copies of each U.S. Company Plan, as well as the
              most recent summary plan description, annual report (IRS Form 5500
              series), summary annual report, financial statements, actuarial
              report and IRS favorable determination letter for each Company
              Plan listed (to the extent applicable) have been made available to
              the Purchasers prior to the date hereof.

              (i)    Except as disclosed in Exhibit 5.11 (b), in the case of
                     each U.S. Company Plan listed on Exhibit 5.11 (b):

                     (A)    the plan (and each related trust or insurance
                            policy) complies in form and in operation in all
                            respects with the applicable requirements of ERISA
                            and the Internal Revenue Code, and related
                            regulations (the "INTERNAL REVENUE CODE" or the

                     (B)    Each plan intended to be qualified within the
                            meaning of section 401(a) of the Code has received a
                            favorable determination letter, or is pending or has
                            time remaining in which to file, an application for
                            such determination from the Internal Revenue Service
                            and no reason or condition has occured or exists
                            that could reasonably be expected to result in the
                            revocation or refusal to issue any of such letters
                            or in the disqualification of any such plans;

                     (C)    all required contributions to or premiums or other
                            payments in respect of the plan have been paid, and
                            all required reports and descriptions have been
                            filed with the proper governmental authority or
                            distributed to participants as appropriate at the
                            times and in the manner required by ERISA or the
                            Internal Revenue Code;


                     (D)    there have been no "reportable events" (as defined
                            in Section 4043 of ERISA) "accumulated funding
                            deficiency" (as defined in Section 302 ERISA and
                            section 412 of the Code), whether or not waived or
                            "prohibited transactions" (as defined in Section 406
                            of ERISA and Section 4975 of the Internal Revenue
                            Code) in respect of the plan; and

                     (E)    no suit in respect of the plan or the investment of
                            plan assets is pending or, to any Sellers'
                            knowledge, threatened, and to Sellers' knowledge,
                            there is no basis for any such suit.

              (ii)   Except as disclosed in Exhibit 5.11 (b) or required by
                     Section 4980B of the Internal Revenue Code, no Company and
                     no U.S. Company Plan provides health or other welfare
                     benefits to any retired or former employee and is not
                     obligated to provide health or other welfare benefits to
                     any active employee following his or her retirement or
                     other termination of service.

              (iii)  Except for the Amended and Restated Wyle Electronics
                     Retirement Plan (the "WYLE ELECTRONICS PENSION PLAN") no
                     U.S. Company maintains an Employee Benefit Plan that is
                     subject to Title IV of ERISA.

              (iv)   No Company contributes to or has ever contributed to or
                     been required to contribute to any "multiemployer plan" (as
                     defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA), incurred any
                     "withdrawal liability" (as defined in Section 4021 of
                     ERISA) in respect of any multiemployer plan or withdrawn
                     from any multiemployer plan in a "complete withdrawal" or a
                     "partial withdrawal" (as respectively defined in Sections
                     4203 and 4205 of ERISA).

              (v)    Except for the Wyle Electronics Pension Plan, no U.S.
                     Company has or could reasonably be expected to have any
                     liability under Title IV of ERISA with respect to any
                     benefit plan maintained or previously maintained by any
                     U.S. Company or any entity which is or has been under
                     common control, or which is or has been treated as a single
                     employer, with any U.S. Company under Section 414 of the

              (vi)   Except as disclosed in Exhibit 5.10 (d), no U.S. Company
                     Plan exists that could result in the payment to any present
                     or former employee of any of


                     the U.S. Companies of any money or other property or
                     accelerate or provide any other rights or benefits to any
                     present or former employee of any of the U.S. Companies as
                     a result of the transactions contemplated by this
                     Agreement, whether or not such payment would constitute a
                     parachute payment within the meaning of Code section 280G.

              (vii)  Each U.S. Company Plan may be amended and terminated in
                     accordance with its terms.

              (viii) Without limiting any other provision of this Section 5.11,
                     no event has occurred and no condition exists, with respect
                     to any U.S. Company Plan, that has subjected or could
                     subject any U.S. Company, or any U.S. Company Plan or any
                     successor thereto, to any tax, lien, penalty or other
                     liability (other than a liability arising in the normal
                     course to make contributions or payments, as applicable,
                     when ordinarily due under a U.S. Company Plan with respect
                     to employees of any U.S. Company and other than any such
                     tax, fine, lien, penalty or other liability that is not

       (c)    Exhibit 5.11 (c) contains a true and correct list, as of the date
              hereof, of all Employee Performance Unit schemes or shadow option
              schemes implemented or undertaken to be implemented by all
              Companies and Subsidiaries or in respect of any HQ Employee
              together with a list of all employees who have (or have been
              promised) rights thereunder and their entitlements (that is the
              number of units granted or promised to them), including any
              entitlements arising from the exercise of any discretion under any
              such scheme. No promises or other commitments have been made with
              respect to any Employee Performance Unit scheme and there exists
              no reason why any participant in any such scheme could have any
              entitlement to any benefit thereunder, other than as provided in
              the scheme and the applicable written award agreement with respect


       (a)    Exhibit 5.12 contains a true and correct list, as of the date
              hereof, of all of the following written or unwritten contracts and
              agreements (including all amendments thereto) to which any Company
              or Subsidiary is a party and which have not yet been completely
              fulfilled (the "MATERIAL AGREEMENTS"):


              (1)    agreements relating to the acquisition or sale of interests
                     in other companies or businesses or business units
                     providing, in each case, for a consideration of $ 5,000,000
                     or more; agreements for the sale, lease, licence or other
                     disposal of any material assets or property, except for
                     agreements in the ordinary course of business consistent
                     with past practice;

              (2)    joint venture, partnership and shareholder agreements
                     relating to the conduct of a material part of a Division's

              (3)    rental and lease agreements relating to real estate which,
                     individually, provide for annual payments of $ 500,000 or

              (4)    loan agreements (other than intercompany debt towards any
                     company of the E.ON Group as referred to in Section 5.14),
                     including loans granted by suppliers (other than extended
                     payment arrangements); bonds, notes or any other
                     instruments of debt issued by any of the Companies or

              (5)    all guarantees, comfort letters or other sureties issued by
                     any of the Companies or Subsidiaries for any debt,
                     obligation or liability of any party, other than debt of
                     another Company or a Subsidiary;

              (6)    any agreement that limits the freedom of any Company or
                     Subsidiary to compete in any line of business or with any
                     third party, excluding (i), for the avoidance of doubt,
                     territorial restrictions in supplier or reseller agreements
                     which restrict the ability of the contracting Company or
                     Subsidiary to distribute the product to which such
                     agreements relate, (ii) agreements which impose
                     restrictions exclusively upon the contracting Group Company
                     (provided that such company is not material to a Division),
                     but do not otherwise limit the Division's freedom to
                     operate in the relevant line of business or to compete with
                     the relevant third party or (iii) agreements which may be
                     terminated by the relevant Company or Subsidiary within
                     three months after the Closing Date without any penalty,
                     cost or expense (other than any compensation claims of


                     under mandatory law) and which are not material to the
                     business of a Division;

              (7)    frame or master agreements in respect of the top 10
                     suppliers of each Division (other than Atlas Europe
                     Division and Atlas US Division) (based on the aggregate
                     sales in 1999);

              (8)    agreements with E.ON AG or any other company of the E.ON
                     Group other than trading or supply agreements with respect
                     to goods or utilities made in the ordinary course of the
                     relevant Group Company's business on arm's length terms;

              (9)    agreements or commitments not made in the ordinary course
                     of business;

              (10)   consultancy agreements with expected annual fees or with an
                     agreed flat or minimum fee in excess of $ 250,000 or which
                     are likely to result in annual fees in excess of such

              (11)   long-term agreements (Dauerschuldverhaltnisse) that cannot
                     be terminated by any Company or Subsidiary with less than 6
                     months notice as from the Closing Date without any
                     liabilities in excess of $ 500,000 (per agreement),
                     excluding, however, any type of agreements referred to in
                     paragraphs (1) to (5), (7), (8) and (10) of this Section
                     5.12 (a) and customer agreements;

              (12)   any currency or hedging agreements which cannot be
                     terminated without liability to any Division of more than $
                     100,000 in the aggregate in respect of all such agreements.

       (b)    Except as otherwise indicated in Exhibit 5.12, true and complete
              copies of all written Material Agreements have been disclosed to
              Purchasers prior to the execution of this Agreement and true and
              not misleading summaries of the principal terms of any non-written
              Material Agreements are contained in Exhibit 5.12. To the Sellers'
              knowledge, unless otherwise disclosed in Exhibit 5.12, each
              Material Agreement is in full force and effect and neither the
              Companies or Subsidiaries nor any third party are in material
              default or material breach under any such agreement. Except as
              provided in any written agreement


              disclosed to the Purchasers in accordance with this Section 5.12
              (b) or as disclosed in Exhibit 5.12, no third party is entitled to
              terminate or materially amend any Material Agreement (other than
              the Material Agreements referred to in subsection (a) (8) above,
              which shall be terminated in accordance with, and except to the
              extent specified in, Section 2.5) as a result of the transactions
              contemplated by this Agreement. The agreements referred to in
              subsection (a) (8) above were made in the ordinary course of
              business on arm's length terms.


       Except for Merrill Lynch International, whose fees will be paid by the
       Sellers, no Seller or Company or Subsidiary has any obligation or
       liability to pay any fees or commissions to any broker, finder or agent
       with respect to any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


       (a)    Exhibit 5.14 (a) contains complete lists of (i) all intercompany
              balances (under any borrowings including all Effective Date
              Inter-Group Debt) as of the Effective Date between each Company
              and Subsidiary (or Division, as indicated in the exhibit), on the
              one hand, and E.ON AG and any other company of the E.ON Group, on
              the other hand and (ii) all credit lines under the VEBA cash
              management system and all other intercompany loans granted to the
              Group, as of the date hereof, by E.ON AG and any other company of
              the E.ON Group. Since the Effective Date there have been no
              Pre-Closing Non-Recurring Charges.

       (b)    The information included in Exhibit 5.14 (b) on the bank accounts
              and balances with respect to the Memec Division was true and
              accurate in all material respects as at the date on which the
              information was produced as identified in the Exhibit.


       Except as disclosed in Exhibit 5.15, to the Sellers' knowledge, none of
       the suppliers listed in Exhibit 5.12 has indicated, as of the date
       hereof, to the management of any of the Companies or Subsidiaries in
       writing or orally (provided that any such oral indication has been made,
       in an express and unambiguous manner, by one or more directors, officers
       or duly authorized senior executives of the supplier and is referred to
       in any memorandum,


       minutes or other written document prepared by the management of a Company
       or Subsidiary for circulation to the CEO of the main operating companies
       (as set forth in section 1 of the Recitals) of any Division) that it
       intends to terminate or reduce its business dealings with any of the
       Divisions as a result of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


       Exhibit 5.16 contains a true and complete list of all material insurance
       policies and fidelity bonds relating to the assets, business or
       operations of the Companies and the Subsidiaries, indicating any policies
       and bonds which will terminate or may be terminated by the insurer as a
       result of the consummation of the transaction contemplated by this
       Agreement. To the Sellers' knowledge, all such policies and bonds are in
       full force and effect, all due premiums in respect thereof have been paid
       and there are no material claims by any Company or Subsidiary pending
       under any of such policies or bonds. None of these policies and bonds
       will terminate, as a result of the transaction contemplated hereby, prior
       to the Closing Date.


       To the Sellers' knowledge, there are no liabilities of any Company or
       Subsidiary of any kind whatsoever, whether accrued, contingent, absolute,
       determined, determinable or otherwise, which (i) would, as of the date
       hereof, be required by U.S. GAAP to be disclosed or included on a
       combined balance sheet of the Group or (ii) have been incurred outside
       the ordinary course of the Companies' or the Subsidiaries' business and,
       in either case, individually or in the aggregate, have, or may reasonably
       be expected to have, a material adverse effect on the financial position
       of any Division (and for these, Wyle Components Division, Wyle Systems
       Division and Atlas US Division shall be regarded as one Division), other

       (a)    liabilities provided for in, or disclosed in the notes to, the
              1999 US GAAP Group Financial Statements, 1999 German GAAP Group
              Balance Sheet, March 2000 Group Accounts or March 2000 Divisional

       (b)    liabilities disclosed in Exhibit 5.17;


       (c)    other undisclosed liabilities that individually do not exceed
              $ 1,000,000 or in the aggregate do not exceed $ 10,000,000; or

       (d)    liabilities arising in respect of any matter which is the subject
              of any other representation or warranty (other than the
              representations and warranties set forth in Section 5.4) or of any
              indemnity contained in this Agreement.


       Except as disclosed in Exhibit 5.18 and except for any transactions,
       facts or events expressly referred to in this Agreement, in the period
       between December 31, 1999 and the date hereof, (i) the business of each
       Division has been operated in the ordinary course in a manner consistent
       with past practice, (ii) the Group has used its reasonable efforts to
       preserve intact its business organizations and relationships with third
       parties and to keep available the services of its present officers and
       employees, (iii) capital expenditure has been maintained in the ordinary
       course of the Group's business (taken as a whole), consistent with past
       practice, and (without prejudice to paragraph (h) below) any capital
       expenditure necessary to continue to conduct the business of any Division
       in the ordinary course has been made and (iv) there have not been (or any
       commitment made in respect of):

       (a)    any damage, destruction or other casualty loss, liability or cost
              (whether or not covered by insurance) adversely affecting the
              business or assets of any Company or Subsidiary which,
              individually or in the aggregate, has had or could reasonably be
              expected to have a Material Adverse Effect;

       (b)    any declaration, setting aside or payment of any dividend or other
              distribution with respect to any shares of capital stock or shares
              in the capital of any Company or Subsidiary, or any repurchase,
              redemption, repayment or other acquisition by any Company or
              Subsidiary of any outstanding shares of capital stock, issued
              shares or other securities of any Company or Subsidiary, in each
              case, other than any of the foregoing to the extent it relates to
              any other Group Company;

       (c)    any amendment of any term of any outstanding or issued share or
              security of any Company or Subsidiary;


       (d)    any incurrence, assumption or guarantee by any Company or
              Subsidiary of any indebtedness for borrowed money other than (i)
              indebtedness incurred under existing credit lines as disclosed in
              Exhibit 5.12 or (ii) the Inter-Group Debt;

       (e)    any creation or other incurrence by any Company or Subsidiary of
              any encumbrance on any asset other than in the ordinary course of
              trading consistent with past practices;

       (f)    any making of any loan, advance or capital contributions to or
              investment by any Company or Subsidiary in any company, entity or
              other person (other than any Company or Subsidiary) exceeding in
              respect of any Division $ 100,000 in aggregate;

       (g)    any change in any method of accounting or accounting practice or
              policy by any Company except for any such change required by
              reason of a concurrent change in generally accepted accounting
              principles and disclosed in Exhibit 3.2 or Exhibit 5.4 (a) - (d);

       (h)    any capital expenditure, or commitments for capital expenditure,
              by additions or improvements to property, plant and equipment, IT
              software or hardware in excess of $ 15,000,000 in aggregate (such
              amount excluding the costs of the J.D. Edwards software as
              referred to in Exhibit 5.18) for the Divisions to be acquired by
              each respective Purchaser;

       (i)    any change in or any commitment to change (which, for these
              purposes, shall include the exercise or agreement to exercise any
              discretion) the compensation (including deferred compensation) or
              other benefits payable to or the obligations or rights of:

              (i)    any director or officer of any Company or Subsidiary or any
                     of the employees referred to in Section 5.10 (b); or

              (ii)   a significant part of the workforce of a Division,

              in each case other than changes made in the ordinary course of
              business consistent with past practice;


       (j)    any lockouts, strikes, slowdowns, work stoppages or threats
              thereof by or with respect to any employees of any Company or
              Subsidiary that has, or could reasonably be expected to have, a
              Material Adverse Effect;

       (k)    any redundancies in respect of the Companies and Subsidiaries
              which have constituted, or in respect of any non-German Companies
              and Subsidiaries would have constituted, a change of operations
              (Betriebsanderung) within the meaning of Sec. 111 German Shop
              Constitution Act (Betriebsverfassungsgesetz);

       (l)    any sale, lease, licence or other disposal of any material assets
              or property except pursuant to contracts or commitments existing
              prior to December 31, 1999 or otherwise in the ordinary course of
              business consistent with past practice at December 31, 1999;

       (m)    any (i) amendment of the certificate or articles of incorporation
              or by-laws (or other comparable corporate charter documents) of
              any Company or any Subsidiary, (ii) recapitalization,
              reorganisation, liquidation, corporate restructuring or
              dissolution of any Company or any Subsidiary or (iii) merger or
              other business combination involving any Company or any Subsidiary
              and any other person; or

       (n)    any transfer or payment pursuant to any profit transfer agreement
              referred to in Section 7.9 below.


       No Company or Subsidiary has given any undertaking to any regulatory
       authority and no order has been made against or in relation to any
       Company or Subsidiary pursuant to any anti-trust or similar legislation
       in any jurisdiction in which they carry on business or have assets or


       Except as set forth in Exhibit 5.20,

       (a)    no liquidator, administrator, receiver or administrative receiver
              or other insolvency practitioner (or the equivalent in any
              jurisdiction) has been appointed


              in respect of any Company or Subsidiary or in respect of the whole
              or any part of the assets or undertaking of any Company or
              Subsidiary. No meeting has been convened at which a resolution
              shall be proposed, no resolution has been passed, no petition or
              order (or the equivalent in any jurisdiction) has been presented
              or made for the administration, receivership, winding up or
              liquidation of any Company or Subsidiary;

       (b)    no Company or Subsidiary has stopped or suspended payment of its
              debts, become unable to pay its debts or otherwise become
              insolvent in any relevant jurisdiction;

       (c)    no scheme for the benefit of creditors generally has been proposed
              or implemented in respect of any Company or Subsidiary, whether or
              not under the protection of the court and whether or not involving
              a reorganisation or rescheduling of debt; and

       (d)    no event has occurred which would give rise to any of the events
              or circumstances referred to in any of (a) to (c) above.


       Except as required by law, none of the standard terms of supply of any
       Company or Subsidiary provide for any liability in respect of any
       defective product sold or delivered by it which liability is more onerous
       than those provided by the supplier of the relevant product to the
       Company or Subsidiary concerned.


       (a)    The Group owns or uses under current licences all information and
              computer systems necessary for it to conduct its business as
              carried out at the date of this Agreement and is not in breach of
              any such licences in any material respect.

       (b)    The Group (i) owns or has access to all source codes (but only
              with respect to software specifically designed for any member of
              the Group which is material for the business of any Division or
              main operating company (as referred to in section 1 of the
              Recitals)) and (ii) owns, licences or otherwise has a legal right


              use all software, in each case required to operate and maintain
              the information and computer systems used by it.

       (c)    Each Division operates and maintains appropriate data storage and
              disaster recovery plans designed to enable the Division to carry
              on and maintain the conduct of its business in line with normal
              prudent commercial practice.


       Sellers and E.ON AG make no representations and warranties with respect
       to the Group, its business and the transactions contemplated hereby other
       than those expressly set forth in this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE 6

Each of the Purchasers for itself and not on behalf of any of the other
Purchasers severally represents and warrants to each of the Sellers as follows,
in each case as of the date hereof and the Closing Date:


       (a)    Such Purchaser is a corporation duly incorporated, validly
              existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction
              in which it was incorporated and has all corporate powers and all
              material governmental licenses, authorizations, permits, consents
              and approvals required to carry on its business as now conducted.

       (b)    The execution, delivery and performance by such Purchaser of this
              Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated
              hereby are within the corporate powers of such Purchaser and have
              been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part
              of such Purchaser. This Agreement constitutes a valid and binding
              agreement of such Purchaser.

       (c)    The execution, delivery and performance by such Purchaser of this
              Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated
              hereby require no


              material action by such Purchaser in respect of, or material
              filing by such Purchaser with, any governmental body, agency or
              official other than the compliance with any applicable
              requirements under merger control laws as set forth in Sections
              4.2 and 4.3.

       (d)    The execution, delivery and performance by such Purchaser of this
              Agreement and the consummation by it of the transactions
              contemplated hereby do not and will not (i) violate the
              certificate of incorporation or bylaws of such Purchaser, (ii)
              assuming compliance with any applicable merger control laws,
              violate any applicable law, rule, regulation, judgement,
              injunction, order or decree to which the relevant Purchaser is
              subject, or (iii) require any consent or other action by any
              person under any agreement or other instrument binding upon such


       As at the date hereof there is no action, suit, investigation or
       proceeding (other than merger control proceedings (if any) in respect of
       the transaction contemplated hereby) pending against, or to the actual
       knowledge of such Purchaser, threatened against or affecting such
       Purchaser before any court or arbitrator or any governmental body, agency
       or official which in any manner challenges or seeks to prevent, enjoin,
       alter or materially delay the transactions contemplated by this


       Such Purchaser (except Memec Purchaser) has or will at Closing have
       sufficient immediately available funds or binding and unconditional
       financing commitments to pay the amounts referred to in Section 2.4 to
       the extent it relates to the Divisions to be acquired by such Purchaser.
       True and complete copies of the Committed Facilities for Memec Purchaser
       have been disclosed to Sellers. These agreements have been duly executed
       on behalf of Memec Purchaser and so far as Memec Purchaser is aware they
       have been duly executed on behalf of the financing banks.



       Such Purchaser does not have any obligation or liability to pay any fees
       or commissions to any broker, finder or agent with respect to any of the
       transactions contemplated by this Agreement for which the Sellers could
       become liable.


       Such Purchaser is purchasing the Sold Shares for investment for its own
       account and not with a view to, or for sale in connection with, any
       distribution thereof. Such Purchaser (either alone or together with its
       advisors) has sufficient knowledge and experience in financial and
       business matters so as to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks
       of its investment in the Sold Shares and is capable of bearing the
       economic risks of such investment. The Sellers acknowledge that the sole
       purpose of this Section 6.5 is to ensure that the sale of the Sold Shares
       does not contravene any US securities law and that the representation and
       warranty in this Section 6.5 shall in no way limit or restrict the right
       of any Purchaser to enforce any rights or recover under this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE 7
                         COVENANTS; CERTAIN INDEMNITIES


       From the date hereof until and including the Closing Date, the Sellers
       shall cause the Companies and the Subsidiaries to conduct their
       businesses in the ordinary course consistent with past practice and to
       use their reasonable efforts to preserve intact their business
       organizations and relationships with third parties and to keep available
       the services of the Group's present officers and employees (it being
       understood that subject to the compliance by Sellers with the covenants
       in this Section 7.1, the risk of supplier, customer and employee
       defections after the date hereof shall be borne by Purchasers). Without
       limiting the generality of the foregoing, from the date hereof until and
       including the Closing Date, except as disclosed in Exhibit 7.1 or
       contemplated by this Agreement, the Sellers will (i) cause each Division
       to maintain capital expenditure in the ordinary course of each Division's
       business, consistent with past practice, (ii) cause each Division to
       maintain all policies of insurance in respect of all risks covered and in
       place as at


       December 31, 1999 at levels of coverage equal to or in excess of those
       maintained at that date, and (iii) will ensure that no Company or
       Subsidiary will:

       (a)    adopt or propose any change in its certificate of incorporation or
              bylaws or pass any other shareholder resolutions (other than in
              respect of matters expressly contemplated by this Agreement) or
              amend any term of any outstanding or issued share or security of
              any Company or Subsidiary;

       (b)    merge or consolidate with any other person, enter into any
              recapitalization, reorganization, corporate restructuring,
              liquidation or dissolution, or acquire, lease, license or
              otherwise purchase a material amount of assets or property from
              any other person (except for inventory purchased in the ordinary
              course of trading);

       (c)    incur, assume or guarantee any indebtedness for borrowed money
              other than (i) indebtedness incurred under existing credit lines
              as disclosed in Exhibit 5.12 up to a maximum amount equal to the
              aggregate of any borrowings under such credit lines as at March
              31, 2000 or (ii) the Inter-Group Debt incurred in accordance with
              Section 7.3 below;

       (d)    sell, lease, license or otherwise dispose of any material assets
              or property except pursuant to contracts or commitments existing
              at the Effective Date or otherwise in the ordinary course of
              business consistent with past practice; or create or permit to be
              created any encumbrance on any asset other than in the ordinary
              course of trading consistent with past practices;

       (e)    make any loan, advance or capital contribution to or investment in
              any company, entity or other person (other than any Company or
              Subsidiary) exceeding in respect of any Division $ 100,000 in the

       (f)    change any method of accounting or accounting practice or policy
              except as required by reason of a concurrent change in generally
              accepted accounting principles;

       (g)    reduce or change the existing insurance coverage, except for
              normal changes within the ordinary course of business which do not
              adversely affect the insurance coverage under a certain policy;


       (h)    close the warehouse of Memec Plc at Thame, U.K.;

       (i)    amend the existing agreements between the Companies and
              Subsidiaries and the Atlas Europe Division or the Atlas US
              Division, except for non-material adjustments within the ordinary
              course, consistent with past practice; or

       (j)    appoint, employ or elect (or cause to be elected) any new director
              or officer or (except for employment engagements which are made to
              replace employees or are otherwise necessary or appropriate in
              order to continue the business within the ordinary course)
              employee who would, if employed or acting in such position at the
              date of this Agreement, be listed in Exhibit 5.10 (b) or terminate
              the employment or relationship of any such director, officer or
              employee (other than for cause, including operational or personal
              reasons or bad performance); or change (which, for these purposes,
              shall include the exercise or agreement to exercise any
              discretion) the compensation (including deferred compensation) or
              other benefits payable to or the obligations or rights of:

              (i)    any director or officer of any Company or Subsidiary or any
                     of the employees referred to in Section 5.10 (b); or

              (ii)   a significant part of the workforce of a Division,

              in each case other than changes made in the ordinary course of
              business consistent with past practice;

       (k)    increase or reduce the number of employees engaged in any Division
              to any material degree or make any redundancies in respect of the
              Companies and Subsidiaries which constitute, or in respect of any
              non-German Companies and Subsidiaries would constitute, a change
              of operations (Betriebsanderung) within the meaning of Sec. 111
              German Shop Constitution Act (Betriebsverfassungs-gesetz);

       (l)    create, allot or issue or grant any option over or other right to
              subscribe or purchase, or redeem or purchase, any share of any
              Company or Subsidiary or securities convertible into such shares;


       (m)    declare, set aside or pay any dividend or other distribution
              (including any payments under a profit transfer agreement) with
              respect to any shares of capital stock or shares in the capital of
              any Company or Subsidiary or issue, sell, purchase, redeem or
              repurchase, repay or otherwise acquire any equity securities or
              other shares, stock or securities of any of the Companies or
              Subsidiaries (in each case other than any of the foregoing to the
              extent it relates to any other Group Company);

       (n)    make any financial or contractual commitment or capital
              expenditure in respect of any information or computer system, IT
              software or hardware or roll-out any information or computer
              system or IT software or hardware, other than in the ordinary
              course and subject always to a maximum aggregate amount of
              $ 1,000,000 per Division (which amount shall include any costs of
              the J.D. Edwards software as referred to in Exhibit 5.18, except
              for any such costs incurred by the Wyle Systems Division and not
              exceeding $ 1,000,000 per month);

       (o)    incur, suffer or make any Pre-Closing Non-Recurring Charge;

       (p)    make any capital expenditures, by additions or improvements to
              property, plant and equipment in excess of $ 15,000,000 in the
              aggregate (such amount excluding any amounts paid or incurred
              under paragraph (n)) for the Divisions to be acquired by each
              respective Purchaser, in each case for the period from the date
              hereof up to February 28, 2001 and each subsequent seven month

       (q)    use cash other than in the ordinary course of business or to
              reduce External Debt or Inter-Group Debt;

       (r)    settle the litigation referred to in section IV. 4 of Exhibit 5.9

       (s)    continue the marketing and roll-out of the Wyle brand under the
              contract with the Idea Lab;

       (t)    grant (i) any bonuses relating to the sale of the Group or stay
              bonuses or (ii) any other bonuses (other than in the ordinary
              course and consistent with past practice) to directors, officers
              or employees of any Group Company or to any HQ Employee;


       (u)    agree to any arrangements under which (i) Sig. F. Corrella Mirabet
              is granted any option, or right to subscribe, or right to
              purchase, any shares or other securities in the capital of any
              Group Company in the RKE Division or (ii) any Group Company
              purchases the shares held by Sig. F. Corrella Mirabet in RK
              Distribucion de Componentes S.A. for an amount exceeding $ 20,000
              in aggregate; or

       (v)    agree or commit to do any of the foregoing.

       The Sellers covenant that promptly after the date hereof they will
       instruct the senior management of the Divisions to ensure that the
       Companies and Subsidiaries will not, as from the date hereof, permit any
       transfer of employment of any employee of any Division to another


       (a)    Sellers shall at the Sellers' cost cause the Companies to prepare,
              without undue delay after the date hereof and in any event by no
              later than two months after the date hereof, US GAAP financial
              statements of each Division for the period ended on December 31,
              1999, and cause that they are audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers
              LLP. Sellers shall use their best efforts to procure that such
              financial statements, together with the audit report by
              PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, will be available by no later than two
              months after the date hereof. In addition, upon the Purchasers'
              request, the Sellers shall, at the relevant Purchaser's cost,
              cause the Companies to prepare, as soon as practicable, and to
              cause the same to be audited by PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP, US
              GAAP financial statements with respect to periods prior to 1999.
              Any financial statements prepared in accordance with this Section
              7.2 (a) shall be prepared in accordance with the accounting
              principles used in the preparation of the 1999 US GAAP Group
              Financial Statements.

              If and to the extent the Closing has not occurred by December 31,
              2000, upon the Purchasers' request, Sellers shall instruct the
              Companies to prepare, at the relevant Purchaser's cost and as soon
              as practicable, US GAAP financial statements of the relevant
              Divisions for the period ended on December 31, 2000 and to cause
              that they are audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. These


              financial statements shall be prepared in accordance with the
              accounting principles used in the preparation of the relevant
              divisional financial statements for the period ended on December
              31, 1999, as referred to above.

       (b)    In the period between the date hereof and the Closing Date, the
              Sellers will afford promptly to the Purchasers and their advisers
              and representatives reasonable access, upon reasonable advance
              notice, to books of account, financial and other records
              (including, without limitation, accountant's work papers),
              information, employees, facilities and auditors of the Group
              Companies including, without limitation, (i) for Purchasers to
              review the Effective Date Financial Statements, the Effective Date
              Certificates and the financial statements as referred to in
              subsection (a) above, (ii) in connection with any Purchaser's
              financing arrangements and/or (iii) to assist any Purchaser in the
              preparation of an opening balance sheet as at Closing and the
              interim unaudited financial statements for the period prior to
              Closing; provided that any such access by Purchasers shall be at
              Purchasers' cost and shall not unreasonably interfere with the
              conduct of the business of Sellers or the Group.

       (c)    After the Closing Date, each Purchaser and the Sellers (as the
              case may be) will afford promptly to the Sellers and each
              Purchaser (as the case may be) and their respective advisers and
              representatives reasonable access, upon reasonable advance notice,
              to books of account, financial and other records (including,
              without limitation, accountant's work papers), information,
              employees and auditors of the Divisions acquired by the relevant
              Purchaser or of the E.ON Group (as the case may be) to the extent
              necessary for Sellers and the relevant Purchaser in connection
              with any reasonable audit or other regulatory requirement of the
              E.ON Group or the relevant Purchaser or the Divisions acquired by
              the relevant Purchaser (other than in connection with any dispute
              or litigation in respect of any of the transactions contemplated
              by this Agreement) and to assist the Purchasers in the preparation
              of an opening balance sheet as at Closing and interim unaudited
              financial statements for the period prior to Closing; provided
              that any such access or assistance shall be at the cost of the
              Party being given access or assistance and shall not unreasonably
              interfere with the conduct of the business of Sellers or of the
              relevant Purchaser or the Divisions acquired by it and provided
              further that any such access by Purchaser to books, records,
              information, employees and auditors of the E.ON Group shall
              include only information to the extent that it relates to the



       (a)    During the period between the Effective Date and the Closing Date,
              Sellers covenant that they have ensured and shall ensure that the
              existing credit lines as referred to in Section 5.14 have been and
              will continue to be made available to the Group on the terms and
              conditions set out in Exhibit 7.3 and that the E.ON Group has not
              and shall not permit any increase in the Inter-Group Debt other
              than on the terms and conditions set out in such Exhibit 7.3.
              Following the date of this Agreement up to the Closing Date,
              Sellers shall procure that the E.ON Group shall make available to
              the Divisions additional Inter-Group Debt up to the agreed levels
              set out in Exhibit 7.3, provided that the Inter-Group Debt of the
              Divisions to be acquired by any Purchaser shall not be increased
              beyond the agreed levels set out in Exhibit 7.3. If any
              Pre-Closing Distribution is paid, the Sellers shall procure that
              the E.ON Group shall, on payment of the Pre-Closing Distribution,
              make available to the relevant Group Company Inter-Group Debt
              equal to the amount of that Pre-Closing Distribution, and the
              amount of such Inter-Group Debt shall not be taken into account in
              determining whether the limits referred to in Exhibit 7.3 have
              been exceeded.

       (b)    To the extent Inter-Group Debt at the Closing Date is increased
              above the Effective Date Inter-Group Debt in accordance with the
              terms and conditions referred to in Section 7.3 (a), the Sellers
              (or the relevant members of the E.ON Group) shall be entitled, in
              accordance with Section 7.3 (a), to receive interest at the rates
              referred to in Exhibit 7.3 (calculated on a daily basis and on the
              basis of a 365 day year) on the amount of such increase. Such
              interest (to the extent accrued but unpaid at Closing) shall be
              included in the calculation of Closing Date Inter-Group Debt.

       (c)    During the period between the Effective Date and the Closing Date,
              the Sellers covenant that no Group Company has increased or will
              increase the amount of or will incur any additional External Debt,
              save as permitted under Section 7.1 (c), and they will ensure that
              no Group Company will make any such increase for the purpose of
              repaying Inter-Group Debt.

       (d)    The Sellers shall procure that as at the Closing Date, the net
              debt and cash balances as between any Division and another
              Division shall be nil and a Division


              is provided with adequate Inter-Group Debt to facilitate payments
              required to ensure that such inter-divisional balances are nil.


       On the Closing Date, the Sellers will deliver to the Purchasers the
       resignations, effective at or prior to the Closing Date, of the board
       members of the Companies listed in Exhibit 7.4. Such resignations shall
       be achieved at no cost to the Purchasers or the Group.


       (a)    For a period of two years after the Closing Date, the Sellers
              shall not (and shall cause the other companies of the E.ON Group
              from time to time, for so long as they continue to be part of the
              E.ON Group, not to) be directly or indirectly engaged or have an
              interest in any business which is competitive with the business of
              any member of the Group as conducted as of the Closing Date;
              provided, however, that

              (i)    any activities of the E.ON Group which (A) are carried on
                     at the Closing Date (provided that they are described in
                     Exhibit 7.5) or (B) consist only of interests in or
                     securities of any other company or entity which do not
                     exceed 10% of the equity or votes in such company or
                     entity, provided that no member of the E.ON Group or any
                     representative of it has a significant influence on the
                     management of such company or entity;

              (ii)   the acquisition (including by way of a merger) of an equity
                     interest of under 10% in an entity primarily engaged in a
                     competing business provided that such interest remains
                     under 10% and no member of the E.ON Group or any
                     representative of it has a significant influence on the
                     management of such company or entity;

              (iii)  the acquisition (including by way of merger) of a
                     controlling or non-controlling equity interest in an entity
                     or group not primarily involved in a competing business
                     (provided that the earnings before interest, taxes,
                     depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of the competing
                     business in the last financial year preceding the
                     acquisition does not exceed 10% of the


                     aggregate EBITDA of the acquired entity or group in such
                     financial year); and

              (iv)   any activities of any Division retained by the Sellers (in
                     the event that and as long as this Agreement is not
                     consummated in respect of any such Division);

              shall be exempt from this covenant not to compete.

       (b)    Subject to Section 7.23, for a period of two years after the
              Closing Date, the Sellers shall not, and shall cause the other
              companies of the E.ON Group at the relevant time not to (except in
              respect of publicly listed stock corporations comprised in the
              E.ON Group (other than E.ON AG) at the relevant time, where the
              Sellers shall use their reasonable efforts to cause those other
              companies not to) for so long as they continue to be part of the
              E.ON Group (i) solicit or contact with a view to his engagement or
              employment by another person, any employee of any Group Company or
              any HQ Employee or (ii) engage or employ any senior employee of
              any Group Company or any HQ Employee employed by any Group Company
              or Purchaser or any of its affiliates. This covenant shall not
              apply to employees who have been laid off or terminated by any
              Group Company (or, if they are employed by any Purchaser or
              affiliate of any Purchaser, laid off or terminated by such
              Purchaser or affiliate of such Purchaser).

       (c)    After the Closing Date the Sellers shall not, and shall cause the
              other companies of the E.ON Group from time to time, for so long
              as they continue to be part of the E.ON Group not to, use or
              (insofar as it can reasonably do so) allow to be used any trade
              name used by a Company or a Subsidiary at Closing or any other
              name intended or likely to be confused with such a trade name
              (other than VEBA or Raab Karcher).

       (d)    References to a member of the Group include its successors in

       (e)    Each undertaking in this Section 7.5 constitutes an entirely
              independent undertaking and if one or more of the undertakings is
              held to be against the public interest or unlawful or in any way
              an unreasonable restraint of trade the remaining undertakings
              shall continue to bind the Sellers.


       (f)    If any of the restrictions set out in this Section 7.5 is void but
              would be valid if some part of the restrictions were deleted the
              restriction in question shall apply with such modification as may
              be necessary to make it valid.

       (g)    The Sellers acknowledge that the above provisions of Section 7.5
              are no more extensive than is reasonable to protect the Purchasers
              as the purchasers of the Sold Shares.


       From the date hereof and for a period of five years after the Closing
       Date, the Sellers and E.ON AG shall (and shall procure that the E.ON
       Group from time to time shall) keep confidential and not disclose to any
       third party any business or trade secrets of the Group, other than those
       which have become publicly known through no fault of the Sellers, E.ON AG
       or any other companies of the E.ON Group.


       After the Closing Date, the Purchasers shall not permit the Group to use
       the names VEBA and Raab Karcher, save that the Purchasers shall be
       entitled for a period of six months after Closing to allow any Company or
       Subsidiary to use any brochure, sales literature or letterhead or sell
       any products which contain or carry such names, to use those names or any
       of those marks or names as part of its internet domain and to use those
       names in describing the businesses acquired by the Purchasers. E.ON AG
       covenants that neither it nor any member of the E.ON Group will object to
       the use by Avnet or any of its affiliates or any of the Group Companies
       in the Divisions to be purchased by Avnet of the abbreviations "RK" or


       With effect as of the Closing Date, the relevant Purchaser shall
       indemnify and hold harmless all members of the E.ON Group from all
       guarantees, comfort letters and other securities of any kind which relate
       to the business of the Divisions as transferred to the relevant Purchaser
       (or any company nominated by the relevant Purchaser pursuant to Section
       1.1(d)) and which have been provided by the E.ON Group in favor of any
       Company or Subsidiary in the relevant Divisions acquired by such
       Purchaser to banks,


       other financial institutions, suppliers, customers or other third parties
       and listed in Exhibit 7.8 (together, the "VEBA COMFORT LETTERS").

       With effect as of the Closing Date, E.ON AG shall indemnify and hold
       harmless each of the Purchasers (and any company nominated by the
       relevant Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.1(d)) and each Company and
       Subsidiary in the relevant Divisions acquired by the relevant Purchaser
       against all liabilities, costs and expenses arising from any guarantees,
       comfort letters or other securities of any kind provided by any such
       Company or Subsidiary in respect of any obligations of any member of the
       E.ON Group.


       VEBA Electronics GmbH or VEBA Electronics Beteiligungs GmbH (as the case
       may be) and Avnet or Memec Purchaser (as the case may be) shall ensure
       that the control and profit transfer agreements referred to in Exhibit
       5.1 (c) will be terminated on and with effect from the Closing Date, for
       cause (aus wichtigem Grund) as a result of the change of ownership or by
       agreement. If and to the extent that any control and profit transfer
       agreement cannot be terminated as from the Closing Date, the relevant
       Parties shall terminate such agreement with effect as of the end of the
       current fiscal year, but will treat each other as if such agreement had
       been terminated as from the Closing Date. With effect from the Closing
       Date, each of such Purchasers (as the case may be) shall indemnify and
       hold harmless VEBA Electronics GmbH or VEBA Electronics Beteiligungs GmbH
       (as the case may be) from (i) any obligation under German law in
       connection with the termination of the control and profit transfer
       agreements to provide security to creditors of the relevant Group Company
       in respect of liabilities related to the time prior to the Closing Date,
       except to the extent that Sellers have to indemnify and hold harmless
       Purchasers (and any company nominated by the relevant Purchaser pursuant
       to Section 1.1(d)) from the underlying obligations and liabilities under
       this Agreement, and (ii) any obligation pursuant to Section 302 German
       Stock Corporation Act to compensate the relevant Group Companies for any
       net loss (as shown on the relevant individual financial statements)
       arising in the financial year 2000.


       Sellers shall indemnify and hold harmless each of the Purchasers (and any
       company nominated by the relevant Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.1 (d))
       and each member of the Group from and against any of the following


       (a)    any liability or cost relating to or arising from:

              (i)    any payments or benefits made or promised to any current or
                     former director, officer or employee of any Group Company
                     or any HQ Employee which are or will be payable or arise
                     directly (excluding payments or benefits which are payable
                     or arise only in the event that the employment agreement is
                     terminated, to the extent that such payments or benefits
                     are, or would not have to be, listed in Exhibit 5.10 (d))
                     as a result of the transactions contemplated by this
                     Agreement, except, however, for payments (if any) under the
                     EPU schemes referred to in Section 5.11 (d); for the
                     avoidance of doubt, the indemnity in this subsection (i)
                     shall include the bonuses payable to S. Biddiscombe and
                     referred to in the emails of February 2, 2000 and May 15,
                     2000 referred to in Exhibit 5.10 (d);

              (ii)   any bonus payments made or promised after the date of this
                     Agreement to any current or former director, officer or
                     employee of any Group Company or any HQ Employee, other
                     than bonus payments made or promised in the ordinary course
                     of business and consistent with past practice over the last
                     three years;

              (iii)  any payments to any HQ Employees as a result of the
                     transformation of the variable portion of their salary into
                     fixed salary, as referred to in the last paragraph of
                     Exhibit 5.10 (d) VIII; and

              (iv)   the employment or termination of employment of any of Dr.
                     Pohl, Mr. Borsboom, Mr. Fecher and Ms Oestreicher,
                     including in respect of any bonus or EPU entitlement of any
                     such person,

              provided that subsection (i) of this indemnity shall not extend to
              any stay bonus (being a bonus that has been granted as an
              incentive to remain employed, but is not dependent on the change
              of control of any member of the Group) that has been granted to
              any person before the date of this Agreement;

       (b)    any losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including
              any claims for taxation) whether current or contingent, which
              relate to the disposal of any


              business by any member of the Group prior to the Effective Date
              which business does not relate to the distribution of electronic
              systems or electronics components;

       (c)    losses, liabilities or costs which relate to any business of any
              member of the E.ON Group other than the businesses carried on by
              the Divisions; and

       (d)    any losses, liabilities, costs and expenses arising out of or
              relating to any liability or obligation of VEBA Electronics LLC,
              other than those liabilities or obligations assumed by Arrow or
              any other Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.1 (b) or Section 7.23.


       (a)    Subject to subsection (b) below, the Sellers shall indemnify and
              hold harmless Avnet and any company nominated by Avnet pursuant to
              Section 1.1(d) and any Group Company to be purchased by Avnet (or
              any such nominated company) and any subsidiary of any such Group
              Company (other than the RKE Division) (the "AVNET INDEMNIFIED
              PARTIES") from all (after-tax) liabilities, damages and reasonable
              costs and expenses (excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, lost
              profits or consequential damages, other than to the extent that
              the lost profits or consequential damages are the subject of a
              claim by or liability to a third party) suffered or incurred
              before or after Closing in connection with any matter referred to
              in Part X of Exhibit 5 (a).

       (b)    Each of the Purchasers (or any company nominated by the relevant
              Purchaser under Section 1.1(d)) shall bear 10% of any liability
              under this Section 7.11 and the Sellers shall bear 70% of any such
              liability provided that:

              (i)    the maximum liability of any Purchaser (together with any
                     such nominated company) under this Section 7.11 shall not
                     exceed $ 3,500,000 and any excess shall be borne by the

              (ii)   if this Agreement is terminated in respect of Memec
                     Purchaser or Arrow, such liability of Memec Purchaser or
                     Arrow (or any such nominated company) shall not apply to
                     any such Purchaser who does not complete the Closing of
                     this Agreement and the percentage of the liability under


                     this Section 7.11 borne by each of the Purchasers who
                     complete the Closing of this Agreement shall increase from
                     10% to 15%; and

              (iii)  if a claim is made under this Section 7.11 more than 7
                     years (but not more than 10 years) after Closing in respect
                     of Avnet, such liability of Memec Purchaser and Arrow (or
                     any such nominated company) shall not apply and such
                     liability shall be borne by the Sellers.


       (a)    In respect of the legal action Avnet Inc. v. John Imman et al.
              (claim reference 13th Jud.Cir., Fla., Div.D., No. 93 4396)
              including claims for costs and/or attorney fees (the "WYLE/AVNET
              LITIGATION"), the Sellers shall as promptly as practicable after
              the date hereof (and using their best efforts to do so within five
              business days after the date hereof) cause all relevant members of
              the E.ON Group and all relevant Group Companies, and use all
              reasonable efforts to cause the individual parties to the
              Wyle/Avnet Litigation, and Avnet shall agree to take all actions
              necessary to settle all proceedings in respect of the Wyle/Avnet
              Litigation and all claims and liabilities in respect of it with no
              payment being made by any party to the Wyle/Avnet Litigation to
              any other such party in respect thereof.

       (b)    If any individual party to the Wyle/Avnet Litigation does not
              settle (in accordance with subsection (a) above) and any
              attorney's fees and expenses are awarded by the competent court
              and paid to any such individual by Avnet, the Sellers shall
              procure that to the extent that:

              (i)    any member of the E.ON Group; or

              (ii)   Wyle Electronics (but only in the event that this Agreement
                     is terminated in respect of Arrow),

              is paid any sum in respect of such amount by or on behalf of any
              such individual, such sum shall be paid forthwith to Avnet (or as
              it may direct) by the Sellers or by Wyle Electronics, as the case
              may be.


       The Sellers and Avnet shall procure on the Closing Date that the existing
       lease agreements between Viterra Aktiengesellschaft (previously Raab
       Karcher AG) and (i) EBV-Elektronik GmbH (dated October 18/26, 1999) and
       (ii) Atlas Logistik Services GmbH (dated May 14/25, 1999) shall be
       amended, with effect as of the Closing Date, as set forth in Exhibit


       (a)    Subject to the conditions set forth in this Section 7.14, Sellers
              hereby agree to indemnify each of the Purchasers (and any company
              nominated by the relevant Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.1(d)),
              the Companies and the Subsidiaries against (i) any Clean-Up Costs
              relating to Environmental Pollution (both as defined below) and
              (ii) Non-Compliance Costs (as defined below). The indemnification
              obligation of Sellers under this Section 7.14 (a) shall in each
              case be limited to 85% of such costs and Purchasers shall bear the
              remaining 15%, but only up to a maximum aggregate amount of $ 3
              million for all indemnification claims of Purchasers under this
              Section 7.14 (a). To the extent such claims exceed $ 3 million in
              aggregate, the Sellers shall be liable for the excess. Sellers
              shall only be liable for any claims for any Clean-Up Costs or
              Non-Compliance Costs if the liability for such costs exceeds, with
              respect to each individual matter, an amount of $ 100,000, in
              which case the whole of (and not merely the excess over) $ 100,000
              shall be recoverable (subject to the cost sharing provision
              above). For this purpose, any liability arising out of similar or
              related circumstances and related to the same property shall be
              aggregated. Except for Sections 8.1 (e), 8.3 (c) and paragraphs
              (f), (h), (i) and (j) of this Section 7.14, which shall apply,
              none of the limitations in this Agreement shall apply to any
              Clean-Up Costs and Non-Compliance Costs related to the matters
              disclosed in Exhibit 5.8.

       (b)    "ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION" shall mean any pollution for which any
              of the Companies or Subsidiaries is responsible or liable of the
              land, buildings, structures or ground or surface water and which
              existed or arose on or before the Closing Date.

       (c)    "CLEAN-UP COSTS" shall be any expenditures and costs of any of the
              Companies or Subsidiaries:


              -      for investigating, delineating, limiting, containing,
                     removing or disposing of Environmental Pollution, including
                     the transportation, storage and treatment of polluted soil
                     and building materials; and

              -      which have been incurred after the Effective Date in order
                     to satisfy or comply with legal requirements, provided
                     that, in respect of the period after the Closing Date, they
                     have taken all reasonable steps to keep such expenditures
                     and costs as low as reasonably practicable.

       (d)    "NON-COMPLIANCE COSTS" shall be any costs and expenditures
              reasonably incurred after the Effective Date by any of the
              Companies or Subsidiaries and relating to the failure to comply by
              any of the Companies or Subsidiaries with, or any breach by any
              Companies or Subsidiaries of, in each case, for periods prior to
              the Closing Date, any permits, licences, authorisations, consents,
              applicable laws, regulations, orders or decrees relating to the
              environment, preservation or reclamation of natural resources, or
              to the production, use, storage, labelling, transportation,
              management or disposal of hazardous substances to the extent such
              costs and expenditures are not Clean-Up Costs (such failure to
              comply being "NON-COMPLIANCE"), provided that after the Closing
              Date the Purchasers shall use their reasonable endeavours to
              mitigate the Non-Compliance Costs.

       (e)    Sellers shall only be obligated to indemnify the Purchasers (and
              any company nominated by the relevant Purchaser pursuant to
              Section 1.1(d)), the Companies and the Subsidiaries from any
              Clean-Up Costs or Non-Compliance Costs if and to the extent that
              (i) the Companies' or Subsidiaries' liability with respect to
              Clean-Up Costs or Non-Compliance Costs has been established by an
              enforceable decision, order, directive, consent, agreement or
              similar action by any court or governmental authority or (ii)
              proceedings against a Company or Subsidiary are pending before any
              court or governmental authority and there is a reasonable
              likelihood that such a decision, order of directive will be
              forthcoming. For this purpose, proceedings will be deemed to have
              been commenced if any such court or authority has served any
              notice or demand in respect of any such costs.

       (f)    Sellers shall be given verifiable evidence of any costs in
              accordance with Sections 7.14 (c) and 7.14 (d). Sellers are
              entitled to have the costs checked by their own authorised agent
              or by an expert who, on request, shall be allowed


              reasonable access to the relevant properties, documentation and
              personnel for the purposes of verification.

       (g)    If, in case of property leased by a Group Company, there is
              reasonable evidence that the Environmental Pollution has not been
              caused by a Company or Subsidiary but that any landlord of the
              leased property is liable to the Company or the Subsidiary for the
              Environmental Pollution, the relevant Purchaser shall first use
              all reasonable efforts (including litigation) to recover the
              relevant Clean-Up Costs from the landlord, unless such efforts
              would not have any reasonable chance of success (e.g. in case of
              the landlord's bankruptcy).

       (h)    The Purchasers shall procure that any Company or Subsidiary that
              has any claim against any third party (other than the landlord or
              member of the E.ON Group) in respect of Clean-Up Costs shall
              assign such claim to the relevant Seller, provided that the
              Sellers have reimbursed the Purchasers or relevant Company or
              Subsidiary in respect of those Clean-Up Costs and reasonable
              external costs in respect of such claim.

       (i)    The amount of indemnification/reimbursement paid or due by the
              Sellers under this Section 7.14 will be repaid or reduced to the
              extent of any compensation claims the Companies or Subsidiaries
              successfully recover against third parties (net of reasonable
              costs of recovery from the third party).

       (j)    In the event of administrative proceedings or third party claims
              relating to Environmental Pollution or Non-Compliance as described
              above, the Purchasers shall keep and shall procure that the
              Companies and the Subsidiaries keep the Sellers informed about the
              status of such proceedings or such third party claims and notify
              the Sellers as soon as practicable in writing of the issuance of
              any administrative order and any claims made by third parties
              relating to Environmental Pollution or Non-Compliance.


       Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Purchasers and
       Sellers will use their respective reasonable efforts to take, or cause to
       be taken, all actions and to do, or cause to be done, all things
       necessary under applicable laws and regulations to consummate the
       transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Sellers and Purchasers


       agree, and Sellers, prior to the Closing, and Purchasers, after the
       Closing, agree to cause the Group (and Sellers shall cause the E.ON
       Group), to execute and deliver such other documents, certificates,
       agreements and other writings and to take such other actions as may be
       necessary or desirable in order to consummate or implement expeditiously
       the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Sellers shall cause the
       Companies and Subsidiaries to cooperate with Purchasers, in the period
       between the date hereof and the Closing Date, in order to ensure, to the
       extent possible and practicable, continuity in the supplier, customer and
       employee relationships of the Group. Nothing in this Section 7.15 shall
       apply in connection with any applicable merger control laws or any
       requirement of any authority with regard to any merger control process or


       Except for any assets leased or licenced by any member of the E.ON Group
       to any Group Company (provided that the respective lease or licence
       agreements are expressly disclosed in this Agreement) and except as
       expressly otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Sellers covenant that
       to the extent any member of the E.ON Group owns any assets used primarily
       by or in connection with the business of any of the Divisions, the
       Sellers shall cause the relevant member of the E.ON Group to notify the
       relevant Purchaser and shall transfer at or prior to Closing any such
       asset to a Group Company nominated by such Purchaser without charge.


       The Sellers shall cause to be given all notices required to be given
       under any policy of insurance maintained in respect of the assets,
       business or liabilities of any Group Company to ensure that such assets,
       business or liabilities continue to be covered under such policies in
       respect of claims relating to or arising in the period up to and
       including Closing notwithstanding the execution of this Agreement or


       The Sellers shall inform the Purchasers prior to the Closing Date if any
       workers' council, economic committee or other employee body at any Group
       Company is established between the date hereof and the Closing Date and
       shall procure that the relevant Group Company will comply with any legal
       requirement to inform, or consult with, any works'


       council, economic committee or other employee body in connection with
       this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.

7.19   APRISA

       The Sellers shall co-operate with Memec Purchaser in implementing the
       arrangements agreed with APRISA, Inc. in relation to the assignment to
       Memec LLC of the exclusive marketing and distribution agreement dated
       April 12, 2000, between APRISA, Inc. and VEBA Electronics LLC and the
       transfer of all of the shares held by VEBA Electronics LLC in APRISA,
       Inc. to Memec LLC prior to or at Closing.


       Prior to Closing the Sellers shall co-operate and procure that the
       relevant Group Companies shall provide such co-operation to Memec
       Purchaser as may be reasonably requested by Memec Purchaser to enable
       such Purchaser to satisfy the condition set out in Section 4.3 (a) (iv),
       provided, however, that Sellers shall be under no obligation to assume
       any liability to Memec Purchaser or the financing banks.


       The Sellers shall not take any action prior to Closing which would
       prohibit or otherwise prevent any member of the Memec Division from
       entering into any agreement or completing any of the acquisitions
       referred to in Exhibit 7.1.


       VEBA Electronics LLC shall, and the Sellers shall procure that any
       relevant member of the E.ON Group shall, (i) to the extent requested by
       the Purchasers, cooperate with the relevant Purchasers in the assumption
       by the relevant Purchasers of the Software Licence Agreement, dated
       August 10, 1999, between VEBA Electronics LLC and Hyperion Solutions
       Corporations and (ii) use commercially reasonable efforts to continue to
       provide the relevant Group Companies with access to, and use of, the
       systems subject to the Hyperion licence for a period of nine months
       following Closing. The relevant Purchasers shall indemnify VEBA
       Electronics LLC and any relevant members of the E.ON Group from any
       liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses incurred by it as a
       result of the access to and use of these systems by Group Companies
       during this period.



       (a)    Except to the extent indemnified by the Sellers under Section 7.10
              (a), as from the Closing Date, Arrow (or any other Purchaser, if
              the Purchasers so decide) shall reimburse VEBA Electronics LLC for
              all costs of employment (which have been, or would not have to be,
              disclosed to Purchasers under Section 5.10 (b)) of the HQ
              Employees (as defined in paragraph (d) below) relating to the
              period between the Effective Date and the Closing Date, provided,
              however, that, if only Arrow or Avnet completes the Closing, such
              costs of employment shall be dealt with in the Transitional and
              Separation Arrangements to be agreed as a condition of such
              Closing without reference to the Expert.

       (b)    Prior to the Closing Date, Arrow (or any other Purchaser) may
              offer to employ any of the HQ Employees, as defined below, with
              effect as of the Closing Date. VEBA Electronics LLC shall
              co-operate with the Purchasers in the making of any such offers.
              From the day of this Agreement until the Closing Date, the Sellers
              shall not, and shall procure that no member of the E.ON Group
              shall, without the prior written consent of the Purchasers, hold
              any discussions with any of the HQ Employees regarding employment
              by any member of the E.ON Group.

       (c)    If, for any reason (including as a result of the Purchasers'
              failure to make an offer in accordance with paragraph (b) or the
              relevant HQ Employee's rejection of such offer), any of the HQ
              Employees are not employed by any Purchaser, then, without
              prejudice to the rights of such employees against any party, Arrow
              (or, if the transactions contemplated hereby cannot be consummated
              in respect of Arrow, any other Purchaser as agreed in the
              Transitional and Separation Agreements) shall indemnify VEBA
              Electronics LLC from any compensation (including any bonuses,
              payments under EPU schemes or benefits) relating to the period
              after the Closing Date and any severance benefits and notice pay
              with respect to such HQ Employees, in each case under applicable
              employment agreements and severance policies of VEBA Electronics
              LLC in effect as of the date hereof, provided that such
              compensation, severance benefit and notice pay are, or would not
              have to be, disclosed in Exhibit 5.10 (b) (save for amounts
              referred to in Section 7.10 (a) (i) and (ii)). This paragraph (b)
              shall not apply with respect to any HQ Employee who remains in the
              employment of any member of the E.ON Group after a period of two
              months after the Closing Date, unless


              notice to terminate such employment has been given by the E.ON
              Group to the relevant HQ Employee within such period and the
              employment is so terminated as soon as possible and in any event
              no later than the expiry of the notice period applicable to the
              relevant employee.

       (d)    For purposes of this Agreement, the term "HQ EMPLOYEES" shall mean
              those individuals employed by VEBA Electronics LLC as listed in
              Exhibit 7.23.

       (e)    The Sellers shall use their reasonable efforts to procure that,
              until the expiry of a period of 3 months from the date on which
              the Closing Certificates are determined in accordance with Article
              3, (i) Maria Oestreicher shall devote such of her time to the
              affairs of the Group (including in respect of the Effective Date
              Financial Statements, Effective Date Certificates and the Closing
              Certificates) and (ii) the Purchasers shall have access to her, in
              each case as the Purchasers shall reasonably request.

       (f)    For the purposes of this Agreement, references to Arrow or any
              other Purchaser offering to employ or employing any HQ Employee
              shall include any such offer of employment by any affiliate of
              such Purchaser.


       (a)    The Sellers shall indemnify the Purchasers (and any company
              nominated by the relevant Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.1(d))
              and each of the Group Companies against any losses arising from
              any foreign exchange, interest rate hedging or similar
              arrangements ("FOREX AND HEDGING CONTRACTS") entered into by any
              Group Company prior to the Closing Date.

       (b)    To the extent that any Group Company makes any gain on any Forex
              and Hedging Contract entered into by any Group Company prior to
              the Closing Date, the relevant Purchaser (and any company
              nominated by the relevant Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.1(d))
              shall (or procure that the relevant Group Company shall) make a
              payment to the relevant Seller of an amount equal to such gain
              (after deduction of any tax and expenses incurred on any such


       (c)    Paragraphs (a) and (b) shall not apply to the extent (determined
              by reference to the specific amount) the relevant Forex or Hedging
              Contracts were entered into in connection with any matching
              contract or arrangement.

7.25   US 401 (k) PLANS

       (a)    Except as provided below in Section 7.25(c), as soon as
              practicable after the Closing Date, (i) Arrow shall establish or
              designate an individual account plan (the "ARROW PLAN") and
              related trust for the benefit of the current and former employees
              (the "VEBA EMPLOYEES") of VEBA Electronics LLC, Wyle Electronics,
              Atlas Services LLC, Atlas Business Services LLC, and EBV
              Electronics Holdings, Inc. and their respective Subsidiaries who
              were participants in the VEBA Electronics LLC 401 (k) Plan (the
              "VEBA PLAN") as of the Closing Date (and their beneficiaries) and
              (ii) Sellers shall cause the trustee under the VEBA Plan to
              transfer to the trust under the Arrow Plan, in the form of cash
              (or such other form as may be agreed by the sponsor of the Arrow
              Plan), the full account balances of the VEBA Employees under the
              VEBA Plan and Arrow shall take all actions necessary to cause the
              Arrow Plan and related trust to accept such transfer. As a
              condition to the transfer provided herein, if so requested, Arrow
              shall provide to Sellers with respect to the Arrow Plan, and
              Sellers shall provide Arrow with respect to the VEBA Plan, a copy
              of an IRS determination letter (or, in the absence of a current
              determination letter, an affidavit stating that to the knowledge
              of the plan sponsor no basis exists that would cause the plan to
              fail to qualify under the Code). Notwithstanding anything to the
              contrary, the requirements of this Section shall be void if the
              Sellers and Arrow agree in writing that the transfer provided in
              this Section shall not be made (provided that Arrow shall not
              unreasonably withhold its agreement to any reasonable request by
              Sellers that the transfer not be made). In consideration for the
              transfer of assets described herein, Arrow shall, effective as of
              the date of such transfer, assume all of the obligations of
              Sellers and any of their affiliates in respect of the account
              balances accumulated by VEBA Employees under the VEBA Plan.

       (b)    As soon as practicable after the Closing Date (i) Memec Purchaser
              shall establish or designate an individual account plan (the
              "MEMEC PLAN") and related trust for the benefit of the current and
              former employees (the "MEMEC EMPLOYEES") of Memec LLC and, to the
              extent provided in Section 7.25 (c), Atlas Services LLC and Atlas
              Business Services LLC and their respective Subsidiaries who were


              participants in the VEBA Plan as of the Closing Date (and their
              beneficiaries) and (ii) Sellers shall cause the trustee under the
              VEBA Plan to transfer to the trust under the Memec Plan, in the
              form of cash (or such other form as may be agreed by the sponsor
              of the Memec Plan), the full account balances of the Memec
              Employees under the VEBA Plan and the Memec Purchaser shall take
              all actions necessary to cause the Memec Plan and related trust to
              accept such transfer. As a condition to the transfer provided
              herein, if so requested, the Memec Purchaser shall provide to
              Sellers with respect to the Memec Plan, and Sellers shall provide
              the Memec Purchaser with respect to the VEBA Plan, a copy of an
              IRS determination letter (or, in the absence of a current
              determination letter, an affidavit stating that to the knowledge
              of the plan sponsor no basis exists that would cause the plan to
              fail to qualify under the Code). Notwithstanding anything to the
              contrary, the requirements of this Section shall be void if the
              Sellers and the Memec Purchaser agree in writing that the transfer
              provided in this Section shall not be made (provided that the
              Memec Purchaser shall not unreasonably withhold their agreement to
              any reasonable request by Sellers that the transfer not be made).
              In consideration for the transfer of assets described herein, the
              Memec Purchaser shall, effective as of the date of such transfer,
              assume all of the obligations of Sellers and any of their
              affiliates in respect of the account balances accumulated by Memec
              Employees under the VEBA Plan.

       (c)    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Sections
              7.25(a) and (b), with respect to each of the current and former
              employees of Atlas Services LLC and Atlas Business Services LLC,
              Arrow and the Memec Purchaser shall together determine which of
              the Arrow Plan and the Memec Plan should accept the transfer of
              such employees' account balances, provided, however, that if Arrow
              and the Memec Purchaser do not agree on which of the Arrow Plan
              and the Memec Plan will accept the transfer of any such current or
              former employee's account, such account shall be transferred to
              the Arrow Plan.


                                    ARTICLE 8


       (a)    The Sellers shall indemnify and hold harmless each Purchaser, any
              company nominated by the relevant Purchaser pursuant to Section
              1.1(d) and each member of the Group from and against any
              liabilities, damages (including lost profits, but excluding any
              unreasonably remote lost profits or any other indirect
              consequential damages, such as lost profits or other consequential
              damages which are determined on the basis of earnings projections
              or price-earnings ratios for any Divisions,) and reasonable costs
              and expenses (collectively the "LOSSES"), free of and without any
              rights of counterclaim or set-off and without deduction or
              withholding on any grounds whatsoever, save to the extent that
              they relate to matters expressly provided for in this Article 8 in
              respect of the determination of Losses or the procedure for
              claiming such Losses, asserted against, suffered or incurred by
              any Purchaser, any company nominated by a relevant Purchaser
              pursuant to Section 1.1(d) or any member of the Group which arises
              out of a breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or
              agreement of the Sellers or any of them contained in this
              Agreement. The Sellers shall not be liable for any Losses to the
              extent that such Losses are reflected in any adjustment of the
              purchase price under Article 2.

       (b)    The Sellers shall only be liable for any Losses (arising from a
              breach of any representation and warranty contained in Article 5
              or of any covenant contained in Section 7.1 or Tax Losses (arising
              under Section 9.5 (a) (iii)), if (i) any such Losses or Tax Losses
              with respect to an individual matter exceed an amount of $ 200,000
              for Losses under Article 5 (other than in respect of Section 5.18
              in respect of the period since the Effective Date) or $ 100,000
              for Losses under Section 5.18 in respect of the period since the
              Effective Date or under Section 7.1 or Tax Losses under Section
              9.5 (a) (iii) (provided that in each such case for this purpose,
              Losses or Tax Losses arising out of similar or related
              circumstances shall be aggregated) in which case the whole of (and
              not merely the excess over) $ 200,000 or $ 100,000 (as the case
              may be) shall be recoverable and (ii) to the extent that the
              aggregate of all Losses (other than those where liability is
              excluded as referred to in (i) above) arising from a breach of the
              representations and warranties contained in Article 5 and all Tax
              Losses arising under Section 9.5 (a)


              (iii) exceed $ 20,000,000. Section 8.1 (b) (ii) shall not apply to
              the Sellers' liability arising from a breach of the
              representations and warranties in Section 5.18 in respect of the
              period on or after the Effective Date.

       (c)    If any Tax Losses under any of the indemnities contained in
              Article 9 other than Section 9.5 (a) (iii) arise from any Tax
              audit or other Tax related proceedings, the Sellers shall only be
              liable for such Tax Losses if they exceed in each case $ 100,000
              (in which case the entire amount shall be recoverable), provided,
              however, that the Sellers shall only be entitled to apply this
              threshold to five such Tax audits or Tax related proceedings. This
              paragraph (c) shall not apply to Tax Losses with respect to any
              Tax payable in Germany, the United Kingdom or the United States of
              America, in respect of which no threshold for claims shall apply.

       (d)    The Sellers' liability for the breach of any representation and
              warranty, covenant, indemnity and other agreement contained in
              this Agreement and under the indemnities in Section 7.10, except
              for any liability under Section 7.5 (Covenant Not to Compete,
              Covenant not to Solicit), Section 7.12 (Environmental Indemnity)
              and Article 9 (Taxes), shall be limited to an aggregate amount of
              $ 750 million.

       (e)    Subsections (b) and (d) of this Section 8.1 shall not apply to the
              Sellers' liability under Section 1 (Agreement to Sell and
              Purchase) or arising from a breach of the representations and
              warranties contained in Sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 (corporate
              organization, share ownership and authorization/non-contravention)
              or in respect of the indemnity in Section 7.11 (Avnet Indemnity),
              provided, however, that such liability of the Sellers shall be
              limited, together with any other liability under this Agreement,
              to an aggregate amount equal to the sum of the Final Share
              Purchase Price and the Closing Date Inter-Group Debt payable by
              Purchasers under Article 2.

       (f)    None of the limitations contained in subsections (b), (c) and (d)
              of this Section 8.1 or in Section 8.3 shall apply to the Sellers'
              liability arising under this Agreement in cases of fraud or
              deliberate concealment by any Seller or E.ON AG or any of their
              respective officers, agents, employees or advisers (excluding, for
              the avoidance of doubt, any directors (other than any directors
              referred to in Section 7.4), officers or employees of the Group)
              who have acted on behalf of


              any Seller or E.ON AG in connection with the negotiation or
              conclusion of this Agreement.

       (g)    The legal concepts set out in sections 460 and 464 of the BGB
              shall not apply to this Agreement. Sellers shall, however, not be
              liable for the breach of any representation and warranty contained
              in Section 5 of this Agreement if and to the extent that any
              Purchaser, based on its knowledge of the matter giving rise to the
              breach and assuming its knowledge of this Agreement, knew or ought
              reasonably to have known at the date of this Agreement that there
              was a breach of a representation and warranty relating to any of
              the Divisions acquired by such Purchaser. Purchasers' knowledge is
              defined as the actual knowledge of the persons listed against such
              Purchaser's name in Exhibit 8.1 (Part 1), after inquiry with such
              Purchaser's officers, employees, representatives and advisers
              listed in Exhibit 8.1 (Part 2). Without limiting the generality of
              the foregoing, such Purchaser shall be deemed to have knowledge of
              all matters which are disclosed, in reasonably sufficient detail,
              in any due diligence report prepared for it by such Purchasers'
              employees, representatives or advisers prior to the date hereof.
              For the avoidance of doubt, the knowledge of a Purchaser (after
              such inquiry) shall not be attributed to any other Purchaser.

       (h)    Unless expressly otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Losses
              to be compensated hereunder shall be determined as provided under
              applicable law (including, to the extent provided under such
              applicable law, by taking into account any offset of future
              advantages or benefits arising as a result of the event or
              circumstances causing such Losses).


       Subject to the provisions contained in Sections 8.3 to 8.5 (inclusive),
       each Purchaser shall indemnify and hold harmless the Sellers from and
       against any Losses asserted against, suffered or incurred by the Sellers
       which arise out of a breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or
       agreement by that Purchaser contained in this Agreement. In addition,
       Arrow (or the relevant Purchaser with respect to HQ Employees employed by
       such Purchaser in accordance with Section 7.23) agrees to indemnify and
       hold harmless the Sellers and E.ON AG from and against any Losses
       asserted against, suffered or incurred by the Sellers or E.ON AG which
       arise out of or in connection with (i) any asset, agreement, obligation
       or liability of VEBA Electronics LLC assumed by


       Arrow pursuant to Section 1.1 (b) of this Agreement, and (ii) the
       liabilities with respect to any compensation, benefits and severance
       payments to any HQ Employees who accept an offer of employment made by
       any Purchaser pursuant to Section 7.23 (a) under this Agreement (save for
       amounts referred to in Section 7.10 (a) (i) and (ii)), provided that VEBA
       Electronics LLC shall assign, or cause to be assigned, to Arrow (or any
       other relevant Purchaser (or any company nominated by the relevant
       Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.1(d)) any benefits provided under
       arrangements which are insured, either through stop-loss coverage or


       The representations and warranties, covenants, indemnities and other
       agreements of the Parties (including all claims and remedies with respect
       thereto) under this Agreement shall be subject to the following
       limitation periods:

       (a)    Subject to paragraphs (c) and (d) below, all representations and
              warranties of the Parties in Articles 5 and 6 and the Sellers'
              covenants in Section 7.1 (including all claims and remedies with
              respect thereto) shall be time-barred upon expiration of a period
              of 18 months after the Closing Date.

       (b)    The representations and warranties of the Sellers under Section
              5.2 (a) (ownership of shares and absence of third-party rights in
              shares) and the indemnity in Section 7.11 shall be subject to a
              limitation period of ten years after the Closing Date (in the case
              of Section 7.11, the Closing Date being in respect of the Closing
              with Avnet).

       (c)    The representations, warranties and indemnities under Article 9
              (Taxes) shall be time-barred as set forth in Section 9.9 below.

       (d)    The representations, warranties and indemnities under Section 5.8
              (Environmental Matters) and 7.14 (Environmental Indemnity) shall
              be subject to a limitation period of five years after the Closing

       (e)    All other covenants, indemnities and agreements hereunder shall be
              subject to a limitation period of five years after the Closing

       Any such limitation period will be interrupted (unterbrochen) (a) in
       respect of any claim (other than any claim under any indemnity in Article
       7 or 9) in the event that a notice of the claim has been given in
       accordance with Section 8.4 below or (b) in respect of any claim under
       Article 7 or 9 in the event that notice of the claim has been given to
       the Sellers describing the claim in reasonable detail (as available) and,
       to the extent then reasonably feasible, setting forth the estimated
       amount of such claim. In case of such a notice, a new limitation period
       of one year following such notice shall apply in respect of the relevant
       claim, which shall expire on the later of (i) the first anniversary
       following such notice and (ii) the applicable limitation period set forth
       in paragraphs (a) - (e) of this Section 8.3. The new limitation period
       can only be interrupted in accordance with applicable law (e.g. by filing
       a claim with the competent court).


       (a)    In the event of a breach of a representation, warranty or covenant
              of a Party (an "INDEMNIFYING PARTY") contained in this Agreement
              (other than any indemnity in Article 7 or 9), any person to be
              indemnified hereunder (the "INDEMNIFIED PARTY") (or any of the
              Purchasers, where a company nominated by the relevant Purchaser
              under Section 1.1(d) or a member of the Group is an Indemnified
              Party) shall (i) as soon as reasonably practicable after the
              Indemnified Party becomes aware of the relevant breach, notify the
              Indemnifying Party of such breach, describe its claim in
              reasonable detail (as available) and, to the extent then
              reasonably feasible, set forth the estimated amount of such claim,
              provided that the failure to provide such notification shall not
              prevent any claim being made by or on behalf of the Indemnified
              Party in respect of such breach, but the Indemnifying Party shall
              not be liable in respect of such breach to the extent that its
              ability to mitigate the liability shall have been prejudiced by
              any delay in providing the notification, and (ii) to the extent
              the breach is capable of remedy, give the Indemnifying Party the
              opportunity to remedy the breach within a reasonable period of
              time not exceeding two weeks. The Indemnified Party shall further
              use its reasonable endeavours to mitigate the Losses suffered by
              it as a result of the breach in accordance with applicable law.

       (b)    In the event that any claim or demand for which an Indemnifying
              Party is likely to be liable under Article 5 or 6 or any indemnity
              under Section 7.10 is asserted by a third party against an
              Indemnified Party, the Indemnified Party (or the Purchaser, where
              the Indemnified Party is a company nominated under Section


              1.1(d) or a Group Company) shall notify the Indemnifying Party of
              such claim or demand in accordance with paragraph (a) (or Section
              8.3 in the case of a claim under Section 7.10) and the following
              shall apply:

              (i)    If the Indemnifying Parties acknowledge in writing to the
                     Indemnified Parties (or the Purchasers, where a company has
                     been nominated by the relevant Purchaser pursuant to
                     Section 1.1(d) or a member of the Group is an Indemnified
                     Party) that they accept liability under the Indemnified
                     Party's claim under this Agreement within two weeks after
                     receipt of the notice pursuant to subsection (a) (or
                     Section 8.3, in the case of a claim under Section 7.10),
                     the Indemnified Parties shall give the Indemnifying Parties
                     the opportunity to defend the Indemnified Parties against
                     such claim at the expense of the Indemnifying Parties and
                     the following provisions of this sub-clause shall apply.
                     The Indemnifying Parties shall have the right to defend the
                     Indemnified Parties by all appropriate proceedings and
                     shall have the sole power to direct and control such
                     defence. In particular, but without limitation, the
                     Indemnifying Parties may participate in and direct all
                     negotiations and correspondence with the third party,
                     appoint counsel and request that the claim be litigated or
                     settled in accordance with the Indemnifying Parties'
                     instructions. In no event shall the Indemnified Parties be
                     entitled to acknowledge or settle the claim, or permit any
                     such acknowledgement or settlement, without the
                     Indemnifying Parties' written consent. The Indemnified
                     Parties shall use their respective reasonable endeavours to
                     cooperate and cause the Group to use its reasonable
                     endeavours to cooperate with the Indemnifying Parties in
                     the defence of any third-party claim.

              (ii)   If sub-clause (i) above applies, the Indemnified Parties
                     shall in each case provide the Indemnifying Parties'
                     representatives reasonable access upon reasonable notice,
                     during normal business hours, to all relevant business
                     records and documents and permit the Indemnifying Parties
                     and their representatives a reasonable opportunity to
                     consult with the directors, employees and representatives
                     of the Indemnified Parties or the Group (as the case may

              (iii)  If sub-clause (i) does not apply, the Indemnified Party
                     shall keep and shall procure that the Companies and the
                     Subsidiaries keep the Sellers


                     informed about the status of any third-party claims and
                     shall take all reasonable actions in connection with the
                     defence in order to mitigate the Losses.

              (iv)   If subsection (i) applies, the Indemnifying Party shall
                     provide to the Indemnified Parties (or the Purchasers where
                     a company nominated by the relevant Purchaser pursuant to
                     Section 1.1(d) or any member of the Group is an Indemnified
                     Party) copies of all documents and notify them in advance
                     of all material proposed steps in connection with the
                     defence or conduct referred to in subsection (i).

              (v)    The Indemnifying Parties will indemnify and hold harmless
                     the Indemnified Parties in respect of all costs or expenses
                     (other than management time of any officer or employee of
                     any Indemnified Party) reasonably incurred by any of the
                     Indemnified Parties in connection with any defence, conduct
                     or cooperation referred to in subsection (i).

              (vi)   Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 8.4,
                     the Indemnifying Party will not consent to the entry of any
                     judgement or enter into any settlement without the written
                     consent of the Indemnified Party, unless such judgement or
                     settlement provides only for the payment of monetary
                     damages or compensation and for a full release of the
                     Indemnified Party from all liabilities with respect

       (c)    In the event that any claim or demand for which the Sellers are
              likely to be liable under Section 7.11 is asserted by a third
              party against Avnet or any Avnet Indemnified Party (as defined in
              Section 7.11 (a)), Avnet shall keep and shall procure that the
              Avnet Indemnified Parties keep the Sellers informed about the
              status of any such third-party claim and shall take all reasonable
              actions in connection with the defence of such third-party claim
              in order to mitigate the liability or damage in respect thereof
              and Avnet shall give the Sellers a reasonable opportunity to be
              consulted in respect of the conduct or the claim and shall take
              account of the comments of the Sellers in respect of the conduct
              to the extent reasonable. If a supplier makes a claim against any
              of the Avnet Indemnified Parties in respect of a matter which is
              the subject of the indemnity in Section 7.11 and, as a result of
              that matter, the supplier terminates its relationship with all the
              Group Companies who comprise Avnet Indemnified Parties, Avnet
              shall procure


              that such claim shall not be settled without the prior consent of
              the Sellers, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or

       (d)    Avnet shall procure that no senior vice president or more senior
              officer of Avnet shall approach (or procure that any approach is
              made to) any supplier to discuss any matter referred to in Part X
              of Exhibit 5 (a) prior to any claim in respect of any such matter
              being made by such supplier, without the prior consent of the
              Sellers, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.


       (a)    The Parties agree that the rights and remedies which the Sellers
              on the one hand and Purchasers (or any company nominated by the
              relevant Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.1 (d)) on the other hand
              may have in respect of the breach of a representation, warranty,
              covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement are limited to
              the rights and remedies explicitly contained herein without
              prejudice to any claim for specific performance or for any
              injunction or court order to enforce any rights set forth in this
              Agreement. In particular, without limitation, no Party shall have
              a right to rescind, cancel or otherwise terminate this Agreement
              or exercise any right or remedy which would have a similar effect,
              except for the termination rights set forth in Article 10 below.

       (b)    Other than the rights and remedies explicitly set forth herein and
              without prejudice to any claim for specific performance or for any
              injunction or court order to enforce any rights set forth in this
              Agreement, Purchasers (and any company nominated by the relevant
              Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.1(d)) and Sellers hereby waive any
              and all rights and remedies of any nature (contractual,
              quasi-contractual, tort or otherwise), including any claims under
              statutory representations and claims for negligent
              misrepresentation, which they may otherwise have against each
              other in connection with this Agreement or the transactions
              contemplated hereby, except for any rights and remedies under the
              Confidentiality Agreement dated February 3, 2000.

       (c)    The provisions of this Section 8.5 shall not apply to (i) rights
              and remedies which the Sellers may have under applicable law as a
              result of any Purchaser's failure to pay the purchase price or any
              portion thereof in accordance with this Agreement, (ii) rights and
              remedies which the Purchasers (or any company nominated by the


              relevant Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.1(d)) may have under
              applicable law arising from Sellers' failure to transfer the Sold
              Shares, free and clear of any encumbrances and rights of third
              parties, to Purchasers (or any company nominated by the relevant
              Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.1(d)) on the Closing Date (iii)
              rights and remedies which Avnet (or any company so nominated by
              it) may have under applicable law arising from any breach of the
              representation, warranty and covenant in Section 11.2, and (iv)
              any rights and remedies of any Party for fraud or wilful
              misconduct (Vorsatz).

                                    ARTICLE 9


       The following terms, as used herein, have the following meanings:

       "PRE-CLOSING TAX PERIOD" means any Tax period ending on or before the
       close of business on the Closing Date.

       "TAX" or "TAXATION" means (i) all taxes, including without limitation,
       income, gross receipts, ad valorem, value-added, excise, real property,
       personal property, sales, use, transfer, withholding, employment, social
       and franchise taxes, together with interest, penalties, surcharges and
       additional tax, imposed by any governmental authority (a "TAXING
       AUTHORITY") responsible for the imposition of such tax and (ii) any
       amounts paid or payable to any person (including a Taxing Authority)
       arising out of an indemnity or covenant to pay in respect of Tax.

       "TAX ASSET" means any loss, relief, allowance, set off, deduction, right
       to repayment or credit or other relief of a similar nature granted by or
       available in relation to Tax to the extent that it either arises in
       respect of an event occuring after the Effective Date or was taken into
       account in the Effective Date Financial Statements as an asset.

       "TAX RETURN" means any return, declaration, report, claim for refund,
       information return, statement, schedule, notice, form or other document
       or information relating to Tax, including any schedule or attachment
       thereto, and including any amendment thereof.


       In this Article a reference to "relevant Purchaser", "relevant Seller",
       "relevant Company" or "relevant Subsidiary" is a reference to the entity
       to which a right or obligation or a liability under this Article or in
       respect of Tax relates.


       Sellers represent and warrant to Purchasers (or any company nominated by
       the relevant Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.1 (d)) as of the date hereof
       and as of the Closing Date that, except as otherwise disclosed in Exhibit

       (a)    all material Tax Returns required to be filed with any Taxing
              Authority on or prior to the Closing Date by or on behalf of any
              of the Companies or Subsidiaries have been filed when due in
              accordance with all applicable laws;

       (b)    as of the time of filing, the Tax Returns were true and complete
              in all material respects;

       (c)    all material Tax due and payable by the Companies or Subsidiaries
              has been timely paid, or withheld and remitted, to the appropriate
              Taxing Authority;

       (d)    there has been no formal or informal notice of any claim, action,
              suit, proceeding, or investigation now pending against or with
              respect to any of the Companies or Subsidiaries in respect of any
              material Tax;

       (e)    no Company or Subsidiary is a member of any consolidated or
              unitary group or a party to any arrangement with any third party
              (other than any member of the Group or of the VEBA Group) as a
              result of which any income, loss, asset or liability of any of the
              Companies or Subsidiaries is attributed for Tax purposes to any
              such third party or is otherwise taken into account in determining
              any Tax payable by any third party, or vice versa;

       (f)    no Company is a "United States Real Property Holding Corporation"
              within the meaning of section 897 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue

       (g)    except as provided in the Effective Date Financial Statements no
              Company or Subsidiary is or will be under any obligation to make
              or repay any payment for the surrender of losses or other amounts
              that may be surrendered;


       (h)    no Company or Subsidiary is subject to an adjustment pursuant to
              section 481 of the Internal Revenue Code;

       (i)    no Taxing Authority in a jurisdiction where a Company or
              Subsidiary is not paying Tax has made a claim or assertion that
              the Company or Subsidiary is or may be subject to Tax by such
              jurisdiction, otherwise than by deduction of Tax at source;

       (j)    all Companies and Subsidiaries that are corporations formed under
              US state law being purchased are members of a US consolidated Tax
              group of which VEBA Corporation is the consolidated group parent.


       Sellers shall (i) prepare and file, or cause the Companies and the
       Subsidiaries to prepare and file, all Tax Returns required to be filed by
       or on behalf of the Companies or Subsidiaries on or before the Closing
       Date and (ii) Sellers shall prepare and file at the Sellers' expense all
       Tax Returns which include the Companies and Subsidiaries and which are to
       be filed by the Sellers on a consolidated basis after the Closing Date.
       The relevant Purchasers shall procure the Companies and the Subsidiaries
       to prepare such information as is required for the purpose of
       consolidated Tax Returns to be filed by Sellers at the relevant
       Purchaser's expense and the relevant Purchaser shall have the right to
       review the portion of such consolidated Tax Returns relating to the
       Companies and the Subsidiaries. The relevant Purchaser shall at the
       relevant Purchaser's expense prepare and file all Tax Returns required to
       be filed by or on behalf of any of the Companies or Subsidiaries after
       the Closing Date subject, in the case of any Tax Returns for a Tax period
       beginning before the Closing Date, to the review of Sellers and the
       relevant Purchaser shall incorporate reasonable comments made by the
       Sellers concerning the preparation and filing of such Tax Returns. The
       Sellers or relevant Purchaser, as the case may be, shall ensure that any
       Tax Return to be reviewed by the other party will be made available to
       such other party no later than 30 days prior to the due date for the
       filing of such Tax Return and any comments must be given by the other
       party within 15 days of receipt. The relevant Purchaser shall pay all
       Taxes shown as due on any Tax Return to be filed by the relevant
       Purchaser under this Section 9.3 but such payment shall not prejudice any
       claims the relevant Purchaser has or may have under Section 9.5. Sellers
       shall timely pay or cause to be paid all Tax for which Sellers are liable
       with respect to


       any Tax Return to be filed by Sellers under this Section 9.3 subject to
       the relevant Purchaser procuring that any of the Companies and the
       Subsidiaries included in a Tax Return to be filed on a consolidated basis
       shall collectively have paid an amount equal to the Tax liability of all
       such Companies and Subsidiaries in respect of such Tax Returns to the
       Seller to the extent that such Tax (i) was taken into account in
       calculating the amount of the Effective Date Taxation Liability or (ii)
       which was incurred in the ordinary course of business and is attributable
       to the portion of a Tax period beginning on or after the Effective Date
       and ending on the Closing Date (such tax to be computed by treating the
       Companies and Subsidiaries as a separate sub-group), in each case not
       later than 5 days prior to the date for the filing of the Tax Return.


       The relevant Purchaser shall pay to the Sellers an amount equal to any
       refunds received in cash with respect to Tax of the Companies or
       Subsidiaries for Tax periods ending on or before the Effective Date
       except for those refunds taken into account as an asset in the Effective
       Date Financial Statements.


       (a)    Subject to the provisions of Sections 8.1 (b) and 8.1 (c), the
              Sellers covenant to pay to each of the relevant Purchaser or a
              company nominated by the relevant Purchaser pursuant to Section
              1.1(d) an amount equal to any

              (i)    Tax of any of the Companies or the Subsidiaries (whether or
                     not they are primarily liable for the same) attributable to
                     any Tax period or portion thereof ending on or before the
                     Effective Date;

              (ii)   Tax of the Companies or the Subsidiaries (whether or not
                     they are primarily liable for the same) attributable to any
                     Tax period or portion thereof ending on or before the
                     Closing Date as the result of any act, transaction or event
                     outside the ordinary course of business of the Companies or
                     the Subsidiaries;

              (iii)  liability for Tax arising from a breach of any Tax
                     representation or warranty contained in Section 9.2;


              (iv)   loss or reduction of any Tax Asset taken into account in
                     the Effective Date Financial Statements as an asset;

              (v)    set off of any Tax Asset arising after the Effective Date
                     against Tax if and to the extent the Purchaser would have
                     had a claim under Section 9.5 (a) (i), (ii) or (iii) had
                     such set off not reduced or extinguished such liability to
                     Tax, provided that the Purchaser shall procure that any
                     reliefs, deductions or credits other than a Tax Asset are
                     used, so far as reasonably practicable, to offset any such
                     liability to Tax;

              (vi)   Tax attributable to the triggering of a deferred
                     intercompany gain or excess loss account for U.S. federal
                     state or local tax purposes as the result of the transfer
                     of the shares of the Companies from the Sellers to the
                     Purchasers on the Closing Date;

              (vii)  liability for Tax arising in consequence of an act,
                     omission, transaction or event occurring at any time for
                     which the Company or Subsidiary is not primarily liable but
                     for which it is liable only as a result of having at any
                     time on or before the Closing Date been a member of a group
                     for Tax purposes or by virtue of having been at any time
                     before the Closing Date controlled by any person;

              (viii) any reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the
                     Purchasers or the Companies or the Subsidiaries in
                     connection with prosecuting any claim under Article 9 to
                     the extent to which the Sellers are liable for such claim
                     (the sum of (i) to (viii) being referred to herein as a
                     "TAX LOSS" or "TAX LOSSES" which may be adjusted pursuant
                     to Section 9.5(c)) provided that to the extent that the
                     Sellers are not liable in respect of such claim the
                     Purchasers shall reimburse the Sellers for any reasonable
                     costs and expenses incurred by the Sellers in respect of
                     defending against such claim.

              Notwithstanding any of the foregoing to the contrary, this Section
              9.5 shall not apply to any Tax governed by Section 11.7.

       (b)    For the purposes of this Article 9 the following shall, without
              limitation, be considered to be outside the ordinary course of


              (i)    the payment of any dividend or the making of any
                     distribution; or

              (ii)   the disposal, realisation or acquisition of any asset
                     (including, without limitation, trading stock) in
                     circumstances where, and only to the extent that, the
                     consideration (if any) actually received (or due to be
                     received) or given (or due to be given) for such disposal,
                     realisation or acquisition is less than (or in case of an
                     acquisition, more than) the consideration deemed to be or
                     have been received or given for Tax purposes; or

              (iii)  the supply or receipt of any service or business facility
                     of any kind (including, without limitation, a loan of money
                     or the letting, hiring, licensing or creation of any
                     tangible or intangible property or rights) in circumstances
                     where, and only to the extent that, the consideration
                     received (or due to be received) or given (or due to be
                     given) is less than (or in the case of receipt of a
                     service, more than) the consideration which is deemed to be
                     received or given for Tax purposes; or

              (iv)   any act, transaction or event which gives rise to deemed
                     (as opposed to actual) income, profits or gains; or

              (v)    any act, omission, transaction or event which results in a
                     Company or Subsidiary becoming liable to or bear a
                     liability to Tax directly or primarily chargeable against
                     or attributable to another person; or

              (vi)   a Company or Subsidiary ceasing, for Tax purposes to be the
                     member of any group or associated with any other Company or
                     Subsidiary or a change of residence of any Company or
                     Subsidiary for Tax purposes; or

              (vii)  any disposition of a capital asset in violation of Section
                     7.1 (d) and any disposition of shares of capital stock of
                     any corporation; or

              (viii) any material restructuring of the handling and ownership of
                     inventory including, without limitation the centralization
                     of warehousing and related matters; or

              (ix)   the entering into, performance of or closing of this
                     Agreement; or


              (x)    any reorganization of the Companies or Subsidiaries
                     including a change in entity classification; or

              (xi)   any disallowance of any interest expense deduction in
                     respect of the Effective Date Inter-Group Debt and
                     Effective Date External Debt (for the avoidance of doubt,
                     interest paid or accrued on loans extended by E.ON AG or a
                     company of the E.ON Group after the Effective Date shall be
                     considered to be paid in the ordinary course of business);

              (xii)  any gain or other income attributable to the sale of assets
                     or deemed sale of assets by Sellers to Purchasers pursuant
                     to this Agreement, it being understood that Incremental Tax
                     cost, if any, shall be payable by the Purchaser pursuant to
                     Section 9.13.

       (c)    Where an amount of Tax paid by the Company or Subsidiary has
              resulted in a relief (the "RELEVANT RELIEF") and the Seller has
              made a payment to the Purchaser in respect of that Tax in
              satisfaction of a claim made under this Section 9.5, the relevant
              Purchaser shall where the claim is less than $100,000 pay or
              procure that the relevant Company or relevant Subsidiary pays to
              the Seller an amount equal to the net present value of the
              Relevant Relief within 5 days of the auditors for the time being
              of the Company or Subsidiary confirming at the request and expense
              of the Seller that such Relevant Relief is actually available to
              the Company or Subsidiary and where the claim is in excess of
              $100,000 pay to the Seller an amount equal to the amount of Tax
              saved within 5 days of the auditors for the time being of the
              Company or Subsidiary confirming at the request and expense of the
              Seller that such Relevant Relief has actually been utilised.

       (d)    The covenant contained in Section 9.5 shall not apply to the
              extent that:

              (i)    the Tax was taken into account in calculating the amount of
                     the Effective Date Taxation Liability which has been taken
                     into account in determining the Final Share Purchase Price;

              (ii)   the Tax arises as a result of any change in rates of tax
                     made after Closing or of any change in law (or a change in
                     interpretation on the basis of case


                     law), regulation, directive or requirement, or the
                     published practice of any Taxing Authority, occurring after

              (iii)  the Tax would not have arisen except as a direct
                     consequence of a transaction, action or omission outside
                     the ordinary course of business carried out or effected by
                     any of the Purchasers, the Companies or Subsidiaries or any
                     other person connected with any of them apart from the E.ON
                     Group, which the Purchasers, the Companies or the
                     Subsidiaries knew or ought reasonably to have known would
                     give rise to such liability to Tax at any time after
                     Closing, except that this exclusion shall not apply where
                     any such transaction, action or omission is carried out or
                     effected by the Company or Subsidiary concerned pursuant to
                     a legally binding commitment created on or before Closing
                     or pursuant to any change in law (or change in
                     interpretation on the basis of case law), regulation,
                     directive or requirement, or the published practice of any
                     Taxing Authority;

              (iv)   the Tax arises solely as a result of a change after Closing
                     in any accounting policy, any tax reporting practice, or
                     the length of any accounting or financial period for Tax
                     purposes, of the Company or any Subsidiary except any
                     changes made to comply with generally accepted accounting
                     principles in existence at Closing or required by a Taxing

              (v)    such Tax arises solely as a result of the Companies or
                     Subsidiaries failing to submit the returns and computations
                     required to be made by them or not submitting such returns
                     and computations within the appropriate time limits or
                     submitting such returns and computations otherwise than on
                     a proper basis, in each case after Closing except to the
                     extent that such failure is as a result of any act or
                     omission of the Sellers;

              (vi)   the Tax would not have arisen but for:

                     (A)    the making of a claim, election, surrender or
                            disclaimer, the giving of a notice or consent
                            relating to Tax, in each case after Closing and by
                            the Purchasers, the Companies, the Subsidiaries or
                            any person connected with any of them (except the
                            E.ON Group) other


                            than where the making of such claim, election,
                            surrender or disclaimer is taken into account in the
                            Effective Date Financial Statements; or

                     (B)    the failure or omission on the part of the Companies
                            or the Subsidiaries to make any such valid claim,
                            election, surrender or disclaimer, or to give any
                            such notice or consent or to do any other such
                            thing, in circumstances where the making, giving or
                            doing of which was taken into account in calculating
                            the amount of the Effective Date Taxation Liability
                            and which were notified by the Sellers to the
                            Purchasers, the Company or the Subsidiary not less
                            than 30 days prior to the last date upon which such
                            claim election, surrender or disclaimer should take

              (vii)  the Tax exceeds 50% of the Tax which arises under section
                     179 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 in respect
                     of a deemed disposal by any of RK Distributions Limited,
                     Midwich Limited, Transformation Software Limited and
                     Professional Display Systems Limited as a consequence of
                     any of those companies ceasing to be a member of a group
                     within section 170 of that Act with a company within the
                     E.ON Group as the principal company in that group;

              (viii) the liability relates to a Tax arising under Section 9.5
                     (a)(iii) which Tax is attributable to a Tax period or
                     portion thereof beginning or deemed to begin on or after
                     the Closing Date.

       (e)    (i)    For the purposes of this paragraph a reference to an
                     "OVERPROVISION" is a reference to:

                     (A)    the understatement of the value of a Tax Asset; and

                     (B)    the overstatement of the Effective Date Taxation

                     in the Effective Date Financial Statements except to the
                     extent that such Overprovision is caused by the utilization
                     of a Tax Asset arising after the Effective Date and
                     applying the same accounting policies, principles and
                     practices adopted in relation to the preparation of the
                     Effective Date


                     Financial Statements and ignoring the effect of any change
                     in law (or change in interpretation on the basis of case
                     law), regulation, directive or requirement, or the
                     published practice of any Taxing Authority or action taken
                     by the relevant Purchaser or any relevant Company or
                     relevant Subsidiary after the Closing Date.

              (ii)   Any Overprovision shall first be set against any payment
                     then due from the Seller to the relevant Purchaser under
                     this Article 9. To the extent there is an excess, a refund
                     shall be made to the Seller by the relevant Purchaser of
                     any previous payment or payments made by the Seller to the
                     relevant Purchaser under this Article 9 (and not previously
                     refunded) up to the amount of the excess. To the extent
                     that the excess is not thereby exhausted, the remainder of
                     that excess shall be carried forward and set against any
                     future payment or payments which become due from the Seller
                     to the relevant Purchaser under this Article 9 and to the
                     extent that any excess remains at the end of the limitation
                     period set out in Section 9.9 such excess shall be paid to
                     the Seller.

              (iii)  For this purpose, the Seller, at its request and expense,
                     may request the auditors for the time being of any Company
                     or Subsidiary to certify the existence and amount of any
                     Overprovision and the relevant Purchaser shall provide, or
                     procure that each Company and Subsidiary shall provide, any
                     reasonable information or assistance for the purpose of
                     production by the auditors of a certificate to that effect.


       At the request and expense of the Sellers, the relevant Purchasers, the
       relevant Companies and the relevant Subsidiaries will take all reasonable
       steps to make a claim in respect of Tax from a person other than the
       Sellers, the relevant Purchasers, the relevant Companies or the relevant
       Subsidiaries and the relevant Purchaser shall pay or procure that the
       relevant Company or the relevant Subsidiary pay to the Seller an amount
       equal to the lesser of (i) the amount recovered from the third party and
       (ii) the amount paid by the Seller pursuant to a claim under Section 9.5,
       in each case, after deducting from the amount recovered from the third
       party any Tax incurred or to be incurred by the relevant Purchaser, the
       relevant Company or any relevant Subsidiary upon receipt of such


       recovery from the third party, within 5 days of receipt of such amount by
       any of the relevant Purchaser, the relevant Companies or the relevant


       (a)    Subject to at least 14 days prior written notice from the relevant
              Purchaser stating that any Tax Loss has been or is to be paid or
              suffered by that Purchaser or any Company or Subsidiary and the
              amount thereof and of the covenanted payment requested, and for
              the avoidance of doubt, a failure to give notice within the period
              set out above shall not cause any claim to fail. Any payment to be
              made by Sellers pursuant to Section 9.5 shall be made to the
              relevant Purchaser not later than 5 days prior to the date upon
              which the Tax (or costs and expenses) is due and payable or where
              no Tax becomes payable as a result of the loss, reduction or set
              off of any Tax Asset

              (i)    which is a Tax Asset shown as an asset in the Effective
                     Date Financial Statements seven days after notice given by
                     the relevant Purchaser to the effect that the Tax Asset
                     would reasonably have been expected to have been paid in
                     cash or set-off against payment of a Tax Liability;

              (ii)   which is a Tax Asset arising after the Effective Date seven
                     days after the auditors for the time being shall have
                     certified in writing that the Tax Asset would have been
                     used to offset a Tax Liability of the relevant Purchaser,
                     the relevant Companies or relevant Subsidiaries but for the
                     loss or set off of the Tax Asset.

       (b)    If, after the relevant Closing Date, any Taxing Authority informs
              Sellers, on the one hand, or any of the Purchasers, the Companies,
              or Subsidiaries on the other, of any proposed audit, claim,
              assessment or other dispute concerning Tax with respect to which
              Sellers may incur a liability hereunder, then the Sellers shall
              inform the relevant Purchaser or the relevant Purchaser shall as
              soon as practicable (and in any event within 30 days) inform the
              Sellers, as the case may be, of such matter. Sellers shall not
              have any obligation to make a payment to a relevant Purchaser
              under Section 9.5 if such Purchaser shall have failed to timely
              notify Sellers concerning an audit, claim, assessment or other
              dispute which failure has a material adverse effect on the
              Sellers' ability to exercise its rights under this Section 9.7 (b)
              and Section 8.4 except to the extent that the Purchasers


              can show that the liability would have arisen even if the Sellers
              had been able to exercise such rights and in the event that the
              Parties dispute whether or not the liability, or the extent to
              which the liability, would have arisen but for the failure to
              notify, the dispute resolution procedures in Section 3.4 shall
              apply to determine the matters. Except to the extent contrary to
              or inconsistent with this Section 9.7 (b) the provisions of
              Section 8.4 shall apply to this section and subject thereto, the
              relevant Purchaser shall as soon as practicable and, at the
              Sellers expense (i) give, and shall cause the Companies or
              Subsidiaries to give the relevant Sellers the opportunity to
              participate in any audits, disputes, administrative, judicial or
              other proceedings related to Tax for which the Sellers may be
              liable hereunder and (ii) allow the Sellers to challenge and
              litigate, or cause the Companies or Subsidiaries to challenge and
              litigate, any such audit, claim, assessment or other dispute at
              their discretion provided that Sellers shall give reasonable
              consideration to comments and suggestions made by the relevant
              Purchaser regarding the handling of such contest and provided
              further that Sellers shall not settle any such audit, claim,
              assessment or other dispute in a manner which is unduly
              prejudicial to such relevant Purchaser.

       (c)    Any payments made hereunder to a Purchaser shall take effect as a
              reduction in the Final Share Purchase Price provided for in
              Section 2.3 and any payments made hereunder to the Sellers shall
              take effect as an increase in the Purchase Price.

       (d)    For the purposes of this Section 9, in the case of any Tax period
              which begins before and ends after the Effective Date, the
              Effective Date shall be deemed to be the end of a Tax period.

       (e)    For the purposes of this Article 9, in the case of any Tax period
              which begins before and ends after the Closing Date, the Closing
              Date shall be deemed to be the end of a Tax period.

       (f)    The parties agree that for US federal income tax purposes, the
              income of the Companies and the Subsidiaries which are included in
              a US consolidated Tax Return shall be determined based on a
              closing of the books method in accordance with Treasury Regulation



       (a)    In the event that any gain resulting from a write-up
              (Zuschreibung) of assets (the "1999 ASSETS WRITE-UP") and the
              adjusted valuation of liabilities and provisions (the "1999
              ADJUSTMENT OF LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS") due to the German
              Steuerentlastungsgesetz 1999 / 2000 / 2002 has to be recorded on
              the Tax balance sheet of any of the Companies or Subsidiaries for
              the fiscal year 1999, the following shall apply:

              (i)    Purchasers shall to the extent such a 1999 Assets Write-Up
                     has been made or must be made with respect to the period
                     and reserves existing prior to the Effective Date ensure
                     that in respect of such write up, (A) Tax exempt reserves
                     (steuerfreie Rucklagen) pursuant to Section 52 (14) and
                     (16) German Income Tax Act (EStG) shall be included in the
                     relevant Tax balance sheet up to the maximum amount and
                     maximum period permitted by law and (B) to the extent
                     required for Tax purposes, a corresponding special reserve
                     with equity portion (Sonderposten mit Rucklagenanteil - the
                     "SPECIAL RESERVE") shall be recorded in the annual
                     individual statutory accounts of the relevant Company or

              (ii)   The Sellers shall indemnify and hold the Purchasers
                     (including, for the purpose of this Section 9.8, any
                     Company nominated by the relevant Purchaser pursuant to
                     Section 1.1 (d)) harmless from any Tax liability of the
                     Purchasers, or of any of the Companies or the Subsidiaries
                     arising from the dissolution or partial dissolution
                     (Auflosung) of any reserves relating to the 1999 Assets
                     Write-Up made in accordance with (i) above. The amount to
                     be indemnified shall be equal to the net present value of
                     the aggregated future Tax calculated with a discount rate
                     of 5.5% per annum and by applying a tax rate of 40%. Any
                     loss carry forward of the Purchasers or any of the
                     Companies or the Subsidiaries shall not be included in the
                     calculation of any tax calculated under this provision. In
                     addition, Sellers shall indemnify Purchasers for the
                     respective interest payments under Section 233 a German
                     General Tax Code (Abgabenordnung).

              (iii)  Any Tax arising after the Effective Date in the fiscal
                     years starting after December 31, 1999 from the dissolution
                     of any reserves relating to the


                     1999 Adjustment of Liabilities and Provisions shall be
                     borne by Purchasers. For the avoidance of doubt 75% of any
                     such Taxes arising for the year 2000 shall be borne by

              (iv)   The aggregated amount pursuant to (ii) shall be paid within
                     14 days of notice from the relevant Purchaser that the
                     respective Tax for 1999 becomes due. The Sellers shall pay
                     to the relevant Purchaser the interest pursuant to (ii)
                     above within 14 days of notice from the relevant Purchaser
                     that interest becomes due.

       (b)    In connection with the tax consolidation for trade tax purposes
              (gewerbesteuerliche Organschaft) in Germany, E.ON AG and the
              Sellers have imposed on certain German companies a group charge
              (Konzernumlage) in respect of trade tax, regardless of whether any
              trade tax will become payable by E.ON AG for certain Pre-Closing
              Tax Periods. The relevant Purchaser agrees to cause (to the extent
              permitted by mandatory law) the respective German Group Companies
              not to raise against E.ON AG and the Sellers or any other German
              company of the E.ON Group any claims (on any legal basis
              whatsoever) for any reimbursement of such group charge and the
              Purchasers shall indemnify and hold harmless E.ON AG, the Sellers
              and any other German company of the E.ON Group from any such claim
              raised by any German Group Company. Vice versa E.ON AG and the
              Sellers agree not to impose any additional group charge for trade
              tax to the Purchasers and the German Group Companies, and E.ON AG
              and the Sellers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Purchasers
              and the German Group Companies from any such additional group
              charges imposed by E.ON AG or the Sellers and from any additional
              corporate income tax and solidarity surcharge or corporate income
              tax resulting from any such additional group charges.


       The provisions of this Article 9 as it applies to a liability to Tax of
       any Company or Subsidiary shall be time-barred upon expiration of the
       full limitation period for the relevant Tax (taking as an assumption that
       there has been no fraud or wilful non-disclosure), other than in respect
       of claims notified in accordance with this Article prior to the end of
       such relevant period.



       (a)    Each of the Purchasers and the Sellers shall fully cooperate with
              each other and their representatives in connection with any Tax
              matter including the preparation and filing of any Tax return,
              provision of any state or federal information relating to
              mitigation of any Tax or the conduct of any audit, investigation,
              dispute or appeal with respect to Tax. Cooperation between each of
              the Purchasers and the Sellers shall include (but shall not be
              limited to) providing and making available all books, records and
              information, and the assistance of all officers and employees
              necessary or useful in connection with any Tax inquiry, audit,
              examination, investigation, dispute, litigation or any other tax

       (b)    Each of the Companies and Subsidiaries which are included in any
              consolidated return to be filed by E.ON AG, VEBA Corporation or
              any other company of the VEBA Group (the "VEBA CONSOLIDATED
              RETURNS") shall prepare at their own cost pro forma tax returns,
              on a "stand alone" basis consistent with the terms of any tax
              sharing agreement including the Tax Sharing Agreement as defined
              in Section 9.12(a) to which any Company or Subsidiary is a party
              and shall provide such returns together with all supporting
              schedules, information and documentation necessary to prepare any
              consolidated Tax Return including the Companies or the
              Subsidiaries to be filed after the Closing Date, within 30 days of
              the due date of such return.


       (a)    The relevant Purchaser hereby covenants with the Seller to pay to
              the Seller, by way of adjustment to the Purchase Price, an amount
              equivalent to:

              (i)    any Tax for which the Seller or any other person falling
                     within section 767 A (2) of the Income and Corporation
                     Taxes Act 1988 ("the Taxes Act") becomes liable by virtue
                     of the operation of section 767 A and 767 B of the Taxes
                     Act in circumstances where the taxpayer company (as
                     referred to in section 767 A (1)) is any Company or any

              (ii)   any Tax for which the Seller or any other person falling
                     within section 767 AA (4) of the Taxes Act becomes liable
                     by virtue of the operation of section 767 AA of the Taxes
                     Act in circumstances where the


                     transferred company (as referred to in section 767 AA (1)
                     (a)) is any Company or any Subsidiary; and

              (iii)  any other Tax for which the Seller or any other member of
                     the VEBA Group becomes liable as a result of the failure by
                     any Company or any Subsidiary, after the Closing Date,
                     being primarily liable, to discharge it.

       (b)    The covenant contained in this Section 9.11 shall:

              (i)    extend to any reasonable costs incurred by the Seller in
                     connection with such Tax or a claim under this Section 9.11
                     to the extent a recovery is made;

              (ii)   not apply to Tax to the extent that the relevant Purchaser
                     could claim payment in respect of it under Section 9.5,
                     except to the extent a payment has been made pursuant to
                     Section 9.5 and the tax to which it relates was not paid by
                     the Company or Subsidiary concerned; and

              (iii)  not apply to tax which has been recovered under section 767
                     B (2) of the Taxes Act or any other relevant statutory
                     provision (and the Seller shall procure that no such
                     recovery is sought to the extent that payment is made


       (a)    The Tax sharing agreement dated 25 May 2000 (the "TAX SHARING
              AGREEMENT") to which any Company or Subsidiary is a party shall
              (i) remain in full force and effect until the Closing Date,
              subject to the provisions of this Agreement from the Effective
              Date to the Closing Date and (ii) be terminated as to the Company
              or Subsidiary as of the Closing Date and no Company or Subsidiary
              shall have any further obligations thereunder.

       (b)    The relevant Sellers shall elect to end all Tax years for all
              Companies and Subsidiaries formed under US state law as of the
              Closing Date to the extent such an election is available to those


       (c)    No Seller or affiliate of a Seller shall make any election under
              U.S. Treasury Regulations section 1.1502 - 20 (g).

       (d)    Sellers represent and warrant to Purchasers as of the date hereof
              and as of the Closing Date that,

              (i)    VEBA Corporation is (i) the sole owner of VEBA Electronics
                     LLC and (ii) a U.S. person within the meaning of Section
                     7701 (a) (30) of the Internal Revenue Code;

              (ii)   VEBA Electronics LLC, Memec LLC, Insight Electronics LLC
                     and Impact Semiconductor Technologies LLC are classified as
                     disregarded entities under Treasury Regulations Section
                     301.7701-1 et seq, the purchases of which will be treated
                     as asset purchases for U.S. federal income tax purposes;

              (iii)  no consent under Section 341 (f) of the Internal Revenue
                     Code has been filed with respect to any Company or

       (e)    VEBA Corporation shall provide the relevant Purchasers with a
              statement in substantially the form set forth in Treasury
              Regulations Section 1.1445 - 2 (b) (2) (iii) that the Seller for
              U.S. tax purposes is a U.S. person.

       (f)    For US state and federal tax purposes, the relevant Purchasers are
              expressly assuming all liabilities identified in the preparation
              of the relevant Tax Returns of the Companies and Subsidiaries
              which are subject to the provisions of section 461(h) of the
              Internal Revenue Code and for the avoidance of doubt, Sellers make
              no representation or warranty and shall have no liability or
              obligation with regard to the foregoing.

9.13   SECTION 338(h)(10) ELECTION

       (a)    To the extent permissible under applicable Tax and regulations, at
              the request of any Purchaser, the relevant Sellers agree to
              cooperate with such Purchaser in making or causing to be made (and
              in determining the cost of making or causing to be made) a timely
              election under Section 338 (h) (10) of the Internal Revenue Code,
              and any comparable provision for state income tax purposes (the


              "SECTION 338 (h) (10) ELECTION") with respect to the purchase by
              such Purchaser of the relevant Companies and Subsidiaries and to
              file such Section 338 (h) (10) Election in the manner required by
              applicable U.S. Treasury Regulations, provided that Sellers'
              obligation to make a Section 338 (h) (10) Election is subject to
              the following conditions:

              (i)    Prior to the election, the relevant Purchaser shall have
                     paid to Sellers a reasonable estimated amount of the
                     Incremental Tax Cost (as defined below); and

              (ii)   Sellers and the relevant Purchaser shall have negotiated in
                     good faith and agreed on a mutually acceptable purchase
                     price allocation based on the fair market value of assets
                     in accordance with applicable Treasury Regulations.

       (b)    "INCREMENTAL TAX COST" shall mean any reasonable, out of pocket
              post-Closing fees, expenses and costs incurred by the Sellers in
              connection with the Section 338 (h) (10) Election (or reasonable
              out of pocket post-Closing fees, expenses and costs incurred by
              Sellers in connection with a request by the relevant Purchaser for
              cooperation pursuant to Section 9.13 (a) even if no Section 338
              (h) (10) Election is made) and the excess, if any, of:

              (i)    the aggregate amount of Tax attributable, directly or
                     indirectly, to the Section 338 (h) (10) Election, including
                     but not limited to any such Tax imposed under U.S. Treasury
                     Regulation Section 1.338 (b) - 3T (h) and any such Tax
                     attributable to the receipt of any payment by the Sellers
                     under Section 9.13 over

              (ii)   the aggregate amount of Tax attributable, directly or
                     indirectly, to the hypothetical U.S. federal, state and
                     local income tax liability of the Sellers attributable to
                     the deemed taxable sale of the relevant Companies for which
                     a Section 338 (h) (10) Election is made without a Section
                     338 (h) (10) Election.

       (c)    The Tax liability referred to in Section 9.13 (b) shall be
              determined as if the gain and payment of the Incremental Tax Cost
              by the relevant Purchaser were the only items of income or loss on
              the relevant Tax returns of the Sellers and assuming


              the relevant Seller's U.S. federal, state and local income tax
              rates are the highest rates in effect in the tax year which
              includes the Closing Date. The Incremental Tax Cost shall be paid
              by Purchaser to Sellers, net of any estimate paid pursuant to
              Section 9.13 (a), (or, in the event the estimate paid pursuant to
              Section 9.13 (a) exceeds the actual Incremental Tax Cost, the
              excess shall be paid by Sellers to Purchaser), within 5 days of
              the payment by Sellers of the relevant fee, cost or expense or, in
              the case of a Tax, within 5 days of the filing by Sellers of a Tax
              Return reflecting the Section 338 (h) (10) Election. The relevant
              Purchaser shall have the right to review and Sellers shall make
              available to the relevant Purchaser all relevant information
              relied on by Sellers to compute the Incremental Tax Cost or an
              estimate thereof to be paid pursuant to Section 9.13 and Sellers
              shall give reasonable consideration to comments made by the
              relevant Purchaser with respect to such computation.


       The Parties agree that the allocation of the Final Share Purchase Price
       provided for in Article 2.3 (but subject to any adjustment required under
       this Agreement or by a Taxing Authority) shall apply for all Tax purposes
       and no other values shall be used and the Parties further agree that the
       allocation of the Final Share Purchase Price and the liabilities of a
       Company subject to a Section 338 (h) (10) Election and its Subsidiaries,
       if any, (plus other relevant items) will be allocated to the assets of
       the Company and its Subsidiaries for all purposes (including Tax and
       financial accounting purposes) in a manner consistent with the fair
       market values as finally agreed between the parties within the applicable
       US rules and regulations. The relevant Purchaser, the Company and Seller
       will file all Tax Returns (including amended returns and claims for
       refund) and information reports in a manner consistent with such values.

                                   ARTICLE 10


       This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing:

       (a)    by mutual written agreement of the Sellers and Purchasers;


       (b)    by the Purchasers in case of a breach of Sellers' representations
              and warranties, covenants or other obligations as set forth in
              Section 4.2 (a) (iii);

       (c)    by the Purchasers, if the Sellers have not complied with their
              obligation to effect the Closing on the Closing Date;

       (d)    by the Sellers, if (i) in a Closing involving two or more
              Purchasers, less than two Purchasers comply with their obligations
              to effect the Closing on the Closing Date, or (ii) in a Closing
              involving one Purchaser, that Purchaser does not comply with its
              obligations to effect the Closing on the Closing Date;

       (e)    by either the Sellers or the Purchasers if the Closing shall not
              have been consummated (because of any other reason than set out in
              paragraph (c) or (d) above or in Section 4.2 (a) (iii)) on or
              before February 28, 2001; or

       (f)    by either the Sellers or the Purchasers if the consummation of the
              transactions contemplated hereby would violate any non-appealable
              final order, decree or judgement of any court or governmental body
              having competent jurisdiction in any jurisdiction, provided that
              such order, decree or judgement has a Material Adverse Effect (as
              defined in Article 5).

       The Party desiring to terminate this Agreement pursuant to clauses (b) to
       (f) above shall give notice of such termination to the other Parties. For
       the purpose of this Article 10, the Sellers are deemed to be one Party
       and may therefore exercise their termination right only jointly. To the
       extent that the matter or circumstance giving rise to a right conferred
       on the Purchasers to terminate relates to one or two Purchasers (rather
       than all of the Purchasers), such right shall be exercisable by the
       Purchaser or Purchasers to which it relates rather than by all the


       (a)    Without prejudice to any agreement between the Purchasers alone,
              if (and to the extent that) this Agreement is terminated as
              permitted by Section 10.1, such termination shall be without
              liability of any Party (or any stockholder, director, officer,
              employee, agent, consultant or representative of such Party) to
              the other Parties to this Agreement; provided that if such
              termination shall result from the


              wilful (i) failure of any Party to fulfil a condition to the
              performance of the obligations of any other Party (ii) failure to
              perform a covenant of this Agreement or (iii) breach by any Party
              hereto of any representation or warranty or agreement contained
              herein, or termination results from any Party's failure to close
              once the conditions to Closing set out in Section 4.2 have been
              satisfied, such Party shall be fully liable for any and all Losses
              incurred or suffered by Sellers or the Purchasers (as the case may
              be) as a result of such failure or breach. The provisions of this
              Section 10.2 and Sections 11.6 (Public Disclosure), 11.7 (Taxes
              and Expenses) and 11.10 (Governing Law; Competent Courts) shall
              survive any termination hereof pursuant to Section 10.1.

       (b)    If this Agreement is terminated only in respect of certain (but
              not all) Purchasers, the following shall apply:

              (i)    This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect in
                     respect of the obligations of the Sellers and of those
                     Purchasers in respect of which the transactions
                     contemplated hereby have been consummated or have not been

              (ii)   The Final Share Purchase Price and the actual amount of the
                     Closing Date Inter-Group Debt to be paid by the Purchasers
                     referred to in (i) above shall be determined in accordance
                     with Articles 2 and 3, on the basis of the provisions of
                     Exhibit 2.3 (Part II).

              (iii)  The thresholds and maximum liability amounts relating to
                     the entire Group, as set forth in Sections 4.2 (a) (iii)
                     and 8.1 (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall remain unchanged.

                                   ARTICLE 11


       Each of the Sellers and Purchasers shall only be severally liable under
       this Agreement and the liability of each shall be limited to matters
       relating to the shares or companies directly or indirectly sold or
       acquired by it hereunder. If any Purchaser designates any


       third party as transferee of any of the Sold Shares, that Purchaser shall
       remain fully liable for all of its obligations hereunder with respect to
       such shares.


       E.ON AG hereby assumes by way of co-assumption (Schuldbeitritt), and
       shall be jointly and severally liable with the Sellers
       (gesamtschuldnerische Mithaft) for, all obligations and liabilities
       incurred or assumed by each of the Sellers under this Agreement,
       including (without limitation) obligations and liabilities arising in
       respect of the representations, covenants, warranties and indemnities set
       out in this Agreement. Such joint and several liability of E.ON AG shall
       not be affected by the winding up or dissolution of any of the Sellers.
       E.ON AG represents and warrants to Avnet (and any company nominated by it
       pursuant to Section 1.1(d)) by way of an independent guarantee
       (selbstandiges Garantieversprechen) and covenants to Avnet (and any
       company nominated by it pursuant to Section 1.1(d)) that the winding up
       of EBV Verwaltungs GmbH is and will continue to be on a solvent basis and
       the assets of that company exceed its liabilities.

11.3   NOTICES

       All notices or other communications hereunder shall be deemed to have
       been duly made if they are made in writing and are personally delivered
       by registered mail or courier service or sent by telecopier (provided
       that the telecopy is promptly confirmed in writing) to the person at the
       address set forth below, or such other address as may be designated by
       the respective Party to the other Parties in the same manner:

       To Sellers and/or E.ON AG:

       E.ON AG
       Legal Department
       Bennigsenplatz 1
       D-40474 Dusseldorf
       Fax: +49-211-45 79 610


       with a copy to:

       Hengeler Mueller Weitzel Wirtz
       Attn. Maximilian Schiessl / Wolfgang Meyer-Sparenberg
       Trinkausstra(beta)e 7
       D-40213 Dusseldorf
       Fax: +49-211-83 04 170

       To Purchasers:

       In relation to the Memec Purchaser:

       Cherrybright Limited
       c/o Clifford Chance Secretaries Limited
       200 Aldersgate Street
       GB-London EC1A 4JJ
       Fax: +44 207 6005555

       with a copy to:

       SVA Limited
       Attn.: Ian Sellars
       20 Southampton Street
       GB-London WC2E 7OQ
       Fax: +44 207 497 2174

       Clifford Chance Limited Liability Partnership
       Attn.: Matthew Layton / Sarah Jones
       200 Aldersgate Street
       GB-London EC1A 4 JJ
       Fax: +44 207 600 5555


       In relation to Avnet Inc.:
       Attn.: David Birk, Ray Sadowski
       221 South 47th Street
       USA-Phoenix, Arizona 85034
       Fax: +1 480 643 7929

       with a copy to:

       Allen & Overy
       Attn.: Ian Stanley
       One New Change
       GB-London, EC4M 9QQ
       Fax: +44 207 330 9999

       In relation to Arrow Electronics, Inc.:
       Attn.: Robert E. Klatell
       25 Hub Drive
       USA-Melville, New York 11747
       Fax: +1 516 391 1683

       with a copy to:
       Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
       Attn.: Howard S. Kelberg
       1 Chase Manhattan Plaza
       USA-New York, New York 10005
       Fax: +1 212 530 5219


       The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the
       benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective successors and
       assigns; provided that no Party may assign, delegate or otherwise
       transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without
       the consent of each other Party hereto, except for (i) any assignment by
       any Purchaser to any subsidiary or holding company or any subsidiary of
       any such holding company, provided that the relevant Purchaser shall
       remain jointly and severally liable hereunder (ii) any assignment of
       rights by Memec Purchaser to its financing banks as security for any
       financing incurred to finance the transaction contemplated by this


       Agreement, (iii) any assignment or merger which takes place by operation
       of law, or (iv) for the avoidance of doubt, any transfer of the Sold
       Shares by any Purchaser after the Closing.


       Neither this Agreement nor any provision set forth in this Agreement is
       intended to confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than the
       Parties, any company nominated by a Purchaser under Section 1.1(d) or any
       Group Company. However, neither this Agreement nor any provision set
       forth in this Agreement is intended to confer any rights to enforce any
       rights or remedies upon any person or entity other than the Parties and,
       in respect of the right to demand transfer of any Sold Shares, any
       company nominated by a Purchaser under Section 1.1(d). For the avoidance
       of doubt, this provision shall not limit the rights of any Purchaser to
       enforce any rights to recover or any remedies hereunder (including rights
       in respect of any losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses
       suffered by any Group Company as set forth in this Agreement) on behalf
       of (or in the name of) any company nominated by the relevant Purchaser in
       accordance with Section 1.1(d).


       No Party shall make any press release or similar public announcement with
       respect to this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other
       Parties, except as may be required to comply with the requirements of any
       applicable laws or the rules and regulations of any stock exchange upon
       which the securities of one of the Parties or their respective parent
       companies are listed. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any provision of
       the Confidentiality Agreement dated February 3, 2000, any of the
       Purchasers may make such disclosures as are necessary in connection with
       the syndication of any financing incurred to finance the transactions
       contemplated by this Agreement or the public offering or private
       placement of any shares or debt in connection therewith.


       All transfer taxes (including, without limitation, all real estate
       transfer taxes and US state tax if any), notarial fees, stamp or
       registration duties and fees payable to any cartel or competition
       authority payable in connection with the execution and implementation of
       this Agreement shall be borne by Purchasers. Each of the Sellers and
       Purchasers shall


       bear its own expenses, including the fees of its advisers, incurred in
       connection with this Agreement. No such expenses shall be charged to any
       Company or Subsidiary. The Purchasers and the Sellers agree to cooperate
       and provide certificates or other information necessary to alienate,
       reduce or otherwise exempt the Purchasers from such taxes so payable in
       connection with the execution and implementation of this Agreement,
       wherever reasonably practicable and at the expense of the benefiting


       This Agreement (including all Exhibits hereto and any documents to be
       delivered at Closing) contains the entire agreement between the Parties
       with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior
       agreements and understandings with respect thereto, except for the
       Confidentiality Agreement dated February 3, 2000, which will remain in
       full force and effect until the Closing Date or, if this Agreement is (in
       its entirety or with respect to certain Divisions) terminated pursuant to
       Article 10 hereof, beyond the date of such termination. Upon request of
       any Purchaser, Sellers will assign, or cause E.ON AG to assign, or, if
       such assignment is not possible, enforce, or cause E.ON AG to enforce,
       for Purchasers' account and at their expense, any rights of the Sellers
       or E.ON AG against any third party for a breach of any confidentiality
       undertaking assumed by such third party in connection with the sale of
       the Group.


       (a)    Except as expressly otherwise provided herein, any provision of
              this Agreement may be amended or waived if, but only if, such
              amendment or waiver is by written instrument executed by all
              Parties or their duly authorised representatives and explicitly
              referring to this Agreement and notarised if required by law.

       (b)    Sellers hereby waive any rights and remedies which they may have
              against any Company or Subsidiary or any of their directors,
              officers or employees or any HQ Employee who becomes an employee
              of any Purchaser (or any affiliate of such Purchaser) as
              contemplated by Section 7.23, in respect of any misrepresentation,
              inaccuracy or omission in or from information provided for the
              purpose of assisting the Sellers to make the representations,
              warranties and indemnities contained in this Agreement or
              preparation of the Exhibits and Disclosure Letter pertaining



       This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with,
       the laws of Germany. Any dispute arising out of or relating to this
       Agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be
       settled in the courts of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, which shall have
       exclusive jurisdiction. The governing language of this Agreement shall be
       English, unless otherwise required by mandatory law.


       (a)    The headings of the Articles and Sections of this Agreement are
              for convenience purposes only and do not affect the interpretation
              of any of the provisions hereof.

       (b)    Any reference to $ shall mean United States Dollars. For the
              purpose of any disclosure thresholds in the representations and
              warranties (Article 5), such reference shall include the
              equivalent in any foreign currency at the exchange rate officially
              determined in Frankfurt am Main on the date hereof.

       (c)    For the purpose of this Agreement, a business day shall be any day
              other than a Saturday, a Sunday or any other day on which banks in
              Dusseldorf or London or New York are generally closed.

       (d)    Words such as "hereof", "herein" or "hereunder" refer (unless
              otherwise required by the context) to this Agreement as whole and
              not to a specific provision of this Agreement. The term
              "including" shall mean including, without limitation.

       (e)    The Exhibits of this Agreement are an integral part of this
              Agreement and any reference to this Agreement includes this
              Agreement and the Exhibits as a whole.

       (f)    References to a law or process or officer or person under one
              jurisdiction shall include equivalents in other jurisdictions.


       In addition to the definitions of Arrow, Avnet, Memec Purchaser, Viterra,
       Sellers, Purchaser, E.ON AG and the Parties in the introductory clause of
       this Agreement, the


       capitalized terms used in this Agreement are defined in the following
       Sections and clauses:

       1998 and 1999 U.S. GAAP Group Financial Statements                      Section 5.4 (b)
       1999 Adjustment of Liabilities and Provisions                           Section 9.8 (a)
       1999 Assets Write-Up                                                    Section 9.8 (a)
       1999 German GAAP Group Balance Sheet                                    Section 5.4 (a)
       Additional Amount                                                       Section 2.2
       Applicable Laws                                                         Section 5.7 (b)
       Arrangements                                                            Section 5.11 (a)
       Atlas Europe Division                                                   Recitals, item 1
       Atlas U.S. Division                                                     Recitals, item 1
       Anti-Trust Laws                                                         Section 4.3 (a)
       Arrow Plan                                                              Section 7.25 (a)
       Avnet Group                                                             Section 4.2 (a) (i) (B)
       Avnet Indemnified Party                                                 Section 7.11
       Base Amount                                                             Section 2.2
       Closing                                                                 Section 4.1
       Closing I                                                               Section 4.5
       Closing II                                                              Section 4.5 (b)
       Closing Certificates                                                    Section 3.1 (b)
       Closing Date                                                            Section 4.1
       Closing Date Inter-Group Debt                                           Section 2.1
       Code                                                                    Section 5.11 (b)
       Committed Facilities                                                    Section 4.2 (a) (iv)
       Companies                                                               Recitals, item 9
       Completing Purchasers                                                   Section 4.5 (a)
       CPA Firm                                                                Section 3.4
       Clean-Up Costs                                                          Section 7.14 (c)
       Divisions                                                               Recitals, item 1
       EBV Division                                                            Recitals, item 1
       Effective Date                                                          Section 1.3
       Effective Date Cash                                                     Section 2.1
       Effective Date Certificates                                             Section 3.1 (a)
       Effective Date External Debt                                            Section 2.1
       Effective Date Financial Statements                                     Section 3.1 (a)
       Effective Date Inter-Group Debt                                         Section 2.1


       Effective Date Working Capital                                          Section 2.1
       Effective Date Working Capital Target Amount                            Section 2.1
       Effective Date Taxation Liability                                       Section 2.1
       Environmental Laws                                                      Section 5.8 (a)
       Environmental Pollution                                                 Section 7.14 (b)
       E.ON AG                                                                 Section 2.1
       E.ON Group                                                              Recitals, item 9
       ERISA                                                                   Section 5.11(b)
       Estimated Closing Date Inter-Group Debt                                 Section 2.1
       Expert                                                                  Section 4.5
       Final Share Purchase Price                                              Section 2.2
       Forex and Hedging Contracts                                             Section 7.24 (a)
       German GAAP                                                             Section 3.2
       Group                                                                   Recitals, item 9
       Group Companies                                                         Recitals, item 9
       HQ Employees                                                            Section 7.23 (c)
       HSR Act                                                                 Section 4.3 (a)
       Income Tax                                                              Section 9.1
       Incremental Tax Cost                                                    Section 9.13 (b)
       Indemnifiable Tax                                                       Section 9.1
       Indemnified Party                                                       Section 8.4 (a)
       Indemnifying Party                                                      Section 8.4 (a)
       Intellectual Property Rights                                            Section 5.6 (a)
       Inter-Group Debt                                                        Section 2.1
       Inter-Group Debt Closing Condition                                      Section 4.2 (a) (v)
       Internal Revenue Code                                                   Section 5.11 (b) (i)
       Losses                                                                  Section 8.1 (a)
       March 2000 Divisional Accounts                                          Section 5.4 (d)
       March 2000 Group Accounts                                               Section 5.4 (c)
       Material Adverse Effect                                                 Section 5 (Introduction)
       Material Agreements                                                     Section 5.12 (a)
       Memec Division                                                          Recitals, item 1
       Memec Employees                                                         Section 7.25 (b)
       Memec Plan                                                              Section 7.25 (b)
       Memec Plc                                                               Recitals, item 1
       Non-Completing Purchasers                                               Section 4.5 (a)
       Non-Compliance                                                          Section 7.14 (d)


       Non-Compliance Costs                                                    Section 7.14 (d)
       Overprovision                                                           Section 9.5 (e) (i)
       Permits                                                                 Section 5.7 (a)
       Post Effective Date Inter-Group Interest Portion                        Section 2.1
       Post Effective Date External Interest Portion                           Section 2.1
       Pre-Closing Distributions                                               Section 2.1
       Pre-Closing Non-Recurring Charges                                       Section 2.1
       Pre-Closing Tax Period                                                  Section 9.1
       Preliminary Share Purchase Price                                        Section 2.4
       Properties                                                              Section 5.5 (f)
       Raab Karcher Immobilien                                                 Recitals, item 2
       RKE Division                                                            Recitals, item 1
       Section 338 (h) (10) Election                                           Section 9.13 (a)
       Sold Shares                                                             Section 1.1 (a)
       Subsidiaries                                                            Recitals, item 9
       Tax                                                                     Section 9.1
       Taxation                                                                Section 9.1
       Tax Asset                                                               Section 9.1
       Taxing Authority                                                        Section 9.1
       Tax Loss                                                                Section 9.5 (a) (viii)
       Tax Return                                                              Section 9.1
       Transitional and Separation Arrangements                                Section 4.5
       Unfunded Pension Liability                                              Section 2.1
       US Companies                                                            Section 5.11 (b)
       US Company Plans                                                        Section 5.11 (b)
       VEBA Comfort Letters                                                    Section 7.8
       VEBA Consolidated Returns                                               Section 9.10 (b)
       VEBA Employees                                                          Section 7.25 (a)
       VEBA Group                                                              Recitals, item 9
       VEBA Plan                                                               Section 7.25 (a)
       Wyle/Avnet Litigation                                                   Section 7.12
       Wyle Components Division                                                Recitals, item 1
       Wyle Electronics Pension Plan                                           Section 5.11 (b)
       Wyle Systems Division                                                   Recitals, item 1

       Terms defined in the singular shall have a comparable meaning when used
       in the plural, and vice versa.



       Should any provision of this Agreement, or any provision incorporated in
       the future, be or become invalid or unenforceable, the validity or
       enforceability of the other provisions of this Agreement shall not be
       affected thereby. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be deemed
       to be substituted by a suitable and equitable provision which, to the
       extent legally permissible, comes as close as possible to the intent and
       purpose of the invalid or unenforceable provision. The same shall apply
       if any provision of this Agreement is invalid because of the stipulated
       scope of a time period or if this Agreement contains any omissions.