Exhibit 3.1

                                                         TRANSLATION FROM FRENCH


                           RESTATED CORPORATE STATUTES

                            REGISTERED OFFICE - TERM

                                    ARTICLE 1
                            LEGAL FORM - LEGISLATION

The Company is a societe anonyme governed by the laws of France. It was formed
in Paris by deed of December 11, 1987. The Company is governed by present and
future legislative and regulatory provisions as well as by these corporate

                                    ARTICLE 2

The corporate purpose is, directly and indirectly, in France and in all

- - to engage in the following businesses, for individual, business and public
sector customers:

     - all direct or indirect communications activities, and in particular the
     Internet, multimedia and audiovisual activities, imaging, cinema, music,
     advertising, press, publishing and telecommunications, all interactive
     services and products related to the foregoing

     - all activities related, directly or indirectly, to the environment, and
     in particular water, wastewater treatment, energy, transport, waste
     management and all related products and services, whether or not for
     collective use.

     - secondarily, all activities related to the wine and spirit business
     which could be temporarily exercised within the framework of the
     acquisition of companies whose main activity is one of the aforementioned

- - the management and acquisition, by way of subscription, purchase,
contribution, exchange or through any other means, of shares, bonds and any
other securities of companies already existing or to be formed and the right to
sell such share interests

- - and more generally any commercial, industrial, financial transactions and all
transactions related to movable or immovable property which are directly or
indirectly related to the above purpose.

                                    ARTICLE 3
                                 CORPORATE NAME

The name of the company is:  "SOFIEE."

                                    ARTICLE 4
                                REGISTERED OFFICE

The registered office is 42, avenue de Friedland, Paris (8th district).

The registered office may be transferred to any other place in the same city or
in a neighboring department by decision taken by the Board of Directors subject
to approval by the next Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting and to any other place
pursuant to a decision taken by Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting.

                                    ARTICLE 5

The term of the company shall last until December 17, 2086, except in case of
early dissolution or extension to be decided by Extraordinary Shareholders'


                                    ARTICLE 6
                                  SHARE CAPITAL

The share capital is 276,977,250 euros divided into 50,359,500 shares, each
with a nominal value of 5.5 euros, all of the same class and fully paid up.

                                    ARTICLE 7

Shares must be registered. They are recorded in an individual account subject
to compliance with current legal and regulatory requirements.

After the admission of the shares of the Company to trading on a regulated
market, the following provisions will be substituted for the first paragraph of
the present article.

1. Fully paid-up shares may, at the shareholder's election, be in the form of
registered shares or bearer shares, unless specific legal or regulatory rules
provide otherwise.

2. Shares must be registered until they are fully paid up.

3. Shares shall be recorded in the Company's books or with an approved
intermediary subject to the terms and conditions set forth by law.

4. Subject to compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, the Company may
request from any institution or intermediary any information allowing for the
identification of the shareholders or holders of securities issued by the
Company and which grant, whether immediately or over time, a voting right in its
Shareholders' Meetings, and may in particular ask how many such securities are
held by each shareholder.

5. Any person acting alone or in concert which begins to hold or ceases holding
directly or indirectly a fraction of the capital or a fraction of voting rights
or securities convertible into shares of the Company exceeding 0.5% or a
multiple of this fraction, shall be obliged to notify the Company, by registered
letter, within fifteen days after crossing one of these thresholds, of the total
number of shares, voting rights or securities convertible into shares, that the
said person holds alone, whether directly, indirectly, or in concert.

6. Shareholders who fail to comply with the above provisions shall be deprived
of their voting rights for those shares or rights related to shares in excess of
the unreported fraction. Such loss of rights shall apply to any Shareholders'
Meeting held until after the expiration of a term of two years following the
date upon which the aforementioned notification shall have been made, if such
loss of right is requested by one or more Shareholders holding no less than 0.5%
of the Company's share capital. This request shall be recorded in the minutes of
the Shareholders' Meeting.

                                    ARTICLE 8

1. Each share gives its owner a right to the ownership of the corporate assets
and of any liquidation surplus on a pro rata basis of the fraction of the share
capital held.

2. Each time it is necessary to hold a certain number of shares in order to
exercise a right, the Shareholders who do not own the said number shall be
responsible, where applicable, for grouping the shares corresponding to the
number required.

3. Each share grants its holder the right to vote at Shareholders' Meetings
subject to the conditions set forth under Article 18 of these corporate

4. The subscription right attached to the shares belongs to the usufruitier.

5. Ownership of a share implies acceptance of the Company's corporate statutes,
decisions taken by the Shareholders' Meetings and by the Board of Directors in
accordance with a delegation granted by the Shareholders' Meeting.


                                    ARTICLE 9

The Company is managed by a Board of Directors which shall be composed of no
less than three members and no more than eighteen members, subject to the
exception set forth by law in case of a merger.

Nevertheless, the Board of Directors will be composed of twenty members until
December 31, 2001 and nineteen members until December 31, 2002.

                                   ARTICLE 10

1. The members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed for a maximum term
of four years subject to provisions relating to age limits. This term may be

2. The term of office of a Director shall expire at the conclusion of the
Shareholders' Meeting reviewing the financial statements for the preceding year
and which is held during the year in which his term of office expires.

3. At the conclusion of each annual Shareholders' Meeting, the number of
Directors who have reached the age of 70 before the end of the year whose
financial statements are reviewed by the meeting shall not be more than one
fifth of the number of Directors in office. When this limit is exceeded, the
oldest Directors shall be deemed to have resigned after the said Shareholders'

4. In any event, the term of office of a Director shall expire at the conclusion
of the Shareholders' Meeting reviewing the financial statements for the
preceding year and which is held during the year in which he reaches the age of
75. However, honorary Chairmen appointed by the Board of Directors may after
that age continue to attend the meetings of the Board of Directors without any
right to vote thereat.

5. Provisions regarding the age limit shall be applicable to permanent
representatives of a legal person.

6. In case of vacancy of one or more directorships because of death or
resignation, the Board of Directors may make provisional appointments between
two Shareholders' Meetings.

7. Each Director must own no less than seven hundred and fifty shares during his
term of office. These shares are to be held in a registered account.

                                   ARTICLE 11

1. The Board of Directors meets whenever required in the interests of the
Company, upon being convened by its Chairman.

2. Directors representing no less than one third of the members of the Board of
Directors may convene a meeting of the Board and must in such case indicate the
agenda of the meeting.

3. Meetings take place at the registered office or in any other place indicated
in the notice. They are chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. In
case the Chairman is unable to attend or is absent, the meetings are chaired by
the Vice-Chairman, or in his absence by a Director appointed by the Board.

4. If this is permitted by law, the resolutions of the Board of Directors may be
taken by way of a telephone conference or video conference or by written
consultation of the members of the Board.

5. Any Director may use any written or electronic medium in order to grant
another director the power to represent him or to vote in his place during a
specific meeting of the Board. However, a Director may only represent one other

6. In order to be valid, decisions must be taken by at least one-half of the
members of the Board. Decisions are taken by a majority of the members
participating or represented. In case of a tie, the Chairman shall have a
casting vote.

7. The Board may appoint a Secretary who is not required to be one of its

8. Minutes of the deliberations are prepared and copies or excerpts are
delivered and certified in accordance with provisions of law.

                                   ARTICLE 12
                        POWERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

1. The Board of Directors has the broadest powers in order to act in all
circumstances on behalf of the Company and take all decisions related to
management and disposal of assets. The Board of Directors shall exercise these
powers within the limit of the corporate purpose, subject only to the powers
granted by law to Shareholders' Meetings.

2. The decisions of the Board of Directors are implemented either by the
Chairman or by the Chief Operating Officers or by any special delegate appointed
by the Board.

3. In addition, the Board may grant, to one of its members or to third parties,
special power for one or more specific purposes, with or without the right for
them to grant themselves any or all total or partial delegations.

4. The Board may also decide to create committees responsible for reviewing
matters that the Board of Directors itself or the Chairman shall refer to them.

                                   ARTICLE 13
                            COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS

1. As compensation for their work, the Directors shall receive a fixed annual
amount, as directors' fees. The amount of these directors' fees is set by the
Shareholders' Meeting.

2. The Board allocates freely the amount of these directors' fees among its
members. The Board may in particular allocate a higher amount to those Directors
who are members of Committees.

3. The Board may also grant exceptional compensation for assignments or missions
entrusted to Directors. This compensation is subject to legal provisions
regarding contracts subject to prior approval by the Board of Directors.

                                   ARTICLE 14
                         DIRECTOR APPOINTED BY THE STAFF

1. If the percentage of the share capital held by employees and retired
employees of the Company and its subsidiaries under the Group Savings Scheme set
up by the Company represents more than 5% of the Company's share capital, a
Director shall be appointed from among the employee members of the Supervisory
Board of the company mutual funds, at least 90% of whose assets comprise the
Company shares. The number of Directors representing the employee sharehold-

ers is not taken into account in order to calculate the maximum number of
members of the Board of Directors determined in Article 9.

Notwithstanding the above, a representative of the employees may, at any time,
upon the proposal of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, be designated as

2. If for any reason whatsoever, one of the Directors appointed by the
Shareholders' Meeting under the preceding paragraph ceases being simultaneously
employee of the company or one of its subsidiaries and member of a mutual fund
defined above, the said Director shall be deemed to have resigned upon the
expiration of a term of one month from the day upon which he shall lose either
of these two capacities.

3. In this case or in case of death or resignation, the Board of Directors may
between two Shareholders' Meetings provisionally appoint a Director provided
that the new Director shall have the dual capacity set out above.

4. Prior to the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting convened in order to appoint a
Director representing the employee Shareholders, the said Director shall be
nominated in accordance with the following procedure.

5. Candidates to this function shall be designated by the mutual fund's
Supervisory Board and shall be selected from among the Supervisory Board's
members at the request of the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

6. The Supervisory Board's decision is recorded in minutes indicating the list
of candidates and the number of votes case in favor of candidates as well as the
number of candidates validly designated and whose number shall be at least equal
to twice the number of Directors to be elected.

7. The minutes and list of candidates referred to above are attached to the
notice convening the Shareholders' Meeting.

8. Each Director representing the employee shareholders must hold one share
through a mutual fund defined in the present article of these corporate
statutes, or an equivalent number of units of the fund. If, upon the day of the
Director's appointment the Director does not hold one share or an equivalent
number of units of the fund or if during his term of office he ceases holding
one share or an equivalent number of units of the fund, the Director shall be
deemed to have resigned despite the fact that he remains in the Company's

                                   ARTICLE 15

1. The Board of Directors elects from among its members a Chairman who must be a
natural person, failing which the appointment of the Chairman shall be null and
void. The Board of Directors determines the term of the Chairman's office, which
may not exceed his term of office as a Director. The Board of Directors may
remove the Chairman at any time.

2. The Chairman of the Board of Directors may be re-elected, but his term of
office shall expire no later than the date of the Shareholder's Meeting
reviewing the financial statements for the year during which the Chairman shall
reach the age of 65.

3. However, exceptionally, the Board of Directors may extend the Chairman's term
of office for two years. In such case, the Chairman's term of office shall
expire no later than the date of the Shareholder's Meeting reviewing the
financial statements for the year during which the Chairman shall reach the age
of 67.

4. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, in his capacity as Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer, is responsible for the management of the Company and
represents the Company in its relations with third parties.

5. Subject to the powers that are by law expressly granted to the Shareholders'
Meetings or reserved for the Board of Directors, the Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer has, within the limits of the corporate purpose, the broadest
powers in order to act in all circumstances on behalf of the Company.

6. No limitation of these powers may be relied upon as against third parties.

7. Upon the proposal of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, the Board of
Directors may designate a Vice-Chairman. The Board determines the term of his
appointment as such, which can not exceed the length of his term as a Director.

8. If the Chairman is unable to attend or is absent, the Board of Directors'
meeting and the Shareholders' General Meeting are chaired by the Vice-Chairman.

9. Upon the proposal of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, the Board may
appoint Chief Operating Officers subject to the conditions set out by law. They
may be removed at any time by the Board of Directors upon a proposal made by the

10. In case of death, resignation or removal of the Chairman, the Chief
Operating Officer(s) shall, unless otherwise decided by the Board of Directors,
remain in office and retain their powers until the appointment of a new

11. In agreement with the Chairman, the Board of Directors determines the scope
and term of the powers granted to the Chief Operating Officers. When the Chief
Operating Officers are also Directors, the term of their appointment may not
exceed their term of office as Directors.

12. The Chief Operating Officers shall have vis-a-vis third parties the same
powers as the Chairman including the power to represent the Company before
courts of law.

13. The Board of Directors determines the compensation of the Chairman and the
Chief Operating Officer(s).

14. The term of office of the Chief Operating Officer(s) shall expire no later
than the date of the Shareholders' Meeting reviewing the financial statements
for the year during which he/they shall reach the age of 65. However, upon a
proposal made by the Chairman, their term of office shall expire no later than
the date of the Shareholders' Meeting reviewing the financial statements for the
year during which he/they shall reach the age of 67.

                                   ARTICLE 16
                               STATUTORY AUDITORS

The Company is audited by Statutory Auditors, who are appointed and carry out
their duties in accordance with provisions of law.


                                   ARTICLE 17
                             SHAREHOLDERS' MEETINGS

1. Shareholders' Meetings are convened and deliberate in accordance with
provisions set out by law.

2. Meetings take place either at the registered office or in any other place
indicated in the notice.

3. The right to participate in Meetings is subject to the following:

         - holders of registered shares must be included in the register of
members maintained by the Company;

         - holders of bearer shares must deliver, at the place indicated in the
notice, a certificate of nontransferability of the shares delivered by a
financial intermediary.

4. These formalities must be completed no later than one day prior to the date
of the meeting. This period may be shortened by a decision of the Board of

5. The meeting appoints a committee comprised of a Chairman, two scrutineers and
a Secretary. Meetings are chaired by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer or
in his absence by the Vice-Chairman, or in their respective absences, by a
Director especially appointed to that end by the Board. Failing such
appointment, the Meeting itself elects its Chairman.

6. The role of scrutineers is performed by the two members of the meeting who
are present and accept such appointment, holding the greatest number of votes.

7. The committee appoints the Secretary who is not required to be a shareholder.
An attendance sheet is maintained in accordance with the conditions set out by

8. Copies or excerpts of the minutes of the meeting are validly certified by the
Chairman of the Board or by a Director appointed as Chief Operating Officer, or
by the Secretary of the Meeting.

                                   ARTICLE 18
                                  VOTING RIGHTS

1. In all Shareholders' Meetings, the voting rights attached to the shares
belong to the bare holder.

2. Shareholders may vote by post or give a proxy indicating their vote or send
their proxy by all such means and within such time limits as shall be set forth
by law.

3. Each shareholder shall have a number of votes equal to the number of shares
he owns or represents, subject to the specific provisions of 4. below which
will be effective as of the date of the admission of the shares of the Company
to trading on a regulated market.


4. The number of voting rights held by each shareholder (and where applicable
his proxy(ies)) at general meetings shall be:

a) equal to the number of voting rights attached to the shares held up to the
limit of 2% of the total number of voting rights existing in the company,

b) calculated for the remainder, on the basis of the number of voting rights
present or represented at the Shareholders' Meeting, through application of the
percentage exceeding 2% of the said number of voting rights present or
represented (and calculated in accordance with the adjustment resulting from
this provision).

The calculation to be made during each Shareholders' Meeting is described in the
formula set out in the schedule to these corporate statutes. For the purposes of
this calculation, each percentage includes two digits after the decimal point
and the number of voting rights obtained is rounded up to the nearest whole

Where applicable, for each shareholder, the voting rights held are pooled with
those assimilated with the voting rights he holds within the meaning of Article
356-1-2 of law No. 66-537 of July 24, 1966. On the other hand, no pooling is
applicable for the voting rights attached to the shares in respect of which a
proxy has been given in accordance with the provisions of Article 161, paragraph
6 of the aforementioned law of July 24, 1966.


                                   ARTICLE 19
                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

1. The financial year shall commence on January 1 and end on December 31.

2. At the end of each year, in compliance with applicable legal rules, the Board
of Directors prepares the inventory of assets and liabilities, the financial
statements and prepares a management report.

Consolidated financial statements are prepared in order to supplement the
individual financial statements. The management of the consolidated group draws
up a report which may or may not be included in the aforementioned management

                                   ARTICLE 20

1. The statement of income shows the revenues and expenses for the financial
year, and net income for the year is indicated as the difference, after
deducting amortization, depreciation and provisions.

2. Out of profits for the financial year less, where applicable, losses
sustained in earlier years, there shall be deducted no less than 5% in order to
create the legal reserve fund. This deduction shall cease to be mandatory when
the reserve fund reaches 10% of the share capital. Such deduction shall be
resumed when, for any reason, the legal reserve shall have become less than one

3. The distributable income is comprised of the net income for the year less
losses sustained in earlier years and amounts which must be allocated to
reserves pursuant to provisions of law or of the corporate statutes, and shall
be increased by retained earnings available for appropriation.

4. The Shareholders' Meeting may decide that such amounts as the Board of
Directors shall see fit shall be either transferred to provident funds or to
voluntary, ordinary or extraordinary reserve funds or to retained earnings or be

5. Dividends shall be deducted on a priority basis from net income for the year.

6. Except in case of a reduction in capital, no distribution may be made to
Shareholders when Shareholders' Equity is or would become, because of such
distribution, less than the amount of the capital plus reserves that may not be
distributed under provisions of law or of the corporate statutes.

7. Revaluation surpluses may not be distributed but may be capitalized in whole
or in part.

8. The Shareholders' Meeting may decide to distribute amounts deducted from
available reserves by indicating expressly the reserve items from which the said
amounts shall be deducted.

9. The terms of payment of the dividends are determined by the Shareholders'
Meeting, or, failing such determination, by the Board of Directors. Dividends
must be paid no later than nine months from the close of the financial year,
unless an extension is granted by court order.

10. The annual Shareholders' Meeting may grant to each shareholder, in respect
of all or part of the interim or final dividend distributed, the right to choose
between payment in cash or in shares.

11. Dividends unclaimed for a term of five years after the date upon which they
have become payable shall be time-barred.


                                   ARTICLE 21

1. No later than one year before the end of the term of the Company, the Board
of Directors shall convene an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting in order to
decide whether the term of the Company is to be extended.

2. Except in the cases of judicial dissolution set forth by law, the Company
shall be dissolved upon the expiration of the term set forth by the corporate
statutes or by decision of the Shareholders' Meeting.

3. The Shareholders' Meeting determines the mode of liquidation and appoints one
or more liquidators and determines his or their powers.

                                   ARTICLE 22

All disputes which may arise during the term of the Company or during the course
of its liquidation, whether between the Shareholders and the Company or between
the Shareholders themselves in respect of corporate matters, shall be referred
to the competent courts.




                  T = total number of voting rights attached to all shares
                  comprising the share capital

                  Yn = total number of voting rights attached to the shares of
                  all Shareholders present or represented (n), up to 2% of T per
                  shareholder, and therefore not subject to any limitation

                  a, b, c = percentage of the voting rights (calculated on the
                  basis of T) held by A, B, C, etc. in excess of 2% for each of

                  X = total number of votes which may be cast at a Shareholders'
                  meeting taking into account the limitations set forth in the
                  corporate statutes.

                  This rule may be expressed as follows:

                              X = Yn + aX + bX + cX

                  Accordingly, the total number of votes which may be cast
                  during a meeting (X) is equal to:

                                X = Yn/(1-a-b-c)

By calculating X it is possible to determine, for each of Shareholders A, B and
C, the total number of votes attached to voting rights exceeding 2%
(corresponding to percentages a, b, c, etc.). For each of them, it is necessary
to add 2% of T, i.e. the votes attached to voting rights which are not subject
to any limitation.
