Registration Statement No. _________

                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM S-6

                            REGISTERED ON FORM N-8B-2



C.  Complete Address of Depositor's Principal Executive Offices:

       One Tower Square,
       Hartford, Connecticut 06183

D. Name and Complete Address of Agent for Service:

       Ernest J. Wright, Secretary
       The Travelers Insurance Company
       One Tower Square
       Hartford, Connecticut 06183

It is proposed that this filing will become effective (check appropriate box):

_______     immediately upon filing pursuant to paragraph (b)
_______     on ___________ pursuant to paragraph (b)
_______     60 days after filing pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)
_______     on __________ pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of Rule 485.

If appropriate, check the following box:

_______ this post-effective amendment designates a new effective date for a
       previously filed post-effective amendment.

E. Title of securities being registered:

       Variable Life Insurance Policies.

       Pursuant to Rule 24f-2 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 the
       Registrant hereby declares that an indefinite amount of its Variable Life
       Insurance Policies is being registered under the Securities Act of 1933.


F. Approximate date of proposed public offering:

       As soon as practicable following the effectiveness of the Registration

The Registrant hereby amends this Registration Statement on such date or dates
as may be necessary to delay its effective date until the Registrant shall file
a further amendment which specifically states that this Registration Statement
shall thereafter become effective in accordance with Section 8(a) of the
Securities Act of 1933 or until the Registration Statement shall become
effective on such date as the Commission, acting pursuant to said Section 8(a),
may determine.

_______     Check the box if it is proposed that this filing will become
            effective on ____ at ___ pursuant to Rule 487. ______


                         RECONCILIATION AND TIE BETWEEN
                         FORM N-8B-2 AND THE PROSPECTUS

Item No. of
- -----------    ---------------------

     1         Cover page
     2         Cover page
     3         Not applicable
     4         The Company; Distribution
     5         The Travelers Fund UL for Variable Life Insurance
     6         The Travelers Fund UL for Variable Life Insurance
     7         Not applicable
     8         Not applicable
     9         Legal Proceedings and Opinion
     10        Prospectus Summary; The Company; The Travelers Fund UL for Variable Life
                  Insurance, The Investment Options; How the Policy Works; Transfers of Cash
                  Value; The Separate Account and Valuation; Voting Rights; Disregard of Voting
                  Instructions; Dividends; Lapse and Reinstatement
     11        Prospectus Summary; The Investment Options
     12        Prospectus Summary; The Investment Options
     13        Charges and Deductions; Distribution
     14        How the Policy Works
     15        Prospectus Summary; Applying Premium Payments
     16        The Investment Options; Applying Premium Payments
     17        Prospectus Summary; Right to Cancel; The Separate Account and Valuation;
                  Policy Loans; Exchange Rights
     18        The Investment Options; Charges and Deductions; Federal Tax Considerations;
     19        Statements to Policy Owners
     20        Not applicable
     21        Policy Loans
     22        Not applicable
     23        Not applicable
     24        Not applicable
     25        The Company
     26        Not applicable
     27        The Company
     28        The Company; Management
     29        The Company
     30        Not applicable
     31        Not applicable
     32        Not applicable
     33        Not applicable
     34        Not applicable
     35        The Company; Distribution
     36        Not applicable
     37        Not applicable
     38        Distribution
     39        The Company; Distribution
     40        Not applicable
     41        The Company; Distribution
     42        Not applicable
     43        Not applicable
     44        Applying Premium Payments; Accumulation Unit Values
     45        Not applicable


Item No. of
- -----------    ---------------------

     46        The Separate Account and Valuation; Access to Cash Values
     47        The Investment Options
     48        Not applicable
     49        Not applicable
     50        Not applicable
     51        Prospectus Summary; The Company; How the Policy Works; Death Benefits and Lapse
               and Reinstatement
     52        The Investment Options
     53        Federal Tax Considerations
     54        Not applicable
     55        Not applicable
     56        Not applicable
     57        Not applicable
     58        Not applicable
     59        Financial Statements




                                                   JUNE 10, 2001

The Travelers Insurance Company, One Tower Square, Hartford, Connecticut 06183 X
                           Telephone: (800) 334-4298


This Prospectus describes Travelers Variable Life Successor, a variable
universal (flexible premium) life insurance Policy (the "Policy") offered by The
Travelers Insurance Company (the "Company"). The Policy is designed to insure
two individuals. We will pay the beneficiary the death benefit upon the second
death of the two named Insureds. The Policy Owners ("you") choose the amount of
life insurance coverage desired with a minimum Stated Amount of $100,000. You
direct the net premium payment to one or more of the variable funding options
(the "Investment Options").

During the Policy's Right to Cancel Period, the Applicant may return the Policy
to the Company for a refund (see the "Right to Cancel" section for more
details). The Right to Cancel Period expires on the latest of ten days after you
receive the Policy, ten days after we mail or deliver to you a written Notice of
Right to Cancel, or 45 days after the Applicant signs the application for
insurance (or later if state laws requires).

The Policy has no guaranteed minimum Cash Value. The Cash Value of the Policy
will vary to reflect the investment performance of the Investment Options to
which you have directed your premium payments. You bear the investment risk
under this Policy. The Cash Value is reduced by the various fees and charges
assessed under the Policy, as described in this Prospectus. The Policy will
remain in effect for as long as the Cash Surrender Value can pay the monthly
Policy charges and loan interest due but not paid in cash (subject to the Grace
Period provision), or for a longer period as may be provided under the Lapse
Protection Guarantee Rider.

We offer two death benefits under the Policy -- the "Level Option" and the
"Variable Option." Under either option, the death benefit will never be less
than the Amount Insured (less any outstanding Policy loans or Monthly Deduction
Amounts due and unpaid). You choose one at the time you apply for the Policy,
however you may change the death benefit option, subject to certain conditions.

This Policy may be or become a modified endowment Policy under federal tax law.
If so, any partial withdrawal, Policy surrender or loan may result in adverse
tax consequences or penalties.





                 THE DATE OF THIS PROSPECTUS IS JUNE 10, 2001.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Glossary of Special Terms.............    3
Prospectus Summary....................    5
General Description...................    8
  The Application.....................    8
How the Policy Works..................    8
  Applying Premium Payments...........    8
The Investment Options................    9
Policy Benefits and Rights............   13
  Transfers of Cash Value.............   13
     Telephone Transfers..............   13
  Automated Transfers.................   13
     Dollar Cost Averaging............   13
     Portfolio Rebalancing............   13
  Lapse and Reinstatement.............   14
  Lapse Protection Guarantee Rider....   14
  Additional Insurance Benefits
     (Riders).........................   14
  Exchange Rights.....................   14
  Right to Cancel.....................   15
Access to Cash Values.................   15
  Policy Loans........................   15
     Consequences.....................   15
  Policy Surrenders...................   15
     Full Surrenders..................   15
     Partial Withdrawals..............   16
Death Benefit.........................   16
  Option 1............................   17
  Option 2............................   17
  Payment of Proceeds.................   17
  Payment Options.....................   18
Maturity Benefits.....................   18
  Maturity Extension Rider............   18
  Coverage Extension Rider............   19
Charges and Deductions................   19
  Charges Against Premium.............   19
     Front-End Sales Charge...........   19
     State Premium Tax Charge.........   20
     DAC Charge.......................   20
  Monthly Deduction Amount............   20
     Cost of Insurance Charge.........   20
     Policy Administrative Expense
       Charge.........................   20
     Charges for Supplemental Benefit
       Provisions.....................   20
  Charges Against the Separate
     Account..........................   20
     Mortality and Expense Risk
       Charge.........................   20
     Administrative Expense Charge....   20
  Underlying Fund Expenses............   21
  Surrender Charges...................   21
  Transfer Charge.....................   21
  Reduction or Elimination of
     Charges..........................   21
The Separate Account and Valuation....   22
  The Travelers Fund UL for Variable
     Life Insurance (Fund UL).........   22
     How the Cash Value Varies........   22
     Accumulation Unit Value..........   22
     Net Investment Factor............   23
Changes to the Policy.................   23
  General.............................   23
  Changes in Stated Amount............   23
  Changes in Death Benefit Option.....   24
Additional Policy Provisions..........   24
  Assignment..........................   24
  Limit on Right to Contest and
     Suicide Exclusion................   24
  Misstatement as to Sex and Age......   24
  Voting Rights.......................   24
  Disregard of Voting Instructions....   24
Other Matters.........................   25
  Statements to Policy Owners.........   25
  Suspension of Valuation.............   25
  Dividends...........................   25
  Mixed and Shared Funding............   25
  Distribution........................   26
  Legal Proceedings and Opinion.......   26
  Experts.............................   26
Federal Tax Considerations............   26
The Company...........................   30
Management............................   31
  Directors of The Travelers Insurance
     Company..........................   31
  Senior Officers of The Travelers
     Insurance Company................   31
Example of Policy Charges.............   32
Illustrations.........................   32
Appendix A (Performance Information) .  A-1
Financial Statements of the Separate
Financial Statements of the Company...


                           GLOSSARY OF SPECIAL TERMS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ACCUMULATION UNIT -- a standard of measurement used to calculate the values
allocated to the Investment Options.

AMOUNT INSURED -- equals the Stated Amount if Death Benefit Option 1 is
selected; equals the Stated Amount plus Cash Value if Death Benefit Option 2 is
selected. The Amount Insured will always be at least equal to the Minimum Amount
Insured described on the Policy Summary.

BENEFICIARY(IES) -- the person(s) named to receive the benefits of this Policy
at the Second Death.

CASH SURRENDER VALUE -- the Cash Value less any outstanding Policy loan and
applicable surrender charges.

CASH VALUE -- the current value of Accumulation Units credited to each of the
Investment Options available under the Policy, plus the value of the Loan

COMPANY'S HOME OFFICE -- the principal executive offices of The Travelers
Insurance Company located at One Tower Square, Hartford, Connecticut 06183.

DEATH BENEFIT -- the amount payable to the Beneficiary if the Second Death
occurs while this policy is in force.

DEDUCTION DATE -- the day in each Policy Month on which the Monthly Deduction
Amount is deducted from the Policy's Cash Value.

INSUREDS -- the two people on whose lives the Policy is issued.

INVESTMENT OPTIONS -- the segments of the Separate Account to which you may
allocate premiums or Cash Value. Each investment option invests directly in a
corresponding Underlying Fund.

ISSUE DATE -- the date on which a new Policy is issued by the Company for
delivery to the Policy Owner. [Policies which replace existing company contracts
will maintain the issue date of the original Policy.]

LAPSE PROTECTION GUARANTEE RIDER -- a rider which provides that the Policy will
not lapse during the first ten Policy Years if a required amount of premium is
paid. (Not available in all states.)

LOAN ACCOUNT -- an account in the Company's general account to which we transfer
the amount of any Policy loan, and to which we credit and charge a fixed rate of

MATURITY DATE -- The anniversary of the Policy Date on which the younger Insured
is age 100.

MINIMUM AMOUNT INSURED -- the amount of Death Benefit required to qualify this
Policy as life insurance under federal tax law.

MONTHLY DEDUCTION AMOUNT -- the amount of charges deducted from the Policy's
Cash Value which includes cost of insurance charges, administrative charges, and
any charges for supplemental benefits.

MONTHLY LAPSE PROTECTION PREMIUM -- an amount shown on the Policy Summary page,
the cumulative amount of which must be paid during the first ten Policy Years in
order for the Lapse Protection Guarantee to be in effect.

NET AMOUNT AT RISK -- an amount equal to the Death Benefit minus the Cash Value.

NET PREMIUM -- the amount of each premium payment, minus the deduction of any
front-end sales charges, premium tax charges and federal deferred acquisition
cost charge.

PLANNED PREMIUM -- the amount of premium which the Policy Owner chooses to pay
to the Company on a scheduled basis, and for which the Company will bill the
Policy Owner, either annually, semiannually or through automatic monthly
checking account deductions.


POLICY DATE -- the date on which the Policy, benefits and provisions of the
Policy become effective.

POLICY MONTH -- monthly periods computed from the Policy Date.

POLICY OWNER(S) (YOU, YOUR OR OWNER) -- the person(s) having rights to benefits
under the Policy during the lifetime of the Insureds; the Policy Owner(s) may or
may not be the Insured(s).

POLICY YEARS -- annual periods computed from the Policy Date.

SECOND DEATH -- the second death of the two Insureds under this policy. If We
are unable to determine which death was second based on the Due Proof of Death,
the younger Insured's death will be considered the second death, unless You and
We agree otherwise.

SEPARATE ACCOUNT -- assets set aside by The Travelers Insurance Company, the
investment experience of which is kept separate from that of other assets of The
Travelers Insurance Company; for example, The Travelers Fund UL for Variable
Life Insurance ("Fund UL").

STATED AMOUNT -- the amount originally selected by the Policy Owner used to
determine the Death Benefit, or as may be increased or decreased as described in
this Prospectus.

UNDERLYING FUND -- the underlying mutual fund(s) that correspond to each
Investment Option. Each Investment Option invests directly in an Underlying

VALUATION DATE -- a day on which the Separate Account is valued. A Valuation
Date is any day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and the
Company is open for business. The value of Accumulation Units will be determined
as of 4:00 p.m. Eastern time.

VALUATION PERIOD -- the period between the close of business on successive
Valuation Dates.


                               PROSPECTUS SUMMARY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


This Flexible Premium Variable Survivorship Life Insurance Policy is designed to
provide insurance protection on the lives of two Insureds and to build Cash
Value. Like other survivorship life insurance, it provides an income-tax free
death benefit that is payable to the Beneficiary upon the second death of the
two Insureds. Unlike traditional, fixed-premium life insurance, the Policy
allows you, as the owner, to allocate your premium, or transfer Cash Value to
various Investment Options. These Investment Options include equity, bond, money
market and other types of portfolios. Your Cash Value will change daily,
depending on investment return. No minimum amount is guaranteed as in a
traditional life insurance policy.

INVESTMENT OPTIONS:  You have the ability to choose from a wide variety of
well-known Investment Options. The investment options invest directly in the
Funds. These professionally managed stock, bond and money market funds cover a
broad spectrum of investment objectives and risk tolerance. The following
Investment Options (subject to state availability) are available currently:


Capital Appreciation Fund
Managed Assets Trust
Money Market Portfolio

  Premier Growth Portfolio -- Class B

  Global Growth Fund -- Class 2
  Growth Fund -- Class 2
  Growth-Income Fund -- Class 2

  Ayco Large Cap Growth Fund I

  EAFE(R) Equity Index Fund
  Small Cap Index Fund

  Small Cap Portfolio

  Franklin Small Cap Fund -- Class 2

  Equity Index Portfolio -- Class I
  Fundamental Value Portfolio

  Aggressive Growth Portfolio -- Service Shares
  Global Technology Portfolio -- Service Shares
  Worldwide Growth Portfolio -- Service Shares

  Total Return Bond Portfolio

  International Growth Fund -- Class 1B Shares
  Voyager II Fund -- Class 1B Shares

  AIM Capital Appreciation Portfolio
  Alliance Growth Portfolio
  MFS Total Return Portfolio
  Putnam Diversified Income Portfolio
  Smith Barney Aggressive Growth Portfolio
  Smith Barney High Income Portfolio
  Smith Barney International All Cap Growth
  Smith Barney Large Capitalization Growth    Portfolio
  Smith Barney Large Cap Value Portfolio

  Convertible Bond Portfolio
  Equity Income (Fidelity)
  Large Cap Portfolio (Fidelity)
  MFS Mid Cap Growth Portfolio
  U.S. Government Securities

  Emerging Growth Portfolio

  Contrafund(R) Portfolio -- Service Class

  Emerging Markets Portfolio

Additional Investment Options may be added from time to time. For more
information, see "The Investment Options." Refer to each Fund's prospectus for a
complete description of the investment objectives, restrictions and other
material information.

PREMIUMS:  When applying for your Policy, you state how much you intend to pay,
and whether you will pay annually, semiannually or monthly via checking account
deductions. You may also make unscheduled premium payments in any amount. No
premium payments will be accepted if


receipt of such premiums would disqualify the Policy as life insurance under
applicable federal tax laws.

You indicate on your application what percentage of each Net Premium you would
like allocated to the Investment Options. You may change your allocations by
writing to the Company or, with proper authorization, by calling 1-800-334-4298.

During the underwriting period, any premium paid will be held in a non-interest
bearing account. After the Policy Date and until the applicants' right to cancel
has expired, your Net Premium payments will be distributed to each Investment
Option in the percentages indicated on your application (subject to stock law).

RIGHT TO EXAMINE POLICY:  You may return your Policy for any reason and receive
a full refund of your net premium, less any outstanding loan by mailing us the
Policy and a written request for cancellation within a specified period.

DEATH BENEFITS:  At time of application, you select a death benefit option.
Under certain conditions you may be able to change the death benefit option at a
later date. The options available are:

     - LEVEL OPTION (OPTION 1):  the Amount Insured will equal the greater of
       the Stated Amount or the Minimum Amount Insured or the death of Second

     - VARIABLE OPTION (OPTION 2):  the Amount Insured will equal the greater of
       the Stated Amount of the Policy plus the Cash Value or the Minimum Amount
       Insured or the death of Second Death.

POLICY VALUES:  As with other types of insurance policies, this Policy can
accumulate a Cash Value. The Cash Value of the Policy will increase or decrease
to reflect the investment experience of the Investment Options. Monthly charges
and any partial surrenders taken will also decrease the Cash Value. There is no
minimum guaranteed Cash Value.

     - ACCESS TO POLICY VALUES: You may borrow up to 100% of your Policy's Cash
       Surrender Value. (See "Policy Loans" for loan impact on coverage and
       policy values.)

You may cancel all or a portion of your Policy while either of the Insureds are
living and receive all or a portion of the Cash Surrender Value. Depending on
the amount of time the Policy has been in force, there may be a charge for the
partial or full surrender.

TRANSFERS OF POLICY VALUES:  You may transfer all or a portion of your Cash
Value, minus the value of outstanding loan accounts, among the Investment
Options. You may do this by writing to the Company or, with proper
authorization, calling 1-800-334-4298.

You can use automated transfers to take advantage of dollar cost
averaging -- investing a fixed amount at regular intervals. For example, you
might have a set amount transferred from a relatively conservative Investment
Option to a more aggressive one, or to several others.

LAPSE PROTECTION GUARANTEE RIDER:  This Rider allows for your Policy to remain
in effect for the first ten Policy Years, regardless of the performance of the
Investment Options that you select. You must pay at least the cumulative Monthly
Lapse Protection Premium displayed on your Policy's Summary page. Any loans or
partial surrenders are deducted from premium paid to determine if the Lapse
Protection Premium Requirement has been met.

GRACE PERIOD:  If the Cash Surrender Value of your Policy becomes less than the
amount needed to pay any loan interest due but not paid in cash or to pay the
Monthly Deduction Amount, and the Lapse Protection Guarantee Rider is not in
effect, you will have 61 days to pay a premium to cover the Monthly Deduction
Amount and any loan interest due. If the premium is not paid, your Policy will

EXCHANGE RIGHTS:  During the first two Policy Years, you can exchange this
Policy for one that provides benefits that do not vary with the investment
return of the Investment Options (subject to certain restrictions contained in
your contract).


TAX CONSEQUENCES:  Currently, the federal tax law excludes all Death Benefit
payments from the gross income of the Beneficiary. At any point in time, the
Policy may become a modified endowment contract ("MEC"). A MEC has an
income-first taxation of all loans, pledges, collateral assignments or partial
surrenders. A 10% penalty tax may be imposed on such income distributed before
the older Policy Owner attains age 59 1/2. The Company has established
safeguards for monitoring whether a Policy may become a MEC.

CHARGES AND DEDUCTIONS:  Your Policy is subject to charges, which compensate the
Company for administering and distributing the Policy, as well as paying Policy
benefits and assuming related risks. These charges are summarized below, and
explained in detail under "Charges and Deductions."


     - SALES AND PREMIUM TAX CHARGES -- A sales charge, a premium tax charge and
       a deferred acquisition cost charge are applied to each premium. The
       charges are as follows:

     SALES              PREMIUM          DAC           PREMIUM
    CHARGE                TAX           CHARGE         EXPENSE
    ------              -------         ------         -------
     1.5%                2.25%          1.25%           5.00%

     This charge pays some distribution expenses and state and local premium
taxes. Where prohibited by state law, premium taxes will not be charged.

     - MONTHLY DEDUCTION -- deductions taken from the value of your Policy each
       month to cover cost of insurance charges, administrative expense charges
       and charges for optional benefits.

     - SURRENDER CHARGE -- applies if you surrender your Policy for all or a
       portion of its Cash Value or the Policy lapses, during the first 15 years
       and for 15 years after an increase in coverage. The surrender charge
       consists of a per thousand of stated amount charge.


     - MORTALITY AND EXPENSE RISK CHARGE -- applies to the assets of the
       Investment Options on a daily basis which equals an annual rate of 0.80%
       for the first fifteen years and 0.35% thereafter.

     - ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE CHARGE -- applies to the assets of the Investment
       Options on a daily basis which equals an annual rate of 0.10% for the
       first fifteen years and 0% thereafter.

     - UNDERLYING FUND FEES -- the separate account purchases shares of the
       Underlying Funds on a net asset value basis. The shares purchased already
       reflect the deduction of investment advisory fees and other expenses.
       These are summarized in the chart below.

                  [Chart to be filed by subsequent amendment]


                              GENERAL DESCRIPTION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This prospectus describes a flexible premium variable survivorship life
insurance policy offered by The Travelers Insurance Company. It provides life
insurance protection on two lives (the insureds), and pays policy proceeds upon
the Second Death of the two named insureds while the policy is in effect. The
policy offers:

     - Flexible premium payments (you select the timing and amount of the

     - A selection of investment options

     - A choice of two death benefit options

     - Loans and partial withdrawal privileges

     - The ability to increase or decrease the Policy's stated amount of

     - Additional benefits through the use of optional riders

This Policy is both an insurance product and a security. The Policy is first and
foremost a life insurance Policy with death benefits, Cash Values and other
features traditionally associated with life insurance. The Policy is a security
because the Cash Value and, under certain circumstances, the Amount Insured, and
Death Benefit may increase or decrease depending on the investment experience of
the Investment Options chosen.

THE APPLICATION.  In order to become a policy owner, you must submit an
application with information about the two proposed insureds. The insureds must
provide evidence of insurability. On the application, you will also indicate:

     - the amount of insurance desired (the "stated amount"); minimum of

     - your choice of the two death benefit options

     - the beneficiary(ies), and whether or not the beneficiary is irrevocable

     - your choice of investment options.

Our underwriting staff will review the application, and, if approved, we will
issue the Policy.

                              HOW THE POLICY WORKS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You make premium payments and direct them to one or more of the available
investment options. The Policy's Cash Value will increase or decrease depending
on the performance of the investment options you select. In the case of death
benefit option 2, the death benefit will also vary based on the investment
options' performance.

If your Policy is in effect upon the Second Death of the two named insureds, we
will pay your beneficiary the Amount Insured plus any additional rider death
benefit (less any outstanding loans and any monthly deduction amount due but not
paid). Your Policy will stay in effect as long as the Policy's cash surrender
value can pay the Policy's monthly charges and any loan interest due but not
paid in cash.

Your Policy becomes effective once our underwriting staff has approved the
application and once the first premium payment has been made. The Policy Date is
the date we use to determine all future transactions on the policy, for example,
the deduction dates, policy months, policy years. The Policy Date may be before
or the same date as the Issue Date (the date the policy was issued). During the
underwriting period, any premium paid will be held in a non-interest bearing


We apply the first premium on the later of the Policy Date or the date we
receive it at our Home Office. During the Right to Cancel Period, we allocate
net premiums to the Investment Options selected by you (subject to state law).


The investment options are segments of the separate account. They correspond to
underlying funds with the same names. The available investment options are
listed below.

We credit your policy with accumulation units of the investment option(s) you
have selected. We calculate the number of accumulation units by dividing your
net premium payment by each investment option's accumulation unit value computed
after we receive your payment.

                             THE INVESTMENT OPTIONS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Investment Options currently available under Fund UL are listed below. There
is no assurance that an Investment Option will achieve its stated objectives. We
may, add, withdraw or substitute Investment Options from time to time. Any
changes will comply with applicable state and federal laws. We would notify you
before making such a change. For more detailed information on the investment
advisers and their services and fees, please refer to the Investment Options
prospectuses which are included with and must accompany this prospectus. In
addition, Travelers has entered into agreements with either the investment
adviser or distributor of certain of the underlying funds in which the adviser
or distributor pays us a fee for providing administrative services, which fee
may vary. The fee is ordinarily based upon an annual percentage of the average
aggregate net amount invested in the underlying funds on behalf of the Separate
Account. Please read carefully the complete risk disclosure in each Portfolio's
prospectus before investing.

       --------------                    --------------------                  ------------------
Capital Appreciation Fund     Seeks growth of capital through the use of  Travelers Asset Management
                              common stocks. Income is not an objective.  International Company LLC
                              The Fund invests principally in common      ("TAMIC")
                              stocks of small to large companies which    Subadviser: Janus Capital
                              are expected to experience wide             Corp.
                              fluctuations in price both in rising and
                              declining markets.
Managed Assets Trust          Seeks high total investment return through  TAMIC
                              a fully managed investment policy in a      Subadviser: Travelers
                              portfolio of equity, debt and convertible   Investment Management Co.
                              securities.                                 ("TIMCO")
Money Market Portfolio        Seeks high current income from short-term   TAMIC
                              money market instruments while preserving
                              capital and maintaining a high degree of
Premier Growth Portfolio      Seeks long-term growth of capital by        Alliance Capital Management
Class B                       investing primarily in equity securities
                              of a limited number of large, carefully
                              selected, high quality U.S. companies that
                              are judged likely to achieve superior
                              earning momentum.
Global Growth Fund -- Class   Seeks capital appreciation by investing     Capital Research and Man-
2                             primarily in common stocks of companies     agement Company
                              located around the world.
Growth Fund -- Class 2        Seeks capital appreciation by investing     Capital Research and Man-
                              primarily in common stocks of companies     agement Company
                              that appear to offer superior
                              opportunities for growth and capital.
Growth-Income Fund -- Class   Seeks capital appreciation and income by    Capital Research and Man-
2                             investing primarily in common stocks or     agement Company
                              other securities which demonstrate the
                              potential for appreciation and/or


       --------------                    --------------------                  ------------------
Ayco Large Cap Growth Fund I  Seeks long-term growth of capital by        The Ayco Company, L.P.
                              investing primarily in the common stocks
                              of large capitalization companies. The
                              investment approach is a combination of
                              fundamental analysis of individual
                              companies with a top-down economic and
                              market sector analysis.
EAFE(R) Equity Index Fund     Seeks to replicate, before deduction of     Bankers Trust Global Invest-
                              expenses, the total return performance of   ment Management
                              the EAFE index.
Small Cap Index Fund          Seeks to replicate, before deduction of     Bankers Trust Global Invest-
                              expenses, the total return performance of   ment Management
                              the Russell 2000 index.
Small Cap Portfolio           Seeks to maximize capital appreciation.     The Dreyfus Corporation
Franklin Small Cap Fund --    Seeks long-term capital growth. The Fund    Franklin Advisers, Inc.
Class 2                       seeks to accomplish its objective by
                              investing primarily (normally at least 65%
                              of its assets) in equity securities of
                              smaller capitalization growth companies.
Equity Index Portfolio-Class  Seeks to replicate, before deduction of     TIMCO
I Shares                      expenses, the total return performance of
                              the S&P 500 Index.
Fundamental Value Portfolio   this fund f/k/a Smith B. Total Return
Aggressive Growth             Seeks long-term capital growth by           Janus Capital
Portfolio -- Service Shares   investing primarily in common stocks
                              selected for their growth potential,
                              normally investing at least 50% in the
                              equity assets of medium-sized companies.
Global Technology             Seeks long-term capital growth by           Janus Capital
Portfolio -- Service Shares   investing primarily in equity securities
                              of the U.S. and foreign companies,
                              normally investing at least 65% of its
                              total assets in companies likely to
                              benefit significantly from advances in
Worldwide Growth              Seeks growth of capital in a manner         Janus Capital
Portfolio -- Service Shares   consistent with preservation of capital by
                              investing primarily in common stocks of
                              companies of any size throughout the


       --------------                    --------------------                  ------------------
Total Return Bond Portfolio   Seeks maximum total return, consistent      Pacific Investment Manage-
                              with preservation of capital and prudent    ment Company
                              investment management, by investing
                              primarily in investment-grade debt
International Growth Fund --  Seeks capital appreciation by investing     Putnam Management ("Putnam")
Class 1B Shares               mostly in common stocks of companies
                              outside the United States.
Voyager II Fund -- Class 1B   Seeks capital appreciation by investing     Putnam
Shares                        mainly in common stocks of U.S. companies
                              with a focus on growth stocks.
AIM Capital Appreciation      Seeks capital appreciation by investing     Travelers Investment Adviser
Portfolio                     principally in common stock, with emphasis  ("TIA")
                              on medium-sized and smaller emerging        Subadviser: Alliance Capital
                              growth companies.                           Management L.P.
Alliance Growth Portfolio     Seeks long-term growth of capital. Current  TIA
                              income is only an incidental                Subadviser: Alliance Capital
                              consideration. The Portfolio invests        Management L.P.
                              predominantly in equity securities of
                              companies with a favorable outlook for
                              earnings and whose rate of growth is
                              expected to exceed that of the U.S.
                              economy over time.
MFS Total Return Portfolio    (a balanced portfolio) Seeks to obtain      TIA
                              above-average income (compared to a port-   Subadviser: Massachusetts
                              folio entirely invested in equity           Financial Services Company
                              securities) consistent with the prudent     ("MFS")
                              employment of capital. Generally, at least
                              40% of the Portfolio's assets are invested
                              in equity securities.
Putnam Diversified Income     Seeks high current income consistent with   TIA
Portfolio                     preservation of capital. The Portfolio      Subadviser: Putnam
                              will allocate its investments among the
                              U.S. Government Sector, the High Yield
                              Sector, and the International Sector of
                              the fixed income securities markets.
Smith Barney Aggressive       Seeks capital appreciation by investing     SSB Citi Fund Management LLC
Growth Portfolio              primarily in common stocks of companies     ("SSB Citi")
                              that are experiencing, or have the
                              potential to experience, growth of
                              earnings, or that exceed the average
                              earnings growth rate of companies whose
                              securities are included in the S&P 500.
Smith Barney High Income      Seeks high current income. Capital          SSB Citi
Portfolio                     appreciation is a secondary objective. The
                              Portfolio will invest at least 65% of its
                              assets in high-yielding corporate debt
                              obligations and preferred stock.
Smith Barney International    [GET FROM PROXY-this f/k/a Smith B.         SSB Citi
All Cap Growth Portfolio      International Portfolio]


       --------------                    --------------------                  ------------------
Smith Barney Large            Seeks long-term growth of capital by        SSB Citi
Capitalization Growth         investing in equity securities of
Portfolio                     companies with large market
Smith Barney Large Cap Value  Seeks current income and long-term growth   SSB Citi
Portfolio                     of income and capital by investing
                              primarily, but not exclusively, in common
Convertible Bond Portfolio    Seeks current income and capital apprecia-  TAMIC
                              tion by investing in convertible bond
                              securities and in combinations of
                              nonconvertible fixed-income securities and
                              warrants or call options that together
                              resemble convertible securities.
Equity Income Portfolio       Seeks reasonable income by investing at     TAMIC
                              least 65% in income-producing equity secu-  Subadviser: Fidelity Manage-
                              rities. The balance may be invested in all  ment & Research Co. ("FMR")
                              types of domestic and foreign securities,
                              including bonds. The Portfolio seeks to
                              achieve a yield that exceeds that of the
                              securities comprising the S&P 500. The
                              Subadviser also considers the potential
                              for capital appreciation.
Large Cap Portfolio           Seeks long-term growth of capital by        TAMIC
                              investing primarily in equity securities    Subadviser: Fidelity Invest-
                              of companies with large market              ment Management & Research
                              capitalizations.                            Co. ("FMR")
MFS Mid Cap Growth Portfolio  Seeks to obtain long-term growth of         TAMIC
                              capital by investing, under normal market   Subadviser: MFS
                              conditions, at least 65% of its total
                              assets in equity securities of companies
                              with medium market capitalization which
                              the investment adviser believes have above
                              average growth potential.
U.S. Government Securities    Seeks to select investments from the point  TAMIC
                              of view of an investor concerned primarily
                              with the highest credit quality, current
                              income and total return. The assets of the
                              Portfolio will be invested in direct
                              obligations of the United States, its
                              agencies and instrumentalities.
Emerging Growth Portfolio     Seeks capital appreciation by investing     Van Kampen Asset Manage-
                              primarily in common stocks of companies     ment Inc.
                              considered to be emerging growth
Contrafund(R) Portfolio --    Seeks long-term capital appreciation by     FMR
Service Class                 investing primarily in common stocks of
                              companies whose value the adviser believes
                              is not fully recognized by the public.


       --------------                    --------------------                  ------------------
Emerging Markets Portfolio    Seeks long-term growth of capital by        Credit Suisse Asset Manage-
                              investing primarily in equity securities    ment, LLC
                              of non-U.S. issuers consisting of
                              companies in emerging securities markets.

                           POLICY BENEFITS AND RIGHTS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


As long as the Policy remains in effect, you may make transfers of Cash Value
between Investment Options. We reserve the right to restrict the number of free
transfers to four times in any Policy Year and to charge $10 for each additional
transfer; however, we do not currently charge for transfers. We also reserve the
right to restrict transfers by any market timing firm or any other third party
authorized to initiate transfers on behalf of multiple contract owners. We may,
among other things, not accept: 1) the transfer instructions of any agent acting
under a power of attorney on behalf of more than one owner, or 2) the transfer
or exchange instructions of individual owners who have executed pre-authorized
transfer forms which are submitted by market timing firms or other third parties
on behalf of more than one owner. We further reserve the right to limit
transfers that we determine will disadvantage other contract owners.

We calculate the number of Accumulation Units involved using the Accumulation
Unit Values we determine at the end of the business day on which we receive the

TELEPHONE TRANSFERS.  The Policy Owner may make the request in writing by
mailing such request to the Company at its Home Office, or by telephone (if an
authorization form is on file) by calling 1-800-334-4298. The Company will take
reasonable steps to ensure that telephone transfer requests are genuine. These
steps may include seeking proper authorization and identification prior to
processing telephone requests. Additionally, the Company will confirm telephone
transfers. Any failure to take such measures may result in the Company's
liability for any losses due to fraudulent telephone transfer requests.


DOLLAR-COST AVERAGING.  You may establish automated transfers of Policy Values
on a monthly or quarterly basis from any Investment Option(s) to any other
Investment Option(s) through written request or other method acceptable to the
Company. You must have a minimum total Policy Value of $1,000 to enroll in the
Dollar-Cost Averaging program. The minimum total automated transfer amount is

You may start or stop participation in the Dollar-Cost Averaging program at any
time, but you must give the Company at least 30 days' notice to change any
automated transfer instructions that are currently in place. Automated transfers
are subject to all of the other provisions and terms of the Policy. The Company
reserves the right to suspend or modify transfer privileges at any time and to
assess a processing fee for this service.

Before transferring any part of the Policy Value, Policy Owners should consider
the risks involved in switching between investments available under this Policy.
Dollar-cost averaging requires regular investments regardless of fluctuating
price levels, and does not guarantee profits or prevent losses in a declining
market. Potential investors should consider their financial ability to continue
purchases through periods of low price levels.

PORTFOLIO REBALANCING.  You may elect to have the Company periodically
reallocate values in your policy to match your original (or your latest) funding
option allocation request.



Except as described under "Lapse Protection Guarantee," the Policy will remain
in effect until the Cash Surrender Value of the Policy can no longer cover the
Monthly Deduction Amount. If this happens, we will notify you in writing that if
the amount shown in the notice is not paid or pay any loan interest due but not
paid in cash within 61 days (the "Grace Period"), the Policy may lapse. The
amount shown will be enough to pay the deduction amount due. The Policy will
continue through the Grace Period, but if no payment is received by us, it will
terminate at the end of the Grace Period. If the last of the two Insureds dies
during the Grace Period, the Death Benefit payable will be reduced by the
Monthly Deduction Amount due plus the amount of any outstanding loan. (See
"Death Benefit," below.)

If the Policy lapses, you may reinstate the Policy by paying the reinstatement
premium (and any applicable charges) stated in the lapse notice. You may request
reinstatement within three years of lapse (unless a different period is required
under applicable state law). Upon reinstatement, the Policy's Cash Value will
equal the Net Premium plus any cash value as of the date of the lapse. In
addition, we reserve the right to require satisfactory evidence of insurability
of both Insureds.


You may elect to have a Lapse Protection Guarantee Rider added to the Policy. It
is available only with Death Benefit Option 1 and may not be available in all
jurisdictions. The Rider provides that if, during the first ten Policy Years,
the total premiums paid, less any Outstanding Loans or partial surrenders,
equals or exceeds the cumulative Monthly Coverage Protection Premium shown in
the Policy, a Lapse Protection Guarantee will apply. With this rider, the Policy
will not lapse on a monthly deduction day even if the Cash Surrender Value is
not enough to cover the Monthly Deduction Amount due, or any loan interest due
but not paid in cash, provided the monthly deduction day is within the first ten
Policy Years.

The Monthly Coverage Protection Premium will change to reflect any increases you
make to the Stated Amount or changes to supplemental benefit riders under the
Policy. If you make a change, we will send you an updated Monthly Coverage
Protection Premium that must be met until the ten-year period expires. The rider
will be cancelled if you switch to Death Benefit Option 2 (Subject to State


Subject to certain requirements, there are additional riders which may be added
to your base Policy, including the Policy Split Option, Policy Split Option
Plus, Scheduled Income Option, Estate Protection Rider, Annual Renewable Term,
Maturity Extension, Coverage Extension, Cost of Living Adjustment, Waiver of
Premium and Lapse Protection Guarantee. The last rider is described above.

The Coverage Extension Rider and The Maturity Extension Rider are described
under the "Maturity Benefits" section. There may be additional costs associated
with these riders. Depending on your circumstances, it may be less costly to
purchase more death benefit coverage under the primary insured term rider than
under the basic variable policy.


Once the Policy is in effect, you may exchange during the first 24 months for a
non-variable survivorship life insurance policy issued by the Company (or an
affiliated company) on the lives of the Insureds. Benefits under the new life
insurance policy will be as described in that policy. No evidence of
insurability will be required. You have the right to select the same Death
Benefit or Net Amount At Risk as the former Policy at the time of exchange. Cost
of insurance rates will be based on the same risk classification used as of this
Policy's issue date. Any outstanding Policy loan must be repaid before we will
make an exchange. In addition, there may be an adjustment for the difference in
Cash Value between the two Policies.



An Applicant may cancel the Policy by returning it via mail or personal delivery
to the Company or to the agent who sold the Policy. The Policy must be returned
by the latest of

     (1) 10 days after delivery of the Policy to the Policy Owner,

     (2) 45 days after the date the Policy application was signed, or

     (3) 10 days after the Notice of the Right to Cancel has been mailed or
         delivered to the Policy Owner whichever is latest

(or later if required by state law).

We will refund either (depending on State law) any premiums paid less any loans,
or the Cash Value of the Policy on the date we receive the returned Policy, plus
any charges that were deducted, less any Loan Account Value. We will make the
refund within seven days after we receive your returned policy.

                             ACCESS TO CASH VALUES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


You may borrow up to 100% of the Policy's Cash Surrender Value. This amount will
be determined on the day we receive the written loan request. The loan request
must be at least $500 (unless state law requires a different minimum). We will
make the loan within seven days of our receipt of the written loan request.

If you have a loan outstanding and request a second loan, we will add the amount
of the outstanding loan to the loan request. We charge interest on the
outstanding amount of the loan(s), and you must pay this interest in advance.
During the first fifteen Policy Years, the full Loan Account Value will be
charged 5.66% of the loan amount upfront (which equals an annual interest rate
of 6.0%); thereafter 4.76% will be charged (subject to state variations).

We will transfer the amount of the loan from each Investment Option on a pro
rata basis, as of the date the loan is made. We transfer the loan amount to the
Loan Account, and credit the Loan Account with a fixed annual rate of 4% (6% in
New York and Massachusetts). Amounts held in the Loan Account will not be
affected by the investment performance of the Investment Options. As you repay
the loan, we deduct the amount of the loan repayment from the Loan Account and
reallocate the payments among the Investment Options according to your current
instructions. You may repay all or any part of a loan secured by the Policy
while the Policy is still in effect.

CONSEQUENCES.  Your Cash Surrender Value is reduced by the amount of any
outstanding loan(s). While a loan is not repaid, it decreases the Cash Surrender
Value, which could cause the Policy to lapse. Additionally, the Death Benefit
payable will be decreased by the value of any outstanding loan. Also, even if a
loan is repaid, the Death Benefit and Cash Surrender Value may be permanently
affected since you do not receive any investment experience on the outstanding
loan amount held in the Loan Account.


You may withdraw all or a portion of the Cash Value from the Policy on any day
that the Company is open for business.

FULL SURRENDERS.  As long as the Policy is in effect, you may surrender the
Policy and receive its Cash Surrender Value. (You may request a surrender
without the beneficiary's consent provided the beneficiary has not been
designated "irrevocable." If so, you will need the beneficiary's consent.) The
Cash Surrender Value will be determined as of the date we receive the written


request at our Home Office. The Cash Surrender Value is the Cash Value, minus
any outstanding Policy loans, and any surrender charge.

For full surrenders, we will pay you within seven days after we receive the
request, or on the date you specify, whichever is later. The Policy will
terminate on the date we receive your written surrender request (or the date you
specified, if later).

PARTIAL WITHDRAWALS.  You may request a partial withdrawal from the Policy. The
amount paid to you will be the net amount requested. We will deduct the net
amount surrendered plus any applicable surrender charge pro rata from all
Investment Options, unless you give us other written instructions.

In addition to reducing the Policy's Cash Value, partial withdrawals will reduce
the Death Benefit payable under the Policy. Under Option 1, the Policy's Stated
Amount will be reduced by the withdrawal amount. Under Option 2, the Policy's
Cash Value, which is part of the Death Benefit, will be reduced by the
withdrawal amount. We may require you to return the Policy to record this

                                 DEATH BENEFIT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Death Benefit under the Policy is the amount paid to the Beneficiary upon
the second death of the two Insureds. The Death Benefit will be reduced by any
outstanding charges, fees and Policy loans. All or part of the Death Benefit may
be paid in cash or applied to one or more of the payment options described in
the following pages.

You may elect one of two Death Benefit options. As long as the Policy remains in
effect, the Company guarantees that the Death Benefit under either option will
be at least the current Stated Amount of the Policy less any outstanding Policy
loan and unpaid Deduction Amount. The Death Benefit under either option may vary
with the Cash Value of the Policy. Under Option 1 (the "Level Option"), the
Death Benefit will be equal to the Stated Amount of the Policy or, if greater, a
specified multiple of Cash Value (the "Minimum Amount Insured"). Under Option 2
(the "Variable Option"), the Death Benefit will be equal to the Stated Amount of
the Policy plus the Cash Value (determined as of the date of the last Insured's
death) or, if greater, the Minimum Amount Insured.

The Minimum Amount Insured is the amount required to qualify the Policy as a
life insurance Policy under the current federal tax law. Under that law, the
Minimum Amount Insured equals a stated percentage of the Policy's Cash Value
determined as of the first day of each Policy Month. The percentages differ
according to the attained age of the younger Insured. The Minimum Amount Insured
is set forth in the Policy and may change as federal income tax laws or
regulations change. The following is a schedule of the applicable percentages.
For attained ages not shown, the applicable percentages will decrease evenly:

- ---------------            ----------
     0-40                     250
       45                     215
       50                     185
       55                     150
       60                     130
       65                     120
       70                     115
       75                     105
       95+                    100

Federal tax law imposes another cash funding limitation on cash value life
insurance Policies that may increase the Minimum Amount Insured shown above.
This limitation, known as the "guideline


premium limitation," generally applies during the early years of variable
universal life insurance Policies.

The following examples demonstrate the relationship between the Death Benefit,
the Cash Surrender Value and the Minimum Amount Insured under Death Benefit
Option 1. The examples assume two Insureds, both age 40, a Minimum Amount
Insured of 250% of Cash Value (assuming the preceding table is controlling as to
Minimum Amount Insured), and no outstanding Policy loan.


In the following examples of an Option 1 Level Death Benefit, the Death Benefit
under the Policy is generally equal to the Stated Amount of $100,000. Since the
Policy is designed to qualify as a life insurance Policy, the Death Benefit
cannot be less than the Minimum Amount Insured (or, in this example, 250% of the
Cash Value).

EXAMPLE ONE.  If the Cash Value of the Policy equals $10,000, the Minimum Amount
Insured would be $25,000 ($10,000 x 250%). Since the Death Benefit in the Policy
is the greater of the Stated Amount ($100,000) or the Minimum Amount Insured
($25,000), the Death Benefit would be $100,000.

EXAMPLE TWO.  If the Cash Value of the Policy equals $60,000, the Minimum Amount
Insured would be $150,000 ($60,000 x 250%). The resulting Death Benefit would be
$150,000 since the Death Benefit is the greater of the Stated Amount ($100,000)
or the Minimum Amount Insured ($150,000).


In the following examples of an Option 2 Variable Death Benefit, the Death
Benefit varies with the investment experience of the applicable Investment
Options and will generally be equal to the Stated Amount plus the Cash Value of
the Policy (determined on the date of the second Insured's death). The Death
Benefit cannot, however, be less than the Minimum Amount Insured (or, in this
example, 250% of the Cash Value).

EXAMPLE ONE.  If the Cash Value of the Policy equals $10,000, the Minimum Amount
Insured would be $25,000 ($10,000 x 250%). The Death Benefit ($110,000) would be
equal to the Stated Amount ($100,000) plus the Cash Value ($10,000), unless the
Minimum Amount Insured ($25,000) was greater.

EXAMPLE TWO.  If the Cash Value of the Policy equals $100,000, then the Minimum
Amount Insured would be $250,000 ($100,000 x 250%). The resulting Death Benefit
would be $250,000 because the Minimum Amount Insured ($250,000) is greater than
the Stated Amount plus the Cash Value ($100,000 + $100,000 = $200,000).


Death Benefits are payable within seven days after we receive satisfactory proof
of the Second Insured's death. The amount of Death Benefit paid may be adjusted
to reflect any Policy loan, any Monthly Deductions Amount due but unpaid, any
material misstatements in the Policy application as to age or sex of the
Insured, and any amounts payable to an assignee under a collateral assignment of
the Policy. (See "Assignment".) If no beneficiary is living when both Insureds
have died, the Death Benefit will be paid to the Policy Owner, if living,
otherwise, the Death Benefit will be paid to the Policy Owner's estate.

Subject to state law, if one or both of the Insureds commit suicide within two
years following the Issue Date, limits on the amount of Death Benefit paid will
apply. (See "Limit on Right to Contest and Suicide Exclusion.") In addition, if
the Second Insured dies during the 61-day period after the Company gives notice
to the Policy Owner that the Cash Surrender Value of the Policy is insufficient
to meet the Monthly Deduction Amount due against the Cash Value of the Policy,
then the Death Benefit actually paid to the Policy Owner's Beneficiary will be
reduced by the amount


of the Deduction Amount that is due and unpaid. (See "Cash Value and Cash
Surrender Value," for effects of partial surrenders on Death Benefits.)


We will pay policy proceeds in a lump sum, unless you or the Beneficiary selects
one of the Company's payment options. A combination of options may be used. The
minimum amount that may be placed under a payment option is $5,000 unless we
consent to a lesser amount. Proceeds applied under an option will no longer be
affected by the investment experience of the Investment Options.

     The following payment options are available under the Policy:

     OPTION 1 -- Payments of a Fixed Amount

     OPTION 2 -- Payments for a Fixed Period

     OPTION 3 -- Amounts Held at Interest

     OPTION 4 -- Monthly Life Income

     OPTION 5 -- Joint and Survivor Level Amount Monthly Life Income

     OPTION 6 -- Joint and Survivor Monthly Life Income-Two-thirds to Survivor

     OPTION 7 -- Joint and Last Survivor Monthly Life Income-Monthly Payment
                 Reduces on Death of First Person Named

     OPTION 8 -- Other Options

We will make any other arrangements for periodic payments as may be agreed upon.
If any periodic payment due any payee is less than $100, we may make payments
less often. If we have declared a higher rate under an option on the date the
first payment under an option is due, we will base the payments on the higher

                               MATURITY BENEFITS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The following riders may not be available in all jurisdictions.

If at least one Insured is living on the Maturity Date, the Company will pay you
the Policy's Cash Value, less any outstanding Policy loan or unpaid Deduction
Amount. You must surrender the Policy to us before we make a payment, at which
point the Policy will terminate and we will have no further obligations under
the Policy.


On the policy anniversary in the year in which the younger Insured reaches age
99, and at any time during the twelve months thereafter, you may request that
coverage be extended beyond the Maturity Date (the "Maturity Extension
Benefit"). This Maturity Extension Benefit may not be available in all
jurisdictions. If we receive such a request before the Maturity Date, the Policy
will continue until the earlier of the last Insured's death or the date on which
you request that the Policy terminate. When the Maturity Extension Benefit ends,
a Death Benefit consisting of the Cash Value less any loan outstanding will be
paid. The Death Benefit is based on the experience of the Investment Options
selected and is not guaranteed. After the Maturity Date, periodic Deduction
Amounts will no longer be charged against the Cash Value and additional premiums
will not be accepted.

We intend that the Policy and the Maturity Extension Rider will be considered
life insurance for tax purposes. The Death Benefit is designed to comply with
Section 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or other
equivalent section of the Code. However, the Company does not give tax advice,
and cannot guarantee that the Death Benefit and Cash Value will be exempt


from any future tax liability. The tax results of any benefits under the
Maturity Extension provision depend upon interpretation of the Internal Revenue
Code. You should consult your own personal tax adviser prior to the exercise of
the Maturity Extension Rider to assess any potential tax liability.


The Coverage Extension rider allows coverage to be extended beyond the maturity
date as long as there is cash value in the contract. Upon request from the
owner, the Company will continue to keep the Policy in force until the death of
both Insureds or request for payment of the full cash surrender value, as
defined by this rider, prior to the last death of both Insureds. The death
benefit will equal the amount insured, less any outstanding loans. It can be
selected only from the policy anniversary when the younger Insured is age 99 to
maturity date. Any monthly deduction amounts due must be paid upon maturity for
this rider to take effect. There is no charge for this rider, however, the rider
is available only if each Insured's issue age is 80 or less.

                             CHARGES AND DEDUCTIONS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


We deduct the charges described below. The charges are for service and benefits
we provide, costs and expenses we incur, and risks we assume under the Policies.
Services and benefits we provide include:

- - the ability for you to make withdrawals and surrenders under the Policies;

- - the ability for you to obtain a loan under the Policies;

- - the death benefit paid on the death of the Insured;

- - the available funding options and related programs (including dollar-cost
  averaging and portfolio rebalancing);

- - administration of the various elective options available under the Policies;

- - the distribution of various reports to policy owners.

Costs and expenses we incur include:

- - expenses associated with underwriting applications, increases in the stated
  amount, and riders;

- - losses associated with various overhead and other expenses associated with
  providing the services and benefits provided by the Policies;

- - sales and marketing expenses including commission payments to your sales
  agent; and

- - other costs of doing business.

Risks we assume include:

- - that insured may live for a shorter period of time than estimated resulting in
  the payment of greater death benefits than expected; and

- - that the costs of providing the services and benefits under the Policies will
  exceed the charges deducted.


FRONT-END SALES CHARGE.  When we receive a Premium Payment, and before
allocation of the payment among the Investment Options, we deduct a front-end
sales charge of 1.5%. Additional charges may be assessed upon any full or
partial surrender. (See "Surrender Charges.")


STATE PREMIUM TAX CHARGE.  A charge of 2.25% of each premium payment will be
deducted for state premium taxes (tax charge back in Oregon) (except for
Policies issued in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico where no premium tax is
deducted). These taxes owed by the Company vary from state to state and
currently range from 0.75% to 3.5%; 2.5% is an average. Because there is a range
of premium taxes, a Policy Owner may pay a premium tax charge that is higher or
lower than the premium tax actually assessed or not assessed against the Company
in his or her jurisdiction. For Policies with a Stated Amount of $5,000,000 or
more, there is no premium tax deduction.

DEFERRED ACQUISITION COST CHARGE.  A charge of 1.25% of each premium payment
will be deducted, which compensates the Company for expenses associated with its
federal income tax liability relating to its receipt of premium.

The Company also reserves the right to charge the assets of each Investment
Option for a reserve for any income taxes payable by the Company on the assets
attributable to that Investment Option. (See "Federal Tax Considerations.")


We will deduct a Monthly Deduction Amount to cover certain charges and expenses
incurred in connection with the Policy. The Monthly Deduction Amount is deducted
pro rata from each of the Investment Options values attributable to the Policy.
The amount is deducted on the first day of each Policy Month (the "Deduction
Date"), beginning on the Policy Date. The dollar amount of the Deduction Amount
will vary from month to month. The Monthly Deduction Amount consists of the Cost
of Insurance Charge, Policy Administrative Expense Charge, and Charges for any
Supplemental Benefit Provisions. These are described below:

COST OF INSURANCE CHARGE.  The amount of the Cost of Insurance deduction depends
on the amount of insurance coverage on the date of the deduction and the current
cost per dollar for insurance coverage. The cost per dollar of insurance
coverage varies annually and is based on age, sex and risk class of the

POLICY ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE CHARGE.  For the first three Policy Years, an
administrative charge is deducted monthly from the Policy's Cash Value. This
charge also applies to increases in the Stated Amount (excluding increases due
to the scheduled increase option rider and increases in Stated Amounts due to
Death Benefit Option changes). This charge is used to cover expenses associated
with issuing the Policy. The amount charged varies by issue age and will be
stated in the Policy. Additionally, there is a monthly $20.00 charge for Stated
Amounts less than $750,000 until the Maturity Date which is used to cover
expenses associated with maintaining the policy.

supplemental benefits charge in the Monthly Deduction Amount if you have elected
any supplemental benefit provision for which there is a charge. The amount of
this charge will vary depending upon the actual supplemental benefits selected.


MORTALITY AND EXPENSE RISK CHARGE.  We deduct a daily charge for mortality and
expense risks. This charge is at an annual rate of 0.80% for the first fifteen
(15) Policy Years, and 0.35% thereafter. This charge compensates us for various
risks assumed, benefits provided and expenses incurred.

ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE CHARGE.  We deduct a daily charge for administrative
expenses incurred by the Company. The charge equals on an annual basis 0.10% of
the amounts in the Investment Options for the first fifteen (15) Policy Years
and 0% thereafter.



When you allocate money to the Investment Options, the Separate Account
purchases shares of the corresponding Underlying Funds at net asset value. The
net asset value reflects investment advisory fees and other expenses already
deducted. The investment advisory fees and other expenses paid by each of the
underlying Mutual Funds are described in the individual fund prospectuses. These
are not direct charges under the Policy; they are indirect because they affect
each Investment Option's accumulation unit value.


A contingent surrender charge may apply under the Policy. The charge, calculated
as a Per Thousand of Stated Amount Charge equals a specified amount for each
$1,000 of Stated Amount. The maximum surrender charge is included in each
Policy. The charges are in compliance with each state's nonforfeiture law. These
surrender charges apply during the first 15 Policy Years (or the first 15 years
following an increase in Stated Amount other than an increase due to a scheduled
increase option rider or a change in Death Benefit option). The charge applies
to a full or partial surrender of the Policy.

The Per Thousand of Stated Amount Charge varies by original issue ages, sexes
and smoker/ nonsmoker status, and increases with the issue ages of the Insureds.

The charge decreases by 1/15 (approximately 6.6%) each year over the
fifteen-year period. For example, for a 65-year-old male nonsmoker and a
65-year-old female nonsmoker with a Stated Amount of $1,000,000, the maximum
charge in the first year is $31.54 for each $1,000 of Stated Amount, or
$31,540.00. The charge decreases 1/15, or approximately $2.10, each year, so in
the fifth year, it is $23.13 for each $1,000 of Stated Amount, or $23,130.00; in
the fifteenth year, it is $2.10 for each $1,000 of stated amount, or $2,100.00.
As an extreme example, for a 70-year-old male smoker and a 70-year-old female
smoker with a Stated Amount of $1,000,000, the maximum charge in the first year
is $35.71 for each $1,000 of Stated Amount. The charge decreases 1/15 each year.

This charge is designed to compensate the Company for administrative expenses
not covered by other administrative charges. This charge may be reduced or
eliminated when sales are made under certain arrangements. (See "Reduction or
Elimination of Sales Charges and Administrative Charges" below.) The Per
Thousand of Stated Amount surrender charges vary by issue age and will be stated
in the Policy.


There is currently no charge for transfers between Investment Options. We
reserve the right to limit free transfers of Cash Value to four times in any
Policy Year, and to charge $10 for any additional transfers.


We may offer the Policy in arrangements where an employer or trustee will own a
group of policies on the lives of certain employees, or in other situations
where groups of policies will be purchased at one time. We may reduce or
eliminate the mortality and expense risk charge, sales or surrender charges and
administrative charges in such arrangements to reflect the reduced sales
expenses, administrative costs and/or mortality and expense risks expected as a
result of sales to a particular group.

We will not reduce or eliminate the withdrawal charge, mortality and expense
risk charge or the administrative charge if the reduction or elimination will be
unfairly discriminatory to any person.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Travelers Fund UL for Variable Life Insurance was established on November
10, 1983 under the insurance laws of the state of Connecticut. It is registered
with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") as a unit investment trust
under the Investment Company Act of 1940. A Registration Statement has been
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended. This Prospectus does not contain all information set forth in
the Registration Statement, its amendments and exhibits. You may access the
SEC's website (http://www.sec.gov) to view the entire Registration Statement.
This registration does not mean that the SEC supervises the management or the
investment practices or policies of the Separate Account.

The assets of Fund UL are invested exclusively in shares of the Investment
Options. The operations of Fund UL are also subject to the provisions of Section
38a-433 of the Connecticut General Statutes which authorizes the Connecticut
Insurance Commissioner to adopt regulations under it. Under Connecticut law, the
assets of Fund UL will be held for the exclusive benefit of Policy Owners and
the persons entitled to payments under the Policy. The assets held in Fund UL
are not chargeable with liabilities arising out of any other business which the
Company may conduct. Any obligations arising under the Policy are general
corporate obligations of the Company.

All investment income of and other distributions to each Investment Option are
reinvested in shares of the corresponding underlying fund at net asset value.
The income and realized gains or losses on the assets of each Investment Option
are separate and are credited to or charged against the Investment Option
without regard to income, gains or losses from any other Investment Option or
from any other business of the Company. The Company purchases shares of the Fund
in connection with premium payments allocated according to the Policy Owners'
directions, and redeems Fund shares to meet Policy obligations. We will also
make adjustments in reserves, if required. The Investment Options are required
to redeem Fund shares at net asset value and to make payment within seven days.

HOW THE CASH VALUE VARIES.  We calculate the Policy's Cash Value each day the
New York Stock Exchange is open for trading (a "valuation date"). A Policy's
Cash Value reflects a number of factors, including Premium Payments, partial
withdrawals, loans, Policy charges, and the investment experience of the
Investment Option(s) chosen. The Policy's Cash Value on a valuation date equals
the sum of all accumulation units for each Investment Option chosen, plus the
Loan Account Value.

The Separate Account purchases shares of the underlying funds at net asset value
(i.e., without a sales charge). The Separate Account receives all dividends and
capital gains distributions from each underlying fund, and reinvests in
additional shares of that fund. The Accumulation Unit Value reflects the
reinvestment of any dividends or capital gains distributions declared by the
underlying fund. The Separate Account will redeem underlying fund shares at
their net asset value, to the extent necessary to make payments under the

In order to determine Cash Value, Cash Surrender Value, policy loans and the
number of Accumulation Units to be credited, we use the values calculated as of
the close of business on each valuation date we receive the written request, or
payment in good order, at our Home Office.

ACCUMULATION UNIT VALUE.  Accumulation Units measure the value of the Investment
Options. The value for each Investment Option's Accumulation Unit is calculated
on each valuation date. The value equals the Accumulation Unit value for the
preceding valuation period multiplied by the underlying fund's Net Investment
Factor during the next Valuation Period. (For example, to


calculate Monday's valuation date price, we would multiply Friday's Accumulation
Unit Value by Monday's net investment factor.)

The Accumulation Unit Value may increase or decrease. The number of Accumulation
Units credited to your Policy will not change as a result of the Investment
Option's investment experience.

NET INVESTMENT FACTOR.  For each Investment Option, the value of its
Accumulation Unit depends on the net rate of return for the corresponding
underlying fund. We determine the net rate of return at the end of each
Valuation Period (that is, the period of time beginning at 4:00 p.m. Eastern
time, and ending at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time on the next Valuation Date). The net
rate of return reflects the investment performance of the investment option,
includes any dividends or capital gains distributed, and is net of the Separate
Account charges.

                             CHANGES TO THE POLICY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Once the policy is issued, you may make certain changes. Some of these changes
will not require additional underwriting approval; some changes will. Certain
requests must be made in writing, as indicated below:


     - increases in the stated amount of insurance;

     - changing the death benefit from Option 1 to Option 2


     - decreases in the stated amount of insurance

     - changing the death benefit from Option 2 to Option 1

     - changes to the way your premiums are allocated (Note: with proper
       authorization on file, you can also make these changes by telephone)

     - changing the beneficiary (unless irrevocably named)

Written requests for changes should be sent to the Company's Home Office at One
Tower Square, Hartford, Connecticut, 06183. The Company's telephone number is
(860) 277-0111.


A Policy Owner may request an increase after the first policy year or decrease
after the second policy year in the Policy's Stated Amount, provided that the
Stated Amount after any decrease may not be less than the minimum amount of
$100,000. The request must be made in writing while both Insureds are under age
85. For purposes of determining the cost of insurance charge, a decrease in the
Stated Amount will reduce the Stated Amount in the following order:

     1) against the most recent increase in the Stated Amount;

     2) to other increases in the reverse order in which they occurred;

     3) to the initial Stated Amount.

A decrease in Stated Amount in a substantially funded Policy may cause a cash
distribution that is includable in the gross income of the Policy Owner.

For increases in the Stated Amount, we may require a new application and
evidence of insurability as well as an additional premium payment. The effective
date of any increase will be shown on the new Policy Summary which we will send.
The effective date of any increase in the Stated Amount will generally be the
Deduction Date next following either the date of a new application or, if
different, the date requested by the Applicant. There is an additional Policy
Administrative Charge


and a Per Thousand of Stated Amount Surrender Charge associated with a requested
increase in Stated Amount. There is no additional charge for a decrease in
Stated Amount.


Provided both Insureds are alive, you may change the Death Benefit option from
Option 1 to Option 2. If at least one of the Insureds is alive, you may request
a change from Option 2 to Option 1. All requests must be made in writing. There
is no direct tax consequence of changing a Death Benefit option, except as
described under "Tax Treatment of Policy Benefits." However, the change could
affect future values of Net Amount At Risk, and with some Option 2 to Option 1
changes involving substantially funded Policies, there may be a cash
distribution which is included in your gross income. The cost of insurance
charge which is based on the Net Amount At Risk may be different in the future.
A change from Option 1 to Option 2 will not be permitted if the change results
in a Stated Amount of less than $100,000. Subject to state law, a change from
Option 1 to Option 2 is also subject to underwriting. Contact your registered
representative for more information.

                          ADDITIONAL POLICY PROVISIONS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Policy may be assigned as collateral for a loan or other obligation. The
Company is not responsible for any payment made or action taken before receipt
of written notice of such assignment. Proof of interest must be filed with any
claim under a collateral assignment.


The Company may not contest the validity of the Policy after it has been in
effect during the lifetime of at least one of the Insureds for two years from
the Issue Date. Subject to state law, if the Policy is reinstated, the two-year
period will be measured from the date of reinstatement. Each requested increase
in Stated Amount is contestable for two years from its effective date (subject
to state law). In addition, if one or both of the Insured commits suicide during
the two-year period following issue, subject to state law, the Death Benefit
will be limited to the premiums paid less (i) the amount of any partial
surrender, (ii) the amount of any outstanding Policy loan, and (iii) the amount
of any unpaid Deduction Amount due. During the two-year period following an
increase, the Death Benefit in the case of suicide will be limited to an amount
equal to the Deduction Amount paid for such increase.


If there has been a misstatement with regard to sex or age, benefits payable
will be adjusted to what the Policy would have provided with the correct
information. A misstatement with regard to sex or age in a substantially funded
Policy may cause a cash distribution that is includable in whole or in part in
the gross income of the Policy Owner.


The Company is the legal owner of the underlying fund shares. However, we
believe that when an underlying fund solicits proxies, we are required to obtain
from policy owners who have chosen those investment options instructions on how
to vote those shares. When we receive those instructions, we will vote all of
the shares we own in proportion to those instructions. This will also include
any shares we own on our own behalf. If we determine that we no longer need to
comply with this voting method, we will vote on the shares in our own right.


When permitted by state insurance regulatory authorities, we may disregard
voting instructions if the instructions would cause a change in the investment
objective or policies of the Separate


Account or an Investment Option, or if it would cause the approval or
disapproval of an investment advisory Policy of an Investment Option. In
addition, we may disregard voting instructions in favor of changes in the
investment policies or the investment adviser of any Investment Options which
are initiated by a Policy Owner if we reasonably disapprove of such changes. A
change would be disapproved only if the proposed change is contrary to state law
or prohibited by state regulatory authorities, or if we determine that the
change would have an adverse effect on our general account (i.e., if the
proposed investment policy for an Investment Option may result in overly
speculative or unsound investments.) If we do disregard voting instructions, a
summary of that action and the reasons for such action would be included in the
next annual report to Policy Owners.

                                 OTHER MATTERS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


We will maintain all records relating to the Separate Account and the Investment
Options. At least once each Policy Year, we will send you a statement containing
the following information:

     - the Stated Amount and the Cash Value of the Policy (indicating the number
       of Accumulation Units credited to the Policy in each Investment Option
       and the corresponding Accumulation Unit Value);

     - the date and amount of each premium payment;

     - the date and amount of each Monthly Deduction;

     - the amount of any outstanding Policy loan as of the date of the
       statement, and the amount of any loan interest charged on the Loan

     - the date and amount of any partial cash surrenders and the amount of any
       partial surrender charges;

     - the annualized cost of any supplemental benefits purchased under the
       Policy; and

     - a reconciliation since the last report of any change in Cash Value and
       Cash Surrender Value.

We will also send any other reports required by any applicable state or federal
laws or regulations.


We reserve the right to suspend or postpone the date of any payment of any
benefit or values for any Valuation Period (1) when the New York Stock Exchange
("Exchange") is closed; (2) when trading on the Exchange is restricted; (3) when
the SEC determines that disposal of the securities held in the Underlying Funds
is not reasonably practicable or the value of the Investment Option's net assets
cannot be determined; or (4) during any other period when the SEC, by order, so
permits for the protection of security holders.


No dividends will be paid under the Policy.


It is conceivable that in the future it may not be advantageous for variable
life insurance and variable annuity Separate Accounts to invest in the
Investment Options simultaneously. This is called mixed funding. Certain funds
may be available to variable products of other companies not affiliated with
Travelers. This is called "shared funding." Although we -- and the funds -- do
not anticipate any disadvantages either to variable life insurance or to
variable annuity Policy Owners, the Investment Options' Boards of Directors
intend to monitor events to identify any material conflicts that may arise and
to determine what action, if any, should be taken. If any of the Investment
Options' Boards of Directors conclude that separate mutual funds should be
established for variable life insurance and variable annuity Separate Accounts,
the Company will


bear the attendant expenses, but variable life insurance and variable annuity
Policy Owners would no longer have the economies of scale resulting from a
larger combined fund. Please consult the prospectuses of the Investment Options
for additional information.


The Company intends to sell the Policies in all jurisdictions where it is
licensed to do business and where the Policy is approved. The Policies will be
sold by life insurance sales representatives who are registered representatives
of the Company or certain other registered broker-dealers.

The maximum commission payable by the Company for distribution to the
broker-dealer will not exceed 110% of the target premium and 5.0% of the excess
premium paid in the first contract year. The maximum commission payable will not
exceed 5.0% of the annual renewal premium paid in contract years 2-10, will not
exceed 4% of the annual renewal premium paid in contract years 11-15, and will
not exceed 2% of the annual premium paid after contract year 15. In addition,
Tower Square Securities, Inc., an affiliate of the Company, receives additional
incentive payments from the Company relating to its sale of the Contracts. From
time to time, the Company may pay or permit other promotional incentives, in
cash, credit or other compensation.

Any sales representative or employee will have been qualified to sell variable
life insurance Policies under applicable federal and state laws. Each
broker/dealer is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and all are members of the National
Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Travelers Distribution LLC, an
affiliated company, serves as principal underwriter of the Policies.


There are no pending material legal proceedings affecting the Separate Account.

Legal matters in connection with the federal laws and regulations affecting the
issue and sale of the Contract described in this prospectus, as well as the
organization of the Company, its authority to issue variable life contracts
under Connecticut law and the validity of the forms of the variable life
contracts under Connecticut law, have been reviewed by the General Counsel of
the Company.


The Financial Statements of Fund UL as of December 31, 2000 and for the year
ended December 31, 2000 have been included herein and in the registration
statement in reliance upon the report of [            ] independent certified
public accountants and upon the authority of said firm as experts in accounting
and auditing.

The consolidated Financial Statements of The Travelers Insurance Company and
subsidiaries as of December 31, 2000 and 1999, and for each of the years in the
three-year period ended December 31, 2000, have been included herein and in the
registration statement in reliance upon the report of [            ] independent
certified public accountants, appearing elsewhere herein, and upon the authority
of said firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

                           FEDERAL TAX CONSIDERATIONS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The following is a general discussion of the federal income tax considerations
relating to the Policies. This discussion is based upon the Company's
understanding of the federal income tax laws as they are currently interpreted
by the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS"). These laws are complex, and tax results
may vary among individuals. A person contemplating the purchase of or the
exercise of elections under a Policy should seek competent tax advice.






Section 7702 of the Code sets forth a definition of a life insurance contract
for federal tax purposes. Guidance as to how Section 7702 is to be applied,
however, is limited. Although the Secretary of the Treasury (the "Treasury") is
authorized to prescribe regulations implementing Section 7702, and while
proposed regulations and other limited, interim guidance has been issued, final
regulations have not been adopted. If a Policy were determined not to be a life
insurance contract for purposes of Section 7702, such Policy would not provide
the tax advantages normally provided by a life insurance policy.

With respect to a Policy issued on the basis of a standard rate class, the
Company believes (largely in reliance on IRS Notice 88-128 and the proposed
regulations under Section 7702) that such a Policy should meet the Section 7702
definition of a life insurance contract. There is less guidance on the
application of the rules with respect to a Policy that is issued on a
substandard basis (i.e., a premium class involving higher than standard
mortality risk). Thus, it is not clear whether such a Policy would satisfy
Section 7702, particularly if the Policy Owner pays the full amount of premiums
permitted under the Policy.

The Company reserves the right to make changes in the Policy if such changes are
deemed necessary to attempt to assure its qualification as a life insurance
contract for tax purposes.


Section 817(h) of the Code provides that separate account investments (or the
investments of a mutual fund, the shares of which are owned by separate accounts
of insurance companies) underlying the Policy must be "adequately diversified"
in accordance with Treasury regulations in order for the Policy to qualify as
life insurance. The Treasury Department has issued regulations prescribing the
diversification requirements in connection with variable contracts. The Separate
Account, through the Investment Options, intends to comply with these
requirements. Although the Company does not control the Investment Options, it
intends to monitor the investments of the Investment Options to ensure
compliance with the diversification requirements prescribed by the Treasury


In certain circumstances, owners of variable life insurance contracts may be
considered the owners, for federal income tax purposes, of the assets of the
separate accounts used to support their contract. In those circumstances, income
and gains from the separate account assets would be includable in the variable
contract owner's gross income each year. The IRS has stated in published rulings
that a variable contract owner will be considered the owner of separate account
assets if the contract owner possesses incidents of ownership in those assets,
such as the ability to exercise investment control over the assets. The Treasury
has also announced, in connection with the issuance of regulations concerning
diversification, that those regulations "do not provide guidance concerning the
circumstances in which investor control of the investments of a segregated asset
account may cause the investor (i.e., the Policy Owner), rather than the
insurance company, to be treated as the owner of the assets in the account."
This announcement


also stated that guidance would be issued by way of regulations or rulings on
the "extent to which policyholders may direct their investments to particular
Investment Options without being treated as owners of the underlying assets." As
of the date of this prospectus, no such guidance has been issued.

The ownership rights under the Policy are similar to, but different in certain
respects from, those described by the IRS in rulings in which it determined that
the policy owners received the desired tax benefits because they were not owners
of separate account assets. For example, a Policy Owner of this Policy has
additional flexibility in allocating payments and cash values. These differences
could result in the Policy Owner being treated as the owner of the assets of the
Separate Account. In addition, the Company does not know what standard will be
set forth in the regulations or rulings which the Treasury is expected to issue,
nor does the Company know if such guidance will be issued. The Company therefore
reserves the right to modify the Policy as necessary to attempt to prevent the
Policy Owner from being considered the owner of a pro rata share of the assets
of the Separate Account.

The remaining tax discussion assumes that the Policy qualifies as a life
insurance contract for federal income tax purposes.



The Company believes that the proceeds and cash value increases of a Policy
should be treated in a manner consistent with a fixed-benefit life insurance
policy for federal income tax purposes. Thus, the Death Benefit under the Policy
should be excludable from the gross income of the Beneficiary.

In addition, the Policy Owner will generally not be deemed to be in constructive
receipt of the Cash Value, including increments thereof, until there is a
distribution. The tax consequences of distribution from, and loans taken from or
secured by, a Policy depend on whether the Policy is classified as a "Modified
Endowment Contract." However, whether a Policy is or is not a Modified Endowment
Contract, upon a complete surrender or lapse of a Policy or when benefits are
paid at a Policy's maturity date, if the amount received plus the amount of
indebtedness exceeds the total investment in the Policy, the excess will
generally be treated as ordinary income subject to tax.

Depending on the circumstances, the exchange of a Policy, a change in the
Policy's Death Benefit Option, a Policy loan, a partial withdrawal, a surrender,
a change in ownership, or an assignment of the Policy may have federal income
tax consequences. In addition, federal, state and local transfer, and other tax
consequences of ownership or receipt of Policy proceeds depend on the
circumstances of each Owner or beneficiary. Therefore, it is important to check
with a tax adviser prior to the purchase of a policy.


A modified endowment contract is defined under tax law as any policy that
satisfies the present legal definition of a life insurance contract but which
fails to satisfy a 7-pay test. This failure could occur with contracts entered
into after June 21, 1988, or with certain older contracts materially changed
after that date. A Section 1035 exchange of an older contract into a contract
after that date will not by itself cause the new contract to be a modified
endowment contract if the older contract had not become one prior to the
exchange. However, the new contract must be re-tested under the 7-pay test

A contract fails to satisfy the 7-pay test if the cumulative amount of premiums
paid under the contract at any time during the first seven contract years
exceeds the sum of the net level premiums that would have been paid on or before
such time had the contract provided for paid-up future benefits after the
payment of seven level annual premiums. If a material change in the contract
occurs either during the first seven contract years, or later, a new seven-year


period is begun. A decrease to Stated Amount made in the first seven years will
cause a retest of the cumulative amount of premiums. Decreases made after the
first seven contract years are not considered a material change, provided no
other material changes have occurred prior. Tax regulations or other guidance
will be needed to fully define those transactions which are material changes.
The Company has established safeguards for monitoring whether a contract may
become a modified endowment contract.

Loans and partial withdrawals from, as well as collateral assignments of,
Policies that are modified endowment contracts will be treated as distributions
to the Policy Owner for tax purposes. All pre-death distributions (including
loans, partial withdrawals and collateral assignments) from these Policies will
be included in gross income on an income-first basis to the extent of any income
in the Policy (the cash value less the Policy Owner's investment in the Policy)
immediately before the distribution.

The law also imposes a 10% penalty tax on pre-death distributions (including
loans, collateral assignments, partial withdrawals and complete surrenders) from
modified endowment contracts to the extent they are included in income, unless a
specific exception to the penalty applies. The penalty does not apply to amounts
which are distributed on or after the date on which the taxpayer attains age
59 1/2, because the taxpayer is disabled, or as substantially equal periodic
payments over the taxpayer's life (or life expectancy) or over the joint lives
(or joint life expectancies) of the taxpayer and his or her beneficiary.
Furthermore, if the loan interest is capitalized by adding the amount due to the
balance of the loan, the amount of the capitalized interest will be treated as
an additional distribution subject to income tax as well as the 10% penalty tax,
if applicable, to the extent of income in the Policy.

The Death Benefit of a modified endowment contract remains excludable from the
gross income of the Beneficiary to the extent described above in "Tax Treatment
of Policy Benefits." Furthermore, no part of the investment growth of the Cash
Value of a modified endowment contract is includable in the gross income of the
Contract Owner unless the contract matures, is distributed or partially
surrendered, is pledged, collaterally assigned, or borrowed against, or
otherwise terminates with income in the contract prior to death. A full
surrender of the contract after age 59 1/2 will have the same tax consequences
as noted above in "Tax Treatment of Policy Benefits."


Any Policy issued in exchange for a modified endowment contract will be subject
to the tax treatment accorded to modified endowment contracts. However, the
Company believes that any Policy received in exchange for a life insurance
contract that is not a modified endowment contract will generally not be treated
as a modified endowment contract if the face amount of the Policy is greater
than or equal to the death benefit of the policy being exchanged. The payment of
any premiums at the time of or after the exchange may, however, cause the Policy
to become a modified endowment contract. A prospective purchaser should consult
a qualified tax advisor before authorizing the exchange of his or her current
life insurance contract for a Policy.


In the case of a pre-death distribution (including a loan, partial withdrawal,
collateral assignment or complete surrender) from a Policy that is treated as a
modified endowment contract, a special aggregation requirement may apply for
purposes of determining the amount of the income on the Policy. Specifically, if
the Company or any of its affiliates issues to the same Policy Owner more than
one modified endowment contract within a calendar year, then for purposes of
measuring the income on the Policy with respect to a distribution from any of
those Policies, the income on the Policy for all those Policies will be
aggregated and attributed to that distribution.



Unlike loans from modified endowment contracts, a loan from a Policy that is not
a modified endowment contract will be considered indebtedness of the Owner and
no part of a loan will constitute income to the Owner. However, the treatment of
loans taken after the 15th Policy Year, is unclear; such loans might be
considered a withdrawal instead of indebtedness for federal tax purposes.

Pre-death distributions from a Policy that is not a modified endowment contract
will generally not be included in gross income to the extent that the amount
received does not exceed the Policy Owner's investment in the Policy. (An
exception to this general rule may occur in the case of a decrease or change
that reduces the benefits provided under a Policy in the first 15 years after
the Policy is issued and that results in a cash distribution to the Policy
Owner. Such a cash distribution may be taxed in whole or in part as ordinary
income to the extent of any gain in the Policy.) Further, the 10% penalty tax on
pre-death distributions does not apply to Policies that are not modified
endowment contracts.

Certain changes to Policies that are not modified endowment contracts may cause
such Policies to be treated as modified endowment contracts. A Policy Owner
should therefore consult a tax advisor before effecting any change to a Policy
that is not a modified endowment contract.


If there is any borrowing against the Policy, the interest paid on loans may not
be tax deductible.


The Company is taxed as a life insurance company under federal income tax law.
Presently, the Company does not expect to incur any income tax on the earnings
or the realized capital gains attributable to Fund UL. However, the Company may
assess a charge against the Investment Options for federal income taxes
attributable to those accounts in the event that the Company incurs income or
capital gains or other tax liability attributable to Fund UL under future tax

                                  THE COMPANY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Travelers Insurance Company (the "Company") is a stock insurance company
chartered in 1864 in Connecticut and has been engaged in the insurance business
since that time. The Company writes individual life insurance and individual and
group annuity contracts on a non-participating basis, and acts as depositor for
the Separate Account assets. The Company is licensed to conduct life insurance
business in all states of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto
Rico, Guam, the U.S. and British Virgin Islands, and the Bahamas. The Company's
obligations as depositor for Fund UL may not be transferred without notice to
and consent of Policy Owners.

The Company is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., a
financial services holding company. The Company's principal executive offices
are located at One Tower Square, Hartford, Connecticut 06183, telephone number
(860) 277-0111.

The Company is subject to Connecticut law governing insurance companies and is
regulated and supervised by the Connecticut Commissioner of Insurance. An annual
statement in a prescribed form must be filed with the Commissioner on or before
March 1 in each year covering the operations of the Company for the preceding
year and its financial condition on December 31 of such year. The Company's
books and assets are subject to review or examination by the Commissioner, and a
full examination of its operations is conducted at least once every four years.
In addition, the Company is subject to the insurance laws and regulations of any
jurisdiction in which it sells its insurance Policies, as well as to various
federal and state securities laws and regulations.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The following are the Directors and Executive Officers of The Travelers
Insurance Company. Unless otherwise indicated, the principal business address
for all individuals is the Company's Home Office at One Tower Square, Hartford,
Connecticut 06183. References to Citigroup include, prior to December 31, 1993,
Primerica Corporation or its predecessors, and prior to October 8, 1998,
Travelers Group Inc.

     NAME AND POSITION        SINCE                       PRINCIPAL BUSINESS
     -----------------       --------                     ------------------
George C. Kokulis..........    1996     President and Chief Executive Officer since April
Director                                Executive Vice President (July/1999 to March/2000),
                                        Senior Vice President (1995-1999), Vice President
                                        (1993-1995) of The Travelers Insurance Company.
Katherine M. Sullivan......    1996     Senior Vice President (1996-2000) and General
Director                                Counsel from May 1996 to August 1999 of The Travelers
                                        Insurance Company; Senior Vice President and General
                                        Counsel (1994-1996) Connecticut Mutual; Special
                                        Counsel & Chief of Staff (1988-1994) Aetna Life &
Glenn D. Lammey............    2000     Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
                                        of The Travelers Insurance Company since March 2000;
                                        Executive Vice President 1996-2000, Travelers Property
                                        Casualty Corp.; 1983-1996, The Travelers Insurance
Marla Berman Lewitus.......    2000     Senior Vice President and General Counsel since August
                                        1999 of The Travelers Insurance Company; Associate
                                        General Counsel (1998-1999), Assistant General Counsel
                                        (1993-1998), Senior Counsel (1991-1993) of Citigroup

- ---------------
* Principal business address: Citigroup Inc., 153 East 53rd St., New York, New
  York 10043


The following are the Senior Officers of The Travelers Insurance Company, other
than the Directors listed above, as of the date of this Prospectus. Unless
otherwise indicated, the principal business address for all individuals listed
is One Tower Square, Hartford, Connecticut 06183.

                NAME                      POSITION WITH INSURANCE COMPANY
                ----                      -------------------------------
Stuart Baritz........................  Senior Vice President
William H. Heyman....................  Senior Vice President-Investments
William R. Hogan.....................  Senior Vice President
Russell H. Johnson...................  Senior Vice President
Brendan Lynch........................  Senior Vice President
Warren H. May........................  Senior Vice President
Kathleen A. Preston..................  Senior Vice President
Robert J. Price......................  Senior Vice President-International
Mary Jean Thornton...................  Executive Vice President and
                                       Chief Information Officer
David A. Tyson.......................  Senior Vice President
F. Denney Voss.......................  Senior Vice President


Information relating to the management of the underlying funds is contained in
the applicable prospectuses.

                           EXAMPLE OF POLICY CHARGES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The following chart illustrates the surrender charges and Monthly Deduction
Amounts that would apply under a Policy based on the assumptions listed below.
Surrender charges and Monthly Deduction Amounts generally will be higher for an
Insured who is older than the assumed Insured, and lower for an Insured who is
younger (assuming the Insureds have the same risk classification). Cost of
insurance rates go up each year as the Insured becomes a year older.

Male, Age 65                          Female, Age 65        Face Amount: $1,000,000
Preferred Non-Smoker                  Preferred Non-Smoker  Level Death Benefit Option
Annual Premium: $10,142.87                                  Current Charges
Hypothetical Gross Annual Investment
  Rate of Return: 8%

                                                     TOTAL MONTHLY DEDUCTION
                                                       FOR THE POLICY YEAR
           CUMULATIVE     SALES AND                  COST OF     CHARGES AND
  ------   ----------    -----------   ---------    ---------   --------------
   1       $ 10,142.87    $  507.14    $33,670.00   $  143.23      $360.00
   2       $ 20,285.74    $1,014.29    $31,430.00   $  454.11      $360.00
   3       $ 30,428.61    $1,521.43    $29,180.00   $  809.32      $360.00
   5       $ 50,714.35    $2,535.72    $24,690.00   $1,672.97      $360.00
   10      $101,428.70    $5,071.44    $13,470.00   $4,699.86      $  0.00

Hypothetical results shown above are illustrative only and are based on the
Hypothetical Gross Annual Investment Rate of Return shown above. This
Hypothetical Gross Annual Investment Rate of Return should not be deemed to be a
representation of past or future investment results. Actual investment results
may be more or less than those shown. No representations can be made that the
hypothetical rates assumed can be achieved for any one year or sustained over
any period of time.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The following pages are intended to illustrate how the Account Value, Cash
Surrender Value and Death Benefit can change over time for Policies issued to a
65 year old male and a 65 year old female. The difference between the Cash Value
and the Cash Surrender Value in these illustrations represents the Surrender
Charge that would be incurred upon a full surrender of the Policy. The
illustrations assume that premiums are paid as indicated, no Policy loans are
made, no increases or decreases to the Stated Amount are requested, no partial
surrenders are made, and no charges for transfers between funds are incurred.

One example illustrates that the maximum Guaranteed Cost of Insurance Rates, the
monthly administrative charge, mortality and expense risk charge, and
administrative expense charge allowable under the Policy are charged in all
years. The other example illustrates that the current scale of Cost of Insurance
Rates and other charges are charged in all years. The Cost of Insurance Rates
charged vary by age, sex and underwriting classification, and the monthly
administrative charge varies by age, amount of insurance and smoker/non-smoker
classification for current charges. The illustrations reflect a deduction of 5%
from each annual premium for premium tax (2.5%) and front end sales charge


The values shown in these illustrations vary according to assumptions used for
charges, and gross rates of investment returns. For the first fifteen Policy
Years, the current and guaranteed charges consist of 0.80% for mortality and
expense risks, 0.10% for administrative expenses, and [     ]% for Investment
Option expenses and thereafter, 0.35% for mortality and expense risks, 0.00% for
administrative expenses, and [     ]% for Investment Option expenses.

The charge for Investment Option expenses reflected in the illustrations assumes
that Cash Value is allocated equally among all Investment Options and is an
arithmetic average of the investment advisory fees and other expenses charged by
each of the available Investment Options during the most recent audited calendar
year. The Investment Option expenses for some of the Investment Options reflect
an expense reimbursement agreement currently in effect, as shown in the Policy
prospectus summary. Although these reimbursement arrangements are expected to
continue in subsequent years, the effect of discontinuance could be higher
expenses charged to Policy Owners.

After deduction of these amounts, the illustrated gross annual investment rates
of return of 0%, 6%, and 12% correspond to approximate net annual rates of
[       ], [       ], and [       ], respectively on a current and guaranteed
basis during the first fifteen Policy Years, and to approximate net annual rates
of [       ], [       ], and [       ], respectively on a current and guaranteed
basis thereafter.

The actual charges under a Policy for expenses of the Investment Options will
vary from year to year and will depend on the actual allocation of Cash Value
and may be higher or lower than those illustrated.

The illustrations do not reflect any charges for federal income taxes against
Fund UL, since the Company is not currently deducting such charges from Fund UL.
However, such charges may be made in the future, and in that event, the gross
annual investment rates of return would have to exceed 0%, 6% and 12% by an
amount sufficient to cover the tax charges in order to produce the Death
Benefits, Account Values and Cash Surrender Values illustrated.

Under normal circumstances, the Company, through its agent will provide you a
comparable illustration based upon the proposed Insured's age, sex, underwriting
classification, the specified insurance benefits, and the premium requested. The
illustration will show the weighted average fund expenses, arithmetic average
fund expenses and/or the actual fund expenses depending upon what you request.
An explanation of how the fund expenses are calculated will appear on the
illustration. The hypothetical gross annual investment return assumed in such an
illustration will not exceed 12%.


                           VARIABLE SURVIVORSHIP LIFE
                           LEVEL DEATH BENEFIT OPTION

[to be filed by subsequent Amendment]


                                   APPENDIX A
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            PERFORMANCE INFORMATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

From time to time, we may show investment performance for the investment
options, the percentage change in the value of an Accumulation Unit based on the
performance of the Investment Option over a period of time, determined by
dividing the increase (decrease) in value for that unit by the Accumulation Unit
Value at the beginning of the period.

For Investment Options of Fund UL that invest in underlying funds that were in
existence prior to the date on which the Investment Option became available
under the Policy, average annual rates of return may include periods prior to
the inception of the Investment Option. Performance calculations for Investment
Options with pre-existing Investment Options will be calculated by adjusting the
actual returns of the Investment Options to reflect the charges that would have
been assessed under the Investment Options had the Investment Option been
available under Fund UL during the period shown.

The following performance information represents the percentage change in the
value of an Accumulation Unit of the Investment Options for the periods
indicated, and reflects all expenses of the Investment Options. The chart
reflects the guaranteed maximum .80% mortality and expense risk charge and .10%
administrative expense risk charge. The rates of return do not reflect the
front-end sales charge or the state premium tax charge (both of which are
deducted from premium payments) nor do they reflect surrender charges or Monthly
Deduction Amounts. These charges would reduce the average annual return

The surrender charges and Monthly Deduction Amounts for a hypothetical Insured
are depicted in the Example following the Rates of Returns. See "Charges and
Deductions" for more information regarding fees assessed under the Policy. For
illustrations of how these charges affect Cash Values and Death Benefits, see
"Illustrations." The performance information described in this prospectus may be
used from time to time in advertisement for the Policy, subject to National
Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. ("NASD") and applicable state approval
and guidelines.

The table below shows the net annual rates of return for accumulation units of
investment options available through the Variable Survivorship Life Policy.

                    AVERAGE ANNUAL RETURNS THROUGH 12/31/00

[to be filed by subsequent amendment]



                           UNDERTAKING TO FILE REPORTS

Subject to the terms and conditions of Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, the undersigned Registrant hereby undertakes to file with the
Securities and Exchange Commission such supplementary and periodic information,
documents and reports as may be prescribed by any rule or regulation of the
Commission heretofore or hereafter duly adopted pursuant to authority conferred
in that section.

                              RULE 484 UNDERTAKING

Sections 33-770 et seq, inclusive of the Connecticut General Statutes ("C.G.S.")
regarding indemnification of directors and officers of Connecticut corporations
provides in general that Connecticut corporations shall indemnify their
officers, directors and certain other defined individuals against judgments,
fines, penalties, amounts paid in settlement and reasonable expenses actually
incurred in connection with proceedings against the corporation. The
corporation's obligation to provide such indemnification generally does not
apply unless (1) the individual is wholly successful on the merits in the
defense of any such proceeding; or (2) a determination is made (by persons
specified in the statute) that the individual acted in good faith and in the
best interests of the corporation and in all other cases, his conduct was at
least not opposed to the best interests of the corporation, and in a criminal
case he had no reasonable cause to believe his conduct was unlawful; or (3) the
court, upon application by the individual, determines in view of all of the
circumstances that such person is fairly and reasonably entitled to be
indemnified, and then for such amount as the court shall determine. With respect
to proceedings brought by or in the right of the corporation, the statute
provides that the corporation shall indemnify its officers, directors and
certain other defined individuals, against reasonable expenses actually incurred
by them in connection with such proceedings, subject to certain limitations.

Citigroup Inc. also provides liability insurance for its directors and officers
and the directors and officers of its subsidiaries, including the Registrant.
This insurance provides for coverage against loss from claims made against
directors and officers in their capacity as such, including, subject to certain
exceptions, liabilities under the federal securities laws.

Insofar as indemnification for liability arising under the Securities Act of
1933 may be permitted to directors, officers and controlling persons of the
registrant pursuant to the foregoing provisions, or otherwise, the registrant
has been advised that in the opinion of the Securities and Exchange Commission
such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the Act and is,
therefore, unenforceable. In the event that a claim for indemnification against
such liabilities (other than the payment by the registrant of expenses incurred
or paid by a director, officer or controlling person of the registrant in the
successful defense of any action, suit or proceeding) is asserted by such
director, officer or controlling person in connection with the securities being
registered, the registrant will, unless in the opinion of its counsel the matter
has been settled by controlling precedent, submit to a court of appropriate
jurisdiction the question whether such indemnification by it is against public
policy as expressed in the Act and will be governed by the final adjudication of
such issue.


The Company hereby represents that the aggregate charges under the Policy of the
Registrant described herein are reasonable in relation to the services rendered,
the expenses expected to be incurred, and the risks assumed by the Company.



This Registration Statement comprises the following papers and documents:

1.     The facing sheet.
2.     The Prospectus.
3.     The undertaking to file reports.
4.     The signatures.

Written consents of the following persons:

A.     Consent of Counsel, to filing of her opinion as an exhibit to this
       Registration Statement and to the reference to her opinion under the
       caption "Legal Proceedings and Opinion" in the Prospectus. (See Exhibit
       11 below.)

B.     Consent and Actuarial Opinion pertaining to the illustrations contained
       in the prospectus.

C.     Consent of Independent Certified Public Accountants.

D.     Powers of Attorney.  (See Exhibit 12 below.)


1.     Resolution of the Board of Directors of The Travelers Insurance Company
       authorizing the establishment of the Registrant. (Incorporated herein by
       reference to Exhibit No. 1 to Post-Effective Amendment No. 17 to the
       Registration Statement on Form S-6 filed April 29, 1996.)

2.     Not Applicable.

3(a).  Distribution and Principal Underwriting Agreement among the Registrant,
       The Travelers Insurance Company and Travelers Distribution LLC.
       (Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3(a) to Post-Effective
       Amendment No. 3 to the Registration Statement on Form N-4, File No.
       333-58783, filed February 26, 2001.)

3(b).  Selling Agreement.  To be filed by amendment.

3(c).  Agents Agreements, including schedule of sales commissions. To be filed
       by amendment.

4.     None

5.     Form of Variable Life Insurance Contracts.  To be filed by amendment

6(a).  Charter of The Travelers Insurance Company, as amended on October 19,
       1994. (Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 6(a) to the
       Registration Statement filed on Form N-4, File No. 333-40193, filed
       November 13, 1997.)

6(b).  By-Laws of The Travelers Insurance Company, as amended on October 20,
       1994. (Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 6(b) to the
       Registration Statement filed on Form N-4, File No. 333-40193, filed
       November 13, 1997.)

7.     None

8.     Participation Agreements. (Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 8
       to Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form
       S-6, File No. 333-96521, filed May 12, 2000.)


9.     None

10.    Form of Application for Variable Life Insurance Contracts. To be filed by

11.    Opinion of counsel as to the legality of the securities being registered.
       To be filed by amendment.

12(a). Power of Attorney authorizing Ernest J. Wright or Kathleen A. McGah as
       signatory for George C. Kokulis and Katherine M. Sullivan. (Incorporated
       herein by reference to Exhibits 15(b) to the Registration Statement on
       Form S-6 filed April 25, 2000.)

12(b)  Powers of Attorney authorizing Ernest J. Wright or Kathleen A. McGah as
       signatories for Glenn D. Lammey and Marla Berman Lewitus. (Incorporated
       herein by reference to Exhibit 12(e) to Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to
       the Registration Statement filed May 24, 2000.)



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, the registrant, The
Travelers Fund UL for Variable Life Insurance, has duly caused this registration
statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly
authorized, in the city of Hartford and state of Connecticut, on the 12th day of
March, 2001.


                         THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY

                                  By:*GLENN D. LAMMEY
                                     Glenn D. Lammey, Chief Financial Officer,
                                     Chief Accounting Officer and Controller

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, this registration
statement has been signed by the following persons in the capacities indicated
on the 12th day of March, 2001.

*GEORGE C. KOKULIS                          Director, Chairman of the Board, President
- -----------------------------------         and Chief Executive Officer
  (George C. Kokulis)                       (Principal Executive Officer

*GLENN D. LAMMEY                            Director, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial
- -----------------------------------         Officer, Chief Accounting Officer and Controller
  (Glenn D. Lammey)                         (Principal Financial Officer)

*MARLA BERMAN LEWITUS                       Director, Senior Vice President and
- -----------------------------------         General Counsel
  (Marla Berman Lewitus)

*KATHERINE M. SULLIVAN                      Director
- -----------------------------------
  (Katherine M. Sullivan)

*By:  /s/Ernest J. Wright, Attorney-in-Fact



Written Consents                                                                Method of Filing
- ----------------                                                                ----------------

A.      Consent of Counsel, to filing of her opinion as an exhibit to by        To be filed his
        Registration Statement and to the reference to her opinion              amendment
        under the caption "Legal Proceedings and Opinion" in the
        Prospectus.  (See Exhibit 11 below.)

B.      Consent and Actuarial Opinion pertaining to the illustrations           To be filed by
        contained in the prospectus.                                            amendment

C.      Consent of Independent Certified Public Accountants.                    To be filed by


3(b).   Selling Agreement.  To be filed by amendment.

3(c).   Agents Agreements, including schedule of sales commissions.             To be filed by

5.      Form of Variable Life Insurance Contract.                               To be filed by

10.     Form of Application for Variable Life Insurance Contracts.              To be filed by

11.     Opinion of counsel as to the legality of the securities being
        registered.                                                             To be filed by