Exhibit 3.54



                        CAPSTAR LEXINGTON COMPANY, L.L.C.

         This LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made as
of June 10, 1997, by and among CAPSTAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY II, L.P., a Delaware
limited partnership having an office at 1010 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., Washington,
D C. 20007 ("CapStar"), and EQUISTAR ACQUISITION CORPORATION, a Delaware
corporation having an office c/o CapStar Management Company, L.P., 1010
Wisconsin Avenue, Washington, D C. 20007 ("EquiStar").

                               W I T N E S S E T H

         WHEREAS, the parties hereto (collectively, the "Members" and
individually, a "Member") desire to form a limited liability company for the
purposes hereinafter set forth.

         NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:

         1.       Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following terms
                  shall have the respective meanings set forth below:

                  1.1.     "Act" shall mean the Limited Liability Act of the
                           State of Delaware, as the same may have been or may
                           be amended.

                  1.2.     "Adjusted Capital Account" shall mean, with respect
                           to any Member, such Member's Capital Account balance,
                           increased by such Member's share of Company Minimum
                           Gain and Member Minimum Gain.

                  1.3.     "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
                           as the same has been and may hereafter be amended.

                  1.4.     "Company" shall have the meaning set forth in Article
                  1.5      "Company Minimum Gain" means "partnership minimum
                           gain," as defined in Treasury Regulations Section
                           1.704-2(b)(2) and shall be determined in accordance
                           with Treasury Regulations Section 1.704-2(d).

                  1.6.     "Depreciation" shall mean, with respect to any year
                           or portion thereof, an amount equal to the
                           depreciation, amortization or other cost recovery
                           deduction allowable with respect to an asset for
                           Federal income  tax purposes, except that if the
                           Gross Asset Value of the asset differs from its
                           adjusted tax basis, Depreciation shall be determined
                           in accordance with the methods used for Federal
                           income tax purposes and shall equal the amount that
                           bears the same ratio to the Gross Asset Value of such
                           asset as the depreciation, amortization or other cost
                           recovery deduction computed for Federal income tax
                           purposes with respect to such asset bears to the
                           adjusted Federal income tax basis of such asset;
                           provided, however, that if any such asset that is
                           depreciable or amortizable has an adjusted Federal
                           income tax basis of zero, the rate of Depreciation
                           shall be determined by the Members.

                  1.7.     "Gross Asset Value" shall mean, with respect to any
                           asset, the asset's adjusted basis for Federal income
                           tax purposes, except that (i) the Gross Asset Value
                           of any asset contributed to the Company shall be its
                           gross fair market value at the time of contribution,
                           (ii) the Gross Asset Value of any asset distributed
                           in kind to any Member (including upon a liquidation
                           of the Company) shall be the gross fair market value
                           of such asset, and (iii) the Gross Asset Value of any
                           asset determined pursuant to clause (i) above shall
                           thereafter be adjusted from time to time by the
                           Depreciation taken into account with respect to such
                           asset for purposes of determining Net Profit or Net

                  1.8.     "Member" shall mean each of the parties to this
                           Agreement and any other Person to which an interest
                           in the Company is hereafter transferred and who is
                           admitted to the Company in accordance with the terms
                           of this Agreement.

                  1.9.     "Member Minimum Gain" means "partner nonrecourse debt
                           minimum gain," as defined in Treasury Regulations
                           Section 1.704-2(i)(2) and determined in accordance
                           with Treasury Regulations Section 1.704-2(i)(3).

                  1.10.    "Member Nonrecourse Debt" means "partner nonrecourse
                           debt," as defined in Treasury Regulations Section

                  1.11.    "Member Nonrecourse Deductions" means "partner
                           nonrecourse deductions," as defined in Section
                           1.704-2(i)(1) of the Treasury Regulations and shall
                           be determined in accordance with Section
                           1.704-2(i)(2) of the Treasury Regulations.

                  1.12.    "Net Profit" or "Net Loss" shall mean, with respect
                           to any fiscal year, the taxable income or loss of the
                           Company as determined for Federal income tax
                           purposes, with the following adjustments:

                           1.12.1.  Such taxable income or loss shall be
                                    increased by the amount, if any, of
                                    tax-exempt income received or accrued by the

                           1.12.2.  Such taxable income or loss shall be reduced
                                    by the amount, if any, of all expenditures
                                    of the Company described in Section
                                    705(a)(2)(B) of the Code, including
                                    expenditures treated as described therein
                                    under Section 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(i) of the
                                    Treasury Regulations;

                           1.12.3.  If the Gross Asset Value of any asset is
                                    adjusted pursuant to clause (ii) of the
                                    definition of Gross Asset Value, the amount
                                    of such adjustment shall be taken into
                                    account, immediately prior to the event
                                    giving rise to such adjustment, as gain or
                                    loss from the disposition of such asset for
                                    the purposes of computing Net Profit or Net

                           1.12.4.  Gain or loss resulting from any disposition
                                    of any asset with respect to which gain or
                                    loss is recognized for Federal income tax
                                    purposes shall be computed by reference to
                                    the Gross Asset Value of the asset disposed
                                    of, notwithstanding that such Gross Asset
                                    Value differs from the adjusted tax basis of
                                    such asset; and

                           1.12.5.  In lieu of the depreciation, amortization,
                                    or other cost recovery deductions taken into
                                    account in computing such taxable income or
                                    loss, there shall be taken into account
                                    Depreciation for such fiscal year.

                  1.13.    "Percentage Interests" shall have the meaning
                           specified in Section 6.2

                  1.14.    "Property" shall mean (a) that certain property known
                           as the Radisson Plaza Hotel located at 369 West Vine
                           Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507-1636 and (b) all
                           personal property situated at such property or used
                           or useful in connection herewith.

                  1.15.    "Regulatory Allocations" has the meaning ascribed
                           thereto in Subsection 7.3.8.

                  1.16.    "Treasury Regulations" means the rules, regulations,
                           orders and interpretations of rules, regulations and
                           orders validly promulgated by the Treasury Department
                           under the Code, whether final, temporary or proposed,
                           as in effect from time to time.

         2.       Formation and Name. Members hereby form a limited liability
                  company (the "Company") pursuant to the provisions of the Act.
                  The business of the Company shall be conducted under the name
                  "CAPSTAR LEXINGTON COMPANY, L.L.C." Paul Whetsell and John E.
                  Plunket are hereby authorized to execute and record any
                  certificate of formation required by the Act and any
                  certificate or application necessary to qualify the Company in
                  any jurisdiction in which it conducts business.

         3.       Principal and Registered Offices: Agent for Service of

                  3.1.     The principal place of business of the Company, and
                           the address of the office at which the records of the
                           Company shall be maintained, shall be 1010 Wisconsin
                           Avenue, N.W., Suite 650, Washington, D C. 20007, or
                           at such other place as may hereafter from time to
                           time be selected by CapStar.

                  3.2.     The Company's registered office shall be at 1010
                           Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., Suite 650, Washington, D C.

                  3.3      The registered agent of the Company for service of
                           process within the State of Delaware shall be United
                           Corporate Services, 15 East North Street, Dover,
                           Delaware 19901. In the event that the person or
                           entity at any time acting as such agent shall cease
                           to act as such for any reason, CapStar shall appoint
                           a substitute agent. Such agent shall be the agent of
                           the Company on which any process, notice or demand
                           required or permitted by law to be served on the
                           Company may be served.

         4.       Term. The term of the Company shall commence upon the
                  execution and delivery of this Agreement and shall continue
                  until terminated by agreement of the Members or as otherwise
                  provided in this Agreement.

         5.       Purpose. The purpose of the Company shall be (a) to acquire
                  the Property and other property incidental to the ownership
                  and operation of the Property, (b) to hold, own, operate,
                  lease, finance, mortgage, encumber, alter, dispose of and in
                  all respects deal as

                  owner of the Property, and (c) to engage in any activities
                  necessary or incidental to the foregoing. The Company shall
                  not engage in any business other than as set forth in the
                  foregoing sentence. Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit
                  the Company from entering into any guaranties or indemnities
                  with respect to obligations of entities which are affiliates
                  of CapStar Hotel Company or from entering into any mortgages,
                  deeds of trust, financing statements, cross-collateralization
                  or other security agreements with respect thereto (all of the
                  foregoing being collectively referred to as
                  "Cross-Collateralization Agreements").

         6.       Capital Contributions: Percentage Interests.

                  6.1.     Simultaneously with the execution and delivery of
                           this Agreement the Members are making the following
                           contributions to the capital of the Company:

                                    (a) CapStar $99.00

                                    (b) EquiStar $ 1.00

                  6.2.     The Members' percentage interests in the Company
                           ("Percentage Interests") shall be as follows:

                                    (a) CapStar 99%

                                    (b) EquiStar 1%

                  6.3.     If the Company shall require any additional funds
                           after the date hereof, as determined by CapStar, the
                           Members shall contribute such funds to the Company in
                           proportion to their respective Percentage Interests.

                  6.4.     Except as expressly provided in this Article 6, no
                           Member shall be required to make any capital
                           contributions or loans to the Company and no Member
                           shall make any capital contributions or loans to the
                           Company without the consent of the other Member.

         7.       Income and Losses; Distributions of Available Net Income.

                  7.1.     A separate "Capital Account" shall be maintained for
                           each Member. Each Member's Capital Account shall be
                           credited with the amount of each Member's capital
                           contributions made in cash and fair market value (net
                           of liabilities assumed or taken subject to) of all
                           property contributed by such Member and such Member's
                           allocated share of Net Profit, income and gain of the
                           Company. Each Member's Capital Account shall be
                           debited with the amount of any cash distributions to
                           such Member and the fair market value (net of
                           liabilities assumed

                           or taken subject to) of all property distributed in
                           kind to such Member and such Member's allocated share
                           of Net Loss of the Company.

                  7.2.     From and after the date of this Agreement, all Net
                           Profit and all Net Loss of the Company for each year
                           or fraction thereof (determined after taking into
                           account any allocation for such period under Section
                           7.3) shall be credited to the Capital Accounts of the
                           Members in proportion to their respective Percentage

                  7.3.     Special Allocations.

                           7.3.1.   Except as otherwise provided in Section
                                    7.3.2., all items of Company income, gain,
                                    deduction and loss shall be allocated among
                                    the Members in the same proportion as they
                                    share in the Net Profit and Net Loss to
                                    which such items relate. Any credits against
                                    income tax shall be allocated in accordance
                                    with the Members' Percentage Interests.

                           7.3.2.   Income, gain, loss or deductions of the
                                    Company shall, solely for income tax
                                    purposes, be allocated among the Members in
                                    accordance with Section 704(c) of the Code
                                    and Treasury Regulations promulgated
                                    thereunder, so as to take account of any
                                    difference between the adjusted basis of the
                                    assets of the Company and their respective
                                    Gross Asset Values in accordance with the
                                    traditional method set forth in Section
                                    1.704-3(b) of the Treasury Regulations.

                           7.3.3.   Notwithstanding any other provision of this
                                    Article 7, if there is a net decrease in
                                    Company Minimum Gain during any year, each
                                    Member shall be specially allocated items of
                                    income and gain for such year (and, if
                                    necessary, subsequent years) in an amount
                                    equal to the portion of such Member's share
                                    of the net decrease in Company Minimum Gain,
                                    as determined in accordance with Section
                                    1.704-2(g) of the Treasury Regulations.
                                    Allocations pursuant to the previous
                                    sentence shall be made in proportion to the
                                    respective amounts required to be allocated
                                    to each member pursuant thereto. The items
                                    to be so allocated shall be determined in
                                    accordance with Section 1.704-2(f)(6) of the
                                    Treasury Regulations. This Section 7.3.3 is
                                    intended to comply with minimum gain
                                    chargeback requirement in Section 1.704-2(f)
                                    of the Treasury Regulations and shall be
                                    interpreted consistently therewith.

                           7.3.4.   Notwithstanding any other provision of this
                                    Article 7, if there is a net decrease in
                                    Member Minimum Gain attributable to a Member
                                    Nonrecourse Debt during any year, each
                                    Member who has a share of the Member Minimum
                                    Gain attributable to such Member Nonrecourse
                                    Debt, determined in accordance with Section
                                    1.704-2(i)(5) of the Treasury Regulations,
                                    shall be specially allocated items of income
                                    and gain for such year (and, if necessary,
                                    subsequent years) in an amount equal to the
                                    portion of such Member's share of the net
                                    decrease in Member Minimum Gain attributable
                                    to such Member Nonrecourse Debt, determined
                                    in accordance with Section 1.704-2(i)(4) of
                                    the Treasury Regulations. Allocations
                                    pursuant to the previous sentence shall be
                                    made in proportion to the respective amounts
                                    required to be allocated to each Member
                                    pursuant thereto. The items to be so
                                    allocated shall be determined in accordance
                                    with Section 1.704-2(i)(4) of the Treasury
                                    Regulations. This Section 7.3.4 is intended
                                    to comply with the minimum gain chargeback
                                    requirement in Section 1.704-2(i) of the
                                    Treasury Regulations and shall be
                                    interpreted consistently therewith.

                           7.3.5.   Nonrecourse Deductions for any year shall be
                                    allocated as Net Loss pursuant to Section

                           7.3.6.   Any Member Nonrecourse Deductions for any
                                    year shall be specially allocated to the
                                    Member who bears the economic risk of loss
                                    with respect to the Member Nonrecourse Debt
                                    to which such Member Nonrecourse Deductions
                                    are attributable in accordance with Section
                                    1.704-2(i)(1) of the Treasury Regulations.

                           7.3.7.   Notwithstanding any other provision of this
                                    Article 7, no Member shall be allocated in
                                    any year of the Company any Net Loss to the
                                    extent such allocation would cause or
                                    increase a deficit balance in such Member's
                                    Adjusted Capital Account, taking into
                                    account all other allocations to be made for
                                    such year pursuant to this Article 7 and the
                                    reasonably expected adjustments, allocations
                                    and distributions described in Section
                                    1.704-1(b)(ii)(d) of the Treasury
                                    Regulations. Any such Net Loss that would be
                                    allocated to a Member (the "Deficit Member")
                                    shall instead be allocated

                                    to the other Member. Moreover, if a Deficit
                                    Member unexpectedly receives an adjustment,
                                    allocation or distribution described in
                                    Section 1.704-1(b)(ii)(d) of the Treasury
                                    Regulations which creates or increases a
                                    deficit balance in such Member's Adjusted
                                    Capital Account (computed after all other
                                    allocations to be made for such year
                                    pursuant to this Article 7 have been
                                    tentatively made as if this Section 7.3.7
                                    were not in this Agreement), such Deficit
                                    Member shall be allocated items of income
                                    and gain in an amount equal to such deficit
                                    balance. This Section 7.3.7 is intended to
                                    comply with the qualified income offset
                                    requirement of Section 1.704-1(b)(2)(ii)(d)
                                    of the Treasury Regulations and shall be
                                    interpreted consistently herewith.

                           7.3.8.   The allocations set forth in Sections 7.3.3
                                    through 7.3.7 (the "Regulatory Allocations")
                                    shall be taken into account in allocating
                                    items of income, gain, loss and deduction
                                    among the Members so that, to the extent
                                    possible, the net amount of such allocations
                                    of other items and the Regulatory
                                    Allocations to each Member shall be equal to
                                    the net amount that would have been
                                    distributed to each such Member if the
                                    Regulatory Allocations had not occurred.

                  7.4.     Distributions. All distributions of Company cash and
                           other property shall be made to the Members in
                           proportion to their respective Percentage Interests;
                           provided, however, that the provisions of this
                           Section 7.4 shall not apply upon the liquidation of
                           the Company or upon the sale of all or substantially
                           all of the Company's assets, it being understood that
                           in such circumstances the provisions of Section 13.4
                           shall apply.

         8.       Tax Matters. Federal, state and local income tax returns of
                  the Company shall be prepared and filed, or caused to be
                  prepared and filed, by CapStar. CapStar shall at all times be
                  the "tax matters partner" of the Company for purposes of
                  Section 6231(a)(7) of the Code.

         9.       Management and Rights, Duties and Obligations of the Members.

                  9.1.     The management and control of the Company's business
                           shall be exercised, and all decisions to be made by
                           the Company shall in each case be made, by CapStar.
                           CapStar shall have the sole right to bind, or
                           otherwise act on behalf of, the

                           Company. Without limiting the foregoing, CapStar
                           shall have the right, without consent or approval of
                           EquiStar, to acquire, mortgage or otherwise encumber,
                           and sell or otherwise dispose of the Property or any
                           portion thereof.

                  9.2.     Except as otherwise expressly provided in this
                           Agreement, no Member shall have the right to resign
                           from the Company or to demand the return of all or
                           any part of its contribution to the capital of the
                           Company until the Company has been dissolved and
                           terminated, and then only to the extent provided in
                           this Agreement, not shall any Member have the right
                           to demand or receive property other than cash in
                           return for its contribution.

         10.      Transfer of Members' Interests. No Member shall sell, assign,
                  transfer or otherwise dispose of, or mortgage, hypothecate,
                  pledge or otherwise encumber, or permit or suffer any
                  encumbrance of, all or any part of its interest in the
                  Company, or any interest therein; provided, however, that each
                  Member may pledge its interest in the Company to any lender
                  making a loan secured, in whole or in part, by a mortgage or
                  deed of trust on the Property.

         11.      Resignation, Expulsion or Bankruptcy of a Member. In the event
                  of a resignation, expulsion or bankruptcy of any Member, the
                  Company shall thereupon be dissolved and terminated and the
                  Members shall cause a Certificate of Cancellation in the form
                  required by the Act to be filed with the Secretary of State of
                  Delaware when the Company is dissolved.

         12.      Termination of the Company. Upon the voluntary termination of
                  the Company upon the consent of the Members, the sale or other
                  transfer of all or substantially all of the Company's assets
                  or any other termination of the Company in accordance with
                  the provisions of this Agreement, the Company shall wind up
                  its affairs and shall then be liquidated as provided in
                  Article 13.

         13.      Gain, Loss and Distribution Upon Liquidation. Upon any
                  termination of the Company each of the following shall be

                  13.1.    The Members shall cause to be prepared a statement
                           setting forth the assets and liabilities of the
                           Company as of the date of such termination, and such
                           statement shall be furnished to each Member.

                  13.2.    The property and assets of the Company, if any, shall
                           be liquidated as promptly as possible, but in an
                           orderly and businesslike manner so as not to involve
                           undue sacrifice.

                  13.3.    Any Net profit or Net Loss realized by the Company
                           upon the sale or other disposition of the property
                           and assets of the Company shall be credited or
                           charged to the capital accounts of the Members
                           pursuant to Section 7.2 or 7.3, as applicable.

                  13.4.    The proceeds of sale and all other assets of the
                           Company shall be paid and distributed as follows and
                           in the following order of priority:

                           13.4.1.  to the payment of debts an liabilities of
                                    the Company and the expenses of liquidation;

                           13.4.2.  to the setting up of any reserves which
                                    CapStar determines are reasonably necessary
                                    for any contingent or unforeseen liabilities
                                    or obligations of the Company or the members
                                    arising out of, or in connection with, the
                                    Company; and

                           13.4.3.  to the Members in proportion to their
                                    respective Capital Account balances.

         14.      Further Assurances; Consents and Approvals. Each party to this
                  Agreement agrees to execute, acknowledge, deliver, file and
                  record such further certificates, amendments, instruments and
                  documents, and to do all such other acts and things, as may be
                  required by law, or as may, be necessary or advisable to carry
                  out the intent and purposes of this Agreement.

         15.      Single Asset Entity

                  15.1.    Except as may be provided to the contrary in the
                           Cross-Collateralization Agreements, the Company shall
                           at all tuned conduct its business and operations in
                           accordance with the following provisions so as to
                           maintain itself as a single purpose entity:

                           15.1.1.  The Company will not assume liability for
                                    debts of any other person, and the Company
                                    will not hold itself out as being liable for
                                    the debts of any other person;

                           15.1.2.  None of the liabilities of the Company shall
                                    be paid from the funds of the Members or any
                                    other person without the Members being
                                    obligated for such liabilities;

                           15.1.3.  The Company shall not guarantee the debt or
                                    performance of any obligation of any of its
                                    Members or any other person;

                           15.1.4.  The Company will not pledge any of its
                                    assets for the benefit of any of its Members
                                    or any other person, and no person shall
                                    pledge its assets for the benefit of the

                           15.1.5.  The Company shall conduct its affairs
                                    strictly in accordance with this Agreement,
                                    and shall observe all necessary,
                                    appropriate, and customary limited liability
                                    company formalities, including, but not
                                    limited to, maintaining accurate and
                                    separate books, records and account
                                    (including, but not limited to, transaction
                                    accounts with any affiliate of the Company);

                           15.1.6.  The books, records, and accounts of the
                                    Company will at all times be maintained in a
                                    manner permitting the assets and liabilities
                                    of the Company to be easily separated and
                                    readily distinguished from those of any
                                    other person;

                           15.1.7.  The Company will hold itself out to
                                    creditors and the public as a legal entity
                                    separate and distinct from any other entity,
                                    and will not hold itself out to the public
                                    or to any of its individual creditors as
                                    being a unified entity with assets and
                                    liabilities in common with any other person;

                           15.1.8.  The Company shall not commingle its assets
                                    or funds with those of any other person
                                    except as required under the
                                    Cross-Collateralization Agreements.

         16.      Notices. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, all
                  notices, demands, elections, requests or other communications
                  (collectively, "notices") which any Member may desire or to be
                  required to give hereunder shall be in writing and shall be
                  given by mailing the same by registered or certified mail,
                  return receipt requested, or by Federal Express or comparable
                  air courier service, postage prepaid, or by delivering the
                  same by hand, addressed to the Members at their addresses
                  first set forth above.

         17.      Captions. All section and article titles or captions contained
                  in this Agreement and the table of contents, if any, are for
                  convenience only and shall not be deemed a part of this

         18.      Variety of Pronouns. All pronouns and all variations thereof
                  shall be deemed to refer to the masculine, feminine or neuter,
                  singular or plural, as the identity of the person(s) or
                  entity(ies) may require.

         19.      Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,
                  each of which shall constitute an original and all of which,
                  when taken together, shall constitute one agreement.

         20.      Governing Law. This Agreement is made pursuant to the Act and
                  shall be construed accordingly.

         21.      Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon
                  the parties hereto and their respective successors and
                  permitted assigns and shall inure to the benefit of the
                  parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted
                  assigns, but shall not inure to the benefit of, or be
                  enforceable by, any other person or entity.

         22.      Invalidity. If any provision or any portion of this Agreement,
                  or the application of any such provision or any portion
                  thereof to any Member or circumstance, shall be held invalid
                  or unenforceable, the remaining portion of such provision and
                  the remaining provisions of this Agreement, and the
                  application of such provision or such portion to a Member to
                  circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid
                  or unenforceable, shall not be affected hereby.

                      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
             Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

                        CAPSTAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY II, L.P.

                        By: CapStar General Corp., its general partner

                        By:    /s/ John E. Plunket
                            John E. Plunket
                            Executive Vice President


                        By:    /s/ John E. Plunket
                            John E. Plunket
                            Vice President
