DATED 16 MAY - 2001

                                REUTERS GROUP PLC


                              INSTINET GROUP, INC.


                            INSTINET HOLDINGS LIMITED




       MAY           2001


(1)  REUTERS GROUP PLC ("Reuters"), a company incorporated in England and Wales
     (registered number 3296375) whose registered office is at 85 Fleet Street,
     London and its lawful successors or assigns;

(2)  INSTINET GROUP, INC., (formerly Instinet Group LLC) ("Instinet") a limited
     liability company whose registered office is at 3 Times Square, New York,
     NY 10036, USA and its lawful successors or assigns; and

(3)  INSTINET HOLDINGS LIMITED ("Holdings"), a company incorporated in England
     and Wales (registered number 1416500) whose registered office is at 85
     Fleet Street, London and its lawful successors and assigns.


(A)  Reuters directly and indirectly contributed the entire share capital of
     Holdings to LLC on 29th September, 2000; (B) On 9th May, 2001 LLC became
     Instinet and Instinet assumed all of LLC's liabilities; and

(C)  The parties hereto have agreed to enter into this Agreement to provide for
     the basis on which past and future Tax Liabilities other than Tax
     Liabilities covered by the terms of the US Agreement (as defined in clause
     2 below) will be allocated between Holdings and its Subsidiaries on the one
     hand and Reuters and its Subsidiaries (other than LLC and all its
     Subsidiaries) on the other hand.



        In this Agreement, the following words and expressions have the
        meanings set opposite them:-

        "arm's length basis"        means such arrangements or provisions which
                                    would be expected to be made between
                                    independent enterprises;

        "Annual Accounts"           means the annual accounts of any Instinet
                                    International Company

                                    prepared in respect of an accounting period
                                    of that company commencing on or before 31st
                                    December, 2000. If any such annual accounts
                                    are audited or prepared for any statutory
                                    purpose the audited or statutory version
                                    shall constitute the annual accounts for
                                    such Company for the period in question;

        "Company" or                means any company to which this Agreement
        "Companies"                 applies;

        "ICTA"                      means the Income and Corporation Taxes Act

        "Instinet International     means any business carried on by any
        Business"                   Instinet International Company;

        "Instinet International     means Holdings and all its Subsidiaries as
        Companies" or "Instinet     at 30th September, 2000, together with any
        International Company"      Subsidiaries acquired or established after
                                    that date and Instinet Schweiz, AG, Instinet
                                    Bermuda Limited and Instinet Investments
                                    (Bermuda) Limited;

       "a continuing Reuters        means Reuters and any and all direct and
        company" and "continuing    indirect Subsidiaries (whether or not
        Reuters companies"          resident in the UK for tax purposes) of
                                    Reuters except LLC and all its Subsidiaries
                                    as at 30th September, 2000 and any
                                    Subsidiaries of LLC acquired after that

       "Instinet Tax Liabilities"   means all Tax Liabilities in respect of
                                    profits, deemed profits, activities,
                                    turnover, supplies or transactions arising
                                    in any way in the course of any business
                                    conducted by an Instinet International
                                    Company at any time before, on or after 31st
                                    December, 2000 including any Tax Liability
                                    arising in respect of any disposal or deemed
                                    disposal of

                                    shares of any company conducting any such
                                    business subject to the provisions of
                                    sub-clauses 1.2 to 1.4 (inclusive) below,
                                    but excluding any Tax Liability to the
                                    extent that:-

                                    (a)      the Tax Liability was paid or
                                             otherwise discharged before the
                                             date of this Agreement; or

                                    (b)      the Tax Liability would not have
                                             arisen but for the making of a
                                             claim, election, surrender or
                                             disclaimer, the giving of a notice
                                             or consent, or the doing of any
                                             other thing under the provisions of
                                             any enactment or regulation
                                             relating to Tax, in each case after
                                             the date of this Agreement and by a
                                             continuing Reuters company; or

                                    (c)      the Tax Liability would not have
                                             arisen but for a voluntary
                                             transaction, action or omission
                                             carried out or effected by any
                                             continuing Reuters company at any
                                             time after the date of this
                                             Agreement, other than any such
                                             transaction, action or omission
                                             carried out or effected by any
                                             continuing Reuters company:-

                                            (i)        under a legally binding
                                                       commitment created on or
                                                       before the date of this
                                                       Agreement; or

                                            (ii)       with the prior consent of
                                                       LLC or any Instinet
                                                       International Company;

        "LLC"                       means Instinet Group LLC, a Delaware limited
                                    liability company and (save where the
                                    context otherwise requires) its lawful
                                    successors and assigns;

        "non-Instinet Tax           means all Tax Liabilities other than
        Liabilities"                Instinet Tax Liabilities;

        "Restructuring"             means the series of transactions carried out

                                    (a)      the Contribution Agreement entered
                                             into between Reuters C Corp and LLC
                                             dated 29th September, 2000;

                                    (b)      the Contribution Agreement entered
                                             into between Reuters Holdings
                                             Switzerland SA and LLC dated 29th
                                             September, 2000;

                                    (c)      the Asset Contribution Agreement
                                             entered into between Instinet
                                             Corporation and LLC dated 31st
                                             July, 2000; and

                                    (d)      the Contribution Agreement entered
                                             into between Instinet Corporation
                                             and LLC dated 25th July, 2000;

        "Subsidiaries"              means:-

                                    (a)      in relation to Holdings any company
                                             in which Holdings owns directly or
                                             indirectly more than 50 per cent.
                                             of its ordinary share capital; and

                                    (b)      in relation to Reuters any company
                                             in which Reuters owns directly or
                                             indirectly more than 50 per cent.
                                             of its ordinary share capital but
                                             excluding LLC (including the
                                             Subsidiaries of LLC) and Holdings
                                             (including the Subsidiaries of

                                    and "Subsidiary" shall be construed

        "Tax" or "Taxation"         means:-

                                    (a)      all forms of taxation, including
                                             any charge, tax, duty, levy, impost
                                             withholdings in the nature of
                                             taxation, including (without
                                             limitation) any excise, property,
                                             sales, use, occupation, transfer,
                                             franchise, value added and payroll
                                             taxes, and any national insurance
                                             or social security contributions or
                                             liability whether chargeable
                                             imposed for the support of
                                             national, state, federal, municipal
                                             or local government or any other
                                             person and whether of the United
                                             Kingdom or any other jurisdiction;

                                    (b)      any penalty, fine, surcharge,
                                             interest, charges or costs payable
                                             in connection with any tax within
                                             the meaning of paragraph (a) above;

        "Tax Authority"             means any taxing or other authority (whether
                                    within or outside the United Kingdom)
                                    competent to impose any Tax Liability;

        "Tax Item"                  means any item of income, gain, loss,
                                    deduction or credit, or other asset that may
                                    have the effect of increasing or decreasing
                                    any liability to Tax;

        "Tax Liabilities"           means any liability of a Company to make a
        or "Tax Liability"          payment of or in respect of Taxation whether
                                    or not the same is primarily payable by that
                                    Company and whether or not that Company has
                                    or may have any right of reimbursement
                                    against any other person or persons;

       "Loss"                       means any reduction, modification, loss,
                                    counteraction, nullification, utilisation,
                                    disallowance, withdrawal or clawback for
                                    whatever reason; and

        "Relief"                    means any loss, relief, allowance, credit,
                                    exemption or set-off in respect of Taxation
                                    or any deduction in computing income,
                                    profits or gains for the purposes of


         In any case where in a jurisdiction Tax is charged or collected or
         computed on any consolidated basis so that Tax in respect of an
         Instinet International Business may be charged, collected or recovered
         from a continuing Reuters company or vice versa, then the nature of the
         Tax Liability shall be determined according to the business to which
         the liability is referable and not by reference to the Company on which
         it may be chargeable and the amount of the relevant Tax shall be
         determined by making all reasonable apportionments of overall
         liabilities and by treating companies as if they had dealt with each
         other on an arm's length basis so as to ascertain the liability that
         would have been an Instinet Tax Liability and a non-Instinet Tax
         Liability had those respective liabilities been calculated on a stand
         alone, rather than any form of consolidated, basis.


         Subject to sub-clause 1.4 below, any Tax Liability of a continuing
         Reuters company referable to its disposal of shares in an Instinet
         International Company or to any receipt of a dividend from such a
         company or to the Restructuring or which is referable to any other
         transaction which a continuing Reuters company has entered into with an
         Instinet International Company shall be treated as a non-Instinet Tax


         (i)      Any liability of any Company to stamp duty, any equivalent
                  transaction Tax or capital duty occasioned in any way by way
                  of the transactions necessitated by the reorganisation of
                  Instinet International Companies within Holdings, and the
                  direct and indirect contribution of Holdings to LLC, and any
                  such liability occasioned by the transfer and contribution of
                  Instinet Schweiz, AG, Instinet Bermuda Limited and Instinet
                  International (Bermuda) Limited to LLC shall be an Instinet
                  Tax Liability.

         (ii)     Any future liability to stamp duty, capital duty and any
                  transaction Tax equivalent to stamp duty occasioned by the
                  withdrawal or other forfeiture of any Relief shall also
                  constitute an Instinet Tax Liability if the duty would
                  initially have been paid on or in respect of one of the
                  transactions referred to above but for the initial
                  availability of the Relief or exemption which has been
                  forfeited or has been the subject of withdrawal.


         This Agreement shall not apply to any Tax Liability to the extent that
         it is covered by the terms of the Tax Sharing Agreement dated the same
         date as this Agreement and made between Reuters America Holdings, Inc.,
         Instinet Group, LLC and Instinet Global Holdings, Inc. (the "US


         Insofar as provision or reserve for Tax Liabilities has been made or
         provided for in the Annual Accounts of any Instinet International
         Company or the equivalent accounts of any continuing Reuters company
         for any period ending on or prior to 31st December, 2000, no adjustment
         shall be made to such Tax

         Liabilities from the treatment provided for or reserved in the relevant


         Insofar as any unprovided for Tax Liability arises in respect of any
         period ending on or prior to 31st December, 2000, that Tax will be
         borne by an Instinet International Company if and to the extent that
         the Tax Liability in question is an Instinet Tax Liability and it shall
         be borne by a continuing Reuters company if and to the extent that the
         Tax Liability is a non-Instinet Tax Liability. Reuters and LLC shall
         respectively procure that appropriate Instinet International Companies
         and continuing Reuters companies make the required payments, on a
         timely basis, to achieve the above objective and failing any such
         procurement Reuters and LLC will themselves make payments, on a timely
         basis, to achieve the relevant objective.


         For all periods ending after 31st December, 2000 Instinet International
         Companies shall bear and indemnify continuing Reuters companies against
         all Instinet Tax Liabilities and continuing Reuters companies shall
         bear and indemnify Instinet International Companies against all
         non-Instinet Tax Liabilities, Reuters and LLC themselves making
         payments, on a timely basis, to achieve the objective of this clause in
         the event of either of them failing to procure that other Companies
         make the required payments on a timely basis.


         Where the system of Taxation operating in any jurisdiction computes and
         charges Tax Liabilities on companies on a company by company basis but
         permits companies within any given relationship with others to
         surrender Tax losses of any description (whether income or capital in
         nature) to other companies, then for all periods on and after 31st
         December, 2000 any such surrenders involving both an Instinet
         International Company and a continuing Reuters company shall be dealt
         with on an arm's length basis and the respective parties to the
         surrender and claim shall agree the payment that is to be made for any
         Tax losses and all appropriate subsequent adjustments (including
         payment of interest where necessary) and refunds should the initial
         expected surrender of Tax losses be challenged by the Tax Authorities
         or prove ineffective in any way.


         In the case of any system of Tax where assets can be transferred by one
         company to another on a basis whereunder the acquiring company assumes
         the latent Tax gains or losses of the transferring company referable to
         the asset or where companies can elect that the capital gains or losses
         of one company shall be treated as being realised or incurred by
         another company, then where such transfers or surrenders of gains or
         losses are made between an Instinet International Company and a
         continuing Reuters company the terms on which all such transfers and
         surrenders are made shall be agreed on an arm's length basis, with all
         appropriate provision being made for adjustment should the initial
         expectations need adjustment in any changed circumstances.


8.1      Subject to sub-clause 8.2 below, where such a system of Tax as is
         mentioned in clause 6 above was in operation for accounting periods
         ending on or before 31st December, 2000 and an Instinet International
         Company, prior to the date of this Agreement, has either surrendered
         Tax losses to a continuing Reuters company or vice versa, and the
         relevant surrender proves to be effective, then no adjustment shall be
         made to the existing accounts treatment of the surrender and to any
         payment that may have been made by any Company in respect of that
         surrender which has been taken into account in the relevant accounts.

8.2      If any Instinet International Company amends any provision relating to
         Tax losses in respect of an accounting period to which this clause 8
         applies as a result of which such Tax losses are increased and the
         relevant Tax Authorities accept such amendment then, if payment was
         initially made by the claimant Company for the Tax losses, an
         additional payment shall be made to the surrendering Company on such
         terms as would have been agreed between the parties had they been
         acting on an arm's length basis and the Tax rate to be applied to the
         increase in the Tax losses shall be negotiated by the parties.


         Where clause 8 would have applied but for the fact that the Tax
         Authorities have either challenged the surrender of losses or because
         the losses have not been used as initially contemplated

         (either because of insufficiency of profits or losses), then, if
         payment was initially made by the claimant Company for the Tax losses:-

                  (i)      if the agreement between the Companies originally
                           provided for appropriate adjustments and refunds to
                           be made in the event of a claim being disputed those
                           provisions shall take effect;

                  (ii)     subject to sub-paragraph (iii) below, where any
                           agreement for surrender was silent as to such matters
                           but payment was still made, such refund will be made
                           as would have been agreed between the parties had
                           they been acting on an arm's length basis, taking
                           into account the Tax Liability that the claimant
                           Company may have to bear and any revived value of
                           losses to the Company that originally sought to
                           surrender those losses in the light of the changed
                           circumstances; and

                  (iii)    any refund referred to in sub-paragraph (ii) above in
                           respect of a past provision shall be made at the rate
                           of corporation tax in force at the date the relevant
                           surrender of Tax losses was made.


         Where clause 8 would have applied but for the fact that no payment was
         initially made to the surrendering Company for the surrender of its Tax
         losses then in the event that the surrender is challenged in either of
         the ways contemplated in clause 9, no adjustment payments will be made
         unless it was expressly agreed that a payment would be made in such a


         Where a system of Tax contains such provisions as are referred to in
         clause 7 above, and assets have been transferred or Taxable profits or
         losses have effectively been transferred between an Instinet
         International Company and a continuing Reuters company for an
         accounting period ending on or prior to 31st December, 2000, then the
         general principles contained in clauses 7 to 10 shall be applied to the
         transfer of the assets or the surrender of the losses according to
         whether the latent liabilities passed to the transferee Company as
         initially expected, or whether any revisions have to be made on account

         either a challenge of the transfer or election by the Tax Authorities
         or the assumed latent gains or losses being of a different amount than
         initially contemplated.


12.1     In the event that a continuing Reuters company is charged to Tax under
         the United Kingdom controlled foreign companies provisions as contained
         in Part XVII, Chapter IV ICTA (as amended from time to time) (the "CFC
         provisions") in respect of the distributed or undistributed profits of
         an Instinet International Company that ranks as a controlled foreign
         company for the purposes of those provisions, then that Tax Liability
         will be treated for the purposes of this Agreement as an Instinet Tax
         Liability. LLC shall procure that appropriate Instinet International
         Companies make the required payments, on a timely basis, to achieve the
         above objective.

12.2     In the event that profits that are the subject of an apportionment
         under the CFC provisions are distributed directly or indirectly by way
         of dividend to a continuing Reuters company, then the Tax that would
         have been chargeable in the United Kingdom on that dividend, had there
         been no credit or offset for UK Tax charged under the CFC provisions in
         respect of the underlying profits which were apportioned to the
         continuing Reuters company, shall be treated as a non-Instinet Tax
         Liability and the amount initially treated as an Instinet Tax Liability
         in respect of the initial apportionment shall retrospectively be
         adjusted and shall only be treated as an Instinet Tax Liability to the
         extent that the UK Tax Liability in respect of the controlled foreign
         companies apportionment exceeded the Tax Liability that would have
         arisen on the actual dividend received had there been no credit or
         offset, in calculating the Tax on the dividend for any UK Tax charged
         under the CFC provisions in respect of the apportionment, and the
         balance of the Tax charged in respect of the apportionment shall be
         treated as a non-Instinet Tax Liability. Reuters and LLC shall procure
         that appropriate continuing Reuters companies and Instinet
         International Companies (as applicable) make the required payments, on
         a timely basis, to achieve the above objective.


         Reuters and LLC shall provide such information to each other, and shall
         procure that continuing Reuters companies and Instinet

         International Companies respectively provide such information as may be
         reasonably required:-

               (i)  for the proper calculation of all liabilities under this

               (ii) to enable all companies to compute and record their proper
                    Tax Liabilities; and

               (iii) to enable continuing Reuters companies to seek and obtain
                    consents under section 765 ICTA, whenever required.

14.      SECTION 765 ICTA.

         LLC shall not and shall procure that no Instinet International Company
         shall enter into any transaction or transactions to which Section 765
         ICTA applies without first obtaining the consent of H.M. Treasury as
         required by that section.

15.      TAX RETURNS.

15.1     Subject to the last sentence of this sub-clause 15.1, LLC shall have
         the exclusive right to determine with respect to any Tax return of
         either LLC or any Instinet International Company:

               (i)  the manner in which such Tax return or Tax Items shall be
                    prepared and filed, including the elections, methods of
                    accounting, positions, conventions and principles of
                    Taxation to be used and the manner in which any Tax Item
                    shall be reported;

               (ii) whether any extensions may be requested;

               (iii) the elections that will be made by LLC or any Instinet
                    International Company on such Tax return or with respect to
                    such Tax Items;

               (iv) whether any amended Tax returns shall be filed;

               (v)  whether any claims for refund shall be made;

               (vi) whether any refunds shall be paid by way or refund or
                    credited against any liability for the related Tax; and

               (vii) whether to retain external firms to prepare or review such
                    Tax returns or Tax Items

         PROVIDED THAT if Reuters and any continuing Reuters company together
         own directly or indirectly 50 per cent. or more of the outstanding
         stock (by reference to votes or value) of LLC:

               (a)  Reuters shall, by the end of the relevant accounting period,
                    designate and notify LLC of the Tax returns that it wishes
                    to review and approve and LLC shall submit such Tax returns
                    to Reuters no later than fifteen business days prior to the
                    due date for the filing of such Tax returns (taking into
                    account applicable extensions) for Reuters' review and
                    approval (such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld);

               (b)  Reuters shall have the right to re-determine the manner in
                    which any Tax Item of LLC or any Instinet International
                    Company included in such Tax returns including any other
                    matters listed in sub-paragraphs (i) to (vii) (inclusive) of
                    this sub-clause 15.1 is reported if the proposed reporting
                    of such Tax Item would adversely affect the Tax treatment of
                    Reuters or any continuing Reuters company to a meaningful

         PROVIDED FURTHER THAT the revised treatment of such Tax Item could not
         result in the imposition of penalties on LLC or any Instinet
         International Company. To the extent that any Tax Items of any
         continuing Reuters company are included on any Tax return of either LLC
         or any Instinet International Company, Reuters shall have the right to
         determine the manner in which such Tax Items are reported.

15.2     In the event that a Tax Item in a Tax return of any continuing Reuters
         company corresponds to a Tax Item in a Tax return of either LLC or any
         Instinet International Company that is filed after the date of this
         Agreement, then LLC shall or shall procure that the relevant Instinet
         International Company preparing, or causing the preparation of, such
         Tax return shall conform the treatment of the relevant Tax Item in such
         Tax return to the treatment of such Tax Item in the relevant Tax return
         of the continuing Reuters company PROVIDED THAT the revised treatment
         of such Tax Item could not result in the imposition of penalties on LLC
         or any Instinet International Company AND PROVIDED FURTHER THAT Reuters
         and any other continuing Reuters company together own directly or
         indirectly 50 per cent. or more of the outstanding stock (by reference
         to votes or value) of LLC.

15.3     LLC shall and shall procure that each Instinet International Company
         shall provide all reasonable and necessary information to Reuters or
         its agents in order to facilitate the preparation of any Tax return
         filed after the date of this Agreement by any continuing Reuters
         company (including the making of any related elections) to the extent
         that such Tax return relates exclusively to LLC or to any Instinet
         International Company or to any of the assets, businesses and/or
         entities transferred to any Instinet International Company as part of
         the Restructuring. LLC shall procure that this information is submitted
         to Reuters at least 45 business days (or such shorter period as is
         agreed to by Reuters) prior to the due date for the filing of such Tax
         return (taking into account any applicable extensions). LLC or the
         relevant Instinet International Company shall bear its pro rata share
         of the costs associated with the preparation of such Tax return.


16.1     No delay or omission by any party to this Agreement in exercising any
         right, power or remedy provided by law or under this Agreement or any
         other documents referred to in it shall:-

               (i)  affect that right, power or remedy; or

               (ii) operate as a waiver thereof.

16.2     The single or partial exercise of any right, power or remedy provided
         by law or under this Agreement shall not preclude any other or further
         exercise of it or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy.

16.3     The rights, powers and remedies provided in this Agreement are
         cumulative and not exclusive of any rights, powers and remedies
         provided by law.

17.      ASSIGNMENT.

17.1     The rights, interests and obligations under this Agreement are personal
         to the parties and shall not be assigned, delegated, transferred or
         otherwise disposed of without the prior written consent of the other

17.2     This Agreement and all of the provisions hereof shall be binding upon
         and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors
         and permitted assigns.


18.1     This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the
         parties relating to the past and future allocation of Tax Liabilities
         between them.

18.2     Except in the case of fraud, no party shall have any right of action
         against any other party to this Agreement arising out of or in
         connection with any draft agreement, undertaking, representation,
         warranty, promise, assurance or arrangement of any nature whatsoever,
         whether or not in writing, relating to the subject matter of the
         Agreement made or given by any person at any time prior to the date of
         this Agreement except to the extent that it is repeated in this

18.3     This Agreement may only be varied in writing signed by each party.

19.      NOTICES.

19.1     All notices, requests, demands and other communications under this
         Agreement shall only be effective if in writing.

19.2     Notices under this Agreement shall be sent to a party at its address or
         number and for the attention of the individual set out below:-

       PARTY AND TITLE OF            ADDRESS

       Director of Group Tax         Reuters Group PLC
                                     85 Fleet Street

       Robert Beynon                 Instinet Group, Inc.
                                     3 Times Square
                                     New York
                                     NY 10036, USA

       Mark Higgins                  Instinet Holdings Limited
                                     85 Fleet Street

         PROVIDED THAT a party may change its notice details on giving notice to
         the other parties of the change in accordance with this clause. That
         notice shall only be effective on the day

         falling five clear days after the notification has been received or
         such later date as may be specified in the notice.

19.3     Any notice given under this Agreement shall, in the absence of earlier
         receipt, be deemed to have been duly given as follows:-

               (i)  if delivered personally, on delivery;

               (ii) if sent by first class post, three clear days after the date
                    of posting;

               (iii) if sent by air mail, six clear days after the date of
                    posting; and

               (iv) if sent by facsimile, provided telephonic confirmation of
                    receipt is obtained promptly, after completion of

19.4     Any notice given under this Agreement outside normal business hours in
         the place to which it is addressed shall be deemed not to have been
         given until the start of the next period of normal business hours in
         such place.


20.1     Each party shall treat as confidential all information obtained as a
         result of entering into or performing this Agreement which relates to:-

               (i)  the provisions of this Agreement;

               (ii) the negotiations relating to this Agreement;

               (iii) the subject matter of this Agreement; and

               (iv) any other party.

20.2     Notwithstanding the other provisions of this clause, any party may
         disclose confidential information:-

               (i)  if and to the extent required by law;

               (ii) if and to the extent required by existing contractual

               (iii) if and to the extent required by any securities exchange or
                    regulatory or governmental body to which

                    that party is subject, wherever situated, including (amongst
                    other bodies) the UK Listing Authority, the London Stock
                    Exchange or the Panel, whether or not the requirement for
                    information has the force of law;

               (iv) if and to the extent required for the purposes of any
                    arbitration pursuant to clause 27.4;

               (v)  if and to the extent required to vest the full benefit of
                    this Agreement in that party;

               (vi) to its professional advisers, auditors and bankers PROVIDED
                    THAT any such party is made subject to the same obligation
                    as to confidentiality in respect of the information which is
                    the subject of this Agreement;

               (vii) if and to the extent the information has come into the
                    public domain through no fault of that party; or

               (viii) if and to the extent the other parties have given prior
                    written consent to the disclosure, such consent not to be
                    unreasonably withheld or delayed.

         Any information to be disclosed pursuant to sub-clauses 20.2(ii),
         (iii), (v), (vi) or (vii) shall be disclosed only after prior written
         approval of the other parties.

20.3     The restrictions contained in this clause shall apply without limit in


21.1     This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, and by the
         parties on separate counterparts, but shall not be effective until each
         party has executed at least one counterpart.

21.2     Each counterpart shall constitute an original of this Agreement, but
         all the counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same

22.      INVALIDITY.

22.1     If at any time any provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal,
         invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any
         jurisdiction, that shall not affect or impair:-

               (i)  the legality, validity or enforceability in that
                    jurisdiction of any other provision of this Agreement;

               (ii) the legality, validity or enforceability under the law of
                    any other jurisdiction of that or any other provision of
                    this Agreement.

22.2     In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be void or
         unenforceable by reason of any provision or applicable law, it shall be
         deleted and the remaining provisions hereof shall continue in full
         force and effect and, if necessary, be so amended as shall be necessary
         to give effect to the spirit of this Agreement so far as possible.

23.      LANGUAGE.

23.1     Each notice, demand, request, statement, instrument, certificate or
         other communication under or in connection with this Agreement shall

               (i)  in English; or

               (ii) if not in English, accompanied by an English translation
                    made by a translator, and certified by an officer of the
                    party giving the notice to be accurate.

23.2     The receiving party shall be entitled to assume the accuracy of and
         rely upon any English translation of any document provided.

24.      HEADINGS ETC.

         The headings and table of contents in this Agreement are for ease of
         reference only and shall not affect the construction hereof.


         Pursuant to section 1(2) of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act
         1999 (the "Contracts Act") the parties intend that a person who is not
         a party to this Agreement has no right under the Contracts Act to
         enforce any term of this Agreement but this does not affect any right
         or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from the
         Contracts Act.


26.1     This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed in
         all respects by, English law.

26.2     The Courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction to entertain
         all disputes arising under or in relation to this Agreement.


27.1     If a dispute or difference arises out of this Agreement, the parties
         will attempt to settle it first by negotiation between themselves and
         then by mediation in accordance with the Centre for Dispute Resolution
         (CEDR) Model Mediation Procedure (the "Model Procedure"). To initiate a
         mediation, a party (the "Disputing Party") shall give notice in writing
         ("ADR Notice") to the other party (the "Non-Disputing Party"),
         requesting mediation in accordance with the provisions of the Model
         Procedure. A copy of the ADR Notice should also be sent to CEDR.

27.2     If such dispute or difference is not resolved within 42 days (or such
         longer period as the parties may agree) of the giving of the ADR
         Notice, or if one of the parties refuses to participate in mediation,
         the dispute shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the
         provisions of clause 27.4.

27.3     Any unresolved dispute or difference arising out of or in connection
         with this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence,
         validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by

27.4     Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement which
         remains unresolved after mediation, including any question regarding
         its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and
         finally resolved by arbitration under the rules of the London Court of
         International Arbitration ("LCIA"), which rules are deemed to be
         incorporated by reference into this clause.

27.5     If an ADR Notice is not given prior to the commencement of arbitration,
         the Disputing Party commencing the arbitration must serve an ADR Notice
         on the Non-Disputing Party to the arbitration within 21 days.


28.1     LLC irrevocably appoints the European Tax Manager at Instinet Holdings
         Limited of 85 Fleet Street, London to be its agent for the receipt of
         Service Documents. LLC agrees that any Service Document may be
         effectively served on it in connection with proceedings in England and
         Wales by service on its agent effected in any manner permitted by the
         Civil Procedure Rules.

28.2     If the agent at any time ceases for any reason to act as such, LLC
         shall appoint a replacement agent having an address for service in
         England and shall notify Reuters of the name and address of the
         replacement agent. Failing such appointment and notification, Reuters
         shall be entitled by notice to LLC to appoint a replacement agent to
         act on behalf of LLC. The provisions of this clause applying to service
         on an agent apply equally to service on a replacement agent.

28.3     A copy of any Service Document served on an agent shall be sent by post
         to LLC. Failure or delay in so doing shall not prejudice the
         effectiveness of service of the Service Document.

28.4     "Service Document" means a claim form, application notice, order or
         judgment or other document relating to any proceedings.

29.      EXCLUSION.

         This Agreement shall not confer any benefit on a continuing Reuters
         company (other than Reuters) if it ceases to be controlled by Reuters.
         For the purposes of this clause a company shall cease to be controlled
         by Reuters if less than 51 per cent. of its ordinary share capital is
         owned (whether directly or indirectly) by Reuters.

30.      DURATION.

         This Agreement shall terminate and cease to confer any benefit on a
         continuing Reuters company if Reuters' holding (whether directly or
         indirectly) in the ordinary share capital of LLC (or any other
         successor entity which shall own Holdings, or any Instinet
         International Companies) falls either below (i) 40 per cent. for the
         purposes of the CFC provisions; or (ii) 50 per cent. in any other case.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties have executed this Agreement on the date and year
first above written.

Signed by REUTERS GROUP PLC acting
by its director                       /s/ David Grigson
                                      Signature of Director

                                      David Grigson
                                      Name of Director

successor to INSTINET GROUP LLC)
acting by its officer                 /s/ Paul A. Merolla
                                      Signature of Officer

                                      Paul A. Merolla
                                      Name of Officer

LIMITED acting by its officer.        /s/ Leslie J. Brady
                                      Signature of Officer

                                      Leslie J. Brady
                                      Name of Officer