AMENDMENT NO. 8 to the Loan and Security Agreement dated as of May 15,
2001 ("Amendment No. 8") by and between NAPCO SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC., a New York
corporation having a place of business at 333 Bayview Avenue, Amityville, New
York 11701 (the "Debtor") and HSBC BANK USA F/K/A MARINE MIDLAND BANK, having a
place of business at 534 Broad Hollow Road, Melville, New York 11747 (the
"Secured Party").

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

        WHEREAS, as of May 12, 1997, Debtor and Secured Party had entered into a
certain loan and security agreement, as amended by amendment no. 1 to the loan
and security agreement dated as of May 28, 1998, as amended by amendment no. 2
to the loan and security agreement dated as of June 30, 1999, as amended by
amendment no. 3 to the loan and security agreement dated as of February 9, 2000,
as amended by amendment no.4 to the loan and security agreement dated as of July
27, 2000, as amended by amendment no. 5 to the loan and security agreement dated
as of September 22, 2000, as amended by amendment no. 6 to the loan and security
agreement dated as of November 22, 2000, as amended by amendment no. 7 to the
loan and security agreement dated as of February 14, 2001 as may be amended from
time to time (the "Agreement");

        WHEREAS, the Debtor has requested that the Secured Party increase the
Borrowing Capacity, extend the Termination Date, and modify the Variable Rate
Option, and the Secured Party has agreed to do so, in the manner set forth
below, provided however, that, among other things, Debtor execute this Amendment
No. 8.

        NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and for other
good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,
the parties hereto agree as follows:

               1. The definition of "Borrowing Capacity" contained in Section
1.1. of the Agreement is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

               BORROWING CAPACITY means, at the time of computation,

               2. The definition of "Consolidated Subsidiary" contained in
Section 1.1. of the Agreement is hereby amended to read in its entirety as

               CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARY means Alarm Lock Systems, Inc. ("Alarm"),
               NAPCO Security Systems International, Inc. ("NAPCO
               International"), NAPCO/Alarm Lock Grupo Internacional, S.A.
               ("NAPCO/Alarm Lock"), Continental Instruments LLC, f/k/a
               Continental Instruments Systems, LLC ("Continental Systems"),
               NAPCO Group Europe Limited ("NAPCO Europe"), and any other
               corporation of which at least 50% of the voting stock is owned by
               Debtor directly, or indirectly, through one or more Consolidated
               Subsidiaries, and any other limited liability company of which at
               least 50% of the membership interest is owned by Debtor directly,
               or indirectly, through one or more Consolidated Subsidiaries, and
               each of their respective successors and/or assigns.

               3. The definition of "Debt Service Coverage Ratio" contained in
Section 1.1. of the Agreement is hereby amended to read in its entirety as

               DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE RATIO means earnings before interest,
               taxes, depreciation and amortization, less distributions, all
               divided by prior period current portion of long term debt plus
               interest expense.

               4. The definition of "Revolving Credit Note" or "Note" contained
in Section 1.1. of the Agreement is hereby amended to read in its entirety as

               REVOLVING CREDIT NOTE or NOTE means, individually, jointly,
               severally, and collectively, the revolving credit note #1 dated
               May 12, 1997, in the aggregate sum not to exceed $1,000,000, as
               modified and reaffirmed as of the date hereof, as the same may be
               further extended, amended, reaffirmed and/or otherwise modified
               from time to time ("Note #1") and the revolving credit note # 2
               dated May 12, 1997, in the original aggregate sum not to exceed
               $15,000,000, as increased (so that such note is in the aggregate
               sum not to exceed $17,000,000, otherwise modified and reaffirmed
               as of the date hereof, as the same may be further extended,
               amended, reaffirmed and/or otherwise modified from time to
               time("Note #2").

               5. The definition of "Termination Date" contained in Section 1.1.
of the Agreement is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

               TERMINATION DATE shall mean the earlier to occur of (a) July 1,
               2004, or, if such day shall not be a Business Day, the next
               succeeding Business Day, or (b) upon the occurrence of an Event
               of Default.


               6. The definition of "Transaction Documents" contained in Section
1.1. of the Agreement is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

               TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS means, individually, jointly, severally and
               collectively, the Agreement (including all amendments to date,
               including this Amendment No. 7) and all documents, instruments,
               notes and agreements by Debtor, Continental Systems or any other
               Third Party or any Responsible Party in favor of Secured Party,
               whether in existence now or hereinafter created, executed and
               delivered to Secured Party, as the same may be extended,
               re-executed, modified or otherwise amended from time to time,
               including, without limitation, the Term Loan Note, the
               Continental Term Loan Note, the Note, collateral documents,
               letter of credit agreements, notes, acceptance credit agreements,
               security agreements, pledges, guaranties, mortgages, title
               insurance, assignments, and subordination agreements required to
               be executed by Debtor, Continental Systems any other Third Party,
               or any Responsible Party pursuant hereto or in connection
               herewith, or in connection with a letter of credit application
               and reimbursement agreement, each dated as of May 12, 1997, as
               may be reaffirmed or restated from time to time, a certain
               uncommitted trade line established by Secured Party in favor of
               Debtor to provide for commercial and standby letters of credit,
               evidenced by, among other documents, a continuing letter of
               credit agreement, and a continuing indemnity agreement, each
               dated as of May 12, 1997, as may be re-executed, amended,
               extended or otherwise modified from time to time, the Term Loan
               Note in the principal sum of $2,500,000.00, as may be extended or
               otherwise modified from time to time, the Note, the Continental
               Term Loan Note in the principal sum of $8,250,000, that certain
               ISDA master agreement dated as of July 27, 2000 by and between
               Continental Systems and Secured Party, inclusive of all schedules
               thereto, as the same may be modified from time to time (the
               "Master Agreement") and all such other mortgages, security
               agreements, guaranties and other documents as may be executed and
               delivered to Secured Party to evidence, guaranty and secure the
               Continental Term Loan Note, and the obligations thereunder, as
               may be extended or otherwise modified from time to time, and
               uncommitted line of credit facility to be used by Debtor to
               finance certain acquisitions, as may be executed and delivered to
               Secured Party from time to time to evidence and secure the
               obligations under such facilities pursuant to the terms that the
               Secured Party shall request, and all other documents, agreements,
               reaffirmations, certificates and resolutions related thereto, and
               amendments or supplements thereto, all such other agreements,
               resolutions, certificates, resolutions and opinion letters
               executed and/or issued as a condition precedent to or in
               connection with the Agreement, the

               Term Loan Note, Note, the Continental Term Loan Note, and all
               such other documents, agreements, and instruments delivered
               hereunder or as a supplement or amendment thereto or as Secured
               Party may reasonably require from time to time in order to
               evidence, guaranty and/or secure any and all indebtedness of
               Debtor and/or Continental Systems, as the case may be, to Secured
               Party or to create, perfect, continue the perfection or protect
               the Secured Party's security interest in the Collateral or any of
               the other collateral specified in the other Transaction

               7. The definition of "Variable Rate Option" contained in Section
1.1. of the Agreement is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

               VARIABLE RATE OPTION means a fluctuating annual rate equal to the
Prime Rate minus 1/4 of 1%.

               8. The definition "EBIDTA" shall be added to Section 1.1. of the
Agreement and shall read as follows:

                  EBIDTA means earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and

               9. The definition "Funded Debt" shall be added to Section 1.1. of
the Agreement and shall read as follows:

                  FUNDED DEBT means all interest bearing debt.

               10. Section 7.3. of the Agreement is hereby amended in its
entirety to read as follows:

                  PROMISE TO PAY FEES. Debtor promises to pay to Secured Party
                  monthly, on the first day of each calendar month, an unused
                  fee equal to one quarter of one percent (.25%) of $18,000,000.
                  less the aggregate principal balance of all Advances
                  outstanding during the calendar month just ended under the
                  Revolving Credit Facility.

               11. Section 9.26. of the Agreement is hereby amended in its
entirety to read as follows:

                      (a) The Debtor and its Consolidated Subsidiaries shall
               maintain, on a consolidated basis, a ratio of Total Liabilities
               to Tangible Net Worth of not greater than (to be tested quarterly
               based upon the financial statements required to be presented to
               Secured Party pursuant to Section 9.1. hereof):

                      during the period commencing as of the date hereof through
                      the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, and thereafter while
                      any Indebtedness remains outstanding, 1.50 to 1.


                      (b) The Debtor and its Consolidated Subsidiaries shall
               maintain, on a consolidated basis, a minimum Tangible Net Worth
               (to be tested quarterly based upon the financial statements
               required to be presented to Secured Party pursuant to Section
               9.1. hereof) of not less than:

                      (i) during the period commencing as of the date hereof
                      through June 29, 2001, $21,000,000, and

                      (ii) during the period commencing on June 30, 2001 through
                      June 29, 2002, $24,500,000, and

                      (iii) during the period commencing on June 30, 2002
                      through June 29, 2003, $27,000,000, and

                      (iv) during the period commencing on June 30, 2003 through
                      June 29, 2004, and thereafter while any Indebtedness
                      remains outstanding, $30,000,000.

                      (c) At all times, Debtor and its Consolidated Subsidiaries
               shall maintain, on a consolidated basis, a ratio of Current
               Assets to Current Liabilities, to be tested each fiscal quarter
               end of each fiscal year, based upon the financial statements
               required to be presented to Secured Party pursuant to Section
               9.1. hereof:

                      (i) of not less than 3.50 to 1 from the date hereof
                      through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, and

                      (ii) of not less than 3.75 to 1 from July 1, 2001 through
                      the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002, and

                      (iv) of not less than 4.00 to 1 from July 1, 2002 through
                      the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, and thereafter while
                      any Indebtedness remains outstanding.

                      (d) Debtor and its Consolidated Subsidiaries shall
               maintain, on a consolidated basis, a minimum Debt Service
               Coverage Ratio of 1.25 to 1, to be tested at the end of each
               fiscal year, based upon the financial statements required to be
               presented to Secured Party pursuant to Section 9.1. hereof.


                      (e) At all times, Debtor and its Consolidated Subsidiaries
               shall maintain, on a consolidated basis, a ratio of the aggregate
               of cash plus total Receivables to Current Liabilities, to be
               tested each fiscal quarter end of each fiscal year, based upon
               the financial statements required to be presented to Secured
               Party pursuant to Section 9.1. hereof:

                           from the date hereof through the fiscal year ending
                      June 30, 2001, and thereafter while any Indebtedness
                      remains outstanding, of not less than 1.25 to 1.

                      (f) During any fiscal year, the Debtor and its
               Consolidated Subsidiaries shall not cause Capital Expenditures of
               Debtor and its Consolidated Subsidiaries to exceed, on a combined
               basis, $1,250,000 per fiscal year.

                      (g) The Debtor and its Consolidated Subsidiaries shall
               maintain, on a consolidated basis, a ratio of Funded Debt to
               EBIDTA (to be tested quarterly, on a rolling four quarter basis,
               based upon the financial statements required to be presented to
               Secured Party pursuant to Section 9.1 hereof):

                      (i) of not greater than 4.00 to 1 from the date hereof
                      through the period ending June 29, 2002, and

                      (ii) of not greater than 3.00 to 1 from June 30, 2002
                      through the period ending June 29, 2003, and

                      (iii) of not greater than 2.00 to 1 from June 30, 2003
                      through the period ending June 29, 2004, and thereafter
                      while any Indebtedness remains outstanding.

                      (h) At all times while any Indebtedness remains
               outstanding, the Debtor and its Consolidated Subsidiaries shall
               maintain, on a consolidated basis, not less than fifty (50%) of
               the value of all of their identifiable assets (as disclosed in
               the 10K statement) in the United States, to be tested annually,
               at each fiscal year end.

               The above ratios of this Section 9.26. are being calculated
               assuming that in the last year of the Agreement; and Advances
               under the Revolving Credit Facility are viewed as long term debt,
               unless there is an event of default which is continuing under the
               Revolving Credit Facility.


        12. As an inducement to the Bank extending and modifying the Revolving
Credit Facility, and modifying the provisions of the Agreement and other
Transaction Documents pursuant to the terms hereof, Debtor represents and
warrants to Secured Party that, as of the date of execution of this Amendment
No. 8, (i) the representations and warranties set forth in Article 4 of the
Agreement and the representations and warranties of Debtor and any Third Party
set forth in the other Transaction Documents to which any is a party are true
and correct in all respects, (ii) no event has occurred and is continuing which
constitutes an "Event of Default" under any of the Transaction Documents (as
"Event of Default" is defined in each of those Transaction Documents"), (iii)
Debtor is in compliance with the covenants set forth in Articles 9 and 10 of the
Agreement, (iv) Debtor has paid the Commitment Fee of $36,000, (v) Debtor will
pay Secured Party's reasonable legal fees and disbursements thereof, and (vi)
Debtor will deliver such corporate resolutions and opinions of counsel as
Secured Party may reasonably request.

        13. Debtor represents and warrants to Secured Party that there are no
offsets, defenses or counterclaims to the payment of the Indebtedness owing
Secured Party, including the Advances, and to the continuing general security
interest in the Collateral granted to Secured Party by Debtor as security for
payment of the Indebtedness, as fully described in the Agreement.

        14. Except as modified herein, all other provisions of the Agreement and
the other Transaction Documents remain unmodified and are in full force and

        15. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the
meanings ascribed to such terms in the Agreement.

        16. This Amendment No. 8 shall be governed by the laws of the State of
New York.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment No. 8 to
the Loan and Security Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

                                    HSBC BANK USA F/K/A MARINE MIDLAND BANK

                                    By: /s/ Roger Coleman
                                         Roger Coleman, Vice President

                                    NAPCO SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC.

                                    By: /s/ Kevin S. Buchel
                                         Kevin S. Buchel, Senior Vice President


                    ) SS:

On this 15th day of May, 2001, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in
and for said State, personally came ROGER COLEMAN, personally known to me or
proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person, whose name
is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed
the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument, the person
or entity upon behalf of which the person acted executed the instrument.

                                            Notary Public

                    ) SS:

On this 15th day of May, 2001, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in
and for said State, personally came KEVIN BUCHEL personally known to me or
proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person, whose name
is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed
the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument, the person
or entity upon behalf of which the person acted executed the instrument.

                                            Notary Public
