UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION
                                AMENDMENT OF THE
                           ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF
                           VAN DER MOOLEN HOLDING N.V.

On this day, the twenty-sixth day of April two thousand and one, appears before
me, Gezina Anna Elisabeth Goossens, candidate civil-law notary, hereinafter to
as "notaris", acting for Professor Martin van Olffen, notaris (civil-law notary)
practising in Amsterdam, who is absent with leave: Bartheke Weerstra, candidate
civil-law notary, employed by De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek N.V., a limited
liability company, with corporate seat in The Hague, with address at
Zuid-Hollandlaan 7, 2596 AL The Hague, The Netherlands, at the office in
Amsterdam, born in Bangkok (Thailand) on the twelfth day of March, nineteen
hundred and seventy-three.

The person appearing declares that on the eleventh day of April two thousand and
one the general meeting of shareholders of Van Der Moolen Holding N.V., a
limited liability company, with corporate seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
and address at: 1016 ED Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Keizersgracht 307, resolved
to amend the articles of association of this company and to authorise the person
appearing to execute this deed.

Pursuant to those resolutions the person appearing declares that she amends the
company's articles of association such that these shall read in full as follows:




Definition of terms used.

Article 1.

Terms and definitions used in these articles of association shall have the
following meaning:

a.   affiliated institution: an affiliated institution within the meaning of the

b.   accountant: a chartered accountant or another expert as referred to in
     article 2:393 Dutch Civil Code or an organisation employing such experts;

c.   general meeting: the body composed of shareholders who are entitled to vote
     and other persons entitled to do so;

d.   general meeting of shareholders: the meeting of shareholders and other
     persons entitled to attend meetings;

e.   depositary receipts: depositary receipts for shares issued by the company.
     Unless stated otherwise, these shall include depositary receipts which are
     not issued with the co-operation of the company;

f.   holders of depositary receipts: holders of depositary receipts issued with
     the co-operation of the company. Unless stated otherwise, these shall also
     include persons who have been granted rights as a result of a usufruct or a
     right of pledge created on shares, as granted by law to holders of
     depositary receipts issued with the co-operation of the company;

g.   joint owner: joint owner of a collective depository as referred to in the

h.   subsidiary:

     -    a legal entity in which the company or one or more of its
          subsidiaries, whether or not pursuant to an agreement with other
          persons entitled to vote, may exercise, individually or jointly, more
          than one half of the voting rights at the general meeting;

     -    a legal entity of which the company or one or more of its subsidiaries
          is a managing director or a


          shareholder and which, whether or not pursuant to an agreement with
          other persons entitled to vote, may, individually or jointly, appoint
          or dismiss more than one half of the managing directors or the
          supervisory directors, also in case all persons entitled to vote will
          cast their votes.

     A subsidiary shall also mean a company operating under its own name and in
     which the company or one or more of its subsidiaries is (are) (a) fully
     liable partner(s) vis-a-vis creditors; such in accordance with paragraphs 3
     and 4 of article 2:24a Dutch Civil Code;

i.   group company: a legal entity or a company which is affiliated with the
     company in a group in accordance with article 2:24b Dutch Civil Code;

j.   annual accounts: the balance sheet and the profit and loss account and the
     explanatory notes thereto;

k.   annual meeting: the general meeting of shareholders convened to approve the
     annual accounts and the annual report;

l.   Necigef: the central institute within the meaning of the SGA;

m.   distributable part of the equity: the distributable part of the equity
     exceeding the paid-up and called-in part of the share capital, increased by
     the reserves which shall be maintained in accordance with the law;

n.   SGA: Securities Giro Administration and Transfer Act; (Wge; Wet giraal

o.   record date: a certain date determined by the management board in
     accordance with article 38.


Name, registered office and object.

Article 2. Name and registered office.

1.   The name of the company is: Van Der Moolen Holding N.V.

2.   The company is established in Amsterdam.

Article 3. Objects.


The objects of the Company are: participating in, having control over, managing
and financing other enterprises and companies, granting securities for debts of
others, rendering services to enterprises and companies and everything relevant
thereto or conducive thereto, all in the broadest possible sense.


Authorized share capital.

Article 4. Classes of shares.

1.   The capital of the company amounts to fifteen million eight hundred forty
     thousand Euro (EUR 15,840,000).

2.   The capital is divided into fifty-four million (54,000,000) common shares
     of eight Eurocents (EUR 0.08) each and one million two hundred thousand
     (1,200,000) financing preferred shares A, one million two hundred thousand
     (1,200,000) financing preferred shares B, one million two hundred thousand
     (1,200,000) financing preferred shares C, one million two hundred thousand
     (1,200,000) financing preferred shares D, one million two hundred thousand
     (1,200,000) financing preferred shares E and thirteen million two hundred
     thousand (13,200,000) preferred shares of sixty Eurocents (EUR 0.60) each.

3.   The common shares shall be issued in registered form or in bearer form, at
     the option of the shareholder. The financing preferred shares are
     registered shares or bearer shares, at the option of the management board
     and subject to the approval of the supervisory board and the preferred
     shares shall be issued in registered form only. All shares shall be
     identified by number. Common registered shares shall be numbered
     consecutively from 1 onwards. Registered financing preferred shares shall
     be numbered consecutively from FA1, FB1, FC1, FD1 and FE1 onwards.
     Preferred shares shall be numbered consecutively from P1 onwards.

4.   Where in the articles of association reference is made to shares and
     shareholders, these shall include,


     unless stated otherwise, all classes of shares referred to in paragraph 2
     and the holders thereof. Where in the articles of association reference is
     made to financing preferred shares and holders of financing preferred
     shares, these shall include, unless stated otherwise, all five kinds of
     financing preferred shares referred to in paragraph 2 and the holders

Article 5. Certificates for bearer shares.

1.   Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 11 of this article, no
     share certificates shall be issued for registered shares.

2.   All common bearer shares shall be embodied in one global share certificate.

3.   Upon the subscription for the common shares to be issued, the person who,
     on behalf of the company, acquires a right to an common share, shall notify
     the company in writing that he desires an common registered share; failing
     such notification, he shall acquire a right in respect of an common bearer
     share in a manner set out hereinafter.

4.   The common bearer share certificate shall be signed by or on behalf of a
     member of the management board. The management board may resolve that the
     signature shall be a facsimile signature and may designate one or more
     persons to sign the share certificate on behalf of the company.

5.   The company will grant a right with respect to an common bearer share to a
     person entitled thereto in the following manner (a) the company will enable
     Necigef to (cause to) add an common share to the share certificate; and (b)
     the person entitled thereto will designate an affiliated institution as
     referred to in the SGA (hereinafter: the "affiliated institution"), which
     will credit that person accordingly as a joint owner (hereinafter: "joint
     owner") of the collective


     depository as referred to in the SGA. The joint owners will hereinafter
     also be referred to as holders of bearer shares and, to the extent
     necessary, they will also be recognised as such by the company.

6.   Without prejudice to the provision of article 38, paragraph 5 of these
     articles of association, the administration of the share certificate will
     be irrevocably assigned to Necigef, and Necigef will be irrevocably
     authorized to do anything necessary for that purpose on behalf of the
     person(s) entitled thereto with respect to the shares, including the
     acceptance and transfer and - on behalf of the company - the co-operation
     with adding the share to and deleting the share from the share certificate.

7.   In the event that a joint owner of the affiliated institution wishes to
     have one or more common bearer shares delivered to him, these common bearer
     shares held by the joint owner, up to the maximum amount for which he is a
     joint owner at the time this wish is announced, will be converted into the
     same number of common registered shares, and (a) Necigef will enable the
     company to (cause to) delete these common shares from the share
     certificate, (b) the relevant affiliated institution will debit the person
     entitled thereto as a joint owner of its collective depositary (c) Necigef
     will allocate these common shares to the person entitled thereto with due
     observance of the formalities for transfer, (d) the company will recognise
     this transfer, and (e) the management board of the company will (cause to)
     enter this person as a holder of registered shares in the shareholders'
     register. The company may not charge the shareholder that causes to convert
     his shares into registered shares or into bearer shares pursuant to the


     provisions of this paragraph or of paragraph 8 of this article, more than

8.   A shareholder may at all times cause to convert one or more of his
     registered shares into bearer shares as follows (a) the person entitled
     thereto will transfer these shares to Necigef by a deed of transfer, (b)
     the company will recognise such transfer, (c) Necigef will enable the
     company to (cause to) add these shares to the share certificate, (d) an
     affiliated institution designated by the person will credit the person so
     entitled as a joint owner of its collective depositary and (e) the
     management board of the company will delete such person from the
     shareholders' register as a holder of the registered shares thus converted.
     The provisions referred to hereinabove shall apply accordingly in respect
     of financing preferred shares, however without prejudice to the provisions
     of article 4, paragraph 3, second sentence. A conversion of a registered
     share that is pledged or for which share a right of usufruct exists,
     requires the prior written approval of the pledgee or usufructuaree.

9.   The management board can determine that for the purpose to permit or
     facilitate trading of shares at a foreign stock exchange, share
     certificates for registered shares shall be issued in such form as the
     management board may determine, in order to comply with the requirements
     set by such foreign exchange.

10.  If share certificates are issued for registered shares, all such share
     certificates shall be signed by or on behalf of a managing director on
     behalf of the company; the signature may be effected by printed facsimile.
     In addition all share certificates for registered shares may be validly
     signed on behalf of the company by one or more persons designated by the


     management board for that purpose.

11.  All share certificates shall be identified by numbers and/or letters.

12.  Upon written request by or on behalf of a shareholder, the company may
     issue replacement share certificates for share certificates that have been
     mislaid, stolen, damaged or destroyed; provided that the shareholder making
     the request, or the person making the request on the shareholder's behalf,
     provides satisfactory evidence of title to the share(s) and of the loss,
     theft, damage or destruction of the share certificate(s). Any issuance of
     replacement share certificates shall be subject to such conditions,
     including without limitation the provision of indemnity to the company, as
     the management board shall determine.

13.  The company may charge the costs of issuing one or more replacement share
     certificates to the shareholder or the person making the request on behalf
     of the shareholder. Upon issuance of a replacement share certificate, the
     original share certificate shall become void and the company shall have no
     further obligation with respect to such original share certificate.
     Replacement share certificates shall bear the numbers and/or letters of the
     share certificates they replace.

Article 6. Shareholders' Register.

1.   With due observance of the applicable statutory provisions in respect of
     registered shares, a share register shall be kept by or on behalf of the

2.   The management board shall be authorized to keep the register in more than
     one copy and at more than one address. The management board also shall be
     authorized to keep the register, in whole or in part, outside the


     Netherlands in order to comply with applicable foreign statutory provisions
     or the rules of a stock exchange on which the shares of the company are

3.   The share register shall include the name and address of each holder of one
     or more registered shares, the amount paid-up on each share and such
     further information as is required by law or determined by the management
     board to be appropriate.

4.   The management board shall determine the form and contents of the register
     with due observance of the provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this

5.   Every entry in the register shall be signed by a member of the management
     board and a member of the supervisory board or by a person authorized by
     the management board for that purpose, subject to the approval of the
     supervisory board. The register shall be kept regularly up to date.

6.   Upon request by a holder of registered shares the management board shall
     provide that holder of registered shares with an extract from the register
     or, at the management board's option, with other written evidence of the
     contents of the register with regard to the shares registered in that
     shareholder's name, free of charge. The extract or other evidence shall be
     signed by a member of the management board or by a person designated for
     that purpose by the management board.

7.   The provisions of this article regarding shareholders shall equally apply
     to persons who hold a right of usufruct or a right of pledge on one or more
     registered shares.

8.   The management board and supervisory board shall have power and authority
     to permit inspection of the register and to provide information recorded


     as well as any other information known to the company regarding the direct
     or indirect shareholding of a shareholder, to the extent required by law or
     to comply with legal or regulatory requirements or the requirements of any
     stock exchange on which the company's shares are listed.

9.   Any shareholder shall have the right, by written request and upon
     reasonable notice and during normal business hours, to inspect the
     company's share register and a list of its shareholders and their addresses
     and shareholdings, and to make copies or extracts therefrom with respect to
     its own shares. The request shall be directed to the managing directors of
     the company at its registered office in the Netherlands or at its principal
     place of business.


Issuance of shares.

Article 7. Authorized body. Publication.

1.   Issuance of shares shall occur in accordance with a resolution of the
     general meeting upon a proposal of the management board and subject to the
     approval of the supervisory board. The general meeting may appoint the
     management board as the body authorized to issue the shares upon the
     approval of the supervisory board. Upon such appointment, the number of
     shares to be issued shall have been determined.

2.   The appointment of the management board as the body authorized to issue
     shares, which is subject to the approval by the supervisory board, shall be
     effected by the articles of association or by a resolution of the general
     meeting, for a period not exceeding five (5) years.

     An appointment effected by the articles of association may be revoked by an
     amendment of the articles of association. An appointment effectuated by a
     resolution of the general meeting may, unless


     otherwise provided at the appointment, not be revoked.

3.   Should the authority of the management board terminate, the issuance of
     such shares shall henceforth be effectuated in accordance with a resolution
     by the general meeting, unless the general meeting has appointed the
     management board in accordance with paragraph 1.

4.   A resolution to issue shares or to appoint another body as the body
     authorized to issue shares may only be taken by the general meeting upon
     the proposal of the management board and subject to approval of the
     supervisory board.

5.   The provisions of paragraphs 1 up to and including 4 shall apply
     accordingly to the granting of rights to subscribe for shares but shall not
     apply to the issuance of shares to a person who exercises a previously
     acquired right to subscribe for shares.

6.   If the management board has been designated to be authorized to resolve
     upon the issuance of shares and preferred shares are being issued,
     including the granting of rights to subscribe for preferred shares, but not
     the issuance of preferred shares by virtue of the exercise of such option

     a.   the management board shall be obliged to convene a general meeting of
          shareholders within four weeks of such issuance, at which meeting the
          reasons for the issuance shall be explained, unless such explanation
          has been given at a general meeting of shareholders held prior to the

     b.   the prior approval of the general meeting of shareholders shall be
          required for the specific case, if (i) as a consequence of such
          issuance and/or (ii) as a consequence of the prior issuance of
          preferred shares by the management


          board without said approval or other co-operation of the general
          meeting of shareholders, such a number of preferred shares may be
          subscribed for and/or have been issued, that the aggregate nominal
          amount of the preferred shares issued without said approval or other
          co-operation of the general meeting of shareholders, by the management
          board, amounts to a rate higher than one hundred per cent (100%) of
          the aggregate nominal value of the other shares issued prior to such

7.   If preferred shares have been issued pursuant to a resolution to issue
     shares, or pursuant a resolution to grant a right to subscribe for shares,
     which has been adopted by the management board without the prior approval
     or other co-operation of the general meeting of shareholders, the
     management board shall be obliged to convene a general meeting within two
     years after such issuance and to make a proposal to purchase or, as the
     case may be, to cancel said issued preferred shares. If at this meeting, no
     resolution has been adopted to purchase or, as the case may be, to cancel
     preferred shares, the management board shall be obliged to convene another
     general meeting at which a proposal is made, each time within two years
     after such proposal has been brought up for discussion; such obligation
     shall no longer be in force if said shares are no longer issued or, as the
     case may be, if the preferred shares are held by the company.

Article 8. Conditions of issuance. Pre-emptive rights.

1.   A resolution to issue shares shall include the price and further conditions
     of issuance. All notifications to shareholders pertaining to the issuance
     of shares, a restriction or an exclusion of the pre-emptive right


     or a granting of rights to subscribe for shares, shall be made in
     accordance with the provisions of article 40.

2.   In the event common shares are issued, the holders of common shares shall
     have a pre-emptive right in proportion with the number of common shares
     they hold. Holders of financing preferred shares and preferred shares shall
     not have a pre-emptive right on the shares to be issued; no pre-emptive
     rights exist with respect to the issuance of financing preferred shares and
     preferred shares. Upon the issuance of shares no pre-emptive right shall
     exists on shares which are issued against a contribution other than in cash
     or on shares which will be issued to employees of the company or of a group

     The above provisions shall also apply when rights to subscribe for shares
     are granted.

3.   A pre-emptive right may be restricted or excluded by the general meeting.
     The general meeting may appoint the body, authorized to issue shares as
     referred to in the preceding article, as the corporate body authorized to
     restrict or exclude a pre-emptive right. Paragraphs 1 and 2 up to and
     including 4 of article 7 shall apply accordingly. Should the corporate body
     authorized to issue shares no longer be authorised, its authority to
     restrict or exclude pre-emptive rights shall also terminate.

4.   Without prejudice to the provisions of article 2:80, paragraph 2 Dutch
     Civil Code, shares shall never be issued below par.

     Common shares and financing preferred shares shall only be issued against
     payment in full. Preferred shares may be issued against payment of at least
     one quarter of the nominal value of such shares.

5.   The management board may, subject to the approval of the supervisory board,
     resolve on the timing and amount for a further call for preferred shares


     have not been paid up in full. The management board shall give immediate
     notice of such resolution to the holders of preferred shares.

Article 9. Payment for shares.

1.   Payment shall be made in cash, unless another contribution has been agreed
     upon. Payment shall be made in Euro, unless the company agrees to payment
     in a currency other than Euro. If payment is made in a currency other than
     Euro, the obligation to pay shall be deemed fulfilled only to the extent
     that the sum paid is freely convertible into Euros at: (a) the rate of
     exchange on the day of payment; or (b) if the company requires payment on a
     specified date pursuant to the following sentence, at the rate of exchange
     on that date. The company may require payment at the rate of exchange on a
     specified date no more than two months prior to the date on which payment
     must be made if the shares or depositary receipts issued therefor shall
     immediately upon their issuance be admitted to a listing at a stock
     exchange outside of the Netherlands.

2.   The management board shall both be authorised to perform legal acts with
     regard to contributions made to common shares other than in cash and to
     perform the other legal acts referred to in article 2:94 Dutch Civil Code
     without the prior approval of the general meeting, but with the approval of
     the supervisory board.

3.   Separate share premium reserves shall be maintained for financing preferred
     shares A, B, C and D and E, to be referred to as share premium reserve A,
     share premium reserve B, share premium reserve C, share premium reserve D
     and share premium reserve E, respectively. The amounts paid for financing
     preferred shares shall be booked as share premium reserves to A,


     B, C, D or E, as the case may be. No write-offs or payments may be made
     with regard to the share premium reserves A, B, C, D and E, except for the
     provisions of article 11, paragraph 2, sub b, article 29, paragraph 6 and
     article 30, paragraph 3, sub c.


Acquisition by the company of its own shares.

Article 10.

1.   The company may acquire its own shares for valuable consideration, if and
     to the extent:

     a.   its equity minus the purchase price is not less than the aggregate
          amount of the issued and called-up capital, increased by the reserves
          which must be maintained in accordance with the law;

     b.   the nominal value of the shares in its share capital which are to be
          acquired, (already) held or held in pledge by the company, or which
          are held by a subsidiary, shall not exceed one tenth of the issued
          capital; and

     c.   the general meeting has authorized the management board to acquire
          such shares, which authorization may in each case be granted for a
          maximum of eighteen months,

     without prejudice to the statutory provisions and the provisions of these
     articles of association.

2.   Shares held by the company in its own capital may be disposed of by the
     company. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1, the management
     board shall not be authorised to acquire its own shares as referred to
     above, or to dispose of such shares without the prior approval of the
     supervisory board. In the event share certificates of the company have been
     issued, such certificates shall, when applying this paragraph and the
     preceding paragraph, be equal to shares.

3.   In the general meeting of shareholders no votes may be cast in respect of a
     share held by the company or its


     subsidiary. Nor may any votes be cast in respect of a share the depositary
     receipt of which is held by the company or a subsidiary.

     Usufructuaries and pledgees of shares held by the company or its subsidiary
     are, however, not excluded from their rights to vote on such shares, if the
     right of usufruct or the right of pledge was created prior to the time such
     share was held by the company or its subsidiary. Neither the company nor
     the subsidiary may cast a vote in respect of a share on which it holds a
     right of usufruct or a right of pledge.

     When determining to what extent the shareholders may cast votes, are
     present or represented, or to what extent the share capital is present or
     represented, shares which are excluded from voting rights by virtue of the
     law or by the articles of association, shall not be taken into


Reduction of capital.

Article 11.

1.   The general meeting may, whether or not upon the proposal of the management
     board, subject to the approval of the supervisory board and with due
     observance of the provisions set out in article 2:99 Dutch Civil Code,
     resolve to reduce the issued capital:

     a.   by cancelling shares; or

     b.   by reducing the amount of the share capital by amendment of the
          articles of association.

2.   A resolution to cancel shares may only concern:

     a.   shares held by the company itself or for which the company holds
          depositary receipts;

     b.   all financing preferred shares of a specific class or all preferred
          shares or all common shares, in all cases by repayment. Should, after


          cancellation of one or more classes of shares, only one class of
          shares remain, such remaining class shall no longer be subject to
          cancellation. Should all financing preferred shares of a specific
          class be cancelled, with due observance of the statutory provisions,
          an amount shall be paid for each of the shares cancelled which shall
          not exceed the profit basis referred to in article 29, paragraph 2,
          and which shall, to the extent possible, be a repayment of the amount
          paid up for those shares and shall, to the extent possible, be debited
          to the share premium reserve for the class of financing preferred
          shares concerned and, should this reserve not be adequate, to the part
          of the equity which may be paid out. The amount to be paid out in
          accordance with the previous complete sentence may be increased by an
          amount not exceeding any overdue dividend as referred to in article 29
          paragraph 3, which shall be calculated for the period up to and
          including the date on which the dividend becomes payable.
          Should, in accordance with the foregoing, the full amount not be paid
          out from the relevant share premium reserve, the balance of that share
          premium reserve shall be written off in favour of the general share
          premium reserve. In the event of cancellation with repayment of all
          preferred shares, an amount shall be paid for each of the shares
          cancelled which shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions
          of article 29, paragraphs 1 and 3. A resolution of the general meeting
          to cancel shares of a specific class may only be taken upon the
          simultaneous or prior approval of the meeting of the holders of the


          shares of this specific class.

3.   Partial repayment for shares shall only be possible for the effectuation of
     a resolution to reduce the share capital.

     Such repayment shall be made either for all shares or for all financing
     preferred shares of a particular class or for all preferred shares or for
     all common shares. A resolution of the general meeting to reduce the share
     capital of one or more classes of shares may only be taken upon the
     simultaneous or prior approval of the meeting of the holders of the
     relevant class of shares.


Transfer of registered shares. Usufruct. Right of pledge.

Article 12.

1.   Any transfer of registered shares or the transfer or termination of a right
     of usufruct on registered shares, or the creation or waiver of a right of
     usufruct or of a right of pledge on registered shares shall be effected by
     written agreement, in accordance with the provisions of article 2:86 Dutch
     Civil Code or, as the case may be, of article 2:86c Dutch Civil Code.

2.   The provisions of the previous paragraph shall apply accordingly to the
     assignment of registered shares in the event of a division of any joint

3.   A shareholder shall have the right to vote in respect of registered shares
     on which a right of usufruct or a right of pledge is established. The
     usufructuary or the pledgee shall, however, have a right to vote, if such
     has been determined upon the creation of such right.

     A shareholder who is not entitled to vote and a usufructuary or pledgee who
     is entitled to vote, shall have the rights conferred by law to holders of
     depositary receipts. The rights referred to in the


     previous sentence shall not be assigned to a usufructuary and a pledgee who
     have no voting rights.


The Management Board.

Article 13. The number of managing directors. Chairman.

1.   The company shall be managed by a management board consisting of two or
     more managing directors.

2.   The total number of members of the management board shall be determined by
     the supervisory board with due observance of the provisions set out in the
     previous paragraph.

3.   The supervisory board shall appoint one of the members of the management
     board directors as chairman.

Article 14. Appointment, suspension and dismissal.

1.   The members of the management board shall be appointed by the general

     Should a new managing director have to be appointed, the supervisory board
     shall make a binding nomination. The management board shall invite the
     supervisory board to nominate a candidate within thirty days, in such a way
     that with each appointment a choice can be made from at least two persons.

     The general meeting may, however, deprive the nomination of its binding
     effect by a resolution, adopted by a majority of at least two thirds of the
     votes cast, provided that this majority represents more than one half of
     the issued capital.

     The nomination will be included in the convocation for the general meeting
     in which the appointment will be discussed.

     Should a nomination not - or not timely - have been made, such shall be
     stated in the convocation. Should a nomination not - or not timely - have
     been made, the general meeting shall be free to appoint someone at its own

2.   Each member of the management board may at all times be suspended and
     dismissed by the general meeting.


     The general meeting may only adopt a resolution to suspend or dismiss a
     managing director, unless such resolution is adopted on the recommendation
     of the supervisory board, with a majority of at least two thirds of the
     votes cast, provided that this majority represents more than one half of
     the issued capital. With regard to the subjects referred to in this
     paragraph and the preceding paragraph, a second general meeting -making use
     of article 2:120, paragraph 3 Dutch Civil Code - cannot be convened.

3.   Each member of the management board may at all times be suspended by the
     supervisory board.

4.   Each suspension may be extended one or more times, but such extension may
     not last longer than three months in aggregate. If, at the end of such
     period, no decision regarding the termination of the suspension or the
     dismissal has been made, the suspension shall terminate.

Article 15. Remuneration.

The remuneration and other employment terms of each member of the management
board shall be determined by the supervisory board.

Article 16. Management duties, decision making, assignment of duties.

1.   Except for the restrictions provided for in these articles of association,
     the management board shall be charged with the management of the company.

2.   The management board shall draw up, and may from time to time amend,
     management board regulations (directiereglement) to deal with matters that
     concern the management board internally, with due observance of these
     articles of association. These regulations shall be subject to the approval
     of the supervisory board. The regulations may include an allocation of
     tasks amongst the members of the management board and a delegation of
     specified powers. The regulations


     shall contain provisions concerning the manner in which meetings of the
     management board are called and held. These meetings may be held by
     telephone conference or video conference, provided all participating
     members of the management board can hear each other simultaneously.

3.   When determining the assignment of duties, the management board may
     determine the assignment of the specific duties of each member of the
     management board. The assignment of duties shall be subject to the approval
     of the supervisory board.

Article 17. Representation.

1.   The company shall be represented by the management board as well as by two
     members of the management board acting jointly.

2.   The management board may appoint persons with a general or restricted right
     to represent the company. Each appointment may at all times be withdrawn.
     Each of these persons shall represent the company duly observing the
     limitation of their authority. Their titles, which may include the word
     "director", shall be determined by the management board.

3.   In case of conflicting interests between the company and a member of the
     management board, the company shall be represented by a member of the
     management board or the supervisory board, so designated by the supervisory

Article 18. Approval of resolutions of the management board.

1.   The supervisory board shall be authorised to submit resolutions of the
     management board for its approval. These resolutions shall be clearly
     specified and submitted to the management board in writing.

2.   For the purpose of paragraph 1, a management resolution shall be considered
     to be equal to a management resolution to approve a resolution of any


     corporate body of a company in which the company participates, provided the
     latter resolution is subject to such approval.

3.   The following management resolutions shall in any case be subject to the
     approval of the supervisory board:

     a.   the issuance and acquisition of shares and debt instruments issued by
          the company or debt instruments issued by a limited partnership or a
          general partnership of which the company is the fully liable general

     b.   the co-operation with the issuance of depositary receipts for shares;

     c.   the application for the listing or withdrawal of the listing of the
          instruments referred to under a and b on the official list of any
          stock exchange;

     d.   the entry into or termination of a continuing co-operation by the
          company or a dependent company with another legal person or a company
          or as a fully liable partner in a limited partnership or a general
          partnership, if such co-operation or the termination thereof is of
          far-reaching significance to the company;

     e.   the acquisition of a participation for the value of at least one tenth
          of the amount of the issued share capital and the reserves according
          to the company's balance sheet and the explanatory notes thereto, by
          the company or a dependent company in the share capital of another
          company, as well as the far-reaching increase or decrease of such

     f.   investments which require an amount equalling at least one tenth of
          the company's issued share capital plus the reserves in accordance


          with its balance sheet with the explanatory notes thereto;

     g.   a proposal to amend the articles of association;

     h.   a proposal to dissolve the company;

     i.   to file for bankruptcy or a suspension of payments;

     j.   the termination of the employment of a substantial number of employees
          of the company or of a dependent company as referred to in article
          2:152 Dutch Civil Code at the same time or within a short time-span;

     k.   a far-reaching change to the employment conditions of a substantial
          number of employees of the company or of a dependent company;

     l.   a proposal to decrease the issued share capital;

     m.   issuance of shares to third parties in a company in which the company
          participates as well as restriction or exclusion of pre-emptive rights
          upon issuance;

     n.   a proposal to merge or demerge within the meaning of Title 7, Book 2
          Dutch Civil Code.

Article 19. Prolonged absence or vacancies.

In case of prolonged absence of one or more members of the management board or
in case of vacancies, the remaining member(s) shall be charged temporarily with
the management of the company. In case of prolonged absence of all members or of
the sole member or in case of vacancies, the supervisory board shall be charged
temporarily with the management of the company, with the authority to assign the
management of the company temporarily to one or more persons, whether or not
from among themselves.


Supervisory Board.


Article 20. Number of members. Appointment.

1.   The company shall have a supervisory board, consisting of at least three
     natural legal persons.

2.    The total number of members of the supervisory board shall be determined
      by the supervisory board in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1.

3.    A person who has reached the age of seventy-two cannot be appointed as
      supervisory director.

Article 21. Appointment.

1.   Supervisory directors shall be appointed by the general meeting, for a
     period starting on the date of the general meeting in which they are
     appointed, and terminating on the date of the general meeting of
     shareholders which is held in the fourth year after their appointment in
     accordance article 2:108, paragraph 2 Dutch Civil Code.

2.   The provisions of article 14, paragraph 1 shall apply accordingly.

Article 22. Resignation, suspension and dismissal of supervisory directors.

1.   A supervisory director shall resign no later than on the day on which the
     annual meeting is held in the financial year in which he reaches the age of
     seventy-two (72).

2.   Supervisory directors shall resign periodically in accordance with a scheme
     to be drawn up by the supervisory board. Each supervisory director thus
     resigning may be reappointed until he reaches the age-limit.

3.   Each member of the supervisory board may at all times be suspended and
     dismissed by the general meeting.

     The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 4 of article 14 shall apply accordingly.

Article 23. Remuneration.

The remuneration of each member of the supervisory board shall be determined by
the general meeting.

Article 24. Duties and authorities.


1.   The supervisory board shall be charged with the supervision of the policy
     of the management board and of the general course of business of the
     company and its affiliated company.

     The supervisory board shall advise the management board. When performing
     their duties, the supervisory directors shall act in the interest of the
     company and its affiliated company.

2.   The management board shall provide the supervisory board timely with all
     information required for the performance of its duties.

3.   The supervisory board shall have access to the buildings and premises of
     the company and is authorized to inspect the books and records of the
     company. The supervisory board may appoint one or more of its members or an
     expert to exercise such authority. The supervisory board may also otherwise
     be assisted by experts.

Article 25. Working method and decision-making process.

1.   The supervisory board shall appoint one of its members to act as chairman
     and a deputy chairman who shall substitute the latter in his absence. The
     supervisory board may appoint one of its members or another person as
     secretary and shall make an arrangement in case the secretary is absent.

2.   In case of the chairman and the deputy chairman being absent from a
     meeting, the meeting itself shall appoint a chairman.

3.   The supervisory board shall hold a meeting, whenever such is deemed
     necessary by the chairman or by two other supervisory directors or by the
     management board. Such meeting may be held by telephone conference or video
     conference, provided all participating members of the supervisory board can
     hear each other simultaneously.

4.   Minutes of the meeting of the supervisory board shall be drawn up by the
     secretary. The minutes of the


     meeting shall be adopted during the same meeting or in a subsequent meeting
     of the supervisory board and shall be signed by the chairman and the
     secretary evidence the adoption.

5.   All resolutions by the supervisory board shall be adopted by an absolute
     majority of the votes cast.

6.   The supervisory board may only adopt valid resolutions in a meeting in
     which the majority of the supervisory directors is present or represented.

7.   A supervisory director may be represented by a co-supervisory director by
     virtue of a written proxy. The term "written proxy" shall mean each power
     of attorney communicated through standard channels of communication and
     which is received in writing. A supervisory director may act as proxy for
     one co-supervisory director only.

8.   The supervisory board may also adopt resolutions outside a meeting,
     provided that the proposals for such resolutions have been communicated to
     all supervisory directors and none of them have objected to this method of

     The secretary shall draw up a record on such resolution, with attached
     thereto the answers received, which record shall be signed by the chairman
     and the secretary.

9.    The supervisory board shall hold meetings with the management board as
      often as the supervisory board or the management board deems such


The annual accounts and the annual report, profits.

Article 26. Financial year. Annual accounts and annual report.

1.   The financial year of the company shall coincide with be the calendar year.

2.   Each year, no later than four months after the end of the financial year,
     the management board shall draw up the annual accounts, consisting of a
     balance sheet as


     at the thirty-first day of December of the preceding year and a profit and
     loss account of the preceding financial year with the explanatory notes
     thereto. In addition thereto, the management board shall draw up a report
     concerning the course of business in the preceding year.

3.   The management board shall draw up the annual accounts in accordance with
     the generally accepted accounting principles and in accordance with any
     other statutory provisions.

Article 27.Submission to the supervisory board.

1.   The management board shall submit the annual accounts together with the
     annual report to the supervisory board.

2.   The supervisory board shall submit a preliminary report on the annual
     accounts to the general meeting.

3.   On behalf of the company, the supervisory board shall have the annual
     accounts audited by one or more auditors so designated by the general
     meeting of shareholders. The auditor shall inform the supervisory board and
     the management board on the audit and shall issue a report containing the
     results of the examination. The supervisory board shall deposit this report
     at the offices of the company for inspection by the shareholders.

Article 28. Submission to the general meeting.

1.    Copies of the annual accounts, the annual report of the management board,
      the report of the supervisory board and information to be attached to each
      of these documents by virtue of the law, shall be available for inspection
      by the shareholders and any other persons entitled to attend meetings as
      of the date of convocation of the general meeting of shareholders in which
      they are to be discussed until the end of this meeting.

2.    The general meeting shall adopt the annual accounts.

Article 29. Reserves, dividends.


1.   From the profits (i.e. the positive balance of the profit and loss account)
     made in any financial year, except as provided in this paragraph 1, the
     company shall first distribute a dividend on each preferred share that was
     issued and outstanding at any point during the financial year in question.
     The dividend shall equal the percentage referred to in the following
     sentence multiplied by the amount paid on such share at the commencement of
     the financial year for which the distribution is being made. The percentage
     referred to in the previous sentence shall be equal to the average of the
     European Inter Bank Offering Rate ("EURIBOR") for cash loans with a term of
     twelve months, increased by two hundred basis points. The average EURIBOR
     rate shall be determined on a weighted basis that reflects the number of
     days during the year on which each EURIBOR rate was in effect. If, during
     the financial year for which the distribution referred to above is being
     made, the amount paid on a preferred share was decreased or if, pursuant to
     a resolution on a further call, was increased, the distribution shall be
     decreased or increased, as applicable, on a pro rata basis. If preferred
     shares were issued in the course of a financial year, the dividend on such
     shares shall be decreased pro rata to reflect the number of days during
     which the share was unissued. If and to the extent the profit is not
     sufficient to make the payment referred to in this paragraph in full, the
     deficit shall be distributed against the reserves, with the exception of
     the share premium reserves A, B, C, D and E.

2.   Insofar as the profit is sufficient, further: the dividends due to each of
     the holders of financing


     preferred shares shall be paid to them in proportion with the number of
     days over which dividends are paid.

     The dividend - expressed in a percentage of the yield per financing
     preferred share of the relevant class referred to hereinafter - to be paid
     to holders of financing preferred shares A, B, C, D and E, shall be
     determined separately for each class of shares in accordance with a
     resolution regarding a first issuance of shares of the relevant class. The
     resolution regarding a first issuance of financing preferred shares of a
     specific class may also stipulate that the dividend percentage determined
     for that class of share shall be adjusted periodically, provided that it is
     unambiguous as to when adjustment shall take place and how the current
     dividend percentage shall be calculated after adjustment. The dividend
     amount to be paid per financing preferred share, being the result of the
     calculation described above, shall be rounded off upwards.

     The profit basis for a specific class of shares shall be determined by a
     resolution regarding a first issuance of financing preferred shares of a
     specific class and shall at least be equal to the nominal value of each
     financing preferred share.

     In case of a partial repayment for financing preferred shares of a specific
     class in accordance with the provisions of article 11, paragraph 3, as well
     as in case of payment to holders of financing preferred shares of a
     specific class in accordance with the provisions of article 30, paragraph
     3, the basic yield for such shares shall be decreased by an amount equal to
     the amount to be paid out per share of the relevant class, as per the date
     on which such dividend becomes or shall be payable. The term "first
     issuance of financing preferred shares of a specific class" used in these
     articles of association shall also refer to the first issuance of financing
     preferred shares of a


     specific class after full cancellation thereof in accordance with the
     provisions of article 11, paragraph 2.

3.   If, in any financial year the profit is not adequate to make the payments -
     or part thereof - as referred to in paragraph 1 and 2 above, each person's
     dividend shall be reduced proportionally and the deficit shall be debited
     to the profits paid out in subsequent financial years. Overdue dividends
     due to holders of preferred shares and holders of financing preferred
     shares shall in that case, to the extent possible, always be supplemented
     with the dividend due to them over the most recent financial year.

4.   Subsequently, the management board shall determine which part of the
     remaining profits shall be reserved. Such resolution shall be subject to
     the approval of the supervisory board. Any remaining balance shall be paid
     out as a dividend on the common shares.

5.   If, in any financial year a loss is sustained, no dividends shall be paid
     on common shares for that year. Dividends may only be paid in subsequent
     years after the loss has been cleared by profits. The general meeting may,
     however, upon the proposal by the management board and in accordance with
     the approval of the supervisory board, resolve to clear such loss by
     debiting it to the distributable part of the equity. Should the general
     meeting resolve to debit a loss to the distributable part of the equity,
     the provisions of the first two full sentences of this paragraph shall not

6.   Losses may only be cleared by writing off the losses to the share premium
     reserves for financing preferred shares of a specific class after all
     remaining reserves which may be used for that purpose have been exhausted.

     Writing off a loss to the share premium reserves A, B, C, D or E shall be
     done in proportion with the total


     share premium reserve deposited on each class of financing preferred
     shares. Amounts which are written off to the share premium reserves in the
     proportion referred to above, shall be cleared off as soon as possible
     after payment on the financing preferred shares and the preferred shares in
     accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this article and
     before payment of any other dividend or reserve which shall not be
     maintained by law.

7.   The management board may, with due observance to article 2:105 Dutch Civil
     Code, and upon the approval of the supervisory board, resolve to pay out an
     interim dividend, if and to the extent the profits permit such payments.
     Interim dividends may also be paid exclusively on one class of shares.

8.   The company may only make payments to the extent its equity exceeds the
     issued and paid-up part of the share capital, increased by the statutory

9.   Shares held by the company in its own capital shall, in accordance with
     article 2:105, paragraph 5 Dutch Civil Code, not be taken into account when
     determining the distribution of profits.

Article 30. Payments of dividends in the form of shares and payments debited to
the reserves.

1.   The general meeting may, upon the proposal of the management board and
     subject to approval of the supervisory board, resolve a dividend payment to
     be made in full or in part in the form of shares in the company or in
     depositary receipts thereof.

2.   The general meeting may, upon the proposal of the management board and
     subject to the approval of the supervisory board, make payments to holders
     of common shares to the debit of the distributable part of the equity,
     except for the share premium reserves A, B, C, D and E. The provisions of
     paragraph 1 shall apply accordingly.

     Payments referred to in this paragraph may however not


     be made if and to the extent all dividend payments due in accordance with
     in article 29, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 with regard to preferred shares and
     financing preferred shares have not been made.

3.   a. The management board may, subject to the approval of the supervisory
        board, resolve to pay out the dividends due in accordance with the
        provisions of article 29, paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 to holders of
        preferred shares and holders of financing preferred shares, at the debit
        of the distributable part of the equity, except for the share premium
        reserves A, B, C, D and E.

     b. In addition thereto, the management board may, subject to the approval
        of the supervisory board, resolve to pay dividends which are not due in
        accordance with the provisions of article 29, paragraph 2 to holders of
        financing preferred shares, the aforesaid however exclusively at the
        debit of the share premium reserves in whose favour this payment is

        A resolution by the management board as referred to in the preceding
        full sentence, may only be adopted by the general meeting simultaneously
        or upon the prior approval by the meeting of holders of the relevant
        class of financing preferred shares.

Article 31. Making dividends and other distributions payable.

Payment of dividends and other distributions shall be announced in accordance
with the provisions of article 40.


General meeting of shareholders.

Article 32. Annual meeting.

1.   Annually, no later than six months after the end of the financial year, the
     annual meeting shall be held.

2.   The agenda for that meeting shall list - inter alia - the following items:


     a.   the annual report;

     b.   adoption of the annual accounts;

     c.   the granting of discharge to the members of the managing board and the
          members of the supervisory board from the performance of their
          respective duties during the relevant financial year;

     d.   determination of the date and place for making dividends payable,
          provided a resolution to that end is adopted;

     e.   any other proposals raised by the supervisory board and the management
          board and announced in accordance with the provisions of article 34,
          such as the designation of a body authorized to issue shares and the
          authorization of the management board to acquire its own shares or
          depositary receipts thereof by the company;

     f.   the proposals of shareholders, submitted in accordance with the
          provisions of article 34, paragraph 8.

Article 33. Other meetings.

Other general meetings of shareholders shall be held as often as the management
board or the supervisory board deems necessary and without prejudice to the
provisions of articles 2:110, 2:111 and 2:112 Dutch Civil Code.

Article 34. Convocation, agenda.

1.   General meetings of shareholders shall be convened by the supervisory board
     or the management board.

2.   The convocation shall occur no later than on the fifteenth day prior to the
     day of the meeting.

3.   The convocation shall list the items to be discussed or shall state that
     shareholders and holders of depositary receipts may take note thereof at
     the offices of the company without prejudice to the provisions of article
     41, paragraph 2.

4.   The convocation shall state the requirements to attend the meeting as
     described in article 38.

5.   Meetings shall be convened in a manner specified in


     article 40.

6.   Items not listed in the convocation may be announced later on in accordance
     with the provisions of article 40 and in accordance with the term allowed
     for convocation.

7.   Unless the convocation contains all documents which, in accordance with the
     law or with the articles of association, shall be available for inspection
     by the shareholders or the holders of depositary receipts relevant to this
     meeting, these documents shall be available, free of charge, to
     shareholders and holders of depositary receipts at the offices of the

8.   One or more shareholders who represent at least one tenth of the issued
     capital may submit a request in writing to the management board or the
     supervisory board to include items in the agenda, at least sixty days but
     no more than ninety days before one year has lapsed after the date on which
     the general annual meeting was held in the previous year. Should any items
     as referred to in the preceding sentence, have been listed on the agenda,
     such shall be noted on the agenda. The agenda shall also state that
     resolutions regarding such items may only be adopted with due observance of
     article 39, paragraph 1, second sentence.

Article 35. Place of the meetings.

The general meetings of shareholders shall be held in Amsterdam.

Article 36. Chairmanship.

1.   The general meetings of shareholders shall be presided over by the chairman
     of the supervisory board and, in his absence, by the deputy chairman of
     such board; in the absence of the latter, the supervisory directors who are
     present shall elect a chairman from among themselves.

     The supervisory board may appoint another person to act as chairman of the
     general meeting of



2.   If, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1, no chairman has been
     appointed, the meeting itself shall appoint a chairman. Until such
     nomination, the meeting shall be chaired by a member of the management
     board appointed by the management board.

Article 37. Minutes.

1.   The minutes of each shareholders' meeting shall be drawn up by a secretary
     appointed by the chairman. The minutes shall be adopted by the chairman and
     the secretary and shall be signed by them evidencing the adoption thereof.

2.   The supervisory board or the chairman may determine that notarial minutes
     shall be drawn up of the proceedings of the meeting. The notarial minutes
     shall be co-signed by the chairman.

Article 38. Meeting rights/admittance.

1.   The management board may determine that any person entitled per a certain
     date, such date to be determined by the management board and such date
     (hereinafter: the "record date"), to attend the general meeting of
     shareholders, may attend the general meeting of shareholders if (i) they
     are as such registered in a register (or one or more parts thereof)
     designated for that purpose by the management board, and (ii) at the
     request of the applicant the holder of the register has notified the
     company in writing prior to the general meeting that such applicant has the
     intention to attend the general meeting of shareholders, regardless of who
     will be applicant at the time of the general meeting of shareholders. The
     notification will state the name and the number of shares or depositary
     receipts for which the applicant is entitled to attend the general meeting.
     The provision under (ii) on the notification


     to the company will also apply to an attorney authorized in writing by an

2.   The record date mentioned in paragraph 1 and the date mentioned in said
     paragraph on which the notification of the intention to attend the general
     meeting of shareholders shall have been given at the latest cannot be fixed
     earlier than at a time on the seventh day, and not later than at a time on
     the third day, prior to the date of the general meeting of shareholders.
     The convocation of the general meeting of shareholders will include said
     times, the place of the meeting and the proceedings for registration and/or

3.   In case the management board does not exercise the power referred to in
     paragraph 1 of this article paragraphs 4 and 5 of this article apply.

4.   Each holder of registered shares entitled to vote and each usufructuary and
     pledgee of registered shares who are entitled to vote, are authorized to
     attend the general meeting of shareholders, to address the meeting and to
     exercise their voting rights, provided that the management board has been
     notified in writing, at the place of the meeting, of their intention to be
     present at the meeting, and ultimately on the date as referred to in
     paragraph 5.

5.   As regards the voting right and/or the right to attend the general meeting,
     of holders of bearer shares, the company shall - also in accordance with
     articles 2:88 and 2:89 Dutch Civil Code - consider a shareholder to be the
     person listed in a written statement of an affiliated institution, which
     statement shall state that the number of bearer shares listed in such
     statement belongs to its collective depository and that the person listed
     in such statement is a joint owner of the collective depository for the
     number of


     common shares concerned and that such person shall remain so until after
     the general meeting, provided that the above mentioned statement has been
     deposited at the offices of the company.

     The provisions of the previous sentence shall apply accordingly to the
     person having a right of usufruct or a right of pledge in respect of one or
     more bearer shares and to the person who has a voting right in respect of
     such shares.

     The convocation for the general meeting shall state the day on which the
     notification to the management board and the deposit of the statement of
     the affiliated institution may occur at the latest; this day may not be
     fixed before the seventh day before the day of the general meeting.

     Each holder of one or more bearer shares, including a usufructuary or a
     pledgee to whom voting rights have been granted, shall be authorized to
     attend the general meeting of shareholders, to address the meeting and to
     exercise their voting rights, provided that the relevant share certificates
     have been deposited at the place as specified in the convocation,
     ultimately on the third day prior to the day of the meeting.

6.   The right to attend meetings as referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 may be
     exercised by proxy, provided that this proxy has been received by the
     management board at the meeting and ultimately on the day referred to in
     paragraph 5, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 4 regarding
     the notification and the provisions of paragraph 5 regarding the statement
     of the affiliated institution.

7.   If the voting right have been granted to a usufructuary or a pledgee
     instead of to a shareholder, the shareholder shall be entitled to attend
     the general meeting of shareholders and to address the meeting, provided
     that the provisions of paragraph 4


     or paragraph 5, respectively, have been complied with. The provisions of
     paragraph 6 shall apply accordingly.

8.   Each share amounting to eight Eurocents (EUR 0.08) shall have one voting
     right attached thereto.

9.   Each person entitled to vote or his representative shall sign the
     attendance list.

10.  Each holder of depositary receipts shall be authorized to attend the
     general meeting of shareholders, to address the meeting and to exercise his
     voting rights, provided that the management board has been notified thereof
     in writing. Such notification shall be received by the management board at
     the place of the meeting, ultimately on the day referred to in paragraph 5.
     Should depositary receipts have been issued, a holder of a depositary
     receipt shall be authorized to attend the meeting and to address the
     meeting, provided that his depositary receipts have been deposited at the
     place of the meeting and ultimately on a day to be referred to in the
     convocation. If registered depositary receipts have been issued with the
     co-operation of the company, the holder thereof shall be authorized to
     attend the meeting and to address the meeting provided that proof of his
     ownership has been deposited at the place of the meeting ultimately on a
     day to be referred to in the convocation and the registered depositary
     receipts are still registered in the name of such holder per the date of
     the meeting. The provisions of the preceding full sentences shall not apply
     to a usufructuary and a pledgee as referred to in paragraph 4, and a holder
     of registered shares as referred to in paragraph 7.

11.  The right to attend the meeting in accordance with paragraph 10, may be
     exercised by written proxy, provided that, without prejudice to the deposit
     requirement, such proxy shall be received by the management board at the
     place of the meeting and


     ultimately on the day referred to in paragraph 5.

12.  Members of the supervisory board and members of the management board shall
     have an advisory role at general meetings of shareholders.

13.  The chairman shall decide on the admittance of persons other than those
     mentioned in this article.

Article 39. Voting.

1.   To the extent Dutch law or the articles of association do not prescribe a
     qualified majority, all resolutions shall be adopted by an absolute
     majority of all votes cast. Unless a proposal to the general meeting of
     shareholders is made by the management board, subject to the approval of
     the supervisory board, or Dutch law or these articles of association
     stipulate otherwise, a resolution may only be adopted in a in a legally
     valid manner, if at the meeting more than half of the issued share capital
     is represented. If such part is not represented, a second meeting in
     accordance with article 2:120, paragraph 3 Dutch Civil Code may not be

2.   Should in an election of persons an absolute majority not be obtained, a
     new free vote shall be held.

     If no absolute majority is then obtained, a re-vote shall be held until
     either one person obtains an absolute majority, or the votes are equally
     divided between two persons resulting in a tie vote.

     In the event of a re-vote as referred to above (not including the second
     free vote), a vote shall be held between the two persons participating in
     the previous vote, excluding, however, the person who obtained the least
     number of votes. If in that preceding vote more than one person obtained
     the least number of votes, lots shall be drawn to determine which person
     shall be excluded from the new vote.

     If there is a tie in a vote held between two persons, lots shall be drawn
     to conclude the election.

     If, however, there is a tie vote regarding persons who


     have been listed on a binding nomination, the person listed first shall be
     deemed to have obtained the highest number of votes.

3.   If there is a tie vote during an election other than in an election of
     persons, the proposal shall be deemed to be rejected.

4.   Votes shall be held orally, unless the chairman decides or a person
     entitled to vote demands that a vote be held by ballot. Voting by ballot
     shall take place by means of folded, unsigned ballot papers.

5.   Blank votes and void votes shall be deemed not to have been cast.

6.   Voting by acclamation shall be possible if none of the persons present and
     entitled to vote objects thereto.

Article 40. Convocations and announcements.

All convocations for general meetings of shareholders and all announcements to
shareholders and holders of depositary receipts shall be published in a
nationwide distributed daily newspaper published in the Netherlands and in such
other manner as may be required to comply with applicable stock exchange
regulations or deemed appropriate by the persons convening the meeting. The
notice convening a general meeting of shareholders shall be published or, where
applicable, distributed in other ways no later than on the fifteenth day prior
to the day of the meeting. Further, all holders of registered shares as well as
the usufructuaries and pledgees of such shares shall be convened through letters
sent to their addresses which shall be listed in the register referred to in
article 6.


Amendments of the articles of association. Dissolution.

Article 41.

1.   A resolution to amend the articles of association or to dissolve the
     company may only be adopted on the proposal of the management board,
     subject to the approval of the supervisory board.

2.   If a proposal to amend the articles of association or


     to dissolve the company is made to the general meeting, such shall be
     stated in the convocation for the general meeting of shareholders or in the
     announcement as referred to in article 34 paragraph 6 and, to the extent
     such concerns an amendment of the articles of association, a copy of the
     proposal, in which the proposed amendment is included verbatim, shall
     simultaneously be deposited for inspection at the offices of the company
     and shall be available, free of charge, for the shareholders and holders of
     depositary receipts, until the close of the meeting.

Article 42. Liquidation.

1.   In the event of a dissolution of the company by virtue of a resolution of
     the general meeting, the management board shall be charged with the
     liquidation of the company and the supervisory board shall be charged with
     the supervision thereon, except for the provisions of article 2:23,
     paragraph 2 Dutch Civil Code.

2.   During the liquidation, the provisions of the articles of association
     shall, to the extent possible, remain in force.

3.   The balance remaining after the debts have been settled, shall be
     distributed among the holders of preferred shares and the holders of
     financing preferred shares:

     a.   any overdue dividends as referred to in article 29, paragraphs 1, 2
          and 3, to be calculated over the period up to and including the date
          on which the liquidation payment became due;

     b.   an amount equal to the nominal value paid per preferred share; and

     c.   an amount per financing preferred share equal to the basic yield
          applicable to the class of share concerned.

     Any balance then remaining shall be paid out to holders of common shares in
     proportion with the total


     value of the common shares held by each shareholder. Should the balance be
     insufficient to pay the full amounts referred to above in a, b and c to the
     holders of preferred shares and the holders of financing preferred shares,
     such payments shall be made in proportion with the amounts to be paid out
     on the preferred shares and the financing preferred shares.

Section XIII.

Transitional provision.

Article 43.

1.   As per the date of this deed, each issued common share with a nominal value
     of fifty Dutch cents (NLG 0.50) shall be converted into three (3) common
     shares with a nominal value of eight Eurocents (EUR 0.08) each.

2.   The obligation to further pay up the common shares for the amount of one
     hundred sixty-two thousand nine hundred forty-nine Euro and twenty-three
     Eurocents (EUR 162,949.23), resulting from the split and the change of the
     nominal value of the shares as mentioned under 1., shall be satisfied by
     charging said amount to the share premium reserve attached to the common

3.   As per the date of this deed, each issued preferred share (either class A
     or class B) with a nominal value of one Dutch guilder and twenty-five cents
     (NLG 1.25) shall be converted into one financing preferred share (of the
     relevant class) with a nominal value of sixty Eurocents (EUR 0.60) each.

4.   The obligation to further pay up the financing preferred shares A for the
     amount of seven thousand seven hundred thirty-four Euro and eighty-four
     Eurocents (EUR 7,734.84) respectively the obligation to further pay up the
     financing preferred shares B for the amount of twelve thousand eight
     hundred twenty-four Euro and ninety-one Eurocents (EUR 12,824.91),


     resulting from the change of the nominal value of the shares as mentioned
     under 3., shall be satisfied by charging said amount to the share premium
     reserve attached to the respective class of financing preferred shares.

5.   Through the execution of this deed the issued share capital of the company
     amounts to three million three hundred fifty-nine thousand four hundred
     fifty-nine Euro and twenty-eight Eurocents (EUR 3,359,459.28) consisting of
     thirty-seven million two hundred eighty-eight thousand four hundred
     sixty-one (37,288,461) common shares, with a nominal value of eight
     Eurocents (EUR 0.08) each, two hundred thirty-six thousand (236,000)
     financing preferred shares A and three hundred ninety-one thousand three
     hundred four (391,304) financing preferred shares B, with a nominal value
     of sixty Eurocents (EUR 0.60) each.

6.   This amendment of the articles of association of the company will become
     effective on the first day of May two thousand and one.

The required ministerial declaration of no-objection was granted on the
twenty-sixth day of April two thousand and one, number N.V. 312.008.

The ministerial declaration of no-objection and a document in evidence of the
resolutions, referred to in the head of this deed, are attached to this deed.

In witness whereof the original of this deed, which will be retained by me,
notaris, is executed in Amsterdam, on the date first mentioned in the head of
this deed.

Having conveyed the substance of the deed and given an explanation thereto and
having pointed out the consequences arising from the contents of the deed for
the party and following the statement of the person appearing that she has taken
note of the contents of the deed and agrees with


the same, this deed is signed, immediately after reading those parts of the deed
which the law requires to be read, by the person appearing, who is known to me,
notaris, and by myself, notaris, at ten minutes after seven o'clock in the
evening (19.10).