Exhibit 3.1



                  UBS AG

                  18 April 2002


SECTION 1 Name, registered office, business object and
duration of the Corporation.....................................         1
SECTION 2 Share capital.........................................         2
SECTION 3 Corporate bodies......................................         4
   A.  General Meeting of Shareholders..........................         4
   B.  Board of Directors.......................................         7
   C.  Group Executive Board....................................         9
   D.  Statutory and Group Auditors.............................        10
SECTION 4 Financial statements and appropriation of profit,
reserves........................................................        11
SECTION 5 Notices and jurisdiction..............................        12
SECTION 6 Non-cash considerations and contribution in kind......        13



                 ARTICLE 1

NAME AND         A corporation limited by shares under the name of UBS AG/UBS
REGISTERED       SA/UBS Ltd. is established with a registered office in Zurich
OFFICE           and Basel.

                 ARTICLE 2


                 The purpose of the Corporation is the operation of a bank. Its
                 scope of operations extends to all types of banking, financial,
                 advisory, trading and service activities in Switzerland and


                 The Corporation may establish branches and representative
                 offices as well as banks, finance companies and other
                 enterprises of any kind in Switzerland and abroad, hold equity
                 interests in these companies, and conduct their management.


                 The Corporation is authorized to acquire, mortgage and sell
                 real estate and building rights in Switzerland and abroad.

                 ARTICLE 3

DURATION         The duration of the Corporation shall not be limited by time.



                 ARTICLE 4


                 The share capital of the Corporation is CHF 1,002,319,047.20
                 (one billion, two million, three hundred and nineteen thousand,
                 forty-seven Swiss francs and twenty centimes), divided into
                 1,252,898,809 registered shares with a par value of CHF 0.80
                 each. The share capital is fully paid up.


                 Registered shares may be converted into bearer shares and
                 bearer shares into registered shares by resolution of the
                 General Meeting of Shareholders; the Corporation may issue
                 certificates representing multiples of shares.

                 ARTICLE 4A

CONDITIONAL      Employee stock ownership plan of Paine Webber Group Inc., New
CAPITAL          York ("PaineWebber")

                 The share capital will be increased, under exclusion of
                 shareholders' preemptive rights, by a maximum of CHF
                 10,414,172.80, corresponding to a maximum of 13,017,716
                 registered shares of CHF 0.80 par value each (which must be
                 fully paid up) through the exercise of option rights granted to
                 the employees of PaineWebber, which were rolled over according
                 to the merger agreement of 12 July 2000. The subscription
                 ratio, time limits and further details were determined by
                 PaineWebber and taken over by UBS AG. The purchase of shares
                 through the exercise of option rights as well as any subsequent
                 transfer of the shares are subject to the registration
                 restrictions set out in Article 5 of these Articles of

                 ARTICLE 5

                 A share register is maintained for the registered shares, in
                 which owners' and usufructuaries' family and given names are
                 entered, with their complete address and nationality (or
                 registered office for legal entities).


                 If the mailing address of a shareholder changes, the new
                 address must be communicated to the Corporation. As long as
                 this has not been done, all written communications will be sent
                 to the address entered in the share register, this being valid
                 according to the requirements of the law.


                 Those who acquire registered shares shall be entered in the
                 share register as shareholders with voting rights if they
                 expressly declare that they acquired these registered shares in
                 their own names and for their own account. If the party
                 acquiring the shares is not prepared to provide such a
                 declaration, the Board of Directors may refuse to allow the
                 shares to be entered with voting rights.


                 The restriction on registration under paragraph 3 above also
                 applies to shares acquired by the exercise of preemptive,
                 option or conversion rights.



                 The Board of Directors is authorized, after hearing the
                 position of the registered shareholder or nominee affected, to
                 strike the entry of a shareholder with voting rights from the
                 share register retroactively with effect to the date of the
                 entry, if it was obtained under false pretences. The party
                 affected must be informed of the action immediately.


                 The Board of Directors formulates general principles relating
                 to the registration of fiduciaries/nominees and issues the
                 necessary regulations to ensure compliance with the above

                 ARTICLE 6

DEFERRED         1
SHARES           In the case of registered shares, the Corporation may elect not
                 to print and deliver certificates. However, shareholders may at
                 any time request the Corporation to print and deliver
                 certificates free of charge. Particulars are set forth in
                 regulations issued by the Board of Directors.


                 Uncertificated registered shares may only be transferred by the
                 assignment of all appurtenant rights. The assignment must be
                 reported to the Corporation to be valid. If uncertificated
                 registered shares are held in a custody or portfolio account at
                 a bank, they may only be transferred with the cooperation of
                 that bank. Furthermore, they may only be pledged in favour of
                 that bank, in which case notifying the Corporation is not

                 ARTICLE 7

                 Shares are indivisible. The Corporation recognizes only one
                 representative per share.


                 Voting rights and associated rights may only be exercised in
                 relation to the Corporation by a party entered in the share
                 register as having the right to vote.



                 ARTICLE 8

AUTHORITY        The General Meeting of Shareholders is the Corporation's
                 supreme corporate body.

                 ARTICLE 9

TYPES OF         The Annual General Meeting takes place every year within six
GENERAL          months after the close of the financial year; the annual report
MEETINGS         and the report of the Auditors must be available for inspection
                 by shareholders at the Corporation's registered offices at
a. ANNUAL        least twenty days before the meeting.

                 ARTICLE 10

   MEETINGS      Extraordinary General Meetings are convened whenever the Board
                 of Directors or the Auditors consider it necessary.


                 Such a meeting must also be convened if demanded by a
                 resolution of the shareholders in General Meeting or by a
                 written request from one or more shareholders, representing
                 together at least one tenth of the share capital, specifying
                 the items to be included on the agenda and the proposals to be
                 put forward.

                 ARTICLE 11
CONVENING        1

                 The General Meeting shall be called by the Board of Directors,
                 or if need be by the Statutory Auditors, at least twenty days
                 before the meeting is to take place. The meeting is called by
                 publishing a single notice in the publication of record
                 designated by the Corporation. An invitation will be sent to
                 all shareholders registered.


                 The notice to convene the General Meeting shall specify the
                 agenda with the proposals of the Board of Directors and
                 proposals from shareholders, and in the event of elections the
                 names of the proposed candidates.

                 ARTICLE 12

PLACING OF       1
ITEMS ON THE     Shareholders representing shares with an aggregate par value of
AGENDA           one million Swiss francs may submit proposals for matters to be
                 placed on the agenda for consideration by the General Meeting,
                 provided that their proposals are submitted in writing within
                 the deadline published by the Corporation and include the
                 actual motion(s) to be put forward.


                 No resolutions may be passed concerning matters which have not
                 been duly placed on the agenda, except on a motion put forward
                 at the General Meeting to call an Extraordinary General Meeting
                 or a motion for a special audit to be carried out.


                 ARTICLE 13

TELLERS,         The Chairman of the Board of Directors or, if the Chairman
MINUTES          cannot attend, a Vice Chairman or another member designated by
                 the Board of Directors, shall preside over the General Meeting
                 and appoint a secretary and the necessary tellers.


                 Minutes are kept of the proceedings and must be signed by the
                 presiding Officer and the Secretary.

                 ARTICLE 14

PROXIES          The Board of Directors issues procedural rules for
                 participation and representation of shareholders at the General


                 A shareholder may only be represented at the General Meeting by
                 his or her legal representative or under a written power of
                 attorney by another shareholder eligible to vote, by a
                 corporate proxy, by the independent proxy or by a custodial


                 The presiding Officer decides whether to recognize the power of

                 ARTICLE 15

VOTING RIGHT     Each share conveys the right to cast one vote.

                 ARTICLE 16
ELECTIONS        Resolutions and elections are decided at the General Meeting by
                 an absolute majority of the votes cast, excluding blank and
                 invalid ballots, subject to the compulsory provisions of the


                 A resolution to change Art. 18 of these Articles of
                 Association, to remove one fourth or more of the members of the
                 Board of Directors, or to delete or modify Art. 16 paragraph 2
                 of these Articles of Association, must receive at least two
                 thirds of the votes represented.


                 The presiding Officer shall decide whether voting on
                 resolutions and elections be conducted electronically or with a
                 show of hands. Ordinary written ballots may also be adopted.
                 Shareholders representing at least 3% of the votes represented
                 may always request that a vote or election take place
                 electronically or by written ballot.


                 In the case of written ballots, the presiding Officer may rule
                 that only the ballots of those shareholders shall be collected
                 who choose to abstain or to cast a negative vote, and that all
                 other shares represented at the General Meeting at the time of
                 the vote shall be counted in favour, in order to expedite the
                 counting of the votes.


                 ARTICLE 17

POWERS           The General Meeting has the following powers:

                 a) To establish and amend the Articles of Association

                 b) To elect the members of the Board of Directors, the
                    Statutory Auditors and the Group Auditors

                 c) To approve the annual report and the consolidated financial

                 d) To approve the annual accounts and to decide upon the
                    appropriation of the net profit shown in the balance sheet

                 e) To give the members of the Board of Directors and of the
                    Group Executive Board a discharge concerning their

                 f) To take decisions on all matters reserved to the General
                    Meeting by law or by the Articles of Association, or which
                    are placed before it by the Board of Directors.



                 ARTICLE 18

NUMBER OF BOARD  The Board of Directors shall consist of at least six and no
MEMBERS          more than twelve members.

                 ARTICLE 19


                 The term of office for members of the Board of Directors is
                 four years, with the interval between two Annual General
                 Meetings being deemed a year for this purpose. The initial term
                 of office for each Director shall be fixed in such a way as to
                 assure that about one fourth of all the members have to be
                 newly elected or re-elected every year.


                 Members whose term of office has expired are immediately
                 eligible for re-election.

                 ARTICLE 20

OFFICE           The Board of Directors shall elect a Chairman's Office from
                 among its members. It shall be composed of the Chairman and at
                 least one Vice Chairman.


                 The Board of Directors shall appoint its secretary, who need
                 not be a member of the Board.

                 ARTICLE 21

CONVENING,       1
                 The Chairman shall convene the Board of Directors as often as
                 business requires, but at least six times a year.


                 The Board of Directors shall also be convened if one of its
                 members or the Group Executive Board submits a written request
                 to the Chairman's Office to hold such a meeting.

                 ARTICLE 22

DECISIONS        1

                 Decisions of the Board of Directors are taken by an absolute
                 majority of the votes cast. In case of a tie, the presiding
                 Officer shall cast the deciding vote.


                 The number of members who must be present to constitute a
                 quorum, and the modalities for the passing of resolutions shall
                 be laid down by the Board of Directors in the Organization
                 Regulations. No such quorum is required for decisions
                 confirming and amending resolutions relating to capital

                 ARTICLE 23

DUTIES AND       1
POWERS           The Board of Directors has responsibility for the ultimate
                 direction of the Corporation and the supervision and control of
                 its executive management.



                 The Board of Directors may also take decisions on all matters
                 which are not expressly reserved to the shareholders in General
                 Meeting or to another corporate body by law or by the Articles
                 of Association.

                 ARTICLE 24

ULTIMATE         The ultimate direction of the Corporation comprises in
DIRECTION OF     particular:

                 a) Preparing of and deciding on proposals to be placed before
                    the General Meeting

                 b) Issuing the regulations necessary for the conduct of
                    business and for the delineation of authority, in particular
                    the Organization Regulations and the regulations governing
                    the Group Internal Audit

                 c) Laying down the principles for the accounting, financial and
                    risk controls and financial planning, in particular the
                    allocation of equity resources and risk capital for business

                 d) Decisions on Group strategy and other matters reserved to
                    the Board of Directors under the Organization Regulations

                 e) Appointment and removal of the President and the members of
                    the Group Executive Board, the members of the Group Managing
                    Board and the head of Group Internal Audit

                 f) Decisions on increasing the share capital, to the extent
                    this falls within the authority of the Board of Directors
                    (Art. 651 paragraph 4 of the Swiss Code of Obligations), on
                    the report concerning an increase in capital (Art. 652e of
                    the Swiss Code of Obligations) and on the ascertainment of
                    capital increases and the corresponding amendments to the
                    Articles of Association.

                 ARTICLE 25

SUPERVISION,     Supervision and control of the business management comprises in
CONTROL          particular the following:

                 a) Review of the annual report, consolidated and parent company
                    financial statements as well as quarterly financial

                 b) Acceptance of regular reports covering the course of
                    business and the position of the Group, the status and
                    development of country, counter-party and market risks and
                    the extent to which equity and risk capital are tied up due
                    to business operations

                 c) Consideration of reports prepared by the Statutory and Group
                    Auditors concerning the annual financial statements.

                 ARTICLE 26

DELEGATION,      The Board of Directors may delegate part of its authority to
ORGANIZATION     one or more of its members subject to Arts. 24 and 25. The
REGULATIONS      allocation of authority and functions shall be defined in the
                 Organization Regulations.

                 ARTICLE 27


                 Signing in the name of the company requires two authorized
                 signatures to be binding.


                 All details shall be determined in the Organization Regulations
                 and in a special Group Directive.

                 ARTICLE 28

REMUNERATION     The Board of Directors shall determine the remuneration of its



                 ARTICLE 29

ORGANIZATION     The Group Executive Board is composed of the President and at
                 least three other members.

                 ARTICLE 30

FUNCTIONS,       1
AUTHORITIES      The Group Executive Board is responsible for the management of
                 the Group. It is the supreme executive body as defined by the
                 Swiss Federal Law on Banks and Savings Banks. It implements the
                 Group strategy decided by the Board of Directors and ensures
                 the execution of the decisions of the Board of Directors and
                 the Chairman's Office. It is responsible for the Group's


                 The Group Executive Board has the following
                 principal responsibilities:

                 a) Preparing and proposing Group strategy and the fundamental
                    policy decisions necessary for their implementation, the
                    Organization Regulations and the basic organizational
                    structure of the Group

                 b) Exercising such functions and authorities as shall be
                    assigned to it by the Organization Regulations

                 c) Regularly informing the Board of Directors, as prescribed by
                    Art. 25, item b of these Articles of Association, and
                    submitting the documents in accordance with Art. 25, items a
                    and c of these Articles of Association


                 The functions and authorities of the Group Executive Board and
                 other management units designated by the Board of Directors are
                 to be defined by the Organization Regulations.



                 ARTICLE 31

AUTHORITY AND    An auditing company is to be appointed as Statutory and Group
DUTIES           Auditors.


                 The shareholders in General Meeting shall elect the Statutory
                 and Group Auditors for a term of one year. The rights and
                 duties of the Statutory and Group Auditors are determined by
                 the provisions of the law.


                 The General Meeting may appoint Special Auditors for a term of
                 three years, who provide the attestations required for capital



                 ARTICLE 32

FINANCIAL YEAR   The consolidated and parent company financial accounts are
                 closed on December 31 of each year.

                 ARTICLE 33

OF DISPOSABLE    At least 5% of the profit for the year is allocated to the
PROFIT           general statutory reserve until such time as said reserve
                 amounts to 20% of the share capital.


                 The remaining profit is, subject to the provisions of the Swiss
                 Code of Obligations and of the Federal Banking law, at the
                 disposal of the shareholders in General Meeting who may also
                 use it for the formation of free or special reserves.

                 ARTICLE 34

RESERVES         The shareholders in General Meeting determine the utilization
                 of the general reserve in accordance with the legal provisions
                 acting upon the recommendations of the Board of Directors.



                 ARTICLE 35

PUBLICATION      Public notices appear in the Swiss official commercial gazette
MEDIA            (in French "Feuille Officielle Suisse du Commerce", or German
                 "Schweizerisches Handelsamtsblatt"). The Board of Directors may
                 designate other publications as well.

                 ARTICLE 36

JURISDICTION     Jurisdiction for any disputes arising out of the corporate
                 relationship shall be at both the registered offices of the
                 Corporation, with the exception of legal actions in connection
                 with the contestation or nullity of decisions of the
                 shareholders' meeting or the nullity of Board of Directors'
                 decisions, where jurisdiction shall exclusively be with the
                 courts of Zurich.



                 ARTICLE 37

NON-CASH         1
CONSIDERATIONS   The Corporation acquires Schweizerische Bankgesellschaft (SBG)
                 in Zurich by merger through the capital increase of April
                 30/May 19, 1998. Assets of CHF 426,820,619,609.52 and
                 liabilities of CHF 408,302,595,203.66 pursuant to the merger
                 balance sheet of September 30, 1997 shall be transferred by
                 universal succession to the Corporation; the amount of the
                 capital increase has been paid in accordance with the merger
                 agreement. The shareholders of the company acquired receive
                 128,750,000 fully paid-up registered shares of the acquiring
                 company each with a par value of CHF 20.


                 The Corporation acquires Schweizerischer Bankverein (SBV) in
                 Basel by merger through the capital increase of April 29/May
                 18, 1998. Assets of CHF 352,252,889,332.69 and liabilities of
                 CHF 338,770,039,294.46 pursuant to the merger balance sheet of
                 September 30, 1997 shall be transferred by universal succession
                 to the Corporation; the amount of the capital increase has been
                 paid in accordance with the merger agreement. The shareholders
                 of the company acquired receive 85,623,491 fully paid-up
                 registered shares of the acquiring company each with a par
                 value of CHF 20.

                 ARTICLE 38

CONTRIBUTION IN  The Corporation, in connection with the capital increase of 1
KIND             November 2000, is acquiring the totality of the shares of Paine
                 Webber Group Inc. (New York, N.Y., USA) from existing
                 shareholders of this listed company through the Corporation's
                 wholly owned subsidiary UBS Americas Inc. (Wilmington,
                 Delaware, USA) by way of a triangular merger under the laws of
                 the State of Delaware (USA). Under the terms of the merger
                 agreement of 12 July 2000, the total consideration for these
                 shares will take the form of a cash component of not more than
                 USD 6,350,000,000 plus a share component of not more than
                 42,800,000 shares of UBS AG, i.e. (assuming an exchange rate of
                 CHF/USD 1.80 and a price of CHF 250 per UBS share) CHF
                 22,130,000,000, and of not less than USD 5,520,000,000 plus not
                 less than 37,150,000 shares of UBS AG, i.e. (based on the
                 foregoing assumptions) CHF 19,223,500,000, this including the
                 12,000,000 shares resulting from the capital increase of 1
                 November 2000.

                 UBS AG
                 For the Board of Directors:

                 Marcel Ospel            Gertrud Erismann-Peyer
                 Chairman                Company Secretary



                  UBS AG
                  Board of Directors
                  P.O. Box, CH-8098 Zurich
