CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
                              TSI GREAT NECK, INC.

                Under Section 402 of the Business Corporation Law

                  The undersigned, a natural person over the age of eighteen
years, for the purpose of forming a corporation pursuant to the provisions of
the Business Corporation Law of the State of New York, does hereby certify that:

                  FIRST: The name of the Corporation is TSI GREAT NECK, INC.

                  SECOND: The purposes for which the Corporation is formed are
to do any and all of the things hereinafter set forth, as principal and as
agent, alone and in association with others, to the same extent as natural
persons might or could do in any part of the world, namely:

                  (a) To construct, erect, build, purchase, sell, rent, hire,
                  lease or otherwise acquire or dispose of racquets, squash
                  racquets, racquet ball, squash tennis, physical exercise and
                  fitness facilities; to own, manage, operate and maintain such
                  facilities and to provide the same for the use and benefit of
                  the public generally; to use such facilities for any other
                  purposes compatible therewith; to provide locker rooms,
                  showers and other conveniences in connection therewith; to
                  plan, promote, organize and conduct public exhibitions of
                  racquets, squash racquets, racquet ball, squash tennis and
                  physical exercise and fitness training; to give instructions
                  to members of the public in racquets, squash racquets, racquet
                  ball, squash tennis, physical exercise and fitness training;
                  to purchase, manufacture, lease, deal in and sell general
                  sporting goods, apparel, equipment and supplies; and to
                  acquire, sell, mortgage, lease or otherwise acquire or dispose
                  of all real or personal property necessary or convenient to
                  any of such purposes;

                  (b) To acquire, purchase, own, hold, operate, develop, lease,
                  borrow, lend, mortgage, pledge, exchange, sell, transfer or
                  otherwise dispose of and to invest, trade or deal in, other
                  real and personal property of every kind and description and
                  any interests therein necessary or incidental to the purposes
                  of the Corporation;

                  (c) To make, enter into and perform all agreements or
                  contracts necessary or incidental to the advancement of the
                  purposes of the Corporation, and to do and transact all acts,
                  business and things to accomplish or further any of the
                  objects, powers or purposes of the Corporation incident to or
                  in anywise connected therewith;

                  (d) To engage in any similar business which may be conducted
                  by a corporation as permitted by Section 201 of the Business
                  Corporation Law; and

                  (e) To have, in furtherance of the purposes of the
                  Corporation, all of the powers conferred upon corporations
                  organized under the Business Corporation Law, subject to any
                  limitations thereof contained in this Certificate of
                  Incorporation or in the laws of the State of New York.

                  The foregoing purposes shall be deemed to be objects and
powers of the Corporation as well as its purposes and shall be deemed
independent, each of the other, and no purpose, object or power is intended to
limit or restrict any other purpose, object or power.

                  THIRD: The office of the Corporation in the State of New York
is to be located in the City of New York, County of New York.

                  FOURTH: The aggregate number of shares which the Corporation
shall have authority to issue is Two Hundred Thousand (200,000) shares of common
stock, par value $0.10 per share.

                  FIFTH: The Secretary of State of the State of New York is
designated as the agent of the Corporation upon whom process against the
Corporation may be served. The post office address to which the Secretary of
State shall mail a copy of any process against the Corporation served upon him

                       TSI GREAT NECK, INC.
                       c/o Fox & Horan
                       One Broadway
                       New York, New York 10004
                       Attn:  Michael F. Johnston, Esq.

                  SIXTH: The Corporation shall be authorized to indemnify any
and all of its directors, officers, employees and agents, and any other person
or persons, to the fullest extent permitted under the Business Corporation Law
of the State of New York.

                  SEVENTH: The personal liability of any and all of the
directors of the Corporation to the Corporation or to its shareholders for
damages with respect to any breach of duty as a director shall be eliminated or
limited to the fullest extent permitted under the Business Corporation Law,
provided that the personal liability of any director shall not be eliminated or
limited if a judgment or other final adjudication adverse to him establishes
that his acts or omissions were in bad faith or involved intentional misconduct
or a knowing violation of law or that he personally gained in fact a financial
profit or other advantage to which he was not legally entitled or that his acts
violated section 719 of the Business Corporation Law.

                  EIGHTH: The by-laws of the Corporation may be amended at any
meeting of shareholders by vote of the shareholders holding a majority of all of
the outstanding stock entitled to vote, present either in person or by proxy,
provided notice of the amendment is included in the notice or waiver of notice
of such meeting. The board of directors of the Corporation may from time to time
by the vote of a majority of the directors then in office make, adopt, amend,
supplement or repeal by-laws (including by-laws adopted by the shareholders of
the Corporation), but the shareholders of the Corporation may from time to time
specify provisions of the by-laws that may not be amended or repealed by the
board of directors of the Corporation.

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed and
acknowledged this Certificate of Incorporation this 9th day of June, 1989.

                                        /s/ A. Alimanestianu
                                        Alexander A. Alimanestianu, Incorporator
                                        One Broadway
                                        New York, New York 10004

                   ) ss.:

                  On this 9th day of June, 1989, before me personally came
Alexander A. Alimanestianu, to me known and known to me to be the person
described in and who executed the foregoing Certificate of Incorporation, and
acknowledged to me that he executed the same.

                                        /s/ Marion L. Palser
                                            Notary Public