Exhibit 5.3

                                                                 RUSSELL McVEAGH


26 February 2004

CanWest Media Inc.
31st Floor, TD Centre
201 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba



1.1  We have acted as New Zealand solicitors to each of the following companies:

     (a)  CanWest NZ Radio Holdings Limited;

     (b)   TV3 Network Services Limited (previously named "Canwest Television NZ
           Limited"); and

     (c)  TV4 Network Limited,

     (each a "NZ Guarantor" and together the "NZ Guarantors").

1.2  This opinion is issued in connection with:

     (a)  an indenture ("Indenture") dated 17 May 2001 between CanWest Media
          Inc. ("CMI"), the Guarantors and the Trustee, as amended and
          supplemented from time to time; and

     (b)  a guarantee ("Guarantee") dated 17 May 2001 granted by each of the
          Guarantors in favour of the Trustee and the Noteholders,

     (each a "Transaction Document" and together the "Transaction Documents").

1.3  Unless the context otherwise requires expressions defined in the Indenture
     have the same meanings in this opinion.

1.4  This opinion is delivered to you for filing as an exhibit to the
     registration statement ("Registration Statement") on Form F-3 filed by CMI
     and the Guarantors with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to
     the Securities Act of 1933 (U.S.) ("Securities Act") relating to the
     registration of the Notes and the Guarantee under the Securities Act.


2.1  This opinion relates only to the laws of New Zealand in force and effective
     as at the date of this opinion and is given on the basis that it will be
     construed in

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     accordance with those laws.  We have made no investigation of, and express
     no opinion as to, the laws of any other jurisdiction.


3.1  For the purposes of giving this opinion, we have examined the following:

     (a)  a facsimile copy of an executed copy of the Indenture and a copy of
          the executed copy of the Guarantee;

     (b)  facsimile copies of certificates ("Director's Certificates") given by
          a director of each of the NZ Guarantors;

     (c)  the public records:

          (i)    on the Companies Office website (www.companies.govt.nz),
                 carried out on 26 February 2004; and

          (ii)   of the Registrar of the High Court at Auckland (being the
                 office of the Court at which a statement of claim for the
                 liquidation of the NZ Guarantors would be required to be filed
                 under the High Court Rules), carried out on 26 February 2004.
                 However, it is possible that a statement of claim for the
                 liquidation of a NZ Guarantor would be accepted by a High Court
                 Registrar other than at Auckland;

     (d)  the originals or copies, certified or otherwise identified to our
          satisfaction, of such certificates and other documents as we have
          considered necessary or appropriate to enable us to render this


4.1  We have made the following assumptions:

     (a)  All seals and signatures and any duty stamp or marking on the
          Transaction Documents are genuine.

     (b)  All documents provided to us are:

          (i)    if originals, authentic and in full force and effect; and

          (ii)   if copies, true copies of original documents, that are in full
                 force and effect.

     (c)  All facts provided to us by or on behalf of any person in connection
          with this opinion, including those set out in any document or
          certificate, are correct.

     (d)  Each Transaction Document has been, or will be, authorised, executed
          and delivered by, and is within the capacity and powers of the parties
          to it (other than the NZ Guarantors) and constitutes, or will upon
          execution constitute, legal, valid and binding obligations of the
          parties to it (other than the NZ Guarantors).

     (e)  The NZ Guarantors have received, or will receive, fair value under the
          Transaction Documents for their obligations under the transactions
          contemplated by the Transaction Documents and the execution and
          performance of the Transaction Documents is in the best interests and
          for the benefit of each of them.

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     (f)  The value of the consideration or benefit being received, or to be
          received, by the NZ Guarantors, under the transactions contemplated by
          the Transaction Documents is not less than the value of the
          consideration provided, or to be provided, by each of them under those

     (g)  Insofar as any obligation under any Transaction Document is to be
          performed in any jurisdiction other than New Zealand, it will be legal
          and enforceable in that jurisdiction.

     (h)  The directors' and shareholders' resolutions of each of the NZ
          Guarantors as referred to in the relevant Director's Certificate have
          been properly passed in accordance with the constitution of the
          relevant NZ Guarantor and the Companies Act 1993, and remain in full
          force and effect without modification as at the date of this opinion.

     (i)  The deed of appointment entered into by each NZ Guarantor pursuant to
          which John E. Maguire was appointed as attorney for that NZ Guarantor
          to execute the Transaction Documents, as referred to in the Director's
          Certificate given by a director of that NZ Guarantor, had not been
          revoked and was in full force and effect at the time John E. Maguire
          executed the Transaction Documents on behalf of that NZ Guarantor.

     (j)  The Transaction Documents constitute legal, valid and binding
          obligations of the parties under the laws of New York enforceable in
          competent courts of that jurisdiction, that each of them has the same
          meaning and effect under New York law as it would do if it was
          governed by New Zealand law and that there are no provisions of
          New York law which would affect this opinion.

     (k)  The records on the Companies Office website and of the Registrar of
          the High Courts referred to in paragraph 3.1(c) are complete, accurate
          and up to date.  We note that records disclosed by the search referred
          to in paragraph 3.1(c)(i) may not be complete or up to date and that
          an application to liquidate a company, or notice of a liquidation
          order or resolution for the appointment of a receiver or for the
          liquidation of a company, may not be filed with the Registrar of
          Companies immediately or, even if filed, may not be available for
          public inspection.


5.1  In our opinion:

     (a)  Each of the NZ Guarantors is duly incorporated under the Companies Act
          1993 and validly existing under the laws of New Zealand.

     (b)  Each of the NZ Guarantors has:

          (i)    the requisite corporate power to enter into and perform its
                 obligations under the Transaction Documents and to undertake
                 all matters required to be undertaken by it under, in respect
                 of, and for the purposes of implementing, the transactions
                 contemplated by the Transaction Documents; and

          (ii)   taken all necessary corporate action to authorise the entry
                 into, and execution of, the Transaction Documents and the
                 performance of its obligations thereunder and the undertaking
                 by it of all matters

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               required to be undertaken by it under, or in respect of, the
               transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents.

     (c)  Each Transaction Document has been duly executed by the NZ Guarantors.

     (d)  The execution and performance by each of the NZ Guarantors of each
          Transaction Document, and the compliance by it with the terms and
          provisions thereof, do not and will not violate any law of New Zealand
          by which it is bound or public policy.


6.1  This opinion is subject to the following qualifications and reservations:

     (a)  The obligations of the NZ Guarantors are subject to all insolvency,
          moratorium, reorganisation or similar laws affecting creditors' rights
          generally (and in particular the provisions of the Corporations
          (Investigation and Management) Act 1989) and may also be, or become,
          subject to limitation of action by the passing of time or to defences
          of set-off or counterclaim.

     (b)  If any director of a company is interested in a transaction then,
          unless the company receives fair value under that transaction or all
          entitled persons of the company have concurred in the transaction
          under section 107 of the Companies Act 1993, the company may avoid the
          transaction at any time prior to the expiration of the three month
          period after that transaction is disclosed to all the shareholders of
          the company. Each Director's Certificate states that none of the
          directors of that NZ Guarantor are interested in the transactions
          contemplated by the Transaction Documents.

     (c)  Under section 129 of the Companies Act 1993, if any transaction
          constitutes a "major transaction" (as defined), entry into that
          transaction is required to be approved by a special resolution of the
          shareholders of the company.  Consequently:

          (i)    if no special resolution has been passed, the relevant
                 transactions may be set aside or other remedies exercised under
                 sections 164 or 174 of the Companies Act 1993;

          (ii)   if a special resolution has been passed but was not assented to
                 by all the shareholders of the company, the dissenting
                 shareholders may give notice to the company requiring it to
                 purchase their shares (or to arrange for some other person to
                 purchase those shares) in accordance with the provisions of
                 sections 110 to 113 inclusive of the Companies Act 1993. Those
                 sections operate to require the company to purchase the
                 relevant shares unless it obtains an order from the Court under
                 section 114 or 115 of the Companies Act 1993.

          The Director's Certificate for each NZ Guarantor records the relevant
          director's opinion that the transactions contemplated by the
          Transaction Documents are "major transactions" of that NZ Guarantor
          for the purposes of section 129 of the Companies Act 1993 and state
          that the required shareholder's resolutions have been passed by the
          shareholder or shareholders of that NZ Guarantor.

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     (d)  Obligations that are regarded as penalties will not be enforceable.

     (e)  As used in this opinion the term "enforceable" (and cognate
          expressions) means that each obligation or document is of a type and
          form enforced by the New Zealand Courts.  It is not certain, however,
          that each obligation or document will be enforced in accordance with
          its terms in every circumstance.  Enforcement of the Transaction
          Documents may be limited by general principles of equity, by public
          policy, or by statutory provisions. In particular:

          (i)    the remedy of an order for specific performance or the issue of
                 any injunction by a New Zealand Court is available only at the
                 discretion of such Court, and is not usually ordered or
                 granted, where damages would be an adequate alternative;

          (ii)   a provision which purports to excuse or protect a party for, or
                 to apply regardless of, that party's negligence, default or
                 breach of duty, may not be enforceable;

          (iii)  enforcement of the Transaction Documents and the enforcement of
                 a foreign judgment in the Courts of New Zealand against a NZ
                 Guarantor will be subject to the rules of civil procedure as
                 applied by those Courts;

          (iv)   a New Zealand Court may not enforce any provision of a
                 Transaction Document which is or may become illegal or contrary
                 to public policy under the law of another jurisdiction in which
                 it is to be performed;

          (v)    enforcement of any Transaction Document is subject to rights
                 arising in relation to representations, acts or omissions of a
                 party which may preclude, limit or affect the ability of that
                 party to enforce against another party the obligations of that
                 other party under that Transaction Document.  We have made no
                 investigation as to whether any such representations, acts or
                 omissions have been made or done;

          (vi)   under New Zealand law a court may not give effect to any
                 severability provisions contained in the Transaction Documents;

          (vii)  under New Zealand law a court may not give effect to an
                 indemnity for legal costs incurred by an unsuccessful litigant
                 or where the Court itself has made an order for costs;

          (viii) a provision in a Transaction Document requiring amendments and
                 waivers to be in writing may not prevent the parties
                 effectively agreeing that oral or other modifications,
                 amendments or waivers may be made.

     (f)  A determination, calculation or certificate may not be conclusive if,
          for example, the matter or thing involved could be shown to have been
          determined, calculated or certified on an unreasonable, arbitrary,
          fraudulent or manifestly incorrect basis.

     (g)  A New Zealand Court may decline to hear an action or to give effect to
          any provision of a Transaction Document if it is contrary to public
          policy to do so, or would involve or result in the Court making a
          fresh contract between the parties, or if it is not the proper forum
          to hear such action,

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          and may stay an action if concurrent proceedings are being brought

     (h)  A provision in a Transaction Document that any amount is payable upon
          demand may be construed as requiring reasonable notice.

     (i)  Discretions may be required to be exercised reasonably and
          opinions are required to be based on proper grounds.

     (j)  Admissibility of documents may be limited by general rules of

     (k)  Written authorisation from the Prime Minister or the Minister of
          Finance (as the case may be) is required prior to making property, or
          financial or related services, available to terrorist entities and
          associated entities designated as such under the Terrorism Suppression
          Act 2002, or other parties to whom financial sanctions apply.


7.1  This opinion is addressed to you and may not, without our prior written
     consent, be:

     (a)  relied upon by, or disclosed to, any other person, other than Kaye
          Scholer LLP, who may rely on this opinion with respect to matters
          governed by New York law for the purposes of its opinion to you dated
          on or about the date hereof; or

     (b)  filed with a governmental or other agency, other than as set out in
          paragraph 7.2, or quoted or referred to in a public document, except
          as may otherwise be required by applicable law or regulation.

7.2  We consent to the filing of this opinion with the Securities and Exchange
     Commission pursuant to the Securities Act as an exhibit to the Registration
     Statement and to the use of our name under the caption "Legal Matters" in
     the prospectus included therein.

7.3  This opinion is strictly limited to the matters stated herein and does not
     apply by implication to any other matter or matters.

Yours faithfully


Dave Wetherell/Nick Lodder
Partner/Senior Solicitor

Direct phone:           64 9 367 8715/64 9 367 8112
Direct fax:             64 9 367 8097
Email:                  dave.wetherell/nick.lodder@russellmcveagh.com