As amended and restated January 30, 2003

         Arch Chemicals, Inc. ("Arch") established a Supplemental Contributing
Employee Ownership Plan (the "Plan" or "SCEOP"), effective February 8, 1999, the
effective date of the spin-off of Arch from Olin Corporation (the "Original
Effective Date"). The Plan was amended and restated effective March 1, 2001, and
is hereby further amended and restated effective January 30, 2003. The terms of
this Plan document shall apply to periods on and after January 30, 2003 only.
Prior plan documents govern the administration of the Plan during prior periods.

         The Plan is intended to be an unfunded, nonqualified deferred
compensation plan for certain management and highly compensated employees, as
described in Section 201(2) and 301(a)(3) of the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act ("ERISA"). The purpose of this Plan is to permit certain executive
employees of Arch, whose contributions to the Arch Chemicals, Inc. Contributing
Employee Ownership Plan (the "CEOP") are limited under Sections 401(a)(17) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and the regulations promulgated thereunder
(the "Code"), with certain supplemental benefits to make up for such
Code-imposed limitations. On and after January 30, 2003, the Plan is also
intended to allow certain management and highly compensated employees who have
maximized contributions under the CEOP to have additional opportunities to defer
compensation and to receive employer matching contributions.

                                    ARTICLE I

         1.1      Except as otherwise provided herein, terms defined in the CEOP
are used herein with the meanings ascribed to them in the CEOP. In addition,
when used herein, the following definitions shall apply:

                  "Arch Phantom Units" means phantom shares of the CEOP's Arch
         Common Stock Fund credited under the SCEOP.

                  "CEOP Percentage" means, with respect to a SCEOP Participant,
         the annual percentage by which such Participant reduces his or her
         Maximum Eligible Compensation on either a before-tax or after-tax basis
         in calculating Contributions made to the CEOP (whether as a result of
         elective, or automatic, enrollment); provided, however, that, if a
         Participant's CEOP percentage exceeds six percent (6%), the Participant
         may elect, for purposes of this Plan, to limit the CEOP percentage used
         under this Plan to six percent (6%).

                  "Company" or "Arch" means Arch Chemicals, Inc. and its
         affiliated companies.

                  "Compensation" has the same meaning as under the CEOP, except
         that it is not subject to the maximum dollar limitation on compensation
         taken into account for purposes of the CEOP under Section 401(a)(17) of
         the Code.

                  "Dividend Equivalents" means (i) with respect to the Arch
         Phantom Units held in a SCEOP Account of a SCEOP Participant, the
         dollar amount of regular or special dividends actually paid in cash
         from time to time on the actual number of shares of Arch Common Stock
         reflected in such Arch Phantom Units; and (ii) with respect to the Olin
         Phantom Units held in a SCEOP Account of an Arch Participant, the
         dollar amount of regular or special dividends actually paid in cash
         from time to time on the actual number of shares of Olin Common Stock
         reflected in such Olin Phantom Units. Any Dividend Equivalents shall be
         deemed reinvested solely in Arch Phantom Units.

                  "Excess Company Matching Contribution" means, with respect to
         a SCEOP Participant for a Plan Year, an amount derived by multiplying
         (i) the percentage used in calculating the Company Matching
         Contribution (currently, 100% of the first $25 per month, and 50% of
         the Participant's Contribution in excess of $25 per month) under the
         CEOP, as such percentage changes from time to time, by (ii) the annual
         SCEOP Participant Contribution for that Participant; provided that, if
         the Participant's CEOP Percentage exceeds six percent (6%), the SCEOP
         Participant Contribution will be calculated using six percent (6%) for
         the CEOP Percentage when calculating the Excess Company Matching

                  "Excess Performance Contribution" means with respect to a
         SCEOP Participant for a Plan Year, the amount derived by multiplying
         (i) the percentage used in calculating the Performance Matching
         Contribution under the formula contained in the CEOP that is applicable
         to a SCEOP Participant for that year, if any, by (ii) the SCEOP
         Participant Contribution of that Participant for such year; provided
         that if such Participant's CEOP Percentage exceeds six percent (6%),
         the SCEOP Participant Contribution will be calculated using six percent
         (6%) for the CEOP Percentage when calculating the Excess Performance

                  "Maximum Eligible Compensation" means the annual maximum
         amount of Compensation under Section 401(a)(17) of the Code from which
         a Participant is permitted to make Contributions to the CEOP, as such
         maximum amount is adjusted from time to time under the Code.

                  "Olin Phantom Units" means phantom shares of the CEOP's Olin
         Common Stock Fund credited under the SCEOP.

                  "Plan Year" means a twelve-month period ending on December 31.


                  "SCEOP Participant" or "Arch Participant" means a full-time
         salaried employee (which term shall be deemed to include officers) on
         the active payroll of the Company and its affiliates who has at least
         1182 Hay Points and who has been selected by the Plan Administrator to
         participate in this plan.

                  "SCEOP Account" for a SCEOP Participant means the Account
         established under the SCEOP for such Participant holding Arch Phantom
         Units, Olin Phantom Units and/or any other phantom securities or
         hypothetical investment units created herein.

                  "SCEOP Participant Contribution" with respect to a SCEOP
         Participant shall mean the annual amount by which the SCEOP Participant
         has elected to reduce his or her Compensation under this Plan.

                                   ARTICLE II
                          ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION

         2.1      Any employee of the Company who

                  (a) is a management employee;

                  (b) is a "highly compensated employee" within the meaning of
         Code Section 414(q);

                  (c) is participating in the CEOP; and

                  (d) who has at least 1182 Hay Points and has been selected by
         the Plan Administrator

shall be eligible to participate in this Plan (an "Eligible Employee").

         2.2      Each Eligible Employee wishing to participate in this Plan
must execute and file a salary reduction agreement in a form acceptable to the
Plan Administrator. Initially, such agreement to reduce Compensation shall be
filed within thirty (30) days following such individual becoming an Eligible
Employee. An Eligible Employee not filing such an agreement within the thirty
(30) day period referred to in the preceding sentence must thereafter file such
agreement to reduce Compensation by December 1 (or such other date in December
as shall be determined by the Plan Administrator) of the calendar year prior to
the beginning of the Plan Year for which it will be effective and prior to the
calendar year in which such Compensation would otherwise be earned. Once filed,
agreements to reduce Compensation shall remain in effect for subsequent Plan
Years unless revoked by the Participant in writing in a form acceptable to the
Plan Administrator.

         2.3      Any election to reduce salary shall be irrevocable for the
Plan Year to which it relates, provided, however, that during a Plan Year a
Participant may elect to cease all salary


reductions for the remainder of the Plan Year, in which case, no subsequent
election shall be effective until the beginning of the next Plan Year.

         2.4      No salary reduction election shall be given effect under this
Plan until the Participant has contributed to the CEOP the maximum amount
permitted by the CEOP and by applicable law for the Plan Year to which such
salary reduction election relates.

                                   ARTICLE III
                           CONTRIBUTIONS AND ACCOUNTS

         3.1      Any Eligible Employee whose employment was transferred to Arch
after its spin-off from Olin (February 8, 1999), but before February 8, 2000,
and who had his or her Olin SCEOP account balances transferred to this Plan, may
retain the Olin Phantom Units credited to his or her Olin SCEOP account as of
the date the Employee became employed by Arch. No additional Olin Phantom Units
may be acquired under this Plan, whether through the crediting of Dividend
Equivalents, through contributions to the Plan, or through deemed transfers of
sub-accounts under the Plan.

         3.2      In conjunction with establishing this Plan, Arch assumed the
liabilities of Olin Corporation and its affiliates for the provision of certain
benefits to Participants who were participants in the Olin SCEOP and who
transferred to, and became employed by Arch or its affiliated companies ("Arch
Employees"). In consideration of such assumption of liability, Olin transferred
to Arch (or to a rabbi trust established by Arch) the reserves (including any
associated assets held in a rabbi trust or similar vehicle) reflecting the value
of the accrued liabilities being transferred, determined in accordance with
Olin's established policies and accounting methods, uniformly applied for
calculating liabilities under its non-qualified plans.

         3.3      Each SCEOP Participant who so elects for a Plan Year shall
defer SCEOP Participant Contributions on a pre-tax basis. For each SCEOP
Participant, a SCEOP Account will be established. The Account will contain
sub-accounts for each type of contribution credited to the SCEOP Account and for
each type of Phantom Unit or other hypothetical investment unit credited to the
Account. For each Plan Year during which a person is a SCEOP Participant and
making deferrals, the Company (or other Participating Employer) will credit to
the SCEOP Account of each SCEOP Participant the number of Arch Phantom Units or
other hypothetical investment units equal in value to the sum of (1) the SCEOP
Participant Contribution, plus (2) the Excess Company Matching Contribution,
plus (3) the Excess Performance Contribution, if any; provided, however that
Excess Company Matching Contributions and Excess Performance Contributions shall
be credited in Arch Phantom Units only. Such crediting shall occur periodically
in accordance with the timing of contributions to the CEOP, in the case of the
SCEOP Participant Contributions and Excess Company Matching Contributions, and
as soon as administratively feasible following the making of a Performance
Matching Contribution under the CEOP, in the case of an Excess Performance


         3.4      A Participant's SCEOP Account will also be credited with
Dividend Equivalents from time to time, solely in the form of additional Arch
Phantom Units, when such dividends are paid (i) on the actual number of shares
of Arch Common Stock reflected in the Arch Phantom Units held in such Account,
and (ii) on the actual number of shares of Olin Common Stock reflected in the
Olin Phantom Units held in such Account.

         3.5      For purposes of calculating the number of Arch Phantom Units
to be credited to an Arch Participant's SCEOP Account as a result crediting
Dividend Equivalents or contributions, the SCEOP shall use the Current Market
Value for valuing units in the Arch Common Stock Fund as defined under the CEOP.
Phantom Units will be credited in fractional amounts up to three decimal places.
For purposes of valuing Olin Phantom Units under this Plan, the SCEOP shall use
the Current Market Value for valuing shares in Olin Common Stock Fund as defined
in the CEOP.

         3.6      SCEOP Participants may either retain their Olin Phantom Units
or may have their entire Olin Phantom Unit Account Balance deemed transferred at
the then Current Market Value and reinvested in Arch Phantom Units at the then
Current Market Value. Once Olin Phantom Units are deemed transferred and
reinvested, a Participant may not re-direct investment back into Olin Phantom
Units. No new investment, whether in the form of Company or Participant
contributions or Dividend Equivalents, shall be permitted in Olin Phantom Units.

         3.7      On and after January 30, 2003, the Plan Administrator is
authorized to establish a program and procedures whereby each Participant may
direct the nominal investment of the portion of his or her SCEOP Account that is
attributable to SCEOP Participant Contributions in hypothetical investment units
(i.e., other than Phantom Stock Units); provided, however, that Arch Phantom
Units will continue to be one of the hypothetical investments that are made
available for this purpose. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Participant who is
subject to Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
"Exchange Act"), may not transfer amounts out of or into Arch Phantom Units in
violation of Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act , and the Plan Administrator may
establish from time to time blackout periods applicable to either all
Participants or to Participants who are subject to Section 16(b) during which no
transfers may occur among all or certain Accounts.

         3.8      A Participant shall at all times be fully vested in his or her
SCEOP Participant Contribution Account Balance, and shall vest in his or her
Excess Company Matching and Excess Performance Contribution Account Balances in
accordance with the vesting schedule contained in the CEOP. Each Participant
shall be deemed vested in his or her SCEOP Account Balance to the same extent
that the Participant is actually vested in his or her CEOP Account Balance. For
purposes of determining an Arch Participant's vested percentage under this
SCEOP, such Participant's past service with Olin shall be recognized to the same
extent as if such service had been rendered with Arch. A Participant shall be
fully vested in his or her SCEOP Account Balance upon his death, upon
termination of service from the Company and all affiliates after reaching a
retirement date under the CEOP, or upon termination of service due to Permanent
Disability as defined in the CEOP.


         3.9      In the event that the Compensation Committee of the Board
("the Committee") determines that any dividend or other distribution,
recapitalization, stock split, reverse stock split, reorganization, merger,
consolidation, split-up, spin-off, combination, repurchase or exchange of Arch
Common Stock, Olin Common Stock or any other securities of Arch or Olin,
issuance of warrants or other rights to purchase Arch Common Stock, Olin Common
Stock or other securities of these companies, or other similar corporate
transaction or event occurs that affects Arch or Olin Common Stock such that the
Committee determines that an adjustment in Phantom Units under the Plan is
appropriate in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits intended
to be made available under this Plan, then the Committee shall, in such manner
as it deems equitable, adjust Participants' SCEOP Accounts. In the case of a
spin-off, split-up, issuance of an extraordinary stock dividend, or similar
transaction, such adjustment, in the Committee's discretion, may result in
creation of phantom shares in a separate phantom stock fund, reinvestment of
such phantom shares in Arch Phantom Units, and the like. In the case of a merger
for cash with respect to Olin Common Stock, the cash received as a result of
such merger shall be deemed reinvested in Arch Phantom Units. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, a Participant to whom Dividend Equivalents have been allocated
shall not be entitled to receive a non-cash special or extraordinary dividend or
distribution unless the Committee expressly authorizes such receipt.

                                   ARTICLE IV

         4.1      Except as provided in Section 4.6, below, concerning hardship
withdrawals, no amounts credited to a Participant's SCEOP Account under this
Plan may be withdrawn or distributed prior to the Participant's termination of
employment with the Company and all affiliates thereof, including, but not
limited to any other corporation in the same controlled group with Arch (within
the meaning of Section 414(b), (c) and (m) of the Code). Amounts credited to a
Participant's Account under this Plan may not be loaned to such Participant. A
Participant's SCEOP Account will be distributed in the form elected under
Section 4.2 upon the earliest to occur of the Participant's death, termination
of service due to Permanent Disability, retirement or termination of active
service from the Company and all affiliates.

         4.2      Upon becoming a SCEOP Participant, such SCEOP Participant
shall elect to receive the value of his or her SCEOP Account Balance either (i)
in a lump sum, or (ii) in annual installments for a period not to exceed fifteen
(15) years, commencing on the earliest to occur of the Participant's death,
retirement, termination of service due to Permanent Disability or termination of
active employment from Arch and its affiliated companies. A SCEOP Participant
may change such election upon written notice to the Plan Administrator, provided
no such change shall be given effect if the SCEOP Participant becomes eligible
for a distribution from this Plan within twelve (12) months of such change.

         4.3      Installment payments shall commence to be paid as soon as
administratively feasible and generally effective as of the first day of the
month following a Participant's termination of active service. The Company may
delay the payment of any benefit owed


hereunder in order to complete the orderly processing of such benefit.

         4.4      Distributions to a SCEOP Participant of his or her SCEOP
Account Balance shall be made only in the form of cash. Except as provided in
Section 7.3, the value of the portion of any Account Balance credited with
Phantom Units shall be based on the Current Market Value of shares in the Arch
Common Stock Fund and, if applicable, the Olin Common Stock Fund, as calculated
in accordance with the CEOP at the close of business on the last business day
immediately preceding the date on which the distribution is to be effective. The
value of the portion of an Account Balance credited with other hypothetical
investment units shall be based on the value of such units as of the close of
business on the last business day immediately preceding the date on which the
distribution is to be effective.

         4.5      Any benefit payable under this Plan on account of the death of
a Participant shall be paid to the Participant's beneficiary as designated or
determined under the terms of the CEOP; however, a Participant may, by filing
with the Plan Administrator prior to death on a form supplied by the Plan
Administrator, designate a different individual or entity to be the designated
Beneficiary of such Participant for purposes of this Plan, in which case the
subsequent designation will supersede any designation of a beneficiary under the

         4.6      On and after January 30, 2003, in the event a Participant who
is actively employed by the Company suffers a Hardship, such Participant may
apply to the Plan Administrator for a Hardship Distribution. If approved by the
Plan Administrator, the amount distributed shall be limited to the amount
required to meet the need created by the Hardship and shall not exceed the
amount credited to the portion of the Participant's SCEOP Account that is
attributable to SCEOP Participant Contributions. For this purpose, Hardship
means a severe financial hardship to the Participant resulting from a sudden and
unexpected illness or accident of the Participant or of a dependent of the
Participant (as defined in Code Section 152(a)), a Participant's loss of
property due to casualty, or other similar, extraordinary and unforeseeable
circumstance arising as a result of events beyond the control of the
Participant, which is not relieved (i) through reimbursement or compensation by
insurance or otherwise, (ii) by liquidation of the Participant's assets, to the
extent the liquidation of assets would not itself cause severe hardship, or
(iii) by cessation of deferrals under this Plan.

                                    ARTICLE V
                              LIABILITY FOR PAYMENT

         5.1      The Company (and each other Participating Employer) shall pay
the benefits provided hereunder with respect to SCEOP Participants who are
employed or were formerly employed by it during their participation in the Plan.
In the case of a SCEOP Participant who was employed by more than one
Participating Employer, the Committee shall allocate the cost of such benefits
among such Participating Employers in such manner as it deems equitable. The
obligations of the Participating Employer hereunder shall not be funded in any
manner. (Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company may establish a rabbi trust
or similar vehicle to facilitate the payment of its obligations created
hereunder.) The rights of any person to receive


benefits under this Plan are limited to those of a general creditor of the
Participating Employer liable for such benefits hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                           ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN

         6.1      The Pension Administration and Review Committee shall be the
named Plan Administrator of this Plan. The Plan Administrator shall administer
the Plan for the exclusive benefit of the Participants (and their
Beneficiaries), in accordance with the terms of the Plan. The Plan Administrator
shall have the absolute discretion and power to determine all questions arising
in connection with the administration, interpretation and application of the
Plan. Any such determination by the Plan Administrator shall be conclusive and
binding upon all persons. The Plan Administrator may correct any defect or
reconcile any inconsistency in such manner and to such extent as shall be deemed
necessary or advisable to carry out the purposes of the Plan; provided, however,
that such interpretation or construction shall be done in a non-discriminatory
manner and shall be consistent with the intent of the Plan, the Code and ERISA.

         The Plan Administrator shall:

                  (a) determine all questions relating to eligibility of
         Employees to participate or continue participation in the Plan;

                  (b) maintain all necessary records for the administration of
         the Plan;

                  (c) interpret the provisions of the Plan and make and publish
         such rules for regulation of the Plan as are consistent with the terms

                  (d) assist any Participant regarding rights, benefits or
         elections available under the Plan; and

                  (e) communicate to Employees, Participants and their
         Beneficiaries concerning the provisions of the Plan.

         The Plan Administrator shall keep a record of all actions taken and
shall keep such other books of account, records and other information that may
be necessary for proper administration of the Plan. The Plan Administrator shall
file and distribute all reports that may be required by the Internal Revenue
Service, Department of Labor or others, as required by law. The Plan
Administrator may appoint accountants, actuaries, counsel, advisors and other
persons that it deems necessary or desirable in connection with the
administration of the Plan.

         6.2      Except as otherwise provided herein, all provisions set forth
in the CEOP with respect to the administration of that plan shall also be
applicable with respect to this Plan. For purposes of this Plan, the Company
shall be entitled to rely conclusively upon all tables,


valuations, certificates, opinions and reports furnished by any actuary,
accountant, controller, counsel or other person employed or engaged by the
Company with respect to the CEOP.

                                   ARTICLE VII

         7.1      The Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this Plan
at any time, by action of the Company's Board of Directors, the Compensation
Committee of the Board, or such other committee from time to time designated by
the Board, and without the consent of any employee or other person.

         7.2      Notwithstanding Section 7.1 above, no amendment or termination
of the Plan shall directly or indirectly reduce the balance to the credit of any
Participant hereunder as of the effective date of such amendment or termination.
Upon termination of the Plan, no additional amounts shall be credited under the
terms of the Plan. Notwithstanding the termination of this Plan, amounts
credited hereunder shall not be distributed to Participants except as provided
in Article IV, above, or Section 7.3, below.

         7.3      On and after January 30, 2003, if a Change of Control occurs,
the Account Balance of each SCEOP Participant who has a termination of
employment within two years following such Change in Control shall be paid in
cash to such Participant as promptly as practicable, but in no event later than
30 days following the termination of employment. For purposes of the Plan, a
"Change in Control" of the Company shall have occurred in the event that

                  (i) the Company ceases to be, directly or indirectly, owned of
                  record by at least 1,000 stockholders;

                  (ii) a person, partnership, joint venture, corporation or
                  other entity, or two or more of any of the foregoing acting as
                  "person" within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) of the
                  Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act"), other
                  than the Company, a majority-owned subsidiary of the Company
                  or an employee benefit plan of the Company or such subsidiary
                  (or such plan's related trust), become(s) the "beneficial
                  owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 of the Act) of 20% or more of
                  the then outstanding voting stock of the Company; or

                  (iii) during any period of two consecutive years, individuals
                  who at the beginning of such period constitute the Company's
                  Board of Directors (together with any new Director whose
                  election by the Company's Board or whose nomination for
                  election by the Company's stockholders, was approved by a vote
                  of at least two-thirds of the Directors of the Company then
                  still in office who either were Directors at the beginning of
                  such period or whose election or nomination for election was
                  previously so


                  approved) cease for any reason to constitute a majority of the
                  Directors then in office; or

                  (iv) all or substantially all of the business of the Company
                  is disposed of pursuant to a merger, consolidation or other
                  transaction in which the Company is not the surviving
                  corporation or the Company combines with another company and
                  is the surviving corporation (unless the shareholders of the
                  Company immediately following such merger, consolidation,
                  combination, or other transaction beneficially own, directly
                  or indirectly, more than 50% of the aggregate voting stock or
                  other ownership interests of (x) the entities, if any, that
                  succeed to the business of the Company or (y) the combined
                  company); or

                  (v) the shareholders of the Company approve a sale of all or
                  substantially all of the assets of the Company or a
                  liquidation or dissolution of the Company

For purposes of computing the distribution payout under this Section 7.3, the
cash value of the SCEOP Account of a Participant shall be deemed to be the
greater of the value as of the Change in Control or the termination of

                  (a) For purposes of calculating value as of the date of the
         Change in Control, the value of the Phantom Units will be determined by
         (i) multiplying the actual number of shares of Arch Common Stock
         reflected in a Participant's Arch Phantom Units by the greater of (1)
         the highest Current Market Value of the Common Stock (as defined in the
         CEOP Plan) on any date within the period commencing thirty (30) days
         prior to such Change in Control and ending on the date of the Change in
         Control, or (2) if the Change in Control occurs as a result of a tender
         or exchange offer or consummation of a corporate transaction, then the
         highest price paid per share of Common Stock pursuant thereto; (ii)
         adding any cash portion attributable to a Participant's Arch Phantom
         Units held in his or her SCEOP Account as of the date of the Change in
         Control; and (iii) adding the then Current Market Value of that portion
         of a Participant's SCEOP Account which is deemed invested in Olin
         Phantom Units (and any other phantom units or stock fund established in
         the SCEOP). For purposes of calculating value as of the date of the
         Change in Control, the value of the hypothetical investment units will
         be determined based on the value of such units as of the close of
         business on the last business day immediately preceding the date of the
         Change in Control.

                  (b) For purposes of calculating value as of the date of the
         termination of employment, the values will be calculated as provided
         for distributions upon termination of employment in Section 4.4.


                                  ARTICLE VIII
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

         8.1      The Plan at all times shall be entirely unfunded. The right of
a Participant or designated Beneficiary to receive a distribution hereunder
shall be an unsecured claim against the general assets of the Company, and
neither the Participant nor a designated Beneficiary shall have any rights in or
against any specific assets of the Company. All amounts credited to the SCEOP
Accounts of Participants shall constitute general assets of the Company and may
be disposed of by the Company at such time and for such purposes as it may deem
appropriate. (Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company may establish a rabbi
trust or similar vehicle to facilitate the payment of its obligations created

         8.2      Nothing contained in the Plan shall constitute a guaranty by
the Company or any other person or entity that the assets of the Company will be
sufficient to pay any benefit hereunder.

         8.3      No Participant shall have any right to receive a distribution
of contributions made under the Plan except in accordance with the terms of the
Plan. Establishment of the Plan shall not be construed to give any Participant
the right to be retained in the service of the Company.

         8.4      No interest of any person or entity in, or right to receive a
distribution under, the Plan shall be subject in any manner to sale, transfer,
assignment, pledge, attachment, garnishment or other alienation or encumbrance
of any kind; nor may such interest or right to receive a distribution be taken,
either voluntarily or involuntarily for the satisfaction of the debts of, or
other obligations or claims against, such person or entity, including claims for
alimony, support, separate maintenance and claims in bankruptcy proceedings.

         8.5      The Plan shall be construed and administered under the laws of
the State of Connecticut, to the extent not preempted by federal law.

         8.6      If any person entitled to a distribution under the Plan is
deemed by the Company to be incapable of personally receiving and giving a valid
receipt for such payment, then, unless and until claim therefor shall have been
made by a duly appointed guardian or other legal representative of such person,
the Company may provide for such payment or any part thereof to be made to any
other person or institution then contributing toward or providing for the care
and maintenance of such person. Any such payment shall be a payment for the
account of such person and a complete discharge of any liability of the Company
and the Plan therefor.

         8.7      The Plan shall not be automatically terminated by a transfer
or sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company or by the
merger or consolidation of the Company into or with any other corporation or
other entity, but the Plan shall be continued after such sale, merger or
consolidation only if and to the extent that the transferee, purchaser or
successor entity agrees to continue the Plan. In the event that the Plan is not
continued by the transferee, purchaser or successor entity, then the Plan shall
terminate, subject to the provisions of Section 7.2.


         8.8      Each Participant shall keep the Company informed of his or her
current address and the current address of his or her designated Beneficiary.
The Company shall not be obligated to search for the whereabouts of any person.
If the location of a Participant is not made known to the Company within three
(3) years after the date on which payment of any or all of the Participant's
Accounts may first be made, payment may be made as though the Participant had
died at the end of the three-year period. If, within one additional year after
such three-year period has elapsed, or, within three years after the actual
death of a Participant, the Company is unable to locate any designated
Beneficiary of the Participant, then the Company shall have no further
obligation to pay any benefit hereunder to such Participant or designated
Beneficiary and such benefit shall be irrevocably forfeited.

         8.9      This Plan shall constitute the entire agreement between the
Company and its executives concerning the provision of supplemental CEOP

         8.10     Notwithstanding any of the preceding provisions of the Plan,
neither the Company nor any individual acting as employee or agent of the
Company shall be liable to any Participant, former Participant or other person
for any claim, loss, liability or expense incurred in connection with the Plan.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Arch Chemicals, Inc. has caused this restated Plan
to be executed by a duly authorized officer as of January 30, 2003.

                                       ARCH CHEMICALS, INC.

                                       By: _____________________________________
                                           Hayes Anderson
                                           Its Vice President of Human Resources
