
    For Ministry Use
 Only A l'usage exclusif
      du ministere                                          Ontario Corporation
                                                            Number Numero de la
[LOGO] Ministry of      Ministere des Services aux          compagnie en Ontario
Consumer and Ontario    consommateurs at aux                      1601244
Business services       enterprises
This is to certify      Ceci certifie que les
that these articles     presents status entrent
are effective on        en vigueur le

                                      Trans   Line         Comp.  Method.
  DECEMBER 31  DECEMBRE 2003          Code    No.   Stat.  Type   Incorp   share
- ---------------------------------      [A]    [0]    [0]   [A]     [3]      [S]
                                       18     20     28     29      30       31
      /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
       Director/Directrice               Notice
Business Corporations Act/ Loi sur les   Req'd       Jurisdiction
       Societes par actions               [N]         [ONTARIO]        [A]
                                           32        33       47        57

                            ARTICLES OF AMALGAMATION
                                STATUTS DE FUSION

   Form 4     1. The name of the                 Denomination sociale de
  Business       amalgamated corporation is:     la compagnie issue de la
Corporations                                     fusion:
    Act          ROGERS CABLE INC.

Formule 4
 numero 4
 Loi sur      2. The address of the registered   Adresse du siege social:
   les           office is:

                       333 Bloor Street East, 10th Floor
    (Street & Number or R.R. Number & if Multi-Office Building give Room No.)
              (Rue et numero, ou numero de la R.R. et, s'il s'agit
                   d'un e'difice a bureaux, numero du bureau)

                Toronto, Ontario                                    M 4 W 1 G 9
                        (Name of Municipality or Post Office)      (Postal Code)
                     (Nom de la muncipalite ou du bureau de poste) (Code Postal)

              3. Number (or minimum and          Nombre (ou nombres minimal
                      maximum number) of              et maximal)
                      directors is:                   d'administrateurs:

                 Minimum of 1 and maximum of 30

              4. The director         Administrateur(s):

  First name,                                         Resident
 initials and  Address for service, giving Street &   Canadian
   surname     No. or R.R. No., Municipality and     State Yes
   Prenom,     Postal Code. Domicile elu, y compris    or No
 initiales et  la rue et le numero, le numero de la   Resident
    nom de     R.R. ou le nom de la municipalite et   Canadien
   famille                le code postal              OuilNon
- -------------  ------------------------------------  ----------
Alan D. Horn   333 Bloor Street East, 10th Floor,       Yes
               Toronto, Ontario M4W 1G9

Bruce D. Day   333 Bloor Street East, 10th Floor,       Yes
               Toronto, Ontario M4W 1G9

M. Lorraine    333 Bloor Street East, 10th Floor,       Yes
 Daly          Toronto, Ontario M4W 1G9

David P.       333 Bloor Street East, 10th Floor,       Yes
Miller         Toronto, Ontario M4W 1G9


            5. A) The amalgamation agreement        A) Les actionnaires de
                  has been duly adopted by    [X]      chaque compagnie qui
                  the shareholders of each             fusionne ont dument
                  of the amalgamating                  adopte la convention de
                  corporations as required             fusion conformement au
                  by subsection 176(4) of              paragraphe 176(4) de la
                  the Business Corporations            Loi sur les compagnies a
                  Act on the date set out              la date mentionnee
                  below.                               ci-dessous.

                                        [Check    Cocher]
                                        [A or B   A ou B]

               B) The amalgamation has been         B) Les administrateurs de
                  approved by the directors   [ ]      chaque compagnie qui
                  of each amalgamating                 fusionne on approuve la
                  corporation by a resolution          fusion par voie de
                  as required by section 177           resolution conformement a
                  of the Business Corporations         I'article 177 de la Loi
                  Act on the date set out              sur les compagnies a la
                  below.                               date mentionnee
                  The articles of amalgamation         ci-dessous. Les statuts
                  in substance contain the             de fusion reprennent
                  provisions of the articles of        essentiellement les
                  incorporation of                     dispositions des statuts
                                                       constitutifs de

                  and are more particularly set        et sont enonces
                  out in these articles.               textuellement aux
                                                       presentes status.

Names of amalgamating
    corporations                             Date of Adoption
Denomination sociale   Ontario Corporation    /Approval Date
 des compagnies qui    Number Numero de la     d'adoption ou
     fusionnent        compagnie en Ontario    d'approbation
- ---------------------  --------------------  -----------------
ROGERS CABLE INC.            1215983         December 31, 2003

1443358 ONTARIO INC.         1443358         December 31, 2003


              6. Restrictions, if any, on        Limites, s'il y a lieu,
                 business the corporation        imposees aux activites
                 may carry on or on powers       commerciales ou aux pouvoirs
                 the corporation exercises.      de la compagnie.


              7. The classes and any maximum     Categories et nombre maximal,
                 number of shares that the       s'il y a lieu, d'actions que la
                 corporation is authorized       compagnie est autorisee a
                 to issue.                       emettre:

                 The authorized capital of the Corporation shall consist of an
                 unlimited number of Class A Common shares, an unlimited number
                 of Class B Common shares, 100,000,000 Class B Preferred shares,
                 an unlimited number of First Preferred shares, an unlimited
                 number of Third Preferred shares, an unlimited number of
                 Fourth Preferred shares, an unlimited number of Fifth Preferred
                 shares, an unlimited number of Sixth Preferred shares, an
                 unlimited number of Seventh Preferred shares and an unlimited
                 number of Eighth Preferred shares.


              8. Rights, Privileges,            Droits, privileges,restrictions
                 restrictions and conditions    et conditions, s'il y a lieu,
                 (if any) attaching to each     rattaches a chaque categorie
                 class of shares and            d'actions et pouvoirs des
                 directors authority with       administrateurs relatifs a
                 respect to any class of        chaque categorie d'actions
                 shares which may be issued    qui peut etre emise en serie:
                 in series:

                 See Exhibit I annexed hereto.


                                    EXHIBIT I


The Class A Common shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the following
rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      VOTES. The holders of the Class A Common shares shall be
                  entitled to two (2) votes in respect of each Class A Common
                  share at all meetings of shareholders of the Corporation,
                  except meetings at which only holders of a specified class of
                  shares are entitled to vote;

         (b)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. The holders of the
                  Class A Common shares shall be entitled, subject to the rights
                  of the holders of the other classes of shares of the
                  Corporation, to share equally, share for share with the
                  holders of the Class B Common shares in the remaining property
                  of the Corporation on the liquidation, dissolution or winding
                  up of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary; and

         (c)      DIVIDENDS. Subject to the rights of the holders of the other
                  classes of shares of the Corporation, the holders of the Class
                  A Common shares shall be entitled to receive dividends in the
                  form of fully paid shares of the Corporation or money as,
                  when, and at the rate declared in the discretion of the


The Class B Common shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the following
rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      VOTES. The holders of the Class B Common shares shall be
                  entitled to two (2) votes in respect of each Class B Common
                  share at all meetings of shareholders of the Corporation,
                  except meetings at which only holders of a specified class of
                  shares are entitled to vote;

         (b)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. The holders of the
                  Class B Common shares shall be entitled, subject to section
                  (d) below and subject to the rights of the holders of the
                  other classes of shares of the Corporation, to share equally,
                  share for share with the holders of the Class A Common shares
                  in the remaining property of the Corporation on the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary;

         (c)      DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Class B Common shares shall be
                  entitled to receive, subject to section (d) below and subject
                  to the rights of the holders of the other classes of shares of
                  the Corporation, dividends in the form of fully paid shares of
                  the Corporation or money as, when, and at the rate declared in
                  the discretion of the directors; and


         (d)      EXCLUDED SECURITIES. The rights, privileges, restrictions and
                  conditions attaching to the Class B Common shares shall be
                  deemed to include and incorporate by reference such provisions
                  (including, without limitation, the subordination provisions)
                  as are necessary to constitute the Class B Common shares
                  "Excluded Securities" for the purposes of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31, 2002, as amended on September 10,
                           2003, among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion
                           Bank, as Administration Agent and certain lenders
                           named therein;

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10%
                           Series B Senior Secured Second Priority Notes due

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;

                  (G)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2032;

                  (H)      Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.
                           $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2013; and

                  (I)      such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of
                           trust or other financing instruments to which the
                           Corporation (or any successor) is from time to time a
                           party as contain substantially similar provisions as
                           the foregoing financing instruments related to
                           "Excluded Securities",


(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Class B Common shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the purchase for cancellation of Class B Common shares or payments made on
the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, purchase for cancellation or other distribution amount
made in respect of any of the Class B Common shares shall, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate
by reference such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination
provisions) as are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded
Securities for the purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness
under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has
been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or
negotiable by the holder except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by
the applicable provisions contained in the Financing Indentures relating to
Excluded Securities.



The Class B Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      RANKING

The Class B Preferred shares shall rank, with respect to both dividends and in
the event of the dissolution, liquidation or winding-up of the Corporation,
whether voluntary or involuntary, or any distribution of assets of the
Corporation among its shareholders for the purpose of winding-up its affairs,
junior to the First Preferred shares, the Second Preferred shares and the Third
Preferred shares and in priority to the Class A Common shares of the
Corporation, but shall not confer any further right to participate in the
profits or assets of the Corporation.

         (b)      EXCLUDED SECURITIES

The rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to the Class B
Preferred shares shall be deemed to include and incorporate by reference such
provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination provisions) as are
necessary to constitute the Class B Preferred shares "Excluded Securities" for
the purposes of the:

         (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as of January
                  31, 2002, as amended on September 10, 2003, among the
                  Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion Bank, as Administration
                  Agent and certain lenders named therein;

         (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                  Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by amalgamation
                  to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V. Limited ("RCTV"), a
                  predecessor by amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa
                  Limited/Limitee ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase
                  Bank) re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                  Priority Debentures due 2014;

         (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB, various
                  Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase
                  Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10% Series B Senior Secured Second
                  Priority Notes due 2005;

         (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB, various
                  Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase
                  Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11% Senior Subordinated Guaranteed
                  Debentures due 2015;

         (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the Corporation
                  and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn. $450,000,000 7.60%
                  Senior (Secured) Second Priority Notes due 2007;

         (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the Corporation and
                  JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior
                  (Secured) Second Priority Notes due 2012;


         (G)    Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the Corporation and
                JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured)
                Second Priority Debentures due 2032;

         (H)    Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the Corporation and
                JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S. $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured)
                Second Priority Notes due 2013; and

         (I)    such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of trust or other
                financing instruments to which the Corporation (or any
                successor) is from time to time a party as contain substantially
                similar provisions as the foregoing financing instruments
                related to "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Class B Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the redemption of Class B Preferred shares or payments made on the
liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, redemption or other distribution amount made in respect of
any of the Class B Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate by reference
such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination provisions) as
are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded Securities for the
purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness under the Financing
Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has been duly provided
for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or negotiable by the holder
except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by the applicable provisions
contained in the Financing Indentures relating to Excluded Securities.

         (c)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE

                  (i)      REDEMPTION PRICE

The Redemption Price in respect of each Class B Preferred share shall be equal

                  (A)      the portion of the fair market value of all of the
                           issued shares of the Corporation immediately before
                           the Certificate of the Director under the Business
                           Corporations Act (Ontario) in respect of these
                           Articles of Amendment pursuant to which the Class B
                           Preferred shares are issued becomes effective (and
                           such Certificate of the Director shall, for the
                           purposes hereof, be deemed to become effective at
                           1:00 p.m. on the date on which such Certificate
                           becomes effective, or such other time on such date as
                           is determined by the Vice-President, Treasurer of the
                           Corporation, as evidenced by a certificate to that
                           effect filed in the minute book of the Corporation)
                           that the fair market value, at that time, of all the
                           shares of


                           Rogers Telecom Inc. is of the fair market value, at
                           that time, of all of the net assets of the
                           Corporation, divided by,

                  (B)      100,000,000.

                  (ii)     RIGHT TO REDEEM

Subject to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended
from time to time, or any successor legislation (the "Act"), the Corporation
may, upon giving notice as hereinafter provided, redeem the whole or any part of
the Class B Preferred shares on payment for each such share to be redeemed of
the Redemption Price therefor.


The aggregate Redemption Price of all Class B Preferred shares held by a holder
which are redeemed may, at the option of the Corporation, be satisfied by the
issuance to the holder by the Corporation of a promissory note for a principal
sum equal to the aggregate Redemption Price of all Class B Preferred shares held
by the holder which are redeemed, which, save as hereinafter provided, is
payable on demand, and which provides for interest after the date the promissory
note is made on the unpaid principal balance at a rate equal to the rate of
interest expressed as an annual rate quoted by The Toronto-Dominion Bank at its
head office in Toronto, Ontario, from time to time as being its reference rate
of interest (commonly known as its "prime rate") used by it to determine the
rates of interest it will charge for loans made in Canada in Canadian dollars to
its Preferred commercial customers (hereinafter referred to as "Prime"), plus
two percent (Prime + 2%) per annum, calculated and, save as hereinafter
provided, payable monthly, in arrears on the last date of each month. The
promissory note shall provide that the balance of any interest accrued and
unpaid to the date on which the principal amount is paid shall be due and
payable on such date and that any interest not paid on its due date shall itself
bear interest at the above rate, compounded monthly. The Corporation shall have
the right to prepay the whole or any part of the unpaid principal under such
promissory note, upon payment of interest accrued on the unpaid principal
balance to the date of payment. The promissory note shall provide that it is
issued in satisfaction of, and is for a principal amount equal to, the aggregate
Redemption Price of all Class B Preferred shares held by the holder which were

                  (iv)     LIMITATIONS ON PROMISSORY NOTE

Until all indebtedness under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the
payment thereof has been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be
assignable or negotiable by the holder except to the extent and in the manner
contemplated by the applicable provisions contained in the Financing Indentures
relating to Excluded Securities. The obligations of the Corporation under such
promissory note may, however, be fully and finally satisfied by the set-off
thereof against the obligations of Rogers Telecom Holdings Inc. pursuant to a
demand promissory note made by Rogers Telecom Holdings Inc. in favour of the
Corporation on the same date for a principal amount equal to the aggregate
redemption price of the 100,000,000 First Preferred shares in the capital of
Rogers Telecom Holdings Inc., as specified in the articles of incorporation of
Rogers Telecom Holdings Inc., issued in satisfaction of the purchase price of
all of the issued and outstanding shares of Rogers Telecom Inc.


                  (v)      PARTIAL REDEMPTION

In case a part only of then outstanding Class B Preferred shares is at any time
to be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be selected by lot in such
manner as the directors in their discretion shall decide or, if the directors so
determine, may be redeemed pro rata, disregarding fractions, and the directors
may make such adjustments as may be necessary to avoid the redemption of
fractional parts of shares.


The Corporation shall, on or before the date specified for redemption, deliver
to each person who at the date of sending is a registered holder of Class B
Preferred shares to be redeemed a notice in writing of the intention of the
Corporation to redeem such Class B Preferred shares. Notice may be delivered to
each such shareholder at its address as it appears on the records of the
Corporation or its transfer agent, provided, however, that accidental failure to
deliver any such notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not affect the
validity of the redemption. Such notice shall set out whether the Corporation
elects to satisfy the Redemption Price by the issuance of a promissory note as
provided above and the date of redemption. If notice of any such redemption be
delivered by the Corporation and an amount sufficient to redeem the shares has
been paid to the holder of the Class B Preferred shares to be redeemed or
satisfied by a promissory note, as provided in the notice of redemption, or such
amount or promissory note in satisfaction thereof has been deposited with any
trust company or chartered bank in Canada, as specified in the notice, on or
before the date fixed for redemption, the holders thereof shall thereafter have
no rights against the Corporation in respect thereof except, upon the surrender
of certificates for such shares, to receive payment therefor.

         (d)      RETRACTION PRIVILEGE

                  (i)      TENDER AND REQUEST

                           The holders of Class B Preferred shares shall be
                           entitled to require the Corporation to redeem at any
                           time and from time to time all or any part of the
                           Class B Preferred shares registered in the name of
                           such holder on the books of the Corporation by
                           tendering to the Corporation at its head office a
                           share certificate representing the Class B Preferred
                           shares which the registered holder desires to have
                           the Corporation redeem together with a request in
                           writing specifying;

                           (A)      that the registered holder desires to have
                                    the Class B Preferred shares represented by
                                    such certificate redeemed by the
                                    Corporation; and

                           (B)      the business day (in this paragraph referred
                                    to as the "redemption date") on which the
                                    holder desires to have the Corporation
                                    redeem such Class B Preferred shares.
                                    Requests in writing shall specify a
                                    redemption date which shall be not less than
                                    four (4) days after the date on which the
                                    request in writing is given to the
                                    Corporation, unless the Corporation consents
                                    in writing to an earlier redemption


                                    date. The holders of any Class B Preferred
                                    shares may, with the consent of the
                                    Corporation, revoke such request prior to
                                    the redemption date. Subject to receipt of a
                                    share certificate representing the Class B
                                    Preferred shares which the registered holder
                                    desires to have the Corporation redeem
                                    together with such a request, and subject to
                                    the provisions of the Act, the Corporation
                                    shall on the redemption date, redeem such
                                    Class B Preferred shares by paying to such
                                    registered holder an amount equal to the
                                    Redemption Price.

                  (ii)     PAYMENT BY PROMISSORY NOTE

                           The aggregate Redemption Price of all Class B
                           Preferred shares held by a holder which are to be
                           redeemed may, at the option of the Corporation, be
                           satisfied by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the aggregate Redemption Price of all Class
                           B Preferred shares held by the holder which are
                           redeemed on the terms provided in subparagraphs
                           (c)(iii) and (c)(iv) above.

                  (iii)    RIGHTS OF HOLDERS

                           From and after the redemption date, the Class B
                           Preferred shares to be redeemed on such date shall
                           cease to be entitled to dividends and the holders
                           thereof shall not be entitled to exercise any of the
                           rights of holders of Class B Preferred shares in
                           respect thereof unless the Redemption Price is not
                           paid or satisfied by a promissory note as above
                           provided on the redemption date, in which event the
                           rights of the holders of the said shares shall remain


The holders of the Class B Preferred shares shall, in each fiscal year of the
Corporation, as and when declared in the discretion of the directors, and
subject to the payment of dividends on the First, Second and Third Preferred
shares but always in preference and priority to any payment of dividends on the
Class A Common shares for such year, be entitled to receive, subject to the
provisions of the Act, non-cumulative dividends at a rate as declared by the
directors from time to time. The holders of Class B Preferred shares shall not
be entitled to any dividend other than or in excess of the non-cumulative
dividends at the rate declared by the directors. The Corporation shall not
exercise its right to redeem any Class B Preferred shares then outstanding
unless all declared but unpaid dividends on the Class B Preferred shares up to
the date of redemption have been paid.


Subject to the Act, the Corporation shall have the right at its option at any
time and from time to time to purchase the whole or any part of the Class B
Preferred shares at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption Price thereof.



Class B Preferred shares which are purchased, redeemed, or otherwise acquired by
the Corporation shall be cancelled, and shall not be restored to the status of
authorized but unissued shares.


In the event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Class B Preferred shares
shall be entitled to receive, after the holders of the First, Second and Third
Preferred shares shall have received such amounts as they are entitled to
receive in such event for each share held by them, but before any distribution
of any part of the assets of the Corporation among the holders of the Class A
Common shares or any shares of any other class ranking junior to the Class B
Preferred shares with respect to the return of capital, an amount equal to the
Redemption Price for each issued and outstanding Class B Preferred share,
together with an amount-equal to all declared but unpaid dividends thereon.

         (i)      VOTING RIGHTS

The holders of Class B Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting
rights for the election of directors or, subject to any voting rights accorded
them pursuant to the provisions of the Act, for any other purpose; holders of
Class B Preferred shares shall, however, be entitled to notice of meetings of
shareholders called for the purpose of authorizing the dissolution of the
Corporation or the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all the
property of the Corporation other than in the ordinary course of business.



The First Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      FIRST PREFERRED SHARES - RANKING. The First Preferred shares
                  shall rank, with respect to both dividends and return of
                  capital, in priority to all other shares of the Corporation
                  but shall not confer any further right to participate in the
                  profits or assets.

         (b)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION RIGHT. Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part of the First Preferred shares on
                           payment for each such share to be redeemed of the
                           amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) (the
                           "Redemption Amount"), together with an amount equal
                           to all unpaid cumulative dividends, whether or not
                           declared, which shall have accrued thereon and which,
                           for such purpose shall be treated as accruing up to
                           the date of such redemption (the Redemption Amount
                           plus such accrued and unpaid dividends are
                           hereinafter called the "Redemption Price").

                           Redemption Price may, at the option of the
                           Corporation, be paid and satisfied in whole or in
                           part: (1) by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the Redemption Price, or such part thereof
                           as is to be satisfied by the promissory note, which,
                           subject to section (a) above, is payable on demand,
                           provides for interest on the unpaid balance at a rate
                           equal to the annual rate established by The
                           Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head office in Toronto,
                           Ontario from time to time as being its reference rate
                           of interest used by it to determine the rates of
                           interest it will charge for loans made in Canada in
                           Canadian dollars to its preferred commercial
                           customers (hereinafter referred to as "Prime"), plus
                           two percent (2%) per annum, calculated and payable
                           monthly in arrears on the last date of each month,
                           provided that the balance of any interest accrued and
                           unpaid to the date on which the principal amount is
                           paid shall be due and payable on such date and that
                           any interest not paid on its due date shall itself
                           bear interest at the above rate, compounded monthly
                           and, subject to section (a) above, entitles the
                           Corporation to prepay the whole or any part of the
                           unpaid principal under such promissory note, upon
                           payment of interest accrued on the unpaid principal
                           balance to the date of payment; or (2) by the
                           assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder of
                           a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such term
                           is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for


                           a principal sum or for a portion of the principal sum
                           equal to the Redemption Price, or such part thereof
                           as is to be satisfied by the promissory note, which
                           is payable on demand and which the board of directors
                           of the Corporation in its discretion has determined
                           has a value not less than the Redemption Price, or
                           such part thereof as is to be satisfied by the
                           promissory note of the affiliate, which might be
                           issued under clause (1) of this subsection (b)(ii).

                  (iii)    PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                           outstanding First Preferred shares is at any time to
                           be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be
                           selected by lot in such manner as the directors in
                           their discretion shall decide or, if the directors so
                           determine, may be redeemed pro rata, disregarding
                           fractions, and the directors may make such
                           adjustments as may be necessary to avoid the
                           redemption of fractional parts of shares.

                  (iv)     NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The
                           Corporation shall, at least ten (10) days before the
                           date specified for redemption, send to each person
                           who at the date of sending is a registered holder of
                           First Preferred shares to be redeemed a notice in
                           writing of the intention of the Corporation to redeem
                           such First Preferred shares, or alternatively, notice
                           may be waived or the time for sending of the notice
                           may be waived at any time with the consent in writing
                           of holders of such First Preferred shares to be
                           redeemed. Notice may be mailed in a prepaid envelope
                           addressed to each such shareholder at his address as
                           it appears on the records of the Corporation or its
                           transfer agent, or alternatively, such notice may be
                           delivered personally to such shareholder; provided,
                           however, that accidental failure to give any such
                           notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not
                           affect the validity of the redemption. Such notice
                           shall set out the Redemption Price and the date of
                           redemption. If notice of any such redemption be given
                           by the Corporation or waived in the manner aforesaid
                           and an amount sufficient to redeem the shares has
                           been paid to the holder of the First Preferred shares
                           to be redeemed or deposited with any trust
                           corporation or chartered bank in Canada, on or before
                           the date fixed for redemption, the holders thereof
                           shall thereafter have no rights against the
                           Corporation in respect thereof except, upon the
                           surrender of certificates for such shares, to receive
                           payment therefor.

         (c)      CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the First Preferred
                  shares shall, in each fiscal year of the Corporation, in
                  preference and priority to any payment of dividends on any
                  other shares of the Corporation for such year, be entitled to
                  receive, subject to the provisions of the Business
                  Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or
                  any successor legislation, fixed, cumulative cash dividends at
                  the rate equal to the annual rate established by the
                  Toronto-Dominion Bank from time to time as a reference rate of
                  interest to determine the interest it will charge for loans
                  made in Canada in Canadian dollars to its preferred commercial
                  customers (hereinafter referred to as "Prime") plus one and


                  quarter percent (Prime + 1 1/4%) per annum of the Redemption
                  Amount for such shares payable quarterly on the first day
                  following the last day in the month of each of March, June,
                  September and December, other than a Saturday or a Sunday, on
                  which the main branch of The Toronto-Dominion Bank in Toronto,
                  Ontario is open for business (each an "Established Dividend
                  Payment Date"). Alternatively, if the directors so determine,
                  dividends shall be payable on any day (an "Alternate Dividend
                  Payment Date") following the immediately preceding Established
                  Dividend Payment Date and before the next Established Dividend
                  Payment Date. An Established Dividend Payment Date and an
                  Alternate Dividend Payment Date are each hereinafter referred
                  to as a "Dividend Payment Date". Dividends on the First
                  Preferred shares shall accrue and be cumulative from the date
                  of issue of the First Preferred shares. If on any Dividend
                  Payment Date the dividend payable on such date is not paid in
                  full on all of the First Preferred shares then issued and
                  outstanding, such dividend or the unpaid part thereof shall be
                  paid on the first date thereafter on which the Corporation
                  shall have sufficient moneys properly applicable to the
                  payment of same. The holders of First Preferred shares shall
                  not be entitled to any dividend other than or in excess of the
                  cumulative dividends at the rate hereinbefore provided for.

         (d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the
                  right at its option at any time and from time to time to
                  purchase the whole or any part of the First Preferred shares
                  at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
                  such shares are obtainable but not at the option of the
                  Corporation be paid and satisfied in the manner provided for
                  in subsection (b)(ii) hereof.

         (e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the First
                  Preferred shares shall be entitled to receive, before any
                  distribution of any part of the assets of the Corporation
                  among the holders of any other shares, an amount equal to the
                  Redemption Price for each issued and outstanding First
                  Preferred share.

         (f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the First
                  Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting rights
                  for the election of directors or, subject to any voting rights
                  accorded them pursuant to the provisions of the Business
                  Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or
                  any successor legislation, for any other purpose, nor shall
                  they be entitled to attend shareholders' meetings except for
                  the purpose of exercising any voting rights accorded to them
                  pursuant to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act
                  (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any successor
                  legislation; holders of First Preferred shares shall, however,
                  be entitled to notice of meetings of shareholders called for
                  the purpose of authorizing the dissolution of the Corporation
                  or the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all the
                  property of the Corporation other than in the ordinary course
                  of business.



The Third Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      RANKING. The Third Preferred shares shall rank, with respect
                  to both dividends and return of capital in the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  junior to the First Preferred shares and the Second Preferred
                  shares and in priority to all other shares of the Corporation,
                  including without limitation, the common shares of the
                  Corporation, but shall not confer any further right to
                  participate in the profits or assets of the Corporation. The
                  rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to
                  the Third Preferred shares shall be deemed to include and
                  incorporate by reference such provisions (including, without
                  limitation, the subordination provisions) as are necessary to
                  constitute the Third Preferred shares "Excluded Securities"
                  for the purposes of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31, 2002, as amended on September 10,
                           2003, among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion
                           Bank, as Administration Agent and certain lenders
                           named therein;

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10%
                           Series B Senior Secured Second Priority Notes due

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;


                  (G)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2032;

                  (H)      Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.
                           $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2013; and

                  (I)      such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of
                           trust or other financing instruments to which the
                           Corporation (or any successor) is from time to time a
                           party as contain substantially similar provisions as
                           the foregoing financing instruments related to
                           "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Third Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the redemption of Third Preferred shares or payments made on the
liquidation dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, redemption or other distribution amount made in respect of
any of the Third Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate by reference
such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination provisions) as
are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded Securities for the
purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness under the Financing
Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has been duly provided
for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or negotiable by the holder
except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by the applicable provisions
contained in the Financing Indentures relating to Excluded Securities.

         (b)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION RIGHT. Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part of the Third Preferred shares on
                           payment for each such share to be redeemed of the
                           amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) (the
                           "Redemption Price").

                           Redemption Price may, at the option of the
                           Corporation, be paid and satisfied in whole or in
                           part: (1) by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the Redemption Price, or such part thereof
                           as is to be satisfied by the promissory note, which,


                           subject to section (a) above, is payable on demand,
                           provides for interest on the unpaid balance at a rate
                           equal to the annual rate established by The
                           Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head office in Toronto,
                           Ontario from time to time as being its reference rate
                           of interest used by it to determine the rates of
                           interest it will charge for loans made in Canada in
                           Canadian dollars to its preferred commercial
                           customers (hereinafter referred to as "Prime"), plus
                           two percent (2%) per annum, calculated and payable
                           monthly in arrears on the last date of each month,
                           provided that the balance of any interest accrued and
                           unpaid to the date on which the principal amount is
                           paid shall be due and payable on such date and that
                           any interest not paid on its due date shall itself
                           bear interest at the above rate, compounded monthly
                           and, subject to section (a) above, entitles the
                           Corporation to prepay the whole or any part of the
                           unpaid principal under such promissory note, upon
                           payment of interest accrued on the unpaid principal
                           balance to the date of payment; or (2) by the
                           assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder of
                           a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such term
                           is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for a principal sum or for a
                           portion of the principal sum equal to the Redemption
                           Price, or such part thereof as is to be satisfied by
                           the promissory note, which is payable on demand and
                           which the board of directors of the Corporation in
                           its discretion has determined has a value not less
                           than the Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is
                           to be satisfied by the promissory note of the
                           affiliate, which might be issued under clause (1) of
                           this subsection (b)(ii).

                  (iii)    PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                           outstanding Third Preferred shares is at any time to
                           be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be
                           selected in such manner as the directors in their
                           discretion shall decide and need not be redeemed pro
                           rata or selected by lot.

                  (iv)     NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The
                           Corporation shall, at least one (1) day before the
                           date specified for redemption, send to each person
                           who at the date of sending is a registered holder of
                           Third Preferred shares to be redeemed a notice in
                           writing of the intention of the Corporation to redeem
                           such Third Preferred shares, or alternatively, notice
                           may be waived or the time for sending of the notice
                           may be waived at any time with the consent in writing
                           of holders of such Third Preferred shares to be
                           redeemed. Notice may be mailed in a prepaid envelope
                           addressed to each such shareholder at his address as
                           it appears on the records of the Corporation or its
                           transfer agent, or alternatively, such notice may be
                           delivered personally to such shareholder, provided,
                           however, that accidental failure to give any such
                           notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not
                           affect the validity of the redemption. Such notice
                           shall set out the Redemption Price and the date of
                           redemption. If notice of any such redemption be given
                           by the Corporation or waived in the manner


                           aforesaid and an amount sufficient to redeem the
                           shares has been paid (whether in cash or by
                           promissory note, as above provided) to the holder of
                           the Third Preferred shares to be redeemed or
                           deposited with any trust corporation or chartered
                           bank in Canada, on or before the date fixed for
                           redemption, the holders thereof shall thereafter have
                           no rights against the Corporation in respect thereof
                           except, upon the surrender of certificates for such
                           shares, to receive payment therefor.

         (c)      CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Third Preferred
                  shares shall, in each fiscal year of the Corporation, subject
                  to section (a) hereof and to the payment of all accrued
                  dividends on the First Preferred shares and Second Preferred
                  shares, but always in preference and priority to any payment
                  of dividends on any other shares of the Corporation for such
                  year, be entitled to receive, subject to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to
                  time, or any successor legislation, fixed, cumulative cash
                  dividends at the rate of nine and five-eighth percent (9.625%)
                  per annum of the Redemption Price for such shares payable
                  quarterly on the first day following the last day in the month
                  of each of March, June, September and December, other than a
                  Saturday or a Sunday, on which the main branch of The
                  Toronto-Dominion Bank in Toronto, Ontario is open for business
                  (each an "Established Dividend Payment Date"). Alternatively,
                  if the directors so determine, dividends shall be payable on
                  any day (an "Alternate Dividend Payment Date") following the
                  immediately preceding Established Dividend Payment Date and
                  before the next Established Dividend Payment Date. An
                  Established Dividend Payment Date and an Alternate Dividend
                  Payment Date are each hereinafter referred to as a "Dividend
                  Payment Date". Dividends on the Third Preferred shares shall
                  accrue and be cumulative from the date of issue of the Third
                  Preferred shares. If on any Dividend Payment Date the dividend
                  payable on such date is not paid in full on all of the Third
                  Preferred shares then issued and outstanding, such dividend or
                  the unpaid part thereof shall be paid on the first date
                  thereafter on which the Corporation shall have sufficient
                  moneys properly applicable to the payment of same. The holders
                  of Third Preferred shares shall not be entitled to any
                  dividend other than or in excess of the cumulative dividends
                  at the rate hereinbefore provided for.

                  The Corporation shall not redeem or purchase for cancellation
                  any Third Preferred shares then outstanding unless all
                  dividends accrued on the Third Preferred shares up to the date
                  of redemption or purchase have been declared and paid.

         (d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the
                  right at its option at any time and from time to time to
                  purchase the whole or any part of the Third Preferred shares
                  at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
                  such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption
                  Price thereof (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price may,
                  at the option of the Corporation be paid and satisfied in the
                  manner provided for in subsection (b)(ii) hereof, subject to
                  the provisions of section (a) hereof.


         (e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Third
                  Preferred shares shall be entitled to receive, subject to
                  section (a) hereof and after the holders of First Preferred
                  shares and Second Preferred shares shall have received an
                  amount equal to the redemption price for each First Preferred
                  share and Second Preferred share held by them, but before any
                  distribution of any part of the assets of the Corporation
                  among the holders of any other shares, an amount equal to the
                  Redemption Price for each issued and outstanding Third
                  Preferred share, together with an amount equal to all unpaid
                  cumulative dividends which shall have accrued thereon, whether
                  or not declared, and which, for such purpose, shall be treated
                  as accruing up to the date of such distribution.

         (f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the Third
                  Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting rights
                  for the election of directors or, subject to any voting rights
                  accorded them pursuant to the provisions of the Business
                  Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or
                  any successor legislation, for any other purpose, nor shall
                  they be entitled to attend shareholders' meetings except for
                  the purpose of exercising any voting rights accorded to them
                  pursuant to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act
                  (Ontario); as amended from time to time, or any successor
                  legislation; holders of Third Preferred shares shall, however,
                  be entitled to notice of meetings of shareholders called for
                  the purpose of authorizing the dissolution of the Corporation
                  or the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all the
                  property of the Corporation other than in the ordinary course
                  of business.



The Fourth Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      RANKING. The Fourth Preferred shares shall rank, with respect
                  to both dividends and return of capital in the event of
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  junior to the First Preferred shares and the Third Preferred
                  shares and in priority to all other shares of the Corporation,
                  including without limitation, the Class A Common and Class B
                  Common shares, but shall not confer any further right to
                  participate in the profits or assets of the Corporation. The
                  rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to
                  the Fourth Preferred shares shall be deemed to include and
                  incorporate by reference such provisions (including, without
                  limitation, the subordination provisions) as are necessary to
                  constitute the Fourth Preferred shares "Excluded Securities"
                  for the purposes of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31, 2002, as amended on September 10,
                           2003, among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion
                           Bank, as Administration Agent and certain lenders
                           named therein;

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10%
                           Series B Senior Secured Second Priority Notes due

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;


                  (G)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2032;

                  (H)      Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.
                           $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2013; and

                  (I)      such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of
                           trust or other financing instruments to which the
                           Corporation (or any successor) is from time to time a
                           party as contain substantially similar provisions as
                           the foregoing financing instruments related to
                           "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Fourth Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the purchase for cancellation of Fourth Preferred shares or payments made
on the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, purchase for cancellation or other distribution amount
made in respect of any of the Fourth Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate
by reference such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination
provisions) as are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded
Securities for the purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness
under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has
been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or
negotiable by the holder except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by
the applicable provisions contained in the Financing Indentures relating to
Excluded Securities.

         (b)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION RIGHT. Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part of the Fourth Preferred shares on
                           payment for each such share to be redeemed of the
                           amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) (the
                           "Redemption Price").

                           Redemption Price may, at the option of the
                           Corporation, be paid and satisfied in whole


                           or in part: (1) by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the Redemption Price, or such part thereof
                           as is to be satisfied by the promissory note, which,
                           subject to section (a) above, is payable on demand,
                           provides for interest on the unpaid balance at a rate
                           equal to the annual rate established by The
                           Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head office in Toronto,
                           Ontario from time to time as being its reference rate
                           of interest used by it to determine the rates of
                           interest it will charge for loans made in Canada in
                           Canadian dollars to its preferred commercial
                           customers (hereinafter referred to as "Prime"), plus
                           two percent (2%) per annum, calculated and payable
                           monthly in arrears on the last date of each month,
                           provided that the balance of any interest accrued and
                           unpaid to the date on which the principal amount is
                           paid shall be due and payable on such date and that
                           any interest not paid on its due date shall itself
                           bear interest at the above rate, compounded monthly
                           and, subject to section (a) above, entitles the
                           Corporation to prepay the whole or any part of the
                           unpaid principal under such promissory note, upon
                           payment of interest accrued on the unpaid principal
                           balance to the date of payment; or (2) by the
                           assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder of
                           a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such term
                           is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from tune to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for a principal sum or for a
                           portion of the principal sum equal to the Redemption
                           Price, or such part thereof as is to be satisfied by
                           the promissory note, which is payable on demand and
                           which the board of directors of the Corporation in
                           its discretion has determined has a value not less
                           than the Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is
                           to be satisfied by the promissory note of the
                           affiliate, which might be issued under clause (1) of
                           this subsection (b)(ii).

                  (iii)    PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                           outstanding Fourth Preferred shares is at any time to
                           be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be
                           selected in such manner as the directors in their
                           discretion shall decide and need not be redeemed pro
                           rata or selected by lot and the directors may make
                           such adjustments as may be necessary to avoid the
                           redemption of fractional parts of shares.

                  (iv)     NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The
                           Corporation shall, at least one (1) day before the
                           date specified for redemption, send to each person
                           who at the date of sending is a registered holder of
                           Fourth Preferred shares to be redeemed a notice in
                           writing of the intention of the Corporation to redeem
                           such Fourth Preferred shares, or alternatively,
                           notice may be waived or the time for sending of the
                           notice may be waived at any time with the consent in
                           writing of holders of such Fourth Preferred shares to
                           be redeemed. Notice may be mailed in a prepaid
                           envelope addressed to each such shareholder at his
                           address as it appears on the records of the
                           Corporation or its transfer agent, or alternatively,
                           such notice may be delivered personally to such
                           shareholder; provided,


                           however, that accidental failure to give any such
                           notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not
                           affect the validity of the redemption. Such notice
                           shall set out the Redemption Price and the date of
                           redemption. If notice of any such redemption be given
                           by the Corporation or waived in the manner aforesaid
                           and an amount sufficient to redeem the shares has
                           been paid (whether in cash or by promissory note, as
                           above provided) to the holder of the Fourth Preferred
                           shares to be redeemed or deposited with any trust
                           corporation or chartered bank in Canada, on or before
                           the date fixed for redemption, the holder thereof
                           shall thereafter have no rights against the
                           Corporation in respect thereof except, upon the
                           surrender of certificates for such shares, to receive
                           payment therefor and except to receive any dividends
                           declared and payable on or before the redemption date
                           but unpaid. If the Fourth Preferred shares are
                           redeemed on the redemption date then from and after
                           the redemption date such shares shall cease to be
                           entitled to dividends, (except for any dividends
                           declared and payable on or before the redemption
                           date, but unpaid) and the holders thereof shall not
                           be entitled to exercise any of the rights of holders
                           of Fourth Preferred shares in respect thereof unless
                           payment of the Redemption Price is not made on the
                           redemption date, in which event the rights of the
                           holders of the said shares shall remain unaffected.

         (c)      NON-CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Fourth Preferred
                  shares shall, in each fiscal year of the Corporation, subject
                  to section (a) hereof and to the payment of all accrued
                  dividends on the First Preferred shares and the Third
                  Preferred shares, but always in preference and priority to any
                  payment of dividends on any other shares of the Corporation
                  for such year, including without limitation, the Class A
                  Common and Class B Common shares, be entitled to receive, as
                  and when declared by the directors, out of the monies of the
                  Corporation properly applicable to the payment of dividends,
                  fixed preferential non-cumulative cash dividends at the rate
                  of nine and sixty-five one hundredths percent (9.65%) per
                  annum of the Redemption Price for such shares. The directors
                  shall be entitled from time to time to declare part of the
                  preferential non-cumulative cash dividend for any fiscal year
                  notwithstanding that such dividend for such fiscal year shall
                  not be declared in full. If in any fiscal year of the
                  Corporation the directors in their discretion shall not
                  declare the said dividend or any part thereof on the Fourth
                  Preferred shares for such fiscal year then the rights of the
                  holders of the Fourth Preferred shares to such dividend or
                  undeclared part thereof for such fiscal year shall be forever
                  extinguished. The registered holders of Fourth Preferred
                  shares shall not be entitled to any dividends other than or in
                  excess of the preferential non-cumulative cash dividends
                  hereinbefore provided for. No dividends shall be declared and
                  paid or set aside for payment on any shares of any other class
                  of the Corporation ranking junior to the Fourth Preferred
                  shares in any fiscal year, unless the fixed preferential
                  non-cumulative cash dividend for such fiscal year on all
                  Fourth Preferred shares then outstanding has been declared and
                  paid or set aside for payment. If in any fiscal year, after
                  the fixed preferential non-cumulative cash dividends on the
                  Fourth Preferred shares shall have been declared and paid or
                  set aside for payment, there shall remain any


                  profits or surplus available for dividends, such profits or
                  surplus or any part thereof may, in the discretion of the
                  directors, be applied to dividends on any shares of any other
                  class of the Corporation ranking junior to the Fourth
                  Preferred shares. If the Redemption Price is increased or
                  decreased pursuant to section (g) hereof at any time after any
                  dividends have been declared and paid or set aside for payment
                  on the Fourth Preferred shares, the dividend rate applicable
                  during the period prior to such increase or decrease in the
                  Redemption Price in respect of which the dividends were paid
                  or set aside for payment shall be deemed decreased or
                  increased accordingly, and neither a registered holder of
                  Fourth Preferred shares nor the Corporation shall have a claim
                  against the other for either under or overpayment of dividends
                  resulting from an increase or decrease in the Redemption

         (d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the
                  right at its option at any time and from time to time to
                  purchase the whole or any part of the Fourth Preferred shares
                  at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
                  such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption
                  Price thereof (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price may,
                  at the option of the Corporation be paid and satisfied in the
                  manner provided for in subsection (b)(ii) hereof, subject to
                  the provisions of section (a) hereof.

         (e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Fourth
                  Preferred shares shall be entitled to receive, subject to
                  section (a) hereof, and after the holders of First Preferred
                  shares and Third Preferred shares shall have received such
                  amounts as they are entitled to receive in the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, but
                  before any distribution of any part of the assets of the
                  Corporation among the holders of any other shares of the
                  Corporation, including without limitation the Class A Common
                  and Class B Common shares, an amount equal to the Redemption
                  Price for each issued and outstanding Fourth Preferred share
                  plus an amount equal to all dividends declared thereon and

         (f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the
                  Fourth Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting
                  rights for the election of directors or, subject to any voting
                  rights accorded them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as the same may from time
                  to time be amended or any successor legislation, for any other
                  purpose, nor shall they be entitled to attend shareholders'
                  meetings except for the purpose of exercising any voting
                  rights accorded to them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to
                  time, or any successor legislation; holders of the Fourth
                  Preferred shares shall, however, be entitled to notice of any
                  meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of authorizing
                  the dissolution of the Corporation or the sale, lease or
                  exchange of all or substantially all of the property of the
                  Corporation other than in the ordinary course of business.


         (g)      PRICE ADJUSTMENT. If at any time when any Fourth Preferred
                  shares are issued and outstanding either: (a) Canada Customs
                  and Revenue Agency determines and all of the holders of the
                  issued and outstanding Fourth Preferred shares concur in such
                  determination; or (b) the Corporation and the holders of the
                  Fourth Preferred shares determine, that the aggregate fair
                  market value of all property transferred or sold to the
                  Corporation in exchange for Fourth Preferred shares (the
                  "Acquired Property") is greater or less than the aggregate of
                  the Redemption Price of all Fourth Preferred shares issued in
                  connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Property, then
                  the resultant deficiency or excess in the aggregate of the
                  Redemption Price of all Fourth Preferred shares issued in
                  connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Property shall
                  be divided by the aggregate number of Fourth Preferred shares
                  issued in connection with the acquisition of the Acquired
                  Property and the Redemption Price shall be increased or
                  decreased accordingly.


The Fifth Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      RANKING. The Fifth Preferred shares shall rank, with respect
                  to both dividends and return of capital in the event of
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  junior to the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares and the Fourth Preferred shares and in priority to all
                  other shares of the Corporation, including without limitation,
                  the Class A Common and Class B Common shares, but shall not
                  confer any further right to participate in the profits or
                  assets of the Corporation. The rights, privileges,
                  restrictions and conditions attaching to the Fifth Preferred
                  shares shall be deemed to include and incorporate by reference
                  such provisions (including, without limitation, the
                  subordination provisions) as are necessary to constitute the
                  Fifth Preferred shares "Excluded Securities" for the purposes
                  of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31, 2002, as amended on September 10,
                           2003, among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion
                           Bank, as Administration Agent and certain lenders
                           named therein;

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S.


                           $450,000,000 10% Series B Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Notes due 2005;

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;

                  (G)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2032;

                  (H)      Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.
                           $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2013; and

                  (I)      such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of
                           trust or other financing instruments to which the
                           Corporation (or any successor) is from time to time a
                           party as contain substantially similar provisions as
                           the foregoing financing instruments related to
                           "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Fifth Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the purchase for cancellation of Fourth Preferred shares or payments made
on the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, purchase for cancellation or other distribution amount
made in respect of any of the Fifth Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate
by reference such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination
provisions) as are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded
Securities for the purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness
under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has
been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or
negotiable by the holder except to the extent and


in the manner contemplated by the applicable provisions contained in the
Financing Indentures relating to Excluded Securities.

         (b)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION RIGHT.  Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part of the Fifth Preferred shares on
                           payment for each such share to be redeemed of the
                           amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) (the
                           "Redemption Price").

                           Redemption Price may, at the option of the
                           Corporation, be paid and satisfied in whole or in
                           part: (1) by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the Redemption Price, or such part thereof
                           as is to be satisfied by the promissory note, which,
                           subject to section (a) above, is payable on demand,
                           provides for interest on the unpaid balance at a rate
                           equal to the annual rate established by The
                           Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head office in Toronto,
                           Ontario from time to time as being its reference rate
                           of interest used by it to determine the rates of
                           interest it will charge for loans made in Canada in
                           Canadian dollars to its preferred commercial
                           customers (hereinafter referred to as "Prime"), plus
                           two percent (2%) per annum, calculated and payable
                           monthly in arrears on the last date of each month,
                           provided that the balance of any interest accrued and
                           unpaid to the date on which the principal amount is
                           paid shall be due and payable on such date and that
                           any interest not paid on its due date shall itself
                           bear interest at the above rate, compounded monthly
                           and, subject to section (a) above, entitles the
                           Corporation to prepay the whole or any part of the
                           unpaid principal under such promissory note, upon
                           payment of interest accrued on the unpaid principal
                           balance to the date of payment; or (2) by the
                           assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder of
                           a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such term
                           is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for a principal sum or for a
                           portion of the principal sum equal to the Redemption
                           Price, or such part thereof as is to be satisfied by
                           the promissory note, which is payable on demand and
                           which the board of directors of the Corporation in
                           its discretion has determined has a value not less
                           than the Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is
                           to be satisfied by the promissory note of the
                           affiliate, which might be issued under clause (1) of
                           this subsection (b)(ii).

                  (iii)    PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                           outstanding Fifth Preferred shares is at any time to
                           be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be
                           selected in such manner as the directors in their


                           discretion shall decide and need not be redeemed pro
                           rata or selected by lot and the directors may make
                           such adjustments as may be necessary to avoid the
                           redemption of fractional parts of shares.

                  (iv)     NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The
                           Corporation shall, at least one (1) day before the
                           date specified for redemption, send to each person
                           who at the date of sending is a registered holder of
                           Fifth Preferred shares to be redeemed a notice in
                           writing of the intention of the Corporation to redeem
                           such Fifth Preferred shares, or alternatively, notice
                           may be waived or the time for sending of the notice
                           may be waived at any time with the consent in writing
                           of holders of such Fifth Preferred shares to be
                           redeemed. Notice may be mailed in a prepaid envelope
                           addressed to each such shareholder at his address as
                           it appears on the records of the Corporation or its
                           transfer agent, or alternatively, such notice may be
                           delivered personally to such shareholder; provided,
                           however, that accidental failure to give any such
                           notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not
                           affect the validity of the redemption. Such notice
                           shall set out the Redemption Price and the date of
                           redemption. If notice of any such redemption be given
                           by the Corporation or waived in the manner aforesaid
                           and an amount sufficient to redeem the shares has
                           been paid (whether in cash or by promissory note, as
                           above provided) to the holder of the Fifth Preferred
                           shares to be redeemed or deposited with any trust
                           corporation or chartered bank in Canada, on or before
                           the date fixed for redemption, the holder thereof
                           shall thereafter have no rights against the
                           Corporation in respect thereof except, upon the
                           surrender of certificates for such shares, to receive
                           payment therefor and except to receive any dividends
                           declared and payable on or before the redemption date
                           but unpaid. If the Fifth Preferred shares are
                           redeemed on the redemption date then from and after
                           the redemption date such shares shall cease to be
                           entitled to dividends, (except for any dividends
                           declared and payable on or before the redemption
                           date, but unpaid) and the holders thereof shall not
                           be entitled to exercise any of the rights of holders
                           of Fifth Preferred shares in respect thereof unless
                           payment of the Redemption Price is not made on the
                           redemption date, in which event the rights of the
                           holders of the said shares shall remain unaffected.

         (c)      NON-CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Fifth Preferred
                  shares shall, in each fiscal year of the Corporation, subject
                  to section (a) hereof and to the payment of all accrued
                  dividends on the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares and the Fourth Preferred shares, but always in
                  preference and priority to any payment of dividends on any
                  other shares of the Corporation for such year, including
                  without limitation, the Class A Common and Class B Common
                  shares, be entitled to receive, as and when declared by the
                  directors, out of the monies of the Corporation properly
                  applicable to the payment of dividends, fixed preferential
                  non-cumulative cash dividends at the rate of nine and seven
                  tenths percent (9.70%) per annum of the Redemption Price for
                  such shares. The directors shall be entitled from time to time
                  to declare part of the preferential non-


                  cumulative cash dividend for any fiscal year notwithstanding
                  that such dividend for such fiscal year shall not be declared
                  in full. If in any fiscal year of the Corporation the
                  directors in their discretion shall not declare the said
                  dividend or any part thereof on the Fifth Preferred shares for
                  such fiscal year then the rights of the holders of the Fifth
                  Preferred shares to such dividend or undeclared part thereof
                  for such fiscal year shall be forever extinguished. The
                  registered holders of Fifth Preferred shares shall not be
                  entitled to any dividends other than or in excess of the
                  preferential non-cumulative cash dividends hereinbefore
                  provided for. No dividends shall be declared and paid or set
                  aside for payment on any shares of any other class of the
                  Corporation ranking junior to the Fifth Preferred shares in
                  any fiscal year, unless the fixed preferential non-cumulative
                  cash dividend for such fiscal year on all Fifth Preferred
                  shares then outstanding has been declared and paid or set
                  aside for payment. If in any fiscal year, after the fixed
                  preferential non-cumulative cash dividends on the Fifth
                  Preferred shares shall have been declared and paid or set
                  aside for payment, there shall remain any profits or surplus
                  available for dividends, such profits or surplus or any part
                  thereof may, in the discretion of the directors, be applied to
                  dividends on any shares of any other class of the Corporation
                  ranking junior to the Fifth Preferred shares. If the
                  Redemption Price is increased or decreased pursuant to section
                  (g) hereof above at any time after any dividends have been
                  declared and paid or set aside for payment on the Fifth
                  Preferred shares, the dividend rate applicable during the
                  period prior to such increase or decrease in the Redemption
                  Price in respect of which the dividends were paid or set aside
                  for payment shall be deemed decreased or increased
                  accordingly, and neither a registered holder of Fifth
                  Preferred shares nor the Corporation shall have a claim
                  against the other for either under or overpayment of dividends
                  resulting from an increase or decrease in the Redemption

         (d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the
                  right at its option at any time and from time to time to
                  purchase the whole or any part of the Fifth Preferred shares
                  at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
                  such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption
                  Price thereof (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price may,
                  at the option of the Corporation be paid and satisfied in the
                  manner provided for in subsection (b)(ii) hereof, subject to
                  the provisions of section (a) hereof.

         (e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Fifth
                  Preferred shares shall be entitled to receive, subject to
                  section (a) hereof, and after the holders of First Preferred
                  shares, Third Preferred shares and Fourth Preferred shares
                  shall have received such amounts as they are entitled to
                  receive in the event of the liquidation, dissolution or
                  winding up of the Corporation, but before any distribution of
                  any part of the assets of the Corporation among the holders of
                  any other shares of the Corporation, including without
                  limitation the Class A Common and Class B Common shares, an
                  amount equal to the Redemption Price for each issued and
                  outstanding Fifth Preferred share plus an amount equal to all
                  dividends declared thereon and unpaid.


         (f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the Fifth
                  Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting rights
                  for the election of directors or, subject to any voting rights
                  accorded them pursuant to the provisions of the Business
                  Corporations Act (Ontario), as the same may from time to time
                  be amended or any successor legislation, for any other
                  purpose, nor shall they be entitled to attend shareholders'
                  meetings except for the purpose of exercising any voting
                  rights accorded to them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to
                  time, or any successor legislation; holders of the Fifth
                  Preferred shares shall, however, be entitled to notice of any
                  meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of authorizing
                  the dissolution of the Corporation or the sale, lease or
                  exchange of all or substantially all of the property of the
                  Corporation other than in the ordinary course of business.

         (g)      PRICE ADJUSTMENT. If at any time when any Fifth Preferred
                  shares are issued and outstanding either: (a) Canada Customs
                  and Revenue Agency determines and all of the holders of the
                  issued and outstanding Fifth Preferred shares concur in such
                  determination; or (b) the Corporation and the holders of the
                  Fifth Preferred shares determine, that the aggregate fair
                  market value of all property transferred or sold to the
                  Corporation in exchange for Fifth Preferred shares (the
                  "Acquired Property") is greater or less than the aggregate of
                  the Redemption Price of all Fifth Preferred shares issued in
                  connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Property, then
                  the resultant deficiency or excess in the aggregate of the
                  Redemption Price of all Fifth Preferred shares issued in
                  connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Property shall
                  be divided by the aggregate number of Fifth Preferred shares
                  issued in connection with the acquisition of the Acquired
                  Property and the Redemption Price shall be increased or
                  decreased accordingly.



The Sixth Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      RANKING. The Sixth Preferred shares shall rank, with respect
                  to both dividends and return of capital in the event of
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  junior to the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares, the Fourth Preferred shares and the Fifth Preferred
                  shares and in priority to all other shares of the Corporation,
                  including without limitation, the Class A Common and Class B
                  Common shares, but shall not confer any further right to
                  participate in the profits or assets of the Corporation. The
                  rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to
                  the Sixth Preferred shares shall be deemed to include and
                  incorporate by reference such provisions (including, without
                  limitation, the subordination provisions) as are necessary to
                  constitute the Sixth Preferred shares "Excluded Securities"
                  for the purposes of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31, 2002, as amended on September 10,
                           2003, among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion
                           Bank, as Administration Agent and certain lenders
                           named therein;

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10%
                           Series B Senior Secured Second Priority Notes due

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;


                  (G)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2032;

                  (H)      Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.
                           $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2013; and

                  (I)      such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of
                           trust or other financing instruments to which the
                           Corporation (or any successor) is from time to time a
                           party as contain substantially similar provisions as
                           the foregoing financing instruments related to
                           "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Sixth Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the purchase for cancellation of Sixth Preferred shares or payments made on
the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, purchase for cancellation or other distribution amount
made in respect of any of the Sixth Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate
by reference such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination
provisions) as are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded
Securities for the purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness
under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has
been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or
negotiable by the holder except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by
the applicable provisions contained in the Financing Indentures relating to
Excluded Securities.

         (b)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION RIGHT. Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part of the Sixth Preferred shares on
                           payment for each such share to be redeemed of the
                           amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) (the
                           "Redemption Price").

                           Redemption Price may, at the option of the
                           Corporation, be paid and satisfied in whole or in
                           part: (1) by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the Redemption Price, or


                           such part thereof as is to be satisfied by the
                           promissory note, which, subject to section (a) above,
                           is payable on demand, provides for interest on the
                           unpaid balance at a rate equal to the annual rate
                           established by The Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head
                           office in Toronto, Ontario from time to time as being
                           its reference rate of interest used by it to
                           determine the rates of interest it will charge for
                           loans made in Canada in Canadian dollars to its
                           preferred commercial customers (hereinafter referred
                           to as "Prime"), plus two percent (2%) per annum,
                           calculated and payable monthly in arrears on the last
                           date of each month, provided that the balance of any
                           interest accrued and unpaid to the date on which the
                           principal amount is paid shall be due and payable on
                           such date and that any interest not paid on its due
                           date shall itself bear interest at the above rate,
                           compounded monthly and, subject to section (a) above,
                           entitles the Corporation to prepay the whole or any
                           part of the unpaid principal under such promissory
                           note, upon payment of interest accrued on the unpaid
                           principal balance to the date of payment; or (2) by
                           the assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder
                           of a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such
                           term is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for a principal sum or for a
                           portion of the principal sum equal to the Redemption
                           Price, or such part thereof as is to be satisfied by
                           the promissory note, which is payable on demand and
                           which the board of directors of the Corporation in
                           its discretion has determined has a value not less
                           than the Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is
                           to be satisfied by the promissory note of the
                           affiliate, which might be issued under clause (1) of
                           this subsection (b)(ii).

                  (iii)    PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                           outstanding Sixth Preferred shares is at any time to
                           be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be
                           selected in such manner as the directors in their
                           discretion shall decide and need not be redeemed pro
                           rata or selected by lot and the directors may make
                           such adjustments as may be necessary to avoid the
                           redemption of fractional parts of shares.

                  (iv)     NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The
                           Corporation shall, at least one (1) day before the
                           date specified for redemption, send to each person
                           who at the date of sending is a registered holder of
                           Sixth Preferred shares to be redeemed a notice in
                           writing of the intention of the Corporation to redeem
                           such Sixth Preferred shares, or alternatively, notice
                           may be waived or the time for sending of the notice
                           may be waived at any time with the consent in writing
                           of holders of such Sixth Preferred shares to be
                           redeemed. Notice may be mailed in a prepaid envelope
                           addressed to each such shareholder at his address as
                           it appears on the records of the Corporation or its
                           transfer agent, or alternatively, such notice may be
                           delivered personally to such shareholder, provided,
                           however, that accidental failure to give any such
                           notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not
                           affect the validity of the redemption. Such notice


                           shall set out the Redemption Price and the date of
                           redemption. If notice of any such redemption be given
                           by the Corporation or waived in the manner aforesaid
                           and an amount sufficient to redeem the shares has
                           been paid (whether in cash or by promissory note, as
                           above provided) to the holder of the Sixth Preferred
                           shares to be redeemed or deposited with any trust
                           corporation or chartered bank in Canada, on or before
                           the date fixed for redemption, the holder thereof
                           shall thereafter have no rights against the
                           Corporation in respect thereof except, upon the
                           surrender of certificates for such shares, to receive
                           payment therefor and except to receive any dividends
                           declared and payable on or before the redemption date
                           but unpaid. If the Sixth Preferred shares are
                           redeemed on the redemption date then from and after
                           the redemption date such shares shall cease to be
                           entitled to dividends, (except for any dividends
                           declared and payable on or before the redemption
                           date, but unpaid) and the holders thereof shall not
                           be entitled to exercise any of the rights of holders
                           of Sixth Preferred shares in respect thereof unless
                           payment of the Redemption Price is not made on the
                           redemption date, in which event the rights of the
                           holders of the said shares shall remain unaffected.

         (c)      NON-CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Sixth Preferred
                  shares shall, in each fiscal year of the Corporation, subject
                  to section (a) hereof and to the payment of all accrued
                  dividends on the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares, the Fourth Preferred shares and the Fifth Preferred
                  shares, but always in preference and priority to any payment
                  of dividends on any other shares of the Corporation for such
                  year, including without limitation, the Class A Common and
                  Class B Common shares, be entitled to receive, as and when
                  declared by the directors, out of the monies of the
                  Corporation properly applicable to the payment of dividends,
                  fixed preferential non-cumulative cash dividends at the rate
                  of nine and seventy-five one hundredths percent (9.75%) per
                  annum of the Redemption Price for such shares. The directors
                  shall be entitled from time to time to declare part of the
                  preferential non-cumulative cash dividend for any fiscal year
                  notwithstanding that such dividend for such fiscal year shall
                  not be declared in full. If in any fiscal year of the
                  Corporation the directors in their discretion shall not
                  declare the said dividend or any part thereof on the Sixth
                  Preferred shares for such fiscal year then the rights of the
                  holders of the Sixth Preferred stares to such dividend or
                  undeclared part thereof for such fiscal year shall be forever
                  extinguished. The registered holders of Sixth Preferred shares
                  shall not be entitled to any dividends other than or in excess
                  of the preferential non-cumulative cash dividends hereinbefore
                  provided for. No dividends shall be declared and paid or set
                  aside for payment on any shares of any other class of the
                  Corporation ranking junior to the Sixth Preferred shares in
                  any fiscal year, unless the fixed preferential non-cumulative
                  cash dividend for such fiscal year on all Sixth Preferred
                  shares then outstanding has been declared and paid or set
                  aside for payment. If in any fiscal year, after the fixed
                  preferential non-cumulative cash dividends on the Sixth
                  Preferred shares shall have been declared and paid or set
                  aside for payment, there shall remain any profits or surplus
                  available for dividends, such profits or surplus or any part
                  thereof may, in the discretion of the


                  directors, be applied to dividends on any shares of any other
                  class of the Corporation ranking junior to the Sixth Preferred
                  shares. If the Redemption Price is increased or decreased
                  pursuant to section (g) hereof above at any time after any
                  dividends have been declared and paid or set aside for payment
                  on the Sixth Preferred shares, the dividend rate applicable
                  during the period prior to such increase or decrease in the
                  Redemption Price in respect of which the dividends were paid
                  or set aside for payment shall be deemed decreased or
                  increased accordingly, and neither a registered holder of
                  Sixth Preferred shares nor the Corporation shall have a claim
                  against the other for either under or overpayment of dividends
                  resulting from an increase or decrease in the Redemption

         (d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the
                  right at its option at any time and from time to time to
                  purchase the whole or any part of the Sixth Preferred shares
                  at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
                  such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption
                  Price thereof (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price may,
                  at the option of the Corporation be paid and satisfied in the
                  manner provided for in subsection (b)(ii) hereof, subject to
                  the provisions of section (a) hereof.

         (e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Sixth
                  Preferred shares shall be entitled to receive, subject to
                  section (a) hereof, and after the holders of First Preferred
                  shares, Third Preferred shares, Fourth Preferred shares and
                  Fifth Preferred shares shall have received such amounts as
                  they are entitled to receive in the event of the liquidation,
                  dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, but before any
                  distribution of any part of the assets of the Corporation
                  among the holders of any other shares of the Corporation,
                  including without limitation the Class A Common and Class B
                  Common shares, an amount equal to the Redemption Price for
                  each issued and outstanding Sixth Preferred share plus an
                  amount equal to all dividends declared thereon and unpaid.

         (f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the Sixth
                  Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting rights
                  for the election of directors or, subject to any voting rights
                  accorded them pursuant to the provisions of the Business
                  Corporations Act (Ontario), as the same may from time to time
                  be amended or any successor legislation, for any other
                  purpose, nor shall they be entitled to attend shareholders'
                  meetings except for the purpose of exercising any voting
                  rights accorded to them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to
                  time, or any successor legislation; holders of the Sixth
                  Preferred shares shall, however, be entitled to notice of any
                  meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of authorizing
                  the dissolution of the Corporation or the sale, lease or
                  exchange of all or substantially all of the property of the
                  Corporation other than in the ordinary course of business.


         (g)      PRICE ADJUSTMENT. If at any time when any Sixth Preferred
                  shares are issued and outstanding either: (a) Canada Customs
                  and Revenue Agency determines and all of the holders of the
                  issued and outstanding Sixth Preferred shares concur in such
                  determination; or (b) the Corporation and the holders of the
                  Sixth Preferred shares determine, that the aggregate fair
                  market value of all property transferred or sold to the
                  Corporation in exchange for Sixth Preferred shares (the
                  "Acquired Property") is greater or less than the aggregate of
                  the Redemption Price of all Sixth Preferred shares issued in
                  connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Property, then
                  the resultant deficiency or excess in the aggregate of the
                  Redemption Price of all Sixth Preferred shares issued in
                  connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Property shall
                  be divided by the aggregate number of Sixth Preferred shares
                  issued in connection with the acquisition of the Acquired
                  Property and the Redemption Price shall be increased or
                  decreased accordingly.



The Seventh Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      RANKING. The Seventh Preferred shares shall rank, with respect
                  to both dividends and return of capital in the event of
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  junior to the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares, the Fourth Preferred shares, the Fifth Preferred
                  shares and the Sixth Preferred shares and in priority to all
                  other shares of the Corporation, including without limitation,
                  the Class A Common and Class B Common shares, but shall not
                  confer any further right to participate in the profits or
                  assets of the Corporation. The rights, privileges,
                  restrictions and conditions attaching to the Seventh Preferred
                  shares shall be deemed to include and incorporate by reference
                  such provisions (including, without limitation, the
                  subordination provisions) as are necessary to constitute the
                  Seventh Preferred shares "Excluded Securities" for the
                  purposes of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31, 2002, as amended on September 10,
                           2003, among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion
                           Bank, as Administration Agent and certain lenders
                           named therein;

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10%
                           Series B Senior Secured Second Priority Notes due

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;


                  (G)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2032;

                  (H)      Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.
                           $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2013; and

                  (I)      such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of
                           trust or other financing instruments to which the
                           Corporation (or any successor) is from time to time a
                           party as contain substantially similar provisions as
                           the foregoing financing instruments related to
                           "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Seventh Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the purchase for cancellation of Seventh Preferred shares or payments made
on the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, purchase for cancellation or other distribution amount
made in respect of any of the Seventh Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate
by reference such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination
provisions) as are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded
Securities for the purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness
under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has
been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or
negotiable by the holder except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by
the applicable provisions contained in the Financing Indentures relating to
Excluded Securities.

         (b)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION RIGHT. Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part of the Seventh Preferred shares on
                           payment for each such share to be redeemed of the
                           amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) as adjusted
                           in accordance with section (g) hereof (the
                           "Redemption Price").

                           Redemption Price may, at the option of the
                           Corporation, be paid and satisfied in whole or in
                           part: (1) by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the Redemption Price, or


                           such part thereof as is to be satisfied by the
                           promissory note, which, subject to section (a) above,
                           is payable on demand, provides for interest on the
                           unpaid balance at a rate equal to the annual rate
                           established by The Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head
                           office in Toronto, Ontario from time to time as being
                           its reference rate of interest used by it to
                           determine the rates of interest it will charge for
                           loans made in Canada in Canadian dollars to its
                           preferred commercial customers (hereinafter referred
                           to as "Prime"), plus two percent (2%) per annum,
                           calculated and payable monthly in arrears on the last
                           date of each month, provided that the balance of any
                           interest accrued and unpaid to the date on which the
                           principal amount is paid shall be due and payable on
                           such date and that any interest not paid on its due
                           date shall itself bear interest at the above rate,
                           compounded monthly and, subject to section (a) above,
                           entitles the Corporation to prepay the whole or any
                           part of the unpaid principal under such promissory
                           note, upon payment of interest accrued on the unpaid
                           principal balance to the date of payment; or (2) by
                           the assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder
                           of a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such
                           term is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for a principal sum or for a
                           portion of the principal sum equal to the Redemption
                           Price, or such part thereof as is to be satisfied by
                           the promissory note, which is payable on demand and
                           which the board of directors of the Corporation in
                           its discretion has determined has a value not less
                           than the Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is
                           to be satisfied by the promissory note of the
                           affiliate, which might be issued under clause (1) of
                           this subsection (b)(ii).

                  (iii)    PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                           outstanding Seventh Preferred shares is at any time
                           to be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be
                           selected in such manner as the directors in their
                           discretion shall decide and need not be redeemed pro
                           rata or selected by lot and the directors may make
                           such adjustments as may be necessary to avoid the
                           redemption of fractional parts of shares.

                  (iv)     NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The
                           Corporation shall, at least one (1) day before the
                           date specified for redemption, send to each person
                           who at the date of sending is a registered holder of
                           Seventh Preferred shares to be redeemed a notice in
                           writing of the intention of the Corporation to redeem
                           such Seventh Preferred shares, or alternatively,
                           notice may be waived or the time for sending of the
                           notice may be waived at any time with the consent in
                           writing of holders of such Seventh Preferred shares
                           to be redeemed. Notice may be mailed in a prepaid
                           envelope addressed to each such shareholder at his
                           address as it appears on the records of the
                           Corporation or its transfer agent, or alternatively,
                           such notice may be delivered personally to such
                           shareholder; provided, however, that accidental
                           failure to give any such notice to one or more of
                           such shareholders shall not affect the validity of
                           the redemption. Such


                           notice shall set out the Redemption Price and the
                           date of redemption. If notice of any such redemption
                           be given by the Corporation or waived in the manner
                           aforesaid and an amount sufficient to redeem the
                           shares has been paid (whether in cash or by
                           promissory note, as above provided) to the holder of
                           the Seventh Preferred shares to be redeemed or
                           deposited with any trust corporation or chartered
                           bank in Canada, on or before the date fixed for
                           redemption, the holder thereof shall thereafter have
                           no rights against the Corporation in respect thereof
                           except, upon the surrender of certificates for such
                           shares, to receive payment therefor and except to
                           receive any dividends declared and payable on or
                           before the redemption date but unpaid. If the Seventh
                           Preferred shares are redeemed on the redemption date
                           then from and after the redemption date such shares
                           shall cease to be entitled to dividends, (except for
                           any dividends declared and payable on or before the
                           redemption date, but unpaid) and the holders thereof
                           shall not be entitled to exercise any of the rights
                           of holders of Seventh Preferred shares in respect
                           thereof unless payment of the Redemption Price is not
                           made on the redemption date, in which event the
                           rights of the holders of the said shares shall remain

         (c)      NON-CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Seventh Preferred
                  shares shall, in each fiscal year of the Corporation, subject
                  to section (a) hereof and to the payment of all accrued
                  dividends on the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares, the Fourth Preferred shares, the Fifth Preferred
                  shares and Sixth Preferred shares but always in preference and
                  priority to any payment of dividends on any other shares of
                  the Corporation for such year, including without limitation,
                  the Class A Common and Class B Common shares, be entitled to
                  receive, as and when declared by the directors, out of the
                  monies of the Corporation properly applicable to the payment
                  of dividends, fixed preferential non-cumulative cash dividends
                  at the rate of nine and eighty one hundredths percent (9.80%)
                  per annum of the Redemption Price for such shares. The
                  directors shall be entitled from time to time to declare part
                  of the preferential non-cumulative cash dividend for any
                  fiscal year notwithstanding that such dividend for such fiscal
                  year shall not be declared in full. If in any fiscal year of
                  the Corporation the directors in their discretion shall not
                  declare the said dividend or any part thereof on the Seventh
                  Preferred shares for such fiscal year then the rights of the
                  holders of the Seventh Preferred shares to such dividend or
                  undeclared part thereof for such fiscal year shall be forever
                  extinguished. The registered holders of Seventh Preferred
                  shares shall not be entitled to any dividends other than or in
                  excess of the preferential non-cumulative cash dividends
                  hereinbefore provided for. No dividends shall be declared and
                  paid or set aside for payment on any shares of any other class
                  of the Corporation ranking junior to the Seventh Preferred
                  shares in any fiscal year, unless the fixed preferential
                  non-cumulative cash dividend for such fiscal year on all
                  Seventh Preferred shares then outstanding has been declared
                  and paid or set aside for payment. If in any fiscal year,
                  after the fixed preferential non-cumulative cash dividends on
                  the Seventh Preferred shares shall have been declared and paid
                  or set aside for payment, there shall remain any profits or
                  surplus available for dividends, such profits or surplus or
                  any part


                  thereof may, in the discretion of the directors, be applied to
                  dividends on any shares of any other class of the Corporation
                  ranking junior to the Seventh Preferred shares. If the
                  Redemption Price is increased or decreased pursuant to section
                  (g) hereof above at any time after any dividends have been
                  declared and paid or set aside for payment on the Seventh
                  Preferred shares, the dividend rate applicable during the
                  period prior to such increase or decrease in the Redemption
                  Price in respect of which the dividends were paid or set aside
                  for payment shall be deemed decreased or increased
                  accordingly, and neither a registered holder of Seventh
                  Preferred shares nor the Corporation shall have a claim
                  against the other for either under or overpayment of dividends
                  resulting from an increase or decrease in the Redemption

         (d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the
                  right at its option at any time and from time to time to
                  purchase the whole or any part of the Seventh Preferred shares
                  at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
                  such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption
                  Price thereof (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price may,
                  at the option of the Corporation be paid and satisfied in the
                  manner provided for in subsection (b)(ii) hereof, subject to
                  the provisions of section (a) hereof.

         (e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Seventh
                  Preferred shares shall be entitled to receive, subject to
                  section (a) hereof, and after the holders of First Preferred
                  shares, Third Preferred shares, Fourth Preferred shares, Fifth
                  Preferred shares and Sixth Preferred shares shall have
                  received such amounts as they are entitled to receive in the
                  event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
                  Corporation, but before any distribution of any part of the
                  assets of the Corporation among the holders of any other
                  shares of the Corporation, including without limitation the
                  Class A Common and Class B Common shares, an amount equal to
                  the Redemption Price for each issued and outstanding Seventh
                  Preferred share plus an amount equal to all dividends declared
                  thereon and unpaid.

         (f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the
                  Seventh Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting
                  rights for the election of directors or, subject to any voting
                  rights accorded them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as the same may from time
                  to time be amended or any successor legislation, for any other
                  purpose, nor shall they be entitled to attend shareholders'
                  meetings except for the purpose of exercising any voting
                  rights accorded to them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to
                  tune, or any successor legislation; holders of the Seventh
                  Preferred shares shall, however, be entitled to notice of any
                  meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of authorizing
                  the dissolution of the Corporation or the sale, lease or
                  exchange of all or substantially all of the property of the
                  Corporation other than in the ordinary course of business.


         (g)      PRICE ADJUSTMENT.

                  (i)      If at any time and from time to time when any Seventh
                           Preferred shares are issued and outstanding either:
                           (a) Canada Customs and Revenue Agency determines and
                           all of the holders of the issued and outstanding
                           Seventh Preferred shares concur in such
                           determination; or (b) the Corporation and the holders
                           of the Seventh Preferred shares determine; that the
                           aggregate fair market value of all property
                           transferred or sold to the Corporation in exchange
                           for Seventh Preferred shares (the "Acquired
                           Property") is greater or less than the aggregate of
                           the Redemption Price of all Seventh Preferred shares
                           issued in connection with the acquisition of the
                           Acquired Property (and, for greater certainty, an
                           adjustment to the purchase price of the Acquired
                           Property pursuant to the agreement of purchase and
                           sale between the Corporation and the holders of the
                           Seventh Preferred shares from which the Corporation
                           acquired the Acquired Property to the extent pursuant
                           to the terms of such agreement is to be satisfied in
                           accordance with this subsection shall constitute such
                           a determination by the Corporation and the holders of
                           the Seventh Preferred shares), then the resultant
                           deficiency or excess in the aggregate of the
                           Redemption Price of all Seventh Preferred shares
                           issued in connection with the acquisition of the
                           Acquired Property shall be divided by the aggregate
                           number of Seventh Preferred shares issued in
                           connection with the acquisition of the Acquired
                           Property and the Redemption Price shall be increased
                           or decreased accordingly. For greater certainty,
                           multiple adjustments to the Redemption Price are
                           permitted under this subsection and all such
                           adjustments shall be cumulative.

                  (ii)     In the event that none or only some (but not all) of
                           the Seventh Preferred shares issued in connection
                           with the acquisition of the Acquired Property are
                           issued and outstanding and the Redemption Price is
                           increased or decreased pursuant to subsection
                           (g)(i) hereof then the amount of the increase or
                           decrease in the aggregate fair market value of the
                           Acquired Property, less the aggregate of the
                           adjustments to the Redemption Price of the Seventh
                           Preferred shares, if any, then issued and outstanding
                           arising as a consequence of such determination, shall
                           be, in the case of an excess, a debt of the
                           Corporation payable to the holder of such Seventh
                           Preferred shares and in the case of a deficiency, a
                           debt of the holder payable to the Corporation, in
                           either case on demand, bearing interest at Prime plus
                           two percent (2%) per annum, calculated and payable
                           monthly in arrears on the last day of each month,
                           provided that the balance of any interest accrued and
                           unpaid to the date on which the principal amount is
                           paid shall be due and payable on such date and that
                           any interest not paid on its due date shall itself
                           bear interest at the above rate, compounded monthly.

                  (iii)    Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the
                           Seventh Preferred shares, or any of them, shall have
                           been redeemed for a Redemption Price paid by means of
                           a promissory note issued by the Corporation or


                           and transferred by the Corporation (as provided in
                           subsection (b)(ii) hereof) containing provisions
                           adjusting the principal amount thereof downwards by
                           an amount equal to the amount of such deficiency or
                           upwards by an amount equal to the amount of such
                           excess, then in such event, such adjustment provision
                           shall be deemed to satisfy in full the adjustment of
                           the applicable purchase price and the debt payable by
                           the Corporation to the holder or the holder to the
                           Corporation as the case may be, hereinbefore



The Eighth Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      RANKING. The Eighth Preferred shares shall rank, with respect
                  to both dividends and return of capital in the event of
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  junior to the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares, the Fourth Preferred shares, the Fifth Preferred
                  shares, the Sixth Preferred shares and the Seventh Preferred
                  shares and in priority to all other shares of the Corporation,
                  including without limitation, the Class A Common and Class B
                  Common shares, but shall not confer any further right to
                  participate in the profits or assets of the Corporation. The
                  rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to
                  the Eighth Preferred shares shall be deemed to include and
                  incorporate by reference such provisions (including, without
                  limitation, the subordination provisions) as are necessary to
                  constitute the Eighth Preferred shares "Excluded Securities"
                  for the purposes of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31, 2002, as amended on September 10,
                           2003, among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion
                           Bank, as Administration Agent and certain lenders
                           named therein;

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10%
                           Series B Senior Secured Second Priority Notes due

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;


                  (G)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2032;

                  (H)      Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.
                           $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2013; and

                  (I)      such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of
                           trust or other financing instruments to which the
                           Corporation (or any successor) is from time to time a
                           party as contain substantially similar provisions as
                           the foregoing financing instruments related to
                           "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Eighth Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the purchase for cancellation of Eighth Preferred shares or payments made
on the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, purchase for cancellation or other distribution amount
made in respect of any of the Eighth Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate
by reference such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination
provisions) as are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded
Securities for the purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness
under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has
been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or
negotiable by the holder except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by
the applicable provisions contained in the Financing Indentures relating to
Excluded Securities.

         (b)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION PRICE. Subject to any adjustment pursuant
                           to section (g) hereof, the "Redemption Price" in
                           respect of each Eighth Preferred share shall be an
                           amount equal to the fair market value of all of the
                           consideration for which Eighth Preferred shares are
                           issued as at the time such Eighth Preferred shares
                           are issued, as determined by the directors of the
                           Corporation, divided by the number of Eighth
                           Preferred shares so issued.

                  (ii)     REDEMPTION RIGHT. Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part


                           of the Eighth Preferred shares on payment for each
                           such share to be redeemed of the Redemption Price

                           CLASS B DEPOSIT RECEIPTS OF AT&T CANADA INC. The
                           aggregate Redemption Price of all Eighth Preferred
                           shares of a holder which are redeemed may, at the
                           option of the Corporation, be paid and satisfied in
                           whole or in part: (1) by the issuance to the holder
                           by the Corporation of a promissory note for a
                           principal sum equal to the Redemption Price, or such
                           part thereof as is to be satisfied by the promissory
                           note, which, subject to section (a) above, is payable
                           on demand, provides for interest on the unpaid
                           balance at a rate equal to the annual rate
                           established by The Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head
                           office in Toronto, Ontario from time to time as being
                           its reference rate of interest used by it to
                           determine the rates of interest it will charge for
                           loans made in Canada in Canadian dollars to its
                           preferred commercial customers (hereinafter referred
                           to as "Prime"), plus six percent (6%) per annum,
                           which interest will commence on the day following the
                           date of issuance of such promissory note and will be
                           calculated and payable monthly in arrears on the last
                           date of each month, provided that the balance of any
                           interest accrued and unpaid to the date on which the
                           principal amount is paid shall be due and payable on
                           such date and that any interest not paid on its due
                           date shall itself bear interest at the above rate,
                           compounded monthly and, subject to section (a) above,
                           entitles the Corporation to prepay the whole or any
                           part of the unpaid principal under such promissory
                           note, upon payment of interest accrued on the unpaid
                           principal balance to the date of payment; or (2) by
                           the assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder
                           of a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such
                           term is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for a principal sum or for a
                           portion of the principal sum equal to the aggregate
                           Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is to be
                           satisfied by the promissory note, which is payable on
                           demand and which the board of directors of the
                           Corporation in its discretion has determined has a
                           value not less than the aggregate Redemption Price,
                           or such part thereof as is to be satisfied by the
                           promissory note of the affiliate, which might be
                           issued under clause (1) of this subsection (b)(iii);
                           or (3) by the transfer by the Corporation to the
                           holder of a portion of the Class B Deposit Receipts
                           of AT&T Canada Inc. (the "Deposit Receipts")
                           transferred to the Corporation in connection with the
                           issuance of Eighth Preferred shares, equal to the
                           portion of such Eighth Preferred shares which are to
                           be redeemed.

                  (iv)     PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                           outstanding Eighth Preferred shares is at any time to
                           be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be
                           selected in such manner as the directors in their
                           discretion shall decide and need not be redeemed pro
                           rata or selected by


                           lot and the directors may make such adjustments as
                           may be necessary to avoid the redemption of
                           fractional parts of shares.

                  (v)      NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The
                           Corporation shall, on or before the date specified
                           for redemption, send to each person who at the date
                           of sending is a registered holder of Eighth Preferred
                           shares to be redeemed a notice in writing of the
                           intention of the Corporation to redeem such Eighth
                           Preferred shares, or alternatively, notice may be
                           waived or the time for sending of the notice may be
                           waived at any time with the consent in writing of
                           holders of such Eighth Preferred shares to be
                           redeemed. Notice may be mailed in a prepaid envelope
                           addressed to each such shareholder at his address as
                           it appears on the records of the Corporation or its
                           transfer agent, or alternatively, such notice may be
                           delivered personally to such shareholder; provided,
                           however, that accidental failure to give any such
                           notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not
                           affect the validity of the redemption. Such notice
                           shall set out the amount determined by the directors
                           of the Corporation as the aggregate Redemption Price
                           of the Eighth Preferred shares so redeemed and the
                           date of redemption. If notice of any such redemption
                           be given by the Corporation or waived in the manner
                           aforesaid and an amount sufficient to redeem the
                           shares has been paid (whether in cash or by
                           promissory note or by the transfer of the Deposit
                           Receipts as above provided) to the holder of the
                           Eighth Preferred shares to be redeemed or deposited
                           with any trust corporation or chartered bank in
                           Canada, on or before the date fixed for redemption,
                           the holder thereof shall thereafter have no rights
                           against the Corporation in respect thereof except,
                           upon the surrender of certificates for such shares,
                           to receive payment therefor and except to receive any
                           dividends declared and payable on or before the
                           redemption date but unpaid. If the Eighth Preferred
                           shares are redeemed on the redemption date then from
                           and after the redemption date such shares shall cease
                           to be entitled to dividends, (except for any accrued
                           and unpaid dividends on such shares) and the holders
                           thereof shall not be entitled to exercise any of the
                           rights of holders of Eighth Preferred shares in
                           respect thereof unless payment of the Redemption
                           Price is not made on the redemption date, in which
                           event the rights of the holders of the said shares
                           shall remain unaffected.

         (c)      CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Eighth Preferred
                  shares shall, in each fiscal year of the Corporation, subject
                  to section (a) hereof and to the payment of all accrued
                  dividends on the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares, the Fourth Preferred shares, the Fifth Preferred
                  shares, the Sixth Preferred shares and the Seventh Preferred
                  shares, but always in preference and priority to any payment
                  of dividends on any other shares of the Corporation for such
                  year, including without limitation, the Class A Common and
                  Class B Common shares, be entitled to receive, subject to the
                  provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as
                  amended from time to time, or any successor legislation,
                  fixed, cumulative cash dividends at the rate of eight percent
                  (8%) per annum of the


                  Redemption Price for such shares payable quarterly on the
                  first day following the last day in the month of each of
                  March, June, September and December, other than a Saturday or
                  a Sunday, on which the main branch of The Toronto-Dominion
                  Bank in Toronto, Ontario is open for business (each an
                  "Established Dividend Payment Date"). Alternatively, if the
                  directors so determine dividends shall be payable on any day
                  (an "Alternate Dividend Payment Date") following the
                  immediately preceding Established Dividend Payment Date and
                  before the next Established Dividend Payment Date. An
                  Established Dividend Payment Date and an Alternate Dividend
                  Payment Date are each hereinafter referred to as a "Dividend
                  Payment Date". Dividends on the Eighth Preferred shares shall
                  accrue on a daily basis from the day following the date of
                  issuance. If on any Dividend Payment Date the dividend payable
                  on such date is not paid in full on all of the Eighth
                  Preferred shares then issued and outstanding, such dividend or
                  the unpaid part thereof shall be paid on the first date
                  thereafter on which the Corporation shall have sufficient
                  moneys properly applicable to the payment of same. The holders
                  of the Eighth Preferred shares shall not be entitled to any
                  dividend other than or in excess of the cumulative dividends
                  at the rate hereinbefore provided for. If the Redemption Price
                  is increased or decreased pursuant to section (g) hereof at
                  any time after any dividends have been declared and paid or
                  set aside for payment on the Eighth Preferred shares, the
                  dividend rate applicable during the period prior to such
                  increase or decrease in the Redemption Price in respect of
                  which the dividends were paid or set aside for payment shall
                  be deemed decreased or increased accordingly, and neither a
                  registered holder of Eighth Preferred shares nor the
                  Corporation shall have a claim against the other for either
                  under or overpayment of dividends resulting from an increase
                  or decrease in the Redemption Price.

                  The Corporation shall not redeem or purchase for cancellation
                  any Eighth Preferred shares then outstanding unless all
                  dividends accrued on the Eighth Preferred shares up to the
                  date of redemption or purchase have been paid.

                  The Corporation shall not call for redemption or redeem or
                  purchase for cancellation or make any capital distribution in
                  respect of or otherwise pay off or retire any shares of the
                  Corporation ranking on a parity with or junior to the Eighth
                  Preferred shares unless all dividends on the Eighth Preferred
                  shares up to and including the dividend payable on the
                  immediately preceding Dividend Payment Date shall have been
                  declared and paid or set aside for payment at the date of such
                  call for redemption, redemption, purchase, distribution,
                  retirement or other payment off.

         (d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the
                  right at its option at any time and from time to time to
                  purchase the whole or any part of the Eighth Preferred shares
                  at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
                  such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption
                  Price thereof (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price may,
                  at the option of the Corporation be paid and satisfied in the
                  manner provided for in subsection (b)(iii) hereof.


         (e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Eighth
                  Preferred shares shall be entitled to receive, subject to
                  section (a) hereof, and after the holders of First Preferred
                  shares, Third Preferred shares, Fourth Preferred shares, Fifth
                  Preferred shares, Sixth Preferred shares and Seventh Preferred
                  shares shall have received such amounts as they are entitled
                  to receive in the event of the liquidation, dissolution or
                  winding up of the Corporation, but before any distribution of
                  any part of the assets of the Corporation among the holders of
                  any other shares of the Corporation, including without
                  limitation the Class A Common and Class B Common shares, an
                  amount equal to the Redemption Price for each issued and
                  outstanding Eighth Preferred share plus an amount equal to the
                  accrued and unpaid dividends thereon.

         (f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the
                  Eighth Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting
                  rights for the election of directors or, subject to any voting
                  rights accorded them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as the same may from time
                  to time be amended or any successor legislation, for any other
                  purpose, nor shall they be entitled to attend shareholders'
                  meetings except for the purpose of exercising any voting
                  rights accorded to them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to
                  time, or any successor legislation; holders of the Eighth
                  Preferred shares shall, however, be entitled to notice of any
                  meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of authorizing
                  the dissolution of the Corporation or the sale, lease or
                  exchange of all or substantially all of the property of the
                  Corporation other than in the ordinary course of business.

         (g)      PRICE ADJUSTMENT

                  (i)      If at any time and from time to time when any Eighth
                           Preferred shares are issued and outstanding either:
                           (a) Canada Customs and Revenue Agency determines and
                           the directors of the Corporation and all of the
                           holders of the issued and outstanding Eighth
                           Preferred shares concur in such determination; or (b)
                           the Corporation, the directors of the Corporation and
                           the holders of the Eighth Preferred shares determine;
                           that the aggregate fair market value of all property
                           transferred or sold to the Corporation in exchange
                           for Eighth Preferred shares (the "Acquired Property")
                           is greater or less than the fair market value of the
                           Acquired Property as determined by the board of
                           directors at the time of the acquisition of the
                           Acquired Property as contemplated by subsection
                           (b)(i) hereof, or as most recently redetermined under
                           this section (g) then the resultant excess or
                           deficiency, as the case may be, shall be divided by
                           the aggregate number of Eighth Preferred shares
                           issued in connection with the acquisition of the
                           Acquired Property and the Redemption Price shall be
                           increased or decreased accordingly. For greater
                           certainty, multiple adjustments to the Redemption
                           Price are permitted under this subsection and all
                           such adjustments shall be cumulative.


                  (ii)     In the event that none or only some (but not all) of
                           the Eighth Preferred shares issued in connection with
                           the acquisition of the Acquired Property are issued
                           and outstanding and the Redemption Price is increased
                           or decreased pursuant to subsection (g)(i) hereof
                           then the amount of the increase or decrease in the
                           aggregate fair market value of the Acquired Property,
                           less the aggregate of the adjustments to the
                           Redemption Price of the Eighth Preferred shares, if
                           any, then issued and outstanding arising as a
                           consequence of such determination, shall be, in the
                           case of an excess, a debt of the Corporation payable
                           to the holder of such Eighth Preferred shares and in
                           the case of a deficiency, a debt of the holder
                           payable to the Corporation, in either case on demand,
                           bearing interest at Prime plus six percent (6%) per
                           annum, calculated and payable monthly in arrears on
                           the last day of each month, provided that the balance
                           of any interest accrued and unpaid to the date on
                           which the principal amount is paid shall be due and
                           payable on such date and that any interest not paid
                           on its due date shall itself bear interest at the
                           above rate, compounded monthly.

                  (iii)    Notwithstanding subsection (g)(ii), in the event that
                           the Redemption Price for any Eighth Preferred shares
                           redeemed shall have been satisfied by means of a
                           promissory note issued by the Corporation or assigned
                           and transferred by the Corporation (as provided in
                           subsection (b)(iii) hereof) providing for the
                           adjustment of the principal amount thereof downwards
                           by an amount equal to the amount of the deficiency or
                           upwards by an amount equal to the amount of the
                           excess, then in such event, the note as adjusted
                           shall be deemed to satisfy in full the adjustment of
                           the applicable purchase price and the debt payable by
                           the Corporation to the holder or the holder to the
                           Corporation as the case may be, hereinbefore provided
                           in subsection (g)(ii) hereof.

                  (iv)     Each time a change is made to the Redemption Price
                           pursuant to this section (g), a certificate of an
                           officer of the Corporation, stating such new
                           Redemption Price, shall be prepared and inserted in
                           the minute book of the Corporation.


9.   The issue, transfer or ownership    Lemission, letransfert ou la propriete
     of shares is/is not restricted and  dactions estlnest pas restreinte. Les
     the restrictions (if any) are as    restrictions, sily a lieu, sont les
     follows:                            suivantes:

     The right to transfer shares of the Corporation shall be restricted in that
     no shareholder shall be entitled to transfer any share or shares of the
     Corporation without either:

     (a)the express sanction of the holders of more than 50% of the common
     shares of the Corporation for the time being outstanding expressed by a
     resolution passed at a meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation or by
     an instrument or instruments in writing signed by the holders of more than
     50% of such shares; or

     (b)the express sanction of the directors of the Corporation expressed by a
     resolution passed by the votes of a majority of directors of the
     Corporation at a meeting of the board of directors or by an instrument or
     instruments in writing signed by a majority of the directors.

10.  Other provisions, (if any): Autres dispositions, sily a lieu.

     (a) The board of directors may from time to time, without authorization of
     the shareholders:

         (i) borrow money upon the credit of the Corporation;

         (ii) issue, reissue, sell or pledge debt obligations of the

         (iii) subject to the Business Corporations Act, give a guarantee on
     behalf of the Corporation to secure performance of an obligation of any
     person; and

         (iv) mortgage, hypothecate, pledge or otherwise create a security
     interest in all or any property of the Corporation, owned or subsequently
     acquired, to secure any obligation of the Corporation.

     Nothing in this subparagraph (a) limits or restricts the borrowing of money
     by the Corporation on bills of exchange or promissory notes made, drawn,
     accepted or endorsed by or on behalf of the Corporation.

     The board of directors may from time to time by resolution delegate any or
     all of the powers referred to above to a director, a committee of directors
     or an officer.

     For greater certainty, but without in any way limiting the powers conferred
     on the board of directors hereunder, for the purpose of clause (iv) of this
     subparagraph (a), "property" shall include and be deemed to include,
     without limitation, both movable and immovable property.

     (b) The number of shareholders, exclusive of persons who are in the
     employment of the Corporation and exclusive of persons who, having been
     formerly in the employment of the Corporation, were, while in that
     employment, and have continued after termination of that employment to be,
     shareholders of the Corporation, is limited to not more than fifty, two or
     more persons who are the joint registered owners of one or more shares
     being counted as one shareholder.

11.  The statements required by          Les declarations exigees aux termes du
     subsection 178(2) of the Business   paragraphe 178(2) de la Loi sur les
     Corporations Act are attached as    compagnies constituent I'annexe "A".
     Schedule "A".

12.  A copy of the amalgamation          Une copie de la convention de fusion ou
     agreement or directors resolutions  les resolutions des administrateurs
     (as the case may be) is/are         (selon le cas) constitue(nt) I'
     attached as Scheduled "B".           annexe "B".


     These articles are signed in        Les presents statuts sont signes en
     duplicate.                          double exemplaire.

     Names of the amalgamating           Denomination sociale des compagnies qui
     corporations and signatures and     fusionnent, signature at fonction de
     descriptions of office of their     leurs dirigeants regulierement
     proper officers.                    designes.


     Per:/s/ M. Lorraine Daly
     Name:  M. Lorraine Daly
     Title: V. P. Treasurer

     Per:/s/ David P. Miller
     Name:   David P. Miller
     Title:  V. P. General Counsel + Secretary

     1443358 ONTARIO INC.

     Per:/s/ M. Lorraine Daly
     Name:   M. Lorraine Daly
     Title:  V. P. Treasurer

     Per:/s/ David P. Miller
     Name:   David P. Miller
     Title:  V. P. General Counsel + Secretary


                                ROGERS CABLE INC.

                              STATEMENT OF OFFICER

The undersigned, DAVID P. MILLER, the Vice-President, General Counsel and
Secretary of each of ROGERS CABLE INC. and 1443358 ONTARIO INC., the
amalgamating corporations referred to in the Articles of Amalgamation to which
this schedule is attached as Schedule "A", hereby states that:

1.       there are reasonable grounds for believing that each of ROGERS CABLE
INC. and 1443358 ONTARIO INC. is, and the amalgamated corporation will be, able
to pay its liabilities as they become due and the realizable value of the
amalgamated corporation's assets will not be less than the aggregate of its
liabilities and stated capital of all classes;

2.       there are reasonable grounds for believing that no creditor of ROGERS
CABLE INC. or 1443358 ONTARIO INC. will be prejudiced by the amalgamation;

3.       no creditors of ROGERS CABLE INC. or 1443358 ONTARIO INC. have notified
the Corporation that they object to the amalgamation and therefore clause
178(2)(c) of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) (the "Act") is not
applicable; and

4.       with respect to clause 178(2)(d) of the Act this clause is not
applicable in light of the statement made in reference to clause 178(2)(c) of
the Act.

DATED the 31st day of December, 2003.

- -----------------------------

                                  SCHEDULE "B"

THIS AMALGAMATION AGREEMENT made as of the 31st day of December, 2003.


         a corporation existing under the laws of the
         Province of Ontario

         (hereinafter called "Cable")

                                                        OF THE FIRST PART;

         - and-

         1443358 ONTARIO INC.,
         a corporation existing under the laws of the
         Province of Ontario

        (hereinafter called "144")

                                                        OF THE SECOND PART.

WHEREAS Cable and 144 were incorporated under the Business Corporations Act
(Ontario) (the "Act"), or predecessors of that legislation and are governed by
the Act;

AND WHEREAS Cable and 144, acting under the authority contained in the Act, have
agreed to amalgamate upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set out;

AND WHEREAS Cable and 144 have each made full disclosure to one another of all
their respective assets and liabilities;


         (a)      at 10:00 a.m. on the date hereof Cable sold 1,000,000 Fourth
                  Preferred shares (the "Ontario Shares") of Rogers Cablesystems
                  Ontario Limited ("Ontario") to 144 and 144 satisfied the
                  purchase price therefor by the issuance of 1,000,000 Common
                  shares to Cable (the "Cable Payment Shares");

         (b)      at 10:01 a.m. on the date hereof Ontario sold 100,000 Common
                  shares of Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee and 1,000 Common
                  shares of Rogers Cablesystems Georgian Bay Limited to 144 and
                  144 satisfied the purchase price therefor by the issuance of 1
                  First Preferred share to Ontario (the "Ontario Payment


         (c)      at 10:03 a.m. on the date hereof 144 redeemed the Ontario
                  Payment Share and satisfied the redemption price therefor by
                  the issuance of a demand promissory note to Ontario (the "144
                  Note") and Ontario redeemed the Ontario Shares and satisfied
                  the redemption price therefor by the issuance of a demand
                  promissory note to 144 (the "Ontario Note");

         (d)      at 10:04 a.m. on the date hereof 144 and Ontario satisfied
                  their respective obligations under the 144 Note and the
                  Ontario Note one against the other;

         (e)      at 10:30 a.m. on the date hereof Cable sold substantially all
                  of its property and assets to Rogers Cable Communications

         (collectively, the "Transactions")

AND WHEREAS the authorized capital of Cable consists of an unlimited number of
Class A Common shares, an unlimited number of Class B Common shares, 100,000,000
Class B Preferred shares, an unlimited number of First Preferred shares, an
unlimited number of Third Preferred shares, an unlimited number of Fourth
Preferred shares, an unlimited number of Fifth Preferred shares, an unlimited
number of Sixth Preferred shares, an unlimited number of Seventh Preferred
shares and an unlimited number of Eighth Preferred shares of which 100,000,000
Class A Common shares, 118,166,003 Class B Common shares, 306,904 Fourth
Preferred shares and 151,800 Seventh Preferred shares have been issued and are
outstanding as fully paid and nonassessable;

AND WHEREAS the authorized capital of 144 consists of an unlimited number of
common shares and an unlimited number of First Preferred shares, of which
1,000,001 common shares have been issued and are outstanding as fully paid and

AND WHEREAS Cable is the beneficial owner of record of all of the issued and
outstanding shares in the capital of 144;

AND WHEREAS it is desirable that the Amalgamation should be effected;


1.       In this Agreement:

         (a)      "Act" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the recitals hereto;

         (b)      "Amalgamated Corporation" or "Corporation" means the
                  corporation continuing from the amalgamation of the
                  Amalgamating Corporations;

         (c)      "Amalgamating Corporations" means Cable and 144, the parties

         (d)      "Amalgamation" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2


         (e)      "Amalgamation Agreement" or "Agreement" means this
                  Amalgamation Agreement;

         (f)      "Certificate of Amalgamation" means the certificate of
                  amalgamation issued by the Director pursuant to the Act in
                  respect of the Amalgamation;

         (g)      "Effective Time" has the meaning as described thereto in
                  Section 2 hereof.

2.       The Amalgamating Corporations and each of them do hereby agree to
         amalgamate, following the completion of the Transactions, at 10:55 a.m.
         on the 31st day of December (the "Effective Time"), under the
         provisions of Section 174 and Section 175 of the Act, and to continue
         as one corporation under the terms and conditions of this Agreement
         (the "Amalgamation").

3.       The name of the Amalgamated Corporation shall be ROGERS CABLE INC.

4.       The registered office of the Amalgamated Corporation shall be located
         in the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario.

5.       The address of the registered office of the Amalgamated Corporation
         shall be 333 Bloor Street East, 10th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 1G9.

6.       There shall be no restrictions on the business the Amalgamated
         Corporation may carry on or the powers the Amalgamated Corporation may

7.       The authorized capital of the Amalgamated Corporation shall consist of
         an unlimited number of Class A Common shares, an unlimited number of
         Class B Common shares, 100,000,000 Class B Preferred shares, an
         unlimited number of First Preferred shares, an unlimited number of
         Third Preferred shares, an unlimited number of Fourth Preferred shares,
         an unlimited number of Fifth Preferred shares, an unlimited number of
         Sixth Preferred shares, an unlimited number of Seventh Preferred shares
         and an unlimited number of Eighth Preferred shares;

8.       The rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to each
         class of shares in the capital of the Amalgamated Corporation shall be
         as set out on Schedule "A" hereto.

9.       The authorized but unissued shares and the issued and outstanding
         shares in the capital of each of the Amalgamating Corporations shall be
         respectively cancelled or converted into issued and outstanding shares
         in the capital of the Amalgamated Corporation as follows:

         (a)      the 100,000,000 issued and outstanding Class A Common shares,
                  the 118,166,003 Class B Common shares, the 306,904 Fourth
                  Preferred shares and the 151,800 Seventh Preferred shares of
                  Cable shall be converted on a share per share basis
                  respectively into 100,000,000 Class A Common shares,
                  118,166,003 Class B Common shares, 306,904 Fourth Preferred
                  shares and 151,800 Seventh Preferred shares of the Amalgamated
                  Corporation and the remaining authorized but unissued shares
                  of Cable shall be cancelled;


         (b)      the 1,000,001 issued and outstanding Common shares of 144 held
                  by Cable shall be cancelled without any repayment of capital
                  in respect thereof, and shall not be converted into shares of
                  the Amalgamated Corporation and the remaining authorized but
                  unissued shares of 144 shall be cancelled;

After the filing of Articles of Amalgamation in respect of this Agreement and
the issue of a Certificate of Amalgamation in respect thereof, the shareholders
of the Amalgamating Corporations when requested by the Amalgamated Corporation
shall surrender the certificates representing the shares held by them in the
Amalgamating Corporations and, subject to the provisions of the Act, in return
shall be entitled to receive certificates for shares of the Amalgamated
Corporation on the basis set out in this Agreement.

10.      Effective upon the Amalgamation, the stated capital attributable to the
         Class A Common shares, the Class B Common shares, the Fourth Preferred
         shares and the Seventh Preferred shares of the Amalgamated Corporation
         issued on conversion of the shares of the Amalgamating Corporations
         pursuant to Section 9 hereof shall be equal to the stated capital
         attributable to the Class A Common shares, the Class B Common shares,
         the Fourth Preferred shares and the Seventh Preferred shares of Cable
         immediately prior to the Amalgamation.

11.      All of the shares of the Amalgamated Corporation issued in accordance
         with the provisions of Section 9 shall be deemed to have been issued as
         fully-paid and non-assessable and the Amalgamated Corporation shall be
         deemed to have received the full consideration for the issue thereof.

12.      The board of directors of the Amalgamated Corporation, until otherwise
         changed in accordance with the Act, shall consist of a minimum of 1
         director and a maximum of 30 directors, and the first directors of the
         Amalgamated Corporation shall be:

         Name                         Address                  Canadian Resident

         Alan D. Horn      333 Bloor Street East, 10th Floor        Yes
                           Toronto, Ontario M4W 1G9

         Bruce D. Day      333 Bloor Street East, 10th Floor        Yes
                           Toronto, Ontario  M4W 1G9


         M. Lorraine Daly  333 Bloor Street East, 10th Floor        Yes
                           Toronto, Ontario M4W 1G9

         David P. Miller   333 Bloor Street East, 10th Floor        Yes
                           Toronto, Ontario  M4W 1G9

         The said first directors shall hold office until the first annual
meeting of the Amalgamated Corporation, or until their successors are elected,
in accordance with the by-laws of the Amalgamated Corporation and the Act. The
affairs and business of the Amalgamated Corporation shall be under the
management of the board of directors from time to time, subject to the
provisions of the Act.

13.      The by-laws of Cable shall, so far as applicable, be the by-laws of the
         Amalgamated Corporation, until repealed or amended in the normal manner
         provided for in the Act.

14.      Subject to the provisions of the Act, the following provisions shall
         apply to the Amalgamated Corporation:

         (a)      The right to transfer shares of the Corporation shall be
                  restricted in that no shareholder shall be entitled to
                  transfer any share or shares of the Corporation without

                  (i)      the express sanction of the holders of more than 50%
                           of the common shares of the Corporation for the time
                           being outstanding expressed by a resolution passed at
                           a meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation or
                           by an instrument or instruments in writing signed by
                           the holders of more than 50% of such shares; or

                  (ii)     the express sanction of the directors of the
                           Corporation expressed by a resolution passed by the
                           votes of a majority of directors of the Corporation
                           at a meeting of the board of directors or by an
                           instrument or instruments in writing signed by a
                           majority of the directors.

         (b)      The board of directors may from time to time, without
                  authorization of the shareholders:

                  (i)      borrow money upon the credit of the Corporation;

                  (ii)     issue, reissue, sell or pledge debt obligations of
                           the Corporation;

                  (iii)    subject to the Business Corporations Act (Ontario),
                           give a guarantee on behalf of the Corporation to
                           secure performance of an obligation of any person;

                  (iv)     mortgage, hypothecate, pledge or otherwise create a
                           security interest in all or any property of the
                           Corporation, owned or subsequently acquired, to
                           secure any obligation of the Corporation.


         Nothing in this subparagraph (b) limits or restricts the borrowing of
         money by the Corporation on bills of exchange or promissory notes made,
         drawn, accepted or endorsed by or on behalf of the Corporation.

         The board of directors may from time to time by resolution delegate any
         or all of the powers referred to above to a director, a committee of
         directors or an officer.

         For greater certainty, but without in any way limiting the powers
         conferred on the board of directors hereunder, for the purpose of
         clause (iv) of this subparagraph (b), "property" shall include and be
         deemed to include, without limitation, both movable and immovable

         (c)      The number of shareholders, exclusive of persons who are in
                  the employment of the Corporation and exclusive of persons
                  who, having been formerly in the employment of the
                  Corporation, were, while in that employment, and have
                  continued after termination of that employment to be,
                  shareholders of the Corporation, is limited to not more than
                  fifty, two or more persons who are the joint registered owners
                  of one or more shares being counted as one shareholder.

15.      Upon the shareholders of the Amalgamating Corporations respectively
         adopting this Agreement in accordance with the requirements of the Act,
         and subject to paragraph 17 hereof, Articles of Amalgamation in
         prescribed form, together with all supporting documents required by the
         Act, shall be sent to the Director under the Act.

16.      Upon the endorsement of the Certificate of Amalgamation under the Act:

         (a)      the Amalgamating Corporations are amalgamated and continue as
                  one corporation effective the Effective Time under the terms
                  and conditions prescribed in this Agreement;

         (b)      the Amalgamated Corporation possesses all the property,
                  rights, privileges and franchises and is subject to all
                  liabilities, including civil, criminal and quasi-criminal and
                  all contracts, disabilities and debts of each of the
                  Amalgamating Corporations;

         (c)      a conviction against, or ruling, order or judgment in favour
                  of or against an Amalgamating Corporation may be enforced by
                  or against the Amalgamated Corporation;

         (d)      the Articles of Amalgamation are deemed to be the Articles of
                  Incorporation of the Amalgamated Corporation and, except for
                  purposes of Subsection 117(1) of the Act, the Certificate of
                  Amalgamation, is deemed to be the Certificate of Incorporation
                  of the Amalgamated Corporation; and

         (e)      the Amalgamated Corporation shall be deemed to be the party
                  plaintiff or the party defendant, as the case may be, in any
                  civil action commenced by or against an Amalgamating
                  Corporation before the amalgamation has become effective.


 17.     This Agreement may be terminated by the respective boards of directors
         of the Amalgamating Corporations, notwithstanding the approval of this
         Agreement by the shareholders of the Amalgamating Corporations, at any
         time prior to the endorsement of the Certificate of Amalgamation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Amalgamation Agreement has been duly executed by the
parties hereto.


Per: /s/ M. Lorraine Daly
     Name:  M. Lorraine Daly
     Title: V.P. Treasurer

Per: /s/ Alan D. Horn
     Name:  Alan D. Horn
     Title: Vice President

1443358 ONTARIO INC.

Per: /s/ M. Lorraine Daly
     Name:  M. Lorraine Daly
     Title: V.P. Treasurer

Per: /s/ Alan D. Horn
     Name:  Alan D. Horn
     Title: Vice President


                                  SCHEDULE "A"


The Class A Common shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the following
rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         a)       VOTES. The holders of the Class A Common shares shall be
                  entitled to two (2) votes in respect of each Class A Common
                  share at all meetings of shareholders of the Corporation,
                  except meetings at which only holders of a specified class of
                  shares are entitled to vote;

         (b)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. The holders of the
                  Class A Common shares shall be entitled, subject to the rights
                  of the holders of the other classes of shares of the
                  Corporation, to share equally, share for share with the
                  holders of the Class B Common shares in the remaining property
                  of the Corporation on the liquidation, dissolution or winding
                  up of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary; and

         (c)      DIVIDENDS. Subject to the rights of the holders of the other
                  classes of shares of the Corporation, the holders of the Class
                  A Common shares shall be entitled to receive dividends in the
                  form of fully paid shares of the Corporation or money as,
                  when, and at the rate declared in the discretion of the


The Class B Common shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the following
rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      VOTES. The holders of the Class B Common shares shall be
                  entitled to two (2) votes in respect of each Class B Common
                  share at all meetings of shareholders of the Corporation,
                  except meetings at which only holders of a specified class of
                  shares are entitled to vote;

         (b)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. The holders of the
                  Class B Common shares shall be entitled, subject to section
                  (d) below and subject to the rights of the holders of the
                  other classes of shares of the Corporation, to share equally,
                  share for share with the holders of the Class A Common shares
                  in the remaining property of the Corporation on the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary;

         (c)      DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Class B Common shares shall be
                  entitled to receive, subject to section (d) below and subject
                  to the rights of the holders of the other classes of shares of
                  the Corporation, dividends in the form of fully paid shares of
                  the Corporation or money as, when, and at the rate declared in
                  the discretion of the directors; and

         (d)      EXCLUDED SECURITIES. The rights, privileges, restrictions and
                  conditions attaching to the Class B Common shares shall be
                  deemed to include and incorporate by reference such provisions
                  (including, without limitation, the subordination provisions)
                  as are necessary to constitute the Class B Common shares
                  "Excluded Securities" for the purposes of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31,2002, as amended on September 10,2003,
                           among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion Bank, as
                           Administration Agent and certain lenders named

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10%
                           Series B Senior Secured Second Priority Notes due

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;

                  (G)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2032;

                  (H)      Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.
                           $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2013; and

                  (I)      such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of
                           trust or other financing instruments to which the
                           Corporation (or any successor) is from time to time a
                           party as contain substantially similar provisions as
                           the foregoing financing instruments related to
                           "Excluded Securities",


(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Class B Common shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the purchase for cancellation of Class B Common shares or payments made on
the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, purchase for cancellation or other distribution amount
made in respect of any of the Class B Common shares shall, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate
by reference such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination
provisions) as are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded
Securities for the purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness
under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has
been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or
negotiable by the holder except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by
the applicable provisions contained in the Financing Indentures relating to
Excluded Securities.



The Class B Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      RANKING

The Class B Preferred shares shall rank, with respect to both dividends and in
the event of the dissolution, liquidation or winding-up of the Corporation,
whether voluntary or involuntary, or any distribution of assets of the
Corporation among its shareholders for the purpose of winding-up its affairs,
junior to the First Preferred shares, the Second Preferred shares and the Third
Preferred shares and in priority to the Class A Common shares of the
Corporation, but shall not confer any further right to participate in the
profits or assets of the Corporation.

         (b)      EXCLUDED SECURITIES

The rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to the Class B
Preferred shares shall be deemed to include and incorporate by reference such
provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination provisions) as are
necessary to constitute the Class B Preferred shares "Excluded Securities" for
the purposes of the:

         (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as of January
                  31,2002, as amended on September 10,2003, among the
                  Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion Bank, as Administration
                  Agent and certain lenders named therein;

         (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                  Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by amalgamation
                  to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V. Limited ("RCTV"), a
                  predecessor by amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa
                  Limited/Limitee ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase
                  Bank) re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                  Priority Debentures due 2014;

         (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB, various
                  Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase
                  Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10% Series B Senior Secured Second
                  Priority Notes due 2005;

         (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB, various
                  Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase
                  Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11% Senior Subordinated Guaranteed
                  Debentures due 2015;

         (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the Corporation
                  and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn. $450,000,000 7.60%
                  Senior (Secured) Second Priority Notes due 2007;

         (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30,2002 among the Corporation and
                  JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior
                  (Secured) Second Priority Notes due 2012;


         (G)    Indenture dated as of April 30,2002 among the Corporation and
                JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.$ 200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured)
                Second Priority Debentures due 2032;

         (H)    Indenture dated as of June 19,2003 among the Corporation and
                JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S. $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured)
                Second Priority Notes due 2013;and

         (I)    such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of trust or other
                financing instruments to which the Corporation (or any
                successor) is from time to time a party as contain substantially
                similar provisions as the foregoing financing instruments
                related to "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Class B Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the redemption of Class B Preferred shares or payments made on the
liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, redemption or other distribution amount made in respect of
any of the Class B Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate by reference
such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination provisions) as
are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded Securities for the
purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness under the Financing
Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has been duly provided
for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or negotiable by the holder
except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by the applicable provisions
contained in the Financing Indentures relating to Excluded Securities.


                (i)      REDEMPTION PRICE

The Redemption Price in respect of each Class B Preferred share shall be equal

                (A)      the portion of the fair market value of all of the
                         issued shares of the Corporation immediately before the
                         Certificate of the Director under the Business
                         Corporations Act (Ontario) in respect of these Articles
                         of Amendment pursuant to which the Class B Preferred
                         shares are issued becomes effective (and such
                         Certificate of the Director shall, for the purposes
                         hereof, be deemed to become effective at 1:00 p.m. on
                         the date on which such Certificate becomes effective,
                         or such other time on such date as is determined by the
                         Vice-President, Treasurer of the Corporation, as
                         evidenced by a certificate to that effect filed in the
                         minute book of the Corporation) that the fair market
                         value, at that time, of all the shares of


                           Rogers Telecom Inc. is of the fair market value, at
                           that time, of all of the net assets of the
                           Corporation, divided by,

                  (B)      100,000,000.

                  (ii)     RIGHT TO REDEEM

Subject to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended
from time to time, or any successor legislation (the "Act"), the Corporation
may, upon giving notice as hereinafter provided, redeem the whole or any part of
the Class B Preferred shares on payment for each such share to be redeemed of
the Redemption Price therefor.


The aggregate Redemption Price of all Class B Preferred shares held by a holder
which are redeemed may, at the option of the Corporation, be satisfied by the
issuance to the holder by the Corporation of a promissory note for a principal
sum equal to the aggregate Redemption Price of all Class B Preferred shares held
by the holder which are redeemed, which, save as hereinafter provided, is
payable on demand, and which provides for interest after the date the promissory
note is made on the unpaid principal balance at a rate equal to the rate of
interest expressed as an annual rate quoted by The Toronto-Dominion Bank at its
head office in Toronto, Ontario, from time to time as being its reference rate
of interest (commonly known as its "prime rate") used by it to determine the
rates of interest it will charge for loans made in Canada in Canadian dollars to
its Preferred commercial customers (hereinafter referred to as "Prime"), plus
two percent (Prime + 2%) per annum, calculated and, save as hereinafter
provided, payable monthly, in arrears on the last date of each month. The
promissory note shall provide that the balance of any interest accrued and
unpaid to the date on which the principal amount is paid shall be due and
payable on such date and that any interest not paid on its due date shall itself
bear interest at the above rate, compounded monthly. The Corporation shall have
the right to prepay the whole or any part of the unpaid principal under such
promissory note, upon payment of interest accrued on the unpaid principal
balance to the date of payment. The promissory note shall provide that it is
issued in satisfaction of, and is for a principal amount equal to, the aggregate
Redemption Price of all Class B Preferred shares held by the holder which were

                  (iv)     LIMITATIONS ON PROMISSORY NOTE

Until all indebtedness under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the
payment thereof has been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be
assignable or negotiable by the holder except to the extent and in the manner
contemplated by the applicable provisions contained in the Financing Indentures
relating to Excluded Securities. The obligations of the Corporation under such
promissory note may, however, be fully and finally satisfied by the set-off
thereof against the obligations of Rogers Telecom Holdings Inc. pursuant to a
demand promissory note made by Rogers Telecom Holdings Inc. in favour of the
Corporation on the same date for a principal amount equal to the aggregate
redemption price of the 100,000,000 First Preferred shares in the capital of
Rogers Telecom Holdings Inc., as specified in the articles of incorporation of
Rogers Telecom Holdings Inc., issued in satisfaction of the purchase price of
all of the issued and outstanding shares of Rogers Telecom Inc.

                (v)      PARTIAL REDEMPTION

 In case a part only of then outstanding Class B Preferred shares is at any time
 to be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be selected by lot in such
 manner as the directors in their discretion shall decide or, if the directors
 so determine, may be redeemed pro rata, disregarding fractions, and the
 directors may make such adjustments as may be necessary to avoid the redemption
 of fractional parts of shares.


         The Corporation shall, on or before the date specified for redemption,
deliver to each person who at the date of sending is a registered holder of
Class B Preferred shares to be redeemed a notice in writing of the intention of
the Corporation to redeem such Class B Preferred shares. Notice may be delivered
to each such shareholder at its address as it appears on the records of the
Corporation or its transfer agent, provided, however, that accidental failure to
deliver any such notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not affect the
validity of the redemption. Such notice shall set out whether the Corporation
elects to satisfy the Redemption Price by the issuance of a promissory note as
provided above and the date of redemption. If notice of any such redemption be
delivered by the Corporation and an amount sufficient to redeem the shares has
been paid to the holder of the Class B Preferred shares to be redeemed or
satisfied by a promissory note, as provided in the notice of redemption, or such
amount or promissory note in satisfaction thereof has been deposited with any
trust company or chartered bank in Canada, as specified in the notice, on or
before the date fixed for redemption, the holders thereof shall thereafter have
no rights against the Corporation in respect thereof except, upon the surrender
of certificates for such shares, to receive payment therefor.


                (i)      TENDER AND REQUEST

                         The holders of Class B Preferred shares shall be
                         entitled to require the Corporation to redeem at any
                         time and from time to time all or any part of the Class
                         B Preferred shares registered in the name of such
                         holder on the books of the Corporation by tendering to
                         the Corporation at its head office a share certificate
                         representing the Class B Preferred shares which the
                         registered holder desires to have the Corporation
                         redeem together with a request in writing specifying;

                         (A)      that the registered holder desires to have
                                  the Class B Preferred shares represented by
                                  such certificate redeemed by the Corporation;

                         (B)      the business day (in this paragraph referred
                                  to as the "redemption date") on which the
                                  holder desires to have the Corporation redeem
                                  such Class B Preferred shares. Requests in
                                  writing shall specify a redemption date which
                                  shall be not less than four (4) days after the
                                  date on which the request in writing is given
                                  to the Corporation, unless the Corporation
                                  consents in writing to an earlier redemption


                                    date. The holders of any Class B Preferred
                                    shares may, with the consent of the
                                    Corporation, revoke such request prior to
                                    the redemption date. Subject to receipt of a
                                    share certificate representing the Class B
                                    Preferred shares which the registered holder
                                    desires to have the Corporation redeem
                                    together with such a request, and subject to
                                    the provisions of the Act, the Corporation
                                    shall on the redemption date, redeem such
                                    Class B Preferred shares by paying to such
                                    registered holder an amount equal to the
                                    Redemption Price.

                  (ii)     PAYMENT BY PROMISSORY NOTE

                           The aggregate Redemption Price of all Class B
                           Preferred shares held by a holder which are to be
                           redeemed may, at the option of the Corporation, be
                           satisfied by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the aggregate Redemption Price of all Class
                           B Preferred shares held by the holder which are
                           redeemed on the terms provided in subparagraphs
                           (c)(iii) and (c)(iv) above.

                  (iii)    RIGHTS OF HOLDERS

                           From and after the redemption date, the Class B
                           Preferred shares to be redeemed on such date shall
                           cease to be entitled to dividends and the holders
                           thereof shall not be entitled to exercise any of the
                           rights of holders of Class B Preferred shares in
                           respect thereof unless the Redemption Price is not
                           paid or satisfied by a promissory note as above
                           provided on the redemption date, in which event the
                           rights of the holders of the said shares shall remain


The holders of the Class B Preferred shares shall, in each fiscal year of the
Corporation, as and when declared in the discretion of the directors, and
subject to the payment of dividends on the First, Second and Third Preferred
shares but always in preference and priority to any payment of dividends on the
Class A Common shares for such year, be entitled to receive, subject to the
provisions of the Act, non-cumulative dividends at a rate as declared by the
directors from time to time. The holders of Class B Preferred shares shall not
be entitled to any dividend other than or in excess of the non-cumulative
dividends at the rate declared by the directors. The Corporation shall not
exercise its right to redeem any Class B Preferred shares then outstanding
unless all declared but unpaid dividends on the Class B Preferred shares up to
the date of redemption have been paid.


Subject to the Act, the Corporation shall have the right at its option at any
time and from time to time to purchase the whole or any part of the Class B
Preferred shares at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption Price thereof.



Class B Preferred shares which are purchased, redeemed, or otherwise acquired by
the Corporation shall be cancelled, and shall not be restored to the status of
authorized but unissued shares.


In the event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Class B Preferred shares
shall be entitled to receive, after the holders of the First, Second and Third
Preferred shares shall have received such amounts as they are entitled to
receive in such event for each share held by them, but before any distribution
of any part of the assets of the Corporation among the holders of the Class A
Common shares or any shares of any other class ranking junior to the Class B
Preferred shares with respect to the return of capital, an amount equal to the
Redemption Price for each issued and outstanding Class B Preferred share,
together with an amount-equal to all declared but unpaid dividends thereon.

         (i)      VOTING RIGHTS

The holders of Class B Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting
rights for the election of directors or, subject to any voting rights accorded
them pursuant to the provisions of the Act, for any other purpose; holders of
Class B Preferred shares shall, however, be entitled to notice of meetings of
shareholders called for the purpose of authorizing the dissolution of the
Corporation or the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all the
property of the Corporation other than in the ordinary course of business.



The First Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      FIRST PREFERRED SHARES - RANKING. The First Preferred shares
                  shall rank, with respect to both dividends and return of
                  capital, in priority to all other shares of the Corporation
                  but shall not confer any further right to participate in the
                  profits or assets.

        (b)       REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION RIGHT. Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part of the First Preferred shares on
                           payment for each such share to be redeemed of the
                           amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) (the
                           "Redemption Amount"), together with an amount equal
                           to all unpaid cumulative dividends, whether or not
                           declared, which shall have accrued thereon and which,
                           for such purpose shall be treated as accruing up to
                           the date of such redemption (the Redemption Amount
                           plus such accrued and unpaid dividends are
                           hereinafter called the "Redemption Price").

                           Redemption Price may, at the option of the
                           Corporation, be paid and satisfied in whole or in
                           part: (1) by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the Redemption Price, or such part thereof
                           as is to be satisfied by the promissory note, which,
                           subject to section (a) above, is payable on demand,
                           provides for interest on the unpaid balance at a rate
                           equal to the annual rate established by The
                           Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head office in Toronto,
                           Ontario from time to time as being its reference rate
                           of interest used by it to determine the rates of
                           interest it will charge for loans made in Canada in
                           Canadian dollars to its preferred commercial
                           customers (hereinafter referred to as "Prime"), plus
                           two percent (2%) per annum, calculated and payable
                           monthly in arrears on the last date of each month,
                           provided that the balance of any interest accrued and
                           unpaid to the date on which the principal amount is
                           paid shall be due and payable on such date and that
                           any interest not paid on its due date shall itself
                           bear interest at the above rate, compounded monthly
                           and, subject to section (a) above, entitles the
                           Corporation to prepay the whole or any part of the
                           unpaid principal under such promissory note, upon
                           payment of interest accrued on the unpaid principal
                           balance to the date of payment; or (2) by the
                           assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder of
                           a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such term
                           is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for


                  a principal sum or for a portion of the principal sum equal to
                  the Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is to be
                  satisfied by the promissory note, which is payable on demand
                  and which the board of directors of the Corporation in its
                  discretion has determined has a value not less than the
                  Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is to be satisfied
                  by the promissory note of the affiliate, which might be issued
                  under clause (1) of this subsection (b)(ii).

         (iii)    PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                  outstanding First Preferred shares is at any time to be
                  redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be selected by
                  lot in such manner as the directors in their discretion shall
                  decide or, if the directors so determine, may be redeemed pro
                  rata, disregarding fractions, and the directors may make such
                  adjustments as may be necessary to avoid the redemption of
                  fractional parts of shares.

         (iv)     NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The Corporation
                  shall, at least ten (10) days before the date specified for
                  redemption, send to each person who at the date of sending is
                  a registered holder of First Preferred shares to be redeemed a
                  notice in writing of the intention of the Corporation to
                  redeem such First Preferred shares, or alternatively, notice
                  may be waived or the time for sending of the notice may be
                  waived at any time with the consent in writing of holders of
                  such First Preferred shares to be redeemed. Notice may be
                  mailed in a prepaid envelope addressed to each such
                  shareholder at his address as it appears on the records of the
                  Corporation or its transfer agent, or alternatively, such
                  notice may be delivered personally to such shareholder;
                  provided, however, that accidental failure to give any such
                  notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not affect
                  the validity of the redemption. Such notice shall set out the
                  Redemption Price and the date of redemption. If notice of any
                  such redemption be given by the Corporation or waived in the
                  manner aforesaid and an amount sufficient to redeem the shares
                  has been paid to the holder of the First Preferred shares to
                  be redeemed or deposited with any trust corporation or
                  chartered bank in Canada, on or before the date fixed for
                  redemption, the holders thereof shall thereafter have no
                  rights against the Corporation in respect thereof except, upon
                  the surrender of certificates for such shares, to receive
                  payment therefor.

(c)      CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the First Preferred shares shall,
         in each fiscal year of the Corporation, in preference and priority to
         any payment of dividends on any other shares of the Corporation for
         such year, be entitled to receive, subject to the provisions of the
         Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or
         any successor legislation, fixed, cumulative cash dividends at the rate
         equal to the annual rate established by the Toronto-Dominion Bank from
         time to time as a reference rate of interest to determine the interest
         it will charge for loans made in Canada in Canadian dollars to its
         preferred commercial customers (hereinafter referred to as "Prime")
         plus one and one


         quarter percent (Prime + 1 1/4%) per annum of the Redemption Amount for
         such shares payable quarterly on the first day following the last day
         in the month of each of March, June, September and December, other than
         a Saturday or a Sunday, on which the main branch of The
         Toronto-Dominion Bank in Toronto, Ontario is open for business (each an
         "Established Dividend Payment Date"). Alternatively, if the directors
         so determine, dividends shall be payable on any day (an "Alternate
         Dividend Payment Date") following the immediately preceding Established
         Dividend Payment Date and before the next Established Dividend Payment
         Date. An Established Dividend Payment Date and an Alternate Dividend
         Payment Date are each hereinafter referred to as a "Dividend Payment
         Date". Dividends on the First Preferred shares shall accrue and be
         cumulative from the date of issue of the First Preferred shares. If on
         any Dividend Payment Date the dividend payable on such date is not paid
         in full on all of the First Preferred shares then issued and
         outstanding, such dividend or the unpaid part thereof shall be paid on
         the first date thereafter on which the Corporation shall have
         sufficient moneys properly applicable to the payment of same. The
         holders of First Preferred shares shall not be entitled to any dividend
         other than or in excess of the cumulative dividends at the rate
         hereinbefore provided for.

(d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the right at
         its option at any time and from time to time to purchase the whole or
         any part of the First Preferred shares at the lowest price at which, in
         the opinion of the directors, such shares are obtainable but not at the
         option of the Corporation be paid and satisfied in the manner provided
         for in subsection (b)(ii) hereof.

(e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
         liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, whether
         voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the First Preferred shares
         shall be entitled to receive, before any distribution of any part of
         the assets of the Corporation among the holders of any other shares, an
         amount equal to the Redemption Price for each issued and outstanding
         First Preferred share.

(f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the First
         Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting rights for the
         election of directors or, subject to any voting rights accorded them
         pursuant to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario),
         as amended from time to time, or any successor legislation, for any
         other purpose, nor shall they be entitled to attend shareholders'
         meetings except for the purpose of exercising any voting rights
         accorded to them pursuant to the provisions of the Business
         Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
         successor legislation; holders of First Preferred shares shall,
         however, be entitled to notice of meetings of shareholders called for
         the purpose of authorizing the dissolution of the Corporation or the
         sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all the property of the
         Corporation other than in the ordinary course of business.



The Third Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      RANKING. The Third Preferred shares shall rank, with respect
                  to both dividends and return of capital in the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  junior to the First Preferred shares and the Second Preferred
                  shares and in priority to all other shares of the Corporation,
                  including without limitation, the common shares of the
                  Corporation, but shall not confer any further right to
                  participate in the profits or assets of the Corporation. The
                  rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to
                  the Third Preferred shares shall be deemed to include and
                  incorporate by reference such provisions (including, without
                  limitation, the subordination provisions) as are necessary to
                  constitute the Third Preferred shares "Excluded Securities"
                  for the purposes of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31,2002, as amended on September 10,2003,
                           among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion Bank, as
                           Administration Agent and certain lenders named

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10%
                           Series B Senior Secured Second Priority Notes due

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;


                  (G)      Indenture dated as of. April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgah Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2032;

                  (H)      Indenture dated as of June 19,2003 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.
                           $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2013; and

                  (I)      such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of
                           trust or other financing instruments to which the
                           Corporation (or any successor) is from time to time a
                           party as contain substantially similar provisions as
                           the foregoing financing instruments related to
                           "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Third Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the redemption of Third Preferred shares or payments made on the
liquidation dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, redemption or other distribution amount made in respect of
any of the Third Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate by reference
such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination provisions) as
are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded Securities for the
purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness under the Financing
Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has been duly provided
for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or negotiable by the holder
except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by the applicable provisions
contained in the Financing Indentures relating to Excluded Securities.

         (b)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION RIGHT. Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           .being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part of the Third Preferred shares on
                           payment for each such share to be redeemed of the
                           amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) (the
                           "Redemption Price").

                           Redemption Price may, at the option of the
                           Corporation, be paid and satisfied in whole or in
                           part: (1) by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the Redemption Price, or such part thereof
                           as is to be satisfied by the promissory note, which,


                           subject to section (a) above, is payable on demand,
                           provides for interest on the unpaid balance at a rate
                           equal to the annual rate established by The
                           Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head office in Toronto,
                           Ontario from time to time as being its reference rate
                           of interest used by it to determine the rates of
                           interest it will charge for loans made in Canada in
                           Canadian dollars to its preferred commercial
                           customers (hereinafter referred to as "Prime"), plus
                           two percent (2%) per annum, calculated and payable
                           monthly in arrears on the last date of each month,
                           provided that the balance of any interest accrued and
                           unpaid to the date on which the principal amount is
                           paid shall be due and payable on such date and that
                           any interest not paid on its due date shall itself
                           bear  interest at the above rate, compounded monthly
                           and, subject to section (a) above, entitles the
                           Corporation to prepay the whole or any part of the
                           unpaid principal under such promissory note, upon
                           payment of interest accrued on the unpaid principal
                           balance to the date of payment; or (2) by the
                           assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder of
                           a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such term
                           is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for a principal sum or for a
                           portion of the principal sum equal to the Redemption
                           Price, or such part thereof as is to be satisfied by
                           the promissory note, which is payable on demand and
                           which the board of directors of the Corporation in
                           its discretion has determined has a value not less
                           than the Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is
                           to be satisfied by the promissory note of the
                           affiliate, which might be issued under clause (1) of
                           this subsection (b)(ii).

                  (iii)    PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                           outstanding Third Preferred shares is at any time to
                           be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be
                           selected in such manner as the directors in their
                           discretion shall decide and need not be redeemed pro
                           rata or selected by lot.

                  (iv)     NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The
                           Corporation shall, at least one (1) day before the
                           date specified for redemption, send to each person
                           who at the date of sending is a registered holder of
                           Third Preferred shares to be redeemed a notice in
                           writing of the intention of the Corporation to redeem
                           such Third Preferred shares, or alternatively, notice
                           may be waived or the time for sending of the notice
                           may be waived at any time with the consent in writing
                           of holders of such Third Preferred shares to be
                           redeemed. Notice may be mailed in a prepaid envelope
                           addressed to each such shareholder at his address as
                           it appears on the records of the Corporation or its
                           transfer agent, or alternatively, such notice may be
                           delivered personally to such shareholder; provided,
                           however, that accidental failure to give any such
                           notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not
                           affect the validity of the redemption. Such notice
                           shall set out the Redemption Price and the date of
                           redemption. If notice of any such redemption be given
                           by the Corporation or waived in the manner


                           aforesaid and an amount sufficient to redeem the
                           shares has been paid (whether in cash or by
                           promissory note, as above provided) to the holder of
                           the Third Preferred shares to be redeemed or
                           deposited with any trust corporation or chartered
                           bank in Canada, on or before the date fixed for
                           redemption, the holders thereof shall thereafter have
                           no rights against the Corporation in respect thereof
                           except, upon the surrender of certificates for such
                           shares, to receive payment therefor.

         (c)      CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Third Preferred
                  shares shall, in each fiscal year of the Corporation, subject
                  to section (a) hereof and to the payment of all accrued
                  dividends on the First Preferred shares and Second Preferred
                  shares, but always in preference and priority to any payment
                  of dividends on any other shares of the Corporation for such
                  year, be entitled to receive, subject to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to
                  time, or any successor legislation, fixed, cumulative cash
                  dividends at the rate of nine and five-eighth percent (9.625%)
                  per annum of the Redemption Price for such shares payable
                  quarterly on the first day following the last day in the month
                  of each of March, June, September and December, other than a
                  Saturday or a Sunday, on which the main branch of The
                  Toronto-Dominion Bank in Toronto, Ontario is open for business
                  (each an "Established Dividend Payment Date"). Alternatively,
                  if the directors so determine, dividends shall be payable on
                  any day (an "Alternate Dividend Payment Date") following the
                  immediately preceding Established Dividend Payment Date and
                  before the next Established Dividend Payment Date. An
                  Established Dividend Payment Date and an Alternate Dividend
                  Payment Date are each hereinafter referred to as a "Dividend
                  Payment Date". Dividends on the Third Preferred shares shall
                  accrue and be cumulative from the date of issue of the Third
                  Preferred shares. If on any Dividend Payment Date the dividend
                  payable on such date is not paid in full on all of the Third
                  Preferred shares then issued and outstanding, such dividend or
                  the unpaid part thereof shall be paid on the first date
                  thereafter on which the Corporation shall have sufficient
                  moneys properly applicable to the payment of same. The holders
                  of Third Preferred shares shall not be entitled to any
                  dividend other than or in excess of the cumulative dividends
                  at the rate hereinbefore provided for.

                  The Corporation shall not redeem or purchase for cancellation
                  any Third Preferred shares then outstanding unless all
                  dividends accrued on the Third Preferred shares up to the date
                  of redemption or purchase have been declared and paid.

         (d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the
                  right at its option at any time and from time to time to
                  purchase the whole or any part of the Third Preferred shares
                  at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
                  such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption
                  Price thereof (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price may,
                  at the option of the Corporation be paid and satisfied in the
                  manner provided for in subsection (b)(ii) hereof, subject to
                  the provisions of section (a) hereof.


         (e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Third
                  Preferred shares shall be entitled to receive, subject to
                  section (a) hereof and after the holders of First Preferred
                  shares and Second Preferred shares shall have received an
                  amount equal to the redemption price for each First Preferred
                  share and Second Preferred share held by them, but before any
                  distribution of any part of the assets of the Corporation
                  among the holders of any other shares, an amount equal to the
                  Redemption Price for each issued and outstanding Third
                  Preferred share, together with an amount equal to all unpaid
                  cumulative dividends which shall have accrued thereon, whether
                  or not declared, and which, for such purpose, shall be treated
                  as accruing up to the date of such distribution.

         (f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the Third
                  Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting rights
                  for the election of directors or, subject to any voting rights
                  accorded them pursuant to the provisions of the Business
                  Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or
                  any successor legislation, for any other purpose, nor shall
                  they be entitled to attend shareholders' meetings except for
                  the purpose of exercising any voting rights accorded to them
                  pursuant to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act
                  (Ontario); as amended from time to time, or any successor
                  legislation; holders of Third Preferred shares shall, however,
                  be entitled to notice of meetings of shareholders called for
                  the purpose of authorizing the dissolution of the Corporation
                  or the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all the
                  property of the Corporation other than in the ordinary course
                  of business.



The Fourth Preferred shares, shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      RANKING. The Fourth Preferred shares shall rank, with respect
                  to both dividends and return of capital in the event of
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  junior to the First Preferred shares and the Third Preferred
                  shares and in priority to all other shares of the Corporation,
                  including without limitation, the Class A Common and Class B
                  Common shares, but shall not confer any further right to
                  participate in the profits or assets of the Corporation. The
                  rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to
                  the Fourth Preferred shares shall be deemed to include and
                  incorporate by reference such provisions (including, without
                  limitation, the subordination provisions) as are necessary to
                  constitute the Fourth Preferred shares "Excluded Securities"
                  for the purposes of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31,2002, as amended on September 10,2003,
                           among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion Bank, as
                           Administration Agent and certain lenders named

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10%
                           Series B Senior Secured Second Priority Notes due

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures
                           due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;


                  (G)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2032;

                  (H)      Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.
                           $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2013; and

                  (I)      such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of
                           trust or other financing instruments to which the
                           Corporation (or any successor) is from time to time a
                           party as contain substantially similar provisions as
                           the foregoing financing instruments related to
                           "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Fourth Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the purchase for cancellation of Fourth Preferred shares or payments made
on the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, purchase for cancellation or other distribution amount
made in respect of any of the Fourth Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate
by reference such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination
provisions) as are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded
Securities for the purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness
under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has
been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or
negotiable by the holder except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by
the applicable provisions contained in the Financing Indentures relating to
Excluded Securities.

         (b)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION RIGHT. Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part of the Fourth Preferred shares on
                           payment for each such share to be redeemed of the
                           amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) (the
                           "Redemption Price").

                           Redemption Price may, at the option of the
                           Corporation, be paid and satisfied in whole


                           or in part: (1) by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the Redemption Price, or such part thereof
                           as is to be satisfied by the promissory note, which,
                           subject to section (a) above, is payable on demand,
                           provides for interest on the unpaid balance at a rate
                           equal to the annual rate established by The
                           Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head office in Toronto,
                           Ontario from time to time as being its reference rate
                           of interest used by it to determine the rates of
                           interest it will charge for loans made in Canada in
                           Canadian dollars to its preferred commercial
                           customers (hereinafter referred to as "Prime"), plus
                           two percent (2%) per annum, calculated and payable
                           monthly in arrears on the last date of each month,
                           provided that the balance of any interest accrued and
                           unpaid to the date on which the principal amount is
                           paid shall be due and payable on such date and that
                           any interest not paid on its due date shall itself
                           bear interest at the above rate, compounded monthly
                           and, subject to section (a) above, entitles the
                           Corporation to prepay the whole or any part of the
                           unpaid principal under such promissory note, upon
                           payment of interest accrued on the unpaid principal
                           balance to the date of payment; or (2) by the
                           assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder of
                           a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such term
                           is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for a principal sum or for a
                           portion of the principal sum equal to the Redemption
                           Price, or such part thereof as is to be satisfied by
                           the promissory note, which is payable on demand and
                           which the board of directors of the Corporation in
                           its discretion has determined has a value not less
                           than the Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is
                           to be satisfied by the promissory note of the
                           affiliate, which might be issued under clause (1) of
                           this subsection (b)(ii).

                  (iii)    PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                           outstanding Fourth Preferred shares is at any time to
                           be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be
                           selected in such manner as the directors in their
                           discretion shall decide and need not be redeemed pro
                           rata or selected by lot and the directors may make
                           such adjustments as may be necessary to avoid the
                           redemption of fractional parts of shares.

                  (iv)     NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The
                           Corporation shall, at least one (1) day before the
                           date specified for redemption, send to each person
                           who at the date of sending is a registered holder of
                           Fourth Preferred shares to be redeemed a notice in
                           writing of the intention of the Corporation to redeem
                           such Fourth Preferred shares, or alternatively,
                           notice may be waived or the time for sending of the
                           notice may be waived at any time with the consent in
                           writing of holders of such Fourth Preferred shares to
                           be redeemed. Notice may be mailed in a prepaid
                           envelope addressed to each such shareholder at his
                           address as it appears on the records of the
                           Corporation or its transfer agent, or alternatively,
                           such notice may be delivered personally to such
                           shareholder; provided,


                           however, that accidental failure to give any such
                           notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not
                           affect the validity of the redemption. Such notice
                           shall set out the Redemption Price and the date of
                           redemption. If notice of any such redemption be given
                           by the Corporation or waived in the manner aforesaid
                           and an amount sufficient to redeem the shares has
                           been paid (whether in cash or by promissory note, as
                           above provided) to the holder of the Fourth Preferred
                           shares to be redeemed or deposited with any trust
                           corporation or chartered bank in Canada, on or before
                           the date fixed for redemption, the holder thereof
                           shall thereafter have no rights against the
                           Corporation in respect thereof except, upon the
                           surrender of certificates for such shares, to receive
                           payment therefor and except to receive any dividends
                           declared and payable on or before the redemption date
                           but unpaid. If the Fourth Preferred shares are
                           redeemed on the redemption date then from and after
                           the redemption date such shares shall cease to be
                           entitled to dividends, (except for any dividends
                           declared and payable on or before the redemption
                           date, but unpaid) and the holders thereof shall not
                           be entitled to exercise any of the rights of holders
                           of Fourth Preferred shares in respect thereof unless
                           payment of the Redemption Price is not made on the
                           redemption date, in which event the rights of the
                           holders of the said shares shall remain unaffected.

         (c)      NON-CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Fourth Preferred
                  shares shall, in each fiscal year of the Corporation, subject
                  to section (a) hereof and to the payment of all accrued
                  dividends on the First Preferred shares and the Third
                  Preferred shares, but always in preference and priority to any
                  payment of dividends on any other shares of the Corporation
                  for such year, including without limitation, the Class A
                  Common and Class B Common shares, be entitled to receive, as
                  and when declared by the directors, out of the monies of the
                  Corporation properly applicable to the payment of dividends,
                  fixed preferential non-cumulative cash dividends at the rate
                  of nine and sixty-five one hundredths percent (9.65%) per
                  annum of the Redemption Price for such shares. The directors
                  shall be entitled from time to time to declare part of the
                  preferential non-cumulative cash dividend for any fiscal year
                  notwithstanding that such dividend for such fiscal year shall
                  not be declared in full. If in any fiscal year of the
                  Corporation the directors in their discretion shall not
                  declare the said dividend or any part thereof on the Fourth
                  Preferred shares for such fiscal year then the rights of the
                  holders of the Fourth Preferred shares to such dividend or
                  undeclared part thereof for such fiscal year shall be forever
                  extinguished. The registered holders of Fourth Preferred
                  shares shall not be entitled to any dividends other than or in
                  excess of the preferential non-cumulative cash dividends
                  hereinbefore provided for. No dividends shall be declared and
                  paid or set aside for payment on any shares of any other class
                  of the Corporation ranking junior to the Fourth Preferred
                  shares in any fiscal year, unless the fixed preferential
                  non-cumulative cash dividend for such fiscal year on all
                  Fourth Preferred shares then outstanding has been declared and
                  paid or set aside for payment. If in any fiscal year, after
                  the fixed preferential non-cumulative cash dividends on the
                  Fourth Preferred shares shall have been declared and paid or
                  set aside for payment, there shall remain any


                  profits or surplus available for dividends, such profits or
                  surplus or any part thereof may, in the discretion of the
                  directors, be applied to dividends on any shares of any other
                  class of the Corporation ranking junior to the Fourth
                  Preferred shares. If the Redemption Price is increased or
                  decreased pursuant to section (g) hereof at any time after any
                  dividends have been declared and paid or set aside for payment
                  on the Fourth Preferred shares, the dividend rate applicable
                  during the period prior to such increase or decrease in the
                  Redemption Price in respect of which the dividends were paid
                  or set aside for payment shall be deemed decreased or
                  increased accordingly, and neither a registered holder of
                  Fourth Preferred shares nor the Corporation shall have a claim
                  against the other for either under or overpayment of dividends
                  resulting from an increase or decrease in the Redemption

         (d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the
                  right at its option at any time and from time to time to
                  purchase the whole or any part of the Fourth Preferred shares
                  at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
                  such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption
                  Price thereof (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price may,
                  at the option of the Corporation be paid and satisfied in the
                  manner provided for in subsection (b)(ii) hereof, subject to
                  the provisions of section (a) hereof.

         (e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Fourth
                  Preferred shares shall be entitled to receive, subject to
                  section (a) hereof, and after the holders of First Preferred
                  shares and Third Preferred shares shall have received such
                  amounts as they are entitled to receive in the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, but
                  before any distribution of any part of the assets of the
                  Corporation among the holders of any other shares of the
                  Corporation, including without limitation the Class A Common
                  and Class B Common shares, an amount equal to the Redemption
                  Price for each issued and outstanding Fourth Preferred share
                  plus an amount equal to all dividends declared thereon and

         (f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the
                  Fourth Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting
                  rights for the election of directors or, subject to any voting
                  rights accorded them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as the same may from time
                  to time be amended or any successor legislation, for any other
                  purpose, nor shall they be entitled to attend shareholders'
                  meetings except for the purpose of exercising any voting
                  rights accorded to them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to
                  time, or any successor legislation; holders of the Fourth
                  Preferred shares shall, however, be entitled to notice of any
                  meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of authorizing
                  the dissolution of the Corporation or the sale, lease or
                  exchange of all or substantially all of the property of the
                  Corporation other than in the ordinary course of business.


         (g)      PRICE ADJUSTMENT. If at any time when any Fourth Preferred
                  shares are issued and outstanding either: (a) Canada Customs
                  and Revenue Agency determines and all of the holders of the
                  issued and outstanding Fourth Preferred shares concur in such
                  determination; or (b) the Corporation and the holders of the
                  Fourth Preferred shares determine, that the aggregate fair
                  market value of all property transferred or sold to the
                  Corporation in exchange for Fourth Preferred shares (the
                  "Acquired Property") is greater or less than the aggregate of
                  the Redemption Price of all Fourth Preferred shares issued in
                  connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Property, then
                  the resultant deficiency or excess in the aggregate of the
                  Redemption Price of all Fourth Preferred shares issued in
                  connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Property shall
                  be divided by the aggregate number of Fourth Preferred shares
                  issued in connection with the acquisition of the Acquired
                  Property and the Redemption Price shall be increased or
                  decreased accordingly.


The Fifth Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

        (a)       RANKING. The Fifth Preferred shares shall rank, with respect
                  to both dividends and return of capital in the event of
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  junior to the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares and the Fourth Preferred shares and in priority to all
                  other shares of the Corporation, including without limitation,
                  the Class A Common and Class B Common shares, but shall not
                  confer any further right to participate in the profits or
                  assets of the Corporation. The rights, privileges,
                  restrictions and conditions attaching to the Fifth Preferred
                  shares shall be deemed to include and incorporate by reference
                  such provisions (including, without limitation, the
                  subordination provisions) as are necessary to constitute the
                  Fifth Preferred shares "Excluded Securities" for the purposes
                  of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31,2002, as amended on September 10, 2003,
                           among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion Bank, as
                           Administration Agent and certain lenders named

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S.


                           $450,000,000 10% Series B Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Notes due 2005;

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;

                  (G)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2032;

                  (H)      Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.
                           $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2013; and

                  (I)      such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of
                           trust or other financing instruments to which the
                           Corporation (or any successor) is from time to time a
                           party as contain substantially similar provisions as
                           the foregoing financing instruments related to
                           "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Fifth Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the purchase for cancellation of Fourth Preferred shares or payments made
on the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, purchase for cancellation or other distribution amount
made in respect of any of the Fifth Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate
by reference such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination
provisions) as are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded
Securities for the purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness
under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has
been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or
negotiable by the holder except to the extent and


in the manner contemplated by the applicable .provisions contained in the
Financing Indentures relating to Excluded Securities.

         (b)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION RIGHT. Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part of the Fifth Preferred shares on
                           payment for each such share to be redeemed of the
                           amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) (the
                           "Redemption Price").

                           Redemption Price may, at the option of the
                           Corporation, be paid and satisfied in whole or in
                           part: (1) by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the Redemption Price, or such part thereof
                           as is to be satisfied by the promissory note, which,
                           subject to section (a) above, is payable on demand,
                           provides for interest on the unpaid balance at a rate
                           equal to the annual rate established by The
                           Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head office in Toronto,
                           Ontario from time to time as being its reference rate
                           of interest used by it to determine the rates of
                           interest it will charge for loans made in Canada in
                           Canadian dollars to its preferred commercial
                           customers (hereinafter referred to as "Prime"), plus
                           two percent (2%) per annum, calculated and payable
                           monthly in arrears on the last date of each month,
                           provided that the balance of any interest accrued and
                           unpaid to the date on which the principal amount is
                           paid shall be due and payable on such date and that
                           any interest not paid on its due date shall itself
                           bear interest at the above rate, compounded monthly
                           and, subject to section (a) above, entitles the
                           Corporation to prepay the whole or any part of the
                           unpaid principal under such promissory note, upon
                           payment of interest accrued on the unpaid principal
                           balance to the date of payment; or (2) by the
                           assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder of
                           a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such term
                           is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for a principal sum or for a
                           portion of the principal sum equal to the Redemption
                           Price, or such part thereof as is to be satisfied by
                           the promissory note, which is payable on demand and
                           which the board of directors of the Corporation in
                           its discretion has determined has a value not less
                           than the Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is
                           to be satisfied by the promissory note of the
                           affiliate, which might be issued under clause (1) of
                           this subsection (b)(ii).

                  (iii)    PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                           outstanding Fifth Preferred shares is at any time to
                           be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be
                           selected in such manner as the directors in their


                           discretion shall decide and need not be redeemed pro
                           rata or selected by lot and the directors may make
                           such adjustments as may be necessary to avoid the
                           redemption of fractional parts of shares.

                  (iv)     NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The
                           Corporation shall, at least one (1) day before the
                           date specified for redemption, send to each person
                           who at the date of sending is a registered holder of
                           Fifth Preferred shares to be redeemed a notice in
                           writing of the intention of the Corporation to redeem
                           such Fifth Preferred shares, or alternatively, notice
                           may be waived or the time for sending of the notice
                           may be waived at any time with the consent in writing
                           of holders of such Fifth Preferred shares to be
                           redeemed. Notice may be mailed in a prepaid envelope
                           addressed to each such shareholder at his address as
                           it appears on the records of the Corporation or its
                           transfer agent, or alternatively, such notice may be
                           delivered personally to such shareholder; provided,
                           however, that accidental failure to give any such
                           notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not
                           affect the validity of the redemption. Such notice
                           shall set out the Redemption Price and the date of
                           redemption. If notice of any such redemption be given
                           by the Corporation or waived in the manner aforesaid
                           and an amount sufficient to redeem the shares has
                           been paid (whether in cash or by promissory note, as
                           above provided) to the holder of the Fifth Preferred
                           shares to be redeemed or deposited with any trust
                           corporation or chartered bank in Canada, on or before
                           the date fixed for redemption, the holder thereof
                           shall thereafter have no rights against the
                           Corporation in respect thereof except, upon the
                           surrender of certificates for such shares, to receive
                           payment therefor and except to receive any dividends
                           declared and payable on or before the redemption date
                           but unpaid. If the Fifth Preferred shares are
                           redeemed on the redemption date then from and after
                           the redemption date such shares shall cease to be
                           entitled to dividends, (except for any dividends
                           declared and payable on or before the redemption
                           date, but unpaid) and the holders thereof shall not
                           be entitled to exercise any of the rights of holders
                           of Fifth Preferred shares in respect thereof unless
                           payment of the Redemption Price is not made on the
                           redemption date, in which event the rights of the
                           holders of the said shares shall remain unaffected.

         (c)      NON-CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Fifth Preferred
                  shares shall, in each fiscal year of the Corporation, subject
                  to section (a) hereof and to the payment of all accrued
                  dividends on the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares and the Fourth Preferred shares, but always in
                  preference and priority to any payment of dividends on any
                  other shares of the Corporation for such year, including
                  without limitation, the Class A Common and Class B Common
                  shares, be entitled to receive, as and when declared by the
                  directors, out of the monies of the Corporation properly
                  applicable to the payment of dividends, fixed preferential
                  non-cumulative cash dividends at the rate of nine and seven
                  tenths percent (9.70%) per annum of the Redemption Price for
                  such shares. The directors shall be entitled from time to time
                  to declare part of the preferential non-


                  cumulative cash dividend for any fiscal year notwithstanding
                  that such dividend for such fiscal year shall not be declared
                  in full. If in any fiscal year of the Corporation the
                  directors in their discretion shall not declare the said
                  dividend or any part thereof on the Fifth Preferred shares for
                  such fiscal year then the rights of the holders of the Fifth
                  Preferred shares to such dividend or undeclared part thereof
                  for such fiscal year shall be forever extinguished. The
                  registered holders of Fifth Preferred shares shall not be
                  entitled to any dividends other than or in excess of the
                  preferential non-cumulative cash dividends hereinbefore
                  provided for. No dividends shall be declared and paid or set
                  aside for payment on any shares of any other class of the
                  Corporation ranking junior to the Fifth Preferred shares in
                  any fiscal year, unless the fixed preferential non-cumulative
                  cash dividend for such fiscal year on all Fifth Preferred
                  shares then outstanding has been declared and paid or set
                  aside for payment. If in any fiscal year, after the fixed
                  preferential non-cumulative cash dividends on the Fifth
                  Preferred shares shall have been declared and paid or set
                  aside for payment, there shall remain any profits or surplus
                  available for dividends, such profits or surplus or any part
                  thereof may, in the discretion of the directors, be applied to
                  dividends on any shares of any other class of the Corporation
                  ranking junior to the Fifth Preferred shares. If the
                  Redemption Price is increased or decreased pursuant to section
                  (g) hereof above at any time after any dividends have been
                  declared and paid or set aside for payment on the Fifth
                  Preferred shares, the dividend rate applicable during the
                  period prior to such increase or decrease in the Redemption
                  Price in respect of which the dividends were paid or set aside
                  for payment shall be deemed decreased or increased
                  accordingly, and neither a registered holder of Fifth
                  Preferred shares nor the Corporation shall have a claim
                  against the other for either under or overpayment of dividends
                  resulting from an increase or decrease in the Redemption

         (d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the
                  right at its option at any time and from time to time to
                  purchase the whole or any part of the Fifth Preferred shares
                  at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
                  such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption
                  Price thereof (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price may,
                  at the option of the Corporation be paid and satisfied in the
                  manner provided for in subsection (b)(ii) hereof, subject to
                  the provisions of section (a) hereof.

         (e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Fifth
                  Preferred shares shall be entitled to receive, subject to
                  section (a) hereof, and after the holders of First Preferred
                  shares, Third Preferred shares and Fourth Preferred shares
                  shall have received such amounts as they are entitled to
                  receive in the event of the liquidation, dissolution or
                  winding up of the Corporation, but before any distribution of
                  any part of the assets of the Corporation among the holders of
                  any other shares of the Corporation, including without
                  limitation the Class A Common and Class B Common shares, an
                  amount equal to the Redemption Price for each issued and
                  outstanding Fifth Preferred share plus an amount equal to all
                  dividends declared thereon and unpaid.


         (f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the Fifth
                  Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting rights
                  for the election of directors or, subject to any voting rights
                  accorded them pursuant to the provisions of the Business
                  Corporations Act (Ontario), as the same may from time to time
                  be amended or any successor legislation, for any other
                  purpose, nor shall they be entitled to attend shareholders'
                  meetings except for the purpose of exercising any voting
                  rights accorded to them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to
                  time, or any successor legislation; holders of the Fifth
                  Preferred shares shall, however, be entitled to notice of any
                  meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of authorizing
                  the dissolution of the Corporation or the sale, lease or
                  exchange of all or substantially all of the property of the
                  Corporation other than in the ordinary course of business.

         (g)      PRICE ADJUSTMENT. If at any time when any Fifth Preferred
                  shares are issued and outstanding either: (a) Canada Customs
                  and Revenue Agency determines and all of the holders of the
                  issued and outstanding Fifth Preferred shares concur in such
                  determination; or (b) the Corporation and the holders of the
                  Fifth Preferred shares determine, that the aggregate fair
                  market value of all property transferred or sold to the
                  Corporation in exchange for Fifth Preferred shares (the
                  "Acquired Property") is greater or less than the aggregate of
                  the Redemption Price of all Fifth Preferred shares issued in
                  connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Property, then
                  the resultant deficiency or excess in the aggregate of the
                  Redemption Price of all Fifth Preferred shares issued in
                  connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Property shall
                  be divided by the aggregate number of Fifth Preferred shares
                  issued in connection with the acquisition of the Acquired
                  Property and the Redemption Price shall be increased or
                  decreased accordingly.



The Sixth Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      RANKING. The Sixth Preferred shares shall rank, with respect
                  to both dividends and return of capital in the event of
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  junior to the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares, the Fourth Preferred shares and the Fifth Preferred
                  shares and in priority to all other shares of the Corporation,
                  including without limitation, the Class A Common and Class B
                  Common shares, but shall not confer any further right to
                  participate in the profits or assets of the Corporation. The
                  rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to
                  the Sixth Preferred shares shall be deemed to include and
                  incorporate by reference such provisions (including, without
                  limitation, the subordination provisions) as are necessary to
                  constitute the Sixth Preferred shares "Excluded Securities"
                  for the purposes of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31, 2002, as amended on September 10,2003,
                           among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion Bank, as
                           Administration Agent and certain lenders named

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10%
                           Series B Senior Secured Second Priority Notes due

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;


                  (G)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2032;

                  (H)      Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.
                           $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2013; and

                  (I)      such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of
                           trust or other financing instruments to which the
                           Corporation (or any successor) is from time to time a
                           party as contain substantially similar provisions as
                           the foregoing financing instruments related to
                           "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Sixth Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the purchase for cancellation of Sixth Preferred shares or payments made on
the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, purchase for cancellation or other distribution amount
made in respect of any of the Sixth Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate
by reference such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination
provisions) as are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded
Securities for the purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness
under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has
been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or
negotiable by the holder except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by
the applicable provisions contained in the Financing Indentures relating to
Excluded Securities.

         (b)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION RIGHT. Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part of the Sixth Preferred shares on
                           payment for each such share to be redeemed of the
                           amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) (the
                           "Redemption Price").

                           Redemption Price may, at the option of the
                           Corporation, be paid and satisfied in whole or in
                           part: (1) by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the Redemption Price, or

                                     - 30 -

                           such part thereof as is to be satisfied by the
                           promissory note, which, subject to section (a) above,
                           is payable on demand, provides for interest on the
                           unpaid balance at a rate equal to the annual rate
                           established by The Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head
                           office in Toronto, Ontario from time to time as being
                           its reference rate of interest used by it to
                           determine the rates of interest it will charge for
                           loans made in Canada in Canadian dollars to its
                           preferred commercial customers (hereinafter referred
                           to as "Prime"), plus two percent (2%) per annum,
                           calculated and payable monthly in arrears on the last
                           date of each month, provided that the balance of any
                           interest accrued and unpaid to the date on which the
                           principal amount is paid shall be due and payable on
                           such date and that any interest not paid on its due
                           date shall itself bear interest at the above rate,
                           compounded monthly and, subject to section (a) above,
                           entitles the Corporation to prepay the whole or any
                           part of the unpaid principal under such promissory
                           note, upon payment of interest accrued on the unpaid
                           principal balance to the date of payment; or (2) by
                           the assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder
                           of a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such
                           term is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for a principal sum or for a
                           portion of the principal sum equal to the Redemption
                           Price, or such part thereof as is to be satisfied by
                           the promissory note, which is payable on demand and
                           which the board of directors of the Corporation in
                           its discretion has determined has a value not less
                           than the Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is
                           to be satisfied by the promissory note of the
                           affiliate, which might be issued under clause (1) of
                           this subsection (b)(ii).

                  (iii)    PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                           outstanding Sixth Preferred shares is at any time to
                           be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be
                           selected in such manner as the directors in their
                           discretion shall decide and need not be redeemed pro
                           rata or selected by lot and the directors may make
                           such adjustments as may be necessary to avoid the
                           redemption of fractional parts of shares.

                  (iv)     NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The
                           Corporation shall, at least one (1) day before the
                           date specified for redemption, send to each person
                           who at the date of sending is a registered holder of
                           Sixth Preferred shares to be redeemed a notice in
                           writing of the intention of the Corporation to redeem
                           such Sixth Preferred shares, or alternatively, notice
                           may be waived or the time for sending of the notice
                           may be waived at any time with the consent in writing
                           of holders of such Sixth Preferred shares to be
                           redeemed. Notice may be mailed in a prepaid envelope
                           addressed to each such shareholder at his address as
                           it appears on the records of the Corporation or its
                           transfer agent, or alternatively, such notice may be
                           delivered personally to such shareholder; provided,
                           however, that accidental failure to give any such
                           notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not
                           affect the validity of the redemption. Such notice


                           shall set out the Redemption Price and the date of
                           redemption. If notice of any such redemption be given
                           by the Corporation or waived in the manner aforesaid
                           and an amount sufficient to redeem the shares has
                           been paid (whether in cash or by promissory note, as
                           above provided) to the holder of the Sixth Preferred
                           shares to be redeemed or deposited with any trust
                           corporation or chartered bank in Canada, on or before
                           the date fixed for redemption, the holder thereof
                           shall thereafter have no rights against the
                           Corporation in respect thereof except, upon the
                           surrender of certificates for such shares, to receive
                           payment therefor and except to receive any dividends
                           declared and payable on or before the redemption date
                           but unpaid. If the Sixth Preferred shares are
                           redeemed on the redemption date then from and after
                           the redemption date such shares shall cease to be
                           entitled to dividends, (except for any dividends
                           declared and payable on or before the redemption
                           date, but unpaid) and the holders thereof shall not
                           be entitled to exercise any of the rights of holders
                           of Sixth Preferred shares in respect thereof unless
                           payment of the Redemption Price is not made on the
                           redemption date, in which event the rights of the
                           holders of the said shares shall remain unaffected.

         (c)      NON-CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Sixth Preferred
                  shares shall, in each fiscal year of the Corporation, subject
                  to section (a) hereof and to the payment of all accrued
                  dividends on the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares, the Fourth Preferred shares and the Fifth Preferred
                  shares, but always in preference and priority to any payment
                  of dividends on any other shares of the Corporation for such
                  year, including without limitation, the Class A Common and
                  Class B Common shares, be entitled to receive, as and when
                  declared by the directors, out of the monies of the
                  Corporation properly applicable to the payment of dividends,
                  fixed preferential non-cumulative cash dividends at the rate
                  of nine and seventy-five one hundredths percent (9.75%) per
                  annum of the Redemption Price for such shares. The directors
                  shall be entitled from time to time to declare part of the
                  preferential non-cumulative cash dividend for any fiscal year
                  notwithstanding that such dividend for such fiscal year shall
                  not be declared in full. If in any fiscal year of the
                  Corporation the directors in their discretion shall not
                  declare the said dividend or any part thereof on the Sixth
                  Preferred shares for such fiscal year then the rights of the
                  holders of the Sixth Preferred shares to such dividend or
                  undeclared part thereof for such fiscal year shall be forever
                  extinguished. The registered holders of Sixth Preferred shares
                  shall not be entitled to any dividends other than or in excess
                  of the preferential non-cumulative cash dividends hereinbefore
                  provided for. No dividends shall be declared and paid or set
                  aside for payment on any shares of any other class of the
                  Corporation ranking junior to the Sixth Preferred shares in
                  any fiscal year, unless the fixed preferential non-cumulative
                  cash dividend for such fiscal year on all Sixth Preferred
                  shares then outstanding has been declared and paid or set
                  aside for payment. If in any fiscal year, after the fixed
                  preferential non-cumulative cash dividends on the Sixth
                  Preferred shares shall have been declared and paid or set
                  aside for payment, there shall remain any profits or surplus
                  available for dividends, such profits or surplus or any part
                  thereof may, in the discretion of the

                                     - 32 -

                  directors, be applied to dividends on any shares of any other
                  class of the Corporation ranking junior to the Sixth Preferred
                  shares. If the Redemption Price is increased or decreased
                  pursuant to section (g) hereof above at any time after any
                  dividends have been declared and paid or set aside for payment
                  on the Sixth Preferred shares, the dividend rate applicable
                  during the period prior to such increase or decrease in the
                  Redemption Price in respect of which the dividends were paid
                  or set aside for payment shall be deemed decreased or
                  increased accordingly, and neither a registered holder of
                  Sixth Preferred shares nor the Corporation shall have a claim
                  against the other for either under or overpayment of dividends
                  resulting from an increase or decrease in the Redemption

         (d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the
                  right at its option at any time and from time to time to
                  purchase the whole or any part of the Sixth Preferred shares
                  at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
                  such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption
                  Price thereof (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price may,
                  at the option of the Corporation be paid and satisfied in the
                  manner provided for in subsection (b)(ii) hereof, subject to
                  the provisions of section (a) hereof.

         (e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Sixth
                  Preferred shares shall be entitled to receive, subject to
                  section (a) hereof, and after the holders of First Preferred
                  shares, Third Preferred shares, Fourth Preferred shares and
                  Fifth Preferred shares shall have received such amounts as
                  they are entitled to receive in the event of the liquidation,
                  dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, but before any
                  distribution of any part of the assets of the Corporation
                  among the holders of any other shares of the Corporation,
                  including without limitation the Class A Common and Class B
                  Common shares, an amount equal to the Redemption Price for
                  each issued and outstanding Sixth Preferred share plus an
                  amount equal to all dividends declared thereon and unpaid.

         (f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the Sixth
                  Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting rights
                  for the election of directors or, subject to any voting rights
                  accorded them pursuant to the provisions of the Business
                  Corporations Act (Ontario), as the same may from time to time
                  be amended or any successor legislation, for any other
                  purpose, nor shall they be entitled to attend shareholders'
                  meetings except for the purpose of exercising any voting
                  rights accorded to them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to
                  time, or any successor legislation; holders of the Sixth
                  Preferred shares shall, however, be entitled to notice of any
                  meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of authorizing
                  the dissolution of the Corporation or the sale, lease or
                  exchange of all or substantially all of the property of the
                  Corporation other than in the ordinary course of business.

                                     - 33 -

         (g)      PRICE ADJUSTMENT. If at any time when any Sixth Preferred
                  shares are issued and outstanding either: (a) Canada Customs
                  and Revenue Agency determines and all of the holders of the
                  issued and outstanding Sixth Preferred shares concur in such
                  determination; or (b) the Corporation and the holders of the
                  Sixth Preferred shares determine, that the aggregate fair
                  market value of all property transferred or sold to the
                  Corporation in exchange for Sixth Preferred shares (the
                  "Acquired Property") is greater or less than the aggregate of
                  the Redemption Price of all Sixth Preferred shares issued in
                  connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Property, then
                  the resultant deficiency or excess in the aggregate of the
                  Redemption Price of all Sixth Preferred shares issued in
                  connection with the acquisition of the Acquired Property shall
                  be divided by the aggregate number of Sixth Preferred shares
                  issued in connection with the acquisition of the Acquired
                  Property and the Redemption Price shall be increased or
                  decreased accordingly.

                                     - 34 -


The Seventh Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      RANKING. The Seventh Preferred shares shall rank, with respect
                  to both dividends and return of capital in the event of
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  junior to the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares, the Fourth Preferred shares, the Fifth Preferred
                  shares and the Sixth Preferred shares and in priority to all
                  other shares of the Corporation, including without limitation,
                  the Class A Common and Class B Common shares, but shall not
                  confer any further right to participate in the profits or
                  assets of the Corporation. The rights, privileges,
                  restrictions and conditions attaching to the Seventh Preferred
                  shares shall be deemed to include and incorporate by reference
                  such provisions (including, without limitation, the
                  subordination provisions) as are necessary to constitute the
                  Seventh Preferred shares "Excluded Securities" for the
                  purposes of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31, 2002, as amended on September 10,
                           2003, among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion
                           Bank, as Administration Agent and certain lenders
                           named therein;

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10%
                           Series B Senior Secured Second Priority Notes due

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;


                (G)    Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                       Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.$200,000,000
                       8.750% Senior (Secured) Second Priority Debentures due

                (H)    Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the Corporation
                       and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S. $350,000,000 6.25% Senior
                       (Secured) Second Priority Notes due 2013; and

                (I)    such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of trust or
                       other financing instruments to which the Corporation (or
                       any successor) is from time to time a party as contain
                       substantially similar provisions as the foregoing
                       financing instruments related to "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Seventh Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the purchase for cancellation of Seventh Preferred shares or payments made
on the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, purchase for cancellation or other distribution amount
made in respect of any of the Seventh Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate
by reference such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination
provisions) as are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded
Securities for the purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness
under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has
been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or
negotiable by the holder except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by
the applicable provisions contained in the Financing Indentures relating to
Excluded Securities.

         (b)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION RIGHT. Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part of the Seventh Preferred shares on
                           payment for each such share to be redeemed of the
                           amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) as adjusted
                           in accordance with section (g) hereof (the
                           "Redemption Price").

                           Redemption Price may, at the option of the
                           Corporation, be paid and satisfied in whole or in
                           part: (1) by the issuance to the holder by the
                           Corporation of a promissory note for a principal sum
                           equal to the Redemption Price, or


                           such part thereof as is to be satisfied by the
                           promissory note, which, subject to section (a) above,
                           is payable on demand, provides for interest on the
                           unpaid balance at a rate equal to the annual rate
                           established by The Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head
                           office in Toronto, Ontario from time to time as being
                           its reference rate of interest used by it to
                           determine the rates of interest it will charge for
                           loans made in Canada in Canadian dollars to its
                           preferred commercial customers (hereinafter referred
                           to as "Prime"), plus two percent (2%) per annum,
                           calculated and payable monthly in arrears on the last
                           date of each month, provided that the balance of any
                           interest accrued and unpaid to the date on which the
                           principal amount is paid shall be due and payable on
                           such date and that any interest not paid on its due
                           date shall itself bear interest at the above rate,
                           compounded monthly and, subject to section (a) above,
                           entitles the Corporation to prepay the whole or any
                           part of the unpaid principal under such promissory
                           note, upon payment of interest accrued on the unpaid
                           principal balance to the date of payment; or (2) by
                           the assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder
                           of a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such
                           term is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for a principal sum or for a
                           portion of the principal sum equal to the Redemption
                           Price, or such part thereof as is to be satisfied by
                           the promissory note, which is payable on demand and
                           which the board of directors of the Corporation in
                           its discretion has determined has a value not less
                           than the Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is
                           to be satisfied by the promissory note of the
                           affiliate, which might be issued under clause (1) of
                           this subsection (b)(ii).

                  (iii)    PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                           outstanding Seventh Preferred shares is at any time
                           to be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be
                           selected in such manner as the directors in their
                           discretion shall decide and need not be redeemed pro
                           rata or selected by lot and the directors may make
                           such adjustments as may be necessary to avoid the
                           redemption of fractional parts of shares.

                  (iv)     NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The
                           Corporation shall, at least one (1) day before the
                           date specified for redemption, send to each person
                           who at the date of sending is a registered holder of
                           Seventh Preferred shares to be redeemed a notice in
                           writing of the intention of the Corporation to redeem
                           such Seventh Preferred shares, or alternatively,
                           notice may be waived or the time for sending of the
                           notice may be waived at any time with the consent in
                           writing of holders of such Seventh Preferred shares
                           to be redeemed. Notice may be mailed in a prepaid
                           envelope addressed to each such shareholder at his
                           address as it appears on the records of the
                           Corporation or its transfer agent, or alternatively,
                           such notice may be delivered personally to such
                           shareholder; provided, however, that accidental
                           failure to give any such notice to one or more of
                           such shareholders shall not affect the validity of
                           the redemption. Such


                           notice shall set out the Redemption Price and the
                           date of redemption. If notice of any such redemption
                           be given by the Corporation or waived in the manner
                           aforesaid and an amount sufficient to redeem the
                           shares has been paid (whether in cash or by
                           promissory note, as above provided) to the holder of
                           the Seventh Preferred shares to be redeemed or
                           deposited with any trust corporation or chartered
                           bank in Canada, on or before the date fixed for
                           redemption, the holder thereof shall thereafter have
                           no rights against the Corporation in respect thereof
                           except, upon the surrender of certificates for such
                           shares, to receive payment therefor and except to
                           receive any dividends declared and payable on or
                           before the redemption date but unpaid. If the Seventh
                           Preferred shares are redeemed on the redemption date
                           then from and after the redemption date such shares
                           shall cease to be entitled to dividends, (except for
                           any dividends declared and payable on or before the
                           redemption date, but unpaid) and the holders thereof
                           shall not be entitled to exercise any of the rights
                           of holders of Seventh Preferred shares in respect
                           thereof unless payment of the Redemption Price is not
                           made on the redemption date, in which event the
                           rights of the holders of the said shares shall remain

         (c)      NON-CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Seventh Preferred
                  shares shall, in each fiscal year of the Corporation, subject
                  to section (a) hereof and to the payment of all accrued
                  dividends on the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares, the Fourth Preferred shares, the Fifth Preferred
                  shares and Sixth Preferred shares but always in preference and
                  priority to any payment of dividends on any other shares of
                  the Corporation for such year, including without limitation,
                  the Class A Common and Class B Common shares, be entitled to
                  receive, as and when declared by the directors, out of the
                  monies of the Corporation properly applicable to the payment
                  of dividends, fixed preferential non-cumulative cash dividends
                  at the rate of nine and eighty one hundredths percent (9.80%)
                  per annum of the Redemption Price for such shares. The
                  directors shall be entitled from time to time to declare part
                  of the preferential non-cumulative cash dividend for any
                  fiscal year notwithstanding that such dividend for such fiscal
                  year shall not be declared in full. If in any fiscal year of
                  the Corporation the directors in their discretion shall not
                  declare the said dividend or any part thereof on the Seventh
                  Preferred shares for such fiscal year then the rights of the
                  holders of the Seventh Preferred shares to such dividend or
                  undeclared part thereof for such fiscal year shall be forever
                  extinguished. The registered holders of Seventh Preferred
                  shares shall not be entitled to any dividends other than or in
                  excess of the preferential non-cumulative cash dividends
                  hereinbefore provided for. No dividends shall be declared and
                  paid or set aside for payment on any shares of any other class
                  of the Corporation ranking junior to the Seventh Preferred
                  shares in any fiscal year, unless the fixed preferential
                  non-cumulative cash dividend for such fiscal year on all
                  Seventh Preferred shares then outstanding has been declared
                  and paid or set aside for payment. If in any fiscal year,
                  after the fixed preferential non-cumulative cash dividends on
                  the Seventh Preferred shares shall have been declared and paid
                  or set aside for payment, there shall remain any profits or
                  surplus available for dividends, such profits or surplus or
                  any part


                  thereof may, in the discretion of the directors, be applied to
                  dividends on any shares of any other class of the Corporation
                  ranking junior to the Seventh Preferred shares. If the
                  Redemption Price is increased or decreased pursuant to
                  section (g) hereof above at any time after any dividends have
                  been declared and paid or set aside for payment on the Seventh
                  Preferred shares, the dividend rate applicable during the
                  period prior to such increase or decrease in the Redemption
                  Price in respect of which the dividends were paid or set aside
                  for payment shall be deemed decreased or increased
                  accordingly, and neither a registered holder of Seventh
                  Preferred shares nor the Corporation shall have a claim
                  against the other for either under or overpayment of dividends
                  resulting from an increase or decrease in the Redemption

         (d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the
                  right at its option at any time and from time to time to
                  purchase the whole or any part of the Seventh Preferred shares
                  at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
                  such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption
                  Price thereof (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price may,
                  at the option of the Corporation be paid and satisfied in the
                  manner provided for in subsection (b)(ii) hereof, subject to
                  the provisions of section (a) hereof.

         (e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Seventh
                  Preferred shares shall be entitled to receive, subject to
                  section (a) hereof, and after the holders of First Preferred
                  shares, Third Preferred shares, Fourth Preferred shares, Fifth
                  Preferred shares and Sixth Preferred shares shall have
                  received such amounts as they are entitled to receive in the
                  event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
                  Corporation, but before any distribution of any part of the
                  assets of the Corporation among the holders of any other
                  shares of the Corporation, including without limitation the
                  Class A Common and Class B Common shares, an amount equal to
                  the Redemption Price for each issued and outstanding Seventh
                  Preferred share plus an amount equal to all dividends declared
                  thereon and unpaid.

         (f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the
                  Seventh Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting
                  rights for the election of directors or, subject to any voting
                  rights accorded them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as the same may from time
                  to time be amended or any successor legislation, for any other
                  purpose, nor shall they be entitled to attend shareholders'
                  meetings except for the purpose of exercising any voting
                  rights accorded to them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to
                  time, or any successor legislation; holders of the Seventh
                  Preferred shares shall, however, be entitled to notice of any
                  meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of authorizing
                  the dissolution of the Corporation or the sale, lease or
                  exchange of all or substantially all of the property of the
                  Corporation other than in the ordinary course of business.

                                     - 39 -

         (g)      PRICE ADJUSTMENT.

                  (i)      If at any time and from time to time when any Seventh
                           Preferred shares are issued and outstanding either:
                           (a) Canada Customs and Revenue Agency determines and
                           all of the holders of the issued and outstanding
                           Seventh Preferred shares concur in such
                           determination; or (b) the Corporation and the holders
                           of the Seventh Preferred shares determine; that the
                           aggregate fair market value of all property
                           transferred or sold to the Corporation in exchange
                           for Seventh Preferred shares (the "Acquired
                           Property") is greater or less than the aggregate of
                           the Redemption Price of all Seventh Preferred shares
                           issued in connection with the acquisition of the
                           Acquired Property (and, for greater certainty, an
                           adjustment to the purchase price of the Acquired
                           Property pursuant to the agreement of purchase and
                           sale between the Corporation and the holders of the
                           Seventh Preferred shares from which the Corporation
                           acquired the Acquired Property to the extent pursuant
                           to the terms of such agreement is to be satisfied in
                           accordance with this subsection shall constitute such
                           a determination by the Corporation and the holders of
                           the Seventh Preferred shares), then the resultant
                           deficiency or excess in the aggregate of the
                           Redemption Price of all Seventh Preferred shares
                           issued in connection with the acquisition of the
                           Acquired Property shall be divided by the aggregate
                           number of Seventh Preferred shares issued in
                           connection with the acquisition of the Acquired
                           Property and the Redemption Price shall be increased
                           or decreased accordingly. For greater certainty,
                           multiple adjustments to the Redemption Price are
                           permitted under this subsection and all such
                           adjustments shall be cumulative.

                  (ii)     In the event that none or only some (but not all) of
                           the Seventh Preferred shares issued in connection
                           with the acquisition of the Acquired Property are
                           issued and outstanding and the Redemption Price is
                           increased or decreased pursuant to subsection (g)(i)
                           hereof then the amount of the increase or decrease in
                           the aggregate fair market value of the Acquired
                           Property, less the aggregate of the adjustments to
                           the Redemption Price of the Seventh Preferred shares,
                           if any, then issued and outstanding arising as a
                           consequence of such determination, shall be, in the
                           case of an excess, a debt of the Corporation payable
                           to the holder of such Seventh Preferred shares and in
                           the case of a deficiency, a debt of the holder
                           payable to the Corporation, in either case on demand,
                           bearing interest at Prime plus two percent (2%) per
                           annum, calculated and payable monthly in arrears on
                           the last day of each month, provided that the balance
                           of any interest accrued and unpaid to the date on
                           which the principal amount is paid shall be due and
                           payable on such date and that any interest not paid
                           on its due date shall itself bear interest at the
                           above rate, compounded monthly.

                  (iii)    Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the
                           Seventh Preferred shares, or any of them, shall have
                           been redeemed for a Redemption Price paid by means of
                           a promissory note issued by the Corporation or

                                     - 40 -

                         and transferred by the Corporation (as provided in
                         subsection (b)(ii) hereof) containing provisions
                         adjusting the principal amount thereof downwards by an
                         amount equal to the amount of such deficiency or
                         upwards by an amount equal to the amount of such
                         excess, then in such event, such adjustment provision
                         shall be deemed to satisfy in full the adjustment of
                         the applicable purchase price and the debt payable by
                         the Corporation to the holder or the holder to the
                         Corporation as the case may be, hereinbefore provided.



The Eighth Preferred shares shall have attached thereto, as a class, the
following rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions:

         (a)      RANKING. The Eighth Preferred shares shall rank, with respect
                  to both dividends and return of capital in the event of
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  junior to the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares, the Fourth Preferred shares, the Fifth Preferred
                  shares, the Sixth Preferred shares and the Seventh Preferred
                  shares and in priority to all other shares of the Corporation,
                  including without limitation, the Class A Common and Class B
                  Common shares, but shall not confer any further right to
                  participate in the profits or assets of the Corporation. The
                  rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to
                  the Eighth Preferred shares shall be deemed to include and
                  incorporate by reference such provisions (including, without
                  limitation, the subordination provisions) as are necessary to
                  constitute the Eighth Preferred shares "Excluded Securities"
                  for the purposes of the:

                  (A)      Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
                           of January 31, 2002, as amended on September 10,
                           2003, among the Corporation, The Toronto-Dominion
                           Bank, as Administration Agent and certain lenders
                           named therein;

                  (B)      Indenture dated as of January 15, 1994 among Rogers
                           Cablesystems Limited ("RCAB"), a predecessor by
                           amalgamation to the Corporation, Rogers Cable T.V.
                           Limited ("RCTV"), a predecessor by amalgamation to
                           the Corporation, Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitee
                           ("ROL") and Chemical Bank (now JPMorgan Chase Bank)
                           re Cdn. $300,000,000 9.65% Senior Secured Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2014;

                  (C)      Indenture dated as of March 20, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $450,000,000 10%
                           Series B Senior Secured Second Priority Notes due

                  (D)      Indenture dated as of November 30, 1995 among RCAB,
                           various Restricted Subsidiaries and Chemical Bank
                           (now JPMorgan Chase Bank) re U.S. $125,000,000 11%
                           Senior Subordinated Guaranteed Debentures due 2015;

                  (E)      Indenture dated as of February 5, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and CIBC Mellon Trust Company re Cdn.
                           $450,000,000 7.60% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2007;

                  (F)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$350,000,000 7.875% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Notes due 2012;

                                     - 42 -

                  (G)      Indenture dated as of April 30, 2002 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re
                           U.S.$200,000,000 8.750% Senior (Secured) Second
                           Priority Debentures due 2032;

                  (H)      Indenture dated as of June 19, 2003 among the
                           Corporation and JPMorgan Chase Bank re U.S.
                           $350,000,000 6.25% Senior (Secured) Second Priority
                           Notes due 2013; and

                  (I)      such other loan agreements, indentures, deeds of
                           trust or other financing instruments to which the
                           Corporation (or any successor) is from time to time a
                           party as contain substantially similar provisions as
                           the foregoing financing instruments related to
                           "Excluded Securities",

(collectively, all such documents, as they may be amended from time to time, are
hereinafter referred to as the "Financing Indentures").

For greater certainty, no distribution of money or property shall be made on, or
in connection with, the Eighth Preferred shares (including, without limitation,
distributions made by the payment of dividends or payments made in connection
with the purchase for cancellation of Eighth Preferred shares or payments made
on the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Corporation) unless such a
distribution is permitted to be made on or by means of Excluded Securities under
the provisions of the Financing Indentures. Any promissory notes issued to
satisfy any dividend, purchase for cancellation or other distribution amount
made in respect of any of the Eighth Preferred shares shall, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, be deemed to include and incorporate
by reference such provisions (including, without limitation, the subordination
provisions) as are necessary to constitute such promissory notes Excluded
Securities for the purposes of the Financing Indentures. Until all indebtedness
under the Financing Indentures has been fully paid or the payment thereof has
been duly provided for, such promissory note shall not be assignable or
negotiable by the holder except to the extent and in the manner contemplated by
the applicable provisions contained in the Financing Indentures relating to
Excluded Securities.

         (b)      REDEMPTION PRIVILEGE.

                  (i)      REDEMPTION PRICE. Subject to any adjustment pursuant
                           to section (g) hereof, the "Redemption Price" in
                           respect of each Eighth Preferred share shall be an
                           amount equal to the fair market value of all of the
                           consideration for which Eighth Preferred shares are
                           issued as at the time such Eighth Preferred shares
                           are issued, as determined by the directors of the
                           Corporation, divided by the number of Eighth
                           Preferred shares so issued.

                  (ii)     REDEMPTION RIGHT. Subject to the provisions of the
                           Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from
                           time to time, or any successor legislation, the
                           Corporation may, upon giving notice or upon notice
                           being waived as hereinafter provided, redeem the
                           whole or any part

                                     - 43 -

                           of the Eighth Preferred shares on payment for each
                           such share to be redeemed of the Redemption Price

                           CLASS B DEPOSIT RECEIPTS OF AT&T CANADA INC. The
                           aggregate Redemption Price of all Eighth Preferred
                           shares of a holder which are redeemed may, at the
                           option of the Corporation, be paid and satisfied in
                           whole or in part: (1) by the issuance to the holder
                           by the Corporation of a promissory note for a
                           principal sum equal to the Redemption Price, or such
                           part thereof as is to be satisfied by the promissory
                           note, which, subject to section (a) above, is payable
                           on demand, provides for interest on the unpaid
                           balance at a rate equal to the annual rate
                           established by The Toronto-Dominion Bank at its head
                           office in Toronto, Ontario from time to time as being
                           its reference rate of interest used by it to
                           determine the rates of interest it will charge for
                           loans made in Canada in Canadian dollars to its
                           preferred commercial customers (hereinafter referred
                           to as "Prime"), plus six percent (6%) per annum,
                           which interest will commence on the day following the
                           date of issuance of such promissory note and will be
                           calculated and payable monthly in arrears on the last
                           date of each month, provided that the balance of any
                           interest accrued and unpaid to the date on which the
                           principal amount is paid shall be due and payable on
                           such date and that any interest not paid on its due
                           date shall itself bear interest at the above rate,
                           compounded monthly and, subject to section (a) above,
                           entitles the Corporation to prepay the whole or any
                           part of the unpaid principal under such promissory
                           note, upon payment of interest accrued on the unpaid
                           principal balance to the date of payment; or (2) by
                           the assignment or endorsement in favour of the holder
                           of a promissory note made by an affiliate (as such
                           term is defined in the Business Corporations Act
                           (Ontario), as amended from time to time, or any
                           successor legislation) for a principal sum or for a
                           portion of the principal sum equal to the aggregate
                           Redemption Price, or such part thereof as is to be
                           satisfied by the promissory note, which is payable on
                           demand and which the board of directors of the
                           Corporation in its discretion has determined has a
                           value not less than the aggregate Redemption Price,
                           or such part thereof as is to be satisfied by the
                           promissory note of the affiliate, which might be
                           issued under clause (1) of this subsection (b)(iii);
                           or (3) by the transfer by the Corporation to the
                           holder of a portion of the Class B Deposit Receipts
                           of AT&T Canada Inc. (the "Deposit Receipts")
                           transferred to the Corporation in connection with the
                           issuance of Eighth Preferred shares, equal to the
                           portion of such Eighth Preferred shares which are to
                           be redeemed.

                  (iv)     PARTIAL REDEMPTION. In case a part only of the then
                           outstanding Eighth Preferred shares is at any time to
                           be redeemed, the shares so to be redeemed shall be
                           selected in such manner as the directors in their
                           discretion shall decide and need not be redeemed pro
                           rata or selected by

                                     - 44 -

                           lot and the directors may make such adjustments as
                           may be necessary to avoid the redemption of
                           fractional parts of shares.

                  (v)      NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND RIGHTS OF HOLDERS. The
                           Corporation shall, on or before the date specified
                           for redemption, send to each person who at the date
                           of sending is a registered holder of Eighth Preferred
                           shares to be redeemed a notice in writing of the
                           intention of the Corporation to redeem such Eighth
                           Preferred shares, or alternatively, notice may be
                           waived or the time for sending of the notice may be
                           waived at any time with the consent in writing of
                           holders of such Eighth Preferred shares to be
                           redeemed. Notice may be mailed in a prepaid envelope
                           addressed to each such shareholder at his address as
                           it appears on the records of the Corporation or its
                           transfer agent, or alternatively, such notice may be
                           delivered personally to such shareholder; provided,
                           however, that accidental failure to give any such
                           notice to one or more of such shareholders shall not
                           affect the validity of the redemption. Such notice
                           shall set out the amount determined by the directors
                           of the Corporation as the aggregate Redemption Price
                           of the Eighth Preferred shares so redeemed and the
                           date of redemption. If notice of any such redemption
                           be given by the Corporation or waived in the manner
                           aforesaid and an amount sufficient to redeem the
                           shares has been paid (whether in cash or by
                           promissory note or by the transfer of the Deposit
                           Receipts as above provided) to the holder of the
                           Eighth Preferred shares to be redeemed or deposited
                           with any trust corporation or chartered bank in
                           Canada, on or before the date fixed for redemption,
                           the holder thereof shall thereafter have no rights
                           against the Corporation in respect thereof except,
                           upon the surrender of certificates for such shares,
                           to receive payment therefor and except to receive any
                           dividends declared and payable on or before the
                           redemption date but unpaid. If the Eighth Preferred
                           shares are redeemed on the redemption date then from
                           and after the redemption date such shares shall cease
                           to be entitled to dividends, (except for any accrued
                           and unpaid dividends on such shares) and the holders
                           thereof shall not be entitled to exercise any of the
                           rights of holders of Eighth Preferred shares in
                           respect thereof unless payment of the Redemption
                           Price is not made on the redemption date, in which
                           event the rights of the holders of the said shares
                           shall remain unaffected.

         (c)      CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS. The holders of the Eighth Preferred
                  shares shall, in each fiscal year of the Corporation, subject
                  to section (a) hereof and to the payment of all accrued
                  dividends on the First Preferred shares, the Third Preferred
                  shares, the Fourth Preferred shares, the Fifth Preferred
                  shares, the Sixth Preferred shares and the Seventh Preferred
                  shares, but always in preference and priority to any payment
                  of dividends on any other shares of the Corporation for such
                  year, including without limitation, the Class A Common and
                  Class B Common shares, be entitled to receive, subject to the
                  provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as
                  amended from time to tune, or any successor legislation,
                  fixed, cumulative cash dividends at the rate of eight percent
                  (8%) per annum of the

                                     - 45 -

                  Redemption Price for such shares payable quarterly on the
                  first day following the last day in the month of each of
                  March, June, September and December, other than a Saturday or
                  a Sunday, on which the main branch of The Toronto-Dominion
                  Bank in Toronto, Ontario is open for business (each an
                  "Established Dividend Payment Date"). Alternatively, if the
                  directors so determine dividends shall be payable on any day
                  (an "Alternate Dividend Payment Date") following the
                  immediately preceding Established Dividend Payment Date and
                  before the next Established Dividend Payment Date. An
                  Established Dividend Payment Date and an Alternate Dividend
                  Payment Date are each hereinafter referred to as a "Dividend
                  Payment Date". Dividends on the Eighth Preferred shares shall
                  accrue on a daily basis from the day following the date of
                  issuance. If on any Dividend Payment Date the dividend payable
                  on such date is not paid in full on all of the Eighth
                  Preferred shares then issued and outstanding, such dividend or
                  the unpaid part thereof shall be paid on the first date
                  thereafter on which the Corporation shall have sufficient
                  moneys properly applicable to the payment of same. The holders
                  of the Eighth Preferred shares shall not be entitled to any
                  dividend other than or in excess of the cumulative dividends
                  at the rate hereinbefore provided for. If the Redemption Price
                  is increased or decreased pursuant to section (g) hereof at
                  any time after any dividends have been declared and paid or
                  set aside for payment on the Eighth Preferred shares, the
                  dividend rate applicable during the period prior to such
                  increase or decrease in the Redemption Price in respect of
                  which the dividends were paid or set aside for payment shall
                  be deemed decreased or increased accordingly, and neither a
                  registered holder of Eighth Preferred shares nor the
                  Corporation shall have a claim against the other for either
                  under or overpayment of dividends resulting from an increase
                  or decrease in the Redemption Price.

                  The Corporation shall not redeem or purchase for cancellation
                  any Eighth Preferred shares then outstanding unless all
                  dividends accrued on the Eighth Preferred shares up to the
                  date of redemption or purchase have been paid.

                  The Corporation shall not call for redemption or redeem or
                  purchase for cancellation or make any capital distribution in
                  respect of or otherwise pay off or retire any shares of the
                  Corporation ranking on a parity with or junior to the Eighth
                  Preferred shares unless all dividends on the Eighth Preferred
                  shares up to and including the dividend payable on the
                  immediately preceding Dividend Payment Date shall have been
                  declared and paid or set aside for payment at the date of such
                  call for redemption, redemption, purchase, distribution,
                  retirement or other payment off.

         (d)      PURCHASE BY THE CORPORATION. The Corporation shall have the
                  right at its option at any time and from time to time to
                  purchase the whole or any part of the Eighth Preferred shares
                  at the lowest price at which, in the opinion of the directors,
                  such shares are obtainable but not exceeding the Redemption
                  Price thereof (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price may,
                  at the option of the Corporation be paid and satisfied in the
                  manner provided for in subsection (b)(iii) hereof.

                                     - 46 -

         (e)      LIQUIDATION, DISSOLUTION OR WINDING UP. In the event of the
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
                  whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the Eighth
                  Preferred shares shall be entitled to receive, subject to
                  section (a) hereof, and after the holders of First Preferred
                  shares, Third Preferred shares, Fourth Preferred shares, Fifth
                  Preferred shares, Sixth Preferred shares and Seventh Preferred
                  shares shall have received such amounts as they are entitled
                  to receive in the event of the liquidation, dissolution or
                  winding up of the Corporation, but before any distribution of
                  any part of the assets of the Corporation among the holders of
                  any other shares of the Corporation, including without
                  limitation the Class A Common and Class B Common shares, an
                  amount equal to the Redemption Price for each issued and
                  outstanding Eighth Preferred share plus an amount equal to the
                  accrued and unpaid dividends thereon.

         (f)      NO VOTING RIGHTS; NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The holders of the
                  Eighth Preferred shares shall not, as such, have any voting
                  rights for the election of directors or, subject to any voting
                  rights accorded them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as the same may from time
                  to time be amended or any successor legislation, for any other
                  purpose, nor shall they be entitled to attend shareholders'
                  meetings except for the purpose of exercising any voting
                  rights accorded to them pursuant to the provisions of the
                  Business Corporations Act (Ontario), as amended from time to
                  time, or any successor legislation; holders of the Eighth
                  Preferred shares shall, however, be entitled to notice of any
                  meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of authorizing
                  the dissolution of the Corporation or the sale, lease or
                  exchange of all or substantially all of the property of the
                  Corporation other than in the ordinary course of business.

         (g)      PRICE ADJUSTMENT.

                  (i)      If at any time and from time to time when any Eighth
                           Preferred shares are issued and outstanding either:
                           (a) Canada Customs and Revenue Agency determines and
                           the directors of the Corporation and all of the
                           holders of the issued and outstanding Eighth
                           Preferred shares concur in such determination; or (b)
                           the Corporation, the directors of the Corporation and
                           the holders of the Eighth Preferred shares determine;
                           that the aggregate fair market value of all property
                           transferred or sold to the Corporation in exchange
                           for Eighth Preferred shares (the "Acquired Property")
                           is greater or less than the fair market value of the
                           Acquired Property as determined by the board of
                           directors at the time of the acquisition of the
                           Acquired Property as contemplated by subsection
                           (b)(i) hereof, or as most recently redetermined under
                           this section (g) then the resultant excess or
                           deficiency, as the case may be, shall be divided by
                           the aggregate number of Eighth Preferred shares
                           issued in connection with the acquisition of the
                           Acquired Property and the Redemption Price shall be
                           increased or decreased accordingly. For greater
                           certainty, multiple adjustments to the Redemption
                           Price are permitted under this subsection and all
                           such adjustments shall be cumulative.

                                     - 47 -

                  (ii)     In the event that none or only some (but not all) of
                           the Eighth Preferred shares issued in connection with
                           the acquisition of the Acquired Property are issued
                           and outstanding and the Redemption Price is increased
                           or decreased pursuant to subsection (g)(i) hereof
                           then the amount of the increase or decrease in the
                           aggregate fair market value of the Acquired Property,
                           less the aggregate of the adjustments to the
                           Redemption Price of the Eighth Preferred shares, if
                           any, then issued and outstanding arising as a
                           consequence of such determination, shall be, in the
                           case of an excess, a debt of the Corporation payable
                           to the holder of such Eighth Preferred shares and in
                           the case of a deficiency, a debt of the holder
                           payable to the Corporation, in either case on demand,
                           bearing interest at Prime plus six percent (6%) per
                           annum, calculated and payable monthly in arrears on
                           the last day of each month, provided that the balance
                           of any interest accrued and unpaid to the date on
                           which the principal amount is paid shall be due and
                           payable on such date and that any interest not paid
                           on its due date shall itself bear interest at the
                           above rate, compounded monthly.

                  (iii)    Notwithstanding subsection (g)(ii), in the event that
                           the Redemption Price for any Eighth Preferred shares
                           redeemed shall have been satisfied by means of a
                           promissory note issued by the Corporation or assigned
                           and transferred by the Corporation (as provided in
                           subsection (b)(iii) hereof) providing for the
                           adjustment of the principal amount thereof downwards
                           by an amount equal to the amount of the deficiency or
                           upwards by an amount equal to the amount of the
                           excess, then in such event, the note as adjusted
                           shall be deemed to satisfy in full the adjustment of
                           the applicable purchase price and the debt payable by
                           the Corporation to the holder or the holder to the
                           Corporation as the case may be, hereinbefore provided
                           in subsection (g)(ii) hereof.

                  (iv)     Each time a change is made to the Redemption Price
                           pursuant to this section (g), a certificate of an
                           officer of the Corporation, stating such new
                           Redemption Price, shall be prepared and inserted in
                           the minute book of the Corporation.

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