ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

Name and registered office

Article 1

1.       The company's name is: MILACRON CAPITAL HOLDINGS B.V.

2.       The company has its registered office in: Vlaardingen.


Article 2

The company's objects are:

a.       to incorporate, participate in, conduct the management of and take any
         other financial interest in other companies and enterprises;

b.       to render administrative, technical, financial, economic or managerial
         services to other companies, persons or enterprises;

c.       to acquire, dispose of, manage and utilise real and personal property,
         including patents, marks, licences, permits and other industrial
         property rights;

d.       to borrow and lend moneys, act as surety or guarantor in any other
         manner, and bind itself jointly and severally or otherwise in addition
         to or on behalf of others,

the foregoing whether or not in collaboration with third parties and inclusive
of the performance and promotion of all activities which directly and indirectly
relate to those objects, all this in the broadest sense of the terms.

Authorised capital

Article 3

1.       The company's authorised capital amounts to one hundred thousand Euro
         (EUR 100,000.--).

2.       It is divided into one hundred (100) shares with a par value of one
         thousand Euro (EUR 1,000.--) each.

3.       All shares shall be in registered form and shall be consecutively
         numbered from 1 onwards. Share certificates shall not be issued.

Shareholders' register

Article 4

1.       The company's Board of Managing Directors shall keep a register in
         which the names and addresses of all holders of shares shall be
         recorded, specifying the date on which they acquired their shares, the
         date of acknowledgment by or service upon the company and the amount
         paid for each share.

         The register shall also contain the names and addresses of all owners
         of a


         usufruct or pledge on those shares, specifying the date on which they
         acquired such usufruct or pledge, the date of acknowledgment by or
         service upon the company and what rights they have been granted
         attaching to the shares under Articles 197 and 198, paras. 2 and 4,
         Book 2, Dutch Civil Code.

2.       Article 194, Book 2, Dutch Civil Code shall apply to the register.

Issuance of shares

Article 5

1.       Shares may only be issued pursuant to a resolution by the general
         meeting of shareholders, hereinafter to be referred to as the "general

         Issuance shall be by means of a notarial deed, executed before a
         civil-law notary authorised to practise in the Netherlands, and to
         which those involved are party.

2.       With due observance of the restrictions provided by law, shareholders
         shall have pre-emptive rights with respect to any further share issue
         in proportion to the total value of their individual shareholdings.

3.       Likewise, shareholders shall have pre-emptive rights with respect to
         the granting of options to subscribe to shares.

4.       Said pre-emptive rights may, for every single issue, be limited or
         suspended by the general meeting.

5.       When a share is issued, its par value must be fully paid up. It may be
         stipulated that a portion of the share's par value, not exceeding
         three-fourths thereof, need not be paid until after such portion is
         called up by the company.

Own shares

Article 6

1.       With due observance of the relevant statutory provisions, the company
         may acquire its own fully-paid shares or depositary receipts, however,
         subject to the maximum permitted by law.

2.       The company may grant loans for the purpose of subscribing to or
         acquiring its shares or depositary receipts, however, subject to the
         sum of its distributable reserves.

Transfer of shares. Usufruct. Pledge. Depositary receipts

Article 7

1.       The transfer of shares or any restricted rights attaching to shares
         shall require a notarial deed, executed before a civil-law notary
         authorised to practise in the Netherlands, to which those involved are

2.       The transfer of shares or any restricted rights attaching to shares as
         referred to in para. 1 - including the creation and relinquishment of
         restricted rights - shall, by


         operation of law, also be valid vis-a-vis the company.

         The rights attaching to shares cannot be exercised until the company
         either acknowledges the juristic act or is served with the notarial
         deed in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions, except where
         the company is party to the juristic act.

3.       In the event that a usufruct or pledge is created on shares, voting
         rights may be granted to the usufructuary or pledge.

4.       The company shall not cooperate in issuing depositary receipts for its

Transfer restrictions

Article 8 Approval

1.       In order to be valid, every transfer of shares shall require the prior
         approval of the general meeting, unless all shareholders have given
         their approval in writing. The approval shall be valid for three months

2.       The shareholder who wishes to transfer his shares - hereinafter to be
         referred to as the "proposing transferor" - shall inform the Board of
         Managing Directors by registered mail or return receipt requested,
         specifying the number of shares to be transferred and the person(s) to
         whom he wishes to transfer his shares.

3.       The Board of Managing Directors shall be obliged to call a general
         meeting to be held within six weeks of receiving the proposing
         transferor's notification. The convening notice shall state the content
         of the notification.

4.       If the general meeting grants the approval requested, the transfer must
         take place within the following three months.

5.       Approval shall be deemed given if:

         a.       the general meeting referred to in paragraph 3 has not been
                  held within the term set in that paragraph;

         b.       that general meeting has failed to decide on the request for

         c.       simultaneously with its refusal, the general meeting fails to
                  notify the proposing transferor of the name(s) of (an) other
                  party(ies) interested in purchasing for cash all shares to
                  which the request for approval relates.

         If the situation under paragraph 5a. above occurs, approval shall be
         deemed to have been given on the last date on which the shareholders'
         meeting should have been held.

6.       Unless the proposing transferor and the interested party(ies) specified
         by the general meeting and accepted by the proposing transferor make
         deviating arrangements regarding the price or the method of determining
         the price, the purchase price of the shares shall be determined by an
         independent expert to be


         appointed at the request of the party with the greatest interest by the
         Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the district in
         which the company's registered office is situated.

7.       The proposing transferor shall remain entitled to withdraw his offer,
         provided that he does so within one month of having been informed of
         the name of the party to whom he may transfer all of the shares
         specified in the request for approval and of the price offered for the

8.       The costs incurred in determining the purchase price shall be borne:

         a.       by the proposing transferor if he withdraws his offer;

         b.       in equal parts by the proposing transferor and the buyers if
                  the shares are purchased by the interested parties, on the
                  understanding that every buyer shall contribute to the costs
                  in proportion to the number of shares he has bought;

         c.       by the company, in all cases not included under a. or b.

9.       The company itself may propose to buy the shares as contemplated in
         para. 5(c) only if the proposing transferor so consents.

Board of Managing Directors

Article 9

1.       The company shall be run by a Board of Managing Directors consisting of
         one or more Managing Directors.

2.       The general meeting shall appoint the Managing Directors.

3.       The general meeting shall at all times have the power to suspend or
         dismiss the Managing Directors.

4.       The general meeting shall determine the remuneration of each Managing
         Director, as well as his other terms and conditions of employment.

Managerial duties. Decision-making. Division of duties

Article 10

1.       Subject to the restrictions set forth in these Articles, the Board of
         Managing Directors shall be in charge of running the company.

2.       The general meeting may adopt rules and regulations governing the
         decision-making process of the Board of Managing Directors.

3.       The Board of Managing Directors shall make a division of duties and
         report such division to the general meeting.

Representative authority

Article 11

1.       The Board of Managing Directors shall represent the company. If the
         Board of


         Managing Directors consists of more than one Managing Director the
         authority to represent the company shall also be vested in two Managing
         Directors acting jointly.

2.       The Board of Managing Directors may appoint officers and grant them a
         general or special power of attorney. Every attorney in fact shall
         represent the company within the bounds of his authorisation. Their
         title shall be determined by the Board of Managing Directors.

3.       In the event that the company has a conflict of interest with a
         managing director, in the sense that the managing director in private
         enters into an agreement with, or is party in a legal proceeding
         between him and the company, the company shall be represented by one of
         the other managing directors. If there are no such other managing
         directors, the general meeting shall appoint a person to that effect.
         Such person may be the managing director in relation to whom the
         conflict of interest exists.

         In all other cases of a conflict of interest between the company and a
         managing director, the company can also be represented by that managing
         director. The general meeting shall at all times be authorized to
         appoint one or more other persons to that effect.

Restrictions on the powers of the Board of Managing Directors

Article 12

1.       The general meeting shall be authorised to make subject to its approval
         Board of Managing Directors resolutions. Any such resolution shall be
         clearly described and reported to the Board of Managing Directors in

2.       The Board of Managing Directors must comply with any such instructions
         outlining the company's general financial, social, economic or staffing
         policy to be pursued by the Board of Managing Directors as may be given
         by the general meeting.

3.       The absence of approval as defined in this Article cannot be invoked by
         or against any third party.

Absence. Inability to act

Article 13

If a Managing Director is absent or unable to act, the remaining Managing
Director(s) shall be temporarily charged with the management of the company. If
the sole Managing Director is or all Managing Directors are absent or unable to
act, a person appointed annually by the general meeting shall be temporarily
charged with the management of the company.


Financial year. Annual accounts

Article 14

1.       The company's financial year shall correspond with the calendar year.

2.       Within five months of the end of the company's financial year, the
         Board of Managing Directors shall draw up the annual accounts unless,
         in special circumstances, an extension of this term by not more than
         six months is approved by the general meeting.

3.       The general meeting shall adopt the annual accounts.


Article 15

1.       The profits shall be at the disposal of the general meeting.

2.       Dividends may be paid only insofar as the company's equity exceeds the
         paid-in and called-up capital plus the reserves to be kept by law.

3.       The general meeting may, with due observance of para. 2, resolve to pay
         interim dividends.

4.       The general meeting may, with due observance of para. 2, resolve to pay
         dividends out of a reserve which need not be kept by law.

General meeting of shareholders

Article 16

1        The general meeting of shareholders shall be held within six months of
         the end of the company's financial year in order to discuss and adopt
         the annual accounts.

2.       Other general meetings of shareholders shall be held as often as either
         the Board of Managing Directors or the shareholders representing not
         less than one-tenth of the company's issued capital deem necessary.

3.       General meetings of shareholders shall be called by either the Board of
         Managing Directors or the shareholders representing one-tenth of the
         company's issued capital, by sending letters to the addresses recorded
         in the shareholders' register. Convocation shall take place not later
         than on the fifteenth day prior to the day of the meeting.

4.       Resolutions may be legally adopted on any item on the agenda provided
         that they are adopted by a unanimous vote at a general meeting at which
         the company's entire issued capital is represented, even if the
         requirements for convening and conducting the meeting as prescribed by
         the law or the company's Articles of Incorporation have not been
         complied with.

5.       General meetings shall be held in the municipality in which the
         company's registered office is situated according to its Articles of


6.       At every meeting, the shareholders shall appoint a chairman from their

7.       Every share shall entitle its holder to cast one vote.

8.       Resolutions shall be passed by an absolute majority of the votes cast,
         unless the law prescribes a greater majority.

Resolutions passed outside a meeting

Article 17

Rather than at a general meeting, the shareholders may also pass resolutions in
writing, provided that they do so by a unanimous vote representing the company's
entire issued capital. In writing shall mean any message transmitted via
standard means of communication and received in written form.

Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation and dissolution

Article 18

If a motion to amend the Articles of incorporation or to dissolve the company is
submitted to the general meeting, the convening notice must state this fact.

If such notice concerns an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation a copy of
the motion containing a verbatim text of the proposed amendment must be
deposited at the company's office for inspection by the shareholders until the
meeting is adjourned.


Article 19

1.       If the company is dissolved pursuant to a resolution of the general
         meeting, it shall be liquidated by the Board of Managing Directors, if
         and to the extent the general meeting does not resolve otherwise.

2.       After the liquidation has been finished, the books and records of the
         company shall remain in the custody during a ten year period of the
         person designated for that purpose by the general meeting.

Final provisions

Finally, the deponent declared as follows:

a.       Upon the company's incorporation, its issued capital amounts to twenty
         thousand Euro (EUR 20,000.--), divided into twenty (20) shares,
         numbered 1 up to and including 20.

         The incorporator shall be allocated all twenty (20) shares.

         The shares have been issued at par. The payment, which may be made in
         foreign currency, must be made in cash.

         The documents required under Article 203a, Book 2, Dutch Civil Code,
         have been attached to this deed.

         The company hereby accepts those payments for the shares issued upon



b.       The following person is hereby appointed as the company's first
         Managing Director:

         Mister Gerardus van Deventer, residing at 3136 SG Vlaardingen,
         Eksteriaan 252, born in Schiedam on the sixteenth day of August
         nineteenhundred and forty-nine, having the Dutch nationality

C.       The company's first financial year shall end on the thirty-first day of
         December two thousand.