                                                                     EXHIBIT 3.3

Industry Canada             Industrie Canada
                                                                 FORM 1                         FORMULE 1
Canada Business             Loi canadienne sur les     ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION          STATUTS CONSTITUTIFS
Corporations Act            societes par actions              (SECTION 6)                      (ARTICLE 6)
- ----------------            ----------------------     --------------- ---------          --------------------

1 - Name of Corporation                   Denomination de la societe

4200217 CANADA INC.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 - The province or territory in Canada   La province ou le territoire au Canada
    where the registered office is        ou est situe le siege social

    Province of Quebec.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 - The classes and any maximum number    Categories et tout nombre maximal d'
    of shares that the corporation is     actions que la societe est autorisee
    authorized to issue                   a emettre

Schedule 1 attached hereto is incorporated herein by reference as if herein set
forth at length.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 - Restrictions, if any, on share        Restrictions sur le transfert
    transfers                             des actions, s'il y a lieu

Schedule 2 attached hereto is incorporated herein by reference as if herein set
forth at length.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 - Number (or minimum and maximum        Nombre (ou nombre minimal et maximal)
    number) of directors                  d'administrateurs

    Minimum 1 - Maximum 10

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 - Restrictions, if any, on business     Limites imposees a l'activite
    the corporation may carry on          commerciale de la societe, s'il y a


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 - Other provisions, if any              Autres dispositions, s'il y a lieu

Schedule 3 attached hereto is incorporated herein by reference as if herein set
forth at length.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 - Incorporators - Fondateurs

                            Address (including postal code)
    Name(s) -- Nom(s)       Adresse (inclure le code postal)      Signature
- --------------------------  --------------------------------  ------------------
Ranger, Alain               Stock Exchange Tower, Suite 3400   /s/ Alain Ranger
                            P.O. Box 242, 800 Place-Victoria
                            Montreal (Quebec) H4Z 1E9

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Corporation No.-- N degrees de la societe                       Filed -- Deposee

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IC 3419 (2001/11)


                                   SCHEDULE 1

                          DESCRIPTION OF SHARE CAPITAL

The Corporation is authorized to issue an unlimited number of Class A, B and C


      Subject to the rights, privileges, conditions and restrictions attached to
      the other classes of shares, the Class A shares shall carry the following
      rights and restrictions:

      1.1   VOTING RIGHT. Holders of Class A shares shall have the right to
            receive notice of any meeting of shareholders of the Corporation, to
            attend such meeting and to vote thereat on the basis of one (1) vote
            per Class A share held.

      1.2   DIVIDEND. Holders of Class A shares shall have the right to receive
            any dividend declared by the Corporation.

      1.3   REMAINING PROPERTY. Upon the winding-up of the Corporation, holders
            of Class A shares shall have the right to share the remaining
            property of the Corporation.

      1.4   RESTRICTION. Notwithstanding subsection 1.2 hereinabove, no dividend
            or purchase price may be paid on the Class A shares if payment
            thereof would cause the realizable value of the net assets of the
            Corporation to be insufficient to proceed with the redemption and
            payment of the outstanding Class C shares.


      The Class B shares shall carry the following rights, privileges,
      conditions and restrictions:

      2.1   VOTING RIGHT. Except where the right to vote is conferred
            specifically thereon by the Canada Business Corporations Act, the
            Class B shares shall not confer upon their holders the right to vote
            at meetings of shareholders, to be convened to or to attend such

      2.2   DIVIDEND. Holders of Class B shares shall have the right to receive,
            for each fiscal year of the Corporation and to the extent that the
            directors so declare, a non-cumulative dividend in a maximum annual
            amount equal to four percent (4%) of the amount credited to the
            stated capital account for such shares on the date of declaration of
            the dividend; such dividend being non-cumulative, if, for a given
            fiscal year, the directors do not declare it or declare only a part
            thereof, the right of holders of Class B shares to the undeclared
            portion of such dividend for such fiscal year shall be forever
            extinguished; such dividend shall rank after the dividend payable on
            the Class C shares.

      2.3   UNILATERAL REDEMPTION. Subject to the provisions of the Canada
            Business Corporations Act and subsection 2.6, the Corporation shall
            have the right, by

            resolution of the board of directors, to redeem, at all times,
            unilaterally, all or part of the Class B shares then outstanding,
            the whole in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

            2.3.1 the Corporation shall give a written notice of redemption to
                  each registered holder of Class B shares or send such notice
                  by mail to the last known address of the holder; such notice
                  shall inform the holder of the redemption and shall specify
                  the date on which such redemption shall take effect (the
                  "Redemption Date"), such date being required to be no less
                  than 10 days subsequent to the date on which the Corporation
                  delivered or sent the notices of redemption; any holder may
                  waive the sending of a notice of redemption;

            2.3.2 on the Redemption Date, the Class B shares redeemed shall be
                  cancelled automatically and their holders shall have the
                  right, upon delivery of the duly endorsed certificates
                  representing such shares, to the payment of their "Redemption
                  Value" as defined hereinbelow, as well as the payment of any
                  dividend then declared and unpaid thereon. If a part only of
                  the Class B shares represented by such certificates is
                  redeemed, a new certificate shall be issued for the remaining

            2.3.3 in respect of holders of redeemed Class B shares who fail to
                  deliver for cancellation the certificates representing such
                  shares, the Corporation may deposit an amount corresponding to
                  their "Redemption Value" with the Minister of Finance of the
                  Province of Quebec, in accordance with the provisions of the
                  Deposit Act, R.S.Q., c. D-5, or at any other location
                  designated in the notice of redemption, for such holders. The
                  rights of such holders shall be limited to receiving the
                  amount so deposited to their credit upon delivery of the
                  certificates representing the redeemed shares, and, as the
                  case may be, to having new certificates issued by the
                  Corporation for their remaining Class B shares;

            2.3.4 if the redemption is partial, it shall be carried out rateably
                  to the number of Class B shares outstanding, without taking
                  into account fractional shares, or in any other manner
                  proposed by the Corporation and accepted unanimously by the
                  holders of such shares.

      2.4   REDEMPTION ON DEMAND. Any holder of Class B shares may demand at any
            time that the Corporation redeem to it all or part of such shares,
            and the Corporation shall be obliged to proceed with such
            redemption, the whole in accordance with the following terms and

            2.4.1 the demand for redemption shall be signed by the registered
                  holder of the Class B shares or by his attorney and given to
                  the secretary of the Corporation, together with the duly
                  endorsed certificate or certificates representing the Class B
                  shares to be redeemed. The demand for


                  redemption shall specify the number of Class B shares that the
                  holder wishes to have redeemed;

            2.4.2 on the tenth business day following the date of receipt of the
                  demand for redemption (the "Redemption Date"), the Corporation
                  shall proceed with the redemption of all of the Class B shares
                  indicated in such demand, and the holder thereof shall

                  (a)   the payment of the entire portion of the Redemption
                        Value, as defined hereinbelow, of the Class B shares
                        redeemed that the Corporation may pay without
                        contravening the provisions of section 36(2) of the
                        Canada Business Corporations Act and also without
                        contravening the provisions of subsection 2.6

                  (b)   the payment of any dividend declared and unpaid on such
                        shares, subject to subsection 2.6; and

                  (c)   as the case may be, a certificate for the balance of the
                        Class B shares represented by the certificate or
                        certificates delivered to the Corporation in accordance
                        with paragraph 2.4.1, if the demand for redemption bears
                        on a part only of such shares;

            2.4.3 on the Redemption Date, subject however to adjustment in
                  accordance with paragraph 2.4.5 hereinbelow:

                  (a)   all of the Class B shares redeemed shall be deemed to be
                        irrevocably cancelled, and their holders shall cease to
                        benefit from the rights attached to such shares, except
                        the right to receive payment of their Redemption Value
                        and the dividends declared and unpaid thereon;

                  (b)   the stated capital account maintained for the Class B
                        shares shall be debited in accordance with the Canada
                        Business Corporations Act;

            2.4.4 holders of Class B shares redeemed but not fully paid-up on
                  the Redemption Date shall be entitled to be paid the balance
                  of the Redemption Value of such shares as and when the
                  Corporation may legally make payment thereof;

            2.4.5 holders of Class B shares redeemed but not fully paid-up on
                  the Redemption Date, within fifteen (15) days following the
                  time they are notified that they cannot receive full payment
                  of the Redemption Value of their shares, may, by written
                  notice, request that the Corporation apply the amount they
                  received to the full payment of the Redemption Value of part
                  of such shares as well as the dividends declared and unpaid
                  thereon, without taking into account fractional shares, and
                  withdraw their demands for redemption pertaining to the
                  balance of such shares. Upon receipt of


                  such a notice, the Corporation shall proceed with the
                  necessary adjustments in its registers and its stated capital
                  account, such that on the Redemption Date only the fully
                  paid-up portion of the Class B shares indicated in the demand
                  for redemption shall be redeemed and cancelled. Certificates
                  representing the Class B shares for which the demands for
                  redemption have been withdrawn shall be delivered to their
                  holders. The period of fifteen (15) days mentioned in this
                  paragraph is of the essence; after such period, holders may no
                  longer avail themselves of the provisions of this paragraph.

      2.5   REDEMPTION VALUE. The Redemption Value of each Class B share shall
            correspond to the amount credited to the stated capital account in
            respect of such class of shares, divided by the number of such
            shares outstanding.

      2.6   RESTRICTION. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no dividend or purchase
            or redemption price shall be paid on the Class B shares which would
            cause the realizable value of the net assets of the Corporation to
            be insufficient to proceed with the redemption and payment of the
            Class C shares outstanding.

      2.7   REIMBURSEMENT. In the event of the winding-up of the Corporation,
            holders of Class B shares shall rank after holders of Class C shares
            and shall receive, prior to holders of Class A shares, an amount
            equal to the "Redemption Value" of their Class B shares, as defined

      2.8   ADDITIONAL PARTICIPATION. Holders of Class B shares shall not
            participate further in the property or profits of the Corporation.


      The Class C shares shall carry the following rights, privileges,
      conditions and restrictions:

      3.1   VOTING RIGHT. Except where the Canada Business Corporations Act
            specifically confers the right to vote, the Class C shares shall not
            confer upon their holders the right to vote at meetings of
            shareholders, to be convened to or to attend such meetings.

      3.2   DIVIDEND. Holders of Class C shares shall have the right to receive,
            for each month in the fiscal year of the Corporation and to the
            extent that the directors so declare, a preferred non-cumulative
            dividend in a maximum amount equal to four-fifths of one percent
            (4/5ths of 1%) per month on the "Redemption Value" of such shares,
            as defined hereinbelow, on the date of declaration of the dividend;
            such dividend being non-cumulative, if, for a given month, the
            directors do not declare it or declare only a part thereof, the
            right of holders of Class C shares to the undeclared portion of such
            dividend for such month shall be forever extinguished; such dividend
            being preferred, no dividend may be declared, paid or set aside for
            payment on the Class A and B shares, at any time whatsoever during
            any month, unless during such same month, the full amount of the
            dividend prescribed on the


            Class C shares has been declared and paid in full or set aside for
            payment on all of the Class C shares then outstanding.

      3.3   UNILATERAL REDEMPTION. Subject to the provisions of the Canada
            Business Corporations Act, the Corporation shall have the right, by
            resolution of the board of directors, to redeem, at all times,
            unilaterally, all or part of the Class C shares then outstanding,
            the whole in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

            3.3.1 the Corporation shall deliver to each registered holder of
                  Class C shares a written notice of redemption or send such
                  notice by mail to the last known address of the holder; such
                  notice shall inform the holder of the redemption and shall
                  specify the date on which such redemption shall take effect
                  (the "Redemption Date"), such date being required to be no
                  less than 10 days subsequent to the date on which the
                  Corporation delivered or sent the notices of redemption; any
                  holder may waive the sending of a notice of redemption;

            3.3.2 on the Redemption Date, the Class C shares redeemed shall be
                  cancelled automatically and their holders shall have the
                  right, upon delivery of the duly endorsed certificates
                  representing such shares, to the payment of their Redemption
                  Value as defined hereinbelow, as well as the payment of any
                  dividend then declared and unpaid thereon. If a part only of
                  the Class C shares represented by such certificates is
                  redeemed, a new certificate shall be issued for the remaining

            3.3.3 in respect of holders of redeemed Class C shares who fail to
                  deliver for cancellation the certificates representing such
                  shares, the Corporation may deposit an amount corresponding to
                  their Redemption Value with the Minister of Finance of the
                  Province of Quebec, in accordance with the provisions of the
                  Deposit Act, R.S.Q., c. D-5, or at any other location
                  designated in the notice of redemption, for such holders. The
                  rights of such holders shall be limited to receiving the
                  amount so deposited to their credit upon delivery of the
                  certificates representing the redeemed shares, and, as the
                  case may be, to having new certificates issued by the
                  Corporation for their remaining Class C shares;

            3.3.4 if the redemption is partial, it shall be carried out rateably
                  to the number of Class C shares outstanding, without taking
                  into account fractional shares, or in any other manner
                  proposed by the Corporation and accepted unanimously by the
                  holders of such shares.

      3.4   REDEMPTION ON DEMAND. Any holder of Class C shares may demand at all
            times that the Corporation redeem all or part of such shares, and
            the Corporation shall be obliged to proceed with such redemption,
            the whole in accordance with the following terms and conditions:


            3.4.1 the demand for redemption shall be signed by the registered
                  holder of the Class C shares or by its attorney and given to
                  the secretary of the Corporation, together with the duly
                  endorsed certificate or certificates representing the Class C
                  shares to be redeemed. The demand for redemption shall specify
                  the number of Class C shares that the holder wishes to have

            3.4.2 on the tenth business day following the date of receipt of the
                  demand for redemption (the "Redemption Date"), the Corporation
                  shall proceed with the redemption of all of the Class C shares
                  indicated in such demand, and the holder thereof shall

                  (a)   payment of the entire portion of the Redemption Value,
                        as defined hereinbelow, of the Class C shares redeemed
                        which the Corporation may pay without contravening the
                        provisions of section 36(2) of the Canada Business
                        Corporations Act;

                  (b)   payment of any dividend declared and unpaid on such
                        shares; and

                  (c)   as the case may be, a certificate for the balance of the
                        Class C shares represented by the certificate or
                        certificates delivered to the Corporation in accordance
                        with paragraph 3.4.1, if the demand for redemption bears
                        on a part only of such shares;

            3.4.3 on the Redemption Date, subject however to adjustment in
                  accordance with paragraph 3.4.5 hereinbelow:

                  (a)   all of the Class C shares redeemed shall be deemed to be
                        irrevocably cancelled, and their holders shall cease to
                        benefit from the rights attached to such shares, except
                        the right to receive payment of their Redemption Value
                        and the dividends declared and unpaid thereon;

                  (b)   the stated capital account maintained for the Class C
                        shares shall be debited in accordance with the Canada
                        Business Corporations Act;

            3.4.4 holders of Class C shares redeemed but not fully paid-up on
                  the Redemption Date shall be entitled to be paid the balance
                  of the Redemption Value of such shares as and when the
                  Corporation may legally make payment thereof;

            3.4.5 holders of Class C shares redeemed but not fully paid-up on
                  the Redemption Date, within fifteen (15) days following the
                  time they are notified that they cannot receive full payment
                  of the Redemption Value of their shares, may, by written
                  notice, request that the Corporation apply the amount they
                  have received to the full payment of the Redemption Value of
                  part of such shares as well as the dividends declared and
                  unpaid thereon,


                  without taking into account fractional shares, and withdraw
                  their demands for redemption pertaining to the balance of such
                  shares. Upon receipt of such a notice, the Corporation shall
                  proceed with the necessary adjustments in its registers and
                  its stated capital account, such that on the Redemption Date
                  only the fully paid-up portion of the Class C shares indicated
                  in the demand for redemption shall be redeemed and cancelled.
                  Certificates representing the Class C shares for which the
                  demands for redemption have been withdrawn shall be delivered
                  to their holders. The period of fifteen (15) days mentioned in
                  this paragraph is of the essence; after such period, holders
                  may no longer avail themselves of the provisions of this

      3.5   REDEMPTION VALUE. The "Redemption Value" for each of the Class C
            shares shall be equal to the portion of the total amount credited to
            the stated capital account for such shares, plus a premium equal to
            the difference between the fair market value, upon the issuance of
            the Class C share, of the consideration received by the Corporation
            in exchange for the issuance of such Class C share and the total
            composed of:

            (a)   the amount paid into the stated capital account for such
                  shares; and

            (b)   the fair market value of any property, other than the Class C
                  shares, given in payment of such consideration.

      3.6   ADJUSTMENT. The fair market value of the consideration mentioned in
            the preceding subsection shall be that established by the
            Corporation and the subscriber of the Class C shares upon the
            issuance of such shares. However, in the event that following an
            income-tax assessment or a draft income-tax assessment, such
            consideration were to be attributed a fair market value that is
            different from the fair market value so established, the amount of
            the premium payable upon the redemption of the Class C shares would
            be increased or reduced in accordance with any new valuation
            determined by the fiscal authorities, failing which such amount
            would be established by final, enforceable judgment of a competent
            court. In the event of a discrepancy between the valuations so
            established with the federal and provincial fiscal authorities
            respectively, the adjustment set forth hereinabove will be effected
            on the basis of the lower of such valuations.

      3.7   REIMBURSEMENT. In the event of the winding-up of the Corporation,
            holders of Class C shares shall receive, prior to holders of Class A
            and Class B shares, an amount equal to the "Redemption Value" of
            their Class C shares, as defined hereinabove.

      3.8   ADDITIONAL PARTICIPATION. Holders of Class C shares shall not
            participate further in the property or profits of the Corporation.


                                   SCHEDULE 2


      No shares of the share capital of the Corporation shall be transferred
without the approval of the directors evidenced by a resolution of the board,
provided that approval of any transfer of shares may be given as aforesaid after
the transfer has been effected upon the books of the Corporation in which event,
unless the said resolution stipulates otherwise, the said transfer shall be
valid and shall take effect as from the date of its entry upon the books of the

                                   SCHEDULE 3

                                OTHER PROVISIONS

1.    The number of shareholders of the Corporation shall be limited to fifty
      (50), not including shareholders who are or were employees of the
      Corporation or of a subsidiary, two (2) or more persons holding one (1) or
      more shares jointly being counted as a single shareholder.

2.    Any distribution of securities to the public is prohibited.