NEWS RELEASE

For Immediate Release
DECEMBER 3, 2004


WINNIPEG, - CanWest Global Communications Corp. expressed its disappointment
today that the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB), in its determination of
December 3, 2004, has concluded that "various Global Television stations operate
as a common employer" of broadcast employees represented by the Communication
Energy Paperworkers Union (CEP). The determination responds to a CEP application
to the CIRB in 2001 that called for a declaration of a single employer
certificate in respect of those television station employees.

The effect of the Federal Labour Board determination if it is allowed to stand
would be that Global would be expected to review the structure of existing
bargaining units with CEP over the next 30 days to determine if agreement can be
reached on any revisions that might be appropriate. If the parties cannot agree,
the Board will itself make that determination.

As a practical matter the CIRB determination will have no immediate impact as
local management at all relevant TV station locations have recently completed
the successful re-negotiation of new collective agreements, with the exception
of the television station in Halifax, Nova Scotia where the current agreement
expired October 2004. The Halifax location is a relatively small station with
fewer than forty employees. The new agreements extend for various periods
through to the year 2007, with the latest expiring in December 2007.

Richard C. Camilleri, President CanWest MediaWorks, said, "We believe the
Board's determination is unfortunate and is not conducive to sound labour
relations. The Company will review its options carefully in the coming days."

"In the meantime it will remain business as usual while Global Television and
the CEP address the various challenges presented by the CIRB determination
during the period in which existing collective agreements remain in force,"
added Mr. Camilleri. "Our Global stations have always bargained fairly and in
good faith with the unions that represent our employees, and the Company's
commitment to remain a good employer will continue regardless of the legally
mandated collective bargaining process. The Company's television stations are
located in cities across nine Canadian provinces and for the most part employ
their staff from their local communities. Global will continue to negotiate
wage, benefits and other operating conditions having regard for the local
business environment and market conditions."

Mr. Camilleri said, "After more than 30 days of hearings before the Federal
Labour Board which concluded eighteen (18) months ago, all we have from the
Board is a two page decision with no reasons whatsoever as to the basis of the

CanWest Global Communications Corp. (NYSE: CWG; TSX: CGS.SV and CGS.NV
www.canwestglobal.com) is an international media company. CanWest is
Canada's largest media company. In addition to owning the Global Television
Network, CanWest is Canada's largest publisher

of daily newspapers, and also owns, operates and/or holds substantial interests
in conventional television, out-of-home advertising, specialty cable channels,
Web sites and radio networks in Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Ireland.

For further information call:

Geoffrey Elliot,
Vice President, Corporate Affairs,
Tel: (204) 956-2025
Fax: (204) 947-9841