TRANSTEXAS GAS CORPORATION
                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                          SECURITY AND PLEDGE AGREEMENT

         This Amended and Restated Security and Pledge Agreement (this
"Agreement") is entered into as of August __, 2003 by and among TRANSTEXAS GAS
CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation ("Borrower", GALVESTON BAY PIPELINE COMPANY,
a subsidiary of Borrower ("GB Pipeline"), GALVESTON BAY PROCESSING CORPORATION,
a subsidiary of Borrower ("GB Processing" and together with Borrower and GB
Pipeline (the "Companies") and THORNWOOD ASSOCIATES LP (the "Secured Party").


         The Companies, GMAC Commercial Credit LLC and various other financial
institutions entered into that certain Oil & Gas Revolving Credit and Term Loan
Agreement dated as of March 15, 2000 (the "Oil and Gas Agreement");

         On the date hereof (the "Effective Date") the Creditor's Joint Plan of
Reorganization for Debtors Under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code Submitted by
Thornwood, dated as of June 27, 2003, as modified July 8, 2003, and as may have
been modified thereafter, in Case No. 02-21926, in the United States Bankruptcy
Court for the Southern District of Texas, Corpus Christi Division (the "Plan"),
confirmed by Order of the Bankruptcy Court (the "Confirmation Order"), became

         Pursuant to the Plan, as of the date hereof, each holder of an Allowed
Prepetition O&G Claim, in full satisfaction, settlement, release and discharge
of, and exchange for, such Claim received (i) Cash in a sum equal to its pro
rata share of the Allowed O&G Claim less $32.5 million and (ii) its pro rata
share of the Restructured O&G Note in principal amount of $32.5 million and
Thornwood paid to the Prepetition O&G Lenders pro rata the Cash set forth in
paragraph (i) hereto and an amount equal to the principal amount of the
Restructured O&G Note, which Note under the terms of the Plan, was issued
directly by the Reogranized Debtors to Thornwood. Pursuant to the Plan, the
Reorganized Debtors amended and restated the Oil & Gas Agreement (the
"Restructured O&Gas Agreement") and are hereby amending and restating the
Security and Pledge Agreement entered into as of March 15, 2000;

         In order to continue to secure the payment and performance in full of
the obligations of the Companies under the Restructured O &G Agreement, the
parties hereto desire to set forth their mutual understanding and certain
agreements regarding the terms and conditions of the grant of a security
interest in Collateral (as defined below);

         NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Companies and the Secured
Party hereby agree as follows:

         Section 1. Definitions.

                  (a) As used in this Agreement, capitalized terms not otherwise
         defined herein have the meanings set forth in the Restructured O&G
         Agreement or the Plan, and the

         following terms shall have the respective meanings set forth below
         (such meanings to be equally applicable to both the singular and plural
         forms of the terms defined):

                  "Collateral" shall mean, collectively, the UCC Collateral and
         the Pledged Securities.

                  "Contract Rights" shall mean all contracts, operating
         agreements, mineral purchase agreements, rights of way, easements,
         surface leases, permits, licenses, pooling or unitization agreements,
         pooling designations and pooling orders and all other contracts or
         agreements pertaining to or affecting the Collateral or which were
         executed in connection with the drilling for, producing, processing,
         treating, handling, storing, transporting or marketing oil, gas or
         other minerals from the Collateral or from any properties unitized or
         pooled therewith, including, but not limited to, the contracts listed
         on Schedule 1(a) attached hereto.

                  "Default" and "Event of Default" shall have the meanings
         assigned to those terms in Section 6(a) of this Agreement.

                  "Equipment" shall mean and include all of the now owned or
         hereafter acquired "equipment" of each of the Companies as such term is
         defined in Article 9 of the UCC, including without limitation, all
         furniture, fixtures, goods, Vehicles, drilling rigs, workover rigs,
         fracture stimulation equipment, well site compressors, rolling stock,
         assets constituting part of a natural gas pipeline or the compression
         or dehydration equipment used in the operation of any such pipeline and
         related equipment and other assets accounted for as equipment by the
         Companies on their respective financial statements, all proceeds
         thereof, and all documents of title, books, records, ledger cards,
         files, correspondence and computer files, tapes, disks and related data
         processing software that at any time evidence or contain information
         relating to the foregoing.

                  "GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles of the
         United States of America, consistently applied.

                  "General Intangibles" shall mean and include any and all of
         now owned or hereafter acquired "general intangibles" of each of the
         Companies as such term is defined in Article 9 of the UCC, including
         without limitation, all trademarks, tradenames, tradestyles, trade
         secrets, equipment formulation, manufacturing procedures, quality
         control procedures, product specifications, patents, patent
         applications, copyrights, registrations, contract rights, choses in
         action, causes of action, tort claims, payment intangibles, letter of
         credit rights, corporate or other business records, inventions,
         designs, goodwill, claims under guarantees, licenses, franchises, tax
         refunds, tax refund claims, computer programs, computer data bases,
         computer program flow diagrams, source codes, object codes and all
         other intangible property of every kind and nature.

                  "Hydrocarbons" shall mean oil, natural gas, condensate and
         natural gas liquids.

                  "Inventory" shall mean and include all of now owned or
         hereafter acquired "inventory" of each of the Companies as such term is
         defined in the UCC, including, without limitation, all drill casing,
         drill pipe and other supplies accounted for as inventory


         by the Companies on its financial statements (excluding Hydrocarbons),
         all other goods, merchandise and other personal property, wherever
         located, to be furnished under any contract of service or held for sale
         or lease, all proceeds thereof, and all documents of title, books,
         records, ledger cards, files, correspondence, and computer files,
         tapes, disks and related data processing software that at any time
         evidence or contain information relating to the foregoing.

                  "Investment Property" shall mean and include all of the now
         owned or hereafter acquired "investment property" of each of the
         Companies as such term is defined in Article 9 of the UCC.

                  "Jefferies Documentation" shall mean the Mortgage, Deed of
         Trust, Assignment, Security Agreement and Financing Statement,
         effective December 31, 1998, made by GB Processing in favor of
         Jefferies, the Amended and Restated Promissory Note, dated August __,
         2003 in the principal amount of $3,226,872.84, made by the Companies in
         favor of Jefferies; and any amendments or supplements to the foregoing
         as of the date hereof.

                  "Jefferies" means Jefferies Analytical Trading Group, Inc., a
         Delaware Corporation.

                  "Jefferies Lien" shall mean pledge of the stock of GB
         Processing Company owned by the Companies in favor of Jefferies as
         security for Borrower's obligations to Jefferies under the Jefferies

                  "Lands" shall have the meaning set forth in the Mortgage.

                  "Leases" shall have the meaning set forth in the Mortgage.

                  "Mortgage" shall mean, collectively, those certain Mortgages,
         Deeds of Trust, Assignments of Production, Security and Financing
         Statements executed by any of the Companies for the benefit of Secured
         Party to grant a Lien on such Real Property and/or Hydrocarbons, or any
         interest therein, to secure all of the Obligations.

                  "Obligations" shall have the meaning set forth in the
         Restructured O&G Agreement.

                  "Oil and Gas Leases" shall include oil, gas and mineral leases
         and shall also include subleases and assignments of operating rights.

                  "Pipelines" shall mean the Pipeline Assets and all pipelines
         owned and/or operated by any of the Companies for the gathering,
         transmission or distribution of Hydrocarbons, and any interests in real
         property relating thereto.

                  "Pipeline Assets" shall mean all parts or aspects of the gas
         pipeline system of any the Companies now or hereafter situated on any
         of the Lands, Rights-of-Way and Franchises, and all fixtures,
         improvements, equipment, surface or subsurface machinery, facilities,
         supplies, replacement parts, vehicles of every description, all process


         computer systems and equipment or other property of whatsoever kind or
         nature, including, without limitation, all buildings, structures,
         machinery, gas processing plants, Pipelines, stations, substations,
         compression or dehydration equipment, pumps, pumping stations, meter
         houses, metering stations, regulator houses, ponds, tanks, scrapers and
         scraper traps, fittings, valves, connections, cathodic or electrical
         protection by-passes, regulators, drips, meters, pumps, pumping units,
         pumping stations, storage or tankage facilities, engines, pipes, gates,
         telephone and telegraph lines, electric power lines, poles, wires,
         casings, radio towers, fixtures, mechanical equipment, electrical
         equipment, computer equipment and software, machine shops and other
         equipment, used or useful in connection therewith; together with all of
         the Companies' liquid hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, natural gas
         liquids, refined petroleum products and other inventory fuels, carbon,
         chemicals, electric energy and other consumable materials or products
         manufactured, processed, generated, produced, transmitted, stored
         (whether above or below ground) or purchased by any of the Companies
         for sale, exchange, distribution, consumption or transmission by any of
         the Companies, including, without limitation, all system gas, drip gas
         and line fill.

                  "Pledged Securities" shall have the meaning assigned to that
         term in Section 2(b) of this Agreement.

                  "Production Sale Contracts" shall mean, except to the extent
         that the same constitute Receivables, all contracts now or hereafter in
         effect, including, without limitation, any gas sales contracts, entered
         into by any of the Companies, or the Companies' predecessors in
         interest, for the production, sale, purchase, exchange or processing of
         Subject Minerals (as defined in the Mortgage), including - but not
         limited to - any of the foregoing contracts listed on SCHEDULE 1(a) and
         the Contract Rights related thereto.

                  "Receivables" shall mean and include, any and all of the now
         owned or hereafter acquired "accounts" of any of the Companies as such
         term is defined in Article 9 of the UCC, all products and proceeds
         thereof, and all books, records, ledger cards, files, correspondence,
         and computer files, tapes, disks or software that at any time evidence
         or contain information relating to the foregoing.

                  "Rights-of-Way and Franchises" shall mean all leases,
         leaseholds, easements, rights-of-way, licenses, franchises, privileges,
         permits, ordinances, grants, rights, consents, servitudes, surface
         leases or rights, amendatory grants and interests in land for the
         installation, maintenance and operation of the Pipelines or the
         Pipeline Assets or any portion thereof, now owned or held by any of the
         Companies, including, without limitation, those leases, leaseholds,
         easements, rights-of-way, licenses, franchises, privileges, permits,
         ordinances, grants, rights, consents, servitudes, surface leases or
         rights, amendatory grants and interests in land applicable to the
         Pipelines or the Pipeline Assets owned or held by any of the Companies
         and those leases, leaseholds, easements, rights-of-way, licenses,
         franchises, privileges, permits, ordinances, grants, rights, consents,
         servitudes, surfaces leases or rights, amendatory grants and interests
         in land owned or held by any of the Companies and described in the


                  "Subject Interests" shall mean each kind and character of
         right, title, interest or estate, whether now owned or hereafter
         acquired, which any of the Companies has in, under or to the Leases and
         all right, title, interest or estate, whether now owned or hereafter
         acquired, which any of the Companies has in and to the Lands (as
         defined in the Mortgage), together with each kind and character of
         right, title, interest or estate now or hereafter vested in Mortgagor
         in and to any and all overriding royalty interests, mineral interests,
         leasehold interests, mineral rights, royalty interests, net profits
         interests, oil payments, production payments, carried interests and all
         other properties or interests of every kind or character which relate
         to any of the Lands or Leases, whether such right, title, interest or
         estate be under and by virtue of a Lease, a unitization or pooling
         agreement, a unitization or pooling order, a mineral deed, a royalty
         deed, an operating agreement, a revenue sharing agreement, a division
         order, a transfer order, a farmout agreement, a fee simple conveyance
         or any other type of contract, conveyance or instrument or under any
         other type of claim or title, legal or equitable, recorded or
         unrecorded, all as the same shall be enlarged by the discharge of any
         payments out of production or by the removal of any charges or
         encumbrances to which any of same are subject.

                  "UCC" means the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the
         State of New York.

                  "UCC Collateral" shall have the meaning assigned to that term
         in Section 2 of this Agreement.

                  "Vehicles" means all trucks, automobiles, trailers and other
         vehicles covered by a certificate of title.

                  (b) All terms used in this Agreement which are defined in the
         UCC, other than those which are defined in the Restructured O&G
         Agreement or specifically defined in Section 1(a) above, shall have the
         same meaning herein as in the UCC.

         Section 2. Continuance of and Grant of Security Interest.

                  (a) The parties agree that, in accordance with the Plan and
         the Confirmation Order, all liens granted hereunder shall, for all
         purposes, be valid, perfected, enforceable, non-avoidable and effective
         as of the Effective Date without any further action by the Thornwood or
         by the Debtors and without the execution, filing or recordation of any
         financing statement, security agreement, mortgage or other document.
         Each of the Companies hereby further grants to the Secured Party, to
         secure the payment and performance in full of the Obligations, a
         continuing security interest in and a lien on and so pledges and
         assigns to the Secured Party all of the Companies' right, title and
         interest in, to and under any and all of the following described
         property, assets and rights, in each case, wherever located, whether
         now owned or hereafter acquired or arising, all accessions and
         additions thereto, all substitutions and replacements therefor, and all
         proceeds and products thereof and assigns all rights in and to all
         collateral securing the following described property, assets and

                           (i) all Receivables;


                           (ii) all Inventory;

                           (iii) all Equipment;

                           (iv) all General Intangibles;

                           (v) all Investment Property;

                           (vi) all Subject Interests, the Subject Minerals,

                           (vii) all Contract Rights and Production Sale

                           (viii) all Leases and the Lands;

                           (ix) all Pipelines;

                           (x) all Pipeline Assets;

                           (xi) all Rights-of-Way and Franchises;

                           (xii) all unitization, communitization, operating
                  agreements, pooling agreements and declarations of pooled
                  units and the properties covered and the units created thereby
                  (including all units formed under orders, regulations, rules
                  or other official acts of any federal, state or other
                  governmental agency providing for pooling or unitization,
                  spacing orders or other well permits and other instruments)
                  which relate to or affect all or any portion of the Subject

                           (xiii) all deposit accounts, contract rights,
                  operating rights, general intangibles, chattel paper,
                  documents and instruments whether arising under any of the
                  foregoing or otherwise, including without limitation, the
                  Production Sale Contracts and all transmission contracts or
                  other contracts now or hereafter in effect with respect to the
                  Pipelines or the Pipeline Assets;

                           (xiv) all subleases, farmout agreements, assignments
                  of interests, assignments of operating rights, contracts,
                  operating agreements, bidding agreements, advance payment
                  agreements, rights-of-way, surface leases, franchises,
                  servitudes, privileges, permits, licenses, easements,
                  tenements, hereditaments, improvements, appurtenances and
                  benefits now existing or in the future obtained and incident
                  and appurtenant to any of the foregoing;

                           (xv) all lease records, well records, production
                  records and accounting and other records and files which
                  relate to any of the foregoing, and all maps, data bases,
                  manuals, information and data which relate to any of the
                  foregoing, including without limitation engineering,
                  geological and geophysical data;

                           (xvi) all income, revenues, rents, profits and
                  proceeds arising out of the gathering, transportation,
                  processing or sale of Hydrocarbons through the Pipelines and
                  other accounts, contract rights, operating rights, general


                  chattel paper, documents, investment property and instruments
                  arising under any of the foregoing;

                           (xvii) any liens and security interests in the
                  Subject Interests in favor of any of the Companies securing
                  payment of proceeds from the sale of the Subject Minerals
                  including, but not limited to, those liens and security
                  interests provided for in Tex. Bus. & Com. Code Ann. Section
                  9.319 (Tex. UCC) (Vernon 1968), as amended;

                           (xviii) all other rights, titles and interests of any
                  of the Companies in, to and under or derived from the Lands,
                  the Leases, the Rights-of-Way and Franchises, the Production
                  Sale Contracts and/or other properties described in the

                           (xix) any property that may from time to time
                  hereafter, by delivery or by writing of any kind executed by
                  or on behalf of any of the Companies, be subjected to the lien
                  and security interest hereof by any the Companies or by anyone
                  authorized on and of any of the Companies' behalf, and Secured
                  Party is hereby authorized to receive the same as additional

                           (xx) all other property of every nature and kind and
                  wheresoever situated, now owned or hereafter acquired by any
                  of the Companies or to which any of the Companies is now or
                  may hereafter be entitled at law or in equity; and

                           (xxi) any and all proceeds, returns, rents,
                  royalties, issues, profits, products, revenues and other
                  income arising from or by virtue of the sale, lease or other
                  disposition of, or from any condemnation, eminent domain or
                  insurance payable with respect to damage, loss or destruction
                  of, the items described in subparagraphs (i) through (xx)

         together with any and all proceeds, products, increases, profits,
         substitutions, replacements, renewals, additions, amendments and
         accessions of, to and for all of the foregoing property. All the
         aforesaid properties, rights and interests which are hereby subjected
         to the lien and/or security interest of this instrument, together with
         any additions thereto which may be subjected to the lien and/or
         security interest of this paragraph (a) by means of supplements hereto
         or otherwise shall hereinafter be referred to as the "UCC Collateral."

                  (b) Each of the Companies also pledges to the Secured Party,
         and grants to the Secured Party a security interest in all of the
         Companies's right, title and interest in, to and under any and all of
         the following described property, rights and interests, in each case,
         wherever located, whether now owned or hereafter acquired or arising,
         all accessions and additions thereto, all substitutions and
         replacements therefor, and all proceeds and products thereof
         (collectively, the "Pledged Securities"):

                           (i) all of the issued and outstanding shares of
                  common stock of any Subsidiary of any of the Companies
                  presently existing or hereafter created or acquired (the
                  "Pledged Subsidiaries") therein set forth;


                           (ii) all other shares of common stock or other equity
                  securities now or hereafter acquired by any of the Companies
                  in any manner issued by the Pledged Subsidiaries, and the
                  certificates representing such securities, and any present or
                  future options, warrants or other rights to subscribe for or
                  purchase any property or any notes, bonds, debentures or other
                  evidences of indebtedness now or hereafter owned or acquired
                  by any of the Companies in any manner that (A) are at any time
                  convertible, exchangeable or exercisable into capital stock or
                  other equity securities of the Pledged Subsidiaries or (B)
                  have or at any time could by their terms have voting rights
                  with respect to any matter affecting the Pledged Subsidiaries
                  and all securities, certificates and instruments representing
                  or evidencing ownership of any of the property described in
                  Schedule 2(b) of the Oil and Gas Agreement; and

                           (iii) all proceeds and products of the foregoing and
                  distributions thereof or with respect thereto, including
                  without limitation dividends, distributions, cash, instruments
                  and other property or securities, now or hereafter at any time
                  or from time to time received or receivable or otherwise
                  distributed or distributable in respect of or in exchange for
                  any or all of the foregoing.

                           Subject to any Liens in respect of the Jefferies
                  Lien, pursuant to the terms hereof, each of the Companies has
                  endorsed, assigned and delivered to the Secured Party or such
                  other Person that the Secured Party has designated as its
                  agent to hold for perfection purposes all negotiable or
                  non-negotiable instruments (including certificated securities)
                  and chattel paper pledged by it hereunder, together with
                  instruments of transfer or assignment duly executed in blank
                  as the Secured Party may have specified. In the event that any
                  of the Companies shall, after the date of this Agreement,
                  acquire any other negotiable or non-negotiable instruments
                  (including certificated securities) or chattel paper to be
                  pledged by it hereunder, such Companies shall, subject to any
                  Liens in respect of the Jefferies Lien, forthwith endorse,
                  assign and deliver the same to the Secured Party, accompanied
                  by such instruments of transfer or assignment duly executed in
                  blank as the Secured Party may from time to time specify. To
                  the extent that any securities are uncertificated, appropriate
                  book-entry transfers reflecting the pledge of such securities
                  created hereby have been or, in the case of uncertificated
                  securities hereafter acquired by the Companies, will at the
                  time of such acquisition be, duly made for the account of the
                  Secured Party or one or more nominees of the Secured Party
                  with the issuer of such securities or other appropriate
                  book-entry facility or financial intermediary, with the
                  Secured Party having at all times the right to obtain
                  definitive certificates (in the Secured Party's name or in the
                  name of one or more nominees of the Secured Party) where the
                  issuer customarily or otherwise issues certificates, all to be
                  held as Collateral hereunder. Each of the Companies hereby
                  acknowledges that the Secured Party may, in its discretion,
                  appoint one or more financial institutions to act as the
                  Secured Party's agent in holding in custodial accounts
                  instruments or other financial assets, including securities,
                  in which the Secured Party is granted a security interest
                  hereunder, including, without limitation, certificates of
                  deposit and other instruments evidencing short term


                           (c) Without limiting the security interest granted
                  hereby, each of the Companies hereby grants to Secured Party a
                  limited license in such Company trade names, trademarks and
                  service marks, together with the Company's goodwill associated
                  with such trade names, trademarks and servicemarks, for
                  purposes of allowing Secured Party to use the same in
                  connection with any foreclosure sale or any other disposition
                  pursuant to the UCC or this Agreement.

                           (d) The inclusion of proceeds in this Agreement does
                  not authorize any of the Companies to sell, dispose of or
                  otherwise use the Collateral in any manner not specifically
                  authorized hereby or under the Restructured O&G Agreement.

                           (e) This Agreement secures the prompt and complete
                  payment of all Obligations.

                  Section 3. Representations and Warranties. Each of the
         Companies represents and warrants, as of the date hereof, to the
         Secured Party as follows:

                           (a) The chief executive office and principal place of
                  business of each of the Companies is located at 1300 N. Sam
                  Houston Parkway East, Suite 320, Houston, Harris County, Texas
                  77032. Any and all Collateral not delivered to the Secured
                  Party or its designated agent is and will continue to be
                  located only in the States of Texas, Louisiana, Alabama,
                  Mississippi and North Dakota.

                           (b) the Companies are the legal and beneficial owner
                  of all of the Collateral free and clear of any lien, security
                  interest, charge or encumbrance of any kind or nature, except
                  for the lien and security interest created hereby, Permitted
                  Liens and the Jefferies Lien, and none of the Companies has
                  made any other pledge, assignment, mortgage, hypothecation or
                  transfer of the Collateral except as permitted hereunder or
                  under the Restructured O&G Agreement. Except for Permitted
                  Liens, the Collateral taken as a whole is free from any
                  material credit, deduction, allowance, defense, dispute,
                  setoff or counterclaim and there is no material extension or
                  indulgence with respect thereto. The Pledged Securities are
                  not subject to any put, call, option or other right in favor
                  of any other person whatsoever.

                           (c) The Pledged Securities are have been duly
                  authorized and validly issued and non-assessable.

                                    (i) This Agreement has been duly executed
                           and delivered by each of the Companies and creates a
                           valid security interest in, and lien on, the
                           Collateral securing the payment of the Obligations.
                           Upon the delivery of physical certificates evidencing
                           the Pledged Securities to the Secured Party or its
                           designated agent and the making of the filings and
                           the taking of all other actions necessary, if any, to
                           perfect the security interests created hereby,
                           including, without limitation, those actions
                           specified in Section 2(b) and Section 4, the security
                           interests created by this Agreement will be duly
                           perfected security interests subject to no equal or
                           prior lien, security interest or encumbrance of any
                           kind or nature other than the Jefferies Lien.
                           Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
                           Section, pursuant to the Confirmation Order all liens


                           hereunder shall, for all purposes, be valid,
                           perfected, enforceable, non-avoidable and effective
                           as of the Effective Date without any further action
                           by the Thornwood or by the Debtors and without the
                           execution, filing or recordation of any financing
                           statement, security agreement, mortgage or other

                           (d) Each of the Companies has the requisite corporate
                  power and authority to pledge the Collateral in the manner
                  hereby done or contemplated and to defend its title thereto
                  against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.

                           (e) Neither the execution and delivery of this
                  Agreement by any of the Companies, the performance by any of
                  the Companies of its obligations hereunder, nor the
                  transactions herein contemplated will (i) violate any of the
                  Companies' charter or bylaws, (ii) violate the terms of any
                  agreement, indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, equipment
                  lease, instrument or other document to which any of the
                  Companies is a party, (iii) violate any law, order, rule or
                  regulation applicable to any of the Company of any court or
                  any government, regulatory body or administrative agency or
                  other governmental body having jurisdiction over any Company
                  or its properties, or (iv) result in or require the creation
                  or imposition of any lien (other than the lien contemplated
                  hereby), upon or with respect to any of the property now owned
                  or hereafter acquired by any of the Companies, which violation
                  or conflict would have a material adverse effect on the
                  financial condition, business, assets or liabilities of any of
                  the Companies or on the value of the Collateral or a material
                  adverse effect on the security interests hereunder.

                           (f) The Pledged Securities includes the issued and
                  outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Pledged Subsidiaries
                  and as of the date of execution hereof, there are no
                  outstanding options, warrants or other rights to subscribe for
                  or purchase any property of the Companies or the Pledged
                  Subsidiaries or any notes, bonds, debentures or other
                  evidences of indebtedness that (i) are at any time convertible
                  into capital stock of the Pledged Subsidiaries or (ii) have or
                  at any time could by their terms have voting rights with
                  respect to any matters affecting the Pledged Subsidiaries.

                           (g) No consent or approval which has not been
                  obtained prior to the date hereof of any other person or
                  entity and no authorization, approval or other action (other
                  than delivery of physical certificates evidencing the Pledged
                  Securities) by, and no notice to or filing with any
                  governmental body (other than UCC filings), regulatory
                  authority or securities exchange, was or is necessary as a
                  condition to the validity of the pledge hereunder of the
                  Collateral, and such pledge is effective to vest in the
                  Secured Party the rights of the Secured Party in the
                  Collateral as set forth herein. There are no restrictions on
                  the transferability of any of the Collateral transferred or
                  delivered by the Companies hereunder or, except for
                  restrictions related to federal and state securities laws
                  governing the sale of "restricted stock" or "control stock,"
                  with respect to the foreclosure, transfer or disposition
                  thereof by the Secured Party.

                           (h) As of the date hereof, GB Processing and GB
                  Pipeline are the only Material Subsidiaries of the Companies.


                  Section 4. Covenants. During the term of this Agreement and
         until all the Obligations have been fully and finally paid and
         discharged in full, each the Companies covenants and agrees with the
         Secured Party that:

                           (a) Except as permitted by the Restructured O&G
                  Agreement or in the ordinary course of business, none of the
                  Companies will make any compromise or settlement with respect
                  to the Collateral without notice to or consent of the Secured

                           (b) Subject to the Jefferies Lien and the Jefferies
                  Documentation, each of the Companies shall deliver to the
                  Secured Party or its designated agent concurrently with the
                  execution of this Agreement or, to the extent acquired
                  subsequent to the date of execution hereof, including without
                  limitation Pledged Securities issued by a newly created or
                  acquired Subsidiary, immediately upon such Companies'
                  acquisition thereof: (i) all certificates and instruments
                  representing the Pledged Securities, and (ii) all certificates
                  and instruments representing each other item of Collateral
                  (including all certificates, instruments and notes
                  representing any such UCC Collateral). Any and all Pledged
                  Securities delivered to the Secured Party or its designated
                  agent shall be accompanied by undated duly executed powers in
                  blank and by such other instruments of transfer or documents
                  as the Secured Party may reasonably request. The Secured Party
                  may hold the certificates representing the Pledged Securities
                  delivered to it in its own name or in the name of its nominee,
                  all in form and substance satisfactory to the Secured Party.

                           (c) From time to time, each of the Companies shall,
                  at its own expense, promptly give, execute, deliver, file
                  and/or otherwise formalize any such notice, statement,
                  instrument, document, agreement or other papers, and do all
                  such other acts and things, as may be necessary or desirable,
                  or as the Secured Party may reasonably request, in order to
                  create, evidence, preserve, perfect, validate or continue any
                  lien or security interest created pursuant to this Agreement
                  or to enable the Secured Party to exercise or enforce its
                  rights hereunder with respect to such lien or security
                  interest, or otherwise further to effect the purposes of this
                  Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
                  each of the Companies shall, at any time or from time to time
                  upon the request of the Secured Party and at the Companies'
                  own expense, execute, acknowledge, witness, deliver, file
                  and/or record such financing and continuation statements,
                  notices, additional assignments and other documents or
                  instruments (all of which shall be in form and substance
                  satisfactory to the Secured Party and its counsel) as the
                  Secured Party may from time to time reasonably request for the
                  perfection of the liens and security interests created hereby.

                           (d) Each of the Companies shall promptly notify the
                  Secured Party (i) of any material changes in any fact or
                  circumstance represented or warranted by any of the Companies
                  with respect to any material portion of the Collateral, (ii)
                  of any material impairment of the Collateral and (iii) of any
                  claim, action or proceeding affecting title to all or any of
                  the Collateral.

                           (e) Except for the liens and security interests
                  created by this Agreement and the Permitted Liens in the
                  Collateral, each of the Companies shall at its own expense


                  defend the Collateral against any and all liens, claims,
                  security interests and other encumbrances or interests,
                  howsoever arising and shall maintain and preserve the security
                  interest granted hereunder with respect to the Collateral as
                  long as this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
                  None of the Companies shall make any other pledge, assignment,
                  mortgage, hypothecation or transfer of the Collateral except
                  as permitted hereunder or under the Restructured O&G

                           (f) Each of the Companies shall at all times keep
                  accurate and complete records with respect to the Collateral,
                  including, without limitation, records of all payments made,
                  credit granted and proceeds received in connection therewith.

                           (g) None of the Companies shall relocate its
                  principal place of business or chief executive office to a
                  county or state other than that specified in Section 3(a) of
                  this Agreement unless such Company gives 30 days' prior
                  written notice to the Secured Party, which notice shall
                  specify the county and state into which such relocation is to
                  be made. The Collateral, to the extent not delivered to the
                  Secured Party pursuant to Section 2, will be kept at those
                  locations listed on the Perfection Certificate delivered to
                  the Secured Party herewith in the form attached as Exhibit A
                  hereto and none of the Companies will remove the Collateral
                  from such locations, without providing at least 30 days' prior
                  written notice to the Secured Party.

                           (h) Each of the Companies will keep the Collateral in
                  good order and repair, except in situations where not to do so
                  would not be material, and will not use the same in violation
                  of law or any policy of insurance thereon. The Secured Party,
                  or its designee, may inspect the Collateral at any reasonable
                  time, wherever located.

                           (i) The Secured Party, or its representative, shall
                  at all times have full and free access during normal business
                  hours to all of the books, correspondence and records of each
                  of the Companies relating to the Collateral (other than
                  information that is privileged and confidential) and the
                  Secured Party and its representatives may examine the same,
                  make abstracts therefrom and make photocopies thereof, and the
                  Companies agrees to render to the Secured Party, at the
                  Companies' cost and expense, such clerical and other
                  assistance as may be reasonably requested by the Secured Party
                  with regard thereto.

                           (j) The Companies shall not permit any of the Pledged
                  Subsidiaries to issue to the Companies any securities of the
                  type required to be pledged hereunder unless such securities
                  are promptly pledged and delivered hereunder to the Secured
                  Party or its designated agent in accordance with Section 2(b).

                           (k) If, while this Agreement is in effect, any stock
                  dividend, stock split, reclassification, readjustment,
                  reorganization, merger, consolidation, exchange offer, tender
                  offer or other change in the capital structure, including the
                  creation of any subscription or other rights relating to the
                  Pledged Securities, is declared or made, or proposed to be
                  declared or made, by any of the Pledged Subsidiaries or any
                  other issuer of the Collateral, all substituted and additional
                  securities or interest issued with respect to the Collateral
                  and evidenced by certificates shall be endorsed in blank by
                  the applicable Companies promptly upon receipt thereof or
                  otherwise appropriately transferred to the


                  Secured Party in negotiable form, and all certificates or
                  instruments evidencing such securities shall be delivered to
                  the Secured Party to be held under the terms of this Agreement
                  in the same manner as, and as a part of, the Collateral. All
                  Pledged Securities shall be evidenced by one or more
                  certificates. Any securities that may be issued upon exercise
                  of any subscription or other rights relating to the Pledged
                  Securities shall be endorsed in blank and delivered to the
                  Secured Party with any necessary powers.

                  Section 5. Powers of the Secured Party.

                           (a) Each of the Companies hereby irrevocably
                  designates and appoints the Secured Party as its
                  attorney-in-fact, with full power of substitution, for the
                  purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Agreement and
                  taking any action and executing any instrument, including,
                  without limitation, any financing statement or continuation
                  statement, and taking any other action to maintain the
                  validity, perfection, priority and enforcement of the security
                  interest intended to be created hereunder, that the Secured
                  Party may reasonably deem necessary or advisable to accomplish
                  the purposes hereof, which appointment as attorney-in-fact is
                  irrevocable and coupled with an interest.

                           (b) Without limiting the generality of Section 5(a)
                  hereof, each of the Companies hereby irrevocably authorizes
                  and empowers the Secured Party, upon the occurrence and during
                  the continuation of any Event of Default, at the expense of
                  such Companies, either in the Secured Party's own name or in
                  the name of any Companies, at any time and from time to time:

                                    (i) to ask, demand, receive, issue a receipt
                           for, give acquittance for, settle and compromise any
                           and all monies which may be or become due or payable
                           or remain unpaid at any time or times to any of the
                           Companies, and any and all other property which may
                           be or become deliverable at any time or times to any
                           of the Companies, under or with respect to the

                                    (ii) to endorse any drafts, checks, orders
                           or other instruments for the payment of money payable
                           to any of the Companies on account of the Collateral
                           (including any such draft, check, order or instrument
                           issued by any insurance company payable jointly to
                           any of the Companies and the Secured Party); and

                                    (iii) to settle, compromise, prosecute or
                           defend any action, claim or proceeding, or take any
                           other action, all either in its own name or in the
                           name of any of the Companies or otherwise, which the
                           Secured Party may deem to be necessary or advisable
                           for the purpose of exercising and enforcing its
                           powers and rights under this Agreement or in
                           furtherance of the purposes hereof, including any
                           action which by the terms of this Agreement is to be
                           taken by any of the Companies.

                           (c) Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as
                  requiring or obligating the Secured Party to make any
                  commitment or to make any inquiry as to the nature or
                  sufficiency of any payment received by it, or to present or
                  file any claim or notice, or to take any other action with
                  respect to any of the Collateral or any part thereof or the
                  amounts due or to become due in respect thereof or any
                  property covered thereby, or to


                  collect or enforce the payment of any amounts assigned to it
                  or to which it may otherwise be entitled hereunder at any time
                  or times other than to account for amounts or Collateral

                           (d) The Secured Party shall be entitled at any time
                  to file this Agreement, or a carbon, photographic or any other
                  reproduction of this Agreement, as a financing statement, but
                  the failure of the Secured Party to do so shall not impair the
                  validity or enforceability of this Agreement. The Secured
                  Party shall have no duty to comply with any recording, filing
                  or other legal requirements necessary to establish or maintain
                  the validity, priority or enforceability of, or the Secured
                  Party's rights in or to, any of the Collateral.

                           (e) In its discretion, the Secured Party may
                  discharge taxes and other encumbrances at any time levied or
                  placed on any of the Collateral, make repairs thereto and pay
                  any necessary filing fees. Each of the Companies agrees to
                  reimburse the Secured Party on demand for any and all
                  reasonable expenditures so made with interest on unpaid
                  amounts at the maximum rate permitted by law. The Secured
                  Party shall have no obligation to any of the Companies to make
                  any such expenditures, nor shall the making thereof relieve
                  any of the Companies of any default.

                           (f) Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding,
                  each of the Companies shall remain liable under each contract
                  or agreement comprised in the Collateral to be observed or
                  performed by such Companies thereunder. The Secured Party
                  shall not have any obligation or liability under any such
                  contract or agreement by reason of or arising out of this
                  Agreement or the receipt by the Secured Party of any payment
                  relating to any of the Collateral, nor shall the Secured Party
                  be obligated in any manner to perform any of the obligations
                  of any of the Companies under or pursuant to any such contract
                  or agreement, to make inquiry as to the nature or sufficiency
                  of any payment received by the Secured Party in respect of the
                  Collateral or as to the sufficiency of any performance by any
                  party under any such contract or agreement, to present or file
                  any claim, to take any action to enforce any performance or to
                  collect the payment of any amounts which may have been
                  assigned to the Secured Party or to which the Secured Party
                  may be entitled at any time or times other than to account for
                  amounts or Collateral received, and no action taken or omitted
                  shall give rise to any defense, counterclaim or right of
                  action against the Secured Party, unless the Secured Party's
                  actions are taken or omitted to be taken with gross negligence
                  or bad faith or constitute willful misconduct. The Secured
                  Party's sole duty with respect to the custody, safe keeping
                  and physical preservation of the Collateral in its possession,
                  under Section 9-207 of the UCC or otherwise, shall be to deal
                  with such Collateral in the same manner as the Secured Party
                  deals with similar property for its own account.

                           (g) If an Event of Default has occurred and is
                  continuing, the Secured Party may at any time, at its option,
                  transfer to itself or any nominee any securities constituting
                  the Pledged Securities, receive any income thereon and hold
                  such income as additional Collateral or apply it to the
                  Obligations. Regardless of whether any Obligations are due,
                  the Secured Party may demand, sue for, collect, or make any
                  settlement or compromise, which it deems desirable with
                  respect to the Collateral. Regardless of the adequacy of


                  Collateral or any other security for the Obligations, any
                  deposits or other sums at any time credited by or due from the
                  Secured Party to any of the Companies may at any time be
                  applied to or setoff against any of the Obligations.

                           (h) If an Event of Default has occurred and is
                  continuing, the Secured Party shall have all of the rights
                  with respect to the UCC Collateral as may be available to
                  secured parties under the UCC.

                           (i) If an Event of Default shall have occurred and be
                  continuing, each of the Companies shall, at the request of the
                  Secured Party, notify obligors on chattel paper and general
                  intangibles of the Companies and obligors on instruments for
                  which any of the Companies is an obligee of the security
                  interest of the Secured Party in any chattel paper, general
                  intangible or instrument and that payment thereof is to be
                  made directly to the Secured Party or to any financial
                  institution designated by the Secured Party as the Secured
                  Party's agent therefor, and the Secured Party may itself, if
                  an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing,
                  without notice to or demand upon the Companies, so notify said
                  obligors. After the making of such a request or the giving of
                  any such notification, each of the Companies shall hold any
                  proceeds of collection of chattel paper, general intangibles
                  and instruments received by such Companies as trustee for the
                  Secured Party without commingling the same with other funds of
                  such Companies and shall turn the same over to the Secured
                  Party in the identical form received, together with any
                  necessary endorsements or assignments. The Secured Party shall
                  apply the proceeds of collection of chattel paper, general
                  intangibles and instruments received by the Secured Party to
                  the Obligations, such proceeds to be immediately entered after
                  final payment in cash of the items giving rise to them.

                  Section 6. Voting Rights, Dividends, Etc.

                           (a) Until an Event of Default shall have occurred and
                  be continuing:

                                    (i) except as otherwise provided in this
                           Agreement, each of the Companies shall be entitled to
                           exercise any and all voting or consensual rights and
                           powers, including subscription rights, in relation to
                           the Pledged Securities; provided, however, that no
                           vote shall be cast or consent, waiver or ratification
                           given or action taken which would materially impair
                           the securities or the value thereof or violate any
                           provision of this Agreement, the Restructured O&G
                           Agreement or any other ancillary document;

                                    (ii) except as otherwise provided in this
                           Agreement, each of the Companies shall be entitled to
                           receive and retain any and all dividends,
                           distributions or other payments in respect of the
                           Pledged Securities and the Secured Party, upon
                           receipt of any of the foregoing, shall promptly pay
                           or distribute the same to the applicable Companies,
                           and, to the extent so permitted, any distributions
                           received by such Companies and transferred to other
                           persons shall pass free and clear of the lien and
                           security interest hereof; and

                                    (iii) the Secured Party shall execute and
                           deliver to each of the Companies or cause to be
                           executed and delivered to such Companies, all such


                           proxies, powers of attorney, dividend orders and
                           other instruments as such Companies may reasonably
                           request for the purpose of enabling it to exercise
                           the voting or consensual rights and powers which such
                           Companies is entitled to exercise pursuant to the
                           foregoing Section 6(a)(i) or to receive the
                           dividends, distributions or other payments which such
                           Companies is authorized to retain pursuant to the
                           foregoing Section 6(a)(ii).

                           (b) Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of
                  an Event of Default, all rights of each of the Companies to
                  exercise the voting or consensual rights and powers which it
                  would otherwise be entitled to exercise pursuant to Section
                  6(a)(i) and to receive the dividends, distributions and other
                  payments which the Pledgor would otherwise be authorized to
                  receive and retain pursuant to Section 6(a)(ii) shall
                  automatically cease, and all such rights shall thereupon
                  become vested in the Secured Party, which shall then have the
                  sole and exclusive right and authority to exercise, in its
                  sole discretion, all such voting and consensual rights and
                  powers and to receive and retain as Collateral all such
                  dividends, distributions and other payments. Without limiting
                  the foregoing, in such event the Secured Party may exercise
                  all voting and corporate rights at any meeting of any
                  corporation issuing any such securities and any and all rights
                  of conversion, exchange, subscription or any other rights,
                  privileges or options pertaining to any such securities as if
                  it were the absolute owner thereof, including, without
                  limitation, the rights to exchange at its discretion, any and
                  all such securities upon the merger, consolidation,
                  reorganization, recapitalization or other readjustment of any
                  corporation issuing any such securities or upon the exercise
                  by any such issuer or the Secured Party of any right,
                  privilege or option pertaining to any such securities, and, in
                  connection therewith, to deposit and deliver any and all
                  securities with any committee, depository, transfer agent,
                  registrar or other designated agency upon such terms and
                  conditions as it may determine, all without liability except
                  to account for the property actually received by it, but the
                  Secured Party shall have no duty to exercise any of the
                  aforesaid rights, privileges or options and the Secured Party
                  shall not be responsible for any failure to do so or delay in
                  so doing.

                  Section 7. Default.

                           (a) It shall constitute a Default or an Event of
                  Default under this Agreement if a "Default" or an "Event of
                  Default" shall occur under the Restructured O&G Agreement.

                           (b) If an Event of Default shall have occurred and is
                  continuing and if the Obligations are accelerated under the
                  provisions of the Restructured O&G Agreement, in addition to
                  any other rights and remedies that may be available to the
                  Secured Party under the UCC or the Restructured O&G Agreement
                  or under Section 5 of this Agreement or otherwise under this
                  Agreement or at law, the Secured Party shall also have the
                  following rights and powers:

                                    (i) The Secured Party may, without being
                           required to give any notice except as hereinafter
                           provided, sell the Collateral, or any part thereof,
                           at public or private sale, for cash, upon credit or
                           for future delivery and at such price or prices


                           as the Secured Party deems satisfactory, and the
                           Secured Party and/or its collateral agent may be the
                           purchaser of any or all of the Collateral so sold and
                           thereafter hold the same absolutely free from any
                           right or claim of whatsoever kind, and the
                           Obligations or any portion of the Obligations may be
                           applied as a credit against the purchase price.

                                    (ii) Upon any such sale, the Secured Party
                           shall have the right to deliver, assign and transfer
                           to the purchaser thereof the Collateral so sold. Each
                           purchaser at any such sale shall hold the property
                           sold absolutely free from any claim or right of
                           whatsoever kind by or on behalf of any of the
                           Companies, including any equity or rights of
                           redemption of any of the Companies, and each of the
                           Companies hereby specifically waives, to the full
                           extent permitted by applicable law, all rights of
                           redemption, stay or appraisal which it has or may
                           have under any rule or law or statute now existing or
                           hereafter adopted.

                                    (iii) The Secured Party shall give each of
                           the Companies ten (10) business days' written notice
                           (which each of the Companies agrees is reasonable
                           notification within the meaning of Section 9-611 of
                           the UCC) of its intention to make any such public or
                           private sale. Such notice, in case of public sale,
                           shall state the time and place fixed for such sale
                           and, in case of a private sale, shall state the date
                           after which such sale is to be made.

                                    (iv) Any such public sale shall be held at
                           such time or times within ordinary business hours and
                           at such places as the Secured Party may fix in the
                           notices of such sale. At any such sale the Collateral
                           may be sold in one lot as an entirety or in separate
                           parcels, as the Secured Party may, in its sole
                           discretion, determine.

                                    (v) The Secured Party shall not be obligated
                           to make any sale of the Collateral of any part
                           thereof if it shall determine not to do so,
                           regardless of the fact that notice of sale of the
                           Collateral may have been given. The Secured Party
                           may, without notice or publication, adjourn any
                           public or private sale or cause the same to be
                           adjourned from time to time by announcement at the
                           time and place fixed for the sale, and such sale may,
                           without further notice, be made at any time or place
                           to which the same shall be so adjourned.

                                    (vi) In case of any sale of all or any part
                           of the Collateral on credit or for future delivery,
                           the Collateral so sold may be retained by the Secured
                           Party until the selling price is paid by the
                           purchaser thereof, but the Secured Party shall not
                           incur any liability in case of the failure of such
                           purchaser to take up and pay for the Collateral so
                           sold and, in case of any such failure, such
                           Collateral may again be sold upon like notice.

                                    (vii) The Secured Party, instead of
                           exercising the power of sale herein conferred upon
                           it, may proceed by a suit or suits at law or in
                           equity to exercise its remedies regarding the
                           Collateral and sell the Collateral, or any portion
                           thereof, under a judgment or decree of a court or
                           courts of competent jurisdiction.


                                    (viii) Each of the Companies agrees that if
                           any Event of Default shall have occurred and be
                           continuing, then the Secured Party shall have the
                           right to take possession of the Collateral, and for
                           that purpose the Secured Party may, so far as any of
                           the Companies can give authority therefor, enter upon
                           any premises on which the Collateral may be situated
                           and remove the same therefrom with or without notice
                           or process of law. Each of the Companies waives any
                           and all rights that it may have to a judicial hearing
                           in advance of the enforcement of any of the Secured
                           Party's rights hereunder, including, without
                           limitation, its right following an Event of Default
                           to take immediate possession of the Collateral and to
                           exercise its rights with respect thereto.

                                    (ix) If under mandatory requirements of
                           applicable law, the Secured Party shall be required
                           to make disposition of the Collateral within a period
                           of time that does not permit the giving of notice to
                           the Companies as hereinbefore provided, the Secured
                           Party need give each of the Companies only such
                           notice of disposition as shall be reasonably
                           practicable in view of such mandatory requirements of

                                    (x) The Secured Party may instruct the
                           obligor or obligors on any agreement, instrument or
                           other obligation constituting the Collateral to make
                           any payment or render any performance required by the
                           terms of such agreement, instrument or obligation
                           directly to the Secured Party or its designee.

                           (c) The Secured Party shall incur no liability as a
                  result of the sale of the Collateral, or any part thereof, at
                  any private sale other than for its own gross negligence,
                  willful misconduct or bad faith. Each of the Companies hereby
                  waives, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, any
                  claims against the Secured Party arising by reason of the fact
                  that the price at which the Collateral may have been sold at
                  such private sale was less than the price which might have
                  been obtained at a public sale or was less than the aggregate
                  amount of the Obligations, even if the Secured Party accepts
                  the first offer received and does not offer such Collateral to
                  more than one offeree.

                           (d) The Secured Party shall not be obligated to
                  pursue or exhaust its rights and remedies against any
                  particular Collateral or other security for the Obligations
                  before pursuing or enforcing its rights and remedies against
                  any other Collateral or other security for the Obligations.

                           (e) To the extent permitted by law, each of the
                  Companies hereby waives (i) any rights to require the Secured
                  Party to proceed first against any other Person, to exhaust
                  its rights in the Collateral or other security for the
                  Obligations or to pursue any other right that the Secured
                  Party might have, (ii) with respect to the Note, presentment
                  and demand for payment, protest, notice of protest and
                  nonpayment, notice of dishonor, notice of the intention to
                  accelerate and notice of acceleration (except as otherwise set
                  forth in the Restructured O&G Agreement), and (iii) all rights
                  of marshaling in respect of any and all of the Collateral.

                           (f) Without precluding any other methods of sale,
                  each of the Companies acknowledges that the sale of the
                  Collateral shall have been made in a commercially


                  reasonable manner if conducted in conformity with reasonable
                  commercial practices of institutional lenders disposing of
                  similar property. The Secured Party shall not be liable for
                  any depreciation in the value of the Collateral.

                           (g) Each of the Companies agrees that its obligation
                  to deliver the Collateral is of the essence of this Agreement
                  and that accordingly, upon application to a court of equity
                  having jurisdiction, the Secured Party shall be entitled to a
                  decree requiring specific performance by the Companies of such

                           (h) Remedies of the Secured Party are cumulative and
                  the exercise of any one or more of the remedies provided
                  herein shall not be construed as a waiver of any of the other
                  remedies of the Secured Party.

                           (i) If an Event of Default shall have occurred and be
                  continuing, the proceeds of any sale of or other realization
                  upon all or any part of the Collateral and any other amounts
                  held by the Secured Party under this Agreement shall be
                  applied by the Secured Party as provided in the Restructured
                  O&G Agreement.

                           Any amounts remaining after such applications and the
                  payment in full of the Note with respect to the Obligations
                  shall be remitted to the Companies, its successors or assigns,
                  or as a court of competent jurisdiction may otherwise direct.

                  Section 8. General Provisions.

                           (a) Continuing Security Interest; Binding Effect.
                  This Agreement shall create a continuing security interest in
                  the Collateral and shall (i) remain in full force and effect
                  until termination of the obligations of the Companies under
                  the Restructured O&G Agreement and the indefeasible payment in
                  full thereafter of the Obligations; (ii) be binding upon each
                  of the Companies and its successors and assigns; and (iii)
                  inure to the benefit of the Secured Party and its successors,
                  transferees and assigns. Without limiting the generality of
                  the foregoing clause (iii), the Secured Party may assign or
                  otherwise transfer any of its rights under this Agreement to
                  any other Person, and such Person shall thereupon become
                  vested with all the benefits in respect thereof granted herein
                  or otherwise to the Secured Party. Upon the termination of the
                  obligations of the Secured Party under the Restructured O&G
                  Agreement and the indefeasible payment in full thereafter of
                  the Obligations, each of the Companies shall be entitled to
                  the return, upon its request and at its expense, of such of
                  the Collateral as is in the Secured Party's possession and as
                  shall not have been sold or otherwise disposed of pursuant to
                  the terms hereof.

                           (b) Security Interest Absolute. The lien and security
                  interest created hereunder and the Companies' obligations
                  hereunder and the Secured Party's rights hereunder shall not
                  be released, diminished, impaired or adversely affected by the
                  occurrence of any one or more of the following events:

                                    (i) The taking or accepting of any other
                           security or assurance for any or all of the


                                    (ii) Any release, surrender, exchange,
                           subordination or loss of any security or assurance at
                           any time existing in connection with any or all of
                           the Obligations;

                                    (iii) The modification of, amendment to, or
                           waiver of compliance with any terms of the
                           Restructured O&G Agreement or the Note;

                                    (iv) Any renewal, extension and/or
                           rearrangement of the payment of any or all of the
                           Obligations or any statement, indulgence, forbearance
                           or compromise that may be granted or given by the
                           Secured Party to any of the Companies or any other

                                    (v) any neglect, delay, omission, failure or
                           refusal of the Secured Party to take or prosecute any
                           action in connection with any agreement, document or
                           other instrument evidencing, securing or assuring the
                           payment of any or all of the Obligations;

                                    (vi) the illegality, invalidity or
                           unenforceability of all or any part of the
                           Restructured O&G Agreement or the Note; or

                                    (vii) any other circumstance (other than
                           payment in full of the Obligations) that might
                           otherwise constitute a defense available to, or a
                           discharge of, the Companies or any party to any
                           document in respect of the Obligations.

                           (c) Amendments. This Agreement or any term hereof may
                  be amended or changed only by an instrument in writing
                  executed jointly by each of the Companies and the Secured
                  Party and in accordance with the Restructured O&G Agreement.

                           (d) Remedies Cumulative. Each right, power and remedy
                  herein specifically granted to the Secured Party or otherwise
                  available to it or now or hereafter existing in law or in
                  equity shall be cumulative and concurrent, and shall be in
                  addition to every other right, power and remedy herein
                  specifically given or now or hereafter existing at law, in
                  equity, or otherwise (including, without limitation, all
                  rights, powers and remedies granted to a secured party under
                  the UCC), and each such right, power and remedy, whether
                  specifically granted herein or otherwise existing, may be
                  exercised at any time and from time to time as often and in
                  such order as may be deemed expedient by the Secured Party in
                  its sole and complete discretion. The provisions of this
                  Agreement may only be waived by an instrument in writing
                  signed by the Secured Party, and no failure on the part of the
                  Secured Party to exercise, and no delay in exercising, and no
                  course of dealing with respect to, any such right, power or
                  remedy, shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any
                  single or partial exercise of any such right, power or remedy
                  preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise
                  of any other right. No notice to or demand on any of the
                  Companies hereunder shall, of itself, entitle any of the
                  Companies to any other or further notice or demand in the same
                  or similar circumstances.

                           (e) Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor any
                  interest herein or in the Collateral, or any part thereof, may
                  be assigned by any of the Companies without the


                  prior written consent of the Secured Party, except as
                  expressly permitted herein or in the Restructured O&G

                           (f) Headings. The descriptive headings of the several
                  sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only
                  and shall not control or affect the meaning or construction of
                  any of the provisions hereof.

                           (g) Severability. Any provision of this Agreement
                  that is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall,
                  as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such
                  prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the
                  remaining provisions hereof or affecting the validity of
                  enforceability or such provision in any other jurisdiction.

                           (h) Survival. All representations and warranties
                  contained herein, in the Restructured O&G Agreement or made in
                  writing by any of the Companies in connection herewith or
                  therewith, shall survive the execution and delivery of this
                  Agreement, the Restructured O&G Agreement and any documents
                  executed in connection herewith or therewith.

                           (i) Counterparts; Facsimiles. This Agreement may be
                  executed in any number of counterparts and by different
                  parties in separate counterparts, each of which when so
                  executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original, but
                  all of which when taken together shall constitute one and the
                  same instrument. A complete set of counterparts shall be
                  lodged with the Secured Party. Any signature delivered by fax
                  shall be deemed an original signature hereto.

                           (j) Waiver. To the extent permitted by applicable law
                  each of the Companies hereby waives promptness, diligence,
                  notice of acceptance and any other notice with respect to any
                  of the Restructured O&G Agreement obligations and this
                  Agreement and any requirement that the Secured Party protect,
                  secure, perfect or insure any security interest or any
                  property subject thereto or exhaust any right or take any
                  action against any of the Companies or any other person or
                  entity; provided however, that the Secured Party shall in any
                  event take such care in the handling of any Collateral in its
                  possession as it takes with respect to its own property of a
                  similar nature in its possession.

                           (k) Notices. Any notices or other communications
                  required or permitted hereunder shall be made in the manner
                  provided in the Restructured O&G Agreement.

                           (l) Conflicting Terms. In the event of any conflict
                  or inconsistency between the terms, covenants, conditions and
                  provisions set forth in this Agreement and the terms,
                  covenants, conditions and provisions set forth in the
                  Restructured O&G Agreement, the terms, covenants, conditions
                  and provisions of the Restructured O&G Agreement shall

                           (m) Governing Law. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED



                            [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS]


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Companies and the Secured Party have executed
this Amended and Restated Agreement as of the date first above written.

                                            TRANSTEXAS GAS CORPORATION


                                            GALVESTON BAY PIPELINE COMPANY


                                            GALVESTON BAY PROCESSING CORPORATION


                                          THORNWOOD ASSOCIATES LP
                                             By: Barberry Corp., General Partner


EXHIBIT A (PERFECTION CERTIFICATE) - to be provided by the Debtors

SCHEDULE 1(a) - to be provided by the Debtors