748245 October 5, 2004

                                                                    Exhibit 10.8

                          AMENDMENT TO 1991 AGREEMENTS

     This Amendment to two 1991 Agreements ("AMENDMENT") is entered into by and
between Harold W. Gegenheimer, 2 Eldredge Street, Mystic, CT 06355 ("MR.
GEGENHEIMER"), Baldwin Technology Corporation ("BTC"), Baldwin Graphics Systems,
Inc. ("BGS") and Baldwin Technology Company, Inc. ("BTI") of 12 Commerce Drive,
Shelton, CT 06484-0941.

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     A. On April 11, 1991, BTI and Mr. Gegenheimer entered into an agreement
that provided, among other things, that BTI would pay certain sums to Mr.
Gegenheimer each year for the remainder of his natural life in return for the
services and other consideration provided by Mr. Gegenheimer in accordance with
Agreements ## 1 and 2 (as defined below).

     B. Also on April 11, 1991, BTC and BGS entered into an agreement with Mr.
Gegenheimer under which they agree to pay him certain sums for the remainder of
his natural life in return for the services and other consideration provided by
Mr. Gegenheimer in accordance with Agreements ## 1 and 2.

     C. There is now a need to correct an unintentional failure by the parties
to increase the payments due Mr. Gegenheimer under the BTC/BGS 1991 agreement
and agree on the calculation of the monies that were to have been be paid to Mr.
Gegenheimer under the BTC/BGS agreement.

     D. The parties wish to agree on the adjustments required for an equitable
provision for future increases in amounts due under the BTC/BGS 1991 agreement
and amend and restate the two agreements in a manner so as to avoid future

     Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth below and
other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged, the parties agree as follows.



     1.1. "AGREEMENT #1" shall mean the agreement dated April 11, 1991 between
          Mr. Gegenheimer and BTI.

     1.2. "AGREEMENT #2" shall mean the agreement dated April 11, 1991 between
          Mr. Gegenheimer and BGS and BTC.

     1.3. "BASE PAYMENT" shall mean Four Hundred and Ten Thousand, Forty Dollars
          ($410,040). The Base Payment shall be comprised of two components: (a)
          a "FLAT PAYMENT" of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000); and (b),
          an "ESCALATING PAYMENT" that shall begin at Two Hundred and Ten
          Thousand, Forty Dollars ($210,040), and grow annually pursuant to the
          terms set forth in Section 3 below.

     1.4. "BGS" shall mean Baldwin Graphic Systems, Inc.

     1.5. "BTC" shall mean Baldwin Technology Corporation.

     1.6. "BTI" shall mean Baldwin Technology Company, Inc.

     1.7. "BALDWIN" shall mean BTI, BTC and BGS.

     1.8. "EFFECTIVE DATE" shall mean July 1, 2004.


     2.1. AGREEMENTS ## 1 AND 2 AMENDED. Upon the execution of this Agreement,
          and effective as of July 1, 2004, Agreements ## 1 and 2 are hereby
          amended by the parties to be consistent with the terms of this
          Amendment. Without limiting the foregoing, the first three (3)
          sentences of Section 3 of Agreement # 1 and Section 1 of Agreement # 2
          are deleted and replaced by the terms of this Amendment.

     2.2. AMENDED OBLIGATIONS. Agreements ## 1 and 2 are hereby amended so that,
          with regard to future payments to Mr. Gegenheimer of the sums
          described in Section 1.3 above, Baldwin shall have only the following

          2.2.1. In the twelve month period commencing July 1, 2004, Baldwin
                 shall pay to Mr. Gegenheimer the Base Payment, payable in
                 twelve equal monthly installments in return for the services
                 and other consideration provided by Mr. Gegenheimer in
                 accordance with Agreements ## 1 and 2. Any payments that
                 Baldwin made for this time period under Agreements ## 1 and
                 2 shall be credited to Baldwin's obligations under this
                 Amendment, on a dollar for dollar basis.

          2.2.2. In each subsequent twelve month period, commencing July 1, 2005
                 and continuing for the remainder of Mr. Gegenheimer's
                 natural life, Baldwin


                 shall continue to pay Mr. Gegenheimer the Flat Payment
                 ($200,000.00) in twelve equal monthly installments in return
                 for the services and other consideration provided by Mr.
                 Gegenheimer in accordance with Agreements ## 1 and 2.

          2.2.3. In addition to the Flat Payments made pursuant to Section
                 2.2.2, in each subsequent twelve month period, commencing
                 July 1, 2005 and continuing for the remainder of Mr.
                 Gegenheimer's natural life, Baldwin shall pay to Mr.
                 Gegenheimer the Escalating Payment in twelve equal monthly
                 installments in return for the services and other
                 consideration provided by Mr. Gegenheimer in accordance with
                 Agreements ## 1 and 2.

          the parties hereby restate and ratify BTI's obligations under the
          remaining portion of Section 3 of Agreement #1, which now reads: "BTI
          shall also reimburse you for bona-fide expenses incurred in the
          performance of your duties hereunder; provided that all such expenses
          shall be submitted monthly and properly documented in the same manner
          as required by BTI of its senior executives. Travel reimbursement
          shall be at first class rates. BTI shall maintain your current
          participation in its group health and life insurance plans in the same
          manner as provided in prior years under the Prior Agreements."

     2.4. TERMINATION UPON DEATH. Baldwin's payment obligations under Section
          2.2 of this Agreement shall terminate immediately upon the death of
          Mr. Gegenheimer. Baldwin shall pay a pro-rata amount for the last
          month of Mr. Gegenheimer's life. (Example: If Mr. Gegenheimer were to
          die on the 10th of the month in the first year of this Agreement, BTI
          would be liable to pay his estate for ten days' worth of the monthly
          payment. If the monthly payment was $34,170, BTI would owe $11,390
          (assuming a 30-day month)).


     Effective with the payments commencing on July 1, 2005, the Escalating
Payment shall be increased by a percentage amount as follows: If in the
proceeding calendar year, the Consumer Price Index, All Urban Consumers,
Northeast Region Average, All Items (the "CPI") increased, then the Escalating
Payment shall increase by the same percentage; provided however, that in no
event shall the Escalating Payment increase more than Four Percent (4%) in any
one twelve month period.


     4.1 PAYMENT IN LIEU OF PRIOR OBLIGATIONS. In addition to the payments set
     forth above, Baldwin shall, within thirty (30) days following the execution
     of this Agreement, pay to Mr. Gegenheimer the sum of One Hundred Eighty
     Thousand Dollars ($180,000) in total satisfaction all claims Mr.
     Gegenheimer had or might have had under Agreements ## 1 and 2 for any past
     due amounts.



     5.1. In consideration of the sum of $180,000 paid to him pursuant to
          Section 4 of this Agreement, Mr. Gegenheimer hereby - irrevocably and
          unconditionally releases, acquits and forever discharges Baldwin and
          each of its agents, directors, officers, shareholders and executives,
          from any and all claims, charges, complaints, causes of action,
          demands or suits (including attorneys' fees and costs actually
          incurred) of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, including, but
          not limited to, rights under federal, state or local laws, which Mr.
          Gegenheimer now has, claims to have, own or hold, or which Mr.
          Gegenheimer at any time heretofore had arising from Agreement #1 and
          Agreement #2, which arose prior to the date of execution of this
          Settlement Agreement and Amendment; provided, however, that this
          release shall not extend to any claims to enforce the provisions of
          this Amendment. Without limiting the foregoing, Mr. Gegenheimer
          expressly releases Baldwin from any and all claims Mr. Gegenheimer had
          or now has with regard to Agreements ## 1 and 2, whether known or
          unknown and waives any and all rights to increases in the payments due
          him under Agreement #1 and Agreement #2 except as provided by this


     6.1 SALE OF ASSETS. In the event that Baldwin sells all or substantially
all of its assets to a third party, Mr. Gegenheimer shall have the following

          6.1.1 Mr. Gegenheimer may elect to have Baldwin continue to pay him
               under Agreements ## 1 and 2, as amended by this Amendment, on a
               year-to-year basis for the remainder of his natural life in
               return for the services and other consideration provided by Mr.
               Gegenheimer in accordance with Agreements ## 1 and 2; or

          6.1.2 Mr. Gegenheimer may elect to have Baldwin make a final payment,
               in complete fulfillment of Baldwin's obligations under Agreements
               ## 1 and 2, as amended by this Amendment, of ONE AND FOUR-TENTHS
               (1.4X) of the then-current annual (i.e., July 1-June 30) payments
               being made by Baldwin as of the date of the agreement for the
               sale of the assets. Baldwin, as the case may be, shall make that
               payment within ninety (90) days following Mr. Gegenheimer's
               election. After making that payment, neither Baldwin nor any
               other Baldwin entity, nor Mr. Gegenheimer shall have any further
               obligations under Agreements ## 1 and 2 as amended by this

          6.1.3 Baldwin shall notify Mr. Gegenheimer of the sale no later than
               the second business day following the execution of the sale
               agreement. Within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the
               sale agreement is executed by both parties to the sale, Mr.
               Gegenheimer shall deliver to Baldwin his election under Sections
               6.1.1 and 6.1.2. If Mr. Gegenheimer fails to make an election
               within that thirty day


               period, Mr. Gegenheimer shall be deemed to have elected to have
               Baldwin continue to make payments pursuant to Section 6.1.1 of
               this Agreement.

     6.2  SALE OF STOCK. In the event that a third party (except Mr.
          Gegenheimer, any of his children, or any of their families) acquires
          shares of any class or classes of voting stock of the Company
          representing Fifty Percent (50%) or more of the total votes entitled
          to be cast by all of the then outstanding shares of all classes of
          voting stocks of the Company, Mr. Gegenheimer shall have the following

          6.2.1 Mr. Gegenheimer may elect to have Baldwin continue to pay him
               under this Agreement on a year-to-year basis for the remainder of
               his natural life in return for the services and other
               consideration provided by Mr. Gegenheimer in accordance with
               Agreements ## 1 and 2; or

          6.2.2 Mr. Gegenheimer may elect to have Baldwin make a final payment
               equal to the then-current annual (i.e., July 1-June 30) payments
               being made by Baldwin as of the date of the agreement for the
               sale of the assets. Baldwin shall make that payment within ninety
               (90) days following Mr. Gegenheimer's election. After making that
               payment, neither Baldwin (nor its successor corporation), nor any
               other Baldwin entity, nor Mr. Gegenheimer shall have any further
               obligations under Agreements ## 1 and 2 as amended by this

          6.2.3 Baldwin (or its successor corporation) shall notify Mr.
               Gegenheimer of the sale of a majority of BTI's outstanding voting
               shares of stock no later than the second business day following
               transfer of the controlling shares. Within thirty (30) calendar
               days from the date the controlling shares are transferred, Mr.
               Gegenheimer shall deliver to Baldwin (or its successor
               corporation) his election under Sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.2. If Mr.
               Gegenheimer fails to make an election within that thirty day
               period, Mr. Gegenheimer shall be deemed to have elected to have
               Baldwin (or its successor corporation) continue to make payments
               pursuant to Section 6.2.1.


     7.1 NOTICES. Any notice, demand or request required or permitted to be
given under this Agreement shall be either hand-delivered or deposited, postage
prepaid, in the U.S. mail, certified or registered mail, addressed as follows:

     If to Baldwin:                                           with a copy to

         Baldwin Technology Company, Inc.           H. Kennedy Hudner
         12 Commerce Drive                        Murtha Cullina LLP
         P.O. Box 901                            185 Asylum Street
         Shelton, CT  06484-0941                   CityPlace I


                                              Hartford, CT  06103


If to Mr. Gegenheimer:                   with a copy to:

    Harold W. Gegenheimer                WILLIAM W. MINER, ESQ.
    2 Eldredge Street                    WALLER, SMITH & PALMER, PC
    Mystic, CT 06355                     52 Eugene O'Neill Drive, P.O. Box 88
                                         New London, CT  06320

     Changes to the foregoing individuals or addresses may be made by notice
similarly given.

     7.2  CHOICE OF LAW AND VENUE. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws
          of the State of Connecticut, without regard to its choice of law
          provisions. Mr. Gegenheimer consents to the jurisdiction of the
          Federal District Court, District of Connecticut, and to the Superior
          Court of the State of Connecticut.

     7.3  ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Agreement #1, Agreement #2, and this Amendment are
          the entire agreement between Mr. Gegenheimer and Baldwin. This
          Agreement may only be modified by a written amendment signed by both
          parties. Except as modified herein Agreements ## 1and 2 are restated
          in their entirety; provided, however, in the event of any conflict
          between the provisions of this Amendment and Agreements ## 1 and 2,
          the provisions of this Amendment shall prevail. Any capitalized terms
          used in this Amendment that are not defined herein shall have the
          meaning given in Agreements ## 1 and 2.

     7.4  FORCE MAJEURE. Neither party shall be liable for delay in performance
          hereunder due to forces beyond its control, including but not limited
          to acts of God, fires, strikes or other labor disputes, acts of war or
          intervention by any governmental authority, and each party shall take
          steps to minimize any such delay.

     7.5  CONTRACT INTERPRETATION. Both parties have had an opportunity to
          review this Amendment with their respective legal counsel and have
          negotiated the terms of this Agreement to their satisfaction. In
          interpreting the meaning of any provision of this Agreement, the
          parties request that the tribunal deem each party to be the drafter of
          the Agreement.

     7.6  NO WAIVER. The waiver of any breach of this Agreement by the
          non-breaching party shall not constitute a waiver of any other breach
          or of any future breach of the same obligation.


     7.7  NO ASSIGNMENT. Mr. Gegenheimer MAY NOT ASSIGN his rights or
          obligations under Agreements ## 1 and 2, as amended by this Amendment,
          without the prior written consent of Baldwin. Any attempted assignment
          in violation of this sub-section shall be void.

     7.8  DUPLICATE AGREEMENTS. This Amendment may be executed in two
          counterparts, each of which shall be considered to be an original
          contract for evidentiary purposes.

     7.9  EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement shall be deemed effective as of July 1,

     7.10 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. The terms and provisions of this Agreement
          shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs,
          successors, personal representatives, and assigns of the parties

     To signify their acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth above,
the parties have caused their authorized representatives to execute this
Agreement as follows:


     Date:  ______________________________


     By:  _______________________________

     Title:  ______________________________

     Date:  ______________________________


     By:  _______________________________

     Title:  ______________________________

     Date:  ______________________________


     By:  _______________________________

     Title:  ______________________________


     Date:  ______________________________

     Harold W. Gegenheimer subscribed, sealed, and declared to be his Amendment
to 1991 Agreements, in the presence of us, who in his presence and at his
request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as
witnesses at ________________, ________________, this ______ day of August,

__________________________________  of  _______________________________

__________________________________  of  _______________________________


     We, the undersigned, being duly sworn, depose and say that we witnessed the
execution of the within Amendment to 1991 Agreements by the within named party,
Harold W. Gegenheimer; that said Harold W. Gegenheimer subscribed said Amendment
to 1991 Agreements in our presence; that we thereafter subscribed the same as
witnesses in the presence of said Harold W. Gegenheimer and in the presence of
each other and at the request of said Harold W. Gegenheimer; that the said
Harold W. Gegenheimer at the time of the execution of said Amendment to 1991
Agreements appeared to us to be of full age and mentally alert and capable in
every respect to execute a contract dealing with his legal rights and
obligations and appeared to understand that he was releasing certain legal
claims in exchange for a payment of money; and that we make this affidavit at
the request of said Harold W. Gegenheimer.



STATE OF _______________   )
                            )  ss.  _______________                    [date]
COUNTY OF ________________  )       [city]

         Then and there personally appeared before me,
 ____________________________, and ______________________________ and
subscribed and made oath unto the truth of the foregoing affidavit.

                                     [Commissioner of the Superior Court]
                                     Notary Public


