425 LEXINGTON AVENUE
                            NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017-3954
                                 (212) 455-2000


                            FACSIMILE (212) 455-2502

DIRECT DIAL NUMBER                                                E-MAIL ADDRESS
212-455-3189                                                  ETOLLEY@STBLAW.COM

                                         March 3, 2006


                               Re: Dresser-Rand Group Inc. -
                                   Registration Statements on
                                   Form S-1, File No.:  333-131300 and Form
                                   S-4, File No.: 333-131212

Jay Mumford
Division of Corporation Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Mail Stop 6010
Washington, DC 20549

Dear Mr. Mumford:

            On behalf of Dresser-Rand Group Inc. (the "Company"), Dresser-Rand
LLC, Dresser-Rand Power LLC, Dresser-Rand Company, D-R Steam LLC and
Dresser-Rand Global Services, L.L.C. (collectively, the "Registrants") we are
providing the following responses to the comments set forth in the comment
letter of the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Staff")
dated February 17, 2006 (the "comment letter") relating to the above-referenced
Registration Statements on Form S-4 filed on January 23, 2006 (the "S-4
Registration Statement") and Form S-1 filed on January 26, 2006 (the "S-1
Registration Statement", and, together with the S-4 Registration Statement, the
"Registration Statements"). We have also revised each of the Registration
Statements in response to the Staff's comments, as applicable, and are filing
concurrently with this letter Amendment No. 1 to the S-1 Registration Statement
and Amendment No. 1 to the S-4 Registration Statement, which reflect these
revisions and generally update financial and other information. The S-1
Registration Statement also has been revised to insert offering size and other
offering-related information.

            The additional filing fee for the S-1 Registration Statement in the
amount of $18,528.12 has been deposited by wire transfer of same-day funds to
the Securities and Exchange Commission's account at Mellon Bank.

            For your convenience, the numbered paragraphs of this letter
correspond to the numbered paragraphs of the comment letter. Page references in
the text of this letter

Securities and Exchange Commission
March 3, 2006
Page 2

correspond to the pages of the amended Registration Statements. The responses
and information described herein are based upon information provided to us by
the Registrants.


   1.    All references below prior to our comments refer to those comments that
         we issued in our letter to you dated March 11, 2005 concerning your
         Form S-4 registration statement originally filed on February 11, 2005
         (File No. 333-122757).

         The Staff's comment is duly noted.


   2.    We note that the disclosure regarding your contacts with countries
         identified as terrorist-sponsoring states in the risk factor headed
         "Economic, political and other risks associated with international
         sales and operations could adversely affect our business." in your S-1
         and S-4 filed on January 26, 2006, differs from the disclosure under
         the same heading on page 17 of your prospectus filed pursuant to Rule
         424(b)(4) on August 8, 2005. The phrases "which may have a material
         adverse effect on the valuation of our stock" and "that may have a
         material adverse effect on the price of our shares" are not included in
         the second paragraph of the current disclosure regarding your contacts
         with such countries. Please advise us of the reasons you deleted these
         phrases from your disclosure. In this regard, we note that, subsequent
         to your Rule 424(b)(4) filing, California and Oregon have also adopted
         provisions relating to the investment of state funds in companies that
         do business in Sudan, and Dartmouth College has determined not to
         invest in specified companies with business ties to Sudan.

         The Registrants have revised the disclosure on page 17 of the S-1
         Registration Statement and page 29 of the S-4 Registration Statement to
         include this language as it was inadvertently omitted from the
         Registration Statements.

   3.    We note your response to our prior comment 5. However, the disclosure
         that you provided in your Form S-1 registration statement (File No.
         333-124963) in response to such comment does not appear in the summary
         of the Form S-4 registration statement. Please provide the applicable

         The Registrants have revised the disclosure on page 5 of the S-4
         Registration Statement in response to the Staff's comment.


   4.    We note your response to our prior comment 52. Please add compensation
         disclosure for the fiscal year just completed.

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March 3, 2006
Page 3

         The Registrants have revised the disclosure on pages 91, 92 and 93 of
         the S-1 Registration Statement and pages 101 and 102 of the S-4
         Registration Statement to add compensation disclosure for the 2005
         fiscal year.


   5.    We note your response to our prior comment 66. Please provide a
         detailed legal analysis of how you believe this "consideration for the
         issuance of notes" is consistent with the Exxon Capital line of
         no-action letters.

         After further consideration of the Staff's comment, and after
         discussing this comment further with the Staff, the Registrants
         continue to believe that the provision at issue is not inconsistent
         with the Exxon Capital line of no-action letters. First, the
         Registrants continue to believe that this provision is not a material
         provision of the indenture and that few sophisticated investors that
         purchase these types of securities concern themselves with this
         provision. Indeed, counsel to the Registrants knows of no situation
         where an investor has commented on the provision, whereas the investors
         that purchase these types of securities routinely comment on the
         restrictive covenants and the various exceptions thereto. We believe
         that this is so since it is very clear that the parties referenced in
         the waiver provision are not obligors of the securities at issue.
         Accordingly, the Registrants strongly believe that this provision
         should have no bearing on whether the Registrants are permitted to do
         an Exxon Capital exchange. As part of this analysis, because we believe
         the provision is so immaterial, the Registrants find it difficult to
         assign any material amount of consideration to it such that the
         security might be viewed as having been sold with part cash/part
         non-cash consideration. Even if it were so viewed, the Registrants do
         not see anything in Exxon Capital that would preclude such security
         from being exchanged according to the procedures set forth in those
         letters. This is so since the Exxon Capital letters concern themselves
         principally with procedures, as opposed to the underlying substance of
         provisions in the indenture or preferred stock referenced in those
         letters. The Registrants understand that the basic principles of the
         Exxon Capital letters are that (i) tendering holders are not
         affiliates; (ii) tendering holders are acquiring the exchange
         securities in the ordinary course of their business; (iii) tendering
         holders have no arrangements or understandings with the issuer to
         participate in the distribution of the exchange securities; and (iv)
         among other related items, that broker-dealers may participate in the
         exchange offer as part of ordinary market making activities so long as
         they deliver a prospectus. The Registrants do not believe that the
         Exxon Capital letters focus on any substantive provisions of the
         underlying indenture and can find nothing in such letters that would
         result in a changed conclusion due to the inclusion or exclusion of the
         waiver provision at issue. Following up on the discussion counsel had
         with the Staff, the Registrants also believe that the
         waiver/consideration provision is a standard "boilerplate" provision
         that is included in most indentures, regardless of whether the

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March 3, 2006
Page 4

         underlying security is guaranteed or not guaranteed by subsidiaries
         and/or parent entities. Finally, the Registrants note that the
         provision at issue is included in the indenture, which governs both the
         outstanding securities and the exchange securities and that the
         disclosure of the provision was included in the original offering
         document and is included in the S-4 Registration Statement.
         Accordingly, the Registrants do not believe that this issue raises the
         same concerns that the Staff has raised recently when the structure or
         obligor changes pre- versus post-exchange offer. As you requested,
         counsel to the Registrants have consulted its bankruptcy experts who
         see no reason why such a provision would not be enforced by a
         bankruptcy judge or court.


   6.    We note your response to our prior comment 83. Please clarify which
         subsidiaries are non-guarantors.

         The Registrants have revised the disclosures on pages F-45, F-46, F-68
         and F-69 of each of the Registration Statements to include a list of
         the subsidiaries that do not guarantee the notes.

                                    * * * *

            Please call me (212-455-3189) or Lori E. Scher (212-455-2447) of my
firm if you wish to discuss our responses to the comment letter.

                                         Very truly yours,

                                         /s/ Edward P. Tolley III
                                         Edward P. Tolley III