Exhibit 3.15 Articles of Incorporation of Marketing Control Services, Inc. (SEAL) SCC619 (02/03) COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF A VIRGINIA STOCK CORPORATION The undersigned, pursuant to Chapter 9 of Title 13.1 of the Code of Virginia, state(s) as follows: 1. The name of the corporation is: MARKETING CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 2. The number (and classes, if any) of shares the corporation is authorized to issue is (are): NUMBER OF SHARES AUTHORIZED CLASS(ES) 1000 Commons ___________________________ ___________________________________ 3. A. The name of the corporation's initial registered agent is Capital Corporate Services. Inc. B. The initial registered agent is (mark appropriate box): (1) an individual who is a resident of Virginia and [ ] an Initial director of the corporation. [ ] a member of the Virginia State Bar. OR (2) [X] a domestic or foreign stock or nonstock corporation, limited liability company or registered limited liability partnership authorized to transact business in Virginia. 4. A. The corporation's initial registered office address, which is the business office of the initial registered agent is: 10 S- Jefferson Street, Suite 1400, Roanoke, VA 24011 (number/street) (city of town) (zip code) B. The registered office is physically located in the [X] city or [ ] county of Roanoke. ___________________________________. 5. The Initial directors are: NAME(S) ADDRESS(ES) - ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 6. INCORPORATOR(S); BY: /s/ Kavin A. Carey --------------------------------- Name of Officer: Kavin A. Carey -------------------- Title of Officer: Sole Incorporator ------------------- SIGNATURE(S) PRINTED NAME(S) Telephone number (optional): ----------------------------- SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE REVERSE. COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION July 21, 2003 The State Corporation Commission has found the accompanying articles submitted on behalf of MARKETING CONTROL SERVICES, INC. to comply with the requirements of law, and confirms payment of all required fees. Therefore, it is ORDERED that this CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION be issued and admitted to record with the articles of incorporation in the Office of the Clerk of the Commission, effective July 21, 2003. The corporation is granted the authority conferred on it by law in accordance with the articles, subject to the conditions and restrictions imposed by law. STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION By: /s/ Illegible ------------------------------------ Commissioner CORPACPT CIS0375 03-07-21-0172