EXHIBIT 10.2.3

                                      *** TEXT OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY
                                          CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED
                                          UNDER 17 C.F.R. SECTIONS 200.80(b)(4)
                                          and 230.406


                                                                     May 6, 2004

Mr. Marc Eisenberg
21700 Atlantic Boulevard
Dulles, Virginia 20166

Subject: QUOTATION - D-2500 and D-Lite

Dear Mr. Eisenberg,

Delphi Corporation is extremely excited about the opportunity you have brought
to us. We believe the Stellar low cost 2-way data communication system will
allow many new markets to afford asset-tracking capabilities on their products.

The pricing is volume based from SOP thru Jan. 1, 2007 with the exception that
the CY2007 pricing will become effective as soon as new, custom integrated
circuit design is available and validated, but no later than Jan. 1, 2007. If
production volumes exceed 220,000 units of D-2500 or 120,000 units of D-Lite
prior to Jan. 1, 2007, a new price can be negotiated.

  Calendar Year              Gen 1         2007    2008
- ------------------      --------------   -------  -------
Volume:  D-2500          [***]    [***]    [***]   [***]

    Price (USD)         $[***]   $[***]   $[***]  $[***]

Tooling recoupment
per unit for D-2500
volume shortages        $[***]   $[***]   $[***]  $[***]

Volume:  D-Lite          [***]    [***]    [***]   [***]

    Price (USD)         $[***]   $[***]   $[***]  $[***]

Non-Recurring Engineering Fee (NRE): $[***]

          The pricing in CY2007 and CY2008 will require Delphi E & S to source a
          custom integrated circuit. Delphi E & S is willing to discuss a
          payment schedule that will defer initial payment of the fee to Jan. 1,
          2005. In case of cancellation of program by Stellar, Stellar will be
          responsible for 50% of Delphi's investment up to the date of


          Delphi E & S continues to commit to a 1st quarter Start of Production
          (SOP) date, March 31, 2005 at the latest. Delphi E & S will continue
          to make efforts to have the earliest SOP feasible.

Delphi Penalty for Missing SOP:

Delphi is willing to accept a penalty clause to this agreement, not to exceed
$[***] per month. We would request that this clause can be renegotiated if,
during the upcoming requirements definition workshop, a major, unanticipated
requirement is exposed that could significantly affect our SOP commitment.

Beta Units:

          Delphi E & S shall deliver up to 200 D-2500 and 100 D-Lite for testing
          and installation no later than Dec. 1, 2004. Stellar understands that
          these parts are unvalidated and no claims can be submitted to Delphi E
          & S concerning functionality. The price of these Beta units will be 2X
          1st year production pricing.

This quote is valid for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of this
letter. Please notify me in writing regarding your acceptance and intent to
source these parts.

Delphi Delco's Terms and Conditions of Sale are attached and considered as part
of this quote.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at the number

Thank you for this business opportunity!

May 6, 2004


By: /s/ Robert W. Schumacher               By: /s/ Steven F. Mazun
    ---------------------------------          ---------------------------------
Name: Robert W. Schumacher                 Name: Steven F. Mazun
Title: Business Line Executive, Wireless   Title: General Manager


                          TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE

Delphi Delco Electronics Systems ("Seller") agrees to sell to you ("Buyer") its
products and/or services according to the following terms and conditions.

Unless Seller agrees otherwise in writing, any order submitted by Buyer will
only be accepted if it is in writing and with the understanding that Seller's
products are being supplied pursuant to the following terms and conditions and
Seller rejects all additional or different terms, however proposed by Buyer.

1.   ORDER OF PRODUCTS. Unless Seller agrees otherwise in writing, Buyer shall
     place firm orders with Seller covering an eight (8) week period at least
     sixty (60) calendar days prior to the requested date of shipment. Each firm
     order submitted by Buyer shall include a non-binding forecast of Buyer's
     expected orders for an eight (8) week period beyond the firm order. Buyer
     shall also provide Seller with an estimated annual usage of the purchased

2.   ACCEPTANCE OF FIRM ORDERS. Should Seller be unable to meet Buyer's delivery
     schedule or quantity requirements or otherwise be unable to accept a firm
     order, Seller shall notify the Buyer in writing. Any firm order for
     products and/or services can only be canceled, terminated or modified by
     Buyer, with Seller's written consent and shall be subject to cancellation

3.   PRICES. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, prices for products identified
     under a firm order shall remain effective for the period covered by the
     firm order. Any different or additional products will be billed at the
     price prevailing at the time of shipment. If there is any delay in
     completion or shipment of an order due to any change requested by Buyer or
     as a result of any delay on Buyer's part in furnishing information required
     for completion or shipment of the order, the price for products is subject
     to change. There will be added to the quoted price any sales or other tax
     or duty which Seller may be required to collect or pay upon the sale of

4.   PAYMENT. Following each shipment of products and/or services, Seller shall
     submit invoices to Buyer stating amounts due. Payment for each shipment of
     products shall be made by Buyer in U.S. dollars.

     Payments for U.S. and Canadian sales are made, according to terms: net
     twentieth prox. (payment for product shipped during a calendar month shall
     be received by the twentieth of the following month), at the following

USD Currency Check                USD Currency Wire Transfer
Delphi Delco Electronics Systesm  Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
c/o Bank One N.A.                 4 Chase Metrotech Center - 8 th Floor
P O Box 93268                     Brooklyn, New York 11245
Chicago, Illinois 60673           Account Name: Delphi Delco Electronics Systems
                                  Account No. 910-2-640233
                                  Swift Code: CHASUS33
                                  ABA Routing No. 021000021
                                  In Favor Of: Delpi Delco Electronics Systems

Seller may, at any time, suspend performance of any order or require payment in
cash, security, or other adequate assurance satisfactory to Seller, when in
Seller's reasonable opinion, the financial condition of the Buyer or other
reasonable grounds for insecurity warrant such action.

5.   SHIPMENT AND PACKING. All products shall be sold f.o.b. Seller's factory
     unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Title and risk of loss shall pass to
     Buyer upon delivery to the carrier at Seller's factory. Delivery dates
     indicated on quotations are approximate only. Buyer shall be responsible
     for arranging and paying for shipment of products from Seller's factory,
     together with insurance, duties, taxes, inspection fees and all other costs
     associated with shipment. It shall be the Buyer's Freight Forwarder's
     responsibility to provide Buyer with all details for shipment of Products.

     Seller shall pack and mark the products according to its standard
     procedures for domestic and/or export shipment.


6.   WARRANTY. All products sold by Seller are warranted to conform to drawings
     and specifications mutually agreed upon in writing and to be free from
     defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for the
     time period the products are at Buyer's factory until 12 months after the
     product has been activated, but in no case longer than fifteen (15) months
     from the date of delivery of the product to Buyer. Seller's sole
     obligation, and Buyer's exclusive remedy, under this warranty is for Seller
     to repair or replace or refund Buyer's purchase price for any part of the
     product which fails to meet the foregoing warranty. At Seller's option,
     Buyer shall return to a Seller plant location or repair center designated
     by Seller during the warranty period any product for which a claim is made,
     at Seller's cost, with a written explanation of any claimed failure.

     The provisions of this warranty shall not apply to products (i) used for
     purposes for which they are not designed or intended; (ii) which have been
     repaired or altered without Seller's prior written consent; (iii) which
     have been subjected to misuse, negligence, accident or improper maintenance
     or installation; or (iv) which, based on Seller's examination, do not
     disclose to Seller's satisfaction nonconformance to the warranty.

     REPAIR HANDLING. Out-of-warranty Products returned to Seller for repair
     shall be shipped by Buyer to an authorized repair facility identified by
     Vendor from time to time freight paid by and at Purchaser's risk. RMA's
     should be shipped in lots and will be repaired within 15 business days of
     receipt by the repair facility. Returns shall be in original packaging, if
     possible, and in any event shall be packaged appropriately for safe

     WARRANTY REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENT. Seller shall repair or replace all Product
     under warranty (at Seller's option) within thirty (30) business days of
     receipt thereof from Buyer or Buyer's customer. Vendor shall be responsible
     for all costs and expenses relating to repair or replacement of Products
     under warranty, and for return shipment of the repaired or replacement

     EPIDEMIC FAILURE. An epidemic failure is defined as more than one percent
     (1%) of a Shipping Lot exhibiting the same failure resulting from the same
     root cause. In the event of Epidemic Failure, Seller will be responsible
     for correcting such Epidemic Failure, which may include the support of
     retrieving of units impacted by such Epidemic Failure. Seller shall make
     any reasonable effort to correct the failure in the most expeditious
     manner. Seller shall supply initial 5 phase corrective action within 5
     business days. Seller will supply root cause analysis and irreversible
     corrective action within 30 days of affective units being delivered to
     Seller's factory or selected repair facility.



8.   PRODUCT CHANGES AND DISCONTINUANCE. Seller agrees to notify Buyer of any
     changes in the form, fit, or function of design or specifications of the
     products, any change in manufacturing location, or of any decision to
     discontinue products at the earliest possible time.

     If Buyer desires product changes, Buyer shall submit a written request to
     Seller for consideration. Within a reasonable period thereafter, but under
     no case not longer than 30 days after such request has been submitted,
     Seller shall notify Buyer of its acceptance or rejection of the proposal.
     If accepted, Seller shall provide Buyer with its charges for the product
     and tool change with a proposed implementation date.

9.   PATENTS. Up to the value of the products/services ordered, Seller will
     indemnify Buyer against any claim that any article itself, furnished
     hereunder, directly infringes a U.S. patent or copyright, provided that
     Seller is notified promptly and in writing of the suit; provided, however,
     that if the products sold hereunder are to be prepared or manufactured
     according to Buyer's specifications, Buyer shall indemnify Seller against
     any claims or liability for patent or trademark infringement on account of
     such preparation or manufacture. Seller's indemnity does not extend to any
     suit based upon any infringement or alleged infringement of any patent or
     copyright by the combination of any article furnished by Seller with other
     elements if such infringement would be avoided by the use of the article
     alone. The foregoing states the entire liability of Seller for patent or
     copyright infringement.


10.  TECHNICAL INFORMATION. Neither Buyer nor Seller shall assert any claim
     against the other with respect to any technical information which has been
     or may hereafter be disclosed to such other in connection with the sale of
     product hereunder, except claims for patent infringement or claims under a
     separate written agreement between the parties.

11.  CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT. Either party may cancel this Agreement without
     liability to the other party if the other party:

          (a)  materially breaches this Agreement and does not correct such
               breach within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice from
               the notifying party specifying such breach;

          (b)  becomes insolvent, or enters bankruptcy, receivership,
               liquidation, dissolution or similar proceeding, provided such
               event is not vacated or nullified within fifteen (15) days of
               such event; or

          (c)  a significant portion of the assets of the other party necessary
               for the conduct of its business becomes subject to attachment,
               embargo or expropriation.

12.  FORCE MAJEURE. Any delay or failure of Seller to perform its obligations
     hereunder shall be excused to the extent that it is caused by an event or
     occurrence beyond its reasonable control such as, by way of example and not
     by way of limitation, acts of God, actions by any governmental authority
     (whether valid or invalid), fires, floods, windstorms, explosions, riots,
     natural disasters, wars, sabotage, labor problems (including lockouts,
     strikes, and slowdowns) at Seller's facility, its source plant or
     suppliers, inability to obtain power, material, labor, equipment, or
     transportation, or court injunction or order.

13.  GOVERNMENT APPROVALS. Seller and Buyer, respectively, shall be responsible
     for compliance with and for the obtaining of such approvals and/or permits
     as may be required under national, state, and local laws, ordinances,
     regulations, and rules as may be applicable to the performance of their
     respective responsibilities and obligations under these Terms of Sale.

14.  GOVERNING LAW. These terms of sale shall be governed by and construed
     according to the laws of the State of New York as such laws are applied to
     contracts between residents of the State of New York to be performed
     entirely within such state, specifically excluding application of the U.N.
     Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods.

     For sales to a Buyer located outside the U.S. and Canada, the parties shall
     meet and negotiate in good faith to settle any allegation of breach or
     question of interpretation relating to these terms. If parties are unable
     to settle the matter within thirty (30) days after their first meeting,
     then upon the demand of either party, the matter shall be submitted to
     binding arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Conciliation and
     Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. The arbitration
     proceeding shall take place in Kokomo, Indiana, U.S.A., and shall be
     conducted in the English language. The arbitration tribunal shall consist
     of three (3) members, one (1) appointed by each party and the third
     appointed by the first two members. The arbitration tribunal shall resolve
     the questions submitted, award the relief to which each party may be
     entitled, and allocate the costs of arbitration. The arbitration award
     shall be final, binding on the parties, not subject to appeal, and
     enforceable by any court having jurisdiction over the necessary party or
     its assets.

15.  AMENDMENTS. These terms of sale, when accepted, supersede all previous
     agreements, oral or written, between Buyer and Seller with respect to the
     subject matter hereof. No amendment or modification to these terms of sale
     shall be binding upon either party unless it is in writing and is signed by
     both parties.

16.  SEVERABILITY. If any provision of these terms of sale shall be held to be
     invalid, illegal, or unenforceable under any statute, regulation,
     ordinance, executive order, or other rule of law, that provision shall be
     deemed severed to the extent necessary to comply with such statute,
     regulation, ordinance, order, or rule. The remaining provisions hereof
     shall remain in effect.

17.  ASSIGNMENT. Neither party may assign any of its rights or delegate any of
     its obligations under these Terms of Sale without first obtaining the
     written consent of the other party; provided, however, Seller shall have
     the right to assign its rights or delegate its duties to Delphi Automotive
     Systems ("Delphi") or a direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of
     Delphi, by providing written notice to the Buyer and Buyer shall have the
     right to assign its rights or delegate its duties to Orbcomm LLC. or any of
     its legal affiliates.

18.  LANGUAGE. These terms of sale are prepared and shall be executed in the
     English language. Any translation of these terms into another language
     shall be strictly for convenience, and the English language shall govern
     any question with respect to interpretation.