EXHIBIT 10.8.3

                             Dated October 7, 2005

                                THE PARTICIPATORS


                         SATCOM INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC


                            REORGANISATION AGREEMENT


                      Regis House, 45 King William Street, London EC4R 9AN
                                            TEL 020-7337-8000 FAX 020-7337-8001

Table of Contents

1.    Definitions and interpretation.....................................................    2

2.    Subscription.......................................................................    6

3.    Pre-Completion Matters.............................................................    6

4.    Conditions.........................................................................    7

5.    Completion.........................................................................    8

6.    Warranties.........................................................................    9

7.    Management.........................................................................    9

8.    Rights of first refusal............................................................   10

9.    Tag-along and drag-along...........................................................   13

10.   New members........................................................................   14

11.   Shareholder consent................................................................   14

12.   Duration of obligations............................................................   15

13.   Confidentiality....................................................................   15

14.   New Articles.......................................................................   16

15.   General............................................................................   16

Schedule 1 (Particulars of the Investors)................................................   28

Schedule 2 (Particulars of the Company)..................................................   31

Schedule 3 (Board Minutes)...............................................................   32

Schedule 4 (Notices of Extraordinary General Meeting)....................................   35

Schedule 5 (Subscription Application Form)...............................................   37

Schedule 6 (Warranties and Representations)..............................................   38

Schedule 7 (Deed of Adherence)...........................................................   40

Schedule 8 (Deed of Consent).............................................................   41

Schedule 9 (Deed of Release).............................................................   42

Schedule 10 (Consent to Short Notice)....................................................   44

Schedule 11 (Beneficial Owners)..........................................................   45

Schedule 12 (Existing Shareholders)......................................................   46

Schedule 13 (Forms of Proxy).............................................................   47

THIS REORGANISATION AGREEMENT is made the 7 day of October, 2005.


(1)   THE PERSONS whose names and addresses or registered offices are set out in
      Schedule 1 (the "PARTICIPATORS"); and

(2)   SATCOM INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC, a public limited company registered in
      England under Number 3133496 whose registered office is at 7 Spa Road,
      London SE16 3QQ; (the "COMPANY").


(A)   The Company is to undergo a reorganisation (the "REORGANISATION") so that
      each of the holders of convertible notes and demand notes issued by the
      Company and certain other creditors (including directors) will be issued
      new fully paid ordinary shares of (pound)1 each in the capital of the
      Company in exchange for the release of certain actual and contingent
      liabilities of the Company and a general release in respect of acts or
      omissions of the Company, Orbcomm Inc, Orbcomm Holdings LLC, and Orbcomm
      LLC and their respective directors, officers, employees and advisers
      insofar as they relate to the current or former business, operations,
      assets or liabilities of the Company.

(B)   Certain Investors (as defined below) were entitled to receive from the
      Company payments by way of interest on loans, and/or accrued salary and
      expenses, but in the interest of recapitalising the Company to allow it to
      continue in business and grow and, also raise further monies, they have
      agreed to forgive such debts.

(C)   Each Investor has agreed to subscribe for the number, if any, of
      Subscription Shares (as defined below) set forth next to each such
      Investor's name in Schedule 1 in the share capital of the Company upon the
      terms and conditions hereinafter contained.

(D)   The number of Subscription Shares is based on calculations carried out as
      at 30 June 2005.

(E)   The books and records of the Company currently show some inconsistencies
      with the parties' understanding of the actual position and accordingly the
      Beneficial Owners (as defined below) by signing this Agreement agree to
      instruct the relevant Existing Shareholders, who are holding shares
      beneficially owned by others to act in accordance with this Agreement so
      as to give effect to its provisions and the relevant Existing Shareholders
      by signing this Agreement agree to do so.

(F)   In reaching the terms set out below, the Directors have had to balance the
      interests and rights of each Investor, against the needs of the Company to
      improve its financial position and to attract new investors.




      In this Agreement (which expression shall be deemed to include the
      Schedules hereto):

1.1   unless there be something in the subject or context inconsistent
      therewith, the following expressions have the following meanings:

      "AFFILIATE" means , in relation to a person, (i) any corporate person, any
      Subsidiary or Ultimate Holding Company of that person and any other
      Subsidiary of that Ultimate Holding Company, and (ii) any natural person
      who is a shareholder, director or officer of the entities referred to in
      (i) hereof (together with their close relatives and related trusts);
      provided always that neither the Company, any of its Subsidiaries nor any
      shareholder, director or officer of the Company or its Subsidiaries shall
      be regarded as being an Affiliate of any Shareholder for the purposes of
      this Agreement;

      "ARTICLES" means the articles of association from time to time of the
      Company (and any reference to an "Article" shall be a reference to that
      article of the Articles);

      "AUDITORS" means the auditors from time to time of the Company;

      "BENEFICIAL OWNER" means each person, listed in Schedule 10, who is
      beneficially entitled to Shares currently registered in the name of
      Existing Shareholders;

      "BOARD MINUTES" means the draft minutes of a meeting of the board of
      directors of the Company in the form set out in Schedule 3 or as approved
      by the Directors;

      "BUSINESS DAY" means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday, a public
      holiday and any other day on which banks in London, England and New York,
      United States of America are closed for retail business;

      "COMPANIES ACT" means the Companies Act 1985 as amended by the Companies
      Act 1989;

      "COMPLETION" means the performance by the parties of the obligations
      assumed by them respectively under clause 5;

      "CONDITIONS" means the conditions to Completion set out in clause 4.1;

      "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" means all information used in or relating to
      the business, customers, financial, know-how or other affairs of the
      Company but not publicly known, including information relating to:

            (i)   the marketing of goods and services, customer names and other
                  details of customers, sales targets, sales and market share
                  statistics, prices, market research reports and surveys and
                  advertising or other promotional material; and


            (ii)  future projects, business development or planning, commercial
                  relationships and negotiations; and

            (iii) all secret processes in the possession of or under the control
                  of the Company.

      "CONSENT TO SHORT NOTICE" means the text set out in Schedule 10 forming
      part of or annexed to or referring to a Notice of Meeting and consenting
      to such meeting being convened and held on less than the usual period of
      notice or such other text as the Directors may approve;

      "DEED OF ADHERENCE" means a deed in the form set out in Schedule 7, or a
      deed in such other form or comprising such other terms as the Company and
      each person who becomes a Shareholder after Completion may agree;

      "DEED OF CONSENT" means a deed in the form set out in Schedule 8 or
      comprising such other terms as the Company and the Existing Shareholders
      may agree;

      "DEED OF RELEASE" means a deed in the form set out in Schedule 9, or a
      deed in such other form or comprising such other terms as the Company and
      the relevant Investors may agree;

      "DIRECTORS" means the directors of the Company from time to time;

      "ENCUMBRANCE" means and includes any interest, right or equity of any
      person (including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing,
      any right to acquire, option or right of pre-emption) or any mortgage,
      charge, pledge, lien or assignment or any other encumbrance, priority or
      security interest or arrangement of whatsoever nature over or in the
      relevant property;

      "EXISTING SHAREHOLDERS" means the holders of record of existing Shares at
      the Relevant Time, at the date of this Agreement being those persons
      listed in Schedule 12;

      "HOLDING COMPANY" has the meaning given in sub-clause 1.12;

      "INVESTOR" means each person, whether or not an Existing Shareholder, who
      agrees, pursuant to sub-clause 2.1, to subscribe for Subscription Shares;

      "INDEBTEDNESS" means any loan, bond, note, loan stock or debenture or
      other obligation for borrowed monies, any liability in respect of any
      acceptance credit or note or bill discounting facility, any amount of
      consideration left outstanding by way of loan under any agreement for the
      sale of assets and/or the supply of services and any guarantee or
      indemnity in respect of any of the foregoing, the amount thereof in each
      case being taken for this purpose to be the maximum amount capable of
      being outstanding from the Company thereunder whether or not then due or
      owing or advanced at the time of calculation including all interest and


      "NOTICE OF MEETING" means the notice of an extraordinary general meeting
      of the Company in the form set out in Schedule 4 or such other form as the
      Directors may approve;

      "PARTICIPANTS" or "PARTIES HERETO" means the Existing Shareholders, the
      Beneficial Owners, the Investors, and, after Completion, the Shareholders
      and the Company;

      "PERMITTED TRANSFEREE" means in the case of a Shareholder that is a
      natural person, the spouse (including widow or widower) or issue of the
      Shareholder, a trust that benefits the Shareholder or his spouse
      (including widow or widower) or both, his or their issue or a charity or
      any person controlled by such a trust or an entity controlled directly or
      indirectly by the Shareholder and, in the case of a Shareholder that is a
      body corporate, any body corporate that is wholly owned by that
      Shareholder and any natural person, trust or body corporate that controls
      the majority of the voting rights of the Shareholder;

      "PROXY FORM" means the form of proxy in the form set out in Schedule 13 or
      such other form as the Directors may approve;

      "RELEVANT TIME" means 5pm Eastern Standard Time on the date of the Notice
      of Meeting;

      "QUALIFYING DEBT" means the aggregate amount of principal debt owing by
      the Company to the holders of convertible notes, holders of demand notes,
      directors (in respect of their salaries, fees and expenses) and SEC
      Orbcomm Middle East, Ltd.; CEC Bosphorous Communications Inc., and Europe
      America Limited (in respect of amounts claimed in respect of certain
      territorial rights);

      "SHARES" means the ordinary shares of (pound)1 each in the share capital
      of the Company;

      "SHAREHOLDERS" means all those Participants that remain or become
      registered holders of Shares after Completion together any person that
      becomes a registered holder of Shares after Completion after signing a
      Deed of Adherence;

      "SUBSCRIPTION APPLICATION FORM" mean the application form in the form set
      out in Schedule 5, or such other form as the Directors may approve;

      "SUBSCRIPTION SHARES" means the new Shares to be subscribed by the
      Investors as referred to below;

      "SUBSIDIARY" has the meaning given in sub-clause 1.12;

      "ULTIMATE HOLDING COMPANY" means a Holding Company which is not also a
      Subsidiary; and

      "WARRANTIES" means the warranties and representations of the Company and
      the Participants are referred to in clause 6.


1.2   subject as herein otherwise expressly defined, words and phrases defined
      in the Companies Act and in the Articles bear the same respective

1.3   unless otherwise specified, words importing the singular include (where
      appropriate) the plural, words importing any gender include (where
      appropriate) every gender, and words importing persons include bodies
      corporate and unincorporate; and (in each case) vice versa;

1.4   reference to clauses and other provisions are references to clauses and
      other provisions of this Agreement and any reference to a sub-clause is,
      unless otherwise stated, a reference to a sub-clause of the clause in
      which the reference appears;

1.5   all warranties, representations, agreements and obligations given or
      entered into by the Participants are given or entered into severally
      unless otherwise specified;

1.6   the headings shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement;

1.7   the expressions "hereunder", "hereto", "herein", "hereof" and similar
      expressions relate to this entire Agreement and not to any particular
      provision thereof;

1.8   any undertaking by any of the parties hereto not to do any act or thing
      shall be deemed to include an undertaking not to permit or suffer the
      doing of that act or thing;

1.9   references to this Agreement or any other document shall, where
      appropriate, be construed as references to this Agreement or such other
      document as varied, supplemented, novated and/or replaced in any manner
      from time to time;

1.10  references to any English legal or accounting term for any action, remedy,
      method of judicial proceeding, insolvency proceeding, event of incapacity,
      legal or accounting document, legal or accounting status, court,
      governmental or administrative authority or agency, accounting body,
      official or any legal or accounting concept practice or principle or thing
      shall in respect of any jurisdiction other than England be deemed to
      include what most approximates in that jurisdiction to the English legal
      or accounting term concerned;

1.11  except where used for definitional purposes, any reference to a statute or
      to a statutory provision shall be to that provision as modified, replaced
      or re-enacted from time to time; and

1.12  a company is a Subsidiary of another company, its Holding Company if that
      other company:

            (a)   holds a majority of the voting rights in it, or

            (b)   is a member of it and has the right to appoint or remove a
                  majority of its board of directors, or


            (c)   is a member of it and controls alone, pursuant to an agreement
                  with other shareholders or members, a majority of the voting
                  rights in it,

      or if it is a Subsidiary of a company which is itself a Subsidiary of that
      other company.


2.1   Each Investor shall subscribe for the number of Subscription Shares set
      out next to such person's name in Schedule 1 hereto, for the Consideration
      (as defined below) upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.

2.2   The Subscription Shares shall be issued free from any Encumbrance and with
      all rights attaching thereto and thereafter accruing thereto, including
      the right to receive all dividends or other distributions which may be
      declared after the date of Completion.

2.3   Each of the Existing Shareholders hereby waives and each of the Beneficial
      Owners agrees to procure the waiver of any restrictions (including
      pre-emption rights on new share issues) which may exist in relation to the
      Subscription Shares under the Articles or otherwise.

2.4   The consideration ("CONSIDERATION") for the Subscription Shares, payable
      by each Investor, shall be the amount (representing par value and the
      relevant, agreed, premium (if any)) set out next to each Investor's name
      in Schedule 1, which shall be satisfied in each case by the release, to be
      effected by the execution and delivery to the Company of a Deed of Release
      by each such Investor of the outstanding amount owed by the Company to
      such Investor, as shown next to the person's name in Schedule 1.


3.1   Contemporaneously with executing this Agreement:

            (a)   each Investor shall deliver to the Company the following
                  documents, each of which shall have been duly completed and
                  executed but, unless otherwise stated below, not dated:

                  (i)   Subscription Application Form; and

                  (ii)  Deed of Release;

                  and if an Investor is also a Shareholder:

                  (iii) Dated Proxy Forms; and

                  (iv)  Dated Consent to Short Notice; and

            (b)   each Existing Shareholder (that is not also an Investor) shall
                  deliver to the Company the following documents, each of


                  which shall have been duly completed and executed, but, unless
                  otherwise stated below, not dated:

                  (i)   Deed of Consent;

                  (ii)  Dated Proxy Forms; and

                  (iii) Dated Consent to Short Notice

      each of which shall be held in escrow ("ESCROW") by the Company until the
      earlier of Completion occurring and 1 November 2005.

3.2   The terms of the Escrow are that:

            (a)   all Deeds of Consent, Consents to Short Notice and Proxy Forms
                  shall immediately be released to the Company for use in
                  satisfying conditions in sub-clauses 4.1 and 4.3 of this
                  Agreement; and

            (b)   all Subscription Application Forms and all Deeds of Release
                  shall be released to the Company for the purpose of effecting

      and if Completion does not occur on or before 31 October 2005 all the
      above documents will be returned to the relevant parties hereto unless
      otherwise agreed prior to such date.

3.3   To give effect to the above each Participant hereby irrevocably appoints
      each Director severally, not jointly, so that any Director may act alone,
      as his agent to insert, where appropriate, the relevant date in each
      relevant document and to deliver and use such documents for the above
      referred to purposes.


4.1   This Agreement shall come into effect immediately following its execution
      by the holders of not less than 95% of the Qualifying Debt, calculated as
      set out in sub-clause 4.1.2 but on the date the Company executes this
      Agreement, the Beneficial Owners and Existing Shareholders together
      holding or being interested in Shares carrying not less than 75% of the
      votes attributable to the Shares in issue on the date the Company executes
      this Agreement but the obligations of the parties to complete the
      subscription envisaged by this Agreement (the "SUBSCRIPTION") and the
      obligations contained in clauses 7 - 12 (inclusive) and clause 14 are
      conditional upon the following:

      4.1.1 the passing at a duly convened and held general meeting of the
            Company (or by equivalent, permitted, written resolution of all
            shareholders entitled to attend and vote at such general meeting) of
            the ordinary resolutions set out in the Notice of Meeting or such
            other ordinary resolutions, to the same substantive effect, as the
            Directors may approve);


      4.1.2 the holders of not less than 95% of the Qualifying Debt, as finally
            determined by the Directors at 5pm (Eastern Standard Time) on the
            day prior to that scheduled for Completion shall have consented, to
            the proposed Reorganisation as contemplated by this Agreement, such
            consent being evidenced by signature of this Agreement;

      4.1.3 the Existing Shareholders and Beneficial Owners holding or owning
            not less than 75% of the Shares at the Relevant Time shall have
            executed a Deed of Consent.

4.2   The parties shall use their respective best endeavours to satisfy or
      procure satisfaction of each of the above conditions before 1 October

4.3   The Company may, by written instrument, waive (in whole or in part) the
      condition contained in sub-clauses 4.1.2 or 4.1.3 provided that if the
      Company waives the condition contained in sub-clause 4.1.2 then each
      Investor that has signed this Agreement shall have the right, at any time
      prior to the Completion, to revoke its execution and delivery of this
      Agreement and any related documents hereto by providing the Company
      written notice thereof prior to the Completion.


5.1   Completion shall take place at the offices of Chadbourne & Parke LLP, 30
      Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10112-0127 not later than the third
      Business Day next following satisfaction, or waiver, of the Conditions, or
      if the condition in sub-clause 5.2.1 has not been met, at the third
      Business Day after the date of the Notice of Meeting.

5.2   On Completion:

      5.2.1 the Subscription Application Forms shall be released to the Company.

      5.2.2 the Deeds of Release shall be released to the Company.

      5.2.3 the Company shall procure the following to be done:

            (a)   a meeting of the directors shall be held at which the business
                  referred to in the Board Minutes shall be transacted and all
                  documents and forms referred to therein shall be executed and

            (b)   the register of members of the Company shall be written up to
                  reflect the allotment and issue of the relevant number of
                  Subscription Shares and definitive certificates in respect of
                  such Subscription Shares shall be issued in favour of and
                  delivered to the Investors; and

            (c)   the register of members of the Company shall be written up to
                  reflect the transfers of the shares referred to in paragraph 6
                  of the Board Minutes, provided the same shall have been duly


5.3   The Company shall procure that within the time limits prescribed by the
      Companies Act, those documents and forms referred to in the Board Minutes
      which require filing with the Registrar of Companies shall be so filed.


6.1   The Company warrants and represents to each Participant on the date hereof
      and again immediately prior to Completion, that each of the provisions of
      Schedule 6, Part I is true and correct or (as the case may be) has been
      wholly performed.

6.2   Each of the Investors severally warrants and represents to the Company and
      to each of the other Participants on the date hereof and again immediately
      prior to Completion, in respect only of their own situation that each of
      the provisions of Schedule 6, Part II is true and correct or (as the case
      may be) has been wholly performed.

6.3   Each of the Existing Shareholders severally warrants and represents to the
      Company and each of the other Participants on the date hereof and again
      immediately prior to Completion, in respect only of their own situation
      that each of the provisions of Schedule 6, Part III is true and correct or
      (as the case may be) has been wholly performed.

6.4   Each of the Beneficial Owners severally warrants and represents to the
      Company and each of the other Participants on the date hereof and again
      immediately prior to Completion, in respect only of their own situation
      that each of the provisions of Schedule 6, Part IV is true and correct or
      (as the case may be) has been wholly performed.

6.5   The Warranties shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding
      Completion and are given subject to any matter expressly provided for
      under the terms of this Agreement.

6.6   The Company shall indemnify each of the Participants in respect of any
      breach of sub-clause 6.1 and each Participant severally shall indemnify
      the Company and each other Participant in respect of any breach of
      sub-clause 6.2, 6.3 or 6.4 (as appropriate) by that first mentioned


7.1   The Company undertakes with each Shareholder that (save as otherwise
      provided or contemplated in this Agreement), it will not without a vote in
      favour of the relevant proposal by the holders of not less than 66-2/3% of
      the votes attributable to the Shares:

      7.1.1 sell, transfer, lease, licence or in any way (including by way of
            merger) dispose of all or substantially all of its undertaking,
            assets or business, except in the ordinary course of its business;

      7.1.2 acquire another company, body corporate, partnership (limited or
            general) at an aggregate cost of US$100,000 or more per acquisition;


      7.1.3 incorporate any subsidiary; or

      7.1.4 change the business of the Company or acquire or make any investment
            in a business engaged in substantially different business activities
            to the Company.

7.2   The Shareholders hereby severally agree amongst themselves (as an
      enforceable right actionable by each Shareholder individually against each
      other Shareholder) that they will at all times vote their Shares so as to
      ensure that the board of the Company is comprised of not more than five
      (5) Directors and that the holder of a majority of the votes attributable
      to the Shares may appoint, remove and replace three (3) Directors and each
      holder or holders of not less than 20% of the remaining Shares may
      appoint, remove and replace one (1) Director.

7.3   For the avoidance of doubt, the parties hereto acknowledge that Part X of
      the Companies Act 1985 (Enforcement of Fair Dealings by Directors) applies
      to the Company including, in particular, section 320 (Substantial property
      transactions involving directors and persons connected with them).

7.4   The Company shall provide to each Shareholder holding at least 5% of the
      then outstanding Shares:

            (a)   quarterly statements of profit and loss, balance sheets and
                  statements of cash flow within 45 days of the close of each
                  calendar quarter, and within 90 days of the end of a fiscal
                  year, such statements to be prepared in accordance with
                  English GAAP and accompanied with a summary management
                  discussion on the results of operations; and

            (b)   a copy of the financial statements of ORBCOMM Europe LLC
                  received by the Company.

7.5   The Company hereby agrees with each of the Shareholders, that it will, as
      a shareholder in Orbcomm Europe LLC use all reasonable endeavours to
      ensure that no person who is, at the relevant time, or who later becomes
      an officer, director or paid consultant to either the Company or OHB
      Technology AG (or any Affiliate of OHB Technology AG) shall be appointed,
      or remain (as appropriate) an employee of Orbcomm Europe LLC without the
      consent of the Shareholders.

7.6   The Company hereby agrees with each of the Shareholders, that it shall not
      appoint or maintain (as appropriate) as an employee of the Company, any
      director of, or paid consultant to, the Company without the consent of the


8.1   Except as provided in sub-clause 8.2 below and except as suspended in
      respect of any transfer by a resolution passed by the holders of not less
      than 66-2/3% of the votes attributable to the Shares (excluding for this
      purpose the Transferor's


      Shares) no holder of Shares with aggregate votes attributable to such
      Shares equalling or exceeding 2% (two per cent) of the total votes,
      calculated at the time a Transfer Notice (as defined below) would, if
      required, have to be issued, attributable to all Shares then in issue
      shall be entitled to transfer or otherwise dispose of its Shares or of any
      interest in them (including by creating any Encumbrance or trust over
      them) without first offering such Shares for transfer to the other

8.2   A Shareholder (the "TRANSFEROR") may transfer any or all of its Shares
      (the "SALE SHARES") to:

      8.2.1 a person approved in writing by the holders of not less than 66-2/3%
            of the votes attributable to the Shares (excluding for this purpose
            the Transferor's Shares);

      8.2.2 a Permitted Transferee;

      8.2.3 (if the Transferor is an entity) to its members (or members or its
            members), partners or any wholly-owned subsidiary;

      8.2.4 a person entitled to the shares by operation of law;

      provided that in the case of any transfer to be effected pursuant to
      sub-clauses 8.2.2, 8.2.3 or 8.2.4, the Transferor or the proposed
      transferee, in the case of transmission by operation of law shall inform
      the Company of such transfer before it is effected and the Permitted
      Transferee, or proposed transferee shall execute a Deed of Adherence,
      provided further that in the case of any transfer under either sub-clause
      8.2.2 or 8.2.3 to a person that meets the relevant criteria on the day
      that the transfer is registered, if at any time that person ceases to meet
      such criteria, that person shall be deemed to have issued a notice under
      sub-clause 8.3, with the Specified Terms being such terms as the Directors
      determine to be fair at the time they receive actual notice of the facts
      giving rise to the deemed notice and the Offer Period being 90 Business
      Days of the Directors becoming so aware.

8.3   (a)   A Transferor that wishes to transfer its Shares (other than as
            permitted in sub-clause 8.2 above) shall give notice to the other
            Shareholders (the "ONGOING SHAREHOLDERS") specifying the details of
            the proposed transfer, including the identity of the proposed
            transferee and the price and other terms (the "SPECIFIED TERMS") for
            the Sale Shares offered to it by a person (the "OFFEROR"), whether
            or not a Shareholder, under a bona fide offer, capable of
            unconditional acceptance by the Transferor in the next 90 Business
            Days and shall invite the Ongoing Shareholders to notify the
            Transferor during the Offer Period (as defined below) whether they
            are willing to purchase the Sale Shares (a "TRANSFER NOTICE"). A
            copy of the Transfer Notice shall be served on the Company.

      (b)   A Transfer Notice may not be revoked and shall remain open for
            acceptance by the Ongoing Shareholders for a period (the "OFFER
            PERIOD") of 30 Business Days from the date of the Transfer Notice.


      (c)   Within 30 Business Days of the date of the Transfer Notice, each
            Ongoing Shareholder wishing to purchase Sale Shares, shall give a
            notice to the Transferor saying such Ongoing Shareholder wishes to
            purchase all, but not any lesser part of the number of Sale Shares
            equal to the proportion of the Sale Shares in the Transfer Notice
            which the number of Shares held by such Ongoing Shareholder at the
            date of the Transfer Notice bears to the total number of Shares held
            by the Ongoing Shareholders at the date of the Transfer Notice, on
            terms at least as favourable to the Transferor as the Specified

      (d)   If at the expiry of the Offer Period, all the Sale Shares have not
            been applied for by the Ongoing Shareholders, the Transferor shall
            be entitled (but not obliged) to offer (by means of a further
            Transfer Notice (the "EXCESS TRANSFER NOTICE") the Excess Shares to
            those Ongoing Shareholders that have indicated that they will
            purchase their due proportion of the Sale Shares by reference to
            their holdings at the date of the Transfer Notice and the Offer
            shall, for this second offer remain open (the "SECOND OFFER PERIOD")
            for a further 10 Business Days from the date of the Excess Transfer

      (e)   On the expiry of the Second Offer Period, if an Ongoing Shareholder
            has notified the Transferor that it wishes to purchase a portion of
            the Sale Shares, such Ongoing Shareholder shall be bound to pay the
            purchase price for, and to accept a transfer of, such portion of the
            Sale Shares and the Transferor shall be bound, on payment of the
            purchase price, to transfer such portion of the Sale Shares to the
            Transferee provided that the Transferor shall not be bound to sell
            to any Ongoing Shareholder unless all the Sale Shares have been
            agreed to be purchased by one or more Ongoing Shareholders.

      (f)   If at the expiry of the Second Offer Period, the Ongoing
            Shareholders have not notified the Transferor that they wish to
            purchase the remaining Sale Shares ("THE EXCESS SHARES") on the
            Specified Terms, the Transferor, may at any time within a period of
            30 Business Days after the expiry of the Second Offer Period
            transfer all (or any part) of the Sale Shares to the Offeror on
            terms at least as favourable to the Transferor as the Specified
            Terms under a bona fide sale to the Offeror without any deduction,
            rebate or allowance to the Offeror.

8.4   If, as a result of the valid transfer of the Shares of the Shareholder
      under this Clause, a person would hold for the first time or cease to
      hold, any Shares, then:

      8.4.1 (other than in the case of an existing Shareholder) the transfer
            will not take effect until the transferee has executed and delivered
            to the Company a Deed of Adherence; and

      8.4.2 the Transferor shall notify the Company of such transfer as soon as
            practicable after the transfer takes effect.


8.5   If, as a result of the valid transfer of a Shareholder's Shares, a person
      ceases to hold any Shares, then:

      8.5.1 the Transferor, who ceases to hold any Shares as a result of a
            transfer of Shares will cease to be a Shareholder;

      8.5.2 the rights of the Transferor under this Agreement will be passed to
            the transferee (without prejudice to any obligation in this
            Agreement expressed to be ongoing and without prejudice to liability
            for any prior breach).


9.1   (a)   If the Ongoing Shareholders do not exercise their options to
            purchase all of the Transferor's Sale Shares and the Transferor
            still intends to proceed with the proposed transfer of the Sale
            Shares to the Offeror, the Transferor shall offer each Ongoing
            Shareholder the opportunity to require that completion of the
            Transfer by the Transferor shall be conditional upon the Offeror
            purchasing from such Ongoing Shareholders a pro rata portion of each
            such Ongoing Shareholders' Shares, based upon the number of Shares
            owned by the Transferor and the Ongoing Shareholders exercising
            rights pursuant to this sub-clause 9.1 (a "TAG-ALONG SALE"). The
            Ongoing Shareholders may exercise this right by delivering to the
            Transferor a Tag-Along Notice (as defined below) in accordance with
            sub-clause 9.1(c) below. The Ongoing Shareholders delivering such a
            notice are hereinafter referred to as the "TAG-ALONG SHAREHOLDERS".

      (b)   In connection with a Tag-Along Sale, (i) the only representations
            and warranties which any Tag-Along Shareholder shall be required to
            make, and shall make, in connection with any Transfer are
            representations and warranties with respect to its own ownership of
            the Shares to be sold by it and its ability to convey title thereto
            free and clear of Encumbrances and adverse claims, its due
            organisation (if applicable), its due authorisation (if applicable),
            execution and delivery of the relevant stock transfer form, and the
            enforceability of such stock transfer forms against it and (ii) the
            liability of the Tag-Along Shareholder with respect to any
            representation and warranty made in connection with any Transfer
            is the several liability of such Tag-Along Shareholder (and not
            joint with any other person).

      (c)   The Tag-Along Shareholders may exercise their rights pursuant to
            this sub-clause 9.1 by providing notice (the "TAG-ALONG NOTICE") to
            the Transferor no less than 10 and no more than 20 Business Days
            after the expiration of the Second Offer Period. The Tag-Along
            Notice shall set out the number of Shares each of the Tag-Along
            Shareholders has elected to include in the Tag-Along Sale. The
            Tag-Along Notice shall constitute the relevant Tag-Along
            Shareholder's binding agreement to sell the Shares specified in the
            Tag-Along Notice on the terms and conditions applicable to the
            Tag-Along Sale provided that if there is any material change in the
            terms and conditions of such Tag-along


            Sale after the Tag-Along Notice is given, then each Tag-Along
            Shareholder shall have the right to withdraw from the Tag-Along Sale
            with respect to all Shares affected thereby.

      (d)   If the Offeror does not complete the purchase of all of the Shares
            requested to be included in the Tag-Along Sale on the same terms and
            conditions applicable to the Transferor, the Transferor shall not
            complete the Transfer of any of its Shares to the Offeror and the
            Directors shall not register such Transfer. If no Tag-Along Notice
            is received by the Transferor prior to the end of the 20 Business
            Day period specified above, the Transferor shall have the right to
            complete the Transfer to the Offeror, together with any valid
            Tag-Along Sale, without the participation of an Ongoing Shareholder
            that has not provided the relevant Tag-Along Notice on the terms and
            conditions set out in the Notice of Transfer and only if such sale
            is completed within the 90 Business Day period specified in
            sub-clause 8.3(a). If any Tag-Along Sale does not occur within such
            90 Business Day period, the Shares that were subject to such
            Tag-Along Sale shall continue to be subject to all of the provisions
            contained in this Agreement.

      (e)   On the date of the Tag-Along Sale, each Tag-Along Shareholder shall
            deliver a certificate or certificates for the Shares to be sold in
            connection with the Tag-Along Sale, together with a duly completed
            and executed stock transfer form in favour of the Offeror (or any
            permitted person nominated by it).

9.2   If the holder of a majority of the votes attributable to the Shares agrees
      to sell all its Shares to a person other than one or more other
      Shareholders, that majority holder shall be entitled to require all other
      Shareholders to sell all their Shares to the same person at the same price
      provided that such majority holder may only exercise this right with the
      consent of the holders of not less than 66-2/3% of the votes attributable
      to the Shares.


10.1  The parties hereto shall procure that before any person (other than an
      Existing Shareholder) is registered as a holder of any share in the
      Company, such person shall enter into a Deed of Adherence. The Company
      shall not register any such person as the holder of any Share until such a
      deed has been executed. Upon being so registered, that person shall be
      deemed to be a party to this Agreement.


11.1  Where this Agreement provides that any particular transaction or matter
      requires the consent, approval or agreement of the Shareholders such
      consent, approval or agreement will be effected by written resolution of
      the holders of at least 66-2/3% of the votes attributable to the Shares or
      by a resolution passed by the holders of at least 66-2/3% of the votes
      attributable to the Shares at a meeting of Shareholders convened by the
      Directors for such purpose on such


      notice as the Directors, acting reasonably, consider to be appropriate,
      and such meeting may take place by any mechanism permitted by the Articles
      for conducting meetings of members of the Company or Directors, and may be
      given subject to such terms and conditions as the Shareholder may impose
      by the terms of the relevant resolution and any breach of such terms and
      conditions by any person subject thereto shall ipso facto be deemed to be
      a breach of the terms of this Agreement.

11.2  If the consent, approval or agreement of the Shareholder is required under
      more than one provision of this Agreement for any one transaction or
      matter, any consent, approval or agreement given in relation to that
      transaction or matter by the Shareholder shall be deemed to cover all
      consents, approvals or agreements required for that transaction or matter
      unless otherwise specified by the Investors in the relevant resolution.


12.1  Subject to sub-clause 15.12, the obligations of each Shareholder shall
      continue for so long as such Shareholder remains a holder of Shares but,
      upon Shareholder ceasing to be a Shareholder, their obligations hereunder
      shall cease and determine save for any provision hereof which in relation
      to such Shareholder is expressly or by implication intended to come into
      force on or to continue in force after such cessation, and without
      prejudice to the due performance by such Shareholder of all their
      obligations up to the date of such cessation and the remedies of any of
      the other parties hereto in respect of a breach thereof.

12.2  Subject to sub-clause 15.12, the provisions of this Agreement shall remain
      in full force and effect with respect to a Shareholder until such time as
      such Shareholder is no longer the holder of any Shares in the Company,
      whereupon the obligations and liabilities of the Shareholder this
      Agreement shall forthwith cease and determine provided that such cesser or
      determination shall be without prejudice to any obligations or rights of
      any of the parties hereto which have accrued prior thereto.


13.1  Each Shareholder undertakes to each of the other Shareholders and to the
      Company that such Shareholder will not at any time hereafter use or
      divulge or communicate to any person other than to officers or employees
      of the Company whose province it is to know the same or on the
      instructions of the Directors any Confidential Information which may come
      to such Shareholder's knowledge and such Shareholder shall use its best
      endeavours to prevent the publication or disclosure of any Confidential

13.2  The obligations in sub-clause 13.1 shall continue to apply after such
      Shareholder shall cease to be a party to this Agreement or otherwise
      involved in the affairs of the Company without limit in point of time but
      shall cease to apply to information which shall come into the public
      domain other than by a breach of this clause or which for any other
      reason, other than through the default of that Shareholder, shall have
      ceased to be confidential.


13.3  Each of the parties hereto shall use its best endeavours to procure that
      the Company observes and ensures that the officers, employees and agents
      of each of them observe a corresponding obligation of confidence to that
      set out in sub-clause 13.1 in relation to the Shareholders themselves.

13.4  No announcement or publicity concerning the terms of this Agreement or the
      interests of any Shareholder in the Company shall be made or issued by any
      of the parties hereto without the prior written approval of the Directors
      in the case of the Company or, in the case of the Shareholders as a body,
      by a resolution in accordance with such clause 11.1 and in the case of an
      individual Shareholder by that Shareholder, other than as required by law
      or by the rules of any regulatory organisation to which any of the parties
      hereto is subject (in which case the Shareholders and the Company shall
      promptly, and to the extent practicable, consult with each other on the
      form of the announcement).


14.1  In order to give further effect to the provisions of clause 8, the
      Shareholders will on, or as soon as practicable following, Completion,
      pass a special resolution adopting new Articles of Association in
      substitution for the existing Articles, containing the relevant
      substantive provisions of clause 8 as is appropriate for a publicly
      available document.

14.2  In order to give effect to the above the Shareholders will execute and
      deliver to the Company the following documents:

            (a)   Dated Proxy Forms

            (b)   Date Consent to Short Notice

      each of which shall be held in escrow (the "SECOND ESCROW") by the Company
      until 1 November 2005.

14.3  The terms of the Second Escrow are that all such Proxy Forms and Consents
      to Short Notice shall be released to the Company on, and as part of,
      Completion and if Completion does not occur on or before 31 October 2005
      all such documents will be returned to the relevant Shareholders unless
      otherwise agreed prior to such date.

14.4  To give effect to the above, each Participant hereby irrevocably appoints
      each Director severally, not jointly, so that any Director may act alone,
      as his agent to deliver and use such documents for the above referred to


15.1  COSTS

      Each of the Investors and the Company shall pay their own costs and
      disbursements incurred in relation to the negotiation, preparation and
      implementation of this Agreement.



      15.2.1 All notices which are required to be given hereunder shall be in
             writing and shall be sent to the address of the recipient set out
             in this Agreement or in any Deed of Adherence or such other address
             as the recipient may designate by notice given in accordance with
             the provisions of this sub-clause.

      15.2.2 Any such notice may be delivered personally or by prepaid airmail
             letter or facsimile transmission and shall be deemed to have been
             served if by personal delivery when delivered, if by prepaid
             airmail letter 72 hours after posting and if by facsimile
             transmission when despatched.

      15.2.3 Notice given under this Agreement shall not be validly served if
             sent by e-mail.


      This Agreement shall be binding on and shall enure for the benefit of the
      successors and assigns and personal representatives (as the case may be)
      of each of the parties hereto.


      None of the parties hereto may assign their rights or obligations in whole
      or in part hereunder without the prior written consent of the other
      parties hereto, provided that this sub-clause shall not prevent a lawful
      transfer of Shares pursuant to clauses 8 or 9.


      A person who is not a party to this Agreement has no right under the
      Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this
      Agreement but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party
      which exists or is available apart from that Act.


      All provisions of this Agreement shall, so far as they are capable of
      being performed and observed, continue in full force and effect
      notwithstanding Completion, except in respect of those matters then
      already performed.


      15.7.1 The parties hereto shall, and shall use their respective best
             endeavours to procure that any necessary Affiliates shall, do,
             execute and perform all such further deeds, documents, assurances,
             acts and things as any of the parties hereto may reasonably require
             by notice in writing to the others to carry the provisions of this
             Agreement and the Articles into full force and effect.


      15.7.2 Without limiting the generality of sub-clause 15.7.1, each of the
             Beneficial Owners hereby instructs each of the Existing
             Shareholders, in respect of the relevant Shares registered in the
             name of the relevant Existing Shareholder, and each of the Existing
             Shareholders hereby agrees in respect of such Shares to do
             everything that is required to give effect to this Agreement and
             the transactions envisaged by it, including bringing the Company's
             books and records completely up to date, providing missing
             information and correcting any errors.


      Any date or period mentioned in this Agreement may be extended by
      agreement between the parties hereto (following completion, the
      Shareholders acting by resolution as envisaged in sub-clause 11.1),
      failing which, as regards any such date or period, time shall be of the
      essence of this Agreement.


      This Agreement constitutes the whole agreement between the parties or
      between any persons that are associates of either party relating to its
      subject matter.

      This Agreement replaces, supersedes and extinguishes any prior drafts,
      agreements, undertakings, representations, warranties, assurances,
      understandings and arrangements of any nature, whether in writing or oral,
      relating to such subject matter.

      Each party acknowledges that except as set out in Schedule 6 it has not
      been induced to enter into the Agreement by any representation, warranty,
      promise or assurance by the other party or any other person.

      Each party agrees that (except in respect of fraud) it shall have no right
      or remedy in respect of any other representation, warranty, promise or
      assurance save for those contained in this Agreement.


      This Agreement may be varied or terminated and the observance of any term
      of this Agreement may be waived with respect to all parties to this
      Agreement (either generally or in a particular instance and either
      retroactively or prospectively), with the written consent of the Company
      and those Shareholders holding at least 66-2/3% of the votes attributable
      to the Shares held by the Shareholders, provided, however this Agreement
      may not be amended or terminated and the observance of any term hereunder
      may not be waived with respect to any Shareholder without the written
      consent of such Shareholder unless such amendment, termination or waiver
      applies to all Shareholders in the same fashion (it being agreed that a
      waiver or amendment of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to
      apply to all Shareholders in the same fashion if such waiver or amendment
      does so by its terms, notwithstanding the fact that certain Shareholders
      are affected differently by virtue of differences in their shareholdings).
      The Company


      shall give prompt written notice of any amendment or termination hereof or
      waiver hereunder to any Shareholder that did not consent in writing to
      such amendment, termination or waiver. Any amendment, termination or
      waiver effected in accordance with this sub-clause 15.10 shall be binding
      on all Shareholders, even if they do not execute such consent.

15.11 WAIVER

      No failure to exercise and no delay in exercising on the part of any of
      the parties hereto any right, power or privilege hereunder shall operate
      as a waiver thereof nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right,
      power or privilege or such exercise against one or more (but not all) of
      the parties preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise
      of any other right, power or privilege.


      The rights and remedies provided in this Agreement are exclusive of any
      rights or remedies otherwise provided by law provided that no such
      exclusion shall apply in the event of fraud or fraudulent


      Each of the parties hereto may release or compromise the liability of any
      of the other parties hereto under this Agreement or grant to such party
      time or other indulgence without affecting the liability of any other of
      the parties hereto under this Agreement.


      Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute or be deemed to constitute a
      partnership between any of the parties hereto and none of them shall have
      any authority to bind the others in any way.


      (a)   Notwithstanding that the whole or any part of any provision of this
            Agreement may prove to be illegal or unenforceable, the other
            provisions of this Agreement and the remainder (if any) of the
            provision in question shall continue in full force and effect. In
            relation to any illegal or unenforceable part of this Agreement, the
            parties hereto agree to amend such part in such manner as may be
            requested from time to time by any of the parties hereto provided
            that such proposed amendment is legal and enforceable and to the
            maximum extent possible carries out the original intent of the
            parties in relation to that part.

      (b)   If any part of this Agreement or the Articles shall be held by any
            court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable against or by
            the Company, such part shall be treated as being severable from the
            remainder of this Agreement or, as the case may be, the Articles and
            the Shareholders shall promptly exercise their powers in relation to
            the Company to procure (insofar as they have the power lawfully to
            do so) that the severable part


            is nevertheless put into or given effect in accordance with, or to
            the maximum extent possible in accordance with, the original intent
            of the parties hereto in relation to that part.


      (a)   This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and by
            each party on a separate counterpart, but the Agreement shall not be
            effective until at least the parties required by sub-clause 4.1 have
            executed at least one counterpart. All the executed counterparts
            shall together constitute one and the same instrument.

      (b)   Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page by fax shall
            take effect as delivery of an executed counterpart of this Agreement
            provided that, if such method is adopted, each party shall provide
            the other with the original of such page as soon as reasonably
            practicable thereafter.


      This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
      English law and the parties hereto irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive
      jurisdiction of the English courts in respect of any dispute or matter
      arising out of or connected with this Agreement.

EXECUTED and DELIVERED as a deed the day and year first before written


    Stephen Bart Haberman

In the presence of:

Europa Holdings Limited

                                    By: /s/ Jerome B. Eisenberg



By: /s/ Nancy Franco
    Nancy Franco

In the presence of: /s/ signature illegible

Wireless Telco

                                    By: /s/ Nancy Franco


By: /s/ Don Franco
    Don Franco

In the presence of: /s/ signature illegible

    T Nicholas

In the presence of:


Broadband Wireless Access Services

                                          By: /s/ signature illegible


Wireless T1

                                          By: /s/ J. Daniel Bariault

                                          By: /s/ J. Daniel Bariault

By: /s/ Paul Likins
    Paul Likins

In the presence of:

By: /s/ Kenneth Rind
    Kenneth Rind

In the presence of: /s/ signature illegible

WinStar Communications Inc.



By: /s/ Linda A. Custer
    Linda A. Custer

In the presence of:


By: /s/ Sandra K. Shelton
    Sandra K. Shelton

In the presence of:

Columbus Wireless

                                    By: /s/ signature illegible

                                    By: /s/ signature illegible

By: /s/ William Custer
    William Custer

In the presence of: /s/ Cynthia A. Grizzle 9/23/05
                    Administrative Assistant
                    Custer Capital, Inc.

BENEFICIAL OWNERS (if not already listed as Existing Shareholders)

By: /s/ John Franco
    John Franco

In the presence of:

By: /s/ Mary Franco
    Mary Franco


In the presence of:

Eurovest Holdings Limited

                                    By: /s/ signature illegible


INVESTORS (if not already listed as Existing Shareholders)

SEC Orbcomm Middle East, Ltd.

                                    By: /s/ signature illegible


CEC Bosphorus Communications, Inc.

                                    By: /s/ signature illegible


Europe American Limited

                                    By: /s/ signature illegible



Northwood Ventures LLC

                                    By: /s/ Peter Schiff

                                    By: /s/ signature illegible

By: /s/ Jerome B. Eisenberg
    Jerome B. Eisenberg

In the presence of:  /s/ signature illegible

Northwood Capital Partners LLC

                                    By: /s/ Peter Schiff

                                    By: /s/ signature illegible

By: /s/ Walter Sonnenfeldt
    Walter Sonnenfeldt

In the presence of: /s/ Deborah Sonnenfeldt


Megeneva Ltd.



Foreign Mortgage Corp.



By: /s/ David Wrubel
    David Wrubel

In the presence of:

By: /s/ Joel Miller
    Joel Miller

In the presence of:

By: /s/ Cornelius T. Ryan
    Cornelius T. (Neil) Ryan

In the presence of:

    Elliott Epstein

In the presence of:


Brooks Trust



Cindy Eisenberg Pension Trust



    Henry Wilson

In the presence of:

    Martin Honig

In the presence of:


Satcom International Group PLC

                                    By: /s/ Don Franco



                                   SCHEDULE 1
                         (PARTICULARS OF THE INVESTORS)

                                                                                OUTSTANDING DEBT
                                 PURCHASE PRICE           NUMBER OF SHARES      PRINCIPAL TO BE
NAME                           CONSIDERATION (US$)          TO BE ISSUED         RELEASED (US$)
- -----------------------------  -------------------        ----------------      ----------------
Don Franco                         6,250,800.00                61,144             6,250,800.00
12 Hickory Hill Road
Saddle River, NJ 07458

SEC Orbcomm Middle East, Ltd.      2,000,000.00                13,873             2,000,000.00
c/o Gerrard de Cerjat
29 Rue Sautter
PO Box 244
Geneva 12

CEC Bosphorus                      1,700,000.00                11,792             1,700,000.00
Communications, Inc.
c/o Gerrard de Cerjat
29 Rue Sautter
PO Box 244
Geneva 12

Europe American Limited            2,200,000.00                15,261             2,200,000.00
c/o Gerrard de Cerjat
29 Rue Sautter
PO Box 244
Geneva 12

Northwood Ventures LLC             1,700,000.00                18,005             1,700,000.00
485 Underhill Blvd.
Suite 205
Syosset, NY 11791
Attn: Peter Schiff

Jerome B. Eisenberg                   50,000.00                 3,912                50,000.00
346 Hillcrest Road
Englewood, NJ


                                                                                OUTSTANDING DEBT
                                 PURCHASE PRICE           NUMBER OF SHARES      PRINCIPAL TO BE
NAME                           CONSIDERATION (US$)          TO BE ISSUED         RELEASED (US$)
- -----------------------------  -------------------        ----------------      ----------------
Northwood Capital Partners           300,000.00                 3,177               300,000.00
485 Underhill Blvd.
Suite 205
Syosset, NY 11791
Attn: Peter Schiff

Walter Sonnenfeldt                   602,398.88                 3,072               602,398.88
83 Thackery Road
Rochester, NY 14610

Megeneva Ltd.                        101,000.00                 1,130               101,000.00
c/o Gerrard de Cerjat
29 Rue Sautter
PO Box 244
Geneva 12

Foreign Mortgage Corp.               100,000.00                 1,046               100,000.00
c/o Gerrard de Cerjat
29 Rue Sautter
PO Box 244
Geneva 12

David Wrubel                         100,000.00                 1,030               100,000.00
c/o Miller & Wrubel P.C.
250 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10177-0699

Joel Miller                          100,000.00                 1,030               100,000.00
c/o Miller & Wrubel P.C.
250 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10177-0699

Neil Ryan                            100,000.00                   961               100,000.00
c/o Oxford Partners
315 Post Road
Westport, CT 06880


                                                                                OUTSTANDING DEBT
                                 PURCHASE PRICE           NUMBER OF SHARES      PRINCIPAL TO BE
NAME                           CONSIDERATION (US$)          TO BE ISSUED         RELEASED (US$)
- -----------------------------  -------------------        ----------------      ----------------
Elliott Epstein                       75,000.00                   833                75,000.00
488 Madison Avenue
11th Floor
New York, NY 10022-5910

Brooks Trust                          50,000.00                   555                50,000.00
c/o Cindy Eisenberg
346 Hillcrest Road
Englewood, NJ 07631

Cindy Eisenberg Pension Trust         34,941.44                   431                34,941.44
c/o Jerome B. Eisenberg
346 Hillcrest Road
Englewood, NJ 07631

Henry Wilson                          25,000.00                   252                25,000.00
c/o Northwood Ventures LLC
485 Underhill Blvd.
Suite 205
Syosset, NY 11791

Martin Honig                          20,000.00                   218                20,000.00
35 Pine Lawn Road
Suite 204W
Melville, NY


                                   SCHEDULE 2
                          (PARTICULARS OF THE COMPANY)

Type of company: Public company limited by shares

Date of incorporation: 4 December 1995

Place of incorporation: England and Wales

Registered number: 3133496

Registered office: 7 Spa Road, London SE16 3QQ

Authorised share capital: (pound)1,000,000 divided into 1,000,000 ordinary
shares of (pound)1 each

Issued share capital: 70,120 ordinary shares of (pound)1 each, fully paid

Directors: J. Eisenberg; D. Franco; M. Goldstein; P.G. Schiff; K. Rind; W.H.
Sonnenfeldt; J. Franco

Secretary: J. Eisenberg

Nature of business: Satellite Communication

Accounting reference date: 31 December

Auditors: PJW Accounting Limited

Date of latest accounts filed: 31 December 2003

Date of latest annual return filed: 4 December 2004


                                   SCHEDULE 3
                                 (BOARD MINUTES)

                         SATCOM INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC

MINUTES of a meeting of the Board of Directors held at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New
York NY 10112, New York [ ] on       2005 at          m (Eastern Standard Time).


In attendance:


      [ ] took the Chair, noted that a quorum was present and declared the
      meeting open.


      In accordance with Section 317 of the Companies Act 1985 and Article 15,
      Mr - and Mr - declared that they were included in the arrangements by
      reason of their holding notes and releasing liabilities of the Company in
      respect of accrued salary or fees and expenses.


      The following documents were produced:

      (a)   a Reorganisation Agreement (the "REORGANISATION AGREEMENT") proposed
            to be entered into today between the Company and each of the persons
            identified therein including namely shareholders and certain

      (b)   revised articles of association of the Company ("NEW ARTICLES").

      IT WAS REPORTED that the existing members of the Company and certain
      creditors including holders of various notes issued by the Company (the
      "INVESTORS") had agreed the terms upon which they would subscribe for
      [137,722] new ordinary shares of (pound)1 each in the capital of the
      Company as set out next to each Investors name in Schedule 1 hereto. It
      was noted that all persons other than the Company had executed the
      Reorganisation Agreement. The chairman stated that he felt that it was in
      the best interests of the Company that the Company co-operate in giving
      effect to such arrangements as it improved the strength of the Company's
      balance sheet, benefiting the non-participating creditors and also making
      the Company more attractive to potential investors.

      IT WAS RESOLVED that each of the documents produced be noted, approved or,
      as the case may be, adopted and that:


            (a)   any director be authorised to execute on behalf of the Company
                  any such document which required to be so executed;

            (b)   any such document as required execution as a deed by the
                  Company be so executed; and

            (c)   all steps to be taken by the Company pursuant to any of the
                  documents tabled be taken forthwith.


      It was reported that:

      (a)   two notices of Extraordinary General Meeting had been issued, as
            attached to these minutes;

      (b)   the first extraordinary general meeting was being held on the
            requisite notice but the second extraordinary general meeting was
            [being held using the consent to short notice][not being held];

      (c)   notice of each extraordinary general meeting had been given to the

      (d)   although as permitted by the Companies Act and reflected in the
            existing Articles there was no obligation to give notice to any
            member who had not provided to the Company a registered address
            within the United Kingdom, the Directors had made a good faith
            attempt to notify all members based on information known to the
            Company accordingly IT WAS RESOLVED to proceed with [both
            extraordinary general meetings so that one immediately follows the
            other] [the first extraordinary general meeting only and to convene
            the second extraordinary general meeting for no later than 30 days
            later, subject to complying with the requirements of the Companies
            Act and the Articles].


      The meeting was adjourned. On the resumption of the meeting, it was
      reported that those documents which required execution by the Company had
      been so executed and that the [the] [both] extraordinary general
      meeting[s] had been duly convened and held [on short notice] and that the
      ordinary [and special] resolutions proposed at such meeting[s] had been
      duly passed.


      It was reported that subscription application forms had been received from
      the Investors in respect of an aggregate of [137,722] ordinary shares of
      (pound)1 each in the Company. It was further reported that the Company had
      (pound)929,880 of authorised but unissued share capital. IT WAS RESOLVED
      that subject to the passing of the ordinary resolution referred to in
      section 4 above, new ordinary shares of (pound)1 each be allotted and
      issued to the Investors as set out next to each Investors name in Schedule
      1 hereto credited as fully paid in


      accordance with such applications, that the names of the Investors be
      entered in the Register of Members and that share certificates be issued
      in favour of the Investors in respect of the new Shares.


      The meeting was adjourned. On the resumption of the meeting, it was
      reported that the Register of Members and the Register of Allotments had
      been amended to reflect the issues and allotments described in section 6


      There were produced to the meeting the following duly executed stock
      transfer forms:

TRANSFEROR                            TRANSFEREE            NO. SHARES
- ----------                           ------------           ----------
Don Franco                           Orbcomm Inc.             65,244
Jerome Eisenberg                     Orbcomm Inc.              2,912
Europa Holdings Limited              Orbcomm Inc.             29,240
Nancy Franco                         Orbcomm Inc.              5,950

      IT WAS RESOLVED that subject only to the due stamping of such stock
      transfer forms, each of the transfers be, and is hereby, approved for
      registration in the books of the Company and that the Secretary, be and is
      hereby authorised to make such entries immediately following receipt of
      each such stamped transfer form.


      IT WAS RESOLVED that the secretary be instructed to deliver the following
      to the Registrar of Companies, as soon as the extraordinary general
      meeting[s] [has][have] been held and assuming the relevant resolutions are
      duly passed:

      (a)   a copy of the New Articles.

      (b)   a print of the special resolution.

      (c)   a print of part (a) of the ordinary resolution.

      (d)   a Return of Allotments form (Form 88(2)).


      There being no further business, the meeting terminated.



                                   SCHEDULE 4

                                     PART A


                         SATCOM INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC

TO Shareholders and, for information only, to known beneficial owners of certain
shares, and certain creditors and interested parties.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company will
be held at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112, New York on 30 September
2005 at 10:00am (Eastern Standard time) for the purpose of considering and, if
thought fit, passing the following resolution which will be proposed as a
single, composite, ordinary resolution:


"(a)  The directors be generally and unconditionally authorised pursuant to
      section 80 of the Companies Act 1985 to allot and issue up to 929,880
      ordinary shares of (pound)1 each in the capital of the Company before the
      expiry of 5 years from the date of this resolution (on the expiration of
      which this authority shall expire);

(b)   any acts or omissions of the current and former directors, individually
      and collectively, regarding the allotment, issue and transfers of ordinary
      shares in the capital of the Company and the issue of notes convertible
      into shares and the recognition of certain former intellectual property
      and other rights holders as creditors of the Company in each case prior to
      the date hereof be and are hereby approved; and

(c)   utilising the authority granted in paragraph (a) of this Resolution, to
      allot and issue to SEC Orbcomm Middle East, Ltd., CEC Bosphorus
      Communications, Inc. and Europe American Limited, 13,873, 11,792 and
      15,261 respectively new ordinary shares of (pound)1 each in the capital of
      the Company credited as fully paid (in cash) in consideration of the
      release by each of the three above named entities of the liabilities of
      the Company recorded in the books of the Company, and any other
      liabilities owed to them."

Note: Any member may attend the meeting in person or by proxy. A valid proxy
shall be deposited at the offices of Chadbourne & Parke LLP, 30 Rockefeller
Plaza, New York, NY 10112, New York (marked for the attention of Alexander San
Miguel, Esq.) not less than 48 hours before the time appointed for holding the

DATED 9 September, 2005

                                                           BY ORDER OF THE BOARD


REGISTERED OFFICE: 7 Spa Road, London SE16 3QQ, England


                                   SCHEDULE 4

                                     PART B


                         SATCOM INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC

TO Shareholders and, for information only, to known beneficial owners of certain
shares, and certain creditors and interested parties.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company will
be held at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112, New York on 30 September
2005 at 10:10am (Eastern Standard time) for the purpose of considering and, if
thought fit, passing the following resolution which will be proposed as a
special resolution:

                               SPECIAL RESOLUTION

"To adopt with effect from 1 October 2005 in substitution for the Company's
existing Articles of Association, new Articles of Association (the "NEW
ARTICLES") in the form produced at the meeting and initialled by the chairman of
the meeting, for the purposes of identification only."

Note: Any member may attend the meeting in person or by proxy. A valid proxy
shall be deposited at the offices of Chadbourne & Parke LLP, 30 Rockefeller
Plaza, New York, NY 10112, New York (marked for the attention of Alexander San
Miguel, Esq.) not less than 48 hours before the time appointed for holding the

DATED 9 September, 2005

                                                           BY ORDER OF THE BOARD


REGISTERED OFFICE: 7 Spa Road, London SE16 3QQ, England


                                   SCHEDULE 5
                         (SUBSCRIPTION APPLICATION FORM)

To: The Secretary,

Satcom International Group PLC.
7 Spa Road
London SE16 3QQ

                                                           Dated: September 2005

Dear Sir,

Satcom International Group PLC.

We, [Investor] of [ ] hereby apply for [   ] ordinary shares of (pound)1 each in
the above company at a premium and we enclose a deed of release in respect of
US$- (being the aggregate amount of moneys owed to us by the Company at the date
hereof) in consideration for the issue to us of such ordinary shares credited as
fully paid.

We agree to take such shares subject to the Company's memorandum and articles of
association and to the terms of a Reorganisation Agreement to be made between
(1), ourselves and others and (2), the Company no later than 31 October 2005 and
request you to enter our name in the Company's register of members as the holder
of such shares.

Yours faithfully,


(Duly Authorised)


                                   SCHEDULE 6
                        (WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS)

                             PART I (BY THE COMPANY)


The Shares will at Completion be validly issued free from Encumbrance except as
contained in this Agreement and the New Articles and, assuming execution of a
deed of release referred to in sub-clause 4.1.3, fully paid.


The information set out in Schedule 2 is complete and accurate in all respects.


Entry into and compliance with the terms of this Agreement does not require the
consent or agreement of any person who is not a party to this Agreement, will
not cause the Company to lose any interest in or the benefit of any contract,
asset, right, licence or privilege it presently owns or enjoys, will not relieve
any person of any obligation to the Company, will not cause the Company to be in
breach of any of its obligations, will not result in any present or future
Indebtedness of the Company becoming due prior to its stated maturity and will
not give rise to or cause to become exercisable any option or right of
pre-emption, conversion or termination.


The Company has full power and authority to enter into and perform its
obligations under this Agreement and the agreements and deeds to be entered into
pursuant hereto which will, when executed, constitute binding obligations on the

                           PART II (BY THE INVESTORS)


The Investor is the sole legal and beneficial owner of the amount of Qualifying
Debt listed against his name in Schedule 1, free from any Encumbrances except
that certain of the Qualifying Debt may be beneficially owned by Orbcomm Inc.


The Investor has full power and authority to enter into and perform its
obligations under this Agreement and the agreements and deeds to be entered into
pursuant hereto which will, when executed, constitute binding obligations on the


Entry into and compliance with the terms of this Agreement by the Investor does
not require the consent of any person who is not a party to this Agreement, will
not cause the Investor to lose any interest in or the benefit of the Qualifying
Debt except in


exchange for the issue of the relevant number of Subscription Shares and does
not conflict with the terms of any other agreement to which the Investor is a
party or any applicable law or regulation.


The Investor is not engaged in, or the subject of any litigation, arbitration,
adjudication, mediation, administrative or criminal proceedings, whether as
claimant or defendant or otherwise, which adversely affects, or is likely
adversely to affect, its ability to enter into or its obligations under the



Each Existing Shareholder is either the legal and beneficial owner of the Shares
listed against their name in Schedule 12, free from any Encumbrances, or is the
legal owner of such Shares, subject only to the beneficial ownership being
vested in one or more Beneficial Owners or in Orbcomm Inc.


Each Existing Shareholder has full power and authority to enter into and perform
its obligations under this Agreement and the agreements and deeds to be entered
into pursuant hereto which will, when executed, constitute binding obligations
on such Existing Shareholder.

                       PART IV (BY THE BENEFICIAL OWNERS)


Each Beneficial Owner is the beneficial owner of some Shares listed against the
names of some Existing Shareholders in Schedule 12, free from Encumbrances.


Each Beneficial Owner has full power and authority to enter into and perform its
obligations under this Agreement and the agreements and deeds to be entered into
pursuant hereto which will, when executed, constitute binding obligations on
such Beneficial Owner.


                                   SCHEDULE 7

                               (DEED OF ADHERENCE)

THIS DEED OF ADHERENCE is made the [ ] day of [ ] by [ ] of [ ] (hereinafter
called the "COVENANTOR")

SUPPLEMENTAL to a reorganisation agreement dated [ ] 2005 and made between
Satcom International Group PLC (the "COMPANY") and certain investors [as
modified by [here set out the details of any instrument modifying the original

WITNESSES as follows:

1.    The Covenantor hereby confirms that he has been supplied with a copy of
      the Reorganisation Agreement and hereby covenants with each of the other
      parties to the Reorganisation Agreement from time to time to observe,
      perform and be bound by all the terms of the Reorganisation Agreement
      (other than clauses 2, 3, 4 and 14 thereof) which are capable of applying
      to the Covenantor and which have not been performed at the date hereof to
      the intent and effect that the Covenantor shall be deemed with effect from
      the date on which the Covenantor is registered as a member of the Company
      to be a party to the Reorganisation Agreement and to be a Shareholder (as
      defined in the Reorganisation Agreement).

2     This Deed shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
      of England and the Covenantor hereby submits to the non-exclusive
      jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

EXECUTED AND DELIVERED as a deed the day and year first before written.


                                   SCHEDULE 8
                                (DEED OF CONSENT)

THIS DEED OF CONSENT is made the [ ] day of 2005 by [ ] of [ ] (hereinafter
called the "COVENANTOR")

SUPPLEMENTAL to a reorganisation agreement dated [ ], 2005 and made between
Satcom International Group PLC (the "COMPANY") and certain investors (the

WITNESSES as follows:

1.    The Covenantor, an existing shareholder in the Company, hereby confirms
      that he has been supplied with an Execution Copy of the Reorganisation
      Agreement and hereby consents to the Reorganisation and covenants with
      each of the other parties to the Reorganisation Agreement from time to
      time to observe and be bound by the terms of the Reorganisation Agreement
      (other than clauses 2, 3 and 4 thereof) which are capable of applying to
      the Covenantor and which have not been performed at the date hereof to the
      intent and effect that the Covenantor shall be deemed with effect from the
      date on which the Covenantor is registered as a member of the Company to
      be a party to the Reorganisation Agreement and to be a Shareholder (as
      defined in the Reorganisation Agreement).

2.    The Covenantor hereby (i) releases the current and former directors,
      officers, employees, agents and advisers of the Company, Orbcomm Inc.,
      Orbcomm Holdings LLC and Orbcomm LLC individually and collectively and the
      Company, Orbcomm Inc, Orbcomm Holdings LLC and Orbcomm LLC themselves from
      any and all legal, equitable or other claims, counterclaims, demands,
      setoffs, defences, contracts, accounts, suits, debts (including in respect
      of salary, fees and interest, if any), agreements, actions, causes of
      action, sums of money, reckoning, bonds, bills, specialties, covenants,
      promises, variances, trespasses, damages, extents, executions, judgments,
      findings, controversies and disutes, and any past, present or future
      duties, responsibilities or obligations, to the date hereof, whether known
      or unknown, arising out of, concerning or related to, directly or
      indirectly, any dealings between the parties prior to the date hereof
      including, without limitation, any acts or omissions that may have
      occurred in relation to the current or former or liabilities (actual or
      contingent) of the Company, the business or operations as currently or
      previously carried on and (ii) undertakes not to initiate any form of
      legal proceeding (which term shall include mediation, alternative dispute
      resolution and arbitration) in any jurisdiction in relation to the same or
      to such acts or omissions as a defence or counterclaim to any action
      brought against the Covenantor by any of the above mentioned persons.

3.    This Deed shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
      of England and the Covenantor hereby submits to the non-exclusive
      jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

EXECUTED as a deed the day and year first before written.


                                   SCHEDULE 9
                                (DEED OF RELEASE)

THIS DEED OF RELEASE is made the [ ] day of [ ] 2005 by [ ] of [ ] (hereinafter
called the "CREDITOR")

WITNESSES as follows:

1.    In consideration of the issue to the Creditor of [ ] new ordinary shares
      of (pound)1 each in the capital of Satcom International Group PLC (the
      "COMPANY") credited as fully paid up as to par value and the premium
      thereon, the Creditor hereby:

      (a)   confirms that he has been supplied with an Execution Copy of the
            Reorganisation Agreement and hereby consents to the Reorganisation
            and covenants with each of the other parties to the Reorganisation
            Agreement from time to time to observe and be bound by the terms of
            the Reorganisation Agreement which are capable of applying to the
            Covenantor and which have not been performed at the date hereof to
            the intent and effect that the Covenantor shall be deemed with
            effect from the date on which the Covenantor is registered as a
            member of the Company to be a party to the Reorganisation Agreement
            and to be a Shareholder (as defined in the Reorganisation

      (b)   confirms and agrees that US$[ ] (the "DEBT") represents the total of
            all amounts owing to him (contingent or otherwise and whether of
            principal or interest) and hereby releases and extinguishes the
            Debt; and

      (c)   (i) releases the current and former directors, officers, employees,
            agents and advisers of the Company, Orbcomm Inc., Orbcomm Holdings
            LLC and Orbcomm LLC individually and collectively and the Company,
            Orbcomm Inc, Orbcomm Holdings LLC and Orbcomm LLC themselves from
            any and all legal, equitable or other claims, counterclaims,
            demands, setoffs, defences, contracts, accounts, suits, debts
            (including in respect of salary, fees and interest, if any),
            agreements, actions, causes of action, sums of money, reckoning,
            bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, promises, variances,
            trespasses, damages, extents, executions, judgments, findings,
            controversies and disputes, and any past, present or future duties,
            responsibilities, or obligations, to the date hereof, whether known
            or unknown, arising out of, concerning or related to, directly or
            indirectly, any dealings between the parties prior to the date
            hereof including, without limitation, any acts or omissions that may
            have occurred in relation to the current or former or liabilities
            (actual or contingent) of the Company, the business or operations as
            currently or previously carried on and (ii) undertakes not to
            initiate any form of legal proceeding (which term shall include
            mediation, alternative dispute resolution and arbitration) in any
            jurisdiction in relation to the same or to such acts or


            omissions as a defence or counterclaim to any action brought against
            the Creditor by any of the above mentioned persons.

2     This Deed shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
      of England and the Creditor hereby submits to the non-exclusive
      jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

EXECUTED AND DELIVERED as a deed the day and year first before written.


                                   SCHEDULE 10
                            (CONSENT TO SHORT NOTICE)

                             CONSENT TO SHORT NOTICE

WE, the undersigned, being, together with others who have also given such
consent, a majority in number of the members together holding 95 per cent or
more in nominal value of the shares giving a right to attend and vote at the
Meeting convened by the Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting dated 9
September 2005, convening a meeting of Shareholders for 30 September 2005 at
10.10 am (Eastern Standard Time) for the purpose of adopting new Articles of
Association of the Company, hereby agree to it being convened for the date and
place mentioned therein and to the passing at the Meeting, as a Special
Resolution of the Resolution set out in the Notice notwithstanding that shorter
notice than that specified in the Companies Act 1985 or the Company's Articles
of Association has been given.

DATED:                  2005

Member                  Signature


                                   SCHEDULE 11
                               (BENEFICIAL OWNERS)

                               Europa Holdings Ltd

                                   John Franco

                                   Mary Franco

                              Eurovest Holdings Ltd


                                   SCHEDULE 12
                             (EXISTING SHAREHOLDERS)

                    Stephen Bart Haberman/Europa Holdings Ltd

                           Nancy Franco/Wireless Telco

                                   Don Franco

                                   T Nicholas

                Broadband Wireless Access Services (formerly AA&T
                               Wireless Services)

                                   Wireless TI

                                    P Likins

                                  Kenneth Rind

                           Winstar Communications Inc.

                                  Linda Custer

                                 William Custer

                                Columbus Wireless

                                 Sandra Shelton


                                   SCHEDULE 13
                                (FORMS OF PROXY)

                                     PART A

                         SATCOM INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC

I/We                               of                                    being a
member/members of the above-named company, hereby appoint Don Franco of 12
Hickory Hill Road, Saddle River, NJ, 07458,USA or failing him Jerome Eisenberg
of 364 Hillcrest Road, Englewood, NJ, 07631, USA as my/our proxy to vote in
my/our name[s] and on my/our behalf in favour of the Ordinary Resolution to be
proposed at the extraordinary general meeting of the company to be held on 30
September 2005 at 10.00 am (Eastern Standard Time) convened by the notice dated
9 September 2005 and at any adjournment thereof.

Signed on 2005


                                   SCHEDULE 13

                                     PART B

                         SATCOM INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC

I/We                                 of                                  being a
member/members of the above-named company, hereby appoint Don Franco of
12 Hickory Hill Road, Saddle River, NJ, 07458,USA or failing him Jerome
Eisenberg of 364 Hillcrest Road, Englewood, NJ, 07631, USA as my/our proxy to
vote in my/our name[s] and on my/our behalf in favour of the Special Resolution
to be proposed at the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held on
30 September 2005 at 10.10 am (Eastern Standard Time) convened by the notice
dated 9 September 2005 and at any adjournment thereof.

Signed on 2005
