EXHIBIT 10.34 AMENDED AND RESTATED GNC/RITE AID RETAIL AGREEMENT THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED GNC/RITE AID AGREEMENT ("Retail Agreement"), previously entered into and dated as of the 8th day of December, 1998 (Effective Date), and amended on November 20, 2000 and May 1, 2004, is amended and restated this 31st day of July, 2007 between NUTRA SALES CORPORATION (f/k/a GENERAL NUTRITION SALES CORPORATION), an Arizona corporation ("GNC"), and RITE AID HDQTRS. CORP., a Delaware corporation ("Rite Aid", together with its affiliates operate retail stores, each a "Store" and collectively the "Stores"), and sets forth the terms and conditions under which Rite Aid may open and operate GNC-General Nutrition Center(R)(s) (each a "Business" and collectively the "Businesses") within certain Stores designated pursuant to this Retail Agreement to operate a Business. SELECTED TERM SUMMARY LOCATION: The initial list of Stores within which Rite Aid may operate the Businesses is set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto (hereafter the latitude and longitude coordinates of a Store listed on Exhibit A is referred to as a "Location" or the "Locations"). Rite Aid may by written notice to GNC, providing the latitude and longitude coordinates (using the then current commercially available Global Positioning System) or the street address thereof (which GNC shall convert to latitude and longitude coordinates), designate additional locations as sites where it desires to operate a Business. Subject to I.C. 2 through 4 hereof, any location so designated shall be added as a Location to Exhibit A once GNC informs Rite Aid in writing within 14 days (28 days for proposed sites within Major Metropolitan City Centers or if Rite Aid designates more than 100 proposed locations within a one week period) that the proposed site meets the Site Designation Criteria (as hereinafter provided); however, Rite Aid shall not move forward with opening any such Location until it receives written approval from GNC which shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld by GNC. GNC will provide to Rite Aid a copy of the computer printout (i) showing the Protected Territory of each Location listed on and added to Exhibit A and (ii) with respect to each proposed location which the Computer Software determined does not meet the Site Designation Criteria, a statement of the reasons why it does not and a copy of the computer printout reflecting the conflict. Rite Aid may, in its discretion, from time to time, delete Locations from Exhibit A upon the permanent cessation of the operation of a Store which conducted the Business. PROTECTED TERRITORY: The Protected Territory with respect to each Location listed on Exhibit A from time to time is as follows: (a) For Locations within one of the "Major Metropolitan City Centers", as discussed below, the Protected Territory shall be the area within the perimeter of a circle that has the front entrance of the Location in the center and a radius of 1,056 feet (except that for the New York City Major Metropolitan City Center the radius shall be 528 feet); provided, however, that in all events the Protected Territory shall encompass the entire physical structure of any building within which the Location is located. (b) For all other Locations, the Protected Territory shall be the area within the perimeter of a circle that has the Location in the center and a radius of one mile; and (c) Any shopping center in which any Location is situated; provided, however, that the Protected Territory of a Location: (i) within a Major Metropolitan City Center shall in no event be deemed to encroach on any place outside that Major Metropolitan City Center or (ii) outside a Major Metropolitan City Center shall in no event be deemed to encroach on any place within that Major Metropolitan City Center. 2 "Major Metropolitan City Centers" are those listed on Exhibit B attached hereto that contains the name of the city, as well as a street map designating the agreed geographic area included as the "Major Metropolitan City Center". (d) Effective January 1, 2007, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Retail Agreement, Rite Aid agrees that GNC may open and operate a GNC store in any retail premises consisting of gross leasable area of 500,000 square feet or more that does not have a Location (the "Retail Development") regardless of whether it encroaches on the Protected Territory of a Location located outside the Retail Development and that such action by GNC will not result in a breach of this Retail Agreement. The gross leasable area shall be measured from the outside of the exterior walls or the center of any common wall, as the case may be, without deduction for columns or other structural elements within the premises. TERM OF LICENSE: The Term is set forth in Section II. INITIAL FEE: Starting January 1, 2007, twenty thousand ($20,000) per Business except that for 2007 the fifty carry over Businesses from 2006 shall have an initial fee of $16,000 per Business. This fee is payable to GNC by Rite Aid on the last day of each quarter during which the Businesses are actually opened. Payments for Business not actually opened by Rite Aid as required by the Development Schedule shall be handled in accordance with Section I.I. GNC BRAND PRODUCTS: Products containing on their labels one or more of the Proprietary Marks. GNC CONSIGNMENT PRODUCTS: Certain GNC Brand Products placed on consignment with Rite Aid by GNC pursuant to a separate Amended and Restated Consignment Agreement ("Consignment Agreement"). GNC will place on consignment sale with Rite Aid as GNC Consignment Products GNC Brand Product having a minimum retail value of ten percent 3 (10%) of the retail value of Rite Aids inventory of GNC Brand Products in the GNC Plan-O-Gram. GNC PLAN-O-GRAM: The store layout for the Business specifying a bird's eye view, product facings, product code numbers and merchandising requirements that are part of the System. The products in the GNC Plan-O-Gram include GNC Brand Products, GNC Consignment Products, and Third Party Products. The GNC Plan-O-Gram will be customized for three Rite Aid base square footage stores, however, Rite Aid agrees that not more than one-third of the Stores in which the Business is operated will utilize the smallest square footage GNC Plan-O-Gram. In addition, Rite Aid agrees that no GNC Plan-O-Gram in any Store in which a Business is located shall be smaller than forty eight feet (of which GNC products shall consist of a minimum of twenty four feet). Effective January 2007, all new, relocated, and remodeled Stores in locations greater than 11,000 square feet shall use the wooden fixtures and store within a store planogram. The initial GNC Plan-O-Grams are attached hereto as Exhibit C and shall be updated at least annually at GNC's annual line review, and modified as agreed by GNC and Rite Aid. The opening order quantity for each product in each GNC Plan-O-Gram for each new Business is specified in Exhibit C-1. Rite Aid agrees that it shall set the minimum quantity in its Store Automatic Replenishment System for GNC Brand Product at least two (2), except that for GNC Consignment Products the minimum quantities will be set by GNC pursuant to the Consignment Agreement. Rite Aid agrees to maintain as per the Plan-O-Gram a minimum number of GNC Brand Product skus as mutually agreed to by the parties. Rite Aid agrees to maintain this minimum requirement by replacing any discontinued GNC Brand Products skus with replacement GNC Brand Product skus. 4 THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS: Products manufactured by third parties, included in the GNC Plan-O-Gram and available for GNC to sell to Rite Aid, but not including those products listed on Exhibit D attached hereto. RECITALS: WHEREAS, General Nutrition Investment Company, GNC's affiliate, as the result of the expenditure of time, skill, effort and money, has developed and owns a unique and comprehensive system (hereinafter the "Comprehensive System") relating to the opening and operation of retail nutrition, health and/or fitness stores ("GNC-General Nutrition Centers") which sell, among other things, vitamins, health foods, natural cosmetics, diet products, physical fitness products and health management products and services; and WHEREAS, the distinguishing characteristics of the Comprehensive System include, without limitation, the establishment, development and operation of stores which feature vitamins, emphasizing a special selection of vitamins, minerals and herbs manufactured or distributed by GNC or its affiliates under labels bearing the mark "GNC" and related marks and which may feature health foods, natural cosmetics, diet products, physical fitness products or health-management products and services; distinctive building designs, interior and exterior layout and trade dress; standards and specifications for construction methods and materials, equipment, furnishings, fixtures, supplies, signs and product lists; technical assistance and training; sales and management assistance and training; operating procedures for the storage, display and sale of vitamins, natural cosmetics, diet products, physical fitness products and health-management products and services; and specialized methods and techniques for inventory and cost controls, record keeping and reporting, personnel management, purchasing, customer service, sales promotion and advertising; and unique merchandising systems including the GNC 5 Plan-O-Gram, all of which may be changed, improved and further developed by GNC or its affiliates from time to time; and WHEREAS, General Nutrition Investment Company has developed a modified Comprehensive System consisting of the features set forth on Exhibit E hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "System") for use applicable to operating the Business within large retail drug store chains and Rite Aid seeks to use the System including the GNC Plan-O-Gram, and to identify the System by means of certain trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos, emblems and other indicia of origin, including but not limited to the "GNC" and "GENERAL NUTRITION CENTER" marks, and such other trade names, service marks and trademarks as are listed on Exhibit F (as the same may hereafter be modified or designated by GNC in writing by amending Exhibit F provided such change is generally applicable to GNC's operations) for use in connection with the System (hereinafter such marks are referred to as the "Proprietary Marks'), all of which such Proprietary Marks are owned by GNC or its affiliates; and WHEREAS, General Nutrition Investment Company has licensed to GNC the right to use or further license the System so long as GNC agrees to abide by the high standards of quality, cleanliness, appearance and service and to operate in conformity with General Nutrition Investment Company's use of the System or if GNC further licenses the System, such further licensee, being, in this case, Rite Aid, must agree and does hereby agree to operate in conformity with the System and this Retail Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties, in consideration of the undertakings and commitments of each party to the other party set forth herein, intending to be legally bound hereby, mutually agree as follows: I. GRANT OF LICENSE 6 A. GNC hereby grants to Rite Aid upon the terms and conditions herein contained, the right and license to operate, within the United States of America the Business within its Stores only, at and from each of the Locations specified on Exhibit A from time to time, and to use solely in connection therewith the Proprietary Marks and the System, as they may be changed, improved, and further developed from time to time. In any Location in which Rite Aid operates the Business, it shall operate the Business in accordance with the System and the license granted in this Retail Agreement. Exhibit C to this Retail Agreement specifies the initial GNC Plan-O-Gram, and categories of goods which Rite Aid shall offer from the Locations at which it operates the Business to properly store, market and sell these goods in conformity with the System. B. Rite Aid may solicit and sell to any customers at the Store Locations; provided, however, that Rite Aid acknowledges that the license conferred by this Retail Agreement is for a GNC General Nutrition Center(R) retail store to be located within a Store at a Location included on Exhibit A and customers must receive products which contain the Proprietary Marks at the designated Store Location, and that Rite Aid shall not operate a mail order, direct mail, catalog, telemarketing, Internet, World Wide Web, websites, electronic pages, electronic communications, interactive electronic media, shopping networks, direct marketing or similar business which permits customers to purchase and receive products containing the Proprietary Marks without being present at the designated Store Location. Rite Aid acknowledges that GNC and its affiliates and franchisees of GNC's affiliates also may solicit and sell to any customers wherever the customers are located. Rite Aid shall have no rights to such sales by GNC, its affiliate or franchisees. C. After the date hereof, Rite Aid shall have the right to add Locations to Exhibit A from time to time subject to the following: 7 1. Rite Aid shall be deemed to have failed to meet the Site Designation Criteria with respect to any location and shall have no right under the license granted to it in this Retail Agreement to designate as a Location any location: (a) notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Retail Agreement, within the protected territory of any franchisee or of any other licensee of GNC or its affiliates provided however, Rite Aid is notified by GNC; (b) within the area of a United States government military facility; (c) within the perimeter of any area within which GNC or one of its affiliates is bound pursuant to a legally enforceable lease (other than from the location which is the subject of the lease) or GNC or one of its affiliates is prohibited from granting a license to operate, or is itself prohibited from operating a business selling GNC Brand Products; (d) in any shopping center in which GNC or one of its affiliates, operates for its own account a store, kiosk or other outlet from which it conducts a retail business selling GNC Brand Products; (e) not within a Major Metropolitan City Center, but within the area within the perimeter of a circle with a radius of one mile and that has in its center any location from which GNC or one of its affiliates or their franchisees or licensees operates a store, kiosk or other outlet that sells GNC Brand Products (provided it does not conflict with Section I.C.1(a)); (f) that is within a Major Metropolitan City Center and is within the perimeter of a circle that has the front entrance of any store, kiosk or other outlet that sells GNC Brand Products in the center and a radius of 1,056 feet (except that for the New York City Major Metropolitan City Center the radius shall be 528 feet); provided, however, that in all events not within the entire physical structure of any building in which the store, kiosk or other outlet that sells GNC Brand Products is located, or 8 (g) with respect to which GNC or its affiliates has committed or is in negotiation for a lease or with a prospective franchisee or licensee for a location which if secured by GNC or its affiliates or a franchisee or licensee, would under clauses (a)-(f) hereof preclude Rite Aid from having Rite Aid's proposed location added as a Location on Exhibit A, provided however Rite Aid is notified in advance by GNC; provided, however, that GNC or its affiliates must complete the negotiations to secure the lease or franchise or license within sixty (60) days from the date that Rite Aid designated a site as a proposed Location or GNC or its affiliates or franchisee or licensee must open the location within two (2) years after the lease or franchise or license commitment. GNC represents that as of the date of execution of this Retail Agreement no Location listed on Exhibit A is located within the area described in (a) through (f) above and that no store, kiosk or other outlet that sells GNC Brand Products encroaches on the Protected Territory of any Location listed on Exhibit A on the date of this Retail Agreement. Copies of the computer printouts as to each Location listed on Exhibit A on the date of this Retail Agreement have been provided to Rite Aid. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no proposed Location: (i) within a Major Metropolitan City Center shall fail to meet the Site Designation Criteria by reason of subpart (e) above, (ii) not within a Major Metropolitan City Center shall fail to meet the Site Designation Criteria by reason of subpart (d) above and (iii) shall fail to meet the Site Designation Criteria by reason of its proximity to a United States government military facility. 2. Intentionally omitted. 3. Intentionally omitted. 4. In the event that Rite Aid acquires a retail drug store chain having 300 or more stores, Rite Aid may, add each such acquired location to Exhibit A, provided that no such location may be added if it could not be added after application of the Site Designation Criteria set forth in 1 (a) through (d) and (g) above or if it is within the perimeter of a circle with a radius 9 of 1 mile and that has in its center any location from which GNC or one of its affiliates or their franchisees or licensees operates a store, kiosk or other outlet that sells GNC Brand Products (provided it does not conflict with Section I.C.1(a)). D. Intentionally omitted. E. During the Term neither GNC nor any of its affiliates shall operate a GNC or General Nutrition Center under the System or the Comprehensive System or any part thereof or otherwise operate or grant any other person or entity any franchise, right or license to operate a store kiosk or outlet within a Protected Territory that distributes or sells GNC Brand Products; except that GNC may relocate existing General Nutrition Center Stores within the perimeter of a circle with a two (2) mile radius provided the relocated General Nutrition Center Store is not within the perimeter of a circle that has a Location operating the Business and a radius of one (1) mile. In addition, GNC will not expand the protected territory of an existing GNC franchisee or licensee or grant a larger protected territory to any GNC franchisee or licensee than that provided to Rite Aid in this Retail Agreement. F. Except as expressly set forth above, GNC and its affiliates, without any liability whatsoever to Rite Aid and without granting Rite Aid any rights therein, retain the right: (i) to operate, or grant a license for the operation of, a GNC or General Nutrition Center store, a kiosk or other outlet, using GNC Brand at any location outside a Protected Territory notwithstanding its proximity to the Protected Territory, (ii) to give, sell, promote, advertise and/or distribute, directly or indirectly (or to license others to give, sell, promote, advertise/or distribute, directly or indirectly) any goods or services (including, but not limited to, GNC Brand Products), by any means (including, but not limited to, direct or indirect sales, electronic communications, Internet, World Wide Web, websites, electronic pages, interactive electronic media, shopping networks, direct mail, mail 10 order, catalog sales and any other method of sale or distribution which now exists or which may in the future exist), to any business, distributor, wholesalers, retailer, establishment, organization, club, outlet, individual consumer, or customer at any location: (a) provided the business, distributor, wholesaler, retailer organization or club, is located outside of the Protected Territory; (b) whether or not the goods or services bear, and/or are sold in connection with, any or all of the Proprietary Marks; and/or (c) regardless of whether or not the goods or services are the same as, similar to or different from those sold or distributed by the Business. G. GNC acknowledges that, except as otherwise may be provided in this Retail Agreement, Rite Aid will market and sell products which compete with the GNC Brand Products in Stores at which Rite Aid does and at Stores at which Rite Aid does not operate the Business. GNC acknowledges and agrees that Rite Aid's so doing is not a violation of any provisions of this Retail Agreement and that Rite Aid shall have no obligation to make any payment or to account to GNC for any sales resulting from those activities, other than as specified in this Retail Agreement. H. Rite Aid acknowledges that GNC and its affiliates will market and sell GNC Brand Products and other products in the mass market channels of trade, among other places Rite Aid acknowledges and agrees that, except as otherwise provided in this Retail Agreement, GNC and its affiliates so doing is not a violation of any provisions of this Retail Agreement and that GNC and its affiliates shall have no obligation to make any payment or to account to Rite Aid for any sales resulting from those activities. I. Subject to satisfaction by GNC and its affiliates of the respective obligations under this Retail Agreement, the Amended and Restated Production and Supply Agreement ("Production and Supply Agreement") and the Consignment Agreement, starting in January 2007, Rite Aid hereby commits to open 1125 additional Businesses from January 2007 through 11 December 2014 (and 250 additional Businesses if the Agreement is renewed for an additional five years) pursuant to the following yearly Development Schedule ("Development Schedule"): <Table> <Caption> 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 BEGINNING # OPEN STORES [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] STORE OPENINGS [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] ENDING # OPEN STORES [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] INCLUDES 50 STORE CARRYOVER FROM 2006 Each Location must meet the Site Designation Criteria and the approved GNC Plan-O-Gram for the Location. Each possible Business Location approved by GNC shall thereafter be referred to as a "Designated Location." Designated Locations on the schedule can be exchanged consistent with current practices, but GNC shall not approve more than the number of Locations committed on the development schedule above. If GNC has not approved the minimum non- cumulative number of possible Business Locations shown on above and Rite Aid is not able to open the number of Locations required above, the parties shall meet, confer, and agree on a revised development schedule extending the performance dates and annual commitments as appropriate. If the shortfall is a result of a Force Majeure event or caused by GNC's and/or its affiliates' breach of this Retail Agreement, the parties shall meet, confer, and revise the minimum purchase requirements as set forth in this Retail Agreement, the Consignment Agreement and the Production and Supply Agreement as well as the above Development Schedule as appropriate to take into account the shortfall. In the event that following its approval, GNC desires to operate or franchise a GNC store within the Protected Territory of a Designated Location that is not yet opened or operating by Rite Aid, GNC shall provide Rite Aid with a right of first refusal for such Location and unless Rite Aid re-confirms the same as a Designated Location within thirty (30) days thereafter, the - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 12 potential Location shall be deleted from the Agreement and GNC shall not be restricted from operating or franchising a GNC in such Location. If Rite Aid exercises its Right of First Refusal the site must be developed in the following 6 months. Failure to develop the site will result in loss of approval and GNC may proceed with their development. If during any calendar year less than the full number of new Locations required by the Development Schedule (taking into account one time, any Location openings in prior periods in excess of the minimum new Location operating requirements) are opened and operating the Business, then Rite Aid shall pay to GNC on the last day of such calendar year a forfeiture payment of [*] ($[*]) multiplied by the shortfall. Amounts paid to GNC under this section as forfeiture payments shall reduce the outstanding balance of the development fee and shall be Rite Aid's sole liability and GNC's sole remedy for the shortfall. If the number of new Businesses opened during a calendar year exceed the full number of new Locations required by the Development Schedule then the excess number of Locations operating the Business may be applied one time to the following calendar year's Business development commitment and Rite Aid shall pay the Initial Fee for any such excess Locations when the Businesses open. J. Exclusivity Fee. In consideration for the continuation of the Non-Competition Clause of Article Xl, Rite Aid shall pay to GNC an annual exclusivity fee of $[*]. The exclusivity fee shall be paid to GNC within ten days of January 1 of each year. For 2007, the exclusivity fee shall be $[*] and paid to GNC by Rite Aid 10 day after execution of this Retail Agreement. II. TERM AND RENEWAL A. This Retail Agreement and the license granted herein begin on December 8, 1998 and shall expire December 31, 2014, unless extended or terminated sooner in accordance with - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 13 the terms and conditions of this Retail Agreement. This Retail Agreement shall be subject to early termination as described in Paragraph IV.E.(4) below. B. Rite Aid may, after the expiration of the initial term, renew this Retail Agreement and the license granted hereunder for five (5) years, subject to the following conditions which must be met prior to the renewal term: (1) Rite Aid shall give GNC written notice of Rite Aid's election to renew not less than twelve (12) months nor more than eighteen (18) months prior to the end of the initial term . (2) Rite Aid shall not be in material default beyond any applicable cure or grace periods set forth in this Retail Agreement. (3) All Initial Fees unpaid to date shall be paid in a lump sum to GNC within 30 days following the full execution of this Retail Agreement. (4) During the Term and any extension of this Retail Agreement, Rite Aid may elect to renew individual store licenses and upon electing to renew an individual store license shall pay to GNC license renewal fees as follows: Stores opened 1999 = $[*] per store due 2009 Stores opened 2000 = $[*] per store due 2010 Stores opened 2001-2006 = $[*] due per store on expiration of the 10 year license, to wit, 2011-2016 Stores opened 2007-2019 = $[*] due per store in two installments: $[*] in year 5 and $[*] in year 10. All individual store license renewals are fully earned when paid and nonrefundable. All individual store license renewals shall run from the license renewal date to the earlier of (a) ten (10) years or (b) the termination or expiration of this Retail Agreement. - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 14 III. DUTIES OF GNC A. GNC shall make available an initial training program as set forth in Section V of this Retail Agreement. GNC shall provide to Rite Aid certain training materials designed for Rite Aid to train Rite Aid's employees. B. GNC at no cost to Rite Aid, shall provide the same initial advertising materials and promotional package materials as provided to franchisees for Rite Aid's use in conjunction with the opening of the Business at each Store. GNC shall also make available to Rite Aid, advertising and monthly promotional material for the Business, at no cost to Rite Aid. C. GNC shall seek to maintain high standards of quality, appearance and service of the Comprehensive System, and to that end shall provide such initial and continuing advisory assistance as GNC deems advisable in the opening and operation of the Business, including, from time to time, advice and material on: (i) new sales and marketing developments and operational techniques; and (ii) periodic newsletters and bulletins, as provided to all its franchisees. D. Intentionally omitted. E. The parties adopt and agree to abide by the Confidentiality, Nondisclosure and Secrecy Agreement attached to the Production and Supply Agreement as if fully set forth herein. IV. FEES, PRODUCT PURCHASES, AND ADVERTISING CONTRIBUTIONS A. Initial Fees. Rite Aid shall pay to GNC the Initial Fees specified in the Selected Term Summary. B. Product Purchases. During the Term of this Retail Agreement and any renewal period, Rite Aid agrees that it shall order and purchase from GNC and GNC shall supply Rite Aid's requirements for GNC Brand Product, as well as its requirements for Third Party Product as specified in the GNC Plan-O-Gram, carried by GNC in its distribution centers and available 15 for sale to Rite Aid. This requirement to purchase all of Rite Aid's requirements of Third Party Product shall not apply on if Rite Aid is able to obtain such Product from another source at more favorable terms than from GNC. If Rite Aid does purchase those products from a source other than GNC, then Rite Aid will provide proof to GNC of the terms of such purchase within ten business days of the purchase date. Rite Aid shall purchase units of the GNC Plan-O-Gram Product in quantities, at times and in assortments as may be called for from time to time in Rite Aid's purchase orders, subject to GNC's normal lead times as GNC may establish from time to time. Product sold to or carried by Rite Aid shall fall into the following three categories and price formulas: (1) For GNC Brand Products in the GNC Plan-O-Gram not on consignment to Rite Aid the price to be paid by Rite Aid will be the GNP Standard Cost (calculated and determined consistent with past practices since December 8, 1998) in effect on the date the order is shipped multiplied by [*] with payment due forty-five (45) days from receipt of goods. (2) For Third Party Product in the GNC Plan-O-Gram to be sold to Rite Aid the price will be the GNC Standard Cost multiplied by [*] with payment due forty five (45) days after receipt by Rite Aid. "GNC Standard Cost" shall be the Standard Cost reflected in GNC's then current purchasing and inventory system. GNC will use its best efforts to supply Rite Aid under this Retail Agreement at a ship rate service level of not less than [*]% on purchase orders placed by Rite Aid for GNC Brand Product, calculated on a dollar value (dollars ordered versus dollars shipped). There will be no penalties to GNC, but on an annual basis for every percentage point or points (including - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 16 fractional for less than full percentage points) the actual ship rate is below the [*]% ship rate service level, then the Minimum Purchase Requirements for that same period shall be reduced by the same percentage point or points (including fractional for less than full percentage points). (3) For product in the GNC Plan-O-Gram on consignment from GNC to Rite Aid, the amount set forth in the Consignment Agreement, dated the date hereof, between GNC and Rite Aid. For purposes of this Retail Agreement (a) "GNP Standard Cost" shall mean the aggregate cost of Labor Cost, Overhead Cost, Raw Material Costs and non-affiliated licensing fees incurred by Nutra Manufacturing, Inc. (f/k/a General Nutrition Products, Inc.), a South Carolina corporation ("GNP"), which is an affiliate of GNC, in the production of each GNC Brand Product (b) "Raw Material Cost" shall mean cost of materials and ingredients used by GNP in the manufacture and packaging for each GNC Brand Product and the associated in-bound freight to GNP. (c) "Labor Cost" shall mean all monies paid by GNP to hourly personnel for working directly on the production of each GNC Brand Product. (d) "Overhead Cost" shall mean all costs incurred by GNC in manufacturing the GNC Brand Products purchased by Rite Aid pursuant to this Retail Agreement excluding Labor Cost and Raw Materials Costs. Costs incurred from administration, product development, outbound freight, arid sales and marketing are excluded from GNP Standard Cost. GNC in conjunction with GNP agrees to establish standard costs reasonably, reflecting anticipated costs using generally accepted cost accounting methodologies and Rite Aid has the right to audit such - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 17 methodologies. All prices to Rite Aid are landed costs at Rite Aid's designated distribution center. (4) Intentionally omitted. (5) Certain Product Purchases. At the date of delivery to Rite Aid: (a) all GNC Brand Products shall have expiration dates which are a minimum of 12 months unless consented to otherwise by Rite Aid in its sole discretion, (b) all nutrition bars shall have expiration dates which are a minimum of 6 months, and (c) all Third-Party Products shall have expiration dates which are a minimum of 12 months prior to the expiration date on their package unless consented to otherwise by Rite Aid in its sole discretion. (6) With regard to any GNC Brand Product, GNC Consignment Product, or Third Party Product that has increased in cost by ten percent or more, Rite Aid agrees that GNC may implement and charge such new price for such a product upon Rite Aid's placement of an order for such product rather than waiting to implement the change at the annual price roll. C. Intentionally omitted. D. All products delivered by GNC pursuant to this Retail Agreement shall be delivered on a carrier designated by Rite Aid from time to time as "preferred carriers" unless delivered on GNC trucks. All PRODUCTS delivered by GNC pursuant to this Retail Agreement shall be delivered on a carrier designated by GNC. Rite Aid will have 12 hours free time to offload carrier equipment arriving at the agreed upon appointment time. Any time in excess of these 12 hours will be charged back to Rite Aid at a rate of $[*] per hour for detention of driver and equipment, not to exceed $[*] per 24 hour period per delayed driver and equipment. E. Minimum Product Purchases. As specified in the attached Exhibit IV.E each calendar year Rite Aid shall have a minimum GNC Brand Product (excluding Consignment - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 18 Product) wholesale purchase requirement based on net wholesale shipments of GNC Brand Product (the "Minimum Purchase Requirement"). Net wholesale shipments of GNC Brand Product means gross shipments of GNC Brand Products less allowances, returns, and shortage adjustments. (1) If the aggregate shipments to Rite Aid of GNC Brand Product during the calendar year exceed the Minimum Purchase Requirement, for the applicable period, then Rite Aid shall be entitled to a rebate credit of 5% on the amount of shipments exceeding the Minimum Purchase Requirements during that period. If Rite Aid meets 100% of the Minimum Purchase Requirement on a full Contract Year, then Rite Aid may carry forward up to the excess between the 100% and 105% of that year's requirement to the next full Contract Year's Minimum Purchase Requirement. If Rite Aid elects to carry over such portion, then the corresponding credit will be adjusted. The rebate will be determined and credited to Rite Aid within sixty (60) days of the applicable period end. (2) If the amount of shipments of GNC Brand Products to Rite Aid during the calendar year are less than the Minimum Purchase Requirement for GNC Brand Products for the applicable period (taking into account any adjustments for service level as provided herein) and such shortfall has not been made up by commensurate GNC consignment product purchases as set forth in subsection 5 below, then Rite Aid, as its sole obligation (GNC's sole remedy), shall pay to GNC on account of such shortfall the amounts calculated pursuant to the schedule for Minimum Requirements for GNC Brand Products attached hereto as Exhibit IV.E. If the shortfall is a result of a Force Majeure event or caused by GNC's and/or its affiliates' breach of this Retail Agreement, the parties shall meet, confer, and revise the minimum purchase requirements as set forth in Exhibit IV.E. as appropriate to take into account the shortfall. Although total Volume Requirements are identified on Exhibit IV.E, the calculation of the 19 payment for a shortfall in GNC Brand purchases shall be calculated separately from the calculation for the payment for a shortfall, if any, in consignment volume. For illustration purposes only, if the amount of shipments of GNC Brand Products for 2008 is $[*] and assuming no service level adjustments or adjustments related to purchases of GNC consignment product above the GNC consignment minimum purchase requirement, the shortfall in this example is $[*] and the payment by Rite Aid to GNC would be calculated by multiplying [*]% ($[*] represents a [*]% shortfall of the $[*] requirement) times the Minimum Purchase Requirement for this period of $[*] which equals $[*]. Such amounts shall be invoiced by GNC and paid by Rite Aid to GNC within sixty (60) days of invoice. (3) Criteria for Minimum Purchase Requirement requirements. Attached hereto as Exhibit IV.E is a schedule containing the Minimum Purchase Requirements for each year. (4) If actual shipments in the aggregate from January 1 through December 31 over any two year period (for example, from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2009) are less than 75% of the aggregate Minimum Purchase Requirements through the same period (taking into account any adjustments for service level as provided herein) then GNC shall promptly provide Rite Aid written notice of same. Upon receipt of the written notice from GNC, Rite Aid shall be given 120 days to cure any such shortfall specifically addressed in this paragraph. Upon failure of Rite Aid to cure the shortfall specifically addressed in this paragraph after 120 days of receipt of GNC's notice, GNC , as its sole remedy (other than the shortfall payment provisions of subsection 2 above) immediately terminate this Retail Agreement and the Consignment Agreement by sending a Notice of Early Termination to Rite Aid within two months after expiration of the cure period. If the shortfall is a result of a Force Majeure event or caused by - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 20 GNC's and/or its affiliates' breach of this Retail Agreement, the parties shall meet, confer, and revise the minimum purchase requirements as set forth in Exhibit IV.E. as appropriate to take into account the shortfall If actual shipments to Rite Aid of both categories of GNC Brand Product and Consignment Product combined aggregate 75% of the aggregate Minimum Purchase Requirements under this Retail Agreement, then GNC will not have the above Early Termination right. (5) Effective January 1, 2008, up to [*] percent ([*]%) of the annual minimum purchase requirements of GNC Brand Product can be moved from GNC Brand Product purchase requirements to GNC consignment purchase requirements to meet the total minimum purchase requirements of GNC Brand Product and GNC consignment product. For example, Rite Aid will satisfy its minimum purchase requirements for GNC Brand Product in 2008 should it purchase $[*] in GNC Brand Product ($[*] - [*]% ($[*]) = $[*]) provided it purchases $[*] in GNC consignment product ($[*] + $[*] = $[*]) in 2008. V. TRAINING A. GNC or its affiliate shall provide training materials on sales and product information. In addition, GNC shall once per year offer in house training on sales and product information as directed by Rite Aid. Rite Aid shall bear the costs and expense of their employees attending such training. B. Rite Aid shall be responsible ensuring that all of Rite Aid's applicable employees, use the training materials provided by GNC. Rite Aid shall maintain a competent, conscientious, vitamin specialist dedicated to the Business at least twenty (20) hours per week in the stores constituting seventy five percent (75%) of Business volume, each of whom renders competent, prompt, courteous and knowledgeable service to the Businesses customers. Each vitamin - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 21 specialist shall complete a vitamin training program developed by GNC. GNC shall provide electronic copies of all training materials to Rite Aid. VI. DUTIES OF RITE AID A. In each Store at which Rite Aid operates the Business, Rite Aid shall prominently display and maintain in first class appearance and condition, at Rite Aid's expense, signs of such nature, form, color, number, illumination and size, and containing such name(s), design(s), legend(s) and symbol(s) as GNC shall prescribe in the attached operating standards, all of which shall be supplied by GNC to Rite Aid at cost to Rite Aid. Subject to applicable zoning and lease restrictions, Rite Aid shall display or cause to be displayed a GNC approved Store front sign on the front facia of each Store which operates a Business as well as on the marquee pylon. Also, if applicable zoning and lease restrictions limit the number of secondary signs allowed, the GNC logo sign shall take priority over all other secondary signs except the Pharmacy, Drive Through, and 24 Hour secondary signs. In addition, Rite Aid shall display in the center of each Business within a Store an approved GNC overhead sign and such sign shall be supplied by Rite Aid at its expense. Rite Aid acknowledges that the GNC Gold Card program is a required marketing system that shall be participated in by Rite Aid by following the guidelines set forth in the Gold Card Program. No other card based affinity program or marketing system may be applied to GNC Brand Products in the GNC Plan-O-Gram without GNC's approval. B. GNC reserves the right to modify the GNC Plan-O-Gram annually, and to make modifications as agreed with Rite Aid. The then current GNC Plan-O-Gram will remain in effect until the revised GNC Plan-O-Gram has been agreed upon. Rite Aid shall implement at its cost the GNC Plan-O-Gram changes and shall purchase and implement the annual reset signs and merchandising kits. 22 C. Rite Aid shall permit GNC and its agents to enter upon each Store premises at any reasonable time, with or without advance notice, for the purpose of conducting inspections and evaluating Rite Aid's compliance with among any other things, FDA, CPSC, and FTC requirements as they relate to the Business and the Proprietary Marks standards uniformly established by GNC, and shall cooperate with GNC's representatives in such inspections by rendering such assistance as they may reasonably request. D. All advertising by Rite Aid in any medium concerning the Business or the products in the GNC Plan-O-Gram shall be conducted in a dignified manner, shall be completely truthful, accurate, and not misleading, shall comply with the highest ethical standards applicable to advertising generally and the business in particular, shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including, without limitations, rules and regulations of the FDA, the FTC, including GNC's FTC Consent Orders specified in this paragraph D and all applicable consumer protection agencies and bureaus, and shall conform to such standards and requirements as GNC may specify from time to time in writing. Prior to including any statement or claim with respect to the efficacy or health benefit of any GNC Brand Product in any advertising or promotional material, Rite Aid shall submit the text thereof to GNC for its approval. GNC shall no later than the close of the next business day advise Rite Aid whether it approves or disapproves of such text; GNC shall not unreasonably withhold such approval. Rite Aid acknowledges that it has received and reviewed a copy of the FTC Consent Orders dated November 1970, February 1989 and Consent Decree dated May 1994 entered into by GNC or its affiliates with the Federal Trade Commission (the "Consent Decrees," copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibit H) and agrees that its advertising and promotional plans and materials shall not violate those Consent Decrees; provided, that all advertising and promotional material provided by or approved by GNC shall for purposes of this paragraph, be deemed to have 23 satisfied the requirements of this paragraph. Subject to compliance by GNC with the provisions of Section XVI.D, Rite Aid agrees to indemnify and defend GNC and its affiliates if its advertising, promotional plans and materials should violate the terms of the Consent Decrees. Rite Aid shall display the Proprietary Marks and other marks proprietary to GNC in a manner prescribed by GNC on all signs and other advertising and promotional materials used in connection with the Business. Rite Aid and GNC shall regularly review advertising and promotional plans and materials to ensure compliance with the Consent Decrees. E. As to each Location operating a Business, at GNC's request, but not more often than GNC every seven years from the applicable Store's opening date or last substantial refurbishing, Rite Aid shall refurbish the Store at Rite Aids expense, to conform to the trade dress, color schemes, and presentation of trademarks and service marks consistent with the then- current public image of the System. F. To insure that the highest degree of quality and service is maintained, Rite Aid shall operate the Store in strict conformity with such methods, standards, and specifications as prescribed by the System. Rite Aid agrees to sell or offer for sale only such products and services in the Business as have been approved by GNC in the GNC Plan-O-Gram; not to deviate from GNC's standards and specifications by offering or selling unapproved products or services in the Business without GNC's prior written consent; and promptly to discontinue selling and offering for sale any products or services in the Businesses which GNC may, for reasons of labeling, health or safety, recall any product in the GNC Plan-O-Gram as part of a GNC system wide or geographic (i.e. state wide) recall. GNC shall refund to Rite Aid the amount paid by Rite Aid for any product so recalled based upon the most recent invoice. G. Intentionally omitted. 24 H. Rite Aid shall implement the following merchandising and advertising criteria as follows: 1. POP requirements as agreed to by the parties; 2. At all times, Rite Aid agrees to dedicate 4 end caps to products purchased through GNC in wooden fixture stores and agrees to dedicate 1 end cap to products purchased through GNC in steel fixture stores ; 3. GNC Brand products that tie into the then current Rite Aid health initiative as agreed by both parties will be merchandised on the pick-up or drop-off shelves at the primary pharmacy customer counter a minimum of eight months each calendar year. 4. The annual reset GNC/Department/Plan-O-Gram must be mutually agreed to by the parties. 5. Rite Aid agrees to provide GNC with free access to Rite Insight on the Rite Aid supplier portal and to provide GNC with all the features and deliverables associated with Rite Insight as Rite Aid provides to its customers who pay for access to Rite Insight. 6. Rite Aid agrees to a minimum combination of at least two (2) GNC Brand and/or GNC Consignment "item blocks" in the weekly Rite Aid circular fifty two (52) times a year. VII. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE A. Rite Aid acknowledges and understands that Rite Aid's storage, offer and sale of certain of the GNC Plan-O-Grams Products may be subject to specific federal, state and local laws and regulations, including, without limitation, rules and regulations of the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA"), the Consumer Product Safety Commission ("CPSC") and the Federal Trade Commission ("FTC"). VIII. PROPRIETARY MARKS A. GNC represents with respect to the Proprietary Marks that GNC has the right to use and to license others to use the Proprietary Marks and that the use thereof by Rite Aid in the operation of the Business in accordance with this Retail Agreement will not violate any agreement to which GNC or any licensor to Rite Aid is a party or may be bound and will not infringe upon the rights of any third party. 25 B. With respect to Rite Aid's use of the Proprietary Marks pursuant to this Retail Agreement, Rite Aid agrees that: (1) In the operation of the Business, Rite Aid shall use the Proprietary Marks only in the manner authorized and permitted by this Retail Agreement and such other uniform Proprietary Mark Standards as required from time to time. Any unauthorized use thereof shall constitute an infringement of GNC's rights. GNC acknowledges that in the operation and promotion of its Stores and business generally Rite Aid will use its proprietary marks and those of the third parties. (2) Rite Aid shall execute any documents deemed necessary by GNC or its counsel to disclaim any interest in the Proprietary Marks other than the license granted to it in this Retail Agreement. (3) Rite Aid shall not use the Proprietary Marks in its corporate name or any fictitious name. (4) Rite Aid shall not directly or indirectly contest the validity or other ownership of the Proprietary Marks. (5) In the event that litigation involving the Proprietary Marks is instituted or threatened against Rite Aid, Rite Aid shall promptly notify GNC of such litigation. C. Rite Aid expressly understands and acknowledges that: (1) As between the parties hereto, GNC has the exclusive right and interest in and to the Proprietary Marks and the goodwill associated with and symbolized by them and that Rite Aid has only the license granted to it in this Retail Agreement. (2) Rite Aid's use of the Proprietary Marks pursuant to this Retail Agreement does not give Rite Aid any ownership interest or other interest in or to such marks and all goodwill arising from Rite Aid's use of the Proprietary Marks in its operation of the Business 26 shall inure solely and exclusively to GNC's benefit and, upon expiration or termination of this Retail Agreement and the license herein granted, no monetary amount shall be assigned as attributable to any goodwill associated with Rite Aid's use of the System or the Proprietary Marks. (3) Except as may be specifically provided elsewhere in this Retail Agreement, the right and license of the Proprietary Marks granted hereunder to Rite Aid is non-exclusive and GNC thus has and retains the following rights, among others: (a) To grant other licenses for the Proprietary Marks; and (b) To use the Proprietary Marks in connection with selling products and services at locations outside of the Protected Territory to the extent permitted in this Retail Agreement. IX. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION A. Rite Aid shall not, during the term of this Retail Agreement or at any time thereafter, communicate, divulge or use for the benefit of any other person, persons, partnership, association or corporation any confidential information, knowledge, or know-how concerning the methods of operation of the Business which may be communicated to Rite Aid by GNC. Rite Aid shall divulge such confidential information only to those of its employees who must have access to such confidential information in order to operate the Business. B. Rite Aid acknowledges that any failure to comply with the requirements of Section IX.A may cause GNC irreparable injury, and Rite Aid agrees to pay all court costs and reasonable attorneys fees incurred in obtaining specific performance of, or an injunction against violation of, the requirements of Section IX.A. X. ACCOUNTING AND RECORDS 27 A. Rite Aid shall maintain and preserve for at least five (5) years from the dates of their preparation, full, complete, and accurate books, records, and accounts necessary to comply with this Retail Agreement. B. Rite Aid shall submit to GNC Point of Sale data on each product in the GNC Plan-O-Gram and other information or reports as set forth on Exhibit G hereof. C. GNC or its designated agents shall have the right at all reasonable times to audit, examine and copy, at GNC's expense, the books and records of Rite Aid related to operations of the Business. XI. NONCOMPETITION A. GNC agrees that so long as this Retail Agreement is in effect and notwithstanding any other provision of this Retail Agreement, neither it nor any of its affiliates (a) will operate the Business of or in any retail drug store chain, (b) will grant any license to sell GNC Brand Products or operates the Business in any retail drug store chain and (c) will permit any operator of any retail drug store chain to operate a Business under the Comprehensive System or any derivation thereof. For purposes of this Retail Agreement a "chain" shall mean any person or entity which together with any person or entity controlling, by or under common control with such person or entity operates 10 or more retail locations. B. Rite Aid agrees that so long as this Retail Agreement is in effect and, in the event Rite Aid elects to terminate this Retail Agreement pursuant to Section II(1) for a period of one (1) year after such termination, it will not sell vitamins or dietary supplements from any free standing locations other than its Stores; or, directly or indirectly (i) become a licensee or franchisee of any entity whose primary business is the sale of vitamins or dietary supplements except for GNC; (ii) invest in or loan money to any entity whose primary business is the sale of vitamins or dietary supplements; (iii) permit by lease, license or otherwise permit any person or 28 entity to operate a business selling vitamins or dietary supplements within a Store or (iv) in any manner violate any proprietary right of GNC in its Proprietary Marks, use confusingly similar trade dress, or use permanent graphics and departmental fixturing approaches in combination in a manner which is confusingly similar with the manner they are used by GNC. C. The parties further agree and acknowledge that the duration and scope of the covenants not to compete described in this section are fair, reasonable and necessary in order to protect the goodwill of the parties and their affiliates and that adequate consideration has been received by the parties for such obligations. If, however, for any reason any court determines that the restrictions in this section are not reasonable or that the consideration therefore is inadequate, such restrictions shall be interpreted, modified or rewritten to include as much of the duration and scope identified in this section as will render such restrictions valid and enforceable to the fullest extent possible. XII. INSURANCE A. Rite Aid shall procure and maintain full force and effect during the term of this Retail Agreement, at Rite Aid's expense a program of self-insurance or, an insurance policy or policies protecting Rite Aid and GNC, and their officers, directors, partners and employees against any claims or loss, liability, personal injury, death, property damage or any expense whatsoever arising out of or occurring upon or in connection with the Business in the following amounts: 1. comprehensive general liability insurance, including product liability, contractual liability, personal injury, property damage and independent contractor's coverage and auto hired and non-owned vehicles in the amount of [*] per occurrence and aggregate or primary policy in the amount of [*] per occurrence, and aggregate with an excess policy in the amount of [*] per - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 29 occurrence, and aggregate, and naming GNC and its affiliates as additional insureds in each such policy or policies; such policies will also apply to vehicles purchased in the name of the business and will include fire legal liability insurance in an amount of no less than [*]. B. Rite Aid's obligation to obtain and maintain the foregoing policy or policies in the amounts specified shall not be limited in any way by reason of any insurance which may be maintained by GNC, nor shall Rite Aid's performance of that obligation relieve Rite Aid of liability under any indemnity provisions set forth in this Retail Agreement. The maintenance by GNC of insurance shall in no way relieve GNC of its obligation or limit its liability under any indemnity provision set forth in this Retail Agreement. XIII. TRANSFER OF INTEREST A. Transfer by GNC: GNC shall have the right to transfer or assign all or any part of this Retail Agreement and GNC's rights or obligations herein to any person or legal entity, in connection with the sale of all or substantially all of its stock or assets. Notwithstanding the above limitation, GNC may transfer or assign this Retail Agreement to any affiliated entity which is under common ownership with GNC. B. Transfer by Rite Aid: Rite Aid understands and acknowledges that the rights and duties set forth in this Retail Agreement are personal to Rite Aid, and that GNC has granted this license reliance on the business skill and financial capacity of Rite Aid. Accordingly, Rite Aid shall not transfer or assign this Retail Agreement, except in a transaction involving the sale of all or substantially all of the stock or assets of Rite Aid, without the prior written consent of GNC. Any assignment or transfer made in violation of this Retail Agreement shall be null and void and shall constitute a - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 30 material breach of this Retail Agreement, for which GNC may then terminate without opportunity to cure pursuant to Section XIV.B of this Retail Agreement. XIV. DEFAULT AND TERMINATION A. Rite Aid shall be in default under this Retail Agreement and all rights granted herein shall automatically terminate upon notice to Rite Aid if Rite Aid shall make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; if a petition in bankruptcy is filed by Rite Aid or such a petition is filed against and not opposed by Rite Aid; or if Rite Aid is adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent; or if a bill in equity or other proceeding for the appointment of a receiver of Rite Aid or other custodian for Rite Aid's business or assets is filed and consented to by Rite Aid; or if a receiver or other custodian (permanent or temporary) of Rite Aid or Rite Aid's assets or property, or any part thereof, is appointed by any court of competent jurisdiction; or of a proceeding for a composition with creditors under any state or federal law is instituted by Rite Aid or such proceeding is instituted against and not opposed by Rite Aid. B. Upon the occurrence of any of the following events, Rite Aid shall be in default hereunder, and GNC may, at its option, issue a Notice of Default and, subject to Rite Aid's having an opportunity to cure all such defaults within sixty (60) days after the receipt of the Notice of Default. If Rite Aid fails to cure within the 60 day period, this Retail Agreement and all rights granted hereunder, will terminate effective immediately upon receipt of notice of termination from GNC by Rite Aid. This provision shall not be applicable to Section IV.E addressing minimum Purchase Requirements. (1) If Rite Aid intentionally and materially fails, refuses; or neglects promptly to pay when due any monies owing to GNC or its subsidiaries or affiliates, or to submit the financial information required under this Retail Agreement. 31 (2) If Rite Aid fails to maintain any of the standards or procedures prescribed by GNC in this Retail Agreement or pursuant to the System. (3) If Rite Aid refuses to permit GNC to inspect the Store premises in which the Business is operated, or the books or records of Rite Aid related to the Businesses, upon demand. (4) Otherwise fails to comply with any of its obligations under this Retail Agreement (Rite Aid agrees that for violations of its obligations under Section VI-D it will begin actions to cure such violations immediately upon receipt of such notice, and diligently proceed to cure). C. Upon the occurrence of any of the following events Rite Aid shall be in default hereunder, and GNC may, at its option, terminate this Retail Agreement and all rights granted hereunder, without affording Rite Aid any opportunity to cure the default, effective immediately upon receipt of notice by Rite Aid. (1) If Rite Aid misuses or makes any unauthorized use of the Proprietary Marks or other identifying characteristics of the System as to the Business, materially or intentionally fails to comply with any federal, state or local law or regulation, including but not limited to FTC requirements, concerning the sale of products in the GNC Plan-O-Gram and thereby materially impairs the goodwill associated with the Proprietary Marks or GNC rights therein; or otherwise materially impairs the goodwill associated therewith or GNC's rights therein. (2) If Rite Aid at any time generally ceases to operate or otherwise substantially abandons the Business; 32 (3) If Rite Aid purports to transfer or assign this Retail Agreement to any third party without GNC's prior written consent; contrary to the terms of Section XIV of this Retail Agreement; (4) If Rite Aid knowingly maintains false books or records or submits or makes any false reports or statements to GNC; D. Excluding GNC company owned or franchise Stores opened on or before February 7, 1999, in the event that GNC allows a new location to be built, franchised or licensed that encroaches on the Protected Territory of any Location on Exhibit A, GNC shall have one of the following obligations: (1) If the offending site is a GNC company store, GNC will immediately cease retail sales of GNC Brand Products at the site and will as soon as possible remove all interior and exterior signs which identify the site in any manner confusingly similar to the manner in which the Business is operated at the Stores so that the offending site does not encroach on the Protected Territory; (2) If the offending site is not a GNC company store, GNC will take whatever action is necessary within ninety (90) days, so that within 90 days the offending site does not encroach on the Protected Territory. GNC shall incur graduated penalties for violations which occur within any rolling twelve (12) month period as follows: 1. For the first violation which is not cured as provided in (1) or (2) above -$[*] plus GNC's profit from the encroaching location until the offending site no longer encroaches. 2. For the second violation which is not cured as provided in (1) or (2) above - $[*] plus GNC's profit from the encroaching location until the offending site no longer encroaches. - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 33 3. For the third violation which is not cured as provided in (1) or (2) above-$[*] plus GNC's profit from the encroaching location until the offending site no longer encroaches. 4. If violations occur more than three times in any rolling twelve (12) month period, then Rite Aid may withhold all unpaid Initial Fees due and to become due until the rate of violation becomes less than three times in any rolling twelve (12) month period. E. GNC and Rite Aid agree that for purposes of calculating (i) the Protected Territory with respect to a Location and (ii) whether or not a proposed location fails to meet the Site Designation Criteria, the calculations of distances will be made using the software generally being used by GNC in its site analysis with respect to franchise locations at the time the original calculation is made (the "Computer Software") and as so calculated will be final and binding upon Rite Aid and GNC absent manifest error. With respect to any Location or proposed location within a shopping center not within a Major Metropolitan City Center, the latitude and longitude of the Location or proposed location shall, if available, be those designated by the owner of the shopping center. XV. OBLIGATIONS UPON TERMINATION Upon termination or expiration of this Retail Agreement all rights granted hereunder to Rite Aid shall forthwith terminate and be of no further force and effect following up to a 9 month transition period and, except as provided in this Section; A. Rite Aid shall immediately cease to operate the Business and shall not thereafter, directly or indirectly, represent to the public or hold itself out as a present or former licensee of GNC. B. Rite Aid shall immediately and permanently cease to use, by advertising or in any other manner whatsoever, any confidential methods, procedures and techniques associated with the System, the Proprietary Marks "GNC" and "GENERAL NUTRITION CENTER"; and all - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 34 other proprietary marks and distinctive forms, slogans, signs, symbols or devices associated with the System. In particular, without limitation, Rite Aid shall cease to use all signs, equipment, advertising materials and any other articles which display the Proprietary Marks and other marks proprietary to GNC. C. Rite Aid shall take such action as may be necessary to cancel any assumed name or equivalent registration which contains the name "GNC" 'GENERAL NUTRITION CENTER" or any other service mark or trademark of GNC; and Rite Aid shall furnish GNC with evidence satisfactory to GNC of compliance with this obligation within 30 days after termination or expiration of this Retail Agreement. D. Rite Aid shall make such modifications or alterations to the Business premises of each store (including, without limitation, changing the trade dress and changing the color scheme and/or other distinctive design features) immediately upon termination or expiration of this Retail Agreement as may be necessary to distinguish the appearance of said Stores from that of other GNC stores under the System. E. Rite Aid agrees, in the event it continues to operate or subsequently begins to operate any other business, not to use any reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable imitation of the Proprietary Marks either in connection with such other business or the promotion thereof, which is likely to cause confusion, mistake, or deception, or which is likely to dilute GNC's exclusive rights in and to the Proprietary Marks or other marks proprietary to GNC; and further agrees not to utilize any designation of original or description or representation which falsely suggests or represents an association or connection with GNC which constitutes unfair competition. F. Rite Aid shall promptly pay all sums owing to GNC, including interest on overdue monies. 35 G. Rite Aid shall pay to GNC all damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by GNC subsequent to the termination or expiration of this Retail Agreement in obtaining injunctive or other relief for the enforcement of any provisions of this Section. H. GNC shall have the option, at any time , to purchase from Rite Aid all but not less than all of the inventory of GNC Brand Products owned by Rite Aid, at Rite Aids cost, based on the most recent invoices received by Rite Aid. If GNC does not purchase the GNC Product from Rite Aid, then for a period of twelve (12) months after the termination or expiration of this Retail Agreement and notwithstanding anything in the foregoing to the contrary Rite Aid may continue to sell its inventory of Products in the normal course. I. All covenants, obligations, and agreements of Rite Aid or GNC which by their terms or by reasonable implication are to be performed, in whole or in part, after the termination expiration of this Retail Agreement, shall survive such termination or expiration. XVI. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AND INDEMNIFICATION A. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that this Retail Agreement does not create a fiduciary relationship between them; that Rite Aid shall be an independent contractor, and that nothing in this Retail Agreement is intended to constitute either party an agent, legal representative, subsidiary, joint venturer, partner, employee or servant of the other for any purpose whatsoever. B. It is understood and agreed that nothing in this Retail Agreement authorizes either party to make any contract, agreement, warranty or representation on the other's behalf, or to incur any debt or other obligation in the other's name; and, that GNC shall in no event assume liability for or be deemed liable as a result of any such action or by reason of any act or omission of Rite Aid in its conduct of the Business or any claim or judgment arising therefrom against 36 in any such action and participate in the defense thereof, but the fees and expenses of such counsel shall be at the expense of such Indemnified Person, unless: (i) the Indemnifying Person has failed promptly to assume the defense and employ counsel, or (ii) the named parties to any such action (including any impleaded parties) include such Indemnified Person and the Indemnifying Person, and such Indemnified Person shall have been advised by counsel that there may be one or more legal defenses available to it which are different from or in addition to those available to the Indemnifying Person; provided that the Indemnifying Person shall not in such event be responsible hereunder for the fees and expenses of more than one firm of separate counsel in connection with any action in the same jurisdiction, in addition to any local counsel. The Indemnifying Person shall not be liable for any settlement of any action effected without its written consent (which shall not be unreasonably withheld). In addition, the Indemnifying Person will not, without prior written consent of the Indemnified Person, settle, compromise or consent to the entry of any judgment in or otherwise seek to terminate any pending or threatened action in respect of which indemnification or contribution may be sought hereunder (whether or not any Indemnified Person is a party thereto) unless such settlement, compromise, consent or termination includes an unconditional release of each Indemnified Person from all liabilities arising out of such action. XVII. APPROVALS AND WAIVERS A. Whenever this Retail Agreement requires the prior approval or consent of GNC or Rite Aid the party seeking consent shall make a timely written request therefor to the party whose consent is sought, and such approval or consent shall be obtained in writing. B. Neither party makes any warranties or guarantees upon which the other may rely and assumes no liability or obligation to the other by providing any waiver, approval or consent in connection with this Retail Agreement. 38 C. No delay, waiver, omission or forbearance on the part of either party to exercise any right, option, duty or power arising out of any breach or default, or by any of the terms, provisions or covenants hereof shall constitute a waiver of any such right, option or power against, or as to subsequent breach or default. XVIII. NOTICES Any and all notices required or permitted under this Retail Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered (which includes delivery by facsimile transmission) or mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or via reputable express mail or courier service to the respective parties at the address (or telephone number in the case of facsimile transmission) set forth on the signature page of this Retail Agreement unless and until a different address has been designated by written notice to the other party. Any notice by certified or registered mail or by express mail or courier service shall be deemed to have been received when delivered. XIX. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Retail Agreement the documents referred to herein, and the attachments hereto constitute the entire, full and complete Agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof, and supersede any and all prior agreements between the parties. No amendment, change or variance from this Retail Agreement shall be binding on the parties unless mutually agreed to by the parties and executed by themselves or their authorized officers or agents in writing. No purported amendment, change or variance from the printed form of this Retail Agreement shall be binding unless initialed by all parties hereto. XX. SEVERABILITY AND CONSTRUCTION A. Except as expressly provided to the contrary herein, each section, part, term and/or provision of this Retail Agreement, shall be considered severable; and if for any reason 39 any section, part, term and/or provision herein is determined to be invalid and contrary to, or in conflict with, any existing or future law or regulation by a court or agency having valid jurisdiction, shall not impair the operation of, or have any other effect upon such other sections, parts, terms and/or provisions of this Retail Agreement as may remain otherwise intelligible; and, the latter shall continue to be given full force and effect and bind the parties hereto; and said invalid sections, parts, terms and/or provisions shall be deemed not to be a part of this Retail Agreement. B. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, nothing in this Retail Agreement is intended, nor shall be deemed, to confer upon any person or legal entity other than GNC, Rite Aid and such of their respective successors and assigns as may be contemplated by Section XIII. hereof, any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Retail Agreement. C. Each of GNC and Rite Aid expressly agrees to be bound by any promise or covenants imposing the maximum duty permitted by law which is subsumed written the terms of any provision hereof, as though it were separately articulated in and made a part of this Retail Agreement, that may result from striking form any of the provisions hereof any portion or portions which a court may hold to be unreasonable and unenforceable in a final decision to which GNC or Rite Aid, as the case may be, is a party, or from reducing the scope of any promise or covenant to the extent required to comply with such a court order. D. All captions in this Retail Agreement are intended solely for the convenience of the parties, and none shall be deemed to affect the meaning or construction of any provision hereof. E. All references herein to the masculine, neuter or singular shall be construed to include the masculine, feminine, neuter or plural, where applicable. 40 XXI. APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION A. This Retail Agreement shall be interpreted and construed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which laws shall prevail in the event of any conflict of law. B. Except for actions for trademark, trade dress or trade name infringement or other infringement or misappropriation of GNC's proprietary rights to any trademark, trade dress, trade name, patent, copyright, trade secret or other proprietary information, GNC and Rite Aid hereby waive to the fullest extent permitted by law, any right to or claim for multiple, punitive or exemplary damages against the other and agree that in the event of an arbitration or action at law between them, no party shall seek multiple, punitive or exemplary damages with respect to any claim or cause of action against the other party, whether in arbitration or litigation, and each party shall be limited to the recover of any actual damages sustained by it and costs and expenses, including attorneys fees as otherwise provided herein. C. No right or remedy conferred upon or reserved to GNC or Rite Aid by this Retail Agreement is intended to be, nor shall be, deemed exclusive of any other right or remedy herein or by law or equity provided or permitted, but each shall be cumulative of every other right or remedy. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Retail Agreement, nothing herein contained shall bar either party's right to seek injunctive relief against threatened conduct that will cause such party loss or damages under the usual equity rules, including the applicable rules for seeking restraining orders and preliminary injunctions. XXII. FORCE MAJEURE. No party shall be responsible or liable for any loss, damage, detention or delay caused by fire, any natural disaster, strike, civil or military authority, governmental restrictions or controls, insurrection or riot, railroad, marine, or air embargoes, lockout, or any other cause which is 41 unavoidable or beyond its reasonable control, provided that performance shall, as practicable, recommence immediately upon the cessation of such unavoidable event. XXIII. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Intentionally omitted. B. Intentionally omitted. C. Rite Aid may close the Business operating in any Store. If a Location is closed, Rite Aid agrees to open another Location in its place within six months; however that subsequent Location (i) shall not incur an additional Initial Fee and (ii) shall not be counted toward Rite Aid's yearly new Business obligation as required by this Retail Agreement. D. As provided in a letter from Rite Aid to GNC dated June 17, 1999, clarifying Article I. Grant of License. Paragraph F (ii): GNC shall not be in violation of that Paragraph if it sells, promotes, advertises or distributes any product which bears a Proprietary Mark provided that Proprietary Mark is not and does not include the words "GNC" or "General Nutrition Center" or any variation thereof. E. Upon termination of this Retail Agreement other than for default by Rite Aid or by GNC pursuant to its early termination rights in section 4 above, then Rite Aid shall have a nine (9) month transition period to fully cease operation of the Business. During this transition period, Rite Aid may continue to operate the Business pursuant to the Agreement, including use of the proprietary marks "GNC" and "GENERAL NUTRITION CENTER" and all other proprietary marks and distinctive forms, slogans, signs, symbols or devices associated with the System. All GNC quality and operating standards during this transition period must be maintained by Rite Aid. These transition provisions shall be in addition to the Product sell-thru rights granted to Rite Aid in Paragraph H of Article XV. F. Intentionally omitted. 42 G. Product Disposition. Effective May 1, 2004 the Rite Aid Returns Agreement for GNC Brand Products only is terminated. In lieu thereof and commencing May 1, 2004, GNC shall provide Rite Aid with a [*]% off invoice allowance on all invoices for GNC Brand Products. Also, the Rite Aid Returns Agreement shall not apply to Third Party Products and GNC shall provide Rite Aid with a [*]% off invoice allowance on all invoices for Third Party Products. Product shipment discrepancies shall be handled pursuant to the General Nutrition Products, Inc. Shipment Discrepancy Policy with Rite Aid HDQTRS Corp., attached as Exhibit IV.B.(4)-2. Product recalls shall not be subject to these provisions. GNC shall continue to be responsible for GNC Brand Products recalled by the government, including FDA or by manufacturers. For recalls of GNC Brand Product initiated by GNC as well as for GNC Brand Products discontinued as a result of Plan-O-Gram changes, returns shall be limited to full unopened case quantities. H. Survival. Sections III.E (Confidentiality); IX (Confidentiality by Rite Aid); XV (Obligations Upon Termination) and XVI.C (Indemnification by GNC) shall survive termination of this Retail Agreement. - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 43 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed, sealed and delivered this Retail Agreement on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: NUTRA SALES CORPORATION By: - ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Name: Name: ---------------------------- ----------------------------------- Title: Title: ---------------------------- ----------------------------------- GNC Address: Nutra Sales Corporation Phoenix Distribution Center 1002 South 63rd Avenue at Buckeye Phoenix, AZ 85043 Facsimile Telephone #: 412-338-8900 Attention: Chief Legal Officer With a Copy of any Notice to: General Nutrition, Incorporated 300 Sixth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Facsimile Telephone #: 412-338-8900 Attention: Chief Legal Officer ATTEST: RITE AID HDQTRS. CORP. By: - ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- Name: Name: ---------------------------- ----------------------------------- Title: Title: ---------------------------- ----------------------------------- Rite Aid Address: Rite Aid HDQTRS. CORP. 30 Hunter Lane Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011 Attention: EVP, General Counsel/Secretary Facsimile Telephone #: 717-760-7867 44 RETAIL AGREEMENT LIST OF EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS <Table> <Caption> EXHIBIT A[*] List of Locations - --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ EXHIBIT B[*] Agreed Major Metropolitan City Centers, applicable street map with agreed "City Centers" so designated EXHIBIT C Initial GNC Planogram EXHIBIT C-1 Opening Order Quantity for each GNC Plan-o-gram EXHIBIT D List of certain Rite Aid Plan-o-gram Products EXHIBIT E[*] Modified GNC Proprietary System applicable to Rite Aid Locations EXHIBIT F List of Proprietary Marks EXHIBIT G Rite Aid's Reporting Requirements EXHIBIT H GNC Consent Agreements & Orders EXHIBIT I Existing and Committed Harris Teeter Locations EXHIBIT IV.B.(4)-2 Shipment Discrepancy Policy EXHIBIT IV.E Minimum Purchase Requirement </Table> 45 RETAIL AGREEMENT EXHIBIT A LIST OF LOCATIONS * * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. RETAIL AGREEMENT EXHIBIT B MAJOR METROPOLITAN CITY CENTERS * * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. RETAIL AGREEMENT EXHIBIT C INITIAL GNC PLAN-O-GRAMS [MAP OF STORE LAYOUT] Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/D/Fish 1 887911 GNC NO CHOL FISH BODY OILS 90 A/D/Fish 2 887931 GNC NO CHOL FISH BODY OILS 180 A/D/Fish 3 277611 GNC DEOD FISH BODY OILS 180 A/D/Fish 4 106611 GNC CONC FISH BODY OILS 90 A/D/Fish 5 106631 GNC CONC. FISH BODY OILS 180 A/D/Fish 6 106632 GNC CON. FISH BODY OILS 360 A/D/Fish 7 133911 GNC SALMON OIL 180 A/D/Fish 8 004211 GNC A 10,000 USP 100 A/D/Fish 9 078911 GNC OPTIMIZED LECITHIN 100 A/D/Fish 10 150411 GNC GOLDMINDS DHA 60 A/D/Fish 11 126311 GNC DHA 30 A/D/Fish 12 126321 GNC DHA 60 A/D/Fish 13 136311 GNC GLA GAMMA LIN ACID 60 A/D/Fish 14 150511 GNC SQUALAMINE 30 A/D/Fish 15 150111 GNC SQUALENE OIL 60 A/D/Fish 16 151911 GNC DODECANOIC ACID 60 A/D/Fish 17 266311 GNC PHOSPHATIDY/SERINE 30 A/D/Fish 18 078911 GNC OPTIMIZED LECITHIN 100 A/D/Fish 19 078921 GNC OPTIMIZED LECITHIR 500 A/D/Fish 20 079911 GNC OPTIMIZED LECITHIN 500 MG 100 A/D/Fish 21 147611 LECITHIN 1200 90 A/D/Fish 22 147621 LECITHIN 1200 180 A/D/Fish 23 119811 GNC LECITHIN PLUS 100 A/D/Fish 24 106511 GNC TRIPLE LECITHIN PLUS 100 A/D/Fish 25 106411 GNC TRIPLE LECITHIN 100 A/D/Fish 26 106421 GNC TRIPLE LECITHIN 180 A/D/Fish 27 005625 GNC LECITHIN SOY GRANULES 16 A/D/Fish 28 086211 GNC BETA CAROTENE 6MG CAPS 100 A/D/Fish 29 100111 GNC BETA CAROTENE 15MG CPS 90 A/D/Fish 30 100121 GNC BETA CAROTENE 15MG CPS 180 A/D/Fish 31 100131 GNC BETA CAROTENE 15MG 360 A/D/Fish 32 144511 GNC BETA CAROTENE 25 60 A/D/Fish 33 151821 GNC CAROTENOID COMPLEX 60 A/D/Fish 34 004211 GNC A 10,000 USP 100 A/D/Fish 35 004221 GNC A 10,000 USP 250 A/D/Fish 36 005411 GNC A & D 100 A/D/Fish 37 065111 GNC VEG A&D 100 A/D/Fish 38 066011 GNC A & D SUPER DRY 100 A/D/Fish 39 063811 GNC VEGETARIAN D 400IU 100 A/D/Fish 40 144111 GNC VIT D 400 180 A/D/Fish 41 144311 GNC VITAMIN D 700IU 90 A/D/Fish 42 144321 GNC VITAMIN D 700 IU 180 A/D/Fish 43 099011 GNC VITAMIN K 100 MCG 100 A/D/Fish 44 009411 GNC COD LIVER OIL FORTIFIED 90 A/D/Fish 45 008211 GNC COD LIVER OIL CAPS 100 A/D/Fish 46 008221 GNC COD LIVER OIL CAPS 500 A/D/Fish 47 011211 GNC COD LIVER OIL TRIPLE 90 A/D/Fish 48 107711 GNC PUMPKIN SEED OIL CP 1000M 100 A/D/Fish 49 090011 GNC WHEAT GERM OIL CAPS 100 A/D/Fish 50 069111 GNC ALOE VERA CAPSULES 5000 M 100 A/D/Fish 51 052812 GNC COD LIVER OIL 8 A/D/Fish 52 052822 GNC COD LIVER OIL 16 A/D/Fish 53 149222 GNC CHERRY COD LIVER OIL 16 A/D/Fish 54 052711 TL COD LVR OIL EMUL MINT-333 12 A/D/Fish 55 498214 TL OMEGA-3 FISH OIL SFTGL-341 100 A/D/Fish 56 002018 TL OMEGA 3 EMULSIFIED LQ-336 12 A/D/Fish 57 002017 TL OMEGA-3 FISH OIL SFTGL-340 50 A/D/Fish 58 523510 ON TUNA OIL 90 A/D/Fish 59 523507 ON CARIDO NUTRITION 90 A/D/Fish 60 523508 ON BRAIN NUTRITION 90 Glucosamine 1 541611 GNC PREGNENOLONE 50MG 60 Glucosamine 2 120411 GNC DHEA 5MG 60 </Table> 1 Retail Agreement: GNC-Rite Aid Plan-O-Gram 12/8/98 Exhibit C Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glucosamine 3 544180 GNC DHEA 25MG 30 Glucosamine 4 544181 GNC DHEA 25MG 90 Glucosamine 5 543811 GNC TR DHEA 25MG 30 Glucosamine 6 543821 GNC TR DHEA 25MG 90 Glucosamine 7 109511 GNC SUBLINGUAL MELATONIN 60 Glucosamine 8 109521 GNC MELATONIN 120 Glucosamine 9 109011 GNC MELATONIN 3MG 60 Glucosamine 10 109021 GNC MELATONIN 120 Glucosamine 11 131611 GNC MELATONIN TR 60 Glucosamine 12 085311 GNC GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE 30 Glucosamine 13 109011 GNC MELATONIN 3MG 60 Glucosamine 14 269011 GNC GLUCO/CHOND 250/200MG 90 Glucosamine 15 276511 GNC GLUCO/CHOND 500/400MG 60 Glucosamine 16 277711 GNC GSA/CSA 750/600 30 Glucosamine 17 277721 GNC GSA/CSA 750/600 60 Glucosamine 18 146211 GNC GSA SODIUM-FREE 30 Glucosamine 19 085311 GNC GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE 30 Glucosamine 20 085321 GNC GLUCOSAMINE 90 Glucosamine 21 266611 GNC GLUCOSAMINE 1000MG 30 Glucosamine 22 266621 GNC GLUCOSAMINE 1000MG 90 Glucosamine 23 235111 GNC GSA SODIUM FREE 30 Glucosamine 24 267011 GNC CHONDROITIN SULFATE 30 Glucosamine 25 267021 GNC CHONDROITIN SULFATE 60 Glucosamine 26 129611 GNC MSM 120 Glucosamine 27 169701 GNC SAM-E ADEMENTIONE 30 Glucosamine 28 149111 GNC PHYTIC ACID 60 Glucosamine 29 283811 GNC DMAE 60 Glucosamine 30 128611 GNC TMG 30 Glucosamine 31 118611 GNC GLUCARATE 60 Glucosamine 32 118611 GNC GLUCARATE 60 Glucosamine 33 283911 GNC D-RIBOSE 60 Glucosamine 34 283611 GNC I-PINITOL 30 Glucosamine 35 547111 GNC IMMUNE 7-KETO 30 Glucosamine 36 147511 GNC DMG 90 Glucosamine 37 119111 GNC CLA 60 Glucosamine 38 135911 GNC GAMMA-ORYZANOL 90 Glucosamine 39 127911 GNC 50MG ALPHA LIPOIC ACID 60 Glucosamine 40 126911 GNC 100MG ALPHA LIPOIC 60 Glucosamine 41 485195 GNC LIQ ALPHA LIPOIC 8 Glucosamine 42 523279 NSI LIQ ALPHA LIPOIC ACID 2 Glucosamine 43 523275 NSI LIQ CO Q10 2 Glucosamine 44 071911 HP ANTIOXIDANT 60 Glucosamine 45 497070 SCH GLUCARATE BREAST HLTH 60 Glucosamine 46 523270 INP LIQUID MSM 8OZ Glucosamine 47 433114 PEP MSM 60 Glucosamine 48 270733 TRIMEDICA MSM 1000MG 120 Glucosamine 49 270710 TRIMEDICA MSM 500MG 250 Glucosamine 50 116211 HO PERFECT JOINT COMB 60 Glucosamine 51 776600 AMF GLUCO/CHONDROITIN 60 Glucosamine 52 528661 PC-GLUCOSAMINE CHONDROITIN 60 Glucosamine 53 498661 BO GLUCOSAMINE & CHONDROITIN 60 Glucosamine 54 497075 SCH PAIN FREE (10740) 60 Glucosamine 55 881633 TL JOINT FUEL 284 60 Glucosamine 56 523271 INP LIQ GLUCOSAMINE 8OZ 8OZ Glucosamine 57 498612 TL GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE-921 30 Glucosamine 58 063211 HP GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE FORMUL 60 Glucosamine 59 111496 IH NATURAL PAIN RELIEF 90 Glucosamine 60 058701 SD OSTEO BI FLEX 90 Glucosamine 61 777846 AMF GLUCO/CHOND ORANGE DR 216 Glucosamine 62 002021 TL LIQUID E-295 12 Minerals 1 094511 GNC CALCIUM COMPLETE 90 Minerals 2 094521 GNC CALCIUM COMPLETE 180 2 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minerals 3 094531 GNC CALCIUM COMPLETE 360 Minerals 4 094711 GNC CALCIUM COMP LIQ CPS 90 Minerals 5 096311 GNC CALCIUM PLUS 250 Minerals 6 096321 GNC CALCIUM PLUS 500 Minerals 7 094411 GNC CALCIUM 1000 90 Minerals 8 097311 GNC CALCIUM CITRATE 180 Minerals 9 098111 GNC CALCIUM CITRATE PLUS 180 Minerals 10 095411 GNC FAST CAL 500 W/BORON 120 Minerals 11 093911 GNC CALCIUM DROPS CHEWABLE 90 Minerals 12 102211 GNC ZINC 10MG TBS 100 Minerals 13 094511 GNC CALCIUM COMPLETE 90 Minerals 14 120311 GNC CALCIUM CITRATE MALATE 120 Minerals 15 120321 GNC CALCIUM CITRATE MALATE 240 Minerals 16 717111 GNC CALCIUM CITRATE MALATE PL 120 Minerals 17 717121 GNC CCM PLUS 240 Minerals 18 146811 GNC CCM 250 PLUS D 125 90 Minerals 19 705211 GNC CCU W/ GLUC,D & SOY 30 Minerals 20 282811 GNC SOY IPRI FLAVONE 30 Minerals 21 009811 GNC CHROMIUM PICOLINATE GNC 90 Minerals 22 009821 GNC CHROMIUM PICOLINATE 180 Minerals 23 042211 GNC CHROM PIC SG 90 Minerals 24 021211 GNC MEGA CHROM PIC 400MCG 90 Minerals 25 047211 GNC CHROMIUM PIC 30 Minerals 26 045411 GNC TR CHROM PIC 90 Minerals 27 021111 GNC CHROM PIC/ZINC 800MG 60 Minerals 28 485107 GNC LIQUID CHROMIUM PICOLINAT 2 Minerals 29 975611 GNC GTF CHROM 200MCG YSTFREE 60 Minerals 30 001111 GNC GTF CHROMIUM 200 MCG 90 Minerals 31 005711 GNC SELENIUM 50 MCG 100 Minerals 32 004711 GNC SELENIUM 100MCG 100 Minerals 33 044411 GNC SELENIUM 200MCG 100 Minerals 34 044421 GNC 200MCG SELENIUM 200 Minerals 35 104911 GNC ULTRA ZINC/LOZENGE 48 Minerals 36 103911 GNC CHERRY ZINC LOZENGE 30 Minerals 37 103921 GNC ZINC LOZENGE CHERRY 60 Minerals 38 102211 GNC ZINC 10MG TBS 100 Minerals 39 255412 GNC ZINC 30MG TBS 100 Minerals 40 146711 GNC ZINC 30 CAPS 120 Minerals 41 253914 GNC ZINC 50MG TBS 100 Minerals 42 253921 GNC ZINC 50MG 250 Minerals 43 102311 GNC ZINC 100MG TBS 100 Minerals 44 101811 GNC ZINC PICOLINATE 90 Minerals 45 098511 GNC COPPER 2MG CHELATED 100 Minerals 46 098411 GNC BORON TRIVALENT 3MG 100 Minerals 47 102711 GNC MANGANESE 10 MG 100 Minerals 48 038111 GNC IRONCHEL 90 Minerals 49 014911 GNC TR IRON 18MG 100 Minerals 50 124711 GNC LACTOFERRIN 50MG 60 Minerals 51 099611 GNC MULTIMEGA MINERALS 100 Minerals 52 099621 GNC MULTIMEGA MINERALS 250 Minerals 53 099511 GNC ULTRA MEGA MINERALS 90 Minerals 54 097211 GNC CALCIUM MAGNESIUM TBS 100 Minerals 55 143611 GNC CAL/MAG/D 180 Minerals 56 961711 GNC CAL/MAG/ZINC 180 Minerals 57 257211 GNC POTASSIUM ASP MAGNESUM AS 120 Minerals 58 257221 GNC POT/MAG ASPARTATE 240 Minerals 59 097811 GNC POTASSIUM W/ELECTROLYTES 60 Minerals 60 256714 GNC POTASSIUM GLUCONATE 100 Minerals 61 254014 GNC MAGNESIUM 250MG 100 Minerals 62 136811 GNC MAGNESIUM 500 120 Minerals 63 145911 GNC PHOSPHOROUS 500 60 Minerals 64 000610 ML MINERAL RICH 32 Minerals 65 585939 SN ELECTRA COLLOIDAL TRACE 32 </Table> 3 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minerals 66 585969 GNC MULTI COLLOIDAL MIN 32 Minerals 67 886672 GNC TRACE MINERALS 2 Minerals 68 886673 GNC TRACE MINERALS 4 Minerals 69 886670 GNC SILVER 2 Minerals 70 886671 GNC SILVER 4 Minerals 71 886675 GNC CHROMIUM/VANADIUM 4 Minerals 72 433121 PEP IPRICAL 30 Minerals 73 523277 NSI LIQ CALCIUM 2 Minerals 74 523278 NSI LIQ CHROMIUM 2 Vit B 1 050611 GNC B-COMPLEX 50MG SG 90 Vit B 2 018011 GNC ESSENTIAL B 100 Vit B 3 247811 GNC B-COMPLEX T.R.75MG 60 Vit B 4 144211 GNC B-COMPLEX TR 60 Vit B 5 018911 GNC B-50 COMPLEX WH RICE BAL 100 Vit B 6 018921 WHOLE RICE BIG 50 TABS 180 Vit B 7 143711 GNC B-COMPLEX W/ST JOHNS 30 Vit B 8 142811 GNC B-COMPLEX W/GINSENG 30 Vit B 9 019911 GNC B-COMPLEX W/C 60 Vit B 10 019921 GNC B-COMPLEX W/C 120 Vit B 11 020411 GNC B-COMPLEX W/C PLUS HERBS 60 Vit B 12 017913 GNC B-50 BAL B COMP 100 Vit B 13 017923 GNC B-50 BAL COMP PM 250 Vit B 14 050811 GNC B-50 COMPLEX T.R. 100 Vit B 15 050821 GNC B-50 COMPLEX T.R. 250 Vit B 16 013123 GNC B-100 COMPLEX 100 Vit B 17 013121 GNC B-100 COMPLEX 250 Vit B 18 050711 GNC B-125 COMPLEX 60 Vit B 19 051311 GNC B-150 COMPLEX 100 Vit B 20 000412 GNC B-1 100MG TABS 100 Vit B 21 259511 GNC B-1 300MG 100 Vit B 22 255612 GNC B-2 50MG TABS 100 Vit B 23 256014 GNC FOLIC ACID 400MCG 100 Vit B 24 253214 GNC FOLIC ACID 800MCG PI 100 Vit B 25 101111 GNC B-6 50MG W/HERBS 90 Vit B 26 100812 GNC B-6 50 MG 100 Vit B 27 255214 GNC B-6 100 MG 100 Vit B 28 259611 GNC TR B-6 200 MG 100 Vit B 29 099313 GNC B-12 500 MG 100 Vit B 30 099323 GNC B-12 500 MCG NSQ 250 Vit B 31 253614 GNC B-12 1000 MCG 100 Vit B 32 016923 GNC B-12 TR 1000MCG 90 Vit B 33 050911 GNC B-12 SUBLING 1000MG 30 Vit B 34 050921 GNC NO EPH QUIK SHOT B-12 60 Vit B 35 148711 GNC B-12 1500 90 Vit B 36 147711 GNC HOMOCYSTEINE SUPPORT 60 Vit B 37 020012 GNC NIACIN 100 MG TABS 100 Vit B 38 251311 GNC NIACIN 250MG 100 Vit B 39 254114 GNC NIACIN 500MG TBS 100 Vit B 40 005122 GNC NIACINAMIDE 250 Vit B 41 255511 GNC NIAGN FLUSH FREE 90 Vit B 42 256212 GNC PANTO ACID 100 MG 100 Vit B 43 256411 GNC PANTO ACID 250 MG 100 Vit B 44 100412 GNC PANTO ACID 500 MGS 100 Vit B 45 284111 GNC PANTETHINE COMPLEX 30 Vit B 46 148811 GNC TRANS-NEURO B 90 Vit B 47 256814 GNC P A B A 500 MG TABS 100 Vit B 48 255812 GNC BIOTIN 300MCG TBS 100 Vit B 49 124811 GNC BIOTIN 600MCG 120 Vit B 50 113311 GNC SOD 50 Vit B 51 252011 GNC RNA/DNA 250MG TR 90 Vit B 52 255912 GNC CHOLINE 250MG TBS 100 Vit B 53 012711 GNC CHOLINE 250MG 100 </Table> 4 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vit B 54 012312 GNC INOSITOL TABS 500 MG 100 Vit B 55 049711 GNC INOSITOL POWDER 480111 2 Vit B 56 049721 GNC INOSITOL POWDER 480121 4 Vit B 57 049731 GNC INOSITOL POWDER 8 Vit B 58 049741 GNC INOSITOL POWDER 16 Vit B 59 000551 GNC BREWERS YEAST TBS 250 Vit B 60 000511 GNC BREWERS YEAST TBS 500 Vit B 61 050511 GNC BREW YEAST PWD/ASP 18 Vit B 62 051611 GNC BREWERS YEAST PWD 20 Vit B 63 052211 GNC IMPORTED YEAST W/FIBER 1 Vit B 64 050311 GNC PREMIUM IMPORTED YEAST 16 Vit B 65 498601 TL CHOLINE COCKTAIL-706 15 Vit B 66 090873 ENZ CELL FORTE' W/IP-6 120 Vit B 67 523273 NSI LIQUID B-12 20Z Vit B 68 523274 NSI LIQUID B-COMPLEX 202 Vit B 69 875113 TL LIQUID B-COMP. 4 Vit B 70 028411 TL B-12 DOTS-174 100 Vit C 1 099413 GNC VITAMIN C 500MG 100 Vit C 2 099423 GNC VITAMIN C 500MG 250 Vit C 3 099453 GNC VITAMINS C500MG 500 Vit C 3 875112 TL LIQUID C 8 Vit C 4 099213 GNC VITAMIN C 1000MG 100 Vit C 5 099223 GNC VITAMIN C 1000MG 250 Vit C 6 099253 GNC VITAMIN C 1000MG 500 Vit C 7 246511 VITAMIN C BIOFLAVONOIDS PLUS 120 Vit C 8 256911 GNC CITRUS BIOFLAV 1000MG 100 Vit C 9 087911 GNC 1G C NO CITRUS 90 Vit C 10 093011 GNC VITAMIN C/ECHINACEA 90 Vit C 11 124611 GNC QUERCETIN 60 Vit C 12 136411 GNC VIT C W/QUERCETIN 800 60 Vit C 13 143911 GNC VIT C W/BIOFLAV 120 Vit C 14 013811 GNC RUTIN TABS 500 MG 90 Vit C 15 099413 GNC VITAMIN C 500MG 100 Vit C 16 099413 GNC VITAMIN C 500MG 100 Vit C 17 017413 GNC C 500MG TR 90 Vit C 18 019611 GNC C 500MG TRCAPS 90 Vit C 19 083111 GNC VIT C/BIOFLAVONOIDS 90 Vit C 20 017553 GNC C 1000MG TR 90 Vit C 21 017573 GNC C 1000MG TR 180 Vit C 22 017581 GNC TR VITAMIN C 1000MG 360 Vit C 23 017623 GNC C 1500MG TR 90 Vit C 24 017643 GNC C 1500MG TR 180 Vit C 25 018211 GNC C 2000MG TR 90 Vit C 26 093611 GNC ESTER C 500 MG 90 Vit C 27 080711 GNC TR ESTER C 500MG 90 Vit C 28 130711 GNC ESTER C500 CAPSULES 90 Vit C 29 093711 GNC ESTER C 1000 MG 90 Vit C 30 082111 GNC TR ESTER C 1000MG 90 Vit C 31 128911 GNC ESTER C 1000MG HS 90 Vit C 32 093111 GNC PRIMA-C 500MG TR 90 Vit C 33 093211 GNC PRIMA-C 1000MG TR 90 Vit C 34 091822 GNC ACEROLA 100MG NO SUGAR 180 Vit C 35 091911 GNC ACEROLA 250 MG NO SUGAR 90 Vit C 36 091511 GNC CHERRY DROPS 500MG 90 Vit C 37 096711 GNC MANDARIN ORG VIT C SUGFRE 90 Vit C 38 133501 CHWBL VIT C 100MG/ACEROLA 90 90 Vit C 39 133521 CHWBL VIT C 100MG/ACEROLA 180 180 Vit C 40 133531 CHWBL VIT C 100MG/ACEROLA 360 360 Vit C 41 133811 CHWBL VIT C 300MG/ACEROLA 90 90 Vit C 42 133821 CHWBL VIT C 300MG/ACEROLA 180 180 Vit C 43 133411 CHWBL VIT C 500MG/ACEROLA 90 90 Vit C 44 133421 CHWBL VIT C 500MG/ACEROLA 180 180 </Table> 5 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vit C 45 091611 GNC CITRUS FREE CHEW C 500 60 Vit C 46 087611 GNC BUFF CHEWC 500MG 60 Vit C 47 108211 GNC C 500MG BUFFERED 100 Vit C 48 136611 GNC VIT C 500 CAPSULES 90 Vit C 49 137511 GNC VITAMIN C 500 SOFTGEL 60 Vit C 50 106311 GNC BUFFERED C 1000MG 100 Vit C 51 096413 GNC VIT C CAPS 1000MG 100 Vit C 52 096423 GNC VIT-C CAPS 1000MG 250 Vit C 53 049441 GNC BUFFERED C CRYSTALS 8 Vit C 54 049421 GNC VIT C PWD 2000MG 8 Vit C 55 049431 GNC VIT C PWD 2000MG 16 Vit E/Aminos 1 064311 GNC NAT E 100IU MIXED 100 Vit E/Aminos 2 079511 GNC NAT E 200IU MIXED 100 Vit E/Aminos 3 077811 GNC NAT E 400IU MIXED 90 Vit E/Aminos 4 077821 GNC NAT E 400IU MIXED 180 Vit E/Aminos 5 077831 GNC NAT E 400IU MIXED 360 Vit E/Aminos 6 077311 GNC NAT E 600IU MIXED 60 Vit E/Aminos 7 089811 GNC NAT E 1000 IU MIXED 30 Vit E/Aminos 8 089821 GNC NAT E 1000IU MIXED 60 Vit E/Aminos 9 077511 GNC TOCOTRIENOL COMPLEX 30 Vit E/Aminos 10 143211 GNC GAMMA-TOCOTRIENOL 30 Vit E/Aminos 11 161711 GNC BLENDED E 400 IU 60 Vit E/Aminos 12 010711 GNC L-LYSINE 500 MG 100 Vit E/Aminos 13 077711 GNC NATURAL E 400IU 90 Vit E/Aminos 14 077721 GNC NATURAL E 400 IU 180 Vit E/Aminos 15 077731 GNC NATURAL E 400IU 360 Vit E/Aminos 16 077411 GNC NATURAL E 600IU 60 Vit E/Aminos 17 086811 GNC NATURAL E 1000IU 30 Vit E/Aminos 18 086821 GNC NATURAL E 1000IU 60 Vit E/Aminos 19 086832 GNC NATURAL E 1000IU 120 Vit E/Aminos 20 162211 GNC VEGETARIAN NATURAL E 60 Vit E/Aminos 21 077911 GNC NATURAL E/SELENIUM 90 Vit E/Aminos 22 067211 GNC NATURAL E/SELENIUM 90 Vit E/Aminos 23 161511 GNC CHEWABLE E 200 60 Vit E/Aminos 24 161611 GNC CHEWABLE E 400 60 Vit E/Aminos 25 065511 GNC NATURAL DRY E 200 IU 100 Vit E/Aminos 26 162611 GNC DRY E 400IU 90 Vit E/Aminos 27 162621 GNC NAT E 400IU DRY 180 Vit E/Aminos 28 086917 GNC NATURAL E LIQUID 200 2 Vit E/Aminos 29 077111 GNC NAT. ULTRA E 400IU 90 Vit E/Aminos 30 077211 GNC NAT. ULTRA E 1000 IU 90 Vit E/Aminos 31 161711 GNC BLENDED E 400 IU 60 Vit E/Aminos 32 161811 GNC BLENDED E 1000IU 60 Vit E/Aminos 33 098811 GNC SYNTHTIC E 100IU 90 Vit E/Aminos 34 110911 GNC SYNTHITIC E 400 IU 90 Vit E/Aminos 35 110912 GNC SYNTHITIC E 400IU 180 Vit E/Aminos 36 098911 GN SYNTHITIC 1000IU 90 Vit E/Aminos 37 086915 GNC SYNTHITIC E LIQUID 2 Vit E/Aminos 38 030311 GNC MULTI AMINO 60 Vit E/Aminos 39 011611 GNC L-PHENYLALANINE 500 MG 30 Vit E/Aminos 40 031211 GNC DL-PHENYLALANINE 400MG DP 50 Vit E/Aminos 41 011111 GNC L-GLUTAMINE 500 MG 50 Vit E/Aminos 42 042011 GNC L-GLUTAMINE 1000MG 50 Vit E/Aminos 43 010611 GNC L-GLUTATHIONE 50 Vit E/Aminos 44 124111 GNC NAC/GLUTATH 600/100MG 60 Vit E/Aminos 45 126811 GNC NAC CAPSULES 600MG 60 Vit E/Aminos 46 031011 GNC L-CYSTEINE 500 MG 30 Vit E/Aminos 47 045711 GNC L-TAURINE 500MG 50 Vit E/Aminos 48 028011 GNC ORNITHINE 500 MG 60 Vit E/Aminos 49 267511 GNC GABA 750MG 90 Vit E/Aminos 50 523276 NSI LIQ L-CARNITINE 2 Vit E/Aminos 51 030211 GNC L-CARNITINE 30 </Table> 6 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> SECTION POSITION ITEM # DESCRIPTION SIZE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vit E/Aminos 52 030221 GNC L-CARNITINE 250 MG 60 Vit E/Aminos 53 037611 GNC L-CARNITINE 500 MG 30 Vit E/Aminos 54 037621 GNC L-CARNITINE 500 MG 60 Vit E/Aminos 55 146111 GNC L-CARN 100 MG 30 Vit E/Aminos 56 044211 GNC ACETYL L-CARNITINE 30 Vit E/Aminos 57 148211 GNC CARNOSINE AOY 30 Vit E/Aminos 58 030811 GNC L-TYROSINE 500MG 50 Vit E/Aminos 59 128211 GNC L-TYROSINE 1000MG 30 Vit E/Aminos 60 029011 GNC ARGININE 500 MG 90 Vit E/Aminos 61 010711 GNC L-LYSINE 500 MG 100 Vit E/Aminos 62 010731 GNC L-LYSINE 500MG 250 Vit E/Aminos 63 124311 GNC LYSINE 500 MG 120 Vit E/Aminos 64 235211 GNC LYSINE 500 TR 60 Vit E/Aminos 65 011411 GNC LYSINE 700MG FASTACTING 90 Vit E/Aminos 66 010411 GNC LYSINE 1000 MG 90 Men's 1 358411 GNC MEN'S NUTRITION SYSTEM 30 Men's 2 359411 GNC MENS VITA PACK MULTI COMP 30 Men's 3 543411 GNC MENS DHEA VP 30 Men's 4 240211 MNS YOHIMBE 451MG 60 Men's 5 242211 MNS NEUROCITE 60 Men's 6 240411 MNS INVIGORA 60 Men's 7 677722 PP CREATINE-8.8 9 Men's 8 060411 GNC MEGA MEN 100 Men's 9 060421 GNC MEGA MEN 200 Men's 10 041206 MEN PROSTAFORM W/CERNITIN 60 Men's 11 358911 GNC MENS SAW PALMETTO FORMUL 120 Men's 12 358921 GNC MENS SAW PALMETTO 240 Men's 13 062021 GNC MENS ULTRA SAW PALMETTO 60 Men's 14 062031 MENS ULTRA SAW PALMETTO 120 Men's 15 356911 MENS ULTRA SP 320 30 Men's 16 137711 MNS MATURE MULTI ONE 60 Men's 17 277311 MEN'S LIVE WELL MULTI 60 Men's 18 285411 MNS LIVE WELL CAPSULES 60 Men's 19 240411 MNS INVIGORA 60 Men's 20 240211 MNS YOHIMBE 451MG 60 Men's 21 242211 MNS NERVONIC ACID 60 Men's 22 249111 GNC MEN'S OYSTER EXTRACT 60 Men's 23 249511 GNC ZINC FOR MEN 90 Men's 24 359111 GNC MENS AVENA SATIVA 60 Men's 25 249811 GNC MEN'S VITALITY FORMULA 30 Men's 26 249821 GNC MEN'S VITALITY FORMULA 60 Men's 27 249011 MENS GINSENG FORMULA 60 Men's 28 433073 PEP COBRA 60 Men's 29 053544 AL YOHIMBE PWR MAX 2000MG 50 Men's 30 053545 AL YOHIMBE POWER 2000 MG 100 Men's 31 053566 AL YOHIMBE POWER MAX AMPULES 10 Men's 32 053534 AL YOHIMBE PWR MAX 30 Men's 33 053535 AL YOHIMBE PWR MAX 60 Men's 34 999623 GNC MENS BIOTIN SHAMPOO 12 Men's 35 999624 GNC MEN'S BIOTIN CONDITIONER 12 Men's 36 999719 MEN'S POLYSORBATE 80 12 Men's 37 999598 MEN'S BIOTIN HAIR GEL 4 Men's 38 247711 MEN'S ULTRA NOURISHHAIR CTN 60 Men's 39 247721 MEN'S ULTRA NOURISHHAIR CTN 120 Men's 40 053538 AL ACTION FOR MEN 60 Men's 41 053533 AL ACTION FOR MEN LQ 4 Men's 42 053565 AL YOHIMBIZED 50 Men's 43 053564 AL YOHIMBIZED LIQUID EXTRACT 2 Men's 44 053531 AL MADE FOR MEN 60 Men's 45 053521 AL MADE FOR MEN 30 Men's 46 053577 AL TRIBEST ACTION 60 Men's 47 053549 AL AVENA SATIVA 50 </Table> 7 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Men's 48 405311 ONAT YOHIMBE 1000 PLUS 30 Men's 49 400921 ONAT FOR MEN ONLY 60 Men's 50 402521 ONAT FOR MEN ONLY II 60 Men's 51 000636 IRW YOHIMBE PLUS 30 30 Men's 52 000628 IRW NAT SUPER YOHIMBE 90 Men's 53 041450 ARP CERNATIN PLUS 40 Men's 54 355811 GP PST (PROSTATE) 30 Men's 55 041249 ARP PROLEVE 30 Men's 56 410025 PHAR PROSTATONIN 30 Men's 57 410617 CHAT PROPALMEX 30 Men's 58 105011 ADV PROSTEX 100 Men's 59 053555 AL SUP SAW PALMETTO PLUS 50 Men's 60 062011 HP SAW PALMETTO FORMULA 60 Men's 61 960211 GNN MAX POTENTIAL 30 Men's 62 088411 KAL HAIR FORCE 60 Multis 1 138511 GNC UM GOLD 60 Multis 2 138521 GNC UM GOLD 90 Multis 3 138531 GNC UM GOLD 180 Multis 4 150911 GNC UMG NO IRON 90 Multis 5 150921 GNC UMG NO IRON 180 Multis 6 137111 GNC VM GREEN 60 Multis 7 137121 GNC VM GREEN 90 Multis 8 137131 GNC VM GREEN 180 Multis 9 049911 GNC UM II 90 Multis 10 049921 GNC UM II 180 Multis 11 151011 GNC UM II NO IRON 90 Multis 12 151021 GNC UM II NO IRON 180 Multis 13 049611 GNC ULTRA MEGA 60 Multis 14 049621 GNC ULTRA MEGA 90 Multis 15 049631 GNC ULTRA MEGA 180 Multis 16 057311 GNC AM/PM ULTRA MEGA 75 Multis 17 112711 GNC MULTI-GEL 60 Multis 18 112721 GNC MULTI-GEL 120 Multis 19 485105 GNC LIQUID MULTI 5 Multis 20 049511 GNC PREVENTRON 120 Multis 21 049521 GNC PREVENTRON 240 Multis 22 351111 MAX NUT VITA PACK II 30 Multis 23 932311 GNC ALIVE PROG 60 Multis 24 138311 ML PLATINUM YEARS MULTI 90 Multis 25 102121 GNC SOLOTRON IMP CHEW/NUTRASW 90 Multis 26 151311 GNC SOLOTRON 30 Multis 27 151321 GNC SOLOTRON 90 Multis 28 151331 GNC SOLOTRON 240 Multis 29 151411 GNC SOLOTRON NO IRON 90 Multis 30 005711 GNC SOLOTRON PLUS 90 Multis 31 095721 GNC NO EPH SOLOTRON PLUS 180 Multis 32 356311 GP WNT WINTER&COLDS PAK 30 Multis 33 356611 GP HOC (HOMOCYSTEINE) 30 Multis 34 356711 GNC LIVE WELL PROG-LIVER 30 Prev. Nut. 1 360911 PN LIVER PROGRAM 30 Prev. Nut. 2 700911 PN ULTRA LIVER 60 Prev. Nut. 3 730811 PN OCULAR FORMULA 60 Prev. Nut. 4 360411 PN MEMORALL PROGRAM 30 Prev. Nut. 5 702211 PN NEURO SUPPORT 60 Prev. Nut. 6 360611 PN HOMOCYST PROGRAM 30 Prev. Nut. 7 702411 PN HOMOCYSTEND 90 Prev. Nut. 8 715411 PN CHOL-X 60 Prev. Nut. 9 727911 PN ENH. GARLIC 120 Prev. Nut. 10 701011 PN IMMUNO GAIN W/7-KETO 90 Prev. Nut. 11 732811 PN CLEANSING CAPS 120 Prev. Nut. 12 732821 PN CLEANSING FORMULA 240 </Table> 8 Retail Agreement: GNC-Rite Aid Plan-O-Gram 12/8/98 Exhibit C Section Position Item # Description Size - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prev. Nut. 13 725611 PN COLON CARE 120 Prev. Nut. 14 731011 PN PROBIOTIC FORMULA 60 Prev. Nut. 15 728011 PN MULTI ENZYME FORMULA 120 Prev. Nut. 16 730911 PN ENH. CRANBERRY 60 Prev. Nut. 17 721001 PN WOMEN'S MULTIPLE 60 Prev. Nut. 18 721011 PN WOMEN'S MULTIPLE 120 Prev. Nut. 19 721411 PN MENS MULTIPLE 60 Prev. Nut. 20 721421 PN MENS MULTIPLE 120 Prev. Nut. 21 725911 PN BAL. AMINO ACIDS 60 Prev. Nut. 22 427011 PN CM SYSTEM KIT Prev. Nut. 23 427311 PN CM GOLD MAINT 30 Prev. Nut. 24 424111 PN CARTILAGE SUPPORT MAIN 30 Prev. Nut. 25 714011 PN JOINT SUPPORT 120 Prev. Nut. 26 716411 PN GLUC-CHON COMPLEX 120 Prev. Nut. 27 360511 PN JOINT PROGRAM 30 Prev. Nut. 28 719811 PN GLUCOSAMINE FORMULA 60 Prev. Nut. 29 712211 PN CHONDROITIN ZYME 100 Prev. Nut. 30 719511 PN CARTILAGE FORMULA 120 Prev. Nut. 31 713711 PN OSTEO SURE 120 Prev. Nut. 32 730311 PN BONE FORMULA CAP 120 Prev. Nut. 33 712511 PN MALIC ACID FORMULA 120 Prev. Nut. 34 700511 PN COQ10 FORMULA 60 Prev. Nut. 35 724311 PN COQ10 10MG 90 Prev. Nut. 36 718911 PN SG COQ10 30MG 60 Prev. Nut. 37 732011 PN COQ10 30MG 60 Prev. Nut. 38 718921 PN SG COQ10 30MG 120 Prev. Nut. 39 733211 PN SG COQ1050MG 60 Prev. Nut. 40 732111 PN COQ10 50MG 60 Prev. Nut. 41 732611 PN SG COQ10100MG 30 Prev. Nut. 42 731711 PN COQ10 100MG 30 Prev. Nut. 43 702111 PN SG COQ10 120 MG 30 Prev. Nut. 44 716811 PN COQ10 COCKTAIL 15 Prev. Nut. 45 310001 PN NADH 30 Prev. Nut. 46 721111 PN BALANCED-B 120 Prev. Nut. 47 738311 PN C-COMPLEX REFORMULATED 120 Prev. Nut. 48 726311 PN E COMPLEX 60 Prev. Nut. 49 724021 PN PYCNOGENOL 50MG 30'S 30 Prev. Nut. 50 724011 PN PYCNOGENOL 60 Prev. Nut. 51 720711 PN PROANTHOCYANIDIN 30 MG 60 Prev. Nut. 52 731411 PN PROANTHOCYANIDIN 50MG 60 Prev. Nut. 53 737611 PN 100MG PROANTHOCYANIDIN 30 Prev. Nut. 54 753611 PN RESVERATROL 120MG 60 Prev. Nut. 55 727711 PN BETA CAROTENE COMPLEX 120 Prev. Nut. 56 737811 PN FLAVONOID FORMULA 30 Prev. Nut. 57 720611 PN MULTI-OIL FORMULA 120 Prev. Nut. 58 719611 PN GINKGO BILOBA FORMULA 30 Prev. Nut. 59 733901 PN CELL PROT CAPS 60 Prev. Nut. 60 733911 PN CELL PROT CAPS 120 Prev. Nut. 61 726701 PN CELL PROT TABS 60 Prev. Nut. 62 726711 PN CELL PROT TABS 120 Prev. Nut. 63 729821 PN CELL PROT SOFTGEL 90 Prev. Nut. 64 712111 PN FOUNDATION ANTIOXIDANT 30 Prev. Nut. 65 360711 PN RESISTANC PROGRAM 30 Prev. Nut. 66 737411 PN RESISTANCE 120 Prev. Nut. 67 749811 PN ALPHA LIPOIC ACID FORMULA 60 Teens 1 141511 GNC TEEN'S CHEWABLE MULTI 60 Teens 2 100611 GNC TEEN'S MULTIPLE 180 Teens 3 119311 TEENS CAL PLUS 60 Teens 4 052011 TEENS CAL CHEWABLE 60 Teens 5 135811 TN YOUNG WNS MINERAL SUPL 30 Teens 6 277911 GNC TEEN SKIN TABS 50 Teens 7 999835 GNC TEEN SKIN KIT 1 9 GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM Retail Agreement: 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teens 8 999836 GNC TEEN SKIN TONER 4 Teens 9 999838 GNC TEEN SKIN DAY LOTION 2 Teens 10 999837 GNC TEEN SKIN CLEANSER 2 Teens 11 999718 GNC TEEN SKIN ACNE MASK 4 Teens 12 119211 GNC CHILD MULTICHEW 30 Teens 13 140911 CHILDREN'S MULTI WI CALCIUM 30 Teens 14 141611 GNC CH CHEW MULTI 90 Teens 15 140311 GNC CH MULTI W/IRON 90 Teens 16 140111 GNC CH CHEW VIT/MIN 60 Teens 17 140121 GNC CH CHEW VIT/MIN 120 Teens 18 126711 CHILD SPORTKIDS CHEWABLE 120 Teens 19 485103 GNC CH LIQUID MULTI 2 Teens 20 761115 CH VITAMOO 570 Teens 21 105833 GNC KIDS A+ CHOC 19 Teens 22 048111 GNC CH CHEW C 60 Teens 23 134711 CH ZINC ECHINACEA CHEWABLE 30 Teens 24 089541 CH ACIDOPHILUS CHEWABLE G 60 Teens 25 051711 CH CAL CHEWABLE 60 Teens 26 104511 GNC WOM PRENATAL FORMULA 120 Teens 27 256014 GNC FOLIC ACID 400MCG 100 Teens 28 886636 BIO REM EARACHE-BR636 1 Teens 29 886661 BIO REM CHIL COUGH SYR-BR661 4 Teens 30 886635 BIO REM COLIC-BR635 1 Teens 31 886637 BIO REM TEETHING-BR637 1 Teens 32 105833 GNC KIDS A+ CHOC 19 Teens 33 105828 PNI KIDS PLEX JR 1 Teens 34 105830 PNI KIDS PLEX JR CHOCOLATE 19 Teens 35 014311 TL ANIMAL FRIENDS CHEW-495 50 Teens 36 498227 TL ANIMAL FRIENDS WAFER-496 100 Teens 37 697258 OL HEALTHY BEARS 9 Teens 38 697256 YUMMI BEARS 50MG/60 CT 60 Teens 39 697257 YUMMI BEARS-MULTIVITAMIN 60 Teens 40 496048 SCH CHILD LIQUID-11405 8 Teens 41 034911 TL INFANT CARE-503 2 Teens 42 496047 SCH CHILD W/MIN-11406 90 Teens 43 496177 SCH CHILDREN CHEW-11407 180 Teens 44 041255 ARP REF NUTRAKIDS 60 Teens 45 000608 ML LITTLE ANGELS 4 Teens 46 000607 ML LITTLE ANGELS CHEWABLE TBS 60 Teens 47 886413 NN-RHINO ACIDOPHILUS 60 Teens 48 886414 NN-RHINO CALCIUM 60 Teens 49 886415 NN-RHINO ECHINACEA 60 Teens 50 886416 NN-RHINO VITES 90 Womens 1 264011 GNC WOM EPO 50 Womens 2 264021 GNC WOM EPO 90 Womens 3 264031 GNC WOM EPO 200 Womens 4 265611 GNC WOM MEGA EPO 50 Womens 5 265621 GNC WOM ULT EPO 120 Womens 6 266711 GNC WOM DONG QUAI/ROYAL JELLY 100 Womens 7 264511 GNC WOM MENOPAUSE 100 Womens 8 243711 WNS HERBAL BALANCE W/SOY 30 Womens 9 264311 GNC WOM PMS FORMULA 100 Womens 10 120311 GNC CALCIUM CITRATE MALATE 120 Womens 11 285111 WMNS MONTHLY PHYTOESTROGEN 120 Womens 12 059711 GNC WOM ULTRA MEGA 90 Womens 13 059721 GNC WOM ULTRA MEGA 180 Womens 14 060511 WMS UM NO IRON 90 Womens 15 060521 WMS UM NO IRON 180 Womens 16 104511 GNC WOM PRENATAL FORMULA 120 Womens 17 138911 WOM PRE-NAT NO IRON 120 Womens 18 245211 WMS BEGINNING 60 Womens 19 013911 GNC WOM IRON SUPPORT 30MG 60 </Table> 10 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Womens 20 013712 GNC WOMENS IRON COMP 30MG 60 Womens 21 281111 GNC WNS CAL-PLUS 90 Womens 22 078711 GNC WOM CAL SUPPORT 90 Womens 23 762315 WNS SOY ISOFLAV SOURCE 16 Womens 24 356011 GP OST (OSTEOARTHRITIS) 30 Womens 25 358511 GNC WOM NUTRITION SYSTEM 30 Womens 26 356511 GNC WOM DHEA VP 30 Womens 27 357911 WOMEN'S MENOPAUSE VITAPAK 30 Womens 28 356211 WOMEN'S VITAPAK 50+ 30 Womens 29 091011 GNC WOM SOLOTRON 120 Womens 30 091021 GNC WOM SOLOTRON 240 Womens 31 247911 GNC FEMG B COMPLEX 60 Womens 32 277511 WOMENS LIVE WELL MULTI 60 Womens 33 285511 WMS LIVE WELL CAPSULES 60 Womens 34 283711 WMS PYRUVATE 500MG 60 Womens 35 653945 WMS SOY SOLUTION 520 Womens 36 654055 WNS CREATINE 200GM 200 Womens 37 359211 GNC WOM VP 30 Womens 38 265011 GNC WOM CITRIMAX 90 Womens 39 264611 GNC WOM WATER BALANCE 100 Womens 40 246711 WOMEN'S UT FORMULA 60 Womens 41 266011 GNC WOM HAIR, SKIN & NAILS 90 Womens 42 266021 GNC WOM HAIR, SKIN & NAILS 180 Womens 43 485157 GNC LIQUID HAIR SKIN & NAILS 8 Womens 44 261611 WOMEN'S ULTRANOURISHAIR 60 Womens 45 265711 GNC WOM SILICA 100 Womens 46 254911 GNC WOM GELATIN 50 Womens 47 254921 GNC WOM GELATIN 120 Womens 48 279621 NOURISH HAIR ULTRA 120'S 120 Womens 49 279221 NOURISH HAIR SUPER BIOTIN 200 200 Womens 50 497070 SCH GLUCARATE BREAST HLTH 60 Womens 51 496056 SCH PMS SYSTEM-11460 1 Womens 52 496131 SCH MENOPAUSE SYS-11470 1 Womens 53 053550 AL ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS 60 Womens 54 073611 FB HAIR SKIN NAILS 75 Womens 55 073621 FB HAIR SKIN NAILS 135 Womens 56 816321 AH ROYAL BRITANY EPO 100 Womens 57 816322 AH ROYAL BRITANY 200 Womens 58 090839 ENZ THRPY REMIFEMIN 120 Womens 59 777821 AMF ESTROVEN 30 Womens 60 023860 NOVOGEN PROMENSIL 30 Womens 61 410084 PHAR VENASTAT 45 Womens 62 053508 AL WOMEN'S YOHIMBE 30 Metaform 1 653431 METAFORM METAPLEX CHOC 10 Metaform 2 653433 METAFORM METAPLEX VAN 10 Metaform 3 653435 METAFORM METAPLEX STRAW 10 Metaform 4 653417 METAFORM HYPERGRAPE 52476 1200 Metaform 5 653416 METAFORM HYPERBERRY 52440 1248 Metaform 6 653419 METAFORM METACUTS (52472)60 60 Metaform 7 653412 METAFORM METACUTS (52473) 120 Metaform 8 653425 METAFORM METACUTS CHOC PWD 700 Metaform 9 653418 METAFORM MEGABOLIN (52471) 20 Metaform 10 653421 METAFORM CREAT 9500 52478 430 Metaform 11 653430 METAFORM CELLVOL ATS 2 Metaform 12 653420 METAFORM CREATINE (52479) 400 Metaform 13 653415 METAFORM NEURODRIVE (52477) 720 Metaform 14 653428 METAFORM NEURODRIVE CAPS 120 Metaform 15 653427 METAFORM METADRENE CAPS 90 Metaform 16 653426 METAFORM PAIN FREE 30'S 30 Metaform 17 653413 METAFORM PAIN FREE (52475) 60 Metaform 18 653422 METAFORM TRIBESTAN (52427) 60 Metaform 19 653441 METAFORM METAPRO CHOC 3 </Table> 11 Retail Agreement GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metaform 20 653440 METAFORM METAPRO VAN 3 Metaform 21 653351 WDR META HEAT CREAM 52208 12 Metaform 22 653341 METAFORM HEAT CHOC/RAS 12 Metaform 23 653389 METAFORM CHOC SINGLE52411 72 Metaform 24 653381 METAFORM CHOCOLATE 57181 20 Metaform 25 653379 METAFORM VAN SINGLE 52410 72 Metaform 26 653371 METAFORM VANILLA 57171 20 Metaform 27 653391 METAFORM STRAW 57190 20 Metaform 28 653331 METAFORM STRAWBERRY 20 (52048 20 Metaform 29 653375 METAFORM VANILLA 60 57173 60 Schiff 1 495990 SCH REGENEX MULTI FORMULA 120 Schiff 2 495989 SCH REGENEX CARDIO SUPPORT FO 60 Schiff 3 495999 SCH REGENEX DIABETIC SUPPORT 60 Schiff 4 495996 SCH ENADA NADH 2.5MG 30 Schiff 5 496360 SCH PHENCAL 120 (12783) 120 Schiff 6 496345 SCH WOMAN'S FAT BURNER (12740 60 Schiff 7 496195 SCH ULTA LEAN-12707 60 Schiff 8 497070 SCH GLUCARATE BREASTH HLTH 60 Schiff 9 497080 SCH ST JOHNS WORT 300MG 60 Schiff 10 497081 SCH ST JOHNS WORT 600MG 60 Schiff 11 497075 SCH PAIN FREE (10740) 60 Schiff 12 495994 SCH GLUCOSAMINE COMPLEX 1000 60 Schiff 13 495988 SCH CHONDRIOTIN SULFATE 500MG 60 Schiff 14 495993 SCH KNOCK OUT 50 Schiff 15 496317 SCH GINGKO BILOBA-10914 30 Schiff 16 496319 SCH ECHINACEA HG-10916 30 Schiff 17 495992 SCH SAW PALMETTO 60 Schiff 18 496056 SCH PMS SYSTEM-11460 1 Schiff 19 496131 SCH MENOPAUSE SYS-11470 1 Schiff 20 496063 SCH CRANBERRY CONC-10705 90 Schiff 21 495995 SCH SOY ISOFLAVOUES 60 Schiff 22 497065 SCH WOMENS SOY PROTEIN 16 Schiff 23 496048 SCH CHILD LIQUID-11405 8 Schiff 24 496047 SCH CHILD W/MIN-11406 90 Schiff 25 496177 SCH CHILDREN CHEW-11407 180 Schiff 26 496298 SCH MEGA HIGH II-11428 120 Schiff 27 496126 SCH PRIME YEARS-11438 100 Schiff 28 496051 SCH SINGLE DAY-11442 60 Schiff 29 496127 SCH SINGLE DAY TB-11444 120 Schiff 30 496053 SCH TR SINGLE DAY-11448 60 Schiff 31 496128 SCH SNGL DAY TR TB-11450 120 Schiff 32 496125 SCH DOUBLE DAY TBS-11412 120 Schiff 33 496129 SCH VEGET MULTI-11458 120 Schiff 34 496133 SCH WHL FD BASE PK-11493 30 Schiff 35 496024 SCH B-CMPLX 50 SFT-10122 100 Schiff 36 496208 SCH SR B-CMPLX 100-10137 90 Schiff 37 496030 SCH C 500 W/RS HPS-10306 100 Schiff 38 496212 SCH C1000/ROSE HIP-10311 250 Schiff 39 496031 SCH C 1000 W/RS HP-10310 100 Schiff 40 496216 SCH DRY E 400 I.U.-10404 50 Schiff 41 496112 SCH DRY E ALL 400-10405 100 Schiff 42 496114 SCH D-ALPHA 400IU-10438 50 Schiff 43 496220 SCH ED-ALPHA TOC-10439 100 Schiff 44 496234 SCH LIQ CALC W/D-11208 90 Schiff 45 496076 SCH GUIDE MULTI MIN-12424 90 Schiff 46 496095 SCH CHELAT ZINC 50-11242 90 Twin Spt. 1 1 876411 TL AMINO FUEL TABS-751 60 Twin Spt. 1 2 876421 TL AMINO FUEL TABS-752 150 Twin Spt. 1 3 876431 TL AMINO FUEL TABS-753 250 Twin Spt. 1 4 496673 TL AMINO FUEL STACK 60 Twin Spt. 1 5 874811 TL AMINO FUEL 1500-554 50 </Table> 12 Retail Agreement: GNC-Rite Aid Plan-O-Gram 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twin Spt. 1 6 875411 TL AMINO FUEL 2000 TABS-755 100 Twin Spt. 1 7 875421 TL AMINO FUEL 2000 TABS-756 150 Twin Spt. 1 8 876511 TL AMINO FUEL POWDER-747 2 Twin Spt. 1 9 875611 TL AMINO FUEL CHEW WAFER-744 50 Twin Spt. 1 10 875511 TL AMINO FUEL LIQUID CONC-745 16 Twin Spt. 1 11 875521 TL AMINO FUEL LIQUID CONC-746 32 Twin Spt. 1 12 498549 TL CREATINE FUEL PWDR 4-890 4 Twin Spt. 1 13 498640 TL CREATINE POWDER-476 17 Twin Spt. 1 14 498547 TL CREATINE FUEL CAPS-886 60 Twin Spt. 1 15 498548 TL CREATINE FUEL CAPS-887 120 Twin Spt. 1 16 498641 TL MEGA CREATINE-473 60 Twin Spt. 1 17 498642 TL MEGA CREATINE-474 120 Twin Spt. 1 18 498676 TL CREAT FUEL CHEW ORN361 100 Twin Spt. 1 19 498679 TL CREAT FUEL CHEW FRT 380 100 Twin Spt. 1 20 498680 TL CREAT FUEL CHEW CH 379 100 Twin Spt. 1 21 498645 TL CREAT COCKTAIL ORANGE 580 28 Twin Spt. 1 22 498631 TL CREATINE PLUS CHOC 261 15 Twin Spt. 1 23 498630 TL CREATINE PLUS VAN-260 15 Twin Spt. 1 24 874702 TL GLUTAMINE PWDR-414 4 Twin Spt. 1 25 874701 TL GLUTAMINE FUEL-415 60 Twin Spt. 1 26 498675 TL MEGA GLUTAMINE FUEL 60 Twin Spt. 1 27 498676 TL MEGA GLUTAMINE FUEL 120 Twin Spt. 1 28 498690 TL PYRUVATE FUEL 603 60 Twin Spt. 1 29 874703 TL SUPER VANADYL FUEL-419 60 Twin Spt. 1 30 498720 TL GLYCEROL FUEL 16 Twin Spt. 1 31 044711 TL CARBO-FUEL (IMPROVED)-758 22 Twin Spt. 1 32 044721 TL CARBO FUEL (IMPROVED)-759 43 Twin Spt. 1 33 775221 TL OPTIFUEL 2 VANILLA 848 3 Twin Spt. 1 34 775231 TL OPTIFUEL 2 CHOCOLATE-845 3 Twin Spt. 1 35 885212 TL MASS FUEL CHOC-320 4 Twin Spt. 1 36 885211 TL MASS FUEL VAN-321 4 Twin Spt. 1 37 881711 TL GAINERS FUEL 2500 CHOC-806 9 Twin Spt. 1 38 881721 TL GAINERS FUEL 2500 VAN-809 9 Twin Spt. 1 39 881731 TL GNRS FUEL 2500 STRAW-807 9 Twin Spt. 2 1 044911 TL CHROMIC FUEL PICOL-760 100 Twin Spt. 2 2 044921 TL CHROMIC FUEL PICOL-761 200 Twin Spt. 2 3 044912 TL MEGA CHROMIC FUEL-150 50 Twin Spt. 2 4 023911 TL L-ARG/ORN 750MG-13 50 Twin Spt. 2 5 023921 TL L-ARG/ORN 750MG-14 100 Twin Spt. 2 6 738811 TL MEGA L-CARNITINE TAB 500-5 30 Twin Spt. 2 7 496218 TL MEGA L-CARNITINE TAB-54 60 Twin Spt. 2 8 738811 TL MEGA L-CARNITINE TAB 500-5 30 Twin Spt. 2 9 498218 TL MEGA L-CARNITINE TAB-54 60 Twin Spt. 2 10 000111 TL MEGA CARNITINE LQ-52 12 Twin Spt. 2 11 498652 TL CHONDROITIN (CSA) CAPS 60 Twin Spt. 2 12 498662 TL GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE 60 Twin Spt. 2 13 498663 TL GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE 90 Twin Spt. 2 14 881633 TL JOINT FUEL 284 60 Twin Spt. 2 15 881634 TL JOINT FUEL 285 120 Twin Spt. 2 16 498665 TL HMB FUEL PLUS 90 Twin Spt. 2 17 498672 TL GROWTH FUEL 90 Twin Spt. 2 18 881991 TL RIPPED FUEL 664 60 Twin Spt. 2 19 881992 TL RIPPED FUEL 665 120 Twin Spt. 2 20 881993 TL RIPPED FUEL 668 200 Twin Spt. 2 21 881913 TL RIP FUEL PUNCH-552 1 Twin Spt. 2 22 881912 TL RIP FUEL CHOC-550 1 Twin Spt. 2 23 881632 TL YOHIMBE FUEL--282 100 Twin Spt. 2 24 498685 TL TRIBULUS FUEL 396 100 Twin Spt. 2 25 773112 TL DIET FUEL 60-322 60 Twin Spt. 2 26 773113 TL DIET FUEL 120-323 120 Twin Spt. 2 27 773116 TL DIET FUEL CAPS-114 180 Twin Spt. 2 28 773102 TL NO EPH DIET FUEL 647 120 13 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twin Spt.2 29 773103 TL NO EPH DIET FUEL 648 180 Twin Spt.2 30 773114 TL ADV DIET FUEL CHOC-105 2 Twin Spt.2 31 773115 TL ADV DIET FUEL-VAN-107 2 Twin Spt.2 32 498689 TL HERBAL PHEN FUEL 629 30 Twin Spt.2 33 498688 TL HERBAL PHEN FUEL 630 60 Twin Spt.2 34 498687 TL HERBAL PHEN FUEL 632 90 Twin Spt.2 35 498716 TL TRIP WHEY FUEL CHOC 750 13 Twin Spt.2 36 498717 TL TRIP WHEY FUEL VAN 766 13 Twin Spt.2 37 498718 TL TRIPLE WHEY FUEL UNFLA 13 Twin Spt.2 38 881641 TL WHEY FUEL CHOC 534 10 Twin Spt.2 39 811640 TL WHEY FUEL VANILLA 10 Twin Spt.2 40 883851 TL RX FUEL CHOC 10 PACK 153 28 Twin Spt.2 41 883152 TL RX FUEL VAN 10 PACK-154 27 Twin Spt.2 42 792311 TL VEGE FUEL-840 1 Twin Vit 1 498651 TL MAXILIFE BRAIN PROT-267 60 Twin Vit 2 042811 TL MAXILIFE CAPS-901 100 Twin Vit 3 499028 TL MAXILIFE CARDIOCARE CO 30 Twin Vit 4 449029 TL MAXILIFE CARDIOCARE COQ 60 Twin Vit 5 449030 TL MAXILIFE CARDIO PROTECT 60 Twin Vit 6 449031 TL MAXILIFE CARDIO PROTECT 120 Twin Vit 7 449032 TL MAXILIFE CHICKEN COLLA 30 Twin Vit 8 498710 TL CHOLINE COCKTAIL II + 59 15 Twin Vit 9 449033 TL MAXILIFE CHOLINE CCKTL 15 Twin Vit 10 498652 TL MAXILIFE COLON PROT-271 60 Twin Vit 11 002032 TL MAXILIFE COQ10 FORMULA-903 60 Twin Vit 12 498262 TL MAXILIFE COQ10 FORM-917 120 Twin Vit 13 449034 TL MAXILIFE DHEA 25MG 30 Twin Vit 14 498670 TL GLUCO/CHONDROITIN FORM 41 30 Twin Vit 15 498671 TL GLUCO/CHONDROITIN FORM 703 60 Twin Vit 16 449035 TL MAXILIFE HOMOCYSTEINE 50 Twin Vit 17 499036 TL MAXILIFE HOMOCYSTEINE 100 Twin Vit 18 498712 TL JOINT COCKTAIL 921 7 Twin Vit 19 498713 TL JOINT FOOD 370 16 Twin Vit 20 499037 TL MAXILIFE JOINT FOOD LI 32 Twin Vit 21 498654 TL MAXILIFE JOINT PROT-273 60 Twin Vit 22 499001 TL MAXILIFE JOINT PROTECT 120 Twin Vit 23 498714 TL MEGA SOY EPS 477 30 Twin Vit 24 499002 TL MAXILIFE MEGA SOY COP 60 Twin Vit 25 499003 TL MAXILIFE MENS PROTECTOR 60 Twin Vit 26 499004 TL MAXILIFE MULTI-CARTENE 30 Twin Vit 27 499074 TL MAXILIFE MULTICAROTENE 60 Twin Vit 28 499005 TL PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE 30 Twin Vit 29 499006 TL PHYTONUTRIENT COCKTAIL 6 Twin Vit 30 499007 TL PHYTONUTRIENT PROTECTOR 60 Twin Vit 31 498659 TL MAXILIFE PREGNENOLONE 30 Twin Vit 32 499008 TL MAXILIFE PREGNENOLONE 60 Twin Vit 33 499068 TL MAXILIFE PROSTATE PROT 30 Twin Vit 34 498653 TL MAXILIFE PROSTATE PROT-279 60 Twin Vit 35 499009 TL MAXILIFE RESUERATROL 30 Twin Vit 36 499012 TL MAXILIFE SELENOMAY CAP 30 Twin Vit 37 499013 TL MAXILIFE SELENOMAY CAP 60 Twin Vit 38 499060 TL MAXILIFE SOY COCKTAIL 1 Twin Vit 39 499061 TL MAXILIFE ST JOHNS WORT 30 Twin Vit 40 499059 TL MAXILIFE ST JOHNS WORT 60 Twin Vit 41 498213 TL METABOLIFT CAPS-741 60 Twin Vit 42 498230 TL METABOLIFT CAPS-742 120 Twin Vit 43 498601 TL CHOLINE COCKTAIL-706 15 Twin Vit 44 042311 TL HAIR FACTORS TABLETS-898 50 Twin Vit 45 498259 TL HAIR FACTOR TABLETS-899 100 Twin Vit 46 498614 TL JOINT FACTORS-919 60 Twin Vit 47 499073 TL JOINT FACTOR CPS 120 Twin Vit 48 002010 TL OCCUGARD PLUS 421 60 </Table> 14 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twin Vit 49 499069 TL OCUGUARD PLUS CPS 120 Twin Vit 50 498258 TL SUPER C, E, & CAROTENE-930 50 Twin Vit 51 498312 TL SUPER C, E, & CAROTENE-931 100 Twin Vit 52 498310 TL ALLERGY A/D 10,000IU-125 100 Twin Vit 53 498337 TL ALLERGY A 10000 IU CP-137 100 Twin Vit 54 498225 TL CAROTENE CAPS-140 100 Twin Vit 55 498274 TL MEGA CAROTENE-144 60 Twin Vit 56 498288 TL B-6 CAPS 50MG-170 100 Twin Vit 57 498235 TL B-6 100MG CAPS-171 100 Twin Vit 58 028411 TL B-12 DOTS-174 100 Twin Vit 59 498309 TL B-12 DOTS-175 250 Twin Vit 60 029121 TL B-100 CAPS-178 50 Twin Vit 61 029111 TL B-100 CAPS-179 100 Twin Vit 62 002811 TL BIOTIN 600MCG CAPS-182 100 Twin Vit 63 498245 TL FOLIC ACID CAPS 800MCG-187 100 Twin Vit 64 002029 TL NIACIN (B3) 100MG CAPS-195 100 Twin Vit 65 498256 TL NO FLUSH NIACIN 50-223 50 Twin Vit 66 033011 TWIN PANTO ACID 250MG 0446 100 Twin Vit 67 002028 TL PANTOTHENIC ACID 500MG-205 100 Twin Vit 68 498215 TL STRESS B COMPLEX-207 100 Twin Vit 69 499018 TL BILAYER C1000 W/CIT B 100 Twin Vit 70 499020 TL C-1000 TABS 100 Twin Vit 71 034311 TL C-500 CAPS-238 100 Twin Vit 72 034411 TL C-1000 CAPS-240 100 Twin Vit 73 498415 TL E-200 CAPS DRY-289 50 Twin Vit 74 034632 TL DRY E 200IU 290 100 Twin Vit 75 034611 TL E-400 CAPS DRY-291 50 Twin Vit 76 034621 TL E-400 CAPS DRY-292 100 Twin Vit 77 002021 TL LIQUID E-295 12 Twin Vit 78 002022 TL SUPER E COMPLEX SFTGL-296 50 Twin Vit 79 498208 TL SUPER E COMPLEX SFTGL-297 100 Twin Vit 80 498279 TL SUPER E COMPLEX 400IU-298 250 Twin Vit 81 498257 TL SUPER E SFTGL 1000IU-299 50 Twin Vit 82 498278 TL SUPER E COMPLEX 1000IU-300 100 Twin Vit 83 052711 TL COD LVR OIL EMUL MINT-333 12 Twin Vit 84 055411 TL COD LVR OIL EMUL ORNG-334 12 Twin Vit 85 002019 TL COD LIVER OIL EMUL SFT-335 100 Twin Vit 86 039511 TL ALLERDOPHILUS CAPS-368 50 Twin Vit 87 498228 TL ALLERDOPHILUS CAPS-369 100 Twin Vit 88 498273 TL SUPER ACIDOPHILUS-360 30 Twin Vit 89 498354 TL SUPER ACIDOPHILUS-361 60 Twin Vit 90 039611 TL SUPER ENZYME CAPS-384 50 Twin Vit 91 498232 TL SUPER ENZYME CAPS-385 100 Twin Vit 92 040021 TL COQ10 CAPS-575 50 Twin Vit 93 040011 TL COQ10 CAPS-576 100 Twin Vit 94 951611 TL MEGA COQ10 CAPS-590 50 Twin Vit 95 951621 TL MEGA COQ10 CAPS-591 100 Twin Vit 96 499055 TL GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE CP 30 Twin Vit 97 498662 TL GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE 60 Aloe 1 243011 NB ALOE HAIR, SKIN, NAI 100 Aloe 2 243111 NB ALOE INNER GEL 100 Aloe 3 485197 NB FIRST AID JELLY 2 Aloe 4 485198 NB ASPIRALOE RUB 4 Aloe 5 485199 NB EUCALYPTUS RUB 4 Aloe 6 366000 NB UNFLAV JUICE 8 Aloe 7 366001 NB ALOE UNFLAV GEL 8 Aloe 8 365857 NB FILLET UNFLAV JUICE 16 Aloe 9 365881 NB HF UNFLAVORED JUICE 32 Aloe 10 365858 NB FILLET UNFLAVORED GEL 16 Aloe 11 365856 NB FILLET UNFLAV GEL 32 Aloe 12 365888 NB WL UNFLAVORED JUICE 32 Aloe 13 365895 NB GEL WL UNFLAVORED 32 </Table> 15 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aloe 14 365885 NB WL CRANBERRY JUICE 32 Aloe 15 365889 NB WL LEMON/LIME JUICE 32 Aloe 16 365883 NB WL WILDBERRY JUICE 32 Aloe 17 365893 NB JUICE UNFLAVORED WL 128 Aloe 18 365855 NB WL UNFLAVORED GEL 128 Aloe 19 366002 NB FILLET UNFLAV JUICE 128 Aloe 20 365894 NB GEL 1 GAL UNFLAVOR FILLET 128 Books 1 1 008212 PRESCRIPTION FOR NUTR HEALING 1 Books 1 2 008275 NUTRITION ALMANAC 1 Books 1 3 008266 ENCYC OF NUTRIL SUPPLEMENTS 1 Books 1 4 008334 EARL MINDELL SUPPLMENT BIBLE 1 Books 1 5 008265 DR WHITAKERS GUIDE PAPERBACK 1 Books 1 6 008215 HERBALLY YOURS 1 Books 1 7 008247 TODAY'S HERBAL HEALTH REV 4TH 1 Books 1 8 008210 LITTLE HERB ENCYCLOPEDIA 3RD 1 Books 1 9 008207 HEALTH HANDBOOK LARGE EDITION 1 Books 1 10 008243 VITAMIN HERB GUIDE NATURAL 1 Books 1 11 008302 HERBS FOR HEALTH BOOK 1 Books 1 12 008330 NATURAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT 1 Books 1 13 008226 MENOPAUSAL YRS THE WISE WOMEN 1 Books 1 14 008242 WHAT YOUR DR. MAY NOT TELL YO 1 Books 1 15 008235 YEAST CONNECTION COOKBOOK 1 Books 1 16 008230 YEAST CONNECTION HANDBOOK 1 Books 1 17 008239 HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY 1 Books 1 18 008273 FIT FOR LIFE FOOD COMBINING 1 Books 1 19 008222 JUICEMANS POWER OF JUICING 1 Books 1 20 008102 APPLE CIDER VINEGAR MIRACLE 1 Books 1 21 008294 FRESH VEG & FRUIT JUICE HG 1 Books 1 22 008301 CLEANSING MADE SIMPLE 1 Books 1 23 008251 TISSUE CLEANSING THROUGH BOWE 1 Books 2 1 008206 EARL MINDELL'S VITAMIN BIBLE 1 Books 2 2 008248 NATURAL TREATMENT FOR ADD & H 1 Books 2 3 008138 RITALIN FREE KIDS 1 Books 2 4 008304 THE ADD AND ADHD DIET BOOK 1 Books 2 5 008260 DEPRESSION & NATURAL MEDICINE 1 Books 2 6 008145 NATURAL PROZAC 1 Books 2 7 008219 HOW TO HERB BOOK LETS REMEDY 1 Books 2 8 008205 EARL MINDELL'S HERB BIBLE 1 Books 2 9 008214 HEALING POWER OF HERB'S REV 1 Books 2 10 008303 HERBAL DEFENSE 1 Books 2 11 008324 MIRACLE OF GARLIC 1 Books 2 12 008252 TODAY'S HERBAL HEALTH FOR WOM 1 Books 2 13 008168 ESTROGEN ALTERNATIVE 1 Books 2 14 008167 FIBROMYALGIA A COMPREHENSIVE 1 Books 2 15 008284 THE HOMOCYSTINE REVOLUTION 1 Books 2 16 008234 EVERYBODY'S GD TO HOMEOPATHIC 1 Books 2 17 008329 ARTHRITIS CURE PAPERBACK 1 Books 2 18 008262 DR. ATKINS NEW DIET REV POCKE 1 Books 2 19 008223 LEFT FOR DEAD HERBS FOR HEART 1 Books 2 20 008109 ANTI FAT NUTRIENTS 3RD EDITIO 1 Books 2 21 008274 40-30-30 FATBURNING 1 Books 2 22 008255 BODY BLDG A REALISTIC APPROAC 1 Books 2 23 004022 AVR CREATINE NATURES MUSCL. EACH Books 2 24 090977 EAS SUPPLEMENT REVIEW BOOK 1 Challenge 1 142015 CHAL 95% PROTEIN VAN 16 Challenge 2 145011 CHAL 95% PROTEIN VAN W/ASP 16 Challenge 3 144411 CHAL 95% PROTEIN CHOC W/ASP 16 Challenge 4 145111 CHAL 95% PROTEIN STRBY W/ASP 16 Challenge 5 145112 CHAL-PROTEIN-95 STRAW ASP 64 Challenge 6 148011 CHAL MILK&EGG PROT CHOC W/ASP 16 </Table> 16 Retail Agreement GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Challenge 7 147911 CHAL MILK&EGG PROT VAN W/ASP 16 Challenge 8 148111 CHAL MILK&EGG PROT STRBY W/AS 16 Challenge 9 142012 CHAL 95% PROTEIN UNSWEET VAN 4 Challenge 10 145012 CHAL 95% PROTEIN VANILLA 4 Challenge 11 144412 CHAL 95% PROTEIN CHOCOLATE 4 Challenge 12 141911 CHAL BODY BUILDER PROTEIN PWD 16 Challenge 13 653955 CHAL SOY SOLU CHOC 566 Challenge 14 653965 CHAL SOY NO ASP VANILLA 555 Challenge 15 653950 CHAL SOY SOLUTION 16 Challenge 16 654060 CHAL CREATINE POWDER 150 150 Challenge 17 654065 CHAL CREATINE POWDER 300 300 Challenge 18 822311 CHAL CREATINE CHEWABLE 100 Challenge 19 822211 CHAL CREATINE 500 Challenge 20 654020 CHAL CREATINE FRUIT PUNCH 640 Challenge 21 654025 CHAL-CREATINE-LEMONADE 495 Challenge 22 823111 CHAL-CLA-500MG 120 Challenge 23 821711 CHAL PYRUVATE 500MG 90 Challenge 24 821911 CHAL ANABOLISM 60 Challenge 25 654041 CHAL-TRANS NEURO 455 Challenge 26 962611 CHAL FREEFORM AMINO ACID REFR 100 Challenge 27 962621 CHAL FREEFORM AMINO ACID REFM 150 Challenge 28 821411 CA AMINO 1875 120 Challenge 29 821011 CH AMINO 2000 180 Challenge 30 335011 CH AMINO 3000 180 Challenge 31 334831 CHAL TR AMINO 4800 60 Challenge 32 334841 CHAL TR AMINO 4800 120 Challenge 33 171912 CHALL LIQUID PROTEIN 32 Challenge 34 030111 CHAL L-ARGININE 50 Challenge 35 823511 CHAL GLUTAMINE 90 Challenge 36 822011 CHAL CHROMIUM PIC 500 Challenge 37 822111 CHAL VANADYL SULFATE 500 Challenge 38 762512 PRO PERF-40-30-30 VANILLA 504 Challenge 39 762515 PRO PERF 40-30-30-CHOCOLATE 504 Challenge 40 762812 PRO PERF 50-30-15-VANILLA 504 Challenge 41 762815 PRO PERF 55-30-15 CHOCOLATE 504 Challenge 42 762212 PRO PERF 60-40 VANILLA 504 Challenge 43 762912 PRO PERF 70-20-10 VANILLA 504 EAS 1 090919 EAS PHOSPHAGEN HP FRT PNCH 32 EAS 2 090935 EAS PHOSPHAGEN HP FRT PNCH 4 EAS 3 090944 EAS PHOSPHAGEN HP GRAPE 32 EAS 4 090968 EAS PHOSPHAGEN HP GRAPE 42 SE 4 EAS 5 090945 EAS PHOSPHAGEN HP LEMON LIME 32 EAS 6 090969 EAS PHOSPHAGEN HP LEM LIME 42 4 EAS 7 090911 EAS PHOSPHAGEN-100 GRAM 100 EAS 8 090912 EAS PHOSPHAGEN-210 GRAM 210 EAS 9 090915 EAS PHOSPHAGEN-325 GRAM 325 EAS 10 090964 EAS PHOSPHAGEN 510GRAMS 510 EAS 11 090963 EAS PHOSPHAGEN 1000GRAMS 1000 EAS 12 090949 EAS BETAGEN 7 EAS 13 090948 EAS BETAGEN 21 EAS 14 090999 EAS NEURO GAIN TABS 120 EAS 15 090991 EAS NEURO GAIN 14 EAS 16 090981 EAS STRUCTURE EFA 120 EAS 17 090979 EAS-HMB 120 EAS 18 090980 EAS HMB 360 EAS 19 090923 EAS CLA 90 EAS 20 090951 EAS CYTOVOL 225 EAS 21 090914 EAS GKG - 120 CAPS 120 EAS 22 090913 EAS V2G - 180 CAPS 180 EAS 23 090961 EAS PHOSPHAGAN II CHOCOLATE 3 EAS 24 090960 EAS PHOSPHGAIN II VANILLA 3 EAS 25 090972 EAS PHOSPHAGAIN II STRAWBY 3 </Table> 17 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EAS 26 091001 EAS PRECISION PROTEIN CHOC. 908 EAS 27 091002 EAS PRECISION PROTEIN VAN 908 EAS 28 090956 EAS MYOPLEX PLUS DEL CHOC 20 EAS 29 090958 EAS MYOPLEX PLUS DELUXE VAN 20 EAS 30 090978 EAS MYOPLEX PLUS DULUXE STRAW 20 Ginseng 1 436211 GG KOREAN GINSENG 90 Ginseng 2 436221 GG KOREAN GINSENG 180 Ginseng 3 436111 GG GINSENG & ROYAL JELLY 90 Ginseng 4 436121 GG GINSENG & ROYAL JELLY 180 Ginseng 5 492824 GG KOREAN GINSENG TEA BAGS 20 20 Ginseng 6 492825 GG KOREAN GINSENG TEA BAGS 50 50 Ginseng 7 437311 GG TRIPLE GINSENG 90 Ginseng 8 437321 GG TRIPLE GINSENG 180 Ginseng 9 436911 GG TRIPLE GINSENG 90 Ginseng 10 436921 GG TRIPLE GINSENG 180 Ginseng 11 437611 GG TRIPLE GINSENG 90 Ginseng 12 437621 GG TRIPLE GINSENG 180 Ginseng 13 437211 GG SIBERIAN GINSENG 30 Ginseng 14 437011 GG SIBERIAN GINSENG 90 Ginseng 15 437021 GG SIBERIAN GINSENG 180 Ginseng 16 437111 GG SIBERIAN GINSENG & BEE POL 90 Ginseng 17 436611 GG AMERICAN GINSENG 90 Ginseng 18 437411 GG MEN'S GINSENG 90 Ginseng 19 492823 GG GINSENG GUM 10 Ginseng 20 436811 GG RED PANAX GINSENG 90 Ginseng 21 217601 GG PANAX GINSENG 10 10 Ginseng 22 217602 GG PANAX GINSENG 30 30 Ginseng 23 492827 GG GINSENG DRINK W/ROOT 4 Ginseng 24 492826 GG GINSENG DRINK NO/ROOT 4 Ginseng 25 492820 GG CHINA GNSNG R JEL B POL 10 10 Ginseng 26 492821 GG CHINA GNSNG R JEL B POL 30 30 Ginseng 27 465611 HP GINSAGEL 30 Ginseng 28 492801 POP AMER GINSENG 4 Ginseng 29 410021 PHAR GINSANA 30 Ginseng 30 410022 PHAR GINSANA 60 Ginseng 31 410024 PHAR GINSANA 40 Ginseng 32 715072 NMAX GINSAMAX 30 30 Ginseng 33 053567 AL GINSENG POWER MAX AMPULES 10 Ginseng 34 053542 AL GINSENG POWER MAX-333-00 100 Ginseng 35 053540 AL GINSENG POWER MAX 50 Ginseng 36 023951 AFF KOREAN GINSENG RYL JLY 1 Ginseng 37 492836 POP KOREAN GINSENG EXT ROOT 8 Ginseng 38 888831 BO GINERGY 30 Ginseng 39 217345 WISCONSIN GINSENG 60 Ginseng 40 777828 AMF 12 GINSENGS 90 Ginseng 41 492837 POP KOREAN GINSENG INST TEA 10 Ginseng 42 492840 POP KOREAN GINSENG EXTRACT 1 Green Foods 1 088821 KYOL YST-FREE GARLIC-10032 200 Green Foods 2 089311 KYOL YST-FR GARLIC CPS-100-41 100 Green Foods 3 089321 KYOL YST-FR GRLC CP-100-42 200 Green Foods 4 088611 KYOL GARLIC CPS-10141 100 Green Foods 5 088621 KYOL GARLIC CPS-10142 200 Green Foods 6 088511 KYOL RESERVE 60 CPS 200-41 60 Green Foods 7 089151 KYOL LIQ EXTRACT 100-20 2 Green Foods 8 030417 PHX-CHOLESTIN 120 Green Foods 9 090841 ENZ GARLINASE 4000 30 Green Foods 10 410211 CHAT GINSANA GARLIQUE 30 30 Green Foods 11 459022 NW GARLICIN-6791 30 Green Foods 12 427211 NB EFFECT 30 Green Foods 13 030711 NAT BR COATED TRIPLE GARLIC 100 Green Foods 14 030721 NAT BR COATED TRIPLE GARLIC 200 </Table> 18 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Green Foods 15 031311 NAT BR GARLIC TRIPLE TBS 100 Green Foods 16 031321 NB TRIPLE GARLIC 200 200 Green Foods 17 355911 GP CS (CARDIOVASCULAR) 30 Green Foods 18 129511 GP CHL (CHOLESTEROL) 30 Green Foods 19 709911 NB GRAPE SEED 60 Green Foods 20 709611 NB GENISTEIN PLUS 60 Green Foods 21 710711 NB CAROT COMPLEX 90 Green Foods 22 712011 NB LUTEIN-NEW 90 Green Foods 23 709511 NB WINE&GREEN TEA POLYPHEN 60 Green Foods 24 710811 NB-ISOFLAVUNES 90 Green Foods 25 712611 NB LYCOPENE PLUS 30 Green Foods 26 711911 NB-LYCOPENE-NEW 90 Green Foods 27 711811 NB POLYPHENOLS 90 Green Foods 28 710111 NB CURCUMINOIDS 90 Green Foods 29 709711 NB INDIAN CELERY SEED EXT 60 Green Foods 30 434411 NB FRUIT POLYPHENOLS 60 Green Foods 31 434211 NB MULTI-FRUIT 60 Green Foods 32 468711 HP GRAPE SEED EXTRACT 30 Green Foods 33 426111 NB BLUE GREEN ALGAE 90 Green Foods 34 429111 NB CHLORELLA 180 Green Foods 35 426211 NB SHATTERED CELL WALL CHOREL 90 Green Foods 36 429611 NB BARLEY GRASS 90 Green Foods 37 426311 NB BARLEY GRASS 90 Green Foods 38 003921 NAT BR KELP TABS 500 Green Foods 39 005811 NB TRIPLE ALFALFA 100 Green Foods 40 005211 NAT BR ALFALFA TABS 500 Green Foods 41 427411 NB HYDRILLA 210 Green Foods 42 420711 NB WHEATGRASS CAPSULE 60 Green Foods 43 434111 NB MULTI-VEGETABLE 60 Green Foods 44 000811 NAT BR GREEN EARTH FOOD 180 Green Foods 45 049750 NB GREEN EARTH FOOD POWERS 16 Green Foods 46 365846 NB APPLE CIDER VINEGAR 16 Green Foods 47 917521 ER SPIRULINA 100 Green Foods 48 399525 WM SUPER JUICE 60 Green Foods 49 089141 KYOL KYO-GREEN-700-55 3 Green Foods 50 714914 GF VEGGIE MAGMA 5 Green Foods 51 714911 GFC GREEN MAGMA 5.3 5 Green Foods 52 714910 GFC GREEN MAGMA 3 Green Foods 53 714913 GFC GREEN MAGMA PLUS 5 Green Foods 54 428011 NAT BR BEE PROPOLIS 250MG SG 100 Green Foods 55 423211 BEE POLLEN CPS GNC 100 Green Foods 56 081811 NAT BR BEE POLLEN 500MG TBS 100 Green Foods 57 081821 NAT BR BEE POLLEN 500MG TBS 250 Green Foods 58 088211 NAT BR BEE POLLEN 1000MG 90 Green Foods 59 079121 NAT BR BEE POLLEN GRANULES 10 Green Foods 60 081925 HFS BEE POLLEN FROM ENGLAND 90 Green Foods 61 548600 MN BEE POLLEN & GINSENG 90 Green Foods 62 003411 NB ROYAL JELLY 500MG 90 Green Foods 63 078021 PO ROYAL JELLY 500MG 30 Green Foods 64 078511 PO ROYAL JELLY-LQ 14000IU 11 Green Foods 65 078111 PO ROYAL JELLY LQ 11 Green Foods 66 422511 NAT BR DONG QUAI & ROYAL JELL 60 Green Foods 67 168400 DMS FIBROMALIC 180 Green Foods 68 548618 MN GRAPE SEED EXTRACT 60 Green Foods 69 548626 MG GINKGO BILOBA EXTRACT 60 Green Foods 70 576211 BN GINKGO BILOBA 60 Green Foods 71 544183 NAT ACTIVIN 60 Green Foods 72 076557 SLRY CRAN ACTIN-840 60 Green Foods 73 267703 KWAI HIGH POTENCY GARLIC 60TB 60 Green Foods 74 267704 KWAI HIGH POTENCY GARLIC 12OT 120 Green Foods 75 292111 DH CRANBERRY CONCENTRATE 16 Green Foods 76 292112 DH BLACK CHERRY CONCENTRATE 16 Green Foods 77 074235 FB COLON GREEN CAPS 150 </Table> 19 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Green Foods 78 074240 FB COLON GREEN POWDER 10 Herbal Plus 1 1 406511 HP BILBERRY 30 Herbal Plus 1 2 406521 HP BILBERRY 60 Herbal Plus 1 3 406311 HP CAT'S CLAW 30 Herbal Plus 1 4 406321 HP CAT'S CLAW 60 Herbal Plus 1 5 406111 HP CAYENNE 30 Herbal Plus 1 6 406121 HP CAYENNE 60 Herbal Plus 1 7 406011 HP CHAMOMILE 30 Herbal Plus 1 8 411611 HP CRANBERRY 30 Herbal Plus 1 9 408611 HP DAMIANA 30 Herbal Plus 1 10 410811 HP DEVILS CLAW 30 Herbal Plus 1 11 405611 HP DONG QUAI 30 Herbal Plus 1 12 405621 HP DONG QUAI 60 Herbal Plus 1 13 407711 HP ECHINACEA/ROOT 30 Herbal Plus 1 14 407712 HP ECHINACEA 60 Herbal Plus 1 15 411511 HP ECHINA/GOLD 30 Herbal Plus 1 16 411521 HP EXHINACEA/GOLD 60 Herbal Plus 1 17 407311 HP FEVERFEW 30 Herbal Plus 1 18 412511 HP GARLIC 30 Herbal Plus 2 1 410711 HP GARLIC/HAWTHORNE 30 Herbal Plus 2 2 405811 HP GARLIC/CAYENNE 30 Herbal Plus 2 3 407811 HP GINGER 30 Herbal Plus 2 4 407411 HP GOLDENSEAL RT 30 Herbal Plus 2 5 407412 HP GOLDENSEAL 60'S 60 Herbal Plus 2 6 407011 HP CAYENNE/GOLDENSEAL 30 Herbal Plus 2 7 406411 HP GOTU KOLA 30 Herbal Plus 2 8 407911 HP GUARANA 30 Herbal Plus 2 9 409711 HP LICORICE 30 Herbal Plus 2 10 409311 HP PAU D'ARCO 30 Herbal Plus 2 11 408011 HP MULTI-GINSENG 30 Herbal Plus 2 12 408012 HP MULTI-GINS 60 Herbal Plus 2 13 410911 HP MULTIGIN/DAM 30 Herbal Plus 2 14 412111 HP MLTIGIN/GOTV 30 Herbal Plus 2 15 408111 HP MLTIGIN/SAW 30 Herbal Plus 2 16 407211 HP PYGEUM 30 Herbal Plus 2 17 405511 HP SAW PALMETTO 30 Herbal Plus 2 18 405512 HP SAW PALMETTO 60 Herbal Plus 2 19 405711 HP SAW PALMETTO 30 Herbal Plus 2 20 408211 HP SIBERIAN GINSENG 30 Herbal Plus 2 21 408711 HP ST JOHNS WORT 30 Herbal Plus 2 22 408721 HERBAL PLUS ST JOHNS WORT 60 Herbal Plus 2 23 412011 HP VAL/PASSION 30 Herbal Plus 2 24 407511 HP VALERIAN 30 Herbal Plus 2 25 407512 HP VALERIAN 60 Herbal Plus 2 26 408511 HP YUCCA 30 Herbal Plus 2 27 523268 NAP ASTRAGALUS 1 Herbal Plus 2 28 523265 NAP BLACK COHOSH LIQUID 1 Herbal Plus 2 29 523263 NAP HAWTHORNE LIQUID 1 Herbal Plus 2 30 523266 NAP ST JOHNS WORT LIQUID 1 Herbal Plus 2 31 523264 NAP VALERIAN ROOT LIQUID 1 Herbal Plus 2 32 523267 NAP WILD YAM LIQUID 1 Herbal Plus 2 33 523259 NAP CRAN RELIEF CRANBRY LIQ 4 Herbal Plus 2 34 523260 NAP HERBAL DEFENSE ECHIN LIQ 4 Herbal Plus 2 35 523258 NAP HERBAL ENRGY GINSNG LIQ 4 Herbal Plus 2 36 523257 NAP HERB RELAX KAVA KAVA LIQ 4 Herbal Plus 2 37 523255 NAP MILK THISTLE LIQ 4 Herbal Plus 2 38 523256 NAP HERBAL PROSTA SURE LIQ 4 Herbal Plus 3 1 456611 HP FIN ALFALFA 100 Herbal Plus 3 2 466411 HP FIN ASHWAGANDHA 90 Herbal Plus 3 3 456511 HP FIN BILBERRY 100 </Table> 20 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Herbal Plus 3 4 430111 HP FIN BLACK COHOSH 100 Herbal Plus 3 5 466511 HP FIN BOSWELLIA 90 Herbal Plus 3 6 467811 HP FIN CATS CLAW 100 Herbal Plus 3 7 455911 HP FIN DONG QUAI 100 Herbal Plus 3 8 455211 HP FIN SAW PALMETTO 100 Herbal Plus 3 9 456911 HP FIN CAYENNE 100 Herbal Plus 3 10 466911 HP FIN CENTELLIN 90 Herbal Plus 3 11 456411 HP FIN CHLOROPHYL 100 Herbal Plus 3 12 466811 HP FIN CITRIN 90 Herbal Plus 3 13 455711 HP FIN CRANBERRY FRUIT 100 Herbal Plus 3 14 468211 HP FIN CURCUMINOIDS 90 Herbal Plus 3 15 457811 HP FIN DANDELION ROOT 100 Herbal Plus 3 16 455911 HP FIN DONG QUAI 100 Herbal Plus 3 17 430011 HP FIN DEVILS CLAW 90 Herbal Plus 3 18 414211 NFIN ECHINACEA PURPUREA 90 Herbal Plus 3 19 457711 HP FIN ECHINACEA 100 Herbal Plus 3 20 457721 HP FING ECHINACA VALUE SIZE 200 Herbal Plus 3 21 468011 HP FIN ECHINA/GOLDENSEAL 100 Herbal Plus 3 22 468021 HP FING GOLDENSEAL/ECHINACA 200 Herbal Plus 3 23 467711 HP FIN EYEBRIGHT 100 Herbal Plus 3 24 457111 HP FIN FEVERFEW 100 Herbal Plus 3 25 467111 HP FIN FO-TI 100 Herbal Plus 3 26 456111 HP FIN GARCINIA CAMBOGIA 100 Herbal Plus 3 27 030711 NAT BR COATED TRIPLE GARLIC 100 Herbal Plus 3 28 030721 NAT BR COATED TRIPLE GARLIC 200 Herbal Plus 3 29 031311 NAT BR GARLIC TRIPLE TBS 100 Herbal Plus 3 30 031321 NB TRIPLE GARLIC 200 200 Herbal Plus 3 31 045111 NB TRIPLE GARLIC PLUS 60 Herbal Plus 3 32 045121 NB TRIPLE GARLIC PLUS 120 Herbal Plus 3 33 490215 ULTIMATE GARLIC-BLST901394 30 Herbal Plus 3 34 490216 ULTIMATE GARLIC-901393 60 Herbal Plus 3 36 036621 NAT BR GARLIC ODORLESS 200 Herbal Plus 3 37 056211 NAT BR GARLIC-PARSLEY CAPS 100 Herbal Plus 3 38 005311 NAT BR GARLIC-PARSLEY TBS 250 Herbal Plus 3 39 036711 NAT BR GARLIC POTENT 1500MG 100 Herbal Plus 3 40 036811 NAT BR GARLIC SUPER CAPS 100 Herbal Plus 4 1 455611 HP FIN GINKGO BILOBA 100 Herbal Plus 4 2 455621 HP FING GINKGO BILOBA VALUE SIZ 200 Herbal Plus 4 3 425311 NAT BR GINKGO BILOBA 50 MG 120 Herbal Plus 4 4 425321 NAT BR GINKGO BILOBA-240 240 Herbal Plus 4 5 421511 NB GINKGO BILOBA PLUS 120 Herbal Plus 4 6 421521 NB GINKGO BILOBA PLUS 240 Herbal Plus 4 7 455311 HP FIN KAVA KAVA 100 Herbal Plus 4 8 455511 HP FIN ST JOHNS WORT 100 Herbal Plus 4 9 459611 HP FIN GINGER 100 Herbal Plus 4 10 456711 HP FIN GOLDENSEAL HERB 100 Herbal Plus 4 11 457611 HP FIN GOLDENSEAL ROOT 100 Herbal Plus 4 12 466211 HP FIN 688 MG GOLDENSEAL 100 Herbal Plus 4 13 457011 HP FIN GOTU KOLA 100 Herbal Plus 4 14 446011 HP FIN GUARANA 100 Herbal Plus 4 15 466311 HP FIN GUGULIPID 90 Herbal Plus 4 16 466711 HP FIN GYMNESYL 60 Herbal Plus 4 17 450511 HP FIN HAWTHORNE 100 Herbal Plus 4 18 456011 HP FIN HORSETAIL RUSH HERB 100 Herbal Plus 4 19 455311 HP FIN KAVA KAVA 100 Herbal Plus 4 20 455321 HP FIN KAVA KAVA VALUE SIZE 200 Herbal Plus 4 21 457511 HP FIN KELP 100 Herbal Plus 4 22 456211 HP FIN KUDZU ROOT 100 Herbal Plus 4 23 455411 HP FIN LICORICE 100 Herbal Plus 4 24 456311 HP FIN MILK THISTLE 100 Herbal Plus 4 25 440511 HP FIN MIATAKE MUSHROOM 100 Herbal Plus 4 26 441011 NFING REISHMUSHROOM 100 21 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herbal Plus 4 27 441311 NFING SHITAKE MUSHROOM 100 Herbal Plus 4 28 468111 HP FIN NETTLE 100 Herbal Plus 4 29 466111 HP FIN PICROLIV 90 Herbal Plus 4 30 451411 HP FIN PSYLLIUM SEED 100 Herbal Plus 4 31 457311 HP FIN PYGEUM 100 Herbal Plus 4 32 455211 HP FIN SAW PALMETTO 100 Herbal Plus 4 33 455221 HP FIN SAW PALMETTO VALUE SIZE 200 Herbal Plus 4 34 456811 HP FIN SPIRULINA 100 Herbal Plus 4 35 447311 HP FIN SUMA 100 Herbal Plus 4 36 457211 HP FIN WILD YAM ROOT 100 Herbal Plus 4 37 457411 HP FIN VALERIAN ROOT 100 Herbal Plus 4 38 467011 HP FIN VITEX 100 Herbal Plus 4 39 459311 HP FIN YUCCA STALK 100 Herbal Plus 4 40 450411 HP FIN ST JOHNS WORT TABLETS 60 Herbal Plus 4 41 450431 HP FIN ST JOHNS WORT TABLETS 120 Herbal Plus 4 42 455511 HP FIN ST JOHNS WORT 100 Herbal Plus 4 43 455521 HP FING ST JOHNS WORT VALUE SIZ 200 Lifestyle 1 786516 HPF LLC HERBAL PF STAGE 2 60 Lifestyle 2 786514 HPF LLC HERBAL PF 60 Lifestyle 3 270753 TRIMEDICA 5HTP #235 60 Lifestyle 4 585940 SN DIET-PHEN 45 Lifestyle 5 496360 SCH PHENCAL 120 (12783) 120 Lifestyle 6 000635 IRW NAT PHEN-SAFE 90 Lifestyle 7 773112 TL DIET FUEL 60-322 60 Lifestyle 8 773113 TL DIET FUEL 120-323 120 Lifestyle 9 522050 TL NO EPH METABOLIFT 661 60 Lifestyle 10 522051 TL NO EPH METABOLIFT 662 120 Lifestyle 11 030998 CT XENADRINE REA-1 120 Lifestyle 12 023809 SS THERMOGENICS PLUS 60 Lifestyle 13 041410 ARP-ULTRA CHROMA W/BIOTROL 90 Lifestyle 14 041400 ARP-ULTRA C.S. PYRUVATE MEN 90 Lifestyle 15 041271 ARP CHROMA SLIM 28-DAY KIT 28 Lifestyle 16 041211 ARP CHROMA SLIM PLUS-RL20412 120 Lifestyle 17 041210 ARP CHROMA SLIM PLUS-RL20400 60 Lifestyle 18 041380 ARP CHROMA SLIM BIOZAN-C 60 Lifestyle 19 041208 ARP CHROMA SLIM PYRUVATE 60 Lifestyle 20 041261 ARP ULTRA CHROMA SLIM 60 Lifestyle 21 041440 ARP-ULTRA C.S. THERMOGENIC 90 Lifestyle 22 041217 ARP CHROMA SLIM-MEN 120 Lifestyle 23 041216 ARP CHROMA SLIM-MEN 60 Lifestyle 24 041430 ARP-CHROMA SLIM CLA-4000 60 Lifestyle 25 041224 ARP ULTRA CITRA LEAN 60 Lifestyle 26 715006 NMAX SUPER DIET MAX 60 Lifestyle 27 715007 NMAX SUPER DIET MAX 90 Lifestyle 28 715009 NMAX SUPER DIET MAX 180 Lifestyle 29 715090 NMAX SUPER DIET MAX FOR MEN 90 Lifestyle 30 715201 NMAX DIET MAX CHITOSAN 250MG 240 Lifestyle 31 715210 NMAX-THIN-THIN 30 Lifestyle 32 433061 PEP DIET PEP REF 60 Lifestyle 33 433104 PEP ULTRA DIET PEP REF 60 Lifestyle 34 433105 PEP ULTRA DIET PEP 120 Lifestyle 35 433069 PEP NO EPH ULTRA DIET 2000 60 Lifestyle 36 000616 IRW NAT SYSTEM SIX-MEN 60 Lifestyle 37 000618 IRW NAT SYSTEM SIX 60 Lifestyle 38 000619 IRW NAT SYSTEM SIX 120 Lifestyle 39 532117 BODY PYRUVABURN DAYTIME 9024 60 Lifestyle 40 532119 BODY PYRUVABURN PM 9025 60 Lifestyle 41 532125 BODY THERMOPHEN 120 9039 120 Lifestyle 42 023809 SS THERMOGENICS PLUS 60 Lifestyle 43 023807 SS METABOLICS PLUS PANCREATIC 60 Lifestyle 44 023808 SS LIPOLYTICS PLUS VASCULAR 60 Lifestyle 45 400711 ONAT FAT FIGHTER 120 22 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lifestyle 46 399512 DW THERMO MAX 90 Lifestyle 47 399514 DW ZERO FAT 90 Lifestyle 48 399508 WM DW LIPOSTAT FAT BINDER 90 Lifestyle 49 399513 DW CLEANSING DIET 7-DAY 7 Lifestyle 50 053509 AL CHROMA BURN 60 Lifestyle 51 053557 AL SUPER FAT BURNER THERMO 40 Lifestyle 52 053558 AL SUPER FAT BURNER LIPO 40 Lifestyle 53 053539 AL SUPER FAT BURNER &BROMELAI 60 Lifestyle 54 053537 AL FAT BURNER 120 Lifestyle 55 053578 AL ULTRA FAT BURNER 60 Lifestyle 56 053559 AL SUPER FIT BURNER 60 Lifestyle 57 053560 AL SUPER FIT BURNERS 120 Lifestyle 58 053576 AL TONA LEAN 60 Lifestyle 59 317911 GNN GUARANA DIET 90 Lifestyle 60 544185 NAT TONALIN 1000-CLA 60 Lifestyle 61 544159 NAT CITRIMAX + W/CHRMATE-130 90 Lifestyle 62 320621 CC BAHAMIAN DIET 19 Nat Herb 1 465711 HP ECHINAGEL 30 Nat Herb 2 465511 HP PARTHENOGEL 30 Nat Herb 3 461611 HP GINKGOGEL 30 Nat Herb 4 465611 HP GINSAGEL 30 Nat Herb 5 468311 HP HYDRASTAGEL 30 Nat Herb 6 468811 HP KAVAGEL 30 Nat Herb 7 465911 HP PALMETTOGEL 30 Nat Herb 8 468411 HP THISTLEGEL 30 Nat Herb 9 467511 HP ST JOHNS WORT 30 Nat Herb 10 465811 HP VALEREGEL 30 Nat Herb 11 254615 NH ECHIN ANGUSTIFOLIA-309 100 Nat Herb 12 254582 NH ORG ECHINACEA ROOT-325 100 Nat Herb 13 254547 NH ECHIN POWER-1166 60 Nat Herb 14 257397 NH ECHINACEA/VITAMIN C-114 100 Nat Herb 15 254529 NH ECHINACEA GOLDNSL CMBO-115 100 Nat Herb 16 257398 NH ECHINACEA PWR (SUPER)-1130 60 Nat Herb 17 254690 NH ECHN-GOLDNSL SUPER-7115 250 Nat Herb 18 257396 NH ECHINACEA/GLDNSL PWR-1131 60 Nat Herb 19 257421 NH ELDRBRY ECHIN GLDNSL 116 100 Nat Herb 20 257416 NH ELDERBERRY FLOWERS-313 100 Nat Herb 21 254127 NH KAVA KAVA ROOT 264 100 Nat Herb 22 257422 NH KAVA KAVA PWR 1161 30 Nat Herb 23 254592 NH GINGER ROOT-245 100 Nat Herb 24 257359 NH GINKGO PHYTOSOME-41385 60 Nat Herb 25 254620 NH GINKGO POWER ECON-51385 50 Nat Herb 26 257341 NH GINKGO POWER SUPER-71385 150 Nat Herb 27 254899 NH GINSENG, SIBERIAN-250 50 Nat Herb 28 254625 NH GINSENG SARSAPARILLA-127 100 Nat Herb 29 254596 NH GOLDNSL HERB-255 100 Nat Herb 30 254594 NH GOLDNSL ROOT-257 50 Nat Herb 31 254595 NH GOLDNSL ROOT-256 100 Nat Herb 32 257331 NH GLDNSEAL ROOT EXT-2329 2 Nat Herb 33 257416 NH NETTLE POWER-1176 30 Nat Herb 34 254687 NH PYGEUM POWER-1261 60 Nat Herb 35 254803 NH SAW PALMETTO-276 100 Nat Herb 36 257391 NH SAW PALMETTO 250-7276 250 Nat Herb 37 254124 NH SAW PALMETTO PWR 320 30 Nat Herb 38 254585 NH SILICA POWER-1273 60 Nat Herb 39 254120 NH ST JOHN'S POWER 3% 90 Nat Herb 40 254125 NH ST JOHN'S PWR .3% 180 Nat Herb 41 254586 NH STRESS RELEASE-1270 60 Nat Herb 42 254603 NH VALERIAN ROOT-289 100 Nat Herb 43 257401 NH CAT'S CLAW-227 50 Nat Herb 44 254696 NH CAYENNE SUPER-7222 250 Nat Herb 45 254697 NH CHARCOAL-234 100 23 </Table> Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nat Herb 46 257393 NH CHLORELLA BETTER-310 100 Nat Herb 47 257399 NH CRANBERRY FRUIT-228 100 Nat Herb 48 254577 NH CRNBRY EXT-230 100 Nat Herb 49 254578 NH DAMIANA-240 100 Nat Herb 50 254694 NH ALOE VERA INNER LEAF-204 100 Nat Herb 51 254536 NH BILBERRY POWER-1155 60 Nat Herb 52 254537 NH BRONCEASE-1105 60 Nat Herb 53 254573 NH CASCARA SAGRADA-226 100 Nat Herb 54 257301 NH HAWTHORN FLWR, LEAVE-261 100 Nat Herb 55 254627 NH EYEBRIGHT-308 100 Nat Herb 56 254583 NH FEVERFEW-246 100 Nat Herb 57 254568 NH MILK THISTLE POWER-1260 50 Nat Way 1 267705 LP KIRA 45 Nat Way 2 410618 CHAT HARMONEX 30 CAPS 30 Nat Way 3 777822 AMF BLACK COHOSH 60 Nat Way 4 544182 NAT KAVATROL 30 Nat Way 5 090839 ENZ THRPY REMIFEMIN 120 Nat Way 6 777821 AMF ESTROVEN 30 Nat Way 7 023860 NOVOGEN PROMENSIL 30 Nat Way 8 820012 BO ORG ECHINAGOLD 2 Nat Way 9 891215 BO ECHINACEA 1 Nat Way 10 885183 BO KAVA KAVA LIQUID 1 Nat Way 11 403511 NW ECHINACEA-12400 100 Nat Way 12 402032 NW ECHINACEA-12408 180 Nat Way 13 402048 NW ECHINACEA RT CMPLX-17350 100 Nat Way 14 706917 NW ECHINACEA/ESTER C-417 100 Nat Way 15 403521 NW ECHINACEA COMBO-415 100 Nat Way 16 706957 NW ECHINACEA STDIZED 60 Nat Way 17 706923 NW ECHINAGUARD-3520 2 Nat Way 18 706922 NW ECHINAGUARD-3530 3 Nat Way 19 490218 NW GINKGOLD 60MG 50'S-6725 50 Nat Way 20 490219 NW GINKGOLD 60MG 100'S-6735 100 Nat Way 21 706947 NW GINKO BILOBA STDIZED 60 Nat Way 22 706929 NW-NOURMINS 60'S 60 Nat Way 23 706951 NW KAVA STDIZED 60 Nat Way 24 706955 NW KAVA KAVA EXTRACT 2 Nat Way 25 706925 NW-ST JOHN'S WORT 100 Nat Way 26 706943 NW ST JOHNS WORT 63000 90 Nat Way 27 706954 NW ST JOHN'S WORT EXTRACT 2 Nat Way 28 705711 NW GINGER ROOT-13100 100 Nat Way 29 402034 NW GINGER ROOT-13108 180 Nat Way 30 402035 NW SIBERIAN GINSENG-13508 180 Nat Way 31 402045 NW GOLDEN SEAL ROOT-13900 50 Nat Way 32 404511 NW GOLDEN SEAL ROOT-13800 100 Nat Way 33 404411 NW GOLDEN SEAL HERB-13700 100 Nat Way 34 402036 NW GOLDEN SEAL HERB-13708 180 Nat Way 35 452411 NW NETTLE-15150 100 Nat Way 36 706952 NW MILK THISTLE STDIZED 60 Nat Way 37 706949 NW PYGEUM STDIZED 60 Nat Way 38 706945 NW PROSTACTIVE SAW PALMET 30 Nat Way 39 706953 NW SAW PALMETTO STDIZED 60 Nat Way 40 490213 NW SAW PALMETTO BERRIES-16758 180 Nat Way 41 468511 NW ALFALFA LEAVE-10100 100 Nat Way 42 454511 NW ALEOLAX-900 100 Nat Way 43 454811 NW ASTRAGALUS RT-10180 100 Nat Way 44 704711 NW BARLEY GRASS-10250 100 Nat Way 45 706946 NW BILBERRY STANDARDIZED 90 Nat Way 46 402011 NW BLK COHOSH RT-10500 100 Nat Way 47 704811 NW BUTCHERS BROOM-11250 100 Nat Way 48 402030 NW CASCARA SAGRADA-11308 180 Nat Way 49 460211 NW CAYENNE PEPPER-11500 100 Nat Way 50 408811 NW CHARCOAL 280MG-2070 100 </Table> 24 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C Section Position Item # Description Size - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nat Way 51 402911 NW CHICKWEED HERB-11800 100 Nat Way 52 449511 NW CRANBERRY-12150 100 Nat Way 53 706956 NW CRANBERRY STDIZED 100 Nat Way 54 403211 NW DAMIANA LEAVES-12200 100 Nat Way 55 403311 NW DANDELION ROOT-12300 100 Nat Way 56 455132 NW DONG QUAI RT-12380 100 Nat Way 57 443811 NW FENUGREEK SD-12800 100 Nat Way 58 414111 NW FEVERFEW-12850 100 Nat Way 59 442411 NW NORWEGIAN KELP-14500 100 Nat Way 60 443111 NW SASPARILLA RT-16700 100 Nat Way 61 453211 NW SLPPRY ELM BRK-17100 100 Nat Way 62 453311 NW SPIRULINA-17200 100 Nat Way 63 455133 NW THISILYN-06958 100 Nat Way 64 406611 NW VALERIAN ROOT-17700 100 Nat Way 65 402040 NW VALERIAN ROOT-17708 180 Nat Way 66 706950 NW VALERIAN STDIZED 90 Nat. Remedies 1 092513 NAT BR PAPAYA ENZYME TBS PM 100 Nat. Remedies 2 092523 NAT BR PAPAYA ENZYME TBS 250 Nat. Remedies 3 092533 NAT BR PAPAYA ENZYME TBS PM 600 Nat. Remedies 4 086011 NAT BR APPLE PECTIN 100 Nat. Remedies 5 428211 NAT BR BROMALAN 100 Nat. Remedies 6 253814 NAT BR BETAINE HYDROCHLORIDE 100 Nat. Remedies 7 004311 NAT BR ENZYME DIGESTANT TABS 100 Nat. Remedies 8 432911 NB MULI-ENZYME 90 Nat. Remedies 9 390411 HP LIVERHEALTH 30 Nat. Remedies 10 422311 NB CITRUS PECTIN 60 Nat. Remedies 11 432611 NB LACTASE 90 Nat. Remedies 12 085811 NAT BR MILK DIGESTANT TBS 250 Nat. Remedies 13 433711 NB PARA ESSENTIALS 60 Nat. Remedies 14 365942 NAT BRAND POMEGRANATE 8 Nat. Remedies 15 089531 NB ACIDOPHILOS W/OUT FOS 60 Nat. Remedies 16 089521 NB CHEW ACIDPHL JUNIOR GRAPE 120 Nat. Remedies 17 088512 NB ULTRA ACIDOLPHILUS 90 Nat. Remedies 18 021311 NAT BR ACIDOPHILUS MEGA 90 Nat. Remedies 19 020511 NAT BR ACIDOPHILUS CAPS POTEN 100 Nat. Remedies 20 020615 NAT BR ACIDOPHILUS PLUS DATED 100 Nat. Remedies 21 020625 NAT BR ACIDOPHILUS PLUS DATED 250 Nat. Remedies 22 365941 NB LIQ ACID BLACK CHERRY 16 Nat. Remedies 23 365940 NB LIQUID ACIDOLPHILUS PAPAYA 16 Nat. Remedies 24 460611 NB FOS CAPS 100 Nat. Remedies 25 089511 KYO DOPHILUS 90 CP-600-49 90 Nat. Remedies 26 886411 NN NOW PRO BIOTICS 60 Nat. Remedies 27 420811 NB DHA ALGAL DERIVED 30 Nat. Remedies 28 422411 NB QUOITIENT 120 Nat. Remedies 29 265411 NB FLAX SEED OIL 90 Nat. Remedies 30 265421 NB FLAX SEED OIL CAPS 180 Nat. Remedies 31 081301 NB FLAX SEEDS 15 Nat. Remedies 32 081362 NB FLAX SEED OIL 8 Nat. Remedies 33 265511 NB BORAGE OIL 90 Nat. Remedies 34 081360 NB BORAGE OIL 2 Nat. Remedies 35 265211 NB EVENING PRIMROSE OIL 90 Nat. Remedies 36 081361 NB EVENING PRIMROSS OIL 2 Nat. Remedies 37 069111 GNC ALOE VERA CAPSULES 5000 M 100 Nat. Remedies 38 446311 NB OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT 90 Nat. Remedies 39 003111 NAT BR HERBAL DIURETIC TBS 100 Nat. Remedies 40 430311 GNC CRANBERRY JUICE CONCENTRA 100 Nat. Remedies 41 365848 NB CRANBERRY CONCENTRATE 8 Nat. Remedies 42 420311 NB BLACK CHERRY CONCENTRATE 60 Nat. Remedies 43 365892 NB BLACKCHERRY CONCENTRATE 8 Nat. Remedies 44 427911 NB ELDERBERRY 60 Nat. Remedies 45 365843 NB ELDERBERRY EXTRACT 4 Nat. Remedies 46 001411 NAT BR GREEN TEA EXTRACT 100 25 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C Section Position Item # Description Size - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nat. Remedies 47 446211 NB ULTRA ACTIVIN 60 Nat. Remedies 48 423411 NB MALIC ACID 120 Nat. Remedies 49 425811 NB MALIC ACID 60 Nat. Remedies 50 079022 NB CHARCOAL CAPS 100 Nat. Remedies 51 420610 NB BREATH RELIEF 50-CT 50 Nat. Remedies 52 420611 GNC BREATH RELIEF 150 Nat. Remedies 53 023111 NB TRIPLE CHLOROPHYLL 100 Nat. Remedies 54 460011 ULTRA COLON KIT 120 Nat. Remedies 55 024011 NAT BR PSYLLIUM SD HUSK CPS 90 Nat. Remedies 56 015812 NAT BR HERBAL LAXATIVE 120 Nat. Remedies 57 092811 NB WHEAT BRAN TABS 1000 MG 100 Nat. Remedies 57 462111 NB COLON GUARD 120 Nat. Remedies 58 007511 NAT BR OAT BRAN 1000MG TBS 90 Nat. Remedies 59 317021 GNC COLON PURE 12 Nat. Remedies 60 317011 GNC COLON PURE 24 Nat. Remedies 61 317031 GNC CITRUS COLON PURE 12 Nat. Remedies 62 317032 NB CITRUS COLON PURE 24 Nat. Remedies 63 129711 GNC CARTICIN SHARK CART 10 Nat. Remedies 64 000211 NB COATED SHARK CARTILAGE 90 Nat. Remedies 65 002411 NB SHARK CARTILAGE 90 Nat. Remedies 66 002421 NB SHARK CARTILAGE 180 Nat. Remedies 67 001211 NB SHARK CARTILAGE POWDER 7 Nat. Remedies 67 440911 NB SHARK LIVER OIL 100 Nat. Remedies 68 007611 HP SHARK CARTILAGE 60 Nat. Remedies 69 428511 NB BOVINE CARTILAGE 90 Nat. Remedies 70 023810 LIVERITE 60 Nat. Remedies 71 433101 PEP HMS COLON CLENZ 60CT 60 Nat. Remedies 72 076828 4 HI SUPER CLEANSE 100 Nat. Remedies 73 076831 4 HI AM/PM ULTIMATE CLEANSE 120 Nat. Remedies 74 076830 4 HI MULTI PLUS 150 Nat. Remedies 75 076832 4 HI REZYME 150 Nat. Remedies 76 076834 4 HI CANDISTROY 120 Nat. Remedies 77 037491 HP COLON CLEANSE SUPER 240 Nat. Remedies 78 461311 HP COLON CARE 60 Nat. Remedies 79 057915 MDP SWISS KRISS TB LAXATIVE 120 Nat. Remedies 80 058611 MDP SWISS KRISS TABS 250 Nat. Remedies 81 365921 NA HERBAL LAX TABS 180 Nat. Remedies 82 365920 NA COLON COND TABS 250 Nat. Remedies 83 365923 NA COLON COND PWDR 14 Nat. Remedies 84 037411 HP COLON CLEANSE 12 Nat. Remedies 85 037511 HP COLON CLEANSE ORNG 12 Nat. Remedies 86 081334 HFS FIPRO FLAX 15 Nat. Remedies 87 891225 BO SHARK CART ENTERIC COATE 100 Nat. Remedies 88 031929 BO FLAX SEED OIL CAPSULE 90 Nat. Remedies 89 030418 PHX-TEGREEN 97 60 Opt Energy 1 276311 OPTIBOLIC X-PHEDRA ENEGEL 90 Opt Energy 2 260611 OPT NO EPH ENERGEL 60 Opt Energy 3 260621 OPT NO EPH ENERGEL 120 Opt Energy 4 262111 OPT ENERGY PAK 30 Opt Energy 5 262611 OPT ENERGIZER 60 Opt Energy 6 262211 OPT GUARANA RUSH 60 Opt Energy 7 410311 OPT SUPER GUARANA 90 Opt Energy 8 262311 OPT EXT STR HERBAL RUSH 60 Opt Energy 9 262321 OPT XTRA STRENGHT HERBAL RUSH 120 Opt Energy 10 260911 OPT VITA RUSH 60 Opt Energy 11 261911 OPT GINSENG RUSH 60 Opt Energy 12 261311 OPT MEN'S ENERGY 60 Opt Energy 13 261411 OPT WOMEN'S ENERGY 60 Opt Energy 14 275111 OPTIBOLIC CIWUJIA 90 Opt Energy 15 274311 OPTIBOLIC CIWUJA/TIMED RELEAS 60 Opt Energy 16 414311 OE GINSENG TOTAL 30 Opt Energy 17 492828 OPTIBOLIC ENERGUM 10 26 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C Section Position Item # Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Opt Energy 18 410023 PHAR GINKOBA 72 Opt Energy 19 030419 PHX-BIO GINKGO 27/7 60 Opt Energy 20 053554 AL SUP GINGKO BILOBAPLUS 50 Opt Energy 21 710011 LL GINKGO 1000 60 Opt Energy 22 000627 IRW NAT GINKGO SMART 100 Opt Energy 23 490219 NW GINKGOLD 60MG 100'S-6735 100 Opt Energy 24 532136 BODY LONGEVITY CEREBROGAIN 30 Opt Energy 25 356111 GNC PROGRAM IBF 30 Opt Energy 26 963874 GNN SHARP EDGE 120 Opt Energy 27 777827 AMF GINKO PLUS 60 Opt Energy 28 399515 DW-GINEXIN REMIND 36 Opt Energy 29 063311 HP GINKGO BILOBA FORMULA 30 Opt Energy 30 747611 PP X-S CO Q 10 70 Opt Energy 31 733218 HP COQ10 50MG 60 Opt Energy 32 049290 PHL ENDUROX-EN010036 60 Opt Energy 33 049292 PHL ENDUROX EXCEL 60 Opt Energy 34 049293 PHL ENDUROX-PROHEART 60 Opt Energy 35 963852 HIGH SPIRITS 60 Opt Energy 36 762311 PP TP1 INCREASED ENERGY 210 Opt Energy 37 761211 PP SH TR CIWUJIA 50 Opt Energy 38 786531 HPF SENERGY 120 Opt Energy 39 000637 IN SYSTEM 6 6WAY ENERGY MH 60 Opt Energy 40 000638 IN SYSTEM 6 6-WAY ENERGY 60 Opt Energy 41 433107 PEP-ORIGINAL PEP-30 30 Opt Energy 42 433108 PEP-ORIGINAL PEP-60 60 Opt Energy 43 433110 PEP SUPER PEP 60 Opt Energy 44 433100 PEP ULTRA DIET PEP 60 Opt Energy 45 433057 PEP BRAIN 60SIZE 60 Opt Energy 46 399501 WM HI-ENER-G 30 CPS 30 Opt Energy 47 399538 WM HI-ENER-G BONUS PACK 40 Opt Energy 48 891211 BO SUP GUARANA-1000 MG 30 Opt Energy 49 891221 BO SUP GUARANA-1000MG 90 Opt Energy 50 433106 PEP EXTRA STRENGTH GUARANA 60 Opt Energy 51 411411 UPTIME 30 Opt Energy 52 411421 UPTIME 60 Opt Energy 53 714710 LL MEGA SUPER CHARGE REF 45 Opt Energy 54 714611 LL POWER TIME 60 Opt Energy 55 082511 HFS ROCKET FUEL 1 Opt Energy 56 919021 PLAB VITALER 100 CT 100 Opt Energy 57 041321 ARP-ENERGIA 250 60 Opt Energy 58 395041 HS UP YOUR GAS 30'S TBS 30 Opt Energy 59 392863 HS UP YOUR GAS 60 Opt Energy 60 395022 HS RAZOR CUTS 90 Opt Energy 61 548605 MN SUP PURE ENRGY 60 Opt Energy 62 049294 PHL PROSOL 45 Opt. Diet 1 932511 OPT SYSTEM LF 14 Opt. Diet 2 932611 OPT PYRU-PHEN VP 14 Opt. Diet 3 264811 OPT CHITOSAN 120 Opt. Diet 4 264821 OPT CHITOSAN 500MG 250 Opt. Diet 5 267411 OPT 2 STRGTH CHITOSAN PLUS 120 Opt. Diet 6 041415 OD-BIOTROL 60 Opt. Diet 7 271911 OPT CLA 1000MG 50 Opt. Diet 8 238511 OPT-X-PHEDRA WITH CLA 60 Opt. Diet 9 274211 OPT PYRUVATE 750MG 60 Opt. Diet 10 353911 OPT WATER PILL 50 Opt. Diet 11 353921 OPT WATER PILL 100 Opt. Diet 12 354111 OPT ULTRA WATER PILL 50 Opt. Diet 13 354121 OPT ULTRA WATER PILL 100 Opt. Diet 14 354411 OPT SYNEPHERINE-4 60 Opt. Diet 15 274011 OPT PEPTIDE FM 250MG 90 Opt. Diet 16 354911 OPT NO EPH DIET GEL 60 Opt. Diet 17 354921 OPT NO EPH DIET GEL 120 27 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item# Description Size - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opt. Diet 18 348011 OPT DIETGEL W/SYNEPHERINE 60 Opt. Diet 19 276111 OPT KETO-THERM 90 Opt. Diet 20 354611 OPTIBOLIC CITRIMAX 90 Opt. Diet 21 354711 OPTIBOLIC CITRIMAX PLUS CHROM 90 Opt. Diet 22 275811 OPT OPTIMAX REFORM 60 Opt. Diet 23 263211 OPT THERMOGENIC FORMULA 60 Opt. Diet 24 353811 OPT CHROMIUM PICOLINATE PLUS 90 Opt. Diet 25 353011 OPT BTL W/BETA CAROTENE 14DAY Opt. Diet 26 353021 OPT BOTTLE PAK 30DAY Opt. Diet 27 762925 OPT-MEAL REPLACEMENT-CHOCOLAT 504 Opt. Diet 28 762920 OPT-MEAL REPLACEMENT-VANILLA 504 Opt. Diet 29 267600 OD-DIETERS TEA-NAT LEMON 30 Opt. Diet 30 267610 OD-DIETERS TEA-CINNEMON 30 Pro Perf 1 1 677811 PP CREATINE 120 Pro Perf 1 2 750911 PP CHEW CREAT ORANGE 40 Pro Perf 1 3 750711 PP CHEW CREAT LLIME 40 Pro Perf 1 4 677711 PRO-CREATINE POWDER 4 Pro Perf 1 5 677722 PP CREATINE-8.8 9 Pro Perf 1 6 677732 PP CREATINE-454 454 Pro Perf 1 7 677745 PP CREATINE POWDER 1KG 1000 Pro Perf 1 8 677751 PP CREATINE PLUS 200 200 Pro Perf 1 9 677755 PP CREATINE PLUS 350 350 Pro Perf 1 10 756311 PP GLTMN AKG CREATINE 120 Pro Perf 1 11 756511 PP CLA CREATINE 90 Pro Perf 1 12 653690 PP CREATINE PLUS TRANS 1080 Pro Perf 1 13 653693 PP CREATINE TRANSPORT-GRAPE 1080 Pro Perf 1 14 767311 PP SOLUTINE 16 Pro Perf 1 15 350395 PP CRTN PAKS 6GM 42 Pro Perf 1 16 726111 PP PRO CHROME 100 Pro Perf 1 17 726121 PP PRO CHROME 200 Pro Perf 1 18 728111 PP PRO CHROME II 30 Pro Perf 1 19 728121 PP PRO CHROME II 60 Pro Perf 1 20 679111 PP CUTTING ADVANTAGE 120 Pro Perf 1 21 753911 PP SPECIAL FORCES 60 Pro Perf 1 22 674411 PP DHEA 30 Pro Perf 1 23 760011 PP EPA-DHA 500MG 60 Pro Perf 1 24 763111 PP NAC 600MG 30 Pro Perf 1 25 677911 PP WATER BALANCE 100 Pro Perf 1 26 747011 PP ARGENTINE RAW LIVER 100 Pro Perf 1 27 747021 PP ARGENTINE RAW LIVER 250 Pro Perf 1 28 350392 PP INST EGG PROTEIN VAN 24 Pro Perf 1 29 350393 PP INST EGG PROTEIN CHOC 24 Pro Perf 1 30 350394 PP EGG WHITE SUPREME 24 Pro Perf 1 31 350390 PP BEEF PROTEIN 24 Pro Perf 1 32 350391 PP VEGTABLE PROTEIN 24 Pro Perf 1 33 743612 PP REF CUTTING ADV CHOCOLATE 2 Pro Perf 1 34 743712 PP REF CUTTING ADV VANILLA 2 Pro Perf 2 1 884561 PP PYRUVATE 750MG 60 Pro Perf 2 2 884562 PP PYRUVATE 750MG 120 Pro Perf 2 3 090946 PP CLA 90 Pro Perf 2 4 752811 PP HMB 120 Pro Perf 2 5 765811 PP HMB-240 240 Pro Perf 2 6 765411 PP PRO-RIPPED PLUS 60 Pro Perf 2 7 765911 PP PHOSPHATIDYLSORING 30 Pro Perf 2 8 747811 PP VANADYL SULFATE 150 Pro Perf 2 9 765611 PP VANADYL PLUS 180 Pro Perf 2 10 764411 PP VANADYL-PYRUVATE 120 Pro Perf 2 11 750511 PP GLUCOSAMINE 60 Pro Perf 2 12 762111 PP-KETO-THERM 30 Pro Perf 2 13 747611 PP X-S CO Q 10 70 Pro Perf 2 14 654031 PP-TRANS NEURO 390 390 </Table> 28 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro Perf 2 15 762311 PP TP1 INCREASED ENERGY 210 Pro Perf 2 16 760811 PP TP-1 D-RIBOSE 30 Pro Perf 2 17 766311 PP TP-2 EXERCISE ENRGY-DCA 60 Pro Perf 2 18 761311 PP TP2 XPHEDRA W/CLA 60 Pro Perf 2 19 759811 PP TP3 ANTIOXIDANT 50 Pro Perf 2 20 761411 PP TP3 JOINT ANTINFLAM 60 Pro Perf 2 21 765211 PP GLYCOGEN ADVANTAGE 60 Pro Perf 2 22 760911 PP SH TRIBULUS 625 50 Pro Perf 2 23 763311 PP TRIBULIVER PROTECT 45 Pro Perf 2 24 763911 PP-CHRYSIN 60 Pro Perf 2 25 761011 PP SH METAFLEX 50 Pro Perf 2 26 767511 PP-SH-X-PHEDRA 60 Pro Perf 2 27 300000 PP PRO CITRUS 900 Pro Perf 2 28 761911 PP PRO FRUIT PUNCH 900 Pro Perf 2 29 761111 PP WS PROTEIN SUPPORT 454 Pro Perf 2 30 090938 PP PRO RX CHOCOLATE 24 Pro Perf 2 31 090939 PP PRO RX VANILLA 24 Pro Perf 2 32 090902 PP-PRO-RX-STRAWBERRY 24 Pro Perf 3 1 752511 PP AMINO 1000 60 Pro Perf 3 2 752521 PP AMINO 1000 120 Pro Perf 3 3 752611 PP AMINO GOLD 1000 60 Pro Perf 3 4 677211 PP BCAA SOFT GEL 120 Pro Perf 3 5 677221 PP BCAA 250 Pro Perf 3 6 350772 PP PRO AMINO 1850 LQ 16 Pro Perf 3 7 350773 PP 1850 LIQUID 32 Pro Perf 3 8 763211 PP AMINOGEN 90 Pro Perf 3 9 760411 PP L-CARNITINE 500MG 60 Pro Perf 3 10 350752 PP LIQ L CARNITINE 16 Pro Perf 3 11 743211 PP L-GLUTAMINE 90 Pro Perf 3 12 763511 PP-GLUTAMINE PETTIDE 60 Pro Perf 3 13 767111 PP GLUTAMINE POWDER 454 Pro Perf 3 14 750311 PP L-ARGININE 60 Pro Perf 3 15 750411 PP L-ORNITHINE 60 Pro Perf 3 16 760611 PP L-ARGININE & L-ORNITHINE 60 Pro Perf 3 17 761711 PP TYROSINE 1GM 60 Pro Perf 3 18 762011 PP TYROSINE SYNEPHRINE 60 Pro Perf 3 19 726411 PP STEROL COMPLETE REFORM 90 Pro Perf 3 20 350775 PP MCT PLAIN 16 Pro Perf 3 21 658715 PP WHEY PROTEIN-ORIGINAL 24 Pro Perf 3 22 658735 PP WHEY MANDARIN ORANGE 24 Pro Perf 3 23 658737 PP WHEY NO ASP MANDARIN 903 Pro Perf 3 24 658705 PP WHEY CONCENTRATE CHOC 470 Pro Perf 3 25 658710 PP WHEY CONCENTRATE VANILLA 460 Pro Perf 3 26 658100 PRO-TRIPLE WHEY-CHOCOLATE 42 Pro Perf 3 27 658110 PRO-TRIPLE WHEY-VANILLA 425 Pro Perf 3 28 350402 PP EGG & WHEY NATURAL-CHOC 2 Pro Perf 3 29 350401 PP EGG & WHEY NATURAL-VAN 2 Pro Perf 3 30 350405 PP WHEY & SOY NATURAL-CHOC 2 Pro Perf 3 31 350406 PP WHEY & SOY NATURAL-VAN 2 Pro Perf 3 32 350412 PP EGG & SOY CHOCOLATE 2 Pro Perf 3 33 350413 PP EGG & SOY VANILLA 2 Pro Perf 3 34 748931 PP ADV PROT PWDR CHOC 16 Pro Perf 3 35 747131 PP ADV PROT PWD VANILLA 16 Pro Perf 3 36 747141 PP ADV PROT BANANA 1 Pro Perf 3 37 932811 PP TP BODY BUILDING KIT 1 Pro Perf 4 1 659411 PP 1850 CHOCOLATE 4 Pro Perf 4 2 659311 PP 1850 VANILLA 4 Pro Perf 4 3 659430 PP 1850 CHOC CHOC CHIP 4 Pro Perf 4 4 659722 PP 1850 STRW/BANANA 4 Pro Perf 4 5 659711 PP 1850 WT GN BANANA SPLIT 4 Pro Perf 4 6 090936 PP PHOSPHAMASS CHOC 3 29 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C <Table> <Caption> Section Position Item # Description Size - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro Perf 4 7 090937 PP PHOSPHAMASS VAN 3 Pro Perf 4 8 350716 PP PRO STUFF CHOC 3 Pro Perf 4 9 659319 PP 1850 TRIAL VANILLA 1 Pro Perf 4 10 659419 PP 1850 TRIAL CHOCOLATE 1 Pro Perf 4 11 658221 PP 2200 CHOC TRIAL 1 Pro Perf 4 12 658522 PP 2200 CREAM TRAIL 1 Pro Perf 4 13 658549 PP 2200 TR BLK CHERRY 1 Pro Perf 4 14 658211 PP 2200 GOLD CHOC 6 Pro Perf 4 15 658511 PP 2200 GOLD VAN 6 Pro Perf 4 16 659421 PP 1850 CHOCOLATE 8 Pro Perf 4 17 659321 PP 1850 VANILLA 8 Pro Perf 4 18 659742 PP 1850 CHOC/CHOC CHIP 8 Pro Perf 4 19 659521 PP 1850 WILD BERRY 8 Soy 1 420211 NB SOY ISOFLAVONES 90 Soy 2 434711 NB SOY PREVENTATIVE 60 Soy 3 710811 NB-ISOFLAVUNES 90 Soy 4 709611 NB GENISTEIN PLUS 60 Soy 5 433511 NB SOYACARE PMS 60 Soy 6 419111 NB SOY ISOFLAVONE/CRANBRY 60 Soy 7 285111 WMNS MONTHLY PHYTOESTROGEN 120 Soy 8 243711 WNS HERBAL BALANCE W/SOY 30 Soy 9 435311 NB PROSTASOY 60 Soy 10 435211 NB CARDIASOY 60 Soy 11 049753 NB SOY PROTEIN VANILLA 16 Soy 12 049752 NB SOY PROTEIN CHOCOLATE 16 Soy 13 049754 NB SOY PROTEIN W/CRANBERRY 16 Soy 14 365950 NAT SOLNS SOY MILK VANILLA 32 Soy 15 365951 NAT SOLNS SOY MILK CHOCOLATE 32 Soy 16 049751 NB SOY PROTEIN BAKING MIX 16 Soy 17 653950 CHAL SOY SOLUTION 16 Soy 18 653955 CHAL SOY SOLU CHOC 566 Soy 19 653945 WMS SPORT SOY POWDER 520 Soy 20 762315 WNS SOY ISOFLAV SOURCE 16 Soy 21 081555 HFS SOY ESSENTIALS 5200 60 Soy 22 777826 AMF SOY MAX 60 Soy 23 966413 MLO GENISOY NATURAL PROTEIN 18 Soy 24 966406 MLO GENISOY VANILLA SHAKE 25 Soy 25 966407 MLO GENISOY CHOCOLATE SHAKE 25 Soy 26 076429 NXT SOY N WHEY VANILLA 1 Soy 27 497065 SCH WOMENS SOY PROTEIN 16 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 1 076872 SPH PROMAX DBL FDG BRW BAR 75 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 2 076869 SPH PROMX CHOC PNT CRN BAR IN 75 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 3 076875 SP PROMAX BAR RASP TRUFFL 75 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 4 076877 SP PRO MAX BAR APPLE PIE 75 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 5 076878 SFI PRO MAX BAR MOCHA 75 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 6 709239 SFI WHITE LIGHT BAR PNT 3 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 7 709238 SFI WHITE LIGHT BAR STRAW 3 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 8 709240 SFI WHITE LIGHT BAR CHOC 3 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 9 201194 MLO PROTEIN 21 CHOC CHOCBR 3 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 10 201193 MLO PROTEIN 21M PNTBTR CHOC 3 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 11 653705 PP CREATINE TRANSPORT 43 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 12 653680 PP CTRN TRANS GRAPE 43 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 13 654045 PP-TRANSNEURO-LEMONLIME 13 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 14 653660 PP PRO-PROTEIN-CHOCOLATE 43 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 15 653670 PP PRO-PROTEIN 43 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 16 289211 ABB CHOC PROTEIN SHAKE 12OZ 12 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 17 289210 ABB SUPER SHAKE VANILLA 12 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 18 289209 ABB SUPER SHAKE STRAWBRY 12 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 19 289245 ABB RIPPED FRTPNCH 18 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 20 289244 ABB RIPPED ORANGE 18 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 21 289259 ABB RIPPED FORCE GRAPE 18 </Table> 30 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM 12/8/98 Exhibit C Section Position Item # Description Size - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sports Bars/Drinks 1 22 289236 ABB CUT FORCE PINK GRPFRT 18 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 23 289316 ABB 18OZ CARB ORANGE 18 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 24 289313 ABB 18OZ CARB GRAPE 18 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 25 289318 ABB 18OZ CARB WATERMELON 18 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 26 289314 ABB 18OZ CARB LEM/LIME 18 Sports Bars/Drinks 1 27 289312 ABB 18OZ CARB FRUIT PUN 18 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 1 051024 MET-RX PEANUT BUTTER BAR 4 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 2 051023 MET-RX FDG BRWN NUTR BAR-BC31 4 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 3 051037 MET-RX CHOC GRAHAM CRAKER BAR 353 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 4 051019 MET-RX JAVA CHIP FOOD BAR 4 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 5 051022 MET-RX EXT VAN NUTR BAR-BV312 4 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 6 051025 MET-RX CHOCOLATE CHIP BAR 4 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 7 090973 EAS MYOPLEX BAR CHOC PNTBTR 3 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 8 090974 EAS MYOPLEX BAR-CHOC 3 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 9 094400 WWS PURE PROTEIN PNT BTR 78 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 10 094401 WWS PURE PROTEIN CHOC BAR 78 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 11 355021 IN RACEDAY PKT LEM LIME 1 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 12 355017 IN PROENHANCER BOT LEMLIM 4 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 13 355028 IN PROHYDRATOR BOT UNFLAV 16 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 14 355024 IN PROHYDRATOR BOT ORANGE 16 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 15 355026 IN PROHYDRATOR BOT BERRY 16 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 16 052524 PR SOLUTION TAHITIAN PNCH 28 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 17 052525 PR SOLUTION LEMON LIME 28 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 18 613412 CN CYTOMAX TRP FRT 2 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 19 614127 CN CYTOMAX ORANGE 2 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 20 289250 ABB XXL TROPICAL PUNCH 24 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 21 289240 ABB BLUE THUNDER REFORM 22 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 22 289247 ABB HIGH VOLTAGE PASSION PNCH 22 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 23 289222 ABB BULK TRPPNCH 22 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 24 289252 ABB KICK SOME MASS PUNCH 5547 22 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 25 289251 ABB KICK SOME MASS ORANG 5547 22 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 26 289246 ABB CRITMASS SUNSHINE P. 18 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 27 289243 ABB CRITICAL MASS 18 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 28 289249 ABB INFERNO FRT PNCH 18 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 29 709235 SFI AVALANCHE FRUIT PUNCH 22 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 30 709234 SFI AVALANCHE LEMONLIME 22 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 31 709236 SFI WHITE LIGHTNING GRAPE 22 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 32 709223 SFI WHITE LIGHTNING FRT PUNCH 22 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 33 289271 ABB PURE PRO WILD BERRY 22 Sports Bars/Drinks 2 33 289272 ABB PURE PRO WILD BERRY 22 31 RETAIL AGREEMENT EXHIBIT C-1 OPENING ORDER QUANTITY FOR GNC PLAN-O-GRAMS Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 000111 TL MEGA CARNITINE LQ-52 12 2 2 000211 NB COATED SHARK CARTILAGE 90 4 3 000412 GNC B-1 100MG TABS 100 2 4 000511 GNC BREWERS YEAST TBS 500 2 5 000551 GNC BREWERS YEAST TBS 250 4 6 000607 ML LITTLE ANGELS CHEWABLE TBS 60 2 7 000608 ML LITTLE ANGELS 4 2 8 000610 ML MINERAL RICH 32 4 9 000616 IRW NAT SYSTEM SIX-MEN 60 2 10 000618 IRW NAT SYSTEM SIX 60 2 11 000619 IRW NAT SYSTEM SIX 120 2 12 000627 IRW NAT GINKGO SMART 100 2 13 000628 IRW NAT SUPER YOHIMBE 90 2 14 000635 IRW NAT PHEN-SAFE 90 2 15 000636 IRW YOHIMBE PLUS 30 30 2 16 000637 IN SYSTEM 6 6WAY ENERGY MH 60 2 17 000638 IN SYSTEM 6 6WAY ENERGY 60 2 18 000811 NAT BR GREEN EARTH FOOD 180 4 19 001111 GNC GTF CHROMIUM 200 MCG 90 6 20 001211 NB SHARK CARTILAGE POWDER 7 4 21 001411 NAT BR GREEN TEA EXTRACT 100 4 22 002010 TL OCCUGARD PLUS 421 60 2 23 002017 TL OMEGA-3 FISH OIL SFTGL-340 50 2 24 002018 TL OMEGA 3 EMULSIFIED LQ-336 12 2 25 002019 TL COD LIVER OIL EMUL SFT-335 100 2 26 002021 TL LIQUID E-295 12 6 27 002022 TL SUPER E COMPLEX SFTGL-296 50 2 28 002028 TL PANTOTHENIC ACID 500MG-205 100 2 29 002029 TL NIACIN (B3) 100MG CAPS-195 100 2 30 002032 TL MAXILIFE COQ10 FORMULA-903 60 2 31 002411 NB SHARK CARTILAGE 90 6 32 002421 NB SHARK CARTILAGE 180 6 33 002811 TL BIOTIN 600MCG CAPS-182 100 2 34 003111 NAT BR HERBAL DIURETIC TBS 100 4 35 003411 NB ROYAL JELLY 500MG 90 2 36 003921 NAT BR KELP TABS 500 4 37 004022 AVR CREATINE NATURES MUSCL. EACH 2 38 004211 GNC A 10,000 USP 100 22 39 004221 GNC A 10,000 USP 250 2 40 004311 NAT BR ENZYME DIGESTANT TABS 100 4 41 004711 GNC SELENIUM 100MCG 100 6 42 005122 GNC NIACINAMIDE 250 4 43 005211 NAT BR ALFALFA TABS 500 4 44 005311 NAT BR GARLIC-PARSLEY TBS 250 4 45 005411 GNC A & D 100 2 46 005625 GNC LECITHIN SOY GRANULES 16 8 47 005711 GNC SELENIUM 50 MCG 100 4 48 005811 NB TRIPLE ALFALFA 100 4 49 007511 NAT BR OAT BRAN 1000MG TBS 90 4 50 007611 HP SHARK CARTILAGE 60 4 51 008102 APPLE CIDER VINEGAR MIRACLE 1 2 52 008109 ANTI FAT NUTRIENTS 3RD EDITIO 1 2 53 008138 RITALIN FREE KIDS 1 2 54 008145 NATURAL PROZAC 1 2 55 008167 FIBROMYALGIA A COMPREHENSIVE 1 2 56 008168 ESTROGEN ALTERNATIVE 1 2 57 008205 EARL MINDELL'S HERB BIBLE 1 4 58 008206 EARL MINDELL'S VITAMIN BIBLE 1 4 59 008207 HEALTH HANDBOOK LARGE EDITION 1 2 60 008210 LITTLE HERB ENCYCLOPEDIA 3RD 1 2 61 008211 GNC COD LIVER OIL CAPS 100 4 62 008212 PRESCRIPTION FOR NUTR HEALING 1 6 </Table> 1 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 008214 HEALING POWER OF HERB'S REV 1 2 64 008215 HERBALLY YOURS 1 2 65 008219 HOW TO HERB BOOK LETS REMEDY 1 2 66 008821 GNC COD LIVER OIL CAPS 500 4 67 008222 JUICEMANS POWER OF JUICING 1 2 68 008223 LEFT FOR DEAD HERBS FOR HEART 1 2 69 008226 MENOPAUSAL YRS THE WISE WOMEN 1 2 70 008230 YEAST CONNECTION HANDBOOK 1 2 71 008234 EVERYBODYS GD TO HOMEOPATHIC 1 2 72 008235 YEAST CONNECTION COOKBOOK 1 2 73 008239 HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY 1 2 74 008242 WHAT YOUR DR. MAY NOT TELL YO 1 2 75 008243 VITAMIN HERB GUIDE NATURAL 1 2 76 008247 TODAY'S HERBAL HEALTH REV 4TH 1 2 77 008248 NATURAL TREATMENT FOR ADD & H 1 2 78 008251 TISSUE CLEANSING THROUGH BOWE 1 2 79 008252 TODAY'S HERBAL HEALTH FOR WOM 1 2 80 008255 BODY BLDG A REALISTIC APPROAC 1 2 81 008260 DEPRESSION & NATURAL MEDICINE 1 2 82 008262 DR. ATKINS NEW DIET REV POCKE 1 6 83 008265 DR. WHITAKERS GUIDE PAPERBACK 1 2 84 008266 ENCYC OF NUTRIL SUPPLEMENTS 1 2 85 008273 FIT FOR LIFE FOOD COMBINING 1 2 86 008274 40-30-30 FATBURNING 1 2 87 008275 NUTRITION ALMANAC 1 2 88 008284 THE HOMOCYSTINE REVOLUTION 1 2 89 008294 FRESH VEG & FRUIT JUICE HG 1 2 90 008301 CLEANSING MADE SIMPLE 1 2 91 008302 HERBS FOR HEALTH BOOK 1 2 92 008303 HERBAL DEFENSE 1 2 93 008304 THE ADD AND ADHD DIET BOOK 1 2 94 008324 MIRACLE OF GARLIC 1 2 95 008329 ARTHRITIS CURE PAPERBACK 1 2 96 008330 NATURAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT 1 2 97 008334 EARL MINDELL SUPPLMENT BIBLE 1 2 98 009411 GNC COD LIVER OIL FORTIFIED 90 4 99 009811 GNC CHROMIUM PICOLINATE GNC 90 6 100 009821 GNC CHROMIUM PICOLINATE 180 6 101 010411 GNC LYSINE 1000 MG 90 6 102 010611 GNC L-GLUTATHIONE 50 4 103 010711 GNC L-LYSINE 500 MG 100 46 104 010731 GNC L-LYSINE 500 MG 250 6 105 011111 GNC L-GLUTAMINE 500 MG 50 4 106 011211 GNC COD LIVER OIL TRIPLE 90 4 107 011411 GNC LYSINE 700MG FASTACTING 90 6 108 011611 GNC L-PHENYLALANINE 500 MG 30 4 109 012312 GNC INOSITOL TABS 500 MG 100 4 110 012711 GNC CHOLINE 250MG 100 4 111 013121 GNC B-100 COMPLEX 250 4 112 013123 GNC B-100 COMPLEX 100 6 113 013712 GNC WOMENS IRON COMP 30MG 60 4 114 013811 GNC RUTIN TABS 500 MG 90 2 115 013911 GNC WOM IRON SUPPORT 30MG 60 4 116 014311 TL ANIMAL FRIENDS CHEW-495 50 2 117 014911 GNC TR IRON 18MG 100 4 118 015812 NAT BR HERBAL LAXATIVE 120 4 119 016923 GNC B-12 TR 1000MCG 90 6 120 017413 GNC C 500MG TR 90 6 121 017553 GNC C 1000MG TR 90 12 122 017573 GNC C 1000MG TR 180 8 123 017581 GNC TR VITAMIN C 1000MG 360 6 124 017623 GNC C 1500MG TR 90 4 2 Retail Agreement: GNC-Rite AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 125 017643 GNC C 1500MG TR 180 4 126 017913 GNC B-50 BAL B COMP 100 6 127 017923 GNC B-50 BAL COMP PM 250 4 128 018011 GNC ESSENTIAL B 100 4 129 018211 GNC C 2000MG TR 90 4 130 018911 GNC B-50 COMPLEX WH RICE BAL 100 4 131 018921 WHOLE RICE BIG 50 TABS 180 4 132 019611 GNC C 500MG TRCAPS 90 6 133 019911 GNC B-COMPLEX W/C 60 4 134 019921 GNC B-COMPLEX W/C 120 4 135 020012 GNC NIACIN 100 MG TABS 100 6 136 020411 GNC B-COMPLEX W/C PLUS HERBS 60 4 137 020511 NAT BR ACIDOPHILUS CAPS POTEN 100 4 138 020615 NAT BR ACIDOPHILUS PLUS DATED 100 4 139 020625 NAT BR ACIDOPHILUS PLUS DATED 250 4 140 021111 GNCCHROM PIC/ZINC 800MG 60 6 141 021211 GNC MEGA CHROM PIC 400MCG 90 6 142 021311 NAT BR ACIDOPHILUS MEGA 90 6 143 023111 NB TRIPLE CHLOROPHYLL 100 4 144 023807 SS METABOLICS PLUS PANCREATIC 60 6 145 023808 SS LIPOLYTICS PLUS VASCULAR 60 6 146 023809 SS THERMOGENICS PLUS 60 12 147 023810 LIVERITE 60 2 148 023860 NOVOGEN PROMENSIL 30 5 149 023911 TL L-ARG/ORN 750MG-13 50 2 150 023921 TL L-ARG/ORN 750MG-14 100 2 151 023951 AFF KOREAN GINSENG RYL JLY 1 2 152 024011 NAT BR PSYLLIUM SD HUSK CPS 90 4 153 028011 GNC ORNITHINE 500 MG 60 2 154 028411 TL B-12 DOTS-174 100 4 155 029011 GNC ARGININE 500 MG 90 2 156 029111 TL B-100 CAPS-179 100 2 157 029121 TL B-100 CAPS-178 50 2 158 030111 CHAL L-ARGININE 50 2 159 030211 GNC L-CARNITINE 30 6 160 030221 GNC L-CARNITINE 250 MG 60 6 161 030311 GNC MULTI AMINO 60 4 162 030417 PHX-CHOLESTIN 120 2 163 030418 PHX-TEGREEN 97 60 2 164 030419 PHX-BIO GINKGO 27/7 60 2 165 030711 NAT BR COATED TRIPLE GARLIC 100 12 166 030721 NAT BR COATED TRIPLE GARLIC 200 12 167 030811 GNC L-TYROSINE 500MG 50 4 168 030998 CT XENADRINE REA-1 120 12 169 031011 GNC L-CYSTEINE 500 MG 30 2 170 031211 GNC DL-PHENYLALANINE 400MG DP 50 4 171 031311 NAT BR GARLIC TRIPLE TBS 100 12 172 031321 BN TRIPLE GARLIC 200 200 12 173 031929 BO FLAX SEED OIL CAPSULE 90 2 174 033011 TWIN PANTO ACID 250MG 0446 100 2 175 034311 TL C-500 CAPS-238 100 2 176 034411 TL C-1000 CAPS-240 100 2 177 034611 TL E-400 CAPS DRY-291 50 2 178 034621 TL E-400 CAPS DRY-292 100 2 179 034632 TL DRY E 200IU 290 100 2 180 034911 TL INFANT CARE-503 2 2 181 036621 NAT BR GARLIC ODORLESS 200 6 182 036711 NAT BR GARLIC POTENT 1500MG 100 4 183 036811 NAT BR GARLIC SUPER CAPS 100 4 184 037411 HP COLON CLEANSE 12 2 185 037491 HP COLON CLEANSE SUPER 240 2 186 037511 HP COLON CLEANSE ORNG 12 2 3 GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER Retail Agreement: 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 187 037611 GNC L-CARNITINE 500MG 30 6 188 037621 GNC L-CARNITINE 500MG 60 6 189 038111 GNC IRONCHEL 90 2 190 039511 TL ALLERDOPHILUS CAPS-368 50 2 191 039611 TL SUPER ENZYME CAPS-384 50 2 192 040011 TL COQ10 CAPS-576 100 2 193 040021 TL COQ10 CAPS-575 50 2 194 041206 MEN PROSTAFORM W/CERNITIN 60 2 195 041208 ARP CHROMA SLIM PYRUVATE 60 2 196 041210 ARP CHROMA SLIM PLUS-RL20400 60 2 197 041211 ARP CHROMA SLIM PLUS-RL20412 120 2 198 041216 ARP CHROMA SLIM-MEN 60 2 199 041217 ARP CHROMA SLIM-MEN 120 2 200 041224 ARP ULTRA CITRA LEAN 60 2 201 041249 ARP PROLEVE 30 2 202 041255 ARP REF NUTRAKIDS 60 2 203 041261 ARP ULTRA CHROMA SLIM 60 2 204 041271 ARP CHROMA SLIM 28-DAY KIT 28 2 205 041321 ARP-ENERGIA 250 60 2 206 041380 ARP CHROMA SLIM BIOZAN-C 60 2 207 041400 ARP-ULTRA C.S. PYRUVATE MEN 90 2 208 041420 ARP-ULTRA CHROMA W/BIOTROL 90 2 209 041415 OD-BIOTROL 60 4 210 041430 ARP-CHROMA SLIM CLA-4000 60 2 211 041440 ARP-ULTRA C.S. THERMOGENIC 90 2 212 041450 ARP CERNATIN PLUS 40 2 213 042011 GNC L-GLUTAMINE 1000MG 50 4 214 042211 GNC CHROM PIC SG 90 4 215 042311 TL HAIR FACTORS TABLETS-898 50 2 216 042811 TL MAXILIFE CAPS-901 100 2 217 044211 GNC ACETYL L-CARNITINE 30 4 218 044411 GNC SELENIUM 200MCG 100 6 219 044421 GNC 200MCG SELENIUM 200 4 220 044711 TL CARBO-FUEL (IMPROVED)-758 22 2 221 044721 TL CARBO-FUEL (IMPROVED)-759 43 2 222 044911 TL CHROMIC FUEL PICOL-760 100 2 223 044912 TL MEGA CHROMIC FUEL-150 50 2 224 044921 TL CHROMIC FUEL PICOL-761 200 2 225 045111 NB TRIPLE GARLIC PLUS 60 4 226 045121 NP TRIPLE GARLIC PLUS 120 4 227 045411 GNC TR CHROM PIC 90 4 228 045711 GNC L-TAURINE 500MG 50 2 229 047211 GNC CHROMIUM PIC 30 6 230 048111 GNC CH CHEW C 60 2 231 049290 PHL ENDUROX-EN010036 60 2 232 049292 PHL ENDUROX EXCEL 60 2 233 049293 PHL ENDUROX-PROHEART 60 2 234 049294 PHL PROSOL 45 2 235 049421 GNC VIT C PWD 2000MG 8 4 236 049431 GNC VIT C PWD 2000MG 16 4 237 049441 GNC BUFFERED C CRYSTALS 8 4 238 049511 GNC PREVENTRON 120 4 239 049521 GNC PREVENTRON 240 2 240 049611 GNC ULTRA MEGA 60 4 241 049621 GNC ULTRA MEGA 90 4 242 049631 GNC ULTRA MEGA 180 2 243 049711 GNC INOSITOL POWDER 480111 2 4 244 049721 GNC INOSITOL POWDER 480121 4 4 245 049731 GNC INOSITOL POWDER 8 4 246 049741 GNC INOSITOL POWDER 16 4 247 049750 NB GREEN EARTH FOOD POWERS 16 4 248 049751 NB SOY PROTEIN BAKING MIX 16 4 </Table> 4 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> Suggested Record Item# Description Size Order - ------------------------------------------------------------------- 249 049752 NB SOY PROTEIN CHOCOLATE 16 4 250 049753 NB SOY PROTEIN VANILLA 16 6 251 049754 NB SOY PROTEIN W/CRANBERRY 16 4 252 049911 GNC UM II 90 6 253 049921 GNC UM II 180 4 254 050311 GNC PREMIUM IMPORTED YEAST 16 2 255 050511 GNC BREW YEAST PWD/ASP 18 2 256 050611 GNC B-COMPLEX 50MG SG 90 4 257 050711 GNC B-125 COMPLEX 60 4 258 050811 GNC B-50 COMPLEX T.R. 100 6 259 050821 GNC B-50 COMPLEX T.R. 250 4 260 050911 GNC B-12 SUBLING 1000MG 30 6 261 050921 GNC NO EPH QUIK SHOT B-12 60 6 262 051019 MET-RX JAVA CHIP FOOD BAR 4 24 263 051022 MET-RX EXT VAN NUTR BAR-BV312 4 24 264 051023 MET-RX FDG BRWN NUTR BAR-BC31 4 24 265 051024 MET-RX PEANUT BUTTER BAR 4 24 266 051025 MET-RX CHOCOLATE CHIP BAR 4 24 267 051037 MET-RX CHOC GRAHAM CRAKER BAR 353 24 268 051311 GNC B-150 COMPLEX 100 4 269 051611 GNC BREWERS YEAST PWD 20 2 270 051711 CH CAL CHEWABLE 60 2 271 052011 TEENS CAL CHEWABLE 60 2 272 052211 GNC IMPORTED YEAST W/FIBER 1 2 273 052524 PR SOLUTION TAHITIAN PNCH 28 24 274 052525 PR SOLUTION LEMON LIME 28 24 275 052711 TL COD LVR OIL EMUL MINT-333 12 4 276 052812 GNC COD LIVER OIL 8 4 277 052822 GNC COD LIVER OIL 16 4 278 053508 AL WOMENS YOHIMBE 30 2 279 053509 AL CHROMA BURN 60 2 280 053521 AL MADE FOR MEN 30 2 281 053531 AL MADE FOR MEN 60 2 282 053533 AL ACTION FOR MEN LQ 4 2 283 053534 AL YOHIMBE PWR MAX 30 2 284 053535 AL YOHIMBE PWR MAX 60 2 285 053537 AL FAT BURNER 120 2 286 053538 AL ACTION FOR MEN 60 2 287 053539 AL SUPER FAT BURNER &BROMELAI 60 2 288 053540 AL GINSENG POWER MAX 50 2 289 053542 AL GINSENG POWER MAX-333-00 100 2 290 053544 AL YOHIMBE PWR MAX 2000MG 50 2 291 053545 AL YOHIMBE POWER 2000 MG 100 2 292 053549 AL AVENA SATIVA 50 2 293 053550 AL ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS 60 2 294 053554 AL SUP GINGKO BILOBAPLUS 50 2 295 053555 AL SUP SAW PALMETTO PLUS 50 2 296 053557 AL SUPER FAT BURNER THERMO 40 2 297 053558 AL SUPER FAT BURNER LIPO 40 2 298 053559 AL SUPER FIT BURNER 60 2 299 053560 AL SUPER FIT BURNERS 120 2 300 053564 AL YOHIMBIZED LIQUID EXTRACT 2 2 301 053565 AL YOHIMBIZED 50 2 302 053566 AL YOHIMBE POWER MAX AMPULES 10 2 303 053567 AL GINSENG POWER MAX AMPULES 10 2 304 053576 AL TONA LEAN 60 2 305 053577 AL TRIBEST ACTION 60 2 306 053578 AL ULTRA FAT BURNER 60 2 307 055411 TL COD LVR OIL EMUL ORNG-334 12 2 308 056211 NAT BR GARLIC-PARSLEY CAPS 100 4 309 057311 GNC AM/PM ULTRA MEGA 75 2 310 057915 MDP SWISS KRISS TB LAXATIVE 120 2 </Table> 5 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 311 058611 MDP SWISS KRISS TABS 250 2 312 058701 SD OSTEO BI FLEX 90 4 313 059711 GNC WOM ULTRA MEGA 90 24 314 059721 GNC WOM ULTRA MEGA 180 12 315 060411 GNC MEGA MEN 100 24 316 060421 GNC MEGA MEN 200 12 317 060511 WMS UM NO IRON 90 12 318 060521 WMS UM NO IRON 180 6 319 062011 HP SAW PALMETTO FORMULA 60 2 320 062021 GNC MENS ULTRA SAW PALMETTO 60 6 321 062031 MENS ULTRA SAW PALMETTO 120 4 322 063211 HP GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE FORMUL 60 2 323 063311 HP GINKGO BILOBA FORMULA 30 2 324 063811 GNC VEGETARIAN D 400IU 100 2 325 064311 GNC NAT E 100IU MIXED 100 4 326 065111 GNC VEG A&D 100 2 327 065511 GNC NATURAL DRY E 200 IU 100 4 328 066011 GNC A & D SUPER DRY 100 2 329 067211 GNC NATURAL E/SELENIUM 90 4 330 069111 GNC ALOE VERA CAPSULES 5000 M 100 6 331 071911 HP ANTIOXIDANT 60 2 332 073611 FB HAIR SKIN NAILS 75 2 333 073621 FB HAIR SKIN NAILS 135 2 334 074325 FB COLON GREEN CAPS 150 2 335 074240 FB COLON GREEN POWDER 10 2 336 076429 NXT SOY N WHEY VANILLA 1 2 337 076557 SLRY CRAN ACTIN-840 60 2 338 076828 4 HI SUPER CLEANSE 100 2 339 076830 4 HI MULTI PLUS 150 2 340 076831 4 HI AM/PM ULTIMATE CLEANSE 120 2 341 076832 4 HI REZYME 150 2 342 076834 4 HI CANDISTROY 120 2 343 076869 SPH PROMX CHOC PNT CRN BAR IN 75 24 344 076872 SPH PROMAX DBL FDG BRW BAR 75 24 345 076875 SP PROMAX BAR RASP TRUFFL 75 24 346 076877 SP PRO MAX BAR APPLE PIE 75 24 347 076878 SFI PRO MAX BAR MOCHA 75 24 348 077111 GNC NAT. ULTRA E 400IU 90 4 349 077211 GNC NAT. ULTRA E 1000 IU 90 4 350 077311 GNC NAT E 600IU MIXED 60 4 351 077411 GNC NATURAL E 600IU 60 4 352 077511 GNC TOCOTRIENOL COMPLEX 30 4 353 077711 GNC NATURAL E 400IU 90 12 354 077721 GNC NATURAL E 400 IU 180 6 355 077731 GNC NATURAL E 400IU 360 6 356 077811 GNC NAT E 400IU MIXED 90 12 357 077821 GNC NAT E 400IU MIXED 180 8 358 077831 GNC NAT E 400IU MIXED 360 6 359 077911 GNC NATURAL E/SELENIUM 90 6 360 078021 PO ROYAL JELLY 500MG 30 2 361 078111 PO ROYAL JELLY LQ 11 2 362 078511 PO ROYAL JELLY LQ 14000IU 11 2 363 078711 GNC WOM CAL SUPPORT 90 2 364 078911 GNC OPTIMIZED LECITHIN 100 24 365 078921 GNC OPTIMIZED LECITHIN 500 2 366 079022 NB CHARCOAL CAPS 100 4 367 079121 NAT BR BEE POLLEN GRANULES 10 4 368 079511 GNC NAT E 200IU MIXED 100 6 369 079911 GNC OPTIMIZED LECITHIN 500 MG 100 2 370 080711 GNC TR ESTER C 500MG 90 6 371 081301 NB FLAX SEEDS 15 4 372 081334 HFS FIPRO FLAX 15 2 </Table> 6 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 373 081360 NB BORAGE OIL 2 4 374 081361 NB EVENING PRIMROSE OIL 2 4 375 081362 NB FLAX SEED OIL 8 4 376 081555 HFS SOY ESSENTIALS 5200 60 2 377 081811 NAT BR BEE POLLEN 500MG TBS 100 4 378 081821 NAT BR BEE POLLEN 500MG TBS 250 4 379 081925 HFS BEE POLLEN FROM ENGLAND 90 2 380 082111 GNC TR ESTER C 1000MG 90 6 381 082511 HFS ROCKET FUEL 1 2 382 083111 GNC VIT C/BIOFLAVONOIDS 90 6 383 085311 GNC GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE 30 18 384 085321 GNC GLUCOSAMINE 90 6 385 085811 NAT BR MILK DIGESTANT TBS 250 4 386 086011 NAT BR APPLE PECTIN 100 4 387 086211 GNC BETA CAROTENE 6MG CAPS 100 2 388 086811 GNC NATURAL E 1000IU 30 4 389 086821 GNC NATURAL E 1000IU 60 6 390 086832 GNC NATURAL E 1000IU 120 6 391 086915 GNC SYNTHITIC E LIQUID 2 6 392 086917 GNC NATURAL E LIQUID 200 2 8 393 087611 GNC BUFF CHEWC 500MG 60 4 394 087911 GNC 1G C NO CITRUS 90 4 395 088211 NAT BR BEE POLLEN 1000MG 90 4 396 088411 KAL HAIR FORCE 60 2 397 088511 KYOL RESERVE 60 CPS 200-41 60 2 398 088512 NB ULTRA ACIDOLPHILUS 90 4 399 088611 KYOL GARLIC CPS-10141 100 2 400 088621 KYOL GARLIC CPS-10142 200 2 401 088821 KYOL YST-FREE GARLIC-10032 200 2 402 089141 KYOL KO-GREEN-700-55 3 2 403 089151 KYOL LIQ EXTRACT 100-20 2 2 404 089311 KYOL YST-FR GARLIC CPS-100-41 100 2 405 089321 KYOL YST-FR GRLC CP-100-42 200 2 406 089511 KYO DOPHILUS 90 CP-600-49 90 4 407 089521 NB CHEW ACIDPHL JUNIOR GRAPE 120 4 408 089531 NB ACIDOPHILUS W/OUT FOS 60 4 409 089541 CH ACIDOPHILUS CHEWABLE G 60 2 410 089811 GNC NAT E 1000 IU MIXED 30 6 411 089821 GNC NAT E 1000 IU MIXED 60 6 412 090011 GNC WHEAT GERM OIL CAPS 100 2 413 090839 ENZ THRPY REMIFEMIN 120 5 414 090841 ENZ GARLINASE 4000 30 2 415 090873 ENZ CELL FORTE' W/IP-6 120 2 416 090902 PP-PRO-RX-STRAWBERRY 24 4 417 090911 EAS PHOSPHAGEN-100 GRAM 100 4 418 090912 EAS PHOSPHAGEN-210 GRAM 210 4 419 090913 EAS V2G - 180 CAPS 180 2 420 090914 EAS GKG - 120 CAPS 120 2 421 090915 EAS PHOSPHAGEN-325 GRAM 325 4 422 090919 EAS PHOSPHAGEN HP FRT PNCH 32 6 423 090923 EAS CLA 90 2 424 090935 EAS PHOSPHAGEN HP FRT PNCH 4 6 425 090936 PP PHOSPHAMASS CHOC 3 2 426 090937 PP PHOSPHAMASS VAN 3 2 427 090938 PP PRO RX CHOCOLATE 24 4 428 090939 PP PRO RX VANILLA 24 4 429 090944 EAS PHOSPHAGEN HP GRAPE 32 6 430 090945 EAS PHOSPHAGEN HP LEMON LIME 32 6 431 090946 PP CLA 90 6 432 090948 EAS BETAGEN 21 6 433 090949 EAS BETAGEN 7 6 434 090951 EAS CYTOVOL 225 2 7 RETAIL AGREEMENT: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 EXHIBIT C-1 SUGGESTED RECORD ITEM # DESCRIPTION SIZE ORDER - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 435 090956 EAS MYOPLEX PLUS DEL CHOC 20 6 436 090958 EAS MYOPLEX PLUS DELUXE VAN 20 6 437 090960 EAS PHOSPHGAIN II VANILLA 3 2 438 090961 EAS PHOSPHAGAN II CHOCOLATE 3 2 439 090963 EAS PHOSPHAGEN 1000GRAMS 1000 2 440 090964 EAS PHOSPHAGEN 510GRAMS 510 4 441 090968 EAS PHOSPHAGEN HP GRAPE 42 SE 4 6 442 090969 EAS PHOSPHAGEN HP LEM LIME 42 4 6 443 090972 EAS PHOSPHAGAIN II STRAWBY 3 2 444 090973 EAS MYOPLEX BAR CHOC PNTBTR 3 24 445 090974 EAS MYOPLEX BAR-CHOC 3 24 446 090977 EAS SUPPLEMENT REVIEW BOOK 1 6 447 090978 EAS MYOPLEX PLUS DULUXE STRAW 20 6 448 090979 EAS-HMB 120 6 449 090980 EAS HMB 360 6 450 090981 EAS STRUCTURE EFA 120 2 451 090991 EAS NEURO GAIN 14 2 452 090999 EAS NEURO GAIN TABS 120 2 453 091001 EAS PRECISION PROTEIN CHOC. 908 6 454 091002 EAS PRECISION PROTEIN VAN 908 6 455 091011 GNC WOM SOLOTRON 120 2 456 091021 GNC WOM SOLOTRON 240 2 457 091511 GNC CHERRY DROPS 500MG 90 6 458 091611 GNC CITRUS FREE CHEW C 500 60 4 459 091822 GNC ACEROLA 100MG NO SUGAR 180 6 460 091911 GNC ACEROLA 250 MG NO SUGAR 90 6 461 092513 NAT BR PAPAYA ENZYME TBS PM 100 6 462 092523 NAT BR PAPAYA ENZYME TBS 250 8 463 092533 NAT BR PAPAYA ENZYME TBS PM 600 6 464 092811 NB WHEAT BRAN TABS 1000 MG 100 4 465 093011 GNC VITAMIN C /ECHINACEA 90 4 466 093111 GNC PRIMA-C 500MG TR 90 2 467 093211 GNC PRIMA-C 1000MG TR 90 2 468 093611 GNC ESTER C 500 MG 90 6 469 093711 GNC ESTER C 1000 MG 90 6 470 093911 GNC CALCIUM DROPS CHEWABLE 90 4 471 094400 WWS PURE PROTEIN PNT BTR 78 24 472 094401 WWS PURE PROTEIN CHOC BAR 78 24 473 094411 GNC CALCIUM 1000 90 6 474 094511 GNC CALCUIM COMPLETE 90 26 475 094521 GNC CALCIUM COMPLETE 180 6 476 094531 GNC CALCIUM COMPLETE 360 6 477 094711 GNC CALCIUM COMP LIQ CPS 90 4 478 095411 GNC FAST CAL 500 W/BORON 120 4 479 095711 GNC SOLOTRON PLUS 90 2 480 095721 GNC NO EPH SOLOTRON PLUS 180 2 481 096311 GNC CALCIUM PLUS 250 6 482 096321 GNC CALCIUM PLUS 500 6 483 096413 GNC VIT C CAPS 1000MG 100 4 484 096423 GNC VIT-C CAPS 1000MG 250 4 485 096711 GNC MANDARIN ORG VIT C SUGFRE 90 6 486 097211 GNC CALCIUM MAGNESIUM TBS 100 6 487 097311 GNC CALCIUM CITRATE 180 4 488 097811 GNC POTASSIUM W/ELECTROLYTES 60 2 489 098111 GNC CALCIUM CITRATE PLUS 180 4 490 098411 GNC BORON TRIVALENT 3MG 100 2 491 098511 GNC COPPER 2MG CHELATED 100 2 492 098811 GNC SYNTHTIC E 100IU 90 4 493 098911 GN SYNTHITIC 1000IU 90 4 494 099011 GNC VITAMIN K 100 MCG 100 2 495 099213 GNC VITAMIN C 1000MG 100 6 496 099223 GNC VITAMIN C 1000MG 250 6 8 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 497 099253 GNC VITAMIN C 1000MG 500 6 498 099313 GNC B-12 500 MG 100 6 499 099323 GNC B-12 500 MCG NSQ 250 6 500 099413 GNC VITAMIN C 500MG 100 52 501 099423 GNC VITAMIN C 500MG 250 6 502 099453 GNC VITAMIN C500MG 500 6 503 099511 GNC ULTRA MEGA MINERALS 90 4 504 099611 GNC MULTIMEGA MINERALS 100 4 505 099621 GNC MULTIMEGA MINERALS 250 4 506 100111 GNC BETA CAROTENE 15MG CPS 90 4 507 100121 GNC BETA CAROTENE 15MG CPS 180 4 508 100131 GNC BETA CAROTENE 15MG 360 4 509 100412 GNC PANTO ACID 500 MGS 100 4 510 100611 GNC TEEN'S MULTIPLE 180 6 511 100812 GNC B-6 50 MG 100 20 512 101111 GNC B-6 50MG W/HERBS 90 6 513 101811 GNC ZINC PICOLINATE 90 4 514 102121 GNC SOLOTRON IMP CHEW/NUTRASW 90 4 515 102211 GNC ZINC 10MG TBS 100 24 516 102311 GNC ZINC 100MG TBS 100 6 517 102711 GNC MANGANESE 10 MG 100 2 518 103911 GNC CHERRY ZINC LOZENGE 30 6 519 103921 GNC ZINC LOZENGE CHERRY 60 6 520 104511 GNC WOM PRENATAL FORMULA 120 12 521 104911 GNC ULTRA ZINC/LOZENGE 48 12 522 105011 ADV PROSTEX 100 2 523 105828 PNI KIDS PLEX JR 1 2 524 105830 PNI KIDS PLEX JR CHOCOLATE 19 2 525 105833 GNC KIDS A+ CHOC 19 4 526 106311 GNC BUFFERED C 1000MG 100 4 527 106411 GNC TRIPLE LECITHIN 100 4 528 106421 GNC TRIPLE LECITHIN 180 6 529 106511 GNC TRIPLE LECITHIN PLUS 100 2 530 106611 GNC CONC FISH BODY OILS 90 4 531 106631 GNC CONC. FISH BODY OILS 180 4 532 106632 GNC CON. FISH BODY OILS 360 6 533 107711 GNC PUMPKIN SEED OIL CP 1000M 100 2 534 108211 GNC C 500MG BUFFERED 100 4 535 109011 GNC MELATONIN 3MG 60 12 536 109021 GNC MELATONIN 120 6 537 109511 GNC SUBLINGUAL MELATONIN 60 4 538 109521 GNC MELATONIN 120 6 539 110911 GNC SYNTHITIC E 400 IU 90 6 540 110912 GNC SYNTHITIC E 400IU 180 6 541 111496 IH NATURAL PAIN RELIEF 90 4 542 112711 GNC MULTI-GEL 60 2 543 112721 GNC MULTI-GEL 120 2 544 113311 GNC SOD 50 4 545 116211 HO PERFECT JOINT COMB 60 2 546 118611 GNC GLUCARATE 60 4 547 119111 GNC CLA 60 4 548 119211 GNC CHILD MULTICHEW 30 6 549 119311 TEENS CAL PLUS 60 2 550 119611 GNC LECITHIN PLUS 100 2 551 120311 GNC CALCIUM CITRATE MALATE 120 12 552 120321 GNC CALCIUM CITRATE MALATE 240 12 553 120411 GNC DHEA 5MG 60 2 554 124111 GNC NAC/GLUTATH 600/100MG 60 4 555 124311 GNC LYSINE 500MG 120 6 556 124611 GNC QUERCETIN 60 4 557 124711 GNC LACTOFERRIN 50MG 60 2 558 124811 GNC BIOTIN 600MCG 120 6 9 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 Suggested Record Item# Description Size Order - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 559 126311 GNC DHA 30 2 560 126321 GNC DHA 60 2 561 126711 CHILD SPORTKIDS CHEWABLE 120 4 562 126811 GNC NAC CAPSULES 600MG 60 4 563 126911 GNC 100MG ALPHA LIPOIC 60 4 564 127911 GNC 50MG ALPHA LIPOIC ACID 60 4 565 128211 GNC L-TYROSINE 1000MG 30 4 566 128611 GNC TMG 30 2 567 128911 GNC ESTER C 1000MG HS 90 6 568 129511 GP CHL (CHOLESTEROL) 30 2 569 129611 GNC MSM 120 6 570 129711 GNC CARTICIN SHARK CART 10 4 571 130711 GNC ESTER C500 CAPSULES 90 6 572 131611 GNC MELATONIN TR 60 4 573 133411 CHWBL VIT C 500MG/ACEROLA 90 90 6 574 133421 CHWBL VIT C 500MG/ACEROLA 180 180 6 575 133501 CHWBL VIT C 100MG/ACEROLA 90 90 6 576 133521 CHWBL VIT C 100MG/ACEROLA 180 180 6 577 133531 CHWBL VIT C 100MG/ACEROLA 360 360 6 578 133811 CHWBL VIT C 300MG/ACEROLA 90 90 6 579 133821 CHWBL VIT C 300MG/ACEROLA 180 180 6 580 133911 GNC SALMON OIL 180 4 581 134711 CH ZINC ECHINACEA CHEWABLE 30 2 582 135811 TN YOUNG WNS MINERAL SUPL 30 2 583 135911 GNC GAMMA-ORYZANOL 90 2 584 136311 GNC GLA GAMMA LIN ACID 60 2 585 136411 GNC VIT C W/QUERCETIN 800 60 4 586 136611 GNC VIT C 500 CAPSULES 90 4 587 136811 GNC MAGNESIUM 500 120 6 588 137111 GNC VM GREEN 60 2 589 137121 GNC VM GREEN 90 4 590 137131 GNC VM GREEN 180 4 591 137511 GNC VITAMIN C 500 SOFTGEL 60 4 592 137711 MNS MATURE MULTI ONE 60 2 593 138311 ML PLATINUM YEARS MULTI 90 4 594 138511 GNC UM GOLD 60 2 595 138521 GNC UM GOLD 90 6 596 138531 GNC UM GOLD 180 4 597 138911 WOM PRE-NAT NO IRON 120 8 598 140111 GNC CH CHEW VIT/MIN 60 2 599 140121 GNC CH CHEW VIT/MIN 120 4 600 140311 GNC CH MULTI W/IRON 90 2 601 140911 CHILDREN'S MULTI WI CALCIUM 30 2 602 141511 GNC TEEN'S CHEWABLE MULTI 60 2 603 141611 GNC CH CHEW MULTI 90 4 604 141911 CHAL BODY BUILDER PROTEIN PWD 16 2 605 142012 CHAL 95% PROTEIN UNSWEET VAN 4 6 606 142015 CHAL 95% PROTEIN VAN 16 6 607 142811 GNC B-COMPLEX W/GINSENG 30 4 608 143211 GNC GAMMA-TOCOTRIENOL 30 4 609 143611 GNC CAL/MAG/D 180 6 610 143711 GNC B-COMPLEX W/ST JOHNS 30 4 611 143911 GNC VIT C W/BIOFLAV 120 4 612 144111 GNC VIT D 400 180 4 613 144211 GNC B-COMPLEX TR 60 4 614 144311 GNC VITAMIN D 700IU 90 2 615 144321 GNC VITAMIN D 700 IU 180 2 616 144411 CHAL 95% PROTEIN CHOC W/ASP 16 8 617 144412 CHAL 95% PROTEIN CHOCOLATE 4 6 618 144511 GNC BETA CAROTENE 25 60 2 619 145011 CHAL 95% PROTEIN VAN W/ASP 16 6 620 145012 CHAL 95% PROTEIN VANILLA 4 6 10 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 621 145111 CHAL 95% PROTEIN STRBY W/ASP 16 6 622 145112 CHAL-PROTEIN-95 STRAW ASP 64 6 623 145911 GNC PHOSPHOROUS 500 60 4 624 146111 GNC L-CARN 100MG 30 4 625 146211 GNC GSA SODIUM-FREE 30 4 626 146711 GNC ZINC 30 CAPS 120 6 627 146811 GNC CCM 250 PLUS D 125 90 4 628 147511 GNC DMG 90 2 629 147611 LECITHIN 1200 90 2 630 147621 LECITHIN 1200 180 2 631 147711 GNC HOMOCYSTEINE SUPPORT 60 6 632 147911 CHAL MILK&EGG PROT VAN W/ASP 16 2 633 148011 CHAL MILK&EGG PROT CHOC W/ASP 16 2 634 148111 CHAL MILK&EGG PROT STRBY W/AS 16 2 635 148211 GNC CARNOSINE AOY 30 4 636 148711 GNC B-12 1500 90 4 637 148811 GNC TRANS-NEURO B 90 2 638 149111 GNC PHYTIC ACID 60 4 639 149222 GNC CHERRY COD LIVER OIL 16 4 640 150111 GNC SQUALENE OIL 60 2 641 150411 GNC GOLDMINDS DHA 60 2 642 150511 GNC SQUALAMINE 30 2 643 150911 GNC UMG NO IRON 90 4 644 150921 GNC UMG NO IRON 180 4 645 151011 GNC UM II NO IRON 90 4 646 151021 GNC UM II NO IRON 180 2 647 151311 GNC SOLOTRON 30 8 648 151321 GNC SOLOTRON 90 4 649 151331 GNC SOLOTRON 240 2 650 151411 GNC SOLOTRON NO IRON 90 2 651 151821 GNC CAROTENOID COMPLEX 60 2 652 151911 GNC DODECANOIC ACID 60 2 653 161511 GNC CHEWABLE E 200 60 4 654 161611 GNC CHEWABLE E 400 60 4 655 161711 GNC BLENDED E 400 IU 60 66 656 161811 GNC BLENDED E 1000IU 60 8 657 162211 GNC VEGETARIAN NATURAL E 60 4 658 162611 GNC DRY E 400IU 90 4 659 162621 GNC NAT E 400IU DRY 180 4 660 168400 DMS FIBROMALIC 180 2 661 169701 GNC SAM-E ADEMENTIONE 30 4 662 171912 CHALL LIQUID PROTEIN 32 2 663 201193 MLO PROTEIN 21M PNTBTR CHOC 3 24 664 201194 MLO PROTEIN 21 CHOC CHOCBR 3 24 665 217345 WISCONSIN GINSENG 60 2 666 217601 GG PANAX GINSENG 10 10 4 667 217602 GG PANAX GINSENG 30 30 4 668 235111 GNC GSA SODIUM FREE 30 4 669 235211 GNC LYSINE 500 TR 60 6 670 238511 OPT-X-PHEDRA WITH CLA 60 2 671 240211 MNS YOHIMBE 451MG 60 8 672 240411 MNS INVIGORA 60 6 673 242211 MNS NEUROCITE 60 4 674 243011 NB ALOE HAIR,SKIN,NAI 100 4 675 243111 NB ALOE INNER GEL 100 4 676 243711 WNS HERBAL BALANCE W/SOY 30 4 677 245211 WMS BEGINNING 60 2 678 246511 VITAMIN C BIOFLAVONOIDS PLUS 120 4 679 246711 WOMEN'S UT FORMULA 60 2 680 247711 MEN'S ULTRA NOURISHHAIR CTN 60 2 681 247721 MEN'S ULTRA NOURISHHAIR CTN 120 2 682 247811 GNC B-COMPLEX T.R.75MG 60 4 </Table> 11 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item Description Size Order - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 683 247911 GNC FEMG B COMPLEX 60 2 684 249011 MENS GINSENG FORMULA 60 2 685 249111 GNC MEN'S OYSTER EXTRACT 60 2 686 249511 GNC ZINC FOR MEN 90 2 687 249811 GNC MEN'S VITALITY FORMULA 30 2 688 249821 GNC MEN'S VITALITY FORMULA 60 2 689 251311 GNC NIACIN 250MG 100 4 690 252011 GNC RNA/DNA 250MG TR 90 2 691 253214 GNC FOLIC ACID 800 MCG PI 100 6 692 253614 GNC B-12 1000 MCG 100 6 693 253814 NAT BR BETAINE HYDROCHLORIDE 100 4 694 253914 GNC ZINC 50MG TBS 100 6 695 253921 GNC ZINC 50MG 250 6 696 254014 GNC MAGNESIUM 250MG 100 6 697 254114 GNC NIACIN 500MG TBS 100 4 698 254120 NH ST JOHN'S POWER 3% 90 2 699 254124 NH SAW PALMETTO PWR 320 30 2 700 254125 NH ST JOHN'S PWR 3% 180 2 701 254127 NH KAVA KAVA ROOT 264 100 2 702 254529 NH ECHINACEA GOLDNSL CMBO-115 100 2 703 254536 NH BILBERRY POWER-1155 60 2 704 254537 NH BRONCEASE-1105 60 2 705 254547 NH ECHIN POWER-1166 60 2 706 254568 NG MILK THISTLE POWER-1260 50 2 707 254573 NH CASCARA SAGRADA-226 100 2 708 254577 NH CRNBRY EXT-230 100 2 709 254578 NH DAMIANA-240 100 2 710 254582 NH ORG ECHINACEA ROOT-325 100 2 711 254583 NH FEVERFEW-246 100 2 712 254585 NH SILICA POWER-1273 60 2 713 254586 NH STRESS RELEASE-1270 60 2 714 254592 NH GINGER ROOT-245 100 2 715 254594 NH GOLDNSL ROOT-257 50 2 716 254595 NH GOLDNSL ROOT-256 100 2 717 254596 NH GOLDNSL HERB-255 100 2 718 254603 NH VALERIAN ROOT-289 100 2 719 254615 NH ECHIN ANGUSTIFOLIA-309 100 2 720 254620 NH GINKGO POWER ECON-51385 50 2 721 254625 NH GINSENG SARSAPARILLA-127 100 2 722 254627 NH EYEBRIGHT-308 100 2 723 254687 NH PYGEUM POWER-1261 60 2 724 254690 NH ECHIN-GOLDNSL SUPER-7115 250 2 725 254694 NH ALOE VERA INNER LEAF-204 100 2 726 254696 NH CAYENNE SUPER-7222 250 2 727 254697 NH CHARCOAL-234 100 2 728 254803 NH SAW PALMETTO-276 100 2 729 254899 NH GINSENG, SIBERIAN-250 50 2 730 254911 GNC WOM GELATIN 50 4 731 254921 GNC WOM GELATIN 120 2 732 255214 GNC B-6 100 MG 100 6 733 255412 GNC ZINC 30MG TBS 100 6 734 255511 GNC NIAGN FLUSH FREE 90 4 735 255612 GNC B-2 50MG TABS 100 2 736 255812 GNC BIOTIN 300MCG TBS 100 4 737 255912 GNC CHOLINE 250MG TBS 100 4 738 256014 GNC FOLIC ACID 400 MCG 100 24 739 256212 GNC PANTO ACID 100 MG 100 4 740 256411 GNC PANTO ACID 250 MG 100 4 741 256714 GNC POTASSIUM GLUCONATE 100 4 742 256814 GNC P A B A 500 MG TABS 100 4 743 256911 GNC CITRUS BIOFLAV 1000MG 100 4 744 257211 GNC POTASSIUM ASP MAGNESIUM AS 120 4 </Table> 12 GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER Retail Agreement: 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745 257221 GNC POT/MAG ASPARTATE 240 4 746 257301 NH HAWTHORN FLWR,LEAVE-261 100 2 747 257331 NH GLDNSEAL ROOT EXT-2329 2 2 748 257341 NH GINKGO POWER SUPER-71385 150 2 749 257359 NH GINKGO PHYTOSOME-41385 60 2 750 257391 NH SAW PALMETTO 250-7276 250 2 751 257393 NH CHLORELLA BETTER-310 100 2 752 257396 NH ECHINACEA/GLDNSL PWR-1131 60 2 753 257397 NH ECHINACEA/VITAMIN C-114 100 2 754 257398 NH ECHINACEA PWR (SUPER)-1130 60 2 755 257399 NH CRANBERRY FRUIT-228 100 2 756 257401 NH CAT'S CLAW-227 50 2 757 257416 NH ELDERBERRY FLOWERS-313 100 2 758 257418 NH NETTLE POWER-1176 30 2 759 257421 NH ELDRBRY ECHIN GLDNSL 116 100 2 760 257422 NH KAVA KAVA PWR 1161 30 2 761 259511 GNC B-1 300MG 100 2 762 259611 GNC TR B-6 200 MG 100 4 763 260611 OPT NO EPH ENERGEL 60 6 764 260621 OPT NO EPH ENERGEL 120 6 765 260911 OPT VITA RUSH 60 4 766 261311 OPT MEN'S ENERGY 60 4 767 261411 OPT WOMEN'S ENERGY 60 4 768 261611 WOMEN'S ULTRANOURISHAIR 60 2 769 261911 OPT GINSENG RUSH 60 4 770 262111 OPT ENERGY PAK 30 4 771 262211 OPT GUARANA RUSH 60 4 772 262311 OPT EXT STR HERBAL RUSH 60 4 773 262321 OPT XTRA STRENGHT HERBAL RUSH 120 4 774 262611 OPT ENERGIZER 60 4 775 263211 OPT THERMOGENIC FORMULA 60 2 776 264011 GNC WOM EPO 50 4 777 264021 GNC WOM EPO 90 4 778 264031 GNC WOM EPO 200 4 779 264311 GNC WOM PMS FORMULA 100 2 780 264511 GNC WOM MENOPAUSE 100 2 781 264611 GNC WOM WATER BALANCE 100 2 782 264811 OPT CHITOSAN 120 6 783 264821 OPT CHITOSAN 500MG 250 6 784 265011 GNC WOM CITRIMAX 90 2 785 265211 NB EVENING PRIMROSE OIL 90 4 786 265411 NB FLAX SEED OIL 90 12 787 265421 NB FLAX SEED OIL CAPS 180 6 788 265511 NB BORAGE OIL 90 4 789 265611 GNC WOM MEGA EPO 50 6 790 265621 GNC WOM ULT EPO 120 4 791 265711 GBC WOM SILICA 100 2 792 266011 GNC WOM HAIR,SKIN & NAILS 90 6 793 266021 GNC WOM HAIR,SKIN & NAILS 180 4 794 266311 GNC PHOSPHATIDY/SERINE 30 4 795 266611 GNC GLUCOSAMINE 1000MG 30 6 796 266621 GNC GLUCOSAMINE 1000MG 90 6 797 266711 GNC WOM DONG QUAI/ROYAL JELLY 100 2 798 267011 GNC CHONDROITIN SULFATE 30 6 799 267021 GNC CHONDROITIN SULFATE 60 6 800 267411 OPT 2 STRNGTH CHITOSAN PLUS 120 6 801 267511 GNC GABA 750MG 90 2 802 267600 OD-DIETERS TEA-NAT LEMON 30 2 803 267610 OD-DIETERS TEA-CINNEMON 30 2 804 267703 KWAI HIGH POTENCY GARLIC 60TB 60 2 805 267704 KWAI HIGH POTENCY GARLIC 120T 120 2 806 267705 LP KIRA 45 2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </Table> 13 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item# Description Size Order - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 807 269011 GNC GLUCO/CHOND 250/200MG 90 6 808 270710 TRIMEDICA MSM 500 MG 250 2 809 270733 TRIMEDICA MSM 1000MG 120 2 810 272753 TRIMEDICA 5HTP #235 60 6 811 271911 OPT CLA 1000MG 50 2 812 274011 OPT PEPTIDE FM 250MG 90 2 813 274211 OPT PYRUVATE 750MG 60 2 814 274311 OPTIBOLIC CIWUJA/TIMED RELEAS 60 4 815 275111 OPTIBOLIC CIWUJIA 90 4 816 275811 OPT OPTIMAX REFORM 60 2 817 276111 OPT KETO-THERM 90 4 818 276311 OPTIBOLIC X-PHEDRA ENEGEL 90 6 819 276511 GNC GLUCO\CHOND 500/400MG 60 18 820 277311 MEN'S LIVE WELL MULTI 60 2 821 277511 WOMENS LIVE WELL MULTI 60 2 822 277611 GNC DEOD FISH BODY OILS 180 6 823 277711 GNC GSA/CSA 750/600 30 18 824 277721 GNC GSA/CSA 750/600 60 18 825 277911 GNC TEEN SKIN TABS 50 2 826 279221 NOURISH HAIR SUPER BIOTIN 200 200 2 827 279621 NOURISH HAIR ULTRA 120'S 120 2 828 281111 GNC WNS CAL-PLUS 90 2 829 282811 GNC SOY IPRI FLAVONE 30 4 830 283611 GNC I-PINITOL 30 2 831 283711 WMS PYRUVATE 500MG 60 2 832 283811 GNC DMAE 60 2 833 283911 GNC D-RIBOSE 60 2 834 284111 GNC PANTETHINE COMPLEX 30 4 835 285111 WMNS MONTHLY PHYTOESTROGEN 120 6 836 285411 MNS LIVE WELL CAPSULES 60 2 837 285511 WMS LIVE WELL CAPSULES 60 2 838 289209 ABB SUPER SHAKE STRAWBRY 12 24 839 289210 ABB SUPER SHAKE VANILLA 12 24 840 289211 ABB CHOC PROTEIN SHAKE 12OZ 12 24 841 289222 ABB BULK TRPPNCH 22 24 842 289236 ABB CUT FORCE PINK GRPFRT 18 24 843 289240 ABB BLUE THUNDER REFORM 22 24 844 289243 ABB CRITICAL MASS 18 24 845 289244 ABB RIPPED ORANGE 18 24 846 289245 ABB RIPPED FRTPNCH 18 24 847 289246 ABB CRITMASS SUNSHINE P. 18 24 848 289247 ABB HIGH VOLTAGE PASSION PNCH 22 24 849 289249 ABB INFERNO FRT PNCH 18 24 850 289250 ABB XXL TROPICAL PUNCH 24 24 851 289251 ABB KICK SOME MASS ORANG 5547 22 24 852 289252 ABB KICK SOME MASS PUNCH 5547 22 24 853 289259 ABB RIPPED FORCE GRAPE 18 24 854 289271 ABB PURE PRO WILD BERRY 22 24 855 289272 ABB PURE PRO WILD BERRY 22 24 856 289312 ABB 18 OZ CARB FRUIT PUN 18 24 587 289313 ABB 18OZ CARB GRAPE 18 24 858 289314 ABB 18OZ CARB LEM/LIME 18 24 859 289316 ABB 18OZ CARB ORANGE 18 24 860 289318 ABB 18OZ CARB WATERMELON 18 24 861 292111 DH CRANBERRY CONCENTRATE 16 2 862 292112 DH BLACK CHERRY CONCENTRATE 16 2 863 300000 PP PRO CITRUS 900 6 864 310001 PN NADH 30 4 865 317011 GNC COLON PURE 24 4 866 317021 GNC COLON PURE 12 4 867 317031 GNC CITRUS COLON PURE 12 4 868 317032 NB CITRUS COLON PURE 24 4 </Table> 14 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 869 317911 GNN GUARANA DIET 90 2 870 320621 CC BAHAMIAN DIET 19 2 871 334831 CHAL TR AMINO 4800 60 2 872 334841 CHAL TR AMINO 4800 120 2 873 335011 CH AMINO 3000 180 2 874 348011 OPT DIETGEL W/SYNEPHERINE 60 2 875 350390 PP BEEF PROTEIN 24 2 876 350391 PP VEGTABLE PROTEIN 24 2 877 350392 PP INST EGG PROTEIN VAN 24 2 878 350393 PP INST EGG PROTEIN CHOC 24 2 879 350394 PP EGG WHITE SUPREME 24 2 880 350395 PP CRTN PAKS 6GM 42 2 881 350401 PP EGG & WHEY NATURAL-VAN 2 2 882 350402 PP EGG & WHEY NATURAL-CHOC 2 2 883 350405 PP WHEY & SOY NATURAL-CHOC 2 2 884 350406 PP WHEY & SOY-NATORAL-VAN 2 2 885 350412 PP EGG & SOY CHOCOLATE 2 2 886 350413 PP EGG & SOY VANILLA 2 2 887 350716 PP PRO STUFF CHOC 3 2 888 350752 PP LIQ L CARNITINE 16 2 889 350772 PP PRO AMINO 1850 LQ 16 4 890 350773 PP 1850 LIQUID 32 2 891 350775 PP MCT PLAIN 16 2 892 351111 MAX NUT VITA PACK II 30 2 893 353011 OPT BTL W/BETA CAROTENE 14DAY 2 894 353021 OPT BOTTLE PAK 30DAY 2 895 353811 OPT CHROMIUM PICOLINATE PLUS 90 2 896 353911 OPT WATER PILL 50 2 897 353921 OPT WATER PILL 100 2 898 354111 OPT ULTRA WATER PILL 50 2 899 354121 OPT ULTRA WATER PILL 100 2 900 354411 OPT SYNEPHERINE-4 60 2 901 354611 OPTIBOLIC CITRIMAX 90 2 902 354711 OPTIBOLIC CITRIMAX PLUS CHROM 90 2 903 354911 OPT NO EPH DIET GEL 60 2 904 354921 OPT NO EPH DIET GEL 120 2 905 355017 IN PROENHANCER BOT LEMLIM 4 24 906 355021 IN RACEDAY PKT LEM LIME 1 24 907 355024 IN PROHYDRATOR BOT ORANGE 16 24 908 355026 IN PROHYDRATOR BOT BERRY 16 24 909 355028 IN PROHYDRATOR BOT UNFLAV 16 24 910 355811 GP PST (PROSTATE) 30 2 911 355911 GP CS (CARDIOVASCULAR) 30 2 912 356011 GP OST (OSTEOARTHRITIS) 30 2 913 356111 GNC PROGRAM IBF 30 2 914 356211 WOMEN'S VITAPAK 50+ 30 2 915 356311 GP WTN WINTER&COLDS PAK 30 2 916 356511 GNC WOM DHEA VP 30 2 917 356611 GP HOC (HOMOCYSTEINE) 30 2 918 356711 GNC LIVE WELL PROG-LIVER 30 2 919 356911 MENS ULTRA SP 320 30 2 920 357911 WOMEN'S MENOPAUSE VITAPAK 30 2 921 358411 GNC MEN'S NUTRITION SYSTEM 30 2 922 358511 GNC WOM NUTRITION SYSTEM 30 2 923 358911 GNC MENS SAW PALMETTO FORMUL 120 6 924 358921 GNC MENS SAW PALMETTO 240 6 925 359111 GNC MENS AVENA SATIVA 60 2 926 359211 GNC WOM VP 30 2 927 359411 GNC MENS VITA PACK MULTI COMP 30 6 928 360411 PN MEMORALL PROGRAM 30 2 929 360511 PN JOINT PROGRAM 30 2 930 360611 PN HOMOCYST PROGRAM 30 2 </Table> 15 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 931 360711 PN RESISTANC PROGRAM 30 2 932 360911 PN LIVER PROGRAM 30 2 933 365846 NB APPLE CIDER VINEGAR 16 4 934 365848 NB CRANBERRY CONCENTRATE 8 4 935 365854 NB ELDEBERRY EXTRACT 4 4 936 365855 NB WL UNFLAVORED GEL 128 4 937 365856 NB FILLET UNFLAV GEL 32 4 938 365857 NB FILLET UNFLAV JUICE 16 4 939 365858 NB FILLET UNFLAVORED GEL 16 4 940 365881 NB HF UNFLAVORED JUICE 32 4 941 365883 NB WL WILDBERRY JUICE 32 4 942 365885 NB WL CRANBERRY JUICE 32 4 943 365888 NB WL UNFLAVORED JUICE 32 4 944 365889 NB WL LEMON/LIME JUICE 32 4 945 365892 NB BLACKCHERRY CONCENTRATE 8 4 946 365893 NB JUICE UNFLAVORED WL 128 4 947 365894 NG GEL 1 GAL UNFLAVOR FILLET 128 4 948 365895 NB GEL WL UNFLAVORED 32 4 949 365920 NA COLON COND TABS 250 2 950 365921 NA HERBAL LAX TABS 180 2 951 365923 NA COLON COND PWDR 14 2 952 365940 NB LIQUID ACIDOLPHILUS PAPAYA 16 4 953 365941 NB LIQ ACID BLACK CHERRY 16 4 954 365942 NAT BRAND POMEGRANATE 8 4 955 365950 NAT SOLNS SOY MILK VANILLA 32 12 956 365951 NAT SOLNS SOY MILK CHOCOLATE 32 12 957 366000 NB UNFLAV JUICE 8 4 958 366001 NB ALOE UNFLAV GEL 8 4 959 366002 NB FILLET UNFLAV JUICE 128 4 960 390411 HP LIVERHEALTH 30 4 961 392863 HS UP YOUR GAS 60 2 962 395022 HS RAZOR CUTS 90 2 963 395041 HS UP YOUR GAS 30'S TBS 30 2 964 399501 WM HI-ENER-G 30 CPS 30 2 965 399508 WM DW LIPOSTAT FAT BINDER 90 2 966 399512 DW THERMO MAX 90 2 967 399513 DW CLEANSING DIET 7-DAY 7 2 968 399514 DW ZERO FAT 90 2 969 399515 DW-GINEXIN REMIND 36 2 970 399525 WM SUPER JUICE 60 2 971 399538 WM HI-ENER-G BONUS PACK 40 2 972 400711 ONAT FAT FIGHTER 120 2 973 400921 ONAT FOR MEN ONLY 60 2 974 402011 NW BLK COHOSH RT-10500 100 2 975 402030 NW CASCARA SAGRADA-11308 180 2 976 402032 NW ECHINACEA-12408 180 2 977 402034 NW GINGER ROOT-13108 180 2 978 402035 NW SIBERIAN GINSENG-13508 180 2 979 402036 NW GOLDEN SEAL HERB-13708 180 2 980 402040 NW VALERIAN ROOT-17708 180 2 981 402045 NW GOLDEN SEAL ROOT-13900 50 2 982 402048 NW ECHINACEA RT CMPLX-17350 100 2 983 402521 ONAT FOR MEN ONLY II 60 2 984 402911 NW CHICKWEED HERB-11800 100 2 985 403211 NW DAMIANA LEAVES-12200 100 2 986 403311 NW DANDELION ROOT-12300 100 2 987 403511 NW ECHINACEA-12400 100 2 988 403521 NW ECHINACEA COMBO-415 100 2 989 404411 NW GOLDEN SEAL HERB-13700 100 2 990 404511 NW GOLDEN SEAL ROOT-13800 100 2 991 405311 ONAT YOHIMBE 1000 PLUS 30 2 992 405511 HP SAW PALMETTO 30 4 </Table> 16 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 993 405512 HP SAW PALMETTO 60 4 994 405611 HP DONG QUAI 30 4 995 405621 HP DONG QUAI 60 4 996 405711 HP SAW PALMETTO 30 4 997 405811 HP GARLIC/CAYENNE 30 4 998 406011 HP CHAMOMILE 30 4 999 406111 HP CAYENNE 30 4 1,000 406121 HP CAYENNE 60 4 1,001 406311 HP CAT'S CLAW 30 4 1,002 406321 HP CAT'S CLAW 60 4 1,003 406411 HP GOTU KOLA 30 4 1,004 406511 HP BILBERRY 30 4 1,005 406521 HP BILBERRY 60 4 1,006 406611 NW VALERIAN ROOT-17700 100 2 1,007 407011 HP CAYENNE/GOLDENSEAL 30 4 1,008 407211 HP PYGEUM 30 4 1,009 407311 HP FEVERFEW 30 4 1,010 407411 HP GOLDENSEAL RT 30 6 1,011 407412 HP GOLDENSEAL 60'S 60 4 1,012 407511 HP VALERIAN 30 4 1,013 407512 HP VALERIAN 60 4 1,014 407711 HP ECHINACEA/ROOT 30 4 1,015 407712 HP ECHINACEA 60 4 1,016 407811 HP GINGER 30 4 1,017 407911 HP GUARANA 30 4 1,018 408011 HP MULTI-GINSENG 30 4 1,019 408012 HP MULTI-GINS 60 4 1,020 408111 HP MLTIGIN/SAW 30 4 1,021 408211 HP SIBERIAN GINSENG 30 4 1,022 408511 HP YUCCA 30 4 1,023 408611 HP DAMIANA 30 4 1,024 408711 HP ST JOHNS WORT 30 4 1,025 408721 HERBAL PLUS ST JOHNS WORT 60 4 1,026 408811 NW CHARCOAL 280MG-2070 100 2 1,027 409311 HP PAU D'ARCO 30 4 1,028 409711 HP LICORICE 30 4 1,029 410021 PHAR GINSANA 30 2 1,030 410022 PHAR GINSANA 60 2 1,031 410023 PHAR GINKOBA 72 2 1,032 410024 PHAR GINSANA 40 2 1,033 410025 PHAR PROSTATONIN 30 2 1,034 410084 PHAR VENASTAT 45 2 1,035 410211 CHAT GINSANA GARLIQUE 30 30 2 1,036 410311 OPT SUPER GUARANA 90 4 1,037 401617 CHAT PROPALMEX 30 2 1,038 410618 CHAR HARMONEX 30 CAPS 30 2 1,039 410711 HP GARLIC/HAWTHORNE 30 4 1,040 410811 HP DEVILS CLAW 30 4 1,041 410911 HP MULTIGIN/DAM 30 4 1,042 411411 UPTIME 30 2 1,043 411421 UPTIME 60 2 1,044 411511 HP ECHINA/GOLD 30 4 1,045 411521 HP EXHINACEA/GOLD 60 4 1,046 411611 HP CRANBERRY 30 4 1,047 412011 HP VAL/PASSION 30 4 1,048 412111 HP MLTIGIN/GOTV 30 4 1,049 412511 HP GARLIC 30 4 1,050 414111 NW FEVERFEW-12850 100 2 1,051 414211 NFIN ECHINACEA PURPUREA 90 12 1,052 414311 OE GINSENG TOTAL 30 4 1,053 419111 NB SOY ISOFLAVONE/CRANBRY 60 4 1,054 420211 NB SOY ISOFAVONES 90 4 17 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,055 420311 NB BLACK CHERRY CONCENTRATE 60 4 1,056 420610 NB BREATH RELIEF 50-CT 50 4 1,057 420611 NB BREATH RELIEF 150 4 1,058 420711 NB WHEATGRASS CAPSULE 60 4 1,059 420811 NB DHA ALGAL DERIVED 30 4 1,060 421511 NB GINKGO BILOBA PLUS 120 18 1,061 421521 NB GINKGO BILOBA PLUS 240 8 1,062 422311 NB CITRUS PECTIN 60 4 1,063 422411 NB QUOITIENT 120 4 1,064 422511 NAT BR DONG QUAI & ROYAL JELL 60 4 1,065 423211 BEE POLLEN CPS GNC 100 4 1,066 423411 NB MALIC ACID 120 4 1,067 424111 PN CARTILAGE SUPPORT MAIN 30 2 1,068 425311 NAT BR GINKGO BILOBA 50 MB 120 18 1,069 425321 NAT BR GINKGO BILOBA-240 240 6 1,070 425811 NB MALIC ACID 60 4 1,071 426111 NB BLUE GREEN ALGAE 90 4 1,072 426211 NB SHATTERED CELL WALL CHOREL 90 4 1,073 426311 NB BARLEY GRASS 90 4 1,074 427011 PN CM SYSTEM KIT 6 1,075 427211 NB EFFECT 30 2 1,076 427311 PN CM GOLD MAINT 30 6 1,077 427411 NB HYDRILLA 210 4 1,078 427911 NB ELDERBERRY 60 4 1,079 428011 NAT BR BEE PROPOLIS 250MG SG 100 4 1,080 428211 NAT BR BROMALAN 100 4 1,081 428511 NB BOVINE CARTILAGE 90 4 1,082 429111 NB CHOLORELLA 180 4 1,083 429611 NB BARLEY GRASS 90 4 1,084 430011 HP FIN DEVILS CLAW 90 4 1,085 430111 HP FIN BLACK COHASH 100 6 1,086 430311 GNC CRANBERRY JUICE CONCENTRA 100 4 1,087 432611 NB LACTASE 90 4 1,088 432911 NB MULI-ENZYME 90 4 1,089 433057 PEP BRAIN 60SIZE 60 2 1,090 433061 PEP DIET PEP REF 60 2 1,091 433069 PEP NO EPH ULTRA DIET 2000 60 2 1,092 433073 PEP COBRA 60 6 1,093 433100 PEP ULTRA DIET PEP 60 2 1,094 433101 PEP HMS COLON CLENZ 60CT 60 2 1,095 433104 PEP ULTRA DIET PEP REF 60 2 1,096 433105 PEP ULTRA DIET PEP 120 2 1,097 433106 PEP EXTRA STRENGTH GUARANA 60 2 1,098 433107 PEP-ORIGINAL PEP-30 30 2 1,099 433108 PEP-ORIGINAL PEP-60 60 2 1,100 433110 PEP SUPER PEP 60 2 1,101 433114 PEP MSM 60 2 1,102 433121 PEP IPRICAL 30 2 1,103 433511 NB SOYACARE PMS 60 4 1,104 433711 NB PARA ESSENTIALS 60 4 1,105 434111 NB MULTI-VEGETABLE 60 4 1,106 434211 NB MULTI-FRUIT 60 4 1,107 434411 NB FRUIT POLYPHENOLS 60 4 1,108 434711 NB SOY PREVENTIVE 60 4 1,109 435211 NB CARDIASOY 60 4 1,110 435311 NB PROSTASOY 60 4 1,111 436111 GG GINSENG & ROYAL JELLY 90 4 1,112 436121 GG GINSENG & ROYAL JELLY 180 4 1,113 436211 GG KOREAN GINSENG 90 6 1,114 436221 GG KOREAN GINSENG 180 4 1,115 436611 GG AMERICAN GINSENG 90 4 1,116 436811 GG RED PANAX GINSENG 90 4 18 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,117 436911 GG TRIPLE GINSENG 90 6 1,118 436921 GG TRIPLE GINSENG 180 6 1,119 437011 GG SIBERIAN GINSENG 90 4 1,120 437021 GG SIBERIAN GINSENG 180 4 1,121 437111 GG SIBERIAN GINSENG & BEE POL 90 4 1,122 437211 GG SIBERIAN GINSENG 30 4 1,123 437311 GG TRIPLE GINSENG 90 6 1,124 437321 GG TRIPLE GINSENG 180 4 1,125 437411 GG MEN'S GINSENG 90 4 1,126 437611 GG TRIPLE GINSENG 90 6 1,127 437621 GG TRIPLE GINSENG 180 6 1,128 440511 HP FIN MIATAKE MUSHROOM 100 4 1,129 440911 NB SHARK LIVER OIL 100 4 1,130 441011 NFING REISHIMUSHROOM 100 4 1,131 441311 NFING SHITAKE MUSHROOM 100 4 1,132 442411 NW NORWEGIAN KELP-14500 100 2 1,133 443111 NW SASPARILLA RT-16700 100 2 1,134 443811 NW FENUGREEK SD-12800 100 2 1,135 446011 HP FIN GUARANA 100 4 1,136 446211 NB ULTRA ACTIVIN 60 4 1,137 446311 NB OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT 90 4 1,138 447311 HP FIN SUMA 100 4 1,139 449029 TL MAXILIFE CARDIOCARE COQ 60 2 1,140 449030 TL MAXILIFE CARDIO PROTECT 60 2 1,141 499031 TL MAXILIFE CARDIO PROTECT 120 2 1,142 449032 TL MAXILIFE CHICKEN COLLA 30 2 1,143 449033 TL MAXILIFE CHOLINE CCKTL 15 2 1,144 449034 TL MAXILIFE DHEA 25MG 30 2 1,145 449035 TL MAXILIFE HOMOCYSTEINE 50 2 1,146 449511 NW CRANBERRY-12150 100 2 1,147 450411 HP FIN ST JOHNS WORT TABLETS 60 6 1,148 450431 HP FIN ST JOHNS WORT TABLETS 120 6 1,149 450511 HP FIN HAWTHORNE 100 4 1,150 451411 HP FIN PSYLLIUM SEED 100 4 1,151 452411 NW NETTLE-15150 100 2 1,152 453211 NW SLPPRY ELM BRK-17100 100 2 1,153 453311 NW SPIRULINA-17200 100 2 1,154 454511 NW ALEOLAX-900 100 2 1,155 454811 NW ASTRAGALUS RT-10180 100 2 1,156 455132 NW DONG QUAI RT-12380 100 2 1,157 455133 NW THISILYN-06958 100 2 1,158 455211 HP FIN SAW PALMETTO 100 12 1,159 455221 HP FIN SAW PALMETTO VALUE SIZE 200 6 1,160 455311 HP FIN KAVA KAVA 100 12 1,161 455321 HP FIN KAVA KAVA VALUE SIZE 200 6 1,162 455411 HP FIN LICORICE 100 4 1,163 455511 HP FIN ST JOHNS WORT 100 36 1,164 455521 HP FING ST JOHNS WORT VALUE SIZ 200 6 1,165 455611 HP FIN GINKGO BILOBA 100 6 1,166 455621 HP FING GINKGO BILOBA VALUE SIZ 200 6 1,167 455711 HP FIN CRANBERRY FRUIT 100 4 1,168 455911 HP FIN DONG QUAI 100 8 1,169 456011 HP FIN HORSETAIL RUSH HERB 100 4 1,170 456111 HP FIN GARCINIA CAMBOGIA 100 4 1,171 456211 HP FIN KUDZU ROOT 100 4 1,172 456311 HP FIN MILK THISTLE 100 6 1,173 456411 HP FIN CHLOROPHYL 100 4 1,174 456511 HP FIN BILBERRY 100 6 1,175 456611 HP FIN ALFALFA 100 4 1,176 456711 HP FIN GOLDENSEAL HERB 100 4 1,177 456811 HP FIN SPIRULINA 100 4 1,178 456911 HP FIN CAYENNE 100 4 </Table> 19 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,179 457011 HP FIN GOTU KOLA 100 4 1,180 457111 HP FIN FEVERFEW 100 4 1,181 457211 HP FIN WILD YAM ROOT 100 4 1,182 457311 HP FIN PYGEUM 100 4 1,183 457411 HP FIN VALERIAN ROOT 100 4 1,184 457511 HP FIN KELP 100 4 1,185 457611 HP FIN GOLDENSEAL ROOT 100 4 1,186 457711 HP FIN ECHINACEA 100 6 1,187 457721 HP FING ECHINACA VALUE SIZE 200 4 1,188 457811 HP FIN DANDELION ROOT 100 4 1,189 459022 NW GARLICIN-6791 30 2 1,190 459311 HP FIN YUCCA STALK 100 4 1,191 459611 HP FIN GINGER 100 4 1,192 460011 ULTRA COLON KIT 120 4 1,193 460211 NW CAYENNE PEPPER-11500 100 2 1,194 460611 NB FOS CAPS 100 4 1,195 461311 HP COLON CARE 60 2 1,196 461611 HP GINKGOGEL 30 2 1,197 462111 NB COLON GUARD 120 4 1,198 465511 HP PARTHENOGEL 30 2 1,199 465611 HP GINSAGEL 30 4 1,200 465711 HP ECHINAGEL 30 2 1,201 465811 HP VALEREGEL 30 2 1,202 465911 HP PALMETTOGEL 30 2 1,203 466111 HP FIN PICROLIV 90 4 1,204 466211 HP FIN 688 MG GOLDENSEAL 100 4 1,205 466311 HP FIN GUGULIPID 90 4 1,206 466411 HP FIN ASHWAGANDHA 90 4 1,207 466511 HP FIN BOSWELLIA 90 4 1,208 466711 HP FIN GYMNESYL 60 4 1,209 466811 HP FIN CITRIN 90 4 1,210 466911 HP FIN CENTELLIN 90 4 1,211 467011 HP FIN VITEX 100 4 1,212 467111 HP FIN FO-TI 100 4 1,213 467511 HP ST JOHNS WORT 30 2 1,214 467711 HP FIN EYEBRIGHT 100 4 1,215 467811 HP FIN CATS CLAW 100 4 1,216 468011 HP FIN ECHINA/GOLDENSEAL 100 4 1,217 468021 HP FING GOLDENSEAL/ECHINACA 200 4 1,218 468111 HP FIN NETTLE 100 4 1,219 468211 HP FIN CURCUMINOIDS 90 4 1,220 468311 HP HYDRASTAGEL 30 2 1,221 468411 HP THISTLEGEL 30 2 1,222 468511 NW ALFALFA LEAVE-10100 100 2 1,223 468711 HP GRAPE SEED EXTRACT 30 4 1,224 468811 HP KAVAGEL 30 2 1,225 485103 GNC CH LIQUID MULTI 2 2 1,226 485105 GNC LIQUID MULTI 5 2 1,227 485107 GNC LIQUID CHROMIUM PICOLINAT 2 4 1,228 485157 GNC LIQUID HAIR SKIN & NAILS 8 2 1,229 485195 GNC LIQ ALPHA LIPOIC 8 2 1,230 485197 NB FIRST AID JELLY 2 4 1,231 485198 NB ASPIRALOE RUB 4 4 1,232 485199 BN EUCALYPTUS RUB 4 4 1,233 490213 NW SAW PALMETTO BERRIES-16758 180 2 1,234 490215 ULTIMATE GARLIC-BLST901394 30 4 1,235 490216 ULTIMATE GARLIC-901393 60 4 1,236 490218 NW GINKGOLD 60MG 50'S-6725 50 2 1,237 490219 NW GINKGOLD 60MG 100'S-6735 100 4 1,238 492801 POP AMER GINSENG 4 2 1,239 492820 GG CHINA GNSNG R JEL B POL 10 10 4 1,240 492821 GG CHINA GNSNG R JEL B POL 30 30 4 20 RETAIL AGREEMENT: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 EXHIBIT C-1 SUGGESTED RECORD ITEM # DESCRIPTION SIZE ORDER - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,241 492823 GG GINSENG GUM 10 12 1,242 492824 GG KOREAN GINSENG TEA BAGS 20 20 2 1,243 492825 GG KOREAN GINSENG TEA BAGS 50 50 2 1,244 492826 GG GINSENG DRINK NO/ROOT 4 4 1,245 492827 GG GINSENG DRINK W/ROOT 4 4 1,246 492828 OPTIBOLIC ENERGUM 10 12 1,247 492836 POP KOREAN GINSENG EXT ROOT 8 2 1,248 492837 POP KOREAN GINSENG INST TEA 10 2 1,249 492840 POP KOREAN GINSENG EXTRACT 1 2 1,250 495988 SCH CHONDRIOTIN SULFATE 500MG 60 2 1,251 495989 SCH REGENEX CARDIO SUPPORT FO 60 2 1,252 495990 SCH REGENEX MULTI FORMULA 120 2 1,253 495992 SCH SAW PALMETTO 60 2 1,254 495993 SCH KNOCK OUT 50 2 1,255 495994 SCH GLUCOSAMINE COMPLEX 1000 60 2 1,256 495995 SCH SOY ISOFLAVOUES 60 2 1,257 495996 SCH ENADA NADH 2.5MG 30 2 1,258 495999 SCH REGENEX DIABETIC SUPPORT 60 2 1,259 496024 SCH B-CMPLX 50 SFT-10122 100 2 1,260 496030 SCH C 500 W/RS HPS-10306 100 2 1,261 496031 SCH C 1000 W/RS HP-10310 100 2 1,262 496047 SCH CHILD W/MIN-11406 90 4 1,263 496048 SCH CHILD LIQUID-11405 8 4 1,264 496051 SCH SINGLE DAY-11442 60 2 1,265 496053 SCH TR SINGLE DAY-11448 60 2 1,266 496056 SCH PMS SYSTEM-11460 1 4 1,267 496063 SCH CRANBERRY CONC-10705 90 2 1,268 496076 SCH GUIDE MULTI MIN-12424 90 2 1,269 496095 SCH CHELAT ZINC 50-11242 90 2 1,270 496112 SCH DRY E ALL 400-10405 100 2 1,271 496114 SCH D-ALPHA 400IU-10438 50 2 1,272 496125 SCH DOUBLE DAY TBS-11412 120 2 1,273 496126 SCH PRIME YEARS-11438 100 2 1,274 496128 SCH SINGLE DAY TB-11444 120 2 1,275 496128 SCH SNGL DAY TR TB-11450 120 2 1,276 496129 SCH VEGET MULTI-11458 120 2 1,277 496131 SCH MENOPAUSE SYS-11470 1 4 1,278 496133 SCH WHL FD BASE PK-11493 30 2 1,279 496177 SCH CHILDREN CHEW-11407 180 4 1,280 496195 SCH ULTRA LEAN-12707 60 2 1,281 496208 SCH SR B-CMPLX 100-10137 90 2 1,282 496212 SCH C1000/ROSE HIP-10311 250 2 1,283 496216 SCH DRY E 400 I.U.-10404 50 2 1,284 496220 SCH ED-ALPHA TOC-10439 100 2 1,285 496234 SCH LIQ CALC W/D-11208 90 2 1,286 496298 SCH MEGA HIGH II-11428 120 2 1,287 496317 SCH GINGKO BILOBA-10914 30 2 1,288 496319 SCH ECHINACEA HG-10916 30 2 1,289 496345 SCH WOMEN'S FAT BURNER (12740) 60 2 1,290 496360 SCH PHENCAL 120 (12783) 120 4 1,291 497065 SCH WOMEN'S SOY PROTEIN 16 4 1,292 497070 SCH GLUCARATE BREAST HLTH 60 6 1,293 497075 SCH PAIN FREE (10740) 60 4 1,294 497080 SCH ST JOHNS WORT 300MG 60 2 1,295 497081 SCH ST JOHNS WORT 600MG 60 2 1,296 498208 TL SUPER E COMPLEX SFTGL-297 100 2 1,297 498213 TL METABOLIFT CAPS-741 60 2 1,298 498214 TL OMEGA-3 FISH OIL SFTGL-341 100 2 1,299 498215 TL STRESS B COMPLEX-207 100 2 1,300 498218 TL MEGA L-CARNITINE TAB-54 60 4 1,301 498225 TL CAROTENE CAPS-140 100 2 1,302 498227 TL ANIMAL FRIENDS WAFER-496 100 2 21 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,303 498228 TL ALLERDOPHILUS CAPS-369 100 2 1,304 498230 TL METABOLIFT CAPS-742 120 2 1,305 498232 TL SUPER ENZYME CAPS-385 100 2 1,306 498235 TL B-6100MG CAPS-171 100 2 1,307 498245 TL FOLIC ACID CAPS 800MCG-187 100 2 1,308 498256 TL NO FLUCH NIACIN 50-223 50 2 1,309 498257 TL SUPER E SFTGL 1000IU-299 50 2 1,310 498258 TL SUPER C,E,& CAROTENE-930 50 2 1,311 498259 TL HAIR FACTOR TABLETS-899 100 2 1,312 498262 TL MAXI LIFE COQ10 FORM-917 120 2 1,313 498273 TL SUPER ACIDOPHILUS-360 30 2 1,314 498274 TL MEGA CAROTENE-144 60 2 1,315 498278 TL SUPER E COMPLEX 1000IU-300 100 2 1,316 498279 TL SUPER E COMPLEX 400IU-298 250 2 1,317 498288 TL B-6 CAPS 50MG-170 100 2 1,318 498309 TL B-12 DOTS-175 250 2 1,319 498310 TL ALLERGY A/D 10,000IU-125 100 2 1,320 498312 TL SUPER C,E,& CAROTENE-931 100 2 1,321 498337 TL ALLERGY A 10000IU CP-137 100 2 1,322 498354 TL SUPER ACIDOPHILUS-361 60 2 1,323 498415 TL E-200 CAPS DRY-289 50 2 1,324 498547 TL CREATINE FUEL CAPS-886 60 4 1,325 498548 TL CREATINE FUEL CAPS-887 120 4 1,326 498549 TL CREATINE FUEL PWDR 4-890 4 4 1,327 498601 TL CHOLINE COCKTAIL-706 15 4 1,328 498612 TL GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE-921 30 2 1,329 498614 TL JOINT FACTORS-919 60 2 1,330 498630 TL CREATINE PLUS VAN-260 15 4 1,331 498631 TL CREATINE PLUS CHOC-260 15 4 1,332 498640 TL CREATINE POWDER-476 17 4 1,333 498641 TL MEGA CREATINE-473 60 4 1,334 498642 TL MEGA CREATINE-474 120 4 1,335 498645 TL CREAT COCKTAIL ORANGE 580 28 4 1,336 498651 TL MAXLIFE BRAIN PROT-267 60 2 1,337 498652 TL MAXLIFE COLON PROT-271 60 2 1,338 498653 TL MAXLIFE PROSTATE PROT-279 60 2 1,339 498654 TL MAXLIFE JOINT PROT-273 60 2 1,340 498658 TL CHONDROITIN(CSA)CAPS 60 2 1,341 498659 TL MAXLIFE PREGNENOLONE 30 2 1,342 498661 BO GLUCOSAMINE & CHONDROITIN 60 2 1,343 498662 TL GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE 60 4 1,344 498663 TL GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE 90 2 1,345 498665 TL HMB FUEL PLUS 90 2 1,346 498670 TL GLUCO/CHONDROITIN FORM 41 30 2 1,347 498671 TL GLUCO/CHONDROITIN FORM 703 60 2 1,348 498672 TL GROWTH FUEL 90 2 1,349 498673 TL AMINO FUEL STACK 60 2 1,350 498675 TL MEGA GLUTAMINE FUEL 60 2 1,351 498676 TL MEGA GLUTAMINE FUEL 120 2 1,352 498678 TL CREAT FUEL CHEW ORN381 100 4 1,353 498679 TL CREAT FUEL CHEW FRT 380 100 4 1,354 498680 TL CREAT FUEL CHEW CH 379 100 4 1,355 498685 TL TRIBULUS FUEL 398 100 2 1,356 498687 TL HERBAL PHEN FUEL 632 90 2 1,357 498688 TL HERBAL PHEN FUEL 630 60 2 1,358 498689 TL HERBAL PHEN FUEL 629 30 2 1,359 498690 TL PYRUVATE FUEL 603 60 2 1,360 498710 TL CHOLINE COCKTAIL II + 59 15 2 1,361 498712 TL JOINT COCKTAIL 921 7 2 1,362 498712 TL JOINT FOOD 370 16 2 1,363 498714 TL MEGA SOY EPS 477 30 2 1,364 498716 TL TRIP WHEY FUEL CHOC 750 13 2 </Table> 22 GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER Retail Agreement: 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,365 498717 TL TRIP WHEY FUEL VAN 766 13 2 1,366 498718 TL TRIPLE WHEY FUEL UNFLA 13 2 1,367 498720 TL GLYCEROL FUEL 16 2 1,368 499001 TL MAXILIFE JOINT PROTECT 120 2 1,369 499002 TL MAXILIFE MEGA SOY COP 60 2 1,370 499003 TL MAXILIFE MENS PROTECTOR 60 2 1,371 499004 TL MAXILIFE MULTI-CARTENE 30 2 1,372 499005 TL PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE 30 2 1,373 499006 TL PHYTONUTRIENT COCKTAIL 6 2 1,374 499007 TL PHYTONUTRIENT PROTECTOR 60 2 1,375 499008 TL MAXILIFE PREGNENOLONE 60 2 1,376 499009 TL MAXILFIE RESUERATROL 30 2 1,377 499012 TL MAXILFIE SELENOMAY CAP 30 2 1,378 499013 TL MAXILIFE SELENOMAY CAP 60 2 1,379 499018 TL BILAYER C1000 W/CIT B 100 2 1,380 499020 TL C-1000 TABS 100 2 1,381 499028 TL MAXILIFE CARDIOCARE CO 30 2 1,382 499036 TL MAXILIFE HOMOCYSTEINE 100 2 1,383 499037 TL MAXILIFE JOINT FOOD LI 32 2 1,384 499055 TL GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE CP 30 2 1,385 499059 TL MAXILIFE ST JOHNS WART 60 2 1,386 499060 TL MAXILIFE SOY COCKTAIL 1 2 1,387 499061 TL MAXILIFE ST JOHNS WORT 30 2 1,388 499068 TL MAXILIFE PROSTATE PROT 30 2 1,389 499069 TL OCUGUARD PLUS CPS 120 2 1,390 499073 TL JOINT FACTOR CPS 120 2 1,391 499074 TL MAXILIFE MULTICAROTENE 60 2 1,392 522050 TL NO EPH METABOLIFT 661 60 12 1,393 522051 TL NO EPH METABOLIFT 662 120 12 1,394 523255 NAP MILK THISTLE LIQ 4 2 1,395 523256 NAP HERBAL PROSTA SURE LIQ 4 2 1,396 523257 NAP HERB RELAX KAVA KAVA LIQ 4 2 1,397 523258 NAP HERBAL ENRGY GINSNG LIQ 4 2 1,398 523259 NAP CRAN RELIEF CRANBRY LIQ 4 2 1,399 523260 NAP HERBAL DEFENSE ECHIN LIQ 4 2 1,400 523263 NAP HAWTHORNE LIQUID 1 2 1,401 523264 NAP VALERIAN ROOT LIQUID 1 2 1,402 523265 NAP BLACK COHOSH LIQUID 1 2 1,403 523266 NAP ST JOHNS WORT LIQUID 1 2 1,404 523267 NAP WILD YAM LIQUID 1 2 1,405 523268 NAP ASTRAGALUS 1 2 1,406 523270 INP LIQUID MSM 8OZ 2 1,407 523271 INP LIQ GLUCOSAMINE 80Z 8OZ 2 1,408 523273 NSI LIQUID B-12 2OZ 6 1,409 523274 NSI LIQUID B-COMPLEX 202 6 1,410 523275 NSI LIQ CO Q10 2 2 1,411 523276 NSI LIQ L-CARNITINE 2 2 1,412 523277 NSI LIQ CALCIUM 2 6 1,413 523278 NSI LIQ CHROMIUM 2 2 1,414 523279 NSI LIQ ALPHA LIPOIC ACID 2 2 1,415 523507 ON CARDIO NUTRITION 90 2 1,416 523508 ON BRAIN NUTRITION 90 2 1,417 523510 ON TUNA OIL 90 2 1,418 528661 PC-GLUCOSAMINE CHONDROITIN 60 2 1,419 532117 BODY PYRUVABURN DAYTIME 9024 60 2 1,420 532119 BODY PYRUVABURN PM 9025 60 2 1,421 532125 BODY THERMOPHEN 120 9039 120 2 1,422 532136 BODY LONGEVITY CEREBROGAIN 30 2 1,423 541811 GNC PREGNENOLONE 50 MG 60 2 1,424 543411 GNC MENS DHEA VP 30 6 1,425 543811 GNC TR DHEA 25MG 30 4 1,426 543821 GNC TR DHEA 25MG 90 6 </Table> 23 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,427 544159 NAT CITRIMAX + W/CHRMATE-130 90 2 1,428 544180 GNC DHEA 25MG 30 4 1,429 544181 GNC DHEA 25MG 90 6 1,430 544182 NAT KAVATROL 30 2 1,431 544183 NAT ACTIVIN 60 2 1,432 544185 NAT TONALIN 1000-CLA 60 2 1,433 547111 GNC IMMUNE 7-KETO 30 6 1,434 548600 MN BEE POLLEN & GINSENG 90 2 1,435 548605 MN SUP PURE ENRGY 60 2 1,436 548618 MN GRAPE SEED EXTRACT 60 2 1,437 548626 MN GINKGO BILOBA EXTRACT 60 2 1,438 576211 BN GINKGO BILOBA 60 4 1,439 585939 SN ELECTRA COLLOIDAL TRACE 32 2 1,440 585940 SN DIET-PHEN 45 6 1,441 585969 GNC MULTI COLLOIDAL MIN 32 8 1,442 613412 CN CYTOMAX TRP FRT 2 24 1,443 614127 CN CYTOMAX ORANGE 2 24 1,444 653331 METAFORM STRAWBERRY 20 (52048 20 4 1,445 653341 METAFORM HEAT CHOC/RAS 12 4 1,446 653351 WDR META HEAT CREAM 52208 12 4 1,447 653371 METAFORM VANILLA 57171 20 4 1,448 653375 METAFORM VANILLA 60 57173 60 4 1,449 653379 METAFORM VAN SINGLE 52410 72 4 1,450 653381 METAFORM CHOCOLATE 57181 20 4 1,451 653389 METAFORM CHOC SINGLE52411 72 4 1,452 653391 METAFORM STRAW 57190 20 4 1,453 653412 METAFORM METACUTS (52473) 120 4 1,454 653413 METAFORM PAIN FREE (52475) 60 4 1,455 653415 METAFORM NEURODRIVE (52477) 720 4 1,456 653416 METAFORM HYPERBERRY 52440 1248 4 1,457 653417 METAFORM HYPERGRAPE 52476 1200 4 1,458 653418 METAFORM MEGABOLIN (52471) 20 4 1,459 653419 METAFORM METACUTS (52472)60 60 4 1,460 653420 METAFORM CREATINE (52479) 400 4 1,461 653421 METAFORM CREAT 9500 52478 430 4 1,462 653422 METAFORM TRIBESTAN (52427) 60 4 1,463 653425 METAFORM METACUTS CHOC PWD 700 4 1,464 653426 METAFORM PAIN FREE 30'S 30 4 1,465 653427 METAFORM METADRENE CAPS 90 4 1,466 653428 METAFORM NEURODRIVE CAPS 120 4 1,467 653430 METAFORM CELLVOL ATS 2 4 1,468 653431 METAFORM METAPLEX CHOC 10 4 1,469 653433 METAFORM METAPLEX VAN 10 4 1,470 653435 METAFORM METAPLEX STRAW 10 4 1,471 653440 METAFORM METAPRO VAN 3 4 1,472 653441 METAFORM METAPRO CHOC 3 4 1,473 653660 PP PRO-PROTEIN-CHOCOLATE 43 24 1,474 653670 PP PRO-PROTEIN 43 24 1,475 653680 PP CTRN TRANS GRAPE 43 24 1,476 653690 PP CREATINE PLUS TRANS 1080 6 1,477 653693 PP CREATINE TRANSPORT-GRAPE 1080 6 1,478 653705 PP CREATINE TRANSPORT 43 24 1,479 653711 PP 1850 WT GN BANANA SPLIT 4 2 1,480 653945 WMS SOY SOLUTION 520 6 1,481 653950 CHAL SOY SOLUTION 16 8 1,482 653955 CHAL SOY SOLU CHOC 566 8 1,483 653965 CHAL SOY NO ASP VANILLA 555 4 1,484 654020 CHAL CREATINE FRUIT PUNCH 640 12 1,485 654025 CHAL-CREATINE-LEMONADE 495 12 1,486 654031 PP-TRANS NEURO 390 390 2 1,487 654041 CHAL-TRANS NEURO 455 2 1,488 654045 PP-TRANSNEURO-LEMONLIME 13 24 </Table> 24 GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER Retail Agreement: 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,489 654055 WNS CREATINE 200GM 200 2 1,490 654060 CHAL CREATINE POWDER 150 150 6 1,491 654065 CHAL CREATINE POWDER 300 300 6 1,492 658100 PRO-TRIPLE WHEY-CHOCOLATE 425 2 1,493 658110 PRO-TRIPLE WHEY-VANILLA 425 2 1,494 658211 PP 2200 GOLD CHOC 6 2 1,495 658221 PP 2200 CHOC TRIAL 1 12 1,496 658511 PP 2200 GOLD VAN 6 2 1,497 658522 PP 2200 CREAM TRAIL 1 12 1,498 658549 PP 2200 TR BLK CHERRY 1 12 1,499 658705 PP WHEY CONCENTRATE CHOC 470 2 1,500 658710 PP WHEY CONCENTRATE VANILLA 460 2 1,501 658715 PP WHEY PROTEIN-ORIGINAL 24 2 1,502 658735 PP WHEY MANDARIN ORANGE 24 2 1,503 658737 PP WHEY NO ASP MANDARIN 903 2 1,504 659311 PP 1850 VANILLA 4 2 1,505 659319 PP 1850 TRIAL VANILLA 1 12 1,506 659321 PP 1850 VANILLA 8 2 1,507 659411 PP 1850 CHOCOLATE 4 2 1,508 659419 PP 1850 TRIAL CHOCOLATE 1 12 1,509 659421 PP 1850 CHOCOLATE 8 2 1,510 659430 PP 1850 CHOC CHOC CHIP 4 2 1,511 659521 PP 1850 WILD BERRY 8 2 1,512 659722 PP 1850 STRW/BANANA 4 2 1,513 659742 PP 1850 CHOC/CHOC CHIP 8 2 1,514 674411 PP DHEA 30 2 1,515 675611 PP VANADYL PLUS 180 2 1,516 677211 PP BCAA SOFT GEL 120 6 1,517 677221 PP BCAA 250 4 1,518 677711 PRO-CREATINE POWDER 4 12 1,519 677722 PP CREATINE-8.8 9 10 1,520 677732 PP CREATINE-454 454 6 1,521 677745 PP CREATINE POWDER 1KG 1000 12 1,522 677751 PP CREATINE PLUS 200 200 6 1,523 677755 PP CREATINE PLUS 350 350 6 1,524 677811 PP CREATINE 120 6 1,525 677911 PP WATER BALANCE 100 2 1,526 679111 PP CUTTING ADVANTAGE 120 2 1,527 697256 YUMMI BEARS 50MG/60CT 60 2 1,528 697257 YUMMI BEARS-MULTIVITAMIN 60 2 1,529 697258 OL HEALTHY BEARS 9 2 1,530 700511 PN COQ10 FORMULA 60 4 1,531 700911 PN ULTRA LIVER 60 2 1,532 701011 PN IMMUNO GAIN W/7-KETO 90 2 1,533 702111 PN SG CO110 120 MG 30 2 1,534 702211 PN NEURO SUPPORT 60 2 1,535 702411 PN HOMOCYSTEND 90 2 1,536 704711 NW BARLEY GRASS-10250 100 2 1,537 704811 NW BUTCHERS BROOM-11250 100 2 1,538 705211 GNC CCU W/GLUC,D & SOY 30 4 1,539 705711 NW GINGER ROOT-13100 100 2 1,540 706917 NW ECHINACEA/ESTER C-417 100 2 1,541 706922 NW ECHINAGUARD-3530 3 2 1,542 706923 NW ECHINAGUARD-3520 2 2 1,543 706925 NW-ST JOHN'S WORT 100 2 1,544 706929 NW-NOURMINS 60'S 60 2 1,545 706943 NW-ST JOHN'S WORT 63000 90 2 1,546 706945 NW PROSTACTIVE SAW PALMET 30 2 1,547 706946 NW BILBERRY STANDARDIZED 90 2 1,548 706947 NW GINKO BILOBA STDIZED 60 2 1,549 706949 NW PYGEUM STDIZED 60 2 1,550 706950 NW VALERIAN STDIZED 90 2 </Table> 25 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 Suggested Record Item# Description Size Order - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,551 706951 NW KAVA STDIZED 60 2 1,552 706952 NW MILK THISTLE STDIZED 60 2 1,553 706953 NW SAW PALMETTO STDIZED 60 2 1,554 706954 NW ST JOHN'S WORT EXTRACT 2 2 1,555 706955 NW KAVA KAVA EXTRACT 2 2 1,556 706956 NW CRANBERRY STDIZED 100 2 1,557 706957 NW ECHINACEA STDIZED 60 2 1,558 709223 SFI WHITE LIGHTNING FRT PUNCH 22 24 1,559 709234 SFI AVALANCHE LEMONLIME 22 24 1,560 709235 SFI AVALANCHE FRUIT PUNCH 22 24 1,561 709236 SFI WHITE LIGHTNING GRAPE 22 24 1,562 709238 SFI WHITE LIGHT BAR STRAW 3 24 1,563 709239 SFI WHITE LIGHT BAR PNT 3 24 1,564 709240 SFI WHITE LIGHT BAR CHOC 3 24 1,565 709511 NB WINE&GREEN TEA POLYPHEN 60 4 1,566 709611 NB GENISTEIN PLUS 60 8 1,567 709711 NB INDIAN CELERY SEED EXT 60 4 1,568 709911 NB GRAPE SEED 60 4 1,569 710011 LL GINKGO 1000 60 2 1,570 710111 NB CURCUMINOIDS 90 4 1,571 710711 NB CAROT COMPLEX 90 4 1,572 710811 NB-ISOFLAVUNES 90 8 1,573 711811 NB POLYPHENOLS 90 4 1,574 711911 NB-LYCOPENE-NEW 90 4 1,575 712011 NB LUTEIN-NEW 90 4 1,576 712111 PN FOUNDATION ANTIOXIDANT 30 2 1,577 712211 PN CHONDROITIN ZYME 100 2 1,578 712511 PN MALIC ACID FORMULA 120 2 1,579 712611 NB LYCOPENE PLUS 30 4 1,580 713711 PN OSTEO SURE 120 4 1,581 714011 PN JOINT SUPPORT 120 4 1,582 714611 LL POWER TIME 60 2 1,583 714710 LL MEGA SUPER CHARGE REF 45 2 1,584 714910 GFC GREEN MAGMA 3 2 1,585 714911 GFC GREEN MAGMA 5.3 5 2 1,586 714913 GFC GREEN MAGMA PLUS 5 2 1,587 714914 GF VEGGIE MAGMA 5 2 1,588 715006 NMAX SUPER DIET MAX 60 2 1,589 715007 NMAX SUPER DIET MAX 90 2 1,590 715009 NMAX SUPER DIET MAX 180 2 1,591 715072 NMAX GINSAMAX 30 30 2 1,592 715090 NMAX SUPER DIET MAX FOR MEN 90 2 1,593 715201 NMAX DIET MAX CHITOSAN 250MG 240 2 1,594 715210 NMAX-THIN-THIN 30 2 1,595 715411 PN CHOL-X 60 2 1,596 716411 PN GLUC-CHON COMPLEX 120 4 1,597 716811 PN COQ10 COCKTAIL 15 2 1,598 717111 GNC CALCIUM CITRATE MALATE PL 120 8 1,599 717121 GNC CCM PLUS 240 8 1,600 718911 PN SG COQ10 30MG 60 6 1,601 718921 PN SG COQ10 30MG 120 4 1,602 719511 PN CARTILAGE FORMULA 120 2 1,603 719611 PN GINKGO BILOBA FORMULA 30 2 1,604 719811 PN GLUCOSAMINE FORMULA 60 6 1,605 720611 PN MULTI-OIL FORMULA 120 2 1,606 720711 PN PROANTHOCYANIDIN 30 MG 60 2 1,607 721001 PN WOMEN'S MULTIPLE 60 4 1,608 721011 PN WOMEN'S MULTIPLE 120 2 1,609 721111 PN BALANCED-B 120 2 1,610 721411 PN MENS MULTIPLE 60 4 1,611 721421 PN MENS MULTIPLE 120 2 1,612 724011 PN PYCNOGENOL 60 6 26 Retail Agreement: GNC-Rite Aid Opening Order 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,613 724021 PN PYCNOGENOL 50MG 30'S 30 4 1,614 724311 PN COQ10 10MG 90 4 1,615 725611 PN COLON CARE 120 4 1,616 725911 PN BAL. AMINO ACIDS 60 2 1,617 726111 PP PRO CHROME 100 2 1,618 726121 PP PRO CHROME 200 2 1,619 726311 PN E COMPLEX 60 2 1,620 726411 PP STEROL COMPLETE REFORM 90 2 1,621 726701 PN CELL PROT TABS 60 2 1,622 726711 PN CELL PROT TABS 120 4 1,623 727711 PN BETA CAROTENE COMPLEX 120 2 1,624 727911 PN ENH. GARLIC 120 2 1,625 728011 PN MULTI ENZYME FORMULA 120 2 1,626 728111 PP PRO CHROME II 30 2 1,627 728121 PP PRO CHROME II 60 2 1,628 729821 PN C3ELL PROT SOFTGEL 90 2 1,629 730311 PN BONE FORMULA CAP 120 2 1,630 730811 PN OCULAR FORMULA 60 4 1,631 730911 PN ENH. CRANBERRY 60 2 1,632 731011 PN PRIOBIOTIC FORMULA 60 2 1,633 731411 PN PROANTHOCYANIDIN 50 MG 60 6 1,634 731711 PN COQ10 100MG 30 6 1,635 732011 PN COQ10 30MG 60 6 1,636 732111 PN COQ10 50MG 60 6 1,637 732611 PN SG COQ10100MG 30 6 1,638 732811 PN CLEANSING CAPS 120 6 1,639 732821 PN CLEANSING FORMULA 240 4 1,640 733211 PN SG COQ1050MG 60 6 1,641 733218 HP COQ10 50MG 60 2 1,642 733901 PN CELL PROT CAPS 60 2 1,643 733911 PN CELL PROT CAPS 120 4 1,644 737411 PN RESISTANCE 120 2 1,645 737611 PN 100MG PROANTHOCYANIDIN 30 2 1,646 737811 PN FLAVONOID FORMULA 30 2 1,647 738311 PN C-COMPLEX REFORMULATED 120 2 1,648 738811 TL MEGA L-CARNITINE TAB 500-5 30 4 1,649 743211 PP L-GLUTAMINE 90 4 1,650 743612 PP REF CUTTING ADV CHOCOLATE 2 2 1,651 743712 PP REF CUTTING ADV VANILLA 2 2 1,652 746931 PP ADV PROT PWDR CHOC 16 2 1,653 747011 PP ARGENTINE RAW LIVER 100 4 1,654 747021 PP ARGENTINE RAW LIVER 250 2 1,655 747131 PP ADV PROT PWD VANILLA 16 2 1,656 747141 PP ADV PROT BANANA 1 2 1,657 747611 PP X-S CO Q 10 70 4 1,658 747811 PP VANADYL SULFATE 150 2 1,659 749811 PN ALPHA LIPOIC ACID FORMULA 60 2 1,660 750311 PP L-ARGININE 60 2 1,661 750411 PP L-ORNITHINE 60 2 1,662 750511 PP GLUCOSAMINE 60 2 1,663 750711 PP CHEW CREAT LLIME 40 6 1,664 750911 PP CHEW CREAT ORANGE 40 6 1,665 752511 PP AMINO 1000 60 6 1,666 752521 PP AMINO 1000 120 6 1,667 752611 PP AMINO GOLD 1000 60 4 1,668 752811 PP HMB 120 6 1,669 753611 PN RESERVATROL 120MG 60 2 1,670 753911 PP SPECIAL FORCES 60 2 1,671 756311 PP GLTMN AKG CREATINE 120 2 1,672 756511 PP CLA CREATINE 90 2 1,673 759811 PP TP 3 ANTIOXIDANT 50 2 1,674 760011 PP EPA-DHA 500MG 60 2 </Table> 27 Retail Agreement: GNC-Rite Aid Opening Order 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,675 760411 PP L-CARNITINE 500MG 60 2 1,676 760611 PP L-ARGININE & L-ORNITHINE 60 2 1,677 760811 PP TP-1 D-RIBOSE 30 2 1,678 760911 PP SH TRIBULUS 625 50 6 1,679 761011 PP SH METAFLEX 50 2 1,680 761111 PP WS PROTEIN SUPPORT 454 2 1,681 761115 CH VITAMOO 570 2 1,682 761211 PP SH TR CIWUJA 50 2 1,683 761311 PP TP2 XPHEDRA W/CLA 60 2 1,684 761411 PP TP3 JOINT ANTINFLAM 60 2 1,685 761711 PP TYROSINE 1GM 60 2 1,686 761911 PP PRO FRUIT PUNCH 900 6 1,687 762011 PP TYROSINE SYNEPHRINE 60 2 1,688 762111 PP-KETO-THERM 30 6 1,689 762212 PRO PERF 60-40 VANILLA 504 4 1,690 762311 PP TP1 INCREASED ENERGY 210 4 1,691 762315 WINS SOY ISOFLAV SOURCE 16 6 1,692 762512 PRO PERF-40-30-30 VANILLA 504 4 1,693 762515 PRO PERF 40-30-30 CHOCOLATE 504 4 1,694 762812 PRO PERF 50-30-15-VANILLA 504 2 1,695 762815 PRO PERF 55-30-15 CHOCOLATE 504 2 1,696 762912 PRO PERF 70-20-10 VANILLA 504 2 1,697 762920 OPT-MEAL REPLACEMENT-VANILLA 504 2 1,698 762925 OPT-MEAL REPLACEMENT-CHOCOLATE 504 2 1,699 763111 PP NAC 600MG 30 2 1,700 763211 PP AMINOGEN 90 2 1,701 763311 PP TRIBULIVER PROTECT 45 6 1,702 763511 PP-GLUTAMINE PETTIDE 60 2 1,703 763911 PP-CHRYSIN 60 4 1,704 764411 PP VANADYL-PYRUVATE 120 2 1,705 765211 PP GLYCOGEN ADVANTAGE 60 2 1,706 765411 PP PRO-RIPPED PLUS 60 2 1,707 765811 PP HMB-240 240 2 1,708 765911 PP PHOSPHATIDYLSORING 30 2 1,709 766311 PP TP-2 EXERCISE ENERGY-DCA 60 2 1,710 767111 PP GLUTAMINE POWDER 454 2 1,711 767311 PP SOLUTINE 16 2 1,712 767511 PP-SH-X-PHEDRA 60 2 1,713 773102 TL NO EPH DIET FUEL 647 120 6 1,714 773103 TL NO EPH DIET FUEL 648 180 6 1,715 773112 TL DIET FUEL 60-322 60 24 1,716 773113 TL DIET FUEL 120-323 120 24 1,717 773114 TL ADV DIET FUEL CHOC-105 2 2 1,718 773115 TL ADV DIET FUEL-VAN-107 2 2 1,719 773116 TL DIET FUEL CAPS-114 180 12 1,720 775221 TL OPTIFUEL 2 VANILLA-848 3 2 1,721 775231 TL OPTIFUEL 2 CHOCOLATE-845 3 2 1,722 776600 AMF GLUCO/CHONDROITIN 60 2 1,723 777821 AMF ESTROVEN 30 5 1,724 777822 AMF BLACK COHOSH 60 2 1,725 777826 AMF SOY MAX 60 2 1,726 777827 AMF GINKO PLUS 60 2 1,727 777828 AMF 12 GINSENGS 90 2 1,728 777846 AMG GLUCO/CHOND ORANGE DR 216 2 1,729 786514 HPF LLC HERBAL PF 60 6 1,730 786516 HPF LLC HERBAL PF STAGE 2 60 6 1,731 766531 HPF SENERGY 120 2 1,732 792311 TL VEGE FUEL-840 1 2 1,733 811640 TL WHEY FUEL VANILLA 10 2 1,734 816321 AH ROYAL BRITANY EPO 100 2 1,735 816322 AH ROYAL BRITANY 200 2 1,736 820012 BO ORG ECHINAGOLD 2 2 28 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,737 821011 CH AMINO 2000 180 2 1,738 821411 CA AMINO 1875 120 2 1,739 821711 CHAL PYRUVATE 500MG 90 2 1,740 821911 CHAL ANABOLISM 60 2 1,741 822011 CHAL CHROMIUM PIC 500 2 1,742 822111 CHAL VANADYL SULFATE 500 2 1,743 822211 CHAL CREATINE 500 6 1,744 822311 CHAL CREATINE CHEWABLE 100 6 1,745 823111 CHAL-CLA-500MG 120 2 1,746 823511 CHAL GLUTAMINE 90 2 1,747 874701 TL GLUTAMINE FUEL-415 60 2 1,748 874702 TL GLUTAMINE PWDR-414 4 2 1,749 874703 TL SUPER VANADYL FUEL-419 60 2 1,750 874811 TL AMINO FUEL 1500-554 50 2 1,751 875112 TL LIQUID C 8 6 1,752 875113 TL LIQUID B COMP. 4 6 1,753 875411 TL AMINO FUEL 2000 TABS-755 100 2 1,754 875421 TL AMINO FUEL 2000 TABS-756 150 2 1,755 875511 TL AMINO FUEL LIQUID CONC-745 16 2 1,756 875521 TL AMINO FUEL LIQUID CONC-746 32 2 1,757 875611 TL AMINO FUEL CHEW WAFER-744 50 2 1,758 876411 TL AMINO FUEL TABS-751 60 2 1,759 876421 TL AMINO FUEL TABS-752 150 2 1,760 876431 TL AMINO FUEL TABS-753 250 2 1,761 876511 TL AMINO FUEL POWDER-747 2 2 1,762 881632 TL YOHIMBE FUEL-282 100 2 1,763 881633 TL JOINT FUEL 284 60 4 1,764 881634 TL JOINT FUEL 285 120 2 1,765 881641 TL WHEY FUEL CHOC 534 10 2 1,766 881711 TL GAINERS FUEL 2500 CHOC-806 9 2 1,767 881721 TL GAINERS FUEL 2500 VAN-809 9 2 1,768 881731 TL GNRS FUEL 2500 STRAW-807 9 2 1,769 881912 TL RIP FUEL CHOC-550 1 2 1,770 881913 TL RIP FUEL PUNCH-552 1 2 1,771 881991 TL RIPPED FUEL 664 60 12 1,772 881992 TL RIPPED FUEL 665 120 12 1,773 881993 TL RIPPED FUEL 668 200 12 1,774 883152 TL RX FUEL VAN 10 PACK-154 27 2 1,775 883851 TL RX FUEL CHOC 10 PACK 153 28 2 1,776 884561 PP PYRUVATE 750MG 60 4 1,777 884562 PP PYRUVATE 750MG 120 4 1,778 885183 BO KAVA KAVA LIQUID 1 2 1,779 885211 TL MASS FUEL VAN-321 4 2 1,780 885212 TL MASS FUEL CHOC-320 4 2 1,781 886411 NN NOW PRO BIOTICS 60 4 1,782 886413 NN-RHINO ACIDOPHILUS 60 2 1,783 886414 NN-RHINO CALCIUM 60 2 1,784 886415 NN-RHINO ECHINACEA 60 2 1,785 886416 NN-RHINO VITES 90 2 1,786 886635 BIO REM COLIC-BR635 1 2 1,787 886636 BIO REM EARACHE-BR636 1 2 1,788 886637 BIO REM TEETHING-BR637 1 2 1,789 886661 BIO REM CHIL COUGH SYR-BR661 4 2 1,790 886670 GNC SILVER 2 2 1,791 886671 GNC SILVER 4 2 1,792 886672 GNC TRACE MINERALS 2 2 1,793 886673 GNC TRACE MINERALS 4 2 1,794 886675 GNC CHROMIUM/VANADIUM 4 2 1,795 887911 GNC NO CHOL FISH BODY OILS 90 6 1,796 887931 GNC NO CHOL FISH BODY OILS 180 6 1,797 888831 BO GINERGY 30 2 1,798 891211 BO SUP GUARANA-1000 MG 30 2 29 Retail Agreement: GNC-RITE AID OPENING ORDER 12/8/98 Exhibit C-1 <Table> <Caption> Suggested Record Item # Description Size Order - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,799 891215 BO ECHINACEA 1 2 1,800 891221 BO SUP GUARANA-1000MG 90 2 1,801 891225 BO SHARK CART ENTERIC COATE 100 2 1,802 917521 ER SPIRULINA 100 4 1,803 919021 PLAB VITALER 100 CT 100 2 1,804 932311 GNC ALIVE PROG 60 6 1,805 932511 OPT SYSTEM LF 14 8 1,806 932611 OPT PYRU-PHEN VP 14 6 1,807 932811 PP TP BODY BUILDING KIT 1 2 1,808 951611 TL MEGA COQ10 CAPS-590 50 2 1,809 951621 TL MEGA COQ10 CAPS-591 100 2 1,810 960211 GNN MAX POTENTIAL 30 2 1,811 961711 GNC CAL/MAG/ZINC 180 8 1,812 962611 CHAL FREEFORM AMINO ACID REFR 100 2 1,813 962621 CHAL FREEFORM AMINO ACID REFM 150 2 1,814 963852 HIGH SPIRITS 60 2 1,815 963874 GNN SHARP EDGE 120 2 1,816 966406 MLO GENISOY VANILLA SHAKE 25 2 1,817 966407 MLO GENISOY CHOCOLATE SHAKE 25 2 1,818 966413 MLO GENISOY NATURAL PROTEIN 18 2 1,819 975611 GNC GTF CHROM 200MCG YSTFREE 60 4 1,820 999598 MEN'S BIOTIN HAIR GEL 4 2 1,821 999623 GNC MEN'S BIOTIN SHAMPOO 12 2 1,822 999624 GNC MEN'S BIOTIN CONDITIONER 12 2 1,823 999718 GNC TEEN SKIN ACNE MASK 4 2 1,824 999719 MEN'S POLYSORBATE 80 12 2 1,825 999835 GNC TEEN SKIN KIT 1 2 1,826 999836 GNC TEEN SKIN TONER 4 2 1,827 999837 GNC TEEN SKIN CLEANSER 2 2 1,828 999838 GNC TEEN SKIN DAY LOTION 2 2 30 RETAIL AGREEMENT EXHIBIT D LIST OF CERTAIN RITE AID PLAN-O-GRAM PRODUCTS An Agreement Exhibit D RA Planogram UPC Stockcode Long Description - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7660036320 301749 A.H. EPO 500 MG SGC 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7663003632 301749 A.H. EPO 500 MG SGC 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7660501040 301745 A.H. PAPAYA ENZYME 250 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7660502047 301747 A.H. PAPAYA ENZYME SUPER 180CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7660502030 301746 A.H. PAPAYA ENZYME SUPER 90 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7631430080 4732647 AC EMERGENC JETLAG 18CT 3008 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7631430081 4732646 AC EMERGENC LEM/LIM 36CT 3008 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 73924920838 316004 ADV RL ENERGIA BAR CARMEL - ------------------------------------------------------------ 73924920835 315975 ADV RL ENERGIA BAR CHOC - ------------------------------------------------------------ 73924920846 315976 ADV RL ENERGIA BAR RASPBERRY - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7663003230 4728745 AH 30 EVE PRIM OIL 1300MG 325 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7663001544 4732629 AH ACIDOPHILUS 100 CAPS 0154 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7663011101 4732627 AH NAT VITC CHW500MG 50WF 1110 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7663050103 4732624 AH ORIG PAPYA ENZ CHW100TB5010 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30245045060 322104 ALTERRA 60 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 9296100815 300201 AMINO HBV 1250 TABLETS 120S - ------------------------------------------------------------ 73924921038 398702 ARTHRED-G 119 GRM - ------------------------------------------------------------ 1650008509 31006 BUGS BUNNY VIT W/C 60S - ------------------------------------------------------------ 1650007630 33531 BUGS BUNNY W/MIN 60S - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30178025101 4712093 CALCET W/D 100 TABS - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005550924 322107 CALTRATE 600 + D 120 CT TB - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005550919 33635 CALTRATE 600 +D 60S - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005551019 33615 CALTRATE 600 TABS 60S - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005555619 300209 CALTRATE PLUS CALCIUM TABS 60S - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005556719 314304 CALTRATE PLUS CHEW FRUIT 60S - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005423936 322108 CENTRUM 180 CT TABLETS - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005422219 3004467 CENTRUM KIDS + CALCIUM - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005423419 30997 CENTRUM KIDS COMPLETE TAB 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005424919 34936 CENTRUM KIDS EXTRA C 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005434361 33608 CENTRUM LIQUID 8OZ - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005417723 30936 CENTRUM SILVER 100S - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005417719 33609 CENTRUM SILVER 60S - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005423919 34272 CENTRUM TAB 60S IIM - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30005423930 33604 CENTRUM VIT TAB 100+30 II - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30178081512 322125 CITRACAL + D ECONOMY 120 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30178080001 30272 CITRACAL CALCIUM 100 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30178081560 30173 CITRACAL CAPLET W/D 60S - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30178080020 322124 CITRACAL ECONOMY SIZE200 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073453005 322093 CS BLEND GINKGO SHARP 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073453003 322094 CS BLEND GINSENG ENERGY 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073453009 322095 CS BLEND HEART HEALTH 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073453010 322096 CS BLEND MOOD MANDER 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073452102 322097 CS BLEND PROSTATE HEALTH 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073453004 322098 CS BLEND SLEEPYTIME EXTRA 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073453000 322099 CS BLEND TENSION TAMER 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073453006 322100 CS BLEND TOTAL ANTIOXIDNT 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073453001 322092 CS BLND ECHINC COLD SEASN 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073450550 322085 CS SINGEL SUP ECHINACEA 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073410460 322084 CS SINGLE SUP CRANBERRY 30 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073411370 322086 CS SINGLE SUP GARLIC 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073453008 322087 CS SNGL SUP GINKGO BILOBA 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073453007 322088 CS SNGL SUP GREEN TEA EXT 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073450950 322089 CS SNGL SUP PANAX GINSENG 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073451550 322090 CS SNGL SUP SAW PALMETTO 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7073451650 322091 CS SNGL SUP ST. JOHN WORT 30 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7256005827 9672 DAILY C TABLETS 250 MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7498001100 33725 DAILY VITAMN PAK FOR MN - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7498001150 33718 DAILY VITAMN PK FOR WMN - ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 1 Exhibit D RA Planogram UPC Stockcode Long Description - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1733930010 322072 DR. ULENE MEN FORMULA 30CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1733931000 322070 DR. ULENE NUTRITION BOOST 90CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1733930000 322071 DR. ULENE WOMEN FORMULA 30CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 65584412159 322117 EFALEX 60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 65584405317 322118 EFALEX LIQUID 5 OZ - ----------------------------------------------------------- 9296100813 300204 ENERGY BURST TABS 50'S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 71018712530 398742 EVOLVE-ADVCD CRDIOVSCLR DIET30 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 7256005828 4712071 F&F DAILY-C ROLL 14S 4PK 5828 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 34969294113 33544 FEOSOL SPANSULES CAP 30S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 34969294220 33545 FEOSOL TABLETS 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 30024101510 33547 FERGON IRON TAB 5GR 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 30005526768 3002006 FERRO-SEQUELS TABLETS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1244166006 315925 FIELD OF NATURE MELATN 3MG 60C - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650008806 33536 FLINTSTONE COMPLETE 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650007818 31109 FLINTSTONE VIT REG 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650007909 33526 FLINTSTONE VIT W/IRON 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650008619 33527 FLINTSTONE W/VIT C 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650007706 31124 FLINTSTONES PLUS CALCIUM 60'S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 79650252305 322149 GAN CREATINE PWDR 200 GRAM - ----------------------------------------------------------- 7434551948 301721 GAN HIGH ENERGY 60 TAB'S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 4704630000 30163 GARLIQUE TAB 30S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35310011266 32909 GERITOL COMPLETE TABS 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35310011131 33610 GERITOL LIQUID 12 OZ - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35310011232 33601 GERITOL TABLETS 40S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 71826163130 398630 GINKAI TABS 50MG 30CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 2354254061 322127 GINKGO-GO15 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 31192637030 316142 GINKOGIN 30 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 79319004020 314564 GINSANA CHEWY SQUARES 12CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 79319001001 36991 GINSANA SOFT GELS 30S II - ----------------------------------------------------------- 79319001002 34729 GINSANA SOFT GELS 60S II - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35987971906 322114 GLUCSMN 250/CHOND 200 REG 60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35987960906 322116 GLUCSMN 500/CHOND 400 DS 60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35987960912 322115 GLUCSMN 500/CHOND 400 DS120CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 4704645060 321970 HARMONEX 60 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3504600864 322121 HI ENER-G EXT REL 500 MG20CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 9160311000 4703116 HIGHGAR FARMS GARLIC60CPT 1100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33239150033 4730869 HOME NUTRITION UNDO 120T 55003 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497322021 516940 HYL CLEARAC ACNE 50 TB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497329552 300525 HYLAND ARTHRITIS PAIN 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497329532 300532 HYLAND BLADDER INFECTN 100C MZ - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497329542 300522 HYLAND BRONCHIAL CGH 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497311212 300519 HYLAND CALMS FORTE 100CT MZ - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497391272 313260 HYLAND CLD SOR&FEV BLST 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497391042 300537 HYLAND COUGH 100CT MZ - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497329522 300524 HYLAND FLU 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497329512 300530 HYLAND GAS RELIEF 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497391382 300529 HYLAND HAY FEVER 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497329502 300526 HYLAND HEADACHE 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497391302 313262 HYLAND HEMORRHOID 100CT MZ - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497391462 300535 HYLAND HIVES 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497329582 313261 HYLAND INDIGESTION RLF 100C - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497391232 300536 HYLAND INSOMNIA 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497329562 300527 HYLAND LEG CRAMPS 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497391492 300528 HYLAND LOW BACK PAIN 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497391132 300538 HYLAND MENOPAUSE 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497329612 300533 HYLAND MENSTRUAL CRAMPS100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497329572 300531 HYLAND PMS 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35497329592 300523 HYLAND SINUS 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 Exhibit D RA Planogram UPC Stockcode Long Description - ------------------------------------------------------------ 35497391202 312259 HYLAND SORE THROAT TAB 100C - ------------------------------------------------------------ 35497329622 300534 HYLAND VAGINITIS 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 35497311211 398559 HYLAND'S CALM FORTE 50CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 73192804006 4732098 ICAPS PLUS MULTI 60TAB 400 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3192804008 4728039 ICAPS TIME RELEASE 60TAB 80400 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7434550045 4734429 JW AMINO ACID 6000 TAB100 5004 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 8098701054 4734655 LEBEAU GINGKO-1000 60 CAP 1054 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 8098701014 4734658 LEBEAU POWER TIME 60 CAPS 1014 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 8098701021 4734653 LEBEAU SUPER CHARGE 45CAP 1021 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7747124495 322194 LIQUID LIFE MINERAL SUPP 16OZ - ------------------------------------------------------------ 1071213100 4704049 MARLYN 4 HAIR 120 SOFTGELS 131 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 9097710060 4723188 MEGA STIM&TRIM 90 CAPS 1006 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 9097710005 4699225 MEGA ULTRA HIT 90 CAPS - ------------------------------------------------------------ 4704640000 301096 MELATONEX 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 2165900034 4713606 MELATONIN SOLUTION 20Z 00034 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 8656000012 4728551 MET-RX NUTRITION 12PK DNK 0057 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3096307170 398681 MLO HDBDY ENRGY BAR YOGPIN2.5Z - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3096307040 4730862 MLO HDBODY BAR ALM/HONEY 704 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3096307050 4730861 MLO HDBODY BAR PBUTTER 705 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 30396302004 398601 MLO MILK EGG PROTEIN 16OZ - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3096302003 398600 MLO SUPER HI PROTEIN 16OZ - ------------------------------------------------------------ 1764210574 4732645 MONT PURE ENERGY 90'S 10574 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 1764210585 301764 MONT PURE ENERGY SUPR 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 1764210411 322143 MONTANA PURE ENERGY 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 1764210431 322142 MONTANA PURE ENERGY GINKGO 30T - ------------------------------------------------------------ 79319014003 322112 MOVANA ST. JOHN'S WORT 36CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 79319014004 322113 MOVANA ST. JOHN'S WORT 72CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 1071210100 4733822 MRLYN FRM 50 HAIR/NAIL 100 CAP - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401671 3002158 N.M. ANTIOXIDANT FORMULA - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401637 3002154 N.M. BALANCED B-10 T/R - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401639 3002155 N.M. BALANCED B-150 T/R - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401635 3002153 N.M. BALANCED B-50 T/R - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401491 300622 N.M. BUFFERED VIT C 1000 MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160411438 3002146 N.M. CENTURY VITE 130 TABS - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401495 3002149 N.M. CHEW. VITAMIN C 250MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401496 3002150 N.M. CHEWABLE VITAMIN C 500MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401678 3002160 N.M. CHROMIUM PICOLINATE - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401325 3002139 N.M. COD LIVER OIL - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401387 3002141 N.M. GARLIC OIL MZ - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401346 300613 N.M. GARLIC/ HP 1500 MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401426 300606 N.M. IRON 65MG/FERROUS SULF - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401207 300611 N.M. KELP LECITHIN & B-6 100 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401205 3002128 N.M. LECITHIN 19 GR - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401681 3002161 N.M. L-LYSINE 500 MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401269 3002130 N.M. MAGNESIUM (OXIDE) 250MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401410 3002142 N.M. MEGA 2/000 MULTI 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401322 3002138 N.M. NIACIN 100MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401869 300567 N.M. PROEPA FISH OIL 1000MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401628 300615 N.M. VIT B-6 200 MG TR TABS - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401284 300568 N.M. VIT B-6 50MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401263 300621 N.M. VIT C 1500 MG W/RH TABS - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401484 300618 N.M.VIT C 500 MG T.R. - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401260 300620 N.M. VIT C 500 MG W/RH TABS - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401235 300573 N.M. VIT E 1000 IU (D-ALPHA) - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401217 300571 N.M. VIT E 200 IU (D-ALPHA) - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401630 3002152 N.M. VIT. B-12 1/000 MCG T/R - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401486 3002148 N.M. VITAMIN C 500MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401280 3002132 N.M. ZINC 60MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 3 Exhibit D RA Planogram UPC Stockcode Long Description - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160401419 3002143 N.M.DAILY COMBO W/CA/FE/ZINC - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160401358 3002140 N.M.POTASSIUM GLUCONATE 550MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160401281 3002133 N.M.VIT.B-1 100MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160401289 3002135 N.M.VIT.B-12 250 MCG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160401290 3002136 N.M.VIT.B-12 500 MCG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160401285 3002134 N.M.VIT.B-6 100MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160401650 3002157 N.M.VIT.C 1000MG W/RH T/R - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160401645 3002156 N.M.VIT.C 500MG W/RH T/R - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160401155 3002126 N.M.VIT.E 200 IU DI-ALPHA - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160401224 3002129 N.M.VIT.E 400 IU D-ALPHA - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160401162 3002127 N.M.VIT.E 400 IU DLA - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33160414035 301345 N.R. EVENING PRIMROSE OIL 60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160414033 301350 N.R. SAW PALMETTO STAND. XTRCT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33160414016 3002107 N.R.CRANBERRY FRUIT 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33160414002 3002093 N.R.ECHINACEA HERB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33160414018 3002109 N.R.GARLIC CLOVES - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33160414003 3002094 N.R.GINKGO BILOBA LEAF EXTRAT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33160414010 3002101 N.R.GINSENG ROOT/ KOREAN WHIT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33160414000 3002091 N.R.GINSENG ROOT/ SIBERIAN - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33160414001 3002092 N.R.GOLDEN SEAL ROOT II - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33160414004 3002095 N.R.VALERIAN ROOT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 77690620035 398699 NAT SOL ECHINACEA 1KMG AMP - ----------------------------------------------------------- 77690620045 398700 NAT SOL GINK0 12 AMPULES - ----------------------------------------------------------- 77690620015 398701 NAT SOL GINSENG 1000 MG AMP - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3367481150 516749 NATLIF CAYENNE PEPPER CP100TAB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3367482700 516751 NATLIF CO Q10 CP 50 TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3367481300 516750 NATLIF CRANBERRY FRT CP 100TAB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3367481450 516755 NATLIF ECHIN GLDN SL CP 100TAB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3367481500 516754 NATLIF ECHIN W/ ESTER C C100TB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3367481400 516753 NATLIF ECHINACEA HERB CP100TAB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3367482650 516759 NATLIF EPO CP 100 TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3367481750 516760 NATLIF GINGER ROOT CP 100TAB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3367482300 516775 NATLIF GINSNG SIBRN CP 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3367481800 516762 NATLIF GOLDN SL RT CP 50 TAB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350384200 516956 NATLIF HP COLD/FLU 3X 45 TB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350384660 516960 NATLIF HP NERV STRESS 3X 45TB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350384780 516961 NATLIF HP SINUSITIS 3X 45 TB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350381955 516777 NATLIF KAVA KAVA 425MG CP100TB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350383100 516783 NATLIF UA BILBERRY CP 40CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350383300 516785 NATLIF UA GINKGO BILOBA 40CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350383600 516788 NATLIF UA MILK THISTLE 40CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350383700 516789 NATLIF UA SAW PALMETTO 30CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350383800 516790 NATLIF UA VLRN/PSN FLWR 60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3367482400 516772 NATLIF VALERIAN RT CP 100TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 7991103481 516964 NATRD EXPECTORANT HERBAL 4 OZ - ----------------------------------------------------------- 4746900522 316200 NATROL CHONDROITIN SULFATE 60 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 4746900597 398481 NATROL DHEA 25MG90CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 4746900596 314583 NATROL DHEA 25MG 30CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 4746900506 316199 NATROL GLUCOSAMINE COMPLEX 60 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 4746900510 314587 NATROL MELATONIN 3MG 60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 7991103323 4702241 NATURADE KB11 120'S 0332 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350381035 322133 NL BLACK COHOSH 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350381125 4730624 NL CAT'S CLAW 8112 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350383120 322132 NL CRANBERRY 50 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350381670 4721104 NL FEVERFEW 8167 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350382603 322135 NL FOCUS FOR CHILDREN 50CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350383520 322131 NL HORSECHESTNUT SEED 80 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 35350382360 4721139 NL ST JOHNS WORT 8236 - ----------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 Exhibit D RA Planogram UPC Stockcode Long Description - ------------------------------------------------------------ 35350383750 322134 NL ST. JOHN'S WORT 650MG 50CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 35350384960 4731702 ML WATER RETENTION 84960 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401693 322157 NM ALPHA LIPOIC ACID 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401338 38970 NM B COMPLEX W/C 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401314 38967 NM BETA CAROTENE 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401881 4734255 NM C 500 MG 500 TABS 1881 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401879 4734256 NM C W/RH 500 MG 500 TABS 1879 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401379 38953 NM CALC.CARBONTE W/D 130S500MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401470 38962 NM CALC/ MAGN & ZINC 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401473 398503 NM CALCIUM 600 + D 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401439 3002147 NM CALCIUM CARBONATE 600 MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401475 398504 NM CALCIUM CITRATE + D 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401886 4734214 NM CALCM CARBON FAMLY SZ 500MG - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401795 4730674 NM CHROMIUM PICLNT 300TB 179 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401889 4734241 NM DAILY COMBO 300 TABS 1889 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401882 4734249 NM E 400IU DL-ALPH 300GELS 188 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401654 398507 NM ECHIN-GLDN CMBO GEL6011 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401777 38964 NM ESSENTIAL BALANCE 130CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401274 300616 NM FOLIC ACID 400MCG 250 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401392 300193 NM GARLIC OIL 5OOMG SFTGEL 100 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401652 398506 NM GINKGO BILOBA 30 CT 11 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401368 38959 NM GINSENG 250MG 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401788 4730673 NM GINSENG 250MG 60 SFTGL 178 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401669 321965 NM GLUCOSAMINE 500MG 60 11 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401675 38965 NM MATURE BALANCE 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401683 322169 NM MELATONIN 3MG 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401783 4728751 NM OD GARLIC 1250MG 200S 01783 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401441 38956 NM ODORLESS GARLIC 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401130 321966 NM SELENIUM 200 MCG 100 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401692 322158 NM SOY ISOFLAVONES 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401694 322159 NM ST. JOHN'S WORT 3OOMG 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401341 38968 NM SUPER B COMPLEX 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160411362 300185 NM THERA M TAB 130'S - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401313 3002237 NM VIT A&D SOFTGELS 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401489 38963 NM VIT C 1000MG 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401485 38949 NM VIT C 5OOMG 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401170 38952 NM VIT E 1000MG 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401160 38948 NM VIT E 400 I.U. 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401787 322170 NM VIT E 400IU WS 300CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401191 38951 NM VIT E WS 400 IU 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401306 300192 NM VIT-A 8000 IU SFTGELS 100'S - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401474 398505 NM VITAMIN E 800 I.U. 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401480 300187 NM VIT-C 250MG 100'S - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160411259 38961 NM VITC 500MGW/RSEHIPS 130CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401264 300190 NM V1T-C W/ROSE HIPS 1000MG 60 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401449 322162 NM XSTR ECHINACEA 125MG 50CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401455 322160 NM XSTR GARLIC 500MG 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401699 322161 NM XSTR GINKGO 60MG 40CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160401668 321964 NM ZINC LOZENGES 10MG 18CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7663560540 4707482 NO SHOT B-12 1000MCG 100T 1027 - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160414135 322166 NR ASTRAGALUS EXT 75MG 50CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 3160414130 322165 NR BLACK COHOSH 500 MG 50CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 33160414124 322168 NR CHINESE PANAX GINSENG30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 33160414097 322130 NR ECHINACEA 240 GT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 33160414005 3002096 NR ECHINACEA/GOLDENSEAL 100CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 33160414098 322128 NR ECHINACEA/GOLDSEAL 240CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 33160414065 398734 NR GRAPE SEED EXTRACT 50CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ 33160414061 398735 NR GREEN TEA HERB EXTRACT 50CT - ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 5 Exhibit D RA Planogram UPC Stockcode Long Description - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33160414062 398736 NR KAVA KAVA ROOT EXTRACT 50CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33160414104 322129 NR ST. JOHN'S WORT 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33160414063 398737 NR ST. JOHN'S WORT HRB XTRCT 50 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160414125 322163 NR X-STR GINKGO 60MG 40 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3160414127 322164 NR XSTR ST JOHN WRT 300MG 30CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 33160414101 321967 NR ZINC LOZENGE W/ECHINAC 18CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 8076603030 4734479 NSP ATHLETES PAK VIT 30CT 0303 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 8076618180 4734471 NSP BURN FAT MAXICUTS1000 180S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 8076606030 4728821 NSP BURNFAT PACK 30PK 06030 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 8076625090 4734474 NSP ULT AMINO 2050MG 90S 25090 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 79650252504 322122 NU START BREAST FORM 60 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 30005455024 3001972 OCUVITE 120 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 30005455019 30078 OCUVITE 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 30005454918 300211 OCUVITE EXTRA 50'S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650008105 34783 ONE A DAY 55 PLUS 5OS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650007317 34765 ONE A DAY ESSENTIAL 75S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650008209 34787 ONE A DAY EXTRA GARLIC 45S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650008425 322126 ONE A DAY KIDS COMPLETE 50CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650007513 34766 ONE A DAY MAX 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650007511 33417 ONE A DAY MAXIMUM 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650008012 34758 ONE A DAY MENS 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650008004 34780 ONE A DAY MENS 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650007410 33506 ONE A DAY WOMENS FORMULA 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1650007406 33507 ONE A DAY WOMENS FORMULA 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 30766165160 4722279 OS-CAL 500 160 CT TABLETS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 30088165475 33486 OSCAL 500 W/D 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 30766165460 4698274 OS-CAL 500+D 160 CT TABLETS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 30088165141 33451 OS-CAL 500MG 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 30087040203 33640 POLYVISOL VIT DROPS 50ML - ----------------------------------------------------------- 30087040501 33650 POLYVISOL W/IRON DROP 50ML - ----------------------------------------------------------- 63665274020 33636 POSTURE D CALCIUM 60S II - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3665275020 322150 POSTURE D CHEW ASST. 60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 73408300083 398671 POWR SRCE MX MALE 45 CAPSULES - ----------------------------------------------------------- 30005437718 34259 PROTEGRA SOFTGELS 50S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 9160310000 301790 PURE-GAR GARLIC ORIG CP 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 9160312000 301791 PURE-GAR GARLIC ORIG 250CP - ----------------------------------------------------------- 4698500101 4713394 QUANTUM SUP-LYS&CRM 7 GM 0010 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 9160313600 398579 QUINT GARLIC+GINSENG 60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201389 33420 RA 1 DAILY W/CAL/IRON/ZINC 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201425 34680 RA ACEROLA 300MG 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201402 30428 RA ANIMAL CHEW W/IRON 300S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201400 33476 RA ANIMAL CHEWABLE VIT 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201399 33475 RA ANIMAL CHEWABLE W/IRON 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298964 4718292 RA B-1 100 TABS 100MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298967 4718295 RA B-12 500 MCG 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298966 4718301 RA B-6 100 TABS 100MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298965 4718299 RA B-6 50 MG 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201446 33447 RA BAL B-50 COMPLEX 100S 1182201444 33470 RA BALANCE B-100 50 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201445 33652 RA BALANCE B-50 5O - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298968 4718314 RA B-COMPLEX W/B12 100 TABLETS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298969 4718319 RA B-COMPLEX W/B12 250 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298970 4718323 RA B-COMPLEX W/C 100 CAPSULES - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201411 33638 RA B-COMPLEX W/VIT C 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201473 300238 RA BEE POLLEN 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201450 33567 RA BETA CAROTNE 2500 IU 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298991 4718424 RA C 1000 MG 100 TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298992 4718425 RA C 1000 MG 250 TABLETS Page 6 Exhibit D RA Planogram UPC Stockcode Long Description - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298993 4718426 RA C 1000 MG T/R 100 TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298983 4718377 RA C 250 MG 100 TABLETS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298986 4718407 RA C 500 MG 250 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298987 4718408 RA C 500 MG 500 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298989 4718379 RA C 500 MG CHEW 100 TABLETS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298988 4718409 RA C 500 MG TR 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298997 4718423 RA C 500 MG W/RH 250 CT NAT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298985 4718405 RA C 500 MG 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298990 4718380 RA C CHEWABLE 250 TABS 500MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298984 4718374 RA C CHEWABLE 250MG 100 TABLETS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299016 4718455 RA CAL 600 MG 60 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299019 4718456 RA CAL 600 MG W/D 300 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299018 4718457 RA CAL 600 MG W/D 60 TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299017 4718452 RA CAL 600MG 300 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201459 34678 RA CALC/MAGNES/ZINC 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201460 33657 RA CALCIUM 500MG 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299020 4723335 RA CALCIUM 600 PLUS MNRLS 60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201394 33616 RA CALCIUM 600 TAB 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201395 33141 RA CALCIUM 600 W/IR+D 60 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201393 33143 RA CALCIUM 600+D 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201396 30429 RA CALCIUM W/D 300S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298547 398547 RA CALCIUM W/MINRLS 600MG 60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299043 4718459 RA CENTRAL VITE 100+30 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299044 4718458 RA CENTRAL VITE MULTI 250TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201416 316103 RA CENTRAL VITE SELECT 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299045 4718462 RA CENTRAL VITE SELECT 100 TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201382 33433 RA CENTRAL-VITE 130 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201383 33483 RA CENTRAL-VITE 300 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298936 398936 RA CHERRY ZINC LOZ 100'S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299048 4718538 RA CHILD-CHEW +C MULTI 100 TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299046 4718537 RA CHILD-CHEW MULTI 100 TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299047 4718536 RA CHILD-CHEW MULTI COMP 60 TAB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299049 4718542 RA CHILD-CHEW MULTI+IRON 100 TB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201401 30865 RA CHILDS CHEW EXTRA C 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201467 34905 RA CHROM PICOLIN 200 MG 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201474 300243 RA CHROM PICOLIN 200MG 300S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298937 398937 RA CHROM PICOUN 400MG 75S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182222102 322102 RA CRANBERRY 405MG 100 CT CAPS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201417 316104 RA DAILY GARLIC 30 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299008 4718474 RA E 1000 IU 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299007 4718475 RA E 1000 IU DL 50 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182289009 4718478 RA E 1000 IU WTR SOL 60 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299002 4718468 RA E 200 IU 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299003 4718469 RA E 400 IU 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299004 4718470 RA E 400 IU 250 SOFTGELS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299005 4718471 RA E 400 IU 500 SOFTGELS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299006 4718473 RA E 400 IU WTR SOL 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182221958 321958 RA ECHINACEA 100 CT 380MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182221957 321957 RA ECHINACEAGOLDENSEAL 50CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201476 316106 RA ESTER C 90 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299072 4718876 RA EVENING PRIMROSE 500MG 60' - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299023 4718484 RA FERR SULF 325MG BLSTR 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182233674 33674 RA FERROUS GLUCONT 240MG 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201453 33705 RA FERROUS SULFATE 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201454 33579 RA FERROUS SULFATE 250 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298982 4718490 RA FOLIC ACID 400 MCG 250 NAT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201398 36994 RA GARLIC 300MG 120S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299081 4718491 RA GARLIC ODORFREE 90 TABS BOX Page 7 Exhibit D RA Planogram UPC Stockcode Long Description - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201464 33457 RA GARLIC OIL 1500MG 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299084 4718504 RA GINGKO BILOBA 36 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182221960 321960 RA GINKGO BILOBA 50 CT 40MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201414 398811 RA GINKO BILOBA TABS 36CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201413 300239 RA GINSENG 100MG 90'S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299087 4718514 RA GINSENG CONCENTRATE 60 NAT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299086 4718509 RA GINSENG CONCENTRTE 30SFTGEL - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182234248 34248 RA GINSENG TABLET 100 MG 30'S - ---------------------------------------------------------- 1182299074 4718872 RA GOLDENSEAL 125MG 60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182222103 322103 RA GRAPE SEED 25MG 50CT CAPS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201391 33479 RA HI CAL 500MG 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201392 33665 RA HI CAL 500MG W/D 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201409 34649 RA HI POT IRON 27MG 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299015 4718439 RA HI-CAL CAL C+D 500MG 200TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299014 4718448 RA HI-CAL CAL CIUMW/D 500MG60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299013 4718862 RA HI-CAL O/S CALC. 500MG 120S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201469 33452 RA HI-PO MULT VIT/MIN 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182222101 322101 RA KAVA KAVA 150MG 50 CAPSULES - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201458 33468 RA LYSINE 500MG 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299055 4718519 RA MATURE WOMANS SUPP.30 CAPS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201415 316102 RA MATURE WOMEN'S FORMULA 30CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299092 4718541 RA MELATONIN +B6 120TAB 500MCG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299091 4718534 RA MELATONIN 500 MCG 60 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201390 33541 RA MULT VIT/MINERALS 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201385 33532 RA MULTI VIT TAB 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201386 33530 RA MULTI VIT TABS 365S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201387 33534 RA MULTI VIT W/IRON 10OS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201388 33517 RA MULTI VIT W/IRON 365 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298957 4718289 RA NAT A & D 100 SOFTGEL 24MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298958 4718288 RA NAT A8000 IU 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299077 4718290 RA NAT ACIDOPHILUS 100CAPSULES - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201443 33462 RA NAT B COMP W/C 50S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298976 4718298 RA NAT B-12 1000 MCG TR 60 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298975 4718297 RA NAT B-12 500 MCG T/R 60 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298974 4718305 RA NAT B-6 60CT 200MG T/R - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298979 4718306 RA NAT BAL B-100 TR 60 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298977 4718309 RA NAT BAL B-50 100TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298978 4718310 RA NAT BAL B-50 60 TABS T/R - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298980 4718311 RA NAT B-COMPLEX TOTAL 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298981 4718335 RA NAT B-COMPLEX W/C TR 60 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299078 4718342 RA NAT BREW YEAST 7.5GR 500CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298998 4718427 RA NAT C 1000 MG W/RH 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298999 4718431 RA NAT C 1000 MG W/RH 250 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299001 4718436 RA NAT C 1500 MG W/RH T/R 60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298996 4718418 RA NAT C 500 MG W/RH 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1162298994 4718378 RA NAT C CHEWABLE 300MG 100TAB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299000 4718432 RA NAT C W/RH 60CT 1000MG T/R - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299031 4718447 RA NAT CAL 500MG O/S W/D 250CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299026 4718441 RA NAT CAL MAG ZINC 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299027 4718442 RA NAT CAL-MAG-ZINC 250TABLETS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298995 4718411 RA NAT C-CHEWABLE 500MG 50WAFR - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299032 4718860 RA NAT CHELATED IRON18MG 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299034 4718463 RA NAT CHROM.PIC.200MCG 100TAB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201451 33716 RA NAT COD LIVER OIL 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298961 4718465 RA NAT COD LIVER OIL 100SG 10M - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298962 4718466 RA NAT COD LIVER OIL 250SG 10M - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299079 4718467 RA NAT CO-Q10 10MG 100TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299011 4718472 RA NAT E 100SOFTGEL 400IU Page 8 Exhibit D RA Planogram UPC Stockcode Long Description - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299010 4718859 RA NAT E 400IU D-ALPHA 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298963 4718487 RA NAT FISH OIL 60SFTGL 1000MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201465 33336 RA NAT FISH OIL CONC 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201447 31877 RA NAT FOLIC ACID 400MCG 250S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299093 4723331 RA NAT GARLIC 100 TABS ODORLES - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299080 4718492 RA NAT GARLIC OIL 100SOFTGELS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299082 4718495 RA NAT GARLIC&PARSLEY 100TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299083 4718502 RA NAT GELATIN 100 CT 10GRAINS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299085 4718515 RA NAT GINSENG 50CAPS 8 GRAINS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201452 33556 RA NAT GINSENG TABLETS 50CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299054 4718518 RA NAT HI ENERGY PACK 30PACKS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182230434 30434 RA NAT HI POTENCY IRON 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299088 4718523 RA NAT KELP/LECITHN/B-6 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201466 33555 RA NAT LECITHIN SFT GEL 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299089 4718526 RA NAT L-LYSINE 500MG 100TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299090 4718529 RA NAT L-LYSINE 60TABS 1000MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299036 4718533 RA NAT MAGNESUIM 250MG 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299030 4718438 RA NAT O/S CAL W/D 500MG 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299029 4718451 RA NAT O/S CALCIUM 250TAB500MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299028 4718449 RA NAT O/S CALCIUM 500MG 100TB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299037 4718553 RA NAT POTASSIUM GLUC 250TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299038 4718571 RA NAT SELENIUM 100CT 50MCG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299094 4718525 RA NAT SOYA LECITHN100SG1200MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201428 30427 RA NAT VIT C 1000MG W/RH 250S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201423 33561 RA NAT VIT C W/RH 1000MG 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201484 33593 RA NAT VIT E 1000IU CAP 50 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201482 33617 RA NAT VIT E 200 IU 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201485 33685 RA NAT VIT E 400IU 250S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201483 33587 RA NAT VIT E 400IU CAPS100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299039 4718610 RA NAT ZINC 100 TABS 50MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299040 4718613 RA NAT ZINC 100MG 100TABLETS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299041 4718618 RA NAT ZINC LOZ 15MG W/C 90CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299042 4718615 RA NAT ZINCPICOLINATE 60MG50S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298972 4718552 RA NIACIN 100 MG 100 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201448 33622 RA NIACIN 100MG 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298959 4718338 RA NT BETA CAROTENE 100CT25000 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298960 4718340 RA NT BETACAROTENE 250CT25000 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299035 4718464 RA NT CHROM PICOL. 200MCG 250S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299012 4718440 RA O/S CALCIUM+D 500TABS 250MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299052 4718546 RA ONE DAILY +IRON 100TABLETS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299050 4718543 RA ONE DAILY MULTI 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299053 4718547 RA ONE DAILY MULTI+IRON 365TAB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299051 4718545 RA ONE DAILY MULTI-VIT 365TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299065 4718548 RA ONE DAILY WOMENS MULTI 100T - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201463 33146 RA OYST SH CALC W/D 500 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201461 33410 RA OYSTER SH CALC W/D 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201456 33409 RA POTASSA GLUCO 550MG 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201457 33157 RA POTASSA GLUCO 550MG 250 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201412 33550 RA PRENATAL 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299057 4718556 RA PRENATAL+FOLIC ACID 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299075 4718871 RA SAW PALMETTO 160MG 30CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182221961 321961 RA SAW PALMETTO 50 CT 80MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298548 398548 RA SAW PALMETTO COMPLEX 30CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182298574 398574 RA SELENIUM 200 MCG 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201472 34847 RA SELENIUM 50MCG 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299076 4718870 RA SHARK CARTILAGE 500MG 50'S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182221959 321959 RA SIBERIAN GINSENG 100CT410MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182222155 322155 RA ST. JOHN'S WORT 120CT Page 9 Exhibit D RA Planogram UPC Stockcode Long Description - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182221962 321962 RA ST. JOHN'S WORT 50 CT 150MG - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201405 33644 RA STRESS FORM TAB 600 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201403 33645 RA STRESS FORM W/IRON 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201404 33648 RA STRESS FORM W/ZINC 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299061 4718583 RA STRESS FORMULA W/ZINC 60CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201475 316105 RA SUPER MULTI W/HERBS 75CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299062 4718606 RA SUPER VITE-ALL 130 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201440 33435 RA T/R B-12 1000MCG 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201441 33406 RA T/R B-12 2000MCG 60S - ---------------------------------------------------------- 1182233439 33473 RA T/R B6 200MG W/YEAST 60 - ---------------------------------------------------------- 1182201439 33437 RA T/R BALANCE B-100 60 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201427 33442 RA T/R VIT C 1000MG R/H 60 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201434 33450 RA T/R VIT C 500MG 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201426 33443 RA T/R VIT C 500MG R/H 60 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201384 33582 RA THERAPEUTIC M 130CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299063 4718607 RA THERAPEUTIC-M 100+30CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299064 4718608 RA THERAPEUTIC-M 250 CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201406 30054 RA VISION VITE 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182299066 4718549 RA VISION VITE W/ZINC 60TABS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201449 33472 RA VIT A 8000IU 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201435 33673 RA VIT B-1 100MG TAB 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201437 33643 RA VIT B12 100MCG TABS 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201438 33632 RA VIT B-6 TABS 50MG 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201432 33653 RA VIT C 1000MG 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201430 33628 RA VIT C 500MG TABS 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201431 33642 RA VIT C 500MG TABS 250S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201421 33606 RA VIT C W/RH 500MG 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201422 33448 RA VIT C W/RH 500MG 250 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201489 33655 RA VIT E 1000IU 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201494 316107 RA VIT E 1200IU 5OCT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201492 33413 RA VIT E 400IU WTR SOL 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201491 33670 RA VIT E KAP 100IU 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201486 33675 RA VIT E KAP 200IU 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201490 33687 RA VIT E KAP 400IU 250S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201487 33678 RA VIT E SOFTGEL 400IU 100CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182221977 321977 RA VITAMIN C & ECHINACEA 60'S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201429 33627 RA VITAMIN C 250 MG 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201493 300236 RA VITAMIN E 800 IU 50CT - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201424 33625 RA VIT-C W/ACEROLA 500MG 100S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182222079 322079 RA WHOLE SOURCE 100 TABLETS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201408 33602 RA ZINC & B/E/C 60S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 1182201455 33464 RA ZINC 50MG 100 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 7782305060 4731758 REFUELIN ENERGY DRINK 6 PK - ----------------------------------------------------------- 4704650200 4728043 REJUVEX 50 CAPLETS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 4704600200 30881 REJUVEX CAPLETS 30S - ----------------------------------------------------------- 2052512745 4702766 SCHIF MELATONIN 3MG 120TB 1274 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 2052510500 516555 SCHIFF ACID W/GOAT MILK CP - ----------------------------------------------------------- 2052510530 516557 SCHIFF ACIDOPHILIS MILK FR CP - ----------------------------------------------------------- 2052512768 4731755 SCHIFF DHEA 25MG 30'S 12768 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 2052512767 4704954 SCHIFF DHEA 25MG 60 TAB 12767 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 2052510818 516612 SCHIFF GARL SUPR 260GR CP - ----------------------------------------------------------- 2052510912 4723749 SCHIFF GOLDNSL 150MG 30GEL1091 - ----------------------------------------------------------- 2052512809 516562 SCHIFF MELAT 1 MG TB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 2052512744 516650 SCHIFF MELAT 3MG 60 TAB - ----------------------------------------------------------- 2052512735 516654 SCHIFF PYCNOGENOL 30MG CP - ----------------------------------------------------------- 2052512703 516647 SCHIFF SHARK CARTILAGE - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3076800481 398669 SD BILBERRY 60 CAPS - ----------------------------------------------------------- 3076800966 398665 SD ECHINACEA COMP 75 CAP Page 10 Exhibit D RA Planogram UPC Stockcode Long Description - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800962 398666 SD GINKO BILOBA COM 75 CAP - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800963 398664 SD GINSENG COMPLEX 75 CAP - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800342 398662 SD GOLDEN SEAL RT 60 CAP - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800345 398663 SD GOTU KOLA 90 CAP - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800346 398661 SD HERBAL ENERGY 90 CAP - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800008 322120 SD HOMOCYSTEIN DEFENSE 60 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800829 398660 SD KAVA KAVA 60 CAP - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800348 398659 SD MILK THISTLE 60 CAP - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076801058 398658 SD OSTEO Bl FLEX 450 48CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076801065 322081 SD OSTEO BI-FLEX 450MG 120 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800965 398667 SD SAW PALMET COM 75 CAP - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800964 398668 SD VALERIAN COMPL 75 CAP - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076801020 398670 SD ZINC THROAT SPRY 2 OZ - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30045037050 4713409 SESAME STREET COMP 50TAB 37050 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30045036950 4713415 SESAME STREET EX C 50TAB 36950 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 2052511256 516580 SCHIFF CALCIUM 1200 CP - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30245006211 315905 SLO NIACIN 250MG TAB 100S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30245006311 30052 SLO NIACIN 500MG 100S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30083012575 398808 SLOW FE IRON 90CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30083012547 33768 SLOW FE TAB 50MG 30S II - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30083012574 34270 SLOW FE TAB 50MG 60S II - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30025430160 314654 SLOW MAG 64MG TABS SA 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800533 4730718 SND ACIDOPHILUS + 100CAP 5331 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800827 316213 SND ADV SHARK CART 50CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076860636 4730721 SND ASIATIC GINSENG 60TB 6360 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800601 4730706 SND B COMPLEX RDA 100TB 601-1 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076860693 4730722 SND B-12 1000MCG 60TAB 693-06 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076809694 4730724 SND B-50 90TAB 694-0 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076860707 4730754 SND B-6 250MG 60TAB 707-0 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800828 398728 SND BLE GREEN ALGAE 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800330 4730750 SND C-1000MG PLUS 60TB 552-0 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800520 4730761 SND C-250MG PLUS 100TB 520-1 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800521 4730749 SND C-500MG PLUS 100TB 521-1 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076890307 4730728 SND CAL 900+D LIQ 90GEL 30709 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800967 316210 SND CALCIUM 1200MG W/D 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076812429 4730736 SND CALCIUM 500MG 120TB 429-1 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076860428 4730735 SND CALCIUM 600+D 60TB 42806 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800406 4730714 SND CHROM K-6 90TB 1333-0 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800775 4730746 SND CHROM PIC 100TB 775-1 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076860328 4730727 SND CO Q-10 10MG 60GEL 328-06 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076831155 4730707 SND CO Q-10 30MG 30GEL 1155-03 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800826 316211 SND CO-Q-10 50MG 30CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076891138 4730709 SND DAILY WOMENS 90TB 11380 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800670 4730685 SND E 400 IU FOLIC 60GEL 14390 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800502 4730723 SND E0200 MIXED 100GEL 502-1 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076850500 4730725 SND E-1000 MIXED 50GEL 50005 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800328 4730703 SND E-400 D APLHA 60GEL 509-06 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800501 4730704 SND E-400 MIXED 100GL 501-10 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076801057 398739 SND ELDERBERRY 90CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800643 4730742 SND ESTER C 500MG 60TB 1427-0 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800676 4730743 SND FOLIC ACID 800MG 100T 6761 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800960 316214 SND FORT CHROM 400MCG 50CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076861248 4730715 SND FORT CHROM PIC 60TB 1248-0 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076845941 4730711 SND FORT PYCNOGENOL 45TB 9414 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076801137 322183 SND GINKO BILOBA XTRA 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800812 316212 SND GLUCOSAMINE 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800403 4730712 SND GRAPE SEED EXT 36CAP1336-0 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076801207 322182 SNO GRAPESEED XTRA 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- Page 11 Exhibit D RA Planogram UPC Stockcode Long Description - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076850800 4730747 SND HAIR VITES SD 50TAB 800-05 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076850642 4730705 SND KORGINSENG 518MG 50TB 6420 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800421 4730731 SND LECITHIN 1200MG 100T 13581 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800617 4730733 SND MAGNESIUM 100TAB 617-10 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076860929 4730757 SND MAXI-B COMPLEX 60GEL 929-0 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076861154 4730716 SND MEGA ENERGY 60TB 1154-06 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800541 4730730 SND MELATONIN 300MCG120TB 3751 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076891125 4730682 SND MENS MULTI 90TB 11250 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076812406 4730683 SND NAT CALC 500+D 120TB 4061 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076890753 4730755 SND NIACIN 250MG TR 90TB 753-0 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800469 4730738 SND NIACIN 400MG TR 100TB 4691 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800408 4730759 SND ODRLSS GARLIC 100STGL408-1 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800233 4730758 SND OORLESS GARLIC100 TB 12531 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800498 4730741 SND OYS CAL 1000MG 100TB 498-1 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800961 4730752 SNO PERFECT IRON 100 TAB 961-1 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800618 4730684 SND POTASSIUM 595MG 100TB 6181 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800486 4730740 SND SELENIUM 100MG 100TB 4861 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800884 316209 SND SELENIUM 200MCG 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076851150 4730717 SND SHARK CART 50CAP 115005 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076801136 322156 SND ST. JOHN'S WORT EXTR 150CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076801045 398738 SND ST. JOHN'S WORT EXTRACT60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800627 322184 SND ST. JOHN'S WORT XTRA 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076813798 4730756 SND SUNVITES 130TAB 798-1 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800635 4730720 SND ZINC 100MG 100TB 635-10 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800706 4730744 SND ZINC GLUC 30MG 100TB 706-1 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3076800943 301979 SND ZINC LOZENGES 50CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30003092640 33712 SQ COD LIVER OIL 120Z - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30003092740 4717692 SQ COD LIVER OIL MT 120Z 9274 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30003092630 33714 SQ COD LIVER OIL PLN 4 OZ - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30005412419 33453 STRESS TAB 600 60S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30005412619 33454 STRESS TAB600 W/IRON60S II - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30005412519 33455 STRESS TAB600 W/ZINC60S II - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30083019573 33553 SUNKIST CHEW VIT C 500MG60 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30083020073 33739 SUNKST CHLDS COMPLTE60S II - ------------------------------------------------------------- 4698500110 4714131 SUPER LYSINE & 90 TABS #00110 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 31981005462 33596 THERAGRAN M TABS 100+30 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 31981005492 33595 THERAGRAN STRESS FORM 75S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 31981005451 33573 THERAGRAN TABS 100 + 30 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7434510372 516859 TIGERMILK BAR PROTEIN 1.250Z - ------------------------------------------------------------- 2052552179 398763 TIGER'S MILK BAR CHOC 1.30Z - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30087045303 33649 TRI-VI-SOL IRON DROP 50ML - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30087040303 33646 TRI-VI-SOL VIT DRP 50ML - ------------------------------------------------------------- 30766073560 32971 TUMS 500 ASST TABS 60'S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3944204750 398676 UN CREATINE JAVA 1.54 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3944204760 398677 UN CREATINE PDR PUNCH 1.60 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 76488355004 4728025 UNIQUE ECH LIQ ORIGINAL 40Z - ------------------------------------------------------------- 76488352390 4728026 UNIQUE ECH/GOLD SEAL 90'S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 76488351014 398675 UNIQUE ECHIN HUCK 4 OZ - ------------------------------------------------------------- 76488352150 4728024 UNIQUE ECHINACEA 1000 MG 50'S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 76488351015 398679 UNIQUE ECHINACEA KIWI 40Z - ------------------------------------------------------------- 76488356390 4728031 UNIQUE ECHW/BETA CARO 80'S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 76488391064 4728030 UNIQUE PREM ECH EXT 10Z - ------------------------------------------------------------- 76000002 120823 UN-PETROLEUM UP JELLY - ------------------------------------------------------------- 3408300046 4709255 USA YOHIMBE 1500MG 30TABS 015 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 79319009001 398907 VENASTAT 30 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 79319009002 322111 VENASTAT 60 CT IIM - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7782382514 4734499 VIT CHEWY C RASP 14 CT 825R - ------------------------------------------------------------- 8009100007 398480 VITALERT ENERGY HGH PTNCY 100S - ------------------------------------------------------------- Page 12 Exhibit D RA Planogram UPC Stockcode Long Description - ------------------------------------------------------------- 79319008039 316500 VITASANA TABS 60CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7434552403 322148 WDR CREATINE ATP FR PNCH 640GR - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7434550156 301702 WEIDER JW MEGABOLIC PAKS 30DY - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7434552418 322147 WEIDER LEAN PRO PUNCH 500 GR - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7434552394 322145 WEIDER PYRUVATE 500 MG 60 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 79650252399 322145 WEIDER PYRUVATE 500 MG 60 CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7498000575 398909 Y.L. ST. JOHN'S WORT 50CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7498030220 316090 YL ECHINACEA/GOLDENSEAL 50S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7498030110 316088 YL GINGKO BILOBA 50S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7498030080 316092 YL GOLDENSEAL 50S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7498001230 34631 YL MAXIMUM PAK 30 DAY - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7498030545 316093 YL SHARK CARTILAGE 50S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7498001250 34652 YL STRESS PAK 30 DAY - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7498030090 316091 YOUR LIFE ECHINACEA 50S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 7498030120 316089 YOUR LIFE GINSENG 50S - ------------------------------------------------------------- 4635200199 4714594 YP DLY FIBRE 65MG 180 CPS 0019 - ------------------------------------------------------------- 4635200106 4714556 YP PSYLLIUM HUSK 625MG/180CAPS - ------------------------------------------------------------- 4195401004 516795 ZAND EXT INSURE HERBAL 2 OZ - ------------------------------------------------------------- 38964 NM ESSENTIAL BALANCE 130CT - ------------------------------------------------------------- 4727927 NM BETA CAROT25000IU300CT01782 - ------------------------------------------------------------- Page 13 RETAIL AGREEMENT EXHIBIT E MODIFIED GNC PROPRIETARY SYSTEM* GENERAL NUTRITION CENTERS MODIFIED COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEM General Nutrition Sales Corporation ("GNC") and Rite Aid Corporation ("Rite Aid") have entered into the GNC/Rite Aid Retail Agreement which sets forth the terms and conditions under which Rite Aid may open and operate GNC-General Nutrition Centers ("Businesses") within certain designated retail drug stores owned or operated by Rite Aid ("Stores"). This Modified Comprehensive System contains the requirements applicable to opening and operating the Businesses pursuant to the GNC/Rite Aid Retail Agreement. Exterior Sign Each Store shall have an exterior sign featuring the GNC logo, provided by or approved by GNC, displayed on the exterior facade of the Store in the manner and subject to the provisions set forth in Section VI of the GNC/Rite Aid Retail Agreement. Layout & Design Each Business is to be constructed and maintained in a design and layout provided by or approved by GNC for the Rite Aid-operated Businesses. Fixtures All fixtures used in each Business must be of a type and design approved by or provided by GNC for the Rite Aid-operated Businesses. Architectural Graphics Each Business shall display, in the locations within the Business designated by GNC, architectural graphics, including category signs, lifestyle or other overhead graphics, and on-shelf feature signs which are a part of the then-current architectural graphics package for corporate-owned GNC stores and are approved by or provided by GNC for the Rite Aid-operated Businesses. Proprietary Product Assortment Each Business shall carry the full assortment of GNC Brand Products and Third Party Products set forth in the GNC Plan-o-Gram(s) approved by GNC for the Rite Aid-operated Businesses, including the minimum display quantities specified in the GNC Plan-O-Gram(s). Merchandising Each Business shall adhere to the product assortments and placement and placement of graphic and other display or sales support materials on each shelf in the Business as set forth in the GNC Plan-O-Gram(s) approved by GNC for the Rite Aid-operated Businesses. [*] Promotional Graphics & Merchandising Each Business will display, in the locations within the Business designed by GNC, promotional graphics provided by GNC and merchandise and display promotional products specified by GNC. Customer Service Each Business will be open for business and accessible to customers during the full hours of operation of the Store within which it operates. Rite Aid will provide knowledgeable and courteous customer service in the GNC store through its employees during all hours of store operation and provide dedicated trained employees in the manner and subject to the provision set forth in Section VI of the GNC/Rite Aid Retail Agreement. [*] Appearance The appearance of each Business must be kept clean and appealing to consumers in accordance with, and subject to the provisions of, the GNC/Rite Aid Retail Agreement. Refunds/Exchanges Each Business shall honor refunds and exchanges in accordance with policies established by GNC for all Corporate, Franchise, and Licensed locations. Rain Checks Each Business shall issue and honor rain checks in accordance with policies established by GNC for all Corporate, Franchise, and Licensed locations. * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. RETAIL AGREEMENT EXHIBIT F LIST OF PROPRIETARY MARKS EXHIBIT F "GNC" AND RELATED PROPRIETARY MARKS TRADEMARK CLASS - --------- ----- Big 50 5 Big 100 5 Bio-Remedy 5 *Calcibite 5 Calcium Complete 5 Calcium Plus 5 *Carticin 5 Cell Protector 5 *Challenge 5 *CM Gold 5 *CM System 5 *Competition 1850 5 *Cortileve 5 Creatine Plus 5 *Creatine Plus Transport 5 *DietGel 5 *Energel 5 *Ginseng Gold 5 GNC 5 GNC Live Well 5 GNC Live Well 16 Herbal Plus 5 Mega Men 5 *Mega Teen 5 *Multibite 5 Multi-Mega Minerals 5 Nourishair 5 Optibolic 5 *Plantinum Years 5 *Natural Brand 5 Preventron 5 Preventive Nutrition 5 Pro Performance 5 Solotron 5 System LF 5 *TMG Complete 5 *Trans Neuro 5 Ultra Mega 5 SERVICE MARK CLASS - ----------------------- ----- GNC-General Nutrition Centers 35 GNC-General Nutrition Centers-Live Well 35 *GNC Live Well 35 *APPLICATION PENDING IN USA TRADEMARK OFFICE RETAIL AGREEMENT EXHIBIT G RITE AID'S REPORTING REQUIREMENTS EXHIBIT G TO THE GNC/RITE AID RETAIL AGREEMENT RITE AID'S REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Rite Aid will provide the following data in a electronic format to be determined jointly by Rite Aid and GNC. The frequency of data provision will also be determined jointly by Rite Aid and GNC. Rite Aid will provide GNC with all transactions that involve the sale of any item contained in the GNC Plan-O-Gram and/or sold to a Gold Card customer. The transaction will contain the following data. Item Numbers: Rite Aid item number (not required if GNC item number is available) or GNC item number UPC *Store number Rite Aid store number *Sale date Sale type code At a minimum, sale or return Units Total Units sold or returned Extended sell Excluding discounts Extended discount Extended cost Tender type Gold Card Number Identification number contained on the Gold Card of the customer Rite Rewards Number Number or indicator that this product was purchased using the Rite Reward Card *Register number *Transaction number Store or internet transaction indicator *Used to combine market basket. If other methods are available to accomplish this, GNC will consider them. In addition, Rite Aid will provide a store file containing the following data: Store number Store address RETAIL AGREEMENT EXHIBIT H GNC CONSENT AGREEMENTS AND ORDERS UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff, v. CIV. ACT. NO. 94 0686 GENERAL NUTRITION, INC., a corporation,) Defendant. CONSENT DECREE WHEREAS: Plaintiff, the United States of America, has commenced this action by filing the Complaint herein; defendant has waived service of the Summons and Complaint; the parties have been represented by the attorneys whose names appear hereafter; and the parties have agreed to settlement of this action upon the following terms and conditions, without adjudication of any issue of fact or law and without defendant's admitting liability for any of the matters alleged in the Complaint; THEREFORE, on the joint motion of plaintiff and defendant, it is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED, and DECREED as follows: Exhibit 11.34 1. This Court has jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties. 2. The Complaint states a claim upon which relief may be granted against the defendants under Sections 5(l), 9, 13(b), and 16(a) of the Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C, Sections 45(l), 49, 53 (b), and 56(a). 3. The following definitions shall apply to this decree: "1989 Order" shall mean the Federal Trade Commission ("Commission") Order in FTC Docket No. C-9175, 111 F.T.C. 387, 411-16 (1989), a copy of which is attached herewith as Attachment A and made a part of this Consent Decree. "1970 Order" shall mean the Commission Order in FTC Docket No. C-1517, 75 F.T.C. 529, 536-39 (1969), as modified at 77 F.T.C. 1458, 1458-59 (1970), a copy of which is attached herewith as Attachment B and made a part of this Consent Decree. CIVIL PENALTY 4. Pursuant to Section 5(l) of the Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. Section 45(l), Defendant GENERAL NUTRITION, INC., shall pay a monetary civil penalty of $2.4 million ($2,400,000). Defendant has agreed to deposit this sum into an escrow account; established and managed by Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, within five (5) business days of the Commission's acceptance of an agreement settling the civil penalty actions in F.T.C. Dkt. Nos. C-1517 and D-9175 ("Agreement"). After entry of this Decree, Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn shall within three (3) business days transfer this sum from the escrow account to Consent Decree Page 2 of 9 Exhibit 11.35 the U.S. Treasury as a civil penalty. Any interest earned on the escrow principal during the pendency of the escrow shall not accrue to the amount of the civil penalty, but shall be the property of Defendant. If the Decree is not entered within 120 days of the Commission's acceptance of the Agreement, the escrow principal and any interest earned thereon during the pendency of the escrow shall be the property of Defendant. In the event of any default in payment by Defendant to the escrow account, which default continues for ten (10) days beyond the due date of the payment, interest computed pursuant to 28. U.S.C. Section 1961(a) shall accrue from the date of default to the date of payment. INJUNCTION AGAINST ORDER VIOLATIONS 5. Defendant, GENERAL NUTRITION, INC., its successors and assigns, and its officers, agents, representatives and employees, and all persons in active concert or participation with any one or more of them who receive actual notice of this Consent Decree by personal service or otherwise, are hereby enjoined from ever violating, directly or through any corporation, subsidiary, division, or other device, any provision of the 1989 and 1970 Orders. 6. In the event that either the 1989 or the 1970 Order is hereafter modified, defendant's compliance with such Order as so modified shall not be deemed a violation of this injunction. FURTHER ORDER PROVISIONS 7. Defendant, GENERAL NUTRITION, INC., its successors and assigns, and its officers, agents, representatives and employees, Consent Decree Page 3 of 9 Exhibit 11.36 and all persons in active concert or participation with any one or more of them who receive actual notice of this Consent Decree by personal service or otherwise, are hereby enjoined from: (a) Representing, directly or by implication, in connection with the advertising, packaging, labeling, promoting, offering for sale, selling, or distributing of Biotin Hair Care Kit, Biotin Shampoo, Biotin Conditioner, Biotin Vitamins and Minerals for The Hair, Polysorbate 80, or any other substantially similar hair care product ("defendant's product(s)"), that the use of defendant's product(s) will prevent or retard hair loss. For purposes of this Consent Decree, "substantially similar hair care product" shall be defined as any product that is advertised or intended for sale over-the-counter to treat, cure or curtail hair loss and which is of substantially similar composition or possesses substantially similar properties to Biotin Hair Care Kit, Biotin Shampoo, Biotin Conditioner, Biotin Vitamins and Minerals for The Hair, or Polysorbate 80. (b) Representing, directly or by implication, in connection with the advertising, packaging, labeling, promoting, offering for sale, selling, or distributing of any other product or service, that: Consent Decree Page 4 of 9 Exhibit 11.37 (1) the use of the product or service can or will prevent, cure, relieve, reverse, or reduce hair loss; or (2) the use of the product or service can or will promote the growth of hair where hair has already been lost, unless such representation is true and unless, at the time of making such representation, respondent possesses and relies upon competent and reliable scientific evidence that substantiates the representation. For purposes of this Consent Decree, "competent and reliable scientific evidence" shall mean tests, analyses, research, studies, or other evidence based on the expertise of professionals in the relevant area that has been conducted and evaluated in an objective manner by persons qualified to do so, using procedures generally accepted by others in the profession to yield accurate and reliable results. (c) Advertising, packaging, labeling, promoting, offering for sale, selling, or distributing any product that is represented as promoting hair growth or preventing hair loss, unless the product is the subject of an approved new drug application for such purpose under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C, 301 et seq., provided that, this requirement shall not limit the requirements of paragraph 7(a) and (b) herein. Consent Decree Page 5 of 9 Exhibit 11.38 DISTRIBUTION OF THE DECREE 8. GENERAL NUTRITION, INC., shall, within thirty (30) days of the entry of this Consent Decree, provide a copy of this Consent Decree, to each of its officers, directors, agents, and employees having sales, advertising, or policy responsibilities with respect to the subject matter of this Order, secure from each such person a signed statement acknowledging receipt of a copy of this Consent Decree, and shall, within thirty (30) days of complying with this paragraph, serve upon the Commission an affidavit setting forth the fact and manner of its compliance, including the name and title of each person to whom a copy of the Consent Decree has been provided. OTHER CAUSES OF ACTION NOT BARRED 9. This action, and the relief awarded herein, is in addition to and not in lieu of other remedies as may be provided by law, including both civil and criminal remedies. CONTINUING JURISDICTION 10. This Court shall retain jurisdiction of this matter for the purpose of enabling any of the parties to this Consent Decree to apply to the Court at any time for such further orders or directives as may be necessary or appropriate for interpretation or modification of this Consent Decree, for the enforcement of compliance therewith, for the redress of any violations thereof, or for the punishment of any violations thereof. Consent Decree Page 6 of 9 Exhibit 11.39 JUDGMENT IS THEREFORE ENTERED in favor of plaintiff, the United States of America, and against defendant, pursuant to all of the terms and conditions recited above. Dated this 20th day of May, 1994. [ILLEGIBLE] cm: All parties of record MP --------------------------------- United States District Judge The parties, by their respective counsel, hereby consent to the terms and conditions of the Consent Decree as set forth above and consent to the entry thereof. Defendant waives any rights that may arise under the Equal Access to Justice Act, 28 U.S.C. Section 2412. FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FRANK V. HUNGER Assistant Attorney General Civil Division United States Department of Justice FREDERICK W. THIEMAN United States Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania /s/ AMY REYNOLDS HAY -------------------------------- AMY REYNOLDS HAY Assistant United States Attorney 633 U.S. Post Office & Courthouse Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412) 644-6655 PA ID # 136623 EUGENE M. THIROLF Director Office of Consumer Litigation /s/ LAWRENCE G. McDADE -------------------------------- LAWRENCE G. McDADE Assistant Director Office of Consumer Litigation Civil Division U.S. Department of Justice Consent Decree Page 7 of 9 Exhibit 11.40 FOR THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION /s/ DEAN C. GRAYBILL ----------------------------------- DEAN C. GRAYBILL Associate Director for Enforcement /s/ JUSTIN DINGFELDER ----------------------------------- JUSTIN DINGFELDER Assistant Director for Enforcement /s/ PETER P. METRINKO ----------------------------------- PETER P. METRINKO /s/ ROSE TOUFEXIS ----------------------------------- ROSE TOUFEXIS /s/ JANICE PODOLL FRANKLE ----------------------------------- JANICE PODOLL FRANKLE /s/ JONATHAN COWEN ----------------------------------- JONATHAN COWEN Attorneys Division of Enforcement Bureau of Consumer Protection Federal Trade Commission FOR THB DEFENDANT GENERAL NUTRITION, INC. By: /s/ WILLIAM E. WATT ----------------------------------- WILLIAM E. WATT PRESIDENT and CEO Consent Decree Page 8 of 9 Exhibit 11.41 /s/ CHRISTOPHER SMITH ----------------------------------- CHRISTOPHER SMITH LEWIS ROSE Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin and Kahn 1050 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20036-5339 Attorneys for the Defendant Consent Decree Page 9 of 9 Exhibit 11.42 ATTACHMENT A B018526 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS: Daniel Oliver, Chairman Terry Calvani Mary L. Azcuenaga Andrew J. Strenio, Jr. Margot E. Machol ) IN THE HATTER OF ) ) DOCKET NO. 9175 GENERAL NUTRITION, INC. ) DECISION AND ORDER a corporation. ) The Commission having heretofore issued its complaint charging the respondent named in the caption hereof with violation of Sections 5 and 12 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, as amended, and the respondent having been served with a copy of that complaint, together with a notice of contemplated relief; and The respondent, its attorney, and counsel for the Commission having thereafter executed an agreement containing a consent order, an admission by the respondent of all the jurisdictional facts set forth in the complaint, a statement that the signing of said agreement is for settlement purposes only and does not constitute an admission by respondent that the law has been violated as alleged in such complaint, and waivers and other provisions as required by the Commission's Rules; and The Secretary of the Commission having thereafter withdrawn this matter from adjudication in accordance with $ 3.25(c) of its Rules; and The Commission having considered the matter and having thereupon accepted the executed consent agreement and placed such agreement on the public record for a period of sixty (60) days, now in further conformity with the procedure prescribed in $ 3.25(f) of its Rules, the Commission hereby makes the following jurisdictional findings and enters the following order: Exhibit 11.43 1. General Nutrition, Inc., is a corporation organized, existing and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with its office and principal place of business located at 921 Penn Avenue, in the City of Pittsburgh, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 2. The Federal Trade Commission has jurisdiction of the subject matter of this proceeding and of the respondent, and the proceeding is in the public interest. ORDER I IT IS ORDERED that respondent General Nutrition Incorporated, a corporation, its successors and assigns, and its officers, agents, representatives, and employees, directly or through any corporation, subsidiary, division or other device, in connection with the manufacture, advertising, labeling, packaging, offering for sale, sale, or distribution of "Healthy Greens," or any substantially comparable product, in or affecting commerce, as "commerce" is defined in the Federal Trade Commission Act, do forthwith cease and desist from representing, directly or by implication, contrary to fact, that any finding of the National Research Council, National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, or U.S. Government, or any finding contained in the Report entitled Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer. supports the claim that use of such product is associated with a reduction in incidence of any type of cancer. II IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent, its successors and assigns, and its officers, agents, representatives, and employees, directly or through any corporation; subsidiary, division or other device, in connection with the manufacture, advertising, labeling, packaging, offering for sale, sale, or Exhibit 11.44 2 distribution of any product in or affecting commerce, as "commerce" is defined in the Federal Trade Commission Act, do forthwith cease and desist from misrepresenting in any manner, directly or by implication, the purpose, content, sample, reliability, results or conclusions of any scientific test, research article, or any other scientific opinion or data, with respect to such product's ability to cure, treat, prevent or reduce the risk of developing any disease in humans. III IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent, its successors and assigns, and its officers, agents, representatives, and employees, directly or through any corporation, subsidiary, division or other device, in connection with the manufacture, advertising, labeling, packaging, offering for sale, sale, or distribution of "Challenge Growth and Training Vita-Pak," "Challenge Free Form Amino Acids," "Life Expander Growth Hormone Releaser," or "24 Hour Diet Plan," or any other free form amino acid nutrient supplement containing arginine, ornithine, tryptophane or a combination thereof, in or affecting commerce, as "commerce" is defined in the Federal Trade Commission Act, do forthwith cease and desist from representing, directly or by implication, that: A. Any such nutrient supplement will stimulate greater production or release of human growth hormone in users than in non-users; B. Any such nutrient supplement will aid a user in achieving greater or faster muscular development than a non-user or will aid a user in achieving muscular development similar to or superior to the kind generally believed by bodybuilders to be achievable through the use of anabolic steroids, e.g., rapid or substantial muscular development; C. Any such nutrient supplement will burn away fat or otherwise alter human metabolism to use up or "burn" stored fat, rather than stored carbohydrates, or will aid a user in attaining greater weight loss during sleep than a non-user; or D. Any such nutrient supplement will expand, extend, or prolong life, or retard aging. Exhibit 11.45 3 IV IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent, its successors and assigns, and its officers, agents, representatives, and employees, directly or through any corporation, subsidiary, division or other device, do forthwith cease and desist from using the expression "Growth Hormone Releaser," or other expressions of similar meaning as a brand name or description for any product, unless such product stimulates the body to produce, or the pituitary gland to release, significantly greater amounts of human growth hormone in users than in non-users and, at the time of using such expression, respondent possesses and relies upon reliable and competent scientific evidence that substantiates the representation. "Reliable and competent scientific evidence" shall mean for purposes of paragraphs IV and V of this order those tests, analyses, research, studies, or other evidence conducted and evaluated in an objective manner by persons qualified to do so, using procedures generally accepted by others in the profession or science to yield accurate and reliable results. V IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent, its successors and assigns, and its officers, agents, representatives, and employees, directly or through any corporation, subsidiary, division or other device, in connection with the manufacture, advertising, labeling, packaging, offering for sale, sale, or distribution of any product in or affecting commerce, as "commerce" is defined in the Federal Trade Commission Act, do forthwith cease and desist from making any representation, directly or by implication: A. Concerning such product's ability to cure, treat, prevent or reduce the risk of developing any disease in humans; B. That such product assists or enables a user to lose or control weight or fat, or suppress appetite; C. That such product expands, extends, or prolongs life or retards aging; or D. That such product aids a user in achieving greater or faster muscular development than a Exhibit 11.46 4 non-user or aids a user in achieving greater endurance, strength, power or stamina or shorter exercise recovery or recuperation time than a non-user unless, at the time of making such representation (V A-D above), respondent possesses and relies upon reliable and competent scientific evidence that substantiates the representation. PROVIDED HOWEVER, that respondent shall not be liable under this paragraph for any representation contained on a package label or package insert for a product that meets all of the following conditions: 1. The product is manufactured and distributed by a third party and is not manufactured or distributed exclusively for respondent; 2. The product is generally available at competing retail outlets; 3. The product is not identified with respondent and does not contain respondent's name or logo; 4. The product was not developed or manufactured at the instigation or with the assistance of respondent; and 5. The product representation is not otherwise advertised or promoted by respondent. VI IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent shall pay, in lieu of redress, the aggregate sum of six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000.00) divided in three equal parts to the American Diabetes Association, Inc., the American Cancer Society, Inc., and the American Heart Association. These funds shall be designated for the support of research or fellowships in the fields of nutrition, obesity or physical fitness. Respondent shall make payment in three installments, each installment to be divided equally among the recipients: the first installment in the amount of $300,000.00 within 30 days of the date of service of this order; the second in the amount of $200,000.00 within one year and 30 days of the date of service of this order; and, the third in the amount of $100,000.00 within two years and 30 days of the date of Exhibit 11.47 5 service of this order. In the event any default in payment occurs and continues for 10 days beyond the due date of payment and the giving of notice of such default, the entire remaining amount shall then become due and payable. VII IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that for three (3) years after the last date of dissemination of the representation, respondent, or its successors and assigns, shall maintain and upon request make available to the Federal Trade Commission for inspection and copying copies of: 1. All materials that were relied upon by respondent in disseminating any representation covered by this order; and 2. All tests, reports, studies, surveys, demonstrations or other evidence in its possession or control that contradict, qualify, or call into question any representation made by respondent that is covered by this order. VIII IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent shall notify the Commission at least thirty (30) days prior to any proposed change in the respondent such as dissolution, assignment or sale resulting in the emergence of a successor corporation, the creation or dissolution of subsidiaries or any other change in the corporation which may affect compliance obligations arising out of this order. IX IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent shall, within sixty (60) days after service of this order, file with the Commission a report, in writing, setting forth in detail the manner and form in which it has complied with this order. 6 Exhibit 11.48 10 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent shall forthwith distribute a copy of this order to each of its operating divisions and to all distributors of products manufactured or marketed by respondent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Federal Trade Commission has caused its complaint to be signed by its Secretary and its official seal to be hereto affixed at Washington, D.C. this 2nd day of February, A.D., 1989. By the Commission, Commissioner Azcuenapa dissenting. Commissioner Machol was recorded as not participating. /s/ Donald S. Clark ---------------------------- Donald S. Clark Secretary SEAL: 7 Exhibit 11.49 [OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER LOGO] UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C 20560 DISSENTING STATEMENT OF COMMISSIONER HARY L. AZCUENAGA IN GENERAL NUTAITION; INC. (D. 9175 and 842 3035) I dissent from the Commission's decision to accept a proposed consent order with General Nutrition, Inc. ("GNC") because the order leaves GNC free to sell products that it knows are deceptively labeled. The proviso to Paragraph V of the consent order provides that GNC would not necessarily be liable for unsubstantiated claims appearing on the labels of the products sold at its stores even if it was clear that the company had actual knowledge that those claims were unsubstantiated. I believe that the order should hold GNC liable if it knows that the packaging of these products contains unsubstantiated claims. Exhibit 11.5O IN THE MATTER OF GENERAL NUTRITION CORPORATION TRADING AS NATURAL SALES COMPANY, ET AL. CONSENT ORDER, ETC., IN REGARD TO THE ALLEGED VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION ACT. Docket C-1517. Complaint, Apr. 4, 1968-Decision, Apr. 4, 1968* Consent order requiring a Pittsburgh, Pa., distributor of drug preparations to cease making exaggerated claims concerning the efficacy of its vitamins and mineral products, and disseminating advertising which lists untested ingredients. The Commission having heretofore determined to issue its complaint charging the respondents named in the caption hereof with violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act, and the respondents having been served with notice of said determination and with a copy of the complaint the Commission intended to issue, together with a proposed form of order; and The respondents and counsel for the Commission having thereafter executed an agreement containing a consent order, an admission by the respondents of all the jurisdictional facts set forth in the complaint to issue herein, a statement that the signing of said agreement is for settlement purposes only and does not constitute an admission by respondents that the law has been violated as alleged in such complaint, and waivers and other provisions as required by the Commission's Rules; and The Commission having considered the agreement and having accepted same, and the agreement containing consent order having thereupon been placed on the public record for a period of (30) days, now in further conformity with the procedure prescribed in Section 2.34 (b) of its Rules, the Commission hereby issues its complaint in the form contemplated by said agreement, makes the following jurisdictional findings, and enters the following order: - ---------- * Published as amended by Commission's order of June 20, 1969, which amended the last paragraph of the order to clarify an ambiguity as to the filing of compliance reports. Exhibit 11.51 1. Respondent General Nutrition Corporation is a corporation organized, existing and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, with its principal office and place of business located at 921 Penn Avenue, in the City of Pittsburgh, State of Pennsylvania. The corporate respondent conducts its business under its own name and also under the name Natural Sales Company and formerly did business also under the name "Vitamin Sales Division." Respondent David B. Shakarian is the Chairman of the Board and the President of the corporate respondent and his address is the same as that of said corporate respondent. 2. The Federal Trade Commission has jurisdiction of the subject matter of this proceeding and of the respondents, and the proceeding is in the public interest. ORDER It is ordered, That respondents General Nutrition Corporation, a corporation, also trading as Natural Sales Company, or under any other name or names, and its officers, and David B. Shakarian, individually and as an officer of said corporation, and respondents' agents, representatives and employees, directly or through any corporate or other device, in connection with the offering for sale, sale or distribution of Geri-Gen Liquid, Geri-Gen Tablets or Hemotrex, or any other food or drug preparation containing vitamins and/or minerals, do forthwith cease and desist from: 1. Disseminating, or causing to be disseminated, by means of the United States mail or by any means in commerce, as "commerce" is defined in the Federal Trade Commission Act, any advertisement which represents, directly or by implication that: (a) The use of such preparations will be of benefit in the prevention, relief or treatment of tiredness, listlessness, lack of normal appetite, "depleted" feeling, "run-down" feeling, easy fatigability or any other symptom, unless such representation is expressly limited to a symptom or symptoms caused by a deficiency of one or more of the vitamins or iron provided by such preparations; and, further unless such advertisement also discloses clearly and conspicuously, in immediate or close proximity, and with equal prominence, to any such representations: (1) That, in the great majority of persons suffering from any such symptom or symptoms, the preparations will be of no benefit in the prevention, treatment or relief of such symptom or symptoms; and (2) That the presence of iron deficiency anemia or iron deficiency of any degree cannot be self-diagnosed and can be determined only by means of medical or laboratory tests conducted by or under the supervision of a physician; and Exhibit 11.52 (3) That the presence of a deficiency of that B vitamins, or of any vitamin, cannot be self-diagnosed and can be determined only by means of medical laboratory tests conducted by or under the supervision of a physician. (b) Any B Complex Vitamin or Vitamin C is not stored in the body or must be replaced daily. (c) Any ingredient, other than iron, in Geri-Gen liquid, Geri-Gen Tablets or Hemotrex contributes to the effectiveness of these or similar preparations in the preparations in the prevention, treatment or relief of iron deficiency anemia or of iron deficiency or of symptoms represented, directly to or by implication, to be caused by iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia; (d) An individual with iron deficiency anemia or an iron deficiency may also suffer from a deficiency of one or more of the other minerals or of one or more of the vitamins in Geri-Gen Liquid, Geri-Gen Tablets or Hemotrex, unless the advertisement also discloses clearly and conspicuously, in immediate or close proximity and with equal prominence, that in the great majority of cases of iron deficiency anemia or iron deficiency there is no need for additional vitamins or for any additional mineral other than iron; (e) The presence of iron deficiency anemia or iron deficiency of any degree can be self-diagnosed; (f) The presence of iron deficiency anemia or iron deficiency of any degree can generally be determined without medical or laboratory tests conducted by or under the supervision of a physician; (g) The presence of a deficiency of the B vitamin, or any vitamin can be self-diagnosed; (h) The presence of a deficiency of the B vitamins, or of any vitamin, can generally be determined without medical tests conducted by or under the supervision of a physician. Provided, however, That the reference in any advertisement of respondents' vitamin and/or mineral products to a deficiency of vitamins and/or minerals, either directly or by inference, shall not be deemed to constitute a violation of subsections (e), (f), (g) or (h) of Section 1 hereof so long as such advertisement also contains an equally clear and conspicuous statement which reads "If, after medical tests, your doctor has found that you need vitamin and/or mineral supplements, let him recommend those which you may need." Exhibit 11.53 Provided further, however, That neither (1) the identification of respondents' vitamin and/or mineral products by names which are acceptable in labeling to the Food and Drug Administration; nor (2) the listing of the ingredients or enumeration of the formulas of such products expressed as percentages of such unit as may be determined as appropriate in labeling by the Food and Drug Administration; shall be considered to be violative of subsections (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) or (h) hereof. 2. Disseminating, or causing to be disseminated, by means of the United States mails or by any means in commerce, as "commerce" is defined in the Federal Trade Commission Act, any advertisement which lists, or otherwise refers to as an ingredient, any ingredient the need for which in human nutrition has not been established, or an ingredient whose presence in the preparation is without nutritional significance, unless the advertisement also discloses clearly and conspicuously, in immediate or close proximity, and with equal prominence: (1) that the need for such ingredient in human nutrition has not been established; or (2) that the presence of such ingredient in such preparation is without nutritional significance, as the case may be. 3. Disseminating, or causing to be disseminated, by means of the United States mails or by any means in commerce, as "commerce" is defined in the Federal Trade Commission Act, any advertisement which contains statements which are inconsistent with, negate or contradict any of the affirmative disclosures required by paragraphs 1 or 2 of this order. 4. Disseminating, or causing to be disseminated, by any means, for the purpose of including, or which is likely to induce, directly or indirectly, the purchase of such preparation in commerce, as "commerce" is defined in the Federal Trade Commission Act, any advertisement which contains any of the representations prohibited by paragraphs 1,2 or 3 hereof, or which fails to comply with the affirmative requirements of paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof. It is further ordered, That the respondent corporation shall forthwith distribute a copy of this order to each of its operating divisions. It is further ordered, That the respondents herein shall, on the date that this order shall become final in accordance with the terms of Paragraph 7 of the Consent Agreement, file with the Commission a report in writing setting forth in detail the manner and form in which they have complied with this order. Exhibit 11.54 IN THE MATTER OF GENERAL NUTRITION CORPORATION TRADING AS NATURAL SALES COMPANY, ET AL. MODIFIED ORDER, ETC, IN REGARD TO THE ALLEGED VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION ACT Docket C-1517. Complaint, Apr. 4, 1969-Decision, Nov. 4, 1970 Order modifying a previous consent order dated April 4, 1969, 75 F.T.C. 529, which prohibited a drug company from making certain claims for the nutritional significance of vitamin and mineral ingredients. ORDER MODIFYING CEASE AND DESIST ORDER The respondents having made no response to the Commission's order to show cause dated July 1, 1970 on or before the thirtieth day after service thereof. Order It is ordered. That Paragraph 2 of the Commission's order dated April 4, 1969 [75 F.T.C. 529], be, and it hereby is, modified to read as follows: Paragraph 2. Disseminating, or causing to be disseminated, by means of the United States mails or by any means in commerce, as "commerce" is defined in the Federal Trade Commission Act, any advertisement of a product which is advertised or promoted for sale by reason of its vitamin and/or mineral content, which lists, or otherwise refers to as in ingredient, except in the name of such product, any ingredient, the need for which in human nutrition has not been established, or any ingredient whose presence in the preparation is without nutritional significance, unless the advertisement also discloses clearly and conspicuously, in immediate or close proximity, and with equal prominence, that the presence of such ingredient in such preparation is without nutritional significance; nor shall any representation be made that the need for such an ingredient in such product for human nutrition has been established. For the purpose of enforcement of this paragraph, any regulation by the Food and Drug Administration, in full force and effect, which affirmatively permits claims for nutritional significance of a vitamin or mineral in a specified amount in a product labeled for use as a food supplement, will be accepted as evidence that the presence of that amount of the specified nutrient has nutritional significance. Exhibit 11.55 GNCI General Nutrition Companies. Inc. William E. Watts 921 Pann Avenua President Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Chief Executive Officer 412/288-8365 April, 1994 PRESIDENTS LETTER The Federal Trade Commission and General Nutrition, Incorporated (GNI), the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, have agreed to a settlement regarding GNI's compliance with two consent orders that were entered into with the FTC in 1970 and 1989. As a part of this settlement, GNI has agreed to pay a civil penalty, the entire amount of which was fully covered by reserves taken by the Company in the Fiscal Year ended February 6, 1993. Therefore, the settlement had no impact on the financial results of the Company for the fiscal year ended February 5, 1994. In 1984 the Federal Trade Commission instituted an investigation of GNI alleging deceptive acts and practices in connection with the advertising and marketing of certain of GNI's products. After lengthy negotiations and some litigation, GNI accepted a proposed consent order which was finalized in 1989. Following normal procedure, the FTC began to monitor GNI's compliance with the 1989 order. Almost immediately, disputes arose concerning the meaning and intent of certain sections of the order pertaining almost exclusively to label and labeling claims for third-party (non GNC brand) products. Compliance with the various provisions and with FTC staff Interpretation of those provisions was exceedingly complex and entailed continued diligence. While GNI believes that, at all times, it operated in material compliance with the orders, GNI entered into the settlement to avoid protracted litigation. Under the terms of the settlement, GNI neither admitted liability nor was found liable for any of the alleged violations. GNI has agreed to adhere to the terms of the 1970 and 1989 consent orders and to abide by the provisions of the settlement document. The Company does not believe that future compliance with the outstanding consent decrees will affect our business operations in any way. To ensure future compliance, the Company determined, in the Spring of 1993, to prohibit our store managers from purchasing third-party supplements through local distributors, thus eliminating the potential for product or promotional material which might be subject to question under the consent orders from reaching our stores without review. To compensate for potential lost sales, the Company has become a "Full Line" distributor, adding in excess of 2,000 third-party products to our centrally distributed product assortment. The Company is also installing a sophisticated "Label Scanning" system which will check products as they are received in our distribution centers to ensure that we become aware of label changes which occur after our initial approval of the product. In addition, all approved promotional material will be stocked and issued from our Distribution Centers. Recently finalized regulations requiring FDA pro-approval of health claims as of July 15, 1994, should also aid our ongoing compliance efforts. Marketers of third-party products win be forced to review their labels and promotional materials to eliminate unsubstantiated health claims. This should not only make our compliance Job easier but should also help "level" the playing field for everyone relative to the marketing of supplements. Sincerely, /s/ William E. Watts -------------------------------- Exhibit 11.33 [GNC LOGO] GNC/FTC CONSENT DECREES - WHAT THEY MEAN TO GNC 1. GNC cannot make unsubstantiated claims that a product (private label or third-party) will cure, treat, prevent or reduce the risk of disease or carry product (private label or third party) which makes misleading claims about the results of U.S. government or other research. 2. GNC cannot carry products (private label or third-party) which contain free form arginine and/or omithine if they: A. Make muscle growth claims. B. Make claims concerning growth hormone release. C. Make "fat burner" claims. D. Claim to be a steroid substitute or the product uses the word steroid on the label. E. Claim to retard aging. In addition, GNC cannot carry any product (private label or third-party) which makes a growth hormone releaser claim. 3. No GNC or third-party product, containing vitamins and/or minerals, can claim that it will reduce or prevent fatigue, tiredness, tired blood, iron deficiency anemia, "run down" feeling, listlessness or the lack of a normal appetite. 4. GNC cannot sell any hair care product (private label or third-party) which represents that it will retard hair loss; cure, relieve, reverse or reduce hair loss; or promote hair growth where hair has already been lost. 5. GNC cannot make unsubstantiated claims on any of its private label products, or distribute any advertising, or other marketing materials (private label or third-party) with regard to: A. A product's ability to cure, treat, prevent or reduce the risk of disease. B. A product's ability to assist or enable the user to lose or control weight, fat, or suppress the appetite. C. A product's ability to expand, extend, prolong life or retard aging. D. A product's ability to achieve growth or faster muscular development or achieve greater endurance, strength, power, stamina or shorter exercise recovery or recuperation time. Relative to the above, GNC can carry third-party products, containing no free form arginine or omithine, which make Point 5 claims IN OR ON ITS PACKAGING, if: A. The product is manufactured by a third-party and is not exclusively for GNC. B. The product is generally available at other outlets and/or does not contain GNC's name or logo. C. The product is not developed at the instigation of or with the assistance of any one from GNC. D. The product itself is not otherwise advertised or promoted in any way by GNC. 6. GNC cannot carry any product (private label or third-party) whose guar gum content is more than 1/2 of 1% per serving. 11.11 RETAIL AGREEMENT EXHIBIT I EXISTING AND COMMITTED HARRIS TEETER LOCATIONS HARRIS TEETER II # STORE NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE - ---- ---------- -------------- ---- ----- 257 A Cresent Commons 2080 Kildaire Farm Road, Box 6 Cary NC 297 A Carmill Mall 310 North Greensboro Street Carmill NC 167 A Harris Teeter #167 2201 W.T. Harris Boulevard Charlotte NC 158 A Harris Teeter #158 820 South College Street Wilmington NC 71 A Harpeth Plaza 6002 Highway 100 Nashville TN 64 A Adams Farms Shopping Center 5710 W. High Point Road Greensboro NC 28 A Oakpoint Center 675 Folly Road Charleston SC 141 A Long Leaf Shopping Center 4310 Shipyard Boulevard Wilmington NC 102 A Ogden Plaza 6840 North Market Street Wilmington NC 176 A Greenbrier Market Center 1216 Greenbrier Parkway Chesapeake VA 152 A Main Street Village 310 Main Street Hilton Head NC 19 A Village Points Shopping Center 920 Houston Northcutt Boulevard Mt. Pleasant SC 202 A Shoppes at Davidson Corner 1235 Highway 29, Suite 1 Concord NC 179 A Jetton Village 19815 North Cove Rd Cornelius NC 63 A Westridge Village Shopping Ctr 3649 Sunset Avenue Rocky Mount NC 91 A North Elm Village Shopping Ctr 401 Pisgah Church Road Greensboro NC 110 A Robinwood Crossing 1751 Neal Hawkins Road Gastoria NC 69 A Old Raleigh Village 3201-123 Edwards Mill Road Raleigh NC 97 A Southlake Shopping Center 20623 Torrence Chapel Road Cornelius NC 221 A Cross Roads Shopping Center 2019 S. Glenburnie Road New Bern NC 73 A Forest Park Shopping Center 4711-1 Forest Drive Columbia SC 211 A Town Center Plaza 8514 University City Boulevard Charlotte NC 9 B Glenwood Square 1200 Raleigh Road Chapel Hill NC 119 B Benchmark Shopping Center 2920 Randleman Road Greensboro NC 5 B The Galleria 6800 Wrightsville Avenue Wrightsvilte Beach NC 289 B Glenwood Village 2915 Essex Circle Raleigh NC 147 B Plantation Market 3100 Weddington Road Charlotte NC 128 B Fuquay Plaza Shopping Center US Highway 401 FuquayVarina NC 187 B The Shoppes at St. Andrews 4350 St. Andrews Road Lexington SC 14 B Biltmore Parkway Centre 1378 Hendersonville Road Asheville NC 54 B Forest Hills Centre 1700 Raleigh Road, Suite 104 Wilson NC 200 B High House Crossing 2741 NC Highway 55 Apex NC 38 B Plaza West Shopping Center 5563 Western Boulevard Raleigh NC 160 A Monocroft Village 6701 Morrison Boulevard Charlotte NC 79 B Chadwick Square Shopping Ctr 637 Spartanburg Highway Hendersonville NC 294 B Old Town Mall 4100 Carrnel Road Charlotte NC 1 C Mint Hill Festival 6912 Matthews-Mint Hill Road Charolotte NC 300 C Catawba General 321 By pass Newton NC 149 C Northwood Square 2750 Celanese Road Rock Hill SC 213 C Abbotts Bridge Station 10820 Abbotts Bridge Rd Duluth GA 113 C Tayiorsville Shopping Center 561 Third Street, SW Taylorsville NC 17 C Converse Plaza 1200 East Main Street Spartanburg SC 150 C Ashmore Crossing Shopping Ctr 1290 S. Pleasantburg Drive Greenville SC 154 C Oak Grove Center 2660 Reidville Road Spartansburg SC 16 C Northeast Center 1020 Summit Avenue Greensboro NC 143 C Hudson Comers Shopping Ctr 2131 Old Spartanburg Road Greenville SC 86 Glebe Road and Randolph Road Arlington VA 136 B Falls of the Neuse and Durant Falls of the Neuse and Durant Raleigh NC 173 B Skeet Club and Eastchester Skeet Club and Eastchester High Point NC 11 US 521 and Ballantine Commons Pky US 521 and Ballantine Commons Pky Charlotte NC N/A Six Forks at Strickland Raleigh NC N/A Creedmoor Road at Millbrook Road Raleigh NC N/A 1485 Lawyers Mint Hill NC N/A 1485 and Harrisburg Road Charlotte NC N/A Highway 17 and Highway 41 Mount Pleasant SC 34 A1A and Gerbin Road Amelia Island FL 112 Maynard and Harrison Cary NC 87 1526 and Long Point Road Mount Pleasant SC 166 A Mountain Island Marketplace 3540 Mount Holly-Huntersville Road Charlotte NC 95 A Towers Shopping Mall 2121 Colonial Avenue SW Roanoke VA 6 B Harris Teeter #6 12404 Warwick Boulevard Newport News VA 77 C White Pines Plaza 1008 East Main Street Cherryville NC 293 C Harris Teeter #293 610 East Kings Street Kings Mountain NC 98 C Tri-City Mall Highway 74 By pass Forest City NC *88 A Steele Croft Shopping Center 13000 York Road Chariotte NC *45 A Providence Commons 10616 Providence Road Charlotte NC *177 A Barracks Road Shopping Ctr 975 Emmet Street Chariottesville VA 172 A Commons at University Place 1817 Martin Luthur King Jr. Parkway Durham NC 33 A Harris Teeter #33 701 Francis King Street Greensboro NC 144 C Club Haven Shopping Center 5049 Country Winston-Salem NC 275 C Crossroads Shopping Centre 1836 Ashley Charleston SC GRAND TOTAL 71 Exhibit IV.E MINIMUM PURCHASE REQUIREMENT [*] PAYMENTS REQUIRED IF RITE AID DOES NOT MEET THE ABOVE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS [*] - ---------- * This information has been omitted based on a request for confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. EXHIBIT IV.B.(4)-2 TO THE GNC/RITE AID RETAIL AGREEMENT NUTRA MANUFACTURING, INC. SHIPMENT DISCREPANCY POLICY WITH RITE AID HDQTRS. CORP. This policy addresses issues related to the shipment of product purchased by RITE AID HDQTRS. CORP. ("Rite Aid") from Nutra Manufacturing, Inc. (f/k/a Nutricia Manufacturing USA, Inc.) ("GNP"). Specifically, this policy addresses issues related to discrepancies between amounts GNP considers shipped and amounts Rite Aid considers received. The discrepancies addressed in this policy may result from over shipments, under shipments, visible damage, concealed damage and expiration date issues. Products purchased included GNC Brand Product, Third Party Product, PharmAssure Premium product, PharmAssure Basic product, and Rite Aid Private Label product. Consignment product will be controlled under the provisions of the Consignment Agreement. The following procedures will be followed in order to achieve agreement between Rite Aid claimed discrepancies and GNP Accepted discrepancies. 1. GNP will include with each shipment of product, a Summary Packing Slip and a Detailed Packing Slip. The Detailed Packing Slip will contain all information, instructions and forms required to claim a shipment discrepancy. 2. GNP will require a completed Packing List Discrepancy Worksheet for every invoice regardless of whether a discrepancy is claimed. For invoices where no discrepancy is claimed, the worksheet should be completed indicating that there is no discrepancy ("received clear"). 3. Rite aid will fax a copy of all Packing List Discrepancy Worksheets to GNP Order Control at 412-749-5375. 4. For all invoices where a discrepancy is claimed, GNP will require a copy of the receiving Bill of Lading to accompany the Packing List discrepancy Worksheet. The final carton count on the Packing List Discrepancy Worksheet must agree with the total carton count indicated on the Bill of Lading. 5. GNP will require a contact person with a telephone, e-mail address, or fax number for every Packing Slip Discrepancy worksheet faxed by Rite Aid. 6. GNP will require that all discrepancies be reported in the above manner to GNP Order Control within 21 days of the invoice date. 7. For accepted and approved discrepancies, GNP Order Control will provide Rite Aid with a discrepancy control number to validate the approval and processing of the discrepancy within 3 business days. This discrepancy control number will be provided to the Rite Aid contact person indicated on the original transmission of the Packing List Discrepancy Worksheet. 8. GNP will issue credit against the original invoice on a per unit basis, prices consistent with the original invoice. 9. For product not refused and returned to the driver at the time of delivery, GNP will require disposition of damaged or expiring product by either of the following: (a) A return of the product by Rite Aid in accordance with the General Nutrition Sales Corporation Product Return Policy using the GNC Return Form or (b) Receipt of a Proof of Destruction from Rite Aid. 10. GNP will credit Rite Aid after processing the discrepancy. 11. Rite Aid initiated deductions will reference the original GNP invoice number and include specific line item details. These deductions can be cross referenced back to GNP initiated credit memos referencing the original invoice number. 12. GNP will require Rite Aid to reference the GNP invoice number and the discrepancy control number in any correspondence dealing with shipment discrepancies. Attachments: Example Instruction Sheet for interpreting GNP shipping documents. Example Detailed Packing List Example Summary Packing List Example Case-Pick Label Example Packing List Discrepancy Worksheet Example Bill of Lading Example GNC Return Form