Exhibit 4 (g)

                               FIXED ACCOUNT RIDER

This rider is made part of the basic contract/certificate to which it is
attached. The date of issue of the rider is the same as that of the basic
contract/certificate unless a different date is shown on the
Contract/Certificate Specifications page. Except as provided in this rider, the
Fixed Account is treated the same as an Underlying Fund.

When the Participant/Certificate Owner (hereinafter referred to as Participant),
directs Us to do so, We will apply all or any part of a Participant's Purchase
Payments to the Fixed Account.

                                PURCHASE PAYMENTS

The Purchase Payments are the payments the Contract Owner and/or the
Participants allocate to the Fixed Account. No Purchase Payment after the first
is required to keep the Fixed Account in effect, as long as the basic
contract/certificate is in effect.

We will apply the allocation of the first net Purchase Payment paid for the
Fixed Account to provide Accumulation Units to the Fixed Account within two
business days after it is received in good order at Our Office. We will apply
any allocation of the net Purchase Payments after the first net Purchase Payment
to the Fixed Account as of the day We receive it at Our Office.

                              VALUATION INFORMATION

For the purpose of this rider, for the Fixed Account only, the VALUATION
INFORMATION section of the basic contract/certificate is amended by deleting the
following provisions:

     1.   "Number of Accumulation Units;"

     2.   "Accumulation Unit Value;" and

     3.   "Net Investment Factor;"

and the following provisions are added.


We will determine the number of Accumulation Units to be credited to the Fixed
Account by dividing the net Purchase Payment applied to the Fixed Account by the
applicable Accumulation Unit Value of the Fixed Account.


We will determine the value of an Accumulation Unit for the Fixed Account on any
day by multiplying:

     a)   the value on the immediately preceding date; by

     b)   the net interest factor for the day on which the value is being


The net interest factor for a day is:

     1.   the assured Net Interest Rate which is equivalent to an annual
          interest rate equal to the Minimum Guaranteed Interest Rate for the
          Fixed Account shown on the Contract/Certificate Specifications, plus

     2.   any interest in excess of the assured Net Interest Rate credited at
          Our discretion, plus

     3.   1.000000.


The initial interest rate for any Purchase Payment is declared [each month] and
is guaranteed for [twelve months]. Each Purchase Payment is placed in a "cell"
for interest crediting purposes. At the end of the [twelve month] guarantee
period, a renewal interest rate will be determined that will not be lower than
the guaranteed minimum interest rate shown on the Contract/Certificate
Specifications. At the end of the initial guarantee period, the first renewal
rate will be guaranteed to the end of that calendar year. The second and all
future renewal rates will be declared each subsequent January 1 and guaranteed
through December 31 of each year.

Interest will be compounded and credited to the Fixed Account at a daily rate
equivalent to the effective annual interest rate as determined by Us. The rate
will never be less than the guaranteed minimum interest rate shown on the


Specifications. Additional interest above the guaranteed minimum interest rate
amounts may be credited by Us for the initial and renewal guaranteed interest


Amounts may generally be transferred from the Underlying Funds to the Fixed
Account at any time. Amounts may be transferred from the Fixed Account to the
Underlying Funds as described on the Contract/Certificate Specifications page.
No transfers will be allowed between the Fixed Account and any Competing Fund in
the Plan. Amounts previously transferred from the Fixed Account to the
Underlying Funds may not be transferred back to the Fixed Account or any
Competing Fund for a period of at least[ 3 months] from the date of transfer. We
reserve the right to limit the number of transfers and percentage of Cash Value,
as shown on the Contract/Certificate Specifications page, to be transferred from
the Fixed Account to the Underlying Funds and to contracts not issued by Us. The
minimum number of transfers allowed is shown on the Contract/Certificate


At the Written Request of the Participant, We will make available the Cash
Surrender Value of the Fixed Account for transfer to contracts/certificates not
issued by Us, subject to the restrictions on the Contract/Certificate
Specifications page.

                                  FIXED ACCOUNT

We may allow the Participant to transfer funds held in another group Annuity
contract/certificate issued by Us to the Fixed Account without applying deferred
sales charges or surrender charges to the funds being transferred. Once the
transfer is complete and We have established a new account, new deferred sales
charges or surrender charges may apply to the Fixed Account as shown on the
Contract/Certificate Specifications page.

                                  FIXED ACCOUNT

We may allow the Participant to transfer their Individual Account Cash Value in
the Fixed Account to another contract/certificate issued by Us without incurring
a deferred sales charge or surrender charge as shown on the Contract/Certificate
Specifications page to the funds being transferred. Once the transfer is
complete and We have established a new account, new deferred sales charges or
surrender charges may apply to the new contract/certificate in accordance with
the provisions of such contract/certificate.



The Participant may request allowable distributions shown on the
Contract/Certificate Specifications page from the Fixed Account at any time.
Upon receipt of Written Request, We will pay the Participant the Cash Value of
the Fixed Account as applicable for those allowable distributions.


For the purpose of processing distributions from the Fixed Account, withdrawals
are taken from the most recent "cell" first, and each subsequent cell is
accessed for distributions in descending order on a Last-In, First-Out (LIFO)

The Cash Surrender Value will be determined as of the Next Valuation Date
following receipt of the Written Request. We may defer payment of the Cash
Surrender Value in the Fixed Account for up to six months from the date of the
Written Request. If a payment is deferred more than 10 days from the date the
request is received, interest will continue to be earned during the deferred
period at the rate required by law or at the rate currently being credited under
this rider, whichever is greater.

                          CONTRACT/CERTIFICATE CHARGES

No Account Charge is applicable to the Fixed Account.



If the contract is discontinued by the Contract Owner and the Contract Owner has
provided notice to and received consent from all Certificate Owners that no
further Purchase Payments for the contract or any certificates will be accepted,
than this rider will also be discontinued, and no further Purchase Payments or
transfers will be allowed under this rider also. Additionally, the following
terms will apply:

     [If the contract is discontinued because of Plan Termination and the Plan
     certifies to Us that the Plan Termination is the result of the dissolution
     or liquidation of the employer under US Code Title 11 procedures, the Cash
     Surrender Value may be distributed directly to the employees entitled to
     share in such distributions in accordance with the Plan relating to Plan
     Termination. Distribution may be in the form of cash payments, Annuity
     options, or deferred annuities.

     If the Plan is terminated or the contract discontinued by the Contract
     Owner for any other reason, then upon discontinuance of the contract, We
     will determine the Market Adjusted Value of the Fixed Account using the
     formula described below. The Market Adjusted Value is the current value as
     of the date of discontinuance and reflects the relationship between the
     rate of interest credited to funds on deposit under the Fixed Account at
     the time of discontinuance and the rate of interest credited on new
     deposits for this class of contracts at the time of discontinuance. The
     Market Adjusted Value may be greater than or less than the Cash Value of
     the Fixed Account.]

          Upon determining the Market Adjusted Value of the Fixed Account, We
          will pay the Participant their choice of:

          a)   the Market Adjusted Value, less any amounts deducted on
               Surrender, less any loans outstanding in one lump sum within 60
               days of the date of discontinuance We may defer the payment of
               this amount for up to six months from the date of discontinuance.
               If a payment is deferred more than 10 working days from the date
               of discontinuance, interest will continue to be earned during the
               deferred period in the same manner as described in this rider; or

          b)   the Cash Value of the Fixed Account in installments over a 5 year
               period. Interest will be credited to the remaining Cash Value of
               the Fixed Account during this installment period at a fixed
               effective annual interest rate of not less than 1.5% below the
               net effective rate being credited to the contract on the date of
               discontinuance. The first payment will be made no later than 60
               days following Our mailing the written notice of Contract
               Discontinuance to the Contract Owner at the most current address
               available on Our records. The remaining payments will be mailed
               on each anniversary of the discontinuance date for 4 years.
               Allowable distributions shown on the Contract Specifications page
               are not allowed during the 5 year installment period.

                         MARKET VALUE ADJUSTMENT FORMULA

   Market Adjusted Value = Cash Value x (1+ R(0))(5) / (1+ R(1) + 0.0025)(5)

          Where R(0) is the rate of interest credited to funds on deposit under
          the Fixed Account at the time of discontinuance and R(1) is the rate
          of interest credited on new deposits for this class of contracts at
          the time of discontinuance. Note, the total surrender charge and
          market value adjustment would not exceed 10% or the Cash Value of the
          Fixed Account. Additionally, on or after the 10th Certificate Year,
          the Market Adjusted Value equals the Cash Value.

If We discontinue the contract because We determine that the Plan or
administration of the Plan is not in conformity with applicable law or We
receive notice that is satisfactory to Us of Plan Termination, then within 31
days after We notify the Contract Owner of Our intent to discontinue the
contract, We will accept no further payment for the contract or new
certificates, but will allow all in-force certificates under the contract along
with this fixed account rider to continue under the existing terms of those
certificates and this rider.

                                        METLIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CONNECTICUT

                                        /s/ C. Robert Henrikson
                                        C. ROBERT HENRIKSON
                                        President and Chief Operating Officer
