SPDR(R) Series Trust
                                                      SPDR(R) Index Shares Funds
                                                              One Lincoln Street
                                                     Boston, Massachusetts 02111


January 21, 2010

Ms. Kim Browning
Division of Investment Management
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C.  20549

Re:   SPDR(R) Series Trust and SPDR(R) Index Shares Funds (each a "Registrant"
      and together, the "Registrants"); File Nos.: 811-08839 and 333-57793; and
      811-21145 and 333-92106, respectively

      Registrants' Proxy Statement

Dear Ms. Browning:

This letter responds to comments you provided to the undersigned in a telephonic
discussion on Tuesday January 19, 2010, with respect to the Registrants' proxy
statement (the "Proxy Statement"). The preliminary Proxy Statement was filed on
January 5, 2010 with four main proposals outlined therein. The Registrants
subsequently filed correspondence on January 25, 2010 that included additional
disclosure to be included in the Proxy Statement with respect to Subproposal 4F:
To Amend the Fundamental Policy On Underwriting Of Securities. The Registrants
have included such disclosure in the definitive Proxy Statement.

Summaries of the comments with respect to the Proxy Statement, and responses
thereto on behalf of the Registrants, are provided below. All page references
refer to the pages in the preliminary Proxy Statement. To the extent Registrants
indicate that a change has been made, such change is reflected in the definitive
Proxy Statement. Capitalized terms not defined herein should be given the
meaning provided in the Proxy Statement.


      1.    Comment: At the end of the notice, you indicate that shareholders'
            may revoke proxies by writing a letter. On page 25, you indicate
            that shareholders' can revoke a proxy by any of the voting methods
            or by writing a letter. If shareholders can revoke proxies as stated
            on page 25, please include this disclosure in the notice.

                  Response: The Registrants modified the sentence in the last
                  paragraph of the notice to read: "Proxies may be revoked at
                  any time before they are exercised by submitting to the
                  Secretary of the Trust at the address above a written notice
                  of revocation, by voting again (by Internet, proxy card/voting
                  instruction card or toll-free telephone) or by attending the
                  Meeting and voting in person."


      2.    Comment: Within each proposal, indicate that shareholders will not
            have an opportunity to weigh in on matters after the shareholder
            vote unless another shareholder meeting is held on the same
            proposals (i.e., one bite at apple).

                  Response: The Registrants use language such as "important" or
                  "important matters" in the Proxy Statement and supporting
                  documents to stress the importance of voting to shareholders.
                  The proposals describe the terms applicable to each proposal
                  should it be approved by shareholders. In addition, the
                  following has been added to the shareholder letter:
                  "Shareholder meetings in the SPDR Funds do not generally occur
                  with great frequency, so we ask that you take the time to
                  carefully consider these proposals and vote on these important
                  proposals. If you do not cast your vote at this Shareholder
                  Meeting (or an adjournment thereof), you will not have the
                  opportunity to vote on these matters unless another
                  shareholder meeting is held on the same proposals."


      3.    Comment: If a Trustee does not have any other directorships, state
            "None" in the table on page 3.

                  Response: The Registrants changed these responses to "None"
                  where applicable.


      4.    Comment: In Proposal 2, please disclose any consideration by the
            Board as to whether or not the overall advisory fee should change in
            relation to hiring the sub-adviser or if the allocation of fees
            between the Adviser/Sub-Adviser was appropriate.

                  Response: The Registrants added language stating: "The Board
                  was apprised of the portion of the current advisory fee that
                  the Adviser would pay to the Sub-Adviser under the
                  Sub-Advisory Agreement and also considered that such fees
                  would be paid directly by the Adviser and would not result in
                  increased fees payable by the Municipal SPDR Funds."


      5.    Comment: Please add a side-by-side comparison of the current
            fundamental policies versus the proposed fundamental policies as an
            exhibit to the Proxy Statement.

                  Response: The Registrants added a table as Exhibit 2 to the
                  Proxy Statement that includes a side-by-side comparison of the
                  current fundamental policies versus the proposed fundamental

      6.    Comment: Please describe any additional risks to the Funds
            associated with revision of any fundamental policy in the exhibit.

                  Response: The Registrants added general disclosure regarding
                  the potential risks associated with the revision of
                  fundamental policies under the "How Will the Uniform Policies
                  Differ From Existing Policies" section of Proposal 4. The
                  Registrants also added specific risk disclosure in each
                  Subproposal where applicable.


      7.    Comment: If you have indicated that a new policy allows a Fund to
            engage in an activity in accordance with the 1940 Act, please
            clarify what is permitted under the 1940 Act (to the extent you have
            not disclosed this already).

                  Response: The Registrants added this information where

      8.    Comment: For any fundamental policy that you are revising or
            eliminating, please describe any policy, whether non-fundamental or
            an operating policy, that the Funds will continue to have with
            respect to these types of investments.

                  Response: The Registrants added this information where

      9.    Comment: With respect to the first bullet under the Concentration
            heading in Subproposal 4E, please revise the language that says
            "more than 25% of its assets..." to say "25% or more of its

                  Response: The Registrants made this change.


      10.   Comment: In Part V of the Proxy Statement under "Quorum," please add
            disclosure indicating whether or not returned, but "unsigned"
            proxies will be included in determining quorum.

                  Response: The Registrants have added the following sentence:
                  "Unreturned and unsigned proxies will not be counted toward


      11.   Comment: In Part V of the Proxy Statement under "Adjournment,"
            please add disclosure indicating how broker non-votes will be
            counted for adjournment.

                  Response: The Registrants revised the first sentence in the
                  paragraph so that it now reads (applicable disclosure change
                  has been bracketed for purposes of this response):

                  "If a quorum is not present or represented at the Shareholder
                  Meeting, the holders of a majority of the votes present in
                  person or by proxy and entitled to vote shall have the power
                  to adjourn the meeting from time to time, if the vote required
                  to approve or reject any proposal described in the original
                  notice of such meeting is not obtained (with proxies being
                  voted for or against adjournment, [including abstentions and
                  broker non-votes,] consistent with the votes for and against
                  the proposal for which the required vote has not been


The Registrants acknowledge the SEC press release, dated June 24, 2004 ("Press
Release"), in which the SEC announced that, in connection with any filing upon
which comments are provided to a registrant by the SEC staff, the staff would
require a written representation from the registrant to the effect that the
comment process would not be used as a defense by the registrant in any
securities related litigation brought against it. In accordance with the
position announced in the Press Release, and on behalf of the Registrants, each
Registrant acknowledges that it is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of


disclosures in its filings with the SEC and that it may not assert SEC staff
comments as a defense in any proceeding initiated by the SEC or any person under
the federal securities laws of the United States. Each Registrant further
acknowledges that SEC staff comments or changes to disclosures in response to
SEC staff comments in a filing reviewed by the SEC staff do not foreclose the
SEC from taking any action with respect to such filing.

We hope that the foregoing is responsive to each of the comments provided on
January 19, 2010. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (617)
662-3909 if you have any questions concerning the foregoing.


                                   /s/ Ryan M. Louvar
                                   Ryan M. Louvar

cc:   L. Dial, Esq.
      J. McGuire, Esq.
