August 19, 2010

Mr. Jeffrey Foor
Division of Investment Management
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20549

Re:      Variable Separate Account ("Registrant")
         SunAmerica Annuity and Life Assurance Company ("Depositor")
         Polaris Platinum III Variable Annuity
         Post-Effective Amendment No. 5 and Amendment No. 6 on Form N-4
         File Nos. 333-157199 and 811-03859

Dear Mr. Foor:

         Thank you for your telephone calls on August 17, 2010 and August 18,
2010 during which you provided comments to Post-Effective Amendments No. 5 and 6
on Form N-4 filed on June 15, 2010 by Registrant and Depositor. We have
considered your comments and provide our responses below.

     1.  Optional Living Benefits, page 27

              a.  Comment -- The feature names "SunAmerica Income Plus 6% and
                  SunAmerica Income Builder 8%" on this page do not match the
                  names of the features in the Fee Table; the names of the
                  features should be consistent.

                  Response -- We have removed reference to the "6%" and "8%" in
                  the name of the features on this page.

     2.  Optional Living Benefits, page 30

              a.  Comment -- Under the first paragraph of "Are there investment
                  requirements if I elect SunAmerica Income Plus and SunAmerica
                  Income Builder?" please clarify the duration and crediting
                  interest rate for the Secure Value Account.

                  Response -- The first paragraph under "Are there investment
                  requirements if I elect SunAmerica Income Plus and SunAmerica
                  Income Builder?" has been revised as follows:

                  "We will allocate 10% of every Purchase Payment and
                  Continuation Contribution, if applicable, to a Fixed Account
                  ("Secure Value Account"). The Secure Value Account is only
                  available for investment for contracts with election of
                  SunAmerica Income Plus or SunAmerica Income Builder. The
                  crediting interest rate on amounts allocated to the Secure
                  Value Account will never be less than the guaranteed minimum
                  interest rate specified in your contract. The crediting
                  interest rate, once established, will not change for each
                  allocation to the Secure Value Account for the duration of the
                  guarantee period. The guarantee period for the Secure Value
                  Account is a one year

Mr. Jeff Foor
August 19, 2010
File Nos. 333-157199 and 811-03859
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                  period that automatically renews every year from the date of
                  each allocation to the Secure Value Account, unless the Living
                  Benefit has been cancelled. Each allocation to the Secure
                  Value Account may have different crediting interest rates. The
                  remaining 90% of every Purchase Payment and Continuation
                  Contribution, if applicable (the "Flexible Allocation"), must
                  be allocated by you in accordance with the investment
                  requirements outlined below."

     3.  Extended Legacy, pages 43-44

              a.  Comment -- Please disclose that the Separate Account Charge
                  for the Extended Legacy Program is deducted annually.

     Response -- The first sentence of the last paragraph under the "Extended
     Legacy Program" header has been revised as follows:

                  "Beginning on the day we receive all applicable documentation
                  that the claim process is complete and in Good Order to take
                  the death benefit amount under the Extended Legacy Program, we
                  will deduct an annual Separate Account Charge of 1.15% which
                  is deducted daily from the average daily ending net asset
                  value allocated to the Variable Portfolios."

              b.  Comment -- Please clarify whether the Extended Legacy Program
                  allows beneficiaries to withdraw only the required minimum
                  distributions or more than the required minimum distribution

     Response -- The first sentence under the "Extended Legacy Program" header
     has been revised as follows:

                  "The Extended Legacy Program, if available, can allow a
                  Beneficiary under a SunAmerica Annuity or First SunAmerica
                  contract (s) to take the death benefit amount in the form of
                  withdrawals over a longer period of time, with the flexibility
                  to withdraw more than the IRS required minimum distribution."

              c.  Comment -- Please consider revising a footnote to the Fee
                  Table to include the Separate Account Charge for the Extended
                  Legacy Program instead of the disclosure on page 8.

     Response -- The disclosure on page 8 has been deleted and footnote 4 to the
     Fee Table has been revised as follows:

                  "If you do not elect any optional features, your total
                  separate account annual expenses would be 1.30%. If your
                  Beneficiary elects to take the death benefit amount under the
                  Extended Legacy Program and we receive all applicable
                  documentation that the claim process is complete and in Good
                  Order, we will deduct an annual Separate Account Charge of
                  1.15% which is deducted daily from the average daily ending
                  net asset value allocated to the Variable Portfolios. PLEASE

Mr. Jeff Foor
August 19, 2010
File Nos. 333-157199 and 811-03859
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     4.  Tandy Representations

         Depositor and Registrant acknowledge that:

     -   Should the Commission or the Staff, acting pursuant to delegated
         authority, declare the filing effective, it does not foreclose the
         Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing; and

     -   The action of the Commission or the Staff, acting pursuant to delegated
         authority, in declaring the filing effective, does not relieve
         Depositor and Registrant from full responsibility for the adequacy and
         accuracy of the disclosure in the filing; and

     -   Depositor and Registrant may not assert this action as a defense in any
         proceeding initiated by the Commission or any other person under the
         federal securities laws of the United States.

We will file all revisions and all relevant exhibits and financial statements in
a post-effective amendment to the registration statement on or about August 25,
2010. If you have any further questions, please contact me at 310-772-6259.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Helena Lee

Helena Lee