Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004
Tel:  202.739.3000
Fax:  202.739.3001


December 28, 2010


Ms. Kimberly Browning
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC  20549

         (FILE NOS. 333-101625 AND 811-21261)

Dear Ms. Browning:

This  letter  responds  to your  comments  conveyed  to us  during  a  telephone
conference on November 5, 2010 relating to the Trust's Post-Effective  Amendment
No.  14 ("PEA  No.  14"),  filed  on  September  13,  2010  for the  purpose  of
registering  nineteen  new series  (the  "Funds")  of the Trust.  The  following
summarizes your comments, and our responses to those comments.  Unless otherwise
noted,  capitalized  terms  have the same  meaning  as  contained  in the Funds'
Prospectuses and/or Statement of Additional Information ("SAI").


1.       COMMENT.  Please  confirm  that the Funds'  investment  objectives  and
         strategies are consistent with the Trust's exemptive relief.

         RESPONSE.   We  confirm  that  the  Funds'  investment  objectives  and
         strategies  are  consistent  with the exemptive  relief  granted to the

2.       COMMENT. Given that the Funds have adopted a distribution plan pursuant
         to Rule 12b-1, please revise the "Distribution  (12b-1) Fees" line item
         in the "Annual Fund  Operating  Expenses"  table to replace "None" with
         "0." In  addition,  add a footnote to the table  stating that while the
         Funds have adopted a distribution  plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1, no fees
         are currently charged pursuant to the plan.

         RESPONSE.  We have revised the  "Distribution  (12b-1)  Fees" line item
         accordingly.  We have not  added  the  suggested  explanatory  footnote
         because we do not believe that Form N-1A  provides for the  flexibility
         to add such a footnote.  However,  the description of the  Distribution
         Plan included in the Prospectus  under "Buying and Selling Fund Shares"
         does explain that "[n]o distribution

         fees are currently  charged to the Funds;  there are no plans to impose
         these fees, and no such fees will be charged prior to March 1, 2012."

3.       COMMENT.  Please  confirm that the Funds will not incur  acquired  fund
         fees and  expenses  of  greater  than  0.01%.  If the Funds  will incur
         acquired fund fees and expenses in an amount greater than 0.01%, please
         add a separate line item to the "Annual Fund Operating  Expenses" table
         reflecting such amount.

         RESPONSE. For those Funds that are expected to incur acquired fund fees
         and expenses in excess of 0.01%,  we have added an "Acquired  Fund Fees
         and Expenses"  line item to the fee table  reflecting  the amount to be
         incurred.  For the remaining Funds, acquired fund fees and expenses, if
         any,  are  expected to be de minimis and  therefore  included in "Other
         Expenses" consistent with Form N-1A.

4.       COMMENT.  Please  delete the  explanatory  disclosure  included  in the
         footnote  to "Other  Expenses"  in the Funds'  "Annual  Fund  Operating
         Expenses" tables as it is not permitted by Form N-1A.

         RESPONSE. We have revised the "Other Expenses" footnotes accordingly.

5.       COMMENT.  Please  disclose each Fund's  non-fundamental  80% investment
         policy  adopted  pursuant  to  Rule  35d-1  in its  Item  4  "Principal
         Investment Strategies" section.

         RESPONSE. We have revised each Fund's "Principal Investment Strategies"
         section accordingly.

6.       COMMENT. Under "Principal Risks" in each Fund's Summary section, please
         disclose the anticipated  concentration of each Fund's investments as a
         result  of  the  composition  of  the  Fund's   Underlying   Index,  if

         RESPONSE.  Where applicable,  we have included disclosure regarding the
         Funds'  possible  geographic  investment  concentration  and the  risks
         associated therewith.

7.       COMMENT.  Please add disclosure  explaining  what it means to be "equal
         weighted,"  including  the  disadvantages  and  advantages of an "equal
         weighted" investment strategy.

         RESPONSE.  We have added an explanation of what "equal  weighted" means
         to Item 9 of the Prospectus.

8.       COMMENT.  Please  indicate in the Item 9  disclosure  where  additional
         information about the Underlying Indices is located in the SAI.

         RESPONSE. We have revised the Funds' Item 9 disclosure accordingly.


9.       COMMENT. In each Fund's "Principal Investment Strategy" section, please
         refrain from using equivocal terms in the  descriptions of the types of
         financial instruments and securities each Fund may invest in as part of
         its principal investment strategy.

         RESPONSE.  We have revised each Fund's "Principal  Investment Strategy"
         disclosure accordingly.

10.      COMMENT.  For each Fund that  invests in American  Depositary  Receipts
         ("ADRs"),   please   disclose   whether  the  ADRs  are   sponsored  or

         RESPONSE.  This  information  is  disclosed  in the Funds'  "Depositary
         Receipt Risk" disclosure in Item 9, which states as follows:  "The Fund
         will  primarily  invest in  sponsored  ADRs,  which are issued with the
         support  of the issuer of the  foreign  stock  underlying  the ADRs and
         carry all of the rights of common shares, including voting rights."

11.      COMMENT.  In  the  Funds'  Item  9  disclosure,  please  add  the  word
         "Principal" to the headings  "Investment  Strategies"  and  "Investment

         RESPONSE. We have revised the Item 9 headings accordingly.

12.      COMMENT.  Please augment the  "Geographic  Concentration  Risk" in each
         Fund's   Item  4   disclosure,   as   applicable,   to   disclose   any
         country-specific risks.

         RESPONSE. For each Fund that is subject to geographic concentration, we
         have   revised   its   "Geographic   Concentration   Risk"   disclosure

13.      COMMENT. Under "Investment Strategies" in the Item 9 disclosure, please
         disclose  when the  International  Equal  Weight  ETFs  will  invest in
         derivatives  and what types of derivatives.  Please include  comparable
         disclosure in Item 4, if appropriate.

         RESPONSE.  We have  confirmed with our client,  that the  International
         Equal  Weight  ETFs  do  not  intend  to  invest  in  derivatives  to a
         significant  extent,  if at  all,  and,  therefore,  have  deleted  the
         referenced disclosure from the Funds' Prospectus.

14.      COMMENT.  In the Funds' Item 9 disclosure,  please disclose whether the
         Funds reserve the right to engage in temporary defensive investing and,
         if not, the risks  associated with not engaging in temporary  defensive

         RESPONSE. We have revised the Funds' Item 9 disclosure accordingly.

15.      COMMENT. Under the heading "Shareholder Information - Calculating NAV,"
         please  disclose  that the fair  valuation of the Funds'  securities is
         conducted under the supervision of the Board of Trustees.  In addition,
         please confirm that the Funds will not fair value their securities more
         frequently  than  other  mutual  funds  and,  therefore,  do  not  need
         additional disclosure regarding fair valuation.

         RESPONSE. We have revised the disclosure  accordingly.  We also confirm
         that the Advisor does not anticipate that the Funds will be required to
         fair value their securities other than in the  circumstances  disclosed
         and, thus, have not added additional disclosure.

16.      COMMENT. Please confirm that the Funds are not actively managed.

         RESPONSE.  We  confirm  that each Fund is an index  fund that  seeks to
         achieve  its   investment   objective   through  the   replication   or
         representative  sampling  of its  Underlying  Index.  The Funds are not
         actively managed.



1.       COMMENT. If applicable, please disclose in the SAI that the Funds pay a
         licensing fee associated with their use of the Underlying  Indices.  In
         addition,  please  confirm that the index  providers are not affiliated
         with the Funds.

         RESPONSE. The SAI currently discloses that each Fund is entitled to use
         its  Underlying  Index pursuant to a  sub-licensing  agreement with the
         Advisor,  which  in turn  has a  licensing  agreement  with  the  index
         provider,  and that the Advisor provides the sub-license to the Fund at
         no charge.  We also confirm that the index  providers of the Underlying
         Indices  are  not  affiliated  with  the  Funds,  the  Advisor  or  its

2.       COMMENT.   Please  confirm  that  each  Fund's   principal   investment
         strategies and risks  disclosed in the Prospectus are also disclosed as
         principal  in the SAI and,  vice  versa,  that  each  Fund's  principal
         investment strategies and risks disclosed in the SAI are also disclosed
         in the Prospectus.

         RESPONSE.  We confirm that each Fund's principal investment  strategies
         and risks are disclosed in the Prospectus and SAI.

3.       COMMENT.  Please confirm  whether the Funds expect to invest in reverse
         repurchase  agreements to a  significant  extent.  In addition,  please
         disclose  any  limitations  on the Funds'  ability to invest in reverse
         repurchase agreements.

         RESPONSE.  We have  confirmed  with our  client  that the Funds are not
         expected to invest in reverse  repurchase  agreements  to a significant
         extent,   and  have  included  the  "Reverse   Repurchase   Agreements"
         disclosure  under  the  heading  "Non-Principal   Investment  Policies,
         Techniques  and Risk  Factors"  accordingly.  The  "Reverse  Repurchase
         Agreements" disclosure currently states that "[w]hile there is no limit
         on the  percentage of Fund assets that may be used in  connection  with
         reverse  repurchase  agreements,  each Fund does not  expect to engage,
         under  normal  circumstances,  in reverse  repurchase  agreements  with
         respect to more than 33 1/3% of its assets.

4.       COMMENT.  Under the  heading  "Hybrid  Instruments"  in the  "Principal
         Investment  Policies,  Techniques  and Risk  Factors"  section,  please
         confirm  that  investment  in  hybrid  instruments  is a  non-principal
         investment of the Funds.

         RESPONSE. We have confirmed with our client that no Fund will invest in
         hybrid instruments to a principal extent.

5.       COMMENT.  Please confirm that the Trust's  exemptive relief permits the
         International  Equal  Weight  ETFs to  invest  20% of their  assets  in
         instruments and securities not included in their Underlying Indices.

         RESPONSE.  We confirm that the Trust has been granted  exemptive relief
         that permits a future fund based on an international index to invest up
         to 20% of its assets in certain  futures,  options and swap  contracts,
         cash  and  cash  equivalents,   and  securities  not  included  in  the
         Underlying  Index,  but which the Advisor  believes  will help the fund
         track its Underlying Index.

6.       COMMENT. Please confirm whether the Funds have a policy to not purchase
         securities while its borrowing exceeds 5% of its total net assets.


         RESPONSE.  The Funds' fundamental  policy regarding  borrowing provides
         that the Funds' may only  borrow to the  extent  permitted  by the 1940
         Act,  as  interpreted  or  modified by a  regulatory  authority  having
         jurisdiction from time to time. The Funds do not have a specific policy
         that prohibits the Funds from purchasing securities while its borrowing
         exceeds 5% of its total net assets.

                                      * * *

I hereby  acknowledge  on behalf of Rydex ETF Trust (the "Trust")  that: (i) the
Trust is  responsible  for the adequacy and  accuracy of the  disclosure  in its
registration  statement;  (ii) SEC staff  comments or changes to  disclosure  in
response to staff comments in the registration  statement  reviewed by the staff
do not foreclose the SEC from taking any action with respect to the registration
statement; and (iii) the Trust may not assert SEC staff comments as a defense in
any proceeding  initiated by the SEC or any person under the federal  securities
laws of the United States.

If you have any  additional  questions  or  comments,  please do not hesitate to
contact me at 202.739.5684 or John McGuire at 202.739.5654.


/s/ Laura E. Flores
Laura E. Flores

cc: Amy Lee, Esq.
    Joanna Haigney
    W. John McGuire, Esq.
