January 11, 2012

Mr. Jeffrey Foor
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20549

Re:      Variable Separate Account ("Registrant")
         SunAmerica Annuity and Life Assurance Company ("Depositor")
         Post-Effective Amendment to Registration Statement on Form N-4
         File Nos. 333-172003 and 811-03859

Dear Mr. Foor:

         Thank you for your comments provided on December 21, 2011, regarding
the Post-Effective Amendment to the Registration Statement on Form N-4 filed
pursuant to Rule 485(a) on November 2, 2011 as referenced above. We have
considered your comments and provided our responses below.

     1.  Highlights, page 4

              Comment -- Please prominently disclose that electing the optional
              living benefit will result in having to invest in accordance with
              investment requirements that may limit the upside potential of a
              contract owner's investment and that such restrictions may also
              reduce the likelihood that the contract owner may need to rely on
              the protection offered by these benefits.

                  Response -- The following disclosure has been added to the
                  definition of "Optional Living Benefits" in the "Highlights"
                  section of the prospectus:

                  "Electing an optional living benefit will require you to
                  invest in accordance with certain Investment Requirements.
                  Investing within these requirements may potentially limit the
                  performance of your investment and may also reduce the
                  likelihood that you will need to rely on the protection
                  offered by these benefits."

     2.  Fee Table, page 5

              a. Comment -- Please disclose updated fund expenses as of December
              31, 2011.

                  Response -- Because we will be filing a post-effective
                  amendment in January, we will not have updated year-end fund
                  expenses from all advisors. Therefore, we are unable to revise
                  the fund expense range as of December 31, 2011 at the time of
                  filing. We commit to filing an updated fund expense range in
                  connection with our annual updates to the Registration
                  Statement this April.

              b. Comment -- Please explain whether the estimated expenses of the
              SunAmerica Dynamic Allocation Portfolio will be reflected in the
              range of fund expenses.

                  Response -- The estimated expenses of the SunAmerica Dynamic
                  Allocation Portfolio are not expected to be the highest or
                  lowest expenses in the range of fund expenses reflected in the
                  fee table, and therefore, will be within the range of fund
                  expenses currently listed in the Registration Statement.

     3.  Fee Table, Footnote 6, page 6

              Comment -- Explain to the Staff the impact of the adjustment from
              the value of the VIX to the average value of the VIX. Does it
              increase or decrease the fee? Is the change for prospective
              contracts only?

                  Response -- The adjustment from the value of the VIX to the
                  average value of the VIX over a quarter may increase or
                  decrease the fees for a particular policy owner, depending on
                  the overall average value of the VIX over the contract
                  quarter. However, we anticipate that using the average value
                  of the VIX, as opposed to the value of the VIX on a given day,
                  will provide a more equitable and predictable fee. The change
                  to quarterly averaging will be applicable to prospectively
                  issued contracts only.

     4.  Investment Options, page 11

              Comment -- You currently disclose that the insurance companies do
              not provide investment advice. Address that statement in light of
              the companies' involvement in providing the formula to the

                  Response -- The insurance companies are not acting as
                  investment advisers. In developing the formula, the insurance
                  companies created a model intended to estimate future
                  volatility of the equity markets based on historical data. As
                  described below, the formula provides a targeted equity
                  exposure but does not dictate the types of investments to be
                  made. The adviser, SunAmerica Asset Management Corp. ("SAAMCo"
                  or the, "Adviser") will determine the allocation between the
                  fund-of-funds component and the overlay component of the fund.
                  All investment decisions in the fund-of-funds component will
                  be made by the Adviser. The subadviser, AllianceBernstein L.P.
                  (the "Subadviser") will make all investment decisions for the
                  overlay component and has full discretion to choose in which
                  instruments to invest the assets of the overlay component,
                  subject to oversight by the Adviser.

                  The insurance companies do not have investment discretion.
                  They do not act pursuant to a contractual agreement with the
                  Adviser, and they receive no compensation for providing the
                  formula. In fact, the insurance companies do not recommend any
                  specific investments or securities. The role of the insurance
                  companies is less involved than the role of consultants that
                  commonly provide certain fund managers with asset allocation
                  targets, but that are not deemed to be acting as investment
                  advisers under the Investment Company Act of 1940 in that


                  While the formula may be adjusted in the future, it is
                  expected to be changed rarely. The Adviser would review and
                  consider any such proposed adjustments and determine whether
                  to present the proposal to the Board of Trustees. Only after a
                  change was approved by the Board, including a majority of the
                  Independent Trustees, would a change to the formula be

     5.  SunAmerica Sereis Trust -- Class 3 Shares, page 12

              a. Comment -- The disclosure regarding the SunAmerica Dynamic
              Allocation Portfolio states that the "formula is provided by
              SAAMCo and developed by the Company." The Trust prospectus states
              that the insurance company provides the formula. Please reconcile
              the inconsistency.

                  Response -- The disclosure has been revised to state that the
                  formula is "developed by the Company and provided by SAAMCo to
                  the Subadviser."

              b. Comment -- The Trust prospectus discloses that the company can
              change the formula but the product prospectus does not state this.
              Please disclose the companies' ability to alter the formula.

                  Response -- The following disclosure has been added to the
                  "SunAmerica Series Trust -- Class 3 Shares" section of the

                  "The formula used by the Subadviser may change over time based
                  on proposals by the Company. Any changes to the formula
                  proposed by the Company will be implemented only if they are
                  approved by the investment adviser and the Dynamic Allocation
                  Portfolio's Board of Trustees, including a majority of the
                  Independent Trustees."

              c. Comment -- Disclose the formula as well as its impact and goals

                  Response -- Disclosure of the actual formula is not helpful
                  and may result in more confusion than clarity for an investor
                  in understanding the mechanics of the overlay component. The
                  formula is intended to provide guidance to the Subadviser with
                  respect to allocation of the overlay component's investments
                  among general asset categories. The Subadviser must exercise
                  its own discretion as to how to invest the overlay component
                  to adjust the Portfolio's net equity exposure. Furthermore,
                  the formula consists of intellectual property developed by the
                  insurance company, and is considered proprietary. In addition,
                  disclosure may allow investors to arbitrage against it.

     6.  Secure Value Account, page 14, 16, 18, 25

              Comment - Add disclosure from page 14 to other discussions of the
              Secure Value Account stating that allocations to the Secure Value
              Account may not be moved from the Secure Value Account to a fixed
              account or Variable Portfolio.

                  Response -- The requested change has been made, to pages 16
                  and 18. The discussion of the Secure Value Account has been
                  removed from page 25, as this section has been removed
                  pursuant to our response to comment 8 below.


     7.  Defined Terms, page 26

              Comment -- Please do not use the term investment requirements to
              define investment requirements.

                  Response -- The definition of Investment Requirements has been
                  revised as follows:

                  "We will allocate a certain percentage of every Purchase
                  Payment and Continuation Contribution, if any, to the Secure
                  Value Account. The remaining amount of every Purchase Payment
                  and Continuation Contribution, if any, must be allocated by
                  you in accordance with the investment options outlined below."

     8.  Income Option Table, page 27

              a. Comment -- Please revise the table and related disclosure for
              clarity and explain the use of the terms "Dynamic Income Option"
              and "Custom Income Option."

                  Response -- The requested changes have been made and a sample
                  of the revised table and disclosure we intend to use is
                  attached hereto as Exhibit A. In addition, we have removed the
                  references to "Dynamic Income Option" and "Custom Income
                  Option" from the Registration Statement. We have replaced
                  these references with "Income Option 1, 2, 3 and Income Option
                  with Custom Allocation".

              b. Comment -- Please explain what it means to say "income option"
              as opposed to and distinguished from "annuity income option" used
              later in the prospectus.

                  Response -- "Income option" defines options used to take
                  income from optional living benefits, whereas the "annuity
                  income option" defines options used to take income upon
                  annuitizing the contract.

     9.  Investment Requirements Table, page 28

              Comment - Why do you have an "Equity" heading for the funds in the
              second group when not all funds invest in equities, i.e. high
              yield bond.

                  Response -- We have added a footnote to the title "Equity"
                  noting that not all funds in this classification have exposure
                  to equity markets.

     We appreciate your assistance. If you have any questions or comments,
please call me at 310-772-6545.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Manda Ghaferi
Manda Ghaferi
Assistant General Counsel

                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                    NUMBER OF
                 COVERED PERSONS                    SUNAMERICA      SUNAMERICA      SUNAMERICA
               AND AGE OF YOUNGER                   INCOME PLUS     INCOME PLUS     INCOME PLUS
                 COVERED PERSON                       INCOME          INCOME          INCOME
              AT FIRST WITHDRAWAL*                   OPTION 1        OPTION 2        OPTION 3
 One Covered Person (Age 64 and Younger)            6.0% / 3.0%**   6.0% / 3.0%**  4.0%  /  4.0%
 One Covered Person (Age 65 and older)              6.0% / 4.0%     7.0% / 3.0%    5.25% / 5.25%
 Two Covered Persons (Age 64 and Younger)           5.5% / 3.0%***  5.5% / 3.0%*** 3.5%  /  3.5%
 Two Covered Person (Age 65 and Older)              5.5% / 4.0%     6.5% / 3.0%    4.75% / 4.75%

                     NUMBER OF                       INCOME PLUS
                  COVERED PERSONS                   INCOME OPTION
                AND AGE OF YOUNGER                       WITH
                  COVERED PERSON                        CUSTOM
               AT FIRST WITHDRAWAL*                   ALLOCATION
 One Covered Person (Age 64 and Younger)             5.0% / 3.0%**
 One Covered Person (Age 65 and older)               5.0% / 4.0%
 Two Covered Persons (Age 64 and Younger)            4.5% / 3.0%***
 Two Covered Person (Age 65 and Older)               4.5% / 4.0%

                     NUMBER OF
                  COVERED PERSONS
                AND AGE OF YOUNGER                    SUNAMERICA
                  COVERED PERSON                        INCOME
               AT FIRST WITHDRAWAL*                    BUILDER
 One Covered Person (Age 64 and Younger)             4.0% / 4.0%**
 One Covered Person (Age 65 and older)               5.0% / 5.0%
 Two Covered Persons (Age 64 and Younger)            3.5% / 3.5%***
 Two Covered Person (Age 65 and Older)               4.5% / 4.5%

       The first percentage represents the Maximum Annual Withdrawal Percentage
       and the second percentage represents the Protected Income Payment
       Percentage for each of the options shown.

    *  If there is One Covered Person but there are joint Owners, the Covered
       Person is the older Owner. If there are Two Covered Persons, the age at
       first withdrawal is based on the age of the younger of Two Covered
       Persons, if applicable.

   **  If One Covered Person is elected, the Protected Income Payment Percentage
       is 4.0% if the Income Base is increased to a new highest Anniversary
       Value on or after the Covered Person's 65th birthday.

   *** If Two Covered Persons are elected, the Protected Income Payment
       Percentage is 4.0% if the Income Base is increased to a new highest
       Anniversary Value on or after the younger Covered Person's 65th birthday.