Exhibit 10.26

                              HANOVER DIRECT, INC.

                          SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT PLAN


                          SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT PLAN


                 The Hanover Direct, Inc. Supplemental Retirement Plan,
previously adopted as The Horn & Hardart Company Supplemental Retirement Plan,
which was effective January 1, 1989, is hereby amended and restated in its
entirety, effective as of October 1, 1993, to read as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I

                 As used in this Plan, the following terms shall have the
meanings set forth below, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
         1.01    ACCOUNT shall mean the accumulated Annual Earned Accruals and
Matching Earned Accruals determined for the Designated Executive, including any
investment earnings.  Any active employee who participated in the Horn &
Hardart Company Supplemental Retirement Plan in effect prior to October 1, 1993
shall have his Account under this Plan credited with the value of his
Account (as defined under such prior plan) as of September 30, 1993.
         1.02    AFFILIATE shall mean any entity (whether or not incorporated)
which controls, is controlled by, or under common control with the Company.
         1.03    BOARD shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.
         1.04    BREAK-IN-SERVICE shall mean any Plan Year during which a
Participant has not completed more than five hundred (500) Hours of Service.
         1.05    CODE shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
from time to time.  Reference to a specific provision of the Code shall include
such provision, any valid regulation or ruling promulgated thereunder and any
comparable provision of future law that amends, supplements or supersedes such
         1.06    COMPANY shall mean Hanover Direct, Inc. and any successor
thereto by merger, consolidation or otherwise.
         1.07    COMPENSATION shall mean the fixed salary or base pay which is
paid or made available to a Designated Executive during a Plan year for his
personal services actually rendered to the Company or any Affiliate, but shall
not include any amounts paid as cost-of-living supplements, bonuses, overtime
payments, expense reimbursements, golden parachutes, stock options, other
contractual stock payments, severance payments, or any incentive or other
compensation predicated or computed as a percentage of, or as a commission on,
sales.  Any contributions made by a salary reduction election (in accordance
with Code Sections 401(k), 125 or 129) and

which would have otherwise reduced a fixed salary or base pay shall be counted
as Compensation under the Plan.
         1.08    DESIGNATED EXECUTIVE shall mean any employee whose Compensation
exceeds $70,000 and becomes eligible to become a Participant in the Plan as
prescribed in Article II.  In addition, any active employee, who participated
in the Plan in effect prior to this Plan and who is not otherwise eligible for
this Plan, shall become a Designated Executive and continue to have any
existing Account held under the Plan credited with interest under Section 3.03,
but shall have no earned accruals credited under Sections 3.01 and 3.02.  In no
event, however, shall an employee be eligible to become a Designated Executive
unless he is employed at one of the following Affiliates or such other
Affiliate who adopts this Plan from time to time, with the approval of the


         1.09    DISABILITY shall mean a physical or mental condition of such
severity and probable prolonged duration as to cause the Participant to be
unable to continue his duties as an Employee.  The existence of any Disability
shall be determined by a physician chosen by the Benefits Committee, based on
medical evidence of a physical or mental impairment that can be expected to
last more than 12 months or result in death, or on other uniform and non-

discriminatory criteria as established by the Benefits Committee.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, eligibility for Social Security Disability
benefits or for long term disability benefits under an insured plan sponsored
by the Company shall be deemed conclusive proof of disability.
         1.10    NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE shall mean the first day of the month
following the date a Designated Executive attains his sixty-fifth (65th)
         1.11    BENEFITS COMMITTEE shall mean the Committee appointed to
administer the Plan, as provided in Section 4.0l.
         1.12    PARTICIPANT shall mean a Designated Executive who has met the
requirements of Section 2.01.
         1.13    PLAN shall mean the Hanover Direct, Inc. Supplemental 
Retirement Plan, as amended from time to time.
         1.14    PLAN YEAR shall mean the calendar year.
         1.15    SALARY DEFERRAL ELECTION shall mean the percentage reduction
in Compensation (not to exceed 4%) elected by a Designated Executive which will
be credited in accordance with Section 3.01.
         1.16    SCHEDULED PAYMENT DATES  shall mean the date(s) 45 days
following a Valuation Date.
         1.17    VALUATION DATE shall mean the last day of the Plan Year and
any other date(s) as of which the Benefits Committee, in its sole discretion,
elects to value the Account of a Designated Executive.

         1.18    YEAR OF SERVICE shall mean a Plan Year in which an Employee
has at least one thousand (1,000) hours of service.  Solely for purposes of
determining whether a Designated Executive is eligible to become a participant
after his initial year of employment under Section 2.01, a Year of Service
shall be credited to a Designated Executive who has at least one thousand
(1,000) hours of service during the initial twelve (12) month period commencing
with such Designated Executive's date of employment.  In addition, solely for
purposes of determining vesting under Section 3.04, Years of Service shall be
counted from a Designated Executive's date of participation as determined under
Section 2.01.

                                   ARTICLE II

         2.01    DESIGNATION OF PARTICIPANTS  A Designated Executive  shall
commence participation under this Plan as of the January 1st coincident with or
next following attainment of age 21 and the completion of one Year of Service.

         2.02    MODIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS  The Benefits Committee, in its
sole discretion, reserves the right to change the requirements to become a
participant under Section 2.01 at any time.

                                  ARTICLE III

         3.01    ANNUAL EARNED ACCRUALS  A Designated Executive shall have
earned accruals credited to his Account for each Plan Year on the same
frequency as payroll deductions have been taken, provided the Designated
Executive is employed at a rate such that he will work at least 1,000 hours
during the Plan Year.  A Designated Executive shall have an Annual Earned
Accrual credited to his Account in accordance with the terms set forth below:
         (a)     The Annual Earned Accrual credited to the Designated
Executive's Account for each Plan Year shall be equal to his Salary Deferral
Election multiplied by his Compensation for such Plan Year.
         (b)     Termination of Employment - Notwithstanding the foregoing, if
a Designated Executive terminates employment for any reason during a Plan Year,
he shall receive an Annual Earned Accrual for that Plan Year, based on his
Compensation while employed for the Plan Year.
         3.02    MATCHING EARNED ACCRUALS  The Company shall make a
contribution called a Matching Earned Accrual contribution on behalf of each
Designated Executive in the same amount and on the same frequency as Annual
Earned Accruals are credited to his account.  In no event, however, shall the
Matching Earned Accrual credited to a Designated Executive exceed 4% of
Compensation earned during the Plan Year.

         3.03    INTEREST  On any Valuation Date during each Plan Year, an
interest amount will be credited to each Designated Executive's Account equal
to that Account's proportionate share of the investment return of all Accounts
held under the Plan.
         3.04    VESTING IN ACCOUNTS  A Designated Executive shall be 100%
vested in his Annual Earned Accruals at all times.  In addition, a Designated
Executive shall be 100% vested in the value of his Matching Earned Accruals
when he attains his Normal Retirement Date, or if his employment terminates due
to death or Disability (as defined in Section 1.08).  Otherwise, he shall be
vested in his Matching Earned Accruals (even if his participation in the Plan
has been discontinued) in accordance with the following table:

          Years of Service                             Vested  
          ----------------                           ----------

          less than 2                                     0%
          2 but less than 3                              20%
          3 but less than 4                              40%
          4 but less than 5                              60%
          5 but less than 6                              80%
          6 or more                                     100%

         Any Designated Executive who was a participant in the Plan in effect
prior to this Plan shall also be entitled to credit for Years of Service for
such period and will be entitled to the greater of the vesting percentage
determined under the prior plan for each participant as of September 30, 1993
or the vesting percentage determined under this Plan at retirement or other

termination of employment. The vested percentage of a Designated Executive's
Account will not increase after the date as of which he terminates employment.
Solely for purposes of determining vesting under the Plan, Years of Service
shall be determined from the date a Designated Executive first became a
Participant under the Plan.
         3.05    DISTRIBUTIONS   The vested Account of a Designated Executive
will be distributed on the first Scheduled Payment Date following the Valuation
Date coincident with or next following his retirement or other termination of
employment. The distribution will be made in a full lump sum payment of the
vested Account balance of the Designated Executive.
         3.06    DEATH BENEFITS  If a Designated Executive dies, his named
beneficiary shall receive his vested Account as of the Valuation Date
coincident with or next following his death distributed in accordance with
Section 3.05.
         If, at the time of the Designated Executive's death, there is no named
beneficiary, then the Designated Executive's estate shall be paid the benefits
otherwise due to the named beneficiary.
         3.07    VALUATION OF ACCOUNT  As of each Valuation Date, each
Designated Executive's Account shall be updated with all earned accruals and
interest for such Plan Year based on Sections 3.01, 3.02, and 3.03.  Each
Designated Executive shall receive a statement of his Account within ninety
(90) days of such Valuation Date.

                                   ARTICLE 4

         4.01    APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE  The Plan shall be administered by
the Benefits Committee appointed by the Board.
         4.02    POWERS AND AUTHORITY OF COMMITTEE  Whenever the Plan provides
authority to the Board or its designated representative, the Benefits Committee
may be, but is not required to be, the designated representative.  Otherwise,
the Benefits Committee shall have the power and full discretionary authority to
interpret and construe this Plan, to determine all questions arising under this
Plan, to correct any defect or supply any omission or reconcile any
inconsistency in this Plan in such manner and to such extent as it shall deem
necessary or appropriate to effectuate the purpose and intent of this Plan, to
adopt and amend from time to time such by-laws and rules and regulations as are
necessary of the administration of this Plan which are not inconsistent with
the terms and provisions of this Plan, and to determine all questions of
eligibility, status and rights of Designated Executives and their beneficiaries
         4.03    QUORUM AND VOTING; PROCEDURES  A majority of the members of
the Benefits Committee at the time in office shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business.  The Benefits Committee may act by vote or consent of
the majority of its members then in office and may establish its own
procedures.  The Benefits  Committee may authorize any one or more of its
members to sign and

deliver any instrument, certificate or other paper or document on its behalf.
The Benefits Committee may appoint from its members such subcommittees (of one
or more such members), with such powers, as it shall determine.
         4.04    CLAIMS PROCEDURE  The Benefits Committee shall establish a
claims procedure and shall afford a reasonable opportunity to any Designated
Executive or named beneficiary whose claim for benefits has been denied for a
full and fair review of the decision denying such claims.
         4.05    LIABILITY LIMITED AND INDEMNIFICATION  Except as otherwise
provided by law, no person who is a member of the Benefits Committee or who is
a stockholder, employee, officer, or director of the Company or any affiliate
shall incur any liability whatsoever on account of any matter connected with or
related to the Plan or the administration of the Plan, unless such person shall
have acted in bad faith or have willfully neglected his duties in respect to
the Plan; and as a condition precedent to his participation in the Plan or the
receipt of benefits thereunder, or both, such liability, if any, is expressly
waived and released by each Designated Executive and named beneficiary, such
waiver and release to be conclusively evidenced by any act or participation in
or the acceptance of benefits under this Plan.  The Company shall indemnify and
hold each such person harmless against any and all loss, liability, claim,
damage, cost and expense which may arise by reason of, or be based upon, any
matter connected with or related to the Plan or the administration of the Plan
(including, but not

limited to, any and all expenses whatsoever reasonably incurred in
investigating, preparing or defending against any litigation, commenced or
threatened, or in settlement of any such claim whatsoever) to the fullest
extent permitted under the Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws of the

                                   ARTICLE 5
                           AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION

         The Company may amend, terminate or suspend this Plan at any time or
from time to time by a resolution of the Board; provided, however, that no
amendment or termination of the Plan shall deprive any Designated Executive or
named beneficiary of any of the benefits to which any is entitled under this
Plan by reason of the Designated Executive's prior Years of Service, death,
disability or other termination of employment.  If the Plan is terminated or
contribution accruals are permanently suspended, the vesting schedule set forth
in Section 3.04 shall continue to apply to each Designated Executive, unless
the Board, in its sole discretion, elects to fully vest a particular Designated
Executive.  If the Plan terminates within two years of a change in ownership of
the Company, all Designated Executives will become fully vested.

                                   ARTICLE 6

         6.01    SOURCE OF PAYMENTS  The Company shall establish and maintain
records which incorporate the crediting of earned accruals and interest under
this Plan; provided, that the Company is advised by tax counsel that the
maintenance of such records will not result in taxation of income to a
Designated Executive or a named beneficiary prior to payment of benefits to any
such person.
         6.02    NO EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT  This Plan shall not be construed as
creating any contract of employment between the Company or any Affiliate and
the Designated Executive.  The Company and all affiliates shall have the same
control over their employees as though this Plan had never been executed.
         6.03    FORFEITURE  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan,
neither a Designated Executive nor his named beneficiary shall be entitled to
receive any benefits under the Plan if the Designated Executive's employment is
terminated because of (a) his willful misconduct in connection with the
performance of his duties to the Company or any Affiliate, including, but
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, misappropriation of funds or
property of the Company or any Affiliate, securing or attempting to secure
personally any profit in connection with any transaction entered into on behalf
of the Company or any Affiliate, or committing the Company or any Affiliate to
any transaction adverse

to their respective interests except as a result of an honest error in
judgment, or (b) his conviction for a felony.
         6.04    NO ASSIGNMENT  The interest in this Plan of a Designated
Executive or named beneficiary shall not be subject to assignment or transfer
or otherwise be alienable either by voluntary or involuntary acts of such
person, or by operation of law, nor shall it be subject to attachment,
execution, garnishment, sequestration or other seizure under any legal,
equitable or other process.  If any Designated Executive or named beneficiary
shall attempt to or shall alienate, sell, transfer, pledge or otherwise
encumber any amount to which he is or might become entitled, or if by reason of
the insolvency of any such person or the issuance of any garnishment, writ of
execution or other court process, or other event happening at any time any
amount otherwise payable hereunder to such person should devolve upon anyone
other than him or would not be enjoyed by him, the Benefits Committee shall
terminate such interest, but may, in its absolute discretion, hold or apply it
to or for the benefit of such Participant, the spouse, children or other
dependents of such person, in such manner as the Benefits Committee may deem
         6.05    INCAPACITY  In the event that the Benefits Committee
determines that a Designated Executive or named beneficiary is unable to care
for his affairs due to illness or accident, any payment due to such individual
under this Plan may be made to his duly appointed legal representative.  The
Benefits Committee may, in its discretion, make such payments to a child,
parent or spouse

of such individual, or to any other person with whom he resides or who is
charged with his care.  The Benefits Committee shall make such payment
according to such instructions, which shall be in writing and witnessed by a
notary public, as the Designed Executive or named beneficiary had delivered to
it prior to becoming unable to care for his affairs due to illness or accident.
Any payment made according to the provisions of this Section shall be a
complete discharge of the liability of the Company under this Plan.
         6.06    TAX WITHHOLDING  Benefit payments hereunder shall be subject
to withholding, to the extent required (as advised by tax counsel) by
applicable tax or other laws.
         6.07    SEPARABILITY  If any provision of this Plan is held invalid or
unenforceable, to the extent necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Plan,
its invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of the
Plan and the Plan shall be construed and enforced as if such provisions had not
been included therein.
         6.08    BINDING EFFECT  This Plan shall be binding upon and shall
inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Company and shall be
binding upon the Designated Executive and shall inure to his benefit and that
of his named beneficiary.
         6.09    GENDER AND NUMBER  The masculine pronoun whenever used herein
shall include the feminine pronoun and the singular number shall include the
plural number and vice versa unless the context clearly requires otherwise.

         6.10    GOVERNING LAW  The Plan shall be construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of Delaware, where it is made and where it shall be
enforced, except to the extent such laws have been superseded by Federal law.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Hanover Direct, Inc. has caused this instrument to
be executed by its duly appointed officers this                 day of
                    , 1993.                    -----------------
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                                        HANOVER DIRECT, INC.



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