Exhibit 10(w)

                     (Contract Period 01/01/92 - 12/31/92)

                (Contract With Eligible Organization Pursuant to
                    section 1876 of the Social Security Act)

                             CONTRACT (No. H1036)


         The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services,
            who has delegated authority to the Administrator of the
   Health Care Financing Administration, hereinafter referred to as HCFA, and

                           HUMANA MEDICAL PLAN, INC
                (hereinafter referred to as the Organization).

         The Secretary and the Organization, a health maintenance organization
         or competitive medical plan which has been determined to be an
         eligible organization by the Administrator of the Health Care
         Financing Administration under CFR 417.406, agree to the following for
         the purposes of section 1876 of the Social Security Act:

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                (Plan # H1036 Contract Period 01/01/92 - 12/31/92)

                                   Article I

                                Term of Contract

The Contract Shall Begin on 01/01/92, and end on 12/31/92.  The contract will
be automatically renewed for successive periods of one year unless the
Organization or HCFA gives written notice of intention not to renew the
contract at least 90 days before the end of the current period.  (Additional
requirements concerning nonrenewal of contracts, binding on both HCFA and the
Organization, may be found at 42 CFR 417.492.) This contract supersedes any
previous contract under sections 1833 or 1876 of the Social Security Act (the

                                   Article II

                           Election of Payment Method

Under section 1876(a) of the Act the Organization may elect a method of payment
for which it is eligible and qualified, and will be accordingly governed by the
statute and regulations which pertain to that method.  The Organization
agrees to receive payment:

                (initial one selection below)
    x      1.   On a risk basis under section 1876(g) of the Act, subject to the
  ----          provisions of Article V;
           2.   On a reasonable cost basis under section
  ----          1876(h) of the Act, subject to the provisions
                of Article VI and its implementing
                regulations at 42 CFR 417.530-417.576.

                Select one option (see 42 CFR 417.532(c)):
                            1.  (direct payment of
                      -----     Organization's providers by
                            2.  (direct payment
                      -----     of Organization's providers
                                by the Organization)

                If option 2, list names of providers to be paid by the 

                        (list others separately)

           3.   On a risk basis under section 1876(g) for new
  ----          Medicare enrollees and payment on a
                reasonable cost basis for unconverted,
                current non-risk Medicare enrollees, subject
                to the provisions of Articles V and VI.

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                                  Article III

                                Geographic Area

The Organization agrees that the contract shall be effective for the geographic
area described in the attachment to this contract.  (Modifications to the
geographic area during the period of the contract are governed by Article VII.)

                                   Article IV

                               General Conditions

A.       The Organization agrees to comply with the law, regulations, and
         general instructions of the Health Care Financing Administration
         (HCFA) which concern the participation of health maintenance
         organizations (HMOs) and competitive medical plans (CMPs) in the
         Medicare program.

B.       As part of its ongoing quality assurance program:

         1.      The Organization agrees to comply with the requirements for
                 Peer Review Organization (PRO) review of services furnished to
                 Medicare enrollees as set forth in Subchapter D of Chapter IV,
                 Title 42, Code of Federal Regulations 417.478(a).

         2.      The Organization shall furnish to the Peer Review Organization
                 (PRO) requested on-site access to or copies of patient care
                 records and other pertinent data, and permit the PRO or its
                 subcontractor to examine its operations and records as
                 necessary for the PRO to carry out its functions under the

         3.      Each organization receiving payment on a risk basis will
                 maintain a written agreement with a utilization and quality
                 control Peer Review Organization with which HCFA has a
                 contract under Part B of Title XI of the Act for the area in
                 which the Organization is located.  In accordance with
                 sections 1154(a)(4)(B) and (a)(14) of the Act, the agreement
                 must provide for the review of services (including both
                 inpatient and outpatient services) provided by the
                 organization pursuant to this contract for the purpose of
                 determining whether such

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                 services meet professionally recognized standards of health
                 care, including whether appropriate services have not been
                 provided or have been provided in inappropriate settings.  The
                 agreement must also provide for review by the PRO of all
                 written complaints filed by Medicare beneficiaries or their
                 representatives about the quality of services provided by the
                 Organization.  The cost of such agreement will be paid by HCFA
                 directly to the PRO on behalf of the Organization.

         4.      Each Organization receiving payment on a risk basis must
                 ensure that all hospitalization data required on HCFA Form
                 1450 (UB-82) for Medicare enrollees discharged between April
                 1, 1987 and July 31, 1988 is submitted to the fiscal
                 intermediary or other HCFA designated entity.

         5.      Each Organization receiving payment on a risk basis must
                 provide the hospital with any information necessary for the
                 completion of HCFA Form 1450 (UB-82) which the hospital must
                 submit to the intermediary for any discharges after July 31,

For purposes of this section, Peer Review Organization (PRO) is also deemed
reference to other appropriate entitles with which HCFA has contracted pursuant
to Section 1154(a)(4)(C) of the Act.

C.       The Organization agrees to comply with:

         1.      Sections 1318(a) and (c) of the Public Health Service Act
                 which pertain to disclosure of certain financial information;

         2.      Sections 1301(c)(1) and (c)(8) of the Public Health Service
                 Act, which relate to fiscal, administrative, and management
                 requirements and liability arrangements to protect all members
                 of the organization; and to notify HCFA 60 days prior to any
                 changes in its insolvency arrangements; and

         3.      The reporting requirements in 42 CFR 417.107(j)(1) which
                 pertain to the monitoring of an organization's continued
                 compliance.  For purposes of this paragraph, references in
                 that section to an "HMO" are also deemed references to a

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D.       The Organization agrees to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights
         Act of 1964 (and pertinent regulations at 45 CFR Part 80),
         section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (and pertinent
         regulations at 45 CFR Part 84), and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975
         (and pertinent regulations at 45 CFR Part 91).

E.       The Organization agrees to the following:

         1.      HCFA may evaluate, through inspection or other means, the
                 quality, appropriateness, and timeliness of services furnished
                 under the contract to the Organization's Medicare enrollees;

         2.      HCFA may evaluate, through inspection or other means, the
                 facilities of the organization when there is reasonable
                 evidence of some need for that inspection;

         3.      HCFA, the Comptroller General, or their designees may audit or
                 inspect any books and records of the organization or its
                 transferee that pertain to any aspect of services performed,
                 reconciliation of benefit liabilities, and determination of
                 amounts payable under the contract;

         4.      HCFA may evaluate, through inspection or other means, the
                 enrollment and disenrollment records for the current contract
                 period and three prior periods, when there is reasonable
                 evidence of some need for that inspection;

         5.      The right to inspect, evaluate, and audit, will extend through
                 three years from the date of the final settlement for any
                 contract period unless -

                 a.       HCFA determines there is a special need to retain a
                          particular record or group of records for a longer
                          period and notifies the Organization at least 30 days
                          before the normal disposition date;

                 b.       There has been a termination, dispute, fraud, or
                          similar fault by the Organization, in which case the
                          retention may be extended to three years from the
                          date of any resulting final settlement; or

                 C.       HCFA determines that there is a reasonable
                          possibility of fraud, in which case it may reopen a
                          final settlement at any time.

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F.       The Organization shall submit to HCFA (in such form and detail as the
         HCFA shall prescribe in regulations and general instructions), the
         following reports:

         1.      Data pertaining to health insurance claim numbers from
                 beneficiaries, which shall be transmitted initially and on a
                 continuing basis, as required to annotate the health insurance
                 master file;

         2.      Statistical data on provider services and on medical and other

         3.      Enrollment and actuarial data; and

         4.      Any other reports or data that HCFA may require.

G.       The Organization agrees to report all enrollment, disenrollment, and
         other beneficiary characteristic records according to HCFA program
         instructions.  All records must be transmitted 1) through an approved
         HCFA systems contractor, or 2) over data transmission lines directly
         to HCFA, or 3) on magnetic tape unless otherwise prescribed by  HCFA.
         All electronic transmissions and tapes must be totally compatible and
         consistent with the relevant HCFA computer record systems.

H.       The Organization shall furnish to organizations serving as carriers
         and intermediaries under Title XVIII, information necessary to allow
         the carriers or intermediaries to make proper payment under Title
         XVIII for Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in the Organization.

I.       The Organization agrees to require all entities related to the
         Organization, as determined under 42 CFR 417.484 (a), to agree that -

         1.      HCFA, the Comptroller General, or their designees have the
                 right to inspect, evaluate, and audit any pertinent books,
                 documents, papers, and records of the subcontractor involving
                 transactions related to the subcontractor; and

         2.      The right under this section to information for any particular
                 contract period will exist for a period equivalent to that
                 specified in section E(5) of this Article.

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J.       The Organization agrees -

         1.      To submit to HCFA -

                 a.       All financial information required under 42 CFR
                          417.530 through Section 417.576 and for final
                          settlement; and

                 b.       Any other information necessary for the
                          administration or evaluation of the Medicare program.

         2.      To comply with the requirements set forth in 42 CFR Part 420,
                 Subpart C, pertaining to the disclosure of ownership and
                 control information;

         3.      To comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act, as
                 implemented by 45 CFR Part 5b and Subpart B or Part 401 of 42
                 CFR, with respect to any system of records developed in
                 performing carrier or intermediary functions under 42 CFR
                 417.532 and section 417.533; and

         4.      To meet the confidentially requirement of 42 CFR 482.24 for
                 medical records and for all other information on enrollees,
                 not covered under item 3 above, that is contained in its
                 records or obtained from HCFA or others.

         5.      To provide prompt payment (consistent with the provisions of
                 section 1816(c)(2) and 1842(c)(2)) of claims submitted for
                 services and items furnished to individuals pursuant to this
                 contract, if the services or items are not furnished under a
                 contract between the Organization and the provider or

K.       Pursuant to 42 CFR 417.476 conditions of qualification set forth at 42
         CFR 417.410 through section 417.418 may be waived by HCFA.  However,
         for each of such qualifying conditions waived, this contract must
         contain -

         1.   The specific terms of the waiver;

         2.   The expiration date of the waiver;

         3.   Any other information required by HCFA.

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L.       The Organization shall provide and supply (1) full and complete
         information as to ownership of a subcontractor with whom such
         organization has had during the previous twelve months, business
         transactions in an aggregate amount in excess of $25,000, and (2) full
         and complete information as to any significant business transactions
         during the five year period ending on the date of HCFA's request,
         between the Organization and any wholly-owned supplier or between the
         Organization and any subcontractor.  The required information must be
         provided in the manner required under section 1866(b)(2)(c)(ii) of 
         the Act.

M.       The Organization shall notify HCFA of loans and other special
         financial arrangements which are made between the Organization and
         subcontractors, affiliates and related parties.

N.       The Organization agrees -

         1.      That for the duration of the contract, the Organization shall
                 have an enrolled membership at least one-half of which
                 consists of individuals who are not entitled to benefits under
                 Medicare or Medicaid.  HCFA may suspend enrollment or payment
                 to the Organization or terminate this contract if this
                 requirement is not met.

         2.      To submit quarterly reports of its commercial enrollment,
                 Medicaid enrollment and Medicare enrollment in the geographic
                 area defined by Article III of this contract.

0.       The Organization agrees that no marketing material may be distributed
         by an organization to (or for the use of) individuals eligible to
         enroll or enrolled in the organization under this contract unless at
         least 45 days before the distribution, the Organization has submitted
         the material to HCFA for review, and HCFA has not disapproved the
         distribution of the material.

P.       The Organization agrees to allow eligible beneficiaries to enroll
         under this contract during any open enrollment period required by
         HCFA through regulations.  The Organization agrees to accept
         beneficiaries up to the limit of its capacity as approved by HCFA.

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Q.       Upon termination of this contract, the Organization agrees:

         1.      To give its Medicare enrollees a written notice of the
                 termination at least 60 days before the termination date;

         2.      To be responsible for the cost of the notice;

         3.      To submit a copy of the notice to HCFA for review;

         4.      If the Organization is a risk contractor, to include with the
                 required notice a written description of alternatives
                 available for obtaining Medicare services after termination.

R.       The Organization hereby provides assurances to HCFA that in the event
         the Organization ceases to provide items and services under this
         contract, the Organization shall provide or arrange for supplemental
         coverage of benefits under Title XVIII of the Act related to a
         pre-existing condition with respect to any exclusion period, to all
         individuals enrolled with the entity who receive benefits under Title
         XVIII, for the lesser of six months or the duration of such period.

S.       The Organization agrees to review and act upon requests for
         reconsideration from its Medicare enrollees within 60 days of receipt
         of the reconsideration request for the provision or payment of
         services or items which were initially denied.  In those cases where
         the Organization will continue to deny services or items or payment
         for services or items, in whole or in part, the Organization must
         forward the beneficiaries' reconsideration requests along with the
         Organization's written explanation and documentation to HCFA or its
         contractor within 60 days of receipt of the reconsideration request.

         In those cases where HCFA or its contractor determines that the
         Organization should provide services or items previously denied, or
         HCFA or its contractor determines that the Organization has financial
         liability for services or items received, the Organization must pay
         for or provide those services to the beneficiary within 60 days of the
         receipt of HCFA's or its contractor's determination.

         Services previously denied will be arranged by the Organization in a
         manner consistent with services normally provided by the

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            (Plan # H1036 Contract Period  01/01/92  -  12/31/92)

T.       If any Medicare beneficiaries residing in the Organization's service
         area are members of another risk-based contracting organization which
         nonrenews or terminates its contract, your Organization (if under a
         risk-based contract) agrees to hold a special 30-day terminations open
         enrollment period to enroll those Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in
         the other risk-contracting organization at the time of termination or
         nonrenewal of the other organization's contract.

         This requirement will apply only to those Medicare beneficiaries
         enrolled in the other risk-sharing contracting organization who reside
         in your Organization's service area.  The terminations open enrollment
         period must be conducted during the period designated by HCFA.  You
         will be given notice 30 days before the start of the open enrollment

         This does not preclude an organization from requesting a
         capacity waiver as described at 42 CFR 417.426(b)(1).

U.       As part of advance directives requirements, the Organization agrees:

         1.      To inform all Medicare enrollees at the time of enrollment of
                 their right (under State law whether statutory or recognized
                 by the courts of the State) to accept or refuse treatment and
                 to execute an advance directive, such as living wills or
                 durable powers of attorney, and of the Organization's written
                 policies on implementation of that right;

         2.      To document in the individual's medical records whether or not
                 an individual has executed an advance directive;

         3.      To not condition treatment or otherwise discriminate on the
                 basis of whether an individual has executed an advance

         4.      To comply with State law (whether statutory or recognized by
                 the courts of the State) on advance directives; and

         5.      To provide (individually or with others) for education for
                 staff and the community on advance directives.

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V.       The Organization, if it has a risk contract, agrees not to employ or
         contract with, directly or indirectly, entities or individuals
         excluded from participation in Medicare or Medicaid under sections
         1128 or 1128A of the Act, for the provision of health care,
         utilization review, medical social work, or administrative services.

                                   Article V

                     Conditions For Payment on a Risk Basis

The following conditions apply to the Organization if it selected, in Article
II of this contract, to be paid on a risk basis method under section 1876(g) of
the Act, or if it selected to be paid on a risk basis and paid on a reasonable
cost basis for unconverted, current non-risk Medicare enrollees:

A.       Except as provided for in Article V.(D)., HCFA shall make payment
         under this contract for services rendered to Medicare enrollees on a
         risk basis as provided in regulations.

B.       The Organization agrees to maintain, and make available to HCFA upon
         request, books, records, documents, and other evidence of accounting
         procedures and practices that -

         1.   Are sufficient to -

              a.       Establish component rates of the adjusted community
                       rate (ACR) for determining additional and
                       supplementary benefits; and
              b.       Determine the rates utilized in setting premiums for
                       State insurance agency purposes.
         2.   Include at least any records or financial reports filed with
              other Federal agencies or State authorities.

C.       The Organization has the right to appeal a determination that the
         Organization's ACR computation is not acceptable, pursuant to the
         provisions of 42 CFR 417.594(e)(2).

D.       To the extent that the Organization's members are unconverted, current
         non-risk Medicare enrollees, the Organization agrees to fully comply
         with the conditions in Article VI.

E.       The Organization agrees, as required by section 1876(g)(2) of the Act,
         that if the ACR (as reduced for the actuarial value of the coinsurance
         and deductibles) is less than the average

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         of the per capita rates of payment to be made under section 1876(a)(1)
         for Medicare members enrolled under the risk basis method of payment,
         the Organization shall provide its Medicare members with additional
         benefits described at section 1876(g)(3), selected by the
         Organization, and which HCFA finds are at least equal in value to the
         difference between the average per capita payment and the adjusted
         community rate (as so reduced).  This condition shall not apply to an
         organization which agrees to accept a lesser payment to the extent
         that there is no longer a difference between the average per capita
         payment and the adjusted community rate (as so reduced).

F.       The Organization agrees -

         1.      To publicly offer and provide at least the level of Medicare
                 covered benefits approved in the ACR.  The Organization
                 may choose to offer more services or to impose lower premiums
                 or other charges (in the form of deductibles or coinsurance)
                 than approved in the ACR.

                 However, such complimentary services or waived premiums or
                 other charges must be approved in advance by HCFA and remain
                 in effect throughout the contract period.

                 The only mid-year changes that are permitted are those which
                 are entirely advantageous to Medicare enrollees.  Premiums and
                 copayments may be reduced at any time during the year, but
                 once they are reduced, they cannot be increased later on
                 during the same contract period.  Benefits for which there is
                 no charge may be added at any time during the contract period,
                 but also must remain in place for the remainder of the
                 contract period.  HCFA should be advised of any expanded
                 benefits or decreases in premiums or copayments arising
                 in the middle of a contract period.

                 Waived premiums and complimentary services provided solely to
                 members of an employer group are governed by the
                 Organization's contract with the employer.

         2.      Nothing in this article may be interpreted as a waiver or
                 compromise of any appeal rights to which the Organization may
                 be entitled under Title XVIII of the Act and implementing

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                                   Article VI

                    Conditions of the Reasonable Cost Method
                                   of Payment

The following conditions apply to the Organization if it selected in Article II
of this contract to be paid on the Reasonable Cost Method under section 1876(h)
of the Act, or if it selected to be paid on a risk basis and paid on a
reasonable cost basis for unconverted, current non-risk Medicare enrollees:

A.       HCFA shall make payment under this contract for services rendered to
         Medicare enrollees on a reasonable cost basis as provided in

B.       The Organization agrees to maintain books, records, documents, and
         other evidence of accounting procedures and practices that -

         1.   Are sufficient to -

              a.       Ensure an audit trail; and
              b.       Properly reflect all direct and indirect costs
                       claimed to have been incurred under the contract; and
         2.   Include at least records of the following:

              a.       Ownership, organization, and operation of the
                       Organization's financial, medical and other
                       recordkeeping systems;
              b.       Financial statements for the current contract period
                       and three prior periods;
              c.       Federal income tax or information returns for the
                       current contract period and three prior periods;
              d.       Assets acquisition, lease, sale, or other action;
              e.       Agreements, contracts, and subcontracts;
              f.       Franchise, marketing, and management agreements;
              g.       Schedules of charges for the Organization's fee-
                       for-service patients;
              h.       Matters pertaining to costs of operations;

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                 i.       Amounts of income received, by source and payment;

                 j.       Cash flow statements;

                 k.       Any financial reports filed with other Federal
                          programs or State authorities.

C.       The Organization has the right to appeal any final determination of
         costs pursuant to the reimbursement appeals procedures contained in
         the regulations at 42 CFR Part 405, Subpart R.

D.       The Organization shall make available for the purposes specified in
         paragraphs 1-4 of section D of Article IV, its premises, physical
         facilities, and equipment, its records relating to its Medicare
         enrollees, the records specified in 42 CFR 417.480, and any additional
         relevant information that HCFA may require.

E.       The Organization agrees that -

         1.      Upon HCFA's request it will provide, subsequent to an
                 accounting period, an independently certified financial
                 statement of its per capita incurred cost, based on the types
                 of components of expenses otherwise reimbursable under Title
                 XVIII, for providing services described in section 1876(a)(1),
                 including its method of allocating costs between individuals
                 enrolled under this section and other individuals enrolled
                 with the Organization, such statements to be provided in
                 accordance with accounting procedures prescribed by HCFA;

         2.      Failure to report such information may be deemed evidence of
                 likely overpayment upon which basis collection action may be

         3.      The required financial statements will be consolidated to
                 include an accounting for the costs of entities related to the
                 Organization by common ownership or control;

         4.      Allowable costs for a related organization may not include
                 costs for the types of expense otherwise reimbursable under
                 Title XVIII, in excess of an amount which would be determined
                 to be reasonable in accordance with regulations;

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         5.      In any case in which compensation is paid substantially in
                 excess of what is normally paid for similar services by
                 similar practitioners, such compensation may, as appropriate,
                 be considered a distribution of profits.

F.       The Organization agrees to comply with the requirements of section
         1833(a)(1)(A) of the Act and its implementing regulations, 42 CFR
         417.800 through 42 CFR 417.810, for members who have not been
         converted from any previous Health Care Prepayment Plan (HCPP)
         contract(s) or arrangement(s).

                                  Article VII

                    Modification, Termination or Non-renewal

This contract may be modified at any time by written consent of both parties
(the Organization and HCFA).  If the contract is modified, the Organization
must notify its Medicare enrollees of any changes that HCFA determines are
appropriate for notification.  It may be terminated by either party in
accordance with the provisions of 42 CFR 417.494 or a decision by either party
not to renew the contract may be made in accordance with the provisions of 
42 CFR 417.492.

                                  Article VIII

Any revisions to applicable provisions of Title XI or Title XVIII of the Act,
Title XIII of the Public Health Service Act, implementing regulations, policy
issuances and instructions apply as of their effective date.

                                   Article IX

                        General Contracting Requirements


         The following provisions are applicable to and shall be included in
         all leases of real estate entered into for the administration of this

         "As used in this clause, the term 'Facility' means stores, shops,
         restaurants, cafeterias, restrooms, and any other facility of a public
         nature in the building in which the space covered by this lease is

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         "The lessor agrees that he will not discriminate by segregation or
         otherwise against any person or persons because of race, color,
         religion, sex, or national origin in furnishing or by refusing to
         furnish, to such person or persons, the use of any facility including
         any or all services, privileges, accommodations, and activities
         provided thereby.  Nothing herein shall require the furnishing to the
         general public of the use of any facility customarily furnished by the
         lessor solely to tenants, their employees, customers, patients,
         clients, guests and invitees.

         "It is agreed that the lessor's noncompliance with the provisions of
         this clause shall constitute a material breach of this lease.  In the
         event of such noncompliance, the lessee may take appropriate action to
         enforce compliance, may terminate this lease or may pursue such other
         remedies as may be provided by law.  In the event of termination, the
         lessor shall be liable for all excess costs of the lessee in acquiring
         substitute space.  Substitute space will be obtained in as close
         proximity to the lessor's building as is feasible and moving costs
         will be limited to the actual expenses thereof as incurred.

         "The lessor agrees to include, or to require the inclusion of the
         foregoing provisions of this clause (with the terms "lessor" and
         "lessee" appropriately modified) in every agreement or concession
         pursuant to which any person other than the lessor operates or has the
         right to operate any facility.  Nothing herein contained, however,
         shall be deemed to require the lessor to include or require the
         inclusion of the foregoing provisions of this clause in any existing
         agreement or concession arrangement or one in which the contracting
         party other than the lessor has the unilateral right to renew or
         extend the agreement or arrangement, until the expiration of the
         existing agreement or arrangement and the unilateral right to renew
         or extend.  The lessor also agrees that it will take any and all
         lawful actions as expeditiously as possible with respect to any such
         agreement as the contracting agency may direct to enforce this clause,
         including but not limited to termination of the agreement or
         concessions and institution of court action."


         The following clause shall be included in all subcontracts entered
         into either for the performance of functions required for the
         administration of this agreement or where a subcontractor, his agents,
         officers or employees might

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         reasonably be expected to have access to information within the
         purview of section 1106 of the Social Security Act and regulations
         prescribed pursuant thereto:

         "The contractor agrees to establish and maintain procedures and
         controls so that no information contained in its records or obtained
         from HCFA or from others in carrying out the terms of this subcontract
         shall be used by or disclosed by it, its agents, officers, or
         employees except as provided in said section 1106 of the Social
         Security Act and regulations prescribed thereunder."


         The following provision are applicable to and shall be included in all
         subcontracts entered into hereafter (except for the purchase of items
         and equipment), including leases of real property which exceed the
         term of this agreement except where HCFA agrees to its omission.
         Failure of the Contractor to include the clause in such subcontract
         without the written agreement of HCFA to its omission, shall make the
         related costs incurred after the effective date of the nonrenewal or
         termination, unallowable.

         Notwithstanding the following, if the Contractor wishes to continue
         the subcontract relative to its own business after the contract
         between HCFA and the Contractor has been terminated or nonrenewed, it
         may do so provided it assures HCFA in writing that HCFA's obligations
         will terminate at the time the Medicare contract terminates or is
         nonrenewed subject to the termination cost provisions provided for in
         the contract.

         The clause is as follows: "In the event the Medicare contract between
         HCFA and (Name of Contractor) is terminated or nonrenewed, the
         contract between (Name of Contractor) and (Name of Firm) will be
         terminated unless HCFA and (Name of Contractor) agree to the contrary.
         Such termination shall be accomplished by delivery of written notice
         to (Name of Firm) of the date upon which said termination will become

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              (Plan # H1036 Contract Period 01/01/92 - 12/31/92)


         The following provision is applicable to this agreement:

         No part of any funds under this agreement shall be used to pay the
         salaries or expenses of any Contractor, or any agent acting for the
         Contractor, to engage in any activity designed to influence
         legislation or appropriations pending before the Congress.

         Lobbying costs are defined in and are unallowable in accordance with
         Federal Acquisition Regulation 31-205-22.


         The following provisions are applicable to and shall be included in
         any subcontract entered into or renewed under this agreement
         containing a liquidated damages provision which related solely to

         The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), after consultation
         with the Contractor, shall have the right to determine that the
         specified levels of performance have not been attained by the
         subcontractor.  In such event, HCFA may direct the Contractor to
         notify the subcontractor of HCFA's determination that liquidated
         damages apply and to set-off the liquidated damages against the
         subcontractor.  HCFA shall reimburse the Contractor for all reasonable
         costs relating to this activity and shall honor any judgement or award
         rendered against the Contractor directly resulting from the
         enforcement of such provision as directed by HCFA.  Failure of the
         Contractor to timely comply with such direction, shall constitute
         cause for the application of any and all administrative, statutory,
         and judicial remedies which may be available to HCFA pursuant to this
         agreement, including but not limited to, offsetting an amount
         equivalent to the amount of such unenforced liquidated damages.  In
         the event that such offset is made, the Contractor shall be obligated
         to continue to perform all terms and conditions of this agreement
         without additional payment from HCFA attributable to such offset

Page 19

              (Plan # H1036 Contract Period 01/01/92 - 12/31/92)


         This agreement incorporates the following clauses by reference with
         the same force and effect as if they were given in full text.  Upon
         request, HCFA will make their full text available:

                           (48 CFR CHAPTER 1) CLAUSES

52.222-26                 Equal Opportunity (April 1984)

52.203-1                  Officials Not to Benefit (April 1984)

52.203-5                  Covenant Against Contingent Fees (April 1984)

52.219-8                  Utilization of Small Business Concerns and Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns (April 1984)

52.219-9                  Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting Plan (April 1984)

52.220-3                  Utilization of Labor Surplus Area Concerns (April 1984)

52.220-4                  Labor Surplus Area Subcontracting Program (April 1984)

52.222-3                  Convict Labor (April 1984)

52.222-21                 Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities (April 1984)

52.222-35                 Affirmative Action for Special Disabled and Vietnam Era Veterans (April 1984)

52.222-36                 Affirmative Action for Handicapped Workers (April 1984)

52.203-7                  Fees or Kick-Backs By Subcontractors (Anti-Kickback Act (41 U.S.C. 51-54)) (April 1984)

52.219-13                 Utilization of Women-Owned Small Businesses (April 1984)

52.245-5                  Government Property (April 1984) Applicable only
                          to Contractors that have been furnished
                          Government property.

Page 20

              (Plan # H1036 Contract Period 01/01/92 - 12/31/92)

Signature of the official authorized to request a change in the
banking information needed for HCFA payment to your

                                 /s/ WALTER B. STARK         (Signature)

                                     Walter B. Stark         (Name)

                                 Director Cash Management    (Title)

In witness whereof, the parties hereby execute this contract.

Date          January 30  , 1992
              ------------    --

               January 1  , 1992
               -----------    --

For the Organization

                                /s/ JOSEPH E. SHYRIH          (Signature)

                                  Vice President              (Title)

                             Humana Medical Plan, Inc.        (Organization)

                             3400 Lakeside Drive
                             Miramar, Florida 33027           (Address)

For the Health Care Financing

                             /s/ CONNIE FORSTER               (Signature)
                                  for Act. Director
                                           Office of Operation
                                           Office of Prepaid Health Care
                                               Operations and Oversight
                                           Health Care Financing


12/02/91                                                             PAGE:   1
                          GEOGRAPHIC AREA ATTACHMENT




                 BROWARD          DADE
                 HILLSBOROUGH     ORANGE
                 OSCEOLA          PALM BEACH
                 PASCO            PINELLAS
                 SEMINOLE         VOLUSIA