FORM OF
                                FIRST AMENDMENT
                          PURITAN-BENNETT CORPORATION

         THIS AMENDMENT to the Puritan-Bennett Corporation Supplemental
Retirement Benefit Plan (the "Plan") is made this ____ day of ___________
_____, 1993 by Puritan-Bennett Corporation, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter
referred to as the "Corporation").

         WHEREAS, the Corporation has adopted the Plan effective as of
September 1, 1985, which provides benefits that supplement benefits provided
under the Restated Puritan-Bennett Pension Plan (the "Qualified Plan"); and

         WHEREAS, the Corporation and the participants in the Plan have agreed
to amendment of the Plan in the manner set forth below.

         NOW, THEREFORE, the Plan is amended effective as of ______________,
1993 as follows:

         1.   Section 2.02, the definition of "Average Monthly Compensation,"
         is amended in its entirety to read as follows:

                 Section 2.02.  The term "Average Monthly Compensation" shall
         have the meaning provided in the Qualified Plan (currently Section
         2.08 thereof), provided that the dollar limitation on Compensation
         provided in the Qualified Plan (currently Section 2.14 thereof) shall
         not be applicable for purposes of determining Average Monthly
         Compensation under this Plan.

         2.   Section 2.03, the definition of "Beneficiary," is amended in its
         entirety to read as follows:

                 Section 2.03.  The term "Beneficiary" shall have the meaning
         provided for in the Qualified Plan (currently Section 2.09 thereof).

         3.   Section 2.13, the definition of "Years of Service," is amended in
         its entirety to read as follows:

                 Section 2.13.  The term "Years of Service" shall mean the
         number of years for which a Member is given credit for the purpose of
         determining eligibility for benefits (vesting) under the Qualified
         Plan (as currently defined in Section 2.41 of the Qualified Plan).

         4.   Section 2, "Definitions," shall be amended by the addition of the
         following new Section 2.14:

                 Section 2.14.  The term "Years of Participation" shall mean
         the number of years (twelve month periods) of the Member's
         participation in this Plan, measured
         from the date he first became a Member (as herein defined) to the date
         of his termination of employment.

         5.   The first paragraph of Section 4.01 is amended in its entirety to
         read as follows:

                 Section 4.01-Supplemental Monthly Retirement Benefit.  A
         Member who has at the date of his termination of employment with an
         Employer attained age fifty-five (55) and completed seven (7) Years of
         Participation shall be entitled to a Supplemental Monthly Retirement
         Benefit.  Such Supplemental Monthly Retirement Benefit, payable in the
         form of a single life annuity (the "Normal Form"), shall be an amount
         equal to the percentage of the Member's Average Monthly Compensation
         specified in such Member's Plan Agreement, reduced by an amount
         computed under Section 4.01(a).  The amount so reduced shall be
         further adjusted based upon the vesting schedule set out in Section
         4.01(b).  The amount resulting from the application of Sections
         4.01(a) and (b) shall then be adjusted as provided in Section 4.01(c).

         6.      Section 4, "Retirement Benefits," shall be amended by the
         addition of the following new Section 4.02:

                 Section 4.02-Time of Commencement of Supplemental Monthly
         Retirement Benefit.  Payment of the Supplemental Monthly Retirement
         Benefit to which a Member is entitled pursuant to Section 4.01 shall
         commence as of the first day of the calendar month coinciding with or
         next following the termination of the Member's employment (the
         "Benefit Commencement Date").  Actual payment of such Supplemental
         Monthly Retirement Benefit, in the Normal Form or other form provided
         in Section 4.03, shall, however, be subject to the following: if the
         Member shall have elected the form of payment of his Supplemental
         Monthly Retirement Benefit pursuant to Section 4.03 during a calendar
         year (a "Preceding Year") preceding the calendar year during which his
         termination of employment occurs (the "Termination Year"), then actual
         payment of his Supplemental Monthly Retirement Benefit shall commence
         on or as soon as practical following his Benefit Commencement Date; if
         the Member did not make an election pursuant to Section 4.03 during a
         Preceding Year, but shall make such an election during the Termination
         Year, actual payment of his Supplemental Monthly Retirement Benefit
         shall commence on the first day of the next following calendar year
         (the "Succeeding Year"); if the Member does not make an election
         pursuant to Section 4.03 during either a Preceding or the Termination
         Year, then such Member shall be deemed to have elected to receive
         payment in the Normal Form single life annuity commencing on the first
         day of the Succeeding Year; provided that any time actual payment of a
         Member's Supplemental Monthly Retirement Benefit shall not commence on
         his Benefit Commencement Date, then the first payment made shall
         include all payments that would have been made on or before such
         actual commencement date if actual payment had commenced

         on the Benefit Commencement Date, together with interest on all
         deferred payments (from the date each such payment would have been
         made if actual payment had commenced on the Benefit Commencement Date)
         at the rate of _______% per annum. [Insert rate.]

         7.   Section 4, "Retirement Benefits," shall be amended by the
         addition of the following new Section 4.03:

                 Section 4.03-Form of Payment of Supplemental Monthly
         Retirement Benefits.  The "Normal Form" of payment of a Member's
         Supplemental Monthly Retirement Benefit, and the form on which the
         amount of such Benefit is calculated pursuant to Section 4.01, shall
         be a single life annuity payable for the Member's life only commencing
         as of his Benefit Commencement Date.  A Member may, however, elect in
         writing filed with the Committee prior to the end of the Termination
         Year, to receive payment of his Supplemental Monthly Retirement
         Benefit in one of the following optional forms, each of which will be
         the "Actuarial Equivalent" (which term shall have the meaning provided
         in the Qualified Plan as of the Member's Benefit Commencement Date) of
         the Normal Form single life annuity.

                          (a)  Ten Year Certain and Continuous Option.
                 Pursuant to this option, the Member's Supplemental Monthly
                 Retirement Benefit shall be payable during the Member's life
                 only; provided that if the Member dies within ten years of his
                 Benefit Commencement Date, payments in the same amount will
                 continue to be made to the Member's Beneficiary until a total
                 of 120 monthly payments have been made.

                          (b)  Early Retirement Level Income Option.  Pursuant
                 to this option, the Member's Supplemental Monthly Retirement
                 Benefit payments will be made during the Member's life only.
                 Larger payments shall be made until the first day the Member
                 is eligible to receive social security benefits (age 62).  At
                 that time payments to the Member shall be reduced by the
                 amount of the Member's social security benefit that was
                 estimated as part of the determination of all payments to be
                 made under this Section 4.03(c).  No payments shall be made
                 after the Member's death.

                          (c)  50%, 75% and 100% Contingent Annuitant Option.
                 Pursuant to this option, the Member's Supplemental Monthly
                 Retirement Benefit payments shall be made during the life of
                 the Member, with payments continuing to the Member's
                 designated contingent annuitant ("Contingent Annuitant") for
                 the life of such Contingent Annuitant following the Member's
                 death.  The Contingent Annuitant and the percentage to be paid
                 to such Contingent Annuitant must be designated by the Member
                 at the time this payment form is elected.  If the Contingent
                 Annuitant predeceases the Member, no benefits shall be paid
                 after the Member's death.  The amount paid to the Member's
                 Contingent Annuitant shall be either 50%, 75% or 100% of the
                 amount received by the Member during the Member's life.

         8.      Section 5, "Death Benefits", is amended in its entirety to
         read as follows:

                 Section 5-Death Benefits.

                 Section 5.01-Death Before Commencement of Benefits.  In the
         event of the death of a Member or a Disabled Member prior to his
         Benefit Commencement Date, leaving a surviving Spouse, then if such
         Member had prior to his death completed seven (7) Years of
         Participation, his surviving Spouse shall be entitled to a Death
         Benefit in the form of a monthly annuity payable for the life of the
         Spouse only.  The monthly Death Benefit shall be an amount equal to
         50% of the annuity amount which would have been payable to the Member
         during his life if he had survived, terminated employment at the later
         of age fifty-five (55) or the date of his death, elected immediate
         payment in the form of a 50% contingent annuity pursuant to Section
         4.03(c) and designated his Spouse as the contingent annuitant.  If the
         Member had not attained age fifty-five (55) at the time of his death,
         payment of the Death Benefit hereunder to his surviving Spouse will
         not commence until the date that the deceased Member would have
         attained age fifty-five (55), and no Death Benefit shall be payable
         in the event his surviving Spouse shall die before such date.  No
         Death Benefit will be paid hereunder if the Member dies before his
         Benefit Commencement Date and is not then married.

                 Section 5.02-Death After Commencement of Benefits.  If the
         Member dies after his Benefit Commencement Date, the Member's
         Beneficiary shall be entitled to receive, in a single lump sum, a
         Special Death Benefit in an amount equal to twelve (12) times the
         monthly Supplemental Monthly Retirement Benefit calculated on the
         basis of the Normal Form single life annuity (regardless of the form
         in which such Member's Supplemental Monthly Retirement Benefit was
         being paid or was payable prior to his death).  If the Member dies
         following his Benefit Commencement Date, no other or additional death
         benefits will be payable except to the extent provided under any
         optional form of payment selected by the Member.

         9.      New Section 9.03 is added to the Plan to read as follows:

                 Section 9.03-Plan Interpretation.  The Corporation shall have
         sole and absolute discretion and authority to interpret all provisions
         of this Plan and to resolve all questions arising under this Plan;
         including, but not limited to, determining whether any person is
         eligible to contribute to this Plan, whether any person shall receive
         any payments pursuant to this Plan, and the amount of any payments to
         be paid pursuant to this Plan.  Any interpretation, resolution or
         determination of the Corporation pursuant to this Section shall be
         final and binding upon all concerned.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment is adopted as of the date set forth

                                                   PURITAN-BENNETT CORPORATION
ATTEST:                                            "Corporation"

By:                                                By
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