FORM OF EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT

                               ____________, 1994

Puritan-Bennett Corporation

Dear Mr. __________:

         This letter agreement restates and supersedes in its entirety the
letter agreement dated __________________, 1994 between you and Puritan-Bennett
Corporation (the "Company").  In view of your position as
_______________________ Vice President of the Company and in consideration of
your agreement to continue serving in this or some other mutually agreeable
capacity, the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Company has approved the
commitment by the Company to provide you ("Employee") with certain benefits
during your employment and in the event of termination of your employment for
Good Reason, if by you, and other than for Cause, if by the Company.  This
letter agreement (the "Agreement") establishes the terms and conditions of your
continued employment by the Company, including your rights to receive certain
payments and benefits during and after your employment by the Company.

         1. Certain Definitions.

                 1.1      Cause.  "Cause" means (a) the Employee's willful
                          violation of any reasonable rule or direct order of
                          the Board or the Company's Chief Executive Officer
                          ("CEO"), which, after written notice to do so, the
                          Employee fails to make reasonable efforts to correct
                          within a reasonable time, or (b) conviction of a
                          crime, or entry of a plea of nolo contendere with
                          regard to a crime, involving actual moral turpitude
                          or dishonesty of or by the Employee, or (c) drug or
                          alcohol abuse on Company premises or at a Company
                          sponsored event, or (d) the Employee's material
                          violation of any provision of this Agreement, which,
                          after written notice to do so, the Employee fails to
                          make reasonable efforts to correct within a
                          reasonable time.  "Cause" shall not include any
                          matter other than those specified in (a) through (d)
                          above, and without limiting the generality of the
                          foregoing statement, Cause shall not include (x) any
                          charge or conviction of a crime, or entry of a plea
                          of nolo contendere with regard to a crime, under the
                          Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended, or
                          any successor statute thereto (the "Act"), or (y) the
                          imposition or attempt to impose upon the Employee, or
                          upon any operation, asset, product or activity of the
                          Company, of any other sanction or remedy under the
                          Act, including without limitation civil money
                          penalties, warning letters, injunctions, repairs,

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                          refunds, recalls or seizures, if the Employee acted
                          in good faith and in a manner which he reasonably
                          believed to be in or not opposed to the best
                          interests of the Company.

                 1.2      Good Reason.  "Good Reason" means (a) breach by the
                          Company or any successor company of any of the
                          provisions of this Agreement not corrected within
                          ninety (90) days after written notice to the Company
                          thereof, or (b) any of the following if the same
                          shall occur within two years after a Change of
                          Control: (i) reduction of the Employee's base salary,
                          management bonus percentage or other compensation, as
                          in effect immediately prior to the Change of Control,
                          (ii) failure to continue in effect any medical,
                          dental, accident, or disability plan in which the
                          Employee is entitled to participate immediately prior
                          to the Change of Control and failure to provide plans
                          with substantially similar benefits (except that
                          employee contributions may be raised to the extent of
                          any cost increases imposed by third parties) or any
                          action by the Company which would adversely affect
                          the Employee's participation or reduce the Employee's
                          benefits under any of such plans, (iii) material
                          reduction in Employee's job responsibilities, (iv)
                          material reduction of Employee's title or position,
                          (v) Employee shall be requested to relocate to an
                          office outside of the greater ______________________
                          metropolitan area, or (vi) failure or refusal of any
                          successor company to assume the Company's obligations
                          under this Agreement.

                 1.3      Change of Control.  A "Change of Control" shall be
                          deemed to have occurred at any of the following times:

                          1.3.1            Upon the acquisition (other than
                                           from the Company) by any person,
                                           entity or "group," within the
                                           meaning of Section 13(d)(3) or
                                           14(d)(2) of the Securities Exchange
                                           Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act")
                                           (excluding, for this purpose, the
                                           Company or its affiliates, or any
                                           employee benefit plan of the Company
                                           or its affiliates which acquires
                                           beneficial ownership of voting
                                           securities of the Company) of
                                           beneficial ownership (within the
                                           meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated
                                           under the Exchange Act) of 50% or
                                           more of either the then outstanding
                                           shares of common stock of the
                                           Company or the Combined Voting Power
                                           of the Company's then outstanding
                                           voting securities.  "Combined Voting
                                           Power" means the combined voting

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                                           power of the Company's then 
                                           outstanding voting securities 
                                           generally entitled to vote in the 
                                           election of directors.

                          1.3.2            At the time individuals who, as of
                                           the date hereof, constitute the
                                           Board (as of the date hereof, the
                                           "Incumbent Board") cease for any
                                           reason to constitute at least a
                                           majority of the Board, provided that
                                           any person becoming a director
                                           subsequent to the date hereof whose
                                           election, or nomination for election
                                           by the Company's shareholders, was
                                           approved by a vote of at least a
                                           majority of the directors then
                                           comprising the Incumbent Board
                                           (other than an election or
                                           nomination of an individual whose
                                           initial assumption of office is in
                                           connection with an actual or
                                           threatened election contest relating
                                           to the election of the directors of
                                           the Company, as such terms are used
                                           in Rule 14a-11 of Regulation 14A
                                           promulgated under the Exchange Act)
                                           shall be, for purposes of this
                                           subsection 1.3.2, considered as
                                           though such person were a member of
                                           the Incumbent Board; or

                          1.3.3            Upon the approval by the
                                           Shareholders of the Company of a
                                           reorganization, merger,
                                           consolidation (in each case, with
                                           respect to which persons who were
                                           the shareholders of the Company
                                           immediately prior to such
                                           reorganization, merger or
                                           consolidation do not, immediately
                                           thereafter, own more than 50% of the
                                           Combined Voting Power of the
                                           reorganized, merged or consolidated
                                           company's then outstanding voting
                                           securities) or a liquidation or
                                           dissolution of the Company or of the
                                           sale of all or substantially all of
                                           the assets of the Company; or

                          1.3.4            The occurrence of any other event
                                           which the Incumbent Board in its
                                           sole discretion determines
                                           constitutes a Change of Control.

                          1.4     Normal Retirement Date.  "Normal Retirement
                                  Date" shall mean the earliest date
                                  (currently, the Employee's 65th birthday)
                                  upon which the Employee is eligible to retire
                                  from the Company, and commence receiving full
                                  retirement benefits under the Company's then
                                  applicable retirement plan.

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                          1.5     Employment Termination Date.  The date of
                                  delivery of any notice of termination
                                  pursuant to Section 2.5 shall be the
                                  "Employment Termination Date."

                          1.6     Continued Payment Period.  "Continued 
                                  Payment Period" shall have the meaning set 
                                  forth in Section 3.1(a)(i).

         2.      Benefits and Duties During Employment; Termination of

                 2.1      Base Salary.  Your current annual base salary is
                          $_____________, payable in 24 equal semi-monthly
                          amounts, subject to required withholdings.  Your base
                          salary will be reviewed and may be adjusted annually.
                          Your base salary will not be reduced from the current
                          level or from any future, higher levels without your
                          written concurrence, unless such reduction is in
                          connection with your disability and in accordance
                          with the Company's established disability income
                          protection plan.

                 2.2      Management Bonus.  For the fiscal year ending January
                          31, 1995, your target bonus is __% of your annual
                          base salary under the Company's Management Incentive
                          Bonus Plan ("MIB Plan").  Your target bonus
                          percentage under the MIB Plan will not be reduced
                          from the current level or from any future, higher
                          levels without your written concurrence, unless such
                          reduction is in connection with your disability and
                          in accordance with the Company's established
                          disability income protection plan.  The Company may
                          modify the MIB Plan in the future;provided that in
                          the event of any such modification, the Company will
                          use reasonable efforts to provide you with a bonus
                          opportunity under the modified plan that is
                          equivalent to your opportunity under the current MIB

                 2.3      Other Employee Benefits.  You will continue to be
                          eligible for all employee benefits generally
                          available to employees of the Company, and to the
                          special benefit programs in which you are currently
                          participating, or in which you are hereafter eligible
                          to participate.  These special benefits include but
                          are not limited to:

                          2.3.1        Company Automobile, including
                                       reimbursement for automobile expenses.

                          2.3.2        Life insurance and income tax and estate
                                       planning services, subject to currently
                                       established annual limits.

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                 2.4      Limitation on Outside Activities.  You agree to
                          devote your full business time and efforts to the
                          rendition of such services to the Company as may be
                          designated by the Company, subject, however, to
                          temporary illness and customary vacations.  You will
                          at all times be subject to the direction and
                          supervision of the CEO.  You may devote a reasonable
                          amount of time to civic and community affairs but
                          shall not perform services during the term of your
                          employment for any other business organization in any
                          capacity without the prior consent of the CEO.

                 2.5      Employment Termination.  Your employment with the
                          Company shall continue until either you or the
                          Company give written notice to the other of
                          termination of your employment.

         3.      Rights upon Termination of Employment.

                 3.1      Rights upon Termination by Company other than for
                          Cause, or by Employee for Good Reason.  If the
                          Company terminates your employment other than for
                          Cause prior to your Normal Retirement Date, or if you
                          terminate your employment for Good Reason prior to
                          your Normal Retirement Date, then the Company shall
                          have the following obligations to you:

                          (a)     (i) If such termination occurs within two
                          years after a Change of Control, then within 30 days
                          following the Employment Termination Date, the
                          Company shall pay to you in a lump sum the present
                          value, determined as of the Employment Termination
                          Date, of the amounts that you would have been paid by
                          the Company if, during the applicable Continued
                          Payment Period, the Company were to make equal
                          semi-monthly payments to you equal to your
                          semi-monthly base salary in effect immediately prior
                          to the Employment Termination Date plus one
                          twenty-fourth of the annual average of your incentive
                          bonus payments under the MIB Plan or any successor
                          thereto with respect to the three full (12 months)
                          fiscal years immediately preceding the Employment
                          Termination Date (such annual average being referred
                          to herein as the "Average Annual Incentive Payment"),
                          such amounts to be computed without regard to any
                          reductions which may have occurred in breach of this
                          Agreement or following a Change in Control.  Such
                          payment shall be subject to all required
                          withholdings.  The Continued Payment Period shall
                          commence on the Employment Termination Date, and
                          shall be a number of weeks determined by adding (a)
                          the greater of (i) four or (ii) two times the number
                          of years Employee has been an employee of the Company
                          (rounding up to the next full year and excluding any

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                          intervening periods during which Employee was not an
                          employee of the Company),plus (b) two times the
                          number of $5,000 increments (rounded up to the next
                          whole $5,000 increment) contained in the Employee's
                          Annual Compensation (as defined below), provided,
                          that the Continued Payment Period shall not exceed
                          _________ years.  "Annual Compensation" shall mean
                          the sum of (x) your annual base salary in the effect
                          immediately prior to the Employment Termination Date,
                          plus (y) the Average Annual Incentive Payment.
                          Present value shall be determined using a discount
                          rate equal to the Most Applicable Treasury Security
                          Rate compounded annually, if the Applicable Treasury
                          Security is a Treasury Bill, and semiannually, if the
                          Applicable Treasury Security is a Treasury Note.  The
                          "Most Applicable Treasury Security Rate" shall be the
                          yield-to-maturity of the Applicable Treasury Security
                          with a remaining term equal to one-half of the
                          Continued Payment Period, as quoted in the edition of
                          the Wall Street Journal first published after the
                          Employment Termination Date.  The "Applicable
                          Treasury Security" shall mean a Treasury Bill if the
                          Continued Payment Period is two years or less; and
                          shall mean a Treasury note if the Continued Payment
                          Period is greater than two years.

                                  (ii)     If such termination occurs
                          at any time other than within two years after a
                          Change of Control, then, during the applicable
                          Continued Payment Period, the Company shall make
                          semi-monthly payments to you equal to your
                          semi-monthly base salary in effect immediately prior
                          to the Employment Termination Date plus one twenty-
                          fourth of the Average Annual Incentive Payment, such
                          amounts to be computed without regard to any
                          reductions which may have occurred in breach of this
                          Agreement.  Such payments shall be subject to all
                          required withholdings.

                          (b)     Any outstanding unvested options held by you
                          to purchase stock of the Company which have not
                          otherwise become exercisable under the terms of the
                          Company's stock option plans, shall become fully
                          vested and exercisable.

                          (c)     If your employment is terminated under
                          circumstances in which you are entitled to receive
                          payments under Section 3.1(a) above, and if you are
                          not otherwise entitled to a bonus payment with
                          respect to the fiscal year in which your employment
                          is terminated, the Company will pay to you within 30
                          days after the Employment Termination Date, and
                          subject to required withholdings, a one-time bonus
                          equal to the product

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                          of (i) the fraction of a full year represented by the
                          period from the beginning of the fiscal year to the
                          Employment Termination Date, and (ii) the Average
                          Annual Incentive Payment.

                          (d)     As soon as practical following the Employment
                          Termination Date, the Company shall pay to you the
                          market value, as of close of business on the
                          Employment Termination Date, of any unvested
                          restricted stock awarded to you, subject to required

                 3.2      Death Benefits.  If you are terminated by the Company
                          other than for Cause or terminate your employment for
                          Good Reason, and thereafter you die during the
                          applicable Continued Payment Period, the Company
                          shall be obligated to pay to your spouse, if
                          surviving, and otherwise to your estate, the amounts
                          to which you would have been entitled under Section
                          3.1 had you survived.

                 3.3      No Obligation To Mitigate.  You shall not be required
                          to mitigate damages or the amount of any payment
                          provided for under this Agreement by seeking other
                          employment or otherwise, nor shall the amount of any
                          payment provided for under this Agreement be reduced
                          by any compensation earned by you as the result of
                          employment by another employer after the Employment
                          Termination Date, or otherwise.

                 3.4      COBRA Benefits.  If your employment is terminated
                          without cause by the Company, or for Good
                          Reason by you, then the Company will provide a
                          benefit under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget
                          Reconciliation Act of 1986 ("COBRA") and Section
                          4980B of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
                          amended, as follows:  the Company shall pay the cost
                          of COBRA coverage with respect to your coverage status
                          (e.g., individual or family coverage) in effect
                          immediately prior to the Employment Termination Date. 
                          The insurance continuation benefits paid for
                          hereunder shall be deemed to be part of Employee's
                          COBRA coverage.  Such benefits shall be in addition
                          to any other benefits relating to health or medical
                          care benefits that are available under the Company's
                          policies to Employee following termination of

                 3.5      Other Rights.  The severance benefits provided
                          hereunder will be reduced by any severance benefits
                          to which you are entitled under the Company's
                          Severance Benefits policy for terminated employees,
                          or any other agreement between you and the Company
                          for severance benefits.  Except as provided in the
                          immediately preceding sentence, the provisions of
                          this Agreement, and any payment provided for
                          hereunder, shall not reduce any amounts otherwise
                          payable, or in any way diminish your existing rights
                          or rights which would accrue solely as a result of
                          the passage of time, under any benefit or incentive
                          plan, employment

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                          agreement or other contract, plan or arrangement.  As
                          soon as practical following the Employment
                          Termination Date, you will receive a cash payment for
                          the value of your earned but unused vacation time as
                          of the Employment Termination Date in accordance with
                          then current Company Policy.

         4.      Successor To Company.  The Company shall require any successor
                 or assignee, whether direct or indirect, by purchase, merger,
                 consolidation or otherwise to all or substantially all the
                 business or assets of the Company, expressly and
                 unconditionally to assume and agree to perform the Company's
                 obligations under this Agreement, in the same manner and to
                 the same extent that the Company would be required to perform
                 if no such succession or assignment had taken place.  In such
                 event, the term "Company," as used in this Agreement, shall
                 mean the Company and any successor or assignee to the business
                 or assets which by reason hereof becomes bound by the terms
                 and provisions of this Agreement.

         5.      Non-Competition.  During your employment, you agree that you
                 will not directly or indirectly compete with the Company, or
                 engage in, or act as an officer, director, employee, or agent
                 of any person or entity that is engaged in, any business in
                 which the Company is engaged, without the written approval of
                 the CEO.  The foregoing shall not prohibit you from investing
                 in any securities of a corporation whose securities, or any of
                 them, are listed on a national securities exchange or traded
                 in the over-the-counter market so long as you shall own less
                 than 3% of the outstanding voting stock of such corporation.
                 If you are receiving payments under Section 3.1(a)(ii), then,
                 as to any business in which the Company is engaged as of the
                 Employment Termination Date, you shall continue to be bound by
                 the provisions of this Section 5 during the applicable
                 Continued Payment Period.

         6.      Confidentiality.  During your employment and at all times
                 thereafter, you will not divulge to anyone or use for your own
                 benefit or the benefit of any other person or entity any
                 information concerning the Company, its businesses,
                 operations, products, plans, employees, or otherwise,
                 including without limitation trade secrets and other
                 proprietary information, except for information that has been
                 published by or with the consent of the Company and is as a
                 result thereof generally available to the public, or
                 information reasonably required by you for the preparation of
                 personal tax returns.

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         7.      Reduction of Payments.

                 7.1      (a)     Anything in this Agreement to the contrary
                          notwithstanding, in the event it shall be determined
                          that any payment or distribution by the Company to or
                          for the benefit of Employee (whether paid or payable
                          or distributed or distributable pursuant to the terms
                          of this Agreement or otherwise) (a "Payment") would
                          be nondeductible by the Company for Federal income
                          tax purposes because of Section 280G of the Code,
                          then the aggregate present value of amounts payable
                          or distributable as severance benefits hereunder
                          shall be reduced to the Reduced Amount.  The "Reduced
                          Amount" shall be an amount expressed in present value
                          which maximizes the aggregate present value of such
                          severance benefits without causing any Payment to be
                          nondeductible by the Company because of Section 280G
                          of the Code.  Anything to the contrary
                          notwithstanding, if the Reduced Amount is zero and it
                          is determined further that any Payment which is not
                          part of the severance benefits payable hereunder
                          would nevertheless be nondeductible by the Company
                          for Federal income tax purposes because of Section
                          280G of the Code, then the aggregate present value of
                          Payments which are not severance benefits under this
                          Agreement shall also be reduced (but not below zero)
                          to an amount expressed in present value which
                          maximizes the aggregate present value of Payments
                          without causing any payment to be nondeductible by
                          the Company because of Section 280G of the Code.  For
                          purposes of this paragraph 7.1, present value shall
                          be determined in accordance with Section 280G(d)(4)
                          of the Code.

                          (b)     All determinations required to be made under
                          this paragraph 7.1 shall be made by the Company's
                          independent auditors which shall provide detailed
                          supporting calculations both to the Company and
                          Employee within 15 business days of the Date of
                          Termination or such earlier time as is requested by
                          the Company and an opinion to Employee that he or she
                          has substantial authority not to report any excise
                          tax on his Federal income tax return with respect to
                          any Payments.  Any such determination by the
                          Company's independent auditors shall be binding upon
                          the Company and Employee.  Employee shall determine
                          which and how much of the Payments, shall be
                          eliminated or reduced consistent with the
                          requirements of this paragraph 7.1, provided that, if
                          Employee does not make such determination within ten
                          business days of the receipt of the calculations made
                          by the Company's independent auditors, the Company
                          shall elect which and how much of the Payments shall
                          be eliminated or reduced consistent with the
                          requirements of this paragraph 7.1 and shall notify
                          Employee promptly of such election; and

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                          provided further that any Payments which do not
                          constitute gross income to Employee shall not be
                          reduced or eliminated unless all other Payments have
                          first been eliminated.  Within five business days
                          thereafter, the Company shall pay to or distribute to
                          or for the benefit of Employee such amounts as are
                          then due to Employee under this Agreement.

                          (c)     As a result of the uncertainty in the
                          application of Section 280G of the Code at the time
                          of the initial determination by the Company's
                          independent auditors hereunder, it is possible that
                          Payments will have been made by the Company which
                          should not have been made ("Overpayment") or that
                          Payments will not have been made by the Company which
                          could have been made ("Underpayment"), in each case,
                          consistent with the calculations required to be made
                          hereunder.  In the event that the Company's
                          independent auditors, based upon the assertion of a
                          deficiency by the Internal Revenue Service against
                          Employee or the Company which the Company's
                          independent auditors believe has a high probability
                          of success, determine that an Overpayment has been
                          made, any such Overpayment paid or distributed by the
                          Company to or for the benefit of Employee shall be
                          treated for all purposes as a loan ab initio to
                          Employee which Employee shall repay to the Company
                          together with interest at the applicable federal rate
                          provided for in Section 7872(f)(2) of the Code;
                          provided, however, that no such loan shall be deemed
                          to have been made and no amount shall be payable to
                          the Company if and to the extent such deemed loan and
                          payment would not either reduce the amount on which
                          Employee is subject to tax under Section 1 and
                          Section 4999 of the Code or generate a refund of such
                          taxes.  In the event that the Company's independent
                          auditors, based upon controlling precedent or other
                          substantial authority, determine that an Underpayment
                          has occurred, any such Underpayment shall be promptly
                          paid by the Company to or for the benefit of Employee
                          together with interest at 120% of the applicable
                          federal rate provided for in Section 7872(f)(2) of
                          the Code, compounded semiannually.

                 7.2      Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the
                          contrary, if after giving effect to the provisions of
                          Section 7.1 any portion of any payments to you by the
                          Company hereunder and any other present or future
                          plan or program of the Company or other present or
                          future agreement between you and the Company would
                          not be deductible by the Company for Federal income
                          tax purposes by reason of application of Section
                          162(m) of the Code, then payment of that portion to

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                          shall be deferred until the earliest date upon which
                          payment thereof can be made to you without being
                          non-deductible pursuant to Section 162(m) of the
                          Code.  In the event of such a deferral, the Company
                          shall pay interest to you on the amount deferred at
                          120% of the applicable federal rate provided for in
                          Section 7872(f)(2) of the Code, compounded 

         8.      Miscellaneous.

                 8.1.     No Assignment.  No benefit hereunder shall be subject
                          to anticipation, alienation, sale, transfer,
                          assignment, pledge, encumbrances or charge, and any
                          attempt to do so shall be void.

                 8.2      Notices.  All notices hereunder shall be in writing,
                          and shall be delivered in person, by facsimile or by
                          certified mail-return receipt requested.  Notices
                          shall be delivered as follows:

                                  If to the Company:

                                  Chief Executive Officer
                                  Puritan-Bennett Corporation
                                  9401 Indian Creek Parkway
                                  Overland Park, Kansas 66225

                                  If to the Employee:


                          Either party may change its address for notice by
                          giving notice to the other party of a new address in
                          accordance with the foregoing provisions.

                 8.3      Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by
                          the laws of the State of Kansas.

                 8.4      Disputes.  In the event of any dispute between the
                          Company and Employee arising out of this Agreement,
                          the Company's then current Alternative Dispute
                          Resolution Procedure will be followed (a copy of the
                          current procedure is attached hereto) and the
                          prevailing party shall be

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                          entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees
                          and expenses incurred in connection with the
                          enforcement of its rights hereunder.

                 8.5      Severability.  If any term, provision, covenant or
                          restriction of this Agreement is held by a court of
                          competent jurisdiction or other authority to be
                          invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the
                          terms, provisions, covenants and restrictions of this
                          Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and
                          shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated.

                 8.6      Descriptive Headings.  Descriptive headings of the
                          several paragraphs of this Agreement are inserted for
                          convenience only and shall not control or affect the
                          meaning or construction of any of the provisions

         Please acknowledge your agreement to the foregoing Agreement by
signing the enclosed counterpart of this letter and returning it to the

                                       Very truly yours,

                                       PURITAN-BENNETT CORPORATION


Agreed to and accepted:
