Exhibit 10.3

                            VORNADO REALTY TRUST
                           Park 80 West, Plaza II
                      Saddle Brook, New Jersey  07663

                                          February 6, 1995

31 West 34th Street
New York, New York  10001

                  Re:   Mortgage Loan Secured By
                        Real Property of Alexander's Inc.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

            Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, Vornado
Realty Trust or an entity of which Vornado Realty Trust is at least a 95%
preferred shareholder ("Lender") agrees to lend to  Alexander's, Inc., a
Delaware corporation ("Borrower"), and Borrower agrees to borrow from
Lender, on a secured basis as described herein, an aggregate principal
amount of up to SEVENTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($75,000,000.00) (the "Loan"). 
The Loan will be made pursuant to a Credit Agreement entered into between
Lender and Borrower (the "Credit Agreement") and evidenced by one or more
promissory notes (collectively the "Notes") made by Borrower in favor of

A.    The basic terms of the Loan shall be as set forth on Exhibit A
      attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

B.    Lender's obligation under this Commitment to close the Loan and
      advance the proceeds thereof is conditioned upon the satisfaction of
      all of the following conditions precedent at or prior to the Closing
      (each of which is solely for the benefit of Lender and may be waived
      by Lender, in whole or in part, in its sole discretion):

            1.    The Loan and the security therefor being evidenced by
      such documentation as Lender's counsel shall deem reasonably
      necessary and appropriate, all of which shall be duly executed and
      delivered and, where necessary in the opinion of Lender's counsel,
      acknowledged by all parties thereto.

            2.    Lender being furnished, at Borrower's expense, with title
      insurance policies with such endorsements as Lender shall require, in
      form and substance 


      satisfactory to Lender and in an aggregate amount equal to the
      aggregate principal amount of the Loan, insuring the mortgages to be
      given in connection with this transaction and as referred to on the
      attached Exhibit A (the "Mortgages"), such policies to be written by
      such title insurance company, and to be with such co-insurance and/or
      re-insurance clause(s), as shall be approved by Lender.

            3.    Lender being furnished, at Borrower's expense, with
      current "as-built" surveys of the properties subject to the Mortgages
      (the "Properties") in form and substance satisfactory to Lender,
      prepared in accordance with standards adopted by the American Land
      Title Association and certified to Lender's title insurer and Lender
      by a land surveyor duly registered and licensed in the States of New
      York and New Jersey, as applicable, and approved by Lender, together
      with a current certificate of such surveyor certifying to Lender's
      title insurer and Lender, among other things, that the survey is true
      and correct.

            4.    Lender being furnished, at Borrower's expense, with a
      favorable opinion of Borrower's independent legal counsel (such
      counsel to be reasonably acceptable to the Lender), local counsel and
      zoning counsel, all in form and substance acceptable to Lender, with
      respect to matters relating to Borrower and the Loan.

            5.    Lender's consummation of the buyout of Citicorp's stock
      position in Borrower.

            6.    Lender's obtaining funds for purposes of making the Loan
      through one or more further borrowings; provided that Lender shall
      use its best efforts to obtain such borrowings (including on a full-
      recourse basis).

            7.    Borrower shall not be in default under any debt agreement
      or leases  after application of the loan proceeds in accordance with
      the terms of the Loan documentation.

            8.    The Management Agreement, substantially in the form
      attached hereto, shall be in effect prior to or concurrent with the
      closing of the Loan. 

            9.    Bankruptcy Court approval of the Loan and the Management
      Agreement and a fairness opinion from an investment bank will be

            10.   Other conditions customary to transactions of this type.



C.    The obligations of Lender hereunder shall terminate at the option of
      Lender if any of the following shall occur on or before the Loan
      Closing Date:

            1.    Borrower fails to fulfill any of the terms and conditions
      of this Commitment within the time and in the manner provided herein.

            2.    From and after the date hereof, Borrower or any
      subsidiary of Borrower (i) files a petition for adjudication as a
      bankrupt, (ii) files a petition or answer seeking reorganization or
      an arrangement under any bankruptcy or similar statute of the United
      States of America or any subdivision thereof or of any foreign
      jurisdiction, (iii) makes a general assignment for the benefit of its
      creditors, (iv) executes a consent to any type of insolvency or
      wage-earner proceeding or to any formal or informal proceeding for
      the dissolution or liquidation of, or the settlement of claims
      against or winding up of affairs of, Borrower or any such subsidiary,
      (v) generally does not pay its debts as they become due, or
      (vi) becomes involved in other legal proceedings or takes other
      actions that, in the reasonable judgment of Lender, materially affect
      the ability of any such person or entity to perform its obligations
      under the Loan or with respect to the Loan.

            3.    From and after the date hereof, there occurs the
      appointment of a custodian, receiver, trustee or liquidator, or
      officer performing similar functions, for Borrower or any subsidiary
      of Borrower, or for any of its or their assets, or the filing against
      Borrower or any subsidiary of Borrower of a petition for adjudication
      as a bankrupt or insolvent or for reorganization under any bankruptcy
      or similar laws of the United States of America or of any subdivision
      thereof or of any foreign jurisdiction, or the institution against
      Borrower or any subsidiary of Borrower of any other type of
      insolvency proceeding or of any formal or informal proceeding for the
      dissolution or liquidation of, or the settlement of claims against or
      winding up of affairs of, Borrower or any subsidiary of Borrower, in
      any such case which has not been dismissed.

            4.    Any United States federal, state, local or municipal law,
      ordinance, rule, regulation or requirement or any applicable
      judgment, decree, determination or court order prevents or prohibits
      Lender from making or holding the Loan or from receiving the interest
      and fees contemplated by this Commitment or, in Lender's judgment,
      has or will have a materially adverse effect upon the profitability
      of, or Lender's ability to make or hold, the Loan (including, without
      limitation, any law or regulation relating to the maximum permissible
      interest rate to be charged in connection with the Loan). 


            5.    Any litigation or proceeding of any kind is threatened,
      commenced or pending that may affect the validity, priority,
      enforceability or insurability of any lien, security interest or
      other collateral to be granted to Lender in connection with the Loan
      or that may, in the reasonable judgment of Lender, adversely affect
      the cost, nature or time of completion, construction, maintenance or
      operation of the Properties.

            6.    Any material part of the Properties (excluding the
      existing improvements on the Paramus property) is damaged or
      destroyed by fire or other cause.

            7.    There is commenced, pending or (except for the existing
      threatened condemnation proceedings with respect to the 59th Street
      property) threatened against the Properties (or any part thereof) any
      condemnation or other similar proceeding, other than the condemnation
      proceeding related to the Paramus, New Jersey property of Borrower.

D.    Borrower agrees that it will use its best efforts to satisfy the
      conditions set forth herein and will take all actions required to be
      taken (including the prepayment of existing debt prior to or
      contemporaneously with the closing of the Loan, and the payment of
      reasonable fees, expenses and other sums, necessary) to pledge the
      collateral described in Exhibit A attached hereto (or substitute
      collateral acceptable to Lender) to Lender as security for the Loan
      and to effectuate the Loan on the terms and conditions set forth
      herein.  In the event that, notwithstanding Borrower's best efforts,
      Borrower cannot satisfy such conditions, Borrower will take
      commercially reasonable steps to effectuate the intent of this

E.    Borrower further agrees that it will neither solicit for nor accept
      any financing from any party other than Lender prior to the
      expiration of this Commitment without Lender's consent.

F.    This Commitment and the agreements of the parties set forth herein
      shall terminate if the closing of the Loan has not been made on or
      prior to the date which is 45 days after the consummation by Lender
      of the buyout of Citicorp's stock position in Borrower and in any
      event if the Loan is not made by June 30, 1995.

G.    Miscellaneous: 

            1.    Notwithstanding any other provision set forth herein,
      Borrower shall use its best efforts to satisfy all closing conditions
      and to draw down the Loan upon Lender's consummation of the buyout of
      Citicorp's position in Borrower or as soon thereafter as practical.


            2.    This Commitment is made only to Borrower, and neither
      this Commitment nor any monies which may become payable hereunder,
      nor any moneys deposited hereunder, may be assigned by Borrower
      without the prior written consent of Lender.  Any attempted
      assignment in violation of the immediately preceding sentence shall
      be null and void ab initio.  Any agreement arising hereunder shall be
      solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and no third party shall
      have any rights hereunder.

            3.    Borrower hereby represents and warrants to Lender that it
      has not dealt with any broker or finder in connection with the Loan
      or this Commitment, and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lender
      from and against any and all claims which Lender may suffer or incur
      by reason of any claim by any broker or other party (other than a
      broker or party claiming it has dealt with Lender) for a commission,
      fee or other compensation in connection with the Loan or this

            4.    Borrower represents and agrees that the proceeds of the
      Loan are required for business or commercial purposes, and are not
      intended to be used, and will not be used, for family, household,
      agricultural or personal purposes, and accordingly that truth in
      lending and similar Federal, state, local and municipal laws,
      ordinances, rules, regulations and requirements do not apply to this
      Commitment or the Loan. 

            5.    All instruments and documents to be executed or delivered
      in connection with this transaction shall be subject to the approval
      of the parties and their counsel as to form and content.

            6.    This Commitment is made in the State of New York and
      shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York applicable to
      contracts entered into and to be performed in the State of New York. 

            7.    Upon the execution of the Credit Agreement, the terms of
      this Commitment shall be merged therein and this Commitment shall
      terminate in all respects.
            8.    This Commitment constitutes the entire understanding and
      agreement between the parties hereto with respect to this
      transaction, and may not be modified, amended or supplemented except
      pursuant to a written agreement executed by the parties hereto.  No
      waiver, extension, amendment or modification of any term or provision
      hereof shall be binding unless the same shall be in writing and
      signed by the party against whom enforcement of such waiver,
      extension, amendment or modification is sought.


            Borrower shall acknowledge its acceptance of the foregoing and
its agreements as set forth herein by signing and delivering to Lender a
copy of this Commitment before 9:30 a.m. on February 6, 1995, at which time
this Commitment, if not so accepted, shall expire.  The terms of this
Commitment shall not be binding on Lender unless such signed copy hereof is
delivered to Lender before the aforesaid time on the aforesaid date. 

                                      Very truly yours, 

                                      VORNADO REALTY TRUST

                                      By:    /s/JOSEPH MACNOW
                                           Name:  Joseph Macnow
                                           Title: Vice President and Chief
                                                    Financial Officer

6th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1995:


By:      /s/STEPHEN MANN 
      Name:  Stephen Mann
      Title: Chairman


                                 EXHIBIT A

                          TERM SHEET FOR TERM LOAN

BORROWER:               Alexander's, Inc.

GUARANTORS:             Each Subsidiary of Borrower. 

LENDER:                 Vornado Realty Trust or an affiliate thereof

LOAN AMOUNT:            $68,500,000 with an additional availability of
                        $6,500,000 to be determined by the Lender prior to

USE OF PROCEEDS:        A) Payment of unsecured creditors and other
                           obligations due contemporaneously therewith.
                        B) Pay off Chemical Loan on 59th Street.
                        C) Pay off Chemical Loan to 731 Limited
                        D) Payment of Real Estate Taxes then due and
                        E) General business purposes.

TERM:                   3 years

COLLATERAL:             1)    Pledge of stock of all subsidiaries.

                        2)    Fordham Road - First mortgage, provided
                              Lender agrees to accept deeply subordinated
                              second mortgage approved by Lender behind $25
                              million first mortgage from another lender.

                        3)    Flushing - Lockbox for collection of rents
                              and, if reasonably obtainable, first
                              leasehold mortgage.

                        4)    Rego Park - First mortgage, provided Lender
                              agrees to accept deeply subordinated second
                              mortgage approved by Lender behind up to
                              $52.5 million of financing (provided
                              approximately $36.5 million is allocated for
                              construction) from another lender.  Lender
                              further agrees to subordinate to an aggregate
                              of $77.5 million of permanent financing.


                        5)    Third Avenue - First mortgage.

                        6)    Paramus - Second mortgage behind a $13.1
                              million first mortgage held by New York Life. 
                              Lender will subordinate to an additional
                              $16.9 million of construction financing
                              approved by Lender, of which $7.5 million
                              represents tenant site work reimbursements
                              which will be repaid to Construction Lender
                              when the tenants reimburse the Borrower,
                              thereby reducing the total prior debt to
                              $22.5 million.

                        7)    Kings Plaza Store - First mortgage.  Lender
                              will subordinate to an additional $10 million
                              of construction financing approved by Lender.

                        8)    Kings Plaza Shopping Center - First or second
                              mortgage, if reasonably obtainable.

                        9)    59th Street - First mortgage on the entire
                              square block, subject to a release price of
                              $30 million; provided that such release price
                              is paid in connection with the closing of
                              development or construction financing or a
                              sale of the property; and, provided further,
                              that any such release shall not obviate the
                              restrictions on sales, financings,
                              refinancings and other dispositions set forth

                        Any other properties acquired by Borrower shall
                        also be included as collateral for the Loan,
                        subject to preexisting liens, purchase money liens
                        and construction liens as approved by Lender.

                        Where possible the Lender will also receive
                        assignment of leases and security agreement/UCC1
                        filings on fixtures and furnishings, at each
                        Collateral Property.  If Lender requires existing
                        leases to be subordinated to the Loan, Lender must
                        grant nondisturbance agreements as required by
                        leases.  Lender will grant non-disturbance to
                        future tenants provided such tenants meet certain

                        All financings and refinancings of properties are
                        subject to the review and approval by Lender of the
                        budget for the development or redevelopment of said
                        properties, including a 


                        review of plans and cost items, and the
                        documentation for the senior financing.

DISPOSITIONS:           No sale, financing, refinancing or other
                        disposition of any property listed under the
                        "COLLATERAL" section above without Lender's
                        consent, which may be withheld for any reason;
                        provided, however, that Lender's consent to the
                        refinancing of existing mortgage debt on any such
                        property and to construction financing on Kings
                        Plaza Store, Paramus, 59th Street and Rego Park to
                        the extent contemplated herein shall not be
                        unreasonably withheld.

ACCOUNT:                The proceeds of any sale, financing, refinancing or
                        other disposition of any property shall be used to
                        pay down the then outstanding prior position debt
                        with respect to such property (plus in the case of
                        59th Street, the estimated costs of construction or
                        development of such Property).

                        Borrower will deposit the excess, if any, of such
                        proceeds remaining after paying down such
                        obligations and all other net cash proceeds, from
                        any source whatsoever to the extent not used to pay
                        down such obligations, into a cash collateral
                        account maintained with Lender unless otherwise
                        agreed by Lender.

PREPAYMENT:             Prepayable without premium or penalty at the end of
                        second year.  Prepayable during any year with yield

AMORTIZATION:           None required

INTEREST RATE:          The interest rate will be 14% per annum for the
                        first two years of the loan and a fixed interest
                        rate for the third year of the loan fixed at a rate
                        per annum equal to 725 basis points over the
                        one-year treasury bill rate on the first day of the
                        third year.

                        If, as of the closing date, the rate per annum on
                        the two-year treasury notes (the "Treasury Rate")
                        exceeds 7.35% by more than 15 basis points, then
                        the interest rate of 14% will be adjusted upward by
                        the difference between 7.35% and the Treasury Rate. 
                        If, as of the closing date, the Treasury Rate is 


                        lower than 7.05% by more than 15 basis points, then
                        the interest rate of 14% will be adjusted downward
                        by the difference between 7.05% and the Treasury

INTEREST RESERVE:       $5 million of the Term Loan will not be funded at
                        closing and, until funded, there will be no
                        interest charged to Borrower on the such amount,
                        which shall be considered an Interest Reserve. 
                        Advances from the Interest Reserve will only be
                        used to pay interest payments and then only to the
                        extent that monthly cash flow is insufficient to
                        pay interest on the Loan.  Any funds advanced from
                        the Interest Reserve shall be repaid from
                        subsequent excess cash flows.

FEE:                    2.5% on Loan Amount (including Interest Reserve),
                        to be paid at closing.

EXPENSES:               Borrower will pay out-of-pocket expenses of Lender
                        including, but not limited to, legal expenses and
                        costs related to documentation and closing of the
                        loan, whether or not the transaction closes.

REQUIREMENTS:           Customary.

COVENANTS:              Customary.  There will be a negative covenant on
                        future speculative development (to be defined as
                        development in the absence of pre-leasing more than
                        50% of the projected leasable space on any
                        individual property).

PARTICIPATIONS:         Lender may participate or assign the Loan in whole
                        or in part.  The Loan and the collateral securing
                        the Loan may, in the sole discretion of Lender, be
                        evidenced by one or more Notes secured by one or
                        more mortgages.  At Lender's request, Borrower will
                        cooperate with Lender and take all actions
                        necessary to restructure the Loan as one or more
                        loans with additional lenders (provided Borrower
                        shall not be required to expend unreasonable sums).
