DATED                                1996

                             INTERCONNECT AGREEMENT


                             NYNEX CABLECOMMS DERBY




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 1    Definitions and Interpretation
 2    Commencement and Duration
 3    Interconnection and Standards
 4    System Alteration
 5    Scope
 6    Quality of Service
 7    Transfer Charge Calls
 8    New Services
 9    Forecasts and Capacity
 10   Provision of Information
 11   CLI
 12   BT Services
 13   Operator Services
 14   Charges and Payment
 15   Billing
 16   System Protection and Safety
 17   Approved Attachments and Customer Equipment
 18   Numbering
 19   Review
 20   Determination
 21   Confidentiality
 22   Force Majeure
 23   Limitation of Liability
 24   Intellectual Property Rights
 25   Assignment
 26   Disputes
 27   Breach, Suspension and Termination
 28   Notices
 29   Entire Agreement
 30   Variations
 31   Waiver
 32   Restrictive Trade Practices
 33   Independent Contractors and Agency
 34   Severability
 35   Governing Law


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             Generic Electrical & Physical Interface Specification
             Generic C7 Signalling Interface Specification
             Generic Transmission Interface Specification
             Generic SDH Interface Specification


                        Annex A  Planning and Operations
                        Annex B  Billing and Payment
                        Annex C  Schedules
                        Annex D  Definitions


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THIS AGREEMENT is made the                day of                   1996


NYNEX CABLECOMMS DERBY  registered in England No.2387713 having its registered
office at The Tolworth Tower, Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 7ED


1800000 having its registered office at 81 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7AJ.


A         A licence was granted to the Operator on 3 September 1990 under
          section 7 of the Telecommunications Act 1984 to run the Operator

B         A licence was granted to British Telecommunications on 22 June 1984
          under section 7 of the Telecommunications Act 1984 to run its
          telecommunication system and pursuant to paragraph 20 of schedule 5 to
          such Act such licence has effect as if granted to BT to run the BT

C         The Parties have agreed to connect the Operator System to the BT
          System and to the supply of services and facilities, on the terms and
          conditions of this Agreement.

IT IS AGREED as follows:


1.1.78    In this Agreement, except if the context requires otherwise, words and
          expressions are as defined in Annex D.

1.2       The Interpretation Act 1978 shall apply for the purpose of
          interpreting this Agreement as if this Agreement were an Act of

1.3       The following documents form part of this Agreement and, in the
          event of any inconsistencies between them, the order of precedence
          shall (unless expressly stated to the contrary) be as follows:

               1. main body of this Agreement
               2. Annex D
               3. Annexes A and B
               4. Specifications
               5. Annex C
               6. Carrier Price List


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1.4       It is hereby expressly agreed that the Manuals, the Technical Master
          Plan and the Customer Service Plan are not legally binding.


2.1       This Agreement takes effect on the date hereof and shall continue
          until:  either Party ceases to hold a licence granted to it pursuant to
          section 7 of the Act to run a Telecommunication System; or

2.1.2     termination pursuant to this Agreement.

2.2       A Party may terminate this Agreement by giving at any time to the
          other not less than 24 months' written notice to terminate.

2.3       After a notice has been given pursuant to paragraph 2.2 a Party may
          request the other Party to carry on good faith negotiations with a
          view to entering into a new agreement.

2.4       Following a request pursuant to paragraph 2.3, if, on termination of
          this Agreement either Party would be obliged under its Licence to
          enter into a new interconnection agreement with the other Party then
          the Parties shall carry on good faith negotiations with a view to
          entering into a new agreement to take effect on termination of this


3.1       The Parties shall connect and keep connected the BT System and the
          Operator System at Points of Connection using Customer Sited
          Interconnect or In-span Interconnect in accordance with this Agreement
          (to such extent permitted by the Operator Licence).

3.2       If this Agreement does not contain a Schedule for the joint provision
          by the Parties of In-span Interconnect and BT notifies the Operator
          that BT requires Capacity between particular Switch Connections on a
          particular date, the Operator shall include such Capacity in its next
          Capacity Profile.  The Operator shall place a Capacity Order in a
          timely manner for such Capacity by way of Customer Sited Interconnect
          between the same Switch Connections, being an order for not less than
          the Capacity required by BT. No such Capacity Order shall be cancelled
          nor any resulting Interconnect Link rearranged by the Operator without
          BT's written consent. The provisions relating to payment for duct for
          such Interconnect Links shall not apply and the Capacity by way of
          Customer Sited Interconnect provided pursuant to this paragraph shall,
          unless otherwise agreed, be used solely for Traffic Types for which BT
          has responsibility pursuant to Annex A.

3.3       Each Party shall comply with the Specifications.


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3.4       In the practical implementation of the Specifications relating to the
          interconnection of the BT System and the Operator System the Parties
          shall apply standards and operating guidelines which in the first
          instance have due regard to the following in the order of precedence
          specified below:

3.4.1     any legal requirements imposed upon each of them including
          requirements arising from Condition 13B of the BT Licence and the
          equivalent Condition of the Operator Licence; and

3.4.2     any relevant specification notified by the Director General in
          implementation of the recommendations of the NICC; and

3.4.3     any recommendations by ETSI; and

3.4.4     any recommendations by ITU-T; and

3.4.5     the GSM memorandum of understanding (where applicable)


4.1       A Party wishing to make a System Alteration shall give to the other
          Party not less than 7 months written notice prior to the date of the
          anticipated System Alteration. The notice shall specify the technical
          details of the System Alteration and the date of the anticipated
          System Alteration. Following such notification each Party shall supply
          to the other such information as the other may reasonably request
          including in the case of the Party giving the notice, to the extent
          reasonably practicable, the potential impact on the other Party's

4.2       The Party receiving the notice pursuant to paragraph 4.1 shall notify
          the other as soon as practicable, but in any event not more than one
          month after receipt of such notice, of any alterations required to
          that Party's System as a result of the proposed System Alteration and,
          if the provisions in paragraph 4.6 do not apply, a quotation for the
          cost of such alterations calculated on the basis of the minimum cost
          consistent with good engineering practice.

4.3       If the Party giving the notice pursuant to paragraph 4.1 agrees the
          alterations required to the other Party's System and agrees the
          quotation (if any), the Parties shall agree a plan within three months
          of receipt of the notice referred to in paragraph 4.2 to implement the
          System Alteration and the other Party shall carry out such alterations
          in accordance with the agreed plan.

4.4       If the provisions in paragraph 4.6 do not apply, and if the Party
          giving the notice pursuant to paragraph 4.1 does not agree the
          alterations required and/or the quotation (if any), that Party shall
          so notify the other Party, and the Parties agree to treat the matter
          as a Dispute. The Party giving the notice pursuant to paragraph 4.1
          shall not implement the relevant System Alteration until the Dispute
          is resolved.


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4.5       On completion of the relevant alteration the Party receiving the
          notice pursuant to paragraph 4.1 shall invoice the other Party for
          such alteration for an amount not exceeding the agreed quotation.

4.6       Each Party shall pay its own costs arising out of the System
          Alteration if:

4.6.1     the Parties agree in writing to change their respective Systems for
          their mutual benefit; or

4.6.2     the System Alteration is lawfully directed by the Director General who
          also lawfully directs each Party to pay its own costs; or

4.6.3     the System Alteration is unanimously agreed by NICC; or

4.6.4     the altering Party is BT and the System Alteration is a change to the
          signalling system, which change is consistent with an upgrade path
          agreed by NICC.

4.7       The Parties shall amend the Specifications prior to a System

4.8       If a Party makes a System Alteration it shall ensure that Calls handed
          over from the other Party are not prevented to any greater extent or
          hindered in any manner different from the generality of Calls made by
          the altering Party's Customers.

5.        SCOPE

5.1       The Parties shall convey Calls and provide the services and facilities
          pursuant to the Schedules.

5.2       For the avoidance of doubt and notwithstanding the interconnection of
          the BT System and the Operator System neither Party shall hand over to
          the other Party, nor have an obligation to convey Calls of any
          category, unless the other Party has agreed to convey Calls of that
          category and there is express provision to convey Calls of that
          category in a Schedule.

5.3       Neither Party shall be obliged to provide or be entitled to access
          Ancillary Services unless there is express provision for the
          particular Ancillary Service in a Schedule.


6.1       BT shall use reasonable endeavours to meet the Target Performance,
          applicable at the time of provision of the relevant Standard Service,
          specified in the Quality Schedule.


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7.1       If having been allocated an entire NNG the Operator has the exclusive
          use of that NNG and requests BT not to offer Transfer Charge Calls to
          Operator Customers on such NNG then subject to the Operator:  taking reasonable steps to ensure that Operator Customers on such NNGs
          do not accept or agree to pay for Transfer Charge Calls; and

7.1.2     giving BT written notice that the Operator does not wish Transfer
          Charge Calls to be conveyed to the relevant NNG;

          BT shall instruct BT Operators not to make available Transfer Charge
          Calls to Operator Customers on such NNG, request operators of
          Authorised Overseas Systems not to make available Transfer Charge
          Calls to Operator Customers on such NNG, and request Third Parties who
          run Telecommunication Systems that provide public switched telephony
          within the United Kingdom pursuant to licences granted under the Act,
          other than licences available to classes of persons, not to make
          available Transfer Charge Calls to Operator Customers on such NNG.

7.2       If the Operator has complied with the provisions of paragraph 7.1, the
          Operator shall be released from any obligation to pay for Transfer
          Charge Calls conveyed to the relevant NNG 28 Working Days after the
          date of receipt of the notice pursuant to paragraph 7.1.2.

7.3       If BT releases the Operator from the obligation to pay for any
          Transfer Charge Call pursuant to paragraph 7.2, the Operator shall
          release BT from the obligation to pay the Operator for the conveyance
          of such Call.

8.        NEW SERVICES

8.1       Either Party may, at any time, request from the other Party an
          agreement to interconnect their respective Systems for the provision
          of any service or facility which the other Party provides under
          interconnection agreements to Third Party Operators which, in the case
          of a request to:  BT, is an agreement which BT is required to enter into under Condition
          13 of the BT Licence; or

8.1.2     the Operator, is an agreement which the Operator is required to enter
          into under the equivalent Condition of the Operator Licence.

8.2       BT shall, following a request by the Operator, offer to enter into an
          agreement to interconnect the Parties' respective Systems for the
          provision of the service or facility to the Operator on BT's then
          current standard terms. Upon acceptance of such offer, this Agreement
          shall be amended by the addition of a Schedule containing the terms
          applicable to such service or


                                  PAGE 8 of 30


          facility or, if appropriate, the Parties shall agree and enter into a
          new interconnection agreement.

8.3       The Operator shall, following a request by BT, enter into good
          faith negotiations with BT to agree terms for interconnection of the
          Parties' respective Systems for the provision of the service or
          facility by the Operator to BT on like terms to those available from
          the Operator to Third Party Operators. Upon terms being agreed, this
          Agreement shall be amended to give effect to the agreed terms or, if
          appropriate, the Parties shall agree and enter into a new
          interconnection agreement.

8.4       If a Party requests from the other Party an agreement for
          interconnection for the provision of a service or facility which is
          not made available by such other Party to Third Party Operators and
          such agreement is one which, if BT is the other Party, BT is required
          to enter into under Condition 13 of the BT Licence or, if the Operator
          is the other Party, the Operator is required to enter into under the
          equivalent Condition of the Operator Licence, the Parties shall enter
          into good faith negotiations to enter into an agreement for
          interconnection for the provision of such service or facility in
          accordance with paragraphs 8.5 - 8.9 (inclusive) or otherwise as the
          Parties may agree.

8.5       The Party requesting the other Party under paragraph 8.4 (the
          "Requesting Party") shall provide at the time of such request the
          other Party (the "Requested Party") with a written statement of its
          requirements addressing the matters contained in the New Services

8.6       Not later than 5 Working Days after receipt by the Requested Party of
          the statement of requirements, the Requested Party shall acknowledge
          such receipt in writing.

8.7       Not later than 30 calendar days after the acknowledgement under
          paragraph 8.6, the Requested Party shall confirm whether or not the
          statement of requirements is sufficient for the purpose and, if not,
          the Requested Party shall request and the Requesting Party shall
          provide such further clarification of the statement of requirements as
          the Requested Party may reasonably require. The Parties shall use
          their reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Requested Party shall
          be in a position to confirm the sufficiency of the statement of
          requirements (with clarification, if any) within such 30 calendar day

8.8       Subject to the Requested Party confirming the sufficiency of the
          Requesting Party's statement of requirements under paragraph 8.7, the
          Requested Party shall not later than:

8.8.1     60 calendar days after the acknowledgement under paragraph 8.6,
          confirm in writing to the Requesting Party whether it accepts an
          obligation to enter into an agreement to meet those requirements in
          accordance with the cost and other principles embodied in the
          Requested Party's Licence; and


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8.8.2     if it does accept an obligation to do so, 75 calendar days after the
          acknowledgement under paragraph 8.6, endeavour to agree with the
          Requesting Party a plan which addresses:   the testing of the feasibility of the requirements and, if so
          feasible, the implementation of those requirements;   the terms and conditions, including price, applicable to the
          requirements; and   any other relevant matter.

8.9       If the Requested Party does not accept under paragraph 8.8.1 an
          obligation to meet the Requesting Party's requirements or the
          Requested Party does accept under paragraph 8.8.1 an obligation to
          meet the Requesting Party's requirements but the Parties fail to agree
          on any aspect of the plan within the timescale referred to in
          paragraph 8.8.2, then the Requesting Party without prejudice to its
          other rights and remedies may immediately request a determination from
          the Director General under the provisions of the Requested Party's

8.10      If the Requested Party does not accept under paragraph 8.8.1 an
          obligation to meet the Requesting Party's requirements, negotiations
          to agree terms for interconnection for the provision of the service or
          facility may nevertheless continue, whether by further clarification
          of the statement of requirements or otherwise and without prejudice to
          the Requesting Party's right to request a determination from the
          Director General as referred to in paragraph 8.9.

9.1       The Parties shall supply to each other forecasts in accordance with
          Annex A and as may be required in a Schedule.

9.2       The Parties shall order and provide Capacity in accordance with Annex
          A and as may be required in a Schedule.


10.1      Each Party shall provide free of charge, one copy of the information
          specified in paragraph 10.3 of the main body and in paragraphs 3, 7
          and 16 of Annex A, and such other information as is reasonably
          required from time to time by the other Party for interconnection of
          the Systems and the provision of services or facilities pursuant to
          this Agreement.

10.2      Each Party shall promptly supply to the other upon request details of
          services and facilities which it provides to its Customers to which
          paragraph 8 may apply.


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10.3      Subject to a Party's obligations of confidentiality to a Third Party,
          a Party may request and the other Party shall provide information on
          protocols in use by that other Party which are required for
          interconnection, conveyance of Calls or the provision of services
          specified in this Agreement between the BT System and the Operator
          System if such other Party has relevant information and the provision
          of such information is necessary as a consequence of the absence of
          international standards.

10.4      Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement a Party shall not be
          obliged to provide information which is subject to a confidentiality
          obligation to a Third Party unless such Third Party consents to such

10.5      The Disclosing Party will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that
          information disclosed is correct to the best of its knowledge at the
          time of provision of such information.

10.6      If a Disclosing Party provides information to a Receiving Party, the
          Disclosing Party shall have obtained all appropriate Third Party

10.7      Subject to paragraph 23, the Receiving Party shall indemnify the
          Disclosing Party and keep it indemnified against all liabilities,
          claims, demands, damages, costs and expenses arising as a consequence
          of any failure by the Receiving Party to comply with the conditions 
          imposed and identified at the time when the information was provided.

10.8      Nothing in this Agreement shall require a Party to do anything in
          breach of any statutory or regulatory obligation of confidentiality,
          including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, any
          obligation pursuant to the Data Protection Act 1984, the BT Licence or
          the Operator Licence as appropriate or any code of practice on the
          confidentiality of customer information issued by the Director

11.       CLI

11.1.78   If a Party's System requests CLI from the other System the originating
          System shall generate and convey CLI to the System requesting it to
          the extent that the originating System has such a capability.

11.2      A Party whose System receives CLI following a request pursuant to
          paragraph 11.1.78 shall only use the CLI for the following purposes:

11.2.1    routing Calls; and

11.2.2    compilation of inter Party bills; and

11.2.3    agreed administrative use in accordance with accepted industry
          practice from time to time which includes, at the date of this
          Agreement, call trace, malicious call identification, compilation of


                                 PAGE 11 of 30


          statistics relating to call origin and PRS Fraud prevention and
          detection; and

11.2.4    display to Customers subject to compliance with the "Code of Practice"
          as referred to in the definition of CLI in Annex D as such code may be
          amended or replaced from time to time.

11.3      A Party conveying Calls handed over from a Third Party System or an
          Authorised Overseas System shall convey, to the extent received, the
          CLI associated with those Calls.

11.4      Notwithstanding other provisions of this Agreement a Party may use CLI
          to pass telephone numbers to Emergency Organisations.

11.5      The cost of generating and conveying CLI is included in the relevant
          conveyance rates for Calls. Neither Party shall apply additional
          charges for CLI.

11.6      If a Party desires to charge separately for the generation or
          conveyance of CLI such Party may initiate a review of this paragraph
          11 pursuant to paragraph 19.1.3 on 1 April 1997 and each 1 April

11.7      If there is a change in applicable law or regulation materially
          affecting the operation of CLI, the Parties shall change the operation
          of CLI to the extent necessary to comply with the applicable law or

12        BT SERVICES

12.1      If, at the commencement of the Financial Year In Question, the
          Director General has not determined the Interim Charge for a Standard
          Service (other than a Competitive Standard Service), the Pre-Interim
          Charge for that Standard Service shall be the same as the Interim
          Charge (or the Actual Charge, if applicable, for the relevant period)
          for that Standard Service for the Financial Year immediately preceding
          the Financial Year In Question provided always that such Interim
          Charge has been determined for such immediately preceding Financial

12.2      If, for the Financial Year In Question, the Director General has not
          determined, before 1 July of such year, the Interim Charge for a
          Standard Service (other than a Competitive Standard Service) referred
          to the Director General pursuant to Condition 16B.2 of the BT Licence,
          BT shall, as soon as reasonably practicable following publication in
          the Carrier Price List of the determined Interim Charge for the
          Financial Year In Question, adjust and recalculate the charges in
          respect of such Standard Service for the Financial Year In Question
          using the determined Interim Charge and calculate any sum overpaid or

12.3      As soon as reasonably practicable following a determination by the
          Director General of a charge (or the means of calculating that charge)
          for a Standard


                                 PAGE 12 of 30


          Service, BT shall make any necessary alterations to the Carrier Price
          List so that it accords with the full list of Standard Services
          maintained by BT pursuant to Condition 16B.8 of the BT Licence and
          shall send a copy of the alterations to the Carrier Price List to the
          Operator as soon as reasonably practicable.

12.4      After the Director General has determined the Final Charge (or the
          means of calculating that charge) for a Standard Service, BT shall, as
          soon as reasonably practicable following publication in the Carrier
          Price List of the determined Final Charge for the Financial Year In
          Question, adjust and recalculate the charges in respect of such
          Standard Service for the Financial Year In Question in accordance with
          the provisions of Condition 13.5A.3B of the BT Licence and calculate
          the interest for any sums overpaid or underpaid in accordance with the
          Oftel Interest Rate. For the purposes of this paragraph 12.4
          Pre-Interim Charges shall be treated as Interim Charges.

12.5      If the Director General determines that a Standard Service is a
          Competitive Standard Service, BT may, specify and vary from time to
          time, the charge for such Competitive Standard Service by publication
          in the Carrier Price List and such charge shall take effect on the
          Effective Date being a date not earlier than the date of such
          publication. If BT increases the price of a Competitive Standard
          Service the Effective Date shall in addition be not earlier than 28
          calendar days after the date of such publication.

12.6      If a determination referred to in paragraphs 12.3, 12.4 or 12.5 is
          subject to a legal challenge, the Parties shall, without prejudice,
          treat the determination as valid until the conclusion of the legal
          proceedings, unless the court otherwise directs. If the court finds a
          determination to be unlawful then the Parties agree to revert to the
          charges payable immediately prior to such determination being made and
          BT shall make any necessary alterations to the Carrier Price List. As
          soon as reasonably practicable following a redetermination by the
          Director General (as a result of a legal challenge) of a charge (or
          the means of calculating that charge) for a Standard Service, BT shall
          make any necessary alterations to the Carrier Price List so that it
          accords with the full list of Standard Services maintained by BT
          pursuant to Condition 16B.8 of the BT Licence and shall send a copy of
          the alterations to the Carrier Price List to the Operator as soon as
          reasonably practicable. BT shall, as soon as reasonably practicable
          following publication in the Carrier Price List of the redetermined
          charge for the Financial Year In Question, adjust and recalculate the
          charges in respect of such Standard Service for the Financial Year In
          Question and calculate the interest for any sums overpaid or underpaid
          in accordance with the Oftel Interest Rate.

12.7      For a service which is not a Standard Service or is a Standard Service
          for which there is no determined charge, BT may, specify and vary from
          time to time, the charge for such a service by publication in the
          Carrier Price List and such charge shall take effect on the Effective
          Date being a date not earlier than the date of such publication.


                                 PAGE 13 of 30


12.8      Subject to paragraphs 12.9 and 12.10, the charge payable during the
          course of the relevant Financial Year In Question for each Standard
          Service, other than a Competitive Standard Service, shall be that
          specified in the column headed Interim Charge in the Carrier Price
          List for the relevant Financial Year In Question.

12.9      Subject to paragraph 12.10, the charge payable during the course of
          the relevant Financial Year In Question for each Standard Service,
          other than a Competitive Standard Service or a Standard Service for
          which there is no determined charge, in respect of a period for which
          there is no charge specified in the column headed Interim Charge,
          shall be that specified in the column headed Pre-Interim Charge in the
          Carrier Price List for the relevant Financial Year In Question.

12.10     The charge payable for each Standard Service, other than a Competitive
          Standard Service, in respect of a period for which a charge is
          specified in the column headed Actual Charge, shall be the charge
          specified in the column headed Actual Charge in the Carrier Price List
          for the said period for the relevant Financial Year In Question.

12.11     An adjustment and recalculation which is to be carried out using the
          Final Charge shall be based on the charge specified in the column
          headed Final Charge in the Carrier Price List for the relevant
          Financial Year In Question.

12.12     The charge payable for each Competitive Standard Service and a service
          which is not a Standard Service, shall be the charge specified from
          time to time in the column headed BT Charge in the Carrier Price List.

12.13     If there is a difference between a charge for a Standard Service
          (other than a Competitive Standard Service) specified in the Carrier
          Price List and a charge determined by the Director General, the charge
          determined by the Director General shall prevail.

12.14     All references to an entry in the Carrier Price List for Standard
          Services are references to the Carrier Price List relating to the
          Financial Year In Question.

12.15     The date of publication in the Carrier Price List shall be the date
          that BT first makes available or sends the Carrier Price List
          containing the relevant entries to a person other than BT.


13.1      As soon as reasonably practicable following agreement of a charge (or
          the means of calculating that charge) for a service provided by the
          Operator to BT, BT shall make any necessary alterations to the Carrier
          Price List so that it accords with that agreement and shall send a
          copy of the alterations to the Carrier Price List to the Operator as
          soon as reasonably practicable.


                                 PAGE 14 of 30


13.2      If the Parties have agreed an Interim Charge for a service provided by
          the Operator to BT on a provisional basis, such provisionally agreed
          charge shall be reviewed on:

13.2.1    a date agreed by the Parties; or

13.2.2    a date that a determination by the Director General of an Interim
          Charge for an equivalent service for the relevant Financial Year In
          Question is published;

13.2.3    a date that a determination by the Director General of a Final
          Charge for an equivalent service for the relevant Financial Year In
          Question is published;

          whichever is the earlier and any variation to the provisionally agreed
          charge shall take effect from the date of the original agreement.

13.3      If the Parties are unable to reach agreement of a charge (or the means
          of calculating that charge) for a service provided by the Operator to
          BT, either Party may request the Director General to determine the

13.4      If the Director General has previously determined the charge for a
          service provided by the Operator to BT, and if, at the commencement of
          the Financial Year In Question, the Director General has not
          determined the Interim Charge for that service, the Pre-Interim Charge
          for that service shall be the same as the Interim Charge for that
          service for the Financial Year immediately preceding the Financial
          Year In Question provided always that such Interim Charge has been
          determined for such immediately preceding Financial Year.

13.5      If the Director General has previously determined the charge for a
          service provided by the Operator to BT, and if, for the Financial Year
          In Question, the Director General has not determined, before 1 July of
          such year, the Interim Charge for that service, the Operator shall, as
          soon as reasonably practicable following publication in the Carrier
          Price List of the determined Interim Charge for the Financial Year In
          Question, adjust and recalculate the charges in respect of that
          service for the Financial Year In Question using the determined
          Interim Charge and calculate any sum overpaid or underpaid.

13.6      As soon as reasonably practicable following a determination by the
          Director General of a charge (or the means of calculating that charge)
          for a service provided by the Operator to BT, BT shall make any
          necessary alterations to the Carrier Price List so that it accords
          with the determination and shall send a copy of the alterations to the
          Carrier Price List to the Operator as soon as reasonably practicable.

13.7      If the Director General has determined an Interim Charge for a service
          provided by the Operator to BT, after the Director General has
          determined the Final Charge (or the means of calculating that charge)
          for that service,


                                 PAGE 15 of 30


          the Operator shall, as soon as reasonably practicable following
          publication in the Carrier Price List of the determined Final Charge
          for the Financial Year In Question, adjust and recalculate the charges
          in respect of that service for the Financial Year In Question in
          accordance with the provisions of Condition 13.5B.1A of the BT Licence
          and calculate the interest for any sums overpaid or underpaid
          calculated in accordance with the Oftel Interest Rate. For the
          purposes of this paragraph 13.7 Pre-Interim Charges shall be treated
          as Interim Charges.

13.8      If the Director General has determined an Interim Charge for a service
          provided by the Operator to BT then either Party may request the
          Director General to determine the Interim Charge for that service for
          the next Financial Year In Question.

13.9      If a determination referred to in paragraphs 13.3, 13.6, 13.7 or 13.8
          is subject to a legal challenge, the Parties shall, without prejudice,
          treat the determination as valid until the conclusion of the legal
          proceedings unless the court otherwise directs. If the court finds a
          determination to be unlawful then the Parties agree to revert to the
          charges payable immediately prior to such determination being made and
          BT shall make any necessary alterations to the Carrier Price List. As
          soon as reasonably practicable following a redetermination by the
          Director General (as a result of a legal challenge) of a charge (or
          the means of calculating that charge) for such service, BT shall make
          any necessary alterations to the Carrier Price List so that it accords
          with redetermination and shall send a copy of the alterations to the
          Carrier Price List to the Operator as soon as reasonably practicable.
          The Operator shall, as soon as reasonably practicable following
          publication in the Carrier Price List of the redetermined charge for
          the Financial Year In Question, adjust and recalculate the charges in
          respect of such service for the Financial Year In Question and
          calculate the interest for any sums overpaid or underpaid in
          accordance with the Oftel Interest Rate.

13.10     Subject to paragraphs 13.11 and 13.12, the charge payable during the
          course of the relevant Financial Year In Question for each service
          provided by the Operator to BT, shall be that specified in the column
          headed Interim Charge in the Carrier Price List for the relevant
          Financial Year In Question.

13.11     The charge payable during the course of the relevant Financial Year In
          Question for each for each service provided by the Operator to BT for
          which there is no determined charge, in respect of a period for which
          there is no charge specified in the column headed Interim Charge,
          shall be that specified in the column headed Pre-Interim Charge in the
          Carrier Price List for the relevant Financial Year In Question.

13.12     An adjustment and recalculation which is to be carried out using the
          Final Charge shall be based on the charge specified in the column
          headed Final Charge in the Carrier Price List for the relevant
          Financial Year In Question.


                                 PAGE 16 of 30


13.13     If any charge (or the means of calculating that charge) for a service
          provided by the Operator to BT has retrospective effect then the
          Operator shall adjust and recalculate the charges in respect of such
          service for the Financial Year In Question using the new charge and
          calculate the interest for any sum overpaid or underpaid at the Oftel
          Interest Rate.

13.14     If there is a difference between a charge for a service provided by
          the Operator to BT specified in the Carrier Price List and a charge
          determined by the Director General, the charge determined by the
          Director General shall prevail.

13.15     All references to an entry in the Carrier Price List for services
          provided by the Operator are references to the Carrier Price List
          relating to the Financial Year In Question.

13.16     The date of publication in the Carrier Price List shall be the date
          that BT first makes available or sends the Carrier Price List 
          containing the relevant entries to a person other than BT.


14.1      Each Party shall pay the charges calculated in accordance with, and
          within the time specified in, this Agreement.

14.2      No charges shall be payable under this Agreement by one Party to the
          other unless such charges are specifically referred to in this

14.3      The charges in this Agreement are exclusive of VAT unless such charges
          are stated to be inclusive of VAT.

14.4      Invoices are due and payable in pounds sterling.

14.5      Each Party shall pay the other Party the relevant charges specified in
          this Agreement for all Calls conveyed between the Parties except that
          if a Party has a Third Party Interconnect, and the other Party has a
          Third Party Interconnect Agreement containing provisions such that
          charges for Calls conveyed via the Third Party Interconnect are paid
          directly to that other Party by that Third Party, then the first Party
          shall be released from payment for such Calls subject to such Calls
          being conveyed in agreed separate Traffic Routes.

14.6      If an Operator has a liability to pay BT Access Deficit Contributions
          for Calls handed over directly to BT that liability shall continue
          notwithstanding that the Operator conveys such Calls to BT via a Third

14.7      If the Operator hands over a Call to a Third Party Operator system and
          such Call is subsequently handed over to the BT System and conveyed to
          a BT Network Termination Point the Operator shall pay BT (in relation
          to such a Call) the same contribution to BT's Access Deficit as the
          Operator would


                                 PAGE 17 of 30


          have been liable to pay BT if such a Call had been handed over
          directly from the Operator System to the BT System.

14.8      The Operator shall not pay any Access Deficit Contribution in respect
          of a Call made on or after 8 February 1996.

15.       BILLING

15.1      Each Party shall provide to the other invoices of all amounts due to
          it, calculated in accordance with the provisions of Annex B and the
          Carrier Price List.


16.1      Each Party is responsible for the safe operation of its System and
          shall take all reasonable and necessary steps in its operation and
          implementation of this Agreement to ensure that its System does not: endanger the safety or health of employees, contractors, agents or
          Customers of the other Party; or

16.1.2    damage, interfere with or cause any deterioration in the operation of
          the other Party's System.


17.1      Neither Party shall connect or knowingly permit the connection to its
          System of anything that is not approved by the relevant approvals
          authority for attachment to its System.

17.2      If a Customer ceases wholly or partly to be a Party's Customer at any
          one site and becomes a Customer of the other Party, the first Party
          shall not hinder the second Party from:

17.2.1    gaining access to equipment rooms owned or occupied by the Customer,

17.2.2    gaining access to ducting and wiring owned by the Customer, and/or

17.2.3    obtaining consents and wayleaves from any Third Party

          as shall be required for such access.

18.       NUMBERING

18.1      Each Party shall use numbers in accordance with the United Kingdom
          national numbering scheme and shall comply with the numbering 
          provisions in Annex A.


                                 PAGE 18 of 30


19.       REVIEW

19.1      A Party may seek to amend this Agreement by serving on the other a
          review notice if: either Party's Licence is materially modified (whether by amendment or
          replacement); or

19.1.2    a material change occurs in the law or regulations (including codes of
          practice whether or not having the force of law) governing
          telecommunications in the United Kingdom; or

19.1.3    this Agreement makes express provision for a review or the Parties
          agree in writing that there should be a review; or

19.1.4    a material change (including enforcement action by any regulatory
          authority) occurs which affects or reasonably could be expected to
          affect the commercial or technical basis of this Agreement; or

19.1.5    this Agreement is assigned or transferred by the other Party except if
          prior written consent to the assignment or transfer is not required
          under paragraph 25.1; or

19.1.6    there is a general review pursuant to paragraph 19.4; or

19.1.7    there is to be a review of charges for which a Review Date is
          specified in a Schedule or in the Carrier Price List.

19.2      A review notice shall set out in reasonable detail the issues to be
          discussed between the Parties.

19.3      Save as provided in paragraphs 19.4 or 19.5, a Party shall serve a
          review notice not later than the expiration of a 1 year period
          commencing on the date set opposite each paragraph as follows:

    of publication of the modifications to
                       the Licence

          19.1.2       of occurrence of material change

          19.1.3       of entitlement or occurrence of the date
                       of written agreement

          19.1.4       of occurrence of the material change

          19.1.5       of notification of assignment or transfer


                                 PAGE 19 of 30


19.4      A Party may initiate a general review of this Agreement by serving a
          review notice during the period of three months commencing on 1st
          April 1998 and 1st April every 2 years thereafter.

19.5      A Party may initiate a review of charges in a Schedule or the Carrier
          Price List if there is a Review Date specified, by serving a review
          notice during the period of three months commencing on the Review

19.6      On service of a review notice, the Parties shall forthwith negotiate
          in good faith the matters to be resolved with a view to agreeing the
          relevant amendments to this Agreement.

19.7      A variation of charges payable by one Party to the other following a
          review notice pursuant to paragraph 19.1.7 shall take effect as of the
          Review Date.

19.8      For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that notwithstanding
          service of a review notice this Agreement shall remain in full force
          and effect.


20.1      If the Parties fail to reach agreement on the subject matter of a
          review notice within 3 months (or within 6 months for a review notice
          under paragraph 19.4) in each case from the date of service of such
          review notice, either Party may, not later than 3 months after the
          expiration of the relevant period, request in writing the Director
          General to determine: the matters upon which the Parties have failed to agree;

20.1.2    whether this Agreement should be modified to take account of such
          matters; and, if so

20.1.3    the amendment or amendments to be made.

          The Parties may, at any time, agree in writing a variation to the time
          periods specified above in relation to a particular review notice.

20.2      On receipt of a request for a determination the Director General may
          make a determination if he is satisfied that:

20.2.1    the requirements of the relevant paragraphs in paragraph 19.1 have
          been satisfied; and

20.2.2    the modifications sought to this Agreement are material.

20.3      A determination by the Director General shall be limited to:

20.3.1    the subject matter of the request for a determination; and


                                 PAGE 20 of 30


20.3.2    matters on which the Parties have failed to agree which the Director
          General would have power to determine under either Condition 13 of the
          BT Licence or under the equivalent Condition of the Operator Licence
          if there was no agreement between the Parties.

20.4      In making a determination, the Director General shall act pursuant to
          the criteria contained from time to time either in Condition 13 of the
          BT Licence or in the equivalent Condition of the Operator Licence. The
          Parties shall have the rights and remedies whether arising at law or
          otherwise in relation to such determination as would be available
          under either Condition 13 of the BT Licence or under the equivalent
          Condition of the Operator Licence.

20.5      The Parties shall enter into an agreement to modify or replace the
          Agreement in accordance with the Director General's determination
          unless the determination is subject to a legal challenge.

20.6      If the determination is subject to a legal challenge then the Parties
          shall modify or replace the Agreement at the conclusion of the legal
          proceedings in accordance with the Director General's determination
          and the result of the legal proceedings.

20.7      For the avoidance of doubt, determination of a charge may include a
          determination of the basis for calculating that charge.


21.1.78   Subject to the following provisions of this paragraph 21, a Receiving
          Party shall keep in confidence Confidential Information and will not
          (and will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that its directors,
          employees, and professional advisers will not) disclose such
          information to any Third Party.

21.2      A Receiving Party shall exercise no lesser degree of care of
          Confidential Information than would a reasonable person with knowledge
          of confidential nature of the information. A Receiving Party shall
          exercise no lesser security or degree of care than that Party applies
          to its own Confidential Information of an equivalent nature.

21.3      A Receiving Party shall restrict disclosure of Confidential
          Information relating to the other Party to those persons who have a
          reasonable need to know. Confidential Information shall be used solely
          for the purposes for which it was disclosed.

21.4      A Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information to an
          Associated Company, subject to the Associated Company undertaking to
          comply with obligations equivalent to these contained in this
          paragraph 21.


                                 Page 21 of 30


21.5      A Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information to a
          contractor or agent, subject to the contractor or agent undertaking to
          comply with obligations equivalent to those contained in this
          paragraph 21.

21.6      The following shall not constitute a breach of this paragraph 21:

21.6.1    a disclosure authorised in writing by the Disclosing Party to the
          extent of that authority; or

21.6.2    a disclosure to an Emergency Organisation; or

21.6.3    publication of all or part of this Agreement or details of it pursuant
          to the BT Licence or publication in the Carrier Price List or Quality
          Schedule except in so far as the Director General has consented to the
          exclusion of any matter pursuant to Condition 16A of the BT Licence;

21.6.4    a disclosure which is properly made pursuant to the Operator Licence
          or the BT Licence or a relevant statutory or other regulatory
          obligation; or

21.6.5    a disclosure properly and reasonably made to the Director General
          under paragraph 20, to an arbitrator, expert or any person appointed
          by the Parties for the resolution of a Dispute; or

21.6.6    a disclosure to obtain or maintain any listing on any recognised stock

          subject to in the case of any disclosure specified in paragraphs
          21.6.4 to 21.6.6 the Receiving Party informing the Disclosing Party as
          soon as reasonably practical, after such disclosure.

21.7      Unless otherwise agreed in writing, a Receiving Party shall not use
          the other Party's Confidential Information to provide commercial
          advantage to its retail business.


22.1      Neither Party shall be liable for any breach of this Agreement caused
          by act of God, insurrection or civil disorder, war or military
          operations, national or local emergency, acts or omissions of
          government, highway authority or other competent authority, compliance
          with any statutory obligation, industrial disputes of any kind
          (whether or not involving BT's or the Operator's employees), fire,
          lightning, explosion, flood, subsidence, weather of exceptional
          severity, acts or omissions of persons for whom neither Party is
          responsible or any other cause whether similar or dissimilar outside
          its reasonable control and any such event or circumstance is a force


                                 PAGE 22 of 30


22.2      The Party initially affected by a force majeure shall promptly notify
          the other of the estimated extent and duration of its inability to
          perform or delay in performing its obligations ("force majeure

22.3      Upon cessation of the effects of the force majeure the Party initially
          affected by a force majeure shall promptly notify the other of such

22.4      If as a result of a force majeure, the performance by the Party
          initially affected of its obligations under this Agreement is
          affected, such Party shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph
          22.6, perform those of its obligations not affected by a force
          majeure. In performing those of its obligations not affected by a
          force majeure, the Party initially affected by a force majeure shall
          deploy its resources such that (when taken together with other
          obligations to its Customers and Third Parties) there is no undue
          discrimination against the other Party.

22.5      To the extent that a Party is prevented as a result of a force majeure
          from providing all of the services or facilities to be provided under
          this Agreement, the other Party shall be released to the equivalent
          extent from its obligations to make payment for such services or
          facilities or complying with its obligations in relation thereto.

22.6      Following a force majeure notification and if the effects of such
          force majeure continue for:

22.6.1    a continuous period of not more than 6 months from the date of the
          force majeure notification (whether or not notice of cessation has
          been given pursuant to paragraph 22.3) any obligation outstanding
          shall be fulfilled by the Party initially affected by the force
          majeure as soon as reasonably possible after the effects of the force
          majeure have ended, save to the extent that such fulfilment is no
          longer possible or is not required by the other Party;

22.6.2    a continuous period of 6 months or more from the date of the force
          majeure notification (and notice of cessation has not been given
          pursuant to paragraph 22.3), the Party receiving the force majeure
          notification shall be entitled (but not obliged) to terminate this
          Agreement by giving not less than 30 days written notice to the other
          Party, provided that such notice shall be deemed not to have been
          given if notice of cessation is received by the Party receiving the
          force majeure notification prior to the expiry of the 30 days notice.
          If this Agreement is not terminated in accordance with the provisions
          of this paragraph 22.6.2, any obligations outstanding shall be
          fulfilled by the Party initially affected by the force majeure as soon
          as reasonably possible after the effects of the force majeure have
          ended, save to the extent that such fulfilment is no longer possible
          or is not required by the other Party.



                                 PAGE 23 of 30


23.1      Neither Party has an obligation of any kind to the other Party beyond
          the obligations to exercise the reasonable skill and care of a
          competent telecommunications operator in performing its obligations
          under this Agreement.

23.2      Subject to paragraph 23.4 if a Party is in breach of any of its
          obligations under this Agreement to the other Party (excluding
          obligations arising under this Agreement to pay moneys in the ordinary
          course of business), or otherwise (including liability for negligence
          or breach of statutory duty) such Party's liability to the other shall
          be limited to one million pounds sterling (Stg Pounds Sterling
          1,000,000) for any one event or series of connected events and two
          million pounds sterling (Stg Pounds Sterling 2,000,000) for all events
          (connected or unconnected) in any period of 12 calendar months.

23.3      Neither Party excludes or restricts its liability for death or
          personal injury caused by its own negligence or liability arising
          under Part I of the Consumer Protection Act 1987.

23.4      Neither Party shall be liable to the other in contract, tort
          (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise for
          loss (whether direct or indirect) of profits, business or anticipated
          savings, wasted expenditure or for any indirect or other consequential
          loss whatsoever arising in connection with the operation of this
          Agreement, howsoever caused.

23.5      Each provision of this paragraph 23 is a separate limitation applying
          and surviving even if one or more such provisions is inapplicable or
          held unreasonable in any circumstances.

23.6      The amounts specified in paragraph 23.2, as adjusted pursuant to this
          paragraph 23.6, shall be adjusted on each 1st April after the date of
          this Agreement by the percentage change in the retail price index
          (published in the General Index of Retail Prices (RPI) published by
          the Central Statistical Office (or any successor index)) for the month
          of September immediately preceding each 1st April compared with the
          RPI published in September in the previous year.


24.1      Except as expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement, Intellectual
          Property Rights shall remain the property of the Party creating or
          owning the same and nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to
          confer any assignment or licence of the Intellectual Property Rights
          of one Party to the other Party.

25.       ASSIGNMENT

25.1      Unless otherwise agreed in writing, and subject to paragraph 25.2, no
          rights, benefits or obligations under this Agreement may be assigned
          or transferred,


                                 PAGE 24 of 30


          in whole or in part, by a Party without the prior written consent of
          the other Party.

25.2      No consent is required under paragraph 25.1 for an assignment of
          rights, benefits or obligations under this Agreement (in whole or in
          part) to a successor to all or substantially all of the assigning
          Party's System or to an Associated Company provided that such
          successor or Associated Company shall have had a licence granted to it
          under section 7 of the Act to run the Telecommunication System of the
          assigning Party.

25.3      The assigning Party shall promptly give notice to the other Party of
          any assignment permitted to be made without the other Party's consent.
          No assignment shall be valid unless the assignee/successor agrees in
          writing to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement.

26.       DISPUTES

26.1      If a Party ("the disputing Party") wishes to invoke the dispute
          procedure specified in this paragraph it shall as soon as reasonably
          practicable notify the other Party's liaison contact specified from
          time to time in the Customer Service Plan. The disputing Party shall
          include with such notice all relevant details including the nature and
          extent of the Dispute.

26.2      Following a notification under paragraph 26.1 the Parties shall
          consult in good faith to try to resolve the Dispute at level 1. If
          agreement is not reached at level 1 the Dispute may be escalated to
          level 2. If agreement is not reached at level 2 the Dispute may be
          escalated to level 3. If a Party escalates a Dispute it shall record
          for the benefit of the next level all relevant details including what
          is agreed and what is not agreed concerning the Dispute.

26.3      The name of each Party's liaison contact and representatives at each
          level of consultation shall be as specified from time to time in the
          Customer Service Plan. No change to a liaison contact or
          representative shall be effective until it has been notified to the
          other Party.

26.4      The above procedures are without prejudice to any other rights and
          remedies that may be available in respect of any breach of any
          provision of this Agreement.

26.5      Nothing herein shall prevent a Party from:

26.5.1    seeking (including obtaining or implementing) interlocutory or other
          immediate relief; or

26.5.2    referring the Dispute to the Director General in accordance with any
          right (if any) either Party may have to request a determination or
          other appropriate steps for its resolution.



                                 PAGE 25 of 30


27.1      If a Party's System adversely affects the normal operation of the
          other Party's System, or is a threat to any person's safety, the other
          Party may suspend, to the extent necessary, such of its obligations
          hereunder, and for such period as it may consider reasonable to ensure
          the normal operation of its System or reduce the threat to safety.

27.2      If a Party is in material breach of (including failure to pay a sum
          due under) this Agreement, the other Party may serve a written notice
          (the "breach notice") on the Party in breach specifying the breach and
          requiring it to be remedied within:

27.2.1    30 calendar days from the date of receipt of such breach notice; or

27.2.2    in case of emergency, within such shorter period as the Party not in
          breach may reasonably specify.

27.3      If, the Party in breach fails to remedy the breach within such period
          as may be specified by the Party not in breach pursuant to paragraph
          27.2 the Party not in breach may, until such breach is remedied,
          suspend performance of such of its obligations under this Agreement as
          is reasonable in the circumstances.

27.4      If the Party in breach fails to remedy the breach within the period
          stated in the breach notice the Party not in breach may terminate this
          Agreement on three months' written notice provided always that if the
          Party in breach remedies the breach within such three months' notice
          period, this Agreement shall not terminate as a result of such notice.

27.5      This Agreement may be terminated by either Party by written notice
          forthwith (or on the termination of such other period as such notice
          may specify) if the other Party:

27.5.1    is unable to pay its debts within the meaning of section 123 (1) (e)
          of the Insolvency Act 1986; or

27.5.2    has a receiver or administrative receiver appointed in relation to all
          or any of its assets; or

27.5.3    has an order made or a resolution passed for its winding up (other
          than for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction); or

27.5.4    has an administration order made in respect of its business; or

27.5.5    enters into a voluntary arrangement under section 1 of the Insolvency
          Act 1986; or

27.5.6    ceases to carry on business.


                                 PAGE 26 of 30


27.6      Upon termination or expiry of this Agreement each Party shall take
          such steps and provide such facilities as are necessary for recovery
          by the other Party of equipment (if any) supplied by that other Party.
          Each Party shall use reasonable endeavours to recover equipment made
          available by it.

27.7      If 30 calendar days after the termination or expiry of this Agreement,
          a Party fails to recover equipment in good condition (fair wear and
          tear excepted) because of the acts or omissions of the other Party (or
          a Third Party appearing to have control of a site where such equipment
          is situate) the first Party may demand reasonable compensation from
          the other Party which shall be paid by the other Party within 10
          calendar days of the date of the demand.

27.8      Without prejudice to a Party's rights upon termination or expiry of
          this Agreement, a Party shall refund to the other a fair and equitable
          proportion of those periodic sums (if any) paid under the Agreement
          for a period extending beyond the date of such termination or

27.9      Termination or expiry of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver
          of a breach of any term or condition of this Agreement and shall be
          without prejudice to a Party's rights, liabilities or obligations that
          have accrued prior to such termination or expiry.

27.10     Notwithstanding the termination or expiry of this Agreement paragraphs
          10.6, 17.2, 21, 23, 27.6 to 27.11 inclusive shall continue in full
          force and effect.

27.11     Each of the Parties' right to terminate or suspend performance of this
          Agreement pursuant to this paragraph 27 is without prejudice to any
          other rights or remedies available to either Party.

28.       NOTICES

28.1      A notice shall be duly served if: delivered by hand, at the time of actual delivery;

28.1.2    sent by facsimile, upon its receipt being confirmed;

28.1.3    sent by recorded delivery post, 4 calendar days after the day of

28.2      Except if otherwise specifically provided all notices and other
          communications relating to this Agreement shall be in writing and
          shall be sent as follows:

          If to the Operator:

          The General Manager
          NYNEX CableComms Derby


                                 PAGE 27 of 30


          The Tolworth Tower
          Ewell Road
          KT6 7ED                         Facsimile: 0181-873 5032

          If to BT:

          Contract Liaison Manager, Nynex
          PP 7097
          British Telecommunications plc
          Tenter House
          45 Moorfields
          EC2Y 9TH                        Facsimile: 0171-250 9697

          or to such other addresses as the Parties may notify from time to time
          pursuant to this paragraph 28.


29.1      This Agreement represents the entire understanding of and agreement
          between the Parties in relation to the subject matter of this
          Agreement, and, unless otherwise agreed in writing, supersedes all
          previous understandings, commitments, agreements or representations
          whatsoever, whether oral or written.

30.       VARIATIONS

30.1      Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no variation of this
          Agreement shall be effective unless agreed in writing by the Parties
          and signed by a person nominated in writing on behalf of: BT, by the director, UK Carrier Services (or his successor);

30.1.2    the Operator, by a director or the company secretary (or equivalent
          office holder) of the Operator.

31.       WAIVER

31.1.78   The waiver of any breach of, or failure to enforce, any term or
          condition of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or a
          waiver of any other breach of the same or any other term or condition
          of this Agreement. No waiver shall be valid unless it is in writing
          and signed on behalf of the Party making the waiver.



                                 PAGE 28 of 30


32.1      Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement no provision of
          this Agreement, by virtue of which this Agreement is subject to
          registration (if such be the case) under the Restrictive Trade
          Practices Acts 1976 and 1977, shall take effect until the day after
          the date on which particulars of the Agreement have been furnished to
          the Director General of Fair Trading pursuant to the requirement of
          those Acts. In this paragraph the expression "this Agreement" includes
          any agreement or arrangement of which this Agreement forms part and
          which is registrable, or by virtue of which this Agreement is
          registrable, under those Acts.


33.1      Each of the Parties is and shall remain at all times an independent
          contractor fully responsible for its own acts or defaults (including
          those of its employees or agents). Neither Party is authorised and
          neither of the Parties nor their employees, agents or representatives
          shall at any time attempt to act or act on behalf of the other Party
          to bind the other Party in any manner whatsoever to any obligations.
          Neither Party nor its employees, agents or representatives shall
          engage in any acts which may lead any person to believe that such
          Party is an employee, agent or representative of the other Party.
          Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a partnership
          between the Parties.

33.2      If either Party appoints an agent for the purposes of this Agreement,
          and notifies the other Party, then the other Party shall deal with the
          appointed agent for such purposes until the first Party notifies the
          other Party that the appointment has been terminated.


34.1      The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of the Agreement
          shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining
          provisions of this Agreement.


35.1      The interpretation, validity and performance of this Agreement shall
          be governed in all respects by the laws of England and Wales and the
          Parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.


                                 PAGE 29 of 30


          IN WITNESS WHEREOF THIS AGREEMENT was entered into the day and year
          first before written.

          SIGNED for and on behalf of
          Signed: ___________________________________________
          Name: _____________________________________________
          Position: _________________________________________

          SIGNED for and on behalf of
          Signed: ___________________________________________
          Name: _____________________________________________
          Position: _________________________________________


                                 PAGE 30 of 30


                                   [BT LOGO]

                             ELECTRICAL & PHYSICAL
                            INTERFACE SPECIFICATION

                             I/C SPECIFICATION 0200


                                 PAGE 1 of 10




1.  GENERAL .........................................................  3
2.  PHYSICAL INTERFACE ..............................................  3
3.  ELECTRICAL INTERFACE ............................................  4
    3.1.  General Characteristics ...................................  4
    3.2.  Specifications at the output ports ........................  4
    3.3.  Specifications at the input ports .........................  4
    3.4.  Earthing of screen ........................................  4
          3.4.1.  Output Ports ......................................  4
          3.4.2.  Input Ports .......................................  4
    3.5.  Interference ..............................................  4
    3.6.  Jitter ....................................................  5
          3.6.1.  Maximum jitter at output ports ....................  5
          3.6.2.  Tolerance of input ports to jitter and wander .....  5
          3.6.3.  Measurement of Jitter .............................  5
    3.7.  Wander at BT and Operator input ports .....................  5

4.  BT AND OPERATOR NETWORK SYNCHRONISATION .........................  5
    4.1.  General ...................................................  5
    4.2.  Synchronisation requirements for Master/Slave working .....  7
    4.3.  Operator wishing to effect their own synchronisation ......  7

    5.1.  Signalling ................................................  7
    5.2.  Timeslot '0' ..............................................  8
    5.3.  Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) .............................  8
    5.4.  Channel Time Slot Encoding ................................  8

6.  SAFETY AND PROTECTION ...........................................  8
    6.1. Dangerous Voltages .........................................  8
    6.2. Radiation Hazards ..........................................  9

7.  REFERENCES ......................................................  9
8.  GLOSSARY ........................................................  9
9.  HISTORY .........................................................  10


                                 PAGE 2 of 10



This document defines the physical and electrical characteristics of Customer
Sited Interconnect links, between the BT System and the Operator System. All
references to ITU Recommendations refer to the White Book unless otherwise


The interconnection between the BT System and the Operator System shall be
provided by a BT digital path that terminates on a BT Circuit Termination Unit
(CTU) located within the building housing the Operator Switch. The BT CTU will
present a G703 interface on two 75 ohm coaxial cables direct to either the
Operator Switch or an Operator Digital Distribution Frame (DDF) which is
co-located with the Operator Switch. The Point of Connection shall be the 75 ohm
G703 coaxial connector at the BT end of the cables connecting the CTU to the
Operator Switch (or co-located Operator DDF) (See Fig 1). The coaxial cables
connecting the CTU to the Operator Switch shall have a loss not exceeding 6dB at
1024 kHz (see Fig 1).

                                   [FIGURE 1]


                                  PAGE 3 of 10



The following section shall apply to a 2Mbit/s interface using the coaxial pair
option of ITU-T Recommendation G.703 (Physical/Electrical Characteristics of
Hierarchical Digital Exchanges).


These shall conform with section 6.1 of ITU-T Rec. G703


These shall conform with section 6.2 of ITU-T Rec. G.703 (Table 6).


These shall conform with section 6.3 of ITU-T Recommendation G.703.



At output ports the cable screen shall be bonded to the equipment metalwork at
the equipment boundary or as near as possible to it.

3.4.2.   INPUT PORTS

The input port cable screen shall be earthed via a capacitor (typically 0.1 F)
to the equipment. Provision shall be also made at this point for providing a DC
connection to earth. The equipment shall be set-up with the DC earth not
connected, this is illustrated in figure 1. A suitable ferrite tube ferrule
should be threaded onto the cable so as to be located at a point between the
bonding point and the equipment circuitry


The input ports shall tolerate, without error, interference from a non
synchronous standard test signal (ITU-T Recommendation 0.151- Error Performance
Measuring Equipment for Digital Systems At The Primary Bit Rate and Above) at a
level 18dB lower than the wanted signal.


                                 PAGE 4 of 10


3.6.  JITTER


Under worst case operating conditions (i.e. fault free) the output jitter shall
not exceed 0.05 UI when measured in the frequency range 20 Hz to 100 kHz.

Note: This assumes that the Operator Switch meets:

1.  the input jitter tolerances given in section 3.6.2.

2.  the jitter transfer function given in Figure 5 of ITU-T Recommendation Q.551
    (Transmission Characteristics of Digital Exchanges).


The tolerance of both the BT and the Operator input ports to jitter shall be as
defined in section 3.1.1 of ITU-T Recommendation G.823 (Jitter And Wander
Tolerance of Digital Input Ports).


A jitter measuring set conforming to the requirements of ITU-T Recommendation
O.171 (Timing Jitter Measuring Equipment for Digital Systems) shall be used. BT
and the Operator shall co-operate in the application of testing methods as
described in ITU-T Recommendation G.823 (The Control of Jitter and Wander Within
Digital Networks Which Are Based on the 2048 Kbit/s Hierarchy).


The tolerance of the BT and Operator input ports to wander shall be as defined
in section 3.1.1 of ITU-T Recommendation G.823 .



The BT System employs a central master clock to maintain a co-operatively
synchronised system within ITU-T recommended frequency limits. The
synchronisation utilities that co-operate to establish the synchronous clock


                                 PAGE 5 of 10


are geographically located to ensure that any point in the BT System is
contained within an 18 microsecond phase deviation (wander). 

The Operator System shall conform to the requirements listed below, which will
ensure that Operator Switches are synchronised to the BT System.

                             WANDER REFERENCE MODEL

                                   [FIGURE 2]

 Note: BT strongly recommend that a synchronisation path includes no more than
       3 Operator switches


                                  PAGE 6 of 10


The BT System and the Operator System shall function synchronously, in a
master/slave relationship. To meet this requirement the Operator System shall
take its timing from BT nominated 2 Mbit/s links carrying normal traffic between
the BT and the Operator Switch Connections. The synchronisation from BT will be
from the highest order timing source traceable to a G811 quality clock. If the
Operator Switch is taking timing information from the BT System via a 2 Mbit/s
link which fails (i.e. AIS is detected) then it must meet the following

A.   Switching to an alternative 2Mbit/s synchronisation link, if available.

B.   If no synchronisation links are available, entering holdover mode and
     keeping within the limits of holdover operation specified in section 2.2.3
     of ITU-T Recommendation G.812 (Holdover Operation).


Timing information shall be exchanged between the BT System and the Operator
System, for the purpose of minimising timing perturbations in general and slip
rates in particular, drawing for guidance on the objective characteristics for
the performance of digital clocks and of slip rate given in ITU-T
recommendations G.811 and G.822.


Functional characteristics of the 2 Mbit/s interface shall be in accordance with
ITU-T Recommendations G.704 (Synchronous Frame Structures used at Primary and
Secondary Hierarchical Levels) and G.706 (Frame Alignment and Cyclic Redundancy
Check (CRC) Procedures Relating To Basic Frame Structures Defined In Rec. G704)
with the following additions and clarification's:


If Time Slot 16 is not required for signalling information, it must not be used
as a traffic carrying channel within the BT System. Signalling across the
interface is not specified in this document.


                                 Page 7 of 10

     5.2. TIMESLOT '0'

     Chapter 2.3 of Rec. G.704 (Basic Frame Structure at 2048 Kbit/s) applies.
     Bits 4-7 in time slot zero not containing the frame alignment signal should
     be set to "1". The use of bit 8 for the return direction shall be
     determined by BT at each location. On some systems bit 8 will be set to "1"
     in the go and return direction. On other systems when BT detects one or
     more errors in the frame alignment word, this bit 8, in the return TSO
     "not" word, will be set at a "1" state on two successive occasions; when no
     errors are detected bit 8 will be set to the "0" state. If possible, the
     Operator Switch should make the same use of this bit 8, if not it should be
     tolerant to the sending of bit 8 in the return direction and set it to "0"
     in the go direction.


     Under certain fault conditions AIS is used in the BT System. AIS is
     indicated by a continuous stream of binary 1's. When transmitted AIS is
     controlled by a free running 2048 kbit/s crystal oscillator (accuracy
     within 50 ppm).

     The strategy for detecting the presence of AIS should be such that AIS is
     detectable, even in the presence of an error ratio of 1 in 1000. However, a
     signal with all bits except the frame alignment word in the '1'state,
     should not be mistaken as an AIS.


     The 64 kbit/s channel time slots comprising the 2048 kbit/s stream shall
     carry 'A' law encoded information as defined in ITU-T Recommendation G.711
     (Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Of Voice Frequencies).

     The idle channel bit pattern transmitted over the Interconnect Link shall
     be compliant with ITU-T Recommendation Q.522 section 2.12 (Bit Patterns
     Generated By The Exchange In Idle Channel Time slots).



     In order to protect personnel and equipment on both sides of a Point Of
     Connection, it is necessary to provide protection against the transmission
     of excessive voltage across the interface.

     Excessive voltages shall be as defined in BS 6301: 1989. For equipment
     which uses or generates excessive voltages the interface shall be
     electrically isolated from those voltages. Suitable devices are described
     in BS 6301: 1989.


                                 PAGE 8 of 10



     Where radio equipment is used, arrangements shall be made to protect all
     personnel from levels of radiation exceeding 1 milliwatt per square



     G.703     Physical/Electrical Characteristics of Hierarchical Digital
     G.704     Synchronous Frame Structures used at Primary and Secondary
               Hierarchical Levels.
     G.706     Frame Alignment and Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Procedures
               Relating To Basic Frame Structures Defined In Rec. G704
     G.711     Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Of Voice Frequencies.
     G.811     International Connections Terminating on Synchronous Network
     G.812     section 2.2.3 (Holdover Operation).
     G.823     The Control of Jitter and Wander Within Digital Networks
               Which Are Based on the 2048 KBIT/S Hierarchy
     G.823     section 3.1.1 Jitter And Wander Tolerance of Digital Input
     0.151     Error Performance Measuring Equipment for Digital Systems At
               The Primary Bit Rate and Above
     O.171     Timing Jitter Measuring Equipment for Digital Systems
     Q.522     Section 2.12 Bit Patterns Generated By The Exchange In Idle
               Channel Time slots
     Q.551     Transmission Characteristics of Digital Exchanges
     BS6301    1989. Safety Requirements for Apparatus for Connection to British
               Telecommunication Networks


      mu F     - Micro Farad
      mu s     - Microsecond
      2Mbit/s  - 2048Kbit/s
      AIS      - Alarm Indications Signal
      BS       - British Standard
      CTU      - Circuit Terminating Unit.
      dB       - Decibel
      DC       - Direct Current
      DDF      - Digital Distribution Frame
      ITU-T    - International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunications
      Kbit/s   - KiloBits per second


                                 PAGE 9 of 10


     kHz      - Kilo Hertz
     Mbit/s   - Megabits per second
     ppm      - Parts per million
     UI       - Unit Interval


     Issue 1 January 1994
     Issue 2 draft 1 June 1994
     Issue 2 July 1994
     Issue A August 1994
     Issue B Sept 1994
     Issue C January 1996

                              END OF SPECIFICATION

     BT Networks and Systems
     Interconnect Standards
     PP 311 Angel Centre
     403 St John St
     EC1V 4PL


                                 PAGE 10 of 10

                                   [BT LOGO]

                                 C7 SIGNALLING
                            INTERFACE SPECIFICATION

                             I/C SPECIFICATION 0300

                                  Page 1 of 3




     The C7 signalling interface between BT and the Operator Systems shall be as
     defined in the Public Network Operator - Interconnect Standards Committee -
     (PNO-ISC) specifications of the Network Interfaces Co-ordination      
     Committee - (NICC). ISC specifications 5 and 6 form the basis for the
     Generic C7 Signalling Interface Specification

     The Operator shall provide a compliance statement for each specification
     shown in the table below. The compliance statements shall be discussed by
     BT and the Operator and when agreed shall confirm that the Operator
     Exchange type and build is suitable for interconnection of the BT and
     Operator Systems.


                                                     REQUIREMENTS FROM
    ISC 5                    Message Transfer Part   Define features relevant to
                             (MTP)                   Calls and services set out
                                                     in this agreement.

    ISC 6 Section 2 and 3    IUP. Library of         Statement for Calls
                             messages, codes and     and services
                             common procedures

    ISC 6 Section 4 onwards  IUP. Message            Statement for Calls
                             sequence diagrams       and services.
                             and descriptions
                             for basic and

     Some ISC specifications await ratification by NICC. Prior to such
     ratification, ISC CPs and equivalent documents may be used (An example is
     PNO-ISC CP001). Once the ISC specifications are ratified by NICC they shall
     take precedence.


     The statements given above on C7 IUP also apply when an Operator
     interconnects to a BT ISC. For interconnect to a BT ISC using Telephony
     User Part - TUP the signalling interface shall comply with CCITT recs.
     Q.701 to Q.708, Q.723 and Q.724.


                                 Page 2 of 3



NICC: The Network Interfaces Co-ordination Committee set up by OFTEL comprising
members of industry for the purpose of advising the Director General on
interfaces for interconnection between licensed operators.

PNO-ISC: Public Network Operators - Interconnect Standards Committee.

Network Interfaces Co-ordination Committee ISC Secretariat 
Mercury House
Waterside Park 
Longshot Lane 
Bracknell Berkshire

CCITT: The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee is now
succeeded by the ITU(T) and (R) International Telecommunications Union
(Telecommunications) and (Radio).


Issue 1.0  January 1994
Issue 1.1  February 1994
Issue 1.2  April 1994 Issue
Issue A    August 1994
Issue B    August 1994
Issue C    January 1996

BT Networks and Systems
Interconnect Standards
PP 311 Angel Centre
403 St John St
London EC1V 4PL


                                 Page 3 of 43


                                   [BT LOGO]

                            INTERFACE SPECIFICATION

                             I/C SPECIFICATION 0100

                                  Page 1 of 13




1.   GENERAL............................................................... 3

2.   RESPONSIBILITIES...................................................... 3

3.   RELEVANT PARAMETERS................................................... 4

4.   OVERALL TRANSMISSION LOSS............................................. 4
4.1  Loudness Rating (LR).................................................. 4

5.1  End to End Requirements .............................................. 4
5.2  GSM/PCN Loudness Control ............................................. 5
5.3  RLR And Receive GSM Volume Control ................................... 5

6.   TRANSMISSION TIME .................................................... 5
6.1  Transmission Delays Within The Fixed Network - Without echo control .. 5
6.2  Preferred Apportionment Of Transmission delay ........................ 6
6.3  Calls that involve an International Gateway .......................... 6
6.4  Maximum delay under route failure conditions. ........................ 6
6.5  Transmission Delays Within The Fixed Network - With echo control ..... 6
6.6  Transmission Delays Involving Digital Mobile/Wireless Access ......... 7
     6.6.1 Transmission Delays Between Digital Mobile/wireless
     access and the Fixed Network - With echo control ..................... 7
     6.6.2 Transmission Delays Within Digital Mobile/wireless
     access Networks - With echo control .................................. 7
6.7  Transmission Delays On International Calls - With echo control. ...... 7

7.   ECHO LOSS ............................................................ 7
7.1  GSM/PCN Echo Loss .................................................... 8
7.2  Echo Control - International Conformance ............................. 8
7.3  Echo Control - GSM ................................................... 8

8.   STABILITY LOSS........................................................ 8

9.   QUANTISING DISTORTION ................................................ 9
9.1  Fixed Network Limits ................................................. 9
9.2  Mobile Network limits ................................................ 9

10.  CODING STANDARDS ..................................................... 9

11.  NOISE ................................................................10

12.  ATTENUATION DISTORTION ...............................................10

13.  GROUP DELAY DISTORTION ...............................................10
13.1 Sidetone Masking Rating - Normal Telephony Customer to BT PSTN. ......10
13.2 Sidetone Masking Rating BT PSTN to GSM/PCN ...........................11

                                 Page 2 of 13


14.   ERROR PERFORMANCE ...................................................11

15.   NON SPEECH LEVELS ...................................................11


17.   REFERENCES ..........................................................12

18.   HISTORY .............................................................13


This Specification sets out the transmission requirements and objectives to be
met by BT and the Operator for the interconnection of the BT and Operator
Systems. The requirements are based on the relevant International
Telecommunications Union (ITU), European Telecommunications Standards Institute
(ETSI) and Public Network Operator - Interest Group (PNO-IG) Recommendations.

References to Global Systems Mobile / Personal Communications Networks (GSM/PCN)
are based upon ETSI/ GSM recommendation. 3.5 phase 1. This recommendation is
currently under review and will be updated to ETSI 300 540 GSM Phase 2.

End to end requirements involve the performance of Customer equipment which is
outside BT and the Operators controls.

Customer networks as referred to throughout this document typically consist of
at least one item of Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) situated beyond the
Network Terminating Point (NTP).

Where this Specification sets out matters that the Parties endeavour to agree,
and agreement is not reached, such matters shall be disputes.


The responsibility for overall transmission quality is held by the Party
selected by the Customer to carry the Call. If the Call is an indirect access
Call then the indirect access Operator is responsible for the end to end
quality of the Call.

If the overall transmission quality for a Call cannot be met because either
Party is unable to comply with the reasonable requests of the other Party, then
neither Party will be obliged to convey the Call.

                                 Page 3 of 13



Overall performance is affected by the following parameters:

Overall loss
Transmission Time (Absolute delay and propagation delay)
Echo and Stability
Quantising distortion
Coding standards
Attenuation distortion
Group delay distortion
Sidetone loss
Jitter and Wander

BT and the Operator shall endeavour to achieve the requirements and objectives
for overall loss, delay, echo loss, quantising distortion, and coding standards
given in sections 4 to 10 inclusive. BT and the Operator shall each plan in
accordance with the guidance given for the remaining parameters listed above.

It should be noted that for some parameters the CPE may have a significant
effect on the end to end performance.



The limits for overall loss expressed in terms of Loudness Ratings (LR) are
defined in ITU-T Recommendation P. 76 (Blue book November 1989).



BT and the Operator shall endeavour to:

A)   Provide connections which fall within the ITU-T G111 recommended OLR range
     of 8dB to 20dB for all analogue or mixed analogue/digital routings. For all
     digital routings the mean value for OLR shall be in the range 8dB to 12dB.

B)   avoid connections which exceed the ITU-T Recommended limiting OLR value of

                                 Page 4 of 13


C)   minimise the range of different Transmission levels experienced by any one


Cellular network operators may utilise digital level control in the mobile
switched network to control Send Loudness Rating (SLR) and Receive Loudness
Rating (RLR). values.


The use of any Customer controlled receive volume control shall not decrease
(i.e. make more sensitive) the RLR, by more than 10 dB for planning



For UK Calls not employing echo control, the NTP - NTP one way delay shall be
less than 13 ms for at least 95% (See 1) of Calls. Assuming that Customer
network delays at each end of the Call do not exceed 5 ms, then the total end to
end delay shall be less than 23 ms.

For the small proportion of Calls that exceed the 13ms limit, an absolute limit
of 25ms excluding Customer networks shall be observed. Previous investigations
have identified that customers may find such Calls to be unacceptable since
Customer network delays could increase the end to end delay to over 30ms.

- ---------------
1 The  95% limits in 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 & 0  shall be implemented such that the
  possibility of individual Customers always encountering unacceptable
  performance is minimised.
                                 Page 5 of 13



                              [FIGURE 3]


The apportionment principles presented in Figure 1 ensure that BT or Operator
Customers experience acceptable levels of transmission delay. Any
reapportionment of the segment boundaries (Collection, Transport and Delivery)
shall be subject to joint agreement.


For International Calls the one way delay from the NTP to the International
Switching Centre (ISC) shall be no greater than 7 ms for 95% of Calls, with an
absolute limit of 12 ms.


In situations where Calls have to be re-routed around failed sections of the BT
or Operator Network, it is acceptable for the proportion of Calls meeting
recommended delay limits to fall below 95%, however the absolute limits given
above shall not be exceeded.


Where echo control is provided over the fixed network, the one-way delay limit
for at least 95% of national Calls shall be less than 125 ms. No Calls shall
exceed the absolute one-way delay limit of 150 ms.

                                 Page 6 of 13



The one way delay limit for at least 95% of Calls between mobiles on digital
networks or wireless access networks and the fixed network shall be less than
125 ms. No Calls shall exceed the absolute one-way delay limit of 150 ms.


The one way delay limit for at least 95% of Calls between mobiles on digital
networks or wireless access networks within the UK shall be less than 215 ms. No
connection shall exceed 230 ms one way delay.


The maximum one way delay for an International Call using echo control will
depend upon the nature of the destination network e.g. fixed, digital mobile or
wireless access and the transmission media e.g. satellite or cable.

International Calls using echo control should not exceed 400 ms, it is however
recognised that under cable circuit failure/congestion conditions, satellite
backup circuits may not meet this requirement.


BT and the Operators shall seek to meet the design objective for echo loss (as
defined in ITU-T Recommendation G122) presented at the Switch Connection with
equal relative levels for both directions of transmission of 20dB, with no
connections being less than 15dB for practical implementation.

CPE connected via a 2-wire interface can have significant effect on echo
losses. For planning purposes BT and the Operator shall assume that CPE will
present an impedance of 600 ohms or the network shown in fig 5 of BS6305 at the
2 wire NTP.

CPE and Customer networks are likely to determine the largest part of echo
losses in the case of 4-wire connection to the BT and the Operator Systems. For
planning purposes BT and the Operator shall assume that the CPE meets the 20dB
echo loss objectives given in the Oftel Network Code of Practice (for the Design
of Private Telecommunications Networks) - NCOP.

                                 Page 7 of 13

The echo loss under operational conditions for a GSM/PCN based system shall be
at least 46 dB referred to the Switch Connection with any Customer volume
control set to its maximum output (i.e. loudest) position. ETSI/GSM 03.50/1
Section 3.4.1 provides further information related to echo loss. ITU-T
Recommendation G165 provides guidance for the performance of echo control
devices when switched into a connection. ITU-T Recommendations G151 and G473


Echo control devices for international connections to and from BT shall conform
to ITU-T. Rec.G.165 on echo cancellers.


The GSM/PCN system shall provide echo protection as stated in ETSI/GSM 03.50/1
Section 3.4.2.


For International Calls and National Calls stability loss considerations shall
be satisfied by the following requirement.

The loss presented at the Switch Connection with equal relative levels for both
directions of transmission shall not be less than 6dB at any frequency up to
4kHz. Account shall be taken of all conditions presented at the Switch
Connection under normal operating conditions and any customer volume controls
should be at maximum output.

CPE connected via a 2-wire interface may have a significant effect on stability
loss. For planning purposes BT and the Operator shall assume the CPE may
present either open circuit or short circuit conditions at a 2-wire NTP.

CPE and Customer networks are likely to largely determine the stability losses
in the case of 4-wire connection to the BT and the Operator Systems. For
planning purposes BT and the Operator shall assume that the CPE meets the 6dB
stability loss requirement given in the NCOP.

It is recognised by the Parties that stability losses of less than 6 dB could
cause oscillation.

                                  Page 8 of 13



In order to meet international and UK requirements the following limits for
quantising distortion units (qdu) shall be met:

A1) Max end to end International                  14 qdu
B1) Public network collection(access network)      5 qdu
C1) National transport/Trunk Network               0 qdu
D1) Public network delivery (access network)       5 qdu


D2) Max end to end International                  18 qdu
A2) Collection(accessnetwork)                      7 qdu
B2) National transport/Trunk Network               0 qdu
C2) Delivery (access network)                      7 qdu

For planning purposes BT and the Operator shall assume that Customer networks do
not introduce more that 2 qdu.


At a digital interface it is a requirement that analogue information shall be
encoded using the 8bit, A-law characteristic in accordance with ITU-T
Recommendation G711 such that a 64kbit/s time slot at the Switch Connection can
be decoded using a 8 bit, A-law decoder.

                                 Page 9 of 13


The limits for single tone or narrow band noise shall be more stringent than the
limits for wideband noise to avoid Customer annoyance. As a general rule, the
power in any individual tone should be 10dB less than the psophemetric noise
power in the circuit (ITU-T Recommendation P11).

The following ITU-T recommendations shall be complied with to give appropriate

     Digital Exchanges - Recommendations Q.551 and Q.554 
     PCM line systems - Recommendation G.712 
     GSM/PCN systems - ETSI/GSM 3.50/1 section 3.2

The limits in Recommendation G.123 are of particular importance as they control
the level of noise on International Calls.


In order to adequately control attenuation distortion each component of the
connection shall have a suitable distortion limit. The following ITU-T
Recommendations apply.

     Digital Exchanges - Recommendations Q.551 and Q.554 
     Digital Line Systems - Recommendation G.712


The following ITU-T Recommendations give suitable limits for the group delay
distortion introduced by line transmission systems and coding processes in
digital exchanges:

     Digital Exchanges - Recommendations Q.551 and Q.554 
     Digital Line Systems - Recommendation G.712


The Sidetone Masking Rating (STMR) for telephony CPE connected to a BT Network
Terminating Point shall nominally be taken as 7 dB for planning purposes.

                                 Page 10 of 13



The Sidetone Masking Rating (STMR) for telephony CPE allowing users to gain
access through the GSM system shall be nominally taken as outlined in ETSI/GSM
03.50/1 for STMR and LSTR.


Error performance of digital networks is of key importance as it determines the
end to end performance of both end to end digital services and analogue
services supported by the BT and Operator Systems.
The allocation principles of Recommendation G. 821 shall be used when
determining the error for individual transmission systems.


The use of any non-speech signals within an established Call, or during the
phase of Call set-up or clear down, for such purposes as signalling (e.g. DTMF)
shall comply with the principles set in Section 4 of BS6305 : 1992, that have
been based upon a 0 dBr interface.
Interfaces that are not taken as a 0 dBr point shall be planned as if they were
a 0 dBr for purposes of realising interconnection between the BT System and a
PCN/GSM System.


The GSM/PCN system shall provide a performance in accordance with Section 3.8
of ETSI/GSM Recommendation 03.50/1.

                                 Page 11 of 13



G.111 Loudness Ratings in an International Connection
G.122 Influence Of National Systems On Stability, Talker Echo and
Listener Echo In International Connections
G.123 Circuit Noise In National Circuits
G.151 General performance objectives applicable to all modern
International and National extension circuits.
G165 Echo cancellers
G473 Interconnect of a Maritime Mobile satellite system with the
International automatic switched telephone service: Transmission aspects
G.711 Pulse code modulation (PCM) of voice frequencies.
G.712 Performance characteristics of PCM channels between 4-wire interfaces at
voice frequencies.
G.821 Error performance of an International digital connection forming part of 
an integrated services digital network.
P.11 Effect Of Transmission Impairments
P.16 Subjective effects of direct crosstalk; Thresholds of audibility and
P.76 Determination of Loudness rating; Fundamental principles
Q.551 Transmission characteristics of digital exchanges.
Q.554 Transmission characteristics at digital interfaces of a digital Exchange.


BS 6305

NCOP - OFTEL Network Code Of Practice for the design of Private
Telecommunications Networks


ETSI/GSM Recommendation 03.50

                                 Page 12 of 13



ISSUE 1.0        JANUARY 1994
ISSUE 1.1        FEBRUARY 1994
ISSUE 2          JULY 1994
ISSUE 2.1        7 JULY 1994
ISSUE A          AUGUST 1994
ISSUE B          AUGUST 1994
ISSUE C          JANUARY 1996


BT Interconnect Standards
PP 311, Angel Centre
403 St John St

                                 Page 13 of 13


                                   [BT LOGO]

                         SYNCHRONOUS DIGITAL HIERARCHY
                            INTERFACE SPECIFICATION

                             I/C SPECIFICATION 0120

                                 Page 1 of 2



The Synchronous Digital Hierarchy interface between the BT and Operator Systems
shall be as defined in the "Technical Recommendation" agreed in the Public
Network Operator - Committee for SDH Interconnect PNO-CSI (The PNO-CSI is a sub
committee of the NICC - PNO-IG Network Interoperability Consultative Committee,
Public Network Operators Group).

The Operator shall provide a suitable compliance statement against the above
Technical Recommendation. This compliance statement shall be discussed by BT and
the Operator and when agreed shall confirm that the SDH system is suitable for
interconnection of the BT and Operator Systems.


The functional characteristics of the 2 Mbit/s interface shall be as specified
in the BT Generic Electrical and Physical Interface Specification.


SPECIFICATION                            DESCRIPTION
SDH interconnect between UK Licensed     Defines interworking requirements at
Operators - Technical Recommendation     the Point of Connection for all SDH
                                         network layers

Electrical and Physical Specification    Section 5 functional characteristics of
                                         the 2Mbit/s interface.

Copies of the PNO-IG SDH Technical Recommendation are available from NICC to


Issue D   January 1996

BT Interconnect Standards 
PP 311, Angel Centre 
403 St John St, London
London EC1V 4PL

                                  Page 2 of 2


                                    ANNEX A

                            PLANNING AND OPERATIONS


    A1   Definitions
    A2   General
    A3   Network Information
    A4   Location of Switch Connections
    A5   Routing Principles
    A6   ISI Interconnect Link Architecture
    A7   Capacity Provision
    A8   Traffic Forecasts
    A9   Capacity Profiles and Advance Capacity Orders
    A10  Capacity Orders and Testing
    A11  Capacity Order Timescales
    A12  Numbering
    A13  Technical Review Meetings
    A14  Switch Testing
    A15  Transmission and Signalling
    A16  Performance Standards
    A17  Operations
    A18  Services


    A    BT/Operator Network Information
    B    BT/Operator Interconnect Information
    C    Commercial

                                  Page 1 of 38



1.1       In this Annex, the Appendices and tables a reference to a paragraph or
          Appendix, unless stated otherwise is to a paragraph or appendix of
          this Annex. Words, abbreviations and expressions have the meanings
          given in Annex D.

2.        GENERAL

2.1       This Annex details the planning and operational principles for
          conveying Calls between the BT System and the Operator System and
          provides the technical basis for the Specifications and for the
          Manuals. The Specifications define the characteristics of the
          interface between the BT System and the Operator System. The Manuals
          provide procedures for the provision and rearrangement of Capacity
          (Provisioning Manual), testing (Testing Manual) and operations and
          maintenance (Operations and Maintenance Manual).

2.2       This Annex contains provisions on the planning and operation of
          services provided under this Agreement. The details of the
          interconnect between the Parties' Systems and the plans for future
          developments relating to interconnect shall be recorded in the
          Technical Master Plan. The Customer Service Plan shall contain details
          of the points of contact within the Operator's and BT's organisation.
          The Parties shall endeavour to keep these documents up to date.


3.1       Insofar as not previously provided, each Party shall provide to the
          other the information listed in Appendix A as soon as reasonably
          practicable and in any event not more than 20 Working Days from the
          date of this Agreement.

3.2       In addition to the requirements set out in paragraph 4 of the main
          body of this Agreement, each Party will provide to the other
          information on any proposed introduction, closure, replacement or
          modification to any Switch referred to in paragraph 3.1 and where
          relevant, adjustments to the Number Ranges supported by such Switches
          as soon as practicable and, in any event, at not less than 4 months
          prior to the implementation.

3.3       Each Party will provide to the other, on request, information on the
          availability (or otherwise) of sufficient transmission capacity at any
          BT or Operator building for establishing IECs from that location.

                                  Page 2 of 38



4.1.1     The Operator shall nominate by written notice to BT the BT Switch
          Connections at the following BT Exchanges identified in accordance
          with paragraph 3.1 (where Calls are to be handed over from the
          Operator System to the BT System):

          (a)  Any BT Tandem Exchange;

          (b)  Any BT DLTE;

          (c)  Any BT DLE;

          (d)  Any BT ISC.

4.1.2     BT shall nominate by written notice to the Operator; BT Switch
          Connections where Calls (for which BT has responsibility in accordance
          with paragraph 5.1.3) are to be handed over from the BT System to the
          Operator System.

4.1.3     The Operator shall nominate by written notice to BT, BT Switch
          Connections where Calls (for which the Operator has responsibility
          pursuant to paragraph 5.1.3) are to be handed over from the BT System
          to the Operator System.


4.2.1     BT shall nominate by written notice to the Operator, Operator
          Switch Connections at an Operator Exchange identified in accordance
          with paragraph 3.1 at which Calls are to be handed over from the BT
          System to the Operator System.

4.2.2     The Operator shall nominate by written notice to BT, Operator
          Switch Connections at which Calls (for which the Operator has
          responsibility in accordance with paragraph 5.1.3) are to be handed
          over from the Operator System to the BT System.

4.2.3     BT shall nominate by written notice to the Operator, Operator
          Switch Connections where Calls (for which BT has responsibility
          pursuant to paragraph 5.1.3) are to be handed over from the Operator
          System to the BT System.

                                 Page 3 of 38



5.1.1     Each Party shall route the other Party's traffic in accordance
          with the following routing principles:

          (a)  routing within a Party's System shall be equivalent to the
               routing of similar types of traffic for the generality of such
               Party's Customers including alternative routing where

          (b)  insofar as practicable routing shall avoid analogue routing
               within a Party's own System. The Parties acknowledge that some
               International Calls and Calls to or from Third Party's systems
               may involve analogue routing.

5.1.2     The Parties shall develop and apply network traffic management
          strategies and procedures to maintain customer service quality and to
          protect the Parties' Systems as are appropriate. Full details of the
          network traffic management provisions are set out in the Operations
          and Maintenance Manual. These shall include:

          (a)  designation of specific Traffic Routes to restore service if a
               route loss occurs;

          (b)  establishment of overflow procedures if there is route

          (c)  establishment of special procedures for busy circuits enabling
               either diversion of a Call to a different routing or diversion to
               an agreed tone or message.

                                 Page 4 of 38
5.1.3     The responsibilities for Traffic Types are set out in Table A
          below. The responsibilities include choice of Switch Connections,
          provision of Traffic Forecasts, provision of Capacity Profiles and
          placing of Capacity Orders.

                                    TABLE A

          TRAFFIC TYPE                PARTY HAVING THE
                                      SET OUT IN
                                      PARAGRAPH 5.1.3
          Calls to geographic
          telephone numbers
          BT to Operator              BT
          Operator to BT              Operator

          Calls to non-geographic
          telephone numbers
          BT to Operator              BT
          Operator to BT              Operator

          International Calls
          BT to Operator to overseas  BT
          Operator to BT to overseas  Operator

          Transit Calls
          BT to Operator to transit
          Operator to BT to transit   BT
          destination                 Operator

          Number Translation
          Services Calls
          BT to Operator              BT
          Operator to BT              Operator

          Indirect Access Calls
          BT to Operator              Operator
          Operator to BT              BT

          BT Operator services calls
          Operator to BT              Operator

          Emergency Calls
          Operator to BT              Operator

5.1.4     Each Party shall ensure that a Route Type is provided on each
          Interconnect Link for the conveyance of Traffic Types for which that
          Party has responsibility in accordance with paragraph 5.1.3. Where a
          Party wishes to segregate its traffic into different Traffic Types it
          may order additional Route Types in accordance with Schedule 01 or 130
          as appropriate. Where a Traffic Route is used for the conveyance of
          Calls for both Parties in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs
          5.3 and 10.3, a single Route Type may be used.


                                 Page 5 of 38

5.2.1     Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5.2.6 the Parties shall
          establish Interconnect Links to convey Calls between the BT System and
          the Operator System on Traffic Routes between each Operator Switch
          Connection and at least one BT DMSU. For Operators with geographic
          Number Ranges, such BT DMSU (except in the geographic area served by
          the 0171 and/or 0181 Director Area Numbers):

          (1)  is a Parent BT Exchange for BT DLEs supporting Number Ranges for
               geographic NNGs shared between BT and the Operator; or

          (2)  is a Parent BT Exchange for BT DLEs supporting Number Ranges for
               geographic NNGs serving the same geographic area as geographic
               NNGs used by the Operator and any Third Party Operator.

5.2.2     Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5.2.3, if the Operator uses
          Number Ranges in the geographic area served by the 0171 and/or 0181
          Director Area Numbers and the adjacent BT Charge Groups, Traffic
          Routes shall be provided between each Operator Switch Connection
          supporting number ranges in such geographic area (served by the 0171
          and/or 0181 Director Area Number or the adjacent BT Charge Groups) and
          at least one BT DJSU.

5.2.3     If the Operator delivers traffic to a BT Switch Connection at:

          (a)  a single BT DMSU; or

          (b)  a BT DMSU and a single BT DJSU;

          and if BT chooses to deliver traffic from more than one BT Switch
          Connection to the Operator System, then the relevant Interconnect Link
          shall be for BT's exclusive use and provided at BT's expense.

5.2.4     If the Operator wishes to provide Traffic Routes to more than one
          BT DJSU, the Parties shall agree the combination of DJSUs and the
          Traffic Streams to be routed through them. Under normal operations
          alternative routing of traffic between the Traffic Routes described in
          paragraphs 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 will not be available.

5.2.5     The Operator may choose to deliver International Calls (excluding
          those to Republic of Ireland) to the BT System to one or more BT ISC.

5.2.6.    Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 5.2.1 if the Operator
          wishes to deliver only International Calls to the BT System (for
          conveyance to Authorised Overseas Systems other than the Republic

                                 Page 6 of 38

          of Ireland) the Operator may choose to deliver International Calls to
          one or more BT ISCs only.

5.2.7     If the Parties fail to agree the BT Tandem Exchanges or the BT ISC
          referred to in this paragraph 5.2 then either Party may notify the
          other in writing of a Dispute.

5.2.8     Interconnect Links shall have Traffic Routes such that:

          (1)  for ISI, Traffic Routes shall be established to convey only those
               Traffic Types for which a Party has responsibility in accordance
               with paragraph 5.1.3; and

          (2)  for Customer Sited Interconnect, Traffic Routes shall be
               established, either:

               a)   in accordance with the provisions for ISI set out in (1)
                    above; or

               b)   for all Traffic Types.

5.2.9     Traffic Routes will be supported by not less than one Signalling Link
          Set, except for Traffic Routes to a BT ISC where the Operator has
          Interconnect Links to more than one BT ISC and uses C 7 (TUP)

5.2.10    The Party whose Switch Connection conveys the relevant Calls to the
          other's System shall assign Traffic Streams (identified by
          destination) to a particular Traffic Route. BT and the Operator shall,
          subject to paragraph 5.4 below, advise each other which Traffic
          Streams are assigned to which Traffic Route. Unless otherwise agreed,
          each Party shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that traffic
          is directed in accordance with the advice given to the other. Traffic
          so routed is primary traffic as described in paragraph 5.4.

5.2.11    Where there is a Traffic Route to or from a Switch Connection and
          notification has been given by either Party that the relevant Switch
          Connection is to be removed then no additional Capacity shall be
          provided on that Traffic Route save that agreed in the Advance
          Capacity Order current on the date when notification was given.

5.2.12    If BT conveys Emergency Calls from the Operator System BT shall
          allocate the same priority to Emergency Calls handed over from the
          Operator System as it provides to Emergency Calls from BT Customers.

5.2.13    A BT DLE is available solely for the delivery or collection of Calls
          to or from the Number Ranges served by that BT DLE. A BT DLTE is
          available for the delivery or collection of Calls to or from Number
                                 Page 7 of 38
          Ranges served by that BT DLTE and by BT DLEs directly connected to
          that BT DLTE.

5.2.14    All Calls to BT Number Translation Services shall be handed over
          at BT DMSUs.

5.2.15    All International Calls sent via the BT System shall be handed
          over at either BT DMSUs or BT ISCs and comply with the provisions of
          paragraph 5.6.


5.3.1     Except as described in paragraphs 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 whereby two Traffic
          Routes may in combination provide the Fully Provided Capacity for a
          single Traffic Stream, Traffic Routes shall be Fully Provided to carry
          only the traffic for which Capacity has been ordered in accordance
          with this Annex and such Traffic Routes shall be operational at no
          worse than the required grade of service.

5.3.2     Where Traffic Route is used for the conveyance of Traffic for both
          Parties, the forecast requirement of Capacity shall be based upon the
          route busyhour. The forecasts shall be based upon a proposed grade of
          service of better than 0.008 subject to the route dimensioning giving
          a grade of service of better than 0.02 at 10 per cent traffic overload
          and better than 0.05 at 20 per cent traffic overload, unless the
          Parties agree otherwise.


5.4.1     Traffic other than primary traffic shall be identified as overflow
          traffic. Overflow traffic has a lower priority than primary traffic.

          (a)  overflow traffic from the Operator System which has overflowed
               because of a physical or operational failure of the BT System
               shall be given the same priority by BT as primary traffic;

          (b)  overflow traffic from the BT System which has overflowed because
               of a physical or operational failure of the Operator System shall
               be given the same priority by the Operator as primary traffic;

          (c)  when a Call (which was part of the overflow traffic) is switched
               and the Call has seized a circuit on a Traffic Route, such Call
               shall lose the overflow categorisation and be treated in the same
               manner as the other traffic on that Traffic Route.

5.4.2     Operator to BT Traffic
                                 Page 8 of 38
          (1)  The Operator may convey an entire Traffic Stream in one Traffic
               Route to one BT Switch Connection. These Calls shall be primary

          (2)  The Operator may overflow a Traffic Stream to a BT Tandem
               Exchange provided that the Operator has a Traffic Route to that
               Switch. These Calls shall be overflow traffic.

          (3)  For Calls conveyed on the Operator's written request to BT DMSU,
               BT DLTEs or BT DLEs BT shall arrange with the Operator for dual
               paths to be provided within the BT System. The design objective
               will be to split the Traffic Stream between two Traffic Routes in
               the ratio 1:1, with a maximum variation of + or - 1/3. These
               Traffic Routes shall be dimensioned to convey the expected
               Traffic Streams at the required grade of service. Calls may be
               initially offered to one Traffic Route or the other, with traffic
               re-routing to one Traffic Route or the other.

          (4)  For Calls conveyed on the Operator's written request to BT DJSUs,
               BT shall arrange with the Operator for dual paths to be provided
               within the BT System, subject to the Parties agreeing the split
               of the traffic between any Traffic Routes. If the Parties fail to
               agree the traffic split, then either Party may notify the other
               in writing of a Dispute.

          (5)  Any such arrangement shall provide for traffic carried on the
               planned routings in accordance with the planned traffic split to
               be primary traffic, with all traffic on a routing outside the
               permitted split as overflow traffic.

          (6)  The Operator may choose between the following routing

               1st choice to planned route     -    primary traffic
               2nd choice to unplanned route   -    overflow traffic


               1st choice to planned route     -    primary traffic
               2nd choice to planned route     -    primary traffic

          (7)  BT may charge reasonable additional rates for overflow traffic
               after two years from the date on which the BT System and the
               Operator System were or are to be interconnected.

          (8)  Notwithstanding paragraph 5.4.2 (7), the Operator shall not pay
               additional rates for overflow traffic as a result of a physical
               or operational failure of the BT System.
                                 Page 9 of 38

5.4.3     BT to Operator Traffic

          (1)  BT shall hand over traffic to Operator Switch Connections in
               accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5.2.1.

          (2)  The following provisions shall apply if there is more than one
               Operator Switch Connection:

               (a)  BT may convey an entire Traffic Stream in one Traffic Route
                    to one Operator Switch Connection. These Calls shall be
                    primary traffic.

               (b)  BT may overflow a Traffic Stream to another Operator Switch
                    Connection provided that BT has a Traffic Route to that
                    Switch. These Calls shall be overflow traffic.

               (c)  For Calls conveyed on BT's written request to Operator
                    Exchanges the Operator shall arrange with BT for dual paths
                    to be provided within the Operator System. In this instance,
                    the design objective will be to split the Traffic Stream
                    between two Traffic Routes in the ratio 1:1, with a maximum
                    variation of + or - 1/3. These Traffic Routes shall be
                    dimensioned to convey the expected Traffic Streams at the
                    required grade of service. Calls may be initially offered to
                    one Traffic Route or the other, with traffic re-routing to
                    one Traffic Route or the other.

               (d)  Arrangement under paragraph 5.4.3(2)(c) shall provide for
                    traffic carried on the planned routings in accordance with
                    the planned traffic to be split as primary traffic, with all
                    traffic on a routing outside the permitted split as overflow

               (e)  BT may choose between the following routing arrangements:

                    1st choice to planned route    -   primary traffic 
                    2nd choice to unplanned route  -   overflow traffic


               (f)  The Operator may charge reasonable additional rates for
                    overflow traffic after the period of two years from the date
                    on which the BT System and the Operator System were or are
                    to be interconnected.

                                 Page 10 of 38


          (g)  Notwithstanding paragraph 5.4.3 (2)(f), BT shall not pay
               additional rates for overflow traffic as a result of a physical
               or operational failure of the Operator System.

5.4.4     BT-Operator Indirect Access Traffic

          (a)  If the Parties have agreed in a Schedule to convey Indirect
               Access Calls, the Operator shall nominate a BT Switch Connection
               to receive Indirect Access Calls from each BT Number Range in
               accordance with the technical principles contained in the Generic
               Transmission Interface Specification.

          (b)  For Indirect Access Calls received at a BT Switch Connection and
               on the Operator's written request, BT shall arrange not less than
               one alternative path to be provided to the Operator System.
               Routing from the nominated BT Switch Connection to the Operator
               System shall be limited to Traffic Routes from that BT Switch

5.4.5     Operator to BT Number Translation Services Traffic

          The Operator shall convey Calls for BT Number Translation Services to
          a BT DMSU Switch Connection which is as near as practical to the
          origination of the Call, having regard to any requirements necessary
          to identify the intended destination.


5.5.1     Where either Party requests physical route diversity it shall take
          account of the Signalling Links and the Traffic Routes.

5.5.2     The Traffic Route(s) between an Operator Switch Connection and the
          relevant BT Switch Connection shall, subject to the normal planning
          practices of the relevant Party, ensure that a single failure of
          equipment does not give rise to failure of a Traffic Route.


5.6.1     The Operator may choose to hand over International Calls to BT
          DMSUs and/or BT ISCs, provided that, if the Operator has an
          obligation in the Operator Licence to provide "International
          Connection Services", International Calls shall only be routed and
          handed over via Interconnect Links established to one or more BT

5.6.2     If an Operator chooses to hand over International Calls direct to
          an ISC and has Interconnect Links to more than one BT ISC, BT shall
          inform the Operator which BT ISC shall be first choice routing for a

                                 Page 11 of 38


          particular international destination and the Operator shall so route
          its International Calls.

5.6.3     Where agreed, or for NNGs allocated to the Operator for the
          provision of Land Mobile Radio Services for a digital service (GSM,
          PCN), Calls may be handed over to the Operator System from a BT ISC.
          Calls from an international destination to other NNG or "DE" Number
          Ranges assigned to the Operator shall be routed by BT from the BT ISC
          to the relevant BT DMSU to be handed over to the Operator System.

5.6.4     International Calls for conveyance to the Republic of Ireland
          shall be handed over to BT at a BT DMSU.


          The Parties shall record the physical arrangements and Number Ranges,
          or part thereof, for each of the Traffic Routes on an Interconnect
          Link. Information shall be provided in accordance with the
          Provisioning Manual and a record of these arrangements shall be
          maintained in the Technical Master Plan.


          ISI Interconnect Links shall be transmission systems using either PDH
          or SDH technology, where the interfaces are set out in the Generic
          Electrical and Physical Interface Specification and, in the case of
          SDH, additionally in the Generic SDH Interface Specification.


          (a)  Equipment

               The manufacturer and type of equipment used to terminate the ISI
               Interconnect Link shall be the same at each end of the fibre and
               be one of those agreed and listed in the Provisioning Manual.

          (b)  Procedures

               Operational procedures for the provision of PDH ISI Interconnect
               Links are described in the Provisioning Manual and their
               maintenance is described in the Operations and Maintenance

          (c)  IECs

               Interconnect Extension Circuits may be used to complete ISI
               Interconnect Links to Remote Switch Connections.

          (d)  Path Protection
                                 Page 12 of 38


               Where the Operator requests Path Protection using PDH, as set out
               in Schedule 01, the manufacturer and type of equipment used to
               effect the Path Protection shall be the same at each end of the
               fibre and be one of those agreed and listed in the Provisioning
               Manual as suitable for supporting Path Protection.


          (a)  Configuration

               ISI Interconnect Links will deliver the equivalent functionality
               to an ISI Interconnect Link using PDH technology.

               For the avoidance of doubt if an ISI Interconnect Link uses SDH
               technology all traffic within the BT System flowing to or from
               the 155 Mbit/s STM-1 Add-Drop Multiplexor will be carried by
               Intrabuilding Links or IECs and there shall, unless the Operator
               has requested Path Protection, be one single physical path
               between the 155 Mbit/s STM-1 Add-Drop Multiplexors.

          (b)  Equipment

               The manufacturer and type of equipment that BT shall use to
               terminate the SDH ISI Interconnect Link shall be those listed in
               the Provisioning Manual. The Operator may use any equipment that
               conforms to the Generic SDH Interface Specification.

          (c)  Management

               Neither Party shall exercise management control of the other
               Party's 155 Mbit/s STM-1 Add-Drop Multiplexor. In particular, the
               transmission messages to the other Party via the Data
               Communications Channel (DCC) in the STM-1 Add-Drop Multiplexor
               section overhead shall be inhibited.

          (d)  Testing and Operational Procedures

               If the Operator chooses to use equipment that has not been
               validated to ensure that it interworks with the equipment that BT
               uses, the Parties shall test the equipment to ensure that the
               performance standards are met. Unless otherwise agreed such
               testing shall be completed before an order for such an
               Interconnect Link is placed. If the Parties agree to carry out
               the testing after an order is received that order shall be
               subject to adjustment of the delivery date to include such tests.
               Operational procedures for the provision of SDH Interconnect
               Links are described in the Provisioning Manual and their
               maintenance is described in the Operations and Maintenance
                                 Page 13 of 38


          (e)  IECs

               Interconnect Extension Circuits shall be provided using PDH or
               SDH at the suppliers election solely for the completion of ISI
               Interconnect Links to Remote Switch Connections.

          (f)  Path Protection

               If the Operator requests Path Protection, all VC paths shall
               terminate on a single add-drop Multiplexor at the BT Switch
               Connection. This configuration shall be used where VC Path
               Protection is deployed in the SDH equipment terminating the VC



          Prior to the first Capacity Order under this Agreement:

7.1.1     the Operator shall provide BT with the following information:

          (1)  details about the proposed Operator Exchange or Exchanges,
               software build level and of the relevant Operator Switch
               Connections nominated by the Operator;

          (2)  details of the relevant BT Switch Connections nominated by the

          (3)  details of the services (as in the Schedules) which the Operator
               requires on the first Ready for Service Date;

          (4)  Number Ranges served by and that may be accessed via the Operator

          (5)  a statement of the conformity of the Operator System to the

          (6)  the first Capacity Profile (as described in paragraph 9 below);

          (7)  the first Traffic Forecasts (as described in paragraph 8 below);

          (8)  proposed Traffic Routes, by Number Ranges (in the form set out in
               the Provisioning Manual);

          (9)  details of proposed Points of Connection and Interconnect Links;

          (10) Where the Operator intends to send Emergency Calls to the BT
               System, and the Operator Licensed Area is smaller than the
               geographic area covered by the BT System, the Operator shall
                                 Page 14 of 38


               provide BT with a map showing the boundary of the area from where
               Emergency Calls are to be sent to the BT System to a scale of
               approximately 1:50,000.

7.1.2     BT shall provide the Operator with the following information:

          (1)  proposed signalling and testing requirements within the time
               scale set out in paragraph 14.2 below;

          (2)  details of the relevant Operator Switch Connections and BT Switch
               Connections nominated by BT (if any), within 20 Working Days of a
               written request by the Operator;

          (3)  proposed Traffic Routes by Number Ranges if the Operator is
               planning to use more than one Operator Switch Connection at the
               first Ready for Test Date within 20 Working Days of a written
               request by the Operator.

7.1.3     The information specified in paragraphs 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 above
          shall be exchanged in the manner detailed from time to time in the
          Provisioning Manual. A summary of that information specified is set
          out in Appendix B to this Annex. The Parties shall hold such meetings
          as are required for this exchange of information.

7.2       Where the Operator is seeking an initial interconnection to the BT
          System to transfer traffic generated by an established customer, the
          Operator shall provide BT not less than 20 Working Days prior to the
          first planning meeting referred to in paragraph 7.1.3 above with the
          following information:

          (1)  traffic volumes from the Operator System to the BT System for
               each proposed BT Switch Connection;

          (2)  traffic volumes from the BT System to the Operator System for
               each proposed BT Switch Connection; and

          (3)  specific requirements for the transfer of the Operator's existing
               Number Ranges.


8.1       GENERAL

          Traffic Forecasts shall be used by the Parties for planning sufficient
          switch and distributive network capacity to meet subsequent Capacity
          Order requirements. While the Parties shall use reasonable endeavours
          to provide accurate Traffic Forecasts, they shall not be legally
          binding except to the extent stated otherwise in this Agreement.

                                 Page 15 of 38



8.2.1     Traffic Forecasts for each BT Switch Connection shall be prepared
          by the Operator being the aggregate of the Traffic Types listed in
          Table A of this Annex for which the Operator is stated to have the
          responsibility as defined in paragraph 5.1.3.

          In addition the Operator shall prepare Traffic Forecasts for each
          Operator Switch Connection being the aggregate of the specific Traffic
          Types listed in Table A for which BT is stated to have the
          responsibilities as defined in paragraph 5.1.3. However BT shall
          forecast this traffic when it is mature, that is when the dominant
          factor in forecasting future traffic trends is the general economic
          trends affecting the UK.

          All Traffic Forecasts shall be in the form set out in the Provisioning

8.2.2     Where a BT ISC is used as a BT Switch Connection, Traffic
          Forecasts shall define the following:

          (a)  outgoing traffic by destination country where the busy hour
               traffic is expected to exceed 5 erlangs;

          (b)  the total outgoing traffic for all countries where the busy hour
               traffic is less than 5 erlangs.

8.2.3     The Parties shall endeavour to agree for each Traffic Route
          immediately following the second anniversary of the Ready for Service
          Date of that Traffic Route whether such Traffic Route is mature. If
          the Parties fail to agree whether a Traffic Route is mature then
          either Party may notify the other in writing of a Dispute.


8.3.1     Traffic Forecasts shall be on a rolling basis for a period of
          three years.

8.3.2     A Traffic Forecast provided by the Operator to BT at yearly
          intervals for each Switch Connection pursuant to paragraph 8.2 shall
          be made available at least 15 Working Days before the Technical Review
          Meeting immediately before the Traffic Forecast period next following.
          These Traffic Forecasts shall (subject as provided below) cover the
          following three years broken down for each quarter for the first two

8.3.3     For each mature Traffic Route (as defined in paragraph 8.2), BT
          shall supply the Operator with the Traffic Forecasts at yearly
          intervals, not less than 15 Working Days before the Technical Review
          Meeting immediately prior to the period which is the subject of the
                                 Page 16 of 38


          Forecast. These Traffic Forecasts shall cover the following three
          years broken down for each quarter for the first two years.

8.3.4     If either Party's Traffic Forecast for a category of traffic for any
          twelve month period at any Switch Connection has changed 10 per cent.
          or more since the last Traffic Forecast or where any additional Switch
          Connection is proposed by such Party during the next twelve months,
          then the changed Traffic Forecast shall be notified not later than the
          next Technical Review Meeting following such change or adoption of
          such proposal.

8.3.5     During the first two years after the first Ready for Service Date, the
          Operator may supply Traffic Forecasts covering only two years.
          Thereafter, such Traffic Forecasts shall cover a period of three


8.4.1     Traffic Forecasts supplied pursuant to paragraph 8.3 shall:

          (a)  be in terms of day and evening busy hour Erlangs. The day busy
               hour shall be within the period 0800 to 1800 hours and the
               evening busy hour shall be within the period 1800 to 0800 hours
               except where agreed otherwise;

          (b)  identify the time of the busy hour for a Traffic Route to be
               configured pursuant to paragraph 8.1;

          (c)  be in the form set out in the Provisioning Manual and may be in
               an electronic form agreed between the Parties;

          (d)  be authorised and signed at an appropriate level by the
               originating Party and acknowledged by the receiving Party.


8.5.1     The Parties may agree to modify the procedures in this paragraph 8 if
          and when additional Traffic Routes and/or Traffic Streams are
          identified or if presently planned Traffic Routes are subdivided.

8.5.2     The forecasting procedures shall be reviewed at the Technical Review
          Meeting to discuss routing and forecasting matters and to agree
          changes and appropriate timings for their implementation.


                                 Page 17 of 38


9.1       Before placing Capacity Orders, the Operator shall (subject to
          paragraph 9.2 below) supply BT with Capacity Profiles in relation to
          Capacity Provision and Capacity Re-arrangement at all existing and
          proposed Switch Connections. In paragraphs 9 and 10 and subject to
          paragraph 11.4, Capacity Rearrangement may only be initiated by the
          Purchaser of the Capacity which is being rearranged. Each Capacity
          Profile shall encompass all the Operator's requirements for Capacity
          and shall be identified for each relevant Switch Connection. The
          obligation of the Operator under this paragraph in relation to a
          particular Switch Connection shall cease when the information is
          provided by BT under paragraph 9.2.

9.2       With effect from the second anniversary of the Ready for Service Date
          (or such later date as the Parties may agree pursuant to paragraph
          8.2.3) for each Switch Connection, BT shall supply the Operator with a
          Capacity Profile for Traffic Types for which BT has responsibility
          pursuant to paragraph 5.1.3. The Capacity Profile shall encompass all
          Capacity Provision or Capacity Re-arrangement requirements and be
          categorised for each relevant Operator Switch Connection. The Parties
          acknowledge that each BT Capacity Profile shall reflect the
          information contained in the relevant Traffic Forecast provided under
          paragraph 8, plus any other relevant additional information that the
          Operator has provided to BT (which shall include any necessary advice
          on the timing of Capacity Provision).

9.3       Capacity Profiles for Capacity Provision and Capacity Re-arrangement
          shall be provided on separate forms as described in the Provisioning
          Manual. The first four months of each Capacity Profile agreed in
          accordance with paragraph 9.5 shall form an Advance Capacity Order
          pursuant to paragraph 10.

9.4       Each Capacity Profile shall be presented to the other Party at four
          month intervals, not less than 15 Working Days before the relevant
          Technical Review Meeting.

9.5       Each Capacity Profile shall be reviewed at the relevant Technical
          Review Meeting. Where agreed it will be signed at the Technical Review
          Meeting by the authorised representatives of each Party to signify
          their intention to commit to the Advance Capacity Order.

9.6       If the Parties fail to agree a Capacity Profile (or part thereof),
          then either Party may notify the other in writing of a Dispute.

9.7       Those portions of an Advance Capacity Order that have not been agreed
          shall be a Dispute. Paragraph 10 shall apply to those parts that have
          been agreed (and signed by the Parties).



                                 Page 18 of 38


10.1.1    In an ACO Period the Operator may, in respect of any BT Switch
          Connection nominated by the Operator (for traffic handed over from the
          Operator System to the BT System), and, during the period ending two
          years after the first Ready for Test Date, in respect of any Operator
          Switch Connection nominated by BT (for traffic handed over from the BT
          System to the Operator System), place Capacity Orders up to the amount
          of the aggregate Capacity Provision (i.e. Capacity to be provided plus
          the provide element of Capacity to be rearranged) shown in the
          relevant Advance Capacity Orders for each such Switch Connection plus
          the greater of (a) 10 per cent. of such Capacity and (b) 4 x 2Mbit/s
          units of Capacity. Within these limits each Party shall provide such
          Capacity that it is to provide within the time scales laid down in
          paragraph 11. For the period ending two years after the first Ready
          for Test Date, the reference in (b) to 4 x 2Mbit/s units of Capacity
          shall be increased to 8 x 2Mbit/s units of Capacity.

10.1.2    In an ACO Period the Operator shall place Capacity Orders for a
          minimum of 80 per cent. of the aggregate Capacity specified in the
          relevant Advance Capacity Orders for each Switch Connection, other
          than Capacity required at any Operator Switch Connection for incoming
          traffic from the BT System. Failure by the Operator to place such
          Capacity Orders shall result in pre-payment charges being paid by the
          Operator in accordance with paragraph 1 of Appendix C. Pre-payment
          charges arising with respect to a specific Switch Connection shall be
          accepted as pre-payment for future Capacity Orders in respect of
          Capacity for the same Switch Connection placed within 12 months of the
          end of the relevant ACO Period (thereby being credited against any
          charges payable by the Operator in respect of such Capacity Order(s)).

10.1.3    Capacity Orders placed by the Operator (on behalf of BT) for Capacity
          in respect of Traffic Types for which BT has the responsibility
          pursuant to paragraph 5.1.3, and any increase in order quantities
          above those agreed in the relevant Advance Capacity Order (subject to
          the limits set out in paragraph 10.1.1) shall require written
          agreement from BT prior to the placing of the relevant Capacity Order.
          If the Parties fail to agree an increase in a Capacity Order, either
          Party may notify the other in writing of a Dispute.

10.1.4    Within any ACO Period commencing two years after the Ready for Service
          Date for a particular Switch Connection, BT may place Capacity Orders
          for Capacity required at that Operator Switch Connection for Traffic
          Types for which BT has the responsibility pursuant to paragraph 5.1.3,
          up to the amount of the aggregate Capacity Provision (i.e. Capacity to
          be provided, plus the provide element of Capacity to be rearranged)
          shown in the relevant Advance Capacity Orders for such Operator Switch
          Connection plus, for any Operator Switch Connection, the greater of
          (a) 10 per cent. of such Capacity and (b) 4 x 2Mbit/s units of
          Capacity. The Operator shall

                                 Page 19 of 38


          provide such Capacity within the relevant time scales specified in
          paragraph 11.

10.1.5    Within any ACO Period commencing two years after the Ready for
          Service Date of a Switch Connection, BT shall place Capacity Orders
          for a minimum of 80 per cent. of the aggregate Capacity specified in
          the relevant Advance Capacity Orders for that Operator Switch
          Connection. Failure by BT to place such Capacity Orders shall result
          in pre-payment charges being paid by BT in accordance with the
          provisions set out in paragraph 1 of Appendix C. Pre-payment charges
          arising with respect to a specific Operator Switch Connection will be
          accepted as pre-payment for future Capacity Provision Orders in
          respect of Capacity at the same Switch Connection placed within 12
          months of the end of the relevant ACO Period (thereby being credited
          against any charges payable by BT in respect of such Capacity

10.1.6    If no Advance Capacity Order is provided or Capacity Orders are
          placed by the ordering Party in excess of the relevant limit in
          paragraph 10.1.1 or 10.1.4:

          (1)  the Supplier shall not be obliged to meet the time scales set out
               in paragraph 11 for that element of the Capacity Order in excess
               of the relevant limit;

          (2)  the time scales shall be agreed in writing for the provision of
               excess Capacity and the Ready for Test Dates shall be not later
               than 6 months after the date of receipt of a relevant Capacity
               Order; and

          (3)  the Supplier of Capacity in excess of the relevant limit may
               raise charges to cover any additional costs that it may incur
               arising directly from the provision of Capacity outside the
               normal planning process. Neither Party will incur such additional
               costs or provide Capacity outside the Advance Capacity Order
               process without the prior written approval of the other.

10.1.7    Each Capacity Order will be in the form set out in the
          Provisioning Manual and shall include all the information required by
          that form.

10.1.8    The tributary allocation charts as set out in the Provisioning
          Manual, shall be amended by BT, unless agreed otherwise and included
          in the Technical Master Plan.



          (1)  BT and the Operator shall commence testing Capacity not later
               than 25 Working Days after the relevant scheduled Ready for

                                 Page 20 of 38


               Test Date. Unless agreed otherwise, the Purchaser shall provide
               the Supplier with a minimum of 15 Working Days notice of the date
               on which testing should commence. The Parties shall co-operate to
               ensure that testing is reasonably spread across the 25 Working
               Days following the date on which the Capacity is made ready for
               testing. The Parties shall use reasonable endeavours to complete
               testing in the shortest appropriate time.

          (2)  If for any reason the Purchaser fails to proceed jointly with the
               Supplier in testing of any Capacity, the Purchaser shall notify
               the Supplier in writing as soon as possible and where such notice
               is less than 5 Working Days before the scheduled Ready for Test
               Date, the provisions set out in paragraph 3 of Appendix C of this
               Annex shall apply. Testing shall then be re-scheduled by
               agreement and commenced on such re-scheduled date. In the event
               of testing failing the Parties shall use reasonable endeavours to
               ensure testing is recommenced and concluded as quickly as

          (3)  The Parties shall agree the required test facilities. The Parties
               shall make such test facilities available from the date required
               by the other Party. If specified test facilities are missing or
               incorrect, Capacity Orders or Data Management Amendments will not
               commence until the facilities are made available.

          (4)  If the Party providing Capacity fails to commence testing
               Capacity by a date 25 Working Days after the relevant periods of
               time specified in paragraph 11 below, then (without prejudice to
               the other Party's rights and remedies under the Agreement) the
               Party providing the Capacity shall pay, on demand, to the other
               Party liquidated damages for such delay calculated in accordance
               with the provisions of paragraph 2 of Appendix C for up to a
               maximum of 25 Working Days.

          (5)  If the Parties fail to agree an acceptable date for the testing
               of the Capacity (pursuant to 10.2.1 (2)) either Party may notify
               the order in writing of a Dispute.

10.2.2    On the Ready for Test Date the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser
          that such Capacity is Ready for Testing. Such notice shall be in the
          form set out in the Provisioning Manual.

10.2.3    As soon after the Ready for Service Date as is practical, both
          Parties shall certify that the Capacity has been satisfactorily tested
          by signing the certificate set out in the Operations and Maintenance


                                 Page 21 of 38


          Where a Traffic Route is used for the conveyance of traffic for both
          Parties and either Party detects the grade of service referred to in
          paragraph 5.3.2 not being met because of non-transient causes or
          identifies a trend that will lead to such grade of service not being
          met in the current or next ACO Period, the Operator shall order Route
          Augmentation such that the problem or potential problem is alleviated.


          The Parties shall jointly test the Capacity and any service specific
          items and make any necessary adjustment to ensure that the Capacity
          meets the agreed performance standards. Details of the testing
          procedures are included in the Testing Manual.



          The timescales for the provision of Capacity Ready for Testing are
          subject to the provisions set out in Schedules 01 and 130 (as
          appropriate) and, paragraph 10.1.6. The time scales are set out in
          paragraphs 11.1.3 to 11.1.6 inclusive and are concurrent with those
          set out in paragraph 11.1.1 and 11.1.2):

11.1.1    Capacity Provision at a Switch Connection for a Traffic Route passing
          through a new Point of Connection on an Interconnect Link using PDH or

          6 months following the date of receipt of the relevant Capacity Order.

11.1.2    Capacity Provision or Capacity Re-arrangement at a Switch Connection
          requiring a change of technology from PDH to SDH or SDH to PDH for a
          new or existing Traffic Route at an existing Point of Connection:

          6 months following the date of receipt of the relevant Capacity Order.

11.1.3    New Traffic Routes between Switch Connections through an
          established Point of Connection using the same technology, including
          the provision of additional Customer Sited Interconnect between the
          same Switch Connections:

          65 Working Days following the date of receipt of the relevant Capacity

11.1.4    Route Augmentation using the same technology, including the
          provision of additional Customer Sited Interconnect between the same
          Switch Connections:
                                 Page 22 of 38


          25 Working Days following the date of receipt of the relevant Capacity

11.1.5    New Traffic Routes over IECs at a Switch Connection using the same

          75 Working Days following the date of receipt of the relevant Capacity

11.1.6    Route Augmentation using the same technology on Traffic Routes
          over established IECs:

          35 Working Days following the date of receipt of the relevant Capacity

11.1.7    Capacity Re-arrangements involving the provision of new Traffic
          Routes using the same technology or a new technology already in
          service at the relevant Switch Connection:

          65 Working Days following the date of receipt of the relevant Capacity

11.1.8    Capacity Re-arrangements between established Switch Connection
          involving Route Augmentation using the same technology or a new
          technology already in service at the relevant Switch Connection:

          25 Working Days following the date of receipt of the relevant Capacity

11.1.9    Capacity Re-arrangements involving the provision of new Traffic
          Routes requiring IECs using the same technology or a new technology
          already in service at the relevant Switch Connection:

          75 Working Days following the date of receipt of the relevant Capacity

11.1.10   Path Protection - on a date such as the Parties shall agree.


11.2.1    Subject to the relevant Schedules if either Party requires the
          removal of Capacity it paid for (or for which payment is due by that
          Party under this Agreement), an order identifying the Capacity and the
          date from which it is no longer required (a "removal order") may be
          placed by that Party on the other Party. The Party receiving the
          removal order will remove the Capacity not later than 30 Working Days
          from the date of receipt of the removal order.
                                 Page 23 of 38


11.2.2    If either Party requires the removal of Capacity paid for by the
          other Party (or for which payment is due by the other Party under this
          Agreement) or the removal of Capacity used for bothway working then a
          written request shall be sent to the other Party detailing the
          requirement and giving the reasons for its removal. If the Party
          receiving the request agrees to the removal of the Capacity such Party
          shall issue a removal order to the Party requesting the removal. This
          Capacity will then be removed by the Supplier within 30 Working Days
          from the date of receipt of the removal order. If the Party receiving
          the request does not agree then Capacity shall not be removed until
          agreement has been reached or a Dispute is resolved.

11.2.3    A removal certificate shall be issued to the Party who paid (or
          who is responsible for payment) for the Capacity on completion of the
          removal work.

11.2.4    For the avoidance of doubt, if payment for Capacity removed
          pursuant to this paragraph 11 has not been made at the time of such
          removal such payment shall remain due and payable.

11.2.5    If pursuant to this paragraph 11.2 Capacity is removed, a
          proportion of the relevant connection charge shall be repaid to the
          Party requesting the removal. The amount to be repaid shall be that
          set out in paragraph 4 of Appendix C to this Annex.


11.3.1    Capacity Orders may be amended as follows:

          (a)  Capacity Orders which incorporate agreed amendments requested by
               the Supplier or are corrections of simple typing mistakes which
               do not affect the Ready for Test Date nor the implementation by
               the Supplier will not incur any charges.

          (b)  Capacity Orders may be withdrawn free of charge up to 10 Working
               Days from receipt of the relevant Capacity Order by the Supplier.
               Capacity Orders, including any placed in the last 10 Working Days
               of an ACO Period which bring the total orders up to 80% of the
               Capacity specified in the ACO, and subsequently cancelled within
               10 Working Days of placing those orders shall not be included in
               the amount of Capacity ordered in the relevant ACO Period.

          (c)  Capacity Orders may be amended at a charge, details of which are
               specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List, up to 10
               Working Days from receipt of the Capacity Order by the Supplier.
               The original date that the Capacity Order was placed will apply
               for the purpose of identifying the Ready for Test Date.
                                 Page 24 of 38


          (d)  Capacity Order amendments received after 10 Working Days from
               receipt of the original Capacity Order by the Supplier which do
               not have a material affect on the order (i.e. editorial change,
               data build change only, without change of Supplier's Exchange or
               other change which the Parties reasonably agree does not
               materially affect the Capacity Provision within the stated time
               scales) will be accepted by the Supplier without a change in the
               Ready for Test Date at a charge which is set out in the Carrier
               Price List.

          Where an amendment involves data build changes, the order amendment
          must be received by the Supplier not later than 10 Working Days before
          the Ready for Test Date

11.3.2    If a Capacity Order is amended other than as set out in (a) (b)
          (c) or (d) above, and the amendment is to reduce the Capacity
          originally ordered, the Purchaser shall pay the charge set out in
          paragraph 5 of Appendix C. The Supplier shall accept such an amendment
          without a change in the Ready for Test Date.

11.3.3    The Supplier may extend a Ready for Test Date where there have
          been two or more order amendments to any matter included in the order
          form set out in the Provisioning Manual during the first 10 Working
          Days following receipt of a Capacity Order.


          Capacity Rearrangement may be requested as follows:

          (a)  The Purchaser may request in writing Capacity Rearrangement, and
               the Supplier shall carry out the necessary work in accordance
               with the time scales set out in paragraph 11.1. Capacity Orders,
               including any placed in the last 10 Working Days of an ACO Period
               which bring the total Capacity Orders up to 80% of the Capacity
               specified in the ACO, and subsequently cancelled within 10
               Working Days of placing those orders shall not be included in the
               amount of Capacity ordered in the relevant ACO period.

          (b)  If the Supplier requests Capacity Rearrangement of Capacity
               previously provided by the Supplier, the Supplier shall notify
               the Purchaser in writing giving reasons for its request. If the
               Purchaser accepts the request it shall confirm the same in
               writing. The Supplier shall then at its own expense carry out the
               Capacity Rearrangement in accordance with the request. The
               Purchaser shall not unreasonably withhold or delay consent to
               such request provided that arrangements are made, in accordance
               with this Agreement where applicable, to

                                 Page 25 of 38


               ensure that no loss is caused to or suffered by the Purchaser as
               a result of the Capacity Rearrangement.

          (c)  The Supplier shall issue a certificate to the Purchaser on
               completion of work carried out pursuant to paragraph 11.4 (a) or
               (b). The Purchaser may submit requests for Capacity Rearrangement
               in writing to the Supplier at any time after the earlier of Ready
               For Service Date or one month after Ready For Test Date.

          (d)  On completion of a Capacity Rearrangement the original Capacity
               is deemed terminated and replaced by the rearranged Capacity.


          At any time prior to the Ready for Test Date a Party may by written
          notice to the other cancel a Capacity Order it placed. If a Capacity
          Order is cancelled more than 10 Working Days after placement of the
          Capacity Order, the cancelling Party shall pay a cancellation charge
          as set out in paragraph 6 of Appendix C.

11.6      GENERAL

          The Party in receipt of a Capacity Order shall make the relevant
          Capacity available and Ready for Testing within the time scale
          specified in paragraph 11.1. The receiving Party shall notify the
          ordering Party of such receipt within one Working Day of receipt.

12.       NUMBERING


          BT shall implement numbering orders for Number Ranges or other changes
          to data on BT Exchanges in accordance with Schedule 140.

12.2      NUMBER FLOW

12.2.1    The Parties shall convey to each other telephone numbers in the
          national and international number formats from time to time in force.

12.2.2    For Calls to or from a BT ISC where C 7 (IUP) signalling is used, all
          digits including the leading zero, shall be conveyed across the
          interface from the sending Party's System to the other Party's System.

12.2.3    For Calls to a BT ISC, where C 7 (TUP) signalling is used, the
          Operator shall convey all digits except the international prefix. For
          Calls from a BT ISC where C 7 (TUP) signalling is used BT shall convey
          all digits including the leading zero.


                                 Page 26 of 38


          At appropriate intervals each Party shall inform the other of all
          numbering additions and changes to Number Ranges within the BT System
          or Operator System that may affect Call routing.


13.1      The first Technical Review Meeting shall occur at either Party's
          written request not later than four months from the receipt of the
          first Capacity Profile. Subsequent Technical Review Meetings shall
          occur at no greater than four monthly intervals thereafter, not less
          than 5 Working Days prior to the start of the relevant four month
          period next following.

13.2      At Technical Review Meetings the Traffic Forecast referred to in
          paragraph 8 shall be discussed and the Capacity Profiles referred to
          in paragraph 9 shall be agreed.



          Each Party shall have the right to require testing of the other
          Party's Switch(es) to confirm correct interworking. The testing varies
          according to the Switch manufacturer, the software build level and the
          method of implementation. The scope of the testing shall follow the
          relevant ITU-T guidelines.


14.2.1    Not later than 10 Working Days after a written request by one
          Party, the other Party shall provide an initial indication of the
          level of testing required, having been given details of Switch
          hardware and software build level and services. The Parties shall
          agree exact test requirements and timescales.

14.2.2    If, owing to the default of one of the Parties the testing procedures
          vary substantially from the test procedures agreed pursuant to this
          paragraph, the other Party may levy a reasonable charge for its direct
          costs resulting from such default.

14.3      Where BT requests testing, the following provisions shall apply:

14.3.1    Reduced Level of Testing

          A Switch proposed as an Operator Exchange, of the same type previously
          successfully tested for the same type of interconnect, at the same
          software build will need the minimum of testing. A list of such
          Switches is set out in the Provisioning Manual. Commissioning and
          Acceptance Testing ("CAT") of such an Operator Exchange may take

                                 Page 27 of 38


          approximately four weeks. For additional Operator Exchanges, Traffic
          Routes and Capacity interconnected to the BT System, operational
          testing at a suitable level will take place as described in the
          Testing Manual.

14.3.2    Intermediate Level of Testing

          A Switch proposed as an Operator Exchange of a type previously
          successfully tested at a different software build or implementation,
          will need additional testing, if such different build or different
          implementation could reasonably be considered likely to adversely
          affect Call processing. Both Network Inter- working Tests ("NIT")
          using BT captive models and CAT will be required, which may take
          approximately eight weeks.

14.3.3    Full Switch Testing

          A Switch proposed as an Operator Exchange or major build change of an
          existing Operator Exchange not previously successfully tested for the
          same type of interconnect shall require Interface Validation Testing
          ("IVT") by the Operator, using a protocol simulator, which may take
          the Operator about six weeks. The total testing duration for IVT, NIT
          and CAT may be approximately 14 weeks. This period of time (other than
          for the testing specified in paragraph 14.3.1) may, subject to the
          availability of the necessary BT captive models at the Operator's
          written request, be concurrent with the time scale set out in
          paragraph 11.1.1 above.

14.4      Where the Operator requests testing it will employ testing no more
          onerous than those set out in paragraph 14.3 such testing shall be of
          no greater duration.

14.5      In the event that the Parties fail to agree any test procedure and/or
          time scale, then either Party may notify the other in writing of a



          Interconnection of the BT System and the Operator System shall be
          based on digital technology operating at 2Mbit/s in accordance with
          the Generic Transmission Interface Specification and, if appropriate,
          the Generic SDH Interface Specification.


15.2.1    The Parties shall comply with the applicable synchronisation
          provisions of the Generic Electrical and Physical Interface
          Specification. Where

                                 Page 28 of 38


          requested, BT shall supply synchronisation from the highest order
          available within the relevant part of the BT System.

15.2.2    Where SDH equipment is used as part of an ISI Interconnect Link,
          synchronisation of the relevant SDH equipment shall be provided in
          accordance with ITU-T Recommendation G.803. However the STM-N timing
          quality should not be assumed to be referable to a clock of ITU-T
          Recommendation G.811 standard.

15.3      ECHO CONTROL

15.3.1    If International Calls are conveyed by the Operator to a BT ISC or
          handed over to the Operator by BT directly from a BT ISC, the Parties
          shall obtain the correct echo control by conveying signalling
          information in accordance with the Generic Transmission Interface
          Specification and the Generic C7 Signalling Interface Specification.

15.3.2    Some Calls within the UK require echo control. The Parties shall
          obtain the correct echo control by conveying signalling information in
          accordance with the Generic Transmission Interface Specification and
          the Generic C7 Signalling Interface Specification.

15.4      SIGNALLING

          The Parties shall comply with the applicable signalling provisions of
          the Generic C7 Signalling Interface Specification.


          Where bothway working is employed, the following circuit selection
          protocols shall apply:

          (1)  Circuit Selection Protocols

               (a)  BT shall use the forward sequential protocol, starting from
                    the first traffic circuit and selecting sequentially until a
                    free circuit is found.

               (b)  The Operator shall use the backward sequential protocol,
                    starting from the last traffic circuit and selecting
                    sequentially until a free circuit is found.

          (2)  Direction of search

               (a)  From BT to Operator, direction of traffic circuit 1 to Z.

               (b)  From Operator to BT, direction of traffic circuit Z to 1.

                                 Page 29 of 38


15.6      DUAL SEIZURE

          BT shall have dual seizure priority.


          Circuits shall be identified pursuant to the Generic Signalling
          Interface Specification.


          Each Party shall provide the other with details of the timing and
          circumstances for the provision of all Answer Signals sent from that
          Party's System including those for all types of Calls.


16.1      GENERAL

16.1.1    The Parties shall co-operate to maintain the overall quality of
          the conveyance of Calls and adopt the general principles on standards,
          techniques and methodology for the achievement of quality in
          telecommunications networks and services contained in the relevant
          ITU-T standards.

16.1.2    The Parties shall agree operational management strategies to protect
          service quality and to alleviate short term overloads due to abnormal
          conditions and address congestion due to under provisioning.


16.2.1    The Parties shall agree relevant service parameters and measurements
          for the monitoring of service performance. These will typically
          include sample sizes, frequency, time and performance threshold
          criteria. This data includes actual measurements of exchange or route
          busy hour traffic (Erlangs), lost communications (overflows), number
          of Calls alternatively routed, Answer Seize Ratio ("ASR") and busy
          hour call attempts. This shall be exchanged on a monthly basis.
          Exception reports shall be provided where standards have not been met
          or if performance thresholds have not been attained. The Parties shall
          use their reasonable endeavours to detect and correct adverse trends
          before they result in adverse performance.

                                 Page 30 of 38


16.2.2    If a service performance problem is identified, the Parties shall
          exchange information about the problem, including the information set
          out in paragraph 16.2.1 above together with the following information:

          (1)  critical levels for traffic and unsuccessful Call attempts;

          (2)  information on sources of traffic;

          (3)  information on timing synchronisation and slippage rates.

16.2.3    Where congestion occurs on a Traffic Route used for the conveyance
          of Traffic for both Parties, the Parties shall agree and apply
          appropriate network management procedures in accordance with the
          provision described in the Operations and Maintenance Manual. Where
          such agreement cannot be reached, either Party may apply appropriate
          network management procedures to Traffic originating in its System to
          alleviate the problem.

16.2.4    The Parties shall use reasonable endeavours to identify and
          resolve the problem and if the Parties fail to resolve the problem it
          shall become a Dispute.


          Transmission performance standards over an Interconnect Link shall be
          based on availability, errored seconds and severely errored seconds
          over a one month period.


          Each Party ("the first Party") shall provide to the other, as the
          other Party may reasonably require, information on the performance
          standards of the first Party's System from time to time for the
          purpose of the other Party verifying the performance by the first
          Party of its obligations under this Agreement, including without
          limitation the performance standards referred to in this paragraph 16,
          routine maintenance time scales and fault repair times as set out in
          the Operations and Maintenance Manual.

17.       OPERATIONS

17.1      GENERAL

17.1.1    Each Party shall be responsible for the safety and operation of
          its own System.

17.1.2    The Operations and Maintenance Manual details the responsibilities,
          methods and procedures for the operation and maintenance of the
          interconnection of the Systems. Details of contacts are given in the
          Customer Service Plan.

                                 Page 31 of 38



17.2.1    Each Party will advise its Customers to report all faults to its
          fault reporting centre.

17.2.2    If a Party's Customer reports a fault to the fault reporting
          centre of the other Party, that Party will inform the Customer of the
          correct number to which to report the fault.

17.2.3    If a major fault occurs which affects both Parties' Systems, initial
          responsibility for identifying the fault rests with the Party who
          first becomes aware of the fault.

17.2.4    If a Party identifies a fault occurring in its System which may
          have an adverse effect on the other Party's System, the first Party
          shall promptly inform the other Party of the actions being taken to
          resolve the problem.

17.2.5    Each Party shall bear the costs of its own fault reporting centre.


          The Parties shall develop and record in the Operations and Maintenance
          Manual, a series of agreed response times for different fault
          conditions, response time being the time from the reporting of the
          fault until remedial action begins.


          The service restoration procedures set out in the Operations and
          Maintenance Manual are based on the following:

          (1)  service restoration shall take priority over the clearance of
               faults not affecting service unless it is agreed that a fault be
               treated as a lower priority;

          (2)  the relevant Party shall automatically bring in available standby
               Capacity and/or carry out network management actions to restore

          (3)  the relevant Party shall observe equipment alarms and carry out
               testing to identify the nature and location of the fault in
               co-operation with the other Party as necessary;

          (4)  if possible, the relevant Party shall rectify the fault
               immediately, if not, the other Party must be notified and kept
               informed of progress on a regular basis;

                                 Page 32 of 38


          (5)  if temporary repairs are made, the other Party must be informed
               and given the estimated timescale and service impact of full
               repair; and

          (6)  priority shall be given by the relevant Party to faults with the
               highest service loss impact on the number of Customers or the
               volume of traffic affected.


          Indicative restoration times and procedures are set out in the
          Operations and Maintenance Manual.


17.6.1    Each Party shall provide not less than 3 Working Days notice of
          any planned maintenance which may affect the other's System. Each
          Party shall use its reasonable endeavours to minimise disruption and
          where possible provide alternative routing at no charge to the other
          Party for a reasonable period of time with respect to the cause of the

17.6.2    If a Party reasonably considers that the interconnection
          arrangements are at risk and maintenance repair activity is essential,
          that Party shall give as much advance notice to the other Party as is
          reasonably practicable.

18.       SERVICES


          This paragraph 18 sets out the technical requirements relating to the
          services provided in accordance with particular Schedules.


          The arrangements for routing Calls from the Operator System to the
          services listed below are via a BT Switch Connection at a BT Tandem
          Exchange. The digits forwarded from the Operator System to the BT
          System shall be those below together with the two identification
          digits appropriate to the Operator as network address digits. The
          Operator shall use the identification digits agreed with BT:

          Service                                     Digits
          National Operator Assistance Service        100
          Emergency Service                           999
          DQ Service                                  192
          International Operator Assistance Service   155
          IDQ Service                                 153
          Blind or Disabled Service                   195

                                 Page 33 of 38


          each service being as defined in the appropriate Schedules.

18.3      CLI

          CLI shall be requested and provided in a manner consistent with the
          Generic C7 Signalling Interface Specification. However CLI is not
          available for Operator Basic International Incoming Calls or BT Basic
          International Outgoing Calls.


          Where a Party assists the police in identification of Calling Parties
          with malicious intent the Parties shall co-operate and when
          appropriate use CLI, such use being subject to paragraphs 11 and 21 of
          the main body of this Agreement.


          The handing over of Emergency Calls to the BT System at agreed BT
          Tandem Exchanges is subject to the following conditions:

          (1)  Trunk reservation, physical separation or other appropriate
               method shall ensure the availability of emergency circuits to
               carry Emergency Calls in the Interconnect Link;

          (2)  The BT Switch Connection at the BT Tandem Exchange shall route
               Emergency Calls to the BT Operator. Alternative routing shall be
               applied by the BT System when required and where this alternative
               routing fails, the BT System shall return a terminal congestion
               indication to the Operator;

          (3)  Where possible, the Operator System shall present the relevant BT
               Tandem Exchange with an Initial and Final Addressing Message
               ("IFAM") containing the protection bit set.
                                 Page 34 of 38


                                   APPENDIX A



1.1       Names and Addresses of all Operator Exchanges within the area covered
          by the BT System.

1.2       Address of each Operator building within the area covered by the BT
          System which is capable of supporting IECs.

2.1       Number Ranges of Operator Exchanges within the area covered by the BT
          System and unless the Operator is only providing Land Mobile Radio
          Services (as defined in the BT Licence) the interconnectivity of and
          functionality provided by Operator Exchanges used for the conveyance
          of Calls pursuant to this Agreement.


3.1       Names and addresses of BT ISCs.

3.2       Names and addresses of BT Tandem Exchanges

3.3       Names and addresses of BT DLTEs

3.4       Names and addresses of BT DLEs

3.5       Address of each BT building which is capable of supporting IECs.


4.1       Number Ranges of BT DLEs, BT DLTEs, BT ALEs and of those exchanges
          which are connected by a BT DLE alone to the remainder of the BT

4.2       For each BT DLE, BT DLTE and BT ALE, the names of the BT Tandem
          Exchanges which are the Parent BT Exchanges.

4.3       For each BT DLE or BT ALE, where appropriate, the name of the BT


5.1       Addresses of relevant ISI locations together with annotated Ordnance
          Survey map extracts.
                                 Page 35 of 38


                                   APPENDIX B



1.1       Details of the Operator Exchange or Exchanges, software build levels
          and of relevant Operator Switch Connections nominated by the Operator.

1.2       Details of relevant BT Switch Connections nominated by the Operator.

1.3       Details of the relevant Schedules.

1.4       Number Ranges served by and that may be accessed via the Operator

1.5       A statement of the conformity of the Operator System to the

1.6       Capacity Profile.

1.7       Traffic Forecasts.

1.8       Traffic Routes, by Number Ranges.

1.9       Details of proposed Points of Connection and Interconnect Links
          requested by the Operator.

1.10      Where the Operator intends to send Emergency Calls to the BT System,
          and the Operator Licensed Area is smaller than the geographic area
          covered by the BT System, the Operator shall provide BT with a map
          showing the boundary of the area from where Emergency Calls are to be
          sent to the BT System to a scale of approximately 1:50,000.


2.1       Signalling and Testing requirements.

2.2       Details of relevant Operator Switch Connections and BT Switch
          Connections nominated by BT, if any.

2.3       Traffic Routes by Number Ranges if the Operator is using more than one
          Operator Switch Connection.

                                 Page 36 of 38


                                   APPENDIX C



1.1       If either Party (the "Defaulting Party") in any ACO Period, places
          Capacity Orders on the other Party for less than the minimum Capacity
          specified pursuant to either paragraph 10.1.2 or 10.1.5 of Annex A,
          then the Defaulting Party shall pay to the other Party not later than
          30 Working Days of the end of such ACO Period the prepayment charges
          calculated in accordance with paragraph 1.2 of this Appendix.

1.2       Prepayment charges are calculated in accordance with the following

          A    =   ((80% x B)-C) x D


          A    is the prepayment charge payable;

          B    is the aggregate Capacity Provision (by number of units 2Mbit/s
               Capacity) specified for the relevant ACO Period in the relevant
               Advance Capacity Order (not including if the Defaulting Party is
               the Operator, Capacity required for traffic handed over from the
               BT System);

          C    the Capacity (by number of units of 2Mbit/s Capacity) ordered
               during such ACO Period not including cancellations of Capacity
               Orders made during or after the relevant ACO Period;

          D    is half the Intrabuilding Link connection charge applicable for
               the ACO Period, as detailed in the Carrier Price List from time
               to time.


2.1       The liquidated damages referred to in paragraph 10.2.1(4) of Annex A
          shall be 1.5% of Intrabuilding Link connection charge specified from
          time to time in the Carrier Price List for each 2Mbit/s unit of
          Capacity which is subject of the relevant Capacity Order, multiplied
          by the number of Working Days calculated from a date 25 Working Days
          after the date on which the Capacity should have been Ready for
          Testing pursuant to paragraph 11 of Annex A, except that no liquidated
          damages shall be payable if the Purchaser causes a delay to the Ready
          for Service date by failing to complete the testing of the Capacity in
          the time period set out in paragraph 10.2.1(1) of Annex A.

                                 Page 37 of 38



3.1       If the notice by the Purchaser, pursuant to paragraph 10.2.1(2) of
          Annex A is given less than five Working Days before the scheduled
          Ready for Test Date, the Purchaser shall pay, on demand, a
          cancellation charge of 20% of the relevant connection charge, or
          charges, specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List and
          referred to in Schedule 01 or 130 as appropriate.


4.1       If, pursuant to paragraph 11.2 of Annex A, Capacity is removed a
          proportion of the relevant connection charge shall be repaid to the
          Party requesting the removal. The amount to be repaid shall be:

          R = (0.466 x C) - (0.466 x C x Y)

          R    is the amount to be repaid

          C    is the relevant connection charge referred to in Schedule 01 or
               130 as appropriate and specified from time to time in the Carrier
               Price List

          Y    is the number of years between the Ready for Test Date for the
               relevant Capacity and the date of the removal order rounded up to
               the next whole year.


5.1       The charge payable pursuant to paragraph 11.3.2 of Annex A shall be
          50% of the difference between the connection charges specified from
          time to time in the Carrier Price List, for the originally ordered and
          the amended Capacity Order.


6.1       The charge payable pursuant to paragraph 11.5 of Annex A shall be 50%
          of the applicable connection charge specified from time to time in the
          Carrier Price List.

                                 Page 38 of 38

                                   ANNEX B

                              BILLING AND PAYMENT


1         Definitions
2         Recording of Billing Information
3         Exchange of Billing Information
4         Invoices
5         Payment
6         Disputes
7         "TIBS" System Change Notification


1.1      In this Annex, a reference to a paragraph, unless stated otherwise, is
         to a paragraph of this Annex. Words and expressions have the meaning
         given in Annex D.


2.1      Subject to paragraph 2.2, each Party shall for those Calls for which it
         is the Billing Party collect for each individual Call, record (whether
         in bulk or on an itemised Call basis) and process in accordance with
         paragraph 2.4 the Billing Information.

2.2      The Parties acknowledge that INCA or other Billing Systems may not be
         capable of collecting and/or recording and/or processing all types of
         Calls. BT or the Operator (as applicable) shall, as appropriate,
         collect (for each individual Call), record (whether in bulk or on an
         itemised Call basis) and process (in accordance with paragraph 2.4)
         Billing Information for the types of Call for which INCA or other
         Billing Systems are not operational and in respect of which the other
         Party is the Billing Party.

2.3      The types of Calls for which INCA or other Billing Systems are not
         operational are as described from time to time in the Billing Manual.

2.4      There shall be recorded for each Call for which there is an entry in
         the Carrier Price List the following:

                                 Page 1 of 10
2.4.1     Interconnect Link identifier (unless otherwise specified in the
          Billing Manual); and

2.4.2     the dialled digits and/or such other information as may be agreed; and

2.4.3     CLI (if available); and

2.4.4     the date and time when the Answer Signal is received by the Party
          providing the Billing Information;

2.4.5    Chargeable Call Duration (whether measured or derived).

2.5      The Billing Party shall provide with the invoice appropriate support
         Billing Information as described in the Billing Manual to enable the
         non-billing Party to validate the invoice.


3.1      The Billing Party shall process the information specified in paragraph
         2.4 so as to produce such information (including, if applicable, the
         call segments listed from time to time in the Carrier Price List) by
         the applicable time of day/period in summary form and to complete and
         carry out in the following matrix comprising of generic Interconnect
         Usage Report as follows:

                                 Page 2 of 10

                                                        TABLE A.1

Call Type                  Daytime                    Evening                    Weekend                    Total

as per Carrier      Call#  Duration  Revenue   Call#  Duration  Revenue   Call#  Duration  Revenue   Call#  Duration  Revenue
Price List          ND     MD        RD        NE     ME        RE        NW     MW        RW        N      M         R

TOTAL               END    EMD       ERD       ENE    EME       ERE       ENW    EMW       ERW       EN     EM        ER

or such other form of Interconnect Usage Report as the Parties may from time to
time reasonably agree.

Where:  N    =    the total number of Calls                and where  R    =    N x F; or
        M    =    the total Chargeable Call Duration                  R    =    M x G; or

        F    =    appropriate rate per Call                           R    =    (N x F) + (M x G)

        G    =    appropriate rate per minute              as appropriate in accordance with the
                                                           Carrier Price List being the amount to
                                                           be shown on the relevant invoice.

for the relevant entry in the Carrier Price List.

                                 Page 3 of 10

3.2       The Operator shall supply BT with Billing Information recorded by it
          pursuant to paragraph 2.2 not later than ten Working Days after the
          end of each Billing Period. Subject to receipt pursuant to paragraph
          3.3.1 of the necessary TIBS Information (if any) from BT, the Operator
          shall, not later than ten Working Days after the end of each Billing
          Period, supply to BT the latest TIBS Billing Information and Refund

3.3       BT shall supply the Operator with Billing Information as follows:

3.3.1     BT shall use its reasonable endeavours to supply to the Operator on
          average four times each week the latest TIBS Information and such
          other relevant information as may be agreed from time to time in
          writing. Without prejudice to any dispute resolution provision in this
          Agreement it is hereby acknowledged that TIBS Information shall be
          relied upon by the Operator to calculate charges payable by Operator
          Customers using the Operator System;

3.3.2     BT shall supply to the Operator the Carrier Chargeband Reference Data
          together with such other data as the Parties may agree. Such Carrier
          Chargeband Reference Data (including changes thereto) shall be
          supplied on a quarterly basis at such times as shall be agreed on
          public access Internet or by dial-up modem.

3.4       The Operator shall supply Billing Information in respect of the
          Operator System to BT such information, being the Operator's
          equivalent of the Billing Information contained in paragraph 3.3.2, to
          be supplied at such time and in such form as BT may reasonably
          require. All Billing Information provided under paragraphs 3.2 to 3.4
          shall be sent by such means as are described in the Billing Manual.

3.5       The Operator shall process the TIBS Information as soon as
          practicable. If the Operator asks questions about the TIBS
          Information, it shall use its reasonable endeavours to do so as soon
          as practicable after receipt of the tapes or receipt by electronic
          transfer, as applicable. The Operator shall return tapes (if any) to
          BT when the TIBS Information has been processed.

3.6       The Parties acknowledge that the primary method of exchanging Billing
          Information is the completion by the Billing Party of the appropriate
          Interconnect Usage Report and the sending of such reports (or a
          summary thereof) to the other Party.

3.7       The Billing Party shall store Billing Information in such summary
          format and in such amounts as shall be sufficient to recalculate the
          amounts due from one Party to the other to take account of changes in
          the relevant entries of the Carrier Price List.

3.8       If the System or the Billing System of either Party malfunctions and
          fails to provide all of the Billing Information necessary for the
          Billing Party to prepare an invoice, the other Party shall at the
          request and reasonable
                                Page 4 of 10

          expense of the Billing Party use its reasonable endeavours to supply
          the missing Billing Information to the Billing Party. There shall be
          no legal liability on the Billing Party for the preparation of an
          incorrect invoice resulting from inaccuracies in such Billing
          Information provided by the other Party to the Billing Party. The
          Parties acknowledge that Billing Information supplied by the other
          Party pursuant to this paragraph shall have been supplied via a
          verification system (rather than a Billing System) and such other
          Party cannot warrant that the information is free of error.

3.9       If the Parties' monitoring of their respective Billing Information
          indicates a persistent inconsistency in reconciling Billing
          Information provided by the Parties' respective Billing Systems, the
          Parties shall use their reasonable endeavours to ascertain the cause
          of such inconsistency, including, subject to the Parties agreement,
          the reference of the matter for investigation and resolution by such
          appropriate independent consultant as the Parties may agree, or in
          default of agreement, as may be nominated by the President of the
          Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Such
          independent consultant shall act as an expert and not as arbitrator
          and whose decision, in the absence of manifest error, shall be final
          and binding. The Parties shall co-operate in such investigation. The
          independent consultant's costs for such investigation shall be paid by
          the Parties in such proportions as the independent consultant shall

3.10      The Operator shall provide as part of the Billing Information,
          information to identify the origin, type and destination of Calls in
          sufficient detail to enable the calculation of BT's Access Deficit.
          For each Call handed over to the Operator System by a Third Party
          Operator's system, the Operator shall use its reasonable endeavours to
          identify the Third Party Operator.

3.11      Save as may be otherwise provided in a Schedule, charges shall not be
          payable under this Agreement by either Party to the other for the
          conveyance of a Call if the Call is not connected when there is a
          "ring" tone with no reply, an "engaged" tone or "number unobtainable"

3.12      For the avoidance of doubt, if a Chargeable Call Duration extends over
          2 or more charge rate periods the Call shall be recorded as a single
          Call in the charge rate period applying at the commencement of the
          Call and the Chargeable Call Duration shall be apportioned and
          recorded in each of the charge rate periods applicable to that Call.

4.        INVOICES

4.1       At the end of each Billing Period the Billing Party shall use its
          reasonable endeavours to submit to the other Party, within a
          reasonable time, invoices for charges for Calls (including, without
          limitation, the Access Deficit Contribution) and other services for
          which the Billing Party is entitled to charge the other Party during
          such Billing Period.
                                Page 5 of 10

4.2       Following the end of each Billing Period and provided that the
          relevant Billing Information has been supplied in accordance with
          paragraph 3:

4.2.1     the Operator shall use its reasonable endeavours to submit to BT
          invoices for charges for Calls and other services for which the
          Operator is entitled to charge BT during such Billing Period; and

4.2.2     BT shall use its reasonable endeavours to submit to the Operator
          invoices for charges for services provided to the Operator by BT
          (being services the subject of TIBS Billing Information and Refund
          Reports) during such Billing Period and save for international
          Transfer Charge Calls (to the extent not previously invoiced) the two
          immediately preceding Billing Periods;

4.2.3     for international Transfer Charge Calls the provisions of paragraph
          4.2.2 shall apply save that subject to the provisions of 4.2.4 BT
          shall submit an invoice for an international Transfer Charge Call not
          later than 10 months from the date of such a Call;

4.2.4     BT shall use its reasonable endeavours to notify in writing the
          Operator of any notification which BT has received from an Authorised
          Overseas System, as a result of which notification, BT reasonably
          expects that BT would not be capable of submitting invoices for
          international Transfer Charge Calls within the period specified in
          paragraph 4.2.3. Any such notification to be sent to the Operator by
          BT shall be given not later than 6 months from the date of the
          relevant international Charge Calls. If such notification is given, BT
          may submit an invoice after 10 months from the date of the relevant
          international Transfer Charge Call.

4.3       All charges payable under this Agreement shall be calculated in
          accordance with this Agreement and at the rates specified from time to
          time in the Carrier Price List. Invoices for charges shall be invoiced
          and paid for in accordance with paragraphs 14 and 15 of the main body
          of this Agreement together with the relevant Schedule and the Carrier
          Price List, as appropriate. Detailed invoicing procedures are
          described in the Billing Manual.

4.4       For the avoidance of doubt, an invoice (including an invoice based on
          estimated information) shall be dated as of the date of despatch of
          that invoice.

4.5       For services (other than Calls) the Billing Party shall provide with
          the invoice appropriate Billing Information as described in the
          Billing Manual to enable the non-billing Party to accurately process
          the invoice for such services. Detailed invoicing procedures are
          described in the Billing Manual.

4.6       If the Operator fails to supply to BT pursuant to paragraph 2 or
          paragraph 3.2 Billing Information necessary for BT to deliver an
          invoice under

                                Page 6 of 10

          paragraph 4.2.2 (other than due to an act or omission of BT) the
          following provisions shall apply:

4.6.1     BT may deliver an invoice ("estimated invoice") for an amount due to
          BT for such period, such amount being equal to the relevant amount
          contained in BT's invoice for the immediately preceding Billing Period
          as increased for decreased by the Relevant Percentage. For the purpose
          of this paragraph "Relevant Percentage" means the percentage increase
          or decrease in the aggregate amounts due to BT under this Agreement
          over the last two months for which Billing Information shall have been
          supplied by the Operator in accordance with paragraphs 2 or 3.2.

4.6.2     Following the supply by the Operator of the necessary Billing
          Information relating to the Billing Period for which an estimated
          invoice has been delivered to BT the amounts due to BT in respect of
          any subsequent invoice(s) submitted to the Operator shall be adjusted
          accordingly by the amount over or under paid by the Operator in
          respect of the estimated invoice, save to the extent already paid or

4.6.3     Any payment due to BT (or any refund due to the Operator) as
          appropriate shall be made pursuant to paragraph 4.6.2 together with
          interest on such additional payment or refund, such interest
          calculated at the Default Interest Rate as at the date being 30
          calendar days from the date of despatch of the estimated invoice. Such
          interest shall be payable (in the case of an additional payment due)
          from and including the day after the Due Date, or (in the case of a
          refund) the later of the date of payment of the original amount to be
          refunded and the Due Date, in each case ending on the date of payment
          or, as the case may be, the date of refund in full. Such interest
          shall accrue from day to day and shall not be compounded.

4.7       A calculation of interest at the Oftel Interest Rate shall be
          calculated on a daily basis from and including the date of payment of
          the original amount to be adjusted up to and including the date on
          which the adjusted amount is paid.

5.        PAYMENT

5.1       Subject as stated below, all charges due by one Party to the other
          under this Agreement shall be payable by the Due Date.

5.2       If, pursuant to paragraph 6.1, either Party shall have notified the
          other of a dispute relating to such invoice and such dispute shall not
          have been resolved before the Due Date, and if the amount in dispute

5.2.1     less than 5 per cent. of the total amount (excluding VAT) of the
          relevant invoice, the total amount invoiced; or
                                Page 7 of 10

5.2.2     5 per cent. or more of the total amount (excluding VAT) of the
          relevant invoice, the amount in dispute may be withheld until the
          dispute is resolved and the balance;

          shall be due and payable on the Due Date.

5.3       Notwithstanding notification of a dispute pursuant to paragraphs 6.1
          or 6.5, if a Party fails to pay on the Due Date any amount due under
          this Agreement or shall overpay any amount, the payee or, as the case
          may be (subject to paragraph 5.5) the over-payer, shall pay or be paid
          interest at the Default Interest Rate as at the Due Date or date of
          the overpayment in respect of any such amount outstanding.

5.4       Interest at the Default Interest Rate shall be payable (for late
          payment) from and including the day after the Due Date or (in the case
          of a refund) the later of the date of payment of the original amount
          to be refunded and the Due Date, in each case ending on the date of
          payment or, as the case may be, refund in full. Such interest at the
          Default Interest Rate shall accrue day by day and shall not be

5.5       If such overpayment results from information provided by the overpayer
          (which is not attributable to information provided by the payee
          Party), the payee Party shall be under no obligation to pay any
          interest at the Default Interest Rate on the amount overpaid.

5.6       If a recalculation and adjustment is required pursuant to paragraphs
          12 or 13 of the main body of this Agreement, the amount of such
          adjustment together with interest calculated at the Oftel Interest
          Rate shall be calculated and paid accordingly.

5.7       Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraphs 5.1 to 5.5
          (inclusive) a Party shall pay pursuant to paragraph 5.6 to the other
          the amount of the adjustment together with interest calculated at the
          Oftel Interest Rate calculated from the later of the date on which the
          relevant payment was paid or the Due Date, to the date on which the
          adjustment is paid (both dates inclusive).

5.8       VAT shall be added to all or any part of the charges under this
          Agreement and shall be paid by the Party responsible for making such

6.        DISPUTES

6.1       Each Party shall use its reasonable endeavours to resolve disputes
          with the other. If either Party ("the disputing Party") disputes the
          accuracy of an invoice delivered under this Agreement the disputing
          Party shall, as soon as practicable, notify in writing the other
          Party's billing liaison contact of the nature and extent of the
          problem. If the problem remains unresolved on the last but one Working
          Day before the date when the relevant invoice is due for payment, the
          disputing Party may invoke the formal billing dispute

                                  PAGE 8 of 10


          procedures set out in paragraph 6.2 by written notification to the
          other, such notification to be given not later than five Working Days
          after the Due Date of the relevant invoice. The disputing Party shall
          include with such notice all details reasonably necessary to
          substantiate its claim, which details shall be reasonably capable of
          being verified by the other Party.

6.2       Following a notification made under paragraph 6.1 that either Party
          wishes to invoke the formal billing dispute procedures, the Parties
          shall consult and endeavour to resolve the dispute at level 1 of
          consultation and if agreement cannot be reached within 15 Working
          Days, shall escalate the disagreement to level 2. If agreement cannot
          be reached within 10 Working Days at level 2, the matter shall be
          escalated to level 3. Each Party shall inform the other in writing of
          the name of its representative at each level of consultation. Subject
          to paragraph 6.7, each Party shall use the above dispute resolution
          procedure for any dispute under this Annex to the fullest extent to
          try to resolve such dispute. The Parties may agree in writing to
          extend the above timescales.

6.3       Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 6.1, if the Parties fail
          to resolve any dispute either, in not less than two months (for a
          dispute notified pursuant to paragraph 6.2), or, in not less than
          three months (for a dispute notified pursuant to paragraph 6.5) in
          each case from the Due Date of the relevant disputed invoice (or such
          extended period as the Parties may agree) either Party may (by written
          notice to the other to such effect) refer the dispute for
          investigation and resolution by such chartered accountants as the
          Parties may agree, or in default of agreement, as may be nominated by
          the President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and
          Wales. Such chartered accountants shall act as an expert and not as
          arbitrator and whose decision, in the absence of evidence of manifest
          error, shall be final and binding. The Parties shall co-operate in
          such investigation and, if any sums are found to be due or overpaid in
          respect of the disputed invoice such sum shall be paid or refunded
          (with interest payable or paid pursuant to paragraph 5.3), as the case
          may be, within 10 Working Days from the date of resolution or earlier
          settlement between the Parties.

6.4       The costs of the chartered accountant agreed or nominated pursuant to
          paragraph 6.3 shall be paid by the disputing Party unless the relevant
          invoice is established to have been incorrect by more than the lesser
          of (a) 5 per cent. of the total amount of the charges (excluding VAT)
          specified in the invoice and (b) Pounds Sterling5,000 (excluding VAT),
          when the Billing Party shall pay such costs.

6.5       Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 6.1 a Party may by written
          notice raise a dispute regarding any invoice delivered under this
          Agreement at any time following five Working Days after the Due Date,
          save that no such notice shall be given more than 12 months after the
          date of the relevant invoice. If notice under this paragraph 6.5 is
          given after the latest date for giving notice specified in paragraph
          6.1, the preceding provisions of this paragraph 6 shall apply mutatis
          mutandis, save that in paragraph 6.2 in relation to the number of
          Working Days "15" and "10" shall be substituted by "30" and "20",

                                  PAGE 9 of 10

6.6       The above procedures are without prejudice to any other rights and
          remedies that may be available in respect of any breach of any
          provision of this Agreement.

6.7       Though it is the good faith intention of the Parties to use the above
          dispute resolution procedures to the fullest extent to try to resolve
          such a dispute, nothing in this Annex shall prevent either Party
          seeking, obtaining or implementing interlocutory or other immediate
          relief in respect of any dispute or referring, in accordance with any
          right it may have under the other Party's Licence or its Licence, any
          matter relating to this Annex or any dispute arising in relation to
          this Annex, to the Director General requesting him to make a
          determination or take other appropriate steps for its resolution.


7.1       BT shall notify the Operator by giving not less than 6 months written
          notice if BT is proposing a replacement of, or fundamental change in

                                 Page 10 of 10
                                    ANNEX C



               JOINT SERVICES

     01        In-Span Interconnection (ISI), Third Party ISI & Interconnect
               Extension Circuits
     04        Number Portability

               BT SERVICES

    101        BT Telephony Calls to the BT System
    102        BT Transit Calls via the BT System
    103        BT Operator to Operator Transit Calls via the BT System
    104        BT International Outgoing Calls to Authorised Overseas Systems
               via the BT System
    110        Freefone(TM) 0800 Calls
    111        Lo-Call(TM) 0345 Calls
    112        BT Premium Rate Service Calls
    116        National Call(TM) 0990 Calls
    117        Phone Base(TM) Calls
    118        BT Timeline(TM) Service
    120        National Operator Assistance Service
    121        Directory Enquiry Service
    122        International Operator Assistance Service
    123        International Directory Enquiry Service
    124        Emergency Service
    126        Radiotelephone Calls
    130        Customer Sited Interconnect
    140        Data Management Amendments
    150        Entries in BT's Number Information System (NIS) and Phone
    152        Supply of BT Phone Books
    153        Supply of Customised Telephone Directories

               OPERATOR SERVICES
    541        Operator Telephony Calls to the Operator System

    545        Operator International Incoming Calls from Authorised Overseas
               Systems via the BT System handed over to the Operator System
    546        Operator BT to BT Transit Calls (Ported) via the Operator System

                                  PAGE 1 of 1

                                    ANNEX C
                                  SCHEDULE 01



1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix, unless
          stated otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule.
          Words and expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as
          shown below:

"2MBIT/S ISI INTERCONNECT LINK"      an Interconnect Link comprising a 2Mbit/s
                                     path (within an ISI Interconnect Link), two
                                     Intrabuilding Links, Multiplexor service
                                     and as appropriate, a Signalling Link
                                     and/or one or two Interconnect Extension

"ADDITIONAL LINK"                    a Link, being part of an Interconnect Link,
                                     between a Third Party Operator building,
                                     and an Operator building, or (as the
                                     context requires), a BT building;

"EXISTING LINK"                      an ISI Interconnect Link between BT and a
                                     Third Party Operator;

"PATH PROTECTION"                    the facility of two transmission paths
                                     providing a particular ISI Interconnect
                                     Link whereby the failure of one
                                     transmission path causes the transmission
                                     of the ISI Interconnect Link to switch to
                                     the alternative;

"THIRD PARTY ISI INTERCONNECT LINK"  an ISI Interconnect Link comprising an
                                     Additional Link and an Existing Link.


2.1       This Schedule applies to the joint provision by the Parties of In span
          Interconnect and/or Third Party ISI Interconnect Links, the provision
          by either Party of an IEC and the provision by BT of Path Protection.

2.2       In span Interconnect (ISI) is the provision jointly by each Party of
          an Interconnect Link by the provision of an ISI Interconnect Link and
          2Mbit/s ISI Interconnect Links, such Link having its Point of
          Connection on the public highway or, subject to the Parties'
          agreement, on a prospectively
                                  PAGE 1 of 13


          maintainable public highway, with portion of the Interconnect Link
          being provided by each Party on its side of the Point Of Connection.

2.3       For the purposes of this Schedule, "unidirectional Calls" shall be
          those Calls for which a Party has responsibility pursuant to paragraph
          5.1.3 of Annex A.

3.        GENERAL

3.1       Upon a Party's (the requesting Party) request, the other Party shall,
          in accordance with the provisions of this Schedule and Annex A,
          provide the relevant portion of the ISI Interconnect Links using
          either SDH or PDH technology (subject to that other Party supporting
          the technology).

3.2       The Point of Connection of an ISI Interconnect Link is the point where
          a Party's duct is joined to the wall of the other Party's jointing

3.3       The Point of Connection of an ISI Interconnect Link or a Third Party
          ISI Interconnect Link shall not be located at such distance from the
          other Party's Switch Connection that signal regeneration is required
          to be carried out by such other Party.

3.4       Forecasting, technical interfaces and their application, provisioning
          leadtimes and test procedures are specified in Annex A.


4.1       A Party (the requesting Party) may request an Interconnect Link to
          convey Calls (a) from the requesting Party's System; or (b) both to
          and from its System.

4.2       The Parties shall agree the number of pairs of fibres to be equipped
          within the ISI Interconnect Links to take account of the forecast
          requirement for 2Mbit/s ISI Interconnect Link. The Parties shall
          co-operate to ensure that the capacity of the ISI Interconnect Link is
          augmented from time to time to meet both Parties' forecast
          transmission capacity requirements.

4.3       Procedures for the installation of the Interconnect Link and of the
          2Mbit/s ISI Interconnect Links are described in the Provisioning
          Manual and ongoing maintenance arrangements are described in the
          Operations and Maintenance Manual.

4.4       2Mbit/s ISI Interconnect Links shall be ordered in accordance with
          Annex A. The timescales for the provision of 2Mbit/s ISI Interconnect
          Links are detailed in paragraph 11 of Annex A.

4.5       The requesting Party shall nominate the other Party's Switch
          Connection in accordance with the provisions of Annex A.

                                  PAGE 2 of 13


4.6       The ISI Interconnect Link shall be established by the requesting Party
          installing its cable to the other Party's jointing chamber (at,
          subject to paragraphs 4.7 and 4.10, a precise physical location agreed
          between the Parties) where it shall be:

4.6.1     jointed to the other Party's cable in the jointing chamber; or

4.6.2     handed over to the other Party to be drawn by the other Party

          (a)  that other Party's building, (which shall be the building housing
               the Switch Connection, (except if an IEC is provided under
               paragraph 7, when the other Party's building is ascertained
               pursuant to paragraph 7.4)); or

          (b)  another jointing chamber,

               if the requesting Party's cable meets the standard specified in
               the Operational Provisioning Manual

4.7       If, pursuant to paragraphs 4.10.2 and/or 4.11, the Parties locate the
          jointing chamber at a distance which is greater than 100 Metres from
          the other Party's curtilage of the building housing the LTE of the ISI
          Interconnect Link, the requesting Party shall pay for:

4.7.1     duct charges (if any); and

4.7.2     ISI Interconnect Link rental charges on the distance which is more
          than 100 metres from the other Party's curtilage aforesaid

          subject to the provisions of paragraph 11.4, in accordance with the
          relevant charges specified from time to time in the Carrier Price

4.8       Subject to paragraphs 4.7 and 4.10:

4.8.1     the jointing chamber for an ISI Interconnect Link shall be
          provided, owned and maintained by the other (i.e. the non requesting
          Party) Party at its own expense; and

4.8.2     each Party will provide, own, maintain and be responsible for all
          ducting, plant and equipment and will bear its own costs for the
          ducting, cabling and maintenance of the ISI Interconnect Link on its
          side of the Point of Connection; and

4.8.3     if continuous cable is used, the requesting Party hereby agrees that
          ownership of that part of the cable on the other Party's side of the
          Point of Connection passes to the other Party.
                                  PAGE 3 of 13



4.9       If the requested ISI Interconnect Link is to contain 2Mbit/s ISI
          Interconnect Links conveying unidirectional traffic in different
          directions the Parties shall, not more than 20 Working Days from the
          date of written request, endeavour to agree the location of the
          jointing chamber required for the Point of Connection.

4.10      If pursuant to paragraph 4.9 the Parties fail to reach agreement:

4.10.1    a Party may request an ISI Interconnect Link to convey
          unidirectional Calls from the requesting Party's System; or

4.10.2    the requesting Party may nominate the location of the jointing chamber
          required for the Point of Connection and if such nomination is agreed,
          the requesting Party shall pay the charges specified from time to time
          in the Carrier Price List being the charges in respect of (a) an ISI
          Interconnect Link, (b) duct, (c) bothway Signalling Link Set and (d)
          each 2Mbit/s ISI Interconnect Link

          and if not later than 20 Working Days from the date of such written
          request no agreement is reached on the location of the jointing
          chamber, either Party may notify a Dispute.


4.11      Unless otherwise agreed, if the requested ISI Interconnect Link is to
          convey unidirectional Calls from the requesting Party's System:

4.11.1    the location of the jointing chamber required for the Point of
          Connection for such ISI Interconnect Link shall be on the public
          highway immediately outside the curtilage of the building referred to
          in paragraph 4.6.2;

4.11.2    the requesting Party shall pay the Charges specified from time to time
          in the Carrier Price List being the charges in respect of (a) an ISI
          Interconnect Link, (b) duct, (c) unidirectional Signalling Link Set
          and (d) each 2 Mbit/s ISI Interconnect Link.


5.1       For an ISI Interconnect Link the Operator may request, and BT shall
          provide, Path Protection using:

          (a)  a single BT jointing chamber with a single cable and two separate
               pairs of fibre in that cable; or

          (b)  a single BT jointing chamber with two separate cables; or

                                PAGE 4 of 13


          (c)  two separate BT jointing chambers with two separate cables into
               those BT jointing chambers; and

          a suitable transmission switching mechanism, as described in Annex A,
          without a change to the cable or cables connected to the Switch

5.2       If the Operator requests Path Protection using two jointing chambers
          BT shall endeavour to use a suitable existing jointing chamber (the
          "protection jointing chamber").

5.3       If a suitable protection jointing chamber cannot be identified or 
          used, at the Operator's request BT shall provide a written quotation
          for the installation by BT of the protection jointing chamber.

5.4       If the quotation referred to in paragraph 5.3 is accepted, BT shall
          install the protection jointing chamber for the second cable.

5.5       For the avoidance of doubt, the protection jointing chamber shall be
          installed, owned and maintained by BT.


6.1       Subject to an Interconnect Link having been provided pursuant to this
          Agreement, a Party (the requesting Party) may, pursuant to the terms
          of this Schedule, request, and the other Party shall, subject to the
          provisions of this Schedule, agree to the installation of a Third
          Party ISI Interconnect Link.

6.2       2Mbit/s ISI Interconnect Links provided pursuant to this paragraph 6
          shall be ordered in accordance with Annex A.  The timescales for the
          provision of 2 Mbit/s Interconnect Links are detailed in Annex A.

6.3       The requesting Party shall obtain agreement of the Third Party 
          Operator to use an Existing Link as part of the Third Party ISI 
          Interconnect Link.

6.4       The requesting Party shall provide and/or procure the provision and
          maintenance of the Additional Link, whether by the Third Party
          Operator or, if the requesting Party is the Operator, and subject to
          contract, by BT.

6.5       The other Party shall assume no obligation under this Agreement for 
          the Existing Link. In particular, but without limitation, the other 
          Party shall have no liability to the requesting Party if the 
          Existing Link be taken out of operation in accordance with the Third 
          Party Interconnect Agreement.

6.6       The requesting Party shall:

6.6.1     comply with the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 above, as if the
          Additional Link was provided by the requesting Party under paragraph
          4; and

                                  PAGE 5 of 13


6.6.2     ensure that sufficient arrangements are in place between the
          requesting Party and the Third Party Operator to enable the requesting
          Party so to comply; and

6.6.3     have no obligation to the other Party for the Existing Link save
          as expressly provided in this Agreement.

6.7       The Third Party ISI Interconnect Link shall, for the purposes of the
          respective rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement
          be deemed to be an ISI Interconnect Link and that portion on the
          Operator's side of the Point of Connection shall be deemed a part of
          the requesting Party's System. This provision shall not be construed
          to extend the area covered by the requesting Party's System beyond the
          boundaries set out in that Party's Licence.


7.1       In accordance with this paragraph 7, a Party may request, and the
          other Party shall provide, an Interconnect Extension Circuit, from a
          building referred to in Appendix A of Annex A to a Remote Switch

7.2       IECs shall comply with the Specifications applicable to the provision
          of Links. A Party shall provide IECs with, at its absolute discretion,
          either PDH or SDH technology.

                                PAGE 6 of 13

7.3       The following table specifies the available connections for BT IECs
          from particular ISI termination points:

   ISI link         DLE serving    Parent BT     Dependent    Tandem
 terminating       the Operator     Exchange        DLE      Exchange not 
    point            Licensed      (Notes 2                  being a Parent
                   Area (Notes       and 3)                   BT Exchange
                    1 and 3)                                 
      BT DLE           No              Yes            Not         No
      BT DLTE          Yes             Yes            Yes         No

     BT Tandem         Yes             Yes            Yes         No

         BT            Yes             Yes            Not         No
    transmission                                   Applicable

          Note 1:   Provided that the BT DLE:

                    (a)  is located in the same or Adjacent BT Charge Group to
                         the Point of Connection; and

                    (b)  supports BT Customers in the Operator Licensed Area;

                    (c)  has an existing direct Traffic Route with that
                         termination point.

          Note 2:   The Parent BT Exchange must have a direct connection to a
                    DLE serving the Operator Licensed Area and that DLE must be
                    located in the same or adjacent charge group to the Point of

          Note 3:   For the purpose of the provision of IEC's only, the Operator
                    Licensed Area shall include any areas notified to BT in
                    writing, which are continuous geographical areas (or areas
                    that would be continuous but for separation by a tract of
                    water no more than 8 Kilometres wide), which are subject to
                    Third Party Operator Licences and where the Third Party
                    Operators are Associated Companies of the Operator.

7.4       Operator IECs shall be available between any building referred to in
          Appendix A of Annex A to a Remote Switch Connection.

7.5       Subject to the provisions of Annex A, if the transmission capacity at
          a building is exhausted and additional capacity for an IEC is
          requested by a requesting Party, the other Party shall use its
          reasonable endeavours to

                                PAGE 7 of 13
          provide the additional capacity as soon as reasonably practicable and
          shall notify the requesting Party of the anticipated date of such

7.6       If a Party notifies the other Party pursuant to paragraph 3 of Annex A
          that a building is no longer available for establishing IECs to Remote
          Switch Connections, the other Party may continue to order IECs from
          that building for the then current ACO Period under the then current
          Advance Capacity Order or such longer further period as the Parties
          may agree in writing. Thereafter the first Party shall not be obliged
          to provide an additional IEC from that building.

8.        SIGNALLING

8.1       When ordering, for the first time, 2Mbit/s ISI Interconnect Links
          between a specific BT Switch Connection and a specific Operator Switch
          Connection the Requesting Party shall order a Signalling Link Set and
          specify the Route Type(s).

8.2       The Requesting Party shall order an additional Signalling Link Set if
          the total number of 2Mbit/s ISI Interconnect Links in an ISI
          Interconnect Link exceed 40 or multiples of 40.

8.3       An order for a Signalling Link Set shall include an order for two
          Intrabuilding Links.

9.        ROUTE TYPES

9.1       Each Traffic Route is provided with a Route Type. Where a Party orders
          an additional Route Type it shall specify the required Traffic Type.


10.1      The requesting Party may request in accordance with Annex A the
          rearrangement of Intrabuilding Links on its side of the Point of
          Connection or in the building housing the other Party's Switch

11.       CHARGING

11.1      Subject to the provisions of this paragraph 11 for each provision by
          one Party to the other of ISI Interconnect Links, 2Mbit/s ISI
          Interconnect Links and associated works (including the Multiplexor
          service and IECs), the requesting Party shall pay to the other Party
          the appropriate charges specified from time to time in the Carrier
          Price List.

11.2      The connection and rental charges shall be due on the earlier of the
          relevant Ready for Service Date and 30 days after the relevant Ready
          for Testing date. Subsequent rental charges shall be payable in
          accordance with the periodicity specified from time to time in the
          Carrier Price List.
                                Page 8 of 13
11.3      In addition to the charges specified from time to time in the Carrier
          Price List, each Party shall, if applicable, make the additional
          payments specified in Appendix C of Annex A.

11.4      Rental for an ISI Interconnect Link shall be payable according to the
          following table:

          Unidirectional Call          As set down in the
          Conveyance (Note 1)          Carrier Price List
          (paragraph 4.11.2)           (Note 2).

          Bothway Call Conveyance
          (Agreed Location)
          (Note 1)
          (paragraph 4.7)              None payable.

          Bothway Call Conveyance      R = P x A
          (Location not agreed         Where: "R" is the rental
          but nominated) (Note 1)      payable, "P" is the rental price set
          (paragraph 4.10.2)           down in the Carrier Price List
                                       (Note 2), and "A" =  B
                                       Where: "B" is the number of 2Mbit/s
                                       ISI Interconnect Links conveying the
                                       Calls of the Party who requested the
                                       ISI Interconnect Link (Note 1); and
                                       "C" is the total number of 2Mbit/s ISI
                                       Interconnect Links provided on that
                                       ISI Interconnect Link.

          Note 1:   For the purpose of this table, Route Types involving the
                    conveyance of Calls to one Party, when those Calls are
                    deemed to be that Party's Calls (by way of example Indirect
                    Access Calls), shall not be taken into consideration when
                    determining ISI Interconnect Link classification.

          Note 2:   In this Schedule references to the charges specified in the
                    Carrier Price List are those specified from time to time.

11.5      An Intrabuilding Link charge applies to each order for a 2Mbit/s ISI
          Interconnect Link. If an Intrabuilding Link contains a Signalling Link
          which supports unidirectional traffic the charge for that
          Intrabuilding Link is included in the Signalling Link Set charge.

11.6      There are two different Signalling Link Set charges in respect of an
          ISI Interconnect Link, namely, a charge for such a Link conveying
          unidirectional traffic (including Indirect Access Calls,
          notwithstanding such Calls being
                                Page 9 of 13

          conveyed in the opposite direction,) and a charge for such a Link
          carrying bothway traffic.

11.7      The Signalling Link Set charge includes one single Route Type. Charges
          for additional Route Types are payable as specified from time to time
          in the Carrier Price List.

11.8      A Multiplexor service charge applies to each order for a 2Mbit/s ISI
          Interconnect Link.

11.9      The IEC charge applies to each order for a 2Mbit/s ISI Interconnect
          Link, which order includes an IEC. The requesting Party shall pay the
          charges for the provision of an IEC.


11.10     Subject to the following paragraphs, the Path Protection charges shall
          be the sum of the relevant charges specified from time to time in the
          Carrier Price List.

11.11     Charges for Path Protection shall be the sum of the following relevant
          component charges:

                                        PATH PROTECTION
Type of       Component    Single Cable    Two Cables         Two Cables
Technology    Chargeable   Single          Single Jointing    Two
                           Jointing        Chamber            Jointing
                           Chamber                            Chambers
- ----------    ----------   -------------   ---------------    ----------
    PDH           A           YES              YES               YES
- ----------    ----------   -------------   ---------------    ----------
                  B           n/a              n/a               YES1
- ----------    ----------   -------------   ---------------    ----------
                  C           n/a              n/a               YES
- ----------    ----------   -------------   ---------------    ----------
                  D           n/a              YES               YES
- ----------    ----------   -------------   ---------------    ----------
                  E           n/a              YES2              YES2
- ----------    ----------   -------------   ---------------    ----------
    SDH           A           n/a              n/a               n/a
- ----------    ----------   -------------   ---------------    ----------
                  B           n/a              n/a               YES
- ----------    ----------   -------------   ---------------    ----------
                  C           n/a              n/a               YES
- ----------    ----------   -------------   ---------------    ----------
                  D           n/a              YES               YES
- ----------    ----------   -------------   ---------------    ----------
                  E           n/a              YES2              YES2
- ----------    ----------   -------------   ---------------    ----------

Note 1    Only charged if required under paragraph 5.3

Note 2    Two splices may be required.


                                PAGE 10 of 13


          Component  Charge
          ---------  ------
              A      = transmission switching equipment
              B      = second (protection) jointing chamber
              C      = duct
              D      = cable
              E      = cable splice

11.12     Each cable splice required for the provision of Path Protection has a
          separate charge.

11.1 3    Connection and rental charges shall be payable for each ISI
          Interconnect Link used for Path Protection. Rental shall be payable
          for a minimum of 12 months. Subject to payment being made for the then
          current minimum period of 12 months, rental charges shall be payable
          until the Operator requests BT in writing to cease that Path

11.14     If the Operator requests Path Protection on a particular ISI
          Interconnect Link and:

          (a)  the ISI Interconnect Link is the sole Interconnect Link between
               the specific BT Switch Connection and the specific Operator
               Switch Connection; and

          (b)  there is no other Interconnect Link between that specific
               Operator Switch Connection and any other BT Switch Connection;

          no charge for Path Protection on that particular ISI Interconnect Link
          shall be payable by the Operator while BT uses that ISI Interconnect
          Link as the sole Interconnect Link to convey Calls to that specific
          Operator Switch Connection.

11.15     If one or more of the conditions of paragraph 11.14 cease to apply,
          the rental charges specified from time to time in the Carrier Price
          List for the particular ISI Interconnect Link will be payable pursuant
          to paragraph 11.13.

                                 PAGE 11 of 13


                                 APPENDIX 01.1
                            IN-SPAN INTERCONNECT AND

                                    FIGURE X


                                 PAGE 12 of 13


                                 APPENDIX 01.2
                            THIRD PARTY INTERCONNECT

                                    FIGURE X


                                 PAGE 13 of 13

                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 04

                              NUMBER PORTABILITY


1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
          otherwise is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
          expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown below:

"CENTREX"                a partition of an Exchange used to provide business
                         features and short code dialling as required by

"DDI"                    direct dialling in;

"DONOR"                  the Party from whose System the Number is being ported;

"DONOR SYSTEM"           the System from which the Number is being ported;

"NP AREA"                such area as has been agreed in writing by the Parties
                         in which Number Portability will be carried out;

"NUMBER"                 shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Condition
                         34B of the BT Licence and for the purposes of this
                         Agreement there shall be excluded Numbers allocated to
                         ISDN exchange lines, and to Number Groups used for
                         Centrex, DDI private branch exchange or other private
                         branch exchange purposes;

"NUMBER GROUP"           a range of consecutive Numbers used as a group by a
                         Party for certain functional or Customer purposes;

"NUMBER PORTABILITY"     an arrangement between the Parties whereby a Customer
                         ceases to be provided with a Network Termination Point
                         by the Donor System and such Customer (at the same
                         address and at the same set of premises) is provided
                         with a Network Termination Point by the Recipient
                         System, such Network Termination Point having the

                                  PAGE 1 of 4

                        same Number as had the Network Termination Point ceased
                        on the Donor System;

"PORTED NUMBER NTP"     a Network Termination Point on the Recipient System
                        being a Network Termination Point to which a Number has
                        been ported;

"RECIPIENT"             the Party to whose System the Number is being ported;

"RECIPIENT SYSTEM"      the System to which the Number is being ported.


2.1       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the Parties shall provide
          Number Portability in the NP Area in accordance with the Number
          Portability End to End Process Manual ("Manual") as agreed in writing
          from time to time by the Parties.

2.2       Pursuant to this Schedule and subject to the Parties having
          successfully completed planning studies in accordance with the Manual
          the Parties shall provide Number Portability in the NP Area.

2.3       For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties acknowledge that the provision
          of Number Portability to Customers pursuant to this Schedule applies
          only to those Customers who remain at the same address and at the same
          set of premises.

2.4       Neither Party shall be obliged to offer Number Portability to the 
          other Party's Customers who have an exchange line connected to the 
          other Party's Exchange which Exchange has not been approved under 
          the Manual by such other Party for Number Portability.

2.5       If a Customer having a Ported Number NTP changes address or ceases
          service with the Recipient System it is agreed that the Ported Number
          of the Ported Number NTP shall revert to the Donor for use in the
          Donor's System.

2.6       The Parties agree that the Calls handed over from each other to Ported
          Number NTPs shall be conveyed in accordance with one or more of the
          Schedules listed in Appendix 04.1.

2.7       Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which affect
          the conveyance of Calls to Ported Number NTPs in accordance with such


                                  PAGE 2 of 4


          Party's normal engineering practices.  For the avoidance of doubt,
          neither Party warrants that its System is, or will be, free from

2.8       Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1.4 of the main body of
          this Agreement the Parties agree that for the purposes of the
          provision of Number Portability Sections 2, 3 and 5.1 to 5.5
          (inclusive) of the Manual Issue 2.0 dated 16/04/96 shall be legally
          binding.  The other provisions of the Manual shall not be legally

2.9       For the purposes of the provision of Number Portability, Schedule 140
          (Data Management Amendments) shall be deemed to be amended by the
          addition of a further entry to paragraph 2.6.1 thereof, namely: "route
          Calls to Ported Number NTPs as defined in Schedule 04 (Number

3.        ROUTING

3.1       The conveyance of Calls to Ported Number NTPs shall be in accordance
          with the routing principles specified in Annex A and the Manual.

4.        CHARGING

4.1       The Parties agree, for the conveyance of Calls handed over from each
          other to Ported Number NTPs, to pay a charge in accordance with one or
          more of the Schedules listed in Appendix 04.1.

4.2       For the avoidance of doubt, all charges pursuant to the Schedules
          listed in Appendix 04.1 of this Schedule shall be ascertained and paid
          for by the Parties in accordance with such Schedules in addition to
          such other charges as may be payable pursuant to this Schedule.

4.3       The Parties shall pay the charges at the rates for Number Portability
          specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List.

5.        REVIEW

5.1       The Review Date for charges under paragraph 4.3 of this Schedule shall
          be 1 April each year.

                                  PAGE 3 of 4


                                 APPENDIX 04.1

The telephony conveyance Schedules referred to in paragraphs 2.6, 4.1 and 4.2 of
this Schedule are:

Schedule Number:              Title:
- ----------------    -------------------------------------
    101             BT Telephony Calls to the BT System
    102             BT Transit Calls via the BT System
    103             BT Operator to Operator Transit Calls
                    via the BT System
    541             Operator Telephony Calls to the Operator
    545             Operator International Incoming Calls
                    from Authorised Overseas Systems
                    via the BT System handed over to the
                    Operator System
    546             Operator BT to BT Transit Calls
                    (Ported) via the Operator System

                                  PAGE 4 of 4


                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 101



1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
          otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
          expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown below:

"ADC CALL CATEGORY"                    one of Local ADC, National ADC or
                                       International ADC, as appropriate;

"BT DOUBLE PLUS TANDEM SEGMENT CALL"   a BT Telephony Call handed over from the
                                       Operator System to the BT System,
                                       initially switched by a BT Tandem
                                       Exchange, thereafter switched by one or
                                       more other BT Tandem Exchanges, and
                                       finally switched by a BT DLE or BT ALE to
                                       a BT Network Termination Point connected
                                       directly to that BT DLE or BT ALE;

"BT LOCAL EXCHANGE SEGMENT CALL"       a BT Telephony Call handed over from the
                                       Operator System to the BT System,
                                       initially switched by a BT DLE with no
                                       further switching other than switching
                                       (if any) by a BT ALE parented directly on
                                       that BT DLE, to a BT Network Termination
                                       Point connected directly to that BT DLE
                                       or BT ALE;

"BT SINGLE TANDEM SEGMENT CALL"        a BT Telephony Call handed over from the
                                       Operator System to the BT System,
                                       initially switched by a BT Tandem
                                       Exchange, thereafter switched by a BT DLE
                                       with no further switching other than
                                       switching (if any) by a BT ALE parented
                                       directly on that BT DLE, to a BT Network
                                       Termination Point connected directly to
                                       that BT DLE or BT ALE;

"INTERNATIONAL ADC"                    contributions towards BT's Access Deficit
                                       that apply to Calls handed over from the
                                       Operator System ("actual Calls") where,
                                       if Calls (other than Indirect Access
                                  PAGE 1 of 5


                                       were conveyed in the opposite direction
                                       (whether or not by the Operator System),
                                       between the same originating and
                                       terminating points as those actual Calls
                                       ("reverse Calls"), such reverse Calls
                                       would be classified as international
                                       calls in the BT Retail Price List;

"LOCAL ADC"                            contributions towards BT's Access Deficit
                                       that apply to Calls handed over from the
                                       Operator System ("actual Calls") where,
                                       if Calls (other than Indirect Access
                                       Calls) were conveyed in the opposite
                                       direction wholly within the BT System
                                       between the same originating and
                                       terminating points (Calls made or
                                       received on mobile terminal apparatus for
                                       this purpose being treated as originating
                                       or terminating at the relevant wireless
                                       telegraphy station carrying the Call) as
                                       those actual Calls ("reverse Calls"),
                                       such reverse Calls would be classified as
                                       local calls in the BT Retail Price List;

"NATIONAL ADC"                         contributions towards BT's Access Deficit
                                       that apply to Calls handed over from the
                                       Operator System ("actual Calls") where,
                                       if Calls (other than Indirect Access
                                       Calls) were conveyed in the opposite
                                       direction wholly within the BT System
                                       between the same originating and
                                       terminating points (Calls made or
                                       received on mobile terminal apparatus for
                                       this purpose being treated as originating
                                       or terminating at the relevant wireless
                                       telegraphy station carrying the Call) as
                                       those actual Calls ("reverse Calls"),
                                       such reverse Calls would be classified as
                                       national calls in the BT Retail Price


2.1       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall convey BT
          Telephony Calls handed over from the Operator System to the
          appropriate BT Network Termination Point.

2.2       BT International Incoming Calls, BT Transit Calls, BT Operator to
          Operator Transit Calls and Calls to Ancillary Services are not
          conveyed pursuant to this Schedule.
                                  PAGE 2 of 5

2.3       The Parties shall agree in advance all necessary technical
          requirements, including Call set-up and cleardown sequences, for the
          conveyance of Calls pursuant to this Schedule.

2.4       BT's obligation to convey BT ISDN Telephony Calls is subject to the
          respective Systems and all relevant Switch Connections of both Parties
          being suitable for the conveyance of BT ISDN Telephony Calls.

2.5       BT shall not be obliged under this Schedule to make its System
          suitable for the conveyance of BT ISDN Telephony Calls or to provide
          equipment to its Customers enabling BT ISDN Telephony Calls.

2.6       BT shall convey BT Telephony Calls during those periods of time and at
          the same standard and quality of service as BT conveys similar Calls.

2.7       Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which affect
          the conveyance of BT Telephony Calls in accordance with such Party's
          normal engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt, neither
          Party warrants that its System is, or will be, free from faults.

3.        ROUTING

3.1       The conveyance of BT Telephony Calls shall be in accordance with the
          routing principles specified in Annex A.

4.        CHARGING

4.1       For the conveyance of each BT Telephony Call by BT, the Operator shall
          pay BT a charge calculated in accordance with the rate for such a Call
          specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List.

4.2       For the conveyance of each BT Telephony Call by BT, which is also a
          Transfer Charge Call, BT shall pay the Operator a charge calculated in
          accordance with the rate for such a Call specified from time to time
          in the Carrier Price List, and the Operator shall pay no charge to BT
          pursuant to paragraph 4.1.


5.1       Subject to the provisions of this paragraph 5, the Operator shall pay
          for each Call, a contribution to BT's Access Deficit at the rate
          specified for the ADC Call Category specified from time to time in the
          Carrier Price List. For these purposes, the ADC Call Category shall be
          ascertained at the time when the Answer Signal is generated.

5.2       If, prior to the date of the Agreement, either Party has requested the
          Director General pursuant to Condition 13.5A of the BT Licence to
          reduce the contribution to be made by the Operator towards BT's Access
          Deficit, then
                                Page 3 of 5
          payment of the contribution referred to in such request shall be
          suspended until the Director General has dealt with the request.

5.3       If, following a request referred to in paragraph 5.2, the Director
          General determines not to reduce the contribution or determines that a
          partial contribution shall be payable by the Operator towards BT's
          Access Deficit, such contribution shall be payable accordingly with
          effect from the date of this Agreement. The Operator shall pay any
          outstanding contribution not later than one month after the date of
          such determination.

5.4       If, following a request referred to in paragraph 5.2, the Director
          General determines that no contribution shall be payable by the
          Operator towards BT's Access Deficit no such contribution shall be
          payable under paragraph 5.1.

5.5       If the Director General at any time determines pursuant to Condition
          13.5A of the BT Licence that the contribution payable by the Operator
          towards BT's Access Deficit should be varied or a contribution becomes
          payable in accordance with Condition 13.5A of the BT Licence then the
          Agreement shall be varied accordingly.

5.6       The Operator shall have no liability to pay a contribution to BT's
          Access Deficit in respect of Calls which have originated on the system
          of another licensed operator and are conveyed over the Operator System
          to the BT System, provided that;

5.6.1     subject as provided in paragraph 5.6.4 below the Operator shall not
          agree to convey over the Operator System to the BT System Calls
          originated on the system of a Third Party Operator or first conveyed
          in the UK by the system of a Third Party Operator unless that operator
          shows to the Operator's reasonable satisfaction that it has entered
          into an agreement with BT to pay a contribution to BT's Access Deficit
          for all Calls originated on the system of that Third Party Operator,
          or first conveyed in the UK by the system of that Third Party
          Operator, and conveyed to their ultimate destination by means of the
          BT System (whether by direct connection between the system of that
          Third Party Operator and the BT System or by transit through any other

5.6.2     if the Director General (following notification from BT) notifies the
          Operator that a Third Party Operator, having entered into an agreement
          as described in paragraph 5.6.1 above, has failed to make a
          contribution to BT's Access Deficit as required by that agreement and
          that all provisions in that agreement for the resolution of disputes
          have been exercised and have failed, then the Operator shall as
          quickly as reasonably practicable cease to convey Calls originated on
          the system of that Third Party Operator or first conveyed in the UK by
          that operator's system to the BT System. The Director General shall
          not notify the Operator pursuant to this paragraph if, having heard
          representations from the Third Party Operator concerned, he is

                                  Page 4 of 5
          satisfied that the payment demanded by BT from the Third Party
          Operator has not been calculated in accordance with this proviso, save
          that it shall be deemed to be conclusive proof that the payment has
          been properly calculated if BT obtains judgement in a court of
          competent jurisdiction for its recovery as a debt and any appeal
          against that judgement has been finally disposed of;

5.6.3     the Operator shall provide to BT at BT's expense such information
          about those Calls described in paragraph 5.6.1 as the Operator is
          practicably and rightfully able to provide and as BT may reasonably
          require to calculate the amount of contribution to the Access Deficit
          so payable. During such time as the Operator is unable to provide a
          record of the Calls described in paragraph 5.6.1, it shall provide
          information to BT for the purposes of this paragraph on the basis of a
          method of estimation determined by the Director General after
          consulting with such other persons as he considers appropriate;

5.6.4     the obligation of the Operator in paragraph 5.6.1 shall not apply to
          Calls which the Director General has determined or BT has agreed
          should not give rise to a contribution to BT's Access Deficit by any
          such Third Party Operator and this paragraph shall cease to apply if
          BT ceases to be entitled by virtue of Condition 13 of the BT Licence
          to recover from the Third Party Operator a contribution to its Access

5.7       BT shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Operator against any
          liability claim, loss or damage resulting from the Operator's
          performance of obligation under paragraph 5.6.1 or 5.6 2 in
          circumstances where in case of default or negligence of BT the
          Operator would not have been so obliged to prevent or cease conveyance
          of a Call emanating from the Third Party Operator.

5.8       The Parties agree that either Party may initiate a review of
          paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 pursuant to paragraph 19.1.3 of the main body
          of the Agreement.
                                Page 5 of 5

                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 102

                       BT TRANSIT CALLS VIA THE BT SYSTEM


1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
          otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
          expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown below:

"BT DOUBLE PLUS TANDEM TRANSIT CALL"   a BT Transit Call, handed over from the
                                       Operator System to the BT System,
                                       initially switched by a BT Tandem
                                       Exchange, thereafter switched by one or
                                       more other BT Tandem Exchanges, and
                                       handed over from the BT System to a Third
                                       Party Operator's system;

"BT SINGLE TANDEM TRANSIT CALL"        a BT Transit Call, handed over from the
                                       Operator System to the BT System,
                                       initially switched by a BT Tandem
                                       Exchange, with no further switching by
                                       the BT System, and handed over from the
                                       BT System to a Third Party Operator's


2.1       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall convey a BT
          Transit Call handed over from the Operator System to the Third Party
          Operator's system, to the extent that a similar Call is available to
          BT Customers.

2.2       BT Telephony Calls, BT International Outgoing Calls and BT Operator to
          Operator Transit Calls are not conveyed pursuant to this Schedule.

2.3       The Parties shall agree in advance all necessary technical
          requirements, including Call set-up and cleardown sequences, for the
          conveyance of Calls pursuant to this Schedule.

2.4       BT's obligation to convey BT ISDN Transit Calls is subject to any
          Third Party Operator's system and the respective Systems and all
          relevant Switch Connections of both Parties being suitable for the
          conveyance of BT ISDN Transit Calls.

2.5       BT shall convey BT Transit Calls during those periods of time and at
          the same standard and quality of service as BT conveys similar Calls.

                                  PAGE 1 of 2


2.6       Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which affect
          the conveyance of BT Transit Calls in accordance with such Party's
          normal engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt, neither
          Party warrants that its System is, or will be, free from faults.

3.        ROUTING

3.1       The conveyance of BT Transit Calls shall be in accordance with the
          routing principles specified in Annex A.

4.        CHARGING

4.1       For the conveyance of each BT Transit Call by BT, the Operator shall
          pay BT a charge calculated in accordance with the rate for such a Call
          specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List. If at the time
          when a BT Transit Call is conveyed by BT no rate for such a Call is
          specified in the Carrier Price List the Operator agrees to pay for
          such a Call at the rate which is subsequently specified in the Carrier
          Price List.

4.2       For the conveyance of each BT Transit Call by BT, which is also a
          Transfer Charge Call, BT shall pay the Operator a charge calculated in
          accordance with the rate for such a Call specified from time to time
          in the Carrier Price List, provided always that BT shall not be
          obliged to pay for such a Call, if BT has not received payment from a
          Third Party Operator, and the Operator shall pay no charge to BT
          pursuant to paragraph 4.1.

                                  PAGE 2 of 2


                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 103



1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
          otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
          expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown below:

OPERATOR TO OPERATOR TRANSIT CALL"   a BT Operator to Operator Transit Call,
                                     handed over from the Operator System to the
                                     BT System, initially switched by a BT
                                     Tandem Exchange, thereafter switched by one
                                     or more other BT Tandem Exchanges, and
                                     handed over from the BT System to the
                                     Operator System;

OPERATOR TO OPERATOR TRANSIT CALL"   a BT Operator to Operator Transit Call,
                                     handed over from the Operator System to
                                     the BT System, initially switched by a BT
                                     Tandem Exchange, with no further switching
                                     by the BT System, and handed over from the
                                     BT System to the Operator System.


2.1       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall convey a BT 
          Operator to Operator Transit Call handed over from the Operator 
          System to the Operator System, if a rate for such a Call is 
          specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List.

2.2       BT Telephony Calls and BT Transit Calls are not conveyed pursuant 
          to this Schedule.

2.3       The Parties shall agree in advance all necessary technical 
          requirements, including Call set-up and cleardown sequences, for 
          the conveyance of Calls pursuant to this Schedule.

2.4       BT's obligation to convey BT ISDN Operator to Operator Transit Calls
          is subject to the respective Systems and all relevant Switch 
          Connections of both Parties being suitable for the conveyance of BT
          ISDN Operator to Operator Transit Calls.

                                  PAGE 1 of 2

          Parties being suitable for the conveyance of BT ISDN Operator to
          Operator Transit Calls.

2.5       BT shall convey BT Operator to Operator Transit Calls during those
          periods of time and at the same standard and quality of service as BT
          conveys similar Calls.

2.6       Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which
          affect the conveyance of BT Operator to Operator Transit Calls in
          accordance with such Party's normal engineering practices. For the
          avoidance of doubt, neither Party warrants that its System is, or
          will be, free from faults.

3.        ROUTING

3.1       The conveyance of BT Operator to Operator Transit Calls, shall be in
          accordance with the routing principles specified in Annex A.

4.        CHARGING

4.1       For the conveyance of each BT Operator to Operator Transit Call by
          BT, the Operator shall pay BT a charge calculated in accordance with
          the rate for such a Call specified from time to time in the Carrier
          Price List.
                                  PAGE 2 of 2


                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 104

                               VIA THE BT SYSTEM


1.1       In this schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
          otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
          expressions have the meaning given in Annex D.


2.1       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall convey a BT
          International Outgoing Call handed over from the Operator System to an
          Authorised Overseas System, if a rate for such a Call is specified
          from time to time in the Carrier Price List.

2.2       BT Telephony Calls, BT Transit Calls, BT Operator to Operator Transit
          Calls and Calls to Ancillary Services are not conveyed pursuant to
          this Schedule.

2.3       The Parties shall agree in advance all necessary technical
          requirements, including Call set-up and cleardown sequences, for the
          conveyance of Calls pursuant to this Schedule.

2.4       BT's obligation to convey BT ISDN International Outgoing Calls is
          subject to the Authorised Overseas System and the respective Systems
          and all relevant Switch Connections of both parties being suitable for
          the conveyance of BT ISDN International Outgoing Calls.

2.5       BT shall convey BT International Outgoing Calls during those periods
          of time and at the same standard and quality of service as BT conveys
          similar Calls.

2.6       BT shall be under no obligation to convey BT International Outgoing
          Calls to destinations which are not available to BT Customers from
          time to time.

2.7       The Operator shall not hand over to BT and BT shall be under no
          obligation under this Schedule, to convey BT International Outgoing
          Calls to those countries listed from time to time in the BT Retail
          Price List as being available only through the BT Operator.

2.8       Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which affect
          the conveyance of BT International Outgoing Calls in accordance with

                                  PAGE 1 of 2
         Party's normal engineering practices. For the avoidances of doubt,
         neither Party warrants that its System is, or will be, free from

2.9      The Operator shall not hand over to the BT System, a BT International
         Outgoing Call which is also a Transfer Charge Call, for conveyance to
         an Authorised Overseas System unless BT has notified the Operator in
         writing from time to time that BT has an agreement for the connection
         of Transfer Charge Calls to that Authorised Overseas System.


3.1      The conveyance of BT International Outgoing Calls shall be in
         accordance with the routing principles specified in Annex A.

4.       CHARGING

4.1      Subject to paragraph 4.3, for the conveyance of each BT International
         Outgoing Call by BT, the Operator shall pay BT a charge calculated in
         accordance with the rate for such a Call specified from time to time
         in the Carrier Price List.

4.2      For the conveyance of each BT International Outgoing call by BT, which
         is also a Transfer Charge Call, BT shall pay the Operator a charge
         calculated in accordance with the rate for such a Call specified from
         time to time in the Carrier Price List, provided always that BT shall
         not be obliged to pay for Transfer Charge Calls where BT has not
         received payment for such Call from the Authorised Overseas System,
         and the Operator shall pay no charge to BT pursuant to paragraph 4.1.

4.3      If the Operator, pursuant to the Operator Licence, commences conveying
         Calls directly to a particular international destination, the Operator
         shall notify BT in writing. When the Operator commences conveying
         calls directly to a particular international destination, the Operator
         shall pay BT for the conveyance of BT International Outgoing Calls to
         such destination charges calculated in accordance with the rates for
         such Calls specified from time to time in the BT Retail Price List.

                                  PAGE 2 of 2

                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 110

                              FREEFONE(TM) 0800 CALLS


1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
          otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
          expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown below:

"BT 0800 SERVICE PROVIDER"        a person who has contracted with BT for the
                                  delivery of Calls using telephone numbers
                                  commencing with the digits 0800. The
                                  expression shall also include BT in respect of
                                  such telephone numbers if BT has published
                                  those numbers as being available to call BT
                                  itself in respect of certain BT services;

"FREEFONE 0800 CALL"              a Call made by a Calling Party dialling 0800
                                  followed by a BT 0800 Service Provider's six
                                  digit number (which sets up the Call to the BT
                                  0800 Service Provider) and which if made by a
                                  BT Customer on the BT System would be free of
                                  charge and paid for by the BT 0800 Service

"FREEFONE 0800 CHARGECARD CALL"   a Freefone 0800 Call made by a Calling Party
                                  dialling 0800 144 144 to access the BT
                                  CHARGECARD(TM) service.


2.1       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall convey Freefone
          0800 Calls handed over from the Operator System to the appropriate
          terminal apparatus nominated by the BT 0800 Service Provider or by BT
          if the terminal apparatus is connected to the BT System, or to the
          Operator System or a Third Party Operator's system if the terminal
          apparatus is connected to that System or system.

2.2       Freefone 0800 Calls shall be included in the Traffic Forecast in
          accordance with Annex A.

                                  PAGE 1 of 3


2.3       The Parties shall agree in advance all necessary technical
          requirements, including Call set-up and cleardown sequences, for the
          conveyance of Calls pursuant to this Schedule.

2.4       If the Operator charges its Customers for the conveyance of Freefone
          0800 Calls the Operator shall prefix all Freefone 0800 Calls with a
          message to inform its Customers that such Calls are not free from
          the Operator System.

2.5       The Operator shall ensure that its promotional material will not
          undermine the public perception that Freefone 0800 Calls are free to
          BT Customers.

2.6       BT shall convey Freefone 0800 Calls handed over from the Operator
          System during those periods of time and at the same standard and
          quality of service as BT conveys similar Calls.

2.7       Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which affect
          the conveyance of Freefone 0800 Calls in accordance with such Party's
          normal engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt, neither
          Party warrants that its System is, or will be, free from faults.

2.8       If there are abnormally high volumes of Freefone 0800 Calls that the
          BT System cannot convey, the Operator may apply network management
          controls in the Operator System or BT may apply network management
          controls in the BT System.

2.9       If Operator Customers by means of a Freefone 0800 Call order a Call
          via INMARSAT or order a BT Telemessage and BT provides such a Call or
          service, then the Operator shall pay to BT the appropriate charges
          specified from time to time in the BT Retail Price List.

2.10      The Operator shall only hand over a Freefone 0800 CHARGECARD(TM) Call
          to the BT System if such a Call originates using an exchange line.

2.11      The Operator shall generate and convey full CLI as requested by the BT
          System for each Freefone 0800 CHARGECARD(TM) Call handed over to the
          BT System. For the avoidance of doubt, a Freefone 0800 CHARGECARD(TM)
          Call handed over from the Operator System to the BT System which is
          not supported by full CLI, shall not receive an Answer Signal from the
          BT System, and no payment shall be due to the Operator for such a

3.        ROUTING

3.1       The conveyance of Freefone 0800 Calls shall be in accordance with the
          routing principles specified in Annex A.

3.2       Freefone 0800 Calls handed over to BT by the Operator shall be handed
          over at a BT Switch Connection located at a BT DMSU which is as near

                                  PAGE 2 of 3


          as reasonably practicable to the geographical location from which the
          Call was initially made or as otherwise may be agreed in writing by
          the Parties.

4.        CHARGING

4.1       For the conveyance of each Freefone 0800 Call by the Operator, BT
          shall pay the Operator a charge calculated in accordance with the rate
          for such a Call specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List.

                                  PAGE 3 of 3

                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 111

                              LO-CALL(TM)  0345 CALLS


1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
          otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
          expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown below:

"BT 0345 SERVICE PROVIDER"   a person who has contracted with BT for the
                             delivery of Calls using telephone numbers
                             commencing with the digits 0345. The expression
                             shall also include BT in respect of such telephone
                             numbers if BT has published those numbers as being
                             available to call BT itself in respect of certain
                             BT services;

"LO-CALL 0345 CALL"          a Call made by a Calling Party dialling 0345
                             followed by a BT 0345 Service Provider's six digit
                             number (which sets up a Call to the BT 0345 Service
                             Provider) and which if made by a BT Customer on the
                             BT System would be charged at BT's local call
                             charge as specified from time to time in the BT
                             Retail Price List and an additional charge is paid
                             to BT by the BT 0345 Service Provider.


2.1       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall convey Lo-Call
          0345 Calls handed over from the Operator System to the appropriate
          terminal apparatus nominated by the BT 0345 Service Provider or by BT
          if the terminal apparatus is connected to the BT System, or to the
          Operator System or a Third Party Operator's system if the terminal
          apparatus is connected to that System or system.

2.2       Lo-Call 0345 Calls shall be included in the Traffic Forecast in
          accordance with Annex A.

2.3       The Parties shall agree in advance all necessary technical
          requirements, including Call set-up and clear down sequences, for the
          conveyance of Calls pursuant to this Schedule.

                                  PAGE 1 of 2
2.4       The Operator shall ensure that its promotional material will not
          undermine the public perception that Lo-Call 0345 Calls are charged to
          BT Customers at BT's local call rates.

2.5       BT shall convey Lo-Call 0345 Calls handed over from the Operator
          System during those periods of time and at the same standard and
          quality of service as BT conveys similar Calls.

2.6       Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which affect
          the conveyance of Lo-Call 0345 Calls in accordance with such Party's
          normal engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt, neither
          Party warrants that its System is, or will be, free from faults.

2.7       If there are abnormally high volumes of Lo-Call 0345 Calls that the BT
          System cannot convey, the Operator may apply network management
          controls in the Operator System or BT may apply network management
          controls in the BT System.

3.        ROUTING

3.1       The conveyance of Lo-Call 0345 Calls shall be in accordance with the
          routing principles specified in Annex A.

3.2       Lo-Call 0345 Calls handed over to BT by the Operator shall be handed
          over at a BT Switch Connection located at a BT DMSU which is as near
          as reasonably practicable to the geographical location from which the
          Call was initially made or as otherwise may be agreed in writing by
          the Parties.

4.        CHARGING

4.1       For the conveyance of each Lo-Call 0345 Call by BT, the Operator shall
          pay BT a charge calculated in accordance with the rate for such a Call
          specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List.
                                  Page 2 of 2

                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 112

                         BT PREMIUM RATE SERVICE CALLS


1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
          otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
          expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown below:

"CALLING CENTRE"        any location, whether or not authorised, where Calls may
                        be made;

"ICSTIS"                the Independent Committee for the Supervision of
                        Standards of Telephone Information Services.


2.1       BT shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that a person applying to
          be a BT PRS Service Provider is adequately vetted prior to being
          accepted to minimise the risk of PRS Fraud and to ensure compliance
          with any requirements of ICSTIS.

2.2       BT shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that a person applying
          to be a BT PRS Service Provider will offer a PRS in good faith.

2.3       The Parties shall take reasonable endeavours to agree adequate 
          safeguards to prevent and detect PRS Fraud and shall record such 
          agreement in a separate document known as the "PRS Fraud 
          Management Manual". If a Party reasonably considers that such 
          safeguards are not adequate then either Party may apply for a 
          review of this Schedule pursuant to paragraph 19.1.3 of the main 
          body of this Agreement.

2.4       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall convey BT PRS 
          Calls handed over from the Operator System to the appropriate terminal
          apparatus nominated by the BT PRS Service Provider or by BT if the
          terminal apparatus is connected to the BT System, or to the Operator
          System or a Third Party Operator's system if the terminal apparatus is
          connected to that System or system.

2.5       BT shall have no obligation to convey BT PRS Calls handed over from 
          the Operator System intended for a BT PRS Service Provider if BT has
          suspended service to that BT PRS Service Provider or terminated his

                                  PAGE 1 of 7


2.6       BT PRS Calls shall be included in the Traffic Forecast in accordance
          with Annex A.

2.7       The Parties shall agree all in advance all necessary technical
          requirements, including Call set-up and clear down sequences, for the
          conveyance of Calls pursuant to this Schedule.

2.8       BT shall convey BT PRS Calls handed over from the Operator System
          during those periods of time and at the same standard and quality of
          service as BT conveys similar Calls.

2.9       Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which 
          affect the conveyance of BT PRS Calls in accordance with such 
          Party's normal engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt,
          neither Party warrants that its System is, or will be, free from 

2.10      If there are abnormally high volumes of BT PRS Calls that the BT 
          System cannot convey, the Operator may apply network management 
          controls in the Operator System or BT may apply network management 
          controls in the BT System.

2.11      Each Party shall comply with the requirements specified from time 
          to time in Appendices 112.1 and 112.2.

3.        ROUTING

3.1       The conveyance of BT PRS Calls shall be in accordance with the routing
          principles specified in Annex A.

3.2       BT PRS Calls handed over to BT by the Operator shall be handed over 
          at a BT Switch Connection located at a BT DMSU which is as near as 
          reasonably practicable to the geographical location from which 
          the Call was initially made or as otherwise may be agreed in writing 
          by the Parties.

4.        CHARGING

4.1       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, for the conveyance of 
          each BT PRS Call by BT, the Operator shall pay BT a charge 
          calculated in accordance with the rate for such a Call specified 
          from time to time in the Carrier Price List.


5.1       BT shall convey BT PRS Calls handed over from the Operator System
          commencing on a date to be agreed in writing by the Parties.

                                  PAGE 2 of 7


                                 APPENDIX 112.1



1.1       If BT undertakes technical development in relation to BT PRS Calls, BT
          shall reasonably enhance the facilities for the prevention and
          detection of PRS Fraud.


2.1       The Parties shall by monitoring BT PRS Calls take all reasonable 
          steps to prevent and detect PRS Fraud using, without limitation, 
          the criteria specified in Appendix 112.2.


3.1       If BT suspects PRS Fraud taking into account the criteria specified in
          Appendix 112.2 it shall immediately pass to the Operator, for each
          Calling Centre identified, the following information:

3.1.1     the identity of the Calling Centre;

3.1.2     the estimated total duration of the relevant BT PRS Calls;

3.1.3     the dates when the relevant BT PRS Calls were made;

3.1.4     the telephone number or numbers of the relevant BT PRS Service

3.1.5     the identity of the relevant BT PRS Service Provider;

3.1.6     such other information as BT considers relevant;

3.1.7     such other information reasonably requested by the Operator.


4.1       If the Operator suspects PRS Fraud taking into account the criteria
          specified in Appendix 112.2 it shall immediately pass to BT, for each
          Calling Centre identified, the following information:

4.1.1     the identity of the Calling Centre;

4.1.2     the estimated total duration of the relevant BT PRS Calls;

                                  PAGE 3 of 7

4.1.3    the dates when the relevant BT PRS Calls were made;

4.1.4    the telephone number or numbers of the relevant BT PRS Service

4.1.5    the identity of the relevant Operator Customer;

4.1.6    such other information as the Operator considers relevant;

4.1.7    such other information reasonably requested by BT.


5.1      Any information passed between the Parties in accordance with
         paragraphs 3 and 4 shall only be used for the following purposes:

5.1.1    to monitor, prevent or detect PRS Fraud;

5.1.2    to assist the investigation of PRS Fraud and to undertake
         criminal prosecutions if PRS Fraud is established;

5.1.3    to undertake civil proceedings to effect recovery of losses
         resulting from PRS Fraud.


6.1      Any information required to be passed between the Parties in
         accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 shall be collated by the nominated
         representative of one Party and sent to the nominated representative
         of the other Party in accordance with the PRS Fraud Management Manual.


7.1      If a Party has passed information to the other Party in accordance
         with paragraphs 3 and 4, then for information so passed which relates
         to the current Billing Period and subject to the information having
         been passed to BT within 2 weeks of the end of that Billing Period
         then the Operator may withhold payment for the identified BT PRS

7.1.1    for a period of not more than 6 months commencing with the date
         of the first bill following the end of the then current Billing
         Period; or

7.1.2    until the Operator receives payment from the Operator Customer

         whichever duration is less.

7.2      The Operator shall take all reasonable steps to recover any
         outstanding charges for BT PRS Calls.

                                  PAGE 4 of 7

7.3       If after the period of 6 months specified in paragraph 7.1.1 the
          Operator has not received payment from the Operator Customer, BT may:

7.3.1     unconditionally release the Operator from the obligation to pay;

7.3.2     continue suspension of the Operator's obligation to pay; or

7.3.3     require the Operator to assign (at no cost) to BT the indebtedness of
          the Operator Customer in consideration of BT releasing the Operator
          from its obligation to pay such outstanding charges for such Operator

7.4       In the event of any dispute relating to the operation of this
          paragraph 7 either Party may serve a notice on the other requiring any
          matters in dispute to be referred to arbitration in London by a single
          arbitrator appointed by agreement between the Parties or in default of
          agreement upon the application of either Party by the President for
          the time being of the Law Society of England in accordance with and
          subject to the Arbitration Acts 1950 - 1979.

                                  PAGE 5 of 7


                                 APPENDIX 112.2

          The following are indicators of PRS Fraud in relation to any BT PRS
          Service Provider and Calling Party:

                            BT PRS SERVICE PROVIDER

1.        For each of the first 3 months after commencement of service the
          number of BT PRS Calls delivered to any new BT PRS Service Provider
          exceed by 25% (or such other percentage as the Parties may agree in
          writing) or more the average number of BT PRS Calls to similar Premium
          Rate Services ascertained after the first month and monthly

2.        After the first 3 months the number of BT PRS Calls delivered to any
          BT PRS Service Provider increases at a rate of 25% or more from one
          month to the next.

3.        A high proportion of BT PRS Calls delivered to any BT PRS Service
          Provider originate at a small number of Calling Centres whether or not
          limited in geographical location.

4.        The average duration of BT PRS Calls delivered to any BT PRS Service
          Provider differs significantly from that of BT PRS Calls to similar
          Premium Rate Services or there are repeated Calls of similar duration.

5.        BT PRS Calls delivered to any BT PRS Service Provider appear to
          originate without promotion of the Premium Rate Service.

6.        A significant proportion of BT PRS Calls delivered to any BT PRS
          Service Provider originate at payphones or use payment systems other
          than a standard telephone bill

                                CALLING PARTIES

1.        A small number of Calling Centres generate a high proportion of BT PRS
          Calls for delivery to any BT PRS Service Provider.

2.        A small number of Calling Centres generate a high volume of BT PRS
          Calls for delivery to any BT PRS Service Provider.

3.        A high proportion of BT PRS Calls delivered to any BT PRS Service
          Provider are generated at a small number of Calling Centres whether or
          not limited in geographical location.

4.        The average duration of BT PRS Calls delivered to any BT PRS Service
          Provider differs significantly from that of BT PRS Calls to similar
          Premium Rate Services or there are repeated Calls of similar duration.

                                  PAGE 6 of 7

5.        BT PRS Calls delivered to any BT PRS Service Provider appear to
          originate without promotion of the Premium Rate Service.

6.        A significant proportion of BT PRS Calls delivered to any BT PRS
          Service Provider originate at payphones or use payment systems other
          than a standard telephone bill.

                                  PAGE 7 of 7
                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 116

                           NATIONAL CALL  0990 CALLS


1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
          otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
          expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown below:

"BT 0990 SERVICE PROVIDER"        a person who has contracted with BT for the
                                  delivery of Calls using telephone numbers
                                  commencing with the digits 0990. The
                                  expression shall also include BT in respect of
                                  such telephone numbers where BT has published
                                  those numbers as being available to call BT
                                  itself in respect of certain BT services.

"0990 CALL"                       a Call made by a Calling Party dialling 0990
                                  followed by a BT 0990 Service Provider's six
                                  digit number (which sets up the Call to the BT
                                  0990 Service Provider) and which if such a
                                  Call were made by a BT Customer on the BT
                                  System would be charged at BT's 'b' Rate as
                                  specified from time to time in the BT Retail
                                  Price List and an additional charge is paid by
                                  the BT 0990 Service Provider;


2.1       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall convey 0990 Calls
          received from the Operator System to the appropriate terminal
          apparatus nominated by the BT 0990 Service Provider or by BT where the
          terminal apparatus is connected to the BT System, or to the Operator
          System or a Third Party Operator's system where the terminal equipment
          is connected to that System or system.

2.2       0990 Calls shall be included in the Traffic Forecast in accordance
          with Annex A.

2.3       The Parties shall agree in advance all necessary technical
          requirements, including Call set-up and cleardown sequences, for the
          conveyance of Calls pursuant to this Schedule.

                                PAGE 1 of 2
2.4       BT shall convey 0990 Calls handed over from the Operator System during
          those periods of time and at the same standard and quality of service
          as BT conveys similar Calls.

2.5       Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which affect
          the conveyance of 0990 Calls in accordance with such Party's normal
          engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt, neither Party
          warrants that its System is, or will be, free from faults.

2.6       If there are abnormally high volumes of 0990 Calls that the BT System
          cannot convey, the Operator may apply network management controls in
          the Operator System or BT may apply network management controls in the
          BT System.

3.        ROUTING

3.1       The conveyance of 0990 Calls shall be in accordance with the routing
          principles specified in Annex A.

3.2       0990 Calls handed over to BT by the Operator shall be handed over at a
          BT Switch Connection located at a BT DMSU which is as near as
          reasonably practicable to the geographical location from which the
          Call was initially made or as otherwise may be agreed in writing by
          the Parties.

4.        CHARGING

4.1       For the conveyance of each 0990 Call by BT, the Operator shall pay BT
          a charge calculated in accordance with the rate for such a Call
          specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List.

                                PAGE 2 of 2

                                    ANNEX C
                                  SCHEDULE 117

                               PHONE BASE  CALLS


1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
          otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
          expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown below:

"BT PHONE BASE SERVICE"           a service comprising access to a computer
                                  database containing the entries from time to
                                  time available for the alphabetical section of
                                  BT Phone Books;

"PHONE BASE CALLS"                Calls to the telephone number 0910 210910 to
                                  access the BT Phone Base Service. 


2.1       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall convey Phone Base
          Calls handed over from the Operator System to the BT Phone Base

2.2       Phone Base Calls shall be included in the Traffic Forecast in
          accordance with Annex A.

2.3       The Parties shall agree in advance all necessary technical
          requirements, including Call set-up and cleardown sequences, for the
          conveyance of Calls pursuant to this Schedule.

2.4       BT shall convey Phone Base Calls handed over from the Operator System
          during those periods of time and at the same standard and quality of
          service as BT conveys similar Calls.

2.5       Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which affect
          the conveyance of Phone Base Calls in accordance with such Party's
          normal engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt, neither
          Party warrants that its System is, or will be, free from faults.

2.6       If there are abnormally high volumes of Phone Base Calls that the BT
          System cannot convey, the Operator may apply network management
          controls in the Operator System or BT may apply network management
          controls in the BT System.

                                PAGE 1 of 2


2.7       Access to the BT Phone Base Service will only be available to those
          Operator Customers who have contracted with BT for the provision of
          the BT Phone Base Service and to whom appropriate security codes have
          been issued to enable use of the BT Phone Base Service.

3.        ROUTING

3.1       The conveyance of Phone Base Calls shall be in accordance with the
          routing principles specified in Annex A.

3.2       Phone Base Calls handed over to BT by the Operator shall be handed
          over at a BT Switch Connection located at a BT DMSU.

4.        DURATION

4.1       Conveyance of Phone Base Calls pursuant to this Schedule shall cease
          if BT has given not less than 6 months' written notice to the Operator
          of its intention to cease to convey such Calls, and BT ceases to
          convey Phone Base Calls from BT Customers.

5.        CHARGING

5.1       For the conveyance of each Phone Base Call by BT, the Operator shall
          pay a charge calculated in accordance with the rate for such a Call
          specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List.

                                PAGE 2 of 2

                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 118

                            BT TIMELINE(TM) SERVICE


1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
          otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
          expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown below:

"BT TIMELINE CALLS"               Calls to the BT Timeline Service accessed by
                                  means of the digits 123 for BT Customers;

"BT TIMELINE SERVICE"             BT's speaking clock service which is available
                                  to BT Customers.


2.1       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall convey BT
          Timeline Calls received from the Operator System to the BT Timeline

2.2       BT Timeline Calls shall be included in the Traffic Forecast in
          accordance with Annex A.

2.3       The Parties shall agree in advance all necessary technical
          requirements, including Call set-up and cleardown sequences, for the
          conveyance of Calls pursuant to this Schedule.

2.4       BT shall convey BT Timeline Calls handed over from the Operator System
          during those periods of time and at the same standard and quality of
          service as BT conveys similar Calls.

2.5       Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which affect
          the conveyance of BT Timeline Calls in accordance with such Party's
          normal engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt, neither
          Party warrants that its System is, or will be, free from faults.

2.6       If there are abnormally high volumes of BT Timeline Calls that the
          BT System cannot convey, the Operator may apply network management
          controls in the Operator System or BT may apply network management
          controls in the BT System.

                                PAGE 1 of 2
3.        ROUTING

3.1       The conveyance of BT Timeline Calls shall be in accordance with the
          routing principles specified in Annex A.

3.2       BT Timeline Calls handed over to BT by the Operator shall be handed
          over at a BT Switch Connection located at a BT DMSU.

3.3       If the Operator conveys BT Timeline Calls from the Operator System to
          the BT System it shall only hand over the Call using the digits 123.

4.        DURATION

4.1       Conveyance of BT Timeline Calls pursuant to this Schedule shall cease
          if BT has given not less than 6 months written notice to the Operator
          of its intention to cease to convey such Calls, and BT ceases to
          convey BT Timeline Calls from BT Customers.

5.        CHARGING

5.1       For the conveyance of each BT Timeline Call by BT, the Operator shall
          pay BT a charge calculated in accordance with the rate for such a Call
          specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List.

                                PAGE 2 of 2
                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 120



1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix, unless
          stated otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule.
          Words and expressions have the meaning given in Annex D except as

"ADC CALL CATEGORY"               one of Local ADC or National ADC,
                                  as appropriate;

PROVIDER"                         a person who has contracted with BT for the
                                  delivery of Calls using a BT Operator by
                                  quoting Freefone(TM) Name. The expression
                                  shall also include BT in respect of
                                  Freefone(TM) Names if BT has published those
                                  as being available to call BT itself in
                                  respect of certain BT services;

"FREEFONE(TM) NAME"               a name beginning with the word "Freefone(TM)"
                                  and which has been allocated by BT to a BT
                                  Freefone(TM) Name Service Provider which is
                                  used to set up a Call to the BT Freefone(TM)
                                  Name Service Provider which if made by a BT
                                  Customer on the BT System would be free of
                                  charge and paid for by the BT Freefone(TM)
                                  Name Service Provider;

"LOCAL ADC"                       the contributions towards BT's Access Deficit
                                  that apply to Calls received from the Operator
                                  System ("actual Calls") where, if Calls (other
                                  than Indirect Access Calls) were conveyed in
                                  the opposite direction between the same
                                  originating and terminating points as those
                                  actual Calls ("reverse Calls"), such reverse
                                  Calls would be classified as local calls in
                                  the BT Retail Price List;

                                PAGE 1 of 8

"NATIONAL ADC"                    the contributions towards BT's Access Deficit
                                  that apply to Calls received from the Operator
                                  System ("actual Calls") where, if Calls (other
                                  than Indirect Access Calls) were conveyed in
                                  the opposite direction between the same
                                  originating and terminating points as those
                                  actual Calls ("reverse Calls"), such reverse
                                  Calls would be classified as national calls in
                                  the BT Retail Price List;

"NOA SERVICE"                     the Operator Assistance Service relating to
                                  Calls originating and terminating within the
                                  British Isles as specifically described in
                                  paragraph 2 of this Schedule. 


2.1       This Schedule gives details of the provision by BT to the Operator of
          access to the NOA Service from the Operator System.

2.1.1     NOA Service shall only be available to be accessed by Calling
          Parties having a telephone number conforming to the UK national
          numbering scheme.

2.1.2     Except where expressly stated otherwise all Calls to the NOA
          Service shall attract the charge for the NOA Service specified
          from time to time in the BT Carrier Price List.

2.1.3     Where the Operator permits Calling Parties to access the NOA
          Service from payphones connected to or forming part of the
          Operator System, BT shall only be obliged to provide the services
          set out in paragraphs 2.3.2 and 2.3.4.

2.2       Subject to paragraph 2.3, Calling Parties will be able to access the
          NOA Service in order to obtain assistance in completing Calls to
          persons in the British Isles who can be reached via the BT System.

2.3       The NOA Service shall comprise the following:


          A Calling Party may request the BT Operator to connect the
          following types of Call:

          (a)  A BT Basic Telephony Call;

          (b)  A BT Basic Transit Call;

                                PAGE 2 of 8

          (c)  An Operator Basic Telephony Call;

          (d)  A BT Basic Operator to Operator Transit Call;

          (e)  An Operator Basic Transit Call;

          (f)  A Number Translation Services Call;

          (g)  A BT Basic International Outgoing Call to the Republic of

          except that BT PRS Calls, Operator PRS Calls and Calls to PRS services
          run by Third Party Operators shall not be connected.

          A Calling Party may request the BT Operator to provide assistance in
          connection of such a Call referred to above where a previous attempt
          failed (as, for instance, where there has been a continuous engaged
          tone, number unobtainable tone, continuous ringing tone and no reply,
          no tone or wrong number), or re-connection of such a Call in the event
          of prior unwarranted disconnection by one or more of the
          Telecommunication Systems involved in the connection chain.

          The assistance provided under this paragraph 2.3.1 shall only be in
          respect of Calls for which BT provides the same assistance service for
          its Customers. BT shall offer refunds of Call charges to the Operator
          in respect of its Customers in circumstances where BT would offer
          refunds to BT Customers.


          A Calling Party may request the BT Operator to attempt to set up a
          Transfer Charge Call to a person having a telephone number conforming
          to the UK national numbering scheme. The charge for the NOA Service
          specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List will not be
          payable for successful Transfer Charge Calls.

          The NOA Service shall not connect Transfer Charge Calls to the

          (a)  answering machines (unless permitted by the initial message
               pre-recorded by the person responsible for the called number);

          (b)  payphones;

          (c)  the Republic of Ireland;

          (d)  Number Translation Services Calls;

          (e)  persons using certain Land Mobile Radio Services;

                                  PAGE 3 of 8

          (f)  numbers on paging systems;

2.3.3     ALARM CALLS

          A request can be made to the BT Operator for an alarm call to be made
          at a specified time. The alarm call will be attempted at or near the
          required time, but in any event no more than five minutes earlier or
          later than the time specified. However, alarm calls can only be booked
          on ordinary fixed exchange lines within the British Isles (excepting
          the Republic of Ireland) and can only be charged to the Calling
          Party's number.

          Alarm calls will be charged to the Operator at the price specified
          from time to time in the Carrier Price List, when booked. Refunds of
          the charge shall be given to the Operator if an alarm call is
          cancelled, subject to the cancellation being made prior to midnight on
          the day preceding the day for which the alarm call has been booked.


          A request can be made to the BT Operator to connect a Call using the
          BT Freefone(TM) Name Service. The BT Operator will connect the Call or
          if the telephone number is engaged or unavailable, inform the Calling

          The charge for the NOA Service specified from time to time in the
          Carrier Price List will not be payable for Calls to NOA Service where
          the NOA Service is only used to access the BT FreefoneTM Name Service.

          The Operator shall ensure that any promotional material issued by it
          will not undermine the public perception that the conveyance of Calls
          to the BT FreefoneTM Name Service is free to BT Customers.

2.4       If BT makes a material change to the NOA Service that BT provides to
          its own Customers, it shall give the Operator 6 months' notice of such
          change. The notice of such change shall be a review notice in
          accordance with paragraph 19.1.3 of the main body of this Agreement.


3.1       BT shall provide the NOA Service to the Operator at all times. In
          other aspects it shall provide the same standard and quality of
          service as BT provides such service to the generality of BT Customers
          calling the NOA Service from that locality.

3.2       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall convey Calls for
          the NOA Service by means of the BT System to an OCHC. BT shall be
          under no
                                  PAGE 4 of 8


          obligation to convey any Call to the NOA Service which is a type of
          Call that BT does not convey to such service for its Customers.

3.3       BT shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that 90 per cent of
          all Calls (except those for which there were no queue places available
          in the automatic call distribution system) to the NOA Service
          (averaged over a 24 hour period) will be answered within 15 seconds, 7
          days per week (with the exception of Christmas Day when the target
          percentage shall be 70 per cent). The balance of all such Calls shall
          be answered by the BT Operator as soon as reasonably possible after
          the 15 second period.

3.4       On written request from the Operator, BT shall provide statistics of
          the percentage of Calls actually answered within the time periods
          specified in paragraph 3.3 for the OCHC which normally deals with
          Calls to the NOA Service for the relevant BT Switch Connection.

3.5       BT shall, correct faults which occur in the BT System which affect the
          provision of the NOA Service, in accordance with BT's normal
          engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt, BT does not warrant
          that the BT System is or will be free from faults.

3.6       Procedures for the provision by BT to the Operator of details of Calls
          to the NOA Service and refunds handled by BT Operators are set out in
          Annex B and the procedures for operational matters and Customer
          complaints are set out in the Operator Services Manual.

3.7       BT shall provide training to BT Operators for the purpose of providing
          services under this Schedule.


4.1       Where the Operator conveys Calls to access the NOA Service it shall
          deliver the Calls to a BT Switch Connection at a BT DMSU in accordance
          with Annex A.

4.2       If Operator Customers, by means of a Call passed to BT to order a BT
          Telemessage, and BT provides such a service the Operator shall pay to
          BT the appropriate charge specified from time to time in the BT Retail
          Price List.

4.3       The Operator shall, where faults occur in the Operator System which
          affect the provision of the NOA Service, correct them in accordance
          with the Operator's normal engineering practices. For the avoidance of
          doubt, the Operator does not warrant that the Operator System is or
          will be free from faults.

4.4       Where the Operator permits access to the NOA Service from payphones
          connected to or forming part of the Operator System, the Operator
          shall ensure the payphone sends a tone, of a form to be agreed between
                                  PAGE 5 of 8


          Parties, to indicate to the BT Operator that the Calling Party is
          using a payphone.

4.5       Where the Operator wishes BT to inform Calling Parties, in response to
          enquiries, of the condition of Operator Customer's telephone lines
          (e.g. out of order, terminated etc.) it shall provide BT with a
          telephone number for use by the BT Operator for making such enquiries.
          This telephone number will be used solely by the BT Operator and shall
          not be disclosed.


5.1       BT shall provide the NOA Service to the Operator as detailed in this
          Schedule on the later of the following:

5.1.1     a date 3 months after the date this Schedule was incorporated into
          the Agreement; or

5.1.2     the first Ready for Service Date; or

5.1.3     such other date as the Parties may agree in writing.

5.2       The Operator may terminate its access to the NOA Service under this
          Schedule by giving 3 months' written notice to BT.

6.        CHARGING

6.1       For the services provided by the BT Operator except for those
          specifically stated to be free of such charges, the Operator shall pay
          BT for each Call the charge for the NOA Service as specified from time
          to time in the Carrier Price List. In addition, the following are

6.1.1     For the onward connection of Calls stated in paragraph 2.3.1 the
          Operator or BT, as appropriate shall pay, for each successful Call,
          the charges in accordance with the charge as specified from time to
          time in the Carrier Price List for the appropriate Call.

6.1.2     For the provision of Transfer Charge Calls by the NOA Service, and
          for the BT Freefone(TM) Name Service, BT shall pay the Operator for
          each successful Call, the appropriate charge specified from time
          to time in the Carrier Price List.


7.1       Where BT provides assistance pursuant to paragraph 2.3.1 which
          includes onward connection of a BT Basic Telephony Call and subject to
          the provisions of this paragraph 7, the Operator shall pay a
          contribution to

                                  PAGE 6 of 8

          BT's Access Deficit at the rate specified from time to time for the
          ADC Call Category, in the Carrier Price List. For these purposes, the
          ADC Call Category shall be ascertained at the time when the Answer
          Signal is generated.

7.2       If, prior to the date of the Agreement, either Party has requested the
          Director General pursuant to Condition 13.5A of the BT Licence to
          reduce the contribution to be made by the Operator towards BT's Access
          Deficit, then payment of the contribution referred to in such request
          shall be suspended until the Director General has dealt with the

7.3       If, following a request referred to in paragraph 7.2, the Director
          General determines not to reduce the contribution or determines that a
          partial contribution shall be payable by the Operator towards BT's
          Access Deficit, such contribution shall be payable accordingly with
          effect from the date that the services set out in this Schedule
          commenced. The Operator shall pay any outstanding contribution not
          later than one month after the date of such determination.

7.4       If, following a request referred to in paragraph 7.2, the Director
          General determines that no contribution shall be payable by the
          Operator towards BT's Access Deficit no such contribution shall be
          payable under paragraph 7.1.

7.5       If the Director General at any time determines pursuant to Condition
          13.5A of the BT Licence that the contribution payable by the Operator
          towards BT's Access Deficit should be varied or a contribution becomes
          payable in accordance with Condition 13.5A of the BT Licence then the
          Agreement shall be varied accordingly.

7.6       The Operator shall have no liability to pay a contribution to BT's
          Access Deficit in respect of Calls which have originated on the system
          of a Third Party Operator and are conveyed over the Operator System to
          the BT System, provided that:

7.6.1     subject as provided in paragraph 7.6.4 below the Operator shall
          not agree to convey over the Operator System to the BT System Calls
          originated on the system of a Third Party Operator or first conveyed
          in the UK by the system of a Third Party Operator unless that operator
          shows to the Operator's reasonable satisfaction that it has entered
          into an agreement with BT to pay a contribution to BT's Access Deficit
          for all Calls originated on the system of that Third Party Operator,
          or first conveyed in the UK by the system of that Third Party
          Operator, and conveyed to their ultimate destination by means of the
          BT System (whether by direct connection between the system of that
          Third Party Operator and the BT system or by transit through any other

7.6.2     if the Director General (following notification from BT) notifies
          the Operator that a Third Party Operator, having entered into an

                                  PAGE 7 of 8

          agreement as described in paragraph 7.6.1, has failed to make a
          contribution to BT's Access Deficit as required by that agreement and
          that all provisions in that agreement for the resolution of disputes
          have been exercised and have failed, then the Operator shall as
          quickly as reasonably practicable cease to convey Calls originated on
          the system of that Third Party Operator or first conveyed in the UK by
          that operator's system to the BT System. The Director General shall
          not notify the Operator pursuant to this paragraph if, having heard
          representations from the Third Party Operator concerned, he is
          satisfied that the payment demanded by BT from the Third Party
          Operator has not been calculated in accordance with this proviso, save
          that it shall be deemed to be conclusive proof that the payment has
          been properly calculated if BT obtains judgement in a court of
          competent jurisdiction for its recovery as a debt and any appeal
          against that judgement has been finally disposed of;

7.6.3     the Operator shall provide BT at BT's expense such information about
          those Calls described in paragraph 7.6.1 as the Operator is
          practicably and rightfully able to provide and as BT may reasonably
          require to calculate the amount of contribution to the Access Deficit
          so payable. During such time as the Operator is unable to provide a
          record of the Calls described in paragraph 7.6.1, it shall provide
          information to BT for the purposes of this paragraph on the basis of a
          method of estimation determined by the Director General after
          consulting with such other persons as he considers appropriate;

7.6.4     the obligation of the Operator in paragraph 7.6.1 shall not apply to
          Calls which the Director General has determined or BT has agreed
          should not give rise to a contribution to BT's Access Deficit by any
          such Third Party Operator and this paragraph shall cease to apply if
          BT ceases to be entitled by virtue of Condition 13 of the BT Licence
          to recover from the Third Party Operator a contribution to its Access

7.7       BT shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Operator against any
          liability claim, loss or damage resulting from the Operator's
          performance of obligation under paragraph 7.6.1 or 7.6.2 in
          circumstances where in case of default or negligence of BT the
          Operator would not have been so obliged to prevent or cease conveyance
          of a Call emanating from the Third Party Operator.

7.8       The Parties agree that either Party may initiate a review of
          paragraphs 7.6 and 7.7 pursuant to paragraph 19.1.3 of the main body
          of the Agreement.

                                  PAGE 8 of 8

                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 121

                           DIRECTORY ENQUIRY SERVICE


1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix, unless
          stated otherwise is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words
          and expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown

"BLIND OR DISABLED PERSON"        a person fulfilling criteria determined by BT
                                  from time to time and registered with BT
                                  permitting use of the DQ Service by that
                                  person at no charge;

"DQ CENTRE"                       a BT site where DQ Operators answer Calls to
                                  the DQ Service;

"DQ OPERATOR"                     a person who answers Calls to the DQ Service;

"DQ SERVICE"                      the directory enquiry service relating to
                                  telephone numbers within the British Isles.

2.1       This Schedule gives details of the provision by BT to the Operator of
          access to the DQ Service. The DQ Service shall only be available to be
          accessed by persons having a telephone number conforming to the UK
          national numbering scheme.

2.2       A person may request a search for the telephone or telex numbers of up
          to two persons listed as telephony or telex customers in the British
          Isles provided that sufficient information is given to enable the DQ
          Operator to carry out a search. If the search is successful, the
          Calling Party will be supplied with the requested number. However if
          the number is listed as an ex-directory number the Calling Party will
          be so informed, but the number will not be disclosed.

2.3       Subject to paragraph 2.4 below, refunds of the DQ Service charges set
          out from time to time in the Carrier Price List shall be made by BT
          where the following circumstances are brought to BT's attention by the
          Operator Customer:
                                Page 1 of 4
2.3.1     if a DQ Operator provides to the Calling Party information that
          is inconsistent with correct information that was available at the
          DQ Centre;

2.3.2     if a DQ Operator is unable to trace the telephone number but the
          Calling Party is able to obtain the number from a BT Phone Book or
          another DQ Operator that same day;

2.3.3     if the Call is misrouted by the BT System to the DQ Service;

2.3.4     if the Call has been cut off by the BT System on a Call to the DQ
          Service or bad transmission over the BT System prevents the Calling
          Party from hearing the DQ Operator's response;

2.3.5     if, due to BT error in processing any information that BT has agreed
          to enter in a BT Phone Book, the number that is required is missing or
          incorrect (e.g. numbers transposed) in such a directory;

2.3.6     if the DQ Operator reasonably feels that the Calling Party has
          experienced poor DQ Service or exceptional difficulty;

2.3.7     if during the course of a search by the DQ Operator there is a
          computer failure and the DQ Operator is unable to deliver the number;

2.3.8     if the Calling Party is referred by the DQ Operator to the BT "Talking
          Pages" Service;

2.3.9     if the Calling Party asks for the number of a particular BT department
          or front office;

2.3.10    if the Calling Party requests Number Range information and the Call to
          the DQ Service was caused by a BT code change or bulk number change.

2.4       Refunds will only be made if the Calling Party identifies to the DQ
          Operator dealing with the refund the originating telephone number used
          by the Calling Party to make the Call to the DQ Centre.

2.5       Directory Enquiry Service for the Blind or Disabled

2.5.1     BT shall register as a Blind or Disabled Person those persons who
          apply to a BT registration point for consideration by BT to be
          registered, subject to the person fulfilling the same criteria as BT
          Customers qualifying for registration.

2.5.2     BT shall make no separate charge pursuant to this Schedule for access
          to the DQ Service where:
                                Page 2 of 4
          a)   the Call is received at the specialised DQ bureau dealing with
               Calls from Blind or Disabled Persons to the DQ Service; and

          b)   the Calling Party is a Blind or Disabled Person.

          No refunds will be offered to the Operator in respect of the provision
          of the DQ Service to Blind or Disabled Persons.

2.6       If BT makes a material change to the DQ Service that BT provides to
          its own Customers, it shall give the Operator 6 months notice of such
          change. The notice of such change shall be a review notice in
          accordance with paragraph 19.1.3 of the main body of this Agreement.


3.1       BT shall provide the DQ Service at all times. In other aspects it
          shall provide the same standard and quality of service as BT makes
          available to BT Customers making Calls to the DQ Service from that

3.2       Subject to the provision of this Schedule, BT shall convey Calls for
          the DQ Service received from the Operator System to a DQ Centre. BT
          shall be under no obligation to convey any Call to the DQ Service
          which is a type of Call that BT does not convey to such service for
          its Customers.

3.3       BT shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that 90 per cent. of
          all Calls (except those for which there were no queue places available
          in the automatic call distribution system) to the DQ Service (averaged
          over a 24 hour period) will be answered within 15 seconds, 7 days per
          week (with the exception of Christmas Day when the target percentage
          shall be 70 per cent.). The balance of all such Calls shall be
          answered by the DQ Operator as soon as reasonably possible after the
          15 second period.

3.4       On written request from the Operator, BT shall provide statistics of
          the percentage of Calls actually answered within the time periods
          specified in paragraph 3.3 for the OCHC which normally deals with
          Calls to the DQ Service for the relevant BT Switch Connection.

3.5       BT shall correct faults which occur in the BT System which affect the
          DQ Service in accordance with BT's normal engineering practices. For
          the avoidance of doubt, BT does not warrant that the BT System is, or
          will be, free from faults.

3.6       Procedures for the provision by BT to the Operator of details of Calls
          to the DQ Service handled by DQ Operators shall be as set out in
          Annex B whereby BT shall pay refunds to the Operator. Refund
          information shall be included in TIBS Billing Information and
          Refund Reports.


                                PAGE 3 of 4


4.1       Where the Operator conveys a Call to the DQ Service to BT, the
          Operator shall convey such a Call to a BT Switch Connection at a BT
          DMSU in accordance with Annex A.

4.2       The Operator shall pay to BT for each Call to the DQ Service the
          appropriate charges specified from time to time in the Carrier Price

4.3       The Operator shall, correct faults which occur in the Operator System
          which affect the DQ Service in accordance with the Operator's normal
          engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt, the Operator does
          not warrant that the Operator System is, or will be, free from faults.


5.1       BT shall provide the DQ Service as detailed in this Schedule on the
          later of the following:

5.1.1     a date 3 months after the date this Schedule was incorporated into the
          Agreement; or

5.1.2     the first Ready for Service Date; or

5.1.3     such other date as the Parties may agree in writing.

5.2       The Operator may terminate access to the DQ service provided under
          this Schedule by giving 3 months written notice to BT.
                                Page 4 of 4
                                     ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 122



1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix, unless
          stated otherwise is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words
          and expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown

"IOA SERVICE"            the international operator assistance service
                         relating to Calls to destinations outside the British
                         Isles and other services as specifically described in
                         paragraph 2 of this Schedule.


2.1       This Schedule gives details of the provision by BT to the Operator of
          access to the IOA Service.

2.1.1     IOA Service shall only be available to be accessed by persons
          having a telephone number conforming to the UK national numbering

2.1.2     Where the Operator permits Calling Parties to contact the IOA
          Service from payphones connected to or forming part of the Operator
          System, BT shall only be obliged to provide the services set out in
          paragraphs 2.3.3 and 2.3.6.

2.2       Subject to paragraph 2.3, a person will be able to contact the IOA
          Service in order to obtain assistance in completing Calls to Customers
          of an Authorised Overseas System who can be reached through the BT
          System and to obtain time difference advice.

2.3       BT shall provide the IOA Service which shall comprise the following:

2.3.1     Assistance Calls

          The Calling Party can request connection to an international telephone
          number, or assistance from overseas operators, or assistance in
          connection where a previous attempt failed or re-connection to a
          telephone number in the event of prior unwarranted disconnection by
          one or more of the Telecommunication Systems involved in the
          connection chain or assistance in sending facsimile messages to
          destinations outside the British Isles. Call charges are payable in
          whole minutes with a minimum charge of that for a three minute Call.

                                PAGE 1 of 4
2.3.2     Personal Calls to international numbers

          The Calling Party can request the BT Operator to connect them to a
          named person or extension outside the British Isles. A personal call
          fee is payable for each Call attempt that is answered whether or not
          the Call is connected to the named person or extension. The Call
          charges specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List are
          payable in whole minutes with a minimum charge of that for a three
          minute Call.

2.3.3     International Transfer Charge Calls

          The Calling Party can request the BT Operator to arrange a Transfer
          Charge Call to an overseas destination, except that international
          Transfer Charge Calls cannot be made to payphones, services run by
          INMARSAT, a ship in port, the Republic of Ireland or to territories or
          numbers where there is no agreement to provide such Calls with the
          relevant telecommunications operators.

2.3.4     Calls via INMARSAT

          The Calling Party can request the BT Operator to connect a Call to a
          ship at sea which possesses suitable satellite communication

2.3.5     Advance Booking of International Calls

          The Calling Party can request the BT Operator to arrange connection of
          an International Call to a specific destination for a particular date
          and time.

2.3.6     Time Difference Advice

          The Calling Party can request the BT Operator for the local time in a
          particular country.

2.4       If BT makes a material change to the IOA Service that BT provides to
          BT Customers, it shall give the Operator 6 months notice of such
          change. The notice of such change shall be a review notice in
          accordance with paragraph 19.1.3 of the main body of this Agreement.


3.1       BT shall provide the IOA Service at all times. In other aspects it
          shall provide the same standard and quality of service as BT makes
          available to BT Customers calling the IOA Service from that locality.

3.2       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall convey Calls for
          the IOA Service by means of the BT System to an IOA Service centre.

                                PAGE 2 of 4
          BT shall be under no obligation to convey any Call to the IOA Service
          which is a type of Call that BT does not convey to such service for
          its Customers.

3.3       BT shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that 90 per cent. of
          all Calls (except those for which there were no queue places available
          in the automatic call distribution system) to the IOA Service
          (averaged over a 24 hour period) will be answered within 15 seconds, 7
          days per week (with the exception of Christmas Day when the target
          percentages shall be 70 per cent.). The balance of all such Calls
          shall be answered by the BT Operator as soon as reasonably possible
          after the 15 second period.

3.4       BT shall correct faults which occur in the BT System which affect the
          provision of the IOA Service in accordance with BT's normal
          engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt, BT does not warrant
          that the BT System is, or will be, free from faults.

3.5       Procedures for the provision by BT to the Operator of details of Calls
          to the IOA Service handled by BT Operators are set out in Annex B and
          the procedures for operational matters and Customer complaints are set
          out in the Operator Services Manual.


4.1       Where the Operator conveys Calls to access the IOA Service it shall
          hand over Calls to a BT Switch Connection at a BT DMSU in accordance
          with Annex A.

4.2       The Operator shall correct faults which occur in the Operator System
          which affect the provision of the IOA Service in accordance with the
          Operator's normal engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt,
          the Operator does not warrant that the Operator System is, or will be,
          free from faults.

4.3       Where the Operator permits access to the IOA Services from payphones
          connected to or forming part of the Operator System, the Operator
          shall ensure the payphone sends a tone, of a form to be agreed between
          the Parties, to indicate to the BT Operator that the Calling Party is
          using a payphone.

5.        CHARGING

5.1       For the service provided by way of the IOA Service, except for
          international Transfer Charge Calls, the Operator shall pay BT for
          each Call the charges specified from time to time the Carrier Price

5.2       For each international Transfer Charge Call set up by the BT Operator,
          BT shall pay the Operator for each successful Call the appropriate
          rate specified from time to time and the Operator shall pay no charge
          to BT pursuant to paragraph 5.1 in the Carrier Price List.

                                  PAGE 3 of 4


6.1       BT shall provide the IOA Service as detailed in this Schedule on the
          later of the following:

6.1.1     a date 3 months after the date this Schedule was incorporated into
          the Agreement; or

6.1.2     the first Ready for Service Date; or

6.1.3     such other date as the Parties may agree in writing.

6.2       The Operator may terminate access to the IOA service provided under
          this Schedule by giving 3 months written notice to BT.

                                PAGE 4 of 4
                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 123



1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix, unless
          stated otherwise is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words
          and expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown

"BLIND OR DISABLED PERSON"       a person fulfilling criteria determined by BT
                                 from time to time and registered with BT
                                 permitting use of the IDQ Service by that
                                 person at no charge;

"IDQ CENTRE"                     a BT site where IDQ Operators answer Calls to
                                 the IDQ Service;

"IDQ OPERATOR"                   a person who answers Calls to the IDQ Service;

"IDQ SERVICE"                    the international directory enquiry service
                                 relating to telephone numbers outside the
                                 British Isles which is more specifically
                                 described in paragraph 2 below.


2.1       This Schedule gives details of the provision by BT to the Operator of
          access to the IDQ Service. The IDQ Service shall only be available to
          be accessed by persons having a telephone number conforming to the UK
          national numbering scheme.

2.2       A person may request a search for the telephone or telex numbers of up
          to two persons listed as telephony or telex Customers of operators of
          Authorised Overseas Systems, provided that sufficient information is
          given to enable the IDQ Operator to carry out a search. If the search
          is successful, the Calling Party will be supplied with the requested
          number. However if the number is listed as an ex-directory number the
          Calling Party will be so informed, but the number will not be

2.3       Subject to paragraph 2.4 below, refunds of the IDQ Service charge
          specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List shall be made to
          the Operator by BT where the following circumstances are brought to
          BT's attention by the Operator Customer:

                                PAGE 1 of 4
2.3.1     if an IDQ Operator provides to the Calling Party information that is
          inconsistent with correct information that was available at the IDQ

2.3.2     if the Call is misrouted by the BT System to the IDQ Service;

2.3.3     if the Calling Party has been cut off by the BT System on a Call to
          the IDQ Service or bad transmission over the BT System prevents the
          Calling Party from hearing the IDQ Operator's response;

2.3.4     if the IDQ Operator reasonably feels that the Calling Party has
          experienced poor service or exceptional difficulty;

2.3.5     if the Calling Party asks for the number of a particular BT department
          or front office;

2.3.6     if the Calling Party makes a Call to enquire about the progress of an
          earlier request for information where the IDQ Operator has offered to
          ring with the information.

2.4       Refunds shall be made only if the Calling Party identifies to the IDQ
          Operator dealing with the refund the originating telephone number used
          by the Calling Party to make the Call to the IDQ Centre.

2.5       International Directory Enquiry Service for the Blind or Disabled

2.5.1     BT shall register as a Blind or Disabled Person those persons who
          apply to a BT registration point for consideration by BT to be
          registered, subject to the person fulfilling the same criteria as BT
          Customers qualifying for registration.

2.5.2     BT shall make no separate charge pursuant to this Schedule for access
          to the IDQ Service where:

          a)   the Call is received at the specialised DQ bureau dealing with
               Calls from Blind or Disabled Persons to the IDQ Service; and

          b)   the Calling Party is a Blind or Disabled Person.

          No refunds shall be offered to the Operator in respect of the
          provision of the IDQ Service to Blind and Disabled Persons.

2.6       If BT makes a material change to the IDQ Service that BT provides to
          its own Customers, it shall give the Operator 6 months notice of such
          change. The notice of such change shall be a review notice in
          accordance with paragraph 19.1.3 of the main body of this Agreement.

                                  PAGE 2 of 4



3.1       BT shall provide the IDQ Service at all times. In other aspects it
          shall provide the same standard and quality of service as BT makes
          available to BT Customers calling the IDQ Service from that locality.

3.2       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall convey Calls for
          the IDQ Service received from the Operator System to an IDQ Centre. BT
          shall be under no obligation to convey any Call to the IDQ Service
          which is a type of Call that BT does not convey to such service for
          its Customers.

3.3       BT shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that 90 per cent. of
          all Calls (except those for which there were no queue places available
          in the automatic call distribution system) to the IDQ Service
          (averaged over a 24 hour period) will be answered within 15 seconds, 7
          days per week (with the exception of Christmas Day when the target
          percentage shall be 70 per cent.). The balance of all such Calls shall
          be answered by the Operator as soon as reasonably possible after the
          15 second period.

3.4       BT shall correct faults which occur in the BT System which affect the
          provision of the IDQ Service in accordance with BT's normal
          engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt, BT does not warrant
          that the BT System is, or will be, free from faults.

3.5       Procedures for the provision by BT to the Operator of details of Calls
          to the IDQ Service handled by IDQ Operators shall be as set out in
          Annex B whereby BT shall pay refunds to the Operator. Refund
          information shall be included in TIBS Billing Information and Refund


4.1       Where the Operator conveys a Call to access the IDQ Service it shall
          hand over Calls to a BT Switch Connection at a BT DMSU in accordance
          with the Annex A.

4.2       The Operator shall pay to BT for each Call to the IDQ Service the
          appropriate charge specified from time to time in the Carrier Price

4.3       The Operator shall correct faults which occur in the Operator System
          which affect the provision of the IDQ Service in accordance with the
          Operator's normal engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt,
          the Operator does not warrant that the Operator System is, or will be,
          free from faults.


5.1       BT shall provide the IDQ Service as detailed in this Schedule on the
          later of the following:
                                  PAGE 3 of 4


5.1.1     a date 3 months after the date this Schedule was incorporated into
          the Agreement; or

5.1.2     the first Ready for Service Date; or

5.1.3     such other date as the Parties may agree in writing.

5.2       The Operator may terminate access to the IDQ Service provided under
          this Schedule by giving 3 months written notice to BT.
                                PAGE 4 of 4


                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 124

                               EMERGENCY SERVICE


1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix, unless
          stated otherwise is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words
          and expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown

"CONNECT TO NUMBER"               the telephone number of an Emergency
                                  Organisation applicable to a Zone Code
                                  supplied by the Operator to BT for Mobile
                                  Emergency Calls;

"FIXED EMERGENCY CALL"            an Emergency Call where the Calling Party is
                                  using an Exchange Line connected to a fixed
                                  Network Termination Point which has a
                                  telephone number conforming to the UK national
                                  numbering scheme and which permits BT to
                                  ascertain the location of the Calling Party;

"MOBILE EMERGENCY CALL"           an Emergency Call where the Calling Party is
                                  using terminal apparatus which is mobile and
                                  in respect of which, without a Zone Code, BT
                                  would be unable to ascertain the approximate
                                  location of the Calling Party;

"ZONE CODE"                       a code, agreed between the Parties, for
                                  signalling and display to the BT Operator,
                                  identifying the location of the radio station
                                  conveying a Mobile Emergency Call from an
                                  Operator Customer.


2.1       This Schedule gives details of the provision by BT to the Operator of
          a service comprising the conveyance of Emergency Calls and the handing
          over of such Calls to an Emergency Organisation. This service shall
          only be available to be accessed by persons having a telephone number
          conforming to the UK national numbering scheme.

                                  PAGE 1 of 7


2.2       Where the Operator System does not hand over Mobile Emergency Calls to
          the BT System the rights and obligations under this Schedule in
          relation to Mobile Emergency Calls shall not apply.

2.3       The Emergency Service shall be provided in order to assist the
          Operator to meet the obligation set out in the applicable Condition of
          the Operator Licence. However, BT shall be under no obligation to
          provide any Public Emergency Call Service (as defined in Condition 6
          of the BT Licence) wider in scope or more onerous than that which BT
          is obliged to provide to a BT Customer.

2.4       BT's obligation in respect of an Emergency Call is to convey it and
          hand it over to an Emergency Organisation.

2.5       If BT makes a material change to the Emergency Service that BT
          provides to its own Customers or BT wishes to offer to the Operator a
          service based upon post codes, it shall give the Operator 6 months
          notice of such change. The notice of such change shall be a review
          notice in accordance with paragraph 19.1.3 of the main body of this


3.1       BT shall provide, not later than 30 Working Days after a request, maps
          showing BT local exchange area boundaries for that part of the United
          Kingdom from which the Operator System plans to convey Fixed Emergency
          Calls or Mobile Emergency Calls. These maps will be available as
          overlays to 1:50000 Ordnance Survey maps.

3.2       The Operator shall use the information supplied pursuant to paragraph
          3.1 for the purposes of planning and routing Emergency Calls and for
          no other purpose.

3.3       The initial Zone Codes and Connect To Numbers advised to BT by the
          Operator are set out in Appendix 124.1.

3.4       The Operator shall order and BT shall provide the necessary Data
          Management Amendments for Emergency Calls to be delivered to the
          relevant Emergency Centres pursuant to the provisions set out in
          Schedule 140.


4.1       BT shall, upon receipt of information from the Operator regarding new
          or amended Zone Codes or Connect To Numbers, install that information
          within the Emergency Centre database and confirm in writing to the
          Operator the installation of that information.

4.2       Subject to the provision of this Schedule, BT shall where Emergency
          Calls are handed over at agreed Points of Connection:
                                  PAGE 2 of 7


4.2.1     convey Emergency Calls to an OCHC;

4.2.2     provide an onwards connect service to the relevant Emergency
          Organisation via a BT Operator by means of two-way voice telephony;

4.2.3     liaise and co-operate with the Operator in resolving any problems that
          may arise and assist the Emergency Organisations with requests for
          call-trace in the event of failure of an Emergency Call.

4.3       BT shall convey Emergency Calls at all times and at the same standard
          and quality of service as BT makes available to BT Customers making
          Fixed Emergency Calls from within that locality.

4.4       BT shall, based upon the Zone Code and the Connect To Numbers related
          to that Zone Code contained within the Emergency Centre database,
          connect a Mobile Emergency Call to the Connect To Number on that
          database shown for the Emergency Organisation requested by the
          Operator Customer.

4.5       In the event that BT receives a Mobile Emergency Call with a Zone Code
          that is not contained in the Emergency Centre database or that Zone
          Code does not refer to a required Connect To Number, or the Mobile
          Emergency Call does not contain all the required information, or the
          information is incorrect or corrupted, BT shall use reasonable
          endeavours to convey the Call to a telephone number for the
          appropriate Emergency Organisation subject to the Operator providing
          BT with the required information pursuant to paragraph 5.9 below.

4.6       BT shall correct faults which occur in the BT System which affect
          Emergency Calls in accordance with BT's normal engineering practices.
          For the avoidance of doubt, BT does not warrant that the BT System is,
          or will be, free from faults.

4.7       The Operations and Maintenance Manual contains procedures for testing
          the service set out in this Schedule.

4.8       BT shall provide training to BT Operators for the purpose of providing
          services under this Schedule.

4.9       Where the Operator has reasonably required BT's assistance in replying
          to enquiries and complaints in respect of Emergency Calls BT shall
          investigate and report to the Operator and neither Party shall make a
                                PAGE 3 of 7


5.1       The Operator shall agree with Emergency Organisations the appropriate
          local Emergency Organisation departments who shall receive and process
          Mobile Emergency Calls from Calling Parties conveyed to them by BT.

5.2       The Operator shall allocate to each radio station within the Operator
          System, which could convey a Mobile Emergency Call, a Zone Code and
          agree the area covered by each Zone Code with the relevant Emergency
          Organisations and provide to BT in the format set out in Appendix
          124.1, for each Zone Code, at least one and where practicable up to
          three Connect To Numbers for each applicable Emergency Organisation.

5.3       The Operator shall advise BT in writing of any variation to an
          existing Zone Code or its associated Connect To Numbers, or any new
          Zone Code or its Connect To Numbers in the format set out in Appendix
          124.1 or such other format as may be agreed between the Parties in
          writing from time to time.

5.4       Where the Operator delivers an Emergency Call to the BT System it
          shall do so at an agreed BT Switch Connection at a BT DMSU in
          accordance with Annex A and conform with the other requirements for
          Emergency Calls set out in Annex A. Where BT requires that Mobile
          Emergency Calls be delivered to another or to different BT Switch
          Connections, BT shall give the Operator at least 6 months notice. The
          notice shall specify the location of the additional or different BT
          Switch Connection and the date by which the changes shall be
          implemented by the Operator.

5.5       The Operator shall not convey to the BT System Emergency Calls before
          the date agreed pursuant to paragraph 6.1.

5.6       The Operator shall convey to BT all Mobile Emergency Calls in the
          format 999 II ABCD where:

          999  identifies the Call as an Emergency Call; and

          II   is the Code notified to the Operator by BT which identifies the
               Emergency Call as a Call from an Operator Customer; and

          ABCD is the relevant Zone Code notified to BT by the Operator pursuant
               to paragraph 5.2.

          or such other digits as the Parties may agree in writing from time to

5.7       The Operator shall convey Fixed Emergency Calls with the last clearing
          party initiated release protocol set.

5.8       The Operator shall ensure that for Fixed Emergency Calls there is
          adequate numbering discrimination within the Operator System to take
          account of the relevant Emergency Organisation's geographic

                                  PAGE 4 of 7
5.9       The Operator shall set up and maintain a 24 hour point of contact to
          give operational assistance to BT in resolving any problems that may
          arise with Emergency Calls and to assist the Emergency Organisations
          with requests for information in respect of Operator Customers.

5.10      The Operator shall correct faults which occur in the Operator System
          which affect Emergency Calls in accordance with the Operator's normal
          engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt, the Operator does
          not warrant that the Operator System is, or will be, free from faults.

5.11      The Operator shall handle, process and reply to all enquiries and
          complaints about Emergency Calls.

5.12      The Operator shall pay BT for the conveyance of each Emergency Call
          the charge specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List.

5.13      The Operator shall pay to BT for BT Operator Training the sum
          specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List for each of
          Fixed Emergency Call service or Mobile Emergency Call service training
          within 30 calendar days of the date agreed pursuant to paragraph 6.1
          following confirmation by BT of completion of the work.


6.1       The Operator may convey Emergency Calls to BT and BT shall convey
          those Calls on the later of the following:

6.1.1     a date 6 months after the date this Schedule was incorporated
          into the Agreement; or

6.1.2     the first Ready for Service Date; or

6.1.3     such other date as the Parties may agree in writing.

6.2       The Operator may terminate access to the Emergency Service provided
          under this Schedule by giving 3 months written notice to BT.

                                  PAGE 5 of 7
                                 APPENDIX 124.1

                        ZONE CODE AND CONNECT TO NUMBER
                           INFORMATION PROVISION FORM

1.        The Operator shall provide to BT information relating to Zone Codes
          and Connect To Numbers in the following format or as otherwise amended
          by BT and advised to the Operator in writing from time to time:

To:   BT Mobile 999 Admin. Centre                             Fax:  01925 235017
From: (Name) _________________________________ the Operator   Fax:  ____________

Please implement the following changes to your 999 information.
Ref. No. ___________________
Date of change ____________________________________ Time of change  ___________
Reason for change _____________________________________________________________
Information received from Emergency Organisation (date/time)_________/_________
Information sent to Admin. Centre (date/time)_________/_________

Changes Table                                            BT use only

Country or       Emergency    Connect To     Zones       EDB+GIF    Lists Change
Area             Authority    Numbers in     Affected    Change
                              format (P)
                              (number) (Q)

Continued on following sheet (delete if not applicable)

Information received by (name/date/time)  _______________/____________/_________
Information sent to (date/time)           _______________/______________________
Information received by           / /
Information received by (name/date/time)  _______________/____________/_________

EDB, GIF and/or lists amended by                 / /               / /
                                Page 6 of 7
2.        The form described in the immediately preceding paragraph shall
          include operational guidance notes which shall be as set down below or
          as amended by BT and advised to the Operator in writing from time to

REFERENCE NUMBERS   These must run consecutively starting from 1.

DATE AND TIME OF CHANGE   These should be within the period Monday to Friday,
                          08.30 - 16.30. 3 Working Days notice of any required
                          change must be given.

REASON FOR CHANGE         Give brief description only e.g. "New Zone Code".

CHANGES TABLE             For every change there must be an entry in all of the
                          first four columns.

COUNTY OR AREA            Give name of county or area involved.

EMERGENCY ORGANISATION    State whether it is Fire, Police, Ambulance or
                          Coastguard, with the official name of the Emergency
                          Organisation in brackets e.g. "Police (Northern

ZONE AFFECTED             Provide in the format 3123.

CONNECT TO NUMBERS        You must show the number in the format (P) 01987
                          654321 (Q). The prefix letter must be (P), (S), (A) or
                          (E) for primary, secondary, alternative or evacuation
                          numbers respectively. The suffix letter must be either
                          (Q) for a queuing system or (N) if there is none. If
                          it is a Connect To Number change, only those Connect
                          To Numbers that have changed should be included. If
                          there is a new Zone Code or the County or Emergency
                          Organisation for a particular Zone Code is changing,
                          then all relevant Connect To Numbers should be shown.

                                  PAGE 7 of 7

                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 126

                              RADIOTELEPHONE CALLS


1.1       In this Schedule a reference to a paragraph or Appendix, unless stated
          otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
          expressions have the meaning given in Annex D except as shown below:

"BT RADIO OFFICER"               a BT radio officer who sets up the
                                 Radiotelephone Service;

"RADIOTELEPHONE CALL"            a Call set up by a BT Radio Officer from the
                                 Calling Party to the relevant ship using the
                                 Radiotelephone Service;

"RADIOTELEPHONE REQUEST CALL"    a Call handed over by the Operator to BT on
                                 such BT Freefone 0800 number as BT shall advise
                                 from time to time, whereby the Calling Party
                                 requests the BT Radio Officer to set up a
                                 Radiotelephone Call;

"RADIOTELEPHONE SERVICE"         telephone Calls (including related services)
                                 transmitted by wireless telegraphy from a BT
                                 wireless telegraphy station to a ship.


2.1       Subject to the provision of this Schedule, BT shall convey
          Radiotelephone Request Calls handed over from the Operator System to a
          BT Radio Officer.

2.2       Radiotelephone Request Calls shall be included in the Traffic Forecast
          in accordance with Annex A.

2.3       On receipt of a Radiotelephone Request Call, the BT Radio Officer
          shall request the Calling Party to provide its telephone number and
          details of the destination ship.

2.4       The BT Radio Officer shall attempt to contact the relevant ship and,
          if successful, shall telephone the Calling Party and set up a
          Radiotelephone Call.

2.5       Radiotelephone Calls shall be available to a Calling Party whose
          telephone number conforms to the UK national numbering scheme.
                                  PAGE 1 of 3


2.6       If BT makes a material change to the Radiotelephone Service that BT
          provides to its own Customers, it shall give the Operator 6 months
          notice of such change. The notice of such change shall be a review
          notice in accordance with paragraph 19.1.3 of the main body of this

3.        ROUTING

3.1       Where the Operator conveys Radiotelephone Request Calls it shall
          deliver the Calls to a BT Switch Connection at a BT DMSU, in
          accordance with Annex A, which is as near as reasonably practicable to
          the geographical location from which the Call originated or at such
          other BT Switch Connection as may be agreed in writing.


4.1       BT shall convey Radiotelephone Request Calls handed over from the
          Operator System and Radiotelephone Calls at the same standard and
          quality of service as Calls made by BT Customers making such Calls in
          that locality.

4.2       BT shall correct faults which occur in the BT System which affect the
          conveyance of Radiotelephone Request Calls and Radiotelephone Calls in
          accordance with BT's normal engineering practices. For the avoidance
          of doubt, BT does not warrant that the BT System is, or will be, free
          from faults.

4.3       The Operator shall correct faults which occur in the Operator System
          which affect the conveyance of Radiotelephone Request Calls and
          Radiotelephone Calls in accordance with the Operator's normal
          engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt, the Operator does
          not warrant that the Operator System is, or will be, free from faults.

5.        DURATION

5.1       BT may terminate the provision of a Radiotelephone Service to the
          Operator if BT ceases to provide Radiotelephone Calls for BT

5.2       The Operator may terminate access to the Radiotelephone Services under
          this Schedule by giving three months written notice to BT.

6.        CHARGING

6.1       The Operator shall pay to BT for each Radiotelephone Call the
          appropriate charge specified from time to time in the Carrier Price
          List. There is a minimum charge equivalent to a three minute
          Radiotelephone Call. For Radiotelephone Calls greater than three
          minutes, the duration is rounded up to the next whole minute.
                                  PAGE 2 of 3


6.2       Where the BT Radio Officer telephones the Calling Party pursuant to
          paragraph 2.4, the Operator shall release BT from any payment to the
          Operator for such Call.
                                  PAGE 3 of 3



                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 130

                          CUSTOMER SITED INTERCONNECT


1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix, unless
          stated otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule.
          Words and expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as
          shown below:

"2 MBIT/S CSI INTERCONNECT LINK"  a portion of an Interconnect Link comprising a
                                  2 Mbit/s Path, an Intrabuilding Link located
                                  at the BT Switch Connection, and, as
                                  appropriate, a Signalling Link;

"2 MBIT/S PATH"                   the transmission layer (comprising the
                                  Multiplexors, LTE and a Line) between the
                                  2.048Mbit/s G703 interfaces of the Multiplexor
                                  located at the Operator building (housing the
                                  Point of Connection) and the Multiplexor
                                  located at the BT Switch Connection;

"LINE"                            the transmission medium between the two LTE's
                                  forming part of the 2Mbit/s Path.


2.1       This Schedule applies to the provision of Customer Sited Interconnect
          ("CSI") by BT, at the Operator's request, by the Operator ordering CSI
          in units of single 2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect Link.

2.2       Each 2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect Link contains not more than 30 traffic
          circuits and may, if required, contain a Signalling Link. A 2Mbit/s
          CSI Interconnect Link is a component of a Traffic Route and a Traffic

2.3       Unless otherwise agreed, a 2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect Link may convey
          Traffic Types of both Parties.


3.1       The Operator shall provide at its expense at the Operator building
          housing the Point of Connection, suitable accommodation for the BT
          equipment at the agreed Point of Connection.
                                  PAGE 1 of 6

3.2       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, BT shall provide the
          2Mbit/s Path and the Intrabuilding Link which form part of the
          Interconnect Link.

3.3       The Operator shall provide BT with access to the BT equipment at the
          Point of Connection at reasonable times for provision and or
          maintenance of 2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect Links. If consent is required
          from a Third Party, the Operator shall procure such consent. BT
          undertakes not to damage or destroy equipment forming part of the
          Operator System whilst providing or maintaining 2Mbit/s CSI
          Interconnect Links. If such damage or destruction does occur then,
          subject to the provisions of the main body of the Agreement, BT shall
          pay the reasonable cost of repair or replacement of such equipment,
          fair wear and tear excepted.

3.4       Subject to BT obtaining all necessary consents, BT shall provide
          2Mbit/s Paths by optical fibre. If BT is unable to obtain such
          consents BT, after notifying the Operator in writing, may:

3.4.1     suspend its obligations under the relevant order until such time as
          the necessary consents are obtained; and/or

3.4.2     notify the Operator that, subject to the payment of additional charges
          (if any), BT shall provide (as a temporary or permanent measure) that
          2 Mbit/s Path by radio.

3.5       If pursuant to paragraph 3.4.2 the Operator notifies BT that the
          Operator does not accept provision by the use of radio, BT's
          obligation to provide that CSI 2Mbit/s Interconnect Link shall be
          suspended until such time as the necessary consents are obtained.

3.6       If BT notifies the Operator of its intention to suspend its obligation
          to provide a CSI 2Mbit/s Interconnect Link in accordance with this

3.6.1     BT shall, if practicable, inform the Operator of the date when BT
          reasonably expects the necessary consents to be available; and

3.6.2     the Operator may notify BT in writing of the cancellation of the order
          for that CSI 2Mbit/s Interconnect Link without the pre-payment
          provisions of Annex A being invoked.

3.7       If pursuant to paragraph 3.4.2 the Operator notifies BT that the
          Operator accepts provision by the use of radio, BT shall so provide
          the 2Mbit/s Path, provided that all necessary consents are obtained.

3.8       If a 2Mbit/s Path has been provided by radio, BT at its cost, may, at
          its discretion, provide in substitution a 2Mbit/s Path by optical

                                  PAGE 2 of 6
3.9       If the BT equipment at the Point of Connection requires a continuous
          mains electricity supply and electricity connection points, they shall
          be supplied, where specified by BT, by the Operator at its expense.
          Such electricity shall be available at the same level of supply,
          protection and continuity as that available to the Operator equipment.

3.10      Forecasting, provisioning, routing principles and test procedures are
          specified in Annex A.

3.11      The Operator shall provide and maintain, at its expense, the portion
          of the Interconnect Link from the Point of Connection to the Operator
          Switch Connection.

3.12      The Operator shall be solely responsible for any loss, theft or
          destruction of, or damage (reasonable wear and tear excepted) to BT
          equipment in the accommodation housing the agreed Point of Connection,
          howsoever caused (unless caused by BT or its agents), occurring at any
          time while such BT equipment is so located.

3.13      BT shall provide and maintain the 2Mbit/s Path to engineering
          standards, (including diversity) not less than those used by BT to
          provide its BT 2Mbit/s digital wide band service to BT Customers.

4.        SIGNALLING

4.1       When ordering, for the first time, a 2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect Link
          between a specific BT Switch Connection and a specific Operator Switch
          Connection the Operator shall order a Signalling Link Set and specify
          the Route Type(s) required. Where the BT Switch Connection is at a BT
          ISC and the Operator has an Interconnect Link to another BT ISC, the
          Parties may agree to a single Signalling Link Set being used to
          support Interconnect Links to two BT ISCs.

4.2       The Operator shall order an additional Signalling Link Set if the
          total number of 2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect Links between the same Switch
          Connections exceed 40 or multiples of 40.

4.3       An order for a Signalling Link Set shall include an order for two
          2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect Links.

5.        ROUTE TYPES

5.1       Each Traffic Route is provided with a Route Type. Where a Party orders
          an additional Route Type it shall specify the required Traffic Type.

                                  PAGE 3 of 6

6.1       The Operator may request, in accordance with Annex A, the
          rearrangement of Intrabuilding Links on the Operator's side of the
          Point of Connection, or, in the building housing the BT Switch
          Connection. A change necessitating a 2Mbit/s Path being moved from one
          building to another building is the termination of, and the provision
          of a new 2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect Link.

7.        CHARGES

7.1       Subject to the provisions of this paragraph 7, for each 2Mbit/s CSI
          Interconnect Link, each Signalling Link Set and Route Type ordered by
          the Operator, the Operator shall pay to BT the connection and rental
          charges specified from time to time, in the Carrier Price List.

7.2       An Intrabuilding Link charge applies to each order for a 2Mbit/s CSI
          Interconnect Link. If an Intrabuilding Link contains a Signalling Link
          which supports unidirectional traffic the charge for that
          Intrabuilding Link is included in the Signalling Link Set charge.

7.3       There are two different Signalling Link Set charges in respect of
          Customer Sited Interconnect, namely, a charge for such a Link
          conveying unidirectional traffic (including, notwithstanding such
          Calls being conveyed in the opposite direction, Indirect Access Calls)
          and a charge for such a Link carrying bothway traffic.

7.4       The Signalling Link Set charge includes one single Route Type. Charges
          for additional Route Types are payable as specified from time to time
          in the Carrier Price List.

7.5       Charges for re-arrangements, pursuant to paragraph 6.1, are payable as
          specified, from time to time, in the Carrier Price List.

7.6       BT shall apply its retail terms and conditions for the provision by BT
          of ducting required for CSI. The Operator shall pay to BT duct charges
          specified from time to time in the BT Retail Price List for
          "Megastream Charges" - "Ancillary Charges".

7.7       The Operator shall pay the relevant connection charges specified from
          time to time in the Carrier Price List for each provided 2Mbit/s CSI
          Interconnect Link.

7.8       Where initial interconnection is provided by means of Customer Sited

7.8.1     Until the sooner of the next Quarter Day after a period of six months
          from the launch of the Operators initial commercial service utilising
          Interconnect Links, or nine months after the provision of the first
          2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect Link, the Operator shall, unless otherwise
          agreed in writing,

                                  PAGE 4 of 6

          pay rental for 2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect Links in accordance with the
          following formula:

                   Rp  =  Rt


                   Rp   is the rental payable

                   Rt   is the sum of all 2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect Link rental
                        calculated from the relevant charges specified from time
                        to time in the Carrier Price List.

7.8.2     After the period referred to in the preceding paragraph, or such other
          date as the Parties may agree in writing, the Operator shall pay
          rental for 2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect Links in accordance with the
          following formula:

                   Rp  =        Rt x Co


                   Rp   is the rental payable

                   Rt   is the sum of each and every 2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect
                        Link rental calculated from the relevant charges
                        specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List;

          and, taken from the relevant Interconnect Usage Reports of the first
          three months of the period of four months preceding the due rental

                   Co   is the total Call minutes for Calls conveyed from the
                        Operator to BT (but including Indirect Access Calls
                        conveyed to the Operator and such other Call types as
                        may be agreed)

                   Ct   is the total Call minutes between the

7.8.3     Following the submission of the first bill pursuant to paragraph 7.8.2
          the calculation pursuant to that paragraph shall be applied to the
          preceding period for which the calculation in paragraph 7.8.1 applied,
          and any over or under payment by Operator shall be rectified by
          adjustment of the next following invoice for 2Mbit/s CSI Interconnect

7.9       Where interconnection between the Parties exists prior to the
          provision of Customer Sited Interconnect, the rental for 2Mbit/s CSI
          Interconnect Links shall be calculated in accordance with the formula
          set down in paragraph 7.8.2.

7.10      A connection charge payable pursuant to this Schedule shall be that
          applicable, from time to time, at the time of placement of the order.
                                  PAGE 5 of 6

7.11      A rental charge payable pursuant to this Schedule shall be the then
          current rental charge for the relevant rental period or portion
          thereof, which shall be the due date referred to in paragraph 7.12.

7.12      Connection and rental charges shall be due on the later of:

7.12.1    the date for the commencement of service of that 2 Mbit/s
          CSI Interconnect Link specified by the Operator in the relevant
          order, or

7.12.2    the date which is the earlier of the relevant Ready for Service Date
          or 30 days after the relevant Ready for Test Date.

          Rental charges shall be payable in accordance with the periodicity
          specified in the Carrier Price List.

7.13      In addition to the charges specified from time to time in the Carrier
          Price List, each Party shall, if applicable, make the additional
          payments specified in Appendix C of Annex A.
                                  PAGE 6 of 6
                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 140

                           DATA MANAGEMENT AMENDMENTS


1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix, unless
          stated otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule.
          Words and expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as
          shown below:

"BT ADMINISTRATIVE ZONE"               a separate administrative unit managing
                                       a portion of the BT System;

"BT CHARGE BAND"                       for each BT Switch, a group of Call
                                       destinations for which the same BT
                                       retail charge (as specified in the BT
                                       Retail Price List) applies;

"DATA MANAGEMENT AMENDMENT"            such reconfiguration of the BT System
                                       as is necessary for access, routing
                                       and charging of Calls.


2.1       This Schedule applies to Data Management Amendments made pursuant to
          the Operator's request.

2.2       New Numbering Requirements.

2.2.1     The data changes on a BT Switch necessary for BT, using current BT
          Charge Bands, to set up Traffic Streams for Number Ranges and Access
          Codes, which changes apply to:

          (a) a new AFN;

          (b) a new NNG;

          (c) discrimination of a single D digit, or DE digit on a new NNG;

          (d) discrimination of more than one D digit or DE digit on a new NNG;

          (e) a new Access Code;

          (f) a new Operator Free Phone NNG.
                                  PAGE 1 of 6
2.3       Traffic Stream Changes On A BT Switch.

2.3.1     The data changes on a BT Switch necessary for BT to alter the
          destination of an existing Traffic Stream, which changes apply to an:

          (a)  AFN;

          (b)  NNG;

          (c)  NNG with routing discrimination down to one or more D digit

          (d)  NNG with routing discrimination down to one or more DE digit

          (e)  Access Code;

          (f)  Operator Free Phone 0800 and an Operator Free Phone NNG.

2.4       Changes To BT Charge Band Allocation.

2.4.1.    The data changes on a BT Switch made necessary because of a change at
          the Operator's request to the payments payable by the Parties under a
          relevant Schedule, for BT to relocate the Number Ranges from an
          allocated BT Charge Band to another current BT Charge Band, which
          changes apply to:

          (a)  NNGs;

          (b)  NNGs with charging discrimination down to one or more D digit

          (c)  NNGs with charging discrimination down to one or more DE digits

2.5       Differential D Digit Charging Discrimination.

2.5.1     The data changes on a BT Switch necessary to expand an existing NNG to
          an NNG with charging discrimination to a maximum of two D digits.

2.6       Other Data Management Amendments.

2.6.1     Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, BT shall install
          necessary changes (including data changes) for BT to:

          (a) route Emergency Calls to appropriate Emergency Centres;
                                  PAGE 2 of 6
          (b)  make such changes at BT Public Call Boxes or BT Temporary Call
               Boxes (each as defined in Condition 11 of the BT Licence) to
               enable Operator Free Phone Calls to be made from such Call Boxes.


3.1       The Operator shall submit to BT a written request for a quotation for
          Data Management Amendments in relation to services to be provided
          under a Schedule of this Agreement and with such request provide to BT
          in writing the information reasonably necessary to enable BT to
          produce an implementation programme.

3.2       Save for the changes under paragraph 2.6.1(b):

3.2.1     if a quotation is for a type of Data Management Amendment set out in
          paragraphs 2.2, 2.4 or 2.5 and is for implementation by BT over the
          whole geographic area covered by the BT System, BT shall provide such
          quotation not later than 10 Working Days; or

3.2.2     in all other cases, as soon as reasonably practicable, BT shall
          provide a written quotation and implementation programme both of which
          shall be provided not later than 20 Working Days;

          from receipt of the Operator's request for a quotation.

3.3       A quotation shall remain valid for six months from the date of issue
          of the relevant quotation.

3.4       BT shall compile the quotation on the basis of the minimum cost of the
          Operator that is consistent with good engineering practice in
          executing work in the BT System.

3.5       For Data Management Amendments:

          (a)  for changes pursuant to 2.6.1(b) the implementation programme
               and price shall be subject to the Parties' written agreement;

          (b)  associated with Access Codes, BT may advise the Operator, as
               soon as reasonably practicable and in any event not later than
               the time of the provision of the implementation programme, that
               the implementation programme may be in excess of 40 Working Days;

          and if the implementation programme is in excess of 40 Working Days
          the implementation programme shall be subject to the Parties' written

3.6       If BT is late in providing a written quotation and implementation
          programme pursuant to paragraph 3.2 and the Operator immediately
                                  PAGE 3 of 6
          an order for such pursuant to paragraph 4, BT shall complete the
          implementation programme within the time periods specified in
          paragraph 4.3 less the number of days that it was late in providing
          the relevant quotation and implementation programme.


4.1       Not later than six months from the date of a quotation, the Operator
          may place on BT a written order accepting the quotation. Such order
          shall specify the required date of completion of the implementation
          programme, subject to such completion date being:

4.1.1     not less than 40 Working Days from the date of receipt of the order by
          BT; and

4.1.2     not more than 40 Working Days after the validity period of the
          relevant quotation.

4.2       As soon as practical and not later than two Working Days from the date
          of BT's receipt, BT shall give written acknowledgement of receipt of
          the order. BT shall proceed with the implementation programme for the
          Data Management Amendment provided that:

4.2.1     the Operator and BT have agreed in writing the Schedule(s) for
          service(s) or, the service is launched pursuant to paragraph 8 of the
          main body of the Agreement to which such Data Management Amendment
          order relates;

4.2.2     the Operator has given written confirmation to BT that the Number
          Ranges have been reserved and allocated to the Operator by the
          Director General for use by the Operator or the Operator provides to
          BT written authority, from the Third Party Operator to whom the Number
          Range has been allocated, to carry out the requested Data Management

4.2.3     the Operator and BT have agreed such Operator test facilities as BT
          may reasonably require and the Operator has provided such test
          facilities (including, without limitation, such number of test lines
          and appropriate tone/announcement) by the time of commencement by BT
          of the implementation programme;

4.2.4     the order form has been completed by the Operator;

          and sufficient Capacity (for testing by BT of the Data Management
          Amendment) is ready for service or has been ordered by the Operator
          with a Ready For Service Date being prior to the commencement date of
          the implementation programme by BT.

                                  PAGE 4 of 6
4.3       Except for those Data Management Amendments specified in paragraphs
          2.6.1(b) and 3.5(b) and subject to paragraphs 4.1, 4.2 and 4.4, BT
          shall complete the implementation programme for the Data Management
          Amendments not more than 40 Working Days from the date of receipt by
          BT of the relevant order, or, if later, the required date for
          completion specified in the relevant order.

4.4       Completion by BT of the implementation programme is subject to the
          ongoing availability of sufficient Operator test facilities.

4.5       If the provisions of paragraphs 4.2 and 4.4 are not met, BT may
          suspend the implementation programme and shall advise the Operator
          that work shall not recommence until:

4.5.1     the Operator gives written confirmation to BT that the provisions of
          paragraphs 4.2 and/or 4.4 (as the case may be) have been met; and

4.5.2     the Parties agree any amendments to the implementation programme and
          revisions (if any) to the Data Management Amendment charges, such
          agreement not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed;

          and if work does not recommence within 60 Working Days, the Data
          Management Amendment order (subject to BT giving not less than 60
          Working Days notice) shall be deemed a cancellation by the Operator
          and the date of suspension by BT shall be the date used to calculate
          the number of Working Days in calculating the charges payable by the
          Operator pursuant to paragraph 5.3.

4.6       A revision to the implementation programme in accordance with
          paragraph 4.5 may result in the implementation period being extended
          to such period as is greater than 40 Working Days plus the period of

4.7       On completion of the implementation programme, BT shall give written
          confirmation to the Operator of full implementation of the Data
          Management Amendment order.

4.8       A reference in this Schedule to a matter being agreed between Parties
          means such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. If
          agreement between the Parties is not reached pursuant to paragraphs
          3.5 and 4.2 either Party may notify the other in writing of a Dispute.

5.        CHARGING

5.1       The quotation for each type of Data Management Amendment requested by
          the Operator pursuant to paragraph 2 (excluding those in paragraph
          2.6.1(b)) shall be set out and calculated as the sum of the charges
          for the following components:

          (a)     fixed charge; plus
                                  PAGE 5 of 6
          (b)     zone charge multiplied by the number of affected BT
                  Administrative Zones; plus

          (c)     processor charge for each affected BT Exchange type multiplied
                  by the number of such affected BT Exchanges.

          The above component charges, for each type of Data Management
          Amendment, shall be specified from time to time in the Carrier Price

5.2       For implementation by BT of a Data Management Amendment order, the
          Operator shall pay the charges quoted by BT and payment shall be due
          on the earlier of:

5.2.1     BT giving writing confirmation to the Operator of the full
          implementation of the Data Management Amendment order; or

5.2.2     if the order has been subject to suspension pursuant to paragraph 4.5,
          the original required date for the completion of the work as specified
          in the original order.

5.3       If, prior to notification by BT to the Operator pursuant to paragraph
          4.7, the Operator (a) requests a material alteration to the
          implementation programme, or (b) cancels the order, within the time
          periods set out below, the Operator shall pay to BT the charges set
          out opposite such time periods, being the charges specified in the
          relevant quotation for that order:

          COMPLETION OF THE                               CHARGE

                    20 or more                fixed charge
                    19 - 10                   fixed and zone charges
                    9 - 0                     fixed, zone and processor charges
                                  PAGE 6 of 6
                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 150



1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix, unless
          stated otherwise is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words
          and expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown

"BT DAS DATABASE"        the BT database in machine-readable form of names,
                         addresses and telephone numbers used by BT for the
                         purpose of providing, by means of the BT System, a
                         Directory Information Service;

"BT NIS DATABASE"        the BT database containing information (including
                         without limitation, names, address and telephone
                         numbers) relating to BT Customers and customers of
                         certain Third Party Operators;

"BT PHONE BASE"          the BT database containing entries from time to time
                         available for the alphabetical section of BT Phone

"BT PHONE BOOK"          an unclassified printed telephone directory, published
                         by BT, relating to a particular geographical area and
                         containing, in alphabetical order, the names, addresses
                         and telephone numbers of BT Customers and certain
                         customers of Third Party Operators;

"BT PHONE DISK"          a BT compact disc containing entries from time to time
                         available for the alphabetical section of BT Phone

"DIRECTORY INFORMATION   a service as defined in Section 4(3) of the
SERVICE"                 Act;

"NIS INFORMATION"        data, relevant part of Operator Customer Information
                         included in the BT NIS Database in accordance with
                         Operator instructions and the practice applicable to BT

                                  PAGE 1 of 5

"OPERATOR CUSTOMER INFORMATION"   information provided by the Operator relating
                                  to a person having a telephone number
                                  allocated in accordance with the UK national
                                  numbering scheme. The expression shall also
                                  include information relating to the Operator
                                  in respect of those telephone numbers which
                                  the Operator has allocated for its own use;

"OPERATOR EX-DIRECTORY            Operator Customer Information in respect of
INFORMATION"                      which the Operator notifies BT in writing that
                                  the telephone number is not to be disclosed;

"PHONE BOOK INFORMATION"          data, being part of Operator Customer
                                  Information for inclusion in a BT Phone Book,
                                  in accordance with the Operators instructions
                                  and with the practice applicable to BT


2.1       This Schedule gives details of the provision by BT to the Operator of
          services whereby BT includes NIS Information on the BT NIS Database
          and Phone Book Information in BT Phone Books, BT Phone Base and BT
          Phone Disk

2.2       If BT wishes to make a material change to the services set out in this
          Schedule, it shall give the Operator 6 months notice of such change.
          The notice of such change shall be a review notice in accordance with
          paragraph 19.1.3 of the main body of this Agreement.


3.1       The Operator shall:

3.1.1     supply to BT forecasts to enable BT to plan to meet its obligations
          under this Schedule. These forecasts shall include details of the
          number of new and additional entries, and of amendments and cessations
          of information previously included on the BT NIS Database. The
          forecasts shall initially be supplied before the date upon which the
          Operator wishes the service to commence and be for 2 years broken down
          quarterly. These forecasts shall be up-dated at least once a year;

3.1.2     where the Operator provides Operator Customer Information in written
          form, deliver the Operator Customer Information to BT in the agreed
          format recorded in the NIS Manual;
                                  PAGE 2 of 5

3.1.3     where the Operator provides Operator Customer Information on
          computer disk or by electronic data interchange, give BT two weeks'
          written notice of the date on which delivery shall commence and
          deliver the Operator Customer Information in the agreed format
          recorded in the NIS Manual;

3.1.4     deliver collations of Operator Customer Information to BT on a daily
          or weekly basis as agreed between the Parties and shall use reasonable
          endeavours to ensure that the Operator Customer Information is
          accurate and complete and that Operator Ex-Directory Information is
          clearly marked as such;

3.1.5     before passing Operator Customer Information to BT, obtain any
          consents deemed necessary by the Operator or ensure that such consents
          have been obtained, including those required under the Data Protection
          Act 1984 so that BT may treat that information in the same way as it
          treats information regarding BT Customers held in the BT NIS Database;

3.1.6     nominate members of its staff, and telephone numbers to contact such
          staff, in sufficient numbers as BT may reasonably require as contact
          points to provide assistance to facilitate the inclusion of Operator
          Customer Information onto the BT NIS Database;

3.1.7     pay the appropriate charges in respect of Operator Customer
          Information included on the BT NIS Database as specified from time to
          time in the Carrier Price List. The holding charge is payable per
          year, and payment is due on the next Quarter Day following the date of
          entry of the particular Customer Information into the BT NIS Database
          and yearly thereafter. For this purpose the Quarter Days are 1
          January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October. This charge is payable each
          year until deletion of the Customer Information;

3.1.8     The charges for additions and amendments will become due on the next
          Quarter Day.

3.2       BT shall use reasonable endeavours to include Operator Customer
          Information on the BT NIS Database within 2 Working Days from receipt
          of the Operator Customer Information and then make the Operator
          Customer Information available on the BT DAS Database, BT Phone Base
          and BT Phone Disk in the same timescale as BT makes similar
          information available relating to BT Customers.

3.3       Where any Operator Customer Information cannot be processed because
          that information is inaccurate or incomplete, BT will reject that
          information and inform the Operator within two Working Days. BT shall
          be under no obligation to enter rejected information on the BT NIS

                                  PAGE 3 of 5


4.1       Where there is an established base of Operator Customer Information
          which is to be included in the BT NIS Database, the Parties will agree
          a timescale of entry of this Operator Customer Information. BT will
          use reasonable endeavours to meet this timescale and the Operator
          releases BT from the obligations set out in paragraph 3.2.

4.2       Where the Operator provides more Operator Customer Information than it
          has forecast, BT will use reasonable endeavours to enter this
          information in BT NIS Database but shall be released from the
          obligation set out in paragraph 3.2. In this circumstance, BT will
          invite the Operator to re-forecast further requirements and to
          indicate the order in which BT should process the Operator Customer

5.        BT PHONE BOOKS

5.1       Except where the Operator has asked BT to delete Operator Customer
          Information, BT shall use reasonable endeavours to include in the next
          and subsequent editions of the BT Phone Book specified in the Operator
          Customer Information, Phone Book Information selected from NIS
          Information included on the BT NIS Database in accordance with
          paragraph 3.2 (other than that clearly marked by the Operator as
          Operator Ex-Directory Information or as information that is not to be
          included in BT Phone Books).

5.2       Entries in the BT Phone Books, including additional and special
          directory entries, will be available in the same styles and formats as
          are available to BT Customers.

5.3       BT shall not be obliged to produce any special or additional notice or
          edition of any BT Phone Book in order to perform its obligations under
          this paragraph 5. Each BT Phone Book will acknowledge, where
          applicable, that it contains numbers of customers of Third Party
          Operators other than BT. BT shall not be obliged to correct any error
          or omission arising in connection with any entry of Operator Customer
          Information or any other entry in any BT Phone Book. However BT shall
          endeavour to correct errors or omissions notified to BT by the
          Operator in subsequent editions of the BT Phone Book.

5.4       The choice of name and format for BT Phone Books shall at all times
          remain within BT's sole discretion.

5.5       In addition to any other charges set out in the Schedule, the Operator
          shall pay the appropriate charges for entries in BT Phone Books. The
          rates to be paid by the Operator for the inclusion of additional
          entries, and entries using bold or superbold typefaces, for entries
          relating to Operator Customer Information in BT Phone Books shall be
          an annual payment per edition of a BT Phone Book in which an entry is
          to be included, and this will be four
                                  PAGE 4 of 5


          times the quarterly rental as published from time to time in the BT
          Retail Price List for similar entries and will become due on the next
          Quarter Day and annually thereafter.


6.1       BT shall protect and be entitled to use Operator Customer Information
          in all respects in the same manner as BT Customer information
          contained in the BT NIS Database.

6.2       At the request of the police only, a BT Operator may ask a person
          whose telephone number is classified as Operator Ex-Directory
          Information if the person will accept a Call from the police.

6.3       BT shall be entitled to use, copy, modify, merge, re-sell, licence the
          use of, transfer or publish all information contained on the BT NIS
          Database and Phone Book Information (including entries based upon
          Operator Customer Information other than Operator Ex-Directory
          Information), which shall include publication by BT of any classified
          or unclassified directory provided that BT shall not use Operator
          Customer Information separately from the generality of information on
          the BT NIS Database or Phone Book Information.

6.4       BT shall be entitled to permit Third Party Operators in the United
          Kingdom and operators of Authorised Overseas Systems to access the BT
          DAS Database or the information contained therein for the purpose of
          providing Directory Information Services or telephone number
          information, respectively.


7.1       BT shall provide service under this Schedule on and from the later of:

7.1.1     a date one month after the date this Schedule was incorporated into
          the Agreement; or

7.1.2     such other date as the Parties may agree in writing.

7.2       The Operator may terminate the services provided under this Schedule
          by giving 3 months written notice to BT.
                                  PAGE 5 of 5

                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 152

                            SUPPLY OF BT PHONE BOOKS


1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix, unless
          stated otherwise is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words
          and expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown

"BT  PHONE BOOK"                  one of BT's unclassified printed telephone
                                  directories relating to a particular
                                  geographical area and containing, in
                                  alphabetical order, the names, addresses and
                                  telephone numbers of BT Customers and
                                  customers of Third Party Operators.


2.1       This Schedule gives details of the supply of paperback versions of BT
          Phone Books to the Operator. In this Schedule, the London-wide
          Residential Phone Book shall count as two BT Phone Books for charging
          and delivery purposes.


3.1       BT shall supply BT Phone Books to the Operator following receipt of a
          written order in the agreed format recorded in the Phone Books Manual.
          The BT Phone Books shall be delivered to a single address within the
          United Kingdom specified by the Operator.

3.2       The charge for supply of BT Phone Books as provided for in paragraph
          3.1 will be the price specified from time to time in the Carrier Price
          List and where applicable, be subject to the discounts set out therein
          where the BT Phone Books are delivered together against a single order
          to a single address. BT shall invoice the Operator following delivery
          of the BT Phone Books.


4.1       BT shall provide to the Operator at approximately quarterly intervals,
          a list of the dates on which production of new or reprinted BT Phone
          Books will be completed during the subsequent twelve months. Where the
          Operator provides to BT a written order for more than 1000 of the same
          edition of BT Phone Books in the agreed format at least three months
          before the dates on
                                  PAGE 1 of 3

          which production of new or reprinted BT Phone Books will be completed,
          BT shall:

4.1.1     accept the order subject to payment of a order charge specified
          from time to time in the Carrier Price List;

4.1.2     give the Operator the option of having the BT Phone Book put into a
          coloured wrapper without any of the loose inserts which BT would have
          packed with the BT Phone Book;

4.1.3     deliver the BT Phone Books to the Operator at a single address in the
          United Kingdom subject to the Operator's agreement to pay the Delivery
          Charges specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List. Where
          the order is for more than 10,000 BT Phone Books, BT shall provide a
          quotation for delivery upon request;

4.1.4     permit the Operator to collect the ordered BT Phone Books from BT's
          printing contractor subject to the Operator collecting the BT Phone
          Books on the day following the day when production is completed. In
          the event that the Operator fails to so collect the BT Phone Books, BT
          shall be entitled to charge the Operator reasonable sums for the
          removal and storage of the BT Phone Books.

4.2       If the Operator does not exercise the options set out in paragraph
          4.1.2 to 4.1.4 and orders in excess of 1000 BT Phone Books for
          delivery, BT shall, at the Operator's request, arrange for the
          delivery of the BT Phone Books to those persons specified by the
          Operator, providing that the BT Phone Book concerned is one that BT
          distributes automatically to BT Customers in the same geographical
          area. The Operator shall:

4.2.1     provide an estimate of the number of addresses for which delivery is
          required, at least three months before the completion of the
          production of the BT Phone Books;

4.2.2     provide details of the names, full postal addresses, including
          postcodes and number of BT Phone Books to be delivered for each
          delivery address at least six weeks before completion of production
          (except for delivery of the London Business and Services Phone Book
          where details shall be provided to BT ten weeks before the completion
          of production). The details shall be supplied in the agreed written
          format or the agreed format on computer disk which is recorded in the
          Phone Books Manual.

4.3       BT shall procure that its delivery contractor provides the same
          delivery service to those persons specified by the Operator as it
          provides to BT Customers in that locality.

4.4       Where the Operator has ordered more BT Phone Books than are required
          for delivery the Operator will provide an address in the United
          Kingdom for

                                  PAGE 2 of 3
          delivery of the balance of BT Phone Books. Where this address is in
          the delivery area for the BT Phone Books that are to be delivered on
          the Operator's behalf, then BT shall arrange for the delivery of the
          balance to be free of any additional delivery charge. Where the
          address is outside the delivery areas the Operator shall pay BT's
          reasonable delivery charge or collect the books from BT's printing
          contractor the day following completion of production.

4.5       Where the Operator has ordered less BT Phone Books than are required
          for delivery, BT shall make up the balance and will invoice the
          Operator for the balance at the price specified from time to time in
          the BT Retail Price List.

4.6       Where BT either fails to deliver a BT Phone Book in accordance with
          the instructions provided pursuant to paragraph 4.2.2 or delivers it
          in a damaged condition, BT shall arrange for that person to receive
          the BT Phone Books. However, BT shall only respond to enquiries
          relating to failure to deliver, the condition of BT Phone Books or the
          place where the BT Phone Book is left by BT's delivery contractor.

4.7       Where BT is to deliver BT Phone Books to addresses supplied by the
          Operator, the Operator shall provide a representative sample of 5% of
          each the residential addresses and the business addresses. This sample
          shall be used only for BT or its agents to check that BT delivery
          contractor has satisfactorily completed its tasks. For each address in
          the sample the Operator shall provide the name, address and telephone
          number in an agreed format which is recorded in the Phone Book Manual.


5.1       The Operator may place orders for BT Phone Books in accordance with
          the provisions of this Schedule on and from the date this Schedule was
          incorporated into the Agreement. However the notice periods set out in
          paragraph 4 above shall apply.

5.2       BT shall only be obliged to deliver the BT Phone Book to persons
          nominated by the Operator pursuant to paragraph 4.2 above until 31 May

5.3       If BT wishes to make a material change to the services set out in this
          Schedule or to cease delivery of BT Phone Books in accordance with
          this Schedule, it shall give the Operator 6 months written notice. The
          notice of such changes shall be a review notice in accordance with
          paragraph 19.1.3 of the main body of this Agreement.

6.        CHARGING

6.1       The Operator shall pay BT the sums specified from time to time in the
          Carrier Price List for the supply of BT Phone Books.

                                  PAGE 3 of 3
                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 153



1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix, unless
          stated otherwise is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words
          and expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown

"BT PHONE BOOK"          one of BT's unclassified printed telephone directories
                         relating to a particular geographical area and
                         containing, in alphabetical order, the names, addresses
                         and telephone numbers of BT Customers and customers of
                         Third Party Operators;

"CUSTOMISED TELEPHONE    a printed telephone directory conforming to
DIRECTORY"               the conditions set out in this Schedule and containing
                         a Preface and the alphabetical section of a BT Phone
                         Book listing names, addresses and telephone numbers;

"PREFACE"                the first 32 or 64 page section of a
                         Customised Telephone Directory which precedes the
                         alphabetical section;

"PRINT COMPLETION DATE"  the date on which BT's printing contractor plans
                         to complete the printing of an edition of a BT Phone
                         Book and any Customised Telephone Directories;

"PRINT PROOF"            a print of a page suitable for checking the accuracy,
                         colour and printing quality;

"COPY"                   art work suitable for the manufacture of printing
                         plates, conforming to the specification set out in
                         Appendix 153.1.


2.1       This Schedule describes the provision by BT of Customised Telephone
          Directories to the Operator.

                                  PAGE 1 of 8
3.        ORDERING

3.1       BT shall provide to the Operator, at approximately quarterly
          intervals, a list of the known Print Completion Dates for new or
          reprinted BT Phone Books.

3.2       The Operator shall order Customised Telephone Directories by
          completing the order form set out in the Phone Books Manual such that
          it is received by BT not less than 4 calendar months before the Print
          Completion Date for the relevant edition of the BT Phone Book.

3.3       The minimum quantity per order for each edition of a Customised
          Telephone Directory is 5000.

3.4       If the Operator requires BT to deliver the Customised Telephone
          Directories it shall specify the delivery address in the order placed
          pursuant to paragraph 3.2.


4.1       The cover and Preface shall conform to the Customised Telephone
          Directories Specification at Appendix 153.1.


5.1       The Operator shall include in a Customised Telephone Directory the
          notices set out in Appendix 153.2.

5.2       The Operator hereby indemnifies BT against any and all claims for
          infringement of any Intellectual Property Right of a Third Party in
          respect of material provided by the Operator to BT for inclusion in a
          Customised Telephone Directory.

5.3       BT hereby indemnifies the Operator against any and all claims for
          infringement of any Intellectual Property Right of a Third Party in
          respect of the alphabetical section of the Customised Telephone
          Directory except in so far as such information has been provided by
          the Operator.


6.1       The Operator will supply to BT the Copy for all parts of the
          Customised Telephone Directories (except the alphabetical section) not
          less than 40 Working Days before the relevant Print Completion Date.

6.2       30 Working Days before the relevant Print Completion Date, BT shall
          provide to the Operator copies of Print Proofs of the cover of the
          Customised Telephone Directories. The Operator shall:

          a)   approve the quality and accuracy of the Print Proof and notify BT
               in writing; or

                                  PAGE 2 of 8
          b)   notify BT in writing of those aspects of the quality or accuracy
               of the Print Proof that are not acceptable;

          not more than two Working Days from receipt of the Print Proof by the

          BT will use its reasonable endeavours to correct those aspects of the
          Print Proof to which the Operator objects. If practicable BT shall
          change the Print Proofs and resubmit Print Proofs for further approval
          by the Operator. If the Operator accepts the quality and accuracy of
          these resubmitted Print Proofs, the Operator shall indicate its
          approval in writing to BT within one Working Day of receipt of such
          resubmitted Print Proof. If the Operator rejects the resubmitted Print
          Proofs (or fails to notify BT of its acceptance of the Print Proofs
          within the periods specified above) the order for such Customised
          Telephone Directories will be deemed to be cancelled. Approval shall
          be indicated by completion of the relevant form set out in the Phone
          Book Manual to BT.

6.3       Customised Telephone Directories shall be placed on pallets which,
          when loaded, shall each be wrapped in stretch film.


7.1       Unless the Operator has requested delivery by BT, the Operator shall
          collect the Customised Telephone Directories from the address
          specified by BT within one Working Day of the Print Completion Date or
          such later date as may be specified by BT.

7.2       Subject to an order being placed in accordance with paragraph 3.2, BT
          will deliver Customised Telephone Directories to a single address in
          the United Kingdom.


8.1       BT shall accept orders for Customised Telephone Directories from the
          date this Schedule was incorporated into the Agreement.

8.2       BT shall not be obliged to provide Customised Telephone Directories
          pursuant to this Schedule after 30th September 1998.

8.3       Where the Operator has previously ordered and BT intends to cease
          provision of Customised Telephone Directories, BT shall send a notice
          to the Operator on or before 31 March 1998 stating such intention.

9.        CHARGING

9.1       The Operator will pay to BT the charges specified from time to time in
          the Carrier Price List for the supply of Customised Telephone

                                  PAGE 3 of 8

9.2       If an order is cancelled by the Operator or deemed to be cancelled,
          the Operator shall pay to BT the cancellation fee specified from time
          to time in the Carrier Price List.

                                  PAGE 4 of 8
                                 APPENDIX 153.1


1.        COVER

          The cover will be 4 pages only plus spine (outside front - page 1,
          inside front - page 2, inside back - page 3, outside back plus spine -
          page 4 produced by the Offset Litho process.

          Maximum finished size: 210mm wide x 297mm deep
          Maximum Image Areas:

          a)   No Bleed    204mm wide x 291 mm deep
          b)   With Bleed  216mm wide x 303 mm deep

          Maximum screen value for Halftone reproduction:

          Cover pages 1 and 4 = 150#
          Cover pages 2 and 3 = 120#

          The Operator shall supply cover origination material as follows:

          Cover pages 1 & 4 - same size film positives, separated for standard 4
          colour process printing (Yellow, Cyan, Magenta and Black), film must
          be adjustable for spine wide.

          Cover pages 2 & 3 - same size film positives, separated for standard 4
          colour process printing (Yellow, Cyan, Magenta and Black) for each

          Film shall be supplied with the image "right" reading (not reversed)
          and emulsion side down. All colour separated film shall be supplied
          with a full set of colour progressive proofs for colour matching on BT
          printer's printing press.

          The Preface shall be paginated and printed as follows:

          a)   32 page section printed in "Black" ink only
          b)   32 page section printed in "2 colours" (black and cyan) as
               BT preface
          c)   64 page section printed in "Black" ink only
          d)   64 page section printed in "2 colours" (black and cyan) as
               BT preface

          The maximum acceptable image area for each page is:

          a)   190mm wide x 282 mm deep (image centred on finished page size)

          Maximum screen value for Halftone reproduction: 100#

          Maximum tint value for second colour underlay: 25%

                                  PAGE 5 of 8
          Note: Text pages cannot be bled to the head or tail of the book,
          foredge bleed can be accepted, if required, the bleed image area must
          be extended to 216mm wide. 6mm is trimmed off the spine as part of the
          binding process.

          The Operator shall supply Customised preface origination material as

          same size film positives, separated for 2 colour printing if required.

          Final film shall be supplied with the image "right" reading (not
          reversed) with the emulsion side down.

                                  PAGE 6 of 8
                                 APPENDIX 153.2


1.        The front cover of each Customised Telephone Directory shall be dated
          with the month and year of production.

2.        The front cover shall have a notice to the effect that the Customised
          Telephone Directory contains telephone numbers of BT Customers and
          those of certain other licensed telephone operators.

3.        The Preface shall contain the following notices:

          (a)  COMPILATION. British Telecommunication plc compiles the
               alphabetical section of this Directory. Every care is taken to
               render the section as accurate as possible, but British
               Telecommunications plc cannot accept any responsibility for loss
               or damage which may arise or result from errors or omissions. The
               contents of the alphabetical section relate to the latest
               information available to British Telecommunications plc at the
               time of going to print which may have altered before this copy of
               the Directory is issued or may be altered subsequently, without
               amendment to the alphabetical section. Any information which may
               assist in maintaining the accuracy of entries in future editions
               of this Directory will be appreciated and should be sent to
               (Operator Contact point).

               In no circumstances will British Telecommunications plc be liable
               in respect of any error or omission from the alphabetical section
               of this Directory.

          (b)  COPYRIGHT

          Alphabetical section (C) British Telecommunications plc
          Copyright reserved

          1.   No reproduction of the alphabetical section of the Directory, in
               whole or in part, is allowed without prior permission in writing
               to British Telecommunications plc.

          2.   The alphabetical section of this Directory, in whole or in part,
               may not be stored in a retrieval system of any kind without prior
               permission in writing of British Telecommunications plc.

          3.   Attention is directed to Section 107 of the Copyright, Designs
               and Patents Act 1988 which make it a criminal offence to perform,
               without authorisation certain acts in relation to copyright

                                  PAGE 7 of 8

4.        British Telecommunications plc may take legal action against any
          person responsible for the unauthorised reproduction or storage in a
          retrieval system of the alphabetical section of this Directory.

                                  PAGE 8 OF 8
                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 541



1.1       In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
          otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
          expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown below:

"ADC CALL CATEGORY       one of Local ADC (Transfer Charge Calls) or National
(TRANSFER CHARGE CALLS)" ADC (Transfer Charge Calls), as appropriate;

"LOCAL ADC (TRANSFER     the contributions towards BT's Access Deficit
CHARGE CALLS)"           that apply to Transfer Charge Calls where, if Calls
                         were conveyed wholly within the BT System between the
                         same originating and terminating points (Calls made or
                         received on mobile terminal apparatus shall for this
                         purpose be treated as originating or terminating at the
                         relevant wireless telegraphy station carrying the
                         Call), such Calls would be classified as local calls in
                         the BT Retail Price List;

"NATIONAL ADC (TRANSFER  the contributions towards BT's Access Deficit that
CHARGE CALLS)"           apply to Transfer Charge Calls where, if Calls were
                         conveyed wholly within the BT System between the same
                         originating and terminating points (Calls made or
                         received on mobile terminal apparatus shall for this
                         purpose be treated as originating or terminating at the
                         relevant wireless telegraphy station carrying the
                         Call), such Calls would be classified as national calls
                         in the BT Retail Price List;

"OPERATOR SEGMENT CALL"  an Operator Telephony Call handed over from the BT
                         System to the Operator System, switched by one or more
                         Operator Exchanges to an Operator Network Termination

                                  PAGE 1 OF 4

2.1       Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the Operator shall convey
          Operator Telephony Calls handed over from the BT System to the
          appropriate Operator Network Termination Point.

2.2       Operator International Incoming Calls, Operator Transit Calls,
          Operator BT to BT Transit Calls and Calls to Ancillary Services are
          not conveyed pursuant to this Schedule.

2.3       The Parties shall agree in advance all necessary technical
          requirements, including Call set-up and cleardown sequences, for the
          conveyance of Calls pursuant to this Schedule.

2.4       The Operator's obligation to convey Operator ISDN Telephony Calls is
          subject to the respective Systems and all relevant Switch Connections
          of both Parties being suitable for the conveyance of Operator ISDN
          Telephony Calls.

2.5       The Operator shall not be obliged under this Schedule to make its
          System suitable for the conveyance of Operator ISDN Telephony Calls or
          to provide equipment to its Customers enabling Operator ISDN Telephony

2.6       The Operator shall convey Operator Telephony Calls during those
          periods of time and at the same standard and quality of service as the
          Operator conveys similar Calls.

2.7       Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which affect
          the conveyance of Operator Telephony Calls in accordance with such
          Party's normal engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt,
          neither Party warrants that its System is, or will be, free from

3.        ROUTING

3.1       The conveyance of Operator Telephony Calls shall be in accordance with
          the routing principles specified in Annex A.

4.        CHARGING

4.1       For the conveyance of each Operator Telephony Call by the Operator, BT
          shall pay the Operator a charge calculated in accordance with the rate
          for such a Call specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List.

4.2       For the conveyance of each Operator Telephony Call by the Operator,
          which is also a Transfer Charge Call, the Operator shall pay BT a
          charge calculated in accordance with the rate for such a Call
          specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List, and BT shall
          pay no charge to the Operator pursuant to the preceding paragraph 4.1.

                                  PAGE 2 of 4
4.3       For the conveyance of each Operator Telephony Call by the Operator,
          which is also a Transfer Charge Call, made by a Calling Party from a
          BT Public Call Box or a BT Temporary Call Box (each as defined in
          Condition 11 of the BT Licence), the Operator shall pay BT for each
          such Call, in addition to any other charges, the BT Payphone Access
          Levy specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List.


5.1       Subject to the provisions of this paragraph 5, the Operator shall pay
          for each Operator Telephony Call which is also a Transfer Charge Call,
          a contribution to BT's Access Deficit at the rate specified for the
          ADC Call Category (Transfer Charge Calls) specified in the Carrier
          Price List from time to time. For these purposes, the ADC Call
          Category (Transfer Charge Calls) shall be ascertained at the time when
          the Answer Signal is generated.

5.2       If, prior to the date of the Agreement, either Party has requested the
          Director General pursuant to Condition 13.5A of the BT Licence to
          reduce the contribution to be made by the Operator towards BT's Access
          Deficit, then payment of the contribution referred to in such request
          shall be suspended until the Director General has dealt with the

5.3       If, following a request referred to in paragraph 5.2, the Director
          General determines not to reduce the contribution or determines that a
          partial contribution shall be payable by the Operator towards BT's
          Access Deficit, such contribution shall be payable accordingly with
          effect from the date of this Agreement. The Operator shall pay any
          outstanding contribution not later than one month after the date of
          such determination.

5.4       If, following a request referred to in paragraph 5.2, the Director
          General determines that no contribution shall be payable by the
          Operator towards BT's Access Deficit no such contribution shall be
          payable under paragraph 5.1.

5.5       If the Director General at any time determines pursuant to Condition
          13.5A of the BT Licence that the contribution payable by the Operator
          towards BT's Access Deficit should be varied or a contribution becomes
          payable in accordance with Condition 13.5A of the BT Licence then the
          Agreement shall be varied accordingly.


6.1       The Operator shall convey Operator Telephony Calls handed over from
          the BT System commencing on a date to be agreed in writing by the

                                  PAGE 3 of 4
7.        REVIEW

7.1       The Review Date for charges for the conveyance of Operator Telephony
          Calls shall be 1 April each year.

                                  PAGE 4 OF 4

                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 545



1.1      In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
         otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
         expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown below:

"OPERATOR SEGMENT CALL"           an Operator International Incoming Call handed
                                  over from the BT System to the Operator
                                  System, switched by one or more Operator
                                  Exchanges, to an Operator Network Termination


2.1      Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the Operator shall convey
         Operator International Incoming Calls handed over from the BT System to
         the appropriate Operator Network Termination Point.

2.2      Operator Telephony Calls, Operator Transit Calls, Operator BT to BT
         Transit Calls and Calls to Ancillary Services are not conveyed pursuant
         to this Schedule.

2.3      The Parties shall agree in advance all necessary technical
         requirements, including Call set-up and cleardown sequences, for the
         conveyance of Calls pursuant to this Schedule.

2.4      The Operator's obligation to convey Operator ISDN International
         Incoming Calls is subject to the Authorised Overseas System and the
         respective Systems and all relevant Switch Connections of both Parties
         being suitable for the conveyance of Operator ISDN International
         Incoming Calls.

2.5      The Operator shall not be obliged under this Schedule to make its
         System suitable for the conveyance of Operator ISDN International
         Incoming Calls or to provide equipment to its Customers enabling
         Operator ISDN International Incoming Calls.

2.6      The Operator shall convey Operator International Incoming Calls during
         those periods of time and at the same standard and quality of service
         as the Operator conveys similar Calls.
                                  PAGE 1 of 2

2.7       Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which affect
          the conveyance of Operator International Incoming Calls in accordance
          with such Party's normal engineering practices. For the avoidance of
          doubt, neither Party warrants that its System is, or will be, free
          from faults.

3.        ROUTING

3.1       The conveyance of Operator International Incoming Calls shall be in
          accordance with the routing principles specified in Annex A.

4.        CHARGING

4.1       For the conveyance of each Operator International Incoming Call by the
          Operator, BT shall pay the Operator a charge calculated in accordance
          with the rate for such a Call specified from time to time in the
          Carrier Price List.

4.2       For the conveyance of each Operator International Incoming Call by the
          Operator, which is also a Transfer Charge Call, the Operator shall pay
          BT a charge calculated in accordance with the rates for such a Call
          specified from time to time in the Carrier Price List, and BT shall
          pay no charge to the Operator pursuant to paragraph 4.1.


5.1       The Operator shall convey Operator International Incoming Calls handed
          over from the BT System commencing on a date to be agreed in writing
          by the Parties.

6.        REVIEW

6.1       The Review Date for Operator International Incoming Calls shall be 1
          April each year.

                                  PAGE 2 of 2

                                    ANNEX C

                                  SCHEDULE 546



1.1      In this Schedule, a reference to a paragraph or Appendix unless stated
         otherwise, is to a paragraph or Appendix of this Schedule. Words and
         expressions have the meaning given in Annex D, except as shown below:

"CENTREX"                         a partition of an Exchange used to provide
                                  business features and short code dialling as
                                  required by Customers;

"DDI"                             direct dialling in:

"DONOR"                           the Party from whose System the Number is
                                  being ported;

"DONOR SYSTEM"                    the System from which the Number is being

BT TO BT TRANSIT CALL"            an Operator BT to BT Transit Call, handed over
                                  from the BT System to the Operator System,
                                  switched by one or more Operator Exchanges,
                                  and handed over from the Operator System to
                                  the BT System;

"NUMBER"                          shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in
                                  Condition 34B of the BT Licence, and for the
                                  purposes of this Agreement there shall be
                                  excluded Numbers allocated to ISDN exchange
                                  lines and to Number Groups used for Centrex,
                                  DDI private branch exchanges or other private
                                  branch exchange purposes;

"NUMBER GROUP"                    a range of consecutive Numbers used as a group
                                  by a Party for certain functional or Customer

"NUMBER PORTABILITY"              an arrangement between the Parties whereby a
                                  Customer ceases to be provided with a Network
                                  Termination Point by the Donor System and such
                                  Customer (at the same address and at the same
                                  set of

                                  PAGE 1 of 3

                                  premises) is provided with a Network
                                  Termination Point by the Recipient System,
                                  such Network Termination Point having the same
                                  Number as had the Number Termination Point
                                  ceased on the Donor System;

"RECIPIENT"                       the Party to whose System the Number is being

"RECIPIENT SYSTEM"                the System to which the Number is being


2.1      Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the Operator shall convey
         an Operator BT to BT Transit Call handed over from the BT System to the
         Operator System, to be handed back by the Operator System (as the Donor
         System) to the BT System (as the Recipient System) pursuant to Schedule
         04 (Number Portability) for delivery to a BT Network Termination Point.

2.2      Operator Telephony Calls, Operator Transit Calls and Operator BT to BT
         Transit Calls (other than for the purposes of Number Portability) are
         not conveyed pursuant to this Schedule.

2.3      The Parties shall agree in advance all necessary technical
         requirements, including Call set-up and cleardown sequences, for the
         conveyance of Calls pursuant to this Schedule.

2.4      The Operator's obligation to convey Operator ISDN BT to BT Transit
         Calls is subject to the respective Systems and all relevant Switch
         Connections of both Parties being suitable for the conveyance of
         Operator ISDN BT to BT Transit Calls.

2.5      The Operator shall convey Operator BT to BT Transit Calls during those
         periods of time and at the same standard and quality of service as the
         Operator conveys similar Calls.

2.6      Each Party shall correct faults which occur in its System which affect
         the conveyance of Operator BT to BT Transit Calls in accordance with
         such Party's normal engineering practices. For the avoidance of doubt,
         neither Party warrants that its System is, or will be, free from

                                  PAGE 2 of 3

3.       ROUTING

3.1      The conveyance of Operator BT to BT Transit Calls, shall be in
         accordance with the routing principles specified in Annex A.

4.       CHARGING

4.1      For the conveyance of each Operator BT to BT Transit Call by the
         Operator, BT shall pay the Operator a charge calculated in accordance
         with the rate for such a Call specified from time to time in the
         Carrier Price List.

5.       REVIEW

5.1      The Review Date for Operator BT to BT Transit Calls shall be 1 April
         each year.

                                  PAGE 3 of 3
                                    ANNEX D


In this Agreement, words and expressions have the following meanings:

"ACCESS CODE"                     a three or four digit code or a number
                                  commencing with the digits 0800 followed by a
                                  seven digit number which initiates an Indirect
                                  Access Call;

"ACCESS DEFICIT CONTRIBUTION"     the contribution to the funding of the BT
                                  Access Deficit payable by the Operator to BT
                                  pursuant to Condition 13.5A.3 and assessed in
                                  accordance with Condition 13.5A.4 both being
                                  Conditions of the BT Licence;

"ACO PERIOD"                      the period covered by an Advance Capacity

"ACT"                             Telecommunications Act 1984;

"ACTUAL CHARGE"                   the charge (or the means of calculating that
                                  charge) for a Standard Service paid by a
                                  Network Provider to BT in respect of the whole
                                  or part of the Financial Year In Question
                                  which is less than the Interim Charge (whether
                                  as a result of the operation of Condition 24F
                                  or following the consent of the Director
                                  General to that lesser charge pursuant to
                                  Condition 16B.5 being Conditions of the BT

"ADDRESS COMPLETE MESSAGE"        a signalling message required by the
                                  originating System to indicate that sufficient
                                  address digits have been received and that a
                                  transmission path should be set up;

"ADVANCE CAPACITY ORDER"          that part of the Capacity Profile which sets
                                  out the Capacity ordering intentions of the
                                  relevant Party over the first four months of
                                  the Capacity Profile and has the contractual
                                  consequences outlined in Annex A;

"AFN"                             the first three digits immediately after a
                                  Director Area Number;

                                  PAGE 1 of 30
"AGREEMENT"                       this agreement, the Carrier Price List, the
                                  Annexes, Schedules, Appendices and

                                  (a)  a service which does not solely comprise
                                       the conveyance of Calls; or

                                  (b)  a Call, except a Transfer Charge Call,
                                       where the Calling Party is not required
                                       to pay all of the charges associated with
                                       that Call; or

                                  (c)  a Call where the Calling Party is charged
                                       at a rate which includes an element over
                                       and above the charge for conveyance of
                                       that Call;

"ANNEX"                           annex A, B, C or D attached to this Agreement;

"ANSWER SIGNAL"                   the signal required by the originating network
                                  to indicate that the transmission path is

"APPENDIX"                        an appendix to a Schedule in Annex C;

"APPROVED AUDITOR"                a Party's auditor appointed in accordance with
                                  the Companies Act 1985 or such firm of
                                  chartered accountants which a Party may
                                  (subject to the other Party's written
                                  approval) appoint (such approval not to be
                                  unreasonably withheld or delayed);

"ASR"                             the Answer Seize Ratio expressed as a
                                  percentage of Calls, which were successfully
                                  switched and which received an answer,
                                  compared to Call attempts, during a particular
                                  measurement period;

"ASSOCIATED COMPANY"              in relation to a Party:-

                                  (a)  its Subsidiary or Holding Company of that
                                       Party or another Subsidiary of such
                                       Holding Company; or

                                  (b)  an associated company (as defined in
                                       Statement of Standard Accounting

                                  PAGE 2 OF 30

                                  Practice No. 1 issued by the Institute of
                                  Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) of
                                  that Party's Holding Company;

"AUTHORISED OVERSEAS SYSTEM"      has the meaning in schedule 1 part 1 of the BT
                                  Licence as in force at the date of this

"BILLING INFORMATION"             such information provided pursuant to Annex B
                                  by one Party to the other including, without

                                  (a)  such information as is necessary to
                                       ascertain the charges payable by each
                                       Party under this Agreement; and

                                  (b)  Interconnect Usage Reports, TIBS Billing
                                       Information and Refund Reports,
                                       information provided by INCA, and by the
                                       Operator's equivalent of TIBS and/or

"BILLING PARTY"                   the Party to whom charges are payable by the
                                  other Party pursuant to this Agreement;

"BILLING PERIOD"                  unless otherwise agreed in writing, the period
                                  of a calendar month commencing on the first
                                  day of a month;

"BILLING SYSTEM"                  a system to collate Billing Information and
                                  prepare invoices relating to charges payable
                                  by each Party under this Agreement;

"BRITISH ISLES"                   United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man
                                  and Republic of Ireland;

"BT"                              British Telecommunications public limited

"BT'S ACCESS DEFICIT"             has the meaning given to Access Deficit in
                                  Condition 13.5A.3 of the BT Licence as in
                                  force at the date of this Agreement;

                                  PAGE 3 of 30

OR "BT ALE"                       a TXE 4 or TXE 4A analogue local Switch in the
                                  BT System;

"BT BASIC INTERNATIONAL           a Call, received by the Operator System from
INCOMING CALL"                    an Authorised Overseas System, comprising the
                                  minimum service features necessary to support
                                  a speech path through the BT System, handed
                                  over from the Operator System to the BT
                                  System, destined for a telephone number of a
                                  BT Network Termination Point, being a Call
                                  available for the conveyance of Messages;
"BT BASIC INTERNATIONAL           a Call, destined for an Authorised Overseas
OUTGOING CALL"                    System, comprising the minimum service
                                  features necessary to support a speech path
                                  through the BT System, handed over from the
                                  Operator System to the BT System if a rate for
                                  such a Call is specified from time to time in
                                  the Carrier Price List, being a Call available
                                  for the conveyance of Messages;

"BT BASIC OPERATOR TO             a Call comprising the minimum service features
OPERATOR TRANSIT CALL"            necessary to support a speech path through the
                                  BT System, handed over from the Operator
                                  System to the BT System destined for the
                                  Operator System, if a rate for such a Call is
                                  specified from time to time in the Carrier
                                  Price List being a Call available for the
                                  conveyance of Messages;

"BT BASIC TELEPHONY CALL"         a Call, comprising the minimum service
                                  features necessary to support a speech path
                                  through the BT System, handed over from the
                                  Operator System to the BT System, destined for
                                  a telephone number of a BT Network Termination
                                  Point, being a Call available for the
                                  conveyance of Messages; 

"BT BASIC TRANSIT CALL"           a Call comprising the minimum service features
                                  necessary to support a speech path through the
                                  BT System, handed over from the Operator
                                  System to the BT System destined for a Third
                                  Party Operator's system, being a Call
                                  available for the conveyance of Messages;

                                  PAGE 4 of 30


"BT CHARGE GROUP"                 a geographical area designated from time to
                                  time by BT, and used for retail charges as
                                  specified in the BT Retail Price List;

BT DIGITAL LOCAL EXCHANGE" OR     a digital Switch in the BT System which Switch
"BT DLE"                          connects by that Switch alone Calls from
                                  analogue exchanges, RCUs or Exchange Lines;

"BT DJSU"                         a digital tandem Switch in the London Director
                                  Area (currently known as a Digital Junction
                                  Switching Unit) in the BT System which
                                  provides access to certain BT Digital Local
                                  Exchanges, BT DLTEs, BT ALEs and/or other BT
                                  DJSUs in such Director Area and adjacent BT
                                  Charge Groups;

"BT DLTE"                         a digital Switch in the BT System which Switch
                                  connects by that Switch alone Calls from
                                  analogue exchanges, RCUs or Exchange Lines and
                                  which provides access to directly connected BT
                                  Digital Local Exchanges and directly connected
                                  BT ALEs;

"BT DMSU"                         a digital tandem Switch (currently known as a
                                  Digital Main Switching Unit) in the BT System,
                                  which provides access to other BT Exchanges;

"BT EXCHANGE"                     a BT Analogue Local Exchange, a BT Digital
                                  Local Exchange, a BT DLTE, a BT Tandem
                                  Exchange or a BT ISC and such other Switch
                                  which the Parties may from time to time agree
                                  is a BT Exchange;

"BT INTERNATIONAL INCOMING CALL"  either a BT Basic International Incoming Call
                                  or a BT ISDN International Incoming Call;

"BT INTERNATIONAL OUTGOING CALL"  either a BT Basic International Outgoing Call
                                  or a BT ISDN International Outgoing Call;

"BT ISC"                          a BT Exchange notified to the Operator
                                  pursuant to paragraph 3.1.1 of Annex A

                                  PAGE 5 of 30
                                  which is used exclusively for switching Calls
                                  to, or received from Authorised Overseas

"BT ISDN TELEPHONY CALL"          a Call, comprising service features additional
                                  to the minimum features necessary to support a
                                  speech path through the BT System, being
                                  service features described as bearer services,
                                  teleservices or supplementary services in the
                                  ETSI Memorandum of Understanding on the
                                  Implementation of European ISDN Service,
                                  handed over from the Operator System to the BT
                                  System, destined for a telephone number of a
                                  BT Network Termination Point, being a Call
                                  available for the conveyance of Messages;

"BT ISDN INTERNATIONAL            a Call, received by the Operator System from
INCOMING CALL"                    an Authorised Overseas System, comprising
                                  service features additional to the minimum
                                  features necessary to support a speech path
                                  through the BT System, being service features
                                  described as bearer services, teleservices or
                                  supplementary services in the ETSI Memorandum
                                  of Understanding on the Implementation of
                                  European ISDN Service, handed over from the
                                  Operator System to the BT System, destined for
                                  a telephone number of a BT Network Termination
                                  Point, being a Call available for the
                                  conveyance of Messages;

"BT ISDN INTERNATIONAL            a Call, destined for an Authorised Overseas
OUTGOING CALL"                    System, comprising service features additional
                                  to the minimum features necessary to support a
                                  speech path through the BT System, being
                                  service features described as bearer services,
                                  teleservices or supplementary services in the
                                  ETSI Memorandum of Understanding on the
                                  Implementation of European ISDN Service,
                                  handed over from the Operator System to the BT
                                  System, if a rate for such a Call is specified
                                  from time to time in the Carrier Price List,
                                  being a Call available for the conveyance of

                                  PAGE 6 of 30

"BT ISDN OPERATOR TO OPERATOR     a Call comprising service features additional
TRANSIT CALL"                     to the minimum features necessary to support a
                                  speech path through the BT System, being
                                  service features described as bearer services,
                                  teleservices or supplementary services in the
                                  ETSI Memorandum of Understanding on the
                                  Implementation of European ISDN Service,
                                  handed over from the Operator System to the BT
                                  System, destined for the Operator System, if a
                                  rate for such a Call is specified from time to
                                  time in the Carrier Price List being a Call
                                  available for the conveyance of Messages;

"BT ISDN TRANSIT CALL"            a Call comprising service features additional
                                  to the minimum features necessary to support a
                                  speech path through the BT System, being
                                  service features described as bearer services,
                                  teleservices or supplementary services in the
                                  ETSI Memorandum of Understanding on the
                                  Implementation of European ISDN Service,
                                  handed over from the Operator System to the BT
                                  System, destined for a Third Party Operator's
                                  system, being a Call available for the
                                  conveyance of Messages;

"BT OPERATOR TO OPERATOR          either a BT Basic Operator to Operator Transit
TRANSIT CALL"                     Call or a BT ISDN Operator to Operator Transit

"BT LICENCE"                      the licence granted to BT pursuant to section
                                  7 of the Act under which BT runs the BT

"BT OPERATOR"                     a person who answers Calls for directory or
                                  operator assistance, Emergency Calls and other
                                  similar Calls for BT;

"BT PAYPHONE ACCESS LEVY"         the charge payable by the Operator for the use
                                  of a BT Public Call Box or a BT Temporary Call
                                  Box (each as defined in Condition 11 of the BT
                                  Licence) to originate a Call.

                                  PAGE 7 of 30
"BT PRS CALL"                     a Call to a PRS:

                                  (a)  for which if such Call originated on the
                                       BT System, the person responsible for
                                       payment would pay a charge higher than
                                       that which would apply to a directly
                                       dialled BT Telephony Call of equivalent
                                       distance and duration; and

                                  (b)  where payment is made by BT to a BT PRS
                                       Service Provider and where payment takes
                                       into account the number or duration of
                                       Calls to that BT PRS Service Provider;

"BT PRS SERVICE PROVIDER"         a person having a contract with BT for the
                                  delivery of BT PRS Calls;

"BT PRS SUB SERVICE PROVIDER"     a person having an arrangement for the
                                  delivery of BT PRS Calls, whether or not
                                  legally binding, with a BT PRS Service

"BT RETAIL PRICE LIST"            the retail price list published by BT from
                                  time to time pursuant to Condition 16 of the
                                  BT Licence;

"BT SWITCH CONNECTION"            a BT Exchange at which Calls handed over:

                                  (a)  from the Operator System are initially
                                       switched; or

                                  (b)  to the Operator System are finally

                                  by BT;

"BT SYSTEM"                       the applicable system described in Annex A of
                                  the BT Licence as in force at the date of this

"BT TANDEM EXCHANGE"              a BT DMSU or a BT DJSU;

"BT TELEMESSAGE"                  has the meaning given to the term
                                  "Telemessage" in the BT Retail Price List;

                                  PAGE 8 of 30

"BT TELEPHONY CALL"               either a BT Basic Telephony Call or a BT ISDN
                                  Telephony Call;

"BT TRANSIT CALL"                 either a BT Basic Transit Call or a BT ISDN
                                  Transit Call;

"CALL"                            a transmission path through Telecommunication
                                  Systems for the sending of Messages, and a
                                  reference to conveyance of a Call by a Party
                                  means the establishment by that Party of a
                                  transmission path through that Party's System
                                  and the conveyance by that Party in accordance
                                  with this Agreement of a Message (if any) over
                                  such transmission path;

"CALLED PARTY"                    a person who receives a Call;

"CALLING PARTY"                   a person who initiates a Call;

"CAPACITY"                        capacity in units of 2 Mbit/s on Interconnect

"CAPACITY ORDER"                  an order for Capacity placed by one Party on
                                  the other, pursuant to Annex A;

"CAPACITY PROFILE"                a profile of future Capacity ordering
                                  intentions over a 12 month period as presented
                                  by one Party to the other pursuant to Annex A;

"CAPACITY PROVISION"              the provision of new or additional Capacity;

"CAPACITY RE-ARRANGEMENT"         the re-use of Capacity previously provided by
                                  one Party to the other, where, in each case,
                                  the Point of Connection and the buildings
                                  containing the Switch Connections remain the

"CARRIER PRICE LIST"              the price list having that name which contains
                                  charges for Standard Services consistent with
                                  the full list of Standard Services maintained
                                  by BT pursuant to Condition 16B.8 of the BT
                                  Licence, charges for services provided by the
                                  Operator and some other charges and

                                  PAGE 9 of 30


"CARRIER CHARGE BAND              such reference data (including EBC matrix,
REFERENCE DATA"                   complementary retail file and associated
                                  files) as BT shall from time to time make
                                  available to the Operator, being data for the
                                  preparation and validation of Billing
                                  Information for Calls;
"CHARGEABLE CALL"                 a Call for which a charge is made pursuant to
                                  this Agreement;

"CHARGEABLE CALL DURATION"        the duration of a Chargeable Call measured:

                                  (a)  for a Call (other than an International
                                       Call), to the nearest second (or such
                                       greater accuracy as the Parties may agree
                                       in writing);

                                  (b)  for an International Call to not less
                                       than the nearest second;

                                  commencing with the receipt of an Answer
                                  Signal and ceasing with the receipt of a
                                  Release Signal at the point of recording by
                                  the Party recording the relevant Billing

"CLI"                             has the meaning given to Calling Line
                                  Identification in the draft "Code of Practice
                                  for Network Operators in relation to Calling
                                  Line Identification Display Services and other
                                  Related Services" Version 6 dated 16 November
                                  1994 as the same may be amended or replaced
                                  from time to time;

"COMPETITIVE STANDARD SERVICE"    a Standard Service the market for which is
                                  determined by the Director General to be
                                  competitive pursuant to Condition 16B.6 of the
                                  BT Licence;

"CONDITION"                       a condition of the BT Licence or the Operator
                                  Licence as the case may be as in force at the
                                  date of this Agreement, unless otherwise

"CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION"        any information, in whatever form, which in
                                  the case of written or electronic information
                                  is clearly designated as confidential and
                                  which, in the case of information disclosed

                                 PAGE 10 of 30


                                  orally, is identified at the time of
                                  disclosure as being confidential or is by its
                                  nature confidential and including such
                                  Confidential Information already disclosed by
                                  either Party to the other prior to the date of
                                  this Agreement but excluding any information

                                  (a)  is in or comes into the public domain
                                       other than by reason of a breach of this
                                       Agreement; or

                                  (b)  is previously known on a non-confidential
                                       basis to the Receiving Party at the time
                                       of its receipt; or

                                  (c)  is independently generated, developed or
                                       discovered at any time by or for the
                                       Receiving Party; or

                                  (d)  is subsequently received from a Third
                                       Party without any restriction on

"CONVEYANCE STANDARD SERVICE"     a Standard Service the charge for which may be
                                  determined pursuant to Condition 13.5A of the
                                  BT Licence;

"CUSTOMER"                        as the context requires:

                                  (a)  a person having a contract with either or
                                       both Parties for the provision of
                                       telecommunication services by means of
                                       that Party's System; or

                                  (b)  a user of telecommunication apparatus
                                       directly connected to the BT System or
                                       the Operator System; or

                                  (c)  a person having a contract with a
                                       reseller of telecommunication services to
                                       be provided by means of either the BT
                                       System or the Operator System or a user
                                       of telecommunication apparatus authorised
                                       by that person;

"CUSTOMER SITED INTERCONNECT"     an Interconnect Link provided pursuant to
                                  Schedule 130 of Annex C;

                                 PAGE 11 of 30

"CUSTOMER SERVICE PLAN"           a document containing details of individuals,
                                  addresses and telephone numbers for ordering
                                  or maintenance of the services provided
                                  pursuant to this Agreement;

"D"                               the first digit immediately following the NNG;

"DATA MANAGEMENT AMENDMENT"       such reconfiguration of the BT System or the
                                  Operator System as is necessary for access,
                                  routing and charging of Calls;

"DAYTIME"                         the period of time between 0800 and 1800 on
                                  Monday to Friday or such other period of time
                                  as shall be agreed between the Parties;

"DE"                              the first two digits immediately following the

"DEFAULT INTEREST RATE"           four per cent (4%) above the rate per annum as
                                  displayed on the "LIBP" page (or such other
                                  page whatever its designation on which London
                                  Inter-Bank Offered Rates of major banks for
                                  three months sterling deposits are for the
                                  time being displayed) on the Reuters Monitor
                                  Money Rates Services provided that if the
                                  offered rates of less than two banks are so
                                  displayed then "LIBOR" shall be the arithmetic
                                  mean as determined by the Party charging
                                  interest of the offered quotations of two
                                  leading clearing banks in London, selected by
                                  such Party for three months sterling deposits.
                                  Such interest shall be calculated on a daily

"DIRECTOR AREA"                   an area comprising certain major United
                                  Kingdom conurbations which area is delimited
                                  by a Director Area Number;

"DIRECTOR AREA NUMBER"            the code (excluding the leading zero)
                                  comprising 3 digits for telephone numbers in
                                  certain major United Kingdom conurbations;

"DIRECTOR GENERAL"                the Director General of Telecommunications;

                                 PAGE 12 of 30
"DISCLOSING PARTY"                a Party disclosing information to the other

"DISPUTE"                         a disagreement between the Parties excluding
                                  breaches of this Agreement;

"DUE DATE"                        a date which is 30 calendar days after the
                                  date of an invoice;

"E"                               the first digit immediately following the D;

"EFFECTIVE DATE"                  a date referred to by that name in the Carrier
                                  Price List or in a Schedule being the date on
                                  which a charge or a variation of a charge
                                  referred to in the Carrier Price List or a
                                  Schedule takes effect;

"EMERGENCY CALL"                  a 999 or 112 Call handed over from the
                                  Operator System to the BT System;

"EMERGENCY CENTRE"                premises where BT Operators answer Emergency

"EMERGENCY ORGANISATION"          the relevant local public police, fire,
                                  ambulance and coastguard services and other
                                  similar organisation providing assistance to
                                  the public in emergencies;

"ETSI"                            the European Telecommunications Standards

"EVENING"                         periods of time not being either Daytime or
                                  Weekend or such other period of time as shall
                                  be agreed between the Parties;

"EXCHANGE LINE"                   has the meaning in schedule 1 part 1 of the BT
                                  Licence as in force at the date of this

"FINAL CHARGE"                    in the case of charges payable to BT the
                                  charge (or the means of calculating that
                                  charge) for a Standard Service (other than a
                                  Competitive Standard Service) for each
                                  Financial Year In Question recalculated and
                                  redetermined by the Director General based on
                                  the Financial Statement for the Financial Year
                                  In Question in accordance with

                                 PAGE 13 of 30

                                  Condition 13.5A.3B or 13.5C.6 of the BT
                                  Licence; and

                                  in the case of charges payable to the Operator
                                  the charge (or the means of calculating that
                                  charge) for a service provided by the Operator
                                  to BT for each Financial Year In Question
                                  agreed between the Parties in writing or
                                  determined by the Director General based on
                                  the audited figures relating to that service
                                  for the relevant year or, if those figures are
                                  not available, the most recent audited figures
                                  which are available or, if no audited figures
                                  are available the best information available
                                  to the Director General in accordance with
                                  Condition 13.5B.1A of the BT Licence;

"FINANCIAL STATEMENT"             has the meaning in Condition 20B of the BT

"FINANCIAL YEAR"                  a period of one year used for accounting

"FINANCIAL YEAR IN QUESTION"      a period of one year ending each 31 March in
                                  respect of which a charge is payable for
                                  services provided during that year;

"FORECAST"                        unless otherwise specified, has the meaning in
                                  Condition 13.5A.3A of the BT Licence;

"FRBS STATEMENT"                  has the meaning in Condition 13.5A.3C (b) of
                                  the BT Licence;

"FULLY PROVIDED"                  Capacity on a Traffic Route which will carry
                                  all the relevant Traffic Streams at the
                                  planned grade of service;

"G703 INTERFACE"                  an interface meeting the requirements of ITU-T
                                  Recommendation G703 (Geneva 1991);

"GENERIC ELECTRICAL AND           BT's Generic Electrical and Physical Interface
PHYSICAL INTERFACE                Specification, as amended or substituted from
SPECIFICATION"                    time to time with the Parties' agreement
                                  including without
                                 PAGE 14 of 30
                                  limitation changes pursuant to paragraphs 3.2
                                  or 3.3 of Annex A;

"GENERIC SDH INTERFACE            BT's Generic Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SPECIFICATION"                    Interface Specification, as amended or
                                  substituted from time to time with the
                                  Parties' agreement including without
                                  limitation changes pursuant to paragraphs 3.2
                                  and 3.3 of Annex A;

"GENERIC C7 SIGNALLING            BT's Generic C7 Signalling Interface
INTERFACE SPECIFICATION"          Specification, as amended or substituted from
                                  time to time with the Parties' agreement
                                  including without limitation changes pursuant
                                  to paragraphs 3.2 or 3.3 of Annex A;

"GENERIC TRANSMISSION             BT's Generic Transmission Interface
INTERFACE SPECIFICATION"          Specification, as amended or substituted from
                                  time to time with the Parties' agreement
                                  including without limitation changes pursuant
                                  to paragraphs 3.2 or 3.3 of Annex A;

"GSM"                             Global System for Mobile Communications;

"HOLDING COMPANY"                 has the meaning in sections 736 and 736A of
                                  the Companies Act 1985;

"INCA"                            BT's Inter Network Call Accounting System as
                                  the same may be developed from time to time;

"INCOMING CALLS"                  Calls handed over at a Point of Connection by
                                  BT to the Operator other than Indirect Access

"INDIRECT ACCESS CALL"            a Call where a Calling Party on one Party's
                                  System has chosen to convey that Call to the
                                  other Party's System by prefixing that Call
                                  with an Access Code;

"IN-SPAN INTERCONNECT"            an Interconnect Link provided pursuant to
                                  Schedule 01;

                                 PAGE 15 of 30
"INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS"    any patent, petty patent, registered design,
                                  registered trade or service mark, copyright,
                                  design right, semi-conductor topography right,
                                  know-how or any similar right exercisable in
                                  any part of the world including any
                                  application therefor;

"INTERCONNECT EXTENSION CIRCUIT"  a Link, being part of a 2Mbit/s ISI
OR "IEC"                          Interconnect Link, between the Muliplexor in a
                                  Remote Switch Connection and the Multiplexor
                                  terminating the ISI Interconnect Link;

"INTERCONNECT LINK"               a Link connecting a BT Switch Connection and
                                  an Operator Switch Connection passing through
                                  a Point of Connection;

"INTERCONNECT USAGE REPORT"       a report in the same or substantially the same
                                  form as specified in the Billing Manual;

"INTERIM CHARGE"                  in the case charges payable to BT the charge
                                  (or the means of calculating that charge) for
                                  a Standard Service (other than a Competitive
                                  Standard Service) for each Financial Year In
                                  Question determined by the Director General in
                                  accordance with Condition 13.5A.3A or 13.5C.6
                                  of the BT Licence; and

                                  in the case of charges payable to the Operator
                                  the charge (or the means of calculating that
                                  charge) for a service provided by the Operator
                                  to BT for each Financial Year In Question
                                  agreed between the Parties in writing or
                                  determined by the Director General in
                                  accordance with Condition 13.5B.1A of the BT

"INTERNATIONAL CALL"              a Call received by the BT System from:

                                  (a)  an Authorised Overseas System; or

                                  (b)  the Operator System destined for an
                                       Authorised Overseas System; or

                                 PAGE 16 of 30
                                  a Call received by the Operator System from:

                                  (a)  an Authorised Overseas System, or

                                  (b)  the BT System destined for an Authorised
                                       Overseas System;

"INTRABUILDING LINK"              a connection between a BT or an Operator
                                  Switch Connection and the G703 Interface on
                                  the Multiplexor forming part of an
                                  Interconnect Link;

"INVOICE DATE"                    the date on which an invoice is despatched;

"ISI INTERCONNECT LINK"           a portion of an Interconnect Link being that
                                  cable (or fibres within that cable) and LTE's
                                  between an Operator building and a BT building
                                  over which a number of 2Mbit/s ISI
                                  Interconnect Links are provided;

"ITU-T"                           the Telecommunications Standards Bureau
                                  (formerly the International Telegraph and
                                  Telephone Consultative Committee) of the
                                  International Telecommunications Union;

"LAND MOBILE RADIO SERVICE"       has the meaning in Condition 18 of the BT

"LICENCE"                         the BT Licence or, as the context requires,
                                  the Operator Licence;

"LINK"                            telecommunication apparatus (which has the
                                  meaning in paragraph 1 (1) of schedule 2 to
                                  the Act as in force at the date of this
                                  Agreement) necessary to establish one or more
                                  transmission paths;

"MANUAL"                          manual referred to in this Agreement of
                                  working practices between the Parties;

"MESSAGE"                         has the meaning in schedule 1, part 1 of the
                                  BT Licence as in force at the date of this

"MOBILE CALL"                     a Call to an Operator Customer using a mobile
                                  handset if the Operator Customer using mobile
                                  terminal apparatus would receive that Call by
                                  means of wireless

                                 PAGE 17 of 30
                                  telegraphy if the handset was switched on and
                                  within range of a base transceiver station
                                  forming part of the Operator System unless:
                                  (a) the Operator Customer on a temporary basis
                                  has chosen to divert that Call to another
                                  number; or

                                  (b) the Operator System when the mobile
                                  handset is turned off or out of range from a
                                  base transceiver station returns a message to
                                  that effect to the Calling Party;

"MULTIPLEXOR"                     the multiplexing equipment which serves an
                                  Intrabuilding Link and where appropriate an

"NETWORK PROVIDER"                in relation to each Standard Service, any
                                  person who has required it, and with whom BT
                                  is obliged to enter into an agreement to
                                  provide that Standard Service under Condition
                                  13 of the BT Licence;

"NETWORK TERMINATION POINT"       has the meaning in schedule 1 part 1 of the BT
                                  Licence as in force at the date of this

"NEW CHARGE"                      a charge for a Standard Service, which is less
                                  than the charge for that Standard Service as
                                  determined by the Director General pursuant to
                                  Condition 13, following the consent of the
                                  Director General pursuant to Condition 16B.5
                                  both being Conditions of the BT Licence;

"NICC"                            Network Interoperability Consultative

"NNG"                             a national number group being the code
                                  (excluding the leading zero) comprising for UK
                                  telephone numbers (a) for geographical numbers
                                  (excluding Director Area Number,) four digits
                                  (b) for non-geographic numbers, three digits;

"NON CONVEYANCE STANDARD          a Standard Service which is not a Conveyance
SERVICE"                          Standard Service;

                                 PAGE 18 of 30
"NUMBER RANGE"                    Director Area Number, NNG, AFN, D, E, and/or
                                  DE as appropriate;

"NUMBER TRANSLATION SERVICES      a Call to non-geographic telephone numbers
CALL"                             (other than a Calls destined for a mobile
                                  handset) if the Party receiving the Call
                                  translates the dialled digits and routes the
                                  Call in accordance with such translation,
                                  including without limitation, PRS Calls, Local
                                  Call Fee Access Services Calls, Freephone
                                  Calls, National Call Services Calls and other
                                  specially charged services;

"OCHC"                            an operator Call handling centre which routes
                                  Calls to BT Operators from Customers seeking
                                  assistance with connection to another
                                  telephone number;

"OFTEL INTEREST RATE"             three eighths of one per cent (3/8%) above the
                                  London Inter Bank Offered Rate being the rate
                                  per annum of the offered quotation for
                                  sterling deposits for delivery on the due date
                                  for payment for a period of three months as
                                  displayed on page 3750 on the Telerate Service
                                  (or any other page that may replace page 3750
                                  on that service) at or about 11 am London time
                                  on the due date of payment provided that if
                                  such a rate is not so displayed London Inter
                                  Bank Offered Rate shall mean the rate quoted
                                  by National Westminster Bank PLC to leading
                                  banks in the London interbank market at or
                                  about 11 am London time on the due date of
                                  payment for the offering of sterling deposits
                                  of a comparable amount for a period of three
                                  months. Such interest shall be calculated on a
                                  daily basis;

"OPERATOR"                        the other Party to this Agreement;

"OPERATOR BASIC BT TO             a Call comprising the minimum service features
BT TRANSIT CALL"                  necessary to support a speech path through the
                                  BT System, handed over from the BT System to
                                  the Operator System destined for the BT
                                  System, if a rate for such a Call is specified
                                  from time to time in

                                 PAGE 19 of 30
                                  the Carrier Price List, being a Call available
                                  for the conveyance of Messages;

"OPERATOR BASIC INTERNATIONAL     a Call, received by the BT System from an
INCOMING CALL"                    Authorised Overseas System, comprising the
                                  minimum service features necessary to support
                                  a speech path through the BT System, handed
                                  over from BT System to the Operator System
                                  destined for a telephone number of an Operator
                                  Network Termination Point, if a rate for such
                                  a Call is specified from time to time in the
                                  Carrier Price List, being a Call available for
                                  the conveyance of messages;

"OPERATOR BASIC INTERNATIONAL     a Call, destined for an Authorised Overseas
OUTGOING CALL"                    System, comprising the minimum service
                                  features necessary to support a speech path
                                  through the BT System, handed over from the BT
                                  System to the Operator System, if a rate for
                                  such a Call is specified from time to time in
                                  the Carrier Price List, being a Call available
                                  for the conveyance of Messages;

"OPERATOR BASIC TELEPHONY CALL"   a Call, comprising the minimum service
                                  features necessary to support a speech path
                                  through the BT System, handed over from the BT
                                  System to the Operator System, destined for a
                                  telephone number of an Operator Network
                                  Termination Point, being a Call available for
                                  the conveyance of Messages;

"OPERATOR BASIC TRANSIT CALL"     a Call comprising the minimum service features
                                  necessary to support a speech path through the
                                  BT System, handed over from the BT System to
                                  the Operator System destined for a Third Party
                                  Operator's system, if a rate for such a Call
                                  is specified from time to time in the Carrier
                                  Price List being a Call available for the
                                  conveyance of Messages;

"OPERATOR BT TO BT TRANSIT CALL"  either an Operator Basic BT to BT Transit Call
                                  or an Operator ISDN BT to BT Transit Call;

                                 PAGE 20 of 30

"OPERATOR EXCHANGE"               an Operator Local Exchange, Operator Mobile
                                  Exchange or Operator Tandem Exchange and such
                                  other Switch which the Parties may from time
                                  to time agree is an Operator Exchange;

"OPERATOR INTERNATIONAL           either an Operator Basic International
INCOMING CALL"                    Incoming Call or an Operator ISDN
                                  International Incoming Call;

"OPERATOR INTERNATIONAL           either an Operator Basic International
OUTGOING CALL"                    Outgoing Call or an Operator ISDN
                                  International Outgoing Call;

"OPERATOR ISDN BT TO BT           a Call comprising service features additional
TRANSIT CALL"                     to the minimum features necessary to support a
                                  speech path through the BT System, being
                                  service features described as bearer services,
                                  teleservices or supplementary services in the
                                  ETSI Memorandum of Understanding on the
                                  Implementation of European ISDN Service,
                                  handed over from the BT System to the Operator
                                  System, destined for the BT System, if a rate
                                  for such a Call is specified from time to time
                                  in the Carrier Price List being a Call
                                  available for the conveyance of Messages;

"OPERATOR ISDN INTERNATIONAL      a Call, received by the BT System from an
INCOMING CALL"                    Authorised Overseas System, comprising service
                                  features additional to the minimum features
                                  necessary to support a speech path through the
                                  BT System, being service features described as
                                  bearer services, teleservices or supplementary
                                  services in the ETSI Memorandum of
                                  Understanding on the Implementation of
                                  European ISDN Service, handed over from the BT
                                  System to the Operator System, destined for a
                                  telephone number of an Operator Network
                                  Termination Point, if a rate for such a Call
                                  is specified from time to time in the Carrier
                                  Price List, being a Call available  for the
                                  conveyance of Messages;
                                 PAGE 21 of 30

"OPERATOR ISDN INTERNATIONAL      a Call, destined for an Authorised Overseas
OUTGOING CALL"                    System, comprising service features additional
                                  to the minimum features necessary to support a
                                  speech path through the BT System, being
                                  service features described as bearer services,
                                  teleservices or supplementary services in the
                                  ETSI Memorandum of Understanding on the
                                  Implementation of European ISDN Service,
                                  handed over from the BT System to the Operator
                                  System, if a rate for such a Call is specified
                                  from time to time in the Carrier Price List,
                                  being a Call available for the conveyance of
"OPERATOR ISDN TELEPHONY CALL"    a Call, comprising service features additional
                                  to the minimum features necessary to support a
                                  speech path through the BT System, being
                                  service features described as bearer services,
                                  teleservices or supplementary services in the
                                  ETSI Memorandum of Understanding on the
                                  Implementation of European ISDN Service,
                                  handed over from the BT System to the Operator
                                  System, destined for a telephone number of an
                                  Operator Network Termination Point, being a
                                  Call available for the conveyance of Messages;

"OPERATOR ISDN TRANSIT CALL"      a Call comprising service features additional
                                  to the minimum features necessary to support a
                                  speech path through the BT System, being
                                  service features described as bearer services,
                                  teleservices or supplementary services in the
                                  ETSI Memorandum of Understanding on the
                                  Implementation of European ISDN Service,
                                  handed over from the BT System to the Operator
                                  System, destined for a Third Party Operator's
                                  system, if a rate for such a Call is specified
                                  from time to time in the Carrier Price List
                                  being a Call available for the conveyance of

"OPERATOR LICENCE"                the licence granted to the Operator pursuant
                                  to section 7 of the Act under which the
                                  Operator runs the Operator System;

                                 PAGE 22 of 30

"OPERATOR LICENSED AREA"          the geographical area in which the Operator is
                                  permitted pursuant to the Operator Licence to
                                  provide telecommunication services;

"OPERATOR LOCAL EXCHANGE"         a digital Switch, except an Operator Mobile
                                  Exchange, in the Operator System which Switch
                                  connects by that Switch alone Calls from
                                  Network Termination Points in the Operator

"OPERATOR MOBILE EXCHANGE"        a digital Switch in the Operator's System
                                  which Switch connects by that Switch those
                                  Calls from base stations and/or base station
                                  controllers in the Operator System providing a
                                  Land Mobile Radio Service for handsets;

"OPERATOR'S OPERATOR"             a person who answers Calls for directory or
                                  operator assistance or other similar Calls for
                                  the Operator;

"OPERATOR PRS CALL"               a Call to a PRS:

                                  (a)  for which if originated on the Operator
                                       System, the person responsible for
                                       payment would pay at a rate higher than
                                       that which would apply to a directly
                                       dialled Operator Telephony Call of
                                       equivalent distance and duration; and

                                  (b)  if payment is made by the Operator to a
                                       Operator PRS Service Provider and if
                                       payment takes into account the number or
                                       duration of Calls to that the Operator
                                       PRS Service Provider;

"OPERATOR PRS SERVICE PROVIDER"   a person having a contract with the Operator
                                  for the delivery of Operator PRS Calls;

PROVIDER"                         a person having an arrangement for the
                                  delivery of Operator PRS Calls, whether or not
                                  legally binding, with an Operator PRS Service
                                  Provider, directly or indirectly;

                                 PAGE 23 of 30

"OPERATOR SYSTEM"                 the Telecommunication System run by the
                                  Operator pursuant to the Operator Licence as
                                  in force at the date of this Agreement;

"OPERATOR SWITCH CONNECTION"      an Operator Exchange at which Calls handed

                                  (a)  from the BT System are initially
                                       switched; or

                                  (b)  to the BT System are finally switched;

                                  by the Operator;

"OPERATOR TANDEM EXCHANGE"        a digital tandem Switch in the Operator System
                                  which provides access to Operator Local
                                  Exchanges or Operator Mobile Exchanges;

"OPERATOR TELEPHONY CALL"         either an Operator Basic Telephony Call or an
                                  Operator ISDN Telephony Call;

"OPERATOR TRANSIT CALL"           either an Operator Basic Transit Call or an
                                  Operator ISDN Transit Call;

"OUTGOING CALL"                   a Call handed over at a Point of Connection by
                                  the Operator to BT;

"PARENT BT EXCHANGE"              a BT Tandem Exchange which has a direct
                                  connection to a BT DLE, BT DLTE or BT ALE for
                                  the conveyance of Calls in the ordinary course
                                  of business;

"PARTY"                           a party to this Agreement;

"PATH PROTECTION"                 resilience improvement of an ISI Interconnect
                                  Link as described in Schedule 01 of Annex C;

"PDH"                             plesiochronous digital hierarchy;

"POINT OF CONNECTION"             a physical point where the BT System and the
                                  Operator System are connected for Calls to be
                                  handed over from one System to the other;

"PRE-INTERIM CHARGE"              If the Director General has not determined the
                                  Interim Charge (or the means of

                                 PAGE 24 of 30
                                  calculating that charge) for the Financial
                                  Year In Question;

                                  in the case of charges payable to BT, for each
                                  Standard Service (other than a Competitive
                                  Standard Service), the charge fixed by BT for
                                  each such Standard Service; and

                                  in the case of charges payable to the
                                  Operator, for each service provided by the
                                  Operator to BT, the charge fixed by the
                                  Operator for each such service;

"PRS" OR "PREMIUM RATE SERVICE"   an entertainment or information service:

                                  (a)  which is accessed by means of a Call and
                                       consists of, or includes the sending of,
                                       speech, music, other sounds or signals to
                                       the Calling Party; and

                                  (b)  for which payment is made by means of
                                       Call charges;

"PRS FRAUD"                       either:

                                  a loss suffered by the Operator because of the
                                  non payment of charges for BT PRS Calls, in
                                  circumstances when the BT PRS Service Provider
                                  or the BT PRS Sub Service Provider organises
                                  or arranges for BT PRS Calls to be made to his
                                  PRS in circumstances when there is a
                                  reasonable expectation that the Calling Party
                                  or the person responsible for payment does not
                                  intend to pay or will seek to avoid payment
                                  for all or part of the Call charges; or

                                  a loss suffered by BT because of the non
                                  payment of charges for Operator PRS Calls, in
                                  circumstances when the Operator PRS Service
                                  Provider or the Operator PRS Sub Service
                                  Provider organises or arranges for Operator
                                  PRS Calls to be made to his PRS in
                                  circumstances when there is a reasonable
                                  expectation that the Calling Party or the
                                  person responsible for payment does not

                                 PAGE 25 of 30
                                  intend to pay or will seek to avoid payment
                                  for all or part of the Call charges;

"PURCHASER"                       the Party to whom Capacity is provided by the

"QUALITY SCHEDULE"                has the meaning in Condition 17C of the BT

"QUARTER DAYS"                    1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October in
                                  each and every year;

"RCU"                             a remote concentrator unit supported by a BT
                                  DLTE or a BT DLE;

"READY FOR SERVICE DATE"          the date on which testing of Capacity at a
                                  Switch Connection is satisfactorily completed
                                  and such Capacity is ready for service (in
                                  accordance with this Agreement);

"READY FOR TEST DATE"             the date on which Capacity at a Switch
                                  Connection is Ready for Testing;

"READY FOR TESTING"               when the Supplier has satisfactorily completed
                                  the provisioning of that part of an
                                  Interconnect Link that is under his direct

"RECEIVING PARTY"                 a Party receiving information from the
                                  Disclosing Party;

"RELEASE SIGNAL"                  a signal which indicates that the transmission
                                  path of a Call has been disconnected;

"RELEVANT CONNECTABLE SYSTEM"     has the meaning in Condition 13.9 of the BT

"REMOTE SWITCH CONNECTION"        a BT Switch Connection or an Operator Switch
                                  Connection which:

                                  (a)  is accessed via a BT or Operator building
                                       notified from time to time pursuant to
                                       paragraph 3 of Annex A as being suitable
                                       for supporting IECs; and

                                 PAGE 26 of 30
                                  (b)  is connected by an BT IEC or an Operator
                                       IEC, as the context requires;

"REVIEW DATE"                     a date referred to by that name this
                                  Agreement, in the Carrier Price List and/or in
                                  a Schedule which entitles either Party to
                                  serve a review notice seeking to amend the
                                  charges referred to in the Carrier Price List
                                  or in that Schedule;

"ROUTE AUGMENTATION"              additional Capacity on an established Traffic

"ROUTE TYPE"                      the segregation of Capacity within a Traffic
                                  Route for the conveyance of certain Traffic

"SCHEDULE"                        a schedule in Annex C of this Agreement;

"SDH"                             synchronous digital hierarchy;

"SIGNALLING LINK"                 a 64 Kbit/s digital path within a 2 Mbit/sec
                                  Interconnect Link between two ITU-T 7
                                  signalling nodes which is used for signalling;

"SIGNALLING LINK SET"             a pair of Signalling Links each within a
                                  separate 2 Mbit/s system on an Interconnect

"SPECIFICATION"                   one of the Generic Electrical and Physical
                                  Interface Specification, the Generic C7
                                  Signalling Interface Specification, the
                                  Generic Transmission Interface Specification
                                  and the Generic SDH Interface Specification;

"STANDARD SERVICE"                a service, including, without limitation, a
                                  Competitive Standard Service, which a Network
                                  Provider has required from BT and which BT is
                                  obliged to provide, or to enter into an
                                  agreement to provide, under Condition 13 of
                                  the BT Licence;

"SUBSIDIARY"                      has the meaning in sections 736 and 736A of
                                  the Companies Act 1985;

"SUPPLIER"                        the Party providing Capacity to the other

                                 PAGE 27 of 30
"SWITCH"                          telecommunication apparatus within a System
                                  which performs the function of switching and
                                  routing Calls;

"SWITCH CONNECTION"               a BT Switch Connection or, as the context
                                  requires, an Operator Switch Connection;

"SYSTEM"                          the BT System or, as the context requires, the
                                  Operator System;

"SYSTEM ALTERATION"               a change (other than a Data Management
                                  Amendment) to a Party's System, which requires
                                  a change to be made to the other Party's
                                  System to allow the continuance of the
                                  conveyance of Calls across a Point of
                                  Connection pursuant to this Agreement;

"TARGET PERFORMANCE"              has the meaning in Condition 17C of the BT

"TECHNICAL MASTER PLAN"           a document recording details of the Points of
                                  Connection and the plans for development of
                                  further Points of Connection;

"TECHNICAL REVIEW MEETING"        a technical meeting pursuant to paragraph 13
                                  of Annex A;

"TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM"        a telecommunication system within the United
                                  Kingdom as defined in section 4 of the Act or
                                  an Authorised Overseas System;

"THIRD PARTY"                     a person other than BT or the Operator;

"THIRD PARTY INTERCONNECT"        interconnect using a Third Party ISI
                                  Interconnect Link;

                                  (a)  an agreement between BT and a Third Party
                                       Operator pursuant to Condition 13 as it
                                       applies from time to time of the BT
                                       Licence or the equivalent Condition of
                                       the Third Party Operator licence; or

                                 PAGE 28 of 30
                                  (b)  between the Operator and a Third Party
                                       Operator pursuant to the Condition
                                       equivalent to Condition 13 of the BT
                                       Licence contained in either the Operator
                                       or Third Party Operator licences;

"THIRD PARTY ISI INTERCONNECT     an Interconnect Link as defined in Schedule
LINK"                             01;

"THIRD PARTY OPERATOR"            a person being neither the Operator nor BT who
                                  is licensed under the Act to run a Relevant
                                  Connectable System;

"TIBS"                            BT's Telecommunications Input Billing System,
                                  which records information on certain Calls
                                  which use the services of a BT Operator or the
                                  operator of a Third Party;

"TIBS BILLING INFORMATION         reports in the same or substantially the same
AND REFUND REPORT"                form as in the Billing Manual;

"TIBS INFORMATION"                itemised Call records of the services provided
                                  by BT Operators or the operator of a Third
                                  Party to the Operator which would have
                                  resulted in a charge from BT had the Calling
                                  Parties been BT Customers, together with
                                  reports relating to Transfer Charge Calls,
                                  ineffective calls, and any other records which
                                  will result in charges to be paid by or to the
                                  Operator for such services;

"TRAFFIC FORECAST"                a forecast of traffic at a BT Switch
                                  Connection or Operator Switch Connection, such
                                  forecast provided by one Party to the other
                                  pursuant to paragraph 8 of Annex A;

"TRAFFIC ROUTE"                   discrete and identifiable units of 2 Mbit/s
                                  Capacity within an Interconnect Link;

"TRAFFIC STREAM"                  a group of Calls carried from a specific place
                                  in one Party's System to a specific place in
                                  the other Party's System;

"TRAFFIC TYPE"                    a different identifiable type of Call;

                                 PAGE 29 OF 30
"TRANSFER CHARGE CALL"            a Call for which the Called Party is requested
                                  and agrees to pay the cost of a Call from the
                                  Calling Party;

"VAT"                             United Kingdom Value Added Tax;

"WEEKEND"                         period of time between 2400 on Friday and 2400
                                  on Sunday or such other period of time as
                                  shall be agreed between the Parties;

"WORKING DAY"                     any day other than Saturdays, Sundays, public
                                  or bank holidays in the United Kingdom.
                                 PAGE 30 of 30